Adventurers' Alcove

Items adventurers might find useful.

Air Bladder: This small, yet effective bag is made to hold tightly shut air inside of it. A medium size creature can hold its breath an extra 1 minute before it starts suffocating; however, a small size creature can instead holds its breath an extra 2 minutes before it starts suffocating. For example, a medium size creature with a Constitution of 14 can hold its breath for 4 minutes. However, when it starts suffocating, it has only 2 rounds to reach air before it drops to 0 hit points. 1/2 lb, 1 sp.

Alchemist's Grenade: 5 lb, 35 gp.

The alchemist's grenade consists of a glass vial filled with one ounce of alchemist's fire, but where the stopper would be there is instead flat glass covering the end of the vial, with the glass connected to a glass cube with sides 0.7 inches long. The glass box is filled with 30 ounces of extremely dense gunpowder, resulting in a contraption that, when thrown so the glass shatters, explodes in a 10 foot radius. The explosion deals 5d6 fire damage, with a Dexterity saving throw for half damage having a DC of 13 or 8 + your Dexterity modifier (+ your proficiency modifier if appropriate), whichever is higher.

Armor Polish: A tin of specially formulated wax, used to protect armor and increase its longevity. During a short or long rest, you can use it to buff 1 set of metal armor; that armor is immune to effects that would decrease it's AC. You also gain resistance to acid damage while wearing the armor, but taking acid damage removes the polish and negates its effects unless reapplied. 1 lb, 5 gp.

Aviator's Goggles: 1/4 lb, 75 gp.

Essential to any adventurer delving into the world of flight, these goggles are not only functional but stylish as well! They also serve as an indicator to other adventurers that the wearer is adept in the art of flying. Durable, lightweight, and extremely useful, this eye-wear is an absolute must to own and use!

Impeccable Vision. You can use a bonus action to put on or take off the goggles. While they are on your face and covering your eyes, you cannot be blinded. In addition, you can clearly see in a heavily obscured area where a form of air blocks vision, such as dense fog or smoke. However, this feature doesn't affect your ability to see in certain types of illumination, such as seeing in darkness or dim light.

Durability. These goggles were made to withstand the strong winds endured while flying, so it can be assumed that they're extremely durable. However, these goggles aren't indestructible. If a creature strikes the goggles for more than ten points of damage, the goggles break after the attack and cannot be worn until they are repaired. Repairing the Aviator's Goggles requires the tinker's tools, 10gp for materials, and 1d4 hours of work.

Binoculars: This device is engineered to improve eyesight when viewing things from afar. Inside of the device's metal shell lie multiple lenses overlapped in such a way that they magnify whatever is seen through them. Many people describe the binoculars as two miniature telescopes connected to a metal bar. While using the binoculars, you can make out small details of creatures and objects that are 250 feet or further away, but no further than 600 feet. 1 lb, 200 gp.

Bipod: A Bipod is a clever mechanism designed to help stabilize a ranged weapon by bracing against the ground, a low wall, or some other such object. When equipped to a ranged weapon with a logical attachment point (e.g. Crossbows, Rifles, but not Bows), the weapon's attacks no longer suffer disadvantage when fired from a prone position. 1/4 lb, 5 gp.

Bitethorn String: A thin thread made from narrow lengths of bitethorn, which can be used for many purposes. The thread's barbs aren't long enough to inflict actual damage but is still painful to touch without heavy gloves. Used to wrap an arrowshaft, it makes the arrow grip the flesh, inflicting d2 damage if the arrow is not removed carefully (Medicine DC 10 to remove, DC 15 if removing it yourself). When applied to a surface, it gives additional grip like Velcro, providing a +2 bonus to remain adhered or a -2 penalty to escape. A 300 foot roll of string weighs 1 lb and costs 50 gp.

Bitethorn Extract: Often used in herbal medicines to aid in the recovery of sick nobles for whom money is no object, and as a common hangover cure. It is full of vitamins and nutrients; when used in conjunction with a healing spell, Medicine check for long term care, or hit dice used to recover hit points as a quick energy drink, it restores an additional d3 hit points. An alchemist can distill bitethorn extract in roughly six hours, and can easily sell it for 50 gold per one ounce vial.

