Table of Contents


Machines may be assembled in two different ways; manually or through flat-packs. Flat-packs are an advancement that contains all of the components in one box that transforms into the machine in question when opened (so make sure you put it in the right place, as it will bolt in place if part of construction requirements.

Flat-packing requires a certain level of Matter Storage, as well as the underlying tech behind whatever normally makes the item.

Construction and Upgrading Machinery

Most machines follow a series of simple steps to assemble them, if not using a flat-pack.

Common Additional Components

Upgrading Machines

All machines require some basic components to function; better components can be developed through research. There are five classes of component, available in four tiers; upgrading machine components has an effect noted below.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 General Effect
Micro-Manipulators (1) Industrial Micro-Manipulators (1) (10) Nano-Manipulators (2) (9) Pico-Manipulators (12) (6) Femto-Manipulators Improves speed and efficiency.
Basic Matter Bin (1) Industrial Matter Bin (1) (10) Advanced Matter Bin (2) (9) Super Matter Bin (12) (6) Hyperspace Matter Bin Improves capacity.
Basic Micro-Laser (1) Industrial Micro-Laser (1) (10) High-Power Micro-Laser (3) (11) Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser (12) (11) (7) Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser Improves speed and efficiency.
Basic Scanning Module (1) Industrial Scanning Module (1) (10) Advanced Scanning Module (4) (9) Phasic Scanning Module (12) (6) Triphasic Scanning Module Improves scanning position.
Basic Capacitor (1) Industrial Capacitor (1) (10) Advanced Capacitor (5) (9) Super Capacitor (12) (8) Quadratic Capacitor Improves power efficiency.
Basic Memory Bank (1) Industrial Memory Bank (1) (10) Enhanced Memory Banks (1) (9) Super Memory Banks (12) (9) Hyper Memory Banks Improves data capacity.

(1) Unlocked with Industrial Engineering. (2) Unlocked with High Efficiency Parts. (3) Unlocked with Advanced Electromagnetic Theory (4) Unlocked with Applied Bluespace Research (5) Unlocked with Advanced Power Manipulation (6) Unlocked with Miniaturized Bluespace Research (7) Unlocked with Quantum Electromagnetic Technology (8) Unlocked with Bluespace Power Technology. (9) Requires Gold. (10) Requires Silver. (11) Requires Uranium. (12) Requires Diamond. (13) Requires Data Storage.

Upgrading a machine is a simple process:

If you have a RPED (Rapid Part Exchange Device), which can be built as soon as you have Industrial Engineering tech, your path is easier:

The best alternative is to use the even more advanced Bluespace Rapid Part Exchange Device (BRPED), which functions just like an RPED except that you don't need access to the machine, screwdrivers, or even adjacency! That's right: BRPED works even through camera views. Consider building a camera console in R&D once you have a BRPED instead of running all over the station. This device is unlocked with Applied Bluespace Research and operates as follows:

Linking Machines

Certain machines need to be linked to other machines or computers in order to work properly. Typically, to link two machines, you use a software interface to connect them, either on the console, through the network, or using a multitool to bridge the gap.

Types of Machines


Parts Needed: Autolathe Board, 1x Micro-Manipulator, 3x Matter Bins, 1x Monitor, 1x Disk Drive

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Produces commonly used items such as tools, equipment, and construction material. Can be manually hacked to unlock more designs. Can scan in blueprints from the ruckingenur kit to enable more items for printing. When connected to a Material Silo, this will use its own resources first before draining silo materials, and will ask you for confirmation.

Upgrade effects:

Connects to: Material Silo, to supply raw materials

What can I make?

Imported Items

Material Silo

Parts Needed: Ore Silo Board, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Stores sheets of materials and shares them with linked machines. Ore Redemption Machines, Fabricators, Protolathes, Autolathes, and Circuit Imprinters can be linked to it by first using a multitool on the material silo, and then using the same multitool on the machine you wish to link it to. By default, the pre-built Material Silo is already linked to those machines that exist roundstart. Typically found in the Vault.

Clicking the ore silo opens a menu. This menu can be used to unlink machines, and gives you a list of items/materials that have been printed from linked machines, and the area locations of them. Useful if the ORM gets stolen. You can eject/insert materials directly into the silo. If the silo is destroyed, all inserted materials in its linked system will be ejected from it.

Upgrade effects:

Ore Redemption Machine

Parts Needed: Ore Redemption Board, 1x Micro Manipulator, 1x Matter Bin, 1x Micro-Laser, 1x Igniter, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Smelts minerals and awards mining points based on the amount smelted. Requires a Mining or Science ID to retrieve minerals. Can be rotated with alt-click when its panel has been opened with a screwdriver. Can be linked to an Ore Silo with a multitool. Linking to a Material Silo will make it share materials with other linked machines.

Upgrade effects:


Parts Needed: Recycler Board, 1x Micro Manipulator, 1x Matter Bin, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Grinds items into their base materials. If emagged or rooted, it will also grind living or dead organisms, killing them instantly.

Upgrade effects:


Parts Needed: Biogenerator Board, 1x Micro Manipulator, 1x Matter Bin, 1x Monitor, 1x Coil of Cable.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Requires a beaker or bucket to operate. Can be loaded with plants, that can be ground to generate biomass.

Biomass can in turn be used to produce several organic items such as toolbelts or fertilizer.

The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside. If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can produce more here. Reagents produced will be poured into the inserted bucket. You can also craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator can create.

Upgrade effects:

Plant DNA Manipulator

Parts Needed: Plant DNA Manipulator Board, 1x Micro Manipulator, 1x Micro-laser, 1x Scanning Module, 1x Memory Bank, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Edits the genes of any seed inserted. Genes can be extracted from seeds, destroying them in the process, saving them on a disk, or they can be inserted onto a seed, replacing the seed's own gene at no cost. Can only save a limited amount of potency (50 with base parts), but it has no limits regarding the other genes. You can quick swap disks or seeds out of it by clicking it with a new seed/disk when there is already another seed or disk inside.

Upgrade effects:

Chemical Heater

Parts Needed: Chemical Heater Board, 1x Micro-laser, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

When activated with an inserted beaker, it will heat any chemicals inside until it reaches the target temperature. It will slow down the heating as to not go over the desired temperature; if there is no consequence to overheating a chemical it is usually faster to input a very high temperature to prevent this slowdown.

Upgrade effects Better laser: heats faster.

Chem Dispenser

Parts Needed: Chemical Dispenser Board, 2x Matter bins, 1x Capacitor, 1x Power Cell, 1x Micro Manipulator, 1x Memory Bank, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Dispenses chemicals. One is always found in Chemistry, and more often find their way to other departments where they can be useful. Chemical Cartridges allow you to load pre-mixed chemicals into the scanner, while Chemical Disks allow you to load chemical synthesis data.

Upgrade effects:


Parts Needed: Protolathe Board, 2x Micro Manipulators, 2x Matter Bins, 1x Memory Bank, 2x Beakers, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Creates prototypes from various materials. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used. Can be linked to an Ore Silo by first using a multitool on the Ore Silo, and then using the same multitool on the protolathe. Linking to an Ore Silo will make it share materials with other linked machines. Beakers are meant to hold acid and oil for crafting.

Upgrade effects:

Circuit Imprinter

Parts Needed: Circuit Imprinter Board, 1x Micro Manipulators, 1x Matter Bins, 1x Memory Bank, 2x Beakers, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Creates circuits with plastic, metal, and acid etching. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used. Can be linked to an Ore Silo; linking to an Ore Silo will make it share materials with other linked machines. Circuit Imprinters have departmental varieties, so not every imprinter can print all researched machines.

Upgrade effects:

Cloning Pod

Parts Needed: Cloning Pod Board, 2x Piece of Cable, 2x Micro Manipulators, 2x Scanning Modules, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Can grow a clone when connected with a DNA Scanner and a Cloning Console. Can be unlocked with a Genetics ID to allow early ejection (available through the right-click menu). If EMPed it has a chance of horribly destroying the clone, but a loss of power will simply eject it.

Upgrade effects:

Limb Grower

Parts Needed: Limb Grower Board, 2x Beaker, 1x Micro Manipulators, 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

This device grows new limbs using Synthflesh.

Upgrade effects:

Cryogenics Tube

Parts Needed: Cryotube Board, 1x Piece of Cable, 1x Matter Bins, 4x Glass.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Cools down whoever is inside to sub-zero temperatures. Also allows you to insert a beaker with any chemicals, usually Cryoxadone, replicating the amount. It will cause the patient to sleep while active, and won't open by itself if not set on auto-ejection. Cannot be used alone, as it requires a second person to turn on the tube.

You can quickly operate the Cryogenics Tube without opening the menu with a few shortcuts. ALT + left click will toggle the doors, and CTRL + left click will toggle the power.

Upgrade effects:

Cyborg Recharging Station

Parts Needed: Cyborg Recharging Board, 2x Capacitors, 1x Power Cell, 1x Micro Manipulators.

Deconstruction: Unlock machine with ID, Screwdriver, Wrench, Wirecutters, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Recharges cyborgs. Needs to be closed like a locker in order to work.

Upgrade effects:

Destructive Analyzer

Parts Needed: Destructive Analyzer Board, 1x Micro Manipulators, 1x Scanning Module, 1x High-Power Micro-Laser.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Destroys items with research value to increase research levels.

Upgrade effects:

Device Analyzer

Parts Needed: Device Analyzer Board, 1x Scanning Module, 1x Micro-Laser.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Scans items with research value to increase research levels. Not as effective as a destructive analysis, but easier to build.

Upgrade effects:

DNA Scanner

Parts Needed: DNA Scanner Board, 1x Matter Bin, 2x Pieces of Cable, 1x Micro Manipulators, 1x Scanning Module, 1x High-Power Micro-Laser, 1x Monitor, 4x Glass.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

When linked to a DNA Machine, it will be a vital machine for geneticists. See the Guide to genetics for more information. Can be locked down by using the console, trapping the patient inside if necessary.

Upgrade effects:

Exosuit Fabricator

Parts Needed: Exosuit Fabricator Board 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Glass.pngGlass 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Creates cyborg and mech parts and equipment, along with cybernetic implants once researched. Does not need an R&D Console to be used, but it needs to sync to one to unlock the higher-tier equipment through research.

Upgrade effects Better matter bins: fabricator can hold more materials. Better manipulator: lower production time. Better laser: lower production costs.


Parts Needed: Freezer/Heater Board (Use screwdriver on board to select type) 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Glass.pngGlass

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Changes the temperature of gases connected through the pipes. Ctrl-click to turn on/off and alt-click to max/min their temperature out.

Upgrade effects Better lasers: Freezer has lower temperatures available/Heater has higher temperatures available. Better matter bins: Faster cooling/heating.

Gas Turbine Generator

Parts Needed: Power Turbine Board 6x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects Better capacitors: increases the turbine's productivity.

Gas Turbine Compressor

Parts Needed: Power Compressor Board 6x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects Better manipulators: increases the turbine's efficiency.

Hydroponics Tray

Parts Needed: Hydroponics Tray Board 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Glass.pngGlass

Deconstruction: Screwdriver (detach hoses), Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

A tray where seeds can be planted to grow. It keeps track of the plant's growth status and health, and will warn you if the nutrition or water levels are too low or if there are pests or weeds threatening the plant.

Upgrade effects Better matter bins: increases amount of water & nutrient the tray can hold. Better manipulator: Decreases water/nutrient depletion, weed/pest growth rate and health loss from age/lack of light.

Mech Bay Power Port

Parts Needed: Mech Bay Recharger Board 5x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 2x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Automatically recharges mechs in front of it.

Upgrade effects Better capacitors: recharges mechs faster.


Parts Needed: Microwave Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 2x Glass.pngGlass

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Use Soap or Space Cleaner to clean the microwave, or Wirecutters and a Welder to repair it if damaged.

Cooks food and heats reagents.

Upgrade effects Better lasers: Faster cooking, cooked food contains higher amounts of some reagents, and lower risk of microwave getting dirty from cooking unsuitable items. Better matter bins: Can fit more items at a time.


Parts Needed: Gibber (Machine Board) 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Lets you gib/butcher humanoids, to turn them into meat and some other byproducts, such as skin. This will destroy all organs. To gib someone, grab them aggressively and then click the gibber with an empty hand while on grab intent Intent Grab.png. After a progress bar, that person will be inserted into the gibber. Click the gibber again with an empty hand to turn it on. Without upgrades you can only gib unclothed bodies. They can still be alive though.

Meat produced by the gibber will contain any reagents the inserted body had in its systems when gibbed, with some blacklisted exceptions.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Increases number of meat slabs produced. Better manipulator: Reduces gib time. If tier 2 and above it also lets you gib fully clothed people.

Bio Processor

Parts Needed: Bio Processor Board, 1x Matter Bin, 1x Micro Manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

A Bio-Processor is set to process food by default, but can be set to process slimes instead if the board is toggled with a screwdriver.

Upgrade effects:

Food Processing

Can process some food items into refined ingredients. Insert an ingredient by clicking the processor with the ingredient in hand. Then click the processor with an empty hand to process inserted food. See the Guide to Food and Drinks for a full list of processable food, and things you can make with the results.

Slime Processing



Parts Needed: Smartfridge Board 1x Matter bin.pngMatter Bin

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Stores items relative to a job. Using a bag on it will load it with the items inside the bag, which can save time.

Upgrade effects:

Types of Smartfridge

To create other types of fridge, such as the chemistry smart storage, use a screwdriver on the Smartfridge Board before installing it.

Smartfridge Board settings:

Plant produce: Default smartfridge, stores plant growns and seeds. Food: Stores food items. Drinks: Stores drinks, named 'drink showcase'. Slimes: Stores slime extracts, named 'smart slime extract storage'. Organs: Can store organs. Storing organs will prevent them from decaying. Can store 20 organs per tier of matter bin. Every tier of matter bin beyond the first will make the fridge repair organs, but will not repair completely broken ones. Chems: Stores chemicals, in bottles, beakers, pills, patches, syringes and pill bottles. Will not store empty bottles, beakers or pill bottles. Named 'smart chemical storage'. Viruses: Can store the same items as smart chemical storage, but the fridge is named 'smart virus storage'. Disks: Constructs a disk compartmentalizer (instead of a fridge), able to store disks. Mostly useful for botany.

Dish Drive

Parts Needed: Dish Drive (Machine Board) 1x Glass.pngGlass 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Automatically sucks in empty plates and drinking glasses within 4 tiles, and beams them to a disposal bin within 7 tiles once per minute. Suction can be toggled by activating the circuit board in hand before construction. Beaming can be toggled by alt-clicking the circuit board. You can click the machine to take an item out of it, and you can insert empty dishes manually by using them on it. Alt-click the machine to manually make it beam its current items to a nearby disposal bin. Also works unwrenched.

Upgrade effects Better matter bins: Decreases power consumption. Better manipulators: Decreases power consumption.

Lipid Extractor

Parts Needed: Lipid Extractor (Machine Board) 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Fork

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Sucks fat from fat people while giving them 'useful' tips. Starts sucking fat 2 seconds after entering it. They can leave during the extraction cycle unless the someone toggled the safety hatch by alt-clicking it. The extractor does not take you into starving threshold unless emagged, and only starts sucking when you are more satiated than “well fed”. Produces meat Meat.png as a byproduct.

Upgrade effects Can not be upgraded.

Roulette Table

Parts Needed: Roulette Board, 6x Wood, 2x Glass, 2x Metal, 1x Gold.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Once built, start by swiping it with an ID. That ID becomes the “house”, where all won bets will be taken from, and all lost bets will be inserted. Once an ID is linked, any ID can be used on the machine to spin the wheel. You can not spin the wheel if the bet would reward more money if won than the house has available. Click the machine to open its menu, where you can bolt it down or place bets.

Only one person can bet at a time/per spin. People can place bets by pressing one the various buttons while wearing an ID with a bank account. Any winnings will be distributed in front of the machine as coins. Theres a 2.7% house favor. Betting on singles gives you 35x payout, and betting on odd, even, red, black 1 to 18 or 19 to 36 gives you 2x payout.

To be able to reset the owner and let someone else become the house you must hack the machine.

P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Portable Generator

Parts Needed: P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Generator Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Generates power when loaded with plasma and wrenched down on a cable. Can be tuned to produce more power while consuming plasma faster.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: holds more plasma sheets. Better capacitor: increase power generation. Better laser: lower plasma sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator

Parts Needed: S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Generator 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Like the PACMAN, but uses Uranium and generates more power.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: holds more uranium sheets. Better capacitor: increase power generation. Better laser: lower uranium sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator

Parts Needed: MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Like the PACMAN, but uses Diamonds and generates even more power.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: holds more diamond sheets. Better capacitor: increase power generation. Better laser: lower diamond sheet consumption rate and heat generation.


Parts Needed: Protolathe Board 2x Beaker.pngSmall beakers 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Creates prototypes from various materials. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used. Protolathes have departmental varieties, so not every protolathe can print all researched items.

Upgrade effects Better matter bins: protolathe can hold more material. Better manipulators: lower production costs, faster production speed.

RnD Server

Parts Needed: RnD Server Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Produces and stores research points, as long as it is cooled properly.

Upgrade effects Better stock parts: Currently nothing, though less heat generation was intended.

Nanite Chamber

Parts Needed: Nanite Chamber (Machine Board) 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning_Module 2x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Used for implanting non-synchronised (non-cloud) nanites, as well as modifying options of already implanted nanite swarms. Must be operated by a second person with an adjacent Nanite Chamber Control Console (they link automatically). Click the nanite chamber to open it, click-drag a person to put them into the chamber, and then click the console for a menu. With a subject in the chamber, start by clicking “Implant Nanites”. This will implant a nanite swarm in the subject. These nanites will not have any programs yet, so they do nothing except generate nanite volume. To install programs you will need to use a Nanite Cloud Controller Nanite cloud controller.gif. Other options in this machine: Safety Threshold: See Guide to Nanites. Lock Chamber: Traps the person inside. Destroy Nanites: Quickly and cleanly removes a nanite cluster from a person.

Upgrade effects Better scanner: Able to see more details about nanite programming, like specific codes and timers.

Public Nanite Chamber

Parts Needed: Public Nanite Chamber Board 2x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

The public nanite chamber will automatically implant nanites into anyone who enters it, without the need for a second person. The nanites will be synchronised to a cloud and will do nothing unless that cloud has nanite programs installed. Use a multitool Multitool.png on the Public Nanite Chamber circuit board first to choose which backup cloud you want it synced to. If you don't multitool the board it will default to cloud 1. You must install programs on same backup cloud with a Nanite Cloud Controller Nanite cloud controller.gif to get functional nanites. Does not need a Nanite Chamber Control Console.

Upgrade effects None.

Nanite Program Hub

Parts Needed: Nanite Program Hub (Machine Board) 1x Matter bin.pngMatter Bin 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Insert a nanite program disk, click a nanite program category and click a nanite program to put that program on the disk.

Upgrade effects None.

Nanite Programmer

Parts Needed: Nanite Programmer (Machine Board) 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 2x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning_Module

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Insert a disk with nanite program on it to modify its programming.

Upgrade effects None.

Lifeform Stasis Unit

Parts Needed: Lifeform Stasis Unit (Machine Board) 3x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Aka “Stasis Beds”. Buckle patients to them to put them into stasis. While in stasis they no longer bleed, no longer process reagents or diseases (good or bad), and if dead it freezes their defibrillation timer. Works for surgery and if an operating computer is built within line of sight of it, it will automatically connect to the stasis bed.

Upgrade effects None.


Parts Needed: Sleeper Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 2x Glass.pngGlass

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

ynthesizes and injects chemicals into patients. The chemicals are unlimited, but unless upgraded can't go above a certain limit per body. If the patient is in critical status, it will only be able to inject Epinephrine. How to use:

Ensure the sleeper is open. If it's not, open it. Pull the patient near the sleeper. Click and hold on the patient, move the cursor to the sleeper, then release. This puts the patient inside. Click on the sleeper to open the menu. Inject chemicals they need. Open the sleeper and remove the patient. Available chemicals:

Epinephrine Morphine Convermol Libital Aiuri

Nano manipulator adds:

Oculine Inacusiate

Pico manipulator also adds:

Multiver Mutadone Mannitol Salbutamol Pentetic Acid

Femto manipulator adds:


Upgrade effects Better matter bins allow the sleeper to treat more heavily damaged patients, up to a limit of -75% health. Better manipulators unlock a larger selection of chemicals (see above).

Medical Kiosk

Parts Needed: Medical Kiosk (Machine Board) 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Health analyzer.gif Health analyzer

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Serves as a standalone version of the Health analyzer Health analyzer.gif. Using it and paying the price (which goes to the medical budget) will give you a basic medical readout, showing brute/burn/toxins/suffocation damage, as well as medical status (Almost always going to say “You're alive.”), and if you have some kind of detectable illness. Use a multitool Multitool.png on the Machine Board before construction to set price per use.

Upgrade effects Better scanning module: At tier 2 or higher the machine will show radiation levels and tell if the patient has any phobias. At tier 3 or higher the machine will also show brain damage, cellular damage and traumas.

Medipen Refiller

Parts Needed: Medipen Refiller (Machine Board)

1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Can refill certain autoinjectors such as medipens with their original contents. Can not be used to fill them with custom reagents. Fill the machine manually or with Plumbing.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Increases max volume of reagents in the machine.


Parts Needed: SMES Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 5x Power cell.pngPower cells 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Monitor.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Can refill certain autoinjectors such as medipens with their original contents. Can not be used to fill them with custom reagents. Fill the machine manually or with Plumbing.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Increases max volume of reagents in the machine.

Radiation Collector

Parts Needed: Radiation Collector Board 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Reinforced plasma glass sheet1.pngReinforced Plasma Glass 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator

Deconstruction: Wrench, Crowbar to remove current tank, Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Will generate energy when loaded with a Plasma tank.png Plasma Tank (filled with Plasma Gas), if anchored and activated near an active Singularity or Supermatter. Converts the Plasma into Tritium. Can alternatively be used to generate research points instead of power.

To change configuration to research mode, fill the tank with Tritium and Oxygen instead of Plasma. Then use a multitool on the Radiation Collector. Examine it to see current configuration. A generic supermatter setup can produce a total of 10 points per minute for each Radiation Collector generating points. In this research mode, the tank must also be refilled every 5 minutes or so.

Upgrade effects None.

Tesla Coil

Parts Needed: Tesla Coil Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor

Deconstruction: Wrench, Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Converts tesla shocks into usable power. Needs to be placed on a cable to transfer the power. If the wire inside is pulsed, it will emit a low-power tesla shock.

Upgrade effects Better capacitor: multiplies the generated power and reduces time before the next tesla shock can be absorbed.

Grounding Rod

Parts Needed: Grounding Rod Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor

Deconstruction: Wrench, Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Attracts and grounds tesla bolts, preventing anything around it from being hit. Only works when wrenched down.

Upgrade effects None.

Space Heater

Parts Needed: Space Heater Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 3x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Heats the air around it.

Upgrade effects Better laser: Faster heating. Better capacitor: Better power efficiency and greater heating range.

Telecommunications Items

Bus Mainframe

Parts Needed: Bus Mainframe Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None.

Channel Server

Parts Needed: Telecommunication Server Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None?

Processor Unit

Parts Needed: Processor Unit Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 3x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 2x Subspace treatment disk.pngSubspace treatment disks 1x Subspace analyzer 1x Subspace amplifier.pngSubspace amplifier

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None?

Subspace Broadcaster

Parts Needed: Subspace Broadcaster Board 1x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 1x Ansible crystal.pngAnsible crystal 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 2x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None?

Subspace Receiver

Parts Needed: Subspace Receiver Board 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 1x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace ansible

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None?

Telecommunication Hub

Parts Needed: Hub Mainframe Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None?

Telecomunication Relay

Parts Needed: Relay Mainframe Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None?

Messaging Server

Parts Needed: Messaging Server (Machine Board) 1x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

A machine that processes and routes PDA and request console messages. Takes 15 minutes of calibration before it works if newly constructed. Use a multitool to configure its settings and link it to the (tcommsat) network and hub. If there is no active messaging server, PDA and request console messages won't work.

Upgrade effects None.

Bluespace Launchpad

Parts Needed: Bluespace Launchpad (Machine Board) 1x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystal 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Must be connected to and operated by a launchpad control console. To connect: Open the launchpad with a screwdriver then use a multitool on it to save it on the buffer. Close it, then go to a launchpad control console and use the multitool on it. The console does not need to be in the same area as the launchpad.

How to use: Use the connected launchpad control console. Click arrow buttons to choose a target tile from the launchpad's perspective (such as 5N, 5E). Click either “launch” to teleport things from the launchpad to the target destination, or click “pull” to teleport things from the target tile to the launchpad. Has a small delay before teleporting. Some things can't be teleported, such as anchored machines.

The targeted tile can be seen by people wearing diagnostic HUD.

Upgrade effects Better manipulator: Increases maximum range by 15 per tier, up to 60.

Quantum Pad

Parts Needed: Quantum Pad Board 1x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystal 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Can be linked to another quantum pad to set it as a target: when used, it will transfer everything on top of it to its target pad, after a delay, then goes on cooldown.

To link pads: Open the receiving pad with a screwdriver then use a multitool on it to save it on the buffer. Close it, then go to the sending pad and use the multitool on it without opening it. If you want them linked both ways, repeat the procedure with the opposite pads. You can also save a receiving pad to a Quantum Keycard. Simply use the Quantum Keycard on the receiving pad to save that pad as a custom destination. Then activate another quantum pad with the same keycard and it will activate a teleport to the quantum pad saved to the keycard, instead of to the destination saved to the pad.

Upgrade effects Better capacitor: reduces power cost. Better manipulator: reduces cooldown and chargeup time.

Teleporter Station

Parts Needed: Teleportation Station Board 2x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystals 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wirecutters here to link Station to Hub and Console immediately next to it) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Necessary to operate a Teleporter. Can be linked to other stations with screwdriver+multitool (first station) and then multitool (target station) to enable direct teleportation through Gate Mode. Otherwise it can only target Tracking Beacons. See Teleporter Station for detailed operation instructions.

Upgrade effects Better capacitors: the station can be linked with more teleporter stations.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Teleporter Hub

Parts Needed: Teleportation Hub Board 3x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystals 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Generates a portal to use the Teleporter. Can teleport anything not anchored. See Teleporter Station for detailed operation instructions.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: lower the risk and severity of accidents. Removes need for calibration.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Bluespace Navigation Gigabeacon

Parts Needed: Bluespace Navigation Gigabeacon (Machine Board) Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench A device that creates a bluespace anchor which allows ships with navigation consoles to jump near it. Can be locked with a multitool or an EMP. A locked gigabeacon can't be jumped to.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.


Parts Needed: Vendor Board (Use screwdriver to select Vendor type) (DonkSoft vendors require a special board, which requires illegal technology research.)

1x Restocking Unit (corresponding to the vendor type)

Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to move the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Vends several items. Can be hacked to unlock more items, and a few vendors also have special premium items.

Upgrade effects None?

Robotics vendor.gifCustom Vendor A custom vendor is constructed the same way as the other vendors (machine frame → wire → wrench → board → restocking unit → screwdriver). You can buy all parts needed from a Vendomat. You can also print a Custom Vendor Refill (restocking unit) from an Autolathe, and use a screwdriver on any vendor board to turn it into a custom vendor board. How to use a custom vendor:

Use your ID on it to link it to your account and make you the owner. Click the custom vendor and it will let you set a name and description. Get a Price Tagger from Autolathe or Vendomat. Activate the Price Tagger in hand and type a price. Then click any item with it to price that item. Insert the priced item into the Custom Vendor. Others can now buy that item for that price. The money goes to your account.

More information:

As the owner you can dispense the inserted items for free. The vendor is hard to destroy, but not indestructable. When destroyed the custom vendor will explode and spread its contained items all over the place. It can be unanchored and moved by opening its panel with a screwdriver and then using a wrench.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Building Custom 'Vendors

==== Scanner Gate ==== Scanner Gate Board 3x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Scans people passing through it for one of many conditions - their race, if they are carrying guns, if they're diseased or wanted, and so on. If the criteria is met, it will flash red and sound an alarm.

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Upgrade effects None

(Organ) Harvester

Parts Needed: Harvester Board, 4x Micro-laser

Deconstruction: Screwdriver, Crowbar, Wirecutters, Wrench.

Harvests all organs and limbs from bodies placed inside. Only works on corpses, unless the safety function is disabled by emagging it.

Upgrade effects Better micro-laser: Increases the organ harvesting speed.

Guide to construction (Redirected from Airlock) If you want to do a job, like Station Engineer, you need to know how to build and deconstruct stuff.

Contents 1 Basic Tools 2 Materials 2.1 Metal 2.2 Glass and Reinforced Glass 2.3 Plasma 2.4 Plasteel 2.5 Rods 2.6 Floor Tiles 2.7 Silver 2.8 Gold 2.9 Uranium 2.10 Titanium 2.11 Diamond 2.12 Bananium 2.13 Runite 2.14 Planks 2.15 Leather 2.16 Cloth 2.17 Plastic 2.18 Cardboard 2.19 Sand 2.20 Sandstone 3 Constructions 3.1 Floors 3.1.1 Lattice 3.1.2 Catwalk 3.1.3 Plating 3.1.4 Steel Floor 3.1.5 Wood Floor 3.1.6 Reinforced Floor 3.1.7 Carpeted Floor 3.1.8 Light Floor 3.2 Walls 3.2.1 Normal Wall 3.2.2 Reinforced Wall 3.2.3 Normal/Reinforced Hidden Door 3.3 Normal/Reinforced Windows 3.4 Wall Mountings 3.4.1 APC 3.4.2 Air Alarm 3.4.3 Fire Alarm 3.4.4 Security Camera 3.4.5 Light Fixture 3.5 Other 3.5.1 Grille 3.5.2 Barricade 3.5.3 Windoor (Window-door) 3.5.4 Button 3.5.5 Firelock 3.5.6 Reflector 3.5.7 Airlock 3.5.8 Turret 3.5.9 AI Core 3.5.10 Solar Panels and Trackers 3.5.11 Disposal Pipes and Machinery 3.5.12 Computers 3.5.13 Modular Consoles 3.5.14 Machines 3.5.15 Robots, Cyborgs and Mechs 3.5.16 Mineral Door 3.5.17 Conveyor Belt 3.6 Furniture 3.6.1 Chairs 3.6.2 Tables/Reinforced Table 3.6.3 Lockers 3.6.4 Rack 3.6.5 Beds 3.6.6 Bookcase 3.6.7 Drying Rack 4 Power Wires 4.1 How Do I Wire? 4.1.1 Wire Art 4.2 Connecting Machines 4.3 Wire Layers 4.4 Wire-net Reset 5 Pipes 5.1 Placing and Removing Pipes 5.1.1 Disposal Pipes 5.1.2 Gas Pipes 5.1.3 How to Remove a Pipe Basic Tools Before you can begin any construction or deconstruction you need to gather a few useful tools.

These tools can be found in any blue Mechanical Toolbox on the station. They can also be made in an Autolathe or dispensed from a YouTool -vending machine.

Crowbar Crowbar Screwdriver Screwdriver Welder Welder Wirecutters Wirecutters Wrench Wrench Materials To build anything, you need materials. Keep in mind that almost any material can be used to make doors, floor tiles and statues.


Metal Metal Found in: Ready stacks in Engineering, Auxiliary Tool Storage, E.V.A., Robotics and Atmospherics. Shaft Miners have the ability to smelt more from iron ore and Cargo can order more. Used for: Constructing various things from supportive elements to decorations Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate to start building Description Things you can make by having Metal in your hand and activating it: Stool (1 sheet) Bar Stool (1 sheet) Chair (1 sheet) Swivel Chair (i.e. office chairs) (5 sheets) Comfy Chair (2 sheets) Bed (2 sheets) Rack parts (1 sheets) Closet (2 sheets) Canisters (10 sheets) 4x Floor tiles (1 sheet) 2x Metal rods (1 sheet) Wall girders (2 sheets) Computer frame (5 sheets) Modular console (10 sheets) Machine frame (5 sheets) Airlock assembly (4 sheets) Firelock frame (3 sheets) Turret frame (5 sheets) Meatspike frame (5 sheets) Reflector frame (5 sheets) Grenade Casing (1 sheet) Light fixture frame (2 sheets) Small light fixture frame (1 sheet) APC frame (2 sheets) Air alarm frame (2 sheets) Fire alarm frame (2 sheets) Extinguisher cabinet frame (2 sheets) Button frame (1 sheet) Iron Door (20 sheets) Floodlight frame (5 sheets) Voting box (15 sheets) Pestle.png Pestle (1 sheet). Use with mortar for ghetto grinding. Chair (1 metal sheet) Toilet (1 metal sheet) Sink (1 metal sheet)

Other things you can do with Metal:

Turn a scooter frame into a skateboard, a scooter without a handle. (5 sheets) Metal tables when added to table frame. (1 sheet) Finish wall girders into walls. (2 sheets) Repair broken walls. (1 sheet) Add armor to turret frames. (5 sheets) Refill an Exosuit Fabricator, Autolathe or Protolathe/Techfab. (2000 material per sheet)

See Constructions.

How to produce Metal:

Smelt iron ore at the Mining furnace.

Glass and Reinforced Glass

Glass and Reinforced Glass Glass and Reinforced Glass Found in: Stacks exist in Engineering, Auxiliary Tool Storage, E.V.A., Atmospherics and Robotics. Shaft Miners have the ability to smelt more from sand and Cargo can order more. Used for: Constructing windows and other things Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate to start building Description Glass.pngGlass:

Things you can make by having Glass in your hand and activating it:

One Directional Glass panel Full Glass panel (2 sheets) Glass Tables when added to table frames (1 sheet)

Other things you can do with Glass:

Glass Lenses to grenade casings. Refill a Circuit Imprinter, Autolathe or Protolathe/Techfab. (2000 material per sheet)

Glass r.pngReinforced Glass: Things you can make by having Reinforced Glass in your hand and activating it:

One Directional Reinforced Glass panel Full Reinforced Glass panel (2 sheets) Windoor frame (5 sheets)

Other things you can do with Reinforced Glass:

Part of AI Core assembling Add windows into Airlocks Refill a Circuit Imprinter, Autolathe or Protolathe/Techfab. (2000 glass and 1000 metal materials per sheet)

How to produce Glass:

Smelt sand at the Ore Redemption Machine, or the Mining furnace, or smelt Glass shards with a Welding Tool to reform them into Glass sheets.

How to produce Reinforced Glass:

Use rods on glass


Plasma Plasma Found in: From mining and some other sources. Used for: Making a few products, burning down the station, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Plasma sheets in your hand and activating them: Plasma door (10 plasma sheets) 4x plasma tiles (1 plasma sheet) Scientist Statue (5 plasma sheets)

Some other things you can do with Plasma:

Light it on fire with a lighter to turn it into burning gas. Grind it for liquid plasma, useful for a large number of things, such as xenobiology. Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material.

How to produce Plasma: Smelt plasma ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Plasteel/Reinforced Metal Plasteel/Reinforced Metal Found in: A stack exists in Engineering, E.V.A. and Robotics. Shaft Miners have the ability to smelt more with iron and plasma ores. Cargo can order more, but they are very expensive. Used for: Reinforcing walls, mechs, building an AI Core Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate to start building Description Plasteel is an alloy of plasma and iron. Things you can make by having Plasteel in your hand and activating it:

AI core (4 sheets) Bomb Assembly (10 sheets) Airlock Assemblies High security airlock assembly (4 plasteel sheets) Vault door assembly (6 plasteel sheets)

Other things you can do with Plasteel:

Reinforcing, repairing and finalizing walls (2 sheets) Reinforced Tables when added to table frames (1 sheet)

See Constructions.

How to produce Plasteel:

Smelt a combination of iron ore and plasma ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Rods Rods Found in: Stacks exist in Engineering, Auxiliary Tool Storage, E.V.A.. More can be made from Metal sheets. Used for: Constructing grilles and reinforcing Strategy: Hold in active hand and use it on things Description Things you can make by having rods in your hand and activating them: Grille (by clicking in your hand) Make a scooter frame

Other things you can do with rods:

Lattice (for floors, by clicking on a space tile) Reinforcing plating (by clicking on the plating) Reinforcing normal glass into reinforced glass (have rods in hand while clicking glass sheet) Put a handle on a skateboard and turn it into a scooter Can be turned back into metal sheets by being welded with a Welding Tool

See Constructions

How to produce Rods:

Use Metal and click “2x metal rods” (makes two sets of rods).

Floor Tiles

Floor Tiles Floor Tiles Found in: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, can be made from metal or removed from the floor with a crowbar Used for: Constructing Plating or Steel Floor Description Tiles used to construct floors.

Things you can do with Floor Tiles:

Use on lattice to build plating. Use on plating to build steel floor. Use on another type of already placed floor tile while holding a crowbar in other hand to replace existing floor. Use on Metal Foam floor to convert it to plating.

See Constructions.

How to produce Floor Tiles:

Use metal or almost any other material and click “4x floor tiles” (makes 4 floor tiles).


Silver Silver Found in: From mining. Used for: Making a few products, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having silver bars in your hand and activating them: Silver door (10 silver bars) 4x silver tiles (1 silver bar) Med Officer Statue (5 silver bars) Janitor Statue (5 silver bars) Sec Officer Statue (5 silver bars) Sec Borg Statue (5 silver bars) Med Borg Statue (5 silver bars)

Some other things you can do with Silver:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material. Operating table OpTable.gif

How to produce Silver: Smelt silver ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Gold Gold Found in: From mining. Used for: Making a few products, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Gold bars in your hand and activating them: Golden door (10 gold bars) 4x gold tiles (1 gold bar) HoS Statue (5 gold bars) HoP Statue (5 gold bars) CE Statue (5 gold bars) RD Statue (5 gold bars) Simple Crown (5 gold bars) CMO Statue (5 gold bars)

Some other things you can do with Gold:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material.

How to produce Gold: Smelt gold ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Uranium Uranium Found in: From mining. Used for: Making a few products, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Uranium sheets in your hand and activating them: Uranium door (10 uranium sheets) 4x uranium tiles (1 uranium sheet) Nuke Statue (5 uranium sheets) Engineer Statue (5 uranium sheets) May cause tiny amounts of radiation when constructing stuff with it.

Some other things you can do with Uranium:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material.

How to produce Uranium: Smelt gold ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Titanium Titanium Found in: From mining. Used for: Used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab and in Robotics Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Titanium sheets in your hand and activating them: 4x titanium tiles (1 titanium sheet)

Some other things you can do with Titanium:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material. Insert into an exosuit fabricator. Roboticists need this for mechs.

How to produce Titanium: Smelt Titanium ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Diamond Diamond Found in: From mining. Used for: Making a few products, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Diamonds in your hand and activating them: Diamond door (10 diamonds) 4x diamond tiles (1 diamond) Captain Statue (5 diamonds) AI Hologram Statue (5 diamonds) AI Core Statue (5 diamonds)

Some other things you can do with Diamond:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material.

How to produce Diamond: Smelt diamond ore in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Bananium Bananium Found in: Ruins in space, on Lavaland or in Xenobio Used for: Making a few clown related products, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Bananium sheets in your hand and activating them: 4x bananium tiles (1 bananium sheet) Clown Statue (5 bananium sheets)

Some other things you can do with Bananium:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material, such as the air horn. Insert into an exosuit fabricator. Roboticists need this to make the H.O.N.K exosuit and the Clown Module.

How to produce Bananium: Find in certain space or lavaland ruins. There you can also find bananium ore which you can smelt in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace.


Runite Runite Found in: Ruin on Lavaland Used for: Making things with Autolathe that let you use custom materials Strategy: Insert into an autolathe. Print toolbox or knight armor. Description Rare material you may find. Can only be used to make things that let you use custom materials, such as the knight armor or toolbox from the Autolathe. The knight armor requires the Magic Disk of Smithing to be inserted into the Autolathe first.


Planks Planks Found in: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, can be made from deconstructing tables. Used for: Constructing various wooden things Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Planks in your hand and activating them: Wooden Sandals (1 plank) Wood floor tile 4x (1 plank) Wooden table frame (2 planks) Rifle stock (10 planks) Rolling pin (2 planks) Wooden chair (3 planks) Winged wooden chair (3 planks) Wooden barricade (5 planks) Wooden door (10 planks) Coffin (5 planks) Bookcase (4 planks) Drying Rack (10 planks) Dog bed (10 planks) Dresser (10 planks) Picture frame (1 plank) Display case chassis (5 planks) Wooden buckler (20 planks) Apiary (40 planks) Tiki mask (2 planks) Honey frame (5 planks) Wooden bucket (3 planks) Rake (5 planks) Ore box (4 planks) Wooden crate (6 planks) Baseball Bat (5 planks) Loom (10 planks) Mortar1.png Mortar (3 planks). Use with pestle for ghetto grinding. Can hold 100u. Firebrand (2 planks) Pew (3 planks)

How to produce Planks:

Grow Tower Caps and cut them up with a Hatchet.


Leather Leather Found in: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, but can be produced. Used for: Making leather products such as toolbelts and bandoliers Strategy: Hold in active hand and use it to craft things Description Things you can make by having Leather in your hand and activating it: Wallet (1 piece) Muzzle (2 pieces) Botany gloves (3 pieces) Toolbelt (4 pieces) Leather satchel (5 pieces) Bandolier (5 pieces) Leather jacket (7 pieces) Leather overcoat (10 pieces)

How to produce Leather:

Either use the Biogenerator inside Hydroponics or Garden,

or create leather through tanning:

Slaughter/gib certain animals/creatures for their hides. Sheet hide1.png Use a sharp weapon on a hide to turn it into hairless hide. Sheet hairless hide1.png Wash the hairless hide by using water on it, to turn it into wet leather. Sheet wet leather1.png Dry the wet leather by using it on a drying rack, or by heating it above 500 Kelvin for some time. throwing it into the fucking microwave. Sheet leather1.png Cloth

Cloth Cloth Found in: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, but can be produced. Used for: Crafting certain textiles and repairing damaged clothes Strategy: Hold in active hand and use it to craft things. Description Use on clothes damaged by fire or acid to repair them. Things you can make by having Cloth in your hand and activating it:

Grey jumpsuit (3 rolls) Black shoes (2 rolls) Backpack (4 rolls) Duffel bag (6 rolls) Plant bag (4 rolls) Book bag (4 rolls) Mining satchel (4 rolls) Chemistry bag (4 rolls) Bio bag (4 rolls) Construction bag (4 rolls) 2x improvised gauzes (1 roll) Rag (1 roll) Bedsheet (3 rolls) Empty sandbag (4 rolls) Fingerless gloves (1 roll) Black gloves (3 rolls) Blindfold (2 rolls) 19×19 canvas (3 rolls) 23×19 canvas (4 rolls) 23×23 canvas (5 rolls)

How to produce Cloth:

Use the Biogenerator inside Hydroponics or Garden, or use Wirecutters on bedsheets.


Plastic Plastic Found in: Ready stacks can be found nowhere, but can be produced. Used for: Making a few plastic products, or used in a departmental Protolathe/Techfab Strategy: Hold in active hand and use it to craft things Description Things you can make by having Plastic in your hand and activating it: Plastic flaps (5 sheets) Water bottle (1 sheet) Large water bottle (3 sheets) Wet floor sign (2 sheets)

Other things you can do with Plastic:

Insert into a Protolath/Techfab. Some products need this material, such as XL beakers

How to produce Plastic:

Made in the Chemistry lab


Cardboard Cardboard Found in: Can sometimes be found in Maintenance. Used for: Making a few items Strategy: Hold in active hand and use it to craft things Description Things you can make by having Cardboard in your hand and activating it: Box (1 cardboard sheet) Light tubes (1 cardboard sheet) Light bulbs (1 cardboard sheet) Mouse traps (1 cardboard sheet) Cardborg suit (3 cardboard sheets) Cardborg helmet (1 cardboard sheet) Pizza box (1 cardboard sheet) Folder (1 cardboard sheet) Large box (4 cardboard sheets) Cardboard cutout (5 cardboard sheets) Fancy boxes (many types) (1 cardboard sheet)

How to produce Cardboard:

Empty a box and activate it in your hand to turn it into cardboard. Most crewmembers start with a box in their backpack. Can be produced with a biogenerator.


Sand and Volcanic ash Sand and Volcanic ash Found in: Crafted by using sand or volcanic ash in hand. Used for: Turning into glass or sandstone. Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Sand Sandore.png and ash Volcanic ash.png are both basically the same thing but with different sprites. Things you can make by having piles of Sand or Ash in your hand and activating them:

Sandstone (1 sand pile) Aesthetic volcanic floor tile (2 sand piles)

Other things you can do with Sand and Ash:

Smelt in the Ore Redemption Machine or Mining furnace to create glass. Use on an empty sandbag to create a sandbag.

How to produce Volcanic Ash: Mine volcanic ash from lavaland ground.

How to produce Sand: Mine volcanic ash from lavaland ground, and use it in hand to make Sandstone Bricks. Then use the Sandstone in hand to turn it into sand.


Sandstone Sandstone Found in: Crafted by using sand or volcanic ash in hand. Used for: Making a few products, and ghetto hydroponics. Strategy: Hold in active hand and activate it to start constructing Description Things you can make by having Sandstone bricks in your hand and activating them: Pile of dirt (3 sandstone bricks) Sandstone door (10 sandstone bricks) Assistant Statue (5 sandstone bricks) Breakdown into sand (1 sandstone brick)

How to produce Sandstone: Mine volcanic ash from lavaland ground, and use it in hand.


Floors Lattice The basic base for all types of construction, this is placed directly in space.

Lattice Lattice Requires to build How to build Rodsx1 Use the rod on an empty space tile.

How to deconstruct Tools Use wirecutters to cut the lattice into one rod.


Catwalk Just like a lattice, except you can place wires on it.

Catwalk Catwalk Requires to build How to build Rodsx1 Use the rods on a lattice.

How to deconstruct Tools Use wirecutters to cut the catwalk into 2 rods.


Plating The basic floor which you put things like wires and pipes upon. 'All' floors and walls are built on top of this.

Plating Plating Requires to build How to build Floor tilex1 Use a floor tile on a lattice.

How to deconstruct Tools Use a crowbar on broken plating, otherwise it does not deconstruct.

Can be deconstructed with an RCD.


How to repair Tools Use a welder on broken plating to repair it.


Steel Floor This is the basic “nice” floor, this floor should be considered used in all public areas, hence why there's none of these in maintenance tunnels.

Steel Floor Steel Floor Requires to build How to build Floor tilex1 Use a floor tile on plating.

How to deconstruct Tools Use a crowbar on a floor tile to remove it. It will be destroyed if broken.


Wood Floor This is a fancy floor, used in the library and similar places.

Wood Floor Wood Floor Requires to build How to build Wood tilex1 Use a wood tile on plating. Wood tiles can be made of planks of wood.

How to deconstruct Tools Detach the tile with a screwdriver. Alternately: Destroy it with a crowbar. This will not give you a wood tile back.

Screwdriver or Crowbar

Reinforced Floor This is a reinforced floor, used in science and similar areas for better protection against fire or explosions.

Reinforced Floor Reinforced Floor Requires to build How to build Rodsx2 Use rods on a plating.

How to deconstruct Tools Use a wrench to dismantle it to two rods.


Carpeted Floor This is a carpeted floor, used to make your office look fancy.

Carpeted Floor Carpeted Floor Requires to build How to build Carpetx1 Use any type of carpet floor on a plating.

How to deconstruct Tools Use a crowbar to pick up the carpet tile.


Some other carpets available from cargo (and their constructable tables): Twaticus carpet comparison oct2019.png

Light Floor A fancy, more futuristic floor that lights up its surroundings.

Disco fever! Light Floor Requires to build How to build Glassx1 Metalx1 Cable Piecesx5 Use the cable wire on glass. Use the metal on the tile you get. (Deconstruct the floor to plating, if needed.) Place the light tile on a plating. How to deconstruct Tools Use a crowbar on the light tile to remove the metal. Use wirecutters on the resulting tile to separate wires from glass. Crowbar Wirecutters

Walls Normal Wall This is the standard type of wall found around the station, they are easy to construct and remove but are not as strong as reinforced walls. They also come in a hidden door variety. Walls can also be made out of different minerals. They're useful for:

Keeping people out. Keeping people in. Keeping people from going places. so bland Wall Requires to build How to build Metalx4 Stand where you want the wall. Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel. Choose 'Build wall girders' from the list. Use the remaining 2 sheets of metal on the girder. How to deconstruct Tools Weld off the plating. Use a Wrench to unsecure the girder. Screwdriver to disassemble the girder. Welder Wrench Screwdriver

Reinforced Wall This is the reinforced type of wall found in secure areas of station, they are reasonably simple to construct, but are very time consuming to remove. They also can be made as a hidden door. They're useful for:

Keeping people in and out of high security areas. such reinforce Reinforced Wall Requires to build How to build Metalx2 Plasteelx2 Stand where you want the reinforced wall. Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel. Choose 'Build wall girders' form the list. Use the plasteel on the girders to reinforce them. Use the last plasteel sheet on the reinforced girders to finish the wall. How to deconstruct Tools Wirecutters to cut the outer grille. Screwdriver to remove the support lines. Weld through the metal cover. Crowbar to pry off the cover. Wrench to loosen the support rods. Weld through the support rods. Crowbar to pry off the outer sheath. Screwdriver to unsecure the support struts. Wirecutters to remove the support struts. Wrench to unsecure the girder. Screwdriver to disassemble it. Welder Wrench Screwdriver Wirecutters Crowbar

Normal/Reinforced Hidden Door Also known as “Fake Walls” or “Hidden Walls”. With a little imagination, hidden doors can be used in many marvelous tactics, varying from ambushes to passages into your very own secret hideaway room.

Click to open. An almost undetectable escape route. Otherwise, same as a regular wall. Surprise, motherfucker! Hidden Door wow Reinforced Hidden Door Requires to build How to build Metalx4 or Metalx2 Plasteelx2 Stand where you want the door. Click the metal in your hand to open the construction panel. Choose 'Build wall girder' from the list. Use wrench on the girder and wait a few seconds for it to dislodge. Use the remaining 2 sheets of metal, or plasteel for a reinforced type, on the girder. To turn a normal wall into a hidden door, deconstruct it until the final screwdriving of the girder, and instead use 2 sheet of metal on the girder.

How to deconstruct Tools Screwdriver to tighten the bolts and turn it into a regular wall. Or… Weld to dismantle the false wall. Screwdriver again to disassemble the girder. Screwdriver Welder

Normal/Reinforced Windows Windows are aesthetically quite pleasing because they are almost invisible. You can build two types of windows:

Full: A see-through wall. Usually only used if you don't have enough for 2-4 one-directionals or the metal for a wall.

One Direction: Stops movement only from the way it faces. One Directional Glass Full Glass Wall Windows One Directional Reinforced Glass Full Reinforced Glass Wall Reinforced Windows Requires to build How to build Glassx1/x2 (single/full) or Reinforced Glassx1/x2 (single/full) Click the glass/reinforced glass in hand. Select Full or One Direction from the menu. Drag where you want it. Alt-click to rotate to the direction you want if one-directional. Screwdriver it in place. Continue if reinforced glass: Crowbar (Pop pane in). How to deconstruct Tools Normal window (including plasmaglass): Screwdriver to unscrew the window from the floor. Wrench to deconstruct the window. Hitting a normal pane repeatedly with a weapon will smash it into glass shards. Normal windows have 50 integrity (health), while plasma windows have 300. Directional windows have half integrity. Reinforced window (including reinforced plasmaglass): Welder to heat one way screws (15 seconds, harm intent Intent Harm.png required) Screwdriver to unscrew one way screws (5 seconds, must be done within 30 seconds of step 1) Crowbar to pop out panel (4 seconds) Wirecutters to cut connecting bars (2 seconds) Wrench to unbolt frame (4 seconds) Reinforced windows require a melee item over 11 damage to damage at all, have 150 integrity, and 80 melee armor. This is approximately 1 minute of sustained beating with a toolbox. Reinforced plasma windows require a melee item over 21 damage to damage at all, have 1000 integrity, and 80 melee armor. Breaks down into glass shards and a metal rods. Directional windows have half integrity. Welder Screwdriver Crowbar Wirecutters Wrench

Wall Mountings APC Info about Area Power Controllers can be found here.

If broken, you will have to deconstruct then construct the APC. An entire set of fresh parts will be needed.

Area Power Controller APC Requires to build How to build Metalx2 Cable Coilx1 Circuitboard Power Control Module x1 Screwdriver Power Cellx1 Crowbar Authorized IDx1 Use the metal and make an APC frame. Use the frame on the wall you want the APC on. May only be placed in areas which have been defined as a Station Area using the Chief Engineer's Station Blueprints) or by creating a new area with the “create new area” hud-button (looks like a lizard face). The area used is the area in which the person placing the frame is standing. Add a Power Control Module. Remove any floor tile in front of it. Add cable coil. This creates a terminal on the floor. Wire the power network into a powered wire under the terminal, for external power. Screwdriver the APC electronics into place. Add the power cell. Crowbar shut. It starts unlocked with the cover engaged and the main breaker turned off. How to deconstruct Tools Swipe Card to unlock APC, and then disengage cover lock. Alternatively, if the APC is broken (tilted and cracked cover), try using a fire extinguisher to smash off the cover, allowing access to the battery. Crowbar to open the cover. Remove power cell by hand. Screwdriver to unsecure electronics. Crowbar to lift floor tile in front of APC. Wirecutters on APC to remove cable and terminal from floor. Crowbar to remove Power Control Board. (You can click on the broken frame with a new APC frame here to skip to step three of construction) Welder to remove from wall. Wrench the frame, that is now detached from the wall, deconstructs it to two metal sheets. Screwdriver Crowbar Wirecutters Welder Authorized ID

Air Alarm Info about Air Alarms can be found here.

