Table of Contents

Space Locations

These are areas that may be encountered while travelling throughout space using the FTL hyperspace drive.

Derelict Station

This is a derelict space station, one of many reminders that space is not a friendly place to all. There are several different types of station. NovusCorp stations will acknowledge some NovusCorp access codes, but others will likely require some hacking skill. In most cases, the station suffers from multiple breaches, and shows no signs of life. However, occasionally the cause of the station's derelict status may reveal itself - you may encounter hostile alien presences, or even discover an enemy station disguised as a derelict.

Derelict NovusCorp Stations

These are NovusCorp stations that have suffered multiple hull breaches or other problems that have rendered them inoperable, inhospitable, and in some cases not worth salvaging. Typical NovusCorp Stations meant for long-term safe operation rely on solar panels for primary power, and a thermoelectric engine providing power in the event that the solars are insufficient. They have a more extensive Telecommunications section and large Cargo area, and several NITS shuttles to deliver crew and cargo. Restoring one to active service would obviously be a major success story for CorpComm.

Derelict Humanitas Stations

While various human and human-inspired entities are responsible for colonizing the stars, the Humanitas movement focuses on human-only development, without use of bioroids or other races. As such, they are not always as resilient against the hazards of the stars - a good blast of radiation or an escaping gravitational singularity or a major hull breach might result in an abandoned station, littered with the corpses of those who didn't make it to an escape shuttle or other exit from the station. On the other hand, sometimes whatever emptied the station might still be around, ready to endanger boarding parties.

Derelict Syndicate Stations

The Syndicates are hostile by nature, and as such some stations are made derilict by NovusCorp themselves, or other races taking first-strike (or vengeance strike) measures against them. As they are often made to different standards than other stations, they may have unusual characteristics such as not being meant to support atmosphere, having unusual power mechanisms, or peculiar activities being conducted onboard. There may be Syndicate secrets left behind, as well - just be careful, as some 'derelicts' may be disguising ongoing activities.

Derelict Precursor Stations

These ancient structures were created by unknown entities, and have alien characteristics that make them unique; they also often are more intact than other derelicts, as some may be perfectly functional by these alien standards, but merely lack occupants to interact with. What secrets might be found within?

Disguised as Derelict

While many derelicts are formerly functional stations which have suffered one or more tragedies, some stations seem derelict (and won't respond to communications) but are actually still operational. Many of these 'disguised as derelict' stations are Syndicate in nature, but other exceptions exist.

Derelict Salvage Opportunities

For those not trying to restore a derelict to working order for whatever reason, it's worth noting that by definition there is much to salvage from a formerly operational space station. Sending out a salvage crew with spacesuits can gather plenty of plating, along with whatever electronics and cargo have survived, and possibly other personal items left behind by the previous crew, including weapons and armor.

Those who want to restore a derelict to functionality will have a harder battle ahead. Restoring power will be most important, followed closely by atmosphere and temperature. Most areas will be freezing cold or lacking in atmosphere entirely due to hull damage; unless you have plenty of spacesuited crew to do the work, you will need to establish a staging point in an intact section and work outwards from there. Solar panels are generally the easiest source of power to bring back online, and any remaining SMES or APC units may be salvaged to bring them to locations where they're needed more.

The White Ship

The White Ship is a mostly intact, abandoned NovusCorp medical ship that may be found somewhere in deep space. The crew is missing, and there may be damage to explain it. As it is still mostly operational, it could function as a secondary ship with some elbow grease and repairs. The ship, once found, can dock with the NARV in one of its large shuttlebays, or can be parked at the shuttle arrival dock.

The ship also has a GPS inside, which can be tracked by teleporters when the ship comes within range. Of course this can be used for good, such as exploration, or for bad, such as a mobile base for certain hostile forces. It can be used as an alternative evacuation point; when the Emergency Shuttle departs, the white ship will also fly itself to CorpComm, so ending the round in it counts as safe evacuation.

The White Ship has several major sections, which may need repair before it can be usable.

Engine Room

The Engine Room uses a small FTL hyperspace drive for long distance travel, and ion thrusters for local maneuvering. Either option draws power from a simple gas turbine that burns fuel to create electrical power, as well as SMES power storage cells and a small line of solar panels along the sides for auxiliary power. The power system is centralized, so a few strategic breaks may shut down the ship entirely.


This is basically just a few vents into the main crew areas, with air canisters supplying the atmosphere. These canisters may need to be refilled or replaced before further use.