Bitethorn Bomb. This carefully crafted ball is coated in a compressed fiber shell. Inside each bomb is a set of four bitethorn seeds coated in an alchemical cocktail of nutrients, vitamins, growth serum, aging serum, water and other trace solutions. The serum is devoid of oxygen, effectively trapping the seeds in stasis. When the shell is broken, oxygen enters the mixture causing explosive plant growth. As a result, a five foot area is instantly covered by a bitethorn bush. Those directly in the blast area must make a DC 15 Dexterity save or be dealt 3d3 slashing damage and become entangled in the bush. Escaping from the bush once enveloped in it requires a DC 25 Dexterity save; failures reduce the DC by 5 on future rounds but inflict an additional 1d3 damage. 200 gold, 1/2 lb per bomb.

Blasting Clay: This half pound stick of alchemical reddish 'clay' is commonly used by both miners and military forces for the explosive power hidden in it. when it takes 1 or more fire damage or is lit on fire (by way of a fuse, oil rag or being dropped in a campfire etc), it starts a internal timer of 1d4 rounds until it explodes. The explosion has a base ten foot radius plus five feet per additional stick (up to 25 feet); any dynamite when it explodes also explodes immediately. Damage per explosion is 3d6 plus 1d6 per additional stick up to 6d6 fire damage. Blasting clay can be created with gunpowder, clay, and alchemist’s tools. 1/2 lb, 20 gp.

Blinding Powder: Blinding powder is normally a powdery or sand like substance kept in a pouch containing things like crushed powdered glass, sand, or even metal shavings. As an action, you can throw a handful of of blinding powder at a creature within 10ft of you. This creature must succeed a DC 12 dexterity saving throw or take 1 damage and becomes blinded. The effect lasts until the creature spends an action cleaning the blinding powder out of their eyes. A creature that doesn't have eyes or has their eyes close before the powder is thrown doesn't have to make the save. 1 lb, 20 gp.

Bonesaw: This saw was often used by doctors to amputate infected and diseased body parts from their patients. You can make a Wisdom medicine check with advantage against the DC of a nonmagical poison or disease. On a success, you end the effects of the poison or disease and one limb of the target is removed. If you use the bonesaw as a improvised weapon, treat it as a handaxe, but don't add your proficiency bonus to the attack, even if you are proficient with it. 2 lb, 15 gp.

Caffeinated Beverage: Any of a number of energy drinks dedicated to waking you up and keeping you alert, this is a 16-ounce can of flavored soft drink that allows you to temporarily ignore one level of exhaustion for one hour. 1 lb, 1 gp.

Climbing Claws: A pair of partial gloves with small metal spikes integrated into the palms. Increases climbing speed by 10 feet, and gives a +2 bonus to Athletics checks related to climbing, but cannot wield most weapons. 1 lb, 1 gp.

Cloak, Light: A standard travelers cloak made of silk with a cotton lining, available in a variety of colors. It covers your entire torso and ends at the knee. This can be worn over clothes and armor. 2 lb, 1 gp.

Cloak, Heavy: A heavy traveling cloak made of furs with a wool lining, available in brown, black, or white depending on the type of furs available. It covers your entire torso and ends at the knee. It also means saving throws against the effects of Extreme Cold environments have advantage. Wearing this reduces Dexterity bonus to AC by one. This can be worn over clothes and armor. 5 lb, 20 gp.

Clothes, Cold Weather: Thick clothing including a coat, gloves, a scarf, a possibly furred cloak or hat, woolen stockings, and thick boots. While wearing these clothes, you have advantage on saving throws to resist the effects of cold weather. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving throws to resist the effects of hot weather. Worn with a heavy cloak, you have advantage against cold weather even when you would normally have disadvantage. 8 lb, 10 gp.

Clothes, Courtier: Clothes that would be considered the height of fashion in the noble sphere. These clothes may include a cape or skirt; a silken shirt, bodice, or doublet; and an ostentatious hat. 5 lb, 50 gp.

