Table of Contents

Enemy Encyclopedia

A synopsis of the various enemies the PCs have faced, including information provided regarding prior cycles to the best of character recollection. Note that stat blocks, when included, are for typical members of the group and may not accurately represent individuals.


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</html> Stat block design courtesy of with modifications.

Servants of the Traveler

Squire Templar

<html> <div class=“stat-start”> <div class=“stat-block wide”>

<hr class="orange-border" />
<div class="section-left">
	<div class="creature-heading">
		<h1>Templar Squire</h1>
		<h2>Medium humanoid, lawful neutral (10 - d20)</h2>
	</div> <!-- creature heading -->
	<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
	<div class="top-stats">
		<div class="property-line first">
			<h4>Armor Class</h4>
			<p>16 (chainmail)</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<h4>Hit Points</h4>
			<p>12 (1d10 + 2)</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line last">
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
		<div class="abilities">
			<div class="ability-strength">
				<p>15 (+2)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability strength -->
			<div class="ability-dexterity">
				<p>12 (+1)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability dexterity -->
			<div class="ability-constitution">
				<p>15 (+2)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability constitution --><br>
			<div class="ability-intelligence">
				<p>10 (+0)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability intelligence -->
			<div class="ability-wisdom">
				<p>10 (+0)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability wisdom -->
			<div class="ability-charisma">
				<p>10 (+0)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability charisma -->
		</div> <!-- abilities -->
		<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
		<div class="property-line first">
			<h4>Damage Immunities</h4>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<h4>Condition Immunities</h4>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<p>Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<p>Athletics +4, Perception +2</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<p>Common, Elvish</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line last">
			<p>? (? XP)</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
	</div> <!-- top stats -->
	<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
	<div class="property-block">
		<p>Due to their indoctrination, Squires have disadvantage to resist compulsion spells cast by members of the Church, and do not have advantage on saves against being charmed.</p>
	</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

		<p>Squires have an innate magical talent and know one cantrip from the wizard spell list.</p>
	</div> <!-- property block -->
</div> <!-- section left -->
<div class="section-right">
	<div class="actions">
		<div class="property-block">
			<h4>Standard Attack.</h4><br>
			<p><i>Melee Weapon Attack (Longsword):</i> +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
      <i>Hit:</i> 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</p><br><br>
      <p><i>Ranged Weapon Attack (Light Crossbow):</i> +3 to hit, 1d8+1 piercing, range 80/320, loading, two-handed, ammunition. Carries ten bolts.
		</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

			<h4>Sense Divinity.</h4><br>

Once per day, a Templar Squire can know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover until the end of their next turn. You know the type of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity. Within the same radius, they also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated. They regain this ability after a long rest.</p>

		</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

			<h4>Traveler's Boon.</h4><br>

A Templar Squire can touch a creature and either restore up to 5 hit points, or cure one disease or poison afflicting the target. They regain this ability after a long rest.</p>

		</div> <!-- property block -->
	</div> <!-- actions -->
	<div class="actions">
		<div class="property-block">
	These are Templars in training who have not undergone the rituals needed to imbue them with their godly powers. As such, they are learning the ropes of Templar-dom, and are not as dangerous as Templars; furthermore, they are not generally as evil and may be redeemable.
		</div> <!-- property block -->
	</div> <!-- actions -->
</div> <!-- section right -->
<hr class="orange-border bottom" />

