World's End Only Bank

This is the only bank in World's End, and provides a highly competitive exchange rate for the interdimensional wanderer who needs to exchange their currency (or set some money aside in the ultimate of offshore accounts.)

Bank accounts at World's End Only Bank do not generate interest in a traditional manner; instead, if the deposited money is used to make a loan (or fund a credit card), half of the interest payments received on the loan go to pay the creditor(s) whose money was used. Typical interest rates on loans are 10%, although rates are variable depending on how much effort the loan department would have to go through to hunt down an errant debtor and forcibly repossess assets to pay for any unpaid debts. Those who work for the Mayor in some capacity tend to receive more lenient terms and payment plans (after all, they're much easier to track down and deliver…)

The World's End Only Bank is capable of converting practically any currency to any other currency, but translates at approximately 80% of relative true value; furthermore, World's End Only Bank tends to specifically refuse barter systems, mostly because of the bookkeeping involved, and directs would-be traders to Chekhov's Bag. Currency exchangers should note that World's End Only Bank trades in currency based in value over time; hyper-inflated 2050 American dollars will be less valuable than freshly printed 1950 American dollars, for example. There's also some suggestion that condition plays a factor, as 'used' bills and coins tend to be slightly less valuable. All bank exchanges are 'take it or leave it'; the client is free to refuse the offered amount, but offers are typically final for any specified currency exchange.

World's End Only Bank also offers investment opportunities throughout the omniverse for would-be venture capitalists, many under similar terms to their loan strategy of paying dividends to the provider of the funds. These investments include resource speculation, world development, sponsorships, and business acquisitions.