Table of Contents

Standard Operating Procedure (Medical)

Foreword: Job SOP should not be a considered a checklist of conditions to fire someone over, and should not be rigidly followed to the letter in detriment of circumstances and context. As always, SOP can be malleable if the situation so requires, and the decision to punish a crewmember for breaching it ultimately falls onto the relevant Head of Staff, for Department Members, or Captain, for the Head of Staff.

This is the page for Standard Operating Procedure for Medical.

For a list of regular SOP, or for other departments, see the main page for Standard Operating Procedure.

Chief Medical Officer

1. The Chief Medical Officer is permitted to carry a regular Defibrillator or a Compact Defibrillator on their person at all times;

2. The Chief Medical Officer is permitted to carry a telescopic baton and a flash. In case Genetic Powers need to be forcefully removed, they are cleared to carry a Syringe Gun;

3. The Chief Medical Officer is not permitted to allow the creation of poisonous or explosive mixtures in Chemistry without express consent from the Captain or, failing that, the presence of a clear and urgent danger to the integrity of the station, except of course in situations where Chemical Implants are required;

4. The Chief Medical Officer is not permitted to allow the release of any virus without a full list of its symptoms, as well as the creation of a vial of antibodies and/or vaccine, to be kept in a secure location. The virus may not have any harmful symptoms whatsoever, though neutral/harmless symptoms are permitted. Contact and/or airborne viruses may only be released with Captain's approval;

5. The Chief Medical Officer must make sure that any cloneable corpses are, in fact, cloned or revived.

6. The use of syringe guns is to be used at the discretion, or with the permission, of the Chief Medical Officer.

Medical Doctor

1. Though not mandatory, it is recommended that Doctors wear Sterile Masks and Latex/Nitrile gloves when handling patients. This Guideline becomes mandatory during Viral Outbreaks;

2. Nurses should focus on helping Medical Doctors and Surgeons in whatever they require, and tending to patients that require light care. If necessary, they can stand in for regular Medical Doctor duties;

3. Surgeons are expected to fulfill the duties of regular Medical Doctors if there are no active Surgical Procedures undergoing;

4. Medical Doctors must ensure there is at least one (1) Defibrillator available for use, at all times, next to or near the Cryotubes;

5. Medical Doctors must maintain the entirety of Medbay in an hygienic state. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning organic residue, fluids and corpses;

6. Medical Doctors must place all corpses inside body bags. If there is an assigned Coroner, the Morgue Trays must be correctly tagged;

7. Medical Doctors must, together with Geneticists and Chemists, make sure that Cloning is stocked with Biomass. In addition, Medical Doctors must make sure that the Morgue does not contain cloneable corpses;

8. Medical Doctors must certify that all cloned personnel are put in the Cryotubes after Cloning, and receive either a dose of Mutadone or a Clean SE Injector, in addition to Mannitol. An exception is made if the Cloning Pod was fully upgraded by Science;

9. Medical Doctors are not permitted to leave Medbay to perform recreational activities if there are unattended patients requiring treatment;

10. Medical Doctors must stabilize patients before delivering them to Surgery. If the patient presents Internal Bleeding, they are to be rushed to Surgery post haste.

11. Medical Doctors must periodically check the crew monitoring console.

12. Medical Doctors may not refuse to treat any wounded crewmember who is requesting assistance.


1. Though not mandatory, it is recommended that Paramedics wear Sterile Masks and latex or nitrile gloves when handling patients. This Guideline becomes mandatory during Viral Outbreaks.

2. Paramedics must make reasonable efforts to recover any body with active tracking beacons that are in critical condition outside of Medbay.

3. Paramedics must frequently check their crew monitoring devices.

4. Any EVA equipment taken to retrieve a body must be returned to its suit storage unit after retrieval is complete.

5. Paramedics must make reasonable effort to assist any doctors to the best of their ability, so long as doing so would not endanger the life of another crewmember.


1. The Chemist is not permitted to distribute explosive mixtures;

2. The Chemist is not permitted to distribute poisonous mixtures and/or narcotics;

3. The Chemist is not permitted to experiment with Life or other Omnizine-derived mixtures apart from Omnizine or Strange Reagent;

4. The Chemist is not permitted to distribute alcoholic beverages;

5. The above Guidelines may be individually overridden with permission from the Chief Medical Officer. The Chemist must accurately label all pills and bottles.

6. Chemists must, together with Geneticists and Medical Doctors, make sure that Cloning is stocked with Biomass;

7. The Chemist must ensure that the Medical Fridge is stocked with at least enough medication to handle Brute, Burn, Respiratory, Toxic and Brain damage. Failure to follow this Guideline within thirty (30) minutes is to be considered a breach of Standard Operating Procedure;

8. The Chemist is not allowed to leave Chemistry unattended if the Medical Fridge is devoid of Medication, except in such a case as Chemistry is unusable or if Fungus needs to be collected.