Air Alarm Air Alarm Requires to build How to build Metalx2 Cable Coilx1 Circuitboard Air Alarm Electronics x1 Screwdriver Use the metal and make an Air Alarm frame. Use the frame on the wall you want it on. Put in the Air Alarm Electronics. Wire it with 5 cable pieces. Screwdriver to close. How to deconstruct Tools Open cover with screwdriver. Cut all wires except the syphon wire using wirecutters. Use wirecutters on the air alarm to cut the remaining wires. Pry out the circuit using the crowbar. Remove the frame from the wall using the wrench. Screwdriver Wirecutters Crowbar Wrench

Fire Alarm Info about Fire Alarms can be found here.

Fire Alarm Fire Alarm Requires to build How to build Metalx2 Cable Coilx1 Circuitboard Fire Alarm Electronics x1 Screwdriver Use the metal and make an Fire Alarm frame. Use the frame on the wall you want it on. Put in the Fire Alarm Electronics. Wire it with 5 cable pieces. Screwdriver to close. How to deconstruct Tools Open cover with screwdriver. Cut all the wires using wirecutters. Pry out the circuit using the crowbar. Remove the frame from the wall using the wrench. Screwdriver Wirecutters Crowbar Wrench

Security Camera Electric eyes of the AI or for camera monitors to look through.

Camera upgrades:

Solid Plasma for EMP-proofing. Analyzer for X-ray. Proximity Sensor for motion alarm. See here how to hack a Security Camera.

I see you. Security Camera Requires to build How to build Autolathe Metalx1(400units per camera) Glassx1(250units per camera) Cable Piecesx1 Wrench Welder Screwdriver Use the autolathe to print a Camera Assembly. Attach the Camera Assembly to a wall. Weld it to the wall. Add wire. OPTIONAL: Add any additional upgrades (plasma, analyzer or prox sensor). Screwdriver the camera to complete it. Set camera network (default is SS13). How to deconstruct Tools Screwdriver the camera to open the back panel. Use your wirecutter to cut all the wires. Use your welder to unweld the camera from the wall. Wrench the camera to unattach it from the wall. Crowbar the camera assembly to remove any upgrades. Crowbar Screwdriver Welder Wirecutters Wrench

Light Fixture Provides light for the people. Bulb fixture is much dimmer than the tube-one.

Light Fixture Light Fixture Requires to build How to build Metalx1/x2 Cable Piecesx1 Light Tubex1 or Light Bulbx1 Screwdriver Build frame from 2 metal sheets (or 1 metal sheet for small fixtures). Place frame on wall. Add wires. Screwdriver. Add light tube (or light bulb for small fixtures). How to deconstruct Tools Turn off the light if needed and remove the light tube or bulb from the fixture. Screwdriver the light fixture to expose the wires. Wirecutters to cut the wires. Wrench the fixture frame to deconstruct it. Screwdriver Wirecutters Wrench

Other Grille Grilles are usually used in combination with directional windows. They allow gases and energy rounds to pass through them, but stop other objects. They can also be electrified for high security areas by building them on top of a live power wire.

Keeping people in or out. Securing an area with electrified grilles. Grille Grille Requires to build How to build Rodsx2 Stand where you would like the grille to be placed. Click on the stack of 2 rods with the hand you have them in. How to deconstruct Tools Use wirecutters to neatly cut the grille, or …Use a screwdriver to unfasten and drag it away, or …Smash it down. Wirecutters or Screwdriver

Barricade The poor man's barrier, not nearly as strong or cool looking. Useful for:

Keeping people in or out, for a short while. Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Requires to build How to build Planksx5 Stand where you would like the barricade to be placed. Click on the stack of planks in your hands and choose “Wooden Barricade”. How to deconstruct Tools Cannot be neatly deconstructed. Just smash it with anything to get 3 planks.


How to repair Tools Use wooden planks to repair.


Windoor (Window-door) Like a door, but with access controls. Windoors can't be hacked or even pried open with jaws of life. They can be pried open with a crowbar Crowbar.png if unpowered, and emagging works.

Windoor Windoor Requires to build How to build Reinforced glassx5 Reinforced metalx2 Cable Piecesx1 Wrench Screwdriver Crowbar Airlock Electronics Airlock Electronics x1 Click the reinforced glass pane. Click the “Windoor” button. Wrench. Plasteel (Optional: To create a secure windoor). Cable. Airlock Electronics. Crowbar. How to deconstruct Tools Open the windoor. Screwdriver to open the maintenance panel. Crowbar out the airlock electronics. Remove wires from the assembly with wirecutters. Unanchor it by wrenching. Weld it to deconstruct the assembly into reinforced glass and rods. Screwdriver Crowbar Wirecutters Wrench Welder

Button This is a button - it can remotely control an airlock. You can also put a signaler in one to have it pulse the signaler when pressed.

A Button Button Requires to build How to build Metalx1 Screwdriver OPTIONALAirlock ElectronicsAirlock Electronics x1 Use the metal and make a Button Frame. Use the Button Frame on a wall. Click the Button Frame on the wall to change its button type. Add a signaler (other assemblies may work, untested) or airlock controller (normally unobtainable, but this is what makes them work when map-spawned). Add the Airlock Electronics Board to the button frame if you want the button to require a certain access to activate or deconstruct. (You need to program this) Screwdriver the Button Frame to close it. How to deconstruct Tools (Screwdriver the button open.) Remove the airlock electronics. Wrench the open button frame. Weld it to deconstruct to metal plates. Wrench Screwdriver

Firelock This is a firelock - it locks an area when a fire alarm in the area is triggered. Don't get squished!

A Firelock Firelock Requires to build How to build Metalx3 Wrench OPTIONAL:Reinforced Metalx2 Cable Piecesx1 Firelock ElectronicsFirelock Electronics x1 Screwdriver Use the metal and make a Firelock Assembly. Add the Firelock Electronics Board to the firelock frame. Add Wires. Crowbar. (OPTIONAL) Add Plasteel to make a heavy firelock. Wrench to bolt it and finish. How to deconstruct Tools (Crowbar the firelock shut.) Weld the firelock shut. Screw the access panel open. Wrench the firelock to unbolt it. Crowbar to pry the wire cover off. Wirecut the wires out. Crowbar the electronics out. Weld it to deconstruct to metal plates. Welder Wrench Screwdriver Wirecutters Crowbar

Reflector This is an angular beam reflector. Any energy projectiles hitting it will be reflected at an angle depending on rotation. There are also “box” reflectors that change the direction of struck projectiles to face a single way, regardless of where they impact the reflector. The supermatter engine uses reflectors to make its emitters' beams go through a single path. Ballistic projectiles will not be reflected!

You can weld it to anchor it to or unanchor it from the floor, or to repair it. Use a screwdriver to lock or unlock its rotation. Alt-click it to rotate its angle. A reflector A double reflectorA box reflector Reflector Requires to build How to build Metalx5 Glassx5 OR Reinforced glassx10 OR Diamondx1 Welder Use the metal and make a reflector frame. Option 1: Add 5 glass sheets to make a single-sided reflector. Option 2: Add 10 reinforced glass sheets to make a double-sided reflector. Option 3: Add 1 diamond sheet to make a box reflector. Weld the reflector to the floor. How to deconstruct Tools Weld the reflector to cut it free from the floor. Wrench the reflector to disassemble it. Welder Wrench

Airlock This is an airlock - it locks air. Everyone just calls them doors, although they are not actual doors. If you want to hack an airlock, see here.

Swish Airlock Requires to build How to build Metalx4 Wrench OPTIONAL: Pen Reinforced glassx1 Cable Piecesx1 Airlock ElectronicsAirlock Electronics x1 Screwdriver Use the metal and make an Airlock Assembly. Wrench it in place. (Optional) Use Pen to name the airlock. (Optional) Add Reinforced Glass to make a glass airlock. Add Wires. Use the Airlock Electronics Board and set the access level. Add the Airlock Electronics Board to the airlock frame. (Optional) Use 2 sheets of Metal or Plasteel for added security Screwdriver to finish. How to deconstruct Tools If the airlock has been emagged, skip to step 4.

Weld the door shut. (Must not be on help intent). Screwdriver the door. Use multitool and/or wirecutters to disable the power whilst keeping the doorbolts up as detailed here. Crowbar the electronics out. (Make sure you have exposed the panel with a screwdriver first.) Wirecut the wires out. Unsecure it with a wrench. Weld it to deconstruct to metal plates. Welder Wrench Screwdriver Wirecutters Crowbar Multitool

Turret To ensure no one trespasses an area. Its options are (first option is the default setting):

Status: On/Off - wether the turret's power is on or off. Behaviour control are locked/unlocked - can be unlocked with a Security level ID. Check for Weapon Authorization: No/Yes - neutralizes people who have a weapon out but are not Heads or Security staff. Check Security Records: Yes/No - searches Security Records for criminals. Neutralize Identified Criminals: Yes/No - neutralizes crew members set to Arrest on the Security Records. Neutralize All Non-Security and Non-Command Personnel: No/Yes - self explanatory. Neutralize All Unidentified Life Signs: Yes/No - neutralizes aliens. Turret Turret Requires to build How to build Metalx7 Wrench Screwdriver Welder Any energy-based gun Any energy-based gun x1 Proximity Sensorx1 Build a turret frame from metal. Use a wrench to secure the turret frame(it can be moved around before being secured). Use metal on the turret frame to build the cover. Use a wrench on the frame to bolt the cover. Add the gun. Add the prox sensor. Use a screwdriver to secure it all. Use more metal on the frame. Finally use a welder to secure the second layer of metal. (use ID and hand to unlock and change turret settings, or turn it off and use wrench to move it)

How to deconstruct Tools If the turret is not finished (only works before construction step 9):

Crowbar to pry off metal coverage. Screwdriver to open the internal access hatch. Remove Proximity sensor by hand. Remove gun by hand. Wrench to remove turret's metal armor bolts. Weld to remove turret's interior metal armor. Wrench to unfasten external bolts. Crowbar to dismantle the turret frame. If the turret is finished:

Destroy the turret with any weapon. Crowbar to pry off metal coverage (70% chance to recover gun). Welder Wrench Screwdriver Crowbar

AI Core The AI's house.

AI.gif AI Core Requires to build How to build Plasteelx4 Reinforced Glassx2 Cable Piecesx1 Wrench Screwdriver AI Circuitboardx1 Optional: Human brainx1 AI Core building phase 1 Build AI Core Frame from 4 Plasteel Sheets. Wrench into place. AI Core building phase 2 Add Circuit board. AI Core building phase 3 Screwdriver. AI Core building phase 4 Add wires. (Optional) Upload any custom laws that you'd like to this AI core with an AI module. It comes pre-loaded with Asimov. AI Core building phase 5 Add brain placed in an MMI (only if you want a NEW AI). AI Core building phase 6 Add reinforced glass. Screwdriver. How to deconstruct Tools Crowbar to remove glass panel. Crowbar to remove brain. Wirecutters to remove cables. Screwdriver to unfasten the circuit board. Wrench to unfasten the frame. Welder to deconstruct assembly. Crowbar Wirecutters Screwdriver Wrench Welder

Solar Panels and Trackers You can generate power with these things.

Solar Panel Solar Panel Solar Tracker Solar Tracker Requires to build How to build Solar Assemblyx1 Wrench Glassx2 or Reinforced Glassx2 Tracker: Tracker Electronicsx1 Solar Assembly Place the solar assembly on where you want to construct your solar panel/tracker. To connect it to a wire you must construct it under a wire node. Wrench Wrench the solar assembly into place. Tracker Electronics (OPTIONAL) Add the electronics if you want to create a solar tracker. Glass or Reinforced Glass Finish the construction by placing glass, or reinforced glass, into the assembly frame. How to deconstruct Tools Take out the panel with a crowbar. If you are deconstructing a tracker: Take out the electronics with your crowbar. Wrench the leftover assembly from it's place and you will be able to move it. Crowbar Wrench

Disposal Pipes and Machinery The disposal system of the station.

Disposal Bin Disposal Outlet Disposal Pipes and Machinery Requires to build How to build Disposal Pipex1 or Disposal Binx1 or Disposal Outletx1 Welder Wrench Crowbar Retrieve the pipe/machine from the Disposal Pipe Dispenser (found in Atmosia). Crowbar the floor tile, if exists, to access plating. Move pipe over plating, rotate and flip using the right-click menu. Wrench pipe. Weld pipe. How to deconstruct Tools If Disposal Bin, start here: first turn off the pump and use a screwdriver to remove power connection, and continue… If Disposal Pipe, start here: Welder it to remove its joints. Wrench to detach it from the plating. Note: You can then click and drag the pipe segment onto the Disposal Pipe Dispenser to delete it. (Screwdriver) Welder Wrench

Computers Computers can have various uses.

Some computer Computer Requires to build How to build Metalx5 Glassx2 Cable piecesx5 Wrench Screwdriver Circuitboardx1 Use the metal and make a Computer Frame. Wrench it inplace. Insert the Circuitboard of your selection. Screwdriver. Wires. Glass. Screwdriver to finish. How to deconstruct Tools Screwdriver to detach the screen. Crowbar to pry off the screen. Wirecutters to cut the cables. Screwdriver to detach the circuit lid. Crowbar to pry out the circuitboard. Wrench to detach the frame. Welder to disassemble the frame. Welder Wrench Screwdriver Wirecutters Crowbar

Modular Consoles Modular Consoles are very flexible devices.

A console Console Requires to build How to build Metalx10 At least: one power source one drive (HDD or SSD) one processing unit access to programs (network cards or datadisks) Use the metal and make a Modular Console. Add your drive (HDD or SSD), processing unit and power source (wired or powercells, powercells require an additional “powercell controller” component). install a network card to access the NET and download more programs. Use disks to transfer data or programs from another modular decive in case you cannot access the NET. How to deconstruct Tools Screwdriver to remove components. Wrench to deconstruct the empty console. Screwdriver Wrench Machine Frame.png Machines

A machine frame with wiring and board installed A machine frame with wiring and board installed Requires to build How to build Metalx5 Cable piecesx5 Circuitboardx1 Components as specified by examining the mounted board Metal.pngMachine Frame.png Build a machine frame from your 5 metal sheets. CableCoils.pngWired Frame.png Add wires. Wrench.pngWrench it (sometimes optional). Circuitboard.pngCircuit Frame.png Add a circuitboard. Examine the machine frame and it will tell you what items you need now. Screwdriver tool.png When all the parts are added, screwdriver the machine frame to finish it. How to deconstruct Tools Screwdriver to open the panel. Crowbar to remove all components. Wirecutters to remove the wires. Wrench to unsecure the frame. Screwdriver to disassemble into sheets. Screwdriver Crowbar.png Wirecutters.png Wrench For detailed information about each machine: machine construction guide.

Robot Cyborg Mech Robots, Cyborgs and Mechs Their construction is described at: Robots, Cyborgs and Mechs -pages.

Mineral Door The actual doors of the game. Nobody ever uses these poor things and they aren't even airtight. Most ore materials (and wood) can be made into a door.


Door Doors Requires to build How to build The mineral (or wood) of your choice x20 Stand where you would like the door. Use the metal and make a Door. How to deconstruct Tools Wrench to unwrench it. Welder to disassemble the frame. Wrench Welder

Conveyor Belt The Conveyor Belts seen in Cargo, Disposals, and other places around the station can be set up similar to a floor tile, only they require a bit more setting up to become functional. Clicking a placed conveyor belt with an item will put that item on the belt unless it's a wrench, screwdriver, crowbar or you are using harm intent.

Conveyor Belt and Conveyor Belt Switch ConveyorBelt.png

Requires to build How to build An Autolathe, with enough metal and glass. Use the lever on the belt assemblies to link them. This must be done before placing them! Place the belt assemblies by using them on the floor (You can then rotate the belt tiles by using a wrench or reverse direction with a screwdriver). Place the lever somewhere by clicking the floor with it. How to deconstruct Tools Crowbar to remove the Conveyor Belt tiles and Switches. Wrench Furniture Chairs Chairs are for sitting down and making the place look nice. The only real use for chairs are to restrain people, building electric chairs or to buckle in when the shuttle is about to take off. Office chairs can also be used to move buckled people around.

Chair Chair Stool Stool Bar Stool Bar Stool Comfy Chair Comfy Chair Office Chair Office Chair Wooden Chair Wooden Chair Winged Wooden Chair Winged Wooden Chair Requires to build How to build Metalx1 or Metalx2 or Metalx5 or Planksx3 Stand where you want the chair. Pick up some metal or planks. Click it in hand. Select Chair from menu. How to deconstruct Tools Wrench a chair to transform it back into the starting material.


Tables/Reinforced Table Tables are used to hold objects on. The most common ones are metal, glass and reinforced. You can climb onto tables, though it takes a short while. Tables can also be used for ghetto surgery.

Table Table Wooden Table Wooden Table Glass Table Glass Table Poker Table Poker Table Fancy Table Fancy Table (has many types) Reinforced Table Reinforced Table Operating Table Operating Table Requires to build How to build Rodsx2 or Planksx2

Metalx1 or Planksx1 or Glassx1 or Carpetx1 or Plasteelx1 or Silverx1 Pick up some rods (or wooden planks, if you want to make a poker table). Stand on the tile where you want the table. Activate them in your hand. Select table frame from menu. Use material on the table frame: Wood/glass/plasteel/metal for table made of that material. Any type of carpet on metal frame for fancy table of that color. Standard carpet on wooden frame for poker table. Silver on metal frame for operating table. How to deconstruct Tools Be on any other intent than help (If a Reinforced Table: Welder first to weaken the table.) Wrench to disassemble it or screwdriver to partly disassemble it (Welder) Wrench Screwdriver

Lockers Lockers are among the most common and arguably the most useful of containers on the station. Nearly anything can fit inside, barring other lockers, crates, and certain especially large objects like racks and MULEbots.

Besides being welded shut, some lockers can be, well, locked. Several levels of access exist, such as security-, captain-, and private-level access. These can be opened with the proper level identification card, emag item, or with enough damage. If you don't want to take out your id to open these every time, you can alt-click them to lock/unlock them.

If you yourself are inside a locker, you can see your surroundings. Normally you can move in any direction to exit the locker, but if the locker is locked or welded, you will be unable to exit and you cannot unweld or unlock your cell from inside - at that point if you try to move around you will instead throw yourself against the sides of the locker, making a BANG BANG sound that can be heard from several squares away. Using the Resist button will allow you to slowly open the locker.

Coffins count as lockers.

Different types of lockers: Jumpsuit LockerEmergency LockerMedical LockerSecurity LockerFire Saftey LockerL2 LockerL3 LockerL4 LockerCoffin

Locker Locker Requires to build How to build Metalx2 or Planksx5 for coffin Stand where you want the locker. Activate metal in hand. Choose Locker from the list. How to deconstruct Tools Open the locker. Weld the locker with a welder to disassemble it into metal. Welder

Rack Racks are flat and wide, incapable of being walked over, and bolted together. They can hold any number of items, but they hold them stacked on top of each other like a table. They are most common in maintenance tunnels and the EVA room.

Rack Rack Requires to build How to build Metalx1 Activate metal in hand. Choose Rack from the list. Stand where you want the rack. Activate Rack Parts in hand. How to deconstruct Tools Be on any other intent than help. Use a wrench to dismantle it to some Rack Parts. Use a wrench on the Rack Parts to disassemble them into metal. Wrench

Beds Get your mind out of the gutter, they're for sleeping! Most station's beds come with a bedsheet, and new beds without sheets can be made with metal. The Medbay's preferred variation of a bed is the movable and collapsible Roller Bed Roller Bed, which is extremely useful for sex transporting patients.

You use a bed by going on top of it and *sleep. To buckle someone, put them on the bed and drag their sprite on it, to release click on the bed.

Bed Bed Requires to build How to build Metalx2 Stand where you want the bed. Activate metal in hand. Choose Bed from the list. How to deconstruct Tools Use a wrench to dismantle it to two sheets of metal.


Bookcase Holds any number of books inside.

Bookcase Bookcase Requires to build How to build Planksx5 Wrench Construct a frame with 4 wooden planks. Wrench the frame into place. Add a plank to the frame to make a shelf. How to deconstruct Tools Remove any books. Crowbar out the shelf. Unsecure the frame with a wrench. Break apart the frame with a crowbar. Crowbar Wrench

Drying Rack Dries herbs for smoking, meat into jerky and grapes into raisins.

Drying rack Drying rack Requires to build How to build Planksx10 Use the planks in hand. How to deconstruct Tools Wrench to unsecure the rack. Screwdriver to disassemble it. Wrench Screwdriver tool.png

Power Wires Power wires (cable coils) CableCoils.png are available from autolathes, yellow toolboxes, engineering vending machines or scattered about the station's maintenance-, construction- and storage-areas.

Wires can be electrified if connected to a power net (a charged SMES or APC is attached to the wire), and you will get fried if you place or cut them. Insulated gloves negate any electrical shocks to the player. How Do I Wire? After a change in the summer 2019, wires will automatically connect to other wires on tiles in cardinal directions. To place, lift any floor tile with a crowbar Crowbar.png to reach the plating. Then click the plating while holding cable coil in your hand to place the wire. To remove wires, use wirecutters Wirecutters.png on them. Powered wires will automatically electrify grilles and power some machines on top of them.

Wire Art The wire art that was available before june 2019 can still be made by using an item called “pipe cleaner”. See the Guide to wire art.

Connecting Machines Most machines are connected to powernets wirelessly by being in an arbitrary “area” containing a charged APC. Though some machines must be connected by having a powered wire under them.

With wire knobs now being just what a wire looks like after it's cut, all grilles on top of a wire that has power are shock grilles.

Please note those machines must also be anchored (generally wrenched down) to be connected.

Special cases :

APCs are connected to an adjacent powered wire with a special terminal, by doing the cable coil construction step. An exception to the cardinal function is SMES, which has an input an output wire next to each other without being connected.

Wire Layers Since October 2019 you can put cables on different layers. Ctrl-click the stack of cable coil to toggle layer. Actioninja cable layer PR 46761.png

Layers do not connect, and can have separate powernets running along the same tile. Machines and terminals only connect to layer 2, yellow. Cable bridges can be crafted by using the cable coil inhand. Bridges link cables across layers on the same tile, or allow APC's/machines (those that aren't wireless) to connect to layers other than 2 when placed under them.

Wire-net Reset This is Byond's attempt to “reset” the whole power net in order to deal with new/removed wires that shift the power value of a whole system. It will cause APCs to stop charging for a moment, and in huge nets it can shut down the charging of all APCs for a while.

Don't mess with wires unless you have to, it causes problems to everyone in both OOC (potential lag) and IC (power loss).

Pipes Pipes are only constructed from Pipe Dispensers in Atmospherics. To use a Pipe Dispenser, follow these steps:

Put Dispenser in a powered area. Wrench Dispenser to lock it into place. Click on the Pipe Dispenser with an empty hand and select the pipes you wish to use. You have a pipe to play with now. Wrench Dispenser to make it mobile once more. Placing and Removing Pipes Disposal pipe.png Disposal Pipes Rotate the pipe to the direction you wish the pipe to be in. Wrench the pipe to the ground. Use a lit welder to fuse the pipe to the ground. Gaspipe.png Gas Pipes Rotate the pipe to the direction you wish (pay attention to gas pumps as they are direction dependent). Wrench into place. Turn on the pipe, if necessary. How to Remove a Pipe Perform the step you used to set the pipe into place in reverse (make sure the pipe is powered off). Brace for any junk that might blast out of the pipe.

General items A list of some of the most common items you will find during a shift on the station. All jobs will have access to these items in one way or another, either through finding them throughout the various departments or by creating them from an Autolathe.

Contents 1 Items 1.1 Janitorial Supplies 1.2 Basic Devices 2 Containers 3 Equipment 3.1 Bathroom Equipment Items

Paper Paper Found in: Paper Trays and office desks throughout the station Used for: Request forms, Résumés Strategy: Make it look professional! A useful and very over looked feature of paperwork is the '%s' Signature command, as you can't fake someone else's signature Description You write on it with a pen. Medical doctors want it for forms, quartermasters want it for paperwork, even the judges want it for forms. Curators just want it for erotic literature; cultists want it for sinister uses. If you make a mistake, drip some ethanol on it to clear the sheet. You can ask the Chemists for it. See also: Guide to paperwork

Pen Pen Found in: Any PDA, Office desks Used for: Changing your trajectory in space. Writing on paper Strategy: Aim for the eyes Description You can write on paper with a pen, but also on robots and bookshelves. This is essential to the Curator but not anyone else – since they take up a whole pocket or backpack slot, most people throw them out immediately or shove them in their PDAs. See also: Guide to paperwork

Epinephrine MediPen Epinephrine MediPen Found in: All internals boxes, First-aid kits (First-aid kit) Used for: Quickly delivering 10u epinephrine and 3u formaldehyde to someone Strategy: Use it on someone, preferably on a person in critical condition Description A rapid and safe way for personnel without advanced medical knowledge to stabilize patients in critical condition or stop corpses from decaying.

Crayon Crayon Found in: Art Storage, Crayonboxs Used for: Used for drawing cultist runes or coloring clothing items Strategy: Washing a pair of gloves with a crayon will change their color, allowing you to make fake Insulated Gloves Description Comes in 8 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, mime and rainbow. They come in a Crayonbox.png Crayonbox.

Cigarettes Cigarettes Found in: Cigarette machines Used for: To look cool or have medication through it Strategy: Light it with a fire source and put it in your face Description A roll of tobacco and nicotine. You can light and smoke these. Can also be filled with 15 units of any chemical. It's possible to find rare brands that contain special ingredients which have unique effects on the smoker. A nicer, and much rarer, variation of these is the Cigar.png Cigar. It can hold up to 30 units of any chemical. There are several kinds of cigars, some even more sophisticated than others.

E-Cigarettes (vapes) E-Cigarettes (vapes) Found in: Hacked Cigarette machines Used for: Vaping. Strategy: Screwdriver it, fill it, screwdriver again, wear it in mask slot. Description A classy and highly sophisticated electronic cigarette, for classy and dignified gentlemen. A warning label reads “Warning: do not fill with flamable materials”. Comes pre-loaded with some liquid nicotine. If worn in mask slot you will slowly ingest the reagents in it. Activate it in hand to instantly empty all its contents. Use a screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png on it to open it. Then you can fill it with any reagents by using a filled beaker on it. When open, you can either use a multitool Multitool.png on it to trim it, which makes it also produce a cloud of smoke, or you can emag it. Then close it with a screwdriver.

Zippo Zippo Found in: Matchbooks inside the Cigarette machines Used for: Lighting things up Strategy: Use it to make fire Description The zippo. A cheaper version of this is the Cheap Lighter.png Cheap Lighter, which comes in four different colors. A more primitive version of these is the Match.png Match, which can be found in Matchbook.png Matchbooks inside the Cigarette machines. Make fire with the match by using it on the matchbook.

Flashlight Flashlight Found in: Emergency Toolbox, Hacked Vendomat, all over Maintenance Used for: Lighting up the darkness Strategy: If you're using one of these, someone probably fucked up the power system Description It sheds light when you click on it, even if it's on your belt or in your pocket. The light sources stack to create brighter light sources, so if you have a flashlight in your belt, a flashlight in both pockets, and a flashlight in each hand, along with a safety helmet on your head, you will SHINE LIKE THE SUN, LEAVING EVERY DARK CORNER EXPOSED TO TRUTH! no longer shine like the sun because coders hate direct sunlight, but produce somewhat more light. Can be used to tell if non-human creatures are dead or not, with a simple flash of the eyes. Power goes off every round, so real pros just turn these on and leave them everywhere. Also of note are Lantern.png Lanterns (found in Mining Dock), which are brighter than flashlights because Cargonia.

Hand Labeler Hand Labeler Found in: Chemistry, Art Storage, Toxins Lab, Conference Room, Cargo Loading Area Used for: Used for labeling items for easier recognition Strategy: Useful for when making multiply kinds of grenades or bottles and wanting to keep track of which is which Description Used to stick a label onto something's name. E.g., Cuban Pete (HONK). Can not be used on people. Can be turned on/off by clicking it in your hand.

Price Tagger Price Tagger Found in: Autolathe Used for: Used for pricing items before putting them into a custom vendor. Strategy: Sell items. Description Use it to give an item a price. Then insert it into a custom vendor to make it buyable for that price.

Camera Camera Found in: Art Storage, Library Used for: Taking pictures Strategy: Steal their souls with this! Everyone (that doesn't have a brain) know that cameras steal souls Description Can take 10 pictures before having to get a new roll of Film.png film. Pictures can then be attached to news reports created on a newscaster console.

Universal Recorder Universal Recorder Found in: Detective's Office, Library Used for: Recording and translating speech Strategy: Apply it to start recording, apply again to stop Description A device that can record to cassette tapes, and play them. It automatically translates the content in playback. Can be loaded with a new Tape.png tape after the previous one is full.

Station Bounced Radio Station Bounced Radio Found in: Emergency Toolbox, Autolathe Used for: Used for emergency communication, if when telecomms goes down Strategy: If the singularity is loose, it may very likely take out the telecommunications room. Other causes of telecommunications failures could be power loss or sabotage. So have one of these handy or find one quick if when shit goes down Description The station bounced radio will function similarly to a standard radio headset if you put it in your pocket or in your hand; thus you can use the say “;radio message” function as normal without turning on the microphone to broadcast. Using multiple radios can be done with say “:l message” for left hand and say “:r' message” for right hand depending on the hand used to hold each radio.

Turning on the microphone will pick up all sounds from the surrounding area and broadcast them.

Can be hacked.

Grenade Casing Grenade Casing Found in: Chemistry, Made from 1 Metal Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Attach a (trigger)-Igniter Assembly and insert payload Description Can hold two Bottles or Beakers. See the Grenade page for more details.

Bedsheet Bedsheet Found in: Dorms, Medbay, Brig, Prison Wing Used for: Use it as a cape or in ghetto surgery Strategy: For cape, put it on your back, for ghetto surgery, see instruction Description A surprisingly soft linen bedsheet. Comes in many different colors for different places and for each head of department!

Flare Flare Found in: Emergency toolboxes Used for: Source of light Description A red Nanotrasen issued flare. There are instructions on the side - “pull cord, make light”. A DIY-version of this a Torch.png Torch, you can make one by combining a log with a dried wheat or ambrosia.

Janitorial Supplies While still accessible by most crew, these items are most easily obtainable by the Janitor.

Mop Mop Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Used to clean the floor, angering the entire crew when the halls are wet Strategy: Fits nicely in a backpack. Dip in the Janitorial Cart, Bucket or in a sink to make it wet. Try mixing ammonia with the water to make a nonslip cleaner. Description The Janitor starts with one.

Broom Broom Found in: JaniDrobe Used for: Used to sweep trash Strategy: Sweep trash into a single pile before picking it up with a trashbag. Description Fits in a janitor's belt and cart. Activate in hand to wield in both hands and start brooming. Then walk over trash to push it. You can also click directly on a tile to sweep it, even when wielded in one hand.

Space Cleaner Space Cleaner Found in: Custodial Closet, Medbay Used for: A better cleaner than water. Doesn't cause people to slip. Spray to clean up to three tiles or to remove a cobweb. Can also be used to clean clothing Strategy: Use it in your hand to switch it to smaller pressure for conserving the Space Cleaner Description Not to be confused with the liquid created in Chemistry. This is in the end just a spray bottle, and can be filled with anything. You can make more by combining one part ammonia with one part water.

Bucket Bucket Found in: Custodial Closet, Hydroponics, can be made in an Autolathe Used for: They can be used by several different jobs as part of their actual duties Strategy: Fill with water and splash on the floor and make everyone fall Description A bucket holds liquid only, most commonly water. It holds up to 70 units.

Light Replacer Light Replacer Found in: Custodial Closet, can be made in a Protolathe Used for: Replacing broken light bulbs or making evil traps for people that can't see in the dark Strategy: Fill with light bulbs or glass sheets and just start replacing those broken lights Description An item which uses magnets to easily replace lights. Perfect for the lazy janitor! Lightreplacer1.pngCan be emagged to unlock mischievous features.

Light Tube Light Tube Found in: Custodial Closet, Emergency Storages, Maintenance, can be made in an Autolathe Used for: Replacing broken lights Strategy: Apply it to a new light fixture or an old one if its light is broken. Description A replacement light tube. Light Bulb.png Bulbs are the lesser used light-source on the station.

Mousetrap Mousetrap Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Used for pest control and Grenade construction Strategy: Place them everywhere in Maintenance, fill a backpack containing the nuke disk with them Description Click it in your hand to activate it, then drop it on the floor.

Soap Soap Found in: Custodial Closet, Theatre, Captain's Quarters Used for: Used to clean floors and objects Strategy: Place one on the floor to slip anyone who walks over it. Description Hold it in your hand and click on the surface you'd like to clean. Don't let the clown get his hands on this! Soap runs out after 100 uses (300 for NT soap), but more can be created in chemistry. Basic Devices These items are usually found strewn about Maintenance or from the VendomatVendomat's in Primary Tool Storage and in Toxins. You can use a Screwdriver on all of these to make them attachable to other devices, these are mainly used in the creation of bombs or grenades.

Timer Timer Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Chemistry, Conference Room, Hacked Vendomat Used for: Used mostly for making bombs and Grenades Strategy: ? Description A timer… it counts down… 3… 2… 1… boom? Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Proximity Sensor Proximity Sensor Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Robotics, Vendomat, Autolathe Used for: Used mostly for making bombs/Grenades or robots Strategy: Screwdriver it, attach it to whatever you want to react to people's presence Description This is used to detect people getting close. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Remote Signaling Device Remote Signaling Device Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Research Division, Vendomat, Autolathe Used for: Can be attached to Igniters for Grenade construction, bomb construction, and a lot less commonly, wires on doors Strategy: Can be attached to wires on anything with a panel and work like a remote Multitool. If used right, two of these can be used in place of an Multitool Description Sends a pulse when it receives a signal with the right code and frequency. Can be attached to a Proximity Sensor to make a simple alarm system. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between sending and receiving/attaching mode. Hitting a Remote Signaling Device with another one will copy its frequency to it.

Igniter Igniter Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Chemistry, Vendomat, Autolathe Used for: Used mostly for starting fires making bombs/Grenades, or stunprods. Strategy: ? Description Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Voice Analyzer Voice Analyzer Found in: Hacked Vendomat, Autolathe Used for: Password controlled doors, and Grenade construction Strategy: Click it to configure trigger word and then attach to nuclear device door bolt wire Description A small electronic device able to record a voice sample, and send a signal when that sample is repeated. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Use a Multitool.png Multitool to toggle between the four modes of use.

Inclusive Exclusive Recognizer Voice Sensor

Infrared Emitter Infrared Emitter Found in: Autolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Create trip mines by combining these with grenades. Set up door chimes for public areas like the medbay lobby. Description Emits a visible or invisible beam and is triggered when the beam is interrupted. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Health Sensor Health Sensor Found in: Vendomat Used for: Sending a signal to assemblies when either you a.) die or b.) enter a critical state. Strategy: May be used in conjunction with bomb assemblies to trigger their activation upon your death. Description Can be used in most assemblies to trigger something upon your death or critical injury. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Activate it in hand to toggle it between on and off. Alt-click it to toggle between the two modes of use:

Detect death Detect critical state Containers

Mechanical Toolbox Mechanical Toolbox Found in: Engineering, Primary Tool Storage and many places around the station including tool storage and the locker room Used for: Contains that which are needed whenever you want to construct or deconstruct something. Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains the tools all engineers need to have Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wrench.png Welder.png Crowbar.png Analyzer.png Wirecutters.png This toolbox contains many tools needed in the day-to-day lives of engineers and traitors alike. If you want a reliable way to break into an area, then this toolbox has just about all the tools you'll need. If your job is to repair damage, the tools will be needed when you'll have to fix the inevitable mistakes you'll make.

Electrical Toolbox Electrical Toolbox Found in: Engineering, Primary Tool Storage, Tech storage Used for: Contains tools which you'll need when fixing or breaking electrical equipment Strategy: The electrical toolbox is good to have when traitoring. Although you'll likely also need a weldingtool and multitool to be an effective traitor Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wirecutters.png T-ray.gif Crowbar.png CableCoils.png CableCoils.png CableCoils.png The electrical toolbox's contents are intended to help fix (and break) electrical equipment. Insulated gloves are a must when dealing with electricity though. Yellow toolboxes have a small chance of containing a pair of insulated gloves.

Emergency Toolbox Emergency Toolbox Found in: emergency lockers and storage areas Used for: Contains tools which are useful in emergencies Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a flashlight which is very useful as well as a crowbar Contents Description Flashlight.png or a Flare.png Station Bounced Radio.png MiniFE.png Crowbar.png Emergency welding tool.png The toolbox contains a flashlight (50% chance of a flashlight, or a flare), a crowbar, a station bounced radio, a fire extinguisher, and an emergency welding tool, all of which are useful tools to have when the situation inevitably spirals out of control.

Artistic Toolbox Artistic Toolbox Found in: Maintenance Used for: Contains art supplies. Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a lot of wires, useful for zipties. Contents Description Crowbar.png Crayonbox.png CableCoils.pngx8 This toolbox provides you with art supplies similar to those you get in art storage. A crayon box, wires for wire art, and a crowbar to remove the tiles so that you can lay cable. All wires have a fixed color, as opposed to the random colors in art storage and the vending machines. The colors are: red, yellow, darkblue, green, purple, brown, cyan, white.

Box Box Found in: Cargo Loading Area, Atmospherics Office, Everyone start out with an internals box Used for: The box is a container that can hold seven items and be stored inside of a backpack Strategy: Improve your inventory space drastically at the expense of accessibility. Store junk in it. Description Can be folded flat for cardboard by clicking it in your hand when it's empty. It can only hold tiny and small items. Everyone starts with a box that contains a breath mask, an emergency oxygen tank and a medipen, commonly referred to as your “internals box”. Boxes can come in many forms, some can only have specific items in them. Box.pngLightBox.pngChefBox.pngHandcuffsbox.pngFlashbangbox.pngSrybox.pngBeakerBox.pngDiskBox.pngGlassesBox.pngBodybagBox.pngSterileMaskBox.pngMousetrapBox.png A Crayonbox.png Crayonbox holds Crayons.

Briefcase Briefcase Found in: Law Office Used for: A briefcase is a bulky item that can hold up to seven tiny, small, or normal items. Strategy: Fill it with seven boxes and carry the entire station in one hand. Description By default it is filled with one pen and six sheets of paper. They are very sturdy, so make a decent weapon (blurs vision when it hits heads). The lawyer and detective get one.

Clothing Backwear Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Clothing Backwear Items with Additional Storage Capabilities

Clothing Belt Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Clothing Belt Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Equipment

Locker Locker Found in: Most areas and departments where things are stored Used for: Storage for items. Especially large items – such as corpses, other lockers, crates, and certain robots or equipment – cannot fit inside. Strategy: Store away your wares within these, or send them out to Cargo so they can sell it and it's contents for money. Description Lockers are among the most common and arguably the most useful of containers on the station. Nearly anything can fit inside, barring other lockers, crates, corpses, and certain especially large objects like racks and MULEbots. You can walk into them and close them to hide inside with reduced vision. Use a Wrech Wrench to bolt them to the floor, or use a Welding Tool Welding Tool to seal them shut. They can be wrapped with packaging paper to be mailed to other departments in Delivery Office.

Supply Crate Supply Crate Found in: Most areas and departments where things are stored Used for: Storage for items. Especially large items – such as corpses, lockers, other crates, and certain robots or equipment – cannot fit inside. Strategy: Store away your wares within these, or send them out to Cargo so they can sell it and it's contents for money. Description Crates are the second most common storage container on the station. They can store an essentially unlimited amount of items and are worth quite a bit for Cargo. Expect the Cargo Technicians to come asking for your unused crates. You can click+drag your character's sprite over an adjacent crate to climb on to them, preventing anybody inside them from escaping if you are on top and the crate is closed. When open and on top, you can Rest and then close the crate to hide inside the crate with reduced vision. Use a Wrech Wrench to bolt them to the floor, or use a Welding Tool Welding Tool to seal them shut. They can be wrapped with packaging paper to be mailed to other departments in Delivery Office.

Intercom Intercom Found in: One is found in almost every room Used for: The same as headsets and Station Bounced Radios, but mostly only if when you don't have access to either of those Strategy: When a crewman's headset is lost or comms are down and a Station Bounced Radio is nowhere to be found, wall radios are essential to talking with the station at large Description Intercom wall radios are an immobile version of headset radios with the same number of frequencies and functions. The AI can use them to publicly broadcast a clandestine conversation or use it to discreetly spy on the talk around the station themselves. Use say “:i message” to operate these hands-free. Can be hacked.

Paper Tray Paper Tray Found in: Office desks Used for: Supplies you with all your paper needs. Strategy: Take Paper and set your paper-cutting master plans in motion. Description Paper Paper Paper. Click it to take a piece of paper, or drag it to your sprite to pick the whole thing up.

Janitorial Cart Janitorial Cart Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Wetting the Mop and transporting the Garbage Bag, Mop, Space Cleaner, Light Replacer and Signs around. Strategy: If you're the Janitor, fill this with your stuff and drag it around while feeling lightweight. Description This is the alpha and omega of sanitation. The container inside can be filled with Space Cleaner instead of plain water.

Water Tank Water Tank Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Engineering, Atmospherics, Custodial Closet, Xenobiology, Hydroponics Used for: Used to fill something with water Strategy: Use a container (syringe, beaker, bottle, bucket) on it to get water. Description Starts with 1000 units of water. High-capacity water tanks (Watertank high.png) start with 10000 units of water. These are found in Hydroponics and Atmospherics. You can refill Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguishers with these.

Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Engineering, Atmospherics, Mining Station, Mining Dock Used for: Refill welding tools with this Strategy: DO NOT use a lit welder on this. Or do, if you want boom. Causes minor toxin damage when ingested. Description Starts with 1000 units of welding fuel. Use an unlit Welding Tool Welding Tool on it to refill the Welding Tool.

Filing Cabinet Filing Cabinet Found in: Most areas with 'Office' in its name, Security Posts, Vault, Robotics, Testing Lab, Telecommunications Used for: Store papers, folders and photos in these Strategy: Store forms (requisition forms and others) and printed forensics scans in these. Description The Law Office contains the crew's employment contracts. Drawers (ChestDrawer.png) are a cosmetic variation of the filing cabinet.

Condiment DispenserCondiMaster Neo Condiment Dispenser CondiMaster Neo Found in: Kitchen Used for: Dispensing condiments Strategy: Make a mix of condiments and dispense a packet or bottle of it. Description Condiment packets and bottles are used in cooking. Very useful if you need to seperate ingredients or to extract potent chemicals. Condiments produced: See here for a list of condiments.

Bathroom Equipment

Sink Sink Found in: Medbay, Kitchen, Hydroponics, Garden, Research Division access, most bathrooms/restrooms Used for: Cleaning your hands and face or other equipment Strategy: Have empty hands, click on sink to wash yourself, or have a tool in hand and click on sink to wash it Description If you have nothing in your active hand, you will wash your face (if targeting the head, eyes or mouth) or your hands (if targeting anywhere else). Suggested uses include washing stun batons, along with other medical items. Some sinks have a cosmetically different appearance (e.g. Sink alt.png) but all of them work identically.

Shower Shower Found in: Medbay, Dormitory, Research Division access, Prison Wing, Captain's Quarters Used for: Cleaning yourself, extinguishing people on fire, creating slip hazards Strategy: You can wash blood-stained items and clothes under a shower as well as yourself. Use a wrench to set a shower for ghetto cryo. Description The HS-451. Installed in the 2550s by the Nanotrasen Hygiene Division. Switch the shower on and off with an empty hand. Use a wrench to adjust the shower water temperature from normal to freezing, from freezing to boiling or from boiling to normal. Use an analyzer to identify the shower's water temperature without risking burns. A shower with freezing water can provide a suitable environment for cryoxadone, which will heal more than the burn damage caused by the freezing temperature.

Mirror Mirror Found in: Medbay, Dormitory, Locker Room Used for: Personal grooming Strategy: Click it to change your hairstyle. Only male characters can change their facial hair but any spaceman can attempt to change the hair on their head. Description If broken, you can repair it with a welding tool.

Toilet Toilet Found in: Restrooms and bathrooms: Locker Room, Dormitory, Captain's Quarters, Prison Wing Used for: Sanitation, secret storage Strategy: Use a container on a toilet to fill it with water. Use a crowbar on it to loudly pry off the cistern lid and store up to 2 items in the cistern. Description The HT-451, a torque rotation-based, waste disposal unit for small matter. Prying off the cistern lid with a Crowbar Crowbar will allow you to store up to two small items inside. This will create a loud noise when doing so, so make sure nobody is around when stashing your contraband.

Engineering items Contents 1 Items 2 Tools 3 Engineering Gear 4 Equipment Items

Cable Coil Cable Coil Found in: Nearly everywhere Used for: Laying electrical wires, building things that use electricity Strategy: Wire is a resource, and can be used in many constructions and to lay down power lines. Make sure all APCs are connected to the main lines with wires, or you'll have black outs. Description Can be laid down on the plating to distribute electrical power. Automatically connects to other wires on cardinal tiles. Read the guide to wiring to see how. Make sure you don't touch wired wires on the ground without insulated gloves. Can be placed onto three different layers. Toggle layers by ctrl-clicking the stack of cable coil. By using wires in hand, you can craft layer bridges or Cablecuffs.png, which are ghetto restraints used to tie someone down.

Power Cell Power Cell Found in: Cargo, Engineering, EVA, Tech Storage, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics, inside APCs, inside Space Heaters Used for: Building things that use electricity Strategy: Used to power APCs, cyborgs and various electrical equipment. Description Can be recharged in a Cellcharger.png Cell Charger. Comes in five varieties: Powercell.png Standard (1 kW) Power cell.png High-Capacity (10 kW) Supercell.png Super-Capacity (20 kW) Hypercell.png Hyper-Capacity (30 kW) Bluespace Power Cell.gif Bluespace (40kW) Tools

Rapid Construction Device (RCD) Rapid Construction Device (RCD) Found in: EVA, Engi-Vend, cargo and engi techfabs after research Used for: Making and destroying walls, windows, airlocks, and floors. Description An experimental device which can build, or deconstruct areas rapidly. This is held in the EVA for emergencies (and is the Chief Engineer's responsibility). However they can be made in hacked autolathes as well. Use this tool in hand to open a radial menu, where you can choose mode and change many settings, such as airlock access, airlock type and window type. Then click on an area or object with it to utilize the set settings.

Build Floors (2 Ammo) Build a Wall (16 Ammo) Build a wall on top of a girder (8 Ammo) Build a Grille (4 Ammo) Build a Window (8 Ammo) Build a Reinforced Window (12 Ammo) Build an airlock (16 Ammo) Deconstruct a girder(13 Ammo) Deconstruct a wall(26 Ammo) (Can't deconstruct reinforced walls, unless it's a cyborg or mech RCD) Deconstruct a floor tile into space(33 Ammo) Deconstruct a grille(4 Ammo) Deconstruct a window(8 Ammo) Deconstruct an airlock(32 Ammo)

Can be loaded with Compressed Matter Cartridges and regular metal and glass sheets. One Cartridge holds 40 units, with 160 being the maximum. Be forewarned that changing RCD mode can cause it to emit sparks, which can cause fires in plasma-rich environments. It also can robust the shit out people. Or AIs, if needed. Can be upgraded with an RCD advanced design disk, which can be printed from the engineering protolathe after research. This lets the RCD create: Wired/wrenched machine frames Wired Frame.png Computer frames Simple circuits, which contain the designs for firelock, air alarm, fire alarm, apc circuits and basic power cells. These work the same as the engineering cyborg's Electroadaptive Pseudocircuit.

Can also be upgraded with an Advanced RCD silo link upgrade, which can be printed from the engineering protolathe after research. With this upgrade, the RCD can be used on an Ore Silo to permanently link it. Afterwards, use the radial menu of the RCD to select an option there which makes it pull materials directly from that silo. It can be toggled back to using its internal storage at any time.

Advanced Rapid Construction Device (ARCD) Advanced Rapid Construction Device (ARCD) Found in: Admin Magicks Used for: Making and destroying walls, doors, and floors, from a distance Description The ARCD is a RCD, except it can construct and deconstruct items from a distance. Unfortunately, short of serious admin fuckery, it cannot be obtained through normal play. Most often used for making Ratvar cry a river.

Rapid Piping Device (RPD) Rapid Piping Device (RPD) Found in: Supermatter Chamber, Atmospherics, cargo and engi techfabs after research Used for: Dispensing pipes Description The replacement of the old pipe dispenser, it can manufacture (but not deconstruct) several different pipes. Does not consume ammo. Most often used for spamming a shit ton of volume pumps. It can dispense:

Pipes Manifolds Manual Valves Digital Valves 4-Way Manifolds Layer Manifolds Connectors Unary Vents Gas Pumps Passive Gates Volume Pumps Scrubbers Injectors Passive Vents Meters Gas Filters Gas Mixers Heat Exchange Pipes Heat Exchange Manifolds Heat Exchange 4-Way Manifolds Heat Exchange Junctions Unary Heat Exchange Pipes Disposal Pipe Disposal Junction Disposal Y-Junction Disposal Sort Junction Disposal Trunk Disposal Bin Disposal Outlet Disposal Chute Transit Straight Tube Transit Straight Tube With Crossing Transit Curved Tube Transit Diagonal Tube Transit Diagonal Tube With Crossing Transit Junction Through Tube Station Terminus Tube Station Transit Tube Pod Alt-click the RPD to toggle autowrenching on and off.

Rapid Light Dispenser (RLD) Rapid Light Dispenser (RLD) Found in: Admemez Used for: Lighting up an area Strategy: A device used to rapidly provide lighting sources to an area. Reload with metal, plasteel, glass or compressed matter cartridges Description The RLD has 3 different modes: Permanent Light Collection: The RLD can attach lights to the floor or to the wall. These lights will burn forever as long as the APC in the room is powered. Light Launcher: The RLD launches glowsticks at a distance Deconstruct: Tears apart wall/floor lights

Crowbar Crowbar Found in: Nearly everywhere Used for: Opening airlocks, breaking things. Strategy: If the power goes out on the station, you will need a crowbar to open doors. Otherwise it's just for breaking things. Description The crowbar can pry open things or pry closed things and is used in deconstructing objects like computers and airlocks. It will open powered down doors and fire doors. You can use it to remove floor tiles, especially useful when they are damaged or you believe wires have been cut. Comes in two flavors, gunmetal grey and robust red.

Screwdriver Screwdriver Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics Used for: Construction and deconstruction Strategy: Almost every machine requires a screwdriver to build it or take it apart. Description A simple, but often needed tool. Everything from APCs to windows to computers can be unscrewed. Grilles can be unscrewed and pulled away instead of broken. A screwdriver to the eyes is a dangerous weapon.

Wirecutters Wirecutters Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Tech Storage, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics Used for: Removing wires Strategy: One quick snip and you can remove wires from any machine, security camera, or from the floor. Make sure to wear gloves. Description More or less an undo tool with wires. Can be used to disable cameras, and needed to take apart most machines. Can also be used to deconstruct grilles instantly.

Wrench Wrench Found in: Nearly everywhere Used for: Deconstruction, attaching bolts Strategy: Wrenches are usually used to take things apart, like wall girders, or tables. Only the emitters and computers use them in construction stages. They either fasten bolts, or take apart bolts. Description This tool is used more to take the station apart than to put it together. Most departments need one to secure some machine or another.

Welding Tool Welding Tool Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics Used for: Sealing airlocks, construction and deconstruction. Fighting aliens. Strategy: You can cut all manner of things apart, from lockers (open locker, click while lit) to walls. OR, You can weld shut doors and lockers. It is useless when out of fuel. Description A must have for engineers. Most modifications you make to the station will require this tool. It does have an open flame, so it will light everything from cigarettes to plasma. Use it as a weapon against weeds and vines. Don't refuel it when lit unless you want an explosion. Be sure to use eye protection unless you like slowly going blind. You can get an industrial version with double fuel capacity from the welding lockers from Engineering, ordering one from Cargo or from a hacked vending machine.

Industrial Welding Tool Industrial Welding Tool Found in: Engi-Vend, Engineering, Cargo Used for: Welding stuff, even better Strategy: You can weld objects together, you can unweld objects together Description It's a welding tool, but it has double fuel capacity. Most rounds, you don't have to refuel it at all.

Multitool Multitool Found in: Cargo, Engineering, EVA, Maintenance, Tech Storage, Primary Tool Storage, Robotics Used for: Hacking Strategy: Multitools are used to pulse wires while hacking anything. Having one gives you more control over the device you are hacking. Description Used for hacking Airlocks, APCs, autolathes, mulebots, vending machines, and nearly anything else with a panel. See the guide to hacking for more information.

Analyzer Analyzer Found in: Toolboxes Used for: Scanning the air Strategy: If you ever needed a complex readout about your current atmosphere, this is the tool for you. Description Can be used to scan the atmosphere, and shows you what's inside a Canister or a pipe. The analyzer can also be added to an unscrewed Security Camera to upgrade it to an X-ray camera, and will prove invaluable in the case of a anomaly. Otherwise, made practically worthless by the PDA Air Scanner.

T-ray Scanner T-ray Scanner Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics Used for: Seeing under floor tiles Strategy: If you are actually doing repair work, a T-ray scanner in your pocket will let you plan out wires and pipes. Description Click on it on your hand to activate. When activated it will reveal wires and pipes under the flooring, as well as Critters and Creatures inside pipes, as well as make cloaked people flicker. You can put it in your belt, or leave them lying all over the place.

Rapid Pipe Cleaner Layer Rapid Pipe Cleaner Layer Found in: Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office Used for: Laying cosmetic pipe cleaners Strategy: Wield it with both your hands, walk slowly Description The Rapid Pipe Cleaner Layer can hold 90 pieces of Pipe Cleaner. When wielded with a single hand, it can lay pipe cleaner manually. However, when it is wielded with both hands, it lays pipe cleaners under you as you walk. Used for wire art.

Airlock Painter Airlock Painter Found in: Engineering Used for: Painting airlocks Strategy: Put a toner in it and use it on an airlock and select how you want it to look Description An advanced autopainter preprogrammed with several paintjobs for airlocks. Use it on an airlock during or after construction to change the paintjob.