The central focus of the ship, the Medbay is compact but has sleepers, a diagnostic table, surgical equipment, a genetic scanner for preserving the mind and body structure for severe cases, two roller beds, a SmartFridge for storing medicines, and some basic chemical synthesis equipment to whip up medications on the go. As it was meant as a paramedic ship, it is possible to find stasis bags and other valuable medical equipment as well. There may be someone in the sleepers when found, as well.

Crew Quarters

There are tight quarters for up to six crewmembers, each of which has a locking door, a proper bed, and a small computer terminal.


While not nearly as fancy as those of larger ships, the ship's bridge has a Nav Console that lets it travel between locations or dock with a NARV, and a Comm Console for communicating with CorpComm and other ships. There is also a keycard that is required to use either console, which hopefully is still locked into one of the consoles.

Supply Room

Any other materials the ship is carrying are stored in this small compartment.

Abandoned Satellite

One potential item your NARV may find while cruising the cosmos is an abandoned satellite. Once responsible for communications between a planet and orbiting bodies, or to relay long distance hyperspace communications, this satellite has fallen into disrepair and disuse. Chances are, you are here to conduct salvage operations or to search for survivors or bodies that can be recovered and restored to active duty. Depending on how bad the damage is, you may find nothing worth stripping but floor tiles and girders, or you may find remnants of telecomm equipment, clues as to what transpired, useful objects, and possibly even survivors.

Telecomm Room

Obviously the most important room of most satellites, this room is kept extremely cold to protect the servers, which makes entering it unprotected extremely dangerous or fatal.

Maintainer Room

This is a private room for the person assigned to maintain the satellite, and includes a camera monitoring station, power management station, and most of the comforts of home.

Power Room

Satellites usually rely on solar power to maintain their operation, and one SMES to manage power to the rest of the satellite. This means that a well placed shot here can easily knock out the station.

Shield Generators

These protect the satellite against the occasional meteor strike, but won't do much against heavy bombardments.

Operator Room

This is where the person staffing the satellite can access its major controls within one room.

NovusCorp Interdimensional Support Station

The NISS is the place where your orders from CorpComm are sent to you by hyperwave, and is effectively CorpComm as far as the average NARV crewman is concerned. The NISS launches the Escape Shuttle and Arrivals Shuttle, and has a secured area where crewmen can rest, recover, and have their experiences saved for future iterations.

There is also a Holodome, for holding special events - it's effectively a larger holodeck.

The Support Stations are massive, but most people will only get to explore a short distance before the round ends, as coming here usually means that the round is over. In the event that the ship navigates to where a NISS is operating, though, it can provide excellent opportunity for shore leave before the ship moves on.

Mining Station

This base is the primary workplace for brave Shaft Miners. Ships with an active mining crew may find themselves responsible for delivering them to an established Mining Station, or creating one on a target area with the Construction Drop Zone.

Pre-established stations tend to have consistent design, split between living quarters, ore processing, and an EVA area for preparing to venture out of the station into the mining area proper. Doors are generally set to require Mining access, with Mining Station access required for external airlocks and EVA.

As the mining station is not aboard the ship, it is often used as a place of exile for Heads of Staff and Head Revolutionaries. It is also spared annihilation in case of a nuclear explosion or self-destruct.



When not mining floating asteroids, NovusCorp goes after larger game – in this case, hostile planets with little in the way of sentient life to interfere with mining operations. Luckily for you, they found a young planet almost completely covered in lava and a host of deadly creatures. Did we mention the ash storms? There are ash storms as well. Don't forget to grab a bluespace shelter capsule. You're definitely gonna want one of those.

Welcome to Pompeii.

Mining Shuttle

This is the lifeline between the planet and your ship. It's the only reliable way to get between them. Contains a crate for processed minerals. Also contains an ore crate, which you will probably want to use. They require the shuttle console be functional in order to move, and it's worth noting that dangerous local fauna may board the shuttle and use it to get a ride…

Mining Production Area

This is where most of the action occurs. This room contains an ore sorter, a furnace, and a stacking machine, as well as the consoles for their operation. Miners smelt their minerals using this set of machines. In case you need to use them, they work by putting an ore crate on the top right, on the input of ore loader. This machine will grab ores from the crate and put them on the conveyor belt, which will feed them to a smelter. Interacting with the console will let you choose which ores to smelt; do not smelt two different ores at the same time unless you want slag to come out (or plasteel in the case of plasma and iron). The resulting minerals will be carried out by the conveyor belt, on the bottom side of the room.

Note that most of this is done for you by ore redemption machines, when they exist.

The coin press in the upper left corner can be used to manufacture coins of all kinds of materials.

