Table of Contents

Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor

What is the R-UST?

The R-UST Mark 7 is an advanced thermonuclear fusion reactor.

It requires a variety of parts and materials to setup, most of which are ordered from cargo only.

How does it work?

At the core of the R-UST is a huge solenoid called a tokamak, which produces a strong electro-magnetic field, this field holds plasma molecules in suspension, heating up the plasma and releasing it to produce extreme amounts of heat. Amongst the fusion events, there is also production of radiation, which can be used as an alternative source of power if used in conjunction with radiation collector arrays.

A variety of reagents are injected into the field by usage of a fuel injector.

For fusion events to happen, the field needs sufficient amounts of energy, it gets charged via usage of gyrotrons.

Required materials and items

The following can be gotten from cargo or R&D:

The following can ONLY be gotten from R&D:

R-UST Core construction

First you will have to setup the R-UST Core, the size of the core may vary, but it has to be a square with odd dimensions, maximum size required for the biggest field size is 7×7.

The core will need to meet the following criteria:

Be airtight.

Have atmospheric Uvent off.png vents and Injector off.png air injectors for input and output of Plasma canister.png plasma.

Be defined as an area with the Blueprint.png CE's blueprints.

Have a properly connected APC.png APC.

Have enough windows for the Rust gyrotron.png gyrotrons, 1 gyrotron needs 1 window to shoot into the core.

(OPTIONAL) Be made out of strong materials such as Metal r.png plasteel and Plasma r glass.png reinforced plasma glass

(OPTIONAL) Have a Gas Sensor.png gas sensor to monitor the core's atmosphere.

(OPTIONAL) Have an airlock to allow easy access to the core.

(OPTIONAL) The floor needs to be reinforced with Rods.png rods.

The Rust tokamak.png R-UST tokamak will need to be secured in the middle of the core, with a proper DIRECT power connection underneath the core, it needs to be bolted down and welded to the floor. (NOTE: the power cable will need to be placed, with a knot, under the core BEFORE the core is welded to the floor.)

Rust core control.gif Control room setup

Example control room built in the PA room.

Find a nice spot to place a lot of computers, and get all the boards listed in the required items section.

Once you built all the computers, do the following:

Multitool.png Core control and monitoring setup Go to the Rust tokamak.png R-UST tokamak in the core and use your multitool on it, from the menu, give it a nice id of your choice and add the machine to the multitool's buffer.

Run back to the computers and link the machine to the PowerMonitor.gif core monitoring and the Rust core control.gif core control computer with the multitool.

GACComp.png Atmospheric tank control setup Go back into the core and give the Uvent off.png vents, Injector off.png air injectors, and potentially Gas Sensor.png sensors a nice name and frequency.

Then link the above machinery to the GACComp.png tank control computer.

Make sure to keep all equipment off for the time being.

Rust gyrotron.png Gyrotron Setup

The interface of the control computer with 4 gyrotrons connected. Find a nice, powered spot that shoots into the reactor core, through a window, it doesn't have to be in line with the Rust tokamak.png tokamak, as long as it can hit the 7×7 (max, dependant on core size) area around the tokamak.

Secure and weld each Rust gyrotron.png in the direction of the core, then use your multitool to link it to the Gyrotron control.png gyrotron control computer.

If any gyrotrons are reporting unresponsive, ensure they are properly secured and welded down, and powered.

Then set all the gyrotrons to a beam output of 0.01 TJ.

Rust injector.png Fuel injector setup

A correctly setup R-UST fuel injector.

The Rust injector.png fuel injectors do NOT need a window to shoot through, they can launch particles through walls, oddly enough.

Find a spot that faces the reactor's 7×7 (max) area, with a bit of room, and place the fuel injector there.

The Rust injector.png fuel injector needs a direct power connection, as well as an area power connection, establish the former before securing and welding the fuel injector to the floor.

