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Drusilla Aurelius

Character Type: Journeyman Monster (Vampire)

Age: 17 years undead

Drusilla is the apple of her darling 'daddy's eye and the adored 'princess' of her favourite 'black knight', Spike. She is spoilt, precocious, capricious and would fit in perfectly in Wonderland, as she is quite mad. She also has The Sight and has visions over which she has no control, and tends to mix up the past, present and future. She has a tendency to speak crypically- sometimes this is prophetic, other times symptoms of her madness or just her whimsy. Drusilla is manipulative and cunning and has Angelus and Spike rather wrapped round her dainty little finger. She has a passion for dolls, and is often found with her companion, Miss Edith, who regrettably has to be punished often because she is a wicked girl.

Drama Points: 10

Life points: 46 (plus 3 x 3 HTK) = 55

Experience Points: 15


Strength: 2 +3 = 5

Dexterity: 5 +2 = 7

Constitution: 2 +2 = 4

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 5

Willpower: 4


Immortal 0

Vampire 15

Hypnosis 10

Situational Awareness 2

Sorcery 2

Hard to Kill 1 +2 = 3


Anti-Social Impulses

Cruelty- 2

Deceit- 1

Violence- 1

-Recklessness -1

Psychic Visions- 3

Mental Problems- Delusions 2


Acrobatics: 4

Art: 2 (Dance)

Crime: 2

Influence: 5

Kung Fu: 2

Notice: 5

Occultism: 5



- +2 bonuses to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood)

- Takes only one-fifth damage from bullets (other weapons hurt normally)

- Recover from injuries at the rate of one Life Point per Constitution level every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of one Life Point per Constitution level per day)

- Vampires are vulnerable to sunlight, holy symbols, stakes through the heart, and beheading.