Clothes, Hot Weather: Light, airy clothes, accompanied with sandals or slippers, and possibly a wide-brimmed hat or scarf. While wearing these clothes, you have advantage on saving throws to resist the effects of hot weather. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving throws to resist the effects of cold weather. 2 lb, 10 gp.

Clothes, Livery: Livery is the loaned uniform of an official servant. The outfit is often brightly coloured and emblazoned with or adorned by the actual owner's heraldry. Extremely prestigious livery clothes include a livery collar; a decorative gold chain from which a livery badge may be hung, as opposed to attaching it to the clothes directly. Most official uniforms, including those worn by nobility such as Dukes, are livery given to them by their superiors. Some important military units, such as knights, may be awarded livery as well, which is typically emblazoned after their own coat of arms. 6 lb, 30 gp.

Clothes, Work: A practical, durable outfit, consisting primarily of trousers, boots or shoes, a common shirt, a tabard or apron, a belt, and occasionally a pair of gloves. The tabard or apron is intended to protect the wearer from the filth and grime of the work being done. 3 lb, 1 gp.

Clothes, Rags: Quite commonly found in the slums, bought by the poor, worn by the poor, usually third-hand cast-offs from the working classes. 2 lb, 1 cp.

Coffee: You can infuse these ground beans into a tankard of water over the course of 10 minutes assuming you have sufficient heat (such as a small campfire or wood stove) and water. Drinking this infusion allows you to shrug off the effects of exhaustion for a period of time. For one hour, decrease your total exhaustion level by one. You can only benefit from one cup of coffee until you complete a long rest. You can also travel at a forced march for one extra hour per day if you've had a cup of coffee. (Each lb. of coffee can make 10 cups.) 1 lb, 5 gp.

Coffin: An ornate wooden coffin, perhaps with a built in lock. The inside is lined with cloth, generally red or white in color. Coffins can run far more expensive depending on the materials, and can include locks and other contrivances - either to keep the dead resting in peace or to keep the living out! Sadly, the poor cannot afford such extravagance. 40 lb, 100 gp.

Collector's Coat: The collector's coat is a long heavy coat containing dozens of pockets, in which can be held over 200 containers to collect, hold and organize more than 1000 small items. The coat is filled with empty trays, tiny boxes, bags, vials, small flasks, pouches, skins, sacks, jugs, holders, jars, small bottles, flat padded boxes to hold many tiny figurines etc. The coat is heavy and counts as padded armor, partially to protect the wearer but mostly to protect its contents. The weight only counts for the empty coat. 20 lb, 35 gp.

Common Cigar: A rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco leaf, produced in a variety of types and sizes to be smoked. neg lb, 5 sp.

Compass: This handheld mechanical device has a pointer always pointing north. Wisdom (Survival) checks made to determine location and direction using a compass are made with advantage. 1/4 lb, 100 gp.

Creature Manual: An elaborate manual describing various creatures and their capabilities. If you can spend one minute looking it up in the Manual, you can get a rough approximation of its Strength score, Dexterity score, Constitution score, Armor Class, current hit points, and hit dice compared to yours, as well as a rough idea of its capabilities. Unfortunately, the manual does not contain every monster, and won't tell you whether a specific monster is a superior member of their class. 5 lb, 10 gp.

Dictionary: Each dictionary has translations of one language to another (for example, dwarven to common). You can use the dictionary to translate 20 pages of text in 1 hour (counts as light activity). As an action, you can use the dictionary to do a quick research. Make a Intelligence check with a DC of 10. On a success, you say a number of words in the other language equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum one). 2 lb, 10 gp.

Lock Box: Weighs 4 lbs, and holds roughly 30 pounds/1 cubic foot of gear. Cost depends on lock strength; DC 15 Dexterity thieves' tools check to pick costs 15 gp; DC 20 Dex check costs 100 gp; DC 25 Dex check costs 1000 gp.

