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Rogue's Kit

Pocket Picking

Mini-Blade: This little blade — so small that it hides easily between the knuckles of a thief — has given the cutpurse his name. Masters of this tiny and keen blade can garner a day’s wages in a mere hour. Of course, novices may end up missing a finger or two. (1 sp) [Gives a +1 to Sleight of Hand when attempting to cut purses or perform similar acts, requires preparation, cannot be used with rosin or cane.]

Rosin and Powder: For thieves whose pocket-picking fingers do not seem sticky enough, rosin applied to the tips can boost sticking power. Those who have trouble slipping their hands into and out of purses and pockets might use our thieving powder to facilitate movement. Using rosin on the fingertips and powder on the edges produces a particularly useful combination. Rosin cube — 100 applications: (1 sp); Powder vial — 15 applications: (5 cp). [Gives a +1 to Sleight of Hand when attempting to pick pockets or palm small items, requires preparation, cannot be used with mini-blade or cane.]

Wired Cane: A rigid wire and leather wristband straps this cane to the wrist, allowing a pick-pocket to feign infirmity until close enough to strike. Then by bumping into the target, the cane-bearing hand can perform the pilfery and return to the cane before it is noticed. The wired cane’s handle contains a long-bored hole sized for coins of most types and most jewels. Ivory (10 gp); Bronze (5 gp); Oak (3 gp). [Gives a +1 to Sleight of Hand when attempting to pick pockets or palm small items, cannot be used with mini-blade or rosin.]


Glass Cutter: Why spend precious minutes (if not longer) picking a rusty and complex lock when a window lies in reach? The diamond head of this glass-cutter is guaranteed to score even the thickest and most refined glass. Merely plant the sap-spong in the center of a pane of glass and score a circle around it. A gentle tap creates a hole from mouse-size to person-size. (2 gp) [Requires Dex check; failure means the cut section of window slipped and shattered.]

Hacksaw: Where lockpicks require finesse and time, hacksaws only require time. All our blades are constructed by dwarven craftsmen and made of fire-hardened steel; our common blades can cut through anything made of steel or softer material. Our superior-grade blades, toothed with diamond chips, can cut any material of lesser hardness than diamond. Common: 5 gp; Superior: 20 gp. [Either blade cuts one quarter-inch square per round; common blades last ten uses, superior last twenty.]

Hinge-Removing Set: Doors have two sides; if you can’t pick the lock, you might try removing the hinges. Our hinge-removing set contains all the tools you need to remove hinges on anything from jewelry boxes to castle keeps. (30 gp) [Requires Dex check +1 round for small, 1 minute for door-size, and 10 minutes for large hinges.]

Keymaking Set: The most sophisticated lockpick is a duplicate of the key itself. Our keymaking set includes a wax pad for taking an impression of the original, a scribe for marking the metal stock, a set of blades and files for shaping the stock, and even a stack of metal stocks in small, medium, and large size and thickness. (40 gp; 2 gp per key stock).

Lockpick Set: In addition to the assortment of wires, rods, and angled wrenches common to lockpick sets, our expanded version also contains a funnel, magnifying glass, hammer, oils, acids, chisels — even a listening cone. We have never received a complaint about the effectiveness of our sets —at least not from the buyers. (200gp) [Provides a +1 to lockpick kit rolls due to quality.]

Sleep Gas: A sleeping guard is undeniably nicer than a garotted one. We have three levels of potency for our sleeping gas, for small, medium, and large-size creatures. All come in sturdy stoppered flasks that break easily on impact. In liquid form when stoppered, these vials contain enough punch to instantly lay low one creature of the indicated size. Small: 5 gp/ flask; Man-size: 10 gp/flask; Large: 20 gp/flask. [Each requires a difficult Con save to resist but is not effective against larger creatures.]


Diversion Devices: Some thieves could not move silently if their lives depended on it—and typically their lives do. Therefore, we offer two devices to attract attention elsewhere while the thief moves not-so-silently.

Silent Shoes: Much stray sound comes from poor shoes. These soft leather shoes are coated with a thick, stretchy substance that helps them to work well in thick forests as well as wet dungeons. (10 gp) [Adds +1 to Stealth rolls based entirely or mostly on sound. Can be damaged by anything that would reasonably damage footwear.]