Code Green

1. The Geneticist is not permitted to ignore Cloning, and must provide Clean SE Injectors when required, as well as humanized animals if required for Surgery. In addition, the Geneticist must, together with Chemists and Medical Doctors, make sure that Cloning is stocked with Biomass;

2. The Geneticist is permitted to test Genetic Powers on themselves. However, they are not to utilize these powers on any crewmembers, nor abuse them to obtain items/personnel outside their access;

3. The Geneticist is permitted to grant Genetic Powers to Command Staff at their discretion, provided prior permission is requested and granted. All staff must be warned of the full effects of the SE Injector. The Geneticist is not, however, obligated to grant powers, unless the Research Director or Chief Medical Officer issues a direct order;

4. The Geneticist is not permitted to grant Powers to non-Command Staff without express verbal consent from the Research Director or Chief Medical Officer. Both the Chief Medical Officer and the Research Director maintain full authority to forcefully remove these Powers if they are abused;

5. The Geneticist must place all discarded humanized animals in the Morgue. It is recommended that said discarded humanized animals be directed to the Crematorium;

6. The Geneticist is not permitted to provide body doubles, unless the Research Director approves it. In addition, Security is to be notified of all doubles;

7. The Geneticist is not permitted to alter personnel’s UI Status, unless it has been previously tampered with by hostile elements, or permission is given;

8. The Geneticist is not permitted to use sentient humanoids as test subjects unless the sentient humanoid has granted their written permission and if the testing is approved by the Chief Medical Officer or Research Director.

Code Blue

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green.

Code Red

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green. In regards to Guideline 4, the Geneticist is now permitted to grant Powers to Security or Military personnel, under the same conditions as detailed in Guideline 3.


1. The Virologist must always wear adequate protection (such as a Biosuit and Internals for Airborne Viruses) when handling infected personnel and Test Animals. Exception is made for IPC Virologists, for obvious reasons;

2. The Virologist must only test viral samples on the provided Test Animals. Said Test Animals are to be maintained inside their pen, and disposed of via Virology's Disposals Chutes if dead, to prevent possible contamination. In addition, the Virologist may not, under any circumstances whatsoever, leave Virology while infected by a Viral Pathogen that spreads by Contact or Airborne means, unless permitted by the Chief Medical Officer;

3. The Virologist may not, under any circumstance whatsoever, release an active virus without prior consent from Chief Medical Officer. Contact and/or Airborne viruses may only be released with consent from the Chief Medical officer and Captain. In the event a Contact and/or Airborne virus is released, the crew must be informed, and Vaccines should be ready for any personnel that choose to opt out of being infected;

4. The Virologist must ensure that all Viral Samples are kept on their person at all times, or at the very least in a secure location (such as the Virology Fridge);

5. All visitors to Virology must be warned if there is an active Airborne/Contact Viral Pathogen being tested. This includes Medical Personnel;

6. The Virologist must work together with Medical Staff, especially Chemistry, if there is a cure that requires manufacturing;

7. In the event of a lethal Viral Outbreak, the Virologist must work together with the Chief Medical Officer and/or Chemists and/or Bartender to produce a cure. Failure to keep casualties down to, at most, 25% of the station's crew is to be considered a breach of Standard Operating Procedure for everyone involved.


1. The Paramedic is not permitted to perform Field Surgery unless there are no available Medical Doctors or the Operating Rooms are unusable;

2. The Paramedic is permitted to perform Surgical Procedures inside an Operating Room. However, Doctors/Surgeons should take precedence;

3. The Paramedic is fully permitted to carry a Defibrillator on their person at all times, provided they leave at least one (1) Defibrillator for use in Medbay;

4. The Paramedic must stabilize all patients before bringing them to the Medical Bay. If the patient presents with Internal Bleeding, they are to be rushed to Surgery post haste;

5. In such a case as a patient is found dead, and cannot be brought back via Defibrillation, the Paramedic must ensure that said patient is brought to Cloning, and Medbay is notified;

6. The Paramedic must carry, at all times, enough materials to provide for adequate first aid of all Major Injury Types (Brute, Burn, Toxic, Respiratory and Brain).


1. The Psychologist may perform a full psychological evaluation on anyone, along with any potential treatment, provided the person in question seeks them out;

2. The Psychologist may not force someone to receive therapy if the person does not want it. Exception is made for violent criminals, if the Head of Security or Magistrate orders it;

3. The Psychologist is not permitted to administer any medication without consent from their patient;

4. The Psychologist is not permitted to muzzle or straightjacket anyone without express permission from the Chief Medical Officer or Head of Security. An exception is made for violent and/or out of control patients;

5. The Psychologist may recommend a patient's demotion if they find their psychological condition to be unfit;

6. The Psychologist may request to consult prisoners in Permanent Imprisonment. This must happen inside the Brig, preferably inside the Permabrig, and only with Warden and/or Head of Security authorization. This should be done under the supervision of a member of Security with Permabrig access.


