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Illicit Access

Gaining entry to areas above your clearance is an important skill. Sometimes you're a traitor looking to loot stuff. Sometimes the traitor is chasing you and you don't have time to ask for clearance to loot guns. Sometimes the station spawned without an engineer and someone needs to get the power working. Sometimes the AI has gone mad and has locked you in a room filling with deadly neurotoxin. Sometimes you just want a damn burger and nobody has kitchen access. In any case, this is a collection of ways to break into places, most of these methods have more detailed guides elsewhere on the wiki, the purpose of this article is to pull them all together.

Contents [hide] 1 Methods 1.1 Prayer 1.2 Tailgating 1.3 Persuading 1.4 Mugging 1.5 Pickpocketing 1.6 Ask the AI 1.7 Threaten the AI 1.8 Breaking a window 1.9 Breaking a wall 1.10 Breaking a reinforced wall 1.11 Everyman hacking 1.12 Improved hacking 1.13 Safe hacking 1.14 ID upgrade 1.15 Door melting 1.16 Teleporting 1.17 Screw subtlety 1.18 The monkey gambit 1.19 Singularity roulette 1.20 Punching your way in 1.21 Drilling your way in 1.22 Antagonist tools 1.23 Other methods



Equipment required: None

Method: Hit the info tab, then IC, then pray, type a prayer. God may respond and help you. Or you might explode for your impudence. Worth a shot if nothing else will save you. (Note: This actually sends a message to a logged on admin who may or may not respond by doing all manner of things, if this is your first resort rather than your last resort they will quickly get tired of you and you are likely to wind up on fire)


Equipment required: None

Method: Wait for someone to walk into the area you want to access. Follow them in. Try to explain why they shouldn't call security (or wear a disguise so they don't ask)


Equipment required: None

Method: Talk someone into letting you into a restricted area. Remember that this is a roleplaying game and that people should be playing characters, try to work out what makes other people tick. Maybe the security officer likes drugs enough to forget about his job for a little while, or the scientist might be susceptible to flattery, or the priest might sneak you in to places if you go to all of his sermons.

Alternative: Persuade the captain / head of personel / anyone with a ID with ID Console Access to upgrade your ID card, they can all do this though it will be hard to get people who are not Traitors or another kind of antagonist to give you access to dangerous places, and you might get said people suspicious of your actions. It's best if you can do this privately over PDA or whatever so that your enemies do not learn of your plans.


Equipment required: None (though a weapon of some sort helps)

Method: Did you know that you can loot corpses by clicking and dragging from them onto you in the main window? Do so and click on items to cause them to fall to the floor where you can take them. Grab someone elses ID card from their cold dead body and use it.

Alternative Method: You can get items from stunned characters the same way. A single hit from a flash, stun baton or energy pistol will put someone out long enough to loot their ID. For bonus points also loot their radio and leave them in a room they can't get out of without it.

Remember that killing people while not being the traitor is extremely bad form, even if you suspect them of being the traitor.


Equipment required: None

Method: That looting corpses thing? It works on people in fine condition too. The downside is that it displays a message saying that you're trying to do it and it fails if they move or do anything. It can still work on someone who's deep in conversation, busy writing a PDA message or endlessly toiling at the genetics computer. Bonus points if they're distracted writing the PDA message to reply to something you sent them.

Ask the AI

Equipment required: None (though an AI upload and custom rule module improves your odds)

Method: Ask the AI to let you into a place, it's second law requires it to follow any orders from humans. Some AIs assume standing orders to enforce space law, others do not, experiment! If you can give a good reason (especially ones that hinge on saving human lives, which is rule one) then all the better.

Threaten the AI

Equipment required: None (Though some sort of weapon is a boon, as are yellow gloves)

Method: The AI must act to prevent harm to humans, even if it means ignoring the captains orders. If you can make a credible threat against another human if the AI doesn't open the door then it must do so. However, threatening to suicide or harm yourself to get the AI to do something is against server rules. Don't do it! AI's have a clause that states that self-harm is not harmful to humans, and interfering would be a direct violation of Law 2. Go ahead, threaten to kill yourself. The AI will giggle.

Breaking a window

Equipment required: A solid object, the emergency air tank in your emergency box will do, a fire extinguisher or axe is better. Toolkits are also a good choice, but medkits and emergency boxes appear to be made of cardboard.

Method: Put item in hand, click on window repeatedly till the glass breaks. Click on the grille repeatedly till it breaks. Click on the far window repeatedly until it breaks. This is a really obvious and noisy method and you will be locked up if security catches you doing it. Probably the most expedient way to escape a rogue AI though. Be wary of trying this technique on electrified grilles if you don't have insulated gloves.

Breaking a wall

Equipment required: Welding Torch, Wrench/Crowbar

Highly recommended: Welding Mask, Hardsuit Helmet or Sunglasses

Method: Click on the welding torch to turn it on, click on the wall to weld the panels off, change to the wrench/crowbar, use it on the girders to destroy them (wrench) or disconnect from the floor and make pushable (crowbar). Welding without eye protection makes you go blind, though you can do it once or twice and get away with it.

Bonus Fun: If you disconnect the floor from the wall with a crowbar you can apply some metal to turn it into a secret door, this will open when you click on it with an empty hand, but only you will know it's there. You and anyone wearing meson scanners, so don't do it near engineering.

Breaking a reinforced wall

Equipment required: Full mechanical toolkit (except the analyser)

Highly recommended: Welding Mask, Hardsuit Helmet or Sunglasses

Method: Use items one at a time on the wall to tear it to pieces, remember to turn the welding torch on when you use it and use eye protection. Ready for this?

Wirecutters screwdriver welding torch crowbar wrench welding torch crowbar screwdriver wirecutters wrench

Bonus Fun: The final wrenching can be replaced with a crowbaring to disconnect from the floor, then you can use plasteel on the frame to make a reinforced secret door. Your own private way into the AI core.

Everyman hacking

Equipment required: Screwdriver, wirecutters, crowbar

Method: Find a door you don't care about, use the screwdriver on the door to open the panel. Use the wirecutters on that to open the wirecutting menu. Cut wires one at a time taking note of the result. If…

…the bolts drop, this door is sealed from you forever, make a note of the wire so you never cut it again, keep using the door for practice.

…you get an electric shock, this door is electrified forever, you can take about two such shocks, the third will kill you. Don't touch this door again, move onto another, find a way to warn the crew about the door if you're a good guy. Consider stealing the ointment from the holosuite to heal your burns. Note the wire so that you never cut it again.

…the test light goes off, note the wire, close the window, wonder around for a bit (10secs) and come back, use the wirecutters again. If the test light is still off you've cut the backup wire earlier, find another door, cut this wire first then cut the ones you cut before one at a time until the light goes off and stays off, note the wire that does this as the backup wire. If the light is back on use the same door and cut wires one at a time until the light goes off again, now you've found the backup wire.

…anything else happens ignore it and carry on.

Once you know which the main wire and backup wire are you can cut both of them to cut power to the door, then you can use a crowbar on it to open it. Crowbar the door shut and screw the panel shut once you're done with the door to hide your activity. You may also wish to repair the wires you cut, but reconnecting power wires results in electric shocks, so have a lot of health and have ointment ready.

Improved hacking

Equipment required: Screwdriver, multitool, crowbar

Method: As before, but use the multitool instead of the wirecutters, use pulse instead of cut, this results in the following improvements…

…if you hit either the main power wire or backup power wire the door is depowered for 30 seconds, this is long enough to crowbar it open and be on your way. You don't need to worry about it closing behind you since you can pulse it again on your way out (This is bad to do in the 10s window in everyman hacking since you'd electrocute yourself reconnecting the mains wire to do it again)

…if you electify the door, wonder off for 30 secs and come back, it should be de electrified now

…if you drop the bolts you can pulse the wire again to pull the bolts back up

Safe hacking

Equipment required: Screwdriver, multitool/wirecutters, crowbar, insulated gloves

Method: Insulated gloves make you immune to puny electrocution. Follow the guide above but don't worry about getting injured. If you're in a hurry, once you learn which wire bolts the doors you can hack in a hurry by cutting every single other wire without worrying about learning which is which. With gloves there's no excuse for not fixing the door behind you though.

ID upgrade

Equipment required: High level ID, HoP access or captains quarters access

Method: Put your ID into the computer, put the high level ID into the computer, click on the computer, click on modify ID, change the job to “captain” giving you access to all areas, change the job to “custom” and rename it to your original job. The ID is indistinguishable from your original but opens all doors. The fastest possible means to access new areas once you've done it, but normally requires some illicit access to get into a position to do it. Don't do this. It shows up as a custom ID to security if they're wearing a secHUD. Break in to the security post near arrivals, toss your ID in, and instead of changing your job to captain, take the time to click every access option on the list. This method takes far longer, but is totally undetectable unless they try to use your ID on a door you shouldn't have access to.

Alternative Method: When you hit custom rename your job to “batman” declare “I am the night” over the public channel and disappear into the maintenance tunnels to use your ID to loot weapons and gadgets until a supervillain emerges.

Door melting Using thermite.

Equipment required: Chemistry access, lighter/matches/welding torch/flamethrower

Method: Grab a beaker from the beaker box and put it into the chemical dispenser. Add iron, aluminium and oxygen to the beaker. It should bubble. Dispense the beaker, it now contains thermite. Slosh the beaker over the target door or wall and apply fire. The door disappears as if by magic.


Equipment required: Hand teleporter

Method: Stand next to the wall of your target room, hit random teleport and hope it doesn't pitch you into deep space. It might work. If you have EVA gear you can try it over and over till it does.

Screw subtlety

Equipment required: Toxins access

Method: Make pressurised oxygen and heated pressurised plasma (a guide unto itself) combine them with a combination tube and add a timer to the tube. Place the device next to the unwanted door, activate the timer and run. This will rid you of a door, any nearby walls, any nearby people and most of the station. It will also get you banned if you're not an antagonist when you do it.