Lumberjack's Pack: 18 lb, 17 gp. A lumberjack's pack includes:

a felling axe (10 gp, 4 lb) a cross-cut saw (5 gp, 2 lb) 6 splitter wedges (3 sp, 3 lb) a pair of thick leather gloves (1 gp, 1 lb) 10 pieces of chalk (1 sp) a waterskin (2 sp, 5 lb) 3 flasks of oil (3 sp, 3 lb) (for lubrication)

Map, Area: A map of an area is a useful item to have by any adventurer, explorer, or traveler alike. A person using a map automatically succeeds on any Wisdom (Survival) check made to find their way along known roads. It also grants advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) check made attempting to either find a road, or travel through the wild. Area maps are only good for a small area. 2 lb, 50 gp.

Mask: Masks have various different looks. While wearing a mask, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made for lying about your identity. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to gain trust or stop a humanoid from attacking you. 1 lb, 10 gp.

Matchbox: This advanced form of tindertwig is available in industrialized cities, and offers a whopping 100 matches per box. 1/4 lb, 10 gp.

Medical Leeches: 1 lb, 10 gp.

This is a small jar containing 5 medical leeches in a clear briny solution.

The solution is an alchemical serum concocted to keep this leeches in a hibernating state. Taking a leech out of the jar will reanimate it, a reanimated leech cannot be returned to hibernation except by a trained alchemist. Medical leeches are raised by alchemists and apothecaries with special potions to suck out illnesses and conditions out of patients.

An action can be used to take a leech out of the jar and affix it to the skin of a humanoid. At the start of each turn that humanoid has the leech in his skin they will lose one temporary hit die and will recover from, if they have it, one status condition (blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, invisible, paralyzed or poisoned), the effects of one potion (only for potions with duration), or the symptoms of one disease for the next 24 hours. If the humanoid has more than one of these the DM will decide which one is leeched at the start of each turn. A humanoid with none of these affectations will still lose a hit die at the start of each turn but suffer no other ill effect.

Taking the leech off costs a bonus action and can be done by the humanoid or by any other able character that can see the leech in their skin. If the humanoid is unwilling to have the leech removed, a contest of Strength / Athletics or Dexterity / Acrobatics will soon set matters right.

Microscope: 1 lb, 500 gp.

A microscope utilizes a system of slides to magnify tiny samples up to 10x their size, granting advantage and a +1 bonus to checks made to examine or appraise an item that is tiny or exquisitely detailed. A microscope also includes 10 glass panes for use as slides and a travel case to hold both them and the instrument itself.

High-tech microscopes that further enhance the quality of the image also exist. One with up to 20x magnification and a +2 bonus costs 2000 gp, and one with up to 100x magnification and a +3 bonus costs 5000 gp.

Midnight Dust: This powdered substance reacts with natural light, significantly dimming the area around it. As an action, you can throw a pouch of midnight dust into the air, creating an area of darkness (as the darkness spell) within a 20-foot cube. The dust remains in the air for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed disperses it, and has no effect on magical light. 2 lb, 75 gp.

Parachute: 30 lb, 100 gp.

A Parachute is a giant sheet of silk secured by silk rope to a backpack. With an action the wearer can launch the Parachute, and reduce the fall speed of the wearer to 40ft a round. Once the wearer lands they must perform a DC 13 Acrobatic (Dexterity) or Dexterity Saving Throw, to land safety. On a failure the wearer lands prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. On a success the wearer lands on their feet and takes 0 damage.

It takes 5 minutes to repack the Parachute.

During the descent to wearer can use Dexterity to guide the direction of their fall.

The rope has an AC of 11, 2 HP and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength Check.

The sheet has an AC of 8, 5 HP and is Vulnerable to Fire.

The Parachute can hold a single creature, up to Medium size and 150 lbs. For every 25 lbs over this the landing DC increases by 1, and the damage taken increases by 1d6. Also on a success, the wearer only takes half damage, not 0.

For example: A Half-Orc, wearing Plate Armour and carrying equipment, weighs 200lbs. To land he needs to make a 14 Dexterity Save. He rolls 17, landing on his feet, but taking (3d6)/2 damage.

Personal Glider: Any Medium or smaller humanoid wearing this back pack can activate it to gain a glide speed of 45 feet. Normal Encumbrance rules apply. 40 lb, 400 gp.

