Table of Contents


There are a variety of ways for most spaceships and space stations to generate power, each of which has its own unique advantages and challenges. A competent Engineer will need to have some familiarity with them, and a seasoned spacer should at least know what they are.

Reactors Commonly In Use

Reactors not in use at Round-Start

Although most of the above reactors are available at the start of the round, these must be constructed manually, typically in the Alternate Reactor Bay. One should probably not do so until everything else is working perfectly—pffft, hahaha, do what you want. These are in order of likely scientific advancements.


These are portable power generators that can augment a local grid in a pinch.

Additional Power Generation Machinery

These are devices that are not directly used to generate power but still play a role in some engine designs.

Power Storage and Management

The power grid can theoretically run without this as long as sufficient power is always available, but these elements stop the entire station from immediately dying the moment one of the engines stops working, and gives the engineers time to fix a problem.

Power Cells and Sources

Power cells are used to operate devices; they come in several grades depending on the size of the object they are expected to be installed in.

Large Cells

These are typically backup power storage for outposts that need large amounts of energy storage without rapid discharge, or as backup power for mission-critical equipment like the AI. A basic, unmodified large cell holds 1MWh of energy, while low-capacity cells found in old outposts hold 100kWh.

Normal Cells

These are the cells commonly used to power large machinery or cyborgs, to act as the local cell for an APC, or to act as backup power for high-priority machinery. A basic, unmodified normal cell holds 10kWh of energy. Other energy cells are as follows:

Small Cells

These are the cells used to power handheld objects such as weapons and tools, or as backup power for some machinery. A basic, unmodified small cell holds 1kWh of energy. Some small cells are used in place of low-capacity regular cells to save room.


These are the cells that power internal chips and other minute electronics. A basic, unmodified microcell holds 10Wh of energy.

Other Power Components

Piezoelectric Power Generator: This recharges slowly as the user moves about. The power generation is small, but requires no added effort on the part of the user, and is used to recharge the cell or device the user connects it to. As a side effect, this recharges faster the faster the person moves.

Wireless Power Collector: This recharges slowly by drawing energy from the environment, typically in the form of beamed power waves from APCs.

Solar Collector: This recharges slowly by collecting light in the environment. This is typically only useful in a extremely well-lit environment.

Atomic Decay Generator: This recharges slowly by collecting power from the decay of radioactive elements built into the cell.

Microfusion Generator: This recharges by generating a microfusion reaction within the cell to generate power. Very high on the tech tree, but worthwhile.

Artifact Generator: This unknown artifact generates power through unconventional methods not commonly understood by science. It is typically combined with an artifact cell to automatically recharge it or connected to a power line to directly power an installation.

Understanding Power Dynamics

Understanding the intricacies of the power dynamic is key to keeping your floating space deathtrap in order. Many believe that the Captain is the seat of power on the ship. This is untrue as having the Captain wired into the power grid provides minimal power at best, and inserting him into the furnace only supplies temporary gains (as well as complaints from Internal Affairs).

The real source of power comes from Engineering, because without Engineers to set up and maintain the power sources during a shift, the space ship or space station in question would cease to function normally and devolve into a degenerative society with no more power than a uncivilized horde of lowly Assistants, who, it should be noted, provide even less power when wired directly to the grid.

Power Sources

Depending on your assignment, you may have some or all of the following power sources available to bring light and life to your vicinity… or, often, to cause unimaginable terror and doom when things go wrong. Try to avoid that last bit.

Gas Turbine Generator

The gas turbine generator is a tertiary power source that is usually installed before a pipe system to reclaim energy. Essentially, it uses the pressure of gases passing through a pipe to turn a turbine, generating a small amount of electricity in the process as well as lowering the rate of flow. The power generated depends on the pressure of the chamber it is venting.

Portable Generators

Portable generators are failsafes when all other systems fail. They require fuel that is fed directly into the generator by hand. The type of fuel is dependent which type of generator is being used.