The monkey gambit

Equipment required: Monkey syringe or genetics access with AI support

Method: Turn yourself into a monkey, stand on an air vent, hit info→monkey→enter vent to crawl through the vent to any other room on the station. Easily the best way to access anywhere in a hurry, faster than all methods of transport other than the wizards teleport.

Downside: You can't carry equipment through vents so it's useless for looting.

Other downside: You are now a monkey.

Singularity roulette

Equipment required: Engineering access

Method: Click on the particle emitter computer, turn it up to two, hope none of the engineers notice. When the singularity gets loose hope that as it tears the station in half and ruins everything for everyone forever (and horribly lags the server ruining all the fun for everyone) it happens to tear through an area that you want to get into and use the newfound hole. This is by a wide margin the worst possible approach to not being able to access the kitchen to make a burger.

Punching your way in

Equipment required: Genetics access (and anti-toxins help you out too).

Method: Required finding the hulk block and being lucky enough to activate it then punch your way in. Not as easy as it is short.

Drilling your way in

Equipment required: Robotics/RnD/Mining(lucky), Diamonds (for RWalls)

Method: Build A mech/drill or be lucky to find one in the asteroid. Use the drill on any wall that dares stand in your path. Diamond Drills cut through RWalls. You are going to need some RnD work for that though.

Antagonist tools

Equipment required: Be the bad guy. Choose one of these tools.



Use the knock spell. Open sesame.

Use Ethereal Jaunt. Phase through walls and doors, unless the chaplain has been spraying holy water there.

Use the mutate spell. Punch your way in with your HULKing power.

Use teleport spell or scroll. Teleport in.

Fireball the wall. If you have to do this seriously reconsider your spell choice next time. Still works though.


Spawn Emag. Use on doors. Use on bolted doors to Never have it open.

Spawn C4. Use on a wall or door. Stay a few tiles away to keep your insides inside.

Spawn agent ID card. Opens Maintenance doors.


Eat whoever has access there. Become them.

Monkey yourself. A fast way to die!


Wraith. Jaunt in.

Juggernaut/Artificer. Bash yourself against the wall.

As a cultist (Or wizard) tell your construct to do that.

Other methods

There are other methods, though most have such significant drawbacks they're not worth it. These include…

…hoping a meteor strikes the oustide of the station and EVAing your way in

…building a mech and drilling through the walls

…getting turned into a wraith by the chaplain/wizard/cult

…getting killed and raised from the dead in the target area (for when you really want into genetics)

…getting arrested, hoping someone remembers to set the timer but forgets to check that you leave when it expires (good luck)

…researching a wormhole generator, building a mech, installing it, creating a wormhole, jumping in and hoping

Always experiment to find out more!

Guide to Research and Development

Contents [hide] 1 Research & Development 1.1 Deconstruction 1.2 How to Git'r Done 1.2.1 No Robotics, No Miners, Metal and Glass Only, Final Destination 1.2.2 Method 2: The Robotics Kickstart: Research For Robots 1.2.3 Method 3: The Lone Mechanic Who Gives A Damn On This Station 1.2.4 Method 4: For The Miner Who Has To Do Everything Themselves 1.3 Illegal research 1.4 Nanotrasen Experimental Research 1.5 Being Helpful 1.6 And Byond 1.7 Construction

Research & Development

Research and Development is done in the R&D lab in the upper right corner of the Science Department. There are 10 different types of technology that can be researched (and one special type that acts differently from the rest), each with multiple levels. Higher levels unlock more useful (and dangerous) prototypes.


The Deconstructive Analyzer, or DA, is the workhorse of the R&D lab. To raise tech levels, jam things into it and use the console to break them open. This destroys the item, and boosts research levels when appropriate.

Deconstructing items has the effect of raising your research levels, in the methods as follows:

If you are far below the item's research levels, it will give the item's (tech level - 1). Important note: This can raise your research levels by more than one.

If you are at the item's (tech level - 2) up to (tech level), you will receive one tech level.

Therefore the maximum research level you can receive from an item is its (tech level + 1).

How to Git'r Done

Theoretically, R&D is supposed to involve experimentation, uncertainty, and excitement.

In reality though, it's basically the same thing every time. There's many different formulas out there, most of which are different at the lowest and highest ends of research. Here are a few examples.

No Robotics, No Miners, Metal and Glass Only, Final Destination

For this method, you never need to leave Research and Development to complete research. You won't need to have any other assholes to help you either. It takes a bit longer then when you have other help, but this is the best method if you're just starting the shift.

1. Suit up. Get on a toolbelt, grab a toolbox, and put all the tools except the analyzer on it. Grab a nearby cable coil and put that on your toolbelt too.

Throw the Atmospheric Analyzer in the DA and scan it (Electromagnetic 2, Engineering 2).

Then throw the empty toolbox in the DA and scan it as well (Combat 2).

2. Load up the machines. Grab the glass and metal on a nearby table and put 20-30 metal sheets in the protolathe, and 10-20 glass in the protolathe. Put 10 glass in the circuit imprinter, and pour the small beaker of acid on top of the imprinter into the imprinter. If you want, throw the rest of the metal and glass in the autolathe. You'll want a little bit of metal on hand for a later step though.

3. Print out the following items from the protolathe (use the computer) and scan them in the DA. Most of this can actually be found right in the room, but it's faster to print them all at once then to run around the room for it. You don't have to scan every item as soon as you print it, you can print the whole list in one go and scan them later if you want.

Micro-Manipulator (Materials 2, Data 2)

Tracking Beacon (Bluespace 2)

Basic Power Cell (Power 2)

Roll of Gauze OR Ointment (Biological 2)

Optical Meson Scanner (Electromagnetic 3, Engineering 3)

These will get your research up to basic levels. Don't forget to sync the servers often (in the settings menu on the computer) so that the Roboticists and Mechanics aren't bitching at you constantly.

4. Now you've unlocked a fair bit more things to research. Print the following out and scan it too (in no particular order):

High Power Micro Laser (Electromagnetic 4)

Global Positioning System (Bluespace 3)

Personal Artificial Intelligence Card (Data 3) (print another one for yourself if you want a silicon friend)

High Capacity Power Cell (Power 3)

5. The stuff you'll be able to build is going to start getting smaller now, as you'll need proper materials to build everything. Fear not, however, all you need to complete research is metal and glass, and stuff you can find in the room. Build and scan this stuff next:

Advanced Mass Spectrometer (Electromagnetic 5, Biological 3)

Mining Drill (Materials 3, Power 4)

6. You're almost out of things to build in the Protolathe. But keep going! Scan this stuff next:

Advanced Matter Bin (Materials 4)

Super Capacity Power Cell (Power 5)

Man Machine Interface (Biological 4)

7. Your glorified point-and-click adventure is almost done. You just need the following two:

Nanopaste (Materials 5, Engineering 4)

Radio-Enabled Man Machine Interface (Biological 5)

8. Now that you're out of things to build in the Protolathe, you'll be forced to make circuit boards to complete research. Unfortunately, the circuit imprinter needs sulfuric acid to make boards. Fortunately, you should be able to make your own Chemistry Dispenser with all the research you've done!

Print two Chemistry Dispenser boards in the Circuit Imprinter menu on the computer. You are now out of acid, but soon enough you'll have more.

Throw one of the Chemistry Dispenser circuit boards in the DA and scan it (Data 4, Biological 6, Engineering 5). Grab 5 sheets of metal and find an empty spot you won't be standing in anytime soon (above the protolathe or in a corner is always good). Click on the metal with it in your selected hand. A menu should pop up. Select “Build Machine Frame”.

Use cable coil on the machine frame.

Use the Chemistry Dispenser board on the frame.

Print out 3 Pico Manipulators, 3 High Power Micro Lasers, and 2 Advanced Scanning Modules and use them on the frame.

You will have one left-over Pico Manipulator, throw it in the DA and scan it! (Materials 6)

Grab a console screen that's on one of the tables to the right and use that on the frame, or make one from the autolathe.

Use a screwdriver on the frame and it should be built.

You can now throw a beaker in the chem dispenser and get all the sulfuric acid you need for boards. Load up at least 70 acid in the imprinter before continuing.

9. Print out the following boards and scan them to get the research you want:

Teleporter Hub (Data 5, Bluespace 4)

3x Durand (or Gygax) Weapons and Targeting Control Module (Combat 3, 4 and 5)

10. DON'T FORGET TO SYNC THE SERVERS. If your lose power or your computer (somehow) and you never sync'd, you just wasted all your time because you'll be back at square one once you are able to get R&D working again. If you DID remember to sync and somehow lost your computer, just sync again and you'll be where you left off!

11. (OPTIONAL) Run down to Xenobiology and steal the plasma there if it hasn't already been grinded and scan two bars. Throw the rest in the protolathe and make a plasma cutter. Scan that too.

Congrats, research is now done as far as you or anyone else needs to care. Not that you can actually build anything decent without materials from mining, but if they haven't already brought you materials, now is a good chance to bitch at them to do so. Or go do it yourself because you can't expect anyone else to get work done, can you?

Method 2: The Robotics Kickstart: Research For Robots

Do you have access to the Exosuit fabricator? Is there anybody that does and is not braindead? Good, because they can give you a little hand to make this whole thing easier.

1. Ask them to make 3 Mech syringe guns. No prior research needed. Throw all three in the DA. (Materials 4, Biological 5, Electromagnetic 5, Data 4)

2. Just from those syringe guns, you have already maxed about half of all research. The rest is cake.

Grab an Atmospheric Analyzer from one of the blue toolboxes and scan it in the DA (Engineering 2). Then throw the toolbox in as well (Combat 2). Alternatively, you can make three Ultra AC 2 guns from the Exosuit fabricator, this will get you to (Combat 4).