Emergency Welding Tool Emergency Welding Tool Found in: Emergency toolboxes through the station Used for: Same as a regular welding tool Strategy: Welding stuff Description Functions identically to a normal welding tool, but only has 10 units of fuel.

Inducer.pngInducersci.png Inducer Found in: Chief Engineer's Office, Engineering Protolathe, Science Protolathe Used for: Recharging machines Strategy: Use inducers to recharge essential machines (chem dispensers, APCs) when the power goes out. Description You can click on a machine or an APC with an inducer to recharge it. Recharge the inducer itself by replacing the power cell within it.

Jawsoflife.pngJawspry.png Jaws of Life Found in: Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, Engineering Protolathe, Science Protolathe Used for: Prying open doors, cutting wires, popping out floor tiles Strategy: It's a crowbar and a pair of wirecutters combined into a single tool Description While in cutting mode, you can cut wires and hack machines. While in prying mode, you can pop out floor tiles, and instantly open unpowered/fire doors. Similarly to the Fire Axe, you can pry open powered doors with a bit of effort.

DrillTool.pngDrillbolt.png Hand Drill Found in: Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, Engineering Protolathe Used for: Exposing wires, securing objects Strategy: It's a screwdriver and a wrench combined into a single tool Description With the screw driver bit, you can expose wires to hack stuff. With the bolt driver bit, you can secure canisters and wrench down loose objects faster.

Experimental Welding Tool Experimental Welding Tool Found in: Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, Engineering Protolathe Used for: Welding stuff Strategy: It's a better welding tool Description This welding tool contains more fuel, welds objects quicker, and recharges fuel on its own, without any intervention.

Geiger Counter Geiger Counter Found in: Radiation Locker Used for: Detecting Radiation. Strategy: Use it on people or objects to see whats causing all the radiation poisoning. Description The Geiger Counter is used to detect radiation and potentially cause radiation poisoning

Construction Bag Construction Bag Found in: Engineering Used for: Carrying stock parts and circuit boards. Strategy: Put the parts in it needed to construct machines and other things. Description Can hold stock parts, other common machine components, circuits, misc electronics and cable coils. Engineering Gear Hard Hat Hard Hat

Welding Helmet Welding Helmet

Optical Meson Scanner Optical Meson Scanner

Engineering Scanner Goggles Engineering Scanner Goggles

Hazard Vest Hazard Vest

Insulated Gloves Insulated Gloves

Tool Belt Tool Belt

Hardsuit Helmet Hardsuit Helmet

Hardsuit Hardsuit Equipment Engi-Vend Engi-Vend Found in: Engineering Used for: Supplying yourself with electronics and engineering equipment Strategy: Get a loaded RCD from here. Description Spare tool vending.

SMESSuperconducting Magnetic Energy Storage SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Found in: Engineering, Solars, AI Chamber, Mining Station, Telecommunications Used for: Storing and distributing power Strategy: Set an input (must be lower value than the input from wire, otherwise nothing goes in!), set on output (preferably smaller than the input so something will actually be stored in the cell), and watch the station flourish! Description Huge cell/battery for power distributing purposes. Maximum capacity 5 megawatts. Remember: Wire connected to the floor terminal = power input. Wire under the SMES = power output. Left lights represent how much of the SMES is loaded. The top right light shows the input power status. If it's off = none, red = on but receiving no power, blinking yellow = receiving power and loading. The middle right light shows the output power status. If it's off = not outputting power, green = outputting power. Guide to building an SMES.

APCArea Power Controller APC Area Power Controller Found in: Every room with power Used for: Controlling the power for a sector on the station. Strategy: Have power equipment access, swipe your ID on it to unlock it and choose your action. Description Actions available on the APC: Main Breaker: On/Off - Toggles power to the room Equipment: Auto/On/Off - Toggles power to computers, doors, and other electronic equipment. Lighting: Auto/On/Off - Toggles power to lighting in the area. Environmental: Auto/On/Off - Toggles power to the ventilation in the area, as well as the Air Alarm. Cover Lock: Engaged/Disengaged - Provides a cover to protect the battery. Remember, 'Auto' power settings slowly cuts off each breaker when power runs low in this order: <30 % = Equipment off, <15% = Lighting and Environment off.</b>

Replacing the APC's Battery:

To replace the APC battery, you need an ID with sufficient access to unlock the APC itself. Id regular.png Swipe ID with power equipment access to unlock the interface. Open the panel and disengage the cover lock. Crowbar.png Use a crowbar on the APC to open the cover. Hud-hands.gif Take the battery out with a free hand. Power cell.png place in the new battery. Crowbar.png Close the cover again with your crowbar. Re-engage the cover lock. Id regular.png Swipe ID to secure the interface. APC emagged.gifIf an APC looks like this (blue with blinking red lights), it's either emagged or the AI is malfunctioning. Guide to building an APC.

Guide to hacking an APC.

Cell Charger Cell Charger Found in: Cargo, Engineering, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics Used for: Recharging power cells Strategy: Place power cells into these to charge them up Description These will drain power directly from the room's APC2.gif APC unit to recharge Powercell.png Power Cells. Beware with high capacity cells, as they will drain the room's APC completely. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench.

P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator Found in: Engineering Power Storage Used for: Portable backup generator Strategy: Mostly used to jump start the Engine Description Needs solid plasma as fuel and be secured on an exposed powered wire to generate power. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench. Guide to building a P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator.

S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator Found in: R&D Used for: Portable backup generator Strategy: If you really need to use that uranium for power. Description Needs uranium as fuel and be secured on an exposed powered wire to generate power. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench. Guide to building a S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator.

M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator Found in: R&D Used for: Portable backup generator Strategy: Because diamonds are not manly. Description Needs diamonds as fuel and be secured on an exposed powered wire to generate power. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench. Guide to building a M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator.

Emitter Emitter Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo Used for: To power up the shields containing the Singularity Strategy: Ensure it has a powered wire under it, wrench and weld it in place and turn it on. Lock with ID if needed Description A heavy duty industrial laser. Shoots non-stop when turned on. There are four at the engine, powering up the Field Generators with laser shots. Emitter are also useful as a weapon, if your target stand still long enough for you to set it up. (Hint: Blobs don't move.) You can also slot in a custom energy weapon to be fired, instead of default emitter beams. Simply open the panel and insert the gun.

Field Generator Field Generator Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo Used for: Containing the singularity or other dangerous things Strategy: Point an Emitter at it and turn them both on Description A large thermal battery that projects a high amount of energy when powered.

Gravitational Singularity Generator Gravitational Singularity Generator Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo Used for: Creating a Singularity Strategy: Place in front of a Particle Accelerator Description An odd device which produces a Gravitational Singularity when set up.

Tesla gen.gif Tesla Generator Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo Used for: Creating a Tesla Strategy: Place in front of a Particle Accelerator Description An odd device which produces a Tesla when set up.

NewPA.png Particle Accelerator Found in: Engine, parts can be ordered from Cargo Used for: Creating and maintaining a Singularity Strategy: Set a Gravitational Singularity Generator in front of it and turn it on Description Guide to Setting Up the Particle Accelerator Guide to hacking the Particle Accelerator.

Radiation Collector Radiation Collector Found in: Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo or constructed. Used for: Creating energy from radiation. Description Will generate energy when loaded with a Plasma tank.png Plasma Tank (filled with Plasma Gas), if anchored and activated near an active Singularity or Supermatter. Converts the Plasma into Tritium. Can alternatively be used to generate research points instead of power.

To change configuration to research mode, fill the tank with Tritium and Oxygen instead of Plasma. Then use a multitool on the Radiation Collector. Examine it to see current configuration. A generic supermatter setup can produce a total of 10 points per minute for each Radiation Collector generating points. In this research mode, the tank must also be refilled every 5 minutes or so.

Anti-Breach Shielding Projector Anti-Breach Shielding Projector Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo Used for: Used to seal minor hull breaches Strategy: Wrench it in place near a hull breach and turn it on Description An energy shield used to contain hull breaches. All space tiles within a 2 square radius will be blocked off with a shield.

Shield Generator Shield Generator Found in: Teleporter, Xenobiology, more can be ordered from Cargo Used for: To seal in/out aliens and such Strategy: Wrench it in place Description Creates a barrier between two Shield Generators.

Gravity Generator.png Gravity Generator Found in: Gravity Generator Room Used for: Creating gravity to the station Strategy: If broken, fix it with a screwdriver, welding tool, 10 units of plasteel and then a wrench. Description Provides sweet sweet gravity when enabled. Provides sweet sweet anger when not. When powered, and toggled on, it will charge until 100%, which will then enable the gravity. If it isn't powered, via the APC on the environment channel, or it is toggled off then it will discharge until it hits 0%; which will then disable the gravity. While charging/discharging, the generator will emit a lot of radiation so make sure you wear a radiation suit.

Compressor.gif Turbine.gif Gas Turbine Generator and Compressor Found in: MetaStation Used for: Creating power through a contained small fire Strategy: Make inferno fire to compressor-side, turn Gas Turbine Generator on, open the turbine-end to space so fire moves through the machine to generate power. Higher airflow and temperature makes more power. Description See here how to construct a Gas Turbine Generator.

Thermo-Electric Generator.png Thermo-Electric Generator Found in: MiniStation Used for: Creating power through a contained huge inferno Strategy: See below. Description

The MiniStation gets its power from a different source than other stations. The thermoelectric generator gets its power from the thermal difference of the two pipes going through it. The left side is the cold side, and the right side the hot side. Cold pipe is filled with magic-space-cooled CO2 which is cooled down to 23 kelvin by default and the hot pipe is super hot CO2 warmed up with a mixture of 2:3 air + plasma, which is ignited in a burn chamber.

Here's the guide for setting it up:

To the top right is a room full of canisters; to the bottom there is a room full of pipes. Connect C02 canisters to the pipe room's top connector ports. Connect 3 plasma and 2 oxygen canisters to the bottom ports of the pipe room. Turn on all the pumps and valves in the room except for the one connected to the yellow pipe and red pipe, no adjustments to the pump strength needed. Look into the camera monitor to see the burn chamber. When it is full of plasma, press the igniter button. Setup the SMES cells in the North West of Engineering and set an input of half the max; and an output that is half the input. Well done, you should have a functioning generator generating power. If the right side of the generator stops working, it means there is too much pressure and you need to turn on the pump that is connected to the red and yellow pipes to release the pressure. Make sure you don't take out too much pressure though.

Security items Contents 1 Non-Lethal Weapons 2 Lethal Weapons 2.1 Ammunition 3 RnD Gear 4 Armor for Protection 5 Other Items 6 Machines 6.1 Security Robots 6.2 Settings 6.3 STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM 6.3.1 Things that can increase threat level 6.3.2 Things that can decrease threat level 6.3.3 Good to know Non-Lethal Weapons

Flash Flash Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts, Chief Engineer's Office, Robotics, Bridge, Tech Storage Used for: Subjugating criminals. Strategy: Use it on the criminal (make sure he doesn't have protective eyewear) or activate it in your hand. Description A versatile tool! Flashes are small devices capable of producing an extremely bright light that is capable of blinding and stunning someone for as long as a baton if they are immediately adjacent to you. This light will overcome visual senses, causing them to fall like a little bitch, allowing plenty of time to beat them to death handcuff them. This is an acceptable alternative to a Stun Baton in a pinch, but is not recommended as an alternative due to it not working against anybody wearing protective eye coverings such as welding helmets or Sunglasses. On the downside, overexposure can cause blindness, and the flash's bulb is prone to burning out after repeated usage. Handheld flashes are effective at stunning Cyborgs, and are one of the few ways of stunning them. Carry it in your pocket or security belt.

Some revolutionary leaders can use flashes to brainwash other members of the crew if they are not wearing protective gear.

Damage = N/A

Telescopic Baton Telescopic Baton Found in: Heads' backpacks Used for: Subjugating your staff when they feel like not taking orders. Strategy: Apply it in your hand to extend it, apply to person. Description A.K.A. Telebaton. A compact yet robust personal defense weapon. Can be concealed when folded. Every Head gets one. When not on harm intent it causes 1.5 seconds of knockdown and 45 stamina damage, which means it will stam-paralyze someone with 3 hits. Has a 4 second cooldown between non-harm hits. Damage = 10 brute damage on harm intent.

Police Baton Police Baton Found in: Detective gets one Used for: Subjugating criminals. Strategy: Apply to a person. Description Works the same as a telebaton, except it's always extended. When not on harm intent it causes 1.5 seconds of knockdown and 45 stamina damage, which means it will stam-paralyze someone with 3 hits. Has a 4 second cooldown between non-harm hits. Damage = 12 brute damage on harm intent.

Stun Baton Stun Baton Found in: Lockers at Security Office, spawns in security officers' backpacks Used for: Subjugating criminals. Strategy: Use it on the criminal. Description Your primary melee weapon. Standard Protocol is to wear it on your BELT or your actual Security Belt. Do not run around with your weapon brandished as you will be slipped and killed by the clown. Stun batons have two modes: on and off. While on, hitting someone with it will result in 50 instant stamina damage, and then a 5 second knockdown 2 seconds after the hit. Has a 2.5 second cooldown between knockdown hits. Harm intent will cause you to also smash the victim, bruising the target. You'll generally be using it on a non-harm intent. Excessive use is discouraged among forward-thinking and sympathetic security forces. Recharged in a recharger. The knockdown can be mitigated with Pump-Up and other chems.

Damage = 10 brute damage on harm intent.

Disabler Disabler Found in: On Security Officers, armory, disabler crate Used for: Disabling organics. Strategy: Shoot people with it. Description This is the primary law enforcement weapon. It only has one firing mode, which fires disabler beams. Disabler beams deal stamina damage. Dealing over 100 stamina damage to a chest or head puts the target into “stamina-crit” which paralyzes for a long time. It takes 4 shots to paralyze someone. You can also target individual limbs (arms and legs) to paralyze those with 2 shots. Paralyzing both legs will make the target unable to stand, even if stun immune.

Flashbang Flashbang Found in: Inside lockers at Security Office and Security Posts, a full box at Armory Flashbangbox.png Used for: Subjugating many criminals at once. Strategy: Trigger it and throw it at a criminal mob. Description This is an advanced piece of equipment because it is so difficult to use. It's distributed by SecTech vendors and the Warden, and can also be found in security lockers. In rooms where multiple and/or armed personnel are expected, you may use a flashbang to “breach” the room. Select it, press the button, and throw it before it detonates. Flashbangs will knockdown people up to 20 seconds (depending on range) and paralyze them up to 2 seconds. People with flash protection over their eyes and bang protection over their ears will not be affected. Security usually wear HUD-sunglasses and bowman headsets, allowing them to throw flashbangs safely. Security helmets themselves protect against the bang part, but not the flash. Ghetto alternatives can be normal sunglasses/welding equipment and earmuffs. Partial protection may reduce the knockdown and paralyze time. Flashbangs detonated on the same tile as you will deal full effects on you even if you are wearing full flashbang protection. If you are 1 tile away from the detonation and wearing protection, it will knockdown for 3 seconds and paralyze for only half a second.

Also note that the flashbang will disable cyborgs for a few seconds. Use this to subdue a borg from a safe distance. For the best results, 'cook' the flashbang for a few seconds in your hand to give them less time to react (although this will stun you horribly if it goes off while you're holding it).

Damage = N/A

Pepperspray Pepperspray Found in: Inside lockers at Security Office and Security Posts Used for: Subjugating a criminal. Strategy: Shoot it at the criminal. Description Manufactured by UhangInc, used to down an opponent quickly. Contains up to 50 units of Condensed Capsaicin. Remember to set the Pepper Spray to use 5 units to get the most out of it, using it at 5 units will have it reach up to four tiles. Best used in a narrow corridor, like the HOP line, where it can knock over several people at once. When a target is hit by pepper spray, the effects depend on if that person is wearing “pepper proof” gear over both mouth and eyes or not. Unless the target has full protection, they will be affected by 3 seconds of knockdown, 6 seconds of blindness, 10 seconds of blurry eyes, 10 seconds of confusion and 10 seconds of slowdown. Some examples of pepper proof items are: Gas masks, security gas masks, riot or welding helmets with visor down, space helmets, bandanas (mouth only), plasmaman helmets and radiation hoods.

Can be filled at Pepper Spray Refiller.png Pepper Spray Refillers located on walls in brig and Security Posts. You can also fill it with other chemicals, like welding fuel, should you find a use for that.

Damage = N/A

Handcuffs Handcuffs Found in: Security Office, full box at Armory Handcuffsbox.png Used for: Apprehending the criminal. Strategy: Apply it to a criminal. Description Throw a pair in your pocket; more can be dispensed from the SecTech vendors. It prevents criminals from holding items, opening doors, and generally locks them behind whatever room they're in. If the victim were to be dragged or grabbed in any way, they will be unable to move. Be careful not to bump into anybody else while transporting the criminal, as this may loosen the prisoner from your grip allowing him to run free. A freedom implant or resourceful changeling can remove cuffs instantly, but everyone else has to struggle with them for two or more minutes in a private area to get them off without outside help. Remember, you cannot open airlocks while cuffed. So if you are handcuffed in space without proper gear, you will most likely die. Can be combined with orange prison shoes to make foot shackles, which force a person to always walk.

Ion Rifle Ion Rifle Found in: Armory Used for: Disabling borgs and mechs. Strategy: Shoot silicon machines with it. Description Large and unwieldy, great for dealing with mechs. Cyborgs are weak to it: EMPing cyborgs totally immobilizes them and leaves you free to robust them to your heart's content. EMP will cause machinery (air/fire alarms, airlocks, et cetera) to malfunction.

Temperature Gun Temperature Gun Found in: Armory, Security Protolathe. Used for: Combat. Strategy: Detaining traitors with energy swords/shields, slime removal/healing. Description This gun can heat up or cool down targets, although it won't reach really dangerous levels unless you cool down someone in a hardsuit. This weapon is deceptively strong since the projectiles aren't blocked by eswords/eshields and can slow people down to a crawl. Slimes die to it in two to three hits, or you can heal them with heat setting.

Hybrid Taser Hybrid Taser Found in: Admin spawned Used for: Subjugating criminals. Strategy: Shoot it at the target. Description This used to be the primary law enforcement weapon, but is now only spawnable by admins. It has two modes of use; Tase OR Disable. In taser mode (Yellow) it will fire an incandescent ball of energy at low velocity. The projectile is stopped by windows, grilles, walls, simple distance, and various other obstructions. When the shot hits its target, it will cause temporary paralysis and slur speech to near illegibility. The range of the taser shot is also limited. In Disabler mode (Light Blue) it will fire a blue disabler beam that deals stamina-damage, slowing down the prep and making them fall after three shots. The disabler beam is NOT stopped by windows and grilles and its range is unlimited. Melee use of this weapon is inappropriate except for the most extreme cases (see space law section Dangerous Criminals). Damage = 10 brute damage when hit on melee.

DRAGnet DRAGnet Found in: Armory Used for: Slowing and teleporting people. Strategy: Shoot people with it. Description The “Dynamic Rapid-Apprehension of the Guilty” net is a revolution in law enforcement technology. It has two settings: One (snare) which places energy snares, which act like bear traps without the damage, and another (netting) that shoots shotgun-like bursts of projectiles which deal heavy stamina damage and place “nets” when they hit a person. About 4 seconds after appearing, these “nets” will teleport any mob standing on top of them, to whichever location any existing “teleporter control console” is set to (with some variation). The teleporter control console target must both be set AND the “teleporter station” must have been clicked to “engage” the teleporter, for it to count. Calibration is not required.

If 3 different teleporters (including abandoned teleporter) are set to different locations, the game seems to use a hierarchy of: 1. Abandoned teleporter, 2. AI satellite antechamber and 3. Teleporter room. Meaning it will only use the destination of the abandoned teleporter, if all 3 of those teleporters are engaged (at least on Boxstation). If no location is set on any teleporter, the location will be random, which can teleport people into space or inside walls. Lethal Weapons

Laser Gun Laser Gun Found in: Armory Used for: Eliminating threats. Strategy: Fire at the target. Description Distributed by the Warden (or Quartermaster), this is essentially an Energy Gun that lacks a disabler mode. The laser gun, unsurprisingly, shoots lasers, which deal a great deal of burning damage. The lasers will travel through grilles and glass of all sorts. Laser guns have slightly more rounds to fire than e-guns and can be recharged. Usually distributed along with Riot Shields in extreme cases. Can be ordered by the quartermasters in a secure weapons crate, which itself can only be opened by a security officer or military head of staff. In the event of a massive biological outbreak, security staff usually freely distribute laser weapons to the crew, as they are effective against the blob and lack stun capabilities.

Damage = 10 brute on melee and 20 burn on shot.

Energy Gun.gif Energy Gun Found in: Armory, Captain's locker, Head of Personnel's locker Used for: Subjugating criminals and/or eliminating threats. Strategy: Toggle the mode you want and fire at the target. Description Distributed by the Warden and standard issue for the Head of Personnel, Head of Security and the Captain. This state of the art weapon combines the function of a Disabler and a laser gun in one. Clicking the weapon while it's held alternates between a disabling shot and a burning laser: blue for stun, red for kill. E-guns are stored in the armory and can be ordered in a secure crate by the quartermaster. They are to be distributed only under the most extreme circumstances or at the Head of Security's discretion. Damage = 10 brute on melee and 20 burn on shot if turned to the “kill” setting.

Multiphase gun stun.gif X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun (aka head of security's personal laser gun) Found in: Head of security's locker in Head of Security's office, or carried by the Head of Security Used for: Subjugating criminals and/or eliminating threats. Strategy: Toggle the mode you want and fire at the target. Description Unique weapon held only by the Head of Security. Functions essentially as a more advanced energy gun, capable of firing in disable, ion, and lethal laser modes. This is a high-risk item and is often a theft objective for traitors (head of security's personal laser gun).

WT-550 Autorifle WT-550 Autorifle Found in: Cargo, deep space Used for: Eliminating threats. Strategy: Fire at the target. Description Ballistic rifle that Security can gain access to via Cargo. The rifle holds several clear advantages and disadvantages over the standard Laser Gun. The rifle holds 20 rounds per magazine, can be reloaded in the field and can bypass some energy weapon defenses such as Energy Shields and, to a degree, Energy Swords. However this weapons needs physical ammo to reload with, lacks any stunning capability, cannot bypass glass and must be bought from Cargo en masse. The choice to acquire this weapon is usually in the hands of the Head of Security or the Warden, and as such is a very uncommon weapon to see in Security's hands, however if Security has sufficient warning about a imminent attack, such as Nuclear Operatives declaring war, then the weapon tends to be a popular choice.

Damage = 20 brute on shot, 10 damage on melee

Riot Shotgun Riot Shotgun Found in: Armory, cargo Used for: Stunning/Eliminating threats. Strategy: Fire at the target. Description Security issued shotgun, can hold up to six shells at a time and comes preloaded with rubber shot rounds for non-lethal take downs. Useful against opponents with energy weapon protection or against large crowds of enemies. Can be sawed off with any form of saw to allow the Shotgun to fit in a backpack, your belt slot, or holstered in your armor.

Compact Combat Shotgun Compact Combat Shotgun Found in: Warden's Locker Used for: Eliminating threats. Strategy: Fire at the target. Description Unique shotgun that only the Warden has access to. A semi-automatic shotgun that only holds 4 rounds, but can be holstered in armor. Still a bulky item, so it can't fit in backpacks, but it's much easier to carry around than a Combat Shotgun. Generally superior to the Riot Shotgun, but holds less ammo, lacks the ability to be sawed off, and thus cannot fit inside a backpack.

Combat Shotgun Combat Shotgun Found in: Cargo Used for: Eliminating threats. Strategy: Fire at the target. Description This semi-automatic shotgun holds 6 rounds, and fires without needing to be cocked after every shot. When combined with the right ammunition, this weapon becomes one of the most powerful in the game. However, it's a huge item and it cannot be sawed off, so the only place it will fit is in your hand or on your back. Ammunition

WT-550 Standard Magazine WT-550 Standard Magazine Found in: Security Protolathe, ordered from Cargo. Used for: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle. Strategy: Lock and load. Description A 20-round 4.6x30mm magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires standard ball ammunition, dealing 20 damage per hit. Easy and cheap to produce.

WT-550 Armour Piercing Magazine WT-550 Armour Piercing Magazine Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle. Strategy: Lock and load. Description A 20-round 4.6x30mm AP magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires armor piercing bullets that can tear through armor, but at the cost of dealing less damage per bullet.

WT-550 Toxin Tipped Magazine WT-550 Toxin Tipped Magazine Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle. Strategy: Lock and load. Description A 20-round 4.6x30mm TX magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires uranium tipped ammunition, dealing 15 toxin damage per hit.

WT-550 Incendiary Magazine WT-550 Incendiary Magazine Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle. Strategy: Lock and load. Description A 20-round 4.6x30mm IC magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires unique ammo that deals five damage per bullet, but each bullet contains a compound that ignites the target aflame. RnD Gear See the Research Items page.

Armor for Protection

Helmet Helmet Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts Used for: General defence. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate some damage from attacks. Description Standard issue security Helmet issued to all Security Officers. This provides a modest amount of protection against most forms of attack, and as such is generally recommended you wear it when on duty. Protects your ears from flashbangs.

HUDSunglasses HUDSunglasses Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts Used for: Information. Strategy: Wear it to identify arrest targets easier. Description Stylish sunglasses that provide a heads up display for the user. This HUD provides a suite of options to the user to assist in law enforcement. The glasses will identify the current occupation of anyone in the user's line of sight, or at least the occupation their ID card is displaying. It will signal if someone has been implanted with a Mindshield Implant. It'll inform the user if someone has been set to a arrest condition. In addition the glasses act as defense against flash based weapons like Flash or Flashbang. Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.

Can also be used to set a visible target to arrest on the fly.

Body Armor Body Armor Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts, Head of Personnels Locker Used for: General defence. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate some damage from attacks. Description Standard issue security Body Armor, issued to all Security personnel and select station personnel. Provides a moderate amount of protection, so it's recommended you wear it at all times.

Riot Helmet Riot Helmet Found in: Armory Used for: Melee defence. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate melee attacks significantly. Description Riot duty armor designed to be highly resistant to melee attacks. Features a flip down/up visor that further protects from attacks to the face and can stop certain entities that attack by latching onto a person's face.

Riot Armor Riot Armor Found in: Armory Used for: Melee defence. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate melee attacks significantly. Description Riot duty armor designed to be highly resistant to melee attacks. Provides strong melee defence at the cost of little defence against anything else.

Bulletproof Helmet Bulletproof Helmet Found in: Armory Used for: Ballistic and explosive defense. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate ballistic and explosive attacks significantly. Description Special duty helmet usually worn by Security Officers during a crisis. Bulletproof Helmets provide excellent protection against ballistic attacks, and good protection against explosive attacks, but have only minor defense against other form of attacks.

Bulletproof Vest Bulletproof Vest Found in: Armory Used for: Ballistic and explosive defense. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate ballistic and explosive attacks significantly. Description Special duty armor usually worn by Security Officers during a crisis. Bulletproof Armor provide excellent protection against ballistic attacks, and good protection against explosive attacks, but have only minor defense against other form of attacks.

Ablative Vest Ablative Vest Found in: Armory Used for: Laser and energy defence. Strategy: Wear it to mitigate laser and energy attacks significantly. Description Unique armor vest designed to deflect and significantly reduce damage from energy based attacks. Provides very little defence against anything else.

NOTE: For all above and below items, remember to LOCK the locker you took them from!

Other Items

Secway Secway Found in: Armory Used for: Cruising. Strategy: Drag yourself on it with the key in hand. Description Unique transportation vehicle available in the armoury. Can prove useful if you need to drive through a area with low pressure, have taken significant damage and need to move quickly, are wearing a bulky hardsuit or want to look like a tool.

Seclite Seclite Found in: Security Officer's backpack Used for: Seeing in the dark. Strategy: Switch it on to see better in darkness or use it for self-defense. Description A robust flashlight used by security. Can also be mounted to energy guns and Hybrid Tasers.

Security Gas Mask Security Gas Mask Found in: Armory, Head of Security's locker Used for: Internals, shout very loud at the criminals. Strategy: Put it on and use it like a regular mask for internals, use the HALT-feature in the upper left corner to shout at criminals. Description A very useful piece of equipment for when you don't have time to politely ask someone to stop. Can be hacked if you like scaring the criminals. Emag it to make them shit their pants.

Riot Shield Riot Shield Found in: Armory, Head of Security's locker Used for: To protect you from melee and ranged attacks. Strategy: Wield it and form a wall with your comrades. Description These are held in a hand space and used to block close range weapons. They also have a percentage change to block ranged attacks. Makes you un-pushable. They make a fairly efficient weapon in terms of bludgeoning criminals, but it's suggested to pair this up with a stun baton or ranged weapon. Slamming your baton against this shield will create a threatening banging sound. When I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom

Tracking Implant Tracking Implant Found in: Armory in a Tracking Implant Kit Implantbox.png Used for: Tracking suspects, and making it possible to teleport straight up to the implanted person. Strategy: Take the implanter, load it with an implant and use the implanter on a person. Description When used on someone, it will implant a tracking beacon under the skin of that person's chest. The Prisoner Management Console can be used to check the implanted person's location and even send messages into their mind. Use a bluespace locator to track implanted targets. Locators can be printed from the security techfab after research. Use a Hand Teleporter or Teleporter to teleport directly to the target. It does not cause people to be gibbed when teleported to. Disintegrates 10 minutes after the death of the host, unless revived.

Chemical Implant Chemical Implant Found in: Armory in a Chemical Implant Kit Implantbox.png Used for: Can be loaded with any sort of chemical agent via the common syringe and can hold 50 units. Strategy: Take the implanter, load it with an implant and use the implanter on a person. Description When used on someone, it will put a chemical implant under the skin of that person's chest. Load the implant with up to 50 units of chemicals by injecting it with a filled syringe while it's still in its original case. You can then remotely inject the implanted chems with a Prisoner Management Console. The implant will last so long as the subject is alive. However, if the subject suffers from malnutrition, the implant may become unstable and either pre-maturely inject the subject or simply break. Disintegrates 10 minutes after the death of the host, unless revived.

Mindshield Implant Mindshield Implant Found in: Armory in a Lockbox (Mindshield Implants) Loyalty Implants.png, Head of Security's Office Used for: Deconverting revolutionaries; preventing people from being converted to revs or cultists. Strategy: Take the implanter, load it with an implant and use the implanter on a person. Description When used on someone, it will act block any attempt to influence or corrupt the targets mind/brain - unless the situation is a religious one! This implant will only make it impossible to learn any new, cultistic ways. People who are already cultists cannot be de-culted via implant and persons who are strong enough to lead a revolution party will completely resist this implant. If you have time, you can remove these implants by doing an implant removal surgery on the chest, which will allow your prey to be converted normally.

Electropack Electropack Found in: Prison Wing Used for: Torture. Strategy: Set a signal, screwdriver it on, throw it on a criminal and send the signal. Description This is a tool used to keep a particularly dangerous criminal under control. When turned on via Screwdriver, the pack is able to be set to a certain frequency. The pack is then placed in the backpack slot of the criminal scum; he/she will be unable to remove it without someone else's help. After activation, a simple press of a Remote Signaling Device set to the same frequency as the pack will activate it, giving your prisoner an electric shock and instantly incapacitating them. Best of all- This does no physical harm. If you did want to do physical harm, you can combine the electropack with a helmet and then place it on a Chair that has powered wires under it. This will create an electric chair to allow you to cleanly execute multiple prisoners in a row. The AI will not approve, but when does the AI ever approve of what you do?

Space Law Space Law Found in: Security Office, Security Posts Used for: Studying intently about the Law. Strategy: Apply it in hand to read. Description An official copy of Space Law is made available to all security personnel. Ensure that you understand it and don't be afraid to literally throw the book at anyone who contests it. Give it to the Head of Security or Warden and watch them scoff in disgust.

Recharger Recharger Found in: Armory, Security Office, Security Posts Used for: Securing an area from anyone without protective eyewear. Strategy: Pull it to a powered area and wrench it in place. Description A recharger can recharge any energy-based device should it run out of power. As a member of security you will most likely be using these to recharge your stun batons and tasers. Rechargers can be wrenched then moved, for example to be closer to a blob eating the station. The recharge time of your energy based devices will vary depending on their maximum capacity.

Portable Flash Portable Flash Found in: Armory Used for: Securing an area. Strategy: Pull it to a powered area and wrench it in place. Description A portable flasher is an effective device that when secured to the ground will automatically emit a bright light when its motion sensors are activated. It will stun anyone close to the bulb for about as long as a pocket-sized device would. To prepare a portable flasher, first bring it to the desired area, then use a Wrench to secure the bolts to the ground. Once you have done that, the portable flasher will draw power from the local APC. If you are not wearing a form of eye protection (such as Sunglasses or a Welding Helmet) you will become momentarily stunned if you are close to the portable flasher when it goes off.

Deployable Barrier Grenade Deployable Barrier Grenade Found in: Armory Used for: Securing an area, making sure no one (without Armory access) can pass through. Strategy: Drag it where you need it and swipe it with your ID. Description The Armory contains grenades that, when thrown, will produce a deployable barrier, a much stronger version of the wooden barricade. The grenades can have their direction switched by alt-clicking on them or using their action button, and the barricades they spawn will take 5 seconds to deploy. Deployable barriers can be repaired using a welder.

Lethal Injection Syringe Lethal Injection Syringe Found in: Prison Wing Used for: Eliminating a convict. Strategy: Use it on the convict. Description A special syringe designed for lethal injections. Contains 15 units of Plasma, 15 units of Formaldehyde, 10 units of Cyanide, and 10 units of Fluorosulfuric Acid. It injects all of its reagents in one push. This kills a convict in about 40 seconds. Machines SecTech SecTech Security Robots The Robotic side of the security force.

Securitron/Officer Beepsky Securitron/ Officer Beepsky Found in: One patrolling around the halls, others manufactured in Robotics Used for: Detaining criminals, autonomous guards in high security areas. Description All stations start with at least one Securitron. One is the famous Officer Beepsky, who is the closest the Head of Security gets to a pet and also a world class criminal catcher, being able to scuttle faster than a man can run, and stun and cuff and criminals using cablecuffs made in the experimental mass fabricator Nanotrasen places in every Securitron model. Beepsky is so vigilant, he'll even trip anyone who gets in his way when he's chasing a perp! This also makes him a right pain when hacked as he will stun and cuff everyone in sight! A similar Securitron called Officer Pingsky spawns in the AI satellite to guard it from criminals! The Roboticists have the option to make more, but they are rarely made as they use up the Warden's precious helmets.

Keep in mind that traitors with an Agent ID card will have an easy time evading securitrons!

Most stations spawn with two additional Securitrons: The Armory's personal guard Sergeant-at-Armsky and the AI satellite's Officer Pingsky.

See here how to construct a Securitron.

Settings You can change the Securitron's settings by swiping your security-access ID on it and looking at it:

Status: On/Off The Securitron is either turned on or off. Behaviour controls are locked/unlocked People can access the controls or not. Maintenance panel panel is closed/open People can access the maintenance panel or not. This lets you insert pAIs. Arrest Unidentifiable Persons: Yes/No Arrests/detains anyone who has no ID visible and is unidentifiable (name shows as “Unknown”). Arrest for Unauthorized Weapons: Yes/No Arrests/detains anyone who has a weapon visible and an ID without weapons authorization (by default, anyone but head jobs and security). Arrest for Warrant: Yes/No Checks the security records if anyone's status is set to “Arrest” and arrests/detains them. Operating Mode: Arrest/Detain Arrest: Stuns and zipcuffs the perp, then leaves. Detain: Stuns the perp indefinitely. Report arrests: Yes/No When someone receives a faceful of justice, the Securitron will announce the perp's name and location on its radio channel (by default, Security). Auto Patrol: On/Off Patrols the station. STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM Securitrons and ED-209s attack for one of two reasons:

The securitron is being attacked. The perp's threat level is 4 or higher. Things that can increase threat level +10: Getting emagged. Now everyone is criminal scum. +6: Getting attacked - but securitrons will hunt attackers regardless of threat level. +5: Having a criminal status of “Arrest” when Arrest for Warrant is enabled. +4: Having no visible ID and an obscured/disfigured face (showing up as Unknown) when “Arrest Unidentifiable Persons” is enabled +4: Holding a weapon in your hand when Arrest for Unauthorized Weapons is enabled, but your ID doesn't have the permission. This doesn't include dragged weapons or those in containers.

+2: Having a weapon equipped on the belt or back slot when the above is enabled. +2: Having your criminal status set to “Incarcerated” or “Parolled”. +2: Violating the dress code by wearing a wizard hat or wizard hardsuit hat. +1: Being non-human genetrash. Things that can decrease threat level -5: Wearing a Syndicate Agent ID card. -1: Being implanted with a mindshield implant. Good to know Agent ID cards make traitors effectively invisible to sec bots, provided they don't stack more than one offense. Mindshield implants do the same to a lesser degree - you can avoid weapon and ID check arrests. Security bots (and also Honkbots) will get frustrated and stop hunting people after a few seconds. All bots navigate by following navigation beacons. If those are destroyed, the bots will stop patrolling. Sec bots are weak to EMP and ranged weapons, like guns and IED spears. Also, they can't escape welded/locked closets.

ED-209 ED-209 Found in: manufactured in Robotics Used for: Detaining criminals even more efficiently. Description The most fearsome security robot. Like Beepsky, but with an added disabler and four times the default health. Keep in mind that ED-209s ignore monkeys though.


Same as the Securitron's See here how to construct an ED-209.

High-risk items These are items that are often desired by traitors for themselves or as an objective for the Syndicate. Thieves who get caught with stealing one of these items are often charged with Grand Theft or even Syndicate Collaboration, given sufficient evidence.

Contents 1 Captain's Antique Laser Gun 2 X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun 3 Hand Teleporter 4 Captain's Jetpack 5 A Functional AI 6 Advanced Magboots 7 Station Blueprints 8 Secret Documents 9 Plutonium Core 10 Supermatter Sliver 11 28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank) 12 Unused Slime Extract 13 Medal of Captaincy 14 Hypospray 15 Nuclear Authentication Disk 16 Reflector Trenchcoat 17 Reactive Teleport Armor 18 The Blackbox Captain's Antique Laser Gun Captain's Antique Laser Gun Captain's Antique Laser Gun Found in: Captain's Quarters Used for: Shooting people. Description This is a special, engraved gun, made with real Assistant leather (which is odd because human skin makes terrible leather). This gun is kept in a glass case in the Captain's Quarters, but is hooked up with an anti-theft system. On most maps you need a special Centcom access level ID to be able to open it without using force, which means not even the captain has access to it. Breaking the case will trigger a lockdown, shutting and bolting all the doors out of the room, and the AI will be alerted. Keep this in mind, and plan your heist before you carry it out.

What makes this gun so special? It automatically regenerates energy without any draw backs. Enemy agents would kill to steal this for research. They do exactly that a lot.

X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun (aka head of security's personal laser gun) X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun (aka head of security's personal laser gun) Found in: Head of security's locker in Head of Security's office, or carried by the Head of Security Used for: Subjugating criminals and/or eliminating threats. Description Unique weapon held only by the Head of Security. Functions essentially as a more advanced energy gun, capable of firing in disable, ion, and lethal laser modes. If it's not in Head of Security's locker where it spawns, it's likely carried by the Head of Security.

Hand Teleporter Hand Teleporter Hand Teleporter Found in: Teleporter Room, Captains Office Used for: Teleporting About Description This is a miniaturized counterpart to the larger one in the Teleporter Room. It can be found on a table in the Teleporter room. The Captain also has one in his quarters. Using this you can create a portal to a set destination (however this must be set with a large teleporter device, either in the Teleporter room, Derelict or the Abandoned Satellite). If you find the options severely lacking, you can make new teleport beacons in Research Division OR grab one of the existing ones and move it (suggestion : move the bridge beacon somewhere safer).

Hilariously enough, there is a random setting, using it allows you to randomly jump about to a nearby location. This is not advised without an EVA suit and internals. However as an antagonist, it is a very useful tool for escape when you DO NOT have time to take down a wall OR have any tools.

Unlike large teleporter devices, the hand teleport makes two-way portals. There is a portal both at the hand teleporter's location, and the destination, meaning that it can also be used to extract people from high risk locations, as well as numerous other interesting uses.

Captain's Jetpack Captain's Jetpack Captain's Jetpack Found in: Captain's Quarters Used for: Propelling yourself in space, usable as oxygen supply Description The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack that can fit in a backpack while containing more gas than typical jetpacks. Found in the suit storage in captain's office.

A Functional AI A Functional AI A Functional AI Found in: Intellicards can be found in EVA, AIs are found in the AI core. Used for: Description An InteliCard must be used to take the AI from its chamber. InteliCards can be found on the Bridge and Tech Storage. Research and Development can also produce more, assuming they have the prerequisite research levels. Be careful! If you are the Traitor and your objective is to steal a functional AI, remember that AIs can be traitors too, and even regular Asimov AIs will not want to be carded without reason.

Advanced Magboots Advanced Magboots Advanced Magboots Found in: Chief Engineer's Office Used for: Not getting stuck when the gravity goes out. Description These magboots work similarly to normal magboots. The only difference is that they don't slow down the wearer.

Station Blueprints Station Blueprints Station Blueprints Found in: Chief Engineer's Locker Used for: Naming every room PRIMARY FART STORAGE Description These are the plans to make every part of the station, including the gravitational singularity engine. Using these you can rename existing areas into whatever you want, and create new areas that can have APCs and Air Alarms in them. You can also view the wire coloring scheme for Nanotrasen made devices.

You can not take photocopies of these in a photocopier, but you can take an ordinary photo of them with a camera, and that photo will count for the “steal the station blueprints” objective. A photo of the blueprints laying on the ground will work. A photo of blueprints held by someone will not.

Secret Documents Secret Documents Secret Documents Found in: The filing cabinet in the Vault Used for: ??? Description Containing sensitive intelligence, research data, and other corporate secrets, these Top Secret documents are always in high demand by competitors. Nanotrasen keeps some of theirs in the filing cabinet in the Vault, however the Syndicate will also accept secret documents from rival Syndicate factions. Just remember that it's the papers inside that's valuable, not the folder that carries it. Photocopies of these are also valid for the objective's completion.

Plutonium Core Plutonium Core Plutonium Core Found in: Vault Used for: The blowing up of shit. Description The payload of the station's on-board nuke. Highly radioactive. Every Nanotrasen station is outfitted with an on-board self-destruct device, for those highly unlikely scenarios in which CentCom or the Captain nukes the station to hell. This nuke is powered by highly radioactive, extremely rare weapons-grade plutonium, which the Syndicate would love to get their hands on for their own nuclear purposes. They've even provided you with a special box to store the thing.

The nuke is located in the Vault. To deconstruct the nuke, follow these steps:

Use a special screwdriver (with a thin tip, traitors get this with the objective) to open the front panel Crowbar to pry off the front panel Welding tool, to cut into the warhead Crowbar to expose the core Nuke core container, to store the core, unless you like dying of radiation


Supermatter Sliver Supermatter Sliver Supermatter Sliver Found in: Engineering Used for: The powering and dusting of shit. Description A shard from the station's Supermatter Engine. Highly radioactive. The Supermatter Engine is a recent breakthrough in Nanotrasen technology that is both very effective at providing massive amounts of power to station machinery, and very effective at instantly destroying anything it touches, as well as stations whose crew looks at it wrong. Naturally, the Syndicate took a interest.

The Supermatter Engine is located in Engineering, and getting access to it will be a challenge in and of itself. To extract a sliver, a special toolkit is provided to Syndicate traitors containing special extraction tools and the following instructions:

Protect yourself from radiation with radsuits and mesons, both of which should be located near the engine. Approach an active supermatter crystal with radiation shielded personal protective equipment. DO NOT MAKE PHYSICAL CONTACT. Use a supermatter scalpel (provided) to slice off a sliver of the crystal. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER TOOLS. Use supermatter extraction tongs (also provided) to safely pick up the sliver you sliced off. AGAIN, DO NOT USE OTHER TOOLS In case it isn't clear, physical contact of any object with the sliver will dust the object, as well as yourself. Use the tongs to place the sliver into the provided container, which will take some time to seal. Get the hell out before the crystal delaminates and/or you are caught.

28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank) 28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank) 28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank) Found in: Atmos, Engineering, Science Used for: Carrying plasma. Description Plasma mined by NanoTrasen is very rare to get in many places of the galaxy, and many people want it to make military grade explosives and rival plasma research. As Plasma is being used all over the station, it may be hard, if not impossible to secure all the hand-held storage Plasma Tanks.

These tanks are obtained from a Tank Storage Unit found in Toxins research, Engineering, Atmospherics, or ordered at the Cargo Bay. They must be filled (>1000 kPa) with Plasma Gas to successfully complete the “Steal a full plasma tank” Traitor objective. From a syndicate's point of view, failing to get these is almost impossible, much less accepted.

Unused Slime Extract Unused Slime Extract Unused Slime Extract Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Slime magic Description Slimes are new rare alien lifeforms that NanoTrasen managed to capture. Goo extracted from slimes is particularly valuable and sought after by competition. Its unusual properties have led to rumors of supernatural abilities. Slime Extract need to be extracted from baby Slimes, typically held in Xenobiology. Once subdued, use the slime processor to extract the goo. Be warned, extract cannot be taken from adult Slimes!

Medal of Captaincy Medal of Captaincy Medal of Captaincy Found in: The Captain's jumpsuit, Captain's Quarters Used for: Validating your claim as captain Description Nothing is more disgraceful than a Captain losing their symbol of command. And because enemy agents love to discredit and shame NanoTrasen, the theft of station command medals are on the rise for just this reason.

There are two Medals of Captaincy on each station, Captain starts with one attached to his jumpsuit and second can be found in the medal box in his office.

Hypospray Hypospray Hypospray Found in: Chief Medical Officer's locker Used for: Injecting people with chemicals Description An experimental high-end chemical injector which allows for instant injections into any organism. Given to the station's Chief Medical Officer to field test, who is usually very protective of it.

Nuclear Authentication Disk Nuclear Authentication Disk Nuclear Authentication Disk Found in: Captain's Quarters Used for: Blowing up the station Description GET DAT FUKKEN DISK This disk contains the codes needed to unlock nuclear devices used in Nuclear Emergency and Blob to destroy the entire station.

If you are the Captain, for the love of all that is good in this world protect the disk with your life. Don't leave the damn thing lying in your office. Pocket it, give it to someone trusted, anything rather than leaving it open for anyone to grab. Its location can be tracked with a pinpointer, so merely hiding it won't help you.

Destroying or spacing the disk will cause it to respawn in a random pre-designated location on the station. Also, syndicates love getting their grubby little red space suited hands on this. If the object gets in their hands, call all hands on deck and say “We're fucked”, as a syndicate team with the disk is a good team at that.

Reflector Trenchcoat Ablative Trenchcoat Ablative Trenchcoat Found in: Armory Used for: Deflecting energy weaponry Description An expensive piece of military-grade gear that is designed to withstand or deflect fire from energy weapons. The capture of one of these trenchcoats could be used to bolster Syndicate research and military efforts. One of these is given to station security in the Armory.

Reactive Teleport Armor Reactive Teleport Armor Reactive Teleport Armor Found in: RD's Office Used for: Warping into space Description Experimental blue-space armor. While active, will attempt to protect it's wearer by displacing them away from physical harm. Due to its oversensitive sensors, it is not recommended for casual use. Can be found in the Research Director's Office.

The Blackbox The Blackbox The Blackbox Found in: The blackbox recorder Blackbox recorder.gif in/near the telecommunication's array Used for: Theft objective Description An indestructible black box containing valuable data. It's bulky and will not fit in most containers. If carried in hand on the escape shuttle make sure you're buckled when arriving.

Clothing and Accessories Clothing is what keeps you warm in the winter, let alone the dead of space. Below are the objects which you can wear.

Contents 1 Short guide to clothes 1.1 Inventory 1.2 Damage protection 1.3 Temperature protection 2 Jumpsuits 3 Headgear 4 Masks 5 Bodywear 6 Hardsuits 7 Shoes 8 Gloves 9 Eyewear 10 Backwear 11 Belts 12 Earpieces Short guide to clothes Inventory Your character has following slots that are always available:

Jumpsuit External suit Back Mask Shoes Gloves Ears Glasses Hat Jumpsuit unlocks for you:

Belt Pockets ID slot And external suit unlocks for you an external suit storage.

Contents of your pockets are not visible for others, but if someone tries to empty them you do not get a message unless you move. Pockets can hold tiny and small items. They can also hold mining satchel, despite it being a normal-sized item.

If you have a storage item in one of your slots, you can click on it to open it. If you want to take it to your hand, drag it to the hand slot with your mouse. You can also drag an item to your character on the map to open it. This will work with a pill bottle in your pocket, for example, or if you have something in your hands.

Damage protection There are several types of damage in the game. Various pieces of clothing offer protection for the body parts they cover.

Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Biological Radiation Fire Acid Temperature protection Some pieces of clothing offer protection from high/low temperatures. High-temperature protection is needed when everything is on fire. Low-temperature protection is needed when you are in space or very close to being in space. Items only protect body parts they cover.

Jumpsuits Having a jumpsuit is extremely important. Without a jumpsuit you will not have an ID slot, a belt slot, or any pocket slots. The jumpsuit is also useful in identifying your department at a glance, and so can be used as part of a disguise. In addition, jumpsuits now have a full suite of sensors that can be toggled and adjusted by right-clicking on it. They can give out data to the bridge including your location, your health, and your mortality. Some jumpsuits made to be practical will offer minor protection, which will be noted in it's description. For example, the virologist's jumpsuit has minor projection to biohazards, while the Head of Security's will have a small amount of protection from blunt trauma. Plasmaman jumpsuits prevent plasmamen from being on fire when worn with a plasmaman helmet.

A bit different from the others is the prisoner's jumpsuit. In addition to its distinctive colour, its suit sensors are always on maximum.

You can wash a jumpsuit in a washing machine with a crayon to paint it.

Jumpsuits Jumpsuits Found in: Everyone starts with one, several more are found in lockers all around the station Used for: To hide your naked body, jumpsuits provides a belt slot, ID slot and two pockets for storage. They also come equipped with adjustable suit sensors which, when enabled will show useful information about the wearer on crew monitoring consoles Strategy: Just wear it at all times as they're useful and practical Description Jumpsuits are the clothing standard on the station. Everyone starts off with one, which describes which job they do. Additional ones are usually found in the changing room, in the dormitory, in job-specific wardrobes and in the lockers for heads of staff. Job-specific jumpsuits offer minor protection from for example radiation (engineering), brute (security) or acid (science). There are some additional, gimmicky ones in the theater.

Headgear Different kinds of hats for various purposes.

Hard Hat Hard Hat Found in: Engineering Used for: Providing light in dark areas and ghetto EVA Strategy: Wear it to be recognized as a competent engineer Description All engineers spawn with one of these on their head. These make your head pressureproof and protect a bit from heat. A functionally identical version of this is the Fire Helmet.png Firefighter Helmet. They can be found in Maintenance and Atmospherics.

Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Providing light in dark areas, protecting your head from fire and pressure, concealing identity, ghetto EVA Strategy: Wear it with the firesuit and you'll be cool while walking through plasma fires. Description An upgraded hard hat that completely protects you from heat and pressure. Obscures your face.

Welding Helmet Welding Helmet Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics Used for: Keeping your eyes safe when welding Strategy: Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing them makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face Description A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye and getting flashed. Cargo can manufacture these with their autolathe or they can order some.

Bio Hood Bio Hood Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology Used for: Bio Hoods and Overalls decreases the chance of being affected by reagents in smoke and also protects from facehuggers Strategy: A chemist with one of these suits is invincible against against their own smoke bombs, no more suicide gassing Description Wear this with the Bio suit to complete the look. They also hide your identity.

Helmet Helmet Found in: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts Used for: To protect your head, your eyes and your headset Strategy: Wear it Description A component of Securitrons and a distinguishing feature of Security Officers (if you're wondering why people are treating you like a piece of shit, it's because the previous shitcurity officer had the exact same uniform as you). Helmets protect against damage to the head very well. Some come with a siren. They can be found in security lockers and Cargo could order more. Every Security Officer spawns with one.

Riot Helmet Riot Helmet Found in: Armory Used for: To protect your head from melee attacks and your face from facehuggers Strategy: Wear it Description An helmet with marginally better protection from melee attacks, but worse protection from energy weapons. The real value of this helmet is its visor, which protects you from facehuggers.

Cake Hat Cake Hat Found in: Bar Used for: To celebrate birthdays Strategy: Wear it Description Comes with a candle that is guaranteed to light any plasma you walk through on fire. Can be used to make a birthday cake

EVA Helmet EVA Helmet Found in: EVA, Space Suit Crate Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to depressurized areas and the void of space. Strategy: Wear it with an EVA Suit when going out on spacewalks or when anticipating depressurized areas of the station. (Spaceproof)

Description A simple space suit helmet for use in EVA activities. Keeps you insulated from the cold and pressure, but cannot handle high temperatures and direct fire contact.

Plasmaman Helmet Plasmaman Helmet Found in: Plasmamen, Plasmaman Supply Kit Used for: To prevent exposure of the wearer to oxygen in air Strategy: Wear it. As a plasmaman, only take it off to join a Revolution or to set yourself on fire! (Spaceproof)

Description Plasmaman start off wearing these. If you're set on fire and you're wearing this and the plasmaman jumpsuit, you'll be extinguished as soon as the auto-extinguishing system is ready. Non-plasmamen won't suffocate while wearing one. Expect a killer to remove this helmet from a dead or dying plasmaman, turning them into a lasting fire.

Masks Different masks can provide you with oxygen, filter out bad gases and germs, hide your identity or make you look cool.

Breath Mask Breath Mask Found in: It is very common for a crewmate to wear a breath mask, since every employee is provided with a complementary box of internals in their backpack prior to their trip on the arrival shuttle Used for: They are transparent and cover only part of the face, so can't be used in hiding your identity Strategy: Used when people with Voice Changers are on the loose Description Unlike gas masks, breath masks must be attached to an air tank in order to have any benefit.