</div> <!– stat block –> </div> <!– end of stats –> </html>

Templar Knight

<html> <div class=“stat-start”> <div class=“stat-block wide”>

<hr class="orange-border" />
<div class="section-left">
	<div class="creature-heading">
		<h1>Templar Knight</h1>
		<h2>Medium humanoid, lawful evil (10 - 3d20)</h2>
	</div> <!-- creature heading -->
	<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
	<div class="top-stats">
		<div class="property-line first">
			<h4>Armor Class</h4>
			<p>18 (platemail)</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<h4>Hit Points</h4>
			<p>54 (5d10 + 20)</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line last">
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
		<div class="abilities">
			<div class="ability-strength">
				<p>18 (+4)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability strength -->
			<div class="ability-dexterity">
				<p>12 (+1)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability dexterity -->
			<div class="ability-constitution">
				<p>18 (+4)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability constitution --><br>
			<div class="ability-intelligence">
				<p>10 (+0)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability intelligence -->
			<div class="ability-wisdom">
				<p>10 (+0)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability wisdom -->
			<div class="ability-charisma">
				<p>12 (+1)</p>
			</div> <!-- ability charisma -->
		</div> <!-- abilities -->
		<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
		<div class="property-line first">
			<h4>Damage Immunities</h4>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<h4>Condition Immunities</h4>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<p>Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<p>Athletics +7, Perception +3, Intimidation +7</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line">
			<p>Common, Elvish</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
		<div class="property-line last">
			<p>? (? XP)</p>
		</div> <!-- property line -->
	</div> <!-- top stats -->
	<svg height="5" width="100%" class="tapered-rule">
    <polyline points="0,0 400,2.5 0,5"></polyline>
	<div class="property-block">
		<p>Due to their indoctrination, Templars have disadvantage to resist compulsion spells cast by members of the Church.</p>
	</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

		<p>Templars have an innate magical talent and know one cantrip from the wizard spell list.</p>
	</div> <!-- property block -->
	<div class="property-block">
			<h4>Great Weapon Fighting.</h4><br>

If a Templar Knight rolls a 1 or 2 on a damage die with a two-handed weapon, he may reroll it and must use the new roll.</p>

		</div> <!-- property block -->
</div> <!-- section left -->
<div class="section-right">
	<div class="actions">
		<div class="property-block">
			<h4>Multiattack.</h4><br>The Templar attacks twice per turn with his greatsword.
			<p><i>Melee Weapon Attack (Greatsword):</i> +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
      <i>Hit:</i> 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.</p>
		</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

			<h4>Spellcasting.</h4><br>The Templar has the following spells available:
			<p><i>1st level (4):</i> To be added.<br>
      <i>2nd level (2):</i> To be added.</p>
		</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

			<h4>Sense Divinity.</h4><br>

Twice per day, a Templar can know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover until the end of their next turn. You know the type of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity. Within the same radius, they also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated. They regain this ability after a long rest.</p>

		</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

			<h4>Traveler's Boon.</h4><br>

A Templar can touch a creature and either restore up to 25 hit points, or cure one disease or poison afflicting the target instead of restoring 5 hit points. They regain this ability after a long rest.</p>

		</div> <!-- property block -->

<div class=“property-block”>

			<h4>Oath of Conquest.</h4><br>

A Templar can choose one of the following actions per day; he regains this ability after a long rest.<br> <i>Conquering Presence<:</i> As an action, the Templar forces each creature they choose that they can see within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened of them for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.<br><i>Guided Strike:</i> When they make an attack roll, they can use this Oath to gain a +10 bonus to the roll.</p>

		</div> <!-- property block -->
	</div> <!-- actions -->
	<div class="actions">
		<div class="property-block">

Templars are the shock troops of the Traveler's Reach, with extraordinary strength due to the rituals they practice and the potions they consume. They typically fight by using a single massive two-handed sword in combat, and are reputed to cleave through a normal person in a single blow. They also have some magical capability.

		</div> <!-- property block -->
	</div> <!-- actions -->
</div> <!-- section right -->
<hr class="orange-border bottom" />

</div> <!– stat block –> </div> <!– end of stats –> </html>

Heavy Templar

Heavy Templars are basically just Templars that wear heavier armor and use a shield in addition to a bastard sword. They usually focus on defense when fighting, often moving to block enemy advance while their fellows strike from the back ranks. They are most dangerous in confined spaces where they can control the field of combat.

