Table of Contents

Blakemoor Keep

Exterior Defenses

Four Ballistas

Thick Stone Walls

Rose Wall Patterns

Interior Defenses

Animate Rose Garden




Spears x 10

Daggers x 10

Longswords x 18

Shortswords x 10

Damaged Compound Crossbows x 4

“Special” Bolts x 4

Normal Bolts x 240

Shortbows x 6

Normal Arrows x 120

Plate Mail (wrong size, damaged) x 6

Leather Armor (damaged) x 12


600 man-days of food

Settlement Data: Fortress


Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is located a significant distance away from the next settlement.

Age: Recent. The fortress was completed between 20 and 100 years ago. (+2 to condition roll) (-5 to residents roll)

Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and presents no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a significant enough age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements may have been added, updated, or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under construction, the fortress is very nearly complete, perhaps waiting on some superficial or decorative elements, and completion is likely within the month. The residents are able to live comfortably. (When building your keep, +1 to number of rooms roll)

Environment: Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.

Expense: Extravagant. Little or no expense was spared in the construction. Materials are of top-quality, and the fortress feels grand and splendid. (+5 to furnishings roll)

Primary Building Material: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and mortared together.

Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Stripped Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, entirely depleting the harvesting locations (natural surroundings needed for the structure, natural defenses, etc. are unaffected).

Reason for Construction: Decree. A ruler, or governing group, ordered that it be built.

Design Theme: Refuge. Welcome and safety.

Alternate Entries: Maintained Tunnel. A tunnel leads out of the fortress, which is well-maintained and in good repair. It shows signs of recent (but not heavy) use.

Local Impact: Disruptive. The fortress disturbed the area in which it was built. This may or may not have been intentional.

Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict.

Resident Relations: Expecting. The ranking, or most important, resident of the fortress is expecting a child soon. If they are unwed, take into account what this might mean.

Resident Hobbies: Outdoor Games - Throwing or Shooting (archery, throwing axes or hammers, etc)

Resident Attitude: Content. The residents like the fortress well enough. The place itself, or their circumstances, may not be ideal, but things aren’t so bad.

Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard shifts.

Garrison Equipment: Decent. Guards are equipped with standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment for use. They demonstrate refined practice techniques, such as specific drills, for a variety of situations.

Current Issue: Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the moment. (Skip issue severity table)

History: Protests. Prior to construction, there were strong objections to building the fortress.

Secrets: Hidden Gravesite. A body was buried here after the fortress was built.

Oddities: Mystery Door. A door is and, as far as anyone can remember, has always been, stuck shut. No matter what anyone does, they can’t get it unstuck. Stranger still, plans of the fortress show no room there.

Special Feature: Intriguing Purpose. The structure was built to do something unusual.

Intriguing Purpose: Hiding. The fortress was built to keep something from being found.

Catastrophic Event: Betrayal. A significant trust was broken here

Keep Size: Large. BSM 3, Floor Space 9×9.

Exterior Walls: 10 feet thick (2 squares).

Number of Floors: Three. Two above-ground floors and a cellar.

Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.

Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.

Inside the Keep

First Floor

Guard Bunks. Quarters for guards and their equipment.

Kitchen. Area for cooking and food preparation.

Dining and Receiving. General area with tables, as well as benches and/or chairs.

Second Floor

Bedroom. Area designated for resting, containing a bed or beds.

Chapel. Area designated for worship, meditation, or spiritual instruction.

Library. Area for records, books, and/or study.


General Storage. Storage for non-food, nonequipment supplies.

Cell. Holding area for prisoner(s).

Larder. Food storage, typically placed in the cellar where it stays cool.


Stables. Houses mounts for residents and visitors. (attached to the outer wall of the keep).


Decent. Decent. The contents of the keep are of serviceable quality, or in good condition.


Geographic Advantages: Congested approach(es). Natural obstacles are spaced close together so as to make quick and direct movement difficult.

Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed along the wall.

Size: Large. Base Size Modifier 3.

Curtain Wall Thickness: 20 feet wide, stone. (Contains internal hallways and stairs.)

Curtain Wall Height: 40 feet tall, stone.

Towers: Four, cylindrical, medium size (50 feet tall), 7 square diameter, with shallow sloped roofs.

Curtain Wall Defenses:

Batters. The bottom portion of the wall slopes outward and is, therefore, much thicker. This hinders the approach of siege towers, makes undermining difficult, and stretches siege ladders to breaking point, if they can bridge the distance at all. In addition, it removes a blindspot for defenders - the area directly beneath them.

Hoardings. Temporary, wooden shelters are constructed, protruding out on top of the walls, allowing defenders to fire directly down on attackers. These would require fireproofing (such as a covering of soaked animal skins), but can be deconstructed and stored in peacetime.

Machicolations. Similar to hoardings, but built as a permanent part of the structure, allowing defenders to fire directly down on attackers. If you already have hoardings, treat them as providing overhead cover.

Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something magical. Blocking Wards (Black Roses): These wards prevent creatures, or objects, from entering or passing a certain point. They can fail if the ward sustains too much damage in a short span of time.

Barbican. The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a drawbridge. (+2 to moat roll)

Barbican Gatehouse. Standard Gatehouse. The same height as the wall and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy doors. Murder holes above.

Main Gatehouse. Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and two portcullises, murder holes in the sides and above.

Moat. Dry Moat. The moat is not filled with water and is, instead, a deep pit encircling the fortification. This could be purposeful, or the lack of water could be due to drought. 25 feet wide, 35 feet deep.

Bailey Outbuildings. Four:

Stables. Medium (8 x 8 squares).

Forge. Small (6 x 6 squares).

Servant's Quarters. Very Large (12 x 12 squares).

Farm Area. Large (10 x 10 squares).


(loot from all enemy soldiers and baron's private stash)

Coins and Currency

145 pp, 1225 gp, 600 sp, 7500 cp


Azurite (11 gp) Carnelian (60 gp)

Total value = 71 gp

Art Objects

Bolt of Silver Cloth (1400 gp) Brass Bracelet set with Chalcedony (500 gp) Bronze Buckle set with Obsidian (1000 gp) Fox Fur Pouch (200 gp) Gilded Wooden Miniature (of a Tower) (100 gp) Leather Belt with Silver Buckle (500 gp) Polished Stone Ring (130 gp) Silver Cloth Pennant (800 gp) Silver Pin (200 gp)

Total value = 4830 gp

Mundane Items

Masterwork Greatsword (Medium) (350 gp) Masterwork Heavy Flail (Small) (315 gp) Masterwork Quarterstaff (Medium) (600 gp) Masterwork Recorder (100 gp)

Total value = 1365 gp

Magic Items

Arcane Scroll (Summon Monster I (25 gp), Magic Mouth (160 gp)) (total 185 gp) Potion of Darkvision (300 gp) Potion of Remove Paralysis (300 gp)

Total value = 785 gp

Total value 9861 gp


Blakemoor occupies a total of 780 square kilometers, 43% of which is farmable land without any work. The remaining space is divided among wilderness, rivers, lakes and the like.

Blakemoor has 43 villages, and 1 town (Carlston). The distance between villages is about 4 km, which means that you'd routinely pass them on the road every day.

There are roughly 23400 persons in Blakemoor; 468 itinerant or isolated people, 20826 in villages, 2106 residents in Carlston.