Table of Contents

Science Deck ("Deck C")

The Research deck is where most of the science happens, and also where the Medbay and Genetics department fix up those who've been splattered.

Particle Scoop

This scientific tool allows a spaceship to analyze the various particles and waves that strike the ship, providing the DRADIS system with sensory output. It also acts as a gas collector when used in atmosphere, or a mineral collector when flying through space dust. Collected mineral particles are added to a connected Ore Silo, while collected gases are piped to the Gas Silo.

Obstruction Field Disperser

The Obstruction Field Disperser is a powerful tool used to destroy hazards on the overmap or perform remote actions on away sites. It is located on Deck C, port side, adjacent to the particle scoop, and can be activated by the Helm Officer on the Bridge using his Helm Console.


To access the obstruction field disperser itself, enable the gas pump leading from the grey pipe to the blue pipe to repressurize the chamber.

Charge types and their effects on ships and sectors

Fire (FR1-INFERNO): Creates a non-atmos compliant fire in an area lasting up to 20 seconds.

EMPulse (EM2-QUASAR): EMPs an area.

Mining (MN3-QUAKE): Mines out instantly a large area, and hurts mobs in its way. Everything else is unaffected.

Explosive (XP4-BLAST): Causes a remote explosion. It's relatively weak (5×5) even on maximum settings.

Crate/locker aka Drop Pod (HERMES): Sends the locker/crate to the chosen tile. Gibs all mobs inside, and hurts atoms on the target tile. Everything else is unaffected.


Each time a new target is selected the OFD will generate four calibration numbers. All four slots must match up and be in order of those numbers. If a number is correct and is at a correct place it will raise accuracy by 25%. If it is correct, but the slot is not, it will raise accuracy by 17%. If fired with accuracy less than 100%, it will hit the target (accuracy)% of the time.

What NOT to do

Some obstacles and their weaknesses

Obstacle Fire EMP Mining Explosive
Electrical storm
Dust cloud
Ion cloud
Carp school

Dimensional Gateway

The Gateway Project attempts to interface with various Gateways which the crew can be sent to in order to acquire valuable objects. NovusCorp wants the most important people to make use of this device for science and profit.

At the start of the round, a random time limit is set for the gateway to calibrate. Once the timer is up, the Gateway Console will show available destinations that are within range. These destinations are known as away missions. The Gateway uses a large amount of power to successfully transport people, and will only be able to locate other Gateways if the Sensor Suite is operational. The Gateway Room requires Gateway access to enter, which can be assigned by the Executive Officer or Head of Personnel to anyone willing to go on away missions.

Gateway System Online

If you want to prepare an away mission, you're going to need some supplies. First amongst these will be weapons and medical supplies, as what's on the other side won't always be friendly or survivable. Internals and protective gear are also a good idea; ideally the ship's Sensor Suite will warn you about toxic environments but you should never assume a safe arrival.

Gateways connect to other Gateways; using the Gateway at the Away Mission will take you back to the ship's Gateway as long as it remains synchronized with the target Gateway, regardless of where the ship is. As such, some Gateways of Away Missions will be detected but marked as inaccessible (because another Gateway is synchronized with them at the moment).

People whose job it is to go through the gateway include:

R&D Lab

This is where the magic happens – well, this is where technology is improved, anyhow. The Destructive Analyzer, Protolathe, Circuit Printer, and R&D Console are accessible from this room, as are a number of items to experiment with or add to your own devices. Much of what develops here can benefit the rest of the crew, so don't be afraid to experiment and analyze new things!

Technological Development

Each NARV comes preloaded with a data library known as NovusCorp Common Research Data; this provides the programming necessary to produce standard materials from the various synthesizers throughout the ship. Backups of this data are stored with other backup materials. However, many of the items aboard the ship or available elsewhere cannot be manufactured aboard ship without research and analysis, or can only be developed through sufficient research.

Device Analyzer

The Device Analyzer is your first step towards advancing the understanding of Science!, as it allows you to analyze devices. In fact, you can use it to scan almost anything. The data can then be fed into the Reverse-Engineering System. This doesn't damage the item in question, and provides a low amount of information about the principles behind the item as well as a moderate amount of information about rebuilding the item itself. Once an individual item has been scanned, you cannot scan that specific item again unless you disassemble and rebuild it.

Destructive Analyzer

The Destructive Analyzer actively takes apart devices on a molecular level in order to figure out how they work. This provides a percentage of the raw materials made to create the item, but obviously destroys the device in question. It provides a high amount of information about rebuilding the item, and a moderate amount of information about the principles behind the item.