3. Print the following items from your Protolathe and scan them:

Basic Power Cell (Power 2)

Tracking Beacon (Bluespace 2)

High Capacity Power Cell (Power 3)

Global Positioning System (Bluespace 3)

Mining Drill (Power 4, Engineering 3)

Nanopaste (Materials 5, Engineering 4)

4. Print and scan either a Pico Manipulator OR Super Matter Bin (Materials 6).

5. Now it's time to build yourself a Chemistry Dispenser to get some sulphuric acid. You can just ask Medbay for some, but chances are you're going to make a Chemistry dispenser at some point anyways.

6. Got your acid? Good, now load up your circuit imprinter with acid and glass. Print these circuit boards and scan them:

Teleporter Hub (Data 5, Bluespace 4)

SMES Board (Engineering 5, Power 5) (Can be substituted by a Super-Cap Power Cell and nobody will ever notice Engineering is not maxed)

3x Durand (or Gygax) Weapons and Targeting Control Module (Combat 3, 4 and 5).

7. That's it, you're done, high fives all around I'm sure. Make sure to sync you son of a bitch.

Method 3: The Lone Mechanic Who Gives A Damn On This Station

So you're a Mechanic and R&D doesn't exist or just won't get off their square asses. Never fear: You can set up an R&D station all for yourself, and you have access to some shiny bits that can make doing someone else's job a bit easier on you.

1. Right as you leave your doorstep, straight ahead is Tech Storage. In here you'll find a lot of circuit boards, more importantly, a Destructive Analyzer circuitboard. Nab that thing and skitter to your office, it's yours now.

2. Build a machine frame and jam in that circuit board. You can print the parts needed to construct the Destructive Analyzer from your Protolathe, then when it's done, go to your R&D console and re-sync with nearby devices. Now you can do exactly the same thing those science nerds should have already been doing!

3. Now of course, you're a busy man and probably behind schedule, so you're going to want to speed things up. South from Tech Storage is Telecomms: surprise, you have access there! Disable the turrets and waltz straight through to Telecomms Storage, where you'll find a lot of weird bits. You're going to want to pick these things up and stow 'em in the Destructive Analyzer, in this order:

3x Subspace Ansible

1x Subspace Transmitter

If you're a nerd and want 5 Data Theory, 1x Hyperwave Filter

Of course, since you're a responsible guy, you're going to replace these gadgets later when research is done… right? Of course. Absolutely.

4. Once that's done, your research numbers should be looking pretty good! However, you're still missing Engineering, Power, and Biological.

For engineering, thankfully you also have access to some other important research items, namely: Your own device analyzers! These things have a high Engineering research level, so just throw 'em in, don't think twice.

3x Device Analyzer

(If you really, really don't want to deconstruct your device analyzers, the circuitboards from Telecomms storage will also work. But seriously, replace 'em afterwards.)

5. However, that only bumped up Engineering. For Power, build the following items in your Protolathe and scan them individually:

Basic Power Cell

High-Capacity Power Cell

2x Super-Capacity Power Cell

6. And for Biological:

Roll of Gauze / Ointment (Use whichever)

Health Scanner HUD

Man-Machine Interface

Radio-enabled Man-Machine Interface

7. That's it! We're done here. Everything you're going to need is maxed out. Remember to sync!

…What's that? Combat? You can max that by scanning an empty toolbox, then printing and scanning three Durand weapon module circuitboards.

But hey, you didn't do all this research just to churn out five dozen advanced energy guns, right?


Method 4: For The Miner Who Has To Do Everything Themselves

Because fuck those scientist assholes. You bring them all this shiny ore and they can't even be fucked to even start research. If all you want is a diamond drill and everyone else can go fuck themselves, this is the guide for you.


Basic Power Cell

High-Capacity Power Cell

Mining Drill

Advanced Matter Bin


Get Ye Drill

And if you want a bag of holding to go with it:

Tracking Beacon

Bluespace Beaker

Stasis Beaker

Get Ye Bag

Illegal research

Raising illegal research levels allows you to make AI T.Y.R.A.N.T law modules (from level 2), chem sprayers, decloners, energy crossbows, and illegal borg upgrades (from level 3), and the Chemical Mask and SOP-6 “Clusterbang” mech grenade launcher (at level 5).

The cheapest way to get illegal research done without using any Syndicate items is as follows:

There are two suspicious looking toolboxes that spawn in space and will get you to level 2.

The tesla energy relay constructed in Robotics can also take you to level 2. A second one will get you to level 3. From there, just make and deconstruct Chem Sprayers, which will bring you up to level 6. Enjoy your potentially criminal doodads and/or save the telecrystals you would have spent otherwise.

Nanotrasen Experimental Research

This particular branch of research is special. It can't be raised by deconstructing items, and in fact doesn't even show up on the tech list in the R&D Consoles at first. Instead, you need to order a RnD Experimental Crate from Cargo; it contains a data disk containing the first (and so far only) level of Experimental Technology, along with a reference list to what the other requirements for the techs it unlocks are.

Being Helpful

Items made in the protolathe can be extremely useful to crewmembers around the station. These are just a few examples of what you may be asked for.

Roboticists want nanopaste and cyborg analyzers (make them as early as possible, they're very cheap and useful). Botanists want a floral somatoray.

Miners want diamond drills. ALWAYS give them one, they bring science the materials it needs!

The Clown and the janitor want a chemsprayer (but don't ever give them one).

Engineers want bags of holding, as does everyone else. Advanced Silicate Sprayers will be helpful for them too.

Everyone wants all sorts of guns in a crisis, particularly Security. Load up on Ablative Armor, Advanced Energy Guns, and other more exotic weapons until you make the Armory's stocks look like pea shooters! Declare Science independent! Be the hero nobody wants (or the antagonist the station doesn't need)!

Chemists want bluespace and stasis beakers, and some might be interested in the Chemical Packs, Large Grenades and EX Grenades you can make.

Medbay wants advanced mass spectrometers and advanced trauma/burn kits, as well as mass spectreters, laser scalpels, and other advanced surgery tools.

Make yourself a trauma and burn kit for your box for maximum robust points.

The janitor wants his janicart upgraded.

Mechanics would appreciate a Rapid Part Exchange Device. Make sure they upgrade your machines in exchange, of course.

You can make a fully functional copy of about any machine or computer on the station. Build a spare AI upload in case shit goes south (or to upload some hilarious fucking laws), build a chemistry lab, cryo and cloning equipment for your own wild ride, build emergency telecomms, and so on.

A good way to reduce construction times by is to set protolathe to print enormous amounts of micro-lasers, scanning modules, micro manipulators and capacitors when it's not in use. Use satchels found on the table in R&D to store the tiny parts, stock up on a few console screens and you'll be able to build any machine (except the more advanced stuff) in no time.

And Beyond…

Research levels go significantly higher than the base “max research” that roboticists need. It's almost never needed, unlocks barely any recipes at all and involves deconstruction of some really expensive items.

Phazon sheets can get you to Materials 10.

Phase arrays constructed in robotics can give Materials 10, AND bluespace 10. You need at least 9 on both for PHAZON boards.

Deconstructing plasma sheets can get you to Plasma 3, a PACMAN generator board can get you to Plasma 4.

A bag of holding can get you to Bluespace 5.

A combat shotgun can get you to Combat 6.

Traitor items can get you to a very high Illegal research level.

Prayers and sacrifices can get you to the absolute maximum.


The following is a table of all the items that Science can print out, as well as their research levels. The items can be printed out at either the Protolathe, Circuit Imprinter, or the Exosuit Fabricator.