Templar Leader

These Templars lead a squad of their fellows. They are generally chosen for being more experienced than their kinfolk, and are almost always elven, but they typically aren't that much more sophisticated in their combat strategy. However, they may also carry spoils of war or gifts from the Church that make them more dangerous than usual.

Templar Commander

Typically deployed to manage a major Templar force, a Templar Commander is generally promoted to his station because he has brains as well as brawn. He's also responsible for controlling non-Templar forces when present.


These mages for the Church act as its interrogators, torturers, and assassins, acting with subtlety and brutality, and undergo extensive training to drive the mercy from their souls. A properly trained Inquisitor can gladly brutalize their own family, if the Church commands it.

Inquisitor Researcher

These specialized Inquisitors work as researchers and scientists for the Traveler's cause, and are generally better technically equipped than their brothers. However, they are also more likely to have been forcibly inducted into their position due to innate talent and their fanaticism is more likely compulsory through magic. This makes them no less dangerous, of course, and many of them are responsible for conducting brutal experiments on those in their charge.

Inquisitor Godslayer

These specialized Inquisitor units have powerful beam weapons capable of stripping divine powers from a target, as well as magical capability, and causing significant pain to the subject as a side benefit. The Inquisitors fielded them in prior cycles to deal with the incursion of the gods into the battlefield, and while they are mortal enough, a squadron of them can effectively neutralize a deity's presence on the battlefield.


These are ordinary conscripts with little to no actual military training that are relatively cheap and easily replaced; their responsibility in combat is to wield a spear (a relatively cheap and easily replaced weapon) and try to stab whatever enemy the army is facing. They typically use leather armor, if any at all, and may have a buckler and dagger as a backup if they are lucky.


These are the ordinary rank-and-file soldiers that form the army or militia of most nations. They typically use a sword, axe, or mace in one hand and a shield in the other, giving them a measure of defense and offense without requiring extensive training. Infantry usually uses light armor such as chain mail or banded mail that allows decent maneuverability so that they do not get bogged down in unstable terrain, and make up the majority of most medieval armies.


Often employed as executioners, these warriors utilize massive two-handed axes in combat, focusing exclusively on offense; as such, they are often very lightly armored and muscular, putting most of their effort into cleaving through opponents before they can get close enough to land a blow.


Archers have been a basic component of warfare since shortly after they were first used for hunting, and are capable of picking off individuals in a fight. In addition, trained archers can fire rapidly and take out multiple targets at speeds only matched by high-tech projectile weapons. However, the relative cost of training them means that they are seldom found in conscript armies except for hunters and poachers.


Longbowmen are less commonly found on the battlefield, as the typical strategy of mass arrow volleys tends to fall flat with a barrier spell over an individual or group, and crossbowmen are considered preferable for taking down melee opponents in defensive or reasonably close combat.


Crossbowmen are common sights on the battlefield as crossbows are reasonably easy to point and shoot, effective in most standard combat ranges, and require no special training to operate. As such, any army that can afford the crossbows will probably field a number of them.


Gunslingers are less common on the battlefield, but are no less dangerous – they use artisan-crafted pepperbox rifles that allow them to fire four volleys at a target, and are usually deployed when a massed volley of fire is desired.


These are essentially trained infantrymen who have the responsibility of operating a cannon.

Light Cannon

Cannons typically use blasting powder to fire a projectile or explosive, which is devastating in tight quarters. These light cannons are deployed to areas the Reach wants to shock and awe with explosive might without using too many resources in the process.


These are knights-in-training, common in countries that value the feudal knighthood. Typically, squires have similar training to infantry, but also learn to handle heavier armor, work with other knights, and learn specialized tactics.

Infantry Knight

Infantry Knights specialize in ground combat, and as such are armed based on their preferred fighting style - some prefer a weapon and shield, while others use single weapon or double weapon styles in combat. They wear plate mail in combat to provide full body defense, and train so that they can fight comfortably in it without becoming exhausted.