Gas Mask Gas Mask Found in: Engineering, Maintenance Used for: Gas masks can be used in conjunction with a gas tank of any type to set up internals Strategy: Without internals they will hide your identity, protect your face, and filter out any contaminations in the air. It however does not mask your voice, unlike the Voice changer gasmask, which will change your voice to the voice of the ID you're wearing Description A face-covering mask that can be connected to an air supply. Protects from most toxic gases.

Sterile Mask Sterile Mask Found in: Medbay, on Doctor's faces Used for: Slight disease prevention Strategy: Internals provide the same disease blocking benefit as these with the added bonus of being able to breathe from oxygen tanks. Description Filters toxic gases and gives a slight defense against airborne diseases.

Muzzle Muzzle Found in: Medbay Used for: Keeping patients quiet Strategy: Put it on someone's face Description Stops those pesky patients from screaming for help! Bodywear These items can be worn over your jumpsuit, giving your protection or just to dress up nicely.

Radiation Suit Radiation Suit Found in: Engineering in a L2locker.pngRadiation Suit Closet Used for: Protecting from radiation Strategy: Wear it and go near a radiation source Description A highly recommended bodywear when being close to the Singularity, a powered up Supermatter shard or the Gravity Generator. Comes with a RadiationSuitHood.png Radiation Suit Hood.

Bio-suit Bio-suit Found in: Engineering, Medbay, Custodial Closet, Virology in a L3locker.pngLevel-3 Biohazard Suit Closet Used for: Bio Suits and Overalls decreases the chance of being infected by diseases or affected by reagents in smoke. Strategy: Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from almost all radiation, direct exposure to chemicals, and disease. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak. Description A suit that protects against biological contamination and offers good radiation resistance. Comes with a BioSuitHood.png Bio-suit Hood.

Security Bio-suit Security Bio-suit Found in: Armory Used for: Specially designed Bio-suit that provides complete protection from biological exposure akin to a Bio-suit but also provides a minor amount of protection thanks to the built in armour. Strategy: Short for biohazardous suit. Protects from direct exposure to chemicals and disease, as well as most radiation. Wearing one increases your immunity and is one more barrier between you and an acid spill or outbreak Description A suit that protects against biological contamination, most radiation and some damage. Comes with a SecBioSuitHelm.png Security Bio-suit Hood.

Bomb-suit Bomb-suit Found in: Armory, Toxins Lab in an L4locker.pngEOD Closet Used for: You will not be gibbed by bombs when you wear this. Strategy: Wear it while tampering with bombs! Description A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Comes with a BombHood.png Bomb Hood.

Labcoat Labcoat Found in: Medbay, Science Used for: Storing medical and scientific items. Strategy: Wear it to look like a real science man. Description A suit that protects against minor chemical spills.

Hazard Vest Hazard Vest Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics, Construction Area Used for: Accessing the suit storage slot Strategy: This will make you look like a real engineer. It simply allows another storage slot for tools or flashlights. Also a very weak armor Description A high-visibility vest used in work zones.

Emergency Firesuit Emergency Firesuit Found in: Atmospherics, Maintenance, Firesafetycloset.pngFire Safety Closets around the station Used for: Fighting fires Strategy: Wearing a firesuit along with a fire helmet will protect you from extreme heat. Slows you down slightly when worn. Wear it in space and it will protect you from the low pressure, though you'll still freeze. Description A budget firesuit that protects against fire, heat, and pressure. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.

Firesuit Firesuit Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Fighting the fiercest of fires Strategy: Wearing this firesuit along with the atmos tech's firefighting helmet will protect you from the greatest extremes in temperature. Slows you down to the same degree as the emergency firesuit. Description An expensive firesuit that protects against even the most deadly of station fires. Designed to protect even if the wearer is set aflame. Can be used as part of a ghetto EVA outfit.

Straight Jacket Straight Jacket Found in: Medbay, Prison Wing Used for: Keeping a crazy person restrained Strategy: Wear it (not recommended) or put it on someone who you want restrained Description A suit that completely restrains the wearer. Without help you must resist to take it off, which requires you to stand still about 5 minutes.

Space Suit (Softsuit) Space Suit (Softsuit) Found in: E.V.A. Used for: Spacewalks, firefighting, surviving viral outbreaks Strategy: Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Significantly slows down the wearer. (Spaceproof) Description A suit that protects against cold and low pressure environments, but doesn't offer the melee and electric protection of hardsuits. Offers minor fire, radiation and acid protection.

NASA Voidsuit NASA Voidsuit Found in: Abandoned Satellite Used for: Spacewalks Strategy: Wearing this with a space helmet will protect you from the coldness of space. Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits. (Spaceproof) Description An old, NASA Centcom branch designed, dark red space suit helmet.

Body Armor Body Armor Found in: Lockers in Security Office and Security Posts, Bartender's formal closet, Head of Personnel's locker Used for: To protect your chest Strategy: Wear it Description If you're a Security Officer, wear it! It has saved many lives. You can find replacements in almost all Security lockers. If these supplies have been exhausted, the Warden can provide you with some. It's for the protection of one's self in around the chest from brute damage, but not temperature extremes. If you have an open slot in your exo-suit, don't hesitate wearing this armor, it wont slow you down. It also provides you with a handy-dandy exosuit slot for stashing your taser or stun-baton! There's a variant of body armor Armor alt.png that's described as a 'slim armored vest'. It's functionally identical to the other armor vest.

Captain's Carapace Captain's Carapace Found in: Captain's Quarters Used for: Protection Strategy: Wear to avoid death Description A special armor vest unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and displays your authority to the crew.

Riot Suit Riot Suit Found in: Armory Used for: To protect you from melee attacks Strategy: Wear it Description Gives great protection against melee attacks, not very useful if you're attacked with a gun though. Commonly used with the Riot Shield.

Bulletproof Vest Bulletproof Vest Found in: Armory Used for: To protect you from bullets Strategy: Wear it Description A vest that will protect you extremely well from projectile weapons like guns. It is useless against energy weapons. Stored in the armory.

Reflector Vest Reflector Vest Found in: Armory Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons Strategy: Wear it Description A blue and white vest that is made to deflect energy weapons. When you are wearing it, there is a chance that energy shots to your chest will be reflected back to the shooter. Useless against projectile weapons. It is stocked in the armory, and can be ordered in a secure crate from the cargo bay. This is a high-risk item.

Armored Coat Armored Coat Found in: Head of Security's Office Used for: To deflect fire from energy weapons Strategy: Wear it Description A greatcoat enchanced with a special alloy for some protection and style. Hardsuits Hardsuits are coldproof (if powered), pressureproof, protect from electric arcs (especially when worn with yellow gloves!) and come with a built-in helmet that can be toggled on/off. Most are flashproof and offer a bit of protection from brute damage, heat and radiation. All types of space suits will only keep you warm if its internal cell has power. Charge a space suit by keeping it in a suit storage or by replacing the cell. Cell replacement and thermal settings:

The cell cover can be toggled by alt+clicking (press the button), or using a crowbar (just pry it open) on the suit. With the cover open you can remove the cell by using the suit in hand, or ctrl+clicking the suit. With the cover open you can also use a screwdriver to set the thermal regulator's temperature. The normal range is 20 c to 45 c.

Engineering Hardsuit Engineering Hardsuit Found in: Engineering Used for: Spacewalks, fixing gravity generators and engines Strategy: Engineering is provided with hardsuits to assist with setting up some engines, wiring the solar panels, and repairing hull breaches. Significantly slows the wearer down. (Spaceproof) Description Has better radiation shielding than most other spacesuits. Resistances: melee = 10, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 75, fire = 50, acid = 75.

Atmospherics Hardsuit Atmospherics Hardsuit Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Spacewalking and strolling through plasma fires. Strategy: Suits for Atmospheric Technicians working in very hostile temperatures. (Spaceproof) Description The best firefighting suit, fireproof and very resistant to heat. However, it has very little radiation shielding. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°. Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 25, fire = 100, acid = 75.

Mining Hardsuit Mining Hardsuit Found in: Mining Station Used for: Mining and spacewalking Strategy: Reinforced against heat and explosions, but weaker against radiation and fire than the regular engineering hardsuit. Often enhanced with armored plates from certain asteroid-dwelling creatures. (Spaceproof) Description Bought by Miners at their vending machine. Offers decent heat and blast protection. Useful for exploring space. Sees very little actual use on lavaland, as the slowdown is a death sentence against Megafauna, unless you find a way to remove the slowdown. Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 75.

Advanced Hardsuit Advanced Hardsuit Found in: Chief Engineer's Office Used for: Repairing a delaminating Supermatter Engine Strategy: Has more protection against brute, blasts and radiation than the regular engineering/atmospherics hardsuits. (Spaceproof) Description Comes with a jetpack, fire immunity, high heat protection, and almost complete protection from radiation as well as acid. Good explosion and brute protection too. Protects from temperatures up to 35000 K°. Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 90 (helmet has 100), fire = 100, acid = 90.

Security Hardsuit Security Hardsuit Found in: Armory Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking Strategy: Additional protection against brute and lasers (Spaceproof) Description Security hardsuits have a bit of bullet, laser and brute protection, but not as good as “real” armor. Resistances: melee = 35, bullet = 15, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 75, acid = 75.

Head of Security's Hardsuit Head of Security's Hardsuit Found in: HoS Office Used for: Catching criminals while spacewalking Strategy: Additional protection against brute and lasers (Spaceproof) Description Essentially a beefed up Security hardsuit that comes with an internal jetpack. Resistances: melee = 45, bullet = 25, laser = 30, energy = 10, bomb = 25, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 95, acid = 95.

Medical Hardsuit Medical Hardsuit Found in: Chief Medical Officers Office Used for: Retrieving people from space and the SME chamber. Strategy: Slows the wearer down less than other spacesuits, while providing diagnostic data. (Spaceproof) Description Has some radiation shielding, is decent against fire and slows wearers down less than other hardsuits. Does not protect from flashes. Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 10, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 75.

Prototype Hardsuit Prototype Hardsuit Found in: Research Directors Office, Toxins_Test_Chamber Used for: Conducting experiments with the safety of a space proof bomb suit. Strategy: Works like a bomb suit, preventing your body from being gibbed by explosions. (Spaceproof) Description Great protection from blasts and acid, decent protection from heat and radiation. The helmet has a diagnostics HUD, science goggles and a tachyon-doppler array (shows informations about detonated bombs) installed. Resistances: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 10, energy = 5, bomb = 100, bio = 100, rad = 60, fire = 60, acid = 80.

MK.II SWAT Suit MK.II SWAT Suit Found in: Centcom Used for: Providing extensive armor and utility in a combat situation. Strategy: Fitted with beefy armor, reserved for use by Nanotrasen Special Forces. (Spaceproof) Description An MK.II SWAT suit with streamlined joints and armor made out of superior materials, insulated against intense heat. The most advanced tactical armor available. No built-in jetpack. Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100.

Captain's SWAT Suit Captain's SWAT Suit Found in: Captain's Quarters Used for: Avoiding death once hell breaks loose Strategy: Fitted with beefy armor, solid choice when Nuke Ops come knocking at your door. (Spaceproof) Description Slows wearers down less while offering extremely high protection from anything but bombs and radiation. Usually reserved for heavy hitter corporate security, this one has a regal finish in Nanotrasen company colors. No built-in jetpack. Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 50, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100. Shoes Shoes can look stylish, and they can also help you not go all John McClane on the glass shards. Certain shoes and boots can be used to store items - for example a knife or an esword.

Shoes Shoes Found in: Locker Room, Dorms, Arrivals, Medbay Used for: Protecting your feet from glass, making you walk faster Strategy: Wear them. Don't take them off unless you're changing them for another pair Description A pair of brown shoes.

Clown's Shoes Clown's Shoes Found in: HONK!!! Used for: Squeaking, and making H.O.N.K. mechs Strategy: Makes that annoying squeaking sound as the clown walks. Slightly slower than normal shoes. Description The prankster's standard-issue clowning shoes. Damn, they're huge! Can be used to store items.

Janitor's Galoshes Janitor's Galoshes Found in: The Janitor's Closet Used for: They prevent you from slipping on everything but space lube Strategy: Other crew members will often seek these out to avoid falling victim to the clown or excessive mopping. Wearing these will reduce your walking speed. Description Rubber boots. Spraying these with Drying Agent will make them remove any water puddles you walk over. (If you don't want people to slip, why are you using the mop in the first place?)

Magnetic Boots Magnetic Boots Found in: Chief Engineers Office, EVA storage Used for: Preventing you from moving unintentionally in space Strategy: Make sure you toggle them on via the object tab for them to work. Prevents unintentional movement whilst EVA and slows you down greatly for careful, deliberate movement Description Magnetic boots, often used during extravehicular activity to ensure the user remains safely attached to the vehicle.

Legcuffs Legcuffs Found in: Prison Wing lockers Used for: Dressing your prisoners Strategy: Apply cuffs to shoes, put them on prisoners Description Make prisoners wear these to keep them in line. Slows them down considerably.

Gloves Can be used to hide fingerprints and protection from certain objects. You can wash gloves with a crayon to change their color.

Black Gloves Black Gloves Found in: Cargo Bay, Atmospherics, some other places in the station Used for: Completing a outfit, or hiding fingerprints Strategy: These gloves give heat protection, so wear them while firefighting and removing lightbulbs Description These gloves are fire-resistant.

Budget Insulated Gloves Budget Insulated Gloves Found in: Engineering and Primary Tool Storage Used for: Trolling Strategy: With all these budget cuts, Nanotrasen cannot afford high quality gloves for all crewmen. Budget gloves usually only provide the half protection from electric shocks most other gloves give, but can sometimes have full protection, 25% protection, or make you take more damage than if you were otherwise bare handed! These are far easier to obtain than regular insulated gloves, so roll the dice with them if you want. Description These gloves are cheap copies of the coveted gloves, no way this can end badly.

Insulated Gloves Insulated Gloves Found in: Engineering, tech storage, and ordered by Cargo Used for: To stop you from being shocked Strategy: Trade your old gloves in for these, if you're not worried about disease. These handy yellow gloves are much coveted by the crew. While not as stylish as black gloves, they hide your fingerprints just as well and also protect the wearer from electric shock when hacking and manipulating power cables. Washing gloves with a yellow crayon will name them insulated gloves, but they will not protect you from shocks. Throw these gloves in a washing machine with a crayon to change the glove's distinct colour and name so you are not accosted for wearing them. Description These gloves will protect the wearer from electric shock - whether by Hacking or delaminating Supermatter Engine.

Latex Gloves Latex Gloves Found in: Latex gloves can be easily secured from the morgue and medbay. They can also be found on the hands of medical personnel Used for: Makes you slightly faster at lifting people up for fireman carrying. They also partially prevent the passing of disease and leave only partial fingerprints Strategy: Latex gloves are white and thin, they are the least suspicious of the gloves to be worn because they are so common and so freely passed out. It is far easier to dispose of gloves than it is to wash your bare hands. They can also be blown up into balloons! You will still burn yourself on light bulbs with these. You will only take 30% damage from shocks with these. When washed with a crayon, they become normal gloves. Description Cheap sterile gloves made from latex

Nitrile Gloves Nitrile Gloves Found in: There are three pairs of this gloves on the whole station. One in the CMO's office and two in the medbay storage. Used for: Makes you even faster at lifting people up for fireman carrying than latex gloves do. Decreasing a chance of speading a disease and not leaving fingerprints. Strategy: Thicker and rarer brother of latex gloves. They do not leave fingerprints, they will however leave a nitrile fibers so be wary. Similarly to latex gloves they provide 30% shock resistance. Description Pricy sterile gloves that are stronger than latex.

Botanist's Gloves Botanist's Gloves Found in: Botanist's hands Used for: Holding some special plant types Strategy: Holding nettles and growing them to insta-crit people. They also protect against temperature. Description These leather gloves protect against thorns, barbs, prickles, spikes and other harmful objects of floral origin.

Combat Gloves Combat Gloves Found in: Derelict, Nuclear Agents, Traitor Uplinks Used for: Both combat and electrical work. Strategy: Hiding fingerprints while hacking doors in safety. Description These tactical gloves are fireproof and shock resistant. Eyewear These items can be worn over your eyes, providing protection, visual information or other things

Health Scanner HUD Health Scanner HUD Found in: Surgery, CMO's Office, Virology Used for: Seeing a visual overlay of people's health and disease status Strategy: Use it to prioritize critical patients, or prioritize your targets. Description A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status. Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.

Optical Meson Scanners Optical Meson Scanners Found in: Engineering and maintenance areas. Used for: Seeing structural layout. Strategy: Wear these when mining, or seeing where structural damage is though walls. Removes all darkness effects, but you still will not see people or objects until you get close. Description Used for seeing walls, floors, and stuff through anything.

Optical T-Ray Scanner Optical T-Ray Scanner Found in: Atmospherics. Used for: Seeing under floor tiles. Strategy: Use these to plan out wires and pipes. Description When activated it will reveal wires and pipes under the flooring, as well as Critters and Creatures inside pipes, as well as make cloaked people flicker.

Engineering Scanner Goggles Engineering Scanner Goggles Found in: Engineering. Used for: Seeing structural layout, spotting radiation leaks or seeing under floor tiles. Strategy: Switch between meson, radiation and T-ray scanning when needed. Description The Meson Scanner mode lets you see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls, regardless of lighting condition. The T-ray Scanner mode lets you see underfloor objects such as cables and pipes. The Radiation Scanner mode lets you see how irradiated things are upon examining them (unique to these goggles).

Sunglasses Sunglasses Found in: Security Office, Maintenance. Used for: Protection against flashes, useful when against Revs and flashes, wearing at night and when your vision is augmented. Strategy: I WEAR MY SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT SO I CAN, SO I CAN- Description Strangely ancient technology used to help provide rudimentary eye cover. Enhanced shielding blocks flashes, but isn't strong enough to weld with.

HUDSunglasses HUDSunglasses Found in: Security Office Used for: Combines Sunglasses and Security Scanner Strategy: Security starts with these, allow you to see a persons ID level and wanted status along with resistance to flashes. You will also get automated notifications from beepsky and brig cells. Description Recommended for all security members. In addition to protection from flashes, it provides nifty icons over the heads of everyone you can see. It displays their rank, arrest status, if the have a tracking implant (flashing red dot) or a mindshield implant (blinking blue outline). Also allows for on-the-fly Security Records management by simply examining your target. You'll also get notified when Beepsky makes an arrest, or when a prisoner is released from the brig.

Welding Goggles Welding Goggles Found in: R&D Lab Used for: Welding without receiving eye damage, without a welding mask! Strategy: Wear it while using a welding tool, or to get by flashers. Wearing the Welding Helmet makes you practically blind. Clicking the Welding Helmet while in hand, will flip it up so it doesn't cover the face Description Protects the eyes from welders, approved by the mad scientist association.

Science Goggles Science Goggles Found in: Chemistry, R&D Lab Used for: Chemistry, and sometimes science Strategy: Wear them and do science Description Allows you to see what reagents are in a container. You can toggle them to let you examine an item and see how many research points you'd get, and what techs you'd unlock, when you put the item through the destructive analyzer.

Blindfold Blindfold Found in: Theater Used for: Kinky stuff, blinding people without hurting them. Strategy: Don't wear this if you want to see. Description Covers the eyes, preventing sight.

Night Vision Goggles Night Vision Goggles Found in: Abandoned Satellite, Nuclear Agents. Used for: Seeing people in the dark. Strategy: Wear these when you know a power outage is about to happen. Description You can totally see in the dark now!

Prescription Glasses Prescription Glasses Found in: Just about anywhere in the Medbay Used for: Fixing eye damage. Strategy: Wear these, wait eyes to heal up. Description Made by Nerd. Co. Backwear Different kinds of things which go on your back. Most people will wear a backpack, satchel or dufflebag at all times.

Backpack Backpack Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one Used for: Storing unneeded crap Strategy: You're going to want this. It's used for storing stuff, but, keep in mind that a backpack cannot store everything, such as toolboxes and other backpacks. But can generally store everything else. You also have a limited storage space. Description You wear this on your back and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of backpack: Medpack.png Medical Backpack, Secpack.png Security Backpack and Clownpack.png Giggles von Honkerton, to name a few.

Satchel Satchel Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one Used for: Storing unneeded crap Strategy: Functionally identical to the backpack, but it looks more fashionable. Description You put this on your back slot and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of satchel. The Satchel.png Leather Satchel works the same as any satchel or backpack.

Dufflebag Dufflebag Found in: Dorms lockers, normal crew members may spawn wearing one Used for: Storing more unneeded crap Strategy: Functionally similar to the backpack, but can hold more things at the expense of slowing you down. Description You put this on your back and put items into it. Most jobs have their own variety of dufflebag.

Jetpack Jetpack Found in: EVA Used for: Propelling yourself in space Strategy: Put it on your back and switch it on to maneuver in space or low-gravity areas. Description The jet pack is a backpack slot item filled with either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen. Since it has no air intake and carries its own fuel, it is actually a rocket pack, but the game can't seem to tell the difference so here we are. This item allows one to maneuver in a frictionless environment by firing either an expendable gas or a precious air supply out the back. Two black jetpacks filled with CO2 spawn in EVA. Syndicate operatives start with compact Oxygen-filled harnesses. The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack. For proper use of a jetpack, remember these simple rules:

Jetpack-black.gif Black jetpacks are filled with carbon dioxide by default. Using these jetpacks as internals will knock you unconscious and suffocate you. Can be refilled with anything. Refill JetPack.gif blue jetpacks with oxygen, not air (if you wish to use it for your internals, otherwise fill with any gas). Always set it to 16-25 pressure if you aren't using the emergency mask from your starting box. If you still have that, hurry up and find something else! Always toggle it on when you want to move or need to move quickly, but toggle stabilization off if you're just drifting so as to not waste your supply and remain untrackable. Most jetpacks are too bulky to be stowed in a backpack.

Hardsuits can be upgraded to have an integrated jetpack, which works with a gas tank in the suit storage slot. Advanced hardsuits start off with one of these installed.

Void Jet Packs may also be found in [REDACTED], which are filled with oxygen.

Belts Belts are a type of containers that can only hold specific items. They are to not be confused with belt slot of character's inventory. Belts that exist in the game are:

Tool Belt Tool Belt Found in: Engineering or in maintenance, and on a engineer or roboticist. Can be made at hydroponics through the biogenerator or ordered through mechanical maintenance crates Used for: Toolbelts can hold some kinds of tiny items, most commonly tools Strategy: They are worn as a belt and hold the same amount as a toolbox, though they are less useful as weapons. Sometimes the clown will steal these and hack EVA, just get your toolbox and robust him. Can hold: Crowbar, Screwdriver, Welding tool, Wirecutters, Wrench, Multitool, Flashlight, Cable coil, T-ray scanner, Analyzer, Station Bounced Radio, Insulated Gloves Description Can hold various tools, such as: Crowbar.png Crowbar - any colour Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver - any colour Welder.png Welding tool - any variety Wirecutters.png Wirecutters Wrench.png Wrench Multitool.png Multitool Flashlight.png Flashlight - includes penlight and seclite CableCoils.png Cable coil - any colour T-ray.gif T-ray scanner Analyzer.png Analyzer Station Bounced Radio.png Station Bounced Radio IGloves.png Insulated Gloves

Chief Engineer's Belt Chief Engineer's Belt Found in: Spawned with the Chief Engineer Used for: Holding more advanced tools Description Can hold: Jawspry.png Jaws of Life DrillTool.png Hand Drill Exwelder.png Experimental Welding Tool Multitool.png Multitool CableCoils.png Cable coil - any colour MiniFE.png Miniature Fire Extinguisher Analyzer.png Analyzer

Medical Belt Medical Belt Found in: Medbay Used for: Holding medical items Strategy: Like the Utility Belt, but for holding medical items only. Think of these as your medkit- but on a belt. Can hold: Health analyzer, DNA-Injector, Dropper, Beaker, Bottle, Pill, Syringe, Dispensed-beaker, Zippo lighter, Cigarette packet, Pill bottle, Medical box, Penlight. Description Can hold various medical equipment, such as: Healthanalyzer.png Health analyzer DNA Injector.png DNA injector Eyedropper.png Dropper Beaker.png Beaker - any type Bottle16.png Bottle Pill16.png Pill Syringes.png Syringe Zippo.png Zippo lighter Cigarettes.png Cigarette pack - but not cigarettes themselves Pill Bottle.png Pill bottle Bpack.png Bruise pack Oint.png Ointment Gauze.png Medical gauze Drapes.png Scalpel.png Saw.png Drill.png Hemostat.png Cautery.png Surgical tools

Security Belt Security Belt Found in: Warden's locker, Security Office lockers Used for: Holding security stuff Strategy: Like the utility belt, but for security uses only. Can hold: Flashbang, Handcuffs, Flash, Glasses, Shotgun ammo, Magazines, Donuts Description Can hold security gear, such as: StunBaton.gif Stun Baton Flashbang.gif Flashbang Pepperspray.png Pepperspray Handcuffs.png Handcuffs Flash.gif Flash SecHud.png Security HUD Shotgunshells.png Shotgun ammo Ammo 9mm.png Ammo box Sprinkles.gif Donut Seclite.png Seclite

Janibelt Janibelt Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Holding janitorial supplies Description Can hold: Flashlight.png Flashlight - includes penlight and seclite Janiprojector.png Holographic Sign Projector Grenade.png Grenade Soap.png Soap Cleaner.png Space Cleaner Janicart keys.png Janicart Key Orange Gloves.png Gloves Lightreplacer0.png Light Replacer Earpieces These little devices are issued to every crew member upon arrival on the station. Every job, no matter how insignificant, gets some form of headset. In order to talk to the station with it simply type say ;(your text here).

Different branches of the station get a unique headset with its own private channel. In order to use this channel type in say .h (your text here). And your message will be broadcast to others with the same type of headset. Note that this does not work on the basic model. You can tell the basic model by its black coloring and lack of label.

All headsets are equipped with a standard encryption key used for the common channel. Screwdrivers can be used to remove the encryption keys and use them in a different headset. All department headsets come with two keys. Use your headset in hand to manually enable or disable keys, or change your default channel.

Here is a list of channels and how to access them. Examining your headset also shows you all possible channels. # and . can be used instead of :

.c = Command .s = Security .e = Engineering .u = Supply .m = Medical .n = Science .v = Service Using .h will connect you with your default department's channel.

Other uses:

.b = Binary (For AI and cyborgs) .a = Alien .g = Changeling .i = Intercom .h = AI Holopad (For AI) .o = AI Private (For AI) .l = Left Hand .r = Right Hand .t = Syndicate/Traitor (For when you have a Syndicate encryption key)

See Radio channels.

Command Staff's Headset Command Staff's Headset Found in: Captain's Quarters locker, on the Captain's ear. Used for: Normal radio chat as well as all department channels. Strategy: Use this to coordinate all departments. Description The headset of the heads. Captain's headset: .c - command, .s - security, .e - engineering, .u - supply, .v - service, .m - medical, .n - science

Head of Personnel's headset: .c - command, .u - supply, .v - service

Head of Security's headset: .c - command, .s - security

Chief Engineer's headset: .c - command, .e - engineering

Research Director's headset: .c - command, .n - research

Chief Medical Officer's headset: .c - command, .m - medical

Engineering Radio Headset Engineering Radio Headset Found in: Engineering lockers, Atmospherics lockers, Engineer's ear, Atmos tech's ear. Used for: Used for engineering channel to report damage and to make sure that somebody has checked the engine recently. Strategy: Use to coordinate repairs. Description When the engineers wish to chat like girls. To access the engineering channel, use .e.

Medical/Genetics Radio Headset Medical/Genetics Radio Headset Found in: Medbay lockers, Doctor's ear. Used for: Talking to various jobs throughout the medbay via the medical channel. Strategy: Use this to communicate with the rest of medbay. Description A headset for the trained staff of the Medbay. To access the medical channel, use .m. Genetics get an extra channel to .n - science.

Supply Radio Headset Supply Radio Headset Found in: Cargo Bay lockers, Mining Dock lockers. The ears of the QM, Cargo Techs and Miners. Used for: The Quartermaster and his slaves to talk to one another about the supply chain. Strategy: Allows miners and techs to communicate with each other. Description A headset used by the QM and his slaves. To access the supply channel, use .u.

Science Radio Headset Science Radio Headset Found in: Robotics lockers and R&D Lab lockers. Roboticist's and Scientist's ear. Used for: Communication in the science department. Strategy: Has access to the science channel. Description A sciency headset. Like usual. To access the science channel, use .n.

Security Radio Headset Security Radio Headset Found in: Security Office lockers and the ears of anyone in the security department. Used for: Coordinating security and requesting arrest orders via the security channel. Strategy: Don't let traitors get their hands on these. Description This is used by your elite security force. To access the security channel, use .s.

Standard/Service Radio Headset Standard/Service Radio Headset Found in: Any civilian's ear, as well as Medbay's patient lockers, Dorms and Locker Room lockers, and any public locker. Used for: Annoying people, screaming for help, letting people know that the singularity is out. Strategy: None. Description A standard radio headset. Carries no additional encryption keys. Nothing fancy, except the Bartender, Chef and Botanists all share a .v - service channel.

Earmuffs Earmuffs Found in: Prison Wing and Engineering Used for: Blocking out sound, Torturing people. Strategy: Pretty much the only defense against loud HONK mechs. This only stops sound from coming in. Description Protects your hearing from loud noises, and quiet ones as well.

Atmospherics items Items

ATMOS holofan projector ATMOS holofan projector Found in: Atmospheric technician's locker Used for: Cordoning off hull breaches and plasma floods Strategy: Quickly stop local gas floods and prevent hull breaches from sucking all the oxygen out of a room. Description This projects holograms that block gases, but let objects pass. Easily your most effective tool to deal with emergencies - quickly seal hull breaches, stop gas floods and fires from spreading or even create a safe surgery room for Plasmamen.

Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguisher Found in: Extinguisher Lockers, Xenobiology Used for: Extinguishing fires and the lives of unaware command staff, ghetto jetpacks Strategy: A fire extinguisher will spray water across the room to put out fires or change your direction in space Description This has multiple uses, from ghetto space travel to rocketing yourself down a hallway strapped to a wheeled chair, even to its intended purpose. A good weapon against Slimes. A Chaplain can bless the water in a fire extinguisher to bless an entire stretch of hallway at once. Will need refilling at a Water Tank. Holds 50 units of water or types of water (like holy water).

Miniature Fire Extinguisher Miniature Fire Extinguisher Found in: Emergency Toolboxes Used for: Putting out small fires, ghetto jetpacks Strategy: A fire extinguisher will spray water across the room to put out fires or change your direction in space Description Functionally the same as a normal fire extinguisher, but has a smaller capacity and can fit into your pockets. Will need refilling at a Water Tank. Holds 30 units of water or types of water (like holy water).

Advanced Fire Extinguisher Advanced Fire Extinguisher Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Putting out large, hot fires Strategy: A fire extinguisher that uses Firefighting Foam instead of water. Description Sprays Firefighting Foam and needs to be refilled with that instead of water. A tank of firefighting foam can be ordered at cargo.

Fire axe Fire axe Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Burglary and homicide, slipping and having the Clown steal it Rescuing people from locked rooms Strategy: Quickly smash airlocks, windows and grilles. Pry things open. Description This Atmosian heirloom is excellent for quickly getting to the plasma fire that needs to be extinguished. Often the only reason anyone visits Atmospherics - in the wrong hands the axe is great for both burglary and robusting people. Don't be THAT GUY who walks around with the axe out for no reason. Can be attached to the backs of hardsuits.

Emergency Oxygen Tank Emergency Oxygen Tank Found in: Atmospherics Office, Emergency Lockers, Internals Box Used for: As the name suggest, used as an emergency oxygen supply. It's not a question about if you need it, it's a question of when you need it, keep one with you at all time Strategy: Stuff it in your pocket, belt, or suit slot and leave it there, you'll need it Description A small oxygen tank that you can wear in your belt slot or in the suit slot of various suits. It is typically kept at approximately 16 kPa, which provides just enough oxygen for you to breathe in. Oxygen tanks of all sizes can be filled by Atmospheric Technicians and are used with a breath mask to set up an internal air supply. Can be filled to 1013 kPa, unless you get creative.

Oxygen Tank Oxygen Tank Found in: Tank Storage Unit, Emergency Lockers, Mining Outpost EVA Used for: Mostly used for hardsuits as it nicely fits in to the suit slot, but is sadly too big for a pocket. Also used for bomb making Strategy: Don't forget one of these when you grab a hardsuit. Put it on your back if you don't have a space suit. Description An oxygen tank with a large capacity and a much slower oxygen consuming rate. A must for miners who like to stay in space for long times. Can be filled to 1013 kPa, unless you get creative. Can be attached to the back of hardsuits.

Plasma Tank Plasma Tank Found in: Tank Storage Unit Used for: Used for the Singularity Engine and bomb making Strategy: Handle with care Description Used by Engineers for radiation collection from the Singularity Engine, by Scientists for bombs, and your typical scoundrel for lighting fires with a flamethrower or releasing toxins into the air, plasma is the most hunted resource by NanoTrasen. It's the reason you are here. This is also a high-risk item.

Plasma Internals Tank Plasma Internals Tank Found in: Plasmamen, Plasmaman Supply Kit Used for: Used as a personal supply of plasma gas for plasmamen. Strategy: Put it in one of your pockets and leave it there. Description Each plasmaman joins the shift breathing from one of these tanks in their right hand. This plasma tank is able to fit in the belt or pocket slot, but it can also go on the suit storage slot of a space suit or hardsuit. Its volume is much greater than emergency oxygen tanks, but you'll still need to refill it during longer shifts. Atmospherics Gear Welding Helmet Welding Helmet

Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet Atmospheric Technician's Firefighting Helmet

Firesuit Firesuit

Black Gloves Black Gloves

Hazard Vest Hazard Vest

Tool Belt Tool Belt

Atmospherics Hardsuit Helmet Atmospherics Hardsuit Helmet

Atmospherics Hardsuit Atmospherics Hardsuit

Optical T-Ray Scanner Optical T-Ray Scanner Equipment

Air Alarm Air Alarm Found in: Every room with atmospherics Used for: Sniffing the atmospheric status near it, sending alerts if something isn't right and controlling the room's vents and scrubbers Strategy: Install it in a room wall and it'll find the vents and scrubbers in the room automatically Description To use an Air Alarm, first swipe your Id regular.png ID card across it to unlock it. Then click the Air Alarm with a free hand to access it's control panel. [Expand] Control panel options: Guide to building an Air Alarm.

Guide to hacking an Air Alarm.

Fire Alarm Fire Alarm Found in: Every room Used for: Automatically closes the fire doors in case of fire Strategy: Pull leaver to close down an area so only people with Crowbars can leave Description Used to toggle all fire doors in an area. Can be quickly toggled by shooting at it with a taser or also by hitting with a melee weapon. Guide to building a Fire Alarm.

Tank Storage Unit Tank Storage Unit Found in: Engineering, Atmospherics, Mining Station, E.V.A., Toxins Used for: Distributing air and plasma to those who need it Strategy: Just choose what you need Description Dispenser filled with 10 oxygen tanks and 10 plasma tanks (except the ones located in E.V.A. and Mining Station have only oxygen tanks). Can be moved by unsecuring with a wrench and dragging.

Canister Canister Found in: Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Atmospherics, Toxins Lab Used for: Used for holding and transporting gases like Oxygen, Plasma gas and the like Strategy: Place around hallways, wait for Assistants to open them for no reason Description When new and before use, or when almost fully emptied, a label can be selected from its interface. This will change its color to indicate what it may contain (or fooling people into thinking it contains Oxygen and not Plasma) Can be made with 10 sheets of Metal.

Portable Pump Portable Pump Found in: Locker Room, Atmospherics, Hallway outside the Atmospherics office Used for: Filling a room with air. Can also be use to suck the air out of a room Strategy: Set the pump direction to out, set your target pressure (most likely 101.3 kPa), turn it on, and it re-pressurizes a room until its air runs out Description Out with the good air. It both sucks and blows. Be sure to connect it to the blue ports outside Atmospherics to fill it up with delicious air mix beforehand.

Portable Scrubber Portable Scrubber Found in: Locker Room, Atmospherics, Hallway outside the Atmospherics office Used for: Cleaning the air from Plasma gas and other unwanted gasses. Also used for emptying Plasma Tanks and Oxygen Tanks Strategy: Pull it to the leak, put it on maximum power and turn it on Description In with the bad air. Flip it on to filter out the bad gases very slowly. Connect it to the red ports outside Atmospherics to empty it out once it's full. Make sure you also re-fill the area with clean oxygen.

Space Heater Space Heater Found in: Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Atmospherics Used for: Heating up a cold area Strategy: Set heat to high and drag it along with you to prolong a spacesuit-less space walk Description Made by the Space Amish, it can reliably heat up a room to livable temperature. Uses a Power Cell to function. All Space Heaters come default with a 1000 watt power cell – keep it in mind if you need a free cell.

Freezer/Heater Freezer/Heater Found in: Medbay, Atmospherics Used for: Cooling/heating gasses in pipes, Cryogenics Chamber Strategy: Make a Canister with chilled Oxygen, give it to R&D Description Will cool/heat any gasses in the connected pipes. Can be used to cool down gasses that come in through waste after a fire. Guide to building a Freezer/Heater.

Pipe Dispenser Pipe Dispenser Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Making pipes and pumps Strategy: It is still possible to dispose of pipes and pumps into it when it's in movable-mode Description Using a Wrench.png Wrench will toggle it between movable- or dispensing-mode. When in dispensing-mode and in a powered room, it can dispense pipes and pumps for use. You are able to dispose of unwanted pipes and pumps by using them on the Pipe Dispenser.

[Expand] List of dispensable items:

Disposal Pipe Dispenser Disposal Pipe Dispenser Found in: Atmospherics Used for: Making disposal pipes and other disposal equipment. Mostly used for repairs or making experimental transit-systems Strategy: Dispose of the entire waste system extra pipes you dispense by dragging them onto the disposal unit Description Using a Wrench.png Wrench will toggle it between movable-mode and dispensing-mode. When in dispensing-mode and in a powered room, it can dispense pipes and other disposal equipment for use. Despite not being able to pick them up with your hands, you can drag the pipe onto the dispenser to dispose of extras. See information here how to modify the existing ones or make your own disposal pipes.

Syndicate Items Contents 1 Syndicate Items 2 How to Get These Items 3 Discounts 4 Bundles and Telecrystals 4.1 Contract Kit 4.1.1 Contractor Baton 4.2 Syndicate Bundle A: Syndi-kit Tactical 4.3 Syndicate Bundle B: Syndi-kit Special 4.4 Syndicate Surplus Crate 4.5 1 Raw Telecrystal 4.6 5 Raw Telecrystals 4.7 20 Raw Telecrystals 4.8 Super Surplus Crate 4.9 Random Item 5 Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons 5.1 Box of Throwing Weapons 5.2 Energy Sword 5.3 Double-bladed Energy Sword 5.4 Gloves of the North Star 5.5 Holoparasites 5.6 Powerfist 5.7 Stechkin 5.8 Revolver 5.9 Toy Pistol with Riot Darts 6 Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons 6.1 Dart Pistol 6.2 Dehydrated Space Carp 6.3 Energy Dagger 6.4 Martial Arts Scroll 6.5 Mini Energy Crossbow 6.6 Boxed Origami Kit 6.7 Poison Kit 6.8 Romerol 6.9 Sleepy Pen 6.10 Universal Suppressor 6.11 Syndicate Holster 7 Ammunition 7.1 .357 Speedloader 7.2 10mm Handgun Magazine 7.3 10mm Armour Piercing Magazine 7.4 10mm Incendiary Magazine 7.5 10mm Hollow Point Magazine 7.6 Box of Riot Darts 8 Grenades and Explosives 8.1 Composition C-4 8.2 Bag of C-4 Explosives 8.3 Bag of X-4 Explosives 8.4 EMP Kit 8.5 Detomatix PDA Cartridge 8.6 Pizza Bomb 8.7 Slipocalypse Clusterbang 8.8 Syndicate Bomb 8.9 Syndicate Minibomb 9 Stealth and Camouflage Items 9.1 Chameleon Kit 9.2 No-Slip Chameleon Shoes 9.3 Agent ID Card 9.4 Chameleon Projector 9.5 Camera Bug 9.6 Smuggler's Satchel 9.7 Stimpack 9.8 Syndicate Soap 9.9 Mulligan 9.10 EMP Flashlight 9.11 Adaptive Cardboard Cutouts 9.12 Decoy Nuclear Authentication Disk 10 Space Suits and Hardsuits 10.1 Syndicate Space Suit 10.2 Syndicate Hardsuit 11 Devices and Tools 11.1 Cryptographic Sequencer 11.2 Fully Loaded Toolbox 11.3 Hypnotic Flash 11.4 Syndicate Surgery Duffelbag 11.5 Chest Rig 11.6 Syndicate Tome 11.7 Thermal Imaging Glasses 11.8 Binary Translator Key 11.9 Syndicate Encryption Key 11.10 Artificial Intelligence Detector 11.11 Hacked AI Upload Module 11.12 Power Sink 11.13 Power Beacon 11.14 Briefcase Launchpad 11.15 Radioactive Microlaser 11.16 Radio Jammer 11.17 Codespeak Manual 11.18 F.R.A.M.E. PDA Cartridge 11.19 Protocol CRAB-17 Phone 12 Implants 12.1 Adrenal Implant 12.2 Freedom Implant 12.3 Storage Implant 12.4 Radio Implant 12.5 Stealth Implant 12.6 Storage Implant 12.7 Uplink Implant 13 Role Restricted 13.1 Reverse Revolver 13.2 Clown Bomb 13.3 Reverse Bear Trap 13.4 Australicus Slime Mutator 13.5 Clown Car 13.6 EZ clean bundle 13.7 His Grace 13.8 Haunted Magic Eightball 13.9 Ancient Jumpsuit 13.10 Ancient Toolbox 13.11 Modified Syringe Gun 13.12 Banana Cream Pie Cannon 13.13 Magillitis Serum Autoinjector 13.14 Box of Gorilla Cubes 13.15 Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod 13.16 Guide to Advanced Mimery Series 13.17 Explosive Hot Potato 13.18 Brainwashing Surgery Program 13.19 Reagent Dartgun 13.20 Blast Cannon 13.21 Concealed Weapon Bay 13.22 Laser Arm Implant 14 (Pointless) Badassery 14.1 Syndicate Playing Cards 14.2 Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash 14.3 Syndicate Smokes 14.4 Syndicate Balloon 15 Nuclear Strike Team 15.1 Bundles and Telecrystals 15.1.1 Bioterror bundle 15.1.2 Bulldog bundle 15.1.3 C-20r bundle 15.1.4 Cybernetic Implant Bundle 15.1.5 Medical bundle 15.1.6 Sniper bundle 15.1.7 Spetsnaz Pyro bundle 15.2 Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons 15.2.1 Bulldog Shotgun [Show/hide] Bulldog Ammo Ammo-12g Stun Slug Ammo-12g Buckshot Ammo-12g Slugs Ammo-12g Dragon's Breath Ammo-12g Breaching Ammo-12g Bundle 15.2.2 C-20r Submachine Gun [Show/hide] C-20r Ammo .45 Ammo .45 Ammo Bundle 15.2.3 L6 Squad Automatic Weapon [Show/hide] SAW Ammo 1.95x129mm Box Magazine 1.95x129mm (Hollow-Point) Box Magazine 1.95x129mm (Armor Penetrating) Box Magazine 1.95x129mm (Incendiary) Box Magazine 15.2.4 Sniper Rifle [Show/hide] Sniper Ammo .50 Magazine .50 Soporific Magazine .50 Penetrator Magazine 15.2.5 Surplus Rifle [Show/hide] Surplus Rifle Ammo Surplus Rifle Clip 15.2.6 M-90gl Carbine [Show/hide] M-90gl Carbine Ammo 5.56mm Toploader Magazine 40mm HE Grenade 15.2.7 Flamethrower 15.2.8 Toy Submachine Gun 15.2.9 Toy Machine Gun Box of Riot Darts 15.2.10 84mm Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher [Show/hide] Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher Ammo 84mm HE Rocket 84mm HEDP Rocket 15.2.11 Biohazardous Chemical Sprayer 15.3 Grenades and Explosives 15.3.1 Bioterror Foam Grenade 15.3.2 Buzzkill Grenade Box 15.3.3 Fungal Tuberculosis Grenade 15.3.4 Grenadier's Belt 15.3.5 Syndicate Detonator 15.3.6 Viscerator Delivery Grenade 15.4 Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons 15.4.1 CQC Manual 15.5 Stealth and Camouflage Items 15.5.1 Stealthy No-Slip Chameleon Shoes 15.6 Space Suits and Hardsuits 15.6.1 Elite Syndicate Hardsuit 15.6.2 Shielded Hardsuit 15.7 Devices and Tools 15.7.1 Blood-Red Magboots 15.7.2 Assault Pod Targeting Device 15.7.3 Energy Shield 15.7.4 Medbeam Gun 15.7.5 Syndicate Medical Supply Kit 15.7.6 Syndicate Sentience Potion 15.8 Implants 15.8.1 CNS Rebooter Implant 15.8.2 Microbomb Implant 15.8.3 Macrobomb Implant 15.8.4 Reviver Implant 15.8.5 Thermal Vision Implant 15.8.6 X-Ray Vision Implant 15.9 Support 15.9.1 Dark Gygax 15.9.2 Dark Mauler 15.9.3 Syndicate Cyborg 15.9.4 Reinforcements 15.10 (Pointless) Badassery 15.10.1 Broken Chameleon Kit 15.10.2 Centcom Official Costume 15.10.3 Clown Costume Syndicate Items These items can be bought through an uplink by Traitors and (barring a few) Nuclear Operatives.

How to Get These Items

Syndicate Uplink Syndicate Uplink Found in: Syndicate operatives spawn with one Used for: Ordering syndicate items by a traitor or syndicate operative. Strategy: Keep it locked. In case someone searches you they might look at your pda to see if it's an uplink. Description This is where the traitor gets all his fancy items. It's disguised as a PDA, the pen inside, or a headset. You will need to enter the code given into the ringtone selection in the messenger menu in your PDA, turn the pen or select a headset frequency. From there, you can click on it and pick whatever item you want/need. However, you only have 20 telecrystals to use (In Nuke, the crystals are scaled to the population of the station. Every 10 people adds 10 crystals. Extra crystals for war ops), so choose wisely. The nuke round radio and the headset can also self destruct, which can be used to destroy things like computers or gib people if dropped on top of them. Discounts Up to three items are randomly discounted. These items can be found at the bottom of the page. The lower initial cost, the higher chance it will be discounted. You can not buy the item at discount price more than once! Hope for a 80% off Dark Mauler! (Yes, this is possible)

Bundles and Telecrystals Contract Kit

“Contract Kit” “Contract Kit” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Completing kidnapping contracts for TC-rewards. Strategy: A high risk, high reward choice for a traitor who wants a real challenge. Description 20+ players only The Syndicate have a number of urgent contracts for you to take on, become a contractor and complete them for TC and cash payments. Upon purchase, you'll be granted your own contract uplink embedded within a supplied tablet computer. Additionally, you'll be granted contractor gear to help with your mission. Comes supplied with the tablet, a specialist contractor space suit, chameleon jumpsuit and mask, agent card, three randomly selected low cost items, and a unique, electrified baton. Can include items from nuke ops. Use the new contract uplink to select a contract, and bring the assigned target dead or alive to the designated drop off location. Call for the extraction pod and send them off for your payment, with much higher rewards for keeping them alive. Extracted targets will be sent to the ninja jail and held for ransom by the Syndicate, alerting the crew after a small delay. Ransom will be payed automatically by Nanotrasen, taking an amount of the station budget to offset the cost. These targets will later be returned to the station, with even targets brought and extracted dead being returned to the crew. The contractor always earns a portion of the ransom when they're extracted into their equipped ID.

Victims that're extracted will have their items stored until they're brought back, with their items coming along with the pod they're dropped with. Extracted targets always get dropped back in the same area they were launched from.

Aborting or completing contracts will make them unavailable to take on again, so be mindful of this when choosing which target to pick. Extraction will come when requested, but only if both yourself and the target is inside the dropoff location.

The average for the total TC you can earn with this kit is around 34 TC, with the minimum never being below 30, should you extract all your targets alive. This is on top of the actual value this kit gives you initially, making this an incredibly viable choice if you can justify a weaker early game, and feel up to the challenge.

Currently, when first assigning yourself to the uplink, you'll always be given 6 contracts.

Unique items are available to purchase with “Contractor Rep” through the available Hub inside the uplink. You acquire two Rep per completed contract, with five different purchases available:

Contract Reroll - 2 Rep: Request a reroll of your current contract list. Will generate a new target, payment, and dropoff for the contracts you currently have available. Contractor Pinpointer - 1 Rep: A pinpointer that only activates for its owner, which is the first person to activate it. Locks on to crew on the same z-level, ignoring suit sensors, but is much less accurate. Will show you're at the location when within ~25 units. Fulton Extraction Kit - 1 Rep: Gives both a beacon and fulton kit to move targets/items across the station. Place the beacon down, and use the bag in hand to link it. Using the bag on items and crew will send them to the beacon. They must be outside - so in space or on lavaland - to be sent to the beacon. Reinforcements - 2 Rep: Call in a Syndicate agent to help you with your mission. Role is polled to ghosts, and comes with very basic items and their own 0 TC uplink. When an agent is found, they'll be sent via pod, so be sure to call when by yourself. Blackout - 3 Rep: Cuts station power for a short duration. Contractor baton retracted.pngContractor BatonContractor baton extended.png This baton comes in every contract kit. If extended and used on someone when not on harm intent it causes 1.5 seconds of knockdown and 70 stamina damage, which means it will stam-paralyze someone with 2 hits. Has a 2.5 second cooldown between non-harm hits. Fits in a pocket when retracted. Use in hand to extend or retract. Unlike other batons, this one works on cyborgs.

Syndicate Bundle A: Syndi-kit Tactical

“Bundle A” “Bundle A” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Random Traitoring. Strategy: Get this if you don't know what you want to get, or if you want a challenge. Description Weightedly picks a set of Syndicate items and spawns them in a common box. The total cost of items you get is always more than 20 telecrystals. You get more than you would normally be able to at the cost of not knowing what you're going to get. This is bundle A, containing tactical item sets. [Show/hide]Possible Sets

[Expand] Syndicate Bundle B: Syndi-kit Special

“Bundle B” “Bundle B” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Random Traitoring. Strategy: Get this if you don't know what you want to get, or if you want a challenge. Description Weightedly picks a set of Syndicate items and spawns them in a common box. The total cost of items you get is always more than 20 telecrystals. You get more than you would normally be able to at the cost of not knowing what you're going to get. This is bundle B, containing gimmicky item sets. [Show/hide]Possible Sets

[Expand] Syndicate Surplus Crate

“Crate” “Crate” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Taking a gamble or getting tons of items. Strategy: This can contain nearly everything on the uplink. If you want to take a gamble, buy it. Description 25+ players only It's a crate. It contains 50 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. This can be anything from an Emag to a Deck of Cards. It can be useless junk or really good. It can be fun to buy if you have an easy objective or want to switch up your strategy. 1 Raw Telecrystal

Telecrystal Telecrystal Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Giving other traitors or the nuke ops leader TC, charging F.R.A.M.E. cartridges. Strategy: These crystals can be used to regular uplinks, nuke ops uplinks and F.R.A.M.E. cartridges. Description A telecrystal in its rawest and purest form; can be utilized on active uplinks to increase their telecrystal count. 5 Raw Telecrystals

Telecrystal Telecrystal Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Giving other traitors or the nuke ops leader TC, charging F.R.A.M.E. cartridges. Strategy: These crystals can be used to regular uplinks, nuke ops uplinks and F.R.A.M.E. cartridges. Description Five telecrystals in their rawest and purest form; can be utilized on active uplinks to increase their telecrystal count. 20 Raw Telecrystals

Telecrystal Telecrystal Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Giving other traitors or the nuke ops leader TC, charging F.R.A.M.E. cartridges. Strategy: These crystals can be used to regular uplinks, nuke ops uplinks and F.R.A.M.E. cartridges. Description Twenty telecrystals in their rawest and purest form; can be utilized on active uplinks to increase their telecrystal count. Super Surplus Crate

“Crate” “Crate” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 40 telecrystals. Used for: Teaming up with another traitor to gamble all your TC. Strategy: The 40 TC price means that you have to team up with at least one other traitor. Use codewords! Description 40+ players only This big boy contains 125 TC worth of items. If you feel you can trust other traitors, why not? Random Item

“???” “???” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs a random amount of telecrystals. Used for: Purchasing a random item. Strategy: Buy something completely random. Description Picking this will purchase a random item. Useful if you have some TC to spare or if you haven't decided on a strategy yet. Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons Box of Throwing Weapons

Box of Throwing Weapons Box of Throwing Weapons Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Murdering people by throwing things. Strategy: Use the throwing stars to cause heavy damage and bleeding due to embedding, and the bolas to prevent the target from running off or dodging. Contents Description 5xTstar.png, 2xRbola.png This kit contains five throwing stars and two reinforced bolas. Throwing stars will deal heavy brute damage on hit and automatically embed, causing further brute and bleeding over time. Reinforced bolas cause a 3.5 second knockdown and will slow targets down on hit until they are removed. They take longer to remove than normal bolas.

Energy Sword

Energy Sword Energy Sword Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Mass murder. Strategy: This sword will usually crit someone in three to four hits (more if the target is armored). It leaves a bloody mess though. When it is on it has a chance to deflect projectiles. Needs to be turned on before use. Can fit in a pocket if shut off. Description This is a melee weapon that will do a lot of (30) brute damage. It also has a high chance to knock someone down, or outright uncouncious. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it's a terrible weapon. Activate it to switch between the two states, but be warned, turning it on or off causes a very loud and distinct noise. It is also a very good combo combined with the e-bow's knockdown. You have a decent chance of reflecting projectiles with it when turned on. You can also hit it with a multitool to make a RAINBOW SWORD.