Reverse-Engineering System

This takes the data received from the device analyzer and destructive analyzer, and attempts to work out how the object is made (thus improving understanding of that technology) and how to remake the object (with success based on the understanding of the technologies that make the object work.) Technological understanding allows you to make new items, whereas better schematics allow you to more efficiently recreate existing items. his generates research data that can be used to make new items or recreate existing ones, and may allow you to rebuild the item with sufficient materials. The efficiency of materials needed versus materials used improves with better scans, better scanners, and better technology.

Server Saving

Make sure to head into RES settings and synchronize the database periodically. This will update the ship's main server, making a back-up separate from the R&D computer systems. The Research Director can access the R&D server management computer and either transfer or delete research blueprints to other computers on the ship. If no one else has, you should probably allow robotics to access your research findings via that computer. It is usually applicable to their research, too!

Blueprint Disk Writer

This takes the item data stored within the Reverse Engineering System and converts it into a blueprint file loaded onto a disk. You can make either limited-use blueprints (if you want to limit the means of production) or unlimited-use blueprints (if you don't care who makes a laser gun on the fabricator.) It can be activated from the RES.

General Fabricator

This takes blueprint disks and turns them into creations, as long as the fabricator has enough supplies. In general, this will blank the disk and save the contents to the fabricator.

Flatpack Fabricator

This takes machine blueprint disks and turns them into machine flatpacks; essentially, you use a crowbar on them to assemble them into a deployable box frame, then solder the resultant frame to deploy it. Otherwise, you need to assemble the machine frame (five Metal sheets), the LCD panel (2 Plastic sheets and one LCD Display board), the circuit board for the machine and any additional parts requested.


This is how you create the advanced technologies you have discovered by increasing tech trees. You will have nothing too exciting at first, but soon you will get increasingly more esoteric devices as you advance various fields of research. New items created from advancing technologies will occasionally malfunction or break, but putting your broken toys back in the analyzer will allow the computer to see what went wrong and fix the problem. With every broken device, a more efficient device is just around the corner.

Circuit Imprinter

This lets you print out circuits for machines. Very useful, if you can keep it stocked with acid. This industrial printer requires glass, sulfuric acid, and occasionally gold and diamond. Each board requires different levels of data theory and materials research, and some require specific field advancement, such as biological or blue-space. With gold, you can make AI law modules, or AI related circuit boards. Machine boards can also be built in the Circuit Constructor, including mech suits and power generators.

Secure Disk Storage

This device is a rolling case that stores physical disks. It is commonly considered a goal to get a copy of all research performed placed on disks and to make sure this storage device is placed within the Vault on the Evacuation Shuttle, as this will ensure that a copy of the SDS and disks will turn up next round.

Creating Designs


Ideally, everything can be scanned, so keep trying out everything and see what works. With some effort, you should be able to replicate most of the machines and computers on the station with a little effort, but items are a whole lot more convoluted. Once you've got some designs scanned, you can use your device analyzer or PDA on the Reverse Engine in your workshop to load the scanned designs onto it, where the Reverse Engine can then research them. If you're not using your PDA, you also have the option of loading single chosen designs onto the machine, by clicking your analyzer and toggling modes.

Research and Printing

Once you've got something scanned, load it onto the Reverse Engine to begin researching. You need to start the queue or a specific design, and you can then wait for it to move from the queue to the list of researched designs. How long a design takes is based on its origin tech levels, and the Reverse Engine's components. Once you've got it researched, you can print paper or nanopaper blueprints of the design using a nearby Blueprint Printer. Paper blueprints have limited uses based on the quality of the printer's components. Nanopaper blueprints are a little costlier, but let you make a design an infinite number of times. Loading two paper blueprints of the same design will add their uses together on the machine, while adding a nanopaper blueprint of a limited-use design will make it unlimited-use. Both are destroyed when loaded into a machine, so know which one you want to use and where you want it to go before you start printing away. If you need to refill the printer, use the paper packs or paper bins in the workshop.

Making the Product

Research blueprints aren't much use on their own, so load one into the appropriate nearby machine to start making something out of it. Machine blueprints go in the Flatpack Fabricator, and item blueprints go in the General Fabricator. Once you've loaded the design into the machine, it'll let you queue or build the design a number of times based on the type of blueprint used. There's not much to this, other than loading your materials into the fabricators and watching them go.

R&D Chem Lab

The Chemistry Lab in Research is where Chemists work to produce chemicals useful to the rest of R&D, including explosives and materials useful in grenades or missles. The R&D SmartFridge allows safe transfer of chemicals between R&D areas, and the Chem Dispenser is equipped with chemical cartridges as well as an inbuilt synthesizer, so it can dispense from cartridges even without external power, or synthesize a wider range of chemicals when powered. The ChemMaster console here can mix chemicals together, heat or chill chemicals, and analyze chemicals to produce synthesis data for Chem Dispensers and other synthesizers. It can also load chemicals in its storage tank into bottles, IV bags, pills, patches or chemical cartridges, and can destroy chemicals for safety. Most of the materials made here are loaded in the SmartFridge so that the testing lab can test them out in weapons, grenades, bombs, missiles, or other capacities. A Medical SmartFridge is also located here so that Chemists can supply Doctors or Pharmacists with medical chems, should they feel generous, or take them for their own use after injuring themselves on their latest project.