Cavalry Knight

Cavalry Knights focus on mounted combat, although the choice of mount may vary (usually horses.) They often either use a lance in order to take advantage of the mount's speed to impale targets, or a large axe, mace, or sword to deliver devastating ride-by attacks, usually with a shield to defend against other knights in the other hand. Cavalry Knights and their mounts are usually armored to protect them in combat.

Ranged Knight

Ranged Knights are rare in most armies, but armies that are more modern - or simply require more competent archers or crossbowmen - retain some knights who are known for their incredible accuracy with their chosen weapon. This may be a bow, crossbow, projectile weapon, beam weapon, or anything else that gives the knight the opportunity to excel. Ranged Knights usually wear lighter armor to allow for better mobility, and may also make use of mounts to further extend their mobility. They usually carry a decent backup weapon for close combat, as well.

Mage Knight

Mage Knights are, to put it simply, knights who use magic in combat. They typically otherwise act as Infantry or Rogue Knights, and may also be Holy Knights under the right circumstances. Mage Knights can significantly change the course of a battle with well-placed spells, or take down individual opponents with ease by channeling their magic through their weapons.

Rogue Knight

Rogue Knights aren't what some might consider chivalrous, but that's alright; they are knights trained in the arts of subterfuge, infiltration, and stealth, and often trade heavy armor for tactical genius.

Holy Knight

Most nations using holy knights are allies, but in any event, Holy Knights are imbued with the power of one of the gods, and use this power in combat to assist them in battle and in healing their companions.


Acolytes are laypersons within the Church of the Traveler, and are responsible for most of the day-to-day drudgery involved. They aspire to become full priests so that they can receive the Traveler's benevolence.


Priests are the rank and file miracle-workers of the Church of the Traveler, and seem to operate without the Traveler's blessing or power. In truth, they are generally working for Nyx, who masquerades as the Traveler to draw worship away from the Wanderer, Arc.

High Priests

High Priests typically operate a single Church or church building within a map location. They are sometimes more dangerous than normal priests, but some have gained their position more through politicking than superior talent. Nevertheless, they are generally in charge of the Priests and Acolytes within an area.


Masters typically rule over a single hamlet, village, or town, and are generally only responsible to High Masters and the Grand Master; they are otherwise in charge of all Traveler forces within a jurisdiction.

High Master

High Masters typically rule over a large territory, governing the Masters of various hamlets, villages, and towns, and often cities as well. They are unquestioned in nearly all things, with only the Grand Master being above them.

Grand Master

Janus Nevegaro is the Grand Master of the Church of the Traveler, and rules it with an iron fist. He is also the most powerful of all members of the Church, and wishes to bring his chosen people into the golden age of godhood together. Unfortunately, that plan involves subjugating or destroying everyone else on the planet, including the gods themselves.


Roadwardens are responsible for keeping the roads of the Reach secured and conveying messages directly, as well as tracking down dangers to the realm before calling in the muscle.


Keepers are exclusively female, and are responsible for maintaining the Church's libraries of lore and knowledge. They are being disbanded by order of the Church, and are actively attempting to resist the corruption of the Traveler from within - they are useful allies when they can be found.

Mech Operators

The Reach has access to mechanical suits that allow specially trained operators to do far more damage than even the strongest Templar. Typical operators choose a melee weapon and a ranged weapon to optimize their combat capabilities.

Mech Commandos

Commandos have access to powerful mechs that are brought out when they need to cause a lot of damage very quickly. They have a chainsaw blade along one arm, and a beam cannon on the other arm that lets them blast through most obstacles.


The Church keeps slaves for a variety of reasons, typically to subjugate and dominate them in order to boost the number of worshippers of the Traveler. They also occasionally use them for combat, especially for sport, giving them minor weapons and setting them against dangerous opponents.