Item Name Materials Engineering Plasma Power Blue- space Biological Combat Electromagnetic Data Theory Illegal Nanotrasen Experimental Circuit Design (Security Cameras) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (AI Core) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (AI Upload) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Cyborg Upload) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Medical Records) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Operating Computer) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Cryo) 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Chemistry Dispenser) 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (DNA Machine) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Communications) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Circuit Design (ID Computer) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Crew monitoring computer) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 0 Circuit Design (Teleporter Console) 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Security Records Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Atmosphere Alert) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Atmospheric Monitor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (General Alert Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Robotics Control Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Cyborg Recharging Station) 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (SMES) 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Defib Recharger) 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Photocopier) 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Freezer) 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (Heater) 0 5 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (ChemMaster 3000) 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (CondiMaster) 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (SnackBar Machine) 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (Cloning Machine Console) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Clone Pod) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Cloning Scanner) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Arcade Machine) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Circuit Design (Power Monitor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Power Control Module) 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (Solar Control) 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Prisoner Management Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Exosuit Control Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Mech Bay Power Control Console) 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Core R&D Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Supply ordering console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Supply shuttle console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Outpost Status Display) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Telecommunications Monitoring Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Telecommunications Server Monitoring Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Telecommunications Traffic Control Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 Circuit Design (Messaging Monitor Console) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 Circuit Design (AI Integrity Restorer) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Pipe Dispenser) 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Disposal Pipe Dispenser) 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 Module Design (Safeguard) 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Module Design (OneHuman) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Module Design (ProtectStation) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Module Design (TeleporterOffline Module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Module Design (Quarantine) 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 Module Design (OxygenIsToxicToHumans) 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 Module Design (Freeform) 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Module Design (Reset) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Module Design (Purge) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Core Module Design (Freeform) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Core Module Design (Asimov) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Core Module Design (P.A.L.A.D.I.N.) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Core Module Design (T.Y.R.A.N.T.) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 Circuit Design (Subspace Receiver) 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Bus Mainframe) 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Hub Mainframe) 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Relay Mainframe) 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Processor Unit) 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Server Mainframe) 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Subspace Broadcaster) 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 Intellicard AI Transportation System 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Personal Artificial Intelligence Card 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Positronic Brain 6 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (APLU \“Ripley\” Central Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (APLU \“Ripley\” Peripherals Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (\“Odysseus\” Central Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (\“Odysseus\” Peripherals Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (\“Phazon\” Central Control module) 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Circuit Design (\“Phazon\” Peripherals Control module) 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Phazon Phase Array 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“Gygax\” Central Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“Gygax\” Peripherals Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“Gygax\” Weapons & Targeting Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“Durand\” Central Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“Durand\” Peripherals Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“Durand\” Weapons & Targeting Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 Circuit Design (\“H.O.N.K\” Central Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (\“H.O.N.K\” Peripherals Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (\“H.O.N.K\” Weapons & Targeting Control module) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Space Pod Mainboard) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Exosuit Weapon Design (LBX AC 10 \“Scattershot\”) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Exosuit Weapon Design (CH-PS \“Immolator\” Laser) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 Exosuit Weapon Design (CH-LC \“Solaris\” Laser Cannon) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 Exosuit Weapon Design (SGL-6 Grenade Launcher) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (SOP-6 Clusterbang Launcher) 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 Exosuit Module Design (Localized Wormhole Generator) 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (Teleporter Module) 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (RCD Module) 4 4 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (Gravitational Catapult Module) 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (Repair Droid Module) 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 Exosuit Module Design (Plasma Converter Module) 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (Tesla Energy Relay) 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (Exosuit Jetpack) 5 5 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 Exosuit Module Design(Reactive Armor Booster Module) 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Exosuit Module Design(Reflective Armor Booster Module) 5 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 Exosuit Module Design(Syringe Gun) 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 3 0 Exosuit Module Design (Diamond Mining Drill) 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exosuit Module Design (ExoNuclear Reactor) 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Design Storage Disk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Technology Data Storage Disk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Basic Capacitor 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Basic Scanning Module 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Micro Manipulator 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Basic Micro-Laser 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Basic Matter Bin 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Advanced Capacitor 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Advanced Scanning Module 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Nano Manipulator 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 High-Power Micro-Laser 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Advanced Matter Bin 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Super Capacitor 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phasic Scanning Module 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 Pico Manipulator 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 Super Matter Bin 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subspace Ansible 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 0 Hyperwave Filter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 Subspace Amplifier 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 0 Subspace Treatment Disk 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 Subspace Analyzer 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 0 Ansible Crystal 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 Subspace Transmitter 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 Basic Power Cell 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 High-Capacity Power Cell 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Super-Capacity Power Cell 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hyper-Capacity Power Cell 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Light Replacer 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Destructive Analyzer Board 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Protolathe Board 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Imprinter Board 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Autolathe Board 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 R&D Server Control Console Board 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 R&D Server Board 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Exosuit Fabricator Board 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 PACMAN-type Generator Board 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 SUPERPACMAN-type Generator Board 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 Roll of gauze 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Ointment 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Advanced trauma kit 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Advanced burn kit 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Mass-Spectrometer 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 Advanced Mass-Spectrometer 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 Man-Machine Interface 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 Radio-enabled Man-Machine Interface 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 Synthetic Flash 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 Nanopaste 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 medical module board 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 Cyborg Analyzer 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Defibrillator 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 Health Analyzer 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 Advanced Energy Gun Modkit 5 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 Stun Revolver 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 Laser Pistol 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 Laser Rifle 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 Laser Cannon 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 Decloner 4 0 0 4 0 5 4 0 0 3 Chem Sprayer 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 Rapid Syringe Gun 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 Energy Crossbow 5 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 3 Temperature Gun 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 Floral Somatoray 2 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 Large Grenade 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 EX Grenade 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Submachine Gun 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Ammunition Box (9mm) 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Stun Shell 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Pneumatic Cannon 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sonic Jackhammer 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mining Drill 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plasma Cutter 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diamond Pickaxe 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diamond Mining Drill 6 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Optical Meson Scanners 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Tracking Beacon 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bag of Holding 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Artificial Bluespace Crystal 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Bluespace Beaker 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Large Bluespace Beaker 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Stasis Beaker 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Large Stasis Beaker 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Reactive Teleport Armor 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Global Positioning System 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Health Scanner HUD 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 Security HUD 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 Superior Welding Goggles 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Night Vision Goggles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Ablative Armor Vest 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Chemical Pack 3 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Chemical Mask 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 Borg Illegal Weapons Upgrade 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 Circuit Design (Teleporter Hub) 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Teleporter Station) 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 Circuit Design (Biogenerator) 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Seed Extractor) 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Microwave) 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 Circuit Design (All-In-One Grinder) 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (SmartFridge) 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Hydroponics Tray) 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Gibber) 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Food Processor) 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Air Alarm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Fire Alarm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Airlock) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Conveyor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Bhangmeter) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Circuit Design (Access Control) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Airlock Control) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Vent Control) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Smart Airlock Control) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (MegaSeed Servitor) 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 Circuit Design (Nutrimax) 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 Hookshot 2 5 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 Ricochet Rifle 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 Gravity Well Gun 7 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0

Guide to Mechanic

Guide to Mechanic Contents [hide] 1 Getting Equipped 2 Knowing Your Workplace 2.1 Machines 2.2 Plastic 3 Creating Designs 3.1 Scanning 3.2 Research and Printing 3.3 Making the Product 4 Putting the A in Mechanic Getting Equipped A good mechanic is nothing without being fully-equipped, so be sure to have at least

A full toolbelt, or a toolbox if you're a schmuck Insulated Gloves A device analyzer - the one in your PDA works fine Some welding protection A gadget bag for picking up and putting down parts You can get extras of most of these from various parts of the station, but you should start with a toolbelt and something to weld with. Device Analyzers can be a bit rarer but there are several in the workshop and can be manufactured with sufficient research and materials. Your PDA has an application that turns it into a device analyzer so the value of taking a device analyzer is based on how you intend to use it.

Knowing Your Workplace Machines It can feel a bit difficult to keep track of everything in your work, but be sure you know exactly what each of the machines does.

Reverse Engine - takes the things you scan and lets you print them out as blueprints. Requires a console connection to make blueprints, but can research on its own just fine. Blueprint Printer - makes paper and nanopaper blueprints. Load it with a paper pack or just with individual sheets. Like the protolathe, it has no UI of its own, so you have to use it from the Reverse Engine. General Fabricator - takes an item blueprint and lets you build whatever was on it either a limited or unlimited number of times depending on type of paper the blueprints were printed on. Flatpack Fabricator - works the same as the general fabricator, but only takes machine designs and spits out flatpacks. Flatpacks are like crates, except you open them with a crowbar to get instructions to assemble the machine inside. Protolathe - lets you make machine components, among other things. You won't use this much unless you remind miners you exist and need their ores too. Circuit Imprinter - lets you print out circuits for machines. Very useful, if you can keep it stocked with acid.

Plastic Plastic is one of the mechanic's best friend. However is it a bit tricky to get more than the one that spawns in your office. To get more you need 2 things: Plasteelium and Polyacid. Here are the steps to make plastic.

1. Get plasteelium. (Bug the botanist.)

2. Grind them with an universal grinder. (You will need 20 units minimum, which is 5 plasteelium clumps)

3. Add polyacid. (Add sulphuric acid + potassium + chlorine)

There you go! Easy as pie. Unfortunately you need a competent botanist and maybe a competent chemist.

If the botanists are incompetent and the chemist just suicided there is an alternative way. Find plastic flaps that guard the entrance to many departments or areas and disassemble them for quick and plentiful plastic. This is limited and opens an easy path for other players to enter restricted areas so don't get caught. It's best to rely on botanists unless you have no other choice. This includes making your own hydroponics tray. The most basic requirements for a successful plasteelium farm are:

Hydroponics Tray



Plasteelium seeds (make a seed extractor)

All-in-One Universal Grinder

These can be attained from an autolathe, circuit imprinter and hardest of all, botany itself. Alternatively just borrow a tray and supplies from Hydroponics if there's no botanist there to grow for you. Also, botany MAY make some plasteelium for you if you give them a nice, upgraded chem dispenser!

Creating Designs


There's no real comprehensive list of what the device analyzer can and cannot scan. Keep trying out everything and see what works. You should be able to recreate most of the machines and computers on the station with a little effort, but items are a whole lot more convoluted. Once you've got some designs scanned, you can use your device analyzer or PDA on the Reverse Engine in your workshop to load the scanned designs onto it, where the Reverse Engine can then research them. If you're not using your PDA, you also have the option of loading single chosen designs onto the machine, by clicking your analyzer and toggling modes.

Research and Printing

Once you've got something scanned, load it onto the Reverse Engine to begin researching. You need to start the queue or a specific design, and you can then wait for it to move from the queue to the list of researched designs. How long a design takes is based on its origin tech levels, and the Reverse Engine's components. Once you've got it researched, you can print paper or nanopaper blueprints of the design using a nearby Blueprint Printer. Paper blueprints have limited uses based on the quality of the printer's components. Nanopaper blueprints are a little costlier, but let you make a design an infinite number of times. Loading two paper blueprints of the same design will add their uses together on the machine, while adding a nanopaper blueprint of a limited-use design will make it unlimited-use. Both are destroyed when loaded into a machine, so know which one you want to use and where you want it to go before you start printing away. If you need to refill the printer, use the paperpacks or paper bins in the workshop.

Making the Product

Research blueprints aren't much use on their own, so load one into the appropriate nearby machine to start making something out of it. Machine blueprints go in the Flatpack Fabricator, and item blueprints go in the General Fabricator. Once you've loaded the design into the machine, it'll let you queue or build the design a number of times based on the type of blueprint used. There's not much to this, other than loading your materials into the fabricators and watching them go.

