Table of Contents


The village of Homestead is a quiet hamlet on the edges of civilization, located not far from an ancient battleground. It is on a grassy plain located not far from a rolling forest. There are several other small villages located not far from Homestead, as well as one large town known as Volek.

The Village of Homestead

The Three

Locations in Homestead

Locations Near Homestead

Town of Arrowshire

Important NPCs

Ardell World Information

Major Kingdoms

Several species have 'ancestral homelands', as well as a number of disputed territories between races and species. In addition, nomadic settlements exist throughout the barbarian regions where no ruler holds power. Most of the mixed-race cities are major trade cities in countries with open borders, or border towns where traders gather. Most kingdoms are (at least ostensibly) on peaceful terms; the last major war between kingdoms was 40 years ago, during an attempt by King Leon Morgrave to annex the Sh'Kar orcish territory, inciting a three-year-long war before peace could be re-established. Barbarians, bandits, warlords, and monsters are a common threat, depending on the region.

Major Organizations

The Order of the Bulwark

Symbolized by a tower on a peak within a circle, the Bulwarks handle requests on the local, regional, or national level, putting those in need in touch with those who can help. In short, they are a professional adventurer's order, with diverse membership. In exchange for regular membership fees, they provide access to work, as well as stations where one can sell unwanted spoils of war, repair damaged gear, buy replacement supplies, and talk to other adventurers.

The Circle of Ardell

The Circle of Ardell considers itself personally responsible for maintaining control of the development and use of magic throughout Ardell. Those with talent are sought out and brought to the Circle for appropriate training. Students are listed as being a member of a circle based on their level of training, their completion of Circle examinations, and other requirements as determined by the faculty.