Testing Lab

So you've invented something new – now take it to the testing lab and put it through its paces! The Testing Lab includes an Autolathe for manufacturing weapon parts, grenade casings, missile housings, and other components; a saferoom for testing machinery; a firing range for testing ranged weapons; a gas mixing chamber for preparing gaseous materials; a heater and freezer for adjusting temperatures of materials; and various other important scientific tools. The R&D Smartfridge connects to Chemistry so that you can request new compounds for testing. Explosives are tested in a special section known as the Explosives Research Lab.

Ordnance Research Lab

Where scientists develop new and exciting ways to blow up the testing area, themselves, and everything within half a parsec, all to make better custom torpedoes with or advance the understanding of Science!. The ORL is divided into six sections.

Ordnance Laboratory Procedure

Ordnance Storage

This heavily protected room contains large canisters full of gases useful for making explosions happen. As toxin leaks from this room are very dangerous and difficult to clean out, the room is equipped with two high-powered scrubbers (that need to be turned on, otherwise they're useless). If this room gets set on fire, it will never stop burning. Contents: four canisters full of plasma, two canisters of CO2, two canisters of N2O and four canisters of O2. Requires Explosives Lab access. Remember to secure canisters back into the Material Storage area when not in use!

Ordnance Office

A cushy room to publish collected research data. Usually equipped with a modular computer and a portable hard drive preloaded with the NT Frontier program.

Ordnance Mixing Lab

The main room for mixing, producing, collecting, heating, cooling, and doing many other things to gases. Comes with one burn chamber, a cold chamber and the equipment to monitor them using a Atmostankcontrol.png chamber monitor.

Ordnance Workshop

This is where the Ordnance Technician starts his shift, working with the eggheads in Research to build bigger and better weapons for the Military. While most of them don't have quite the same bang as a Tank Transfer Valve bomb, the crunchy little trinkets they can make include bullets, grenades, mortar shells, cannon shells, and even MAC cannon rounds.

Tools of the Trade

Picture Name Simple explanation Autolathe.png Autolathe The autolathe can be used to print a lot of useful things, such as assembly components, beakers, buckets. Other personnel who does not have access to an autolathe may also come to the reception to request something to be printed for them.

Armylathe.png Armylathe The armylathe is a specialized USCM autolathe meant for printing parts to construct various ordnance, such as grenade casings and mortar shells. These parts are printed empty, and you must add a detonator assembly and chemical filling separately.

DemolitionsSimulator.png Demolition Simulator So that you do not need to blow up the ship, this computer was designed to simulate the effects of demolitions in a safe virtual environment. Because the simulations take a lot of processing, the processors must cool down for 2 minutes between each simulation.

Demolitions scanner.png Demolition Scanner Because visual information may not be enough, this hand-held reagent scanner has been specially designed for providing quantitative data of your bombs. It can report explosive and fire hazards from chemical containers and explosive casings, including explosive and fire intensity. If used on an explosive casing, it will take all chemical containers in the casing and its capacities into account. However, it cannot predict effects such as shrapnel or fire burn duration nor predict hazards caused from immediate chemical reactions. Use the scanner in-hand to print the latest scan.

Industrygrinder.png Industrial Grinder The most powerful grinder on the ship. You will need this to grind down phoron and various metals from storage. You can also use this to dispose of specific unwanted reagents in your containers should you make an error.

ComponentStorage.png Component Storage Machine A large storage machine containing various components. Contains assembly components and containers for you to get started before you need to start printing new ones.

ElectronicsStorage.png Electronics Vendor A vendor containing various things for dealing with electronics. You won't need this much, but other personnel may come to request stuff from it.

ToolStorage.png Tool Storage Machine Contains many spare tools, devices and equipment needed for engineering work. Should you somehow lose your essential equipment, you can find replacements here. Other personnel might also come around to request stuff from it.

FreezerCloset.png Industrial Freezer A powerful fine tuned freezer used to polymerize chemicals in the cold. This one is set to the perfect temperature for paraformaldehyde polymerization. The freezer must be kept closed for polymerization. At the beginning of the mission you will find a large silver beaker inside, which can be used as a silver catalyst. If you lose this, you can make more from silver bars.

