

Emily Drow Half-Elf Wizard 6 Level 6 HP 38/38 Uninspired PROFICIENCY +3 WALKING 30ft. INITIATIVE +2 AC 12
Stats STR -1 (8) DEX +2 (14) CON +2 (14) INT +4 (18) WIS +1 (12) CHA +1 (12)
Saves STR -1 DEX +2 CON +2 INT +7 WIS +4 CHA +1
Resistances and Immunities: Resist charm, immune to sleep magic

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.

Category Proficiency
WEAPONS Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Sling
TOOLS Dice Set
LANGUAGES Common, Elvish, Primordial, Undercommon
DEX Acrobatics +2
WIS Animal Handling +1
P INT Arcana +7
STR Athletics -1
CHA Deception +1
P INT History +7
WIS Insight +1
CHA Intimidation +1
P INT Investigation +7
WIS Medicine +1
INT Nature +4
WIS Perception +1
CHA Performance +1
P CHA Persuasion +4
INT Religion +4
DEX Sleight of Hand +2
DEX Stealth +2
WIS Survival +1

INVENTORY ACTIVE NAME WEIGHT QTY COST (GP) LOCATION NOTES Cloak of Displacement Wondrous item – – – Deception, Warding, Outerwear Pearl of Power Wondrous item – – – – 1 Charge, Buff, Utility – Backpack GearAdventuring Gear 5lb. 1 2 – Container – Book GearAdventuring Gear 5lb. 1 25 – Social, Utility Clothes of Mending Wondrous item 4lb. – – – Social – Clothes, Fine GearAdventuring Gear 6lb. 1 15 Social, Outerwear – Component Pouch GearAdventuring Gear 2lb. 1 25 – Utility, Container – Ink (1 ounce bottle) GearAdventuring Gear – 1 10 – Communication, Social, Utility, Consumable – Ink Pen GearAdventuring Gear – 1 0.02 – Communication, Social, Utility – Little Bag of Sand GearAdventuring Gear – 1 – – Utility – Parchment (one sheet) GearAdventuring Gear – 10 1 – Communication, Social, Utility, Consumable – Potion of Healing GearPotion 0.5lb. 1 50 – Healing, Combat, Consumable Quarterstaff Quarterstaff 4lb. – 0.2 Simple, Versatile – Signet Ring GearAdventuring Gear – 1 5 – Communication, Social, Utility – Small Knife GearAdventuring Gear – 1 – – Utility – Spellbook GearAdventuring Gear 3lb. 1 50 – Utility

CANTRIP NAME TIME RANGE HIT / DC EFFECT NOTES AT WILL Create BonfireConcentration Wizard 1A 60ft. DEX 15 2d8* D: 1m, 5ft., V/S AT WILL Dancing LightsConcentration Drow Magic 1A 120ft. – Utility D: 1m, V/S/M AT WILL Fire Bolt Wizard 1A 120ft. + 7 2d10 V/S AT WILL Frostbite Wizard 1A 60ft. CON 15 2d6* V/S AT WILL Toll the Dead Wizard 1A 60ft. WIS 15 2d8 V/S 1ST LEVEL SLOTS NAME TIME RANGE HIT / DC EFFECT NOTES AS RITUAL AlarmRitual Wizard 1m +10m 30ft. – Detection D: 8h, V/S/M CAST Color Spray Wizard 1A Self – Blinded D: 1Rnd, 15ft., V/S/M AS RITUAL Comprehend LanguagesRitual Wizard 1A +10m Self – Social D: 1h, V/S/M USE Faerie FireConcentration Drow Magic 1A 60ft. DEX 12 Invisible 1/LR, D: 1m, 20ft., V CAST Ice Knife Wizard 1A 60ft. + 7 1d10* 5ft., S/M CAST Mage Armor Wizard 1A Touch – Buff* D: 8h, V/S/M CAST Magic Missile Wizard 1A 120ft. – 1d4+1 V/S CAST Shield Wizard 1R Self – Warding D: 1Rnd, V/S AS RITUAL Tenser’s Floating DiskRitual Wizard 1A +10m 30ft. – Movement* D: 1h, V/S/M 2ND LEVEL SLOTS NAME TIME RANGE HIT / DC EFFECT NOTES

1 ST CAST Color Spray Wizard 1A Self – Blinded D: 1Rnd, 15ft., V/S/M USE DarknessConcentration Drow Magic 1A 60ft. – Control 1/LR, D: 10m, 15ft., V/M

1 ST CAST Ice Knife Wizard 1A 60ft. + 7 1d10* 5ft., S/M

1 ST CAST Magic Missile Wizard 1A 120ft. – 1d4+1 Count: +1, V/S CAST Melf’s Acid Arrow Wizard 1A 90ft. + 7 4d4* V/S/M 3RD LEVEL SLOTS NAME TIME RANGE HIT / DC EFFECT NOTES

1 ST CAST Color Spray Wizard 1A Self – Blinded D: 1Rnd, 15ft., V/S/M

1 ST CAST Ice Knife Wizard 1A 60ft. + 7 1d10* 5ft., S/M AS RITUAL Leomund’s Tiny HutRitual Wizard 1m +10m Self – Utility D: 8h, 10ft., V/S/M

1 ST CAST Magic Missile Wizard 1A 120ft. – 1d4+1 Count: +2, V/S

2 ND CAST Melf’s Acid Arrow Wizard 1A 90ft. + 7 5d4* V/S/M

CLASS FEATURES Wizard Features Hit PointsPHB, pg. 113 ProficienciesPHB, pg. 113 Arcana History SpellcastingPHB, pg. 114 You can cast prepared wizard spells using INT as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 15, Spell Attack +7) and wizard spells in your spellbook as rituals if they have the ritual tag. You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus.

Arcane RecoveryPHB, pg. 115 Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover - up to a combined level of 3, and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

Arcane Recovery: (No Action) / Long Rest Arcane TraditionPHB, pg. 115 School of Evocation Evocation SavantPHB, pg. 117 The gold and time you must spend to copy an evocation spell into your spellbook is halved.

Sculpt SpellsPHB, pg. 117 When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.

Sculpt Spells: (No Action) Ability Score ImprovementPHB, pg. 115 Ability Score Improvement Intelligence Score Intelligence Score Potent CantripPHB, pg. 117 When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against your cantrip, the creature takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

RACIAL TRAITS DarkvisionPHB, pg. 39 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

Fey AncestryPHB, pg. 39 You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Drow MagicSCAG You know the dancing lights cantrip. [3rd] You can cast faerie fire once per long rest. [5th] You can cast the darkness spell once per long rest. CHA is your spellcasting ability.

Dancing LightsConcentration(Cantrip) Faerie FireConcentration(1st) / Long Rest DarknessConcentration(2nd) / Long Rest FEATS You have no feats chosen, you can add feats outside of normal progression in the manage screen.