Evo Slaves

In a prior timeline, a slave was encountered that turned out to be a shapeshifter with cybernetic implants that made her effectively a programmable changeling. There was a network port and peripheral port built into the back of her skull, and her brain was designed to operate like an organic AI. She was also designed with multiple personalities for ideal behavior - a tranquil mode, a terrified mode, and a standard mode - but was not given freedom of emotion until Harris adjusted her programming and eventually removed the locks on her behavior. She had listed her identifier as Number 32, and had been developed by Evolution Farms in Fenisto.

Deus Slaves

A combination of sacrilege and corruption, Deus Slaves are basically slaves that are either grown or sculpted to resemble any of the pantheon's deities. Shydi, Shaya, Reena, Gareth, and Daron are the most popular options known; however, copies of most of them exist, much to the deities' displeasure.


A previous timeline revealed that at one point, Mekista had been exploited to create combat-capable 'children' that were effectively living weapons without much in the way of individuality. These progeny were apparently all female, and the results of forced breeding with the Nevegaro line and rapid pregnancy development. The first one encountered was named Angelica - fitting, given their pseudo-demigodly nature.


These are skilled persons who are specialized in medical training, which means they will try to fix up people with their skills, alchemy, or even magics. They usually aren't combatant, though they will defend themselves if necessary.

Spire Gunners

These Gunners are trained to operate the beam cannons that are built into some Spires for defensive purposes.

Bestiul Megalon

A gargantuan plasma-breathing winged monstrosity covered in thick fur, noted to be defending the Spire of Salazar. It's likely still around, and likely not the only one…

Bestiul Slasher

A flying feral creature that looks like a winged werewolf, and hits like a freight train. Sadly, not vulnerable to silver.

Bestiul Yapper

A flying dog-like creature that commonly travels in large packs.

Earthblood Grunt

Known to be created through alchemically dissolving a living moon elf, these creatures seem to be vaguely earth-elemental in nature, but their bodies are highly acidic and only vulnerable to large amounts of water.

Airship Pilots

These pilots have been trained to operate an airship helm, making them less dangerous in close combat but devastating if they are controlling the ship's weaponry.

Airship Gunners

Airship gunners are trained to operate one ship's weapon, allowing the ship to use many weapons simultaneously and independently.

Airship Marines

These soldiers are unlike regular infantry in that they are specifically trained in ship-to-ship combat, boarding, grappling, and repelling operations.

Airship Engineers

These engineers are responsible for repairing ship damage in combat as well as out of it, and any combat-capable airship has at least a few.

Unaffiliated Enemies


These seem to be the shadows of the dead, come to life and hostile towards most everyone. They are vulnerable to radiant damage, and resistant to non-magical weaponry, though most anything will take them down eventually. They are very uncomfortable in bright light and will flee from it.

Shadow Revenant

These shadows are far more dangerous, as they are usually equipped with shadowblades and can attack with magic in some cases. They're still just as vulnerable to radiant damage, but they will venture into the light if necessary to extinguish it.

Revenant Ghoul

These shadowy creatures lurch around and attack anything they encounter, but are easily dispatched with magic or weaponry.

Revenant Wraith

These are far more dangerous, as they are partially insubstantial and thus much more difficult to actually hit, only turning corporeal when they are about to strike.

Clay Golem

A basic golem made of solid clay, which is nevertheless strong enough to be dangerous to neophyte adventurers. The first type of golem most wizards learn to craft.

Granite Golem

A sturdy golem made of heavy granite, capable of smashing down enemies with its stone fists. Often found guarding the homes of talented wizards due to their relative permanence.

Diamond Golem

Technically this golem is merely made of extremely hard crystal, not diamond, but few people care about such distinctions when trying not to be pulverized by its spiky stone fists.

Bone Golem

The necromancer's favorite, these giant golems are rarely in the Church arsenal but often show up in the hands of mages with bad attitudes, or occasionally worshippers of Gareth.