Fueltank.png Chemical Storage Tank A large capacity chemical storage tank that can store up to 1000 units. In the storage room you have tanks for oxygen, sulfuric acid, water, polytrinic acid, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, and fuel. Can be un-anchored for moving it around. Click with an empty hand to quickly change the transfer amount. If you need to refill it, you must change the transfer direction.

Ordnance Testing Lab

The part of ordnance that usually has the expensive testing equipment. Comes equipped with a doppler array to capture explosions, tank compressor to test gas shells, anomaly refinery to explosively compress cores, and the mass driver to launch bombs to the bomb site.

Ordnance Bomb Site

Detached from the rest of the station is the large, empty, airless and unheated room used to test bombs. It has several cameras that can be accessed from the Testing Lab. It is essentially the goal of every scientist to completely demolish this place. It is not survivable without a space suit. This makes it a favorite location for corpse storage, powersinks, and Alien hives. Has a functioning teleporter beacon, but why would you go there?

Explosives Development Area

This lab focuses on exploring the possibilities of making bigger and better explosions. The gases currently available for standard research are stored in the Material Storage room to the west, and to the east is the Launch Room where your test device can be sent downrange to a target. This room has mixing chambers for gas, liquid, and solid-based compounds, as well as warhead loading systems that can isolate chemicals from each other until detonation. The various materials that allow explosives R&D specialists to make their weaponry can also be used against the ship, so this area is heavily scrutinized and trespassers are dealt with quickly.

Launch Room

This room is essentially just a loader for a mass driver, which in turn fires the test item at high velocity down a narrow corridor to the test area. It should be noted that obstructing the launch corridor is a Very Bad Idea.

Explosives Test Ground

This is the testing area for your explosives. It is technically a large, empty, usually airless room meant for testing blast radiuses, though technically someone could decide to build in it if they wanted to see what damage would result to a structure. There is a target at the center for impact explosives to blow up, and scientists can also set explosives the old fashioned way if they prefer to test their signaling equipment. There is a test dummy sensor array to simulate the effect of the explosion on living entities, a suppression system to contain the explosion so that it doesn't destroy the test ground, and a scanning array that will tell you what the maximum normal size of the explosion would be.

Smart technicians equip their explosives with a Test Detonator, which only operates in proximity to the Test Ground. R&D can provide a number of improvements to this area, such as making the suppression system, sensors, and other test probes stronger so you can test even more powerful explosions without having to replace the walls and equipment every time.

The ETG has an airlocked door that vents outwards into space, in order to remove unburned fuels from the target area or to extinguish ongoing fires, and has an airlocked maintenance door in the test corridor so that the chamber can be entered for servicing. It is considered Very Important to use the Lockout system to deactivate the Launch Room while this area is being serviced!

Research Director's Office

The private office of the Research Director, with the many things he needs to do his job, including the AI System Integrity Restorer, Robotics Control console, Exosuit Control console, R&D Console, a standard Network Terminal, a Research Camera Computer (which views various rooms in Research, as well as Research Helmet-Cams), and other useful things. There is typically an Intellicard and an AI core board here for use in repairing or replacing a damaged AI, a Personal AI Datapad for running tests on localized AI interfaces, and possibly a set of Reactive Teleport Armor, if the RD is feeling lucky.

Experimental Lab

This machine attempts to divine the purpose of artifacts and how they work, hopefully allowing you to make use of the artifact and/or applying its technology to your own devices. It allows you to provide various stimuli to an artifact in order to elicit a reaction (touch, heat, cold, gases, and radiation), or to attempt to destroy it if you need to deactivate it quickly. Those sensitive to EMP should stay away from this area, especially while the scientists are working.

Research Storage

This small storage room holds tools and equipment of use to the various scientists that work in the Research Department, and has a containment chamber for items that need to be isolated temporarily.

Robotics Lab

Where Roboticists ply their trade, turning people into cyborgs, preparing bionic parts, and building Exosuits for better productivity and morale. Has Exosuit Fabricators, an R&D Console, a Circuit Printer, a Robotics Console, an operation table and surgical tools.

Mech Bay

This area has shutters allowing Mechs, Bots, and Cyborgs to enter to recharge without having access to the rest of the lab, with an Exosuit Charging Station, Cyborg Charging Station and Bot Charging Station to recharge the Roboticist's creations. It also provides a place where the aforementioned can be serviced by Roboticists when necessary; most standard repairs and modifications can be performed while connected to an appropriate Charging Station.

Xenobiology Lab

This laboratory specializes in studying alien lifeforms you may find during your travels, including containment pens to keep the lifeforms, connected disposal units to the pens to feed them without direct interaction, and a disposal unit linked to space to get rid of any unfortunate accidents.