Portable generators can be upgraded to produce more power and use fuel more efficiently.

It is generally suggested to use a portable generator when setting up containment devices from a cold start to prevent accidental containment shutdown (or not starting in time) during the process.

Power Distribution

Power Grid

To most people they're just wires that burn the shit out of you when you try to cut them without wearing insulated gloves. But really, the power grid is the electrical backbone of the station, powering everything from the emitters containing the singularity to the APC that controls the bathrooms in the locker room that you never go to. Also, it burns the shit out of you if you try to cut it without wearing insulated gloves.


A Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) Cell is the space version of a giant rechargeable battery. The standard set-up for an SMES involves:

1. a wiring input from a power source, such as Solars or the Singularity Engine, or from the power grid itself, in the case of the Backups SMESs, and

2. a wiring output to the local power grid, or to a closed system like the AI or mining stations

SMES Properties

SMES have a modifiable storage capacity, dependent on the power cells installed in the SMES upon fabrication. All SMESs present at the beginning of a typical shift have a default capacity of 3.33 MW.

SMES input (charging) and output levels can be modified using capacitors. All SMESs present at the beginning of a typical shift have a basic capacitor with default i/o levels of 200 kW.

Capacitor Max Input Level Max Output Level
Basic 200000 W (200 kW) 200000 W (200 kW)
Advanced 400000 W (400 kW) 400000 W (400 kW)
Super 600000 W (600 kW) 600000 W (600 kW)

At first, SMESs will only charge when the input power is equal or higher to the input levels specified on the SMES settings panel. With Power Regulation tech, input can be maximized and power will equalize to charge without manual regulation.

Likewise, SMESs will only output when the level of charge is above the output level specified on the SMES settings panel.

Automated Power Controllers

APCs, or Automated Power Controllers, are found in or, more likely, in maintenance just outside every room with power. They can be used to turn on or off the room equipment, lightning and environmental (a.k.a. ventilation) systems.


System Power

System power is the amount of power available at any given time. Power is made available through charged SMESs outputting power and through immediate power from power sources wired directly to the grid.

(System Power) = (Total Output Power of SMESs) + (Power Sources Wired to the Grid)

Power Queue

To maintain a stable source of power for equipment, the power grid follows a “power queue” where an electrical component with higher rank on the queue has its power draw from the grid evaluated before an electrical component with a lower priority. APCs are typically the lowest priority since they only draw power, while power sources are the highest priority since they only produce power.

Power Output and the Power Queue

The most visible effect of the power queue is that if there is not enough output power available on the grid because a component with higher rank is requesting it, then a lower rank component will not charge. For example, if the Backup SMESs are set to input 200 kW each from the grid and the APCs draw 150 kW, but the grid only provides 250 kW total, then the second Backup SMES will not charge and around two out of three APCs will go unpowered as well.

SMES Charging and the Power Queue

Similarly, if a higher rank component has a high enough output level to handle the power draw, then the system will draw all of its power from the higher rank component instead of splitting the draw with a lower rank component. This phenomenon is seen often when multiple SMESes are set up to charge off of a single source. An unaware Engineer will purposefully set all SMESs to output at a very high value, say 100 kW, or 300 kW for a set of 3, thinking that this will be more than enough to power the system. While this is technically correct, it isn't advised since it slows down the time it takes until all SMESs are completely full.

An example is the best way to see this. Let's say that the total power draw on the system is near 150 kW. This means the station will draw 100 kW from SMES #1, 50 kW from SMES #2, and 0 kW from SMES #3, resulting in different charging rates of the SMESs. Assuming SMESs have a capacity of 3,333,333 W (3.33 MW) and assuming an input level of 200 kW, it should take 33.3 cycles before all the SMESs are completely charged (9.99 MW total power stored).