With that setup, place a wall (or use an existing one) next to the Rust injector.png injector, then make an Rust fuel port open.png R-UST fuel port from Metal r.png plasteel and stick that on the wall, then apply the Module card.png R-UST fuel port control electronics, and some Cablecoil.png cables, and Crowbar.png crowbar it shut to finish the port.

Teg.pngTEG setup

Modifying the TeG on boxstation to be used by a TEG built in the singularity field. Please refer to the Thermoelectric_Generator for setup of the TEG. A few notes:

Make sure to fill the hot loop with plasma, not any other gasses. Plasma is needed for the fusion reactions inside the core chamber. No pumps are needed on the hot loop, gas flow is handled by the Uvent off.png vents and air injectors Injector off.png, however, pumps may still be used to manage flow delicately, just supply a bypass valve. Fuel compressor Make a Rust compressor.png fuel compressor frame with Metal r.png plasteel, and attach it to the wall like any wall mounted equipment.

Then insert the set of Module card.png R-UST fuel compressor circuitry, and some Cablecoil.png cables. Finally finish the compressor by closing the panel with a Crowbar.png crowbar

Operation Startup Start core field Use the Rust core control.gif Core Control Computer to enable the field of the linked tokamak. Increase the field power to fit the size of your chamber.

Gyrotron startup Go to the Gyrotron control.png Gyrotron Control Computer and enable all linked gyrotrons.


Fuel Setup Sadly the R-UST does not run on magic. It needs fuel. To make fuel for the R-UST you need to use the Rust compressor.png fuel compressor.

Get some compressed matter cartridges and insert them into the fuel compressor. In the interface of the compressor you can choose how much of each fuel “reagent” goes into your fuel rod. If you're unsure what all the reagents do, check the fusion reaction table, the default of 150 Tritium and 150 Deuterium. When you're happy with your combination hit, Activate Fuel Synthesis to make the fuel rod.

Insert the fuel rod into the Rust fuel port open.png fuel port of your fuel injector, open the interface of the fuel injector and hit Draw assembly from port. Set the fuel usage to a low value like 0.05%, it can be increased later if need be.

Charged Use the core monitoring computer to wait until the core reaches 1 mega energy. Once reached, proceed:

Enable the fuel injector to start injecting reagents into the core field.

Go over to the GACComp.png tank control computer and enable the input and output.

If all went well you should now have a running R-UST producing absolute boatloads of heat!


Make sure to replace the fuel rods every once in a while. If you want MORE POWER increase the output level on the injectors or initiate the breeder and enhanced breeder reactions to make the fusion process self-sustaining to a degree. Cleanup reaction remove any output reagents produced by the secomdary reactions, while breeder inhibitors suppress the breeder reactions. Finally, the control reactions consume a lot of power but are vital for stabilizing the reactions if the engine is beginning to overheat- be warned that if it gets too hot, the R-UST will release EMPs, dump large amounts of white-hot plasma everywhere, or both.

Fusion reaction table Required Reagents Output Reagents Energy Usage Energy Output Radiation Output Reaction Class Tritium, Deuterium None 1 5 0 Primary Production Deuterium Obdurium x2 1 4 1 Secondary Production Tritium Solonium x2 1 4 1 Secondary Production Rodinium-6, Obdurium None 1 2 2 Cleanup Rodinium-6, Solonium None 1 2 2 Cleanup Dilithium, Obdurium Deuterium x1, Dilithium x1 1 1 3 Breeder Dilithium, Solonium Tritium x1, Dilithium x1 1 1 3 Breeder Stravium-7, Dilithium None 2 1 4 Breeder Inhibitor Trilithium, Obdurium Dilithium x1, Trilithium x1, Deuterium x1 1 2 5 Enhanced Breeder Trilithium, Solonium Dilithium x1, Trilithium x1, Tritium x1 1 2 5 Enhanced Breeder Pergium, Deuterium None 5 0 5 Control Pergium, Tritium None 5 0 5 Control Pergium, Obdurium None 5 0 5 Control Pergium, Solonium None 5 0 5 Control