Table of Contents

Area Power Controller

The APC, or Area Power Controller, is a device that controls power distribution in an area.

Contents [hide] 1 Basic information 2 Interface 2.1 Synthetic-Only Controls 2.2 Generic Controls 2.3 Power Channels 3 Maintenance 3.1 Construction 3.1.1 Required Tools/Resources 3.1.2 Construction Steps 3.2 Deconstruction 3.2.1 Required Tools/Resources 3.2.2 Deconstruction Steps 3.3 Power Cell Replacement 3.4 Hacking

Basic information

APCs are critical for functionality of most electrical systems, such as, computers, lights, airlocks and even the AI. The APC connects to the power network via an underfloor terminal, that is attached to a cable. Any power demanded by nearby machines (in the same room) is routed through the APC. In the event of power loss, the APCs are equipped with backup internal power cell that can keep systems operational for a limited amount of time. Some critical areas, such as, the AI Core, Engine Room, or Atmospherics have special APCs with higher grade cells installed. The APC automatically manages its power cell, charging it when there is excess power in the grid, and using it as power source when the grid doesn't provide enough power to run everything. The APC also acts as a control panel - its interface may be used to override automatic power management and disable or enable certain functions.


Name of APC

Interface Lock: [ Engaged ] [-Disengaged-]

Power Status:

Main Breaker: [ On ] [-Off-]

Main Breaker: [-On-] [Off]

External Power: <Good>

Power Cell: [———-] 100%

Charge Mode: [-Auto-] [ Off ] <Fully Charged>

Power Channels:

Equipment: 130W <On> <Auto> [-Auto-] [ On ] [ Off ]

Lighting: 830W <On> <Auto> [-Auto-] [ On ] [ Off ]

Environment: 422W <On> <Auto> [-Auto-] [ On ] [ Off ]

Total Load: 1382W

Cover Lock: [-Engaged-] [ Disengaged ]

System Overrides:

[ Overload Lighting Circuit ]

Synthetic-Only Controls

Synthetics (the AI and Cyborgs) have access to two special options:

Interface Lock allows the user to lock or unlock the APC from within the interface. Synthetics can continue to use the interface even when it's locked.

Overload Lighting Circuit, listed under the System Overrides tab allows the user to overload, and therefore destroy all lights that are currently powered by this APC. The lights have to be turned on for this to work. This can cause fires if there are flammable gases in the atmosphere. It also drains small amount of energy from the APC's power cell.

Furthermore, synthetics can CTRL+Click the APC to toggle the main breaker without having to open the interface.

Generic Controls

Main Breaker can be turned off to completely disable the APC. All power channels will be disabled until the breaker is turned on again, and power cell charging will stop.

External Power tab shows status of APC's power network connection. Optimal state is “Good” - that means the APC is taking all necessary power from the power grid. “Low” means that available power is insufficient, and therefore the power cell must provide power too, and “None” means that the APC is only taking power from the internal power cell.

Power Cell indicator shows whether a power cell is installed, as well as it's charge.

Charge Mode allows the user to disable power cell charging. The power cell will still provide power if required, it just won't charge up again.

Cover Lock controls the magnetic lock on APC's front panel. When unlocked the panel may be opened to access the power cell and internal circuitry.

Power Channels

APCs have three independent power channels, which can be either in automatic mode, or forced on/off. In most cases it is best to leave the APC in automatic mode. When a channel is in Auto mode the APC will turn it off when internal power cell charge drops below certain threshold, in order to save power for more important systems. This threshold is different for each channel.

Lighting channel is reserved for room's lights and light switches. It turns off when APC's internal power cell drops below 50% charge. At this point, all lights in the room switch to emergency mode. In this mode the brightness is reduced, and the light color is red. Power usage is transferred to Environment channel, and reduced considerably.

Equipment channel is used to power all kinds of machinery, from smelting machines to computers and various fabricators. This channel is turned off automatically when internal cell drops below 25% charge.

Environment channel is used by critical machinery, such as, vents, scrubbers, airlocks, air alarms and similar. This channel remains operational until the power cell is completely discharged.



Required Tools/Resources

Construction Steps

IMPORTANT NOTE: There may be only one APC per room! It will not be possible to build another one. Furthermore, when building an APC in a newly built room it has to be marked in Station Blueprints first!


Required Tools/Resources

Deconstruction Steps

Power Cell Replacement

Power cell replacement is fairly simple, the only required tool is a crowbar and an ID with Engineering access.

In an emergency, it is possible to replace the power cell even without having required access on your ID card. Same as with deconstruction, use a heavy object such as a toolbox to break the cover. This will allow you to access the power cell directly - continue from step 4 of above guide - but it will destroy the cover, requiring an engineer to repair it. Until it is repaired you won't be able to access the APC's interface.


The APC may be hacked. In order to hack the APC, first use screwdriver to access the wiring. From here you can use wirecutters to cut or mend the wires, and a multitool to pulse them. It is also possible to attach remote signalers. For more information, see Hacking

The APC has four wires. Wire colours are randomised each round, and shared between all APCs in the game.

Wire Pulsed (Multitool) Cut (Wirecutters) Mended (Wirecutters)

Main Power 1 Shorts out the APC for two minutes Shorts out the APC permanently Restores shorted APC's functionality, if Main Power 2 wire is not cut.

Main Power 2 Shorts out the APC for two minutes Shorts out the APC permanently Restores shorted APC's functionality, if Main Power 1 wire is not cut.

AI Control Disables AI control for one second Disables AI control permanently Restores AI control

IDScan Unlocks the APC for thirty seconds Nothing Nothing