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The Reverend Broderick Templeton, Minister

Character Sheet

Vital Statistics

Height: 6' 4“ - Weight: 140 lbs - Eyes: large, brown - Hair: black

Life Points: 49

Drama Points: 20

Experience Points:

Citizenship: 0


Strength: 1

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 2

Willpower: 3


Charisma (+3)


Adrenaline surge (+2) - while preaching


Mysterious Connection

Occult Library - good

Light Sleeper

Status Level 2

Squad Leader


Habitual Drinking and Smoking


Covetous (Ambition - influence)

Delusion of physical ability - while preaching (-2)

Emotional problems - anger (-2)

Honourable (-1)

Minority (-2)

Resources: Below Average







Doctor: 1

Driving: 1

Getting Medieval:

Gun Fu:

Influence: 4

Knowledge: 4

Kung Fu: 5

Languages: 2

Mr. Fix-It:


Occultism: 2

Science: 1


Background Summary

Raised by a roving minister father and travelling librarian mother, Templeton has lived throughout the Midwest and dealt with a lot of shunning by communities, not only for his firebrand beliefs but his African heritage and intellectual language. His mother, very small of build, was crushed under a large pile of books when Broderick was 10. “Such is the way of the Lord,” said his father upon exhuming her body. This experience shaped Templeton immeasurable. His father left him with a grandmother shortly afterwards before disappearing 'into the Orient' on missionary work from which he never returned. Having never doubted his own ability to channel the power of the Lord, Templeton left his grandmother's care in his late teens and arrived in Pleasantdale fifteen years ago when passing through and was offered a car in exchange for his jalopy by a recent prison escapee heading south for the border. When the local police stopped the stolen car, Templeton converted them through the power of his sermonising and has never left. He has since settled in and established many meaningful connections in the community, though regularly chastises those who don't attend his services. Shortly after arriving he mysteriously disappeared for 2 years before just as mysteriously reappearing saying that he had go to do 'the Lord's business' in China. Upon returning he had lost a lot of weight, gained the ability to speak fluent Cantonese, cooked strange smelling meals, practised traditional Chinese medicine and excelled at kung fu. He soon returned to his normal rotund self, peppered his sermons with soliloquies about 'the Orient' and a noticeable drop in petty crime was appreciated by the local police.

The Reverend Templeton is charismatic, verbose, educated, worldly has a beautifully resonant voice and is very kind to children and animals.


Quick-witted, quick-mouthed, slow to adjust to changing times and attitudes. Ardently religious to the point of arrogance.


Shouts “I kick ass for the LORD!” whenever confused by technology, beaten in an argument or about to meter out punishment on a non-believer. Often livens up Sunday sermons by re-enacting parts of the Bible or personal interpretations of sections of the bible. Often these involve the need for first aid after a fall or injury, though Templeton sees no shame or embarrassment in these frequent mishaps. Templeton is also prone to violent outbursts and the occasional delusion he is an action hero despite being large and not especially agile. He also speaks in tongues and has an interest in the paranormal powers of God.


Lives in a small bungalow out the back of the rickety town church.


Few. Several dozen books, some religious items, a gramophone, several LPs, an extensive spice and herbal tea collection and basic furniture. Has a pistol buried in a box underneath the house.

NPC Relationships