Table of Contents

Personnel Deck ("Deck E")

Most of the personnel areas are located on this deck, including dormitories, cafeteria, kitchen, bar, and hydroponics area. The security areas are also on this deck, as are the corporate offices of NovusCorp.

Chelsea Ramsey's IntergalactiPub

While technically, this is more of a restaurant, the IntergalactiPub (shortened frequently to GalactiPub, or just Pub) is basically a bar that also serves meals. It connects to the ship's kitchen and acts as a place to serve food and drinks to the passengers and staff in a recreational environment. As such, it is staffed by a Bartender and possibly a Waiter or two, and has a couple of classic arcade machines, slot machines, a few vending machines and a small stage for performers. Assuming the Kitchen is properly staffed, the Pub is an excellent place to relax, enjoy a meal, and talk about the day's events.

The behind-the-bar door and back room all require Bar access. Behind the bar, there is a Booze-O-Mat, and all the other tools the Bartender needs to mix and serve drinks. There is also a back room where beer kegs and other materials are stored. The Chef is rarely seen in the Pub proper (at least now that he has his own ValuChimp dispensary for monkey meat) unless the Waiters are nowhere to be found; when present, the Waiters buzz in and out to serve meals as well as drinks if the Bartender needs assistance.


This area connected to the Pub is the starting location for the trustworthy Clown and the shy but competitive Mime. Requires Theatre access to attain entrance, which of course the clown and mime start off with (some argue if they didn't the ship would be a better place).

The theatre stage has a random instrument in its corner at the start of a shift, with which you can play music to impress others or provide backdrop to an event. Backstage there is a mirror to look pretty and an AutoDrobe vending machine that specifically dispenses costumes. For example, you can vend a pirate costume, or a wizard costume. The theatre is rarely used for its intended purpose – almost nobody will ever host a play or, god forbid, concert on the stage. They will, however, steal any kitty ears and rabbit ears possible as well as any costume pieces lying about if they get the chance.

The Cafeteria

Located directly adjacent to the Dormitories, the Cafeteria is a less comfortable relative of the Pub, frequented by those who don't want to pay recreational prices or enjoy the company of intoxicated off-duty coworkers. The Kitchen makes food to supply the Cafeteria and has a connecting door so they can stock the Vendomat machines, as well as a conveyor belt that leads to a Foodservice Counter where a Food Service Worker can sell things and serve drinks from a Soda Dispenser directly, but is most likely not going to put as much care into the food that is served here, so expect to make use of the drink dispensers and snack vending machines to supplement your diet, or get used to a lot of Reconstituted Protein Paste from the Sustenance Vendor.

The Kitchen

The Kitchen is where the Chef, Sous Chef, and occasionally Food Service Workers turn raw ingredients into masterful dishes – or more likely, churn out whatever doesn't burn to a crisp and hopefully not poison it while they're at it. Some Chefs have been known to use… unique methods of extending the food supply aboard ships, so do try not to antagonize them too much. They typically get supplies from the Hydroponics and Ranch departments, although Cargo can also give direct supplies as well, and have a Freezer for keeping frozen foods frozen and a cooler for keeping food cold enough not to spoil but not frozen without overloading the SmartFridge system. The Freezer in particular is spacious enough to store crates of frozen foods until they are ready to be used.

The Kitchen contains a SmartFridge that connects to Hydroponics, a Food Processor, two Microwaves, plenty of table and counter space, a blender, a ChemMaster, an ice cream maker, a butchering machine and several meat spikes. There is also a cookbook for new chefs to learn from, and a ValuChimp vending machine for emergency meat supplies.

A Protein Loaf Processor is also provided for making less impressive dishes to serve to the Cafeteria and Prison Cafeteria; technically any dish can be sent down the Cafeteria conveyor, so Cafeteria diners may get lucky, but the Prison Cafeteria conveyor specifically rejects non-loaf foods. The Cafeteria also has vending machines where any dish can be placed and a price set by the Chef or Sous Chef; funds go to the one who set the price, minus a 10% commission for the Supply budget.


The Dormitories provides places for people to sleep, either within actual beds, or within the cryostasis chambers that freeze people and their possessions so that they can be safely stored regardless of whether the rest of the ship is a twisted metal wreck with fires burning all the oxygen that isn't leaking through the hull breaches. As long as the cryostasis chambers don't melt or lose power, anyhow. There is also a unisex bathroom and shower area, a locker room with a clothing manufacturer and several other vending machines, a cyborg recharge station, and some basic crew supplies such as satchels and headsets.