Double-bladed Energy Sword

Double-bladed Energy Sword Double-bladed Energy Sword Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 16 telecrystals. Used for: SUPER mass murder, making security and all their stunning and lasers completely irrelevant. Strategy: Simply having this weapon active will completely ruin anyone who tries to shoot you with a taser. Description 25+ players only The double energy sword is an immensely powerful weapon, capable of sending unarmored victims into critical in just 3 hits (and likely stunning them, dismembering, or knocking them unconscious long before that). Like the single-bladed Energy Sword, it must be turned on to be used properly, and can still be stored in your pocket when turned off. The main reason why this weapon is so powerful compared to its predecessor is because it will reflect all energy and laser bolts sent at it back at the person who shot at you, guaranteed. This makes unrobust Security completely and totally useless at range, and makes them easy kills if they get hit by their own taser shots. This sword is not unstoppable, however. It also has a chance to reflect bullets, but this is somewhat unreliable. It will also not stop melee attacks, so try to avoid the inevitable jousting matches with stunbatons and disarm intent. Temperature gun shots go right through this. Gloves of the North Star

“Gloves of the North Star” “Gloves of the North Star” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: ATATATATATA Strategy: Buy this if you want to punch people really quickly. Description A pair of gloves that lets you punch things extremely fast. You can even set a battlecry from your favorite Japanese anime! Does not work with weapons and hulk hands. Holoparasites

Holoparasite injector kit Holoparasite injector kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 18 telecrystals. Used for: ORAORAORAORAORA Strategy: Has many strategic options depending on which type of Holoparasite you choose to summon. Description 25+ players only Contains a Holoparasite injector. When injected, it will attempt to summon a Ghost player to take on the role of a spirit-like entity living in your body, capable of using different powers to help you, decided by its type. If no ghost accepts the role, you can get a TC refund. Powerfist

Power Fist Power Fist Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: break some bones (if this were Baystation). Strategy: This weapon's main strength is throwing people away from you and/or into a fire, open airlock, electrified airlock, emagged gibber etc. Description This is a melee WEAPON (hold it in your hand) that can do moderate to really high brute damage. It is piston powered, and said piston is activated by gas coming from a gas tanks. To mount a gas tank, simply click on the powerfist with the tank in your hand. The pressure valve can be adjusted with a wrench to the setting 1,2 and 3. To remove an empty tank, use a screwdriver on the powerfist. Setting one has force 20 and launches people 1 tile away. Setting two and three double and triple these values respectively, so 40/60 damage and 2/3 tiles thrown. From a standard, filled tank of air one should expect 4 full punches on setting two and 3 on setting three. Stechkin

Stechkin Pistol Stechkin Pistol Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 7 telecrystals Used for: Quick and concealable murder. Strategy: Keep it hidden, it's possible to gain this gun by other means beyond being a traitor but the average Security Officer will assume it's Syndicate until proven otherwise. Description A small gun, fits into your pocket when not fitted with a suppressor. Has an 8-round magazine and is semi-automatic - meaning it'll eject bullet casings as it fires making evidence clean up harder. Does 30 brute damage on an unarmoured target but dumping the magazine will usually kill or crit all but the most well-prepared and/or armoured foes. Can be fitted with a suppressor, which makes it a very lethal and effective weapon of murder. However, this increases the size to normal and will no longer fit in your pocket. Uses 10mm ammunition. Revolver

.357 Revolver .357 Revolver Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 13 telecrystals Used for: Very quick and loud murder. Strategy: Keep the thing hidden, as people know it's only available to syndicates. Also, it makes a lot of noise, so be careful. Description It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 60 brute damage per shot on an unarmoured target, considerably less on an armoured one. It's a very reliable weapon for a quick and bloody murder, as most people cannot react in time before being shot twice. Keep in mind that it makes a very loud and distinct noise. This gun comes loaded with 7 rounds, more can be bought from your uplink or created with a hacked autolathe. The damage is high enough to quickly blow up a supermatter crystal. Uses .357 ammunition.

Toy Pistol with Riot Darts

Toy Gun with Riot Darts Toy Gun with Riot Darts Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Hiding a stunning weapon in plain sight. Strategy: This gun is identical to the normal toy guns, but it shoots stamina-damaging darts that can knock down. Description An innocent-looking toy pistol designed to fire foam darts. Comes loaded with riot-grade darts effective at incapacitating a target. Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons Dart Pistol

Dart Pistol Dart Pistol Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Shooting chemicals. Useful with the Poison Kit. Strategy: Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it fits into a pocket. Description This pistol can load chemical-filled syringes and shoot them at people. Only fits one syringe at a time, but it can fit in pockets. Dehydrated Space Carp

Dehydrated Space Carp Dehydrated Space Carp Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Sudden carp invasions. Strategy: Looks like a normal carp toy. If it comes in contact with water, however, it will create a full-sized space carp, aggressive to everyone nearby. If you use the plushie in hand before activating it, the carp won't attack you once spawned. Description Looks like a plush toy carp, but just add water and it becomes a real-life space carp! Activate in your hand before use so it knows not to kill you. Energy Dagger

Energy Dagger Energy Dagger Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Last resort combat. Strategy: Shove it in your PDA. Don't bring it out until you need it, because everyone knows only syndicates have energy blades. Description It's a dagger that does 18 brute on hit, and 35 brute when thrown. It can be disguised and hidden as a pen. Keep it out of sight and then bring it out once you've got somebody on the ropes. It's better than most weapons very cheap, so it's not a bad last resort. Unless people know you have it they're very unlikely to search your PDA pen slot.

Martial Arts Scroll

Martial Arts Scroll Martial Arts Scroll Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 17 telecrystals. Used for: Fighting ranged attackers, killing people with your fists. Strategy: This scroll will teach you the Sleeping Carp style, making you immune to ranged attacks but also unable to use guns, while making your hits stronger. Description

You must keep reading the scroll until you get a message saying you have mastered the ability. This will take some time and you will see several smaller flavor messages while reading. The Sleeping Carp style then lets you ignore all ranged attacks, whether energy or physical (but not thrown items). Dodging an attack this way will make a noticeable sound and message, which will alert everyone close of this skill, and thus of your traitor status. You will also not be able to use any ranged weapon, as it would be dishonorable. Your punches do 10 to 15 brute, and your grabs will start as aggressive. You can also combo attacks by switching intents while hitting. Possible Combos:

Wrist Wrench: Disarm Disarm. Forces the opponent to drop the item in his hand. Stuns for 6 seconds. Does not work if target is stunned or paralyzed. Back Kick: Harm Grab. The opponent must be facing away from you. Paralyzes for 8 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed. Stomach Knee: Grab Harm. Knocks the wind out of the opponent and stuns for 4 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed. Head Kick: Disarm Harm Harm. Decent damage, forces the opponent to drop the item in his hand. Stuns for 8 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed. Elbow Drop: Harm Disarm Harm Disarm Harm. The opponent must be on the ground. Deals huge damage, and instantly kills anyone in critical condition. Mini Energy Crossbow

Miniature Energy Crossbow Miniature Energy Crossbow Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals Used for: Stunning people. Strategy: No one sees any messages of who fired at who, but the target knows when they are shot. Use this weapon very carefully and covertly, but remember it is also very good when in a pitch because every hit is a knockdown. Description 25+ players only This weapon is not meant for killing, rather it is intended for stunning. Though this weapon does make a sound when fired, it is still very quiet, and can easily be concealed in your pocket. Additionally this weapon does not provide any message that it has been fired. Strong when paired with an energy sword, as it cannot reliably kill anything by itself. It has no shot limit, but takes a while to charge each shot. On targets without energy armor each shot deals 15 toxin damage, 60 stamina damage, knocks down for 1 second, and blurs the vision of the target. It takes two hits to paralyze someone unless they have armor. Boxed Origami Kit

Boxed Origami Kit Boxed Origami Kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals Used for: Folding paper airplanes. Strategy: Lets you fold any paper into sharp paper airplanes to hit people in the eyes with. Description The box contains a book able teach you The Art of Origami, and 5 ordinary papers. Activate the book in hand to read it until you get the message “You feel like you've got a good handle on origami!”. This will give you a new HUD icon. Click the HUD icon to toggle origami folding on. When on any paper airplane you fold (by alt-clicking a paper) will turn into a deadly throwing weapon which looks the same as an ordinary paper airplane. These planes will deal 20 brute damage on thrown hit and cause bleeding. Victims not wearing any eyewear it will also be paralyzed for 4 seconds and take eye damage. These planes will always hit people in the eyes, regardless of which body part you're aiming at. Poison Kit

Poison Kit Poison Kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: Murdering people silently. Strategy: Inject these poisons into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot them with a syringe gun. Contents Description Bottle.pngSyringe.png This kit contains a bottle each of Polonium, Venom, Fentanyl, Formaldehyde, Cyanide, Histamine, Initropidil, Pancuronium, Sodium Thiopental, Coniine, Curare and Amanitin, with a free syringe to inject them with. Romerol

Romerol Romerol Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 25 telecrystals. Used for: Creating a zombie infestation. Strategy: Inject into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot it with a syringe gun. Contents Description Bottle12.pngEyedropper.pngSyringe.png Romerol adds a zombie infection organ to victims. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people. Because Romerol costs more than 20 telecrystals, at least two traitors will need to collaborate to buy it. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the Morgue. Sleepy Pen

“Pen” “Pen” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Disabling people, making people look dead. Strategy: This item will paralyze people, so they cannot talk and will collapse after a short time. It will quickly wear off. Description This is a very devious little item. It is a refillable instant injector that looks like a pen. The pen can hold up to 45u reagents and starts with 20u Chloral Hydrate, 15u Mute-Toxin, and 10u Tirizene, which prevents people from talking and causing them to fall asleep after about 20 seconds at most. They can still see and hear everything around them, until they actually fall asleep. Does not penetrate hardsuits. The victim will feel a tiny prick but the stab will be invisible to others. The default chemicals inside are completely non-lethal, so if you want to kill with it you need something else. Not available to Nuke Ops. Universal Suppressor

Suppressor Suppressor Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Silencing weapons. Strategy: Attach it to certain weapons to silence and remove the weapon's attack messages. Description A universal syndicate small-arms suppressor for maximum espionage. Can be fitted to weapons such as the Stechkin, C-20r Submachine Gun, Sniper Rifle, or Surplus Rifle. Remove it by alt-clicking the firearm. Syndicate Holster

Syndicate Holster Syndicate Holster Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Holding guns. Strategy: A little device that allows for inconspicuous carrying of guns using chameleon technology. It also allows for badass gun-spinning. Description An empty chameleon belt capable of holding up to two pistols, revolvers, disablers, mini energy guns or pulse carbines. Wearing a holster of any variety allows you to spin guns around by using them in hand. Doing it twice in rapid succession allows you to eject the bullets as normal. Ammunition .357 Speedloader

.357 Speedloader .357 Speedloader Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Bullets for it can be made at a hacked autolathe for 4000 metal each. Used for: Ammo for the Revolver. Strategy: Order in conjunction with the revolver for extra killing and reloading potential. Description This is a loaded ammo delivery device for the Revolver; It instantly reloads it with 7 more shots. It can be used by clicking on an empty revolver while you hold the loader in your active hand. You must add bullets to it by hand, making it as slow as a revolver to actually reload unless you happen upon a big pile of bullets on the floor, in which case clicking any of the bullets with the speedloader in hand will instantly reload it; such piles may be found near hacked autolathes, or produced by dumping a bag of them on the floor. CANNOT be fed into the autolathe so don't be afraid of feeding it to the machine. 10mm Handgun Magazine

10mm Handgun Magazine 10mm Handgun Magazine Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals. Loose ammo boxes can be made in a hacked autolathe, costs 50,000 metal units. Used for: Ammunition for the Stechkin. Strategy: Order in conjunction with the stechkin for extra killing potential. Using on a stechkin already loaded with a magazine will do a tacticool reload, replacing the old magazine with it and dropping the old magazine under your feet. Can be handloaded from a loose ammo box. Description This is ammo for the Stechkin. It gives the stechkin a full clip. It can be used by either using a stechkin in hand to remove the old magazine and loading it in, or using directly for a tactical reload. Loose ammo boxes can be made in a hacked autolathe for 50,000 metal units, it is ill-advised to order any more handgun magazines as it's more economical to simply handload empty magazines. 10mm Armour Piercing Magazine

10mm Armour Piercing Magazine 10mm Armour Piercing Magazine Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Armour piercing ammunition for the Stechkin. Strategy: Order this when you want to kill someone armoured like security staff. Description An additional 8-round 10mm magazine; compatible with the Stechkin Pistol. These rounds are less effective at injuring the target but penetrate protective gear. 10mm Incendiary Magazine

10mm Incendiary Magazine 10mm Incendiary Magazine Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Ammunition for the Stechkin which sets the target on fire. Strategy: Order this when you want to see someone burn. Description An additional 8-round 10mm magazine; compatible with the Stechkin Pistol. Loaded with incendiary rounds which ignite the target. 10mm Hollow Point Magazine

10mm Hollow Point Magazine 10mm Hollow Point Magazine Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Ammunition for the Stechkin which deals more damage against unarmoured targets. Strategy: Order this when you want to kill someone who is likely unarmoured. Description An additional 8-round 10mm magazine; compatible with the Stechkin Pistol. These rounds are more damaging but ineffective against armour. Box of Riot Darts

Ammo-riot darts Ammo-riot darts Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Ammo for the foam force Toy Handgun. Strategy: Order as extra ammo for the toy gun. Generally not a good idea as riot darts themselves are re-usable. Description This is ammo for the Toy Gun. Buy this if you cannot get it from an autolathe, or reuse the ones you shot.

Grenades and Explosives Composition C-4

C-4 C-4 Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Blowing stuff up. Strategy: Stick it on things that need to blow up. Description This pack of explosives can detonate and destroy almost anything it is placed on, after any chosen amount of seconds (the shortest being 10). C4 takes 3 seconds to set up, and requires you to be un-interrupted. You can also attach a signaler to detonate instantly, among other things. Can be directly placed on mobs, but will only deal around 50 damage and not gib. Bag of C-4 Explosives

Bag of C-4 Explosives Bag of C-4 Explosives Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. (20% discount) Used for: Blowing lots of stuff up. Strategy: Stick it on things that need to blow up. Description Contains 10 C4 charges in a handy dufflebag, to use however you want. Activate in hand to set a timer. The timer will then start when you place the C4 on something. Placing C4 takes a few seconds (progress bar). Bag of X-4 Explosives

Bag of X-4 Explosives Bag of X-4 Explosives Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Blowing stuff up. Strategy: Stick it on things that need to blow up. Description Contains 3 X4 charges in a handy dufflebag, to use however you want. X4 is a more powerful version of C4, and will also deal damage in a cone behind the target. EMP Kit

EMP Kit EMP Kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: The disabling of technology, such as cameras, radios, etc. Strategy: Best used aggressively against technology, such as destroying an AI. If you wish to opt for a more stealthy approach, the Cryptographic Sequencer and EMP Flashlight are usually better. Note that EMP grenades are the pretty much the only reliable way to stop an approaching cyborg from afar as a traitor, unless you have access to an Ion rifle. Contents Description Emp grenade.pngx6Injector.png These are weapons used for disabling electronics like the AI's cameras. They can also be used to silence those pesky pAIs for a few minutes. That or flat out kill them while you home in for the kill. Click on the Grenade to activate it and then throw it like normal grenades. The implanter functions the same, but after implanting it into yourself, it can be activated three times using the action button. Other uses include draining the batteries of APCs, completely draining the batteries of sec equipment like stun batons and tasers, shocking/opening nearby doors and blinding those who wear thermals caught in the emp range. If you EMP a group of sec officers before a fight, they'll be completely disarmed of stun weaponry (as of right now, emp will only drain about 20% of a stunbaton's total charge, though) aside from Flashes and Flashbangs. They also stun cyborgs for a good deal of time. Detomatix PDA Cartridge

Detomatix Cartridge Detomatix Cartridge Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: Making other's PDAs explode. Strategy: Use this to hurt your target from afar, or wait until you can see them, detonate their PDA, and then quickly kill them. Description A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use the missile program to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a kind of weak explosion (Still powerful enough to knock out people and destroy the victim's ID, though). Your target PDA will need the messenger function turned on in order to attempt this, and you need to scan for other PDAs, then import the list. Despite this it is a decent way of sowing panic aboard the station, or softening up a target for an assassination attempt. Comes with 4 charges. It also has a bomb program that when run causes the PDA to self destruct. Useful against gullible targets, or turning PDAs into hand grenades. For syndicates, this cartridge has the blast door toggle function for the syndicate shuttle as well, allowing you to open the door when the person with the military PDA has died horribly. Pizza Bomb

Pizza Bomb Pizza Bomb Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: Tasty bomb delivery. Strategy: This pizza box contains a bomb inside, a bit stronger than a Syndicate Minibomb. To arm it, open the box, using the other hand take out the pizza, drop the pizza, use the box again with your empty hand to set the timer, put the pizza back in, close it. The next person to open it will trigger the bomb! Description A pizza box with a bomb cunningly attached to the lid. The timer needs to be set by opening the box; afterwards, opening the box again will trigger the detonation after the timer has elapsed. Comes with free pizza, for you or your target! Slipocalypse Clusterbang

Slipocalypse Clusterbang Slipocalypse Clusterbang Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Making a large area slippery with soap. Strategy: Once used, it will split into several grenades, which in turn will spawn a bar of Syndicate Soap each. Description A traditional clusterbang grenade with a payload consisting entirely of Syndicate soap. Useful in any scenario! Syndicate Bomb

Syndicate Bomb Syndicate Bomb Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 11 telecrystals. Used for: Making really big holes. Strategy: Place somewhere safe, activate, and run. Make sure nobody defuses it. Protip: You can remove the payload (screwdriver, cut all wires, crowbar it out) and detonate it with C4 for a quick bang. Description The Syndicate Bomb has an adjustable timer with a minimum setting of 90 seconds. Ordering the bomb sends you a small beacon, which will teleport the explosive to your location when you activate it. You can wrench the bomb down to prevent removal. The crew may defuse the bomb by opening up the wiring and messing with it, however this has a chance of backfiring and causing the bomb to explode instantly. This can be used to your advantage by figuring out the detonation wire and adding a signaler so you can control when the bomb will go off. When the bomb explodes, it creates a huge explosion, which punches holes in the station and destroys the surrounding area. Flames burst everywhere, but they extinguish almost immediately, most likely due to exposure to space. Despite their cost, an expertly made tank bomb can still outdo the explosion caused by these.

Syndicate Minibomb

Syndicate Minibomb Syndicate Minibomb Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: Blowing shit up, making holes in the station. Strategy: Cook the grenade in your hand (for no longer than at most two seconds) and throw it at someone when they least expect it. Use it on crowds or downed targets. Description The Minibomb is a grenade with a five-second fuse. It will cause a small explosion, but that explosion will still create holes to space. It can usually outright kill or even gib an unarmored target. Those wearing armor may survive. A messier and more costly alternative to using an IED on a corpse.

Stealth and Camouflage Items Chameleon Kit

Chameleon Kit Chameleon Kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: A complete kit of clothing (jumpsuit, vest, belt, shoes, gloves, mask, hat, PDA, gun, stamp and headset) capable of changing color and shape. Lightly armored. Strategy: Very useful for traitors who want to try a stealthy approach by disguising as a bunch of crewmembers. Description Each part of the disguise kit gives a HUD button in the top-left corner to individually change each part. The shoes in this kit do not prevent slipping. The mask has a built-in voice changer that can be toggled on/off by using it in hand, and will match your voice with your currently equipped ID (great in combination with the Agent ID!). Extremely useful for infiltration.

No-Slip Chameleon Shoes

No-Slip Chameleon Shoes No-Slip Chameleon Shoes Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Not slipping. Strategy: These can be bought separately from the chameleon kit if you don't need the rest. Description 20+ players only Similar to the Chameleon Kit these shoes have an action button to change shape, but unlike the chameleon shoes they also protect you from slips. Agent ID Card

Agent Identification Card Agent Identification Card Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Concealing your identity and avoiding security/the AI. Strategy: Copy someone's name and access while being near invisible to the AI and security bots. Use in conjunction with a Chameleon Kit or at least a mask. Description This is a special ID card with multiple uses: The AI's camera eye can no longer track/jump to you and instead has to manually follow you. Having an agent card in your ID slot will reduce security bots' threat assessment level by 2. This makes them ignore most offenses and even arrest warrants as long as you don't stack more than one offense. You can forge the card's name, assignment, account ID, and look. This works in combination with the chameleon kit's voice changer! Agent IDs copy the access of other ID cards they're used on. Lots of fun at the HoPline. Basic access is Maintenance and Syndicate. Forging for the first time will automatically assign your account ID to it. Chameleon Projector

Chameleon Projector Chameleon Projector Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 7 telecrystals. Used for: Hiding as an item on the station. Strategy: Scan an item nobody cares about (it defaults as a cigarette butt) and hide as that item when in a chase, just make sure people don't pick you up. Move only when nobody's looking. Description Allows you to scan any item that can be picked up and then disguise yourself as that item. While disguised you move at walk speed and cannot interact with anything you're not already holding, and if someone tries to pick you up the disguise fails and you change back to normal. Incredibly useful, and a lot of fun, if you use it correctly. You cannot be detected by the AI when it is active. Currently an extremely powerful item as in order to shoot and actually hit you, security must click on the item you disguised as, not the tile you're on or past that. This makes disguising as a cigarette butt very useful for making them waste all their shots. Camera Bug

Camera Bug Camera Bug Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Spying through cameras. Strategy: Can be used to know when people are in a certain area so you know when to detonate a bomb, or sneak through and steal something, or murder someone. Can also be used to remotely disable many cameras at the same time. Description Has been bugged since 2018, and usually only gives a blank window. When activated in your hand, you will see a list of all active cameras on the station, for you to use to spy on people or areas as you please. You do not need to use the Camera Bug on cameras to be able to remotely view them. It can also track people. The Camera Bug used to be upgradable, but now has network, tracking, and sabotage upgrades by default and can not be further upgraded. Use the Camera Bug on a camera to bug it. Bugging a camera will allow you to remotely disable that camera through the 'tracking menu'.

Smuggler's Satchel

Smuggler's Satchel Smuggler's Satchel Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Hiding items under floortiles. Strategy: Use it to stash contraband or bombs under the crew's feet. Description This satchel is made to fit under floortiles, and contains already a crowbar and floortile to hide it with. It can also fit in a back pack, making it an exceptional item for storage since it can hold normal sized items. Satchel contents no longer persist between rounds, blame the guys who gave themselves traitor and wizard items every other round. Stimpack

Stimpack Stimpack Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Speed and reducing stuns for a long time. Strategy: Use it on yourself before a fight with security. Description This stimulant medipen comes loaded with 50u Stimulants, which will heavily increase your run speed, reduce stuns and give a small heal over time. Syndicate Soap

“Soap” “Soap” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Cleaning things, and slipping people on it. Strategy: Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner, so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel. Description It's a bar of evil looking soap. It can clean up a blood off the ground or on your clothes by using it on them. Also slips people for a moment. Useful with an energy sword. In addition, it cleans things much faster than normal soap, making it handy for a quick cleanup. Mulligan

Mulligan Mulligan Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Changing identity. Strategy: Use it on yourself and find new clothes. Description This syringe comes loaded with a Mulligan Toxin that will randomize your appearance and identity, permanently. EMP Flashlight

Flashlight Flashlight Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Disabling technology, such as cameras, radios, doors, cyborgs, etc. Can also be used to unlock lockers. Strategy: Best used stealthily against technology. For the traitor who prefers a more delicate touch. Description Behaves in almost an exactly similar way to the EMP kit's grenades/implant but is rechargeable, disguised, and localized. It functions exactly like a regular flashlight except when you hit something with the flashlight, the item will act as if it was hit with an EMP. Has 4 slowly regenerating charges. Hitting a person with it will disable their headset and any energy based weaponry they possess, while hitting a cyborg will damage and stun it. Using it on doors may either open or electrify them. The flashlight constantly recharges, but only has around 4 uses before it needs to recharge. Adaptive Cardboard Cutouts

Adaptive Cardboard Cutouts Adaptive Cardboard Cutouts Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Making the crew believe in a nonexistant threat. Strategy: Place them somewhere, and disguise them as anything. Description This box contains three cardboard cutouts and a crayon to color them with. Unlike normal cardboard cutouts, they have no distinctive yellow tint, which makes them good for fooling gullible crew or an AI. Decoy Nuclear Authentication Disk

Nuclear Authentication Disk Nuclear Authentication Disk Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Fooling the crew into thinking that the nuclear authentication disk is safe. Strategy: Leave it in the Captains Quarters and hope he doesn't examine it. Description It's just a normal disk. Visually it's identical to the real deal, and only the Captain or nuclear operatives can identify it. Regular crew will find out by looking at the pinpointer or trying to put it in the nuke. Don't try to give this to us the Syndicate to complete your objective, they know better!

Space Suits and Hardsuits Syndicate Space Suit

Syndicate Space Suit Syndicate Space Suit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Surviving space. Strategy: Wear it while going in space, store it in your backpack when you're done. Description A special syndicate space suit that fits in backpacks, slows you less, and has a weapon slot. The color will be suspicious to the crew, however. Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 30,energy = 15, bomb = 30, bio = 30, rad = 30, fire = 80, acid = 85. Syndicate Hardsuit

Syndicate Hardsuit (Blood-red Hardsuit) Syndicate Hardsuit (Blood-red Hardsuit) Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Surviving space, tactical armor. Strategy: Wear it while going in space, store it in your backpack when you're done. Description The feared suit of a syndicate nuclear agent. It features an internal jetpack that draws from internals, a special combat mode that is not spaceworthy but won't slow down movement, and fairly resistant armor, all while fitting in backpacks. Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 30, energy = 15, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 50, acid = 90. Devices and Tools Cryptographic Sequencer

Cryptographic Sequencer Cryptographic Sequencer Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: Gaining entrance to restricted areas or lockers, unlocking hidden features in machinery, bending cyborgs to your will. Strategy: Use this to open anything and everything. Causes sparks in the process and you will leave a trail of broken open doors, lockers, and other equipment. Description Also called an Emag (electromagnetic card), it allows you to quite literally open anything (and break it in the process) and can alter many many things on the station. Also has several special functions, as it can hack cyborgs to serve you, cause multiple electronic devices to malfunction and become deadly, and can really ruin an engineer's day. Emagging something is different from Hacking something. See here for further info about what things can be hacked/opened by swiping them with an Emag.

Fully Loaded Toolbox

“Suspicious Looking Toolbox” “Suspicious Looking Toolbox” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. There's also a couple found on the derelict space station. Used for: Obtaining tools and combat gloves. Strategy: Useful in a pinch if the AI has bolted you in somewhere and you have no other way to escape. Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wrench.png Welder.png Crowbar.png Multitool.png Wirecutters.png It's a suspicious looking toolbox, filled with ordinary tools. Except instead of an analyzer, it comes with a multitool and combat gloves. It's also slightly more robust than a regular toolbox. Hypnotic Flash

“Flash” “Flash” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 7 telecrystals. Used for: Hypnotizing people into following absurd orders. Strategy: This flash is capable of inflicting the Hypnotic Stupor on vulnerable people. As soon as they've been flashed, they will be hypnotized by the first sentence they hear and gain an obsessive compulsion to obey it. Description To be considered vulnerable, a player must not be implanted with a Mindshield Implant and either be hallucinating, sleeping, at extremely low sanity or suffering from the Dumbness trauma. Being unconscious from being in crit or suffocating etc does not count as sleeping. Will trigger confusion, dizziness, drowzyness and pacify on both untargeted (use in hand) and targeted (click on sprite) flash, but needs targeted flash to hypnotize. If you successfully flash a vulnerable person you will see a message saying “Name stands still as his/her eyes seem to focus on a distant point.”. Unlike an ordinary flash, this item can not break from EMP or repeated use.

Syndicate Surgery Duffelbag

Syndicate Surgery Duffelbag Syndicate Surgery Duffelbag Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Surgery. Strategy: Use it to perform any kind of surgical crime. Contents Description Hemostat.png Scalpel.png Retractor.png Cautery.png Saw.png Drill.png Drapes.png Muzzle.png Straight jacket.png MMI.png

Contains all the possible tools for surgery; in addition, the MMI inside will automatically Emag any cyborg it's inserted in. Chest Rig

Chest Rig Chest Rig Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Storing combat equipment. Strategy: Use it to store many weapons when you intend to go loud. Description A robust seven-slot set of webbing that is capable of holding all manner of tactical equipment. Syndicate Tome

Syndicate Tome Syndicate Tome Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Healing and harming. Strategy: Use it to heal other traitors you've teamed up with. Description A copy of the chaplain's bible that's usable by you. Won't bless water or rooms though. Thermal Imaging Glasses

Thermal Imaging Glasses Thermal Imaging Glasses Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Seeing people, creatures, and synthetics through walls. Strategy: Used for tracking your targets and spotting threats or security ambushes. Description When worn, this item allows you to see any human, alien, cyborg, and even AIs through walls. Can be disguised as any kind of glasses. Wearing this leaves you very vulnerable to flashes, flashbangs, and EMP. Using a welding tool with this on may cause you to go blind. Binary Translator Key

Binary Translator Key Binary Translator Key Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Communicating with the AI and Cyborgs. Strategy: Eavesdropping on the AI's conversation with its cyborgs. Communicate with the AI after you've subverted it. Description Needs to be attached to your headset before it can be used. Use a screwdriver to remove the keys already in your headset, and place the ones you want back in. This tool will allow you to access, and speak, on the robotic talk channels. Keep in mind, this will alert the AI, and all cyborgs that you are a syndicate agent if you speak on their channel. Very handy for hearing if the AI is rogue, is out to arrest you, or even if there are any other traitors out there. Speak on the channel with a :b before your text. These are easy to disguise, but nearby humans will be able to hear you whispering so keep this in mind when you talk (as you will get found out). Syndicate Encryption Key

Syndicate Encryption Key Syndicate Encryption Key Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Listening in on all of the station's radio chatter and communicating with other traitors that have purchased it. Strategy: Eavesdrop on security. Communicate with other traitors for cooperative goodness. Description Needs to be attached to your headset before it can be used. Use a screwdriver to remove the keys already in your headset, and place the ones you want back in. This tool will allow you to listen in on all of the station department's radio channels and speak on a hidden Syndicate channel with other traitors that are using the key. Speak on the channel with a :t before your text. Artificial Intelligence Detector

“Multitool” “Multitool” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Knowing when the AI is watching you. Checking camera coverage and possible multicams. Strategy: Keep this in a pocket or an open toolbelt and watch it when you intend to do something suspicious, to ensure the AI isn't looking. Description A functional multitool that turns red when it detects an artificial intelligence watching it or its holder. While the AI is watching or tracking you, the green center light will appear as red. If it is close but not seeing you yet, it'll be yellow. Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover, such as before murdering someone or breaking in somewhere. Recently, this item has gained the ability to show an overlay that lets you see camera coverage and the real-time location of AI camera eyes. Hacked AI Upload Module

Hacked AI Law Upload Module Hacked AI Law Upload Module Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 9 telecrystals. Used for: Changing the AI's laws to what you want. Strategy: Break into AI Upload to upload, or steal the AI Upload circuit from Tech Storage. The more competent the AI is, the more useful this will be. Description This is a more powerful version of the Freeform AI Module. It allows you to upload Hacked laws onto the AI from any AI Upload Console. Unlike Freeform, the name of the person who uploaded it is not revealed to the AI. The hacked Laws act like Ion Storm Laws and will precede the numbered laws in priority, automatically overriding all other laws should they conflict. Make sure you pay attention to the wording of your new Law as most AIs would love to use any loophole they can find to kill you.

Power Sink

Power Sink Power Sink Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Used for: Sucks up all the station power, causing a black-out. Strategy: This will suck up all the station's power very quickly. Use it on the main station's power grid to suck it. Don't place it on solars, as it will only suck out the solar's power. Description This bad boy is a station engineers and AI's worst enemy. When bought, this thing is useless, but when the power sink comes in contact with exposed wires out in space or on the station it starts to drain the power at a RAPID rate. You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up! Make sure to put it somewhere secure, but also make sure that it is attached to the main station power. Once it has drained enough power, it explodes violently! Power Beacon

“Ominous Beacon” “Ominous Beacon” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Used for: Attracting a loose singularity/tesla towards the beacon at a brisk leisurly pace. Barely seen anymore since the introduction of the Supermatter engine. Strategy: Set it up in a secluded location, then release the singularity. Excellent for forcing a shuttle call and succeeding in escape alone objectives. Description Placed like a powersink, screwdriver to secure it on an exposed wire node (at least 15,000 watts) and use an open hand to turn it on; the singularity beacon will attract the singularity/tesla towards it, if it is loose. Note that for it to be useful at all the singularity/tesla does need to be released, as the beacon will not release it by itself. A singularity beacon can not be picked up after it is spawned, and must be dragged around. It also blocks movement over it, so be sure to spawn it where you want to set the beacon up.

Briefcase Launchpad

Briefcase Launchpad Briefcase Launchpad Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Used for: Breaking into secure areas, theft, kidnapping, teleporting bombs. Strategy: Set it up near a wall to a secure area, teleport over it, teleport back. Description A briefcase containing a miniature launchpad, able to teleport objects and mobs up to 8 tiles away and back in any direction. It's controlled via a remote disguised as a folder, allowing the user to use it in reverse when escaping. To link the briefcase with the remote, simply hit it with the remote. To set it up, use the briefcase in hand. To pick it up once you're done, click and drag the briefcase and drop it to your character's sprite.

Radioactive Microlaser

'Health Analyzer' 'Health Analyzer' Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Stealthily irradiating people. Strategy: Use it on someone, wait for the radiations to kick in and knock them out. Description A radioactive microlaser disguised as a standard Nanotrasen health analyzer. When used, it emits a powerful burst of radiation, which, after a short delay, can incapacitate all but the most protected of humanoids. It has two settings: intensity, which controls the power of the radiation, and wavelength, which controls how long the radiation delay is. Radio Jammer

Radio Jammer Radio Jammer Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Disrupting any nearby outgoing radio communication. Strategy: Activate it before killing someone so they can't scream over radio. Description This device will block any nearby outgoing radio communication when activated. Activate it and put it in your pocket or backpack. Codespeak Manual

Codespeak Manual Codespeak Manual Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Learning Codespeak, the language of the Syndicate. Now has unlimited uses. Strategy: Read it or hit fellow Syndicate agents with it. Useful in case crew gains access to the Syndicate comms channel. Description Syndicate agents can be trained to use a series of codewords to convey complex information, which sounds like random concepts and drinks to anyone listening. This manual teaches you, or anyone hit by it Codespeak. Unlimited uses. Use ,t before saying something to speak in Codespeak. F.R.A.M.E. PDA Cartridge

F.R.A.M.E Cartridge F.R.A.M.E Cartridge Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Making someone elses PDA a fake Syndicate Uplink. Strategy: Use it to frame someone as a traitor or to send them Telecrystals. Description It has five charges, and upon using a charge, it will unlock the target's PDA to a Syndicate Uplink with zero TC. You will also receive the code needed to unlock the PDA. You may also apply TC directly to the cartridge, and the next time it is used, it will not only unlock the PDA, but also give the crystals to the target PDA. Protocol CRAB-17 Phone

Protocol CRAB-17 Phone (The suspicious phone) Protocol CRAB-17 Phone (The suspicious phone) Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 7 telecrystals. Only 1 in stock. Used for: Draining crew funds. Strategy: Use it to force the crew to convert their money into cash or rush a spacecoin market. Description This device lets you launch another device that drains the funds of all crewmembers to your bank account. When used, the phone will start draining the crew's funds and spawn a moving spacecoin market in a random location, that each crewmember have to use for a few seconds to stop the draining. Implants Adrenal Implant

Adrenal Implant Adrenal Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Removing stuns, healing. Strategy: Surprise arresting officers by popping right back up after being tased. Proceed to murder shocked arresting officers. Description 25+ players only An implant injected into the body, and later activated with a HUD button to inject a chemical which slightly helps with stuns while causing an array of bad effects. Using it will instantly remove any existing knockdown (but not paralyze or stamcrit), make you stand up if resting and inject you with 6 units of Experimental Stimulants. Each injection lasts about 30 seconds. Has 3 uses. Freedom Implant

Freedom Implant Freedom Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Escaping an arrest. Strategy: Instantly uncuffing yourself so you can make your escape/kill the arresting officer. Description If you inject yourself with the implanter inside, you can instantly get out of Handcuffs 4 times. This can be quite useful for a traitor, but it's nigh useless for the syndicate during nuke operations because most people just kill them on sight. Be wary that if security figure out you can break out of handcuffs, they'll typically opt to execute you instead of arresting you. Storage Implant

Storage Implant Storage Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Storing suspicious items. Strategy: Use it to keep contraband, so it can't be discovered by a random search. Description If you inject yourself with the implanter inside, you'll gain an action button that reveals a two item storage space, that can't be detected without Surgery. Radio Implant

Internal Syndicate Radio Implant Internal Syndicate Radio Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Covert communication. Strategy: Chat with fellow syndicate members even after having your headset removed. Description This implants you with a hidden radio that can access the common and syndicate channels. Similar to a station-bounced radio, you can disable it to avoid suspicion. EMP-proof, but can't be modified with encryption keys. Stealth Implant

Stealth Implant Stealth Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Cardboard powered stealth action. Strategy: Sneak around the station inside an invisible cardboard box. Description This implant allows you to deploy inside a box that promptly turns invisible. If the box collides with a living being or vice versa, it will be temporarily revealed, pushing against the box will continue revealing it. Storage Implant

Storage Implant Storage Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Hiding items from security. Strategy: Break out of brig any time. Description An implant injected into the body, and later activated at the user's will. It will open a small bluespace pocket capable of storing two regular-sized items. Uplink Implant

Uplink Implant Uplink Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals. Used for: Spawning syndicate items without using your hands or PDA. Contains 10 telecrystals. Strategy: Useful if you want to try completing your objective without any syndicate items. Use it in the case you get Permabrigged. Description Injecting yourself with this will allow you to bring up a syndicate uplink menu by using a custom emote at any time. It comes with 10 telecrystals. If case you get captured, this is a get out of jail free card. Role Restricted Reverse Revolver

Reverse Revolver Reverse Revolver Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals. Only available to the Clown. Used for: Shooting people or tricking them into killing themselves. Strategy: shoot at people with it, have people shoot at you with it! Description This revolver with a special pin can only be shot straight by clumsy people. Everyone else who tries to fire it will instead shoot themselves in the face. People can prove hard to convince it's the real deal, especially metagamers that see a clown with a gun and know what's up. Advanced pranking would involve other traitors' revolvers. Clown Bomb

Clown Bomb Clown Bomb Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 15 telecrystals. Only available to the Clown. Used for: Mass pranking. Strategy: Place this in a department that REALLY needs to cheer up. Description You know what's the only thing worse than a bomb? A bomb that releases fifty clowns. It even honks instead of beeping.

Reverse Bear Trap

Reverse Bear Trap Reverse Bear Trap Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Only available to the Clown. Used for: Executing someone in a very spectacular, gruesome fashion. Strategy: Attack someone with it and keep them still for 3 seconds. Description An ingenious execution device worn on (or forced onto) the head. Arming it starts a 1-minute kitchen timer mounted on the bear trap. When it goes off, the trap's jaws will violently open, instantly killing anyone wearing it by tearing their jaws in half. To arm, attack someone with it while they're not wearing headgear, and you will force it onto their head after three seconds uninterrupted. The victim can attempt to disarm it. Each disarm attempt makes them a little more likely to succeed.

Australicus Slime Mutator

Australicus Slime Mutator Australicus Slime Mutator Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Only available to Roboticists, Scientists and the Research Director. Used for: Causing a spider apocalypse. Strategy: Inject this into an unused gold slime extract. Description Requires knowledge in xenobiology to use properly. Buying this gives you a syringe containing 1u Spider Extract. When this substance is injected into an unused gold slime extract it spawns three non-hostile and non-sentient broodmother spiders. These won't cause any havoc unless you manage to make them sentient, which can be done with a sentience potion made from light pink extracts (not included). Clown Car

Clown Car Clown Car Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Only available to the Clown. Used for: High-octane multi-seat pranking action. Strategy: Run people over, stuff them in your trunk. Henk! Description The clown car lets you run people over and stuff them inside your trunk. They're unable to escape unless you crash into a wall, which will fling you and any passengers outside! Comes with a horn, a button to release all passengers and a lube-defense mechanism™ which has a 1/3 chance to drop some lube if someone decides to shoot at your sweet ride. If you can somehow get it emagged, you unlock even more fun! Only clowns can drive this.

EZ clean bundle

EZ clean bundle EZ clean bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Only available to the Janitor. Used for: Cleaning every “stain” with maximum prejudice. Strategy: It still cleans and looks like a normal cleaning grenade, so you have a bit of headstart when throwing it in the middle of a crowded, dirty hallway. They will notice very soon though. Description This bundle of 3 illegal cleaning grenades from Waffle Co. have a generous serving of trademark reagent “ez clean”, guaranteed to strip away any organic stain. Highly effective in littered, dirty, crowded hallways. His Grace

His Grace His Grace Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Only available to the Chaplain. Used for: Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Strategy: The counter resets with each body consumed, and with it the benefits. Try to build corpse stockpiles to minimize the risks of maximum buffs. The hunger also grows faster with each body consumed. Description His Grace is a powerful entity that can grant enormous powers in exchange for sacrifices. Spawned dormant use it inhand to activate it. Once activated and soulbound to the player, the hunger starts. As His Grace grows hungrier, it grants its wielder various buffs. It starts peckish, giving just a moderate damage buff. Then he hungers, giving some damage and healing when held, and will devour any that come near him if he is resting on the ground. More hunger leads to him being famished, at which point the damage and healing start to become considerable, but he will not let go of your hand anymore at this point. GET-FOOD. STARVING: NOW YOU DID IT. You are basically a hulk with a ridiculous healing buff; I hope you read this guide in advance, because you have about ten seconds to live befor- DEATH: you are dead. The hunger was too much, so His Grace has worked his way up your arm and popped your head in his jaws like a ripe grape. At this point the counter resets, his grace rests on the ground one last time and if no assistants gets too close, becomes dormant again from the hunger. Bodies can be retrieved from his jaws, and changelings can revive and crawl out. ASCENSION: If His Grace eats 25 people, it will turn a golden color, gain extra force and will never go back to sleep. It will always stay at its current hunger level.

Haunted Magic Eightball

Haunted Magic Eightball Haunted Magic Eightball Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Only available to the Curator. Used for: Communicating with Ghosts. Strategy: Help your decision making by asking ghost players “yes or no” questions. Description Just like the toy version, this eightball has a pool of twenty answers. The toy version just picks them randomly, while this haunted version polls all the ghosts and then picks the most popular answer selected by them. To use, it must be shaken for 15 seconds after you've spoken your question aloud, and then has a 3 minute cooldown between uses. Haunted and toy eightballs are indistinguishable except in the quality of their answers. Ghosts are fickle things and it's uncertain wether they will help you or not. Has a limited stock of 1 item. This item is currently bugged, and non-functional. The twenty possible answers are the following: “It is certain”, “It is decidedly so”, “Without a doubt”, “Yes definitely”, “You may rely on it”, “As I see it, yes”, “Most likely”, “Outlook good”, “Yes”, “Signs point to yes”, “Reply hazy try again”, “Ask again later”, “Better not tell you now”, “Cannot predict now”, “Concentrate and ask again”, “Don't count on it”, “My reply is no”, “My sources say no”, “Outlook not so good” and “Very doubtful”. Ancient Jumpsuit

Ancient Jumpsuit Ancient Jumpsuit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Only available to Assistants. Used for: Show you are a seasoned greytider. Strategy: None. Description An old smelly grey jumpsuit, this item provides no benefit or disadvantage other than bragging rights. Ancient Toolbox

Ancient Toolbox Ancient Toolbox Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Only available to Assistants. Used for: Bashing heads in and everything tool-related. Strategy: Bash people, bash windows, hacking doors, increase its damage with telecrystals. Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wrench.png Welder.png Crowbar.png Multitool.png Wirecutters.png IGloves.png A toolbox specially preserved and modified for your robusting needs, comes with regular tools, not syndicate ones, thus the tools are not special, however it comes with Insulated Gloves, to top it off it increases in brute the more telecrystals you have inside it! Does not come with a analyzer. Modified Syringe Gun

Modified Syringe Gun Modified Syringe Gun Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals. Only available to the Geneticist and the Chief Medical Officer. Used for: Instantly injecting someone with DNA from a distance. Strategy: Shoot someone with a mutator with a bad disability. Description A syringe gun that fires DNA injectors instead of normal syringes. Banana Cream Pie Cannon

Banana Cream Pie Cannon Banana Cream Pie Cannon Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Only available to the Clown. Used for: Shooting pies into people's faces. Strategy: Shoot people in the face with it and then finish them off by other means. Description A special pie cannon for a special clown. This gadget can hold up to 20 pies and automatically fabricates one every two seconds. Magillitis Serum Autoinjector

experimental autoinjector experimental autoinjector Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 15 telecrystals. Only available to the Geneticist and the Chief Medical Officer. Used for: Going apeshit. Strategy: Use this on yourself and start smashing things. Description Contains a chemical that turns you into a fast, tough gorilla after a short while. Box of Gorilla Cubes

Box of Gorilla Cubes Box of Gorilla Cubes Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. Only available to the Geneticist and the Chief Medical Officer. Used for: Spreading mayhem, raising a sentient gorilla army. Strategy: These are similar to monkey cubes, but will release angry gorillas when rehydrated. Especially fun when combined with sentience potions! Description A box with three Waffle Co. brand gorilla cubes. Expose them to water and watch the mayhem from a safe distance. Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod

Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Only available to the Shaft Miner. Only 2 in stock. Used for: Making your Kinetic Accelerator a weapon for use on the station. Strategy: Use this to make your Kinetic Accelerator a powerful weapon in pressurized environments like on the station. Description A modification kit which allows Kinetic Accelerators to do greatly increased damage while indoors. Occupies 35% mod capacity. Use 2 for full damage. Guide to Advanced Mimery Series

Guide to Advanced Mimery Series Part 1 & 2 Guide to Advanced Mimery Series Part 1 & 2 Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 12 telecrystals. Only available to the Mime. Used for: Shooting bullets out of your fingers. Making invisible 3×1 walls. Strategy: Killing someone with your fingers or putting up a wall to escape your pursuers. Contents Description Advanced mimery.png Advanced mimery.png The classical two part series on how to further hone your mime skills. Upon studying the series, the user should be able to make 3×1 invisible walls, and shoot bullets out of their fingers. Explosive Hot Potato

Explosive Hot Potato Explosive Hot Potato Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Only available to Cooks, Botanists, the Clown and the Mime. Used for: Causing mass panic and small explosions. Strategy: Activate and hit someone to transfer it to them, and watch the madness! Description When used inhand, a special mechanism activates preventing it from being dropped, and a timer starts. The potato can only be transferred away from you by hitting another being with it, and when the timer expires it explodes. Brainwashing Surgery Program

Brainwashing Surgery Program Brainwashing Surgery Program Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Only available to Medical Doctors, CMO and Roboticists. Used for: Turning people into mindslaves through surgery. Strategy: Brainwash people, preferably authority figures, to fulfill your will. Description A disk containing the procedure to perform a brainwashing surgery, allowing you to implant a primary objective onto a target which he/she must obey. Insert into an Operating Console to enable the procedure. Reagent Dartgun

Reagent Dartgun Reagent Dartgun Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 12 telecrystals. Only available to the Chemist and the Chief Medical Officer. Used for: Shooting chemicals without reloading syringes. Strategy: Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it holds up to 4 syringes that it produces automatically. Description This special dartgun produces 4 syringes every 25 seconds and draws from an internal 100u chemical tank. Blast Cannon

Blast Cannon Blast Cannon Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals. Only available to Scientists and the Research Director. Used for: Firing your own immovable rod, sniping AIs from across Z-levels. Strategy: Load it with a TTV bomb and delete everything in a straight line. Description This unassuming piece of hardware can load TTVs and will launch a projectile in a straight line, until it gets stopped by a wall. Wall penetration power is determined by the bomb's theoretical explosion size. Projectiles fly across Z-levels, which is very fun with looping Z-levels, or even just for sniping AIs across space. Concealed Weapon Bay Concealed Weapon Bay Concealed Weapon Bay Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. Only available to Roboticists and the Research Director. Used for: Hiding a weapon in a non-combat Exosuit Strategy: Use on a finished Exosuit. Then do the same with a mech-weapon of choice. Description The concealed weapon bay is an item that attaches to non-combat mechs such as Ripleys or Odysseuses and allows them to equip one mech weapon. A mech can only have one attached. Examining the mech will not reveal the attached weapon (although the raising message still shows). Laser Arm Implant Laser Arm Implant Laser Arm Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Only available to Roboticists. Used for: Implanting yourself with a slowly self-recharging laser arm. Strategy: Shoot lasers with your arm. Description An implant that grants you a recharging laser gun inside your arm. Weak to EMPs. Comes with a one use syndicate autosurgeon for immediate self-application. A screwdriver can be used to remove it from the autosurgeon, but implant can't be placed back in. (Pointless) Badassery Syndicate Playing Cards

Syndicate Playing Cards Syndicate Playing Cards Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Playing cards, cheap throwing stars. Strategy: Use these as a shitty throwing weapon, when you're bored and playing cards is the only option left, or as a signature for your murders. Description A special deck of space-grade playing cards with a mono-molecular edge and metal reinforcement, making them slightly more robust than a normal deck of cards. Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash

Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. Used for: Trading. Roleplay. Strategy: Use the cash to buy your objective, or export it with cargo to order crates. Description A secure briefcase containing 5000 space credits. Useful for bribing personnel, or purchasing goods and services at lucrative prices. The briefcase also feels a little heavier to hold; it has been manufactured to pack a little bit more of a punch if your client needs some convincing. Syndicate Smokes

Syndicate Smokes Syndicate Smokes Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Cool-looking regeneration. Strategy: Smoke them to inhale omnizine and heal over time. Description Strong flavor, dense smoke. Each cigarette is infused with 10u nicotine and 15u omnizine. Smoking one of these cigarettes takes about 2 minutes. Syndicate Balloon

“Syndicate Balloon” “Syndicate Balloon” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Showing off. Strategy: Buy this if you feel you can do your objectives without the use of syndicate items. Description A red balloon with a white S on it. It floats. Security may arrest you for having one. You could buy multiple of these if part of a nuke team. Nuclear Strike Team Items only available to syndicate operatives during Nuke.

Bundles and Telecrystals Nuclear operatives can purchase bundles, which cost a bit less than the sum of their parts.

Bioterror bundle

Bioterror bundle Bioterror bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 30 telecrystals, saving 12. Used for: Getting all you need to commit several war crimes. Strategy: Start a biological disaster, and spread chaos among the crew. Description For the madman: Contains a Bioterror spray, Bioterror Grenade, a Poison Kit, a Dart Pistol, a box of syringes, a Donksoft assault rifle, and some extra darts. Remember: Seal suit and equip internals before use. Bulldog bundle

Bulldog bundle Bulldog bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 13 telecrystals, saving 3. Used for: Getting a well rounded shotgun kit. Strategy: Shoot people with it. Description Lean and mean: Optimised for people that want to get up close and personal. Contains the popular Bulldog Shotgun, a 12g stun drum, a 12g buckshot drum, and a pair of Thermal Imaging Goggles. C-20r bundle

C-20r bundle C-20r bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals, saving 2. Used for: Getting a classic and reliable gun. Strategy: Shoot people with it. Description Old faithful: The classic C-20r Submachine Gun, bundled with two magazines, and a Suppressor. Cybernetic Implant Bundle

Cybernetic Implant Bundle Cybernetic Implant Bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 40 telecrystals. Used for: Implanting your team. Strategy: Implant it in your team. Description Contains 5 random cybernetic implants. Guaranteed to at least pay for its cost. Medical bundle

Medical bundle Medical bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 15 telecrystals, saving 5. Used for: Getting a rounded medical kit. Strategy: Become a combat medic to keep your team up and running. Description The support specialist: Aid your fellow operatives with this medical bundle. Contains a combat first-aid kit loaded with medical gauze, a compact defibrillator, a brute and burn patch, a Chloral Hydrate syringe, and a combat hypospray loaded with: 30 units of Epinephrine 30 units of Omnizine 15 units of Leporazine 15 units of Atropine Also includes night vision health HUD glasses, a Donksoft machine gun, a box of ammo, and a pair of magboots to rescue your friends in no-gravity environments.

