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Jenny Lee: 104 points

3 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].


Absolute Direction [5]

Animal Empathy [5]

Claim to Hospitality: Postmen's Network [5]

Cultural Adaptibility [10]

Luck [15]


Quick Reload: Hand-Drawn Crossbow [1]: With Quick Reload (Hand-Drawn Crossbow), a successful Fast-Draw (Arrow) roll reduces the time reload a hand-drawn crossbow by two seconds instead of by one.

Crossbow Finesse [1]: If you know Crossbow at DX+1, add +1 to ST for the sole purpose of cocking crossbows. If you have it at DX+2 or better, add +2.

Rope Shooter [1]

Office: Postworker of Homestead [1]


Impulsive (12 or less) [-10]

Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) [-5]

Struggling [-10]


Combat Hesitancy [-1]

Code of Honor (The Post Always Goes Through) [-1]

Humble [-1]

Congenial [-1]

Nosy [-1]


Animal Handling (Horses) [IQ/A][1]: 10

Area Knowledge (Homestead) [IQ/E][1]: 11

Brawling [DX/E][1]: 12

Carousing [HT/E][1]: 10

Cooking [IQ/A][1]: 10

Crossbow [DX/E][2]: 13

Current Affairs (People) [IQ/E][1]: 11

Dancing [DX/A][1]: 11

Fast Talk [IQ/A][1]: 10

First Aid [IQ/E][1]: 11

Games (Card) [IQ/E][1]: 11

Games (Dice) [IQ/E][1]: 11

Heraldry [IQ/A][1]: 10

Holdout [IQ/A][1]: 10

Housekeeping [IQ/E][1]: 11

Merchant [IQ/A][2]: 11

Navigation (Land) [IQ/A][1]: 10+3

Observation [Per/A][1]: 10

Public Speaking [IQ/A][1]: 10

Scrounging [Per/E][1]: 11

Search [Per/A][1]: 10

Sewing [DX/E][1]: 12

Sex Appeal [HT/A][1]: 9

Streetwise [IQ/A][1]: 10

Survival: Woodlands [Per/A][1]: 10


ST 11 Crossbow (thr+4 imp, Acc 4, Range 220/275, 6/0.06 lb, RoF 1, Shots 1(4), $150, Bulk -6)

20 bolts in hip quiver (1 lb + 1.2 lb for bolts).

Mail satchel (fancy leather satchel) (3 lb) [holds 40 lbs]

Change of clothes

Personal basics, $5, 1 lb

Rations, 6 meals (5 lb)

Canteen, $10, 3 lb

Blanket, $20, 4 lb

Leather armor (DR 2 torso/groin, 10 lb)

Leather helm (DR 2 skull/face, 1/2 lb)

Leather gloves (DR 2 hands, neg. wt.)

Leather boots (DR 2 feet, 3 lb)


Saddle horse: An ordinary riding horse, Jessica.

ST 21; DX 9; IQ 3; HT 11. Will 10; Per 12; Speed 5; Dodge 8; Move 6. SM +1 (3 hexes); 1,200 lbs. Traits: Domestic Animal; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 12); Hooves; Peripheral Vision; Quadruped; Weak Bite.

Skills: Mount-11.

88 lb Basic Lift = No Encumbrance

264 lb = Medium Encumbrance (with rider)

Saddle and tack [15 lb]

Saddlebags x2 [6 lb; hold up to 80 lb]

Horseshoes [4 lb] +2 HT on rolls for stamina for long rides

Cooking tools (group basics) [20 lb]

4-man tent: 30 lb.

6' poles x 2: 3 lb [6 lb total]