Crew Berths

Like any modern starship, the crew have beds that are shared on a rotating basis and which provide little in the way of personal privacy. There are two large rooms, north and south, each with eight beds that are surprisingly comfortable; however, most crew prefer the cryosleep chambers for a truly peaceful sleep.

Passenger Cabins

Typically assigned to non-crew passengers, these personal cabins do provide a good place to have a bit of privacy for whatever one might need such for. Also, the cabins can be bolted closed from within via a button on the wall, ideal for self-protection if someone has succumbed to space madness at an awkward moment or during a Red Alert.

Fitness Room

This small fitness area provides exercise machines, scales, a water fountain, punching targets, and a ring. Boxing and MMA matches are regularly organized by Security to keep boredom down (and find potential new recruits to Security). There is a larger Exercise Room for those who need a more strenuous workout, located at the far east (rear) end of the ship.

Shower Room

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise. There are four shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.


These basic bathrooms contain a toilet, sink, mirror, and a small trashcan.

A cyborg recharging unit is located nearby.

Cryosleep Chambers

These chambers provide an alternate method of entering the round for those not available at round start, or exiting for those finished with a play session or just needing a short break.

Lifepod Launchers

These rooms are emergency escape pod launchers; each Launcher is supposed to be loaded with steel and glass which is automatically used to fabricate Pods once the prior Pod has launched, but scavengers have a bad habit of looting the Pods instead of loading them…

Exercise Room

The Exercise Room, also known as the Gym, is located near the Deck E substation, in part because many of the available exercise machines for working off weight also provide power to the ship through pedaling, rowing, or other simple generation techniques. Barring a major exercise program, these are unlikely to power an FTL jaunt on their own, but they can still make a difference. There's also the Lipid Extractor, a diet machine that sucks the weight out of a person while giving helpful advice; it stores the material thus extracted so that the Chef can make dishes with Strange Meat (mmm, fresh biomatter) if he remembers to send someone to unload it.

Locker Room

This contains a variety of Personal Lockers which can be claimed by crewmembers or passengers. Swiping your ID on one of these lockers claims it as yours; if the previous owner is no longer on the crew manifest (or you have a Head of Staff ID), it opens the locker and clears the ownership tag. Examining a locker will tell you who currently owns it, and in the case of lockers owned by past crewmembers, you may find clothing, backpacks or satchels, and other interesting items left behind by prior or current crewmembers.

Main Area

The main area contains six more Personal Lockers; each starts out with its prior round's contents if the locker survived the round. A Portable Scrubber and a Portable Pump are stored in the southern corner in case of emergency; the Pump starts empty, but can be filled with the air around them before being transported to where it's needed. The northern side has a Water Tank for the janitor's buckets, and a Fuel Tank for topping off welders. A couple of toolboxes are also here for maintenance purposes. There are also a few vending machines here for automated services:


The bathroom has four sinks with mirrors over them, and four small stalls with toilets. Anything put into the toilet will be sent down the disposal line when the toilet is flushed. You can wash hands at the sinks, if needs be, or you can use the shower stalls for a more thorough wash. While you can also wash clothes at the sink, the laundromat is a preferable choice as it takes less time. An electric razor is provided for changing one's hairstyle.


There are three washing machines in a small laundromat area. You can put clothes in the washing machine, close the lid, and then activate it to start washing. Any stains, incriminating or otherwise, will be cleaned. Of note, some items can have their color changed if a dye packet is tossed in with the items to be colored. Items that can be color-changed include Jumpsuits, Caps, Gloves, and Shoes. Also of note, inserting animals in the washing machines will prove unfortunately fatal. You bastard.

Maintenance Access

This small room contains maintenance options for the laundromat and the disposal piping.


Watch your step when you're in the Pool south of the Gym. The floor's all wet and slippery. Usually there's nothing here of interest unless someone's swimming, but occasionally people will sneak into the sauna for a refreshing steaming. While this place is close to the microfusion engine, you need not watch out for engineers screaming over the radio, since this place gets its steam from the Laundromat.