Sniper bundle

Sniper bundle Sniper bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals, saving 6. Used for: Getting all you need to start sniping. Strategy: Become a long-range sniper. Description Elegant and refined: Contains a collapsed sniper rifle in an expensive carrying case, a haemorrage magazine, a soporific magazine, a free surplus supressor, and a worn out suit and tie. Spetsnaz Pyro bundle

Spetsnaz Pyro bundle Spetsnaz Pyro bundle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 30 telecrystals, saving 12. Used for: Getting all you need to watch the worldstation burn. Strategy: Start fires everywhere. Make sure the other operatives are wearing fireproof suits as well. Description For systematic suppression of carbon lifeforms in close range: Contains an elite fireproof hardsuit, a pyro backpack fire sprayer, a pistol, two magazines, a bottle of flammable vodka, a pipebomb, and a stimulant syringe. Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons Bulldog Shotgun

Bulldog Shotgun Bulldog Shotgun Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Killing/Stunning people. Strategy: A robust shotgun. Holds a wide selection of ammo types. Description The Bulldog is a semi-automatic drum fed shotgun that can hold up to 8 shells. This can make a excellent fallback weapon or a robust primary weapon by itself. While its suffers from the drawbacks of shotguns (less damage at range) it can nonetheless make a reliable and cheap alternative to other more expensive weapons. A Bulldog with stun shells and a Stechkin can make for a cheap alternative C20r SMG when strapped for telecrystals. Initially loaded with a stun shells drum, it must be loaded with other kinds of ammo to do damage. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it. [Show/hide]Bulldog Ammo C-20r Submachine Gun

C-20r Submachine Gun C-20r Submachine Gun Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Used for: Killing people. Strategy: The signature weapon of Nuke Ops, it deals reliable damage and fires in two-round bursts. Description Deals 30 brute damage per round, with 24-round magazines. A reliable and robust weapon. Can also be fitted with a Silencer. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it. [Show/hide]C-20r Ammo L6 Squad Automatic Weapon

L6 SAW L6 SAW Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 18 telecrystals. Used for: Mowing people down. Strategy: An expensive investment, designed for consistent and powerful fire support for assault teams. Description Holds the most ammo of any gun available: 50 1.95x129mm rounds dealing 45 brute damage each. Three good shots on someone and they're down. Shoots in three-round bursts and needs two free hands to use - if the other hand is holding something, the SAW will fall off your hands when shooting. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it. [Show/hide]SAW Ammo Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 16 telecrystals. Used for: Killing people from far away. Strategy: A long-range sniper rifle, useful for shooting down hallways or from space. Description The Sniper Rifle is a high-power long range weapon fitted with a scope; activating the scope will move your screen several tiles in front of you, allowing you to see further than normally possible, allowing you to shoot unaware targets. Requires a free hand to use. Initially loaded with 6 .50 sniper rounds, which deal 70 damage, stun, penetrate armor, and have a chance of dismembering limbs. They can also deal significant damage to objects, destroying airlocks and machinery in one or two hits. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it. [Show/hide]Sniper Ammo Surplus Rifle

Surplus Rifle Surplus Rifle Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Arming someone cheaply. Strategy: A cheap rifle. Better than nothing, if you've got a pair of spare TC. In actual combat it's worse than the Stechkin pistol, the one all operatives get for free. Description A Mosin Nagant bolt-action rifle, loaded with 5 7.62 bullets. Deals 60 damage on hit, but must be loaded every shot. [Show/hide]Surplus Rifle Ammo M-90gl Carbine

M-90gl Carbine M-90gl Carbine Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 18 telecrystals. Used for: Versatile crowd control. Strategy: Combine it with an energy shield. Description This carbine has a three-round burst setting as well as an underbarrel grenade launcher. Magazines are hold 30 rounds of bullets that deal 35 damage each, which is more than enough against unarmored targets. [Show/hide]M-90gl Carbine Ammo Flamethrower

Flamethrower Flamethrower Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Setting things on fire. Strategy: A plasma-loaded flamethrower. Make sure you and your team have fireproof suits when using this, or you'll end up burning yourself. Description Shoots jets of burning plasma. Has little stopping power, but will usually cause enemies to retreat. Can be reloaded by using plasma tanks or canisters in Toxins or Engineering. Toy Submachine Gun

Donksoft SMG Donksoft SMG Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Doing stamina damage and knocking people down. Making people react too late. Strategy: Deals no real damage, but the riot darts it's loaded with cause 25 stamina damage, knocking victims down. Description A toy SMG. Guaranteed to not be taken seriously until it's too late. Loaded with 20 darts. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it. Toy Machine Gun

Donksoft LMG Donksoft LMG Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Used for: Doing stamina damage and knocking people down. Making people react too late. Strategy: Deals no real damage, but the riot darts it's loaded with cause 25 stamina damage, knocking victims down. Description A toy SAW. Guaranteed to not be taken seriously until it's too late. Loaded with 50 darts. Starts with a syndicate firing pin, which prevents enemies from using it. Box of Riot Darts

Box of Riot Darts Box of Riot Darts Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Loading toy weapons. Strategy: Lock and load. Description Contains 40 Riot Foam Darts, that deal 25 stamina damage. They can also be reused if collected from the ground. 84mm Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher

Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Blowing holes into mechs, walls and people. Strategy: Crew is hiding inside body bags again? Surprise them with an HE rocket. Durand ruining your day? Hit it with a high-yield HEDP rocket. Description A reusable rocket propelled grenade launcher preloaded with a low-yield 84mm HE round. [Show/hide]Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher Ammo Biohazardous Chemical Sprayer

Biohazardous Chemical Sprayer Biohazardous Chemical Sprayer Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Extreme Crowd Control. Strategy: Shoots dangerous poisons. Description A high-volume chemical sprayer loaded with the most lethal poisons available to the syndicate; anyone caught by the spray will die a quick and painful death if not treated immediately or wearing protective clothing.

Grenades and Explosives Bioterror Foam Grenade

Chemical Foam Grenade Chemical Foam Grenade Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Crowd Control. Strategy: Emits extremely debilitating foam. Description A powerful chemical foam grenade which creates a deadly torrent of foam that will mute, blind, confuse, mutate, and irritate carbon lifeforms. Specially brewed by Tiger Cooperative chemical weapons specialists using additional spore toxin. Ensure suit is sealed before use. Buzzkill Grenade Box

Buzzkill Grenade Box Buzzkill Grenade Box Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 15 telecrystals. Used for: Covering the station in BEEEEEES. Strategy: Toss one in a crowded area and watch the bees attack anyone who isn't wearing thick clothing. Description These grenades release ten bees that will indiscriminately attack anyone with random toxins. Keep in mind that bees can't attack people wearing thick clothing - like hardsuits and EVA/fire/bio/EOD suits as well as some costumes. Fungal Tuberculosis Grenade

Fungal Tuberculosis Grenade Fungal Tuberculosis Grenade Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 12 telecrystals. Used for: Biological Warfare. Strategy: Spreads an extremely dangerous and infectious virus. Description A box that contains several ways to apply the Fungal Tuberculosis virus: an extremely virulent and hard to cure disease that stuns and suffocates its targets. The box contains a viral smoke grenade, 5 single-use instant Bio Virus Antidote Kits (BVAK autoinjectors) with 20u vaccine (inject 10u per use), a BVAK bottle (30u vaccine) and a normal syringe. Grenadier's Belt

Grenadier's Belt Grenadier's Belt Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 22 telecrystals. Used for: Lobbing several kinds of grenades. Strategy: Contains a grenade for every situation. Avoid blowing yourself up with them. Description A belt containing a large amount of assorted grenades. TO be specific, it contains: 1 Flashbang; 4 Smoke Bombs; 2 EMP Grenades; 10 Frag Grenades: A bit less powerful than minibombs, but with a higher flame range; 4 Gluon Grenades: They deal radiation damage when exploding, and freeze the surrounding area afterwards, making it slippery; 2 Incendiary Grenades: They spread a wave of plasmafire, burning everything in their path; 1 Fluorosulfuric Acid Smoke Grenade: It will spread extremely potent acid in its area of effect, melting armor, objects and people inside; 2 Syndicate Minibombs; Screwdriver and Multitool to customize grenades. Some different triggers can be found in the Syndicate Infiltrator Ship. Syndicate Detonator

Syndicate Detonator“Big red button” Syndicate Detonator “Big red button” Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 3 telecrystals. Used for: Detonating all syndicate bombs at once. Strategy: Coordinating bomb blasts to destroy multiple objects simultaneously. Description The Syndicate Detonator is a companion device to the Syndicate Bomb. Simply press the included button and an encrypted radio frequency will instruct all live syndicate bombs to detonate. Useful for when speed matters or you wish to synchronize multiple bomb blasts. Be sure to stand clear of the blast radius before using the detonator. Operatives start with a working detonator in their base, buying this is usually redundant.

Viscerator Delivery Grenade

Viscerator Grenade Viscerator Grenade Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals. Used for: Crowd Control. Strategy: Shoot several killdrones that will try to hack off people's limbs. Description This grenade, when thrown, will disperse 10 manhack viscerators. They will proceed to chase and attack any nearby Non-Syndicate personnel. They deal a surprisingly high amount of damage over time but can be outrun easily. The grenade is fantastic at helping clearing out a crowd of crewmen. However, it can be ineffective against Security personnel and the Captain as their armor and weapons allow them to ignore the viscerators long enough to (try to) gun you down. They are also extremely sharp and can outright sever limbs when attacking.

Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons CQC Manual

'Old Manual' 'Old Manual' Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 13 telecrystals. Used for: Remembering the basics of tactical Close-Quarters Combat. Strategy: Read it and practice combos. Useful when combined with adrenals, noslips and added protection, like an energy shield or a shielded hardsuit or for killing someone when they least expect it. Description Reading this single-use book will teach you the basics of CQC - a martial art. You learn devastating combos and when throw is active, have a chance to block and counter attacks. This is the same skill as Cooks can use in the kitchen, except anywhere. Your punches do bonus damage, and your grabs will start as aggressive. You can combo attacks by switching intents while hitting. Possible Combos:

Slam: Grab Harm. Slam opponent into the ground (10 brute and 12 sec paralyze). Only works on people standing. CQC Kick: Harm Harm. If the opponent was paralyzed they'll be knocked out (30 sec sleep and 15 brain damage up to max 150). Else they'll be knocked away and take 10 brute. Restrain: Grab Grab. Locks opponent into a restraining position (10 sec stun, 20 stamina damage). Disarm while restraining and pulling to knock them out with a choke hold (40 sec sleep). Pressure: Disarm Grab. Deals 60 stamina damage. Consecutive CQC: Disarm Disarm Harm. Mainly damaging move (25 brute and 50 stamina damage). Stealth and Camouflage Items Stealthy No-Slip Chameleon Shoes

Stealthy No-Slip Chameleon Shoes Stealthy No-Slip Chameleon Shoes Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals Used for: Not slipping. Strategy: The nuke ops version of no-slips. Description Aside from the name, these work exactly the same as regular noslips.

Space Suits and Hardsuits Elite Syndicate Hardsuit

Elite Syndicate Hardsuit Elite Syndicate Hardsuit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Having better armor and fireproofing. Strategy: Wear it. Description Works like a Syndicate Hardsuit, but it's more armored and completely immune to fire and acid. Useful when using fire-based weapons. Resistances: melee = 60, bullet = 60, laser = 50, energy = 25, bomb = 55, bio = 100, rad = 70, fire = 100, acid = 100. Shielded Hardsuit

Shielded Hardsuit (Blood-red Hardsuit) Shielded Hardsuit (Blood-red Hardsuit) Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 30 telecrystals. Used for: Having better armor and fireproofing. Strategy: Wear it. Description Looks like a Syndicate Hardsuit, but it has a shield that completely negates attacks until it depletes. Stores up to 3 charges, which regenerate when not being hit for 20 seconds. If the shielding falls, it has the same armor as a normal Syndicate hardsuit, but with full Acid and Fire protection. Resistances: melee = 40, bullet = 50, laser = 30, energy = 15, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 50, fire = 100, acid = 100. Devices and Tools Blood-Red Magboots

Blood-Red Magboots Blood-Red Magboots Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Working without gravity. Strategy: Activate them if the gravity generator stops working. Description A pair of magnetic boots that will keep you on the ground if the gravity fails or is sabotaged, giving you a mobility advantage. If activated with gravity they will protect from slips, but they will slow you down. Assault Pod Targeting Device

Assault Pod Targeting Device Assault Pod Targeting Device Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 30 telecrystals. Used for: Dropping on the station with style. Strategy: Use this to drop into a central area, giving less time to react to the crew. Description This device allows you to aim and use the assault pod located to the east of the syndicate base. The doors are id-locked to operatives and it's defended by wall-mounted automatic guns, making it a safe location to retreat to if necessary. It cannot return to the syndicate station, so at least one operative should send the ship onto the station to be able to come back. Also, don't forget the nuke behind!

Energy Shield

Energy Shield Energy Shield Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 16 telecrystals. Used for: Protecting yourself from energy weapons Strategy: This is a very powerful asset, it will deflect all energy based ranged attacks, laser or stun. This makes it significantly harder for station personnel to attack or subdue you at range as only the armoury's riot shotguns will be effective in bypassing the energy shield. While expensive, having the people up front wield an energy shield makes for a good breaching strategy. Description An incredibly useful personal shield projector, capable of reflecting energy projectiles and defending against other attacks. Medbeam Gun

Medbeam Gun Medbeam Gun Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 15 telecrystals. Used for: Constant and free healing. Strategy: Use it on a target to begin healing it. Description A very efficient healing tool, that doesn't require the constant attention of the healer, since he can keep it in his offhand while shooting with the other hand. It cannot self-heal, however. Crossing the streams or trying to heal a target already being healed by another medbeam will cause a huge explosion. Be very wary when using two medbeam guns, or avoid buying two altogether.

Syndicate Medical Supply Kit

Syndicate Medical Supply Kit Syndicate Medical Supply Kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Healing your fellow operatives. Strategy: Use this to keep your team alive. Description The syndicate medkit is a suspicious black and red. Included is a combat stimulant injector (containing 30 units of Epinephrine, 30 units of Omnizine, 15 units of Leporazine and 15 units of Atropine), a night vision medical hud for quick identification of injured comrades, a brute and burn healing patch, and a combat defibrillator that fits in belts and works through exosuits (usually useless due to explosive implants). Syndicate Sentience Potion

Syndicate Sentience Potion Syndicate Sentience Potion Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Giving intelligence and a radio implant to an animal. Strategy: Use it on an animal to render it intelligent and loyal to you. Keep in touch thanks to the implanted radio. Description This potion will grant intelligence (i.e. a player controller and speech) to any simple mob it is used on, also enslaving them to your commands. Additionally, the creature will receive a radio implant, as well as an implanted syndicate ID, allowing them to enter and exit the Syndicate Infiltrator. Implants All these items ship with an (auto) implanter; to use it, insert the implant in the implanter and use it inhand.

CNS Rebooter Implant

CNS Rebooter Implant CNS Rebooter Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 12 telecrystals. Used for: Reducing stuns. Strategy: Implant it in yourself. Description This implant will shorten any stun longer than 4 seconds to 4 seconds.

Microbomb Implant

Microbomb Implant Microbomb Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. Used for: Exploding on death. Strategy: Use it when dying to prevent your items from being stolen. Description Nuclear Operatives start with bomb implants already, but if you feel like increasing the strength of the explosion, you can add more explosive implants. Macrobomb Implant

Macrobomb Implant Macrobomb Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals. Used for: Exploding on death. Strategy: Use it when dying to prevent anyone close to your corpse from being alive. Description A much more powerful version of the Microbomb Implant, this will cause a delayed but much more powerful explosion on death. Make sure to warn your comrades of this, as you might catch them in the blast if they're unaware. Reviver Implant

Reviver Implant Reviver Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Recovering from crit. Strategy: Implant it in yourself. Description This implant will heal you once you fall into crit, then goes into cooldown. Thermal Vision Implant

Thermal Vision Implant Thermal Vision Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. Used for: Seeing living beings through walls. Strategy: Implant it in yourself. Description Like optical thermal goggles, but leaves your glasses slot free for other glasses. X-Ray Vision Implant

X-Ray Vision Implant X-Ray Vision Implant Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals. Used for: Seeing through walls. Strategy: Implant it in yourself. Description Allows unrestricted vision through walls. Support Mechs, cyborgs and new troops, for when you feel you're understaffed.

Dark Gygax

Dark Gygax Dark Gygax Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 80 telecrystals. Used for: Heavy Fire Support. Strategy: Mow down hallways of people and teleport onto the bridge to give the Captain a big surprise! Description One of the two assault mechs available to the operatives. At a heavy investment this mech provides a very powerful and versatile assault platform to support the assault into the station. Boasting a decent movement speed, an Ultra AC2 machinegun that shoots in bursts, a grenade launcher that fires flashbangs, a personal teleportation device, and an Energy Relay, this mech proves to be as powerful as anything the operatives can bring to bear. However, it is extremely vulnerable to ion guns, which will seriously damage the mech in a few hits. Consider not bringing your ship's ion gun along for the assault. Aside from the ion gun, the only easy way to bring it down is other EMPs, mass laser fire or a ton of explosives. It also has a leg actuator function, which speeds up the mech and allows it to knock down walls and structures, at the cost of the mech's integrity. Has thrusters for space-maneuverability.

Dark Mauler

Dark Mauler Dark Mauler Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 140 telecrystals! Used for: Heavy Assault Platform. Strategy: For when you need to absolutely annihilate anything in your way, accept no substitute. Description The single most expensive item available to the Operatives, the Dark Mauler is an unholy terror to behold to even the most elite of Security personnel. Carrying a mounted LMG, a Scattershot gun, a Missile Rack, a Power Relay for infinite power and special anti-ranged armor, this monster can destroy the station ten-fold with the equipment it carries. Its armor makes it nearly impossible to destroy by all but the most concentrated, coordinated and well armed of counter attacks. Its main weakness is that is is very slow moving, making it easy to outrun. It can, however, walk through walls without any trouble, making most stationary fortifications pointless. Note that this does not, however, automatically make you unstoppable. To effectively use it you should already have some experience with mechs, it should also be noted that whoever is piloting this does not need as much gear as everyone else, so don't waste TC (although it is good to have a backup plan if the mech is destroyed). Syndicate Cyborg

Syndicate Cyborg Syndicate Cyborg Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 65 TC for the assault module and 35 for the medical/saboteur ones. Used for: Robotic Support. Strategy: Increase team size by adding a borg to the team, an unstunnable killing machine. Description A repurposed Nanotrasen Cyborg, outfitted with the latest in Syndicate technology. This powerful killing machine has many great utilities that make it almost a necessary asset for many Nuke Op teams. Can either be an Assault, Medical or Engineering module. The assault module contains: A flash; An energy sword; A cyborg LMG that prints ammo from energy; A grenade launcher; An emag; A crowbar; A pinpointer; The medical module contains: A flash; A syndicate hypospray containing restorative nanites; Medical Gauze; A defibrillator; A Medbeam Gun; A health analyzer; Surgery tools (The surgical saw can be toggled to be an energy sword); An emag; A crowbar; A pinpointer. The saboteur module contains: A full set of tools; Metal, glass and cable synthesizers; A robotic RCD; A robotic RPD; A fire extinguisher; Zipties; A flash; Thermal vision; A fake destination tagger; A cyborg chameleon projector; A pinpointer. The Syndicate cyborg is occupied by a ghost with the operative preference enabled. If there are no candidates, you can refund the telecrystals by hitting the uplink with the teleporter you get from ordering the cyborg.


Reinforcements Reinforcements Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 25 telecrystals. Used for: Support. Strategy: Increase your team size by adding another operative. Description Gives a Reinforcement Teleporter. When used, a random ghost will become a new member of the nuke operative squad! The reinforcement starts with the normal operative equipment minus the TC, therefore someone has to equip them to make them useful: in particular, make sure there are enough spacesuits to get to the station.

(Pointless) Badassery Broken Chameleon Kit

Broken Chameleon Kit Broken Chameleon Kit Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Complimenting your Syndicate balloon. Strategy: Put this on and demonstrate your robustness. Description A full chameleon kit, gun aside, that acts as if EMP'd. You will stick out like a sore thumb and be unable to wear “real” armor. Centcom Official Costume

Centcom Official Costume Centcom Official Costume Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: Playing them like a fiddle. Strategy: Ask the crew to “inspect” their nuclear disk and weapons system. Description Contains a full CentCom Official uniform set, headset and clipboard included. The headset comes without an encryption key. Clown Costume

Clown Costume Clown Costume Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. Used for: PRANKS GONE WRONG 3: NUCLEAR EDITION Strategy: Wearing this will be enough to terrify most crew members. Description Contains a complete Clown outfit.

Guide to Head of Staff Equipment Centcomofficial.png Maximilian Vanderbilt, the CentCom Official says: “NanoTrasen Central Command is pleased to promote you to a Head of Staff position! Please take a moment to look over and requisition your unique and specialized gear given to every one of the station's Heads. Good luck, your department and the future of NanoTrasen is in your control.”

This is a detailed list showcasing all of the unique equipment that Heads of Staff have access to, that help to set them apart from their subordinates.

This list will detail important and useful items and clothing available to the Heads only.

Contents 1 The Captain 1.1 Equipment 1.2 Clothing 2 Head of Personnel 2.1 Clothing 3 Head of Security 3.1 Equipment 3.2 Clothing 4 Research Director 4.1 Equipment 4.2 Clothing 5 Chief Medical Officer 5.1 Equipment 5.2 Clothing 6 Chief Engineer 6.1 Equipment 6.2 Clothing The Captain Equipment Icon Item Info Spawns Id gold.png All Access ID The Captain is the only person on station to have access to the entire station at round start. From the depths of maintenance to his private quarters in the bridge, the captain can go anywhere. On the Captain, with a spare copy in his quarters. Keep that spare away from any person who might want it. NuclearDisk.gif Nuclear Authentication Disk Arguably the sole job of the Captain is to guard this! This disk is required to detonate a NT brand nuclear warhead. Leaving this on your desk increases the risk of the station being nuked. Nuclear Operatives want this. In the Captain's Quarters Tele.gif Hand Teleporter A unique device capable of teleporting the user to either a pre-set beacon or to a random location near the user. Dangerous, as it could launch you into space, but a great escape tool. Traitors might want this. In the Captain's Quarters Energy Gun.gif Energy Gun The Captain is one of four people who has access to an Energy Gun at round start. This weapon serves as a powerful self-defence tool. In the Captain's Personal Locker Antique laser.png Captain's Antique Laser Gun The prized weapon of the Captain, and the target of many enemy forces. Similar to the laser gun except it's self-recharging. Traitors might want this. In a locked display case in the Captain's Quarters Commanddoorremote.png Command Door Remote A tool that can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any door that requires command access. In the Captain's Personal Locker Clothing Icon Item Info Spawns CaptArmor.png Captain's SWAT Suit An advanced hardsuit that provides the highest protection of any armour on the entire station. Comes with a built-in helmet. Captain's Suit Storage Unit Jetpack-captain.gif Captain's Jetpack A classic Jetpack. Often sought by Traitors. Captain's Suit Storage Unit Gas cap.png

Captain's Gasmask Just a normal gasmask, but cooler. In the Captain's Personal Locker Head of Personnel Icon Item Info Spawns Id gold.png All Access ID While the Head of Personnel does not start with All Access, he is one of only two people on the station who has the ability to alter ID access, including his own. This gives him an edge, but makes him a high value target. On Head of Personnel Ian.PNG Ian Arguably the sole job of the Head of Personnel is to guard him! Head of Personnel's Office Energy Gun.gif Energy Gun The Head of Personnel is one of four people who have access to a Energy Gun. This weapon is a powerful self-defence tool. Head of Personnel's Office Civiliandoorremote.png Civilian Door Remote A civilian door remote tool. It can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions of any civilian level doors, usually meaning general access doors that everyone has access to. In the Head of Personnel's Personal Locker Clothing Icon Item Info Spawns Armor.png Armour Vest While not the best armour on the station, it is still better than what most people get. In the Head of Personnel's Personal Locker Head of Security Equipment Icon Item Info Spawns Energy Gun.gif Energy Gun The Head of Security is the only person on station who spawns with a Energy Gun at shift start. Great for self defence, lethal or non-lethal. On Head of Security Multiphase gun stun.gif X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun Unique firearm only available to the Head of Security. Functions as an upgraded Energy Gun, offering the usage of a 'ion' setting (useful for taking down cyborgs) alongside the standard 'disable' and 'lethal' settings; though it can only discharge five stun rounds before depleting its power source. Head of Security's Personal Locker RiotS.png Telescopic Shield A unique riot shield that can be retracted to fit inside backpacks. Head of Security's Personal Locker Implant Case.png Lockbox of Mindshield Implants Very useful items during any crew conversion game modes, otherwise useless. Head of Security's Personal Locker Gangtool red.png Security Door Remote A security-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any security door. Head of Security's Personal Locker Clothing Icon Item Info Spawns Generic hos.png Armoured Trenchcoat/Beret Both are the second most powerful pair of armour available on the station, and they suffer from no slow down. On Head of Security HoSRIG.png Head of Security's Hardsuit Head of Security issued Hardsuit. Has slightly more armour than a standard Hardsuit and comes with a built-in Hardsuit jetpack, allowing for better movement in space. Head of Security's Suit Storage Unit SWATMask.png SWAT Gas Mask A slightly more intimidating gas mask available to the Head of Security. Head of Security's Personal Locker Research Director Equipment Icon Item Info Spawns Katomic.png The Research Department Not technically an item, but given time, the RnD Department is capable of researching powerful and robust equipment. If you play your cards right, you'll be able to use some of it. If you get a shotgun somehow, use your protolathe to print shotgun shells straight out of Valve games, and win. R&D Laser pointer.png Laser Pointer Use to blind people or attempt to stun Cyborgs at range. Can be upgraded using a screwdriver and a better laser. Research Director's Personal Locker Researchdoorremote.png Research Door Remote A research-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any research door. Research Director's Personal Locker Clothing Icon Item Info Spawns Reactive Teleport Armor.png Reactive Teleport armor Unique form of armour. If hit by a slight breeze it will teleport its user far away in a random direction. Generally won't space the user. But it might. Traitors might want this. Research Director's Personal Locker RDRIG.png Prototype Hardsuit A prototype Hardsuit. Fitted with the best explosive resistant materials known to mankind, and has a built-in research scanner that works like Science Goggles do. Research Director's Suit Storage Unit (or Toxins testing) Chief Medical Officer Equipment Icon Item Info Spawns Hspray.png Hypospray An air needle autoinjector capable of instantly injecting a target with whatever chemical is loaded. Good for healing, or other non-medical related tasks. Comes pre-loaded with 30 units of omnizine, good for healing any damage. Traitors might want this. Chief Medical Officer's Personal Locker Autoimplanter.png Medical HUD Autosurgeon Single use autosurgeon that will implant whoever uses it first with a medical HUD. Lets you have access to the Medical HUD without having to wear a health scanner HUD. Chief Medical Officer's Personal Locker Compactdefib.png Compact Defibrillator A scaled down variant of the standard defibrillator. This version can be placed on a user's belt slot for rapid use in the field. Chief Medical Officer's Personal Locker Medicaldoorremote.png Medical Door Remote A medical-door remote tool. can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any medical door. Chief Medical Officer's Personal Locker Clothing Icon Item Info Spawns Nitrile gloves.png Nitrile Gloves A pair of nitrile gloves. offers far greater protection from biological contamination than standard latex gloves. Chief Medical Officer's Personal Locker Medical Hardsuit.png Medical Hardsuit Unique Hardsuit available to the Chief Medical Officer. Offers no protection from flash based attacks, but has a inbuilt reagent scanner for scanning the contents of chemicals. Chief Medical Officer's Suit Storage Unit Chief Engineer Equipment Icon Item Info Spawns Ce belt.png Chief Engineer's Toolbelt The Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, aside from being snazzy, holds three unique tools that only the Chief Engineer has access to at round start: The Hand Drill, a combination of the screwdriver and wrench The Jaws of Life, a combination of a crowbar and wirecutters, with the added benefit of being able to force open powered or unpowered doors and cut through handcuffs. The Experimental Welding Tool, which holds 40 units of fuel and automatically, and freely, regenerates fuel over time. All tools also work significantly faster than their singular counterparts.

On the Chief Engineer Jetpack-black.gif Hardsuit Jetpack Upgrade A upgrade module for any Hardsuit. When installed it gives the Hardsuit a inbuilt jetpack. Chief Engineer's Personal Locker Blueprint.png Station Blueprints A set of blueprints that offer three functions: Renaming areas of the station, showing the user every single action a wire has (such as which wire will depower a door), and showing the user the layout of every single pipe, wire and disposal tube on screen at once. Traitors might want this, as well as anyone who wants to rename every room to “Primary Fart Storage”. Chief Engineer's Personal Locker Engineeringdoorremote.png Engineering Door Remote A engineering-door remote tool, can remotely bolt, open or remove access restrictions to any engineering door. Chief Engineer's Personal Locker Clothing Icon Item Info Spawns AdvRIG.png Advanced Hardsuit Unique Hardsuit available to the Chief Engineer. Comes with a inbuilt Jetpack, offers complete protection from fire hazards, near complete protection from radiation, a inbuilt geiger counter and is reasonablly armoured. Chief Engineers Suit Storage Unit AdMaShoe.png Advanced Magboots Unique magboots available to the Chief Engineer. When activated it will not slow down the user, thus allowing the Chief Engineer to move at best speed while on a tile being pushed by space wind, or a tile that is wet. Traitors might want these. Chief Engineer's Suit Storage Unit

Vending machines Pen.png This page needs revising! The following page is out of date and/or needs to be revised. If the page's guide needs revision, see here for an example. The revision reason is: “Vendor contents have been changing very rapidly and editors haven't been able to keep up. Consider them to be mostly outdated.”

Vending machines store and dispense items. Each machine sells a specific selection of items; click 'vend' and it'll dispense the corresponding item, if you can affort it. Some items may be free if they belong to your worn ID's department. Hacking a vending machine will unlock another selection of items. Premium items simply cost more. Some departmental clothing vendors aren't listed here yet, but you can re-insert items into clothing vendors, if they sell those items.

Contents 1 Public 1.1 Food and Drink Machines 1.2 Tool Machines 1.3 Misc Machines 2 Private 2.1 Bar 2.2 Engineering 2.3 Medbay 2.4 Hydroponics 2.5 Security 2.6 Wizard 2.7 Syndicate Public Food and Drink Machines

Robust Softdrinks Vendcola.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 10x Space Cola 10x Space Mountain Wind 10x Dr. Gibb 10x Star-kist 10x Space-Up 10x Lemon-Lime Soda

Hacked 6x Thirteen Loko Premium items 2x Nuka Cola 1x Canned Air

Getmore Chocolate Corp Vendsnack.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 6x Candy 6x Cup Ramen 6x Chips 6x Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 6x 4no Raisins 6x Space Twinkie 6x Cheesie Honkers

Hacked 6x Syndi-Cakes Premium items N/A

Hot Drinks Machine Vendcoffee.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 25x Robust Coffee 25x Duke Purple Tea 25x Dutch Hot Coco

Hacked 12x Ice Cup Premium items N/A

????/Voda (soviet soda machine) Vendsovietsoda.gif Found at: Derelict Sells 30x Soda Water Hacked 20x Cola Premium items N/A

Sustenance Vendor Sustenance.png Found at: Labor Camp Sells 24x Tofu 12x Ice Cup 6x Candy Corn

Hacked 6x Kitchen Knife 12x Robust Coffee 6x Emergency Oxygen Tank 6x Breath Mask

Premium items N/A

Tool Machines

YouTool Vendyoutool.png Found at: Primary Tool Storage Sells 10x Cable Coil 5x Crowbar 3x Welding Tool 5x Wirecutters 5x Wrench 5x Analyzer 5x T-Ray Scanner 5x Screwdriver

Hacked 2x Industrial Welding Tool 2x Budget Insulated Gloves

Premium items 1x Insulated Gloves

Vendomat Vendgeneric.gif Found at: Primary Tool Storage Sells 5x Proximity Sensor 3x Igniter 4x Remote Signaling Device 1x Wirecutters 4x Generic Signaler cartridge 3x Matter Bin 3x Micro-manipulator 3x Micro-Laser 3x Scanning Module 3x Capacitor 3x Price Tagger 2x Custom Vendor restocking unit (called “resupply canister” in the vendor) 3x Custom Vendor (Machine Board)

Hacked 5x Flashlight 2x Timer 2x Voice Analyzer 2x Health Sensor

Premium items N/A

Misc Machines

AutoDrobe AutoDrobe.gif Found at: Theatre Sells Shitloads of silly clothes! Really, over 50 different things ranging from wigs to sandals.

Hacked Judge's Robe Powdered Wig Cardborg costume Wand Blindfold 2x Muzzle

Premium items Pirate Captain Coat Pirate Captain Hat Roman Helmet Roman Legionaire Helmet Roman Armor Roman Sandals Roman Shield Skub

ClothesMate ClothesMate.gif Found at: Locker Room Sells Shitloads of clothes! Hacked Tacticool Turtleneck Balaclava Ushanka Soviet Uniform 2x Black fannypack Blood-red letterman jacket Jabroni Outfit Vape Naysh Shirt

Premium items Checkered Suit Mailman's Hat Mailman's Jumpsuit Leather Jacket Leather Overcoat Must Hang Jeans Gold Necklace Blue Leatherman Jacket

Good Clean Fun Goodfun.gif Found at: Library Sells 5x Deck of cards 10x Dice bag 5x Cards against space (white version) 3x Cards against space (black version)

Hacked 9x Fudge die Premium items N/A

NanoMed Wallmed.gif Found at: Medbay Patient Rooms, Operating Theatre, Medbay Recovery Room Sells 3x Syringe 5x Brute patch 5x Burn patch 2x Antitoxin pill 1x Sterilizer Spray

Hacked 2x Toxin pill 2x Morphine pill

Premium items N/A

Cigarette Machine Vendcigs.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 5x Space Cigarettes packet 3x Uplift Smooth packet 3x Robust packet 3x Carp Classic packet 3x Midori Tobako packet 10x Matchbox 4x Cheap lighter 5x Rolling paper pack

Hacked 3x Zippo 5x E-Cigarette

Premium items 2x Robust Gold packet 1x Premium cigar case (7 cigars to a case) 1x Premium Havanian cigar case (7 cigars to a case) 1x Cohiba Robusto cigar case (7 cigars to a case)

Dinnerware Venddinnerware.gif Found at: Kitchen Sells 8x Tray 20x Bowl 6x Fork 8x Drinking Glass 5x Ketchup condiment pack 5x Hot sauce condiment pack 5x Astrotame condiment pack 5x Salt Shaker 5x Pepper mill 2x Chef's apron 2x Rolling Pin 2x Kitchen knife 1x Cooking Desserts 101

Hacked 2x Butcher's Cleaver Premium items N/A

Custom Vendor Robotics vendor.gif Found at: Any Sells Custom. Depends on the owner. See Custom Vendor.

Hacked N/A Premium items N/A

Private Bar

Booze-O-Mat Vendboozeomat.gif Found at: Bar Sells 5x Griffeater Gin 5x Uncle Git's Special Reserve 5x Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequilla 5x Tunguska Triple Distilled 5x Goldeneye Vermouth 5x Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum 5x Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine 5x Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac 5x Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur 6x Space Beer 6x Magm-Ale 4x Orange Juice 4x Tomato Juice 4x Lime Juice 4x Milk Cream 8x T-Borg's Tonic Water 8x Space Cola 8x Soda Water 30x Glass 10x Ice Cup

Hacked 12x Duke Purple Tea Premium items N/A


Engi-Vend Engivend.png Found at: Engineering Sells 2x Engineering Scanner Goggles 2x Welding Goggles 4x Multitool 10x Airlock Electronics 10x APC Module 10x Air Alarm Electronics 10x High-Capacity Power Cell 3x Rapid Construction Device (loaded) 5x Geiger Counter

Hacked 3x Potato Battery Premium items 3x Utility Belt


NanoMed Plus NanoMed.gif Found at: Medbay Sells 12x Syringe 3x Dropper 8x Medical gauze 5x Libital patch (brute) (2u libital + 8u granibitaluri) 5x Aiuri patch (burn) (2u aiuri + 8u granibitaluri) 5x Insulin pill 2x Multiver bottle 2x Syriniver bottle 1x Sterilizer Gel 3x Epinephrine bottle 4x Morphine bottle 1x Potassium Iodine bottle 3x Saline-Glucose Solution bottle 3x Toxin bottle 6x Spaceacillin syringe 2x Convermol syringe 2x Medical gel (20u libital + 40u granibitaluri) 2x Medical gel (20u aiuri + 40u granibitaluri) 2x Bottle of Psicodine pills 4x Health analyzer 2x Crew pinpointer 1x Synthflesh medical gel

Hacked 3x Toxin pill 4x Morphine pill 6x Multiver pill

Premium items 1x Box of hugs 3x Epinephrine medipen 3x Medical belt 1x Medical wrench


NutriMax Vendnutri.gif Found at: Hydroponics Sells 30x E-Z-Nutrient 20x Left 4 Zed 10x Robust Harvest 20x Pest Spray 5x Syringe 5x Plant Bag 3x Cultivator 3x Spade 4x Plant Analyzer

Hacked 10x Ammonia Bottle 5x Diethylamine Bottle

Premium items N/A

MegaSeed Servitor Vendseeds.gif Found at: Hydroponics Sells 3x Banana Seeds 3x Berry Seeds 3x Carrot Seeds 3x Chanterelle Mycelium 3x Chili Seeds 3x Corn Seeds 3x Eggplant Seeds 3x Potato Seeds 3x Rice Seeds 3x Soybean Seeds 3x Sunflower Seeds 3x Tomato Seeds 3x Tower Cap Mycelium 3x Wheat Seeds 3x Apple Seeds 3x Poppy Seeds 3x Ambrosia Vulgaris Seeds 3x Whitebeet Seeds 3x Watermelon Seeds 3x Lime Seeds 3x Lemon Seeds 3x Orange Seeds 3x Grass Seeds 3x Cocoa Pod Seeds 3x Cabbage Seeds 3x Grape Seeds 3x Pumpkin Seeds 3x Cherry Seeds 3x Coffee Arabica Seeds 3x Tobacco Seeds 3x Tea Aspera Seeds

Hacked 2x Fly Amanita Mycelium 2x Glowshroom Mycelium 2x Liberty Cap Mycelium 2x Nettle Seeds 2x Plump Helmet Mycelium 2x Reishi Mycelium 3x Cannabis Seeds 2x Strange Seeds

Premium items 1x Water Flower


SecTech Vendsec.gif Found at: Security Office Sells 8x Handcuffs 10x Zipties 4x Flashbang 5x Flash 12x Donut 6x Evidence bag box 4x Seclite 7x Energy Bola

Hacked 2x Sunglasses 2x Donut Box

Premium items Antag Token (toy coin)

PTech PTech.png Found at: HoP Office Sells 10x Med-U Cartridge 10x Power-ON Cartridge 10x R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE Cartridge 10x CustodiPRO Cartridge 10x Signal Ace 2 Cartridge 10x PDA 3x Value-PAK Cartridge 10x Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge

Hacked N/A Premium items N/A

Liberation Station Liberationstation.png Found at: Lighthouse Shuttle Sells 2x Gold Desert Eagle 2x Camo Desert Eagle 2x NanoTrasen Saber SMG 2x Combat Shotgun 1x Gyrojet Pistol 2x Shotgun 2x NT-ARG 'Boarder'

Hacked 1x Patriotic suit 3x Patriotic bedsheet

Premium items 2x SMG magazine (9mm) 4x Handgun magazine (.50ae) 2x Handgun magazine (.45) 2x Specialized magazine (.75)


MagiVend Vendmagi.gif Found at: Wizard's Den Sells 1x Wizard Hat 1x Wizard Robe 1x Red Wizard Hat 1x Red Wizard Robe 1x Sandals 2x Wizard's Staff

Hacked 1x Wizarditis culture bottle Premium items N/A


Syndicate Donksoft Toy Vendor Syndi.gif Found at: Syndicate Listening Post Sells 10x Foam Force SMG 10x Foam Force Pistol 10x Foam Force Shotgun 10x Toy Sword 20x Ammo Box (Foam Darts) 10x Foam Armblade 10x Syndicate Balloon 5x Black and Red Space Suit Replica 5x Black and Red Space-Helmet Replica

Hacked 10x Foam Force Crossbow 10x Donksoft SMG 10x Donksoft LMG 20x Ammo box (Riot Darts) 10x Replica Katana 5x Double-Bladed Toy Sword 10x Syndicate Deck of Cards

Premium items N/A

Medical items Medical items. Used to usually heal people.

Contents 1 Items 1.1 Diagnostics 1.2 Basic Treatments 1.3 Surgical Tools 1.4 Medical Gear 1.5 Medical Kits 1.6 Pill Bottles 2 Machinery and Facilities Items Diagnostics The items for diagnosing the patient.

Health Analyzer Health Analyzer Found in: Medical Storage, Medical techfab Used for: Determining the patient's damage Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings Description Whip this out and use it on someone to see a summary of their condition. As a medical professional, your PDA also has a built in Health Analyzer, just make sure to activate it before use. The results are broken up into sections: Overall health percentage Damage Type Blood Type Medical ID Brain Traumas Temperature Infection warning (only appears if there is one) An ideal reading for a health scan:

Analyzing Results for [Character Name]:

 Overall Status: 100% healthy
 Damage Specifics: 0-0-0-0

Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute Body Temperature: 34.3943°C (93.91°F) Localized Damage, Burn/Brute: Limbs are OK. Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K The health analyzer has two modes: a health scan which is described above and a chemical scan. Use the chemical mode to identify any chemicals in a person's bloodstream. If the subject is addicted to any chems then the analyzer will identify them in a chemical scan.

Advanced Health Analyzer Advanced Health Analyzer Found in: Chief Medical Officer's Office, Medical techfab Used for: Determining the patient's damage Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings Description Has all of the features of a normal health analyzer, but it can see quite a bit more. It can display the cellular damage level It can display the stamina level It can display the brain activity level (it can measure brain damage) It can display the radiation level It can show if a person is hallucinating or not It can display if a person is deaf or not, and if it was a result of trauma or from genetics It can display if a person is blind or not, and if it was a result of trauma or from genetics It can display liver damage (it can measure alcohol damage) It can display how long ago a corpse died, and if it is defibable or not It can display more advanced virus statistics (transmission levels, severity levels, etc.) It can display blood levels It can display cellular damage It can display the amount of reagents inside of a person's body, and if they are overdosed on it or not It can display the reagents the person is currently addicted to

Penlight Penlight Found in: Medical Storage, Genetics Used for: Determining the patient's eye condition or if the patient is alive, or seeing if patient has a tongue. Strategy: Toggle the light on, aim for the eyes or mouth and use on the patient Description Works like a flashlight, but with a much lower brightness. Target a patient's eyes to identify blindness and x-ray vision. Target a patient's mouth to see their tongue, if they have one, as well as any pills in their teeth. Click on patients from a distance with a penlight to create a medical hologram with a ping, useful for quickly signalling that you want to treat them.

Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Found in: Research Used for: For seeing what reagents the patient has in their bloodstream, though you should just use a health analyzer. Strategy: Draw blood from the patient with a syringe, inject the blood into the Mass Spectrometer and apply it in hand to see results Description A hand-held mass spectrometer which identifies trace chemicals in a blood sample. An Advanced Mass Spectrometer.png Advanced Mass Spectrometer also gives you information how much of the chemicals are in the blood.

Stethoscope Stethoscope Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Listening to patient's pulse and respiration Strategy: Use it on a patient. …or a safe. Description An outdated medical apparatus for listening to the sounds of the human body. It also makes you look like you know what you're doing. Basic Treatments These are your basic go-to items for stabilizing casualties and treating everyday brute, burn, toxin and oxygen deprivation damage. Every good medical professional should keep a few of these on them in case of emergency. Chances are you'll need them in a hurry.

Suture Suture Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Treating bruise damage Strategy: Aim for the damaged limb and apply the suture on the patient. Description Used to cure brute damage. Target the bodypart with brute damage and apply. Application takes time. Treating others is faster than treating yourself. Come in stacks of 15 and heal 10 brute per use and work on simplemobs. Replaced most bruise packs Oct, 2019.

Medicated Suture Medicated Suture Found in: Can be made with chemistry Used for: Treating bruise damage Strategy: Aim for the damaged limb and apply the medicated suture on the patient. Description Used to cure brute damage. Target the bodypart with brute damage and apply. Application takes time. Treating others is faster than treating yourself. They heal 15 brute per use and work on simplemobs.

Regenerative Mesh Regenerative Mesh Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Treating burn damage Strategy: Activate in hand to open the sterile mesh package, then aim for the damaged limb and apply the mesh on the patient Description Used to cure burn damage. Open the package, then target the bodypart with burn damage and apply. Application takes time. Treating others is faster than treating yourself. Come in stacks of 15 and heal 10 burn per use. Replaced most ointments Oct, 2019.

Bruise Pack Bruise Pack Found in: Rare locations Used for: Treating bruise damage Strategy: Aim for the damaged limb and apply the bruise pack on the patient Description Used to cure brute damage. Target the bodypart with brute damage and apply. This works even on those in critical condition, so if someone has stabilized the casualty, either by Epinephrine or by giving CPR, whip out your Health Analyzer and apply where needed. Come in stacks of six.

Ointment Ointment Found in: Rare locations Used for: Treating burn damage Strategy: Aim for the damaged limb and apply the ointment on the patient Description Exactly the same as the bruise pack, except it is used to treat burn damage.

Medical gauze Medical gauze Found in: Medical Storage, Dormitory, Nanomed Plus Used for: Temporarily stopping bleeding Strategy: Apply the gauze on the patient - aim for whichever part is exposed and it will work! Description Used to stop bleeding. It won't last forever and it doesn't heal any damage. Works on dead people.

Epinephrine Epinephrine Found in: NanoMed Plus -vending machines, Medical Storage, O2 Emergency Lockers all over the station Used for: Treating suffocation damage Strategy: Inject the patient Description Syringes.png A very handy chemical to have to hand in an emergency, Epinephrine will stabilize anyone in critical condition, and temporarily prevent them from dying in front of you, just like CPR. Inject into the casualty and commence treatment quickly before it wears off.

Syringe Syringe Found in: Medical Storage, Chemistry Used for: Injecting medicine, taking blood samples Strategy: Apply it while in hand to toggle inject or draw mode Description A syringe is a container especially used for holding liquids. They have two modes – inject and draw. While in draw mode, a syringe takes liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers and even people 5 mg at a time. While in inject mode it will push its contents 5 mg at a time into a target, including other containers. Syringes can be injected into food and drinks, even those still sitting on a table. A syringe can hold up to 15 mg of liquid and will survive reactions happening inside of it in spite of appearances.

They are most often found inside syringe boxes in the open around medbay or in medical lockers or in medical crates ordered from the Quartermaster. Medical dispensers also provide a number of empty syringes.

Srybox.png Empty syringes can be found in boxes located around Medbay. Specialised pre-filled syringes can also found in Medical kits, such as Anti-Toxin or Epinephrine. Spaceacillin syringes are also in Medical dispensers.

Syringe Gun Syringe Gun Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Tranquilizing the chucklefucks Strategy: Load the gun with a syringe filled with whatever and shoot at the patient Description Fire at people at a range with a syringe, useful if Chloral Hydrate or acid is in the needles. Not good for medicine applications (does minor damage each hit).

Rapid Syringe Gun Rapid Syringe Gun Found in: Medbay Protalathe Used for: Tranquilizing the chucklefucks Strategy: A modification of the syringe gun design, using a rotating cylinder to store up to six syringes Description It's a syringe gun, but it can be loaded with up to 6 syringes so you don't have to manually reload it after each shot. Alternate syringes for making people catch fire or go boom.

Hypospray Hypospray Found in: Chief Medical Officer's Office Used for: Applying medicine quickly Strategy: Fill with medicine, apply to patient for quick healing Description A fast syringe that can be loaded with up to 30u of any chemical, and injected instantly unlike normal syringes. The patient feels a tiny prick!

Dropper Dropper Found in: Chemistry, Medical Storage, R&D Lab Used for: Applying medicine quickly, small amounts at a time Strategy: Fill with medicine, apply to patient Description Toggle in hand to change it to drop one to five units at a time. A dropper is a container used for holding 5u of liquids. An empty dropper will store liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers. Once full, you can squirt the contents of the dropper at any target adjacent or below you, including other liquid containers, or on people's faces.

Beaker Beaker Found in: Medical Storage, Chemistry, Robotics, R&D Lab Used for: Transporting and mixing chemicals Strategy: Transport chemicals or mix them and watch magic happen Description This is a container specifically for holding liquids. They are most commonly found in Medbay and Chemistry Lab. It is ill-advised always a great idea to splash whatever you find in a beaker onto your face and neck, or if possible, to inject it straight into your veins with a syringe. There are multiple types of beakers: Bottle.png Bottle is a smaller version of a Beaker and can be made by a Chemist from a ChemMaster 3000 and are mostly used to fill syringes. A bottle holds up to 30 units of liquid. Beaker.png Beaker is a standard glass beaker. Holds 50 units of liquid. Waterbottle.png Water Bottle can be made with plastic sheets. Works like a beaker but comes with a cap to prevent spilling. Toggle the cap with alt-click. Holds 50 units of liquid. Cryostasis beaker.gif Cryostasis Beaker holds 50 units of liquid. Chemicals will not mix or react while in this beaker. Splashing contained chemicals will not make them react either, as with all other beakers. Large Beaker.png Large Beaker holds 100 units of liquid. Large water bottle.png Large Water Bottle Can be made with plastic sheets. Works like a large beaker but comes with a cap to prevent spilling. Toggle the cap with alt-click. Holds 100 units of liquid. XL beaker.png XL Beaker holds 120 units of liquid. Meta beaker.png Meta Beaker holds 180 units of liquid. Bluespace beaker.gif Bluespace Beaker holds 300 units of liquid. Can not be used in ordinary grenade casings.

Pill Bottle Pill Bottle Found in: Chemistry Used for: Transporting pills Strategy: Put pills inside, take pills out when needed Description It's an airtight container for storing medication.

DNA Injector DNA Injector Found in: Genetics Used for: Transfering genetics from subject to another Strategy: Make one in the DNA Scanner Access Console and use it on someone or yourself Description This injects the person with DNA. See the guide to genetics. Surgical Tools These items are used in surgery. Surgical tools can be found in Operating Theatre and Robotics. Additionally, Cargo can make all of them (with the exception of drapes) using their Autolathe. It is best to keep surgical tools in their proper places so your fellow crewmembers can use them when they need them.

Drapes Drapes Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Determining which place is about to be cut, sliced 'n' diced Strategy: Use drapes on a patient who's (preferably) on the operating table Description Nanotrasen brand surgical drapes provide optimal safety and infection control.

Scalpel Scalpel Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Incisions in surgery, or melee combat Strategy: Use it on the patient when you need to do an incision Description Cut, cut, and once more cut.

Circular Saw Circular Saw Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Cutting through bone, cutting out brains or cutting logs into planks Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description Note the blood stains; if there are no blood stains… you already know what you're doing with this bad boy. This is a normal-sized item capable of being used by Medical Doctors to cut out brains to be put into robots. It is also a highly effective melee weapon. It is extremely easy to blind yourself and others with this weapon, so letting the entire crew run around with these is extremely dangerous. It may also be used to cut logs into planks.

Surgical Drill Surgical Drill Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Drilling through bone Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description A item used for surgery. Surprisingly robust, especially against eyes.

Hemostat Hemostat Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Clamping blood vessels to prevent bleeding Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description You can drill using this item. You dig?“

Cautery Cautery Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: cauterizing wounds to prevent bleeding Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description This stops bleeding.

Laser Scalpel Laser Scalpel Found in: Medical techfab and Science Protolathe (after research) Used for: upgraded scalpel and saw two-in-one Strategy: Does surgical steps faster than basic scalpel and saw. Description Active in hand to toggle between low power (scalpel) mode Laser scalpel scalpel.png and high power (saw) mode Laser scalpel saw.png.

Mechanical Pinches Mechanical Pinches Found in: Medical techfab and Science Protolathe (after research) Used for: upgraded retractor and and hemostat two-in-one Strategy: Does surgical steps faster than basic retractor and hemostat. Description Active in hand to toggle between retractor mode Mechanical pinches retractor.png and hemostat mode Mechanical pinches hemostat.png.

Searing Tool Searing Tool Found in: Medical techfab and Science Protolathe (after research) Used for: upgraded cautery and surgical drill two-in-one Strategy: Does surgical steps faster than basic cautery and surgical drill. Description Active in hand to toggle between mending (cautery) mode Searing tool cautery.png and drilling mode Searing tool drill.png.

Anesthetic Tank Anesthetic Tank Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Putting the patient asleep Strategy: See below Description A tank filled with Nitrous Oxide for keeping the patient unconscious during surgery to prevent him/her from escaping feeling pain. How to set internals:

To set internals and make your patient sleep you need to first remove any item from their back. Once done you need to put a breath mask on them and then put the anesthetic tank onto their back. Once it is on their back you can put them on internals by clicking “set internals” on the same menu you used to put the tank on their back. Once done your patient should fall asleep. Remember to use a proper anesthetic mixture, as pure N2O will suffocate the patient.

Amputation Shears Amputation Shears Found in: Premium vendor item Used for: Amputation Strategy: See below Description A type of heavy duty surgical shears used for achieving a clean separation between limb and patient. Keeping the patient still is imperative to be able to secure and align the shears. It dismembers a limb(or tail) after a delay. If the patient is dead, sleeping or paralyzed with curare the amputation speed is cut in half. If the patient is jittery the time needed is increased. Medical Gear Clothes and other equipment made especially for the doctors.

Health Scanner HUD Health Scanner HUD

Sterile Mask Sterile Mask

Latex Gloves Latex Gloves

Nitrile Gloves Nitrile Gloves

Medical Belt Medical Belt

Medical Backpack Medical Backpack

Bio Hood Bio Hood

Bio-suit Bio-suit

Muzzle Muzzle

Straight Jacket Straight Jacket Medical Kits These are stocked in medbay and some other locations on-station. Remember that you can always order more from cargo if you run out. Roboticists can use these to make medibots once they're empty, and these make your job a lot easier, so don't be shy about taking them over to their desk when you have a moment. Back when Telescience was a thing, scientists sometimes stole these up while cackling madly. It was probably nothing to worry about. To use a medical kit, both hands must be free. Pick up the medical kit and select the empty hand. Now click on your kit and it should open like a backpack, with the supplies inside, which you can remove, place into your free hand and use.

First-Aid Kit a.k.a. Medkit First-Aid Kit a.k.a. Medkit Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for the most common injuries Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Medical gauze Suture Suture Regenerative Mesh Regenerative Mesh Epinephrine medipen Useful for most cases (brute and burn damage) you will witness on the station. Even the most basic assistant can bring many people back from the brink of death with the help of this kit.

Medical Aid Kit Medical Aid Kit Found in: Medical Doctor's starting loadout Used for: Carrying medical items such as surgery tools and medicines Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients or perform basic surgery Contents Description Medical gauze Suture Suture Regenerative Mesh Regenerative Mesh Epinephrine medipen Healthanalyzer.png Surgical Drapes Scalpel Hemostat Hemostat Cautery An improved first aid kit with extra storage space and some basic surgery tools. Can hold similar/same items as a medical belt. Medical doctors and CMO start with one of these.

Toxin First-Aid Kit Toxin First-Aid Kit Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for toxin damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description 3x 10u Multiver pills 15u Syriniver syringe 15u Syriniver syringe 15u Syriniver syringe 3x 15u Potassium Iodide pills 10u Pentetic Acid medipen This kit is for the treatment of toxin damage. Each multiver pill contains 2u Multiver + 8u Granibitaluri. Toxin kits may come with 1 of 3 biohazard symbols instead of a cross (TB1Med.pngTB2Med.pngTB3Med.png), but the contents should be the same.