The Xenobio lab already includes a couple of slimes in pens, as well as a slime processor that turns their extracts into useful products. There is also a Test Subject Generator that reconstitutes biomass into mindless monkeys for more instant test subjects or food for the test subjects.

Note that if you do manage to get a new alien creature contained here, there is plenty of Science to be done!

Gourmonger Containment Area

This contains the Gourmonger, a horrifying cube of mysterious alien meat that devours whatever food is placed into its containment area and generates radiation that is used to create electricity through the radiation collector arrays. Aside from its obvious connection to Xenobiology, it is also adjacent due to the propensity of slimes to eat Gourmongers if given the opportunity, allowing you to drop slimes in via the control center to cull the Gourmonger population if they get too reactive.

Cytology Lab

The lab that specializes in studying microscopic cell lines and growing them into macroscopic creatures using large vats, or into edible meats. The room contains all the basic equipment necessary for cytology, though you'll have to build a meat spike or a gibber if you want to butcher monkeys for protein. While the lab itself lacks a grinder and chemmaster, these vital machines can be found in the xenobiology lab to the west.

Be careful when growing creatures that may be hostile. The containment chamber window can take a few hits, but it can't keep an angry space carp at bay forever.

Requires Xenobiology access to enter.

Xenobotany Lab

Separate from Hydroponics, this space allows xenoenthusiasts to attempt to cultivate and grow foreign plant life. It is equipped with an advanced plumbing system allowing for individual 'watering' regimens, spares of much of Hydroponics' tools, a Biogenerator for using excess biomass, and related equipment.

Xenoarchaeology Lab

This laboratory aboard the NARV is meant to contain, classify, and annotate the findings of the Xenoarchaeologist on their exploration of strange planets and xenolocations.

Xenotechnology Lab

This laboratory is designed to manufacture xenotechnologies once they have been properly researched by NovusCorp scientists, and contains a Xenolathe specifically for this purpose, as well as a Destructive Analyzer and Reverse-Engineering System for ironing out mistakes in the design process, a computer console to write out your notes (or even your next book), and backup disks to distribute thoroughly analyzed and vetted designs to the other Autolathes on the station.

Gauss Guns Rooms A through D

These four rooms - port, starboard, fore, and aft - house the Gauss Guns that provide a modicum of defense should the ship come under attack from the sides, and are accessible to any crewman during emergencies. Their ball turrets are exterior to the hull and can be damaged separately.

Nanites Lab

Located in the southern depths of Science is the Nanites Lab. The east and west sides of the room are mirrored in order to easily allow multiple workers. The room opens up to the Testing Lab north without the need for airlocks.

In order for Scientists to work here, the lab features a number of special nanites equipment and machines:


The area where miracles of science keep death at bay a little longer. The Medbay consists of several interior areas that are connected for efficiency's sakes. To help you out, various areas are colour-coded according to what department you are looking for.

Green: Treatment, Surgery and Virology

Orange: Chemistry

Blue: Genetics

Waiting Area

This is the entrance to Medbay, where patients wait for treatment. Ideally there is a medical assistant manning the desk who will communicate the needs of patients to medical staff on duty, and the place hasn't just been left empty because everyone went to play doctor in the virus lab. The door to the Treatment Center requires Medbay access, mostly to maintain quarantines if necessary.

Treatment Center

The Treatment Center is where basic diagnoses are carried out, and initial treatment is performed if necessary. Depending on the severity of the patient's ailments and the backlog of other patients, patients may be directed to the Surgical Ward for further analysis and operations, the Cryo Ward for urgent cryo-therapy, the Sleeper Ward for slow but steady recovery if the patient is not in critical condition, the Recovery Ward to rest after treatment, or the Psych Ward in the event of strong psychotic episodes. If the patient was not already on a roller bed before leaving the Treatment Center, they will likely be transferred to one for ease of delivering them to the appropriate Ward.

Recovery Ward

This area is technically one large room with individual sections screened by curtains, forming a series of small rooms to allow patients to rest and recover after treatment. There is a one-way all-access-exit door that leads out to the main hallway so that they can leave on their own power when they have recovered sufficiently, as well as a door leading to the Treatment Center that requires Medbay access. There is also a syringe gun, straightjacket, and muzzle on hand for restraining exceptionally combative individuals.

Psych Ward

The Psych Ward is where patients suffering from space dementia and other psychological orders are kept temporarily; the worst cases may be physically restrained, while less severe cases may simply be isolated so as not to endanger others while they recuperate. Otherwise, this area looks much like the Recovery Ward, except with the absence of tools to inflict self-harm with and actual walls instead of curtained areas. The Psychologist has access to this area, of course, though they may prefer to meet in their office.