Mining E.V.A.

Contents (for those of you who can't count):

Living Quarters

This little complex serves as the combined kitchen, dormitory and bar for the outpost. Apart from the vending machines, the only source of food readily available is a box of donk pockets and the microwave. If you're feeling particularly ambitious, you could ask cargo or botany to ship you some additional foodstuffs. The disposal chute leads to an enclosed airless room, in case you were wondering.

On this section of the station are a telecommunications room (so you can scream for help when things go horribly wrong), a small medbay with a sleeper and brute first-aid kit (so you can heal fellow miners or hog the first-aid kit for yourself) and a maintenance room (to fill your air tank, though you'll never need to.)

The living quarters also have a single toilet, which doubles as a disposal chute. The three bedrooms have classy mining-brown bedsheets. Enjoy the scenery.


Only stocked with a sleeper, a few medkits, an IV and some blood packs, but it is usually enough to fix the damage you might incur while exploring Pompeii.


The machine inside this room is the only thing that allows you to hear and speak on the station's radio channels. If it is disabled or destroyed it'll cut off all radio communications in Pompeii.

Equipment Room

Here you can find a second set of mining equipment, useful for those who become miners through the HoP. This room also contains a cyborg recharger, for mining cyborgs, and an air canister, for refilling your air tanks.

Kitchen and Bedrooms

The kitchen has some food in the form of donk pockets and a vending machine, plus loads of beer. The bedrooms have classy mining-brown sheets, but otherwise aren't particularly useful. There's also a single toilet, which doubles as a disposal chute.

Storage Room

This room contains the power and air supply of the mining base; additionally, it starts with a locked crate which contains random loot, should someone be of a mind to practice their breaking and entering skills.


Pompeii is the new primary workplace for Shaft Miners, not to be confused with randomly encountered asteroids. As the ship the crew is stationed on is equipped with an FTL drive, Pompeii is a place they can intentionally revisit instead of hoping to find asteroids floating in space. Pompeii is also almost completely covered in lava and is home to many deadly creatures. Did we mention the ash storms? There are ash storms as well. Don't forget to grab a bluespace shelter capsule. You're definitely gonna want one of those. Welcome to Pompeii. Bug your local Captain to visit today!


Pompeii is full of natural hazards. Ash Storms are the most prominent hazard, these storms occur on a regular basis and will deal constant and heavy burn damage to anyone unfortunate enough to be exposed to the storm. Fortunately you will get a warning moments prior to a ash storm's arrival, giving you time to seek shelter.

Lava presents itself as the next most common hazard; walking into lava will deal massive burn damage to you. Even worse, most of the local wildlife are immune to lava and can wade freely into it. However, lava is very obvious and thus easy to avoid.

The final threat are chasms, these are rare but extremly deadly and hard to spot. Walking into one will instantly kill you as you fall to your death! Watch your step.

Sentient Life

Pompeii is surprisingly full of other sentient lifeforms, of varying hostility.

Ashwalkers: A tribe of hostile Lizardmen that worship the underground.

Prisoners: Hardcore prisoners of NovusCorp that survived a crash landing onto the planet. They'll do whatever it takes to survive and have a serious grudge against NovusCorp representatives.

Lifebringers: A group of podmen who live in a seed vault with advanced hydroponics equipment.

Golems: A band of Golems who arrived by ship who live by their creed, of doing whatever.

Stranded hermits: Individuals who arrived by escape pod. They live in a makeshift shelter.

Beach bums: Humans who live in the shelter of a beach biodome.

Lava Dwarves: A group of small humanoids with an insatiable thirst for alcohol and digging. Known for their craftsmanship and hating of pointy ears.

Ruins of Pompeii

Ruins are randomly generated structures that can spawn in space or in lavaland. They can be cosmetic or contain danger and loot. Contents [hide] 1 Lavaland Ruins 1.1 Inhabited Ruins 1.1.1 [Show/hide] Ash Walker Nest 1.1.2 [Show/hide] Free Golem Ship 1.1.3 [Show/hide] Seed Vault 1.1.4 [Show/hide] Prisoner Crash 1.1.5 [Show/hide] Beach Biodome 1.2 Normal Ruins 1.2.1 [Show/hide] Wishgranter Cube 1.2.2 [Show/hide] Ruin of Gluttony 1.2.3 [Show/hide] Biodome Clown Planet 2 Space Ruins Lavaland Ruins

All lavaland ruins protect from ash storms, even if they're not enclosed by walls. Inhabited Ruins

