Table of Contents

Known Course List

This is not a list of all possible courses, but merely a list of examples; if you have a particular course in mind, talk to your guidance counselor and see if it's available!

Required Courses

These courses are mandatory during one's curriculum at the Academy regardless of what college one is attending. Most of them involve learning specific esoteric skills that are not explicitly defined elsewhere.

Common Tongues: Improvement of one's Common Basic skills, as well as familiarity (though not skill) in other languages such as elvish, dwarven, thieves' cant, druidic, and the like (Int check to identify).

Introduction to Magical Theory: Learning the basics of magic and how to practice it, providing basic knowledge in cantrips and magical understanding. (Provides the Magic Initiate feat.)

Party Dynamics I: Learning to function as a party, basic adventuring, and other essentials of surviving as a group. (Wis check to know what your party members are going to do in an initiative round without extensive discussion).

Party Dynamics II: Enhances teamwork and provides education on various creatures. (Int check to identify a creature or roughly estimate its identity.)

Remedial / Basic Courses

These courses allow a student to gain proficiency in a skill.

Basic Acrobatics: Provides Proficiency in Acrobatics.

Animal Handling Basics: Provides Proficiency in Animal Handling.

Basics of Magic: Provides Proficiency in Arcana.

Physical Education: Provides Proficiency in Athletics.

Basics of Deception: Provides Proficiency in Deception.

Arcydean History: Provides Proficiency in History.

Understanding People: Provides Proficiency in Insight.

Basics of Intimidation: Provides Proficiency in Intimidation.

Keen Observation: Provides Proficiency in Investigation.

Basic Medicine: Provides Proficiency in Medicine.

Arcydean Nature: Provides Proficiency in Nature.

Basic Awareness: Provides Proficiency in Perception.

Performance Art: Provides Proficiency in Performance.

Making Acquaintances: Provides Proficiency in Persuasion.

Religious Doctrine: Provides Proficiency in Religion.

Stage Magic: Provides Proficiency in Sleight of Hand.

Remedial Stealth: Provides Proficiency in Stealth.

Basics of Survival: Provides Proficiency in Survival.

Remedial Technology: Provides Proficiency in Technology.

Alchemy and You: Provides Proficiency in Alchemist's Supplies.

Brewing for Beginners: Provides Proficiency in Brewer's Supplies.

Starting Calligraphy: Provides Proficiency in Calligrapher's Supplies.

Carpentry and You: Provides Proficiency in Carpenter's Tools.

Mapmaking for Beginners: Provides Proficiency in Cartographer's Tools.

Reaching Great Heights: Provides Proficiency in Climber's Kit.

Shoeing the Masses: Provides Proficiency in Cobbler's Tools.

Cooking Classics: Provides Proficiency in Cook's Utensils.

Art of Disguise: Provides Proficiency in Disguise Kit.

Enchantments for Beginners: Provides Proficiency in Enchanter's Supplies.

Engineering Basics: Provides Proficiency in Engineering Kit.

Engraving and Runework: Provides Proficiency in Engraver's Tools.

Basics of Fishing: Provides Proficiency in Fishing Tackle.

Basics of Arrow-Making: Provides Proficiency in Fletcher's Kit.

Modern Forensics: Provides Proficiency in Forensic Kit.

Making Papers: Provides Proficiency in Forgery Kit.

Card Sharks: Provides Proficiency in Gaming Set: Cards.

Rolling with the Best: Provides Proficiency in Gaming Set: Dice.

Chess Mastery: Provides Proficiency in Gaming Set: Chess.

Gardening for Dummies: Provides Proficiency in Gardener's Tools.

Perfecting Gems: Provides Proficiency in Gemologist's Supplies.

Blow It Out Your Glass: Provides Proficiency in Glassblower's Tools.

Gunsmithing Basics: Provides Proficiency in Gunsmith's Kit.

Hacking the Gibson: Provides Proficiency in Hacking Tools.

Harvesting Corpses: Provides Proficiency in Harvesting Kit.

Emergency First Aid: Provides Proficiency in Healer's Kit.

Herbalism for Beginners: Provides Proficiency in Herbalism Kit.

Jewelry Crafting: Provides Proficiency in Jeweler's Tools.

Leathercrafting: Provides Proficiency in Leatherworker's Tools.

Stonecarving: Provides Proficiency in Mason's Tools.

Mechanics for Mechanics: Provides Proficiency in Mechanic's Tools.

Musical Instruments: Provides Proficiency in one musical instrument.

Navigation Basics: Provides Proficiency in Navigator's Tools.

Painting Art: Provides Proficiency in Painter's Supplies.

Poisons for Beginners: Provides Proficiency in Poisoner's Kit.

Going to Potter: Provides Proficiency in Potter's Tools.

Scrolling Past: Provides Proficiency in Scrollscriber's Supplies.

Foundry Skills: Provides Proficiency in Smith's Tools.

Basics of Espionage: Provides Proficiency in Spy Kits.

Trapwork: Provides Proficiency in Snarecrafter's Tools.

Tattoo Art: Provides Proficiency in Tattoo Supplies.

Locksmithing Basics: Provides Proficiency in Thieves' Tools.

For SCIENCE!: Provides Proficiency in Tinker's Tools.

Piloting Vehicles: Provides Proficiency in one class of Vehicles.

Wandcrafts: Provides Proficiency in Wandmaker's Kit.

Stitchin' Time: Provides Proficiency with Weaver's Tools.

Whittling Basics: Provides Proficiency with Woodcarver's Tools.

Skill Enhancements

These courses allow a student to gain a Training bonus to a skill, or to a specific aspect of a skill.

Introduction to World History: A concise summary of Arcydea's extensive history. (+1 to History skill)

Situational Awareness: Learning to pay attention to your environment can work wonders on your situational awareness. (+1 to Perception skill.)

Insights on Insight: Understanding the ways in which others think can position you to more successfully interpret their requests and predict their behavior. (+1 to Insight skill.)

Healing without Magic: Familiarity with basic first aid, qualified physician care, diagnosis, emergency trauma care, and other nonmagical methods of wound care. (+1 to Medicine skill)

Proper Preparedness: Survival in all aspects of life, including on campus (+1 to Survival skill).

The Divine Comedy: A study of the gods and goddesses of Arcydea and other worlds (+1 to Religion skill).

Using My Religion: Allows you to expand your knowledge of your god and the other Arcydean deities, as well as covering some common interdimensional deities you might run across. (+1 Religion after class is complete.)

Arcane Overview: A class for broadening your familiarity with the magical arts (+1 to Arcana skill).

Studying Your Environment: A class devoted to analyzing your environment (+1 to Investigation skill).

Making Friends: A class focused on making friends and influencing people. (+1 to Persuasion skill).

Sneaking Around: A class devoted to stealth. (+1 to Stealth skill).

Technology Today: A class for expanding your Technology knowledge (+1 to Technology skill).

Carpentry and You: Overview of Carpentry (+1 to Carpenter's Supplies proficiency when complete.)

Business Matters: An overview of Persuasion as it relates to business. (+2 to Persuasion during business dealings after course is complete.)

Value Assessment: An overview of Perception as it relates to assessment of value. (+2 to Perception to identify value of objects.)

Tumbling in Combat: Practicing the fine art of tumbling can be useful when trying to evade enemies in close combat. (+2 to Acrobatics for Tumble checks.)

Performing Tricks: Overview of Sleight of Hand (+1 to Sleight of Hand when course completes.)

Acrobatics for Experts: +1 to Acrobatics when course completes.

Handling Exotic Animals: Provides +1 to Animal Handling.

Using My Religion: Allows you to expand your knowledge of your god and the other Arcydean deities, as well as covering some common interdimensional deities you might run across. (+1 Religion after class is complete.)

Advances in Technology: Intermediate Technology course (+1 to Technology once course completes).

Musical Composition: Intermediate lessons on musical composition and playing styles. (+1 to Performance when creating new songs.)

Athletic Support: Basic Athletics course (+1 to Athletics once course completes).

World Cultures: An overview of various foreign cultures. (+2 to History to describe a particular culture after course is completed.)

Backwater Preservation: A general course on Backwaters and how to keep them stable. (+1 to History check to deduce the appropriate actions needed to preserve or destabilize a particular Backwater.)

Skill Boosters

These allow you to gain a Study die (d4) that you can roll once per day (per course) to supplement a particular skill, often under a particular circumstance.

Building Your Own Fiefdom: A course usually reserved for juniors and seniors, covers the basics of building a fiefdom from construction to recruiting to getting citizens to move in. (+1d4 once a day to History check to take appropriate actions or estimate what might be necessary.)

Power Boosters

These increase the DC of a particular type of check or a specific check, or resistance to a particular type of check or specific check, or have other effects not described elsewhere.

Healing the Masses: +1 point to the effect of all healing spells.

Expanded Healing: Add 5 to Lay On Hands pool after course completes.

Evocative Energy: +1 to DC of Evocation spells, opportunities to add Evocation spells to spell list.

Rapier Wit: +2 to DC of Vicious Mockery when course completes.

Feat Training

These provide access to a feat at the end of the class. For sanity reasons, only one Feat Training class can be taken per semester.

Professional Acting: Gain the Actor Feat.

Danger Everywhere: Gain the Alert Feat.

Art of Artifice: Gain the Artificer Initiate Feat.

Team Spirit: Gain the Athlete Feat.

Beam Weapon Training: Gain the Beam Weapon Familiarity feat.

Sally Forth: Gain the Charger Feat.

Advanced Culinary Arts: Gain the Chef Feat.

Crossbow Training: Grants the Crossbow Expert feat.

Smashing Things: Grants the Crusher feat.

En Guarde: Grants the Defensive Duelist feat.

Twin Weapon Expertise: Grants the Dual Wielder feat.

Adventuring Expertise: Grants the Dungeon Delver feat.

Natural Resilience: Grants the Durable feat.

Eldritch Education: Grants the Eldritch Adept feat.

Elemental Education: Grants the Elemental Adept feat.

Fey Education: Grants the Fey Touched feat.

Fighting Education: Grants the Fighting Initiate feat.

Wrestling Techniques: Grants the Grappler feat.

Power Strikes: Grants the Great Weapon Master feat.

Riflething Techniques: Grants the Gunner feat.

Combat Medic Training: Grants the Healer feat.

Heavy Armor Management: Grants the Heavily Armored feat.

Heavy Armor Training: Grants the Heavy Armor Master feat.

Inspiring the Masses: Grants the Inspiring Leader feat.

Memorization Techniques: Grants the Keen Mind feat.

Light Armor Management: Grants the Lightly Armored feat.

Language Mastery: Grants the Linguist feat.

The Prepared Mind: Grants the Lucky feat.

Breaking Magic: Grants the Mage Slayer feat.

Intermediate Magical Theory: Grants the Magic Novice feat.

Practical Magic: Grants the Magic Apprentice feat.

Advanced Practical Magic: Grants the Magic Scholar feat.

Graduate Magic Studies: Grants the Magic Wise feat.

Martial Education: Grants the Martial Adept feat.

Medium Armor Training: Grants the Medium Armor Master feat.

Manipulating Mana: Grants the Metamagic Adept feat.

Speed Running: Grants the Mobile feat.

Medium Armor Management: Grants the Moderately Armored feat.

Cavalier Attitude: Grants the Mounted Combatant feat.

Sherlock Scanning: Grants the Observant feat.

Getting the Point: Grants the Piercer feat.

Toxic Treatments: Grants the Poisoner feat.

Practical Polearms: Polearm practice for proficiency. Grants the Polearm Master feat.

Cunning Linguistics: Grants the Polyglot feat.

Broadening Horizons: Developing one's resistance through exercises and practice. Grants the Resilient feat.

Ritualism Education: Lessons in ritual casting and ritualism. Grants the Ritual Caster feat.

Combat Brutality: Lessons in combat savagery. Grants the Savage Attacker feat.

Holding the Line: Training in defensive tactics to hold the line. Grants the Sentinel feat.

Shadow Training: Training in the art of the Shadow. Grants the Shadow Touched feat.

Sharpshooting: Grants the Sharpshooter feat.

Shield Techniques: Grants the Shield Master feat.

Shadow Disciplines: Education in stealth techniques. Grants the Skulker feat.

Cutting to the Heart: Practice with slashing weapons. Grants the Slasher feat.

Precision Casting: Specialized targeting lessons for spells at range. Grants the Spell Sniper feat.

The Fine Art of Pugilism: Training in using your fists and unconventional weapons in close combat. Teaches the Tavern Brawling feat.

Technical Armor Knowledge: Training in tech armor devices. Grants the Tech Armor Training feat.

Telekinetic Arts: Training in using your mind to move objects. Grants the Telekinetic feat.

Telepathic Arts: Training in using your mind to communicate with others. Grants the Telepathic feat.

Endurance Disciplines: Physical endurance exercises to toughen the body. Grants the Tough feat.

Combat Casting: Practice in unconventional casting environments and techniques. Grants the War Caster feat.

Weapon Diversity: Training in a variety of new weapons. Grants the Weapon Master feat.

Wanderball Tactics: Advanced training in the sport of Wanderball. Grants the Wanderball Champion feat.