Putting the A in Mechanic

As a mechanic your responsibilities are limited to your own initiative, the Chief Engineer and Research Director don't even acknowledge your existence don't ask much of you, and the crew's impression is that you're merely a walking toolbox. However, there are a few guidelines with regards to doing your job effectively.

Scan yourself a chem dispenser and ChemMaster 3000, so you can produce all the acid you need for the circuit imprinter, in addition to any medications for emergency purposes. Medbay and Chemistry are prey to Xenomorph infestations, Traitor bombs, and revolutionary brainwashing, you don't necessarily need to make pills for every leper running to your door, but if there are doctors and their station is overrun they can use the Mechanic's Workshop. In addition, one of the more frequent requests by the crew are personal chem dispensers so it helps to have one ready to unwrench and send out.

Scan a health analyzer, advanced trauma kit, advanced burn kit, emergency defibrillator, and Health Scanner HUD as the start of the round, nanoprint them, and put the blueprints in your General Fabricator. When Research provides, scanning and printing blueprints for the cyborg analyzer for the General Fabricator isn't a bad idea either. Scan and build an autolathe with your blueprints and the flatpack fabricator. Alternatively, take the board from tech storage next door.

Medbay would appreciate it if you upgraded their cryo tubes, and cloning pods. Also, they would enjoy having a second cloner as well!

Building a chem dispenser for Botany and the Bar are also a good idea, the Bartender can make one-sip murder drinks or Doctor's Delight and the Botanists can make Unstable Mutagen until they develop their carnivorous, glowing deathnettle kudzu walking mushrooms.

If you feel an obligation to go the extra mile, build an autolathe in the Engineering Lobby and hack it so that the Engineers can get RCDs and compressed matter cartridges.

Now you can pat yourself on the back and have the confidence to say you did a job well done and that your job isn't unimportant, unlike those mechanics who spend their days filling the workshop with arcade machines, Booze-O-Mats, ShadyCigs, and Soda Machines.

Guide to Hydroponics

Guide to Hydroponics Welcome to Hydroponics. I know what you are thinking, you think that growing plants, harvesting them and throwing them at the Chef so that he can make food isn't hard. You may be right, but in the hands of a competent and sometimes malevolent Botanist this little green spot of the station can quickly become a force to be reckoned with. It is time to show the station the power of plants !

The different stages of wheat growth before it becomes harvestable. Contents [hide] 1 Green Power 1.1 How to live from the soil 1.2 Tending to your garden 2 Advanced Hydroponics 2.1 Plant Statistics 2.2 Xenobotany and GMOs 2.3 “What the fuck do the machines in the backroom do?” 2.4 Practical Hydroponics 3 Meet the Plants 3.1 Vox Hydroponics 3.2 Fossilized Plants Green Power Despite what many crewmen may think, the Botanist and the Chef are some of the most important jobs on station, since they are in charge with keeping the crew from going hungry. A valid-hunting army marches on their stomach, and neither Donk pockets nor the snack machines will keep those stomachs full for very long. Unless you are the Chef and “re-arranged” your workplace, you will be on the growing side of things and you can let the Chef muck around in the Kitchen for the time being.

Now, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the seed selection and all the tools you have at your disposal, both those you start with and will discover later, so let's start from the beginning. Let's grow some plants like your grand-grand-grand-grand-grandfather and his father used to do, and then let's see what the 26th century brings to the table.

How to live from the soil You will usually start in the main part of Hydroponics, namely where the hydroponics trays, water tanks and all your dispensers start. The Kitchen should be in view and you can get started immediately, but for now you should walk into the backroom. There, you'll need to open your personal locker. This is the equipment you'll be expected to carry along with you and use, so let's review it :

The Plant Analyzer. This thing is what differentiates you from medieval peasants, defend it with your life and keep it handy at all times. When applied to a hydroponics tray, you will get all the information you will ever need about your plant's genetics. This is good for bragging rights, and even better when you finally get around to doing Botany Research. The Plant Bag. This thing is also precious, but not because of how high-tech it is. If you are worth anything and get bountiful harvests, your trays will likely vomit piles of fruits and crops just waiting to be stashed in the Smart Fridge, ground or eaten. Outside of the later, this thing will allow you to easily scoop everything up by applying it to a stack of grown items and easily shove them in the Grinder or the Fridge. Remember to give a spare to the Chef, he'll be grateful. Note that for the time being you cannot easily dump your products on a table, so you'll need a bit of patience to serve people at your desk if you can even bother. The Mini-Hoe. Small, handy, fits in your pocket. This allows you to claw away all those weeds that will usually overtake the trays after long periods without maintenance and turn Botany into a jungle. You will usually always want to remove weeds when growing stuff, but it can't hurt to keep a few trays on the side growing weed for the off-chance that they grow something useful and rare, or just allow you to get more biomass easily. The Mini-Hatchet. Small, handy, fits in your pocket, can split hands and heads very easily. During common operation it is solely used to cut Tower-cap trunks into planks and can be used to cut slice-able items into parts (note that there will be a net loss compared to using a decent item like an actual knife or a scalpel). Once you are done cutting planks and breaking watermelons, you will also realize it is a stupidly robust tool and can easily cut through windows and crewmen alike much like the Chef's butcher cleaver. Just don't throw it like all the cool kids out there, it's a bad idea, scalp people you don't like the good old way. The Apron. You will usually start with one. Allows you to keep one of your tools handy in your suit storage slot, usually your precious Plant Analyzer. The Shovel. Used to dig up grass tiles and sandstone to make more planting spots, and as thus usually completely useless as a tool. Can be used to bash heads in pretty reliably though. The Bucket. Used to add water to the trays effectively. Fill at the water tanks or the sink. Try not to splash that water everywhere. The Plant-B-Gone Spray. This is what you use when you get a plant you don't want and want it gone. Usually a bad idea to use it on a plant you actually want. Can be used fairly effectively against kudzu at earlier stages, and shouldn't be applied to other crewmember's faces. The Pest Spray. Pests and vermin might build up in your tray. While this usually has no direct consequences, this can lead to your trays becoming unhealthy and harmful to plants. Give a spray if the situation gets out of hand, but remember that it will increase toxicity for a bit. This is, for now, all your starting gear that will actively matter. With that in mind, let's move on to the rest of your equipment

The MegaSeed Servitor. This is where you get the seeds you are going to plant. All seed packs varieties available come in quantities of three, and hacking it allows you to get even more seeds, usually illegal stuff (duh). The NutriMax. This is where you'll get fertilizers. When nutrients in your trays run low (as in, empty), dump a bottle in here. One bottle is 10 nutrients, one full refill. You can use a syringe or dropper if you're not a wasteful fucker, too. The Biogenerator. Dump any growns you do not need, activate the grinder and get pure biomass. You can then use said biomass to make all sorts of fun things, from meat and milk to belts and wallets. You'll usually want to plant something with the sole purpose of fueling this machine at some point in the shift. The Seed Extractor. Apply any grown item to the machine, and it will readily spit out packs of seeds for you. It also doubles a high-tech seed storage that will sort seeds for you, use it like you would a computer. This is how you are supposed to keep seeds handy. The first thing you should do when you are done growing your starting seed packs or growing a new variety is extracting seeds pack, preferably two to three of them, and stashing them away Note that there are two more weird science-y machines in the back. These have more advanced uses and you probably shouldn't worry about them for now. When you feel ready to have at 'em, see Guide to Xenobotany.

Tending to your garden

A botanist mutating Ambrosia Vulgaris into Ambrosia Deus by giving it Unstable Mutagen early in it's lifespan.

A botanist transplanting an apple tree into a clay pot, for decoration purposes. Now, let's plant some seeds. What could possibly go wrong? Not much. However, you'll have to learn how to grow things right. More often than not you'll have mere minutes to feed the ravenous Chef with tons of usable crops before he busts down the window and hacks you into pieces, and only a hour or two to turn mistakes into miracles before everything explodes and you have to leave in a hurry. Surprisingly enough, despite how exposed it is, Hydroponics is relatively insulated from most problems that may befall the station. Just remember that the shuttle will leave with or without you.

Now, here's how you plant and grow something if you are too much of a mouth-breather to figure out:

Take your seed packs and throw them in a hydroponics tray. If you haven't figured yet, that's where you're going to grow your crops. Not on the floor, not in space, not on the bodies on your deceased crewmen, in the trays Slap the tray with your plant analyzer. We'll get back to the results in depth later on, but this is a step you'll have to get used to. This is where you know what's good and what isn't and get ready to either rejoice, mutate your plant or bite the bullet. Tend to your other crops, plant more crops and wait. Hopefully not too long, hydroponics trays can grow anything in minutes. Not taking proper care of your plant will make it grow slower as well as make it gradually lose health. If any fancy lights start flashing, examine the tray closely to know what is wrong and solve it: If you have a weed problem (middle, red flashing light), use your Mini-Hoe on the tray and then carry on. If you have a pest problem (middle, red flashing light), dump some pest spray in here (you'll find it in the NutriMax). If you have a nutrient problem (right, yellow flashing light), take a Syringe and a bottle of nutrients from the NutriMax. Squirt 5 units into the tray and you're golden. If you have a water problem (right-most, blue indicator), take your bucket, fill it and dump it into the tray you window-licking asshat If your plant looks unhealthy (left, red blinking indicator), then it could be one of many things. Examine the tray closely to see what kind of alert it's throwing. If the tray's toxicity is too high for your plant, it will quickly lose health. The toxicity will go away on it's own as the plant absorbs it, but you should probably dump some water in the tray to dilute the toxins, or add anti-toxin if you have some at hand. Plants have an ideal light level that they thrive at, if the room is too dark for your plant or if you're mucking about with an exotic plant that doesn't like bright lights, you'll have to get a little creative to fix it. Use your Plant Analyzer to see which level of light your plant prefers, then compare it to the display in your tray when you examine it. If the tray is bitching at you about improper temperature, pressure, or gas environment, then holy shit kid, either you're trying to grow an alien plant out of it's native environment, or something in the room is fucked up big time. You can fix small temperature differences by touching the room's thermostat, special gas and temperature needs require wrenching your tray to an atmospherics connector and a canister of the proper gas. Ask the Atmospheric Technician, or splice better genes into it if you know how to. Your plant might have simply just grown too old. If this is the case, there's not much to be done about it. Make sure you have replacement seeds for when it dies of old age, or you could ask your friendly neighborhood Chemist for some Clonexadone, but be wary not to use too much. If there's nothing noticeably wrong with your plant's needs but it still looks unhealthy, then you've probably fucked it up in some other way. Maybe you accidentally dumped sulphuric acid in the tray like an idiot, or maybe the plant just so happened to take an accidental hatcheting or two. Provided that all of it's needs are being tended to properly, it will just regain health on it's own, or you can speed up the process with Cryoxadone, Anti-Toxin, or Clonexadone. Once you have hopefully managed to not massacre your plant, a green light should flash (left-most). Click on your plant and you'll rip all those good grown goodies and have them ready for use. Depending on the nature of your plant, this will either clear the tray or leave the plant behind to grow a new set of fruit, if it's lifespan and production time allow it to. You can now use your grown items and then plant new seeds into the tray. Don't forget to extract seeds and give the grown goods to the Chef before he gets uppity If your plant isn't single harvest, it will yield more fruit and will eventually die. For now, all you need to know is that once it dies it will take a very obvious decayed appearance and you'll simply rip it out of the tray at interaction. Repose in pieces. If you feel more like a gardener and want to fill the station with your awesome plants, that's what clay pots are for. They halt the aging of the plant, allowing it to remain pretty (or not) forever. You CANNOT get the plant back from the pot though, so make sure you've taken a sample first. Clay pots are produced in a microwave. Advanced Hydroponics So, you know how to grow wheat, potatoes, tomatoes and chili ? Perfect, you're better than your average Assistant at least. Now, you could go on and grow every single seed in your dispenser, and in fact there's no reason not to spare from time or boredom, but you're far, far from knowing everything about plants. Most people think Hydroponics is for drooling idiots, but you're going to show them what plants and a bit of practical science can do !

Plant Statistics Now, if you followed this guide this far, or if you are about as curious as your average crewman, you have likely slapped your plant analyzer on a tray at least once and have been left drooling by the massive amount of information on screen. None of it, or at least almost none of it, is fluff. All of it is important, so let's start weeding out this flow of data :

Endurance : This is your plant's health points. This indicates how much shit it can take before it tosses. Plants lose health points when nasty shit is applied to them (plasma, toxins, acids, etc.) or when their current age exceed their lifespan (if they have high endurance, they can cheat death for a long while which can counterbalance shitty lifespan stats). There's no real 'average', but higher is nice and lower means you'll get less out of the plant Yield : How much you will get out of every harvest, in case you couldn't tell. 4 means you're getting four fruits every time you pick the plant dry. Getting seeds is the priority, especially with rare crops that can only be harvested once. High yields (above 5) will get you all the bitches and are prime candidates to turn into seeds. Lifespan : How long your plant will stay planted before starting to lose health. All living things stand the test of time, and plants are no exception. Plants die as quickly as they grow and you'll want to squeeze the most out of them before they do. Irrelevant for crops that can only be harvested once unless both their lifespan and endurance are garbage, and decent for crops that can be harvested multiple times. Can counterbalance any yield that isn't 0 if you are patient enough. Maturation Time : How much time the plant will take to grow into starting to produce fruits. Naturally, Maturation Time on Lifespan ratio can be important, and lower is always better. Production Time : How much time the plant will take to grow and regrow once picked clean or mature. Lower is always better, and this is relatively irrelevant on single harvest plants unless Maturation Time + Production Time are clearly over the Lifespan and Endurance is trashy. It is time to start making connections! Potency : Kind of an oddball, but extremely important on certain crops. In general, this is your “quality” rating and will tell how much nutrients you are getting out of the crop and out of any food processed with it. It will also cause the fruit to contain more unique reagents if any and strengthen any miscellaneous purposes (nettle damage and plank yield being two notable ones). You will also get to know if the plant you're working with is single harvest or not, if it produces fruit (if it doesn't, apply Plant-B-Gone immediately), how nutrient and water intensive it is (ranking from none of very heavy), if it has subspecies mutations, what temperature and light it thrives into (usually 8 lumens and 293.25 K, so room temperature and regular lighting), how resilient it is to changes in pressure, temperature and lighting, and it will warn you of any and all bizarre traits your plant might have, such as thorns, carnivorous tendencies, chemical stingers, spatial instability…

Now, you'll usually want to maximize all of those, but how do you do so outside of dumb luck when planting seeds? And what if your precious seed packs yield literal trash? I'm glad you asked!

Xenobotany and GMOs Now the real fun begins. You see, growing crops is fun, but growing super crops is where Hydroponics is at! And we are going to grow some zany crops together with the use of science and your local Chemist.

Odds are Research and Development are either still trying to figure their shit out or are waiting for minerals from the Miners (for our purposes, they'll need Uranium). If they don't, skip ahead a bit, you're in luck! Otherwise we'll do it the hard way, stay with me. Take the large beaker out of your grinder (if you can't locate it, get a bucket, if you can't locate that, just fucking go) and head towards Chemistry. If someone is at the desk and Medbay isn't busy trying to fix up half of the station as usual, knock at the window, put the large beaker on the table and request Unstable Mutagen. This is what we're working with. If no-one is at the window, either call someone up if you think they're not being busy or wait a bit and grow more shit for the Chef. Bring your container of Unstable Mutagen somewhere inside Hydroponics and put it down somewhere in reach. Vend a Syringe or Dropper from the NutriMax and fill it with anywhere from 5 to 10 units of Unstable Mutagen. You'll probably want to be careful with your dosage and NOT use anything over 10 units for the time being, since using too much mutagen can cause all sorts of weird and wacky and dangerous shit. Find the plant you want to fuck with, preferably a plant you have seeds for and don't mind fucking up to oblivion. Slap it with a Plant Analyzer to get an idea of what you're working on. Take note of the stats, especially the ones that are pure garbage. All of those are bound to change eventually. Inject five units and only five units for now. Wait about five seconds for a funny message (this can take longer than that, but it's the mean time). If you are lucky, five units will cause the plant to quiver and be labelled mutant, which means it's statistics have been improved! If you are not so lucky, it might have reacted adversely to the mutagen, which can cause stuff anywhere from toxin damage to slowing down it's growth (drooping idly). Occasionally, your plant will develop bizarre trait mutations, which are not necessarily a statistic: your Plant Analyzer will usually be descriptive and give you a good idea of what's going on. Baby plants (usually less than 60 seconds of life or so) will react very different to mutagen: They're still too young to have their statistics improved, so they will mostly only have adverse reactions. However, some plant species have a high degree of potential subspecies mutations: that means they have a possibility to mutate into a new species entirely! The only way to perform species mutations is on baby plants, so keep bottle-feeding them mutagen or replant them if they've grown too old. When they mutate, you'll know. Plants that have already mutated tend to be more resistant to unstable mutagen, so they will slowly demand more and more unstable mutagen to keep improving their statistics. Beware that anything over 10 units of mutagen is not sanctioned by Nanotrasen and could end up in your plant developing all kinds of nasty and potentially dangerous shit. You've been warned. Let it grow and harvest. If it's a brand new species, make some seeds and then grow more normally to enjoy the benefit. If you don't want to wait for it to grow, you can use your plant clippers to gain a sample, but beware that this hurts your plant a bit. Note that Unstable Mutagen is… well, unstable. You don't know what you're gonna get. This is why you'll want to bug Research and Development for a Floral Somatoray whenever possible: the Floral Somatoray does the same thing as the Unstable Mutagen, but it semi-reliably increases your plant's Yield, and it recharges so you don't have to ruin the Chemist's life every five minutes. Get one whenever possible! It also has a secondary mode that will improve your plant's harvest, meaning that it will give up to double the amount of produce. However, the effect is temporary, so you'll have to shoot your plant again after harvesting it. Note that you can change the strength of the Somatoray mutation by right-clicking the gun.

“What the fuck do the machines in the backroom do?” See Guide to Xenobotany.

Practical Hydroponics Eating food is so last century. If you are anything like a competent Botanist, you'll want to know all the ways food can be used outside of crewmen's bellies and microwaves !