[Show/hide] Ash Walker Nest Ash nest.png

Home to the Ash Walkers, this nest is built with runed metal floor and walls. It contains the Ash Walker Tendril, necessary to make more Ash Walker eggs, and a few Gutlunches, which will eat gibs and can be milked to gain nutriment. Scattered around there are several crates, containing several sources of light, basic farming and digging equipment and some medical items. There's also a syndicate toolbox containing every type of tool plus combat gloves. There are also an RCD, a gravitational singularity generator, and an AI combat software upgrade, which gives any AI the same powers a Malfunctioning AI would normally get. Several spears are laid out on a table for the first Ash Walker hunters to fight with. Ash Walkers start with three eggs, and produce more by dragging mobs to their tendril. [Show/hide] Free Golem Ship Free golem ship.png

This ship is inhabited by Adamantine Golems created on another station, who have been given freedom by their creator. The ship crash landed on lavaland, and the golems hibernating inside finally awaken. The ship initially contains several crates of mining IDs and equipment; since golems cannot use KAs by default they're equipped with Resonators. They also have ore crates, a filled toolbox and some medkits. There is also a land claim, which can be used to rename the Golem Ship's area. On the ship there are also an Ore Redemption Machine, which will smelt the minerals collected by the golems while giving them mining points; an autolathe; and a modified mining vendor, which will sell some golem-only items, such as R&D machinery boards, grey slime extracts, and acid. Free golems, with enough time, can come to replicate most of the station's Science department. On a table there is a Golem Creation Disk. If uploaded on an autolathe, it can then create Golem Shells for 40000 metal; they can then be finished with 10 sheets of any mineral and possessed by ghosts. Golems start with four shells, and can produce more at the autolathe. [Show/hide] Seed Vault Seed vault.png

Seed Vaults are ancient structures created with the intent of spreading life on other planets and ecosystems. Each one contains four preserved terrariums, which can be used by ghosts to spawn as a podperson. The seed vault contains extremely advanced hydroponics equipment, allowing the inhabitants to grow plants without constraints. The Plant DNA Manipulator can scan the potency gene up to 100 instead of 50, and there is an Unstable Mutagen dispenser so the podpeople can mutate plants at will. On a table there are several Floral Somatorays as well. Vending machines offer seeds and tools, while water can be acquired from the sinks. There is no backpack inside, but the biogenerator can be used to produce leather satchels. Podpeople cannot breathe the harsh air of lavaland and thus are confined inside until they grow an oxygen-healing plant or they acquire internals from a visitor. There are four preserved terrariums, and podpeople cannot generate more podpeople, although they can clone each other through replica pods.

Prisoner Crash

The crash site of a prisoner transfer ship. The guards were killed on landing or by the hostile wildlife, and the only survivors are the prisoners in the sleepers, which ghosts can possess. Prisoners start with an internal mask and tank and a prisoner outfit; the first prisoners can also loot the dead guards for security IDs and equipment, which includes M911 guns, armor and flashlights. Prisoners should aim to get to a safe spot as soon as possible, since the air they start with is limited, and they are not properly equipped for fighting the monsters or healing wounds. There are eight prisoner sleepers.

Beach Biodome

A pleasant beach enclosed in a reinforced shell, separating it from the lavaland hellscape. It's inhabited by three beach bums: a bartender, a bodybuilder and a lifeguard. Only the bartender can access the food and drink storage. If the beach bums want to leave the biodome, the anterooms contain masks, oxygen tanks and pickaxes. It's still dangerous, due to monsters and ash storms, but it is survivable.

Normal Ruins

Wishgranter Cube

A Wish Granter surrounded by two layers of indestructible walls. To reach it you will need bluespace crystals and lots of luck. If you manage to get inside and activate it, the wish granter will give you Hulk, X-Ray, Telekinesis and Cold Resistance, and the objective to hijack the emergency shuttle.

Ruin of Gluttony

This ruin is partially blocked by a gluttonous wall, which is only passable if you're fat enough. If the accessible section you can find a Veal Render, which on use spawns 20 cows. If you pass thorugh the wall, you can find a syringe containing Gluttony's Blessing, which, if injected, will slowly turn you into a Morph.

Biodome Clown Planet

A puzzle ruin that has definitely been created by a mad clown. The entrance is on the top, through the disposal chute; it'll lead you in the brown top section, which is made of permanently-lubed floor. To progress, you must reach the right small room, where you can take a chute to go outside or continue to the left. Going towards that path will lead to the bananium-floored section, which is not lubed and actually safe to cross; you can then go into the treasure room from there.

