Sheena Marason

Luck's Child, Shadow Knight of the Black Rose

Eon's younger sister, rescued by Eon and friends from a captivity under a warlock of the mother of chain devils. She is also an aasimar, ethereal pale, with long straight white hair, and is fond of yellow sundresses, or at least using disguise self to make it look like she's wearing yellow sundresses a lot.

Already trained in assassination and espionage from her previous service, she's turned her talents to the Shadow Knights, gained a blessing from Herb, and is working to make allies and destroy the Church from the shadows.

She also frequents the library, absorbing all the knowledge and history of Arcydea that she can, and is constantly re-writing her own history book of her world.

Mia is her very best friend, and they have sleepovers all the time. The pair of them are often seen with Elysia as well.

Character Sheet

Aasimar, shadowdancer Rogue lvl 9

HP 75

Speed 30 feet ~ Initiative +4 Dex ~ Armor Class 15 (11 leather armor + 4 Dex)

Proficiency +4

Str 8 (-1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 13 (+1) Int 15 (+2) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 20 (+5)

Saves: Str -1 Dex +4 Con +1 Int +2 Wis +7 Cha +9

Acrobatics +8, Animal Handling +2, Arcana +2, Athletics -1, Deception +9, History +5, Insight +6, Intimidation +5, Investigation +10(Exp), Medicine +2, Nature +2, Perception +6, Performance +5, Persuasion +5, Religion +2, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +12(Exp), Survival +2

Supernatural Darkvision: You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Languages: Common, Celestial, Elvish, Deep speech, Dwarvish, Draconic, Thieves Cant

Aasimiar Abilities:

Rogue Abilities:

Shadow's Blessing:



Londir's Blessing: One additional luck point a day, and the ability to give your luck to others.

Skilled- Choose three additional skills to be proficient in

Cool items:

Nature's Cowl- A gift from Orchid, made of orange and yellow leaves, that grants advantage to stealth checks when among plants.

Cream and gold ballet costume- mundane, from Mia, good for being sneaky in, and dance training!

Starlight cloak- A black cloak rimmed in gold, with a pattern of flowers and constellations embroidered on the inner liner. Mundane, but pretty, and a gift from Lilibeth

Bracelet of Lighting- 7 charges of a level 3 spell, a birthday gift from Q