Personal Grapnel: A small grappling hook connected to a 50-foot wire tightly wrapped around barrels. The grapple is designed to be worn either as a gauntlet or as a belt. The user pulls out a length of wire, releases a catch in the mechanism to allow it to unspool and be thrown, they can then reset the catch, hold the wire and swing. Holds up to 200 lb. 2 lb, 100 gp.

Pitchfork: A wooden haft ending in 2-4 slightly curved iron tines. A good one has a handle on the end as well. A pitch fork is intended for lifting and moving masses of tangled organic matter, such as hay. When used for combat, often by angry mobs, it is an improvised weapon equivalent to a trident. 5 lb, 2 gp.

Plague Doctor's Case: 15 lb, 25 gp.

A Plague Doctor's Case contains the various supplies and equipment needed to perform surgeries, create poultices and decoctions, and perform other activities related to treating illnesses. It's designed specifically for the doctor to carry the items unique to their practice as well as general medical items.

Among the things included in a Plague Doctor's Case are typical surgical items used by doctors, such as sutures, forceps, scalpels, and most items representative of mundane medicine. For the Plague Doctor specifically, it contains a crucible, mortar and pestle, various sized vials, and ultimately his recipe book, which are used for producing poultices, decoctions, and infusions.

Proficiency with this item is required for creating poultices, decoctions, and conducting infusions. Proficiency with this kit allows you to add your proficiency bonus to, as well as have advantage on, medical checks involving surgical procedures.

Portable Bath: A collapsible vessel of wood, lined with animal fat or a tarp of sorts. Carrying this bath allows one to bathe in the wilderness without resorting to lakes or rivers. 25 lb, 20 lb.

Powder Flask: This is a portable container that holds the gunpowder that a creature needs to load along with the ammunition for frontier-grade weaponry, and are often made from materials that won’t spark nor easily burn. The price is for a typical wooden powder flask — many flasks are made from more expensive materials and have intricate carvings, making them works of art. 1 lb, 1 sp.

Pyre Fuel: The item appears to be a mundane stick, carved into a rounded shape with symbols (Celestial Language for the phrase “Into this darkness.”) carved into it. It burns much longer than normal firewood, allowing a fire to last for an entire night instead of dimming over time. This also gives the fire a coloration, usually the same color as the wood (Most commonly, the wood's coloration is blue-tinted, but it can be any normal color). It can be used as a torch, or placed with other firewood to spread it's effect to the other fuel in the fire. Either way, it can burn for 8+1D4 hours without dying out, though normal methods of stopping the fire work as well. Cost is by stick, which always has a single use, even if it is put out before being burnt completely. The properties of the Pyre Fuel cannot spread very far from their origin to other burnable sources, and won't alter a fire that grows larger than a bonfire. If this is attempted, the Pyre Fuel is wasted. 1 lb, 2 gp.

Seed Shooter: 1 lb, 100 gp.

This wondrous item appears as a hollow tube about the length of a forearm, with a small funnel on one end designed to draw in a nut or other seed. Once this ammunition has been placed inside, each nut can be fired one at a time by squeezing the proper end of the tube. This causes magic force to launch out a single seed at high speed as a ranged weapon attack. You can load upwards of 30 seeds at once, but each squeeze only fires a single seed. As long as you have seeds or sling bullets to use as ammunition, this can be treated as a martial ranged weapon with the following property: ammunition (range 60/240). On a hit, the seed shooter inflicts bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier. The damage is not magical.

Unique to the seed shooter is that any projectile fired from it temporarily gains the ability to bounce off walls, floors, or other hard surfaces. Any projectile bounces off at an angle almost identical to the angle it hit the object (similar to a modern tennis ball). The projectile will continue to bounce until it has bounced thrice, or reached the end of its trajectory. This can enable you to shoot the weapon off walls or around corners, though there still must be a clear line of trajectory to do so. For example, you could bounce a seed off a wall to hit a target behind cover—but could not hit a target behind cover if there are no walls or other surfaces off which your projectile could bounce. If you make an attack that requires at least one bounce to hit, you have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Shoe Spikes: A pair of metal bands with spikes on the bottom, designed to be fastened around footwear. Increases climbing speed by 10 feet, and gives a +2 bonus to Athletics checks related to climbing. Can be used with Climbing Claws. 1 lb, 1 gp.

