Table of Contents

The Museum Archive

The Museum Archive stores items and files on an astonishing variety of worlds that have ceased to be, are still in existence, or never were, in preparation for becoming exhibits or just out of archaeological curiosity. While the public is not allowed to peruse the archive at length, researchers and interested parties can request permission to examine specific items listed in the Archive Record.

Storage Methods

The Museum Archive takes advantage of World's End's extensive pocket dimension capabilities, and stores each item in the archive in its own subpocket of spacetime, securely in stasis, until such time as a curator or researcher chooses to examine it. Items being examined have their storage dimension folded into a containment pocket where the object can be examined and studied without endangering any other dimension.

Per regulation, items are typically sealed within a reinforced storage crate, case, cell, or cabinet, with all warnings, recommendations, and asset tags marked on the exterior directly by the access panel or other point of entry. Items are always stored individually by asset tag, regardless of size, and all crates are a minimum of one cubic meter in size (100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm), regardless of the size of the contents.

Categorization Methods

The Museum Archive utilizes a categorization strategy that is based on the categorizations adopted by clandestine government storage facilities in various alternate dimensions, so as to generate appropriate asset tags for a variety of peculiar objects from all known and many unknown planes of existence. While most government warehouses tend to keep only items that would be dangerous if released, the Museum Archive has no seeming method to its collection, pulling everything from seemingly ordinary objects to world-cracking artifacts into its diverse collection.

The identification codes that are used is a varient on the standard US military scheme. Each code is in the form:


where XXXXX is a category code, NNNNNN is a item number within that category, VVV is a version number for objects that have multiple design variants, and PP is an optional part number for items which have been disassembled and stored in several crates. The storage system's asset tags occasionally change as new Museum Directors come up with new ways to encompass the infinite variety of stored media.

Category Codes are interpreted as follows:

First Letter: Purpose

First letter Purpose Description
A Analysis Object analyzes or describes other objects
B Battle Object is intended to be used in battle
C Communication Object allows communication over a variety of media
D Data Object contains or is a large collection of information
E Evidence Object is evidence supporting a theory or claim
F Specimen Object is a living or formerly living creature
G Generation Object produces matter or energy
H Repair Object maintains or repairs other objects
I Invocation Object helps secure a supernatural being's favor or blessing
J Enjoyment Object is designed to bring pleasure or entertain.
K Transformation Object converts one thing into another
L Logic Object performs calculations or computations.
M Model Object is a (possibly working) scale model of something
N Nourishment Object is intended to provide food
O Observation Object gathers information via some sensing method
P Propulsion Object is intended to move objects it is attached to
Q Duplication Object is intended to replicate other objects
R Regulation Object governs the actions of another object
S Summoning Object produces the physical form of a supernatural being
T Transportation Object moves material, while remaining stationary
U Universal Object is capable of an enormous range of operations
V Vehicle Object's main purpose is transportation of people or cargo
W Misc Any purpose not covered elsewhere.
X Unknown No known purpose for this object
Y Not applicable Concept of purpose is not compatible with this object
Z Reflexive Object provides purpose

Second Letter: Principle of Operation

Second letter Principle Description
A Atomic Works by harnessing nuclear forces
B Biological Object is biological, or has biological components
C Complex Machine Uses electronic, electric and mechanical principles
D Divine Works due to intercession of a supernatural force or entity
E Electromagnetic Works due to electromagnetic principles
F Flow Works by controlling flow of a substance
G Gravitic Works by harnessing Gravitational forces
H Modifies Laws Works by modifying physical laws
I Inert Object is an inert substance with interesting properties
J Chemical Object works by chemical reactions
K Kinetic Works through manipulation of kinetic energy
L Logic Flaw Object works despite the fact that it clearly cannot
M Magical Object uses mystical forces
N Nanotechnology Object is constructed of billions of tiny robots
O Physical Law Works by obeying simple laws of physics (eg. boats float)
P Psychic Operates using mental energy
Q Quantum Works at a sub-atomic level
R Recursive Object works due to effects caused by its operation
S Simple Machine Works via cogs, levers, pulleys, springs, etc.
T Temporal Object manipulates time
U Solid State Object is a solid-state electronic device
V Environmental Object interacts with its environment in unique ways
W Misc Any operating principle not covered elsewhere
X Unknown No known principle of operation
Y Not applicable Principle of operation is not an object-compatible concept
Z Reflexive Object is acted upon, it does not act itself

Third Letter: Method of Use

Third letter Method Description
A Autonomous Object is self activated and self controlled
B Bi-state Object is either OFF or ON, it has no other controls
C Consumed Object must be consumed or injected to have effect
D Directed Object accepts commands and attempts to carry them out
E Extension Object behaves as an extension of the users body
F File Object exists as a file or dossier
G ? ?
H Hand operated Object's control surface is manipulated by hand
I Installed Object must be installed or inserted in other equipment
J ? ?
K ? ?
L Logic Program Object must be carefully programmed before use
M Material Object is a raw material in some process
N ? ?
O ? ?
P Piloted Object requires continuous operation of controls to function
Q ? ?
R Ritualistic Object is operated by ritual gestures, words or activities
S ? ?
T Telepathic Object obeys thoughts or desires of user
U Uncontrolled Object is in continuous operation, and cannot be turned off
V ? ?
W Misc Methods of use not covered elsewhere
X Unknown No method of use is known for this object
Y Not applicable Method of Use is not a concept compatible with this object
Z Reflexive Object controls user

OOPS: Acronym for “Out Of Place Specimen,” an object discovered that hints at the existence of technology not representative of the era and dimension it has been carbon-dated to.

