Table of Contents

Character type: Master Vampire

Age: 122 years undead

Appearance: Spike has altered his appearance many times over the last hundred-odd years. Always with a keen eye for the 'underground' and 'rebellious' trends in fashion, he has cultivated a 'bad arse' look that changes from decade to decade. Currently, he is sporting a somewhat 'retro-punk' look, with peroxide-blonde bleached hair (which it is suspected, he keeps mostly because it irritates Angelus), black-varnished fingernails and occasional guy-liner. Spike generally wears dark jeans, black 10-hole Doc Martins, a black leather belt with silver buckle, and black t-shirts. He almost always wears his treasured black leather duster. Spike carries a stake, at least one sharp knife, a Zippo lighter, a packet of fags and a wallet with various false ID's and the occasional nicked credit card on his person at all times. He has a scarred right brow from the enchanted blade of the first Slayer he killed, during the Boxer Rebellion.

Drama Points: 10

Life Points 74 + (6 levels HTK) = 92


Strength : 4 + 3= 7*

Dexterity: 6 +2 = 8*

Constitution: 5 + 2 = 7*

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 4

Willpower: 3

*Bonus due to Vampire quality


Immortal 0

Vampire 15

Acute Sense 2

Age 2

Attractiveness 1

Fast Reaction Time 2

Natural Toughness 2

Nerves of Steel 3

Good Luck 3

Hard to Kill 4 +2 = 6*

*Bonus due to Vampire quality

Nerves of Steel 3

Situational Awareness 2


Anti social impulses

Cruelty 1

Deceit 2

Violence 2

Covetousness 1

Love 2

Honourable 1

Recklessness 1



Acrobatics 4

Art 1

Computers 1

Crime 2

^Bonus due to Age quality

Driving 3

Getting Medieval 4+1=5

^Bonus due to Age quality

Gun Fu 3

Influence 2

Knowledge 2

Kung Fu 4+1 = 5

^Bonus due to Age quality

Languages 2

Notice 2+1 = 3

^Bonus due to Age quality

Occultism 2


- Has a +2 bonus to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood) (Vampire)

- Takes only one-fifth damage from bullets (Vampire)

- Recovers from injuries at the rate of seven Life Points every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of seven Life Points per day) (Vampire)

- Is vulnerable to sunlight, holy symbols, stakes through the heart, and beheading. (Vampire)

- Has a a bonus of +1 on Willpower Tests to resist fear. (Due to Fast Reaction)

- Is immune to fear except when confronting the strangest supernatural manifestations, and gains a +4 bonus to rolls even then– making most of the 'fear' bits above irrelevant anyway. (Nerves of Steel)

- Has a bonus for Initiative purposes (+5 if using dice to 'roll for initiative'), modified by common sense (Fast Reaction).

- Has a +4 bonus to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill).

- Has 4 points of Armor Value against blunt attacks (Natural Toughness).

- Gains a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on him (Situational Awareness).

- Has a +1 to Consciousness Tests (Pain Resistance).

- Has a +4 to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill).

-Adversary drawback cost of Age quality, does not add any drawback benefits to Skills