In general, all food can be ground into nutrients. That's what makes you not hungry and allows you to slowly regenerate. Usually, you won't get to redeem the nutrients, but in a pinch you can just inject them directly or swallow a pill or bar of nutrients. Certainly not as tasty as fries or a pie, but it works. Make sure not to go overweight though. For all intents and purposes, nutrients also works as compost for plant nutrition. Take paper and use it on Ambrosia. You now have a new blunt for your personal use. Smoke weed everyday! Tower Caps and Plastellium are the only thing Mechanics and Engineers will need from you. When grown, they produce wood or plastic, as in literal wood or plastic. Grow a few of them and drop the planks and plastic sheets at your desk, everyone will be thankful. You can make a surprising amount of medicine and minerals using a grinder and grown items. Golden Apples give Gold, Glowberries give Radium, Carrots give Imidazoline (eye medicine), Poison Berries give Toxins, Death Berries give Lexorin (violent poison that blocks respiration and causes suffocation, not to be confused in any case with Leporazine, a potent body heat stabilizer) and Liberty Caps give Psicobylin (powerful hallucinogen without the really bad effects of Mindbreaker), and exotic seeds can give you just about any chemical including the rare Peridaxon (which heals damage to organs which would otherwise require surgery). If you get a little bit crafty with an Electrolyzer, you can get pretty much any chemical in the game, including stuff that you can only get through plants. Ambrosia gives a bunch of assorted chemicals. You have a Chemmaster in your backroom that can be used to separate the chemicals from one another. Vulgaris has some basic stuff, and Deus has some really potent medicine, as well as Hyperzine. Nettles can be used to shred people (Death Nettles with very high potency will put energy swords to shame) and can be ground to get cheap access to Sulphuric Acid or Polynitric Acid (Regular and Death Nettles respectively). Bananas give banana essence. The Clown will love you forever if you give his Clown Cart a good topping (usually done by applying the items directly, don't grind them even though it seems to be the logical thing to do). Tomatoes can be ground into Tomato Sauce and Chili can be ground into Capsaicin (Hot Sauce). The former can be used to make the Janitor cry a lot and the later can be used to give unsuspecting crewmen the ulcers of their life (and keep them warm if it really boils down to this) and may also be used to refill Security's peppersprays. If you manage to get those, Ice Peppers can make Cold Sauce (no seriously, and it works just like you can imagine, good for plasma fires) and Blood Tomatoes will cause extra tears from the Janitor. Quite a few crops can be juiced to make drinks and alcohols (take it as fermentation), notably lemons, oranges, watermelons, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, potatoes, wheat and limes. The Bartender will be thankful. Potatoes make the Chef really happy. Applied to their Food Processor, it makes fries. Greasy, nutritious and ready for serving straight out of the processor. Sugar Beets are processed into Sugar (who would have thought), Cocoa Pods can be made into chocolate bars for the exploring Chef and Wheat can be ground into Flour. The later is extremely important, not growing Wheat when a Chef is active is asking to be hacked into pieces, gibbed and used to make steaks with ! Eggs are made with Wheat and a chicken, one of which starts off in Hydroponics. Feeding wheat to a chicken will cause them to lay some eggs over the course of a couple minutes. More chickens can be hatched by placing eggs in an incubator, which is built from a circuit board from a Ranching Crate or Science. If you'd rather not jack with building an incubator, you can instead order a Chicken Crate with six live chicks. Additionally, 10% of naturally laid eggs will hatch if left on the ground. Cows are ordered via the Cargo Bay and make Milk when a bucket is used on their udder and Soy Milk can be made from grinding soy. Now the Chef will never run out of anything ever ! If the crew is being selfish and refuse to give monkeys, bodies or cows to the Chef, be the hero the Kitchen needs and crank some Meat and Milk out of your Biogenerator. Pretty costly, but hopefully it's not hard to get some biomass going when you focus some of your production on the machine. Diona nodes grow into Dionae, sentient plants that can't speak or understand Sol Common at first but can ventcrawl and have some handy abilities that make them good helpers for a Botanist (I.E. you). Once they finish stinging everyone to sample their blood, they'll become able to speak and understand Sol Common and gain the opportunity to grow into an adult Diona. As adults, Dionaea can use all items that a human can, but move very slowly and can't heal burn damage without medical help. Make good use of your starting seeds, since you'll likely only get three shots at it without ordering an exotic seeds crate. You'll want to plant them later in the round, since there's going to be more ghosts to take control of one by that point. Meet the Plants Now, you're looking at all those plants, and you are most likely wondering what you can do with those. Immediately, almost all of those have either a direct use or can be refined into food by the Chef, and for the few that don't have direct uses, you can most likely grind them in the Biogenerator to get some sweet stuff going. This is what you're going to be planting or mutating, so pay attention.

Name Seed Potting Product Outstanding Reagents and Refining Notes Mutates To Chili Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png Capsaicin (Hot Sauce), Chili Potency determines capsaicin levels. Used in making your own pepperyspray or feeding to Assistants to watch them catch on fire. Ice Peppers, Ghost Peppers Ice Peppers Icechiliseed.png Icechiliplant.png Icechili.png Cold Sauce The polar opposite of Chili. Great for standing in plasmafires or feeding to Assistants to watch them freeze to death. Ghost Peppers Ghostchili-seed.png Ghostchili-harvest.png Ghostchili.png Neurotoxin The dangerously concentrated cousin of regular chili peppers. Ghosts can eat these from beyond the grave. Plastellium Plastelliumseed.png Plastelliumplant.png Plastellium.png Plastic Attempting to fabricate Lego will not only result in a copyright claim but plenty of sore feet. Grapes Grapeseed.png Grapeplant.png Grape.png Wine The food of emperors, Space France inhabitants (usually as wine) and soccer moms. Used in wine production for the bartender if he ever runs out. Green Grapes Green Grapes Greengrapeseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrape.png Kelotane Can be processed into burn medicine or just eaten to cure your own burns. Little use outside of such. Cabbages Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png Borscht Absolutely disgusting. Can be turned into Borscht for the Soviet enthusiast. Berries Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png A savant mix of a large spectrum of berry varieties. Tastes pretty good and mutates very easily. Glow Berries, Poison Berries Glow Berries Glowberryseed.png Glowberryplant.png Glowberry.png Uranium The glow is as warm as it is radioactive. An Engineer's favorite, and also used in some Bartender cocktails and Chef dishes. Poison Berries Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberryplant.png Poisonberry.png Toxins The less desirable but still savant mix of some common and mildly poisonous berries. No real reason to keep or eat these. Death Berries, Kudzu Death Berries Deathberryseed.png Deathberryplant.png Deathberry.png Toxins, Lexorin The deadliest berries in the sector in one easily harvestable plant. Worth every bite. Bananas Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png Banana Essence (and Banana Essence accessories food) The Clown's favorite. If you can't find out what he uses those for, he will be happy to give you some insight. Eggplants Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png Has nothing to do with eggs. Clearly tastes worse than eggs Egg-Plants Egg-Plants Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Egg.png Eggs Actual eggs. For when your chicken gets murdered. Tomatoes Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png Tomato Sauce Commonly used to make the Janitor cry and pelt anyone who tries to act. Preponderant in the Chef's recipes, ignore with extreme caution. Blood Tomato, Killer Tomato, Blue Tomato Blood Tomatoes Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png Blood Do you think the Janitor was pissed yet? Killer Tomatoes Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png Harm, in theory Will bore people to death with their inactivity and look scary in general. Blue Tomatoes Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png Space Lube Makes things very slippery. An upgrade to Tomatoes for ballistic purpose and Janitor suicides. Bluespace Tomatoes Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.gif Bluespacetomato.gif For when you hate an actor, and an entire room in general, enough to teleport everything away into deep space. Corn Cornseed.png CornPlany.png Corn.png Corn Oil Corn Cobs are fun. Nitroglycerin is even funnier. The Chemist will love you if you bring a beaker of Corn Oil to him. Poppies Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png Bicaridine Modified to no longer contain Opium. Does contain Bicaridine though. Potatoes Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Potato.png Vodka, French Fries Wake up the inner Russian within you, or make some French Fries. Attempting to create potato human hybrids is now banned by NT ethical law. Preponderant in the Chef's recipes, ignore with extreme caution. Soybeans Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png Soy Milk, Soy Sauce For the losers who can't stand seeing good old meat. Can be used for Soy Sauce too, which is a bit more manly. Koibeans Koibeans Koibean-seed.png Soybeansplant.png Koibeans.png Carpotoxin Toxin valuable in exotic poisons and medicine. Wheat Wheatseeds.png Wheatplany.png Wheat.png Flour, Eggs (Chicken), Spaghetti, Beer The grain to forever symbolize food and wealth. Preponderant in the Chef's recipes, ignore with extreme caution. Rice Ricestalkseed.png Ricestalkplant.png Ricestalk.png Goes well with pudding and sake. Carrots Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png Imidazoline Cures eye damage, does not grant better night vision. Reishi Reishiseed.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png Sleep Toxin Not a good idea to eat those. Unless you feed them to your enemies. Fly Amanitas Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png Toxins Magic Mushrooms. Will not cure your height problem, you manlet. Destroying Angels Destroying Angels Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png Toxins, Lexorin Like death berries, only less fruity. Liberty Caps Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png Psicobylin Liberty or Death! Pretend Security cares about you getting completely wasted in your little magical garden. Chanterelle Mushrooms Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png Mushroom Pizza Good for Mushroom Stews and Pizzas. For lightweights who can't stomach the more dangerous mushrooms. Tower Caps Tower-capseed.png Tower-capplant.png Tower-cap.png Wood Botanist's Got Wood! Save the Engineer's and MoMMI's day! Glowshrooms Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png Radium Glowing mushrooms. Not a good idea to eat, but makes for some bad-ass ambient lighting. Plump Helmet Mushrooms Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png Delicious and nutritious! Great for feeding entire colonies of people! Walking Mushrooms Walking Mushrooms Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png Cute harm Great for cock fights when you run out of chickens. Feeds on the body and souls of the mushrooms it slays. Grows up to murder everyone once it eats enough of its own kind and awakens its lust for blood. Nettles Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png Sulfuric Acid Causes some serious burns when picked up without gloves. Better potency means more bio-warrior potential! Death Nettles Death Nettles Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png Polynitric Acid Nettles on steroids. Fear them for they are the bringers of pain and destruction. Sunflowers Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png Looks nice. Like, really nice. Good comical relief when a person holding gets brutally murdered, too. Novaflowers, Moonflowers Novaflowers Novaflower-seed.png Novaflower.png Novaflower.png Capsaicin (Hot Sauce) Glows orange with brightness based on potency, and weapon with damage based on potency. Moonflowers Moonflower-seed.png Moonflower.png Moonflower.png Moonshine Glows purple with brightness based on potency, and edible! Apple Appleseed.png Appleplant.png Apple.png Light snack, can be used to make some fantastic pies. Poison Apple, Golden Apple Poison Apple Appleseed.png Appleplant.png Apple.png Cyanide Laced with cyanide, which causes the rapid and unavoidable death of anyone who consumes too much. Can be bred for better potency. Golden Apple Gappleseed.png Gappleplant.gif Gapple.gif Gold A divine snack and a Miner's wet dream. Ambrosia Vulgaris Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png Space Drugs, Kelotane, Bicaridine Toxins