Silk Bodysuit: Any noise not made by shoes must come from clothes. This black, tight-fitting bodysuit, made from a resilient fabric from Maztica, helps thieves hide in shadows. All sizes: 10 gp. [Adds +1 to Stealth rolls based entirely or mostly on sound. Can be damaged by anything that would reasonably damage clothing. Cumulative with Silent Shoes.]


Gnomish Cloaks: These garments are not magical. However, their neutral gray color and ingenious gnomish design make their wearer blend readily into shadows. Demihuman: 10 gp. Large: 12 gp. [Adds +1 to Stealth rolls based entirely or mostly on sight. Can be damaged by anything that would reasonably damage cloaks.

Weaponblack: This compound reduces the reflectiveness of your weapons without reducing its quality. Unlike that of other companies, our weaponblack will not affect the sharpness of the weapon, nor is it flammable. One vial (25 applications): 3 gp. [Adds +1 to Stealth rolls where a weapon would otherwise draw notice. Cannot use a weapon poison alongside this product.]

Skinmask: A series of makeups allowing you to disguise your skin to match your environment. Our makeup allows full vision and flexibility without the risk of revealing one's place. Will not harm the skin, unlike tar- or charcoal-based compounds. One set of paints(25 applications): 3 gp. [Requires Disguise to apply properly; on a DC of 12, adds +1 to Stealth rolls based entirely or mostly on sight; DC 15 adds +2 and DC 18 or better adds +3. Effects are halved while moving, and removed by water.]


Thieving Helmet: A perennial problem of being a thief is that any helmet must be removed to hear through doorways. Therefore, a gnomish inventor devised this thieving helm, which not only protects the head, but also amplifies sound coming to a listener. They may look silly, but some swear by them. (10 gp) [+1 to Perception to listen at doors; +1 to AC vs attacks to the head.]


Clamp Gauntlets and Chisel Boots: These ingenious items were invented by the same gnomish craftsman who made the thieving helmet. By means of narrow-tipped fingers and toes and a ratcheted clamp mechanism in the gauntlets, thieves can find a handhold on most external wall surfaces: cut-stone, riverstone, or wood. Either size: 25 gp. [+2 to Climb; -4 to attack rolls; movement halved; cannot be used with other climbing gear.]

Climbing Irons: These bent rods strap comfortably to the legs, allowing a thief to sink the barbed ankles into most any wood surface. Traditionally used by lumbermen, climbing irons also work very effectively on the corners of wooden buildings. Of course, though they aid climbing, they hamper getaways. 50 gp. [+2 to Climb wooden structures; -3 to Dex checks until removed; take 1d4 slashing damage on any 1 on Dex checks due to cutting yourself with the barbs.]

Climbing Rope Set: Our rope set not only includes 200 yards of high-quality, triple-stranded silk rope of elven manufacture, but also two foldable grapples and the spikes and pulleys needed for serious climbing. All of this comes in a lightweight pack. (40 gp) [+2 to Climb; cannot be used with other Climbing gear; total set weighs 5 lbs. Carabiners and similar items purchased separately.]


Bladeboots: Captured thieves are typically stripped of their weapons, but not of their shoes. If a thief has a shoe for a weapon, odds for escape improve significantly. Solid leather construction, a broad steel blade, and a heel-click trigger mechanism add kick to any escape. 15 gp. [Attack inflicts d6 piercing damage and is considered an improvised weapon and a monk weapon if used for kicks, d4 piercing damage as a dagger if held.]

Earblade: Though many thieves carry these handy gadgets, most hope never to use them. The earblade is an incredibly keen blade mounted on a spring hinge and resting unobtrusively behind the ear. The earblade’s sole use is to deeply score a nooseline placed over a thief’s head. Thus, when the gibbet block is dropped, the rope will snap and the thief can escape. Since none can guess which side the noose will be placed on, most thieves buy two of these. (1 sp) [Has a chance of being discovered and is not guaranteed to succeed, but is better than nothing!]