SMES Non-optimized Charging for 150 kW Power Draw

Cell Input Level Draw Charge Rate 17 23 34
SMES #1 200 kW 100 kW 100 kW 1.70 MW 2.30 MW 3.33 MW
SMES #2 200 kW 50 kW 150 kW 2.55 MW 3.33 MW 3.33 MW
SMES #3 200 kW 0 kW 200 kW 3.33 MW 3.33 MW 3.33 MW
Total 600 kW 150 kW 450 kW 7.58 MW 8.96 MW 9.99 MW

A better way is to set output levels on SMESs #1 and #2 to a third of the total power draw of the station (here, 50 kW), while allowing the remainder (also, 50 kW) to draw from SMES #3, which would be set higher than that to account for power fluctuations. For the same case where the total draw was 150 kW, we would set SMES #1 and #2 to 50 kW and SMES #3 to something higher like 200 kW. This would have all three SMESs charged in 22.2 cycles – 33% faster than the situation above.

Cell Input Level Draw Charge Rate 17 23
SMES #1 200 kW 50 kW 150 kW 2.55 MW 3.33 MW
SMES #2 200 kW 50 kW 150 kW 2.55 MW 3.33 MW
SMES #3 200 kW 50 kW 150 kW 2.55 MW 3.33 MW
Total 600 kW 150 kW 450 kW 7.65 MW 9.99 MW


Sooner or later, the power will go out. This is where you - YES, YOU, YOU LAZY FUCK - come in and call out to recall that shuttle because you can fix it! Power can go out for many reasons. Your first port of call should be the Power Monitoring console in engineering, assuming it still exists. Then, ask yourself what's going on:

Now that you know what's wrong with power, it's your job to fix it! A few more points for particular problems:

If the singularity or Tesla ball is about to break out of containment, TURN OFF THE PA IMMEDIATELY (it may be worth asking the AI) and get alternate power sources ready, if they aren't already online.

If the supermatter is destabilizing, TURN OFF THE EMITTERS! Once that's resolved, your major goals are to reduce temperature and pressure in the supermatter containment area, or if it is dangerously close to exploding, use the emergency vent option to spew the entire disaster into space where it hopefully won't destroy anything important. Don't throw the supermatter into space unless there really is no other sane option available. Venting a canister of freon into the room will help to stabilize the ongoing reactions; filtering out the other gases in the room will also reduce ongoing reactions as well as pressure. The cold loop is supposed to provide vital cooling to the system, but if it is damaged or sabotaged, or if its pumps are misconfigured, temperature will continue to rise in the chamber unless the gas is vented or pumped out.

Like the supermatter engine, the thermoelectric generator relies on the cold loop - in this case, to provide a cold gas that can capture heat transfer from the hot loop, with the generator drawing electrical power from this interaction. As such, the engine will stop producing power if the cold loop doesn't have gas in it (via a leak created by damage or sabotage, or someone shutting off the pumps), or if the cold loop is not staying cold for some reason.

The thermoelectric generator also relies on the hot loop. This basically involves superheating the gases via a burn chamber transferring extreme heat to a closed loop of gas, which then is pumped into the thermoelectric generator so that it can make power. If this is broken in some way (the hot loop isn't getting hot anymore, or the gas has been let out or isn't being transferred around anymore), then the generator won't generate any power.

Furnaces are a compact form of the thermoelectric generator that is very simplistic - you burn things in it, power and heat come out. As such it isn't much use for powering a massive starship, but can help with the needs of a very small outpost (in specific, you'll probably find them in use in mining or prison outposts.)

If one of the power systems has been critically damaged or self-destructed, it might be necessary to replace equipment. There is a PACMAN located in the SMES room and a spare SMES unit located in Electrical Maintenance, both of which no one ever remembers. You can also rebuild everything given proper supplies. The tools to build a new SMES are located in Tech Storage, and cargo can order replacement parts for most power systems.


SMES units may be configured via interface which is opened by left-clicking with empty hand on the SMES. Alternatively you may use the RCON console to operate most SMESs on station.


Each SMES needs terminal to operate properly. This terminal allows you to charge the SMES from one power network, and output into another one. By using papropriate controls in the GUI you may set any input value up to certain cap. This cap can be increased by upgrading the SMES unit, as described further in this guide. Also, please note that setting larger input than available will cause the SMES to enter “Partially Charging” state. This means the SMES is still charging, but not at set input rate. You may choose from two input options - OFF and AUTO.


The SMES outputs power into wire placed directly under it. Usually, you want to keep output lower than input, however sometimes you may have to increase output to compensate for larger demand. This is common with main Engine SMES when setting up Substations. The output rate is also capped and also upgradeable. You may choose from two output options which are self explanatory - ONLINE and OFFLINE.


Required tools: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Welding Tool, Wrench, Insulated Gloves (optional, but recommended), Multitool (optional, only if you decide to disable failsafes)

Deconstruction Steps
SMES Failure

Disabling failsafes, as outlined in Hacking section of this page may cause SMES Failure when removing the components (crowbar step), or adding new components (inserting new coils). Chance of “something bad” happening is directly proportional to SMES charge percentage. SMES charged to 75% has 75% probability of failing, etc. If this failure happens, effects are once again related to charge percentage.


SMES units may be hacked to enable or disable various features. Remember to wear your protective equipment or risk injury. To access the wiring open front panel with screwdriver. Then click the SMES with empty hand to open up wiring window. There are five wires, which have randomized colours every round.

Construction Required Tools Cablecoil.png Cable Coil, 2x (two full coils) Metal.png Metal Sheets, 5x Circuitboard.png SMES Circuit Board - May be obtained from Research, or salvaged from existing SMESs SMESCoil.png Superconducting Magnetic Coil - May be obtained from Cargo or salvaged from existing SMES. You need at least one coil, but adding more coils increases capacity and input/output cap of the SMES. You may add up to six coils into single SMES. Yellowgloves.png Insultated Gloves - Optional, but reccomended (espicially if you are going to manipulate wiring) Construction Steps Use your metal sheets to build machine frame. Use your cable coil on machine frame to add wires. (OPTIONAL) place wire under the machine frame. The SMES will output into this wire. Use your SMES Circuit Board on wired machine frame. Add 30 pieces of cable (one full length cable coil). Add one superconducting magnetic coil. Finalise the SMES with screwdriver. Terminal New SMES starts without terminal. Furthermore, terminals may be damaged by explosions or similar effects. Fortunately, installing new terminal is easy.

Open interface of your SMES and turn it's input and output OFF. Use screwdriver on the SMES to open the cover. Use cable coil on the SMES to add new terminal. You need 10 pieces of cable for this. If you make a mistake use wirecutters to remove the terminal and repeat this step. Use screwdriver on the SMES to close the cover. RCON Settings RCON, or Remote CONtrol, allows remote operation of SMESs from RCON console. To allow usage of RCON you have to set RCON tag. This tag has to be unique (ie. do not use tag already used by another SMES). To set new tag click the SMES with multitool. If you wish to disable RCON you may either cut apropriate wire (see Hacking section), or use tag “NO_TAG”.

Upgrading There are three types of coils in existence: Superconductive Capacitance Coils highly increase the amount of energy the SMES can store. Superconductive Transference Coils highly increase the maximum input and output rate. Superconductive Magnetic Coils increase both storage and transfer rate, but at a lesser extent. There are two of each type of coils in the Engineering Hard Storage, in one of the crates. When building an SMES you may add only a single Magnetic Coil into it. However, you may add up to five more coils later. This process is slightly more complex than terminal replacement.

Ensure the SMES is discharged. Alternatively, you may disable the failsafes (see point 4.). Please read the “SMES Failure” section of this guide before proceeding. Open interface of your SMES and turn it's input and output OFF. Use screwdriver on the SMES to open the cover. (OPTIONAL) Disable failsafes by cutting the correct wire (see Hacking section). Use your superconducting magnetic coil(s) on the SMES to install them. (OPTIONAL) Re-enable failsafes if you disabled them. Use screwdriver on the SMES to close the cover.