Surgical Ward

Also known as the Operating Theatre, this section is where surgical procedures are most commonly carried out, as one might imagine, including the installation of replacement implants, limbs, and organs; the removal of embedded objects; treatment of internal injuries, fractures, and other problems; and similar operations. To assist in this, an Operating Table and Operating Computer are available, as are all of the assorted surgical tools required; an organ SmartFridge, for preserving freshly removed organs (and healing them if the SmartFridge has been upgraded), and a Sterilizer for cleaning tools before/between/after operations (the surgeon himself getting cleaned up in the Clean Area). There is also an NO2 tank for general anesthetic, and a medical cabinet with more specialized anesthetics and other relevant medicines.

Typically, a patient is brought to the Surgical Ward on a roller bed, moved to the surgical table for operations, then returned to the roller bed and finally brought to the Recovery Ward to rest and recover after operations are complete if their condition needs monitoring, or the Sleeper Ward if they can safely be put in a sleeper to recover instead. The Surgical Ward connects directly to the Robotics Department so that roboticists specialized in limb or organ replacement can be called to work if necessary. The Surgical Ward is also where neurocranial extractions (brain removal) takes place in preparation for installing the brain in an MMI used for a wetware AI or cyborg interface.

Operating Theatre Viewing Area

This is a small room of chairs facing a window into the operating theatre where, if the shutters are open, those who can stomach the gore (or who are keeping an eye on a potentially dangerous criminal patient) can observe without getting in the doctors' way.

Sleeper Ward

This section contains sleepers, advanced recuperation bays that maintain a patient's condition while infusing their bloodstream with whatever it determines they need for recovery. Notably, sleepers can in some cases entirely replace more professional medical care, although a proper diagnosis is still recommended. Sleepers have chemical reserves as well as an internal synthesizer to generate materials over time, and have a backup battery and internal atmosphere so that they do not immediately fail if the power goes out.

Cryogenic Ward

The Cryogenic Ward contains cryorecovery capsules that can reduce the body's temperatures to incredibly low levels. Used with appropriate medications, these capsules can phenomenally increase recovery rates, but they do require some setup to use properly. An improperly prepared cryorecovery capsule is effectively a death sentence.

Pharmacy Storage

This is the area where medicine is stored. If there happens to be sufficient staffing, a Pharmacist is on duty here, responsible for supplying medicines to Doctors and requesting medicines be made by Chemists. As such, the Pharmacy Storage has shelving for storing pills, injectors, and bottles of medication, as well as a connection to Chemistry via a SmartFridge so that they can receive resupply when needed. Because of the risks a large cache of medicines carries, Pharmacy Storage is fairly isolated and reinforced against attempted break-ins. Pharmacy does not begin with the capability to make its own medicines, though this can be corrected with the approval of the Chief Medical Officer to increase efficiency.


This office is manned by the Pharmacist, who distributes medications to those with a prescription. Prescriptions are typically distributed in the form of bottles of pills, with the contents, unit amount, and effects labeled on the bottle. Pharmacists use Pharmacy Storage to fill their needs, and are encouraged to stay in contact with Chemistry.

Medical Storage

This is where medical supplies that are not medicine (biosuits, surgical tools, prescription glasses, doctor and nurse scrubs, facemasks, breath masks, NO2 Gas Mix canisters, body bags, syringes, beakers, medkits, healthHUDs, syringe guns, and other useful items) are stored for use by Medbay staff. There is a Sterilizer in here to clean up bloody surgical tools, clothing, and other equipment so as not to spread infections to other patients. Surgery access is required to gain entry.

Quarantine Ward

In the event of a disease outbreak or other potentially contagious or dangerous medical condition, the Quarantine Ward provides an area to isolate patients, with a decontamination chamber between it and the rest of Medbay proper.

Examination Rooms

These are small rooms to have a private discussion/examination/whatsoever with the patient. The rooms contain a small NanoMed vending machine, bed, locker, table and a chair. Comes with privacy shutters to keep people from seeing inside, for whatever reason.

Clean Area

This area is where doctors are expected to clean up themselves and their equipment before/after major medical operations so as not to pass on diseases, track blood everywhere, or wander around as bloodied as a serial killer. As such, it has a Sterilizer for cleaning equipment and clothing, as well as sinks for cleaning oneself, boxes of gloves, shoe covers, and clean surgical scrubs. The entrance to the Clean Area is through a small decontamination chamber that finishes the job of sanitizing the would-be medical practitioner and contains a place to put soiled clothing and objects that need to be conveyed to the Sterilizer.

Chemistry Lab

The Chemistry Lab in Medbay is where Chemists work specifically to develop medicines for the Pharmacy, and as such the Medbay Smartfridge in here directly connects to the Pharmacy so that the pharmacist can dispense medications as needed. Technically this lab can manufacture any sort of chemical just as well as the lab on the Engineering Deck, but in practice, this lab is specifically dedicated for medicinal uses.