Fourth Letter: Source or Origin

Fourth letter Source Description
A Alternate Earth Object derives from an alternate Earth that does not fit the standard timeline
B ? ?
C Chronological Alternate Object derives from an alternate-branch timeline of Earth
D ? ?
E Earth Object derives from an Earth very close to or matching the standard timeline
F Folklore Object derives from a world based on Earth folklore or mythology
G Graphic Object derives from a world based on Earth comics, animation, etc.
H ? ?
I ? ?
J ? ?
K ? ?
L Literature Object derives from a work of literature known on Earth
M Movie Object derives from a world based on Earth movies or similar media
N Non-Earth Object derives from a dimension with no connection to Earth
O ? ?
P Parallel Object derives from a clearly parallel Earth (matching the timeline with exceptions)
Q ? ?
R ? ?
S SciFi Object derives from a science-fiction or far-future world with no clear Earth connections
T Television Object derives from a television show known on Earth
U Universal Object derives from an Earth-created canonical source reinforced by various fictions
V Video Game Object derives from a video game known on Earth
W Misc Source not covered elsewhere
X Unknown No source is known for this object
Y Not applicable Source is not a concept compatible with this object
Z Reflexive Object contains its source

Fifth Letter: Chronology

Fifth letter Source Description
A Anachronistic Object is out of place for its time based on Earth timelines
B Basic Object is a basic item that is not temporally relevant
C Canonical Object fits into the canon of a known fictional world's timeline
D Deleted Object has been deleted from the timeline of its source
E Extraneous Object does not fit into the canon of its source
F Futuristic Object is technologically advanced in comparison to Earth timelines
G ? ?
H Historic Object is considered historic in comparison to Earth timelines
I ? ?
J ? ?
K ? ?
L ? ?
M Modern Object is relatively modern in comparison to Earth timelines
N Natural ?
O ? ?
P Prehistoric Object predates written history
Q ? ?
R Replica Object is a replica of a pre-existing design or technology
S ? ?
T ? ?
U ? ?
V Variable Object is from variable time periods or moves through time
W Misc Time period not covered elsewhere
X Unknown No time period is known for this object
Y Not applicable Time period is not a concept compatible with this object
Z Reflexive Object creates chronology

Entry Format

The individual entries that follow are all in the same form:






XXXXX-NNNN-PP is the identification code.

AAA is the current storage area.

CCCCC is the containment system type.

SSS is the size in centimeters (length, then width, then height) of the containment system.

WWWWWWWWWW is any warning text that may be on the container.

BBBBBBBBBB is a brief summary of the item in question.

TTTTTTTTTT is detailed explanatory text on the object.

Current Archive Contents Sorted By Purpose

A - Analysis - Object analyzes or describes other objects

B - Battle - Object is intended to be used in battle

BAHMF-000124-001 - Area A - Crate - 35x30x15

Proton Pack

A heavy backpack (roughly 55 pounds) filled with complex electronic gear wrapped around a small nuclear accelerator. When activated, a small nuclear accelerator in the pack builds up an ectoplasmic energy charge that can be used to affect beings composed of ectoplasmic matter. The charge is released through a rod attached to the pack by a heavily-shielded cable. The rod includes settings for “attack” and “containment,” and a trigger. Squeezing the trigger fires an erratic proton beam, requiring a good dose of strength to control, that strongly affects beings composed of ectoplasmic matter or electromagnetic fields; it also can cause disruption of living creatures' nervous systems to produce a temporary sense of discomfort or incapacitation, can ionize the surrounding air, disrupts electronics and electromagnetic signals, and may cause minor burns or concussive effects. Two proton beams crossing can result in total protonic reversal, which causes a major antimatter explosion at the point of crossing. As a result, this is not advised except in last-resort circumstances.

BAHMF-000125-001 - Area A - Crate

Paranormal Investigation Kit

Contained herein is the tools of the paranormal investigator, ranging from Kirilian goggles to a Psychokinetic Energy meter, to traps designed to capture ectoplasmic entities. Included in this crate is a scholarly discourse by Dr. E. Spengler, on the theory behind the traps, as well as how to design more. One trap currently seems to be “loaded.”

C - Communication - Object allows communication over a variety of media

D - Data - Object contains or is a large collection of information

E - Evidence - Object is evidence supporting a theory or claim

F - Specimen - Object is a living or formerly living creature

G - Generation - Object produces matter or energy

H - Repair - Object maintains or repairs other objects

I - Invocation - Object helps secure a supernatural being's favor or blessing

J - Enjoyment - Object is designed to bring pleasure or entertain

K - Transformation - Object converts one thing into another

L - Logic - Object performs calculations or computations

M - Model - Object is a (possibly working) scale model of something

N - Nourishment - Object is intended to provide food

O - Observation - Object gathers information via some sensing method

P - Propulsion - Object is intended to move objects it is attached to

Q - Duplication - Object is intended to replicate other objects

R - Regulation - Object governs the actions of another object

S - Summoning - Object produces the physical form of a supernatural being

T - Transportation - Object moves material, while remaining stationary

U - Universal - Object is capable of an enormous range of operations

V - Vehicle - Object's main purpose is transportation of people or cargo

W - Misc - Any purpose not covered elsewhere

X - Unknown - No known purpose for this object

Y - Not applicable - Concept of purpose is not compatible with this object

Z - Reflexive - Object provides purpose