House Rules

These are additional rules added to patch over situations in DnD that are coming up often enough to justify rule patches.

Disarms, Rearmed: When you've disarmed someone, you can use a free action to pick up the weapon, as is already RAW legal, or you can punt it ten feet away. That should at least force an enemy to have to suck an attack of opportunity to go get it back.

Grapples, Revised: Grappling can be over a specific area - a limb, the body, or the head, a la Unisystem. The head doesn't do anything special, but you gotta if you want to strangle some little %^&*. A limb puts you at disadvantage to use that limb, and the body gives you a minus d4 to everything. So yes, someone can try to punch or elbow you with the arm you're holding them by, but it'll be less accurate, and a full-body grab will make it tougher but not quite as bad as a limb grab on that limb. The 'zero move' thing still applies, so once you're holding someone they aren't going to take a walk. (Unless they're two sizes bigger, then they hardly give two shits what you're doing.)

When Pushing Attack Comes to Shove: Someone using a Pushing Attack may, as a side benefit, use a Shove attack for free to attempt to knock a target prone. (You make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). You succeed automatically if the target is incapacitated. If you win the contest, you knock the target prone.)

Yeet To The Street: Once grappled, you can throw a creature with a contest of Athletics vs Athletics/Acrobatics. A character the same size as another character can throw a character 5 feet. For every size larger that a character is, increase the distance by 5 feet; for every size smaller, decrease the distance by 5 feet. Then add 5 feet per Strength +1. This inflicts damage equal to the Strength modifier, or equal to falling damage if falling damage is greater (being thrown off a cliff, for example). If the creature comes to a stop because it hits a wall, person, or other object, both entities take 1d6 damage plus 1d6 damage per size smaller the throwee is than the thrower (or fall damage, if greater).

Fastball Special: Throwing a creature at another creature to attack them works as a Yeet attack; the thrown creature takes damage equal to the strength modifier, and if the attack hits, the attacker inflicts extra damage equal to the sudden-stop damage.

Don't Tase Me: Shocking Grasp can inflict damage to people grappling or being grappled by the target (1 point if the target isn't wearing mostly metal armor, half damage if the target is wearing mostly metal armor). The no-reactions effect means that someone can break a grapple caused by the target of the Shocking Grasp automatically on their turn.

Non-Lethal Damage:

* Nonlethal damage is healed at twice the rate of lethal damage during a short rest. Alternately, a person at zero HP recovers 1 HP lost from nonlethal damage after 1d6 x 10 minutes.


Expanded uses of inspiration:

Paragon Monsters:

Take 10, Take 20:

Five Foot Step: You can take a five foot step (as your move action) without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Potion Drinking: Potions with a quantifiable impact (read: healing potions) can be chugged as a bonus action (roll healing randomly), or drunk carefully as a standard action (maximum healing). They can also give potions to an ally as a standard action (roll healing randomly). Other potions require an action (to carefully measure the dose, in the case of multi-dose potions, or to drain every drop of the potion.)