1. Attending Surgeon must use Latex/Nitrile gloves in order to prevent infection. Though not mandatory, a Sterile Mask is recommended;

2. Attending Surgeon is to keep the Operating Room in an hygienic condition at all times, again, to prevent infection;

3. Attending Surgeon is to wash his/her hands between different patients, again, to prevent infection;

4. Attending Surgeon is to use either Anesthetics or Sedatives (for species that cannot breathe Anesthetics) during Surgical Procedures. Exception is made if the patient requests otherwise;

5. Attending Surgeon is not to remove any legal Implants (such as Loyalty or Tracking Implants) from the patient, unless requested by Security;

6. If a patient requests that a lost limb be replaced with an organic, rather than mechanical, substitute, said limb must be harvested from a compatible humanized Test Animal (such as Monkeys for Humans, or Farwas for Tajarans). Exception is made if the patient deliberately requests otherwise;

7. Attending Surgeon is not to bring any of the Surgical Tools outside of their respective Operating Room, and must in fact ensure the Operating Room maintains its proper inventory. This includes ensuring that the Anesthetics Equipment be kept inside the OR.

Viral Outbreak Procedures

Definition: A Viral Outbreak is defined as a situation where a Viral Pathogen has infected a significant portion of the crew (>10%)

1. All Medbay personnel are to contribute in fighting the outbreak if there are no other critical patients requiring assistance. Eliminating the Viral Threat becomes number one priority;

2. Personnel are to be informed of known symptoms, and directed to Medbay immediately if they are suffering from them;

3. All infected personnel are to be confined to either an Isolated Room, or Virology;

4. A blood sample is to be taken from an infected person, for study;

5. If any infected personnel attempt to leave containment, Medbay Quarantine is to be initiated immediately, and only lifted when more patients need to be admitted, or the Viral Outbreak is over;

6. A single infected person may volunteer to receive a dose of Radium in order to develop Antibodies. Radium must not be administered without consent. Otherwise, animal testing is to be conducted in order to obtain Antibodies;

7. Once Antibodies are produced, they are to be diluted, then handed out to all infected personnel. Injecting infected personnel with Radium after Antibodies have been extracted is forbidden. In the event of a large enough crisis, directly injecting blood with the relevant Antibodies is permissible;

8. Viral Pathogen should be cataloged and analyzed, in case any stray cases remained untreated;

9. Cured personnel should have a sample of their blood removed for the purpose of creating antibodies, until there are no infected personnel left;

10. In case the Viral Pathogen leads to fluid leakage, cleaning these fluids is to be considered top priority;

11. Once the Viral Outbreak is over, all personnel are to return to regular duties.

Coroner Procedures

1. The Coroner must, along with the Chief Medical Officer, make sure that any cloneable corpses are, in fact, cloned or revived, unless specified as DNR by request or Security;

2. The Coroner must contact the relevant Head of Staff to report on any deaths, reporting on any personnel that won't be returning to duty;

3. The Coroner must safely store all non-cosmetic departmental materials, tools and clothes. Heads of Staff must then report to the Morgue to recover these items. All IDs must be returned to the Head of Personnel. The Coroner may not keep any of these items, under penalty of Petty Theft or Theft;

4. If the Morgue becomes full, the deceased of lowest rank may be entrusted to the Chaplain for corpse disposal procedures;

5. For the sake of hygiene, the Coroner should wear a Sterile Mask and Latex Gloves when handling corpses;

6. The Coroner must inject/apply Formaldehyde to all corpses, and place them in body bags;

7. The Coroner must perform a full autopsy on all corpses, and keep a record of it, in written format. If foul play is suspected, Security must be contacted;

8. The Coroner must correctly tag the Morgue Trays in order to identify the corpse within, as well as Cause of Death;

9. The Coroner must ensure Security-based DNR Notices (such as executed personnel, for instance) are respected.

Exotic Implants

Exotic Implants refer to Xeno Organs, Cybernetic Implants or any such exotic materials.

1. General utility implants (such as Welding Shield, Nutriment or Reviver) are unregulated, and may be handed out freely;

2. X-Ray Vision and Thermal Vision implants may be handed out freely, but may have their implantation vetoed by the Chief Medical Officer and/or Research Director (see below);

3. Medical HUDs must be approved by the Chief Medical Officer before implantation, and Security HUDs require express permission from the Head of Security or Warden;

4. Combat-capable Implants (such as the CNS Rebooter or Anti-Drop) are not be handed out without express permission from the Head of Security;

5. Cybernetic Implantation should be performed in Surgery or any such sterilized environment, to reduce the risk of internal infection. If no Surgeons or Doctors are available, the Roboticist can fill in;

6. The Chief Medical Officer and Research Director have the power to veto any Cybernetic Implantation or Xeno Organ Implantation if they believe it threatens the stability of the ship or its crew. Only the Captain may override this veto;

7. Xeno Organs may be harvested at will, but may not be implanted without express permission from the Chief Medical Officer. Egg-Laying Organs from Xenomorph Lifeforms are strictly forbidden;

8. Failure to follow these Guidelines makes the offending party liable to having their Exotic Implants forcefully removed.