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Charlotte Maguire (Charlie)

Character Type: Fledgeling Monster (Vampire)

Age: 9 years undead

Appearance: Charlie (really Charlotte) is taller than the average girl in the Victorian age. She appears to be in her early twenties, but plays down both her age and her sex in order to pass as a boy. She has dyed her normally-vibrant head of ginger hair a much stealthier shade of black. She wears it in a single ragged-ended braid because it is easier to disguise, and sometimes chews on the end as a nervous habit when she is not hiding her hair. She is very fond of and admires her brothers Victor and Bert and her sister Nell, all of whom are away minioning.

Drama Points: 10

Life Points: 58

Experience Points:


Strength: 5 ( base 2+3 from: Vampire)

Dexterity: 7 ( base 5+2 from: Vampire)

Constitution: 5 ( base 3+2 from: Vampire)

Intelligence: 2

Perception: 4

Willpower: 4


Immortal 0

Vampire 15

Situational Awareness 2

Nerves of Steel 3

Hard to Kill 5 ( 2 from: Vampire, 3 from points gained through Drawbacks)

Skill Specialty: Tracker

Good Luck 3 (from points gained through Drawbacks)

Additional benefits granted by Vampire Quality:

+2 bonuses to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood)

take only one-fifth damage from bullets (other weapons hurt normally)

recover from injuries at the rate of one Life Point per Constitution level every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of one Life Point per Constitution level per day)

Additional benefits granted by Skill Specialty quality:

+2 to Wild Card (Wilderness Survival) tasks involving spotting, identifying, or following tracks, noticing signs of a struggle


Anti social impulses

Cruelty 1

Deceit 1

Violence 1

Covetousness 2

Recklessness 1

Adversary: Desmond Morellius 1

Adversary: Anton Frobisher 1


Acrobatics: 2

Crime: 2

Doctor 2

Getting Medieval: 2

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 2 (Latin, Hindi)

Notice: 3

Sport: 2 (Kitten Poker)

WC: Wilderness Survival 2

WC: Dragons 2 (points gained from Drawbacks)


Charlie usually carries a very battered bag that has great sentimental value to her. (the first thing she ever 'won' even though the other fledge was all too happy to give it away)

It usually contains:

1 container of bootblack

1 ball of twine



small 'utility' knife (it's a dagger)

a ratty set of cast-offs in case she has any mischief in mind


linen bandages

She will always carry at least one knife on her at all times