This wooden room is the Sauna, the red oni counterpart to the Pool and a good place to have a nice and refreshing steam bath. Unlike older saunas that create steam by pouring water over a coal stove with stones or electric heaters, this particular sauna heats gas from the Laundry Room with a furnace and sends it to pipe meshes under the benches, directly warming the air. Most people can stand the heat pretty well, but you may, on occasion, find some who want their sauna just a little bit hotter…


The holodeck is a virtual reality simulator that is equipped for all your entertainment needs, using mobile energy fields to create the sensation of realistic objects, and using matter synthesis to create gases and other materials when necessary. Almost all items created by the Holodeck will disappear if removed from the Holodeck area (assuming that the safeties haven't been disabled), or if the program is terminated or changed. The Holodeck uses a lot of power while in operation, and has such has its own SMES cell - why anyone would go out of their way to ensure that the Holodeck's functionality is among those things that will survive an external power failure is unknown, although the Holodeck is designed to synthesize atmosphere to breathe even if the area outside is vacuum, so this might be a sort of safety precaution. Besides, the Holodeck drains so much power that a dedicated SMES makes more sense anyhow.

Included simulations are:

While the safeties are enabled, injuries sustained by holo-weapons are purely simulated, and will recover fairly quickly with no risk of permanent damage. In game terms, they inflict a special damage type, Holo, which can knock you out but not kill you, and which heals quickly.

Emagging or removing the safeties of the holodeck has two effects: it will unlock more dangerous scenarios, and will cause items spawned in the holodeck to do real damage and to not disappear upon exiting the holodeck room. They will still disappear if the holodeck changes program or is shut down, under most circumstances. However, if you can also lock the holodeck panel so that nothing short of cutting the power will suffice, and then make sure that nothing can cut the power…

Unsafe simulations, from least to most dangerous, include:


The Botanist works here. This is one of the most important areas of the ship, as it is the area where the ship's food is grown, among other things. The vending machines and other supplies here are meant to supply a botanist with everything they need to make fresh fruits and vegetables, and there are also areas for raising livestock, protein cultures, and other oddities. There is a Xenobotany Lab on one end, in case the botanist desires to experiment with strange new plant life forms. There is also a biogenerator that turns organic biomass into fertilizer, fabric, and other materials.

It has two water tanks and buckets, two lockers full of hydroponics supplies (mini hoes, plant analyzers and hatchets) and service headsets, Plant-b-gone spray bottles, a watertank backpack, a crate containing a screwdriver and a wrench, and an encouraging letter from the previous botanist. Read the Guide to hydroponics for more info.

The devices present in this room are:


This area adjacent to Hydroponics is set up for the raising of animals for food or other purposes, and is managed by the Rancher, or the Botanist if no rancher is available. There are pens in here waiting for cows, chickens, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, or other odd creatures; note that Xenobiology is the recommended place for truly alien creatures unless they turn out to be extremely docile, and Xenobiology should be responsible for evaluating whether a species is calm enough to be domesticated.

Radio Room

A room for broadcasting on the ship's entertainment frequency. Several of the ship's radios and intercoms are tuned to this frequency, allowing the Radio Host to play music and commercials, synthesize the voices of other people to provide himself more people to present a show with, and other paraphernilia of a thriving radio station.

TV Room

Also known as the Broadcast Room, this is a TV stage with a television camera whose broadcast appears as one of the camera channels on televisions across the station. The room also includes various props for hosting a variety of shows, and equipment for making sure your broadcast is the best it can be. There is also a portacam that acts similarly to a helmet camera, and is also connected to the TV channel, for filming interviews and such.

Green Room

A calm, peaceful place for guests of the radio or TV hosts to wait until it's their time to shine, with couches, chairs, a TV tuned to the television channel, and a radio tuned to the radio channel.

Interview Room

The place where the three mass media forces (print, radio, and TV) meet up to conduct formal interviews, shipwide briefings, and the like. A microphone is provided to increase the volume of the speaker so that they can hear and transmit what the person says, and a press box is positioned so that they can take recordings (or film, in the case of the TV Host) of the proceedings.


The Library is a place for reading various interesting or informative texts, including technical manuals, workbooks for specific careers, and whatever else might have been entered into the Library system. The Librarian is responsible for managing the books on file, and for ensuring that the Library is kept in decent order. The Curator, meanwhile, manages archaeological finds in the Library's display cases, and occasionally joins Xeno-Archaeologists on digs.