Marked with orange floor stripes, this room is a major target for enemies of NovusCorp, as it is less likely to be populated than the R&D lab and is just as capable of manufacturing poisons, illicit drugs, or explosives. The Chem Dispenser is equipped with chemical cartridges as well as an inbuilt synthesizer, so it can dispense from cartridges even without external power, or synthesize a wider range of chemicals when powered. There is also a ChemMaster console that can mix chemicals together, heat or chill chemicals, fill bottles or IV bags with liquid, gelatinize chemicals into pills that can be taken, produce chemical patches for topical administration, and analyze chemicals in order to produce synthesis data for Chem Dispensers and other synthesizers.

Genetics Lab

The Genetics Lab is where aspiring genegineers get to work on crew genomes to build better crewmembers; it's also where they can vat-grow new crewmembers or reclone existing crewmembers should there be a sudden labor shortage. Vat-grown crewmembers and clones may be inhabited by the first ghost who needs a new body, although clones are automatically inhabited by their own ghost if said ghost is available. As the Genetics Lab is capable of repopulating a ship very effectively, it is usually one of the first targets of a boarding strike, along with the adjacent Medbay and Robotics Lab. The machines in here require a lot of power to keep running, unsurprisingly.

Genetics (marked with blue floor stripes) is split into two sections. The CMO controls the Cloning room, while the RD has control over the Research room. The RD is also given a back door that he can use to get in from Research Division.

Geneticists work here, with a batch of monkeys for genetic experimentation when vat-grown clones aren't fun enough. It also has a locker for 'patient' storage, a few spare pieces of clothing to dress the newly grown, and a copy of “Cloning Techniques of the 26th Century” for the clueless sods who paid their way through their medical degree. There are also boxes of prescription glasses for when nobody feels like fixing someone's poor vision properly, and Neuron Disks for backing up an individual's mental state.


Meant for long-term storage of dead bodies, it's usually pretty empty unless a Coroner is on duty. It has the only other Medbay entrance onto a main corridor and with the Chef, Chaplain, and Botanists also having access, those corpses practically walk out the door themselves. All those tasty genomes make it a popular attraction for any changelings as well. The dozen morgue trays and a small number of expandable body bags are the only items in here.

Since the cloning machine (and hypothetically Hydroponics) means that death doesn't have to be permanent, it's almost solely used to hold the original bodies of clones for any investigations that need performed.

Basics of Body Bags

So you're most likely in Medbay, surrounded by uncloned bodies and husks. These are quite unsightly, and sometimes bleed all over the place to make the Janitor's job even harder. Not much of a complaint, you say? This also makes the area severely unorganized, potentially making it hard to distinguish the dead from the unconscious-and-in-critical and making it more likely to “accidentally” shove a dying person into a disposal because Medbay staff is too lazy to clone them anyway. What do you do to prevent this? Examine each body: If they're dead, bag 'em! Body Bags are found in boxes near Genetics, Robotics, and a few other parts of the station. To use one, pull it out, lay it down, drag the body onto it and click to seal. No muss, no fuss, no problems, right?

He's Dead, Jim

Body Bags are good for identifying dead bodies, right? Not always. Body Bags can be utilized for more nefarious deeds. If a poor assistant, traitor, or clown finds themselves on the run from the Law, they'll want to hide. Hop into a body bag and chuckle softly as your pursuers likely mistake you for a dead body waiting for cloning. Not even the mighty AI can penetrate your “High Tech” stealth solution unless it witnesses you entering the bag. Remember though, a body bag disguise will (likely) only work if done in an area where you're likely to see one (Robotics, Medbay, Genetics, the Kitchen if your Chef has odd tastes, maybe the Chapel).

Bring Out Your Dead...?

So if you're the previously mentioned Chef making a meat run from Medbay or the Morgue and unzip the body bag to find something distinctly non-corpselike (some examples: Syndicate agent gear, a live body, a husk from a Changeling's meal, Ian), just stay calm and report it to the proper authorities (unless it runs off on its own).

Virology Lab

The Virology Lab specializes in the testing, research, and development of diseases, cures, and other uses of microbiology. As such, it is fairly well isolated and has a decontamination chamber between it and the rest of the Medical section proper, and has its own isolated atmospheric environment to ensure toxins and diseases don't flow out.

The Virologist has a chemical reagent terminal which contains growth culture, then on some tables a labeler, a box of syringes, two beakers of diseases to start with, and a box of beakers. You have another table above the entrance which contains a luminol bottle and a box of latex gloves. You have a therapy area which contains a bed and a locker. You can test on people if they say it is okay. There is a locked medicine locker and a biosuit locker. There is also a pen of five monkeys to test on, plus a couple of isolation rooms for when you are trying to find the cure for someone who is already infected with a mystery disease.