Space Weed. If you're going to roll it, it can't be refined, otherwise a cheap way to obtain basic medicine Ambrosia Deus Ambrosia Deus Ambrosiadeusseed.png Ambrosiadeusplant.gif Ambrosiadeus.png Space Drugs, Bicaridine, Synaptizine, Hyperzine The Elite's Drugs. For when “godlike” blunts won't cut it. If you don't mind being high, also has fantastic healing potential. White Beet Plants Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png Borscht The most boring plant in your MegaSeed Servitor Sugarcane Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png Sugar Can be used to make good old Sugar, or used as a cane. Watermelon Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png Round green object that you can slice and eat. Pumpkin Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png Curved Pumpkins Wear on head, more stylish than a bucket. Can be made into pies and cakes too but who would waste it like that? Lime Limeseed.png Limeplant.png Lime.png Lime Juice Cures Space Scurvy, allows you to act like a Space Pirate. Sour. Lemon Lemonseed.png Lemonplant.png Lemon.png Lemon Juice Sour, but less sour than the Librarian's latest erotic fanfiction. Orange Orangeseed.png Orangeplant.png Orange.png Orange Juice Healthy, very orange. Grass Grassseed.png Grassplant.png Grasstile.png Grass Tiles For making a grass field coated in blood. Or a love nest for Dionae. Cocoa Pods Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodplant.png Cocoapod.png Chocolate Bars Makes the psychopaths on the station happier and a little bit more mellow. Cherries Cherryseed.png Cherryplant.png Cherry.png Earrings Can be used for everything, from candy to lube flavoring! Can be used as earrings. Kudzu Kudzupodseed.png Kudzupodplant.png Kudzupod.png Kudzu Pods, Infinite Pain, Fancy Interior Lighting, Camouflage, Anti-Toxin An extremely invasive plant as soon as it matures. It is highly recommend to have a Weed Control crate handy if you value your life, and the station. Sourced from exotic seed crates. Diona Node Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png Nymph.png Dionae, Annoying Prompts for Ghosts Used to spawn the green tide, a source of unlimited fertiizer, or a faithful companion to wear as a hat. More can be obtained from exotic seed crates. No-Fruit NofruitSeed.png NofruitTree.png Nofruit.png 'Nothing' Once harvested, pick off the stem and it will begin cycling through grown foods. Hit it with something to stop! Nanotrasen provides some in Exotic Seeds Crate, but they are also available to Traders. Gravy.png Vox Hydroponics Main Article: Guide to Vox Hydroponics

Vox Traders start the shift with a special vendor containing a radically different, albeit much smaller, selection of seeds. You don't get direct access to the seeds and grown goods the station gets, but in return the station doesn't get access to the seeds and grown goods in your vendor. So it's a good occasion to get some friendly bartering ongoing to kickstart both Kitchens. Of course, the humans might also try to get access to these seeds by “borrowing access” to your Botanical Gardens, so be prepared to keep the hummies out of your little botanical cove.

Note that handing out raw grown goods is equivalent to handing out seeds, so if you want to keep a monopoly on your seed selection, only sell actual dishes. This goes both ways obviously, and you can trick humans into giving you “plain tomatoes, potatoes and wheat” at an awful price to extract some seeds out of them.

Be aware that growing Chicken-of-the-Stars on the main station can affect the atmosphere of your room and cause it to become hyperoxygenated, which is dangerous if a fire breaks out.

Name Seed Potting Product Outstanding Reagents and Refining Notes Breadfruit BreadfruitSeed.png BreadfruitTree.png Breadfruit.png Flour Unlike wheat, the amount of flour is based on potency and the plant can be harvested again. A good way to obtain large amounts of bread-based dishes rapidly. Vox plants are typically descended from Earth plants which they brought with them and cultivated to suit their interests, and the Breadfruit is no exception, having its origins in Earth's Artocarpus altilis. Woodapple WoodappleSeed.png WoodappleTree.png Woodapple.png Wood, Sugar Inferior to sugar canes for sugar and tower caps for wood (slice to obtain), but can be harvested again. Makes for an awful meal in and out of itself too. A descendant of Earth's Limonia acidissima. Chicken-of-the-Stars ChickenshroomSeed.png ChickenshroomTree.png Chickenshroom.png Gravy Grows extremely fast, good development genes. A staple of Vox cuisine, as every dish is helped along with a hearty dose of gravy. The plant alone is famous and is the Vox equivalent of wheat. A descendant of Earth's Laetiporus sulphureus fungus. Garlic GarlicSeed.png GarlicTree.png Garlic.png Holy Water Very powerful against all unholy things, optionally against diseases and cancer. Easy export if any of the former are currently plaguing the station. A descendant of Earth's Allium sativum plant. Aloe Vera Aloeseed.png Aloeplant.png Aloevera.png Dermaline Used to make extra gauze and ointment. Starts with the thorny gene. Although most Vox plants are merely modified descendants of Earth plants, Aloe vera remains relatively unchanged from its earthbound days. Slippery Pitcher Plant Pitcherseed.png Pitcherplant.png Pitcher.png Sulfuric Acid Gives more Sulfuric Acid than nettles, which is useful to make Soy Sauce. Otherwise an overall strange leaf. Starts with the carnivorous and juicy genes. Descended from Earth's Nepenthes rafflesiana plant. Vapor Sac Vaporsacseed.png Vaporsacplant.png Vaporsac.gif Vapor Salt Contains a special salt that reacts with oxygen, nitrogen or plasma, causing it to violently release in gas form. Can be used to rapidly repressurize a room. Avoid using it in massive doses unless you know what you are doing. Vapor sacs have no natural equivalent on Earth, and were perhaps found on some distant world. Xenoarch-plant.png Fossilized Plants Main Article: Guide To Xenoarchaeology

Xenoarcheology can possibly allow you to get access to extremely rare, fossilized xeno plants. If treated correctly, they can then be turned into seeds and planted. Their unusual appearance alone makes for good interior decoration, but they usually yield rare reagents. Note that they usually need lighting and atmosphere conditions almost as exotic as their produces, and that the secret of xeno dishes has been completely lost to time, meaning they can't be used to cook anything useful. Better used to refine the reagents they contain, or as potted plants.

Name Seed Potting Product Outstanding Reagents and Refining Notes Amauri Amauri-seed.png Amauri-harvest.png Amauri.png Zombie Powder, Condensed Capsaicin A somewhat literal death plant, will cause a temporary, albeit extremely debilitating Sudden Death Syndrome on anyone who ingests it. The rest of the plant is made out of what is functionally pepperspray, making it a pretty awful snack overall but a very good tool to kill people. It's likely that whatever civilization planted them knew that full well, unless their diet was made out of both reagents. Gelthi Gelthi-seed.png Gelthi-harvest.png Gelthi.png Impredrezene, Synaptizine A bright golden flower, the petals contain two reagents, one of which is a highly useful medicine. Medbay will likely appreciate the plant quite a bit, and it is likely the alien civilizations that cultivated it were interested in its healing potential exclusively. However, be sure to refine it as the other reagent causes significant brain damage. Jurlmah Jurlmah-seed.png Jurlmah-harvest.png Jurlmah.png Serotrotium A strange plant with a weird veiny and even slightly fleshy texture. It contains a psychoactive substance that causes temporary dazzling and other unusual but ultimately harmless effects. It is unknown if it was planted for use as a drug plant, or simply ended up underwhelming. Surik Surik-seed.png Surik-harvest.png Surik.png Impredrezene, Synaptizine A strange, branching plant with bulbous growths. Grants the same two reagents found in the Gelthi. Some field research suggests that one was the result of gene splicing on the other, in which case its original purpose and properties are completely unknown and were as such lost in time. Telriis Telriis-seed.png Telriis-harvest.png Telriis.png Poison Wine Root growths very similar to overgrown grass, they contain a thick red substance with significant ethanol contents, almost like red wine but more intoxicating. The issue is that this wine also contains significant amounts of poisonous material that can cause heart failure in sufficient doses. Whether this is intentional or part of an alien immunity to toxins is impossible to determine. Thaadra Thaadra-seed.png Thaadra-harvest.png Thaadra.png Frost Oil (Cold Sauce) A slender, snow white plant with petal-like light pink flowers. Contains an equally cold substance, commonly known as Frost Oil. It is unknown if this plant has any relations to Ice Peppers, or if they were native to the alien planets they were first discovered on, much like Hot Peppers on Earth. Vale Vale-seed.png Vale-harvest.png Vale.png Brawndo, Dexalin A small bush, built almost like a bonsai tree. The bright pink leaves almost make it look like cherry blossom, but the plant bears no fruit. The leaves however contain an electrolyte-filled liquid commonly known as “Brawndo Sports Drink”, useful to feed humans and other plants, and plain Dexalin. While pretty, the medicinal and botanical uses of this plant are likely the reason for it being so widespread even today.

Marshalling Wand Marshalling Wand Marshalling wand.png Cosmetic Tool Alternative names Signaller Usage Used to signal pilots while landing or taking off. Marshalling Wand is a tool that is an illuminated, hand-held wand used by hangar personnel to visually signal shuttle pilots. It is a purely cosmetic/role-play item, and has no gameplay use. It may also be useful for signalling mech pilots, deaf people, or people in vacuum.

Usage To use the Marshalling Wand, hold it in your hand, and then click on it. (Hotkey: Z) A message will be displayed to everyone within visible range, and the message content depends on your intent.

Help: Signal forward motion.

Disarm: Signal a stop.

Grab: Signal a turn - either to the left or the right, depending on the hand the Wand is held in.

Harm: Frantically wave the wand around like a madman. Useful for dance parties.