A small Computer Room within the library allows crewmembers to work on private projects (or just play a few games of Colony Crush.) It is also considered an excellent place to hang out and relax when nothing disastrous is going on.

This is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian and Curator both spawn here, and each gets a Private Study behind the library desk, both of which requires Library access. In a back is a work space ideal for holding meetings, organizing a newscast, or even a game of DnD.

The Library is meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter rather than properly shelving them.


The Chapel is the ostensibly holy section of the ship, a place of prayer and peace maintained by the ship's Chaplain. Interestingly, supernatural evils and powerful magics don't seem to work in its area - the chapel is the only place on the ship that prevents wizards from casting spells, and a vampire that has not attained full power will suffer burn damage while in it. This area features the following amenities:


Includes actual pews, so the chapel can look like a legitimate place of worship rather than some sort of chair depot. Comes with a state-of-art sound system. Accessible to everyone.

Chaplain's Office

The chaplain's starting point. Contains his locker of great outfits. Also has a crate with a Ouija board in it, for limited conversation with the dead.

Chapel Morgue

Almost never used, so it's a decent place to hide corpses/the evidence. Bodies put in trays do not decay. The doctors in medbay can transfer corpses here from their morgue in preparation for burial.


Two booths with a one-way window between them. One booth is accessible from the chaplain's office, the other is accessible from the lobby/prayer area.

Mass Driver

Launches items into space. Intended for use with coffins, but also used for escorting hostile entities from the premises.


The other way to get rid of bodies. Turns people and their belongings into a pile of ash. Note that the flames are hot enough to destroy nearly anything, so don't put anything in you would want back. Preferred method of disposing of creatures that can't be killed by the vacuum of space or are otherwise difficult to dispatch. The Thermoelectric Engine routes its hot loop pipe through the Crematorium.

Courtroom Holding Cell

The place where security sends their convicts to prepare for their trials; accessible by the chaplain to provide spiritual guidance, as well as the lawyer or Internal Affairs to provide legal guidance and security to provide an escort in and out.


A small little room on the side of Hydroponics and the Pub. It's a very popular place to stay in style with the latest new hair styles. Some more frequent customers tend to not enjoy it as much, but that's probably just a rumor…

The Barber will find all the tools of their trade here and inside the storage area next to it. If you're someone else desperate for something to do with your shift, spare barber uniforms are also available.

Corporate Office

A haven of suits and paperwork, the Corporate Office exists to organize paperwork and push profits.

Internal Affairs Office

The Internal Affairs Agent starts his shift in a comfortable, if small office that contains his personal fax machine, computer, printer and copier.

Corporate Representative Office

The Corporate Representative begins in a slightly larger and more comfortable office with many of the same amenities as well as a red phone that allows him to contact the bridge or CorpComm at a moment's notice (though abusing this privilege is an even worse idea than abusing the fax machines). Of note is that he may receive direct calls from Corporate Command for matters relating to profit generation (for example, making sure the scientists are turning in research reports, the mechanics are minimizing expenses by producing their own tools, the doctors are keeping workers healthy, the geneticists are working on expanding the human genome, the quartermaster is making sales, etc.)

Corporate Recruiter's Office

A small and sparse office, as his primary working space is elsewhere. The Corporate Recruiter is basically a slightly lower-ranking head of personnel with the power to assign people to departments but only marginal access of their own, so he works as a liaison to direct people to the Head of Personnel's office on Deck B. He is the head of the Interns, which are basically assistants with even less access than assistants (and no paycheck; they're paid in work experience, after all!)

Consultant's Office

Where the Consultant sits while waiting for the Corporate Recruiter to bring in Interns, the Consultant often pairs up with an Intern (new player) and follows them around on their first assignment, effectively guiding them in doing their job correctly.

Intern Waiting Room

Where Interns wait for someone to come along to show them how to do work. Typically the Consultant gets priority, but any Head of Staff can choose to stop by the Waiting Room if they choose. There are chairs much like at the DMV, and windows where the Consultant, Recruiter, or their Secretaries, if applicable, can call them up and start to explain the basics to them.

Secretary Pool

This is the office where Secretaries work when not assigned to a department, filing paperwork in the filing cabinets and answering requests. They have their own fancy coffee machine for preparing fancy coffee, though it can produce normal coffee for traditionalists as well.