Decontamination Area

This is one of the ship's decontamination chambers, and is sealed from the ship by one airlock and from the Virology Lab by another. Two suit storage units contain biosuits that are sterilized between uses, allowing workers to enter the Decontamination Area, receive decontamination, put on biosuit, and enter the lab proper.

Virology Research

This is the main area where research is performed, preferably not on fellow crewmembers unless you are trying to cure them.

Quarantine Area

This is an isolated area for testing infected individuals (or testing your infections on volunteers), and more importantly, testing your cures before you try them out on the public. It is effectively a small bedroom with glass walls so that the patient inside can be observed carefully.

Virology Storage

This is where the virologist stores their supplies of diseases, medicines, and chemicals.

Chief Medical Officer's Office

The workplace of the Chief Medical Officer when not on duty or directly supervising a department. Includes a Crew Monitoring Station, a Keycard Authentication Device, and the CMO's rubber stamp and personal hypospray, as well as a security monitor with access to Medbay cameras. There is also a compact defibrillator belt and the CMO's personal hardsuit on the off chance that the CMO feels like playing space paramedic.

Supermatter Engine

An engine that generates power (and/or research) by converting radiation emitted by a slowly delaminating supermatter shard or crystal. This is extremely powerful, as befits Deck C's needs. The Supermatter Crystal is the primary power source on many far-ranging ships. A Supermatter Shard can be ordered from Cargo, which works in much the same way, but can be moved around. Its primary features are emitting tons of radiation, making everyone who could theoretically see it hallucinate, releasing hot oxygen and plasma, heating the air around, and exploding into a roaming singularity if you screw up. It begins inert but being hit by an object or projectile will activate it.

For more information on how the Supermatter Engine works, read the Supermatter guide.

Deck C Thermoelectric Engine

Next door neighbor to the Supermatter Engine, the Deck C Thermoelectric Generator gets its power from the thermal difference of the two pipes going through it. The left side is the cold side, and the right side the hot side. Typically, the cold pipe is filled with CO2 cooled through heat exchangers set up in space, while the hot pipe is super hot CO2 warmed up with the heat generated from the Supermatter Engine's operation. Ideally, the Supermatter Engine will remain within safe heat parameters and as such this engine will produce a low output of power, but should things get hotter, this may serve as an early warning of impending engine failure. In an emergency, the CO2 can be vented into a canister to prevent damage from overpressure. Make sure you don't take out too much pressure though.

SMES Setup

The TEG here isn't expected to have a major power output, barring specific supermatter power setups, so it generally charges at 60,000 W with an output of 30,000 W until zealous Engineers seeking MORE POWER get hold of it.

Some Like It Hot

The hot loop of this engine runs through the supermatter containment area, which can be extremely hot under certain circumstances. The cold loop, meanwhile, is a standard 'heat-exchanger-out-in-space' system. If either of these pipe networks are disrupted, the TEG will generate less power, and if the Supermatter is vented into space or otherwise removed from service, the TEG will stop generating power at all. However, the Supermatter bay is ideal for setting up a burn chamber should one desire. The hot loop may stop working due to breaks in the piping or more likely due to overpressurizing the loop (too much pressure and the loop clogs up and won't linger in the TEG long enough to exchange heat); the cold loop usually only stops working when something has hit the exterior heat exchangers that cool the loop using the frigid temperatures of space. Deck C's hot loop runs through the Supermatter engine core, so sudden spikes in power output here can be a warning of a supermatter delamination event.

Deck C Turbolifts

This is a set of four fancy elevators that lift passengers from floor to floor (in game, they vanish in a blur and reappear at their chosen floor). Individuals are discouraged from using the elevators longer than necessary.

Deck C Maintenance Tunnels

These maintenance tunnels service the Science Deck, so that the janitor can pick up trash or get to areas that need cleaning, Researchers have a safe place to hide from radiation storms, and engineers can use these tunnels to reach areas that need repairs. All of the tunnels outside of the main halls are probably maintenance tunnels. This is the most common access on the ship, though not completely ubiquitous, and the area is marked by its proximity to every other area, its poor lighting, and its exposed pipes. This connects to other decks' maintenance tunnels via ladders, so you can easily reach other decks without using the turbolifts.

Deck C Custodial Closet

Hidden in the depths of the Maintenance Tunnels, this decently sized room has four racks with supplies, including:

Deck C Substation

This substation is one of the primary stations where power is generated and stored in bulk; the Chief Engineer in particular may be using his RCon power control to reroute energy from this station to others in times of crisis.