Skis: Wooden skis with horse hair (skins) bases for uphill traction. Included in the set is a single pole called a lurk (quarterstaff) used for propulsion and help steer. The skis should be 1x the characters height. While wearing the skis characters can ignore snow as difficult terrain. Movement speed on snow is normal for uphill travel, 1.5x normal for level ground, and 2x speed for downhill. While speeding downhill, every 10 minutes characters must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to not fall prone or lose control of the skis, unless they have mountains or arctic as favored terrain, or have been trained. Training takes 2 days from an experienced teacher. 10 lb, 50 gp.

Smoke Bomb: This metal sphere’s casing is pockmarked with holes and capped with a thick fuse. When lit, it spews suffocating black smoke, heavily obscuring a 10-foot cube for 1 minute. Air-breathing creatures within the smoke must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or have disadvantage on all rolls made while breathing the fumes. A wind of moderate or greater speed suppresses the smoke effect. Rounds where the smoke is suppressed still count against the effect’s 1-minute duration. 1 lb, 10 gp.

Smoulderpaste: Also known as Binary Incendiary by more fancy alchemists, this is generally a leather pouch containing two vials, marked A and B, and a glass mixing stick. Each vial contains approximately 10 doses. When equal parts “A” and “B” are mixed a chemical reaction occurs that causes combustion of the paste 1 minute later that is sufficient to set fire to flammable materials. If 1 part “A” is mixed with 10 parts “B” there is just enough time to smear the paste on a wound before it flares up, causing 1d6 fire damage and cauterizing the injury. 10 parts “A” may be mixed with 1 part “B” to delay the reaction to 10 minutes but the material must be readily flammable, such as an oil soaked rag. Base unit weighs 0.5 lb and costs 5 gp. Vials of “A” or “B” may be bought individually for 2 gp. A pouch that holds ten vials instead of two costs 5 gp.

Sparksprig: Wire coiled around this short length of charred wood crackles with electricity, rapidly discharging when snapped. As an action, you can snap a sparksprig to create a stroke of lightning 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, arcing out from you in the direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 lightning damage and be stunned for 1 round. 2 lb, 75 gp.

Stay-Put Shackles: Normally rare, these devices came into heavy use during the Wanderer's Rebellion to contain people from both sides; as such, these shackles are relatively inexpensive, if unpopular. They adjust to fit a creature from Small to Large size, and prevent teleportation, extraplanar movement, and any other form of magical transportation. 2 lb, 250 gold pieces.

Syringe: A metal syringe with a fine hollow needle, used to inject or extract liquids. 1/4 lb, 20 gp.

Tindertwigs: This small box comes with 10 small sticks inside. You can strike one of these sticks against a rough surface to ignite it. The stick burns for one minute and produces light equivalent to a candle and can be used to light fires as an action or light a torch as a bonus action. neg. wt, 10 gp.

Utility Belt: A utility belt is a common item amongst adventures, and it can be placed on any part of the body be it around the waist, across the chest, or around the arm or thighs. A person that places a potion or something similar can draw and use it as a bonus action, and it can draw a dagger or a similar weapon with no action. neg wt, 5 gp.

Whetstone: 1 lb, 1 cp.

Made from a type of stone used to sharpen slashing and piercing weapons like swords and daggers, this specific piece of stone is made to be easy to handle with a single hand while attempting to use it. The whetstone is also commonly used to help remove rust from some types of armors and weapons.

When you spend 1 minute sharpening a single non-magical weapon or up to 5 pieces of non-magical ammunition, a whetstone will grant that item a non-magical +1 bonus to attack damage for the next 8 hours and 1 hour less per every battle. No weapon or piece of ammunition can benefit from more than 1 whetstone bonus at a time. This action can be done during a short or long rest as well. This whetstone has no effect on magical items of any kind.

Wrangler's Pack: 65 lb, 23 gp. A wrangler's pack includes: