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Fight Loft Match Types

Various matches are officiated by Sothark, usually with clear victory and defeat conditions. Most matches can be either one-on-one, team-based, or last-man-standing.


Unregulated matches are scored by number of times a person is killed or kills someone else. Because they are unregulated, this score is somewhat simplistic, and respawns take effect after fifteen minutes (unless Sothark is summoned to officiate, in which case, while it still counts as an Unregulated Match, participants will be healed/revived/resurrected after combat.)

Death Match

The simplest of all regulated matches – if you die, you lose. If you manage to stay alive for at least ten seconds longer than your opponent, the match ends and you win.

Knockout Match

Much like the Death Match, the objective is to knock your opponent unconscious. If your opponent remains unconscious for a full ten seconds, they lose and you win.

Staff Match

This nontraditional match places an ornamental, but indestructible, staff in the center of the arena; the objective is to retain possession of the staff for a specified time period (usually one minute).

Duel Match

Only supported by arenas that involve platforms; a Duel Match has an additional victory condition in that knocking an opponent from the platform into the hazard below automatically counts, as does rendering an opponent unconscious for a full ten seconds.

Survival Match

Unlike other matches, Survival Matches pit the combatant(s) solely against the arena - as such, Environment and Opponent options must be set to 1 or higher. A Timer or Points to Victory condition is also recommended, and if Points to Victory exceeds the number of available opponents, by default opponents are respawned (up to the PTV limits) after all opponents are cleared. By setting opponent respawns, they may respawn in the middle of a fight.

Point Duel Match

In true fencing style, the Point Duel Match is all about scoring hits on an opponent. If PTV is not set, points are tallied after one combatant is incapacitated or surrenders, typically with a bonus for whoever is left standing.

Horde Match

This match generates a limitless supply of mooks (whose racial origin and overall skill can be chosen) to fight as combatants in the arena. Generally, victory is assigned by 'points' for number of mooks defeated. Other match-specific settings include the number of mooks to be faced simultaneously, whether they come out in waves or are replenished automatically, and what weapons they are carrying.

Match Sub-Options

Although these are usually only relevant in matches that take a prolonged amount of time or involve more than two people, these sub-options can alter the level of challenge. Match sub-options only take effect during official Matches.

Points to Victory

By default, a Match concludes when a victory condition is met; if this is set, victory is not declared until a participant has met this victory condition a number of times equal to the setting. For example, if PTV is set to five in a Death Match, a winner has to successfully kill his opponent five times. In team matches or matches with multiple opponents without PTV set, victory requires the elimination of all competitors. In Survival Matches without this set, victory requires the defeat of all opponents spawned; with this set, victory requires the defeat of a number of opponents equal to PTV. In a match with a Timer, Points to Victory can be set to 'infinite', so that victory goes to whoever scores the most points within the time limit.

Timer Setting

A Match with a Timer involved ends the Match automatically when the timer expires. Timers typically are set between one minute and one hour, although other settings are possible.

Respawn Rate

This controls the rate at which deceased combatants are resurrected. Typically, this occurs automatically one minute after a match ends, but if this is set, combatants may return to life in the middle of a fight. Time is typically anywhere from fifteen seconds to fifteen minutes.

Opponent Respawn Rate

This controls the rate at which the arena's opponent (as set by Opponent Level) respawns. While mostly only relevant in Survival Matches, this can play a strong factor in all matches where opponents are added. Time is typically anywhere from fifteen seconds to fifteen minutes.

Recovery Rate

This controls the rate at which unconscious combatants (including arena opponents) are awakened if not otherwise capable of recovering under their own power. Typically, this occurs automatically one minute after a match ends, but if this is set, combatants may be revived in the middle of a fight. Time is typically anywhere from fifteen seconds to fifteen minutes.

Respawn Health

This controls how much damage is healed to a combatant when they are resurrected during a match. Opponents resurrected after a match are restored to full health automatically; otherwise, this setting determines how fully damage inflicted is healed (from 0% - which generally makes them die again immediately - to 100%).

Revival Health

This controls how much damage is healed to a combatant when they are revived from unconsciousness during a match. Opponents revived after a match are restored to full health automatically; otherwise, this setting determines how fully damage inflicted is healed (from 0% - which means they may pass out again shortly - to 100%).

Free Heal Rate

By default, all combatants and opponents are restored to full health after a match. If this is set, however, all combatants and opponents are healed automatically during combat. Settings include time interval (from healing every fifteen seconds to every fifteen minutes), level (level 1 cures minor injuries and stops bleeding, up to level 10 which cures everything), and whether this applies to combatants, opponents, both, or specific individuals.