Art Storage

This small room is used by creative minds seeking self-expression, or less creative minds to store the equipment for painting airlocks and similar such things. As such, it does indeed contain pens, markers, crayons, a camera, an airlock painter, paper, canvas boards, an easel, and other items for artistic expression.


A small public garden that anyone can grow plants in, which includes a small amount of seeds to start with. Often treated as a meditation garden due to its distance from most of the catastrophes going on. Includes dirt, seeds, plants, a seed extractor, a public biogenerator, a hatchet, a bucket, a cultivator, and a bottle of pest spray. The hatchet in particular often goes missing if nobody has been spending much time in the garden lately.

Gauss Guns Rooms E through H

These four rooms - port, starboard, fore, and aft - house the Gauss Guns that provide a modicum of defense should the ship come under attack from the sides, and are accessible to any crewman during emergencies. Their ball turrets are exterior to the hull while in use and can be damaged separately.

Ion Drive Maintenance Room

This allows the ion drives that propel the ship when not currently in FTL flight to be maintained and repaired. The drives use a minimum of 500 kW to move the ship, with greater energy output allowing for greater speed. Assuming the Gravity Generator is functional, inertial dampeners are available to allow for sick drifts and other fancy piloting maneuvers.

Security Locations

Security Armory

The armory is located in the heart of the security sector, surrounded with reinforced walls and with a two-door entrance. The armory has a separate area for specialized armor, weapons, and ammunition as well as seized contraband. Requires Armory access to enter. This is where the most important weapons are kept like energy guns and automatic rifles. People who attempt to break into the armory are usually given harsh sentences.



Miscellaneous Items:

Secured Section:

The armory is unsurprisingly a prime target for traitors and fools, and it is the job of the Warden to watch over it. Breaking in or trespassing is justification for permanent incarceration or even summary execution if the violator proves to be dangerous.

Gaining Entry

If you're looking to gain entry to the armory, you're in for a very tough time unless you already have security access. If you want to try your chances, you can hack your way in, which can be difficult since it would mean hacking three doors before even reaching armory doors. You can also wait for an enemy ship to breach the armory in a hellish barrage of MAC cannon fire, or attempt to breach it yourself by deconstructing the reinforced walls that separate you from its interior.


This is where regular offenders are put. It is the front face of the security sector at the port-fore end of the ship, next to arrivals. Most doors in the brig require Brig access, however you will need Holding Cell access to use the timers.

Just to the north of the control room is the Armory. To the northwest is the Prison Wing, and to the northeast is the Security Office. To the south is the Fore Primary Hallway. The door on the far right leads to the Courtroom.

Brig Control Room

This is the control room of the brig. It has a central location in the security sector, allowing the Master-at-Arms or Warden to supervise the brig, prison wing, armory and security office from their desks. Inside are lockdown buttons for the brig and prison wing, and an assortment of security computers, including the Prisoner Management system (which works with chemical and tracking implants). The office has a window to the public should people have questions or concerns, and another facing the security office for the distribution of controlled weapons to officers and soldiers.

Timed Cells

The southern cells have timed locks on them, and it is the Warden's job to set the timers. If the timer is not set, then the prison door will remain open. If you're smart, you follow Space Law when setting timers so that the Janitor doesn't receive a ten-minute sentence for not placing wet floor signs. If you are dealing with a very dangerous person such as a traitor, changeling, or repeated offender of a violent crime, they should instead be “permabrigged” – placed in the Prison Wing or solitary confinement, which are both located to the northwest. A Jail room is available for temporary residence for when the Warden is swamped with criminals to be processed following a raid by security in a department, or by a department into security.

Most of the time, cells only have one person residing within them, unless someone really supports that Clown, and anyone within is rarely let out until their jail time is up barring extreme extenuating circumstances (the Brig has been opened to vacuum, the Singularity is eating the ship, etc.)

Interrogation Room

This dimly lit room can be used to squeeze out as much information you can out of suspects. It also makes a great place to hold a private discussion. There is a side room that can be used as an observation area; they can see in, but those in the interrogation room can't see out. There is a conveniently placed recorder located on the table that can be used as evidence in court cases, if need be. This room is a favorite of the detective's.

Auxiliary Medbay

A small medbay is available in the west section of the brig, for when officers or prisoners get injured. In reality it only carries a medkit and some chemical bottles, and mostly functions as a miniature morgue for impromptu autopsies. Still, it gives the Brig Physician a place to spawn in preparation for his work.