Burn treatment kit Burn treatment kit Found in: Medical Storage, Engineering Used for: Carrying medicine for burn damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description 10u aiuri patch (burn) 10u aiuri patch (burn) 10u aiuri patch (burn) 100u spray bottle of Rhigoxane 10u Oxandrolone medipen Epinephrine medipen This kit is for the treatment of burn damage. Each burn patch contains 2u Aiuri + 8u Granibitaluri. Burn treatment kits may have a flame symbol (BMedFlame.png) instead of a cross, though the contents should be the same.

Brute trauma treatment kit Brute trauma treatment kit Found in: Medical Storage, mining equipment vendors Used for: Carrying medicine for brute damage and gauze to treat bleeding from brute damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description 10u libital patch (brute) 10u libital patch (brute) 10u libital patch (brute) Medical gauze 4x 15u Trophazole pills 10u Salicyclic Acid medipen This kit is for the treatment of brute damage. Each patch contains 2u Libital + 8u Granibitaluri.

Oxygen Deprivation First-Aid Kit Oxygen Deprivation First-Aid Kit Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for suffocation damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Syringe (Convermol) Syringe (Convermol)Syringe (Convermol) 10u Salbutamol medipen 4x 30u iron pills Epinephrine medipen This kit is for the treatment of suffocation damage. Each syringe contains 6u Convermol and 9u Granibitaluri.

Box of hugs Box of hugs Found in: Maintenance, Nanomed Plus Used for: Carrying medicine for common injuries, hugging Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients. Use the box to calm sensitive patients. Contents Description Bpack.png Oint.png Epinephrine medipen This box is made for the well-being of sensitive persons. Pill Bottles

Bottle of Mannitol Pills Bottle of Mannitol Pills Found in: Genetics Used for: Treating brain damage in patients, Strategy: Get the patient to swallow a pill. Slip a pill in the cryo beakers. Contents Description Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Contains pills used to treat brain damage.

Bottle of Mutadone Pills Bottle of Mutadone Pills Found in: Genetics Used for: Removing genetic mutations in patients including superpowers and disabilities. Strategy: Get the patient to swallow a pill. Force one into a monkey to turn it into a human. Contents Description Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Contains pills used to treat genetic abnormalities. Machinery and Facilities These are the vital machines that you need to treat abnormally damaging injuries. With the exception of the sink and shower, you need to be able to access the Medbay to use any of these.

Sink Sink

Shower Shower

NanoMed Plus NanoMed Plus Found in: Medbay Used for: Supplying yourself with medical items Strategy: Use the machine and choose your poison Description See what NanoMed Plus holds inside.

NanoMed NanoMed Found in: Medbay Used for: Supplying yourself with medical items Strategy: Use the machine and choose your poison. Description See what NanoMed holds inside.

Lifeform Stasis Unit (aka “Stasis Bed”) Lifeform Stasis Unit (aka “Stasis Bed”) Found in: Medbay Used for: To keep patients alive during treatment Strategy: Buckle patients to them to put them into stasis. While in stasis they no longer bleed, no longer process reagents or diseases (good or bad), and if dead it freezes their defibrillation timer. Description Puts patients into stasis. Can be turned off with alt-click. Works for surgery. See here how to use a Stasis Bed. See here how to build a Stasis Bed.

Sleeper Sleeper Found in: Unknown Used for: To heal patients Strategy: Get the patient on top of the Sleeper, use the Sleeper and choose “Close”, now the patient is in and you can inject all the needed medicines Description Sleepers contain an unlimited supply of five different chemicals, which can be expanded with further upgrades. As of writing they cannot be built and are not found on the station, since they have been replaced with Lifeform Stasis Units. Guide to building and using a Sleeper.

Cryogenics TubeFreezer Cryogenics Tube & Freezer Found in: Medbay Used for: Healing critical (or not critical) patients and genetic damage Strategy: Set the cryo up and put people in. Eject them after they've healed up Description These high-tech devices can bring crew members back from the brink of death. The station starts with two, but they have to be set up first. It automatically stabilizes people in critical condition, and will safely lower a patient's body temperature to levels at which Cryoxadone, usually mixed with Mannitol, is effective. These chemicals will heal all damage types, and are the only way to fix cellular damage caused by slime feeding. You can quickly operate the Cryogenics Tube without opening the menu with a few shortcuts. ALT + left click will toggle the doors, and CTRL + left click will toggle the power.

See here how to use and perform maintenance on the Cryogenics Tubes.

Guide to building a Cryogenics Tube.

Defibrillator Defibrillator Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Reviving the recently dead Strategy: Get to bodies fast enough and jump-start their heart Description Can bring patients out of death and into crit under certain conditions. Doesn't work if patients are not in their bodies or if they are heavily damaged. Runs on power cells. Can be emagged or EMPd to make it able to knockdown, deal stamina damage and cause convulsion (on disarm intent, instant) or induce a heart attack (on harm intent, not instant). Both the knockdown and heart attack induction work through hardsuits. Defibrillation works on monkeys too. See the Guide to Medicine for details about the conditions that need to be fulfilled to be able to defibrillate someone.

Defibrillator Mount Defibrillator Mount Found in: Chief Medical Officer's Office Used for: Holding Defibrillators Description Mount it on a wall and attach a defibrillator to it to allow public use while preventing theft. While mounted, the paddles can be used by clicking the mount; alt-clicking will remove the defibrillator if unlocked. Can be locked and unlocked using a Medical, Head of Staff or Security ID, or by using a multitool. Automatically unlocks under red alert.

Compact Defibrillator Compact Defibrillator Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Reviving the recently dead Strategy: Get to bodies fast enough and jump-start their heart Description A smaller version of the defibrillator, found in the CMO's office. Fits on the belt slot, rather than the back slot. Can bring patients out of death and into crit if they have only been dead a short time (only a few minutes). Does brain damage, though, and doesn't work if patients are not in their bodies or if they are heavily damaged. Runs on power cells. Can be emagged for a heavy stun and some burn damage.

IV Drip IV Drip Found in: Medbay Used for: Dispensing blood and other chemicals Strategy: Attach the patient to the IV drip. Insert blood pack. Wait. Do not move the patient while they are hooked up to the IV. Description The IV drip can replenish patients' blood with blood packs, or collect their blood with empty packs. If no blood is available to treat patients, saline-glucose solution can be used as a temporary substitute. Alt-click the IV drip to toggle it to drip-feeding mode, which injects 20% as fast.

Blood Pack Blood Pack Found in: Operating Theatre, Virology Used for: Replenishing blood Strategy: Add blood pack to IV drip. Attach the patient to the IV drip by clicking and and dragging the IV drip to the patient. Wait. Click IV drip to take it out. Do not move the patient while infusing. Description Blood packs can be attached to an IV to transfuse or collect blood from patients. Medbay is initially stocked with blood packs for each blood type. Don't give patients the wrong blood type! Empty blood packs Blood pack.png can be printed from the medical techfab after research. Blood packs can be labeled with a pen.

Intravenous Medicine Bag Intravenous Medicine Bag Found in: Medical techfab after research Used for: Making custom IV drip medicine mixes Strategy: Fill it with medicines that won't overdose the patient, such as iron. Use the way as blood pack. Description Intravenous medicine bags can be filled with up to 100u if any liquid reagent and then be injected into a patient with an IV drip. Alt-click the bag to permanently seal it, which will prevent spilling.

An operating computer, as in not broken.Operating Table Operating Table Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics, and Maintenance just north of arrivals (only on BoxStation) Used for: Surgery Strategy: Put patient on table, do surgery Description A major part in all surgery. Only medical doctors and the CMO have access to surgery.

Chem Dispenser Chem Dispenser Found in: Chemistry Used for: Dispensing chemicals Strategy: Put a beaker in it, use it, choose how much you want, what you want and eject the beaker Description This machine provides the Chemist with most of the raw materials to ply his trade. Contains 100 regenerating energy points. Every 10 units of reagent costs one energy point. It remains on during a power outage, though it will not recharge points unless it is receiving power. Can be recharged using an Inducer in the event of a power outage. A beaker, or other liquid holding device, has to be put inside for it to perform it's function. The units of chemicals it gives out vary depending on what it is set to.

Chemicals produced: See here for a list of chemicals.

Chemical Heater Chemical Heater Found in: Chemistry Used for: Heating chemicals Strategy: Put a beaker in, select a temperature, and turn it on. Description See the guide to chemistry for a list of chemical formulas and their reaction to heat.

ChemMaster 3000 ChemMaster 3000 Found in: Chemistry Used for: Making bottles and pills Strategy: Put beaker with stuff in, make stuff containing bottles/pills for further use Description Separates, bottles, and makes pills out of the chemical you loaded inside. Just select the amount of each chemical you with to work with. Ejecting a beaker while working on a chemical will make the chemical go to waste. You can only make 50 unit pills, and 30 unit bottles this way.

Reagent Grinder Reagent Grinder Found in: Chemistry, Kitchen, Bar, Hydroponics, Xenobiology Used for: Grinding and liquefying reagents Strategy: Put something in it and choose what you want to do with it Description Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. Works on:

Refined sheets of mined minerals (plasma, gold, uranium, bananium, and silver) Grown foods (bananas, liberty caps, corn, carrots, and chilies) Other grown items (nettles and death nettles) Snacks (chips and candy)

Morgue Tray Morgue Tray Found in: Morgue Used for: Storing dead people Strategy: Open, put a dead person on, preferably in a body bag with a note attached to it (who they are and why they're there), and close Description Holds one person (preferably dead) on the tray within. Has a light on the side to notify about the body if it has a ghost in them Blue light: No body or object. Green light: Body with a ghost in it, will beep loudly to catch attention Red light: Body with no ghost or braindead/catatonic. Yellow light: Non-body object.

Makeshift weapons Makeshift weapons are offensive weaponry or equipment that can be made with relatively common and low tech items. They are significantly less effective than more modern and effective Security items, but these weapons can prove to be very useful in a pinch and can surprise even the most hardy of people.

Contents 1 Construction 1.1 Cablecuffs 1.2 Spear 1.3 Explosive Lance 1.4 Stunprod 1.5 Teleprod 1.6 Strobe Shield 1.7 Chainsaw 1.8 Improvised Explosive Device (IED) 1.9 Molotov Cocktail 1.10 Flamethrower 1.11 Improvised Shotgun 1.12 Improvised Shotgun Shell 1.13 Advanced Shotgun Shells 1.14 Improvised Pneumatic Cannon 1.15 Bola 1.16 Extendo-Hand 1.17 Baseball Bat 1.18 Liz O' Nine Tails 1.19 Cat O' Nine Tails 1.20 Singletank Bomb 1.21 Chemical Payload Construction Cablecuffs.png Cablecuffs Cable cuffs are makeshift handcuffs. They are easier to break out of, and wirecutters will remove them instantly, but otherwise they still function as normal handcuffs. You need at least 15 coils.

Requires 15 x Cable coil Click on the Cable Coil in your hand and select “Make Cable Restraints”. Alternatively, you can hold some cable and click 'Make Cable Restraints' in the object tab. Spear.png Spear The spear is a makeshift melee weapon which can only be held in hand or on your back. It does 10 brute when wielded with one hand, and 18 brute when wielded in both hands. You can impale a decapitated head on the spear, and display it for all to see. However, this essentially nullifies the spear as a weapon. (you can just make another one, but, eh…)

Requires 1 x Rods, 15 x Cable coil, 1x Glass shard Make Cable Restraints from the Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints. Use the Glass Shard on the Wired Rod. Spearbomb.PNG Explosive Lance The explosive lance is a simple spear, which when striking someone in melee with it while wielding it with both hands, activates the grenade attached to it on the target's tile. Does not explode from being thrown. A 100 Potassium/Water mix has a 1 tile gibbing radius, an effective and makeshift way of permanently taking care of a Wizard. (A meth explosion mix is a tad bit too destructive, and might lead to innocent bystanders sustaining serious injuries, as well as a rather large hull breach being generated.)

Requires 1 x Rods, 15 x Cable coil, 1x Glass shard, 1x Any grenade or C4/X4 Make Cable Restraints from the Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints. Use the Glass Shard on the Wired Rod. Attach a Grenade to the resulting Spear. Stunprod.png Stunprod The Stunprod is a makeshift Stun Baton which consumes much more battery life, and is much, much bulkier, which means that it can't be stored in backpacks (it will only fit on your back slot, and in the armor slot of certain bodywear). Expect to get thrown in the brig if caught with this weapon by Security. It is possible to recharge a Stunprod after depleting its power supply by using a Screwdriver on the prod to remove the Power Cell and either replacing it with a fresh cell or putting the dead cell in a Cell Charger. Rechargers are also surprisingly compatible with Stunprods.

While the Stunprod is great for self-defence, it deals almost no damage.

Note that basic power cells can't be inserted into a stunprod. You'll be told that you need a higher-capacity cell for them. Similarly to the Stun Baton, hitting someone with it will result in 50 instant stamina damage, and then a 5 second knockdown 2 seconds after the hit. Has a 2.5 second cooldown between knockdown hits.

Requires 1 x Rods, 1 x Igniter, 15 x Cable coil, 1x Power cell Make Cable Restraints from 15 Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints Use the Igniter on the Rods Use the Power Cell on the assembled rod.


Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Stunprod” and wait a few seconds. Teleprod2.png Teleprod The Teleprod is similar to the Stunprod, but instead of just stunning the target, it also teleports the target a short distance away. Hopefully it sends the target straight off into deep-space.

Requires 1 x Rods, 1 x Igniter, 15 x Cable coil, 1x Bluespace Crystal Make Cable Restraints from the Cable Coil. Use the Rods on the Cable Restraints Use the Igniter on the Rods Use the Bluespace Crystal on the assembled rod.


Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Teleprod” and wait a few seconds. Flashshield.png Strobe Shield A standard issue security riot shield, but it has a built in flash with the ability to blind and disorient the target.

Requires 1 x Mounted Flash Frame, 1 x Flash, 1x Riot Shield Use the Mounted Flash Frame on the Riot Shield Use the Flash on the Strobe Shield assembly


Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Strobe Shield” and wait a few seconds. Chainsaw.gif Chainsaw The Chainsaw is a glorified version of the circular saw, with extra robustness. You can even surgically replace your arms with chainsaws, if you would like your dream about the unstoppable Double Chainsaw Griffon Man to come true. They can be crafted using a circular saw, a plasteel sheet, some cable coil, and a welding tool. Don't forget to turn it on!

Requires 1 x Circular saw, 3x Cable coil, 5x Plasteel, Welder Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Chainsaw” and wait a few seconds. IED.png Improvised Explosive Device (IED) The IED is a firebomb made out of a soda can. It is weak but it can do lots of damage if used correctly, from setting fire to crew to breaking power wires. It has a random timer between 0 and 8 seconds, so use it wisely!

Requires 1 x soda can, 1 x 1 igniter, 50u Welding Fuel, 1 x Cable coil Fill the can with welding fuel. Put the can, the igniter, and the cable coil within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Improvised Explosive Device” and wait a few seconds. Molotov.gif Molotov Cocktail Bash it on your target, watch him burst into flames. Highly recommended for rioters and revolutionaries alike. Light and toss. Fwooosh.

Requires 1 x Bottle, 1 x Rag, 100u Accelerant Fill the bottle with 100 units of an accelerant, a highly flammable substance which will go up in flames when set alight. (Examples include: Ethanol, Welding Fuel, Chlorine Trifluoride, Phlogiston, Napalm, Hellwater, Liquid Plasma, and Burning Spore Toxin.) Place bottle and a rag on a table. Craft using the crafting menu. Flamethrower.png Flamethrower The flamethrower creates a stream of flame that superheats the air and causes those caught in the flame to catch on fire. It has a range of about three tiles and is most effective against alien weeds and space vines; while very effective against the aforementioned two infestations, the flamer is at best a suppression weapon against human targets and at worst a suicide attack to yourself. You are better off using a Stun Prod or a Toolbox to do direct damage, however the flamethrower is great for area denial, AoE attacks, and damage done over time (both from catching on fire and the hot state that it leaves the surrounding air in). When using a flamethrower either wear a Firesuit to protect you against the high heat or move back as soon as you fire the weapon.

May simply cause masses of plasma to be spewed everywhere if the pressure settings are too high.

Also, keep in mind that the tank can contain anything - from a burnmix over N20 to supercooled water vapor.

Requires 1 x Rods, Screwdriver, 1 x Welder, 1 x Igniter, 1 x Plasma Tank Screwdriver the Welder Add Rods to the Welder to create the Flamethrower Screwdriver the Igniter Add the Igniter to the Flamethrower Screwdriver to finish Load a Plasma Tank


Put the Welder, Rods, and Igniter within one tile of you. Have a screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Flamethrower” and wait a few seconds. Load a Plasma Tank You can also get one from a hacked Autolathe, minus the plasma tank.

It should also be noted that the fuel inside the plasma tank determines the properties of the shot flame. Mixes of plasma and other gases can create different results when using the flamethrower, namely in temperature.

Improvised shotgun.png Improvised Shotgun Essentially a tube that aims shotgun shells.

Requires 1 x Modular Receiver, 1 x Rifle Stock, 1 x Disposal Pipe, 1 x Package Wrapper, Screwdriver Collect all the materials (make Modular Receiver from a hacked Autolathe, make Rifle Stock from 10 wooden planks) Put them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available, Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Improvised Shotgun” and wait a few seconds. Dragonsbreath Shell.png Improvised Shotgun Shell An improvised, short range buckshot shell.

Requires 10u Welding Fuel, 2x Metal Sheet, 1x Cable Piece, Screwdriver Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have a Screwdriver available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Improvised Shotgun Shell” and wait 1.2 seconds. Meteorshot Shell.png Advanced Shotgun Shells Pulse Slug Shell.pngDragonsbreath Shell.png Some special shotgun shells can be crafted from Unloaded Technological Shells, which are printable from some techfabs/protolathes after research. Look here for the recipes.

Pneumatic cannon.pngImprovised Pneumatic Cannon A unique gas-powered gun that can fire anything loaded into it. Can be loaded with 10 tiny items or equivalent. It fires one item at a time.

Comes with three pressure settings, which increase the amount of gas, throw speed and range of items loaded into it. The third setting knocks the user down.

In practice, the cannon is best used with items that embed and hurt when thrown - such as combat knives, survival knives, bone daggers, eswords/edaggers and throwing stars.

Requires 2 x Disposal Pipe, 8 x Package Wrapper, 6 x Metal, Wrench, Welder Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have the tools available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Pneumatic Cannon” and wait a few seconds. Acquire a medium-large sized gas tank (even plasma works) to power the cannon. Bola.png Bola A simple device fashioned from a cable and weights on the end, designed to entangle enemies by wrapping around their legs upon being thrown at them. The victim can remove them rather quickly, however.

Requires 1x Cablecuffs, 6 Metal Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Have the tools available. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Bola” and wait a few seconds. Extendohand.png Extendo-Hand Lets you reach things that are 2 tiles away and interact with them as if you were using your bare hand on them. Too long and awkward to use on things that are adjacent to you though. Basically you can fistfight/disarm people from a tile away assuming they don't close the distance or anything, plus you can unlock lockers or open doors from a tile away and stuff.

Requires 1 x Borg Arm (left or right), 1 x Boxing Glove Attach a boxing glove to the cyborg arm Baseball bat.png Baseball Bat The baseball bat does moderate damage and knocks back mobs.

Requires 5x Wooden Planks Click on the wooden planks in your hand and select “baseball bat”. Tailwhip2.png Liz O' Nine Tails For displaying your dominance over those filthy lizards.

Requires 1x Cable coil, 1 x Lizard Tail Attach a piece of cable coil to a cut off lizard tail. Catwhip.png Cat O' Nine Tails For displaying your dominance over those filthy catgirls.

Requires 1x Cable coil, 1 x Cat Tail Attach a piece of cable coil to a cut off cat tail. Plasma tank.png Singletank Bomb Singletank bombs are, unlike TTV bombs, constructed from a singular tank. As a result, they tend towards less explosive power but make up for it by being very easy to create in comparison. Experiment with gas mixtures.

Requires 1x 1 igniter, 1x detonator of your choice, 1xPlasma Tank, Screwdriver Welder Create an igniter assembly, usually this is a signaler, by screwdrivering the igniter and detonator and combining them by slapping them together. (If you're using a signaler, make sure to change it from default frequency to reduce the risk of someone randomly signaling your bomb). Attach the assembly to the tank by hitting it on the tank. Weld a pressure hole into the tank with a welding tool. ChemPayload.gif Chemical Payload Two Grenade casings and a piece of C4 or Gibtonite are stuffed into a matter bin. The finished payload can then be loaded with 2-7 beakers. If you used large grenade casings you get room for one extra beaker each, and a higher quality matter bin increases this number by 1 per tier, up to the maximum of 7.

You should ideally place the payload into a bomb assembly (crafted from 10 plasteel) to provide a way to actually detonate it. Merge the wires of the bomb assembly with a wirecutter before finishing or the bomb will give an error when trying to activate it. Finish the assembly by closing it with a screwdriver. You can now drag it and activate it to set a timer. If the bomb is wrenched down and its timer is ticking, it cannot be unwrenched unless disarmed or unbolted through Hacking.

A useful way to bypass the countdown of the bomb (and create an instant explosion) is to strap a signaler onto the boom wire of the bomb. If you can get your hand on some bluespace beakers, the chemical payload can theoretically detonate 2100 units of chemicals/toxins. Capable of very great destruction or other things.

Requires 1x Matter Bin, 2x Grenade, 1x C4 OR Gibtonite Step 1: Put two Grenade casings into the matter bin Put the detonator (the C4 or Gibtonite) into the matter bin


Collect all components and place them within one tile of you. Open the crafting menu (T hud icon). Find and select “Chemical Payload” and wait a few seconds.

Step 2: Fill the Chemical Payload with 2-7 beakers of chemicals Use 10 plasteel to make a bomb assembly Put the Chemical Payload into the bomb assembly Merge the bomb wires with a wirecutter Attach a signaller onto the boom wire of the bomb (optional) Screwdriver to close the assembly Make the bomb actually go boom (optional)

Posters Posters are large printed pictures that can be used to decorate the Station. Three types exist: corporate, contraband, wanted.

Corporate posters: these depict imagery in line with Nanotrasen's rules. Can be found around the station or printed from the Curator's book inventory management console (random, 6 sec. cooldown). Contraband posters: these depict items or ideals against Nanotrasen rules. Can be ordered from cargo with a hacked console or found around the station, usually maintenance. Wanted posters: these are issued by security to alert the crew of dangerous individuals. Made from a security records console. Corporate posters Poster contraband legit.pngCorporate posters are Nanotrasen prints designated to provide the crew with informative, morale boosting imagery, as well as reminders for proper corporate behavion and corporate products advertisements. There are a total of 35 of these, and they are:

“Here For Your Safety”: A poster glorifying the station's security force. “Nanotrasen Logo”: A poster depicting the Nanotrasen logo. “Cleanliness”: A poster warning of the dangers of poor hygiene. “Help Others”: A poster encouraging you to help fellow crewmembers. “Build”: A poster glorifying the engineering team. “Bless This Spess”: A poster blessing this area. “Science”: A poster depicting an atom. “Ian”: Arf arf. Yap. “Obey”: A poster instructing the viewer to obey authority. “Walk”: A poster instructing the viewer to walk instead of running. “State Laws”: A poster instructing cyborgs to state their laws. “Love Ian”: Ian is love, Ian is life. “Space Cops.”: A poster advertising the television show Space Cops. “Ue No.”: This thing is all in Japanese. “Get Your LEGS”: LEGS: Leadership, Experience, Genius, Subordination. “Do Not Question”: A poster instructing the viewer not to ask about things they aren't meant to know. “Work For A Future”: A poster encouraging you to work for your future. “Soft Cap Pop Art”: A poster reprint of some cheap pop art. “Safety: Internals”: A poster instructing the viewer to wear internals in the rare environments where there is no oxygen or the air has been rendered toxic. “Safety: Eye Protection”: A poster instructing the viewer to wear eye protection when dealing with chemicals, smoke, or bright lights. “Safety: Report”: A poster instructing the viewer to report suspicious activity to the security force. “Report Crimes”: A poster encouraging the swift reporting of crime or seditious behavior to station security. “Ion Rifle”: A poster displaying an Ion Rifle. “Foam Force Ad”: Foam Force, it's Foam or be Foamed! “Cohiba Robusto Ad”: Cohiba Robusto, the classy cigar. “50th Anniversary Vintage Reprint”: A reprint of a poster from 2505, commemorating the 50th Aniversery of Nanoposters Manufacturing, a ##subsidary of Nanotrasen. “Fruit Bowl”: Simple, yet awe-inspiring. “PDA Ad”: A poster advertising the latest PDA from Nanotrasen suppliers. “Enlist”: Enlist in the Nanotrasen Deathsquadron reserves today! “Nanomichi Ad”: A poster advertising Nanomichi brand audio cassettes. “12 Gauge”: A poster boasting about the superiority of 12 gauge shotgun shells. “High-Class Martini”: I told you to shake it, no stirring. “The Owl”: The Owl would do his best to protect the station. Will you? “No ERP”: This poster reminds the crew that Eroticism, Rape and Pornography are banned on Nanotrasen stations. “Carbon Dioxide”: This informational poster teaches the viewer what carbon dioxide is. Contraband Posters Generic clown.png Funny Guy says: “Contraband is such a big word. Many of these items are in-jokes and light-hearted humor, don't arrest people for these, you square!” Poster contraband.pngContraband posters depict images of items, activities and ideals against Nanotrasen directives. There are a total of 36 of these, and they are: “Free Tonto”: A salvaged shred of a much larger flag, colors bled together and faded from age. “Atmosia Declaration of Independence”: A relic of a failed rebellion. “Fun Police”: A poster condemning the station's security forces. “Lusty Xenomorph”: A heretical poster depicting the titular star of an equally heretical book. “Syndicate Recruitment”: See the galaxy! Shatter corrupt megacorporations! Join today! “Clown”: Honk. “Smoke”: A poster advertising a rival corporate brand of cigarettes. “Grey Tide”: A rebellious poster symbolizing assistant solidarity. “Missing Gloves”: This poster references the uproar that followed Nanotrasen's financial cuts toward insulated-glove purchases. “Hacking Guide”: This poster details the internal workings of the common Nanotrasen airlock. Sadly, it appears out of date. “RIP Badger”: This seditious poster references Nanotrasen's genocide of a space station full of badgers. “Ambrosia Vulgaris”: This poster is lookin' pretty trippy man. “Donut Corp.”: This poster is an unauthorized advertisement for Donut Corp. “EAT.”: This poster promotes rank gluttony. “Tools”: This poster looks like an advertisement for tools, but is in fact a subliminal jab at the tools at CentCom. “Power”: A poster that positions the seat of power outside Nanotrasen. “Space Cube”: Ignorant of Nature's Harmonic 6 Side Space Cube Creation, the Spacemen are Dumb, Educated Singularity Stupid and Evil. “Communist State”: All hail the Communist party! “Lamarr”: This poster depicts Lamarr. Probably made by a traitorous Research Director. “Borg Fancy”: Being fancy can be for any borg, just need a suit. “Borg Fancy v2”: Borg Fancy, Now only taking the most fancy. “Kosmicheskaya Stantsiya 13 Does Not Exist”: A poster mocking CentCom's denial of the existence of the derelict station near Space Station 13. “Rebels Unite”: A poster urging the viewer to rebel against Nanotrasen. “C-20r”: A poster advertising the Scarborough Arms C-20r. “Have a Puff”: Who cares about lung cancer when you're high as a kite? “Revolver”: Because seven shots are all you need. “D-Day Promo”: A promotional poster for some rapper. “Syndicate Pistol”: A poster advertising syndicate pistols as being 'classy as fuck'. It is covered in faded gang tags. “Energy Swords”: All the colors of the bloody murder rainbow. “Red Rum”: Looking at this poster makes you want to kill. “CC 64K Ad”: The latest portable computer from Comrade Computing, with a whole 64kB of ram! “Punch Shit”: Fight things for no reason, like a man! “The Griffin”: The Griffin commands you to be the worst you can be. Will you? “Lizard”: This lewd poster depicts a lizard preparing to mate. “Free Drone”: This poster commemorates the bravery of the rogue drone banned by CentCom. “Busty Backdoor Xeno Babes 6”: Get a load, or give, of these all natural Xenos! Wanted Posters Wrench.png Important Uploading a 3×3 photo to update a profile picture will make the wanted posters take their portrait from the lower-left corner. You will need to somehow get your target in that section of a picture when taking your shot.

These posters can be printed at any security records console directly from a personal file. The image is taken from the front portrait on a fugitive's file, meaning if no profile is present, you will have to create one and upload a photo.

Research items Contents 1 Stock Parts 2 Mining Designs 3 Medical Designs 3.1 Implants 4 Electronics 5 Bluespace Designs 6 Equipment 7 Weapons 8 Machinery 9 Other Stock Parts

Capacitor Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A basic capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Advanced Capacitor Advanced Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description An advanced capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Super Capacitor Super Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A super-high capacity capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Quadratic Capacitor Quadratic Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description An extremely high capacity capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices.

Scanning Module Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Advanced Scanning Module Advanced Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact, high resolution scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Phasic Scanning Module Phasic Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact, high resolution phasic scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Triphasic Scanning Module Triphasic Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact, high resolution triphasic scanning module used in the construction of certain devices.

Micro Manipulator Micro Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed.

Nano Manipulator Nano Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, advanced manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed.

Pico Manipulator Pico Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, very precise manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed.

Femto Manipulator Femto Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, extremely precise manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed.

Micro-Laser Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency.

High-Power Micro-Laser High-Power Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, high power laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency.

Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, ultra-high-power laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency.

Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, quad-ultra-high-power laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency.

Matter Bin Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Advanced Matter Bin Advanced Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A large container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Super Matter Bin Super Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A very large container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Bluespace Matter Bin Bluespace Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A bluespace container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space.

Subspace Treatment Disk Subspace Treatment Disk Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A compact micro-machine capable of stretching out hyper-compressed radio waves.

Subspace Ansible Subspace Ansible Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A compact module capable of sensing extradimensional activity.

Hyperwave Filter Hyperwave Filter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A tiny device capable of filtering and converting super-intense radio waves.

Subspace Amplifier Subspace Amplifier Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A compact micro-machine capable of amplifying weak subspace transmissions.

Subspace Wavelength Analyzer Subspace Wavelength Analyzer Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A sophisticated analyzer capable of analyzing cryptic subspace wavelengths.

Ansible Crystal Ansible Crystal Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A crystal made from pure glass used to transmit laser databursts to subspace.

Subspace Transmitter Subspace Transmitter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A large piece of equipment used to open a window into the subspace dimension.

Alien Alloy Alien Alloy Found in: Protolathe Used for: Building advanced-looking walls. Strategy: Use it to make floor tiles or walls. Description This is the same material abductor ships are made of. Pimp out science with these!

Mining Designs

Upgraded Resonator Upgraded Resonator Found in: Mining Vendor Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine. Description Like a normal resonator, it will create fields that will blow up after a bit, destroying rock under it; this version can hold 5 fields at a time instead of 3.

Sonic Jackhammer Sonic Jackhammer Found in: Cargo Protolathe Used for: Mining, B&E Strategy: Use it to mine, or to break into any secure area. Description Cracks rocks with sonic blasts.

Mining Drill Mining Drill Found in: Cargo Protolathe Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine or dig sand. Description My drill is.. My soul!

Diamond Mining Drill Diamond Mining Drill Found in: Cargo Protolathe Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine or dig sand. Description Your drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!

Plasma Cutter Plasma Cutter Found in: Cargo Protolathe Used for: Mining, unwelding walls. Strategy: Use it to mine. Also works in place of a welder for cutting open walls, and doesn't require eye protection! Description A rock cutter that uses bursts of hot plasma. You could use it to cut limbs off of xenos! Or, you know, mine stuff. Charge it with plasma, either in ore or in smelted form. Worth noting is that like the Kinetic Accelerator, the plasma cutter deals brute damage, which means that it is still effective for fighting Ash Drakes and other various Megafauna.

Advanced Plasma Cutter Advanced Plasma Cutter Found in: Cargo Protolathe Used for: Mining, monster slaying unwelding walls. Strategy: Use it to mine really fast. Also works in place of a welder for cutting open walls, and doesn't require eye protection! Description Basically, the plasma cutter, but with longer range, higher damage, bigger charge and a better look! Charge it with plasma, either in ore or in smelted form. Worth noting is that like the Kinetic Accelerator, the plasma cutter deals brute damage, which means that it is still effective for fighting Ash Drakes and other various Megafauna.

Kinetic Accelerator Range Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Range Modkit Found in: Cargo Protolathe, Mining Vendor Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will increase its range by 1.

Kinetic Accelerator Damage Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Damage Modkit Found in: Cargo Protolathe, Mining Vendor Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will increase its damage by 10.

Kinetic Accelerator Cooldown Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Cooldown Modkit Found in: Cargo Protolathe, Mining Vendor Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will reduce its cooldown by 0.25 seconds.

Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Modkit Found in: Cargo Protolathe, Mining Vendor Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will make the explosion dig in a 3×3 area around the target. It won't do any AoE damage to mobs.

Kinetic Accelerator Trigger Guard Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Trigger Guard Modkit Found in: Cargo Protolathe, Mining Vendor Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will allow races that can't normally use guns to use it. Medical Designs

Man-Machine Interface Man-Machine Interface Found in: Medical and RnD Protolathes, ExoFab, Robotics Lab Used for: Creating cyborgs or talking with the bodyless Strategy: Guide to robotics Description This device is used to give cyborgs life. The roboticist starts with a few empty ones, and its low research requirements mean more can easily be built in the protolathe. As a brain in an MMI has no limbs, it is, of course, not capable of interacting with anything; but at least it can talk. They can also talk over the common radio channel. Man-Machine Interface with a brain in it: px50

Positronic Brain Positronic Brain Found in: Medical and RnD Protolathes, ExoFab Used for: Creating a brain for cyborgs, mechs and AIs. Strategy: Wait for it to activate, then put it wherever you would put an MMI. Description This artificial brain can be possessed by the dead, making it an alternative to getting someone's brain to operate cyborg shells, mechs or AI cores.

Health Analyzer Health Analyzer Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Determining the patient's damage. Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings. Description Whip this out and use it on someone to see a summary of their condition. You can switch between health and reagent scanner modes.

Advanced Health Analyzer Advanced Health Analyzer Found in: Medical Protolathe, CMO's locker Used for: Determining the patient's damage. Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings. Description This baby detects more types of damage and gives better readings, for example on viruses.

Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Found in: No longer exists in game. Used for: Analyzing reagents in blood samples. Strategy: Put a syringe of blood in it. Description This device will read blood samples and inform you of which reagents are contained inside. Usually outclassed by the health analyzer, since it can scan reagents without requiring lengthy injections.

Advanced Mass Spectrometer Advanced Mass Spectrometer Found in: No longer exists in game. Used for: Analyzing reagents in blood samples. Strategy: Put a syringe of blood in it. Description This device will read blood samples and inform you of which reagents are contained inside, plus their amount. Usually outclassed by the health analyzer, since it can scan reagents without requiring lengthy injections.

Bluespace Beaker Bluespace Beaker Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Containing reagents Strategy: Use it to contain large quantities of reagents; useful for grenades. Description A bluespace-enhanced beaker which can store 300u of any reagent.

Cryostasis Beaker Cryostasis Beaker Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Preventing reagents from reacting when in contact with eachother. Strategy: Useful for preventing unwanted reactions when working with dangerous chemicals. Description A cryostasis beaker that allows for chemical storage without causing reactions. Can hold up to 50 units.

Bluespace Syringe Bluespace Syringe Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Injecting large quantities of chemicals. Strategy: Put it on a syringe gun. Description A bluespace-enhanced syringe that can hold 60u of chemicals, and injects 20u at a time.

Cryo Syringe Cryo Syringe Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Injecting reactive chemical mixes. Strategy: Put it on a syringe gun. Description A modified syringe, whose contents will not react until injected. Holds 20u of chemicals.

Piercing Syringe Piercing Syringe Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Syringe guns. Strategy: Put it on a syringe gun, shoot it at armored victims. Description A diamond-tipped syringe that will pierce through anything that would stop a normal syringe when shot by a syringe guns. It only holds 10 units.

Bluespace Bodybag Bluespace Bodybag Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Holding bodies. Strategy: Load tons of victims bombs other bodybags corpses in it to carry them in your backpack. Description Works like a normal bodybag, but can hold up to 15 bodies instead of the usual 2. It can also be folded while containing something, allowing the user to pocket several mobs. To fold it, click-drag the bodybag onto your sprite.

Plasmaman Jumpsuit Refill Plasmaman Jumpsuit Refill Found in: All Protolathes Used for: Refilling plasmaman jumpsuits. Strategy: Use it on a plasmaman jumpsuit. Description Refills the plasmaman jumpsuit's autoextinguisher. Implants In general: All head implants have a chance to stun the user if hit by EMP - arm implants will simply retract.

Welding Shield Implant Welding Shield Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Protecting eyes from welders and flashes. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will protect the user from flashes (including the flash part of flashbangs) and prevents welding blindness.

Breathing Tube Implant Breathing Tube Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Allowing use of internals. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the mouth. Description This implant will allow the user to use gas tanks for internals, even if he is not wearing a mask. If exposed to EMP, it has a chance to suffocate the user.

Toolset Arm Implant Toolset Arm Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Having tools always at hand. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on an arm. Use a screwdriver on it to change its arm slot between left and right. Description This implant will allow the user to extend and retract any tool from its hand. When emagged it also adds a knife to the available tools.

Surgical Arm Implant Surgical Arm Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Having surgical tools always at hand. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on an arm. Use a screwdriver on it to change its arm slot between left and right. Description This implant will allow the user to extend and retract any surgical tool from their arm.

Medical HUD Implant Medical HUD Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Having the Medical HUD. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will show healthbars above living creatures, informing the user of their health status. Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.

Security HUD Implant Security HUD Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Having the Security HUD. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will show job icons, arrest status and mindshield/tracking implant status above crewmembers. It also allows you to set the arrest status of crewmembers you examine. Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.

X-Ray Implant X-Ray Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Seeing over walls. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will give the user full x-ray vision, ignoring line of sight restrictions. It will also give night vision.

Thermals Implant Thermals Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Seeing living beings over walls. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will give the user thermal vision, showing living beings even when not in line of sight. It will also give night vision, but increases vulnerability to bright lights.

Luminescent Eyes Luminescent Eyes Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Being the glowy eyed special snowflake you always dreamed of. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant lets your eyes emit a cone of bright light. You can even change the color!

Anti-Drop Implant Anti-Drop Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Not dropping items. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the head. Description This implant will allow the user to tighten their grip on command, basically making any item they're holding in their active hand unremovable by any means but amputation. It can be deactivated at will. If the user is hit by EMP, it has a chance to toss the held item.

CNS Rebooter Implant CNS Rebooter Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Limiting stuns. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the head. Description This implant will reboot the Central Nervous System of the user in case of stuns, reducing the duration of stuns to a maximum of four seconds. If hit by EMP, the user will get stunned longer.

Nutriment Pump Implant Nutriment Pump Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Preventing starvation, replacing stomach. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will give enough nutrition to the user to prevent falling below the “starving” level. If hit by EMP, poisons the user.

Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Staying well fed, replacing stomach. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will give enough nutrition to the user to prevent falling below the “hungry” level. If hit by EMP, poisons the user.

Reviver Implant Reviver Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Staying alive. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will heal you whenever you fall into critical health status; it will go on cooldown after each revival. If hit by EMP, has the chance to cause a heart attack.

Thrusters Set Implant Thrusters Set Implant Found in: Medical Protolathe, ExoFab Used for: Moving in zero gravity. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will work like a normal jetpack, but it will take air from the environiment if there is any, and cannot stabilize.

Implanter Implanter Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Injecting implants. Strategy: Use it on an implant case, then on the person you want to implant. Description This can load any implant that is stored on an implant case, such as mindshield implants, tracking implants, traitor implants, and so on.

Implant Case Implant Case Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Storing implants. Strategy: Put an implant in it. Description This case can store injectable implants from loaded implanters. It can also be used during surgery to extract implants (for example mindshields).

Sad Trombone Implant Case Sad Trombone Implant Case Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Clowning around. Strategy: Implant it with an implanter, wait until you die, be commiserated by a trombone. Description This implant makes the sad trombone sound when the user dies. Clowns start with this. Electronics

Component Design Disk Component Design Disk Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Research Strategy: Save designs on this disk for use with an unsynced protolathe or autolathe. Obsolete since the introduction of techwebs. Description A disk for storing device design data for construction in lathes. Obsolete since the introduction of techwebs.

Technology Disk Technology Disk Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Research Strategy: Store research levels on the disk for safe keeping or to set up a new research server. Description A disk for storing technology data for further research. Obsolete since the introduction of techwebs.

Plant Data Disk Plant Data Disk Found in: Service Protolathe, Botany Used for: Botany. Strategy: Store plant traits on it with the Plant DNA Manipulator. Description A disk for storing plant data, that can be applied to othe plants.

IntelliCard IntelliCard Found in: RnD Protolathe, Bridge, Tech Storage, Research Director's Office Used for: Stealing Restoring or transporting the AI Strategy: Use it on the AI's core to download it onto the IntelliCard. Description Also known as an IntelliCard AI Transportation System. A functional AI is a possible Traitor objective.

Personal AI Device Personal AI Device Found in: All Protolathes, Dormitory, Research Director's Office, Derelict Shuttle Used for: Downloading your new best friend! Strategy: Use it in your hand to open the interface, load personalities and wait for a pAI personality to become available. Description This is a personal AI device. You can download a personal AI from an online pAI server, if someone has decided to play one. pAI's are chosen from dead players. Bluespace Designs

Bag of Holding Bag of Holding Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Holding items usually too large to fit in backpacks, such as backpacks. Strategy: This item holds bulkier items, including normal backpacks. WARNING: The fabric of Bluespace is fragile. Attempting to put a Bag of Holding inside another Bag of Holding will create a big tear in the fabric of reality, sending people in its area of effect to a dangerous pocket dimension a strong singularity, likely killing and destroying everything nearby. The singularity disappears after 5 seconds. This is called “BoH-bombing”, and was reworked again July 2019 to the described effect. Description A backpack that opens into a localized pocket of bluespace. It should be noted that using any form of teleportation while wearing one will cause you to be teleported randomly and unsafely instead.

Mining Satchel of Holding Mining Satchel of Holding Found in: Cargo Protolathe Used for: Holding large quantities of raw ore. Strategy: Use it to bypass the need for ore boxes. Description Works like a normal mining satchel, but it has no ore limit.

Tracking Beacon Tracking Beacon Found in: RnD/Engineering/Cargo/Security Protolathe, key locations around the station Used for: Teleportation Strategy: Place it somewhere and use the teleporter hub to teleport to it. Description A beacon used by the Teleporter. They can be moved around, meaning you can change the location of where the teleporter goes! This can have several sneaky applications.

Global Positioning System Global Positioning System Found in: RnD/Engineering/Cargo Protolathe, Mining, various storage areas Used for: Finding out where in space you are. Strategy: Keep one on you when exploring space. Description Transmits the universal coordinates to other GPS devices. The name incorrectly suggests that it tracks position on a planet, when in reality, it does not.

Bluespace Crystal Bluespace Crystal Found in: Lavaland, RnD Protolathe, Xenobiology, Teleporter machinery Used for: Research, upgrading the Telepad Strategy: Guide to telescience Description A bluespace crystal with mystical properties. When crushed in your hand it will teleport you a short distance. When thrown at someone it will make them teleport as well. Can be placed into the Telepad Control Console to upgrade the power of the Telepad. You can create bluespace crystals through Bluespace Slimes, or you can create synthetic ones through research. They are also found on Lavaland.

Desynchronizer Desynchronizer Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Desyncing the user from spacetime Strategy: Use it to become incorporeal (but immobile) while it lasts. Description When used in hand it effectively makes you immortal and invisible, but unable to move. The effect can be ended early, and has a maximum duration of five minutes. Useful for surviving the escape shuttle. Requires the Unregulated Bluespace techweb node, which requires illegal technology.

Quantum Spin Inverter Quantum Spin Inverter Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Swapping locations Strategy: Hide its connected twin in a safe spot for a quick getaway. Description The Quantum Spin Inverter can form a link with another QSI by using it on it. When linked Quantum Spin Inverter linked.gif, it can be used inhand to swap location with the linked device after 2.5 seconds. Swapping will teleport the device's holder and/or container as well if it isn't anchored. Equipment

Welding Gas Mask Welding Gas Mask Found in: RnD/Engineering Protolathe Used for: Shielding your eyes from bright lights while still functioning as a gas mask Strategy: Wearing it allows you to use internals and a welding mask without having to change your hat. You can drink and eat with this on, without interrupting internals. Description A gas mask with built in welding goggles and face shield. Looks like a skull, clearly designed by a nerd.

Health Scanner HUD Health Scanner HUD Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Seeing the health status of creatures. Strategy: Wearing it shows you healthbars for any living being in sight. Description These glasses show a summary reading of the health status of surrounding living beings. It will also show if they are infected with viruses or parasites.

Security HUD Security HUD Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Seeing the job of crewmembers. Strategy: Wearing it shows you job icons, wanted status and eventual implants of crewmembers in sight. Description These glasses link to crewmembers id cards and show their job, will check security records to see if they are wanted, and will show if they have a mindshield implant.

Diagnostic HUD Diagnostic HUD Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Seeing the status of silicons. Strategy: Wearing it shows you the health and power of silicons in sight. Description These glasses can give a detailed reading of integrity and power of nearby robotic entities.

Optical Meson Scanners Optical Meson Scanners Found in: Cargo/Engineering Protolathe, Mining, Engineering Used for: Seeing wall layouts. Strategy: Use these to check for breaches or secret rooms. Description Wearing these will let you see walls and floors outside of your line of sight.

Science Goggles Science Goggles Found in: RnD Protolathe, Chemistry Used for: Analyzing items and machines, checking chemicals at a glance. Strategy: Use these when you want to know how valuable an item is when analyzed, or when doing chemistry. Description These glasses will show you the research values of items by examining them; they will also show which parts are inside of machinery, and will give a detailed readout of chems inside containers.

Optical T-Ray Scanners Optical T-Ray Scanners Found in: Engineering Protolathe, Engineering Used for: Looking at wiring and piping under tiles. Strategy: Use them when you want to see how the station is wired without deflooring everything. Description These glasses will pulse T-Rays, showing you what's under floor tiles.

Engineering Scanner Goggles Engineering Scanner Goggles Found in: Engineering Protolathe, Engineering Used for: Anything mesons and T-Rays can do Strategy: Use them when repairing station damage. Description These goggles have both a meson and T-Ray function; use the active button on your HUD to switch modes.

Night Vision Health Scanner HUD Night Vision Health Scanner HUD Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Seeing the health status of creatures, in the darkness. Strategy: Wearing it shows you healthbars for any living being in sight, and will see in the dark. Description These glasses show a summary reading of the health status of surrounding living beings. It will also show if they are infected with viruses or parasites. It can also see through darkness.

Night Vision Security HUD Night Vision Security HUD Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Seeing the job of crewmembers, in the darkness. Strategy: Wearing it shows you job icons, wanted status and eventual implants of crewmembers in sight, and will see in the dark. Description These glasses link to crewmembers id cards and show their job, will check security records to see if they are wanted, and will show if they have a mindshield implant. It can also see through darkness.

Night Vision Diagnostic HUD Night Vision Diagnostic HUD Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Seeing the status of silicons, in the darkness. Strategy: Wearing it shows you the health and power of silicons in sight, and will see in the dark. Description These glasses can give a detailed reading of integrity and power of nearby robotic entities. It can also see through darkness.

Night Vision Optical Meson Scanners Night Vision Optical Meson Scanners Found in: Cargo/Engineering Protolathe Used for: Seeing wall layouts, in the darkness. Strategy: Use these to check for breaches or secret rooms. Also useful for miners. Description Wearing these will let you see walls and floors outside of your line of sight. Also lets you see through darkness.

Portable Seed Extractor Portable Seed Extractor Found in: Service Protolathe Used for: Botany. Strategy: Store plants in it, activate it to convert them into seeds. Description This is a portable but less efficient version of the stationary seed extractor. Creates one seed per plant.

Magnetic Boots Magnetic Boots Found in: Engineering Protolathe, EVA Storage Used for: Moving in no gravity or strong wind. Strategy: Activate them when on low gravity. Description These heavy boots will let you walk when others must float; they will slow you down if you activate them while gravity is still on, but they'll prevent slipping and space wind.

Advanced Mop Advanced Mop Found in: Service Protolathe Used for: Cleaning. Strategy: Wet it them use it on dirty floor. Description An upgraded version of the janitor's mop, it is faster and holds more water. Can be activated in-hand to generate its own water for free.

Trashbag of Holding Trashbag of Holding Found in: Service Protolathe Used for: Storing trash or small items. Strategy: Put trash in it, or use it as a more versatile toolbelt. Description An upgraded version of the janitor's trashbag, holds much more trash.

Floor Buffer Upgrade Floor Buffer Upgrade Found in: Service Protolathe Used for: Upgrading the janicart. Strategy: Use it on the janitor's pimpin' ride. Description When applied to the janitor's cart, it will instantly clean any floor it passes over, much like janiborgs.

Holographic Sign Projector Holographic Sign Projector Found in: Service Protolathe Used for: Signaling wet floors. Strategy: Use it near wet floors to warn people. Description When used on the ground it will project a holographic “walk” sign, warning people of wet floors.

Experimental Welding Tool Experimental Welding Tool Found in: RnD/Engineering Protolathe Used for: Welding. Strategy: Use it in place of a normal welder. Description This prototype welder regenerates fuel over time, and welds extremely quickly compared to normal ones. It is also less harmful to the eyes. Weapons

Test Range Firing Pin Test Range Firing Pin Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Testing guns. Strategy: Use it on guns you want to try out in the testing range, or emag it to make it work like a normal pin. Description A region-locked pin that will only fire the gun if you're in the test range.

Mindshield Firing Pin Mindshield Firing Pin Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Shooting guns without fear of them being used against you. Strategy: Use it on guns for security. Stops revs, traitors, cultists, and anyone without a mindshield implant from firing them. Description A special pin that will check for a mindshield implant before firing.

Large Grenade Casing Large Grenade Casing Found in: Medical/Security Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Insert a Silver Slime Core and some Plasma and you have a instant party grenade! Description Makes it possible to use Slime Cores and Bluespace Beakers in grenades. Also spreads chemicals slightly farther than normal grenades.

Advanced Release Grenade Advanced Release Grenade Found in: Medical/Security Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Use it to lube a hallway for a long, long time. Description This grenade, instead of mixing two whole beakers, mixes them a few units at a time, basically having a multi-use grenade. It will keep going until it is out of reagents. To configure the amount mixed each time, use a multitool on a completed grenade.

Pyro Grenade Pyro Grenade Found in: Medical/Security Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Use it with stabilized explosive mixes. Description This grenade works like a normal one, but will add 500 degrees to the chemicals' temperature.

Cryo Grenade Cryo Grenade Found in: Medical/Security Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Use it with water smoke? Description This grenade works like a normal one, but will cool chemicals by 100°K on reaction. Rarely ever seen.

Floral Somatoray Floral Somatoray Found in: Service Protolathe Used for: Botany Strategy: Mutate plant genes or yield rate easily. Description Yield mode increases the yield of plants and seed packages hit by it. Also feeds Podpeople! Mutation mode causes minor stat changes (no species mutation) and horribly mutates Podpeople.

Advanced Energy Gun Advanced Energy Gun Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it as a self-charging taser/disabler/laser. Description This gun can switch to taser, disabler and laser shots, and will charge by itself over time. Cannot be manually charged, though. Has a chance to irradiate the area if hit with EMP.

Tesla Revolver Tesla Revolver Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it to shock your enemies. Description This gun shoots a small energy ball that will shock nearby entities. This can be used to mess with Nanites or interrupt a heart attack. Insulated gloves and hardsuits will prevent shocks.

Rapid Syringe Gun Rapid Syringe Gun Found in: Medical Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Load it with syringes, shoot at victims. Description This is an upgraded version of the Syringe Gun; it holds 6 syringes that can be shot without reloading.

Temperature Gun Temperature Gun Found in: Security Protolathe, Armory Used for: Combat. Strategy: Detaining traitors with energy swords/shields, slime containment. Description This gun can heat up or cool down targets, although it won't reach really dangerous levels unless you cool down someone in a hardsuit. This weapon is deceptively strong since the projectiles aren't blocked by eswords/eshields and can slow people down to a crawl. Slimes die to it in two to three hits.

Decloner Decloner Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it on targets that might heal from normal wounds. Description This gun deals cellular damage instead of brute or burn; this type of damage is really hard to heal from and usually requires cryogenic treatment.

Energy Crossbow Energy Crossbow Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it to stun and poison people. Description This crossbow is a larger version of the one traitors use. Works in the same way, needing to reload after each shot.

Ion Carbine Ion Carbine Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Combat against silicons and mechs. Strategy: Use it to deal high damage to robotic entities. Description This carbine is a smaller version of security's Ion Rifle; it will cause a 3×3 ion blast on hit. Perfect for dealing with cyborgs, mechs, and closed lockers.

Bluespace Wormhole Projector Bluespace Wormhole Projector Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Teleporting around, B&E. Strategy: Use it to get into normally secure places by shooting through windows. Description This gun creates two linked portals when shooting walls; walking into or clicking on a portal will lead you to the other one.

One-point Bluespace-Gravitational Manipulator One-point Bluespace-Gravitational Manipulator Found in: RnD Protolathe Used for: Knocking things around. Strategy: Use it to create confusion, or to knock people into space. Description This gun has three modes: pull, push or chaos. Push will push things away from the langing point, pull will do the opposite, and chaos will pull and push things randomly.

X-Ray Laser Gun X-Ray Laser Gun Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Shooting beyond walls. Strategy: Use it to kill things from beyond walls. Description This advanced gun will pierce walls, but will stop at the first target it hits. Also deals heavy radiation damage.