The treasure room contains several valuable items: a Staff of the Honkmother, which shoots slipping bananas that move through walls; a pair of mk-honk prototype shoes, that create banana peels on each step, as long as they're fueled with bananium; a rainbow slime extract, which can be injected with blood to make a consciousness transference potion, and a bluespace banana peel.

Open Space

Deadly to all, except Cyborgs and Aliens, it houses many mysteries, and many asteroids.

Any part of the station exposed to space, and not behind an airlock, solid wall or secured window will quickly lose breathable air.

Generally, unless you are in a proper space suit with functioning internals, you will freeze to death in the airless, bone chilling void, unless you happen to be hit by a stray meteor, or Space Dust, first.


It is well known that space is not a safe place. Without a source of breathable air you will quickly pass out before you can accomplish anything, so set up internals. If you see someone passed out in a de-pressurized zone you should make it your priority to drag them somewhere safer and give them some Salbutamol to treat oxygen deprivation.

Space is cold. REALLY FUCKING COLD. Your jumpsuit is not enough to safeguard you from this hazard and you will eventually become critical if you spend too much time outside. While freezing, you move at a snail's pace and you might not be able to get to safety in time. It might be a good idea to announce your situation over the radio and have someone come get you if you're not sure you'll make it. Leporazine is the drug of choice for keeping you warm, but coffee or tea help somewhat. Morphine is also an excellent choice for aspiring astronauts as it helps you move in bulky space suits and reduces the slowing effects of the cold.

Low pressure is your first sign that the air is too thin to breathe. The low pressure of space will deal brute damage if your body is exposed to it.

Syndie scum and other sorts of traitors have a close relationship with space. They can often be found hovering around outside the station in stolen space suits. They will shoot you if they catch you out there. While the station engineers do their best to keep the horror that is The Great Outdoors separate from the rest of the station, traitors will seek to acquaint you with this region in a variety of ways. Don't let them.

Ghetto Space Suit

Located in many maintenance tunnels throughout the station and in other places, gas masks, fire suits and extinguishers can all be found. These items are ridiculously common. You are fairly protected from the cold in this equipment but you may want to bring some Leporazine as mentioned earlier. To propel yourself, just aim the fire extinguisher in the opposite direction you want to go in and voila! You are a true, blue, bona fide motherfucking rocket man. Extinguishers last surprisingly long when used this way and don't cut into your air supply like a jetpack does, but the downside is that it's much less maneuverable. Still, it should be good for simple work around the station. Guns and sprayers can also be used to maneuver in space.

Being Adrift In The Void

Alright, calm down. The situation may not be as hopeless as it seems. Too many newbies have died when they could have been saved but gave in to despair. If you have any of the aforementioned items your chances of survival are greatly increased. Cyborgs may have it a lot easier because they are innately immune to cold and vacuum. Standard and engineering models even have a built in fire extinguisher for propellant, but other models can't throw anything.

Your first priority is to activate internals if they weren't already. If you know where the station is and have a fire extinguisher, use it. If you don't, try throwing some items to propel yourself back to safety. If you were thrown out an airlock by a traitor, now's the time to let people know of your situation and where it happened. Generally they will have stripped you of all your protective gear so your time will be limited, but if they left you ANYTHING to throw you may at least have your body discovered. It might be a pain in the ass to retrieve it, but security will probably want you cloned to interview you. Maximizing your suit sensors increases this possibility dramatically. Even if you don't survive, you may be avenged by blowing their cover over the radio, but this doesn't always work. Remember you can cling to the hull of the station and walk around, but you should walk so you don't slip.

If you don't have any compunctions with metagaming, note that space is random. You won't generally be in space forever – even if you die, your body will probably hit something eventually. Paranoid traitors may try to give you some spin when they space you for this reason since you're more likely to hit an asteroid or outer station instead, or they'll send you along a vector where they know you won't be coming back.

Sometimes you just don't have any idea where the main station is. This tends to happen after blinking or walking into a portal set as a trap. If you have the equipment necessary to survive in space for an extended period of time, rejoice! Just set yourself on a diagonal vector and you'll encounter some form of civilization eventually. If you're not seeing any stations and you're getting impatient, you may try changing direction. If and when you make it back, it'll make a fine story to tell everyone at the bar, assuming the whole place hasn't gone down while you were away.

Remember, space is more or less 'randomized' in that not everything is in a set direction from one another. Unless you specifically know where you're going, chances are where you end up can be almost anywhere. Just don't stray too far and this should not be a problem.


There's currently nothing but copied links to places for ideas right now. So sorry.

Unorganized Locations

Places to borrow from ...