Evidence Lockers

Store the confiscated belongings of prisoners such as high-risk items and weapons here. If some of the possessions are particularly dangerous, store them in the Armory's contraband locker where only the Warden, Head of Security, or Captain will be able to access them. Security access is needed to enter this room.

Prison Wing

Also known as the Permabrig, if you've fucked up big time this is where Security will put you. This “luxurious suite” is a shared living space among all those sentenced to life imprisonment. Includes a washroom, toilet, a laundry, a book printer, some dirt piles and machines for gardening, and vending machines. All red doors here require Holding Cells access to open, thus excluding the Detective, Lawyers and non-security Heads of Staff.

Each cell is equipped with a wall-mounted flasher, and blast doors that can be used during prisoner transfers, or as a way to isolate troublesome inmates.

Insanity Ward

This soothing white room contains straitjackets and muzzles to disable crewmates who won't shut up and are a danger to themselves and others. Expect this room to never be used except for the 1% of rounds someone makes falsewalls to sneak into the brig through it.

The Prisoner Transfer Center

This dark, nasty corridor leads to a section with no cameras where prisoners are transferred to another place so they can't do any more harm to anyone… In other words, it leads to the execution chamber.

Why the caginess? Depending on the lawset, AIs have a bad habit of not comprehending that the needs of the many may exceed the needs of the few - or of taking that lesson to the alternate extreme - so problematic AIs may be allowed to think that no harm is coming to the prisoner in question in order to assure that said prisoner can be prevented from committing further harm to many others. Most enlightened ships prefer not to use this overmuch, as the AI isn't the only entity that would find such policies distasteful, but it is one of the few ways to permanently deter a Revolutionary Head or certain other Antagonists.

Execution Chambers

The execution chambers themselves are dimly lit, with a window for observation. This is ideally seldom used except against extremely hostile boarders and crew members tried for extreme acts of treason or other capital crimes. There are several methods of execution that a ship might use, rated from least to most cruel:

Prison Break

Generally, escape from the permabrig is impossible without outside help. However, a prepared traitor can escape easily. A uplink implant can be smuggled unseen after injection and will give you enough crystals to buy a space suit and a piece of C4 for quick getaways should you be captured; however, that will use up all but one of your crystals, so you will need to accomplish your mission with minimal Syndicate gear.

If you didn't plan ahead, you can smash the window open with botany tools, use a shard of glass to break the electrified grille, and in your pockets and hands carry some sodas. Run out of the window and head right; if you move fast and know the exact route you are going, you can run around the ship, past solars, and make it back to the Escape airlocks and get on the station before you die. It helps if a foolish Warden left you with some items, or if you have a buddy in perma.

Lucky prisoners will be freed by a Gr3y.T1d3 virus that can occasionally infect Security's computer network. All doors will be bolted open, timers will be reset and the lights will go out. It's the perfect opportunity to make a quick getaway.

The final way to escape is to lure someone inside, use the bar of soap to slip them, take their stun baton and stun them, then strip and kill them, and use their ID to escape. Remember to take their radio off first or you will get dog-piled by their backup.

Detective's Office

This is the place the Detective hangs around. It is located inside the Security Sector next to the brig. It has all of the detective's security, forensic, and personal items. Clowns and other thieves may break in to steal items. Requires Forensics access to enter. It is a small room that's accessed from outside security, either from the hallway or the maintenance tunnel, befitting of a slow jazz theme as you chainsmoke all your cigarettes until you pretty much die by killing your lungs. This room is often glanced over and forgotten about.


The following is in the office:

Head of Security's Office

Gives the HoS to have a place to oversee and command the security staff, and store his gear.

The Head of Security starts his day in his private office, stroking his stun baton and looking at the prisoner monitors with a smirk on his face. It is considered a restricted area and requires HoS access to enter. There are two buttons that control access to the Brig and Prison Wing in the event that the Warden isn't being very cooperative or has been overpowered. There is also an unrestricted Security Cameras Computer that can view any security camera on the ship, and a Security Records Computer for updating records or setting people's status to Arrest.

It also has a view of the execution chamber for laughing at the criminals as they fry.

The locker contains:

Security Offices

Attached to the Brig is the primary Security Office, where security members can manage records, change equipment, charge their weapons, or hold meetings. The regular Security Officer starts his shift here. The Head of Security starts his day in his private office. The Security Office is considered a restricted area and requires Security access to enter, meaning if someone runs in unauthorized you should probably toss him out.