Beam Marksman Rifle Beam Marksman Rifle Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Killing people dead from far away. Strategy: For long-range killing when collateral damage is no concern. Description This large rifle comes with a built-in zoom and charges up devastating shots that deal 60 burn damage. Everyone in a radius around the impact will be knocked down and set on fire as well. The beam passes through windows and damages structures.

Stun Shell Stun Shell Found in: Admin game panel only Used for: Stunning with a shotgun. Strategy: Load it in a shotgun. Description This shell works like a taser shot, stunning the first target hit for a few seconds.

Cryostasis Shotgun Dart Cryostasis Shotgun Dart Found in: Security/Medical Protolathe Used for: Blowing people up. Strategy: Load it with multiple reactive chemicals. Description This shell can be loaded with reagents and prevents them from reacting - until the dart hits a target.

Unloaded Technological Shell Unloaded Technological Shell Found in: Security Protolathe Used for: Making advanced shotgun ammo. Strategy: Craft advanced ammo with it. Description This shell is the base crafting material for some advanced shotgun shells, craftable with crafting menu: Meteorshot Shell: A single powerful projectile that deals heavy damage, stuns, and knocks around normally immovable objects like airlocks. Also requires 2 micro manipulators and an RCD cartridge. Pulse Slug: Works like one of the deathsquad's pulse rifle shots. Heavy damage, knocks down walls. Also requires 2 advanced capacitors and 1 ultra-high-power micro-laser. Dragonsbreath Shell: Fires 4 incendiary pellets, which leave a trail of fire behind them. Also requires 5 phosphorus. FRAG-12 Slug: An explosive shell that knocks down targets and causes an explosion where it hits. Also requires 5 glycerol, 5 sulphuric acid and 5 fluorosulfuric acid. Ion Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 ion bolts, each of which ions a 3×3 area. Also requires 1 ultra-high-power micro-laser and 1 ansible crystal. Scatter Laser Shell: Fires a spread of six laser beams that hit for up to 90 damage total. Also requires 1 advanced capacitor and 1 high-power micro-laser. Machinery

Slime Management Console Slime Management Console Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Managing slimes. Strategy: Guide to xenobiology Description The main tool for xenobiology. Can pick up up to five slimes at a time and drop them anywhere in xenobiology. Can dispense monkeys when loaded with monkey cubes, and recycle dead monkeys. Renaming an area “Xenobiology Lab” will allow the console to work in that area.

Slime Processor Slime Processor Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Creating Slime Extract from dead baby Slimes. Strategy: Guide to xenobiology Description Grinds up slimes for their cores! Upgrading this will greatly help xenobiology.

Monkey Recycling Machine Monkey Recycling Machine Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Recycling of dead Monkeys, will produce a Monkey Cube when full Strategy: Guide to xenobiology Description Recycles monkeys through horrible means. More efficient than the slime console, but it takes longer to load it. Now linked to console, therefore the they share efficiency, cant magic up more monkeys than was put in now though.

Teleporter Station Teleporter Station Teleporter Hub.gif Teleporter Station.gif Teleporter Control Console.gif Found in: Teleporter room, AI satellite, constructable Used for: Teleporting stuff and setting target for hand teleporter Strategy: Set target tracking beacon with console, calibrate to reduce risk of ill effects, click teleporter station to engage Description A set of two machines and a Teleporter Control Console to control them. Build a Teleporter Hub, Teleporter Control Console and Teleporter Station next to each other with the “teleporter station” in the middle. These three can then be linked together by opening the panel of the Teleporter Station Teleporter Station.gif with a screwdriver, and then clicking it once with wirecutters, and then closing the panel. Has two selectable regimes: Teleporter, which lets you set a target tracking beacon. Click the teleporter station to engage. Then walk or throw things into the Teleporter Hub to teleport to the target location. Gate, which lets you target another connected teleporter station set. To connect: Screwdriver a teleporter station to open panel. Use a multitool on it to save it to buffer. Close the panel. Go to the teleporter station you want to connect it to. Use the multitool on it without opening its panel.

Quantum Pad Quantum Pad Found in: Must be built. Used for: Creating two-way teleporters Strategy: See Quantum Pad Description Can be linked to other Quantum Pads with either screwdriver and multitool or by saving a target Quantum Pad to a Quantum Keycard and then using that keycard on a pad you wish to teleport from.

Protolathe Protolathe Found in: R&D Lab Used for: Manufacturing items from materials. Strategy: Load it with materials and pick the item you want to make. Description Similar to an Autolathe, you load raw materials such as glass and metal sheets into it to create things. The protolathe is operated via the R&D console. Manufacturing list can be found here.

Guide to building a Protolathe.

Circuit Imprinter Circuit Imprinter Found in: R&D Lab Used for: Manufacturing circuit boards. Strategy: Fill it with Sulphuric Acid and select the circuit board you want to print. Description Prints out all kinds of different circuit boards, depending on your research levels. Uses of these boards include building mechs, building machines or computers, and changing the AI's laws. Manufacturing list can be found here.

Guide to building a Circuit Imprinter.

Exosuit Fabricator Exosuit Fabricator Found in: Robotics Used for: Manufacturing parts for use in robotics. Strategy: Load it with materials and pick the items you want to make. Use the “add to queue” function to build multiple things in a row. Description Creates cyborg or mech parts from materials. Can be synchronized with the R&D research levels for new cyborg/mech components. They cannot be hacked and require robotics access to operate. If upgraded with better components, the Exosuit Fabricator will construct parts more quickly and efficiently. Manufacturing list can be found here.

Guide to building an Exosuit Fabricator.


Slime Extract Slime Extract Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Special applications when mixed with certain reagents Strategy: Use a Syringe to inject Plasma, blood or water into it. Description Also known as a Slime Core. Each kind of Slime has different effect that can be found here. Unused Slime Extract is a possible Traitor objective. They can also be used in large Grenades for interesting effects.

Slime Scanner Slime Scanner Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Analyzing slimes Strategy: Use it on a living slime. Description This scanner shows you a slime's characteristics: current mass and mass needed to grow/split, electric charge, health, potential mutations and mutation chance.

Monkey Cube Monkey Cube Found in: Xenobiology, Monkey Cube Box Used for: Making Monkeys! Strategy: Splash water on it using a Beaker or a Fire Extinguisher, or load it in a Slime Management Console. Description A Monkey Cube Box can hold up to 8 Monkey Cubes. Monkey Cube Box: px50

Tank Transfer Valve Tank Transfer Valve Found in: Toxins Lab Used for: Making bombs Strategy: Guide to toxins Description Should not be confused with manual valves, even though they look (almost) totally the same. This is the central part of a Toxins bomb: to use it, load it with two gas tanks and a trigger (which can be, for example, a signaller or a voice analyzer). When the trigger is activated, the two gas tanks will mix, usually creating a large explosion if loaded with the right mix. To remove gas tanks or the trigger from it, use it in your hand; it's important to do it when you want to disarm it. Additional Tank Transfer Valves can be ordered from Cargo.

A finished bomb: px50

Guide to Combat Pen.png This page needs revising! The following page is out of date and/or needs to be revised. If the page's guide needs revision, see here for an example. The revision reason is: “Add improvised slug and buyable armor in sec vendor”

There are times when running away from a fight is not an option. The combat system is robust but functional and can feel weird at times. Sometimes your clicks are ignored. Sometimes you suddenly realise your melee weapon is no longer in your hand. Sometimes your ranged shots bounce off your target. Sometimes you even suddenly die without knowing why. Some people reduce it to “click spaceman until horizontal”, but there is a lot more to it. This guide may only cover some basics, but its intention is to help you win fights (or successfully commit murder as antag), even against veteran players.

The practical part this guide was written april 2019. If you are reading it much later, some things may be outdated.

Contents 1 Basics to Combat 1.1 Health System 1.2 Damage Zone 1.3 Movement Speed 1.4 Stuns 1.5 Cuffing 2 Melee Combat 2.1 Unarmed Combat 2.1.1 Shoving 2.1.2 Grabbing Tabling Table Head Slamming Strangling Throwing Spacemen 2.1.3 Punching and kicking 2.2 Using Melee Weapons 2.2.1 Throat Slicing 3 Ranged Combat 3.1 Ranged Intents 3.2 Throwing 3.2.1 Embedding 3.3 Execution With Guns 4 Cheap Tricks 5 Weapons 6 Offense 6.1 Melee Weapons 6.1.1 Make Shift Weapon 6.1.2 Actual Melee Weapon 6.2 Ranged Weapons 6.3 Sidearms (Ballistic) 6.4 Sidearms (Energy) 6.4.1 Energy Based 6.4.2 Pulse Based 6.5 Longarm (Ballistic) 6.5.1 Automatic 6.5.2 Shotgun 6.5.3 Shotgun Shells 6.6 Longarm (Energy) 6.6.1 Laser Based 6.6.2 Pulse Based 6.7 Misc Weapons 6.8 Admin Only Weapons 7 Defense 7.1 Stuns and Incapacitation 7.2 Damage Prevention 7.3 Armor 7.3.1 Body Armor 7.3.2 Helmets Basics to Combat Some good to know basics about the combat system.

Health System Get familiar with how health works. Some important bits are:

You have 200 max hp. If you have over 40 total damage of any types you get slowed down until healed. After losing around 100 hp (depending on mood) you enter softcrit. All you can do in this state is slowly crawl, and whisper. If this happens you have probably lost. After losing 150 hp you enter a hardcrit state. In this state you will be unconscious and slowly die. If you whisper you will say your last words and succumb to death. Damage Zone Hud-target.gif You can target specific damage zones by using the Numpad Keys. Each limb has its own pool of hitpoints but damaging them also counts towards the target's total HP. Hurting the head, legs or arms with enough brute damage can cut them off when using a sharp weapon. There are a few specific items that do certain things when aimed at certain zones. If you are unsure what to aim at, then targeting chest or head are the safest choices. Limbs are capped and will stop taking damage if hurt enough, sometimes making you waste damage by hitting them.

Movement Speed To keep an upper hand in a fight, speed is very helpful. Stop or slow your enemy down with damage, bola, slipping them, other tricks or many other methods and they will be easier to hit with both melee and ranged weapons. There are also ways to speed yourself up, such as Nuka Cola from drink vendors. Dragging prone bodies or lockers will slow you down. You can bypass this drag slowdown by buckling the body to an office chair or roller bed before pulling it.

Stuns A fight is typically won by either stunning your enemy, which lets you cuff them, or by hurting them to a crit state or worse. Learn what the different types of stuns do. An accessible stunning weapon can be made by crafting a stunprod Stunprod.png (requires 2 hits). Also note, when the wiki or players talk about “stuns”, they typically mean both the paralyze and the stun status effects. Stun times vary depending on item used, but are usually around 4-15 seconds. You can reduce stun times on yourself in several ways, such as with certain chemicals, including from smoking nicotine. Some stuns are conditional, such as the paralyze from the flash Flash.gif, which only works if the target has no sunglasses or similar protection. If your target is immune to stuns you will usually have to damage them instead.

Cuffing If you are unsure if your target is valid or not, you should opt for a non-lethal takedown. Do this by somehow stunning or knocking out your target and then cuffing it. If you do not have access to handcuffs Handcuffs.png, you can easily craft cablecuffs Cablecuffs.png by activating cable coils CableCoils.png in your hand. Cuff a person by holding cuffs in your active hand, and then clicking your target. Grab your target by ctrl+clicking it (works even while cuffing). Switch to help intent Intent Help.png so you can move around easier with the cuffed person. The target is now completely under your control as long as you don't stand still long enough for them to uncuff themself, and as long as they don't get bumped out of your grab. Remove cuffs from yourself by resisting. Remove cuffs from someone else by clickdragging their sprite onto yours and then click the cuffs in the menu that pops up.

Melee Combat On /tg/station, you interact with a person in melee by being next to them and clicking on their sprite (and not on the tile they are standing on/moving towards). When your interaction connects, something will happen depending on what your intent is and which weapon you are wielding. Due to technical limitations, some clicks will not connect, so what you should do is spamclick that target while moving around and trying to avoid being clicked yourself. Every time you successfully attack (or hug) someone in melee there is a cooldown before you can do it again. The cooldown is usually less than a second.

Unarmed Combat This guy Traitor.png just broke into your department and whipped out an energy sword and energy crossbow. You are unarmed. You are at a huge disadvantage. What can you do? Let's say he somehow kept missing the shots with the bow, due to you staying behind a machine or wall, and is now coming towards you with the e-sword. You have have a few options.

Shoving You enable disarm intent Intent Disarm.png and read here about how shoving works. You can try to lure your enemy into a spot where you can shove him against an object, which knocks him down and makes him drop both weapons. Then shove him one more time on the ground to paralyze him for 4 seconds. Then you must quickly left click his own dropped energy sword to pick it up. Kill him with it.

Grabbing You enable grab intent Intent Grab.png. For this to work you must know CQC or sleeping carp (because they make you aggressive grab instantly) or your enemy must either be temporarily stunned or standing still and not paying attention. First you click your target once to passive grab. Keep spamclicking him, and if he doesn't move or “resist” to break out of your grab, you will grab him aggressively. This will make you stun the target for a very short moment, making him drop any held items. Either pick up the dropped energy sword and kill him with it, or continue to tabling.

Tabling When having an aggressive grab on the enemy, you can quickly “table” him. Do this by clicking any table Table.png within your melee range, while still on grab intent. This will instantly transport him to the top of the table, and knock him down for 3 seconds, which deals 10 brute and 40 stamina damage. Quickly follow up with a shove Intent Disarm.png to paralyze him for 4 seconds. If you are very fast you can attempt to cuff him on the table. Or you can permanently keep him stunned by spamclicking him with grab to aggressive again, and clicking the same table again, and then shoving him again. Over and over until crit or stamcrit. If you are on the receiving end of this treatment, you can try to hit the aggressor the tiny moment you are knocked down, or you can yell for help and spam “resist”, which will make you attempt to break out of the grab (with a 2 second cooldown or so). Resisting will not work the 4 seconds you are paralyzed, so your enemy must mess up the timing for you to escape. If you know CQC or sleeping carp any table will be destroyed if you table someone on it. Tabling on a glass table Glass table.png will stun for a long duration, but will break the table.

Table Head Slamming If you somehow manage to upgrade your grab to level 3 (neck grab), tabling someone will make you slam their head on the table. A head slam does 40 brute damage to the head, 60 distributed stamina damage and 3 seconds of knockdown. Performing two head slams on the same table will destroy the table.

Strangling If having an aggressive grab, you can reinforce your grab two more times by clicking the target on grab intent Intent Grab.png. The level 3 grab makes you grab his neck (deals no damage). Level 4 makes you start strangling him, causing suffocation damage. This is a slow process, and the target can attempt to break free by spamming “resist” or trying to move away. The target has 5% chance to break out per try (down from ~30% on aggressive grab) and takes 8-15 stamina damage every failed attempt. Strangling is rarely used unless the target is already cuffed. The target can call for help while being strangled.

Throwing Spacemen If you have an aggressive grab, you can also activate “throw” mode with R. Then left click somewhere to throw the grabbed person in that direction. Unlike with tabling, you must throw the person away from you. Otherwise the thrown spaceman will hit yourself and paralyze you both. Throwing him on top of a glass table Glass table.png will paralyze him long enough to cuff him. Throwing a person or a monkey corpse at someone is a reliable method to paralyze someone for a moment. Throwing him at a wall Wall.png or reinforced wall R wall.png will paralyze him for a moment as well. Throwing him at an airlock Airlock.gif will make it open, if he is wearing a valid ID.

Punching and kicking You enable harm intent Intent Harm.png. Punching does a small and random amount of stamina and brute damage. What you're hoping for though, is the random chance for a punch to cause a short knockdown. Keep clicking your target with punches until this happens, then quickly enable disarm intent Intent Disarm.png and shove the target on the ground to paralyze him for 4 seconds. Then quickly pick up the dropped energy sword and kill him with it (you know the drill). If the target has no weapon to pick up, you can keep clicking the prone target with fists to kick him instead, which simply deals 1.5-15 brute damage.

Using Melee Weapons Fighting with melee weapons works similarly to fighting unarmed. You click the enemy while holding a melee weapon in your hand and you will deal damage to them with that weapon. The differences to unarmed fighting is that there is usually no randomness to damage dealt, and intent usually doesn't matter. There are exceptions though. Stun batons StunBaton.gif and stunprods Stunprod.png will only deal damage when on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Otherwise they will stun harmlessly. To defeat someone by only using a melee weapon, you should generally use as strong weapon as possible to give the target as little time as possible to counter you. Most melee weapons can't stun, so there is risk involved unless you stun your target before you start whacking.

Throat Slicing You can slowly slice someone's throat. While holding a sharp weapon, aim for head on harm intent Intent Harm.png while they are sleeping, in critical, or neck grabbed (level 3 grab). This takes a long time but will cause heavy bleeding.

Ranged Combat Ranged projectiles in this game use pixel perfect movement. Shoot by having a ranged weapon in your hand, and clicking a target tile. The projectile will hit the first object in its path, but will pass over people who are paralyzed, sleeping or dead unless you click directly on their sprites. You can shoot directly at things like windows even with lasers by clicking on them. Sometimes when you're running your weapon will randomly not fire when clicking. This can be due to how the game engine works, so just keep spamclicking until you fire.

Ranged Intents There are some differences to firing guns between different intents:

On help Intent Help.png and disarm Intent Disarm.png intents you can fire at a target point blank with most guns by clicking directly on them. On harm intent Intent Harm.png you will instead do a melee strike with your gun, unless you aim behind your target. On grab Intent Grab.png you can click someone point blank to take aim at them, making you hold them up. You will then fire at them with a reaction shot if they move. Shooter can move freely within 2 tiles of the target without breaking the stickup. For the first 2.5 seconds after the hold-up, any triggered reaction shot will deal normal damage. Between 2.5-10 seconds after, any triggered reaction shot will deal double damage. After 10 seconds the reaction shot will deal 2.5x damage. If the shooter is attacked and takes damage from anything, they have a chance to flinch and fire the reaction shot. This is a 50% chance, unless they're hit in the arm holding the gun, in which case it's an 80% chance. On harm intent Intent Harm.png you can fire two guns at the same time. However, you will also have a random spread to your accuracy. Throwing This is a safe way to take down a target. Pick nearby items up and throw them at the enemy. Most items deal the same damage when thrown as when used as a melee weapon. Some, such as spears Spear.png, will deal even more. First pick an item up, then activate “throw” with the R key. Then click where you want to throw the object. You can pick up some chairs Chair.png or stools Stool.png for throwing, by dragging their sprites onto yours. Throwing, like ranged combat, uses pixel perfect movement, which means you can throw in any direction. You can also craft a bolas to throw at enemies, which will slow them down until they resist out of it. Thrown objects do not count as ranged shots and can not be reflected by sleeping carp users. You can counter having items thrown at you by activating “throw” yourself (with R). If your active hand is empty, you will then capture the next object thrown at you, instead of getting hit by it.

Embedding Some items, such as the spears Spear.png, has a chance to embed into a body part when they are thrown at someone. An embedded item deals additional brute damage and bleeding until the item is removed. Some embedded items can automatically fall out after a while. Else you remove an embedded item from yourself by examining your body, and then clicking the underlined string of text that appears in the chat window. You remove embedded items from others with surgery. Many items, such as glass shards Shard.png and metal rods Rods.png can only embed from higher than normal throw speed, such as from explosions. Some more items that can embed from normal throws are: Energy sword ESword.png, combat knife Buckknife.png and throwing star Tstar.png.

Execution With Guns If you target mouth Hud target mouth.gif, and use any intent except harm Intent Harm.png, you will aim for the target's head with a slow progress bar, and fire once it finishes (if the target is still in melee range). Mostly useful for roleplay. It also deals 10 times more damage.

Cheap Tricks There many tricks to winning a fight. These are only a select few of them:

Aim for eyes Hud target eyes.gif and stab multiple times with a screwdriver make the target blind. Only works if target has no eyewear. Alt-click a Fire Extinguisher Fire extinguisher.gif while holding it to subtly empty its water on the floor below you. People chasing you may slip. Carry a bottle or beaker of water. Select harm intent Intent Harm.png and click on ground with it to splash the water on the ground, making people slip. Drag a soap Soaps.gif behind you to slip people. Drag an open crate GrayCrate.png behind you. People accidentally clicking the crate will put their weapon in it. If you know what you're doing (or is an antag), learn how to make and utilize bombs. You can knock people down a couple of seconds by aiming at their head on harm intent Intent Harm.png, and hitting them with a bottle of booze.

There is much more to learn than this. Some things must come from experience, or from observing others. Good luck out there, and don't hate yourself if you fail. Just try again another round. What follows below is a table of some common, or just robust, items that may help you win. Much of it is outdated, so don't rely on the numbers.

Weapons This is not a list of how much damage each item does, just some of the best items and short notes on how to best use them. If you feel something should be added, please go ahead and do so, if it's robust enough. This is in alphabetical order. While most items in the game can be used as a makeshift weapon, actual dedicated weapons are far more effective in harming, subduing or killing a target.

Offense Melee Weapons Most station personnel lack access to proper firearms, thus if push comes to shove most people will have to rely on the old fashion method of melee combat to deal with a attacker.

Make Shift Weapon Almost any object on the station can be used as a makeshift melee weapon, however some are better than others.

Icon Item Damage How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Brokenbottle.png Broken Bottle 15 Brute when breaking 9 Brute after broken Get a bottle from the Booze-o-mat, smash it on someone. Civilian Has to be broken first, to break simply change intent to harm then smash it against someone; by aiming for the head you will also knock them down if they are not wearing protective head gear. Smashing it spills its contents over the target so you could use it as a chemist to knock out your opponent, by filling it with chloral, and then beat them to death with it. Another reason why traitor Chemist is so great. If the bottle's contents are flammable (booze bottles, for instance) you can follow up by setting your opponent on fire. Butcherknife.png Butcher's Cleaver 15 Brute Hack the Dinnerware vending machine. Civilian: Kitchen Staff Somewhat hard to get. Security will likely have their suspicions as the only reason to have this over the normal knife is its robusting power. Works as a ghetto circular saw in surgery. Saw.png Circular Saw 15 Brute Operating Theatre Robotics Lab Autolathe Civilian: Medical/Research One of the most robust things you can find. Sadly they are rather uncommon and departments like to hang onto theirs, and security likes to take them. You can print one at the Cargo Bay's autolathe, if it has metal to make it. Deathnettle.png Death Nettle Up to 30 Burn. Damage depends on potency. Loses a random amount of damage after each hit. Growing them at Hydroponics Civilian: Botany A red nettle that deals high damage and can paralyze. Requires gloves to wield, lasts for several hits (damage reduced with each hit) until they disintegrate (i.e. the evidence disappears). Experienced Botanists can make these. At low potency they are mostly a joke but at high potency they are as strong as energy swords. Extinguisher.png Fire Extinguisher 10 Brute Emergency Fire closets and lockers, emergency storage rooms Civilian Found across the station so they're aren't in short supply. Unlikely to be taken by security if they search you. They are also very useful if you get spaced, spray in opposite direction of where you want to go, and you'll fly away. With a limit of 50 units, that's 10 squirts using 5 per spray. OxygenTank.png N2Otank.png Air/Oxygen/Anaesthetic tank 10 Brute Emergency lockers E.V.A. Toxins lab Atmospherics Operating Theatre (for anaesthetic tanks). Civilian Found across the station so they're aren't in short supply. Air and oxygen tanks are unlikely to be taken by security if they search you. You can use it for internals while having it in your hand (though it is recommended you don't use an anaesthetic tank). Fireaxe.png Fire Axe 5 Onehand 24 Twohand Bridge and Atmospherics. Civilian: Atmospherics/Command Most robust thing you can get from the Station. Has to be held with two hands to be used properly. Security will likely take it and it's a large object. Best to store this on your back. They are also rare, one is in Atmos and the other is in the Bridge, good luck breaking in before it gets taken. Can be used as a crowbar (while wielded) on unpowered doors, and is strong enough to break powered ones. Hatchet.png Hatchet 12 Brute 15 thrown Hydroponics. Civilian: Botany Botanists use these to chop wood, they also are good at chopping limbs. Easy to conceal, and if you're a Botanist, security probably won't care if you're carrying one. Throwing it at someone deals 15 damage. Bonus points for finishing off an escaping enemy this way, Navajo-style. Works as a ghetto circular saw in surgery. Knife.png Kitchen Knife 10 Brute Kitchen Autolathe. Civilian Useful if you're the Chef, as Security are unlikely to give a single shit if they see you with it. Works as a ghetto scalpel in surgery. Can be hidden in boots. Nullrod.png Null Rod 18 Brute (base) Chapel and on the Chaplain. Civilian: Chaplain Similar to the Circular Saw, but there's only one of them, and the Chaplain tends to keep it on him. It can destroy runes and protect against some cult magics. Can be transformed into a variety of religious weapons, with different characteristics. Pickaxe.png Pickaxe 15 Brute Mining Dock and Mining Station. Civilian: Supply Fairly robust, but it's very big, so it can only be stored on the back or belt slot. Miners barely use these anymore in favor of the Kinetic Accelerator, so it's mostly seen on the Gulag. Mining drills and jackhammers all do the same amount of damage as a pickaxe. Minipick.gif Compact Pickaxe 10 Brute Mining Dock and Mining Station, in miner's equipment closets. Civilian Does less damage, but can fit in a backpack. Survivalknife.gif Survival Knife 15 Brute Miner's explorer backpacks, Miner's explorer boots Civilian: Supply Miners spawn with a very robust knife that can fit in their pockets or boots. Scalpel.png Scalpel 10 Brute Operating Theatre Autolathe. Civilian: Medical/Research Despite being not as good at the saw, this is still quite robust. Jabbing people in the eyes occasionally stuns them and eventually blinds them, limiting their ability to run. Best part is you can have it your pocket and if you have access to this (not counting autolathe produced scalpels) security wouldn't care, unless it's covered in blood, of course. But even then they might assume you're just a bad doctor. Shard.png Glass Shard 5 Brute 10 thrown Anywhere there's glass (read: everywhere). Civilian Extremely easy to obtain, just break a glass/reinforced glass pane or climb a glass table. Works also as a ghetto scalpel. You need gloves to hit stuff with it without cutting yourself, but you can still throw it. Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver 5 Brute Most storage rooms and Engineering. Civilian Its robustness doesn't come from the damage, but from its thin, pointed edge. Anyone not wearing glasses can have their eyes stabbed out causing them lose sight. Doesn't make them mute so they'll still scream, or might even fight back before you have a chance to blind them enough. Drill.png Surgical Drill 15 Brute Operating Theatre Autolathe. Civilian: Medical/Research Only found in Surgery. Only used for dental implants, so it'll barely be noticed if it goes missing. BlueToolbox.png Toolbox 12 Brute Most storage rooms and Engineering. Civilian Rather common. Althought it deals a moderate amount of damage, it's a bulky item, so you'll have to hold it. Welder.png Welding tool 3 Brute when off 15 Burn when on Most storage rooms and Engineering. Civilian When switched on, it deals a robust amount of burn damage, but consumes fuel after every hit. Syndicatetools.png Syndicate Toolbox 15 brute 18 brute when thrown Syndicate uplink and the Derelict. Syndicate Worth more for emergency tools than anything. Expect security to come cracking down unless they know you've taken a trip to the derelict. Spear.png Spear 10 brute in Onehand 18 brute when wielded/Twohand 20 brute when Thrown Made by yourself Civilian A haphazardly-constructed yet still deadly weapon of ancient design. You can attach an explosive to it. If you attach one, Alt-clicking it will allow you to set a war cry when attacking with it. Chainsaw.gif Chainsaw 13 Brute when off 21 Brute when on Made by yourself Civilian You can surgically replace an arm with a chainsaw. Can break an airlock down. Baseball bat.png Baseball bat 10 Brute Made by yourself Civilian Knocks back targets on hit. Actual Melee Weapon Unlike makeshift melee weapons, these melee weapons are usually more reliable and robust, however most station personnel can't get access to them, as well as these weapons being very noticeable.

Icon Item Damage How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Cultblade.png Cult Blade 30 Brute Cult magic Cultists Those who aren't Cultists suffer from wielding this blade…MENTALLY. Aside from being very robust, it is Cult exclusive. Expect a wave of batons lasers when Security sees you holding this. ESword.png Energy Sword 3 Brute Off 30 Brute On Through a Syndicate Uplink Syndicate/Nanotrasen Despite being very strong in melee combat, its activation is loud, very obvious to those around you, and a very big target for people looking for free gear. It also counts as a shield when active! Aim for the legs or arms. Use a multitool on one to turn on RAINBOW MODE (permanently). TURN IT ON BEFORE YOU USE IT DoubleESword.png Double-bladed Energy Sword 3 Brute Off 34 Brute On Through a Syndicate Uplink Syndicate/Nanotrasen Has to be held with two hands while on. Four extra damage may not seem much, but it means one less hit to crit an unarmored opponent. When wielded it gives a 100% chance to deflect energy-based shots, like tasers and lasers. Like the energy sword, its activation is very loud. Use a multitool on one to turn on RAINBOW MODE (permanently). TURN IT ON BEFORE YOU USE IT For obvious balance reasons, hulks cannot use these. StunBaton.gif Stun Baton 10 Brute Security Office and Security Officer's backpack. Security Very robust if you know how to use it properly. Only the security force can get these easily. Deploy liberally, but stow for transport. Katana.gif Katana 40 brute Possible loot from necropolis chests in Lavaland and in the ninja bundle. Mining and Traitors Real katanas are very robust, but only miners or traitors have a reasonable chance of finding them. Telescopic Baton.png Telescopic Baton 10 Brute Heads of Staff's backpacks. Command Like the stunbaton but retractable, with a shorter stun time, but the same capability for bludgeoning. Heads of Staff start their shift with one in their backpack. Be sure to extend it before using! Sabre 0.png Officer's Sabre 15 Brute Captain's locker. Captain A sabre intended for ceremonial uses. Comes with its own sheath. Can block melee attacks and has good armor penetration. Surprisingly sharp for a fashion accessory. Combatknife.png Combat Knife 20 Brute Can be ordered through Cargo. Security Very robust for its size. Ranged Weapons Although often hard to get, these can put you at a huge advantage. Not just from being outside melee range, but also by shooting through windows and destroying walls. Guns rely on a stock of ammo, and those are hard to get, while energy guns use recharging units or just recharge by themselves.

Sidearms (Ballistic) Ballistic weapons remain a popular weapon in the 26th century, typically however Nanotrasen prefer the usage of Energy weapons over Ballistic weapons, so don't expect to see many ballistic weapons on station.

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Deagle.gif Desert Eagle Ammo 50.png .50 7 Rounds 60 Brute Summon guns, can spawn in the secure contraband locker on metastation. Nanotrasen Comes in three tasteful variants. Normal, gold and camo gold. Hope for the gold gun. 7 Rounds of pure mlg; spare ammo available nowhere. Mateba.png Mateba 357 speedloader.png .357 7 Rounds 60 Brute Syndicate Uplink and summon guns. Nanotrasen All in all the syndicate revolver, but for death squad and emergency response team officers. Revolver.png Revolver 357 speedloader.png .357 7 Rounds 60 Brute Syndicate Uplink and summon guns Syndicate Security (or generally anyone) will be quick to scream 'TRAITOR!' if they see you with one. You can get more ammo from hacked autolathes. Serve with a side of grenade to finish your foe off for good. Detectivegun.png Revolver Ammo 38.png .38 6 Rounds 25 Brute Detective's locker or summon guns. Security Deals moderate damage. Can be modified to fire .357, but may break with the modification. Stetchkin.png Stetchkin Pistol Ammo 9mm.png 10mm 8 rounds 30 Brute Syndicate Uplink. Syndicate The nuke op's weapon last resort; spend telecrystals on something better. Small enough to fit in pockets. One of the few guns that takes the universal silencer. Revolver.png Russian Revolver 357 speedloader.png .357 1 round. Can load up to 6. 60 Brute 300 Brute when used on self MetaStation Old Russia A Russian made revolver. Uses .357 ammo. It has a single slot in its chamber for a bullet. A gun to play Russian Roulette! You can spin the chamber to randomize the position of the bullet. True men aim for the head. Sidearms (Energy) Energy weapons are among the most common kind of weapon you'll find on a Nanotrasen space station. Reliable but has issues with ammo.

Energy Based Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes ModernDisabler.png Disabler Recharger.gif Energy 20 Disable Disables target Armory, disabler crates and summon guns. Security If you're trying to kill someone, stamina crit, then beat the living daylights out of them. Takes two shots to slow down, 5 to stamina crit. Ebow.png Energy Crossbow Powercell.png Energy (Self-Charging) Infinite Bolts (needs to cooldown after shooting) 10 Toxin + Stun Syndicate Uplink. Syndicate The syndicate's energy crossbow, small, silent and deadly. Pulse Based Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Pulsepistol.png Pulse Pistol Recharger.gif Energy 10 Pulse, 20 Laser, 10 Stun 50 Burn Emergency Response Team Nanotrasen A sidearm based on the Pulse Rifle. Is capable of fitting inside pockets and other small places but has a very limited ammo capacity. Issued to all Elite Emergency Response Team personnel. Longarm (Ballistic) Automatic Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes C20r.png C-20r SMG 12mmMag.png .45 24 Rounds 30 Brute Can only be found in Nuke Op rounds, or with Summon guns. Syndicate Powerful SMG that will crit unarmored targets in two 2-round bursts. Far from the strongest Nuke Op weapon but certainly one of the most cost efficient, and more than deadly enough. Autorifle.png WT550 Automatic Rifle 46x30ammo.png 4.6×30mm 20 Rounds 20 Brute Security and Cargo. Nanotrasen A older rifle often used by paramilitary or high security forces. Has some boutique ammo that can be researched and printed at the Security Techfab to expand its' usefulness. Practically just a brute, harder to reload in most cases laser gun. L6machinegun.png L6 SAW A762.png 7.12x82mm 50 Rounds 45 Brute Nuke ops and summon guns only. Syndicate Holds the most ammo of any gun, 50 shots dealing 45 brute damage each, firing in a fast 3-round burst that is moderately inaccurate. With AP ammo this thing will take down even heavily armored targets in one or two bursts. Uzi.png Uzi Ammo 50.png 9mm 32 rounds 20 Brute Summon guns, Gang Wars Gangs A lightweight, fast firing gun, for when you want someone dead. Uses 9mm rounds. Shotgun Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Improvised shotgun.png Improvised Shotgun Blank shell.png 12 Gauge shells 1 Shell Depends on shell Crafted Civilian A handcrafted shotgun made of scavenged materials. To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun; when you shoot a shell, you don't need to eject it manually, it will be ejected when you load a new shell. Can bet cut down with a circular saw just like the Double-Barrelled Shotgun to fit into a backpack.

Doubleshotgun.png Doubleshotgunsawnoff.png Double-Barrelled Shotgun Blank shell.png 12 Gauge shells 2 Shells Depends on shell Bar. Civilian Easiest shotgun to get, yet the rarest. Only one starts on the station and the Bartender likes to keep it in case of bar fights. Can be sawn off with a circular saw (make sure it's not loaded). A sawn-off shotgun will fit in your backpack. To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun. Use it in hand to eject the shells.

Riot shotgun.png Riot Shotgun Blank shell.png 12 Gauge shells 7 Shells Depends on shell The Armoury and summon spells. Security A uncommon shotgun, typically only used in emergencies by Security or when facing someone with ranged energy protection. Is the only main shotgun on the station at round start sans the bartender's double barrel. To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun; when you shoot a shell, you need to eject it manually by using the shotgun in your hand before shooting another. It can also be sawed off with a circular saw or chainsaw to fit in your backpack.

Combatshotgun.png Combat Shotgun Blank shell.png 12 Gauge Shells 7 Shells Depends on shell Armory contraband locker, ordered in Cargo and from Summon guns. Nanotrasen The highest ammo capacity of any shotgun. Best of all, you don't need to manually eject shells after shooting. Unlike the riot shotgun, it cannot be sawed off, but a compact version is given to the Warden. Bulldog.png Bulldog Blank shell.png 12 Gauge shells 8 Shells Depends on drum Uplink Syndicate A powerful semi-automatic, drum fed, shotgun employed by syndicate nuclear operative teams. Short combatshotgun.png Compact Combat Shotgun Blank shell.png 12 Gauge shells 4 Shells Depends on shell Wardens Locker Security Unique weapon held by the Warden. A compact version of the combat shotgun with a four shell capacity. Can fit in armor slots. Shotgun Shells Blank shell.png Improvised Shotgun Shell: Shoots a spread of 7 metal shards, doing a total of 60 damage at point blank. Buckshot shell.pngBuckshot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 12.5 brute damage each, for a maximum of 75. Extremely lethal at close range. Bean shell.png Rubber Shot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 3 brute and 25 stamina damage each. More effective at stopping a target, but stamina damage fades with time. Bean shell.png Beanbag: Shoots one single beanbag, dealing 5 brute and 80 stamina damage. The bartender uses these by default. Stun Shell.png Stun Shell: Shoots an electrode that stuns on hit, much like a taser. (Not easily available) Fire shell.png Incendiary Slug: Shoots a single projectile that leaves a fire trail and ignites the target, on top of 20 brute damage. Tech shell.png Shotgun Dart: A single dart that can contain up to 30 units of chemicals that'll be injected on hit. Tech shell.png Technological Shells: Unloaded technological shells can be made in a Protolathe. See here for the recipes. Meteor shell.png Meteorshot Shell: A single powerful projectile, deals 30 brute damage and stuns for 8 seconds. Pushes back machinery on hit. Pulse shell.png Pulse Slug: Works like one of the deathsquad's pulse rifle shots, dealing 50 burn damage and damaging or destroying walls and machinery. Dragon shell.png Dragonsbreath Shell: Like the incendiary slug, but shoots a spread of 4 burning pellets. Deals less direct damage. Frag shell.png FRAG-12 Slug: An explosive shell that knocks down targets and causes an explosion where it hits, on top of dealing 25 brute damage. Ion shell.png Ion Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 ion bolts, each of which ions a single target instead of the 3×3 area hit by normal ion rifles. Laser shell.png Laser Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 6 laser beams with up to 90 total damage. Longarm (Energy) Laser Based Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Laser gun.png Laser Gun Recharger.gif Energy 12 Lasers 20 Burn Armory and weapons crates. Security Lethal ONLY, but 2 extra shots. Good choice for Security officers who already carry Hybrid Tasers. Laser Cannon.png Laser Cannon Recharger.gif Energy 10 Lasers 40 Burn Summon guns Nanotrasen This is the Laser Gun's bigger brother, fear him, he will fuck you over. Energy Gun.gif Energy Gun Recharger.gif Energy 10 Lasers, 20 Disable 20 Burn Stun Armory, energy weapons crate, HoP/Captain lockers. Security A versatile energy weapon. Best thing is to disable a target and then either handcuff (for arresting) or spam the other remaining shots at them on kill mode (for murder). Advegun.png Advanced Energy Gun Powercell.png Energy 10 (recharges over time) 20 Burn/Stun target Security protolathe once researched first. Nanotrasen Using advanced wizardry SCIENCE, a mini nuclear generator has been fitted into this gun to provide unlimited shots! Researched from R&D. Cannot be used in recharging units. Unreliable models may emit radiation, take caution. Antique laser.png Antique Laser Gun Recharger.gif Energy 12 (recharges over time) 20 Burn Captain's Quarters. Nanotrasen The prized weapon of the Captain, and the target of many enemy forces. Similar to the laser gun except it's self-recharging. They just don't make guns like they used to. Multiphase gun stun.gif X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun Recharger.gif Energy 5 Stun, 10 Laser, 20 Disable 20 Burn Head of Security's locker. Nanotrasen The first attempt by Nanotrasen to remake the Captain's Antique Laser. Has more firing modes on offer but lacks the ability to recharge. Milgun.png TacticalEnergy Gun Powercell.png Energy 10 Stun, 20 Energy, 20 Kill 20 Burn target Elite Emergency Response Team Nanotrasen A tactical variant of the Energy Gun. Holds more of a charge and can fire stun rounds. Ionrifle.png Ion Rifle Recharger.gif Energy 10 Ion Pulses 20 Brute to silicon mobs Up to 90 damage to mechs 3×3 EMP Armory and on the Nuclear Operative shuttle. Security Large and unwieldy, great for dealing with mechs and cyborgs. Also opens lockers and crates. Retrolaser.png Retro Laser Recharger.gif Energy 12 Lasers 20 Burn White Ship, deep space ruins. Unknown Found on the white ship, this old beast is like the laser gun; anyone with a spaaaaaace suit and a little know-how can reach it. Tempgun.png Temperature Gun Recharger.gif Energy 40 Freeze/heat Beams Heats/Cools target dependent upon the setting. Armory, security protolathe once researched. Nanotrasen This weapon is deceptively strong since the projectiles aren't blocked by eswords/eshields and can slow people down to a crawl. Slimes die to it in two to three hits. Xraygun.png X-Ray Gun Recharger.gif Energy 20 Lasers 15 Burn + 30 Irradiate Security protolathe once researched first. Nanotrasen This beams from this gun will pass through everything, including walls, until they hit a mob. Pulse Based Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Pulserifle.png Pulse Rifle Recharger.gif Energy 200 Pulse 50 Burn Deathsquad Nanotrasen The most powerful energy weapon in existence. Bruteforces energy weapon's ammo problems by having a very large power source. Its pulse setting is capable of doing massive damage to a target as well as destroying cover and walls. Pulsecarbine.png Pulse Carbine Recharger.gif Energy 25 Pulse, 50 Laser, 25 Stun 50 Burn Emergency Response Team Nanotrasen A scaled down version of the Pulse Rifle, holds significantly less power than the Pulse Rifle but is capable of being placed inside bags. Issued to Elite Emergency Response Team Security personnel. Misc Weapons Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Chem sprayer.png Chem Sprayer Chemicals 600 units total 150 units of Spore Toxin (Causes blindness) 150 units of Cryptobiolin 150 units of Unstable Mutagen 150 units of Chloral Hydrate Confusion, blindness, dizziness, knockout, and random mutations with the standard reagents. Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals, only available to Nuclear Agents. Syndicate Think of it as a spray bottle. Except each spray is three tiles wide and can travel the entire screen. Generally kept away from players due to the potential of the lubepocalypse. Flamethrower.png Flamethrower Plasma tank.png Gas of your choice Depends on tank pressure Depends on the gas Made by yourself or with a hacked Autolathe Civilian You are a firestarter! Allows for creative gas mixes if you know your atmos. An area denial tool, generally useful for making small areas uninhabitable for people, not so useful when trying to kill someone, as it's easy to run away. Sgun.png Syringe Gun Syringe.png Syringes 1 Syringe 6 Brute + 15u chemicals Medbay Storage. Civilian In fact, this is very robust. Think of it as a ranged hypospray. Rapidsyringegun.png Rapid Syringe Gun Syringe.png Syringes 6 Syringes 6 Brute + 15u chemicals R&D Lab once researched first. Nanotrasen See the syringe gun, but take into account it holds six syringes. Can be made through researching them, and only costs metal and glass to make. This gun gives you the power to fuck over six people at once! First syringe in is first out. Admin Only Weapons These weapons are currently restricted to admin spawn only, some may also appear in 'summon gun' events during a Wizard round however.

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes Hybrid taser.gif Taser Recharger.gif Energy 5 Stun, 20 Disable Stun target Admins. Security Previously security's sidearm of choice, now replaced by disablers. Automaticsilenced.png Silenced Pistol Ammo 50.png .45 12 rounds 20 Brute + Knockdown Away missions. Admins. Admin A small, quiet, easily concealable gun. Uses .45 rounds. Tommy gun.png Tommy Gun Ammo 9mm.png 9mm 50 rounds 20 Brute + Knockdown Admins Admin A genuine Chicago Typewriter. Gyrogun.png Gyrojet Pistol Ammo 75.png .75 8 Rounds 74 Brute from direct hit 24 from a tile away explosion (-1, 0, 2) Summon guns exclusive. Admin Delivers an explosion with every shot, plus you can afford to be less accurate with it, as the explosion hits 3×3, so it's great against groups. Instagib.png Instakill Rifle None Infinite Infinite Admins Admin Flat out disintegrates all living targets. Only likely to be encountered if someone particularly likes or hates you. Defense To be good at combat, you must be able to survive an encounter with anything; Nuclear Operatives, Wizards, Assistants and such. While some may say that the best defense is a robust offense (which can be true in some cases), knowing how to protect yourself is a vital skill needed to be robust.

Stuns and Incapacitation Having the ability to stun at a moment's notice will protect you from getting robusted quite often (as long as you don't get stunned first).

Icon Item Type of Stun How to Acquire Notes StunBaton.gif Stun Baton Stamina damage Security Not being security, and having this out, is likely to land you in the brig. Stunprod.png Stunprod Stamina damage Made by yourself Having this is a quick way to get robusted by security. Doesn't fit in backpacks, but can be carried on your back. Telescopic Baton.png Telescopic Baton Stamina damage Be a Head of Staff Not being a head of staff and having one of these is yet another way to incur security's ire. ModernDisabler.png Disabler Stamina damage Spawns on officers, Armory. Disabler Crate from Cargo. A non-lethal type of laser that deals Stamina Damage, which has the same slowing/debilitating effects of normal damage, without actually harming. Heals on its own over time. Flash.gif Flash Stun Duration 8 stuns cyborgs Security, Bridge, Sec Checkpoint, Tech Storage Cyborgs are vulnerable to this method of stunning. Eye protection, such as sunglasses or welding helmets prevents you from being stunned this way. Hardsuits and spacesuits will also block flashes, except for the CMO's. Hspray.png Chemicals Depends on chemical Chemistry Typically used with a syringe gun, Hypospray, or Smoke Grenade. Some chemicals, like Chloral Hydrate, or Morphine, can hold targets still for some time, while others can be very harmful. Flashbang.gif Flashbang Various effects. Duration varies with distance. Security Very good for stunning a whole room. Not wearing ear protection will make you deaf for awhile. Wearing both sunglasses and a bowman headset makes you immune to these. Laser Pointer.png Laser Pointer Blinds humans Stuns cyborgs Duration 5-10 Lawyer, Curator, Research Director Has a chance of blinding people and cyborgs, like a Flash; a fully upgraded laser pointer has a 100% chance. Resonant Shriek Duration 5-10 Being a changeling Humans become deaf and confused. Fff.png Cult Stun Stun Duration 15 + 15 duration silence Being a cultist and making one. Works on cyborgs. Blocked by null rod. Beepsky.png Beepsky Stun Duration 14 Made in robotics. Attacks those set to arrest, and, depending on the mode, with weapons out without permission. Ed209.png ED-209 Stamina damage Made in robotics. Attacks those set to arrest, and, depending on the mode, with weapons out without permission. Icon Counter Type of Stun How to Acquire Notes Hulk.png Hulk Any Genetics Hulks don't get stunned and don't fall ever. Even space lube doesn't make them fall, though they do slip. SGlasses.png Eye protection Flashes Cargo and Engineering for welding helmets, Security for sunglasses. Doesn't do anything with the stun itself; rather, it protects you from flashing Damage Prevention A few items, when used, can randomly completely block damage.

Icon Item How to acquire Protection Notes RiotS.png Riot Shield Armory Blocks melee and projectile attacks to the chest. Note that attacks aimed at other parts of the body (commonly the head) may miss, and have a chance of hitting another part instead, usually your chest. Eshield.png Energy Combat Shield Nuke ops Blocks most melee and ranged projectiles Works just like a riot shield, except with a 100% chance to deflect all lasers and energy shots, making it very robust. Can also be turned off to fit in your pocket. Reactivearmor.png Reactive Teleport Armor Research Director's Office Teleports you randomly if you're hit. It could end badly if you get spaced due to this, but it'll still improve your odds of surviving. Sword.gif Energy Sword Syndicate Uplinks Blocks most projectiles Needs to be turned on to work. Counts as a shield just like the riot shield. Armor Armor is a great passive way to keep you from getting hurt too badly in a fight. Some jobs will have difficulty acquiring armor. Some armor, like hardsuits, will slow you, as well.

Armor will reduce all damage of a certain type, on parts of your body that are protected by the armor. You will see “Your armor softens the blow!” when your armor reduces damage. The defense values are indicated by an armor's percent protection from different damage types, for example basic Armor has a melee protection rate of 50, as such it will reduce all melee damage to the chest by 50%.

Armor only protects the region that it covers on your body. No armor protects your entire body.

Body Armor Icon Item How to acquire Protection Defense values % Notes CaptArmor.png Captain's SWAT Suit Captain's Quarters Offers moderate protection from most sources. melee = 40 bullet = 50 laser = 50 energy = 25 bomb = 50 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 100 acid = 100 The Captain will sometimes wear this. It's also space-worthy, but it will slow you down. Wearing this while not the Captain is a good way to get robusted. Capscarapace.png Captain's Carapace Captain's Quarters Offers moderate protection from most sources. melee = 50 bullet = 40 laser = 50 energy = 10 bomb = 25 A special armor vest unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and also displays your authority to the crew. RIG.png Engineering Hardsuit Engineering Gives low protection from melee attacks and explosions. melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 10 bio = 100 rad = 75 fire = 100 acid = 75 See here for information on the different styles. Atmospherics Hardsuit.png Atmospherics Hardsuit Atmospherics Identical to normal RIG however it is one of the only items that grants complete protection from Fire at the cost of no Radiation protection. melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 10 bio = 100 fire = 100 acid = 75 See here for information on the different styles. Mining Hardsuit.png Mining Hardsuit Mining Gives quite good protection from melee attacks and explosions. Can be upgraded with goliath hide plates to a maximum of 80 melee defense. Essentially becoming a spaceworthy riot suit. The helmet must be upgraded independently of the suit. melee = 30 - 70 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 50 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 50 acid = 75 See here for information on the different styles. AdvRIG.png CE Hardsuit Chief Engineer Gives good protection from melee attacks, near complete Radiation protection and complete protection against Fire. melee = 40 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 50 bio = 100 rad = 90 fire = 100 acid = 90 See here for information on the different styles. Medical Hardsuit.png CMO Hardsuit Chief Medical Officer Provides little physical protection and does not block intense light based weapons, such as flashbangs or flashes. But is a easy to access Hardsuit for the CMO. melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 10 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 75 acid = 75 See here for information on the different styles. RDRIG.png RD Hardsuit Research Director More accurately described as a space proof bomb suit. One of the only Hardsuits to provide 100% bomb protection, the helmet also has a diagnostic HUD built in. melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 100 bio = 100 rad = 60 fire = 60 acid = 80 See here for information on the different styles. Security Hardsuit.png Security Hardsuit Brig, or in the case of BoxStation in E.V.A. Gives slightly increased protection against all damage sources. melee = 30 bullet = 15 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 10 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 75 acid = 75 See here for information on the different styles. HoSRIG.png HoS Hardsuit Head of Security's Office, or in the case of BoxStation in E.V.A. Gives slightly increased protection against all damage sources. melee = 45 bullet = 25 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 95 acid = 95 Offer more protection than the standard Security Hardsuit. Still not as good as the Captain's spacesuit. Wizardsuit.png Gem-encrusted hardsuit Wizard or Summon magic Offers good protection overall and counts as a robe for spellcasting. Protective against fire and totally acidproof to boot! melee = 40 bullet = 40 laser = 40 energy = 20 bomb = 35 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 100 acid = 100 See here for information on the magical arts. Ablative.png Ablative Armor Vest Armory Gives excellent protection against Laser and Energy attacks and can even deflect them. melee = 10 bullet = 10 laser = 60 energy = 50 It will sometimes deflect energy projectiles, which includes Taser shots! It's also a traitor objective. Expect to receive a harsh sentence from security if caught with this. Bulletproofvest.png Bulletproof Vest Armory Makes the wearer very resilient to bullets at the cost of being poor defense against other weapons. melee = 15 bullet = 60 laser = 10 energy = 10 bomb = 40 Very useful against gangsters and nuke ops. The helmet only provides half of the protection of the vest sadly. Armor.png Body Armor HoS, HoP, Security Protects moderately against melee and lasers, which are common things to be harmed by. melee = 30 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 The standard armor found on security mooks. Also sometimes found on Ian. Also comes in identical tactical (officer lockers) and Black Mesa (security vendor) versions. Swatarmor.png Riot Suit Armory This, combined with the riot shield, will make you be the nightmare of fire extinguisher -wielding assistants everywhere. Gives complete protection to the entire body. melee = 50 bullet = 10 laser = 10 energy = 10 It's very resistant to melee attacks, BUT it's less protective against lasers than standard armor. Armoredcoat.png Armored Coat HoS A good set of armour that covers the entire body, and the HoS starts with it. Not as powerful as it once was but it's still robust. melee = 30 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 Wear this as your rightful trophy if you manage to outrobust him. Deathsquad.png Deathsquad Armor Death Squad Extremely robust armor found only on Deathsquad Officers. Offers strong protection against all damage sources to the entire body, in addition to being spaceworthy. Moderate slowdown. melee = 80 bullet = 80 laser = 50 energy = 50 bomb = 100 bio = 100 rad = 100 fire = 100 acid = 100 If you see someone wearing this, it's a good idea to run. Bomb-suit.png Bomb Suit Toxins Lab, Armory Protects you from bombs. Even if a bomb manages to kill you, your body will not be gibbed and you can be cloned. melee = 40 laser = 20 energy = 10 bomb = 100 A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. Secjumpsuit.png Security Officer's Jumpsuit Security Offices A security officer's jumpsuit provides a small amount of melee protection. All security-division jumpsuits have the same benefit, whether it be an officer's, the detective's, or the HoS's. Lawyers do not, however. melee = 10 The kicker? It goes in your jumpsuit slot, and when worn underneath armor will stack their defenses additively. The riot suit's 80% melee reduction becomes an incredible 90%. MK.I SWAT Suit.png MK.I SWAT Suit Order it from Cargo An all rounded suit available through the Cargo Supply Console for 6000 points. Causes moderate slowdown melee = 40 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 30 bomb = 50 bio = 90 rad = 20 fire = 100 acid = 100 This suit, although costly, can provide a decent addition to security should they need extra defense against a multitude of threats. Syndi hardsuit.png Blood-red Hardsuit From the Syndicate A dual-