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Quality Points: 20 Drawback Points: Up to 10 Skill Points: 25 Drama Points: 10

Amelia- XP- 2/ Banked 4 to WC: Vamp Politics, 4 to Fashionista, 3 to Notice, 2 to WP, 3 to Perception


Character Type: Journeyman Monster (Vampire)

Age: 35 years undead

Appearance: Short and blonde, Amelia may appear to be a bit of a pretty scatterbrain. This, however, is not true. She has a sharp mind and a sharper tongue, especially when it comes to fledges and 'grownup' men. As Darla's maid, she has taken advantage of the opportunity to travel and has learned many incidental things, including a fluent command of French. She is very interested in the areas of fashion, and design – another perk of her position is shopping trips to exotic locations.

Drama Points: 10

Life Points: 58

Experience Points:


Strength: 5 ( base 2+3 from: Vampire)

Dexterity: 7 ( base 5+2 from: Vampire)

Constitution: 5 ( base 3+2 from: Vampire)

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 4

Willpower: 3


Immortal 0

Vampire 15

Situational Awareness 2

Contacts: Lady's Maids 2

Hard to Kill 2 ( 2 from: Vampire )

Good Luck 1

Vampiric Regeneration 1

Additional benefits granted by Vampire Quality:

+2 bonuses to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood)

take only one-fifth damage from bullets (other weapons hurt normally)

recover from injuries at the rate of one Life Point per Constitution level every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of one Life Point per Constitution level per day)


Anti social impulses

Cruelty 1

Deceit 1

Violence 1

Covetousness 2

Minority: Woman 1


Acrobatics: 1

Crime: 2

Doctor 2

Getting Medieval: 1

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 2 (Latin, French)

Notice: 3