Notable contents include records and camera computers, a practice laser gun, and a practice syndicate bomb.

Equipment Room

The central area for incoming and outgoing officers to get equipped with either basic equipment or requisitions from the Armory or Secure Armory. Also contains Wall Rechargers for Tasers and Stunbatons and a Pepper Spray Refiller. The lockers in here contain everything a security officer will need to do their job and eventually meet a horrible fate at the hands of a filthy criminal. The SecTech vending machine will supply officers with extra handcuffs, zipties, flashbangs, donuts and other essential items.

Escape Shuttle

Luckily for you, the Escape Shuttle is right around the corner for quick transport of prisoners! A good officer, however, wouldn't be spending their time sitting in the office doing nothing instead of patrolling (unless you're manning the Brig, of course).

Law Office

This is where Lawyers go to die. It's located just outside the Security Sector, and requires Law Office access. It's hardly ever used as the lawyer spends most of his time in the brig (fighting for your rights), in the courtroom (screaming OBJECTION! for your rights), in the brig (arrested for fighting for your rights) or in the bar (after being arrested for fighting for your rights). Still, it has a nice view of the Brig's doors, allowing you to spring into action the moment you see security drag someone in, and the Lawyer has copies of everyone's Employee Contracts, which can be used to get the Devil to relinquish a soul (it happens more often than you'd think).

At the very least, you have a handy monitor that allows you to check on the prisoners in the Prison Wing. There's also a button to shade the windows, so lawyers can privately meet with their clients.

The locker contains both of the normal lawyer outfits as well as two unique lawyer jumpsuits. Remember: stylish lawyers win cases.

Security Posts

Each of the major departments has a small security office near their entrances. Only Brig access is required to enter these rooms, meaning department heads have authority over the posts in their departments. Each office has a Security Records Computer, a security camera terminal, and a locker of security gear.

Arrivals Checkpoint

This is the small security office in Arrivals that is supposed to be used to process new arrivals. Includes a security camera console and security records console, an equipment locker, a weapon recharger, a spare flash, and an ID computer. Often used by people with stolen IDs to give themselves all-access and by people with stolen weapons to load them.

Usually unmanned, and usually broken into by those who want quick and easy access to security gear.

Military Locations

Military Armory

Home of the Master-of-Arms, who keeps greedy marines away from the really heavy duty weapons until they're justified, and who requisitions replacements to sate the soldiers' desire for carnage. Think of the Master-of-Arms as a combination quartermaster / warden for the really big guns. The special military crates they can order come in on equally special military shuttles, and are delivered to Deck G directly. Smart Quartermasters leave these crates untouched should they encounter them as the punishments for tampering can be… dire. The Requisition Officer has authority to acquire items from the armory for his soldiers, and to use best judgment in issuing equipment.

At round start, the Military Armory is woefully understocked and begins with the following inventory:

This is enough to mostly outfit one squad; most actively military ships have up to four in active duty. The Requisition Officer will help to increase these stocks as military necessity permits, or more accurately, as equipment not currently needed comes up the ASRS lift.

Requisitions Office

Connected to the military armory, the Requisitions Office is basically the candy store for Marines, as they can requisition weapons, armor, and other supplies for their next rendezvous with death and destruction. While security occasionally has to stop overexuberant Marines or remind them of standard operating procedures (such as not open-carrying weapons aboardship during Green Alerts), usually Marines can contain their enthusiasm at least enough to get properly equipped before a military operation. The ASRS connects directly to this office, as does the Military Armory.

The Automated Storage and Retrieval System

Vernacularly known as the Elevator, this is the Marine improvement on standard Quartermaster duties - an elevator that brings crates from the Cargo Hold on Deck G. At round start, the Cargo Hold has 25 entirely random Marine-specific crates, and the Marine department has a starting budget of (marines / 30) x 12000 credits to order more supplies from. Marine supplies ordered from registered channels are delivered to the Cargo Hold directly (other orders are routed through the Quartermaster and the Cargo Bay), and loaded onto the elevator as space and time permit to a limit of five crates per trip (the remainder remain in the Cargo Hold and are loaded onto the ASRS by drones once it has been cleared of previous cargo and any return crates have been loaded onto it. Military crates sent down the ASRS as returns earn 200 credits; the Marine budget increases by roughly 300 credits per minute, plus a portion of the salvage value or bounty on any military targets declared. Military crates usually cost several thousand credits per crate, so be sure to use your existing supplies before going crazy on the ordering console. Command can authorize the transfer of funds from other departments to the Marine budget, but generally will not unless the ship has an urgent need for military supplies (Code Gamma is probably a good time).

The Cage / Requisitions Storage

Named 'the Cage' because it is an enclosed space surrounded by metal grilles, this local storage area contains just what a Requisitions Officer needs to make it through the first few rounds of requisitions, and can be readily stocked with more crates from the ASRS.

Requisitions Lobby

This is where soldiers are expected to wait patiently for their allotment of gear, although there are vending machines available for most of the standard gear here to make the Req Officer's job less difficult.

Military Teleporter

This teleporter can only make contact with military Subspace Beacons, which can be launched out of the Orbital Cannon to land planetside or into a ship for boarding operations. Note that a ship's shields need to be down for it to be teleported to or from, and plan accordingly.

Military Dormitories

These dormitories are where the Marines rest between combat operations, ideally. when they aren't enjoying the comforts of the NARV. Normally, the Executive Officer will deploy to the Dormitories and call all soldiers to meet before an official mission is underway, to provide a proper briefing; in a pinch, the AI may also do the honors using the nearby Holopad.

Military Cryosleep Chambers

These allow Military personnel to enter the round (or step out) as needed.

Microfusion Reactor Bay

This setup has been classified as foolproof by NovusCorp engineers, which of course means that it'll go pear-shaped at the worst possible moment. This system consists of an array of 18 microfusion reactors that run off of specialized fuel cells, with a total of 32 available fuel cells and a special fuel cell recharger that refuels depleted cells. The reactor is set up properly on round start, and is easily repaired if one of the reactor units is damaged; the only risk is that a fuel cell may explode if sufficiently damaged. Replacement fuel cells (and reactors and rechargers) can be purchased from Cargo. Note that completely drained but not turned off reactors will lose integrity and can eventually suffer a breakdown, so do mind the fuel remaining. More information on the Microfusion Reactor system is available here.

Alternate Reactor Bay

This open space has been set aside for the construction of a new engine based on advancing science. Engines unused but available include fission generators, fusion generators, antimatter generators, and matter-to-energy converters, the last of which is the most efficient power generation system available. Given that the power needs of the ship can easily be met with existing power supplies, those not seeking to power the PTL may also choose to use this space for other projects, and replace other reactors instead.

Deck E Thermoelectric Engine

The Thermoelectric Generator on this deck runs its hot loop through the Crematorium, while its cold loop is connected to a series of external heat exchangers. As such, it gradually loses power when the Crematorium's one-tile burn chamber is off. In addition, it directly intakes CO2 from the Crematorium to feed the loops and has a set of pumps that allow the system to dump excess pressure into the waste loop of the ship if necessary. Otherwise, this generator operates similarly to other Thermoelectric Generators, as seen here.

Some Like It Hot

The Deck E TEG has its hot loop run through the Crematorium, which is very hot and usually left running; the cold loop, as usual, runs through heat exchangers on the outside of the hull. A plumbing system allows excess CO2 to be bled from the system and deposited in the Gas Silo for later use.

Deck E Turbolifts

This is a set of four fancy elevators that lift passengers from floor to floor (in game, they vanish in a blur and reappear at their chosen floor). Individuals are discouraged from using the elevators longer than necessary.

Deck E Maintenance Tunnels

These maintenance tunnels service the Personnel Deck, so that the janitor can pick up trash or get to areas that need cleaning, and engineers can use these tunnels to reach areas that need repairs. All of the tunnels outside of the main halls are probably maintenance tunnels. This is the most common access on the ship, though not completely ubiquitous, and the area is marked by its proximity to every other area, its poor lighting, and its exposed pipes. This connects to other decks' maintenance tunnels via ladders, so you can easily reach other decks without using the turbolifts.

Deck E Custodial Closet

Hidden in the depths of the Maintenance Tunnels, this decently sized room has four racks with supplies, including:

Deck E Substation

This substation doesn't see high demand except from the Holodeck, most of the time, and the Microfusion Reactors require little maintenance. As such its power reserves are usually topped up and available in time of crisis. Why all of the other engines exist aboardship if this one works so smoothly is a matter of conjecture.