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Arcydea-Specific Feats


Prerequisite: Acrobatics proficiency

Adept Poisoner

You specialize in developing poisons, granting you proficiency with poisoner's kits and the following benefits:

Animal Handler

Prerequisite: Animal Handling proficiency.


Prerequisite: Arcana proficiency

You've attained mastery of Arcana, granting you the following benefits.


Prerequisite: Athletics proficiency

Beam Weapon Familiarity

Prerequisite: None.

Cantrip Focus

Prerequisites: The ability to cast cantrips.

You have become a master of the lesser arcane arts and can cast cantrips much more quickly and effectively.

Cantrip Scholar

Prerequisites: 12 Intelligence or higher for arcane cantrips; or 12 Wisdom or higher for divine cantrips.

You are a scholar in the lesser arcane or divine arts. Through hard work and study, you have developed the ability to prepare and cast cantrips.

If you have no spell casting ability, choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn four cantrips of your choice from that class’s spell list. They will function as if you are 1st level.

If you already have spell casting ability, this feat will give you 4 additional cantrips appropriate to your class. This feat can be taken more than once, though you need not choose the same class spell list each time.


Prerequisite: Deception proficiency

Exotic Weaponmaster

Prerequisite: None.

Expert Alchemist

Prerequisite: Proficiency with alchemist's supplies

Your long practice of alchemy has granted you the following benefits:

Expert Blacksmith

Prerequisite: Proficiency with smith's tools

Your long practice of blacksmithing has granted you the following benefits:

Expert Cook

Prerequisite: Proficiency with cook's utensils

Your long experience with cooking has granted you the following benefits:

Expert Tinkerer

Prerequisite: Proficiency with tinker's tools

Your long experience with tinkering has granted you the following benefits:

Grappler (Revised)


Prerequisite: History proficiency


Prerequisite: Insight proficiency


Prerequisite: Intimidation proficiency


Prerequisite: Investigation proficiency


Prerequisite: Medicine proficiency

Magic Initiate

Prerequisite: None.

Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn two cantrips of your choice from that class’s spell list.

In addition, choose one 1st-level spell to learn from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast the spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.

Magic Novice

Prerequisite: Magic Initiate feat, ability to cast 2nd level spells.

Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn one cantrip of your choice from that class’s spell list.

Choose two 1st-level spells and one 2nd-level spell to learn from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast every learned spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast its in this way again. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.

Magic Apprentice

Prerequisite: Magic Novice feat, ability to cast 3rd level spells.

Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn one cantrip of your choice from that class’s spell list.

Choose two 2nd-level spells and one 3rd-level spell to learn from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast every learned spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast its in this way again. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.

Magic Scholar

Prerequisite: Magic Apprentice feat, ability to cast 4th level spells.

Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. Choose one 3rd-level spells and one 4th-level spell to learn from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast every learned spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast its in this way again. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.

Magic Wise

Prerequisite: Magic Scholar feat, ability to cast 5th level spells.

Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. Choose one 4th-level spells and one 5th-level spell to learn from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast every learned spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast its in this way again. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.

Known Spells Progression

Feat lvl Cantrips 1st lvl 2nd lvl 3rd lvl 4th lvl 5th lvl
Initiate +2 (2) +1 (1) - - - -
Novice +1(3) +2 (3) +1 (1) - - -
Apprentice +1(4) +0 (3) +2 (3) +1 (1) - -
Scholar +0(4) +0 (3) +0 (3) +1 (2) +1 (1) -
Wise +0(4) +0 (3) +0 (3) +0 (2) +1 (2) +1 (1)

Magical Researcher

Prerequisite: Proficiency in the Arcana skill You delve the secrets of magic. You can make scrolls of spells you don't know, but each crafting check takes 8 hours (this can be completed incrementally). When you craft a scroll or make a magic item that reproduces a spell that deals damage, you can change the damage type of the spell it reproduces. Doing so raises the difficulty of crafting it by +2. Additionally, you can cast a spell from a scroll even if it is not on your spell list. If it is higher level than you can normally cast, you have advantage on the spell casting check to cast it.


Prerequisite: Nature proficiency

Old Hand

You have mastered the way of your craft in a way the young whippersnappers can only dream of. You can leverage your vast knowledge of the craft to use your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in place of Strength or Dexterity in a branch of crafting you have proficiency in the related tool of.


Prerequisite: Perception proficiency


Prerequisite: Performance proficiency


Prerequisite: Persuasion proficiency.


Prerequisite: You know 3 languages or more

You know multiple languages and you know all their subtleties, granting you the following benefits:


Prerequisite: Religion proficiency


You've mastered every play that'll give you an edge when it comes to using common items, and gain the following benefits:

School Specialist

Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell

When you gain this feat, choose one of the following schools of magic: Abjuration, Divination, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation.

You learn a spell from the selected school. It must either come from the spell list of a class you have the spell casting feature of, or be a 1st or 2nd level spell. You can only select a spell of a level which you can cast. You can change your selected spell when you gain a level, selecting a new spell that fits the criteria.

Additionally, you can cast cantrips of the selected school as a bonus action. When you cast them as a bonus action, the cantrip is cast as if you were a 1st level caster. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.


Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand proficiency.

Soul Investor

You have the special gift to invest your soul into magic items. This becomes a new way to enchant permanent magic items for you, allowing you to replace an essence in a crafting check with part of your soul. When you do so, you can replace one essence of a varying rarity (depending on your level, as per the table below) with your soul, and gain advantage on crafting checks to make the item; the item becomes attunement if it was not already and becomes attuned to you on completion. If you end your attunement to the item, the item becomes mundane, losing all magical properties. This item doesn't count against your maximum number of attuned items.

You can have one item infused this way at a time. You can replace two essences of a tier of quality lower than the maximum.

Character Level Essence Rarity
1-4 Common
5-9 Uncommon
10-14 Rare
15-19 Very Rare
20+ Legendary



Prerequisite: Survival proficiency.

Tap Rack Bang

You have honed your skills at firearm service drills, and can return firearms to serviceable condition quickly.

Tool Expert

You have honed your proficiency with particular tools, granting you the following benefits:

Ultimate Improviser

You find new ways to do anything. When you craft an item, you gain the following benefits:

Wand Slinger

Wanderball Champion

Prerequisite: Magic Initiate.

You have mastered the perilous sport of wanderball, granting you the following benefits.

Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Wanderball Focus. You can use a wanderball as a spellcasting focus for your spells.

Know Your Ball. You can always tell how irritated a wanderball is at a glance, how quickly it fades, and what its berserk threshold is. (Wanderballs gain irritation in various ways, which increases the damage they inflict on impact, usually equal to the damage they inflict or suffer; irritation fades at the rate of 2 when striking a target or 5 when caught. The default threshold for wanderball berserk is 20 points, at which point the ball attacks randomly and autonomously within 60 feet until caught.)

Ballin'. You can wield a wanderball as if it were a simple ranged weapon with which you are proficient. It has thrown property, a normal range of 20 feet, and a long range of 60 feet. You can add the modifier of the ability score you increased with this feat to attack and damage rolls you make with it instead of Dexterity, if you prefer. The wanderball inflicts d4 damage.. Whether you hit or miss the wanderball immediately returns to your possession.

Catch Me Pondering. When a creature deals damage to you with a ranged spell attack, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 1d10 + your level. If you reduce that damage to zero, you can immediately expend a spell slot to make an attack with a wanderball that you're holding.

Tech Armor Training

Prerequisite: light armor familiarity.