Table of Contents

Welcome To Your New Home In Space!

Hello, and welcome to your new home in space! Depending on your position, corporation, and assignment, you may have a wide range of tasks and duties you are expected to perform on a daily basis, many of which include hazards that you will need to be prepared for. Company-provided literature will detail the nature of your work assignment for new employees and provide a refresher course for those returning to active duty, while this pamphlet will attempt to provide guidance for those unfamiliar with the general work environments of outer space.

I Think, Therefore I Am

If you are reading this for the first time, as the first thing you've read, congratulations! You are a vat-born artificial organic lifeform, and your ability to interpret this text means that your cognitive language functions have been programmed correctly. Depending on your vat training, you should have the skills necessary to perform one of the various tasks required for crewmembers aboard one of NovusCorp's NARVs, or NovusCorp Astronautical Research Vessel. These platforms allow NovusCorp to conduct mobile research operations throughout the known universe, stretching the bounds of knowledge in the name of science.

Who Am I?

Most of your fellow crewmembers are grown through the wonder of NovusCorp's thriving Genegineering division, or are programmed by NovusCorp's equally thriving Neuroprogramming division. Together, you are tasked with operating a NARV in order to represent the interests of NovusCorp throughout the known universe, discover new technologies and scientific discoveries, and turn a profit. Some individuals will have been actively developing intelligence and personality over years of sentience, while others will have just exited the bioroid accelerated training vats for the first time. Newly created bioroids will be assigned a position by the benevolent management of NovusCorp based on their in-vat training program, or assigned based on a ship's current needs.

What's a Bioroid?

A bioroid is an artificially engineered organic intelligence designed to carry out the various rigorous tasks required of a research vessel while being more durable and rugged than baseline humanity. This means that you are specially designed for a life of space exploration and research! Most of your memories are either cultivated during your vat-training cycle, for new bioroids, or stored during brainscans for future replay into a new body, allowing your memories and personality to exist long after your initial body's demise.

Why Are You Here?

NovusCorp believes that the secret to unlocking the mysteries of the universe requires biological and mechanical intelligences to work actively on the problem. You are here to figure out these fundamental mysteries, and to explore the universe in search of answers. Perhaps you will discover a new branch of science, or develop a machine that can perform the impossible! Perhaps you will keep things running smoothly so that others can do these things, secure in the knowledge that your role is no less necessary.

Things They Didn't Teach You In the Vat

While your vat-training should have prepared you for basics of interstellar life, like handling biological needs, reading, and communicating with others, a refresher course is always useful to ensure your Augmented Reality routines are effectively communicating with you. Likewise, some things that are intuitive to spacers after a short time may be entirely unfamiliar to those who just emerged from the Vat, as it were, and sometimes restoring clone backups results in forgetfulness. As such, this pamphlet hopes to bring you back up to speed on the typical life of a spacer, and on explaining how you see the world. Let's get started!

Your Visible Display

NovusCorp makes life easier for its various spacers by including a tactical augmented-reality overlay implant that provides information directly through the visual cortex, allowing the user to interpret this information in real time without relying on instinct and feeling. (Please note that if you are a mechanical entity reading this pamphlet, your visible display may differ; we recommend that you refer to the appropriate technical manual for information relevant to your design.)

Motives Section

Assuming your biomonitor implant is working, you should see a series of meters on one corner of your AR display that represent your personal needs and conditions.

Alert Section

This section provides alerts if the biomonitor detects unsafe or harmful environments affecting you.

Common Space Hazards

In general, much like outer space itself, life inside a space station or spaceship is filled with long stretches of mundanity interspersed with exciting discoveries, dangerous hazards, and the occasional disaster or attack. In order to ensure that NovusCorp workers are prepared for anything, we have assembled this handy guide to some occurrences reported by our brethren among the stars, including how to determine one is occurring and what to do if you notice one happening.

Space Wind

Space is devoid of atmosphere, for the most part, and does not have currents or patterns that could form climatological conditions. So what is space wind? Space wind is the colloquial term for the event that occurs during a hull breach or other incident that causes gas pressure to attempt to equalize (typically between the pressurized spacecraft and the completely unpressurized vacuum of space). The result is a rush of air pushing through the hole, and potentially pulling items along with it as it does so. In null-gravity environments, this can pull unsecured items easily outwards and offwards into space. While space wind is not, technically, harmful by itself, it is important to note that when you feel a breeze inside a spaceship, especially if the vents aren't currently running, it probably means a hull breach is occurring!

In the event of a hull breach, the compartment with the breach will depressurize as gas escapes, taking with it heat, pressure, and breathable air. The best thing to do if trapped in a compartment with a hull breach is to:

Once you have completed these steps, your next priority will be sealing the hull breach or evacuating the compartment.

Evacuating a Compartment

If you are not a member of Engineering Staff, you may quite sensibly prefer to evacuate the compartment. If so:

Emergency Egress

If you have none of these options available and help is not going to arrive in time, if you have a wrench or a pry-bar you may be able to dislodge walls in order to pass through them. Note that you will be leaving behind a hole that will endanger the compartment beyond until you secure it again, so this is not recommended unless you have no other options.

Sealing a Hull Breach

If, however, you are a member of Engineering, are properly equipped and trained to handle hull breaches, or are trapped without a high probability of rescue, you may wish to fix the problem instead. While members of Engineering receive full training in hull repair, if you are not trained in hull repair but have no alternatives, here is a very quick guide to emergency repairs.

If you are conducting emergency repairs, be certain to have Engineering perform proper repairs of the area when time permits! They have specialized equipment which makes this process much easier.

Radiation Alert

Cosmic radiation, nuclear attacks, alien artifacts, or over-exuberant usage of certain power generation materials may result in radiation. Radiation is not healthy for anyone, as it can have destructive or fatal effects on the body and mind. As radiation proofing an entire space vessel can be prohibitively expensive, most people who work in potentially radioactive environments are supplied with resistant suits instead, and emergency safe zones are built that can house individuals in the event of a major blowout. Note that radiation may have damaging effects on equipment as well, such as causing shortouts or disrupting normal operation. If you are advised of a major radiation incident, check all equipment carefully before resuming normal use.

Emergency Response

In the event that a major radiation blowout is detected, all personnel are instructed to immediately seek out the nearest entrance to the Maintenance tunnelways, as these tunnels are specifically insulated against radioactivity; other safe zones may be instituted. In the event of a radiation alert, access to these tunnels is temporarily enabled for all personnel, so seek shelter immediately before it's too late!

Hostile Organisms

Although the wonders of space are many, the sheer number of hostile organisms that want to terminate your life prematurely is at least as numerous. These organisms may be encountered on planet surfaces, attempting to forcibly board from space, or crewing hostile ships. If you are not a member of Security or Marine crews, you should defer to them in handling these matters unless specifically deputized to do so yourself.

Standard Procedure Protocols

The most important thing to know is that your Security teams are on site to ensure your safety, and in times of increased danger it is paramount that you cooperate with them. Likewise, in the event that Marines are called, your ship will recommend action for you to take to stay safe and out of the line of fire. Specific responsibilities relating to your job will take priority; Engineers are responsible for repairing damage to the ship during red alerts, but are not expected to fight off xenomorphs by themselves, for example.

Self Defense

Courses in self-defense and combat skills are available at the VR Concourse, allowing you to practice your skills in hand to hand combat, melee, ranged combat, firearms combat, and even heavy weapons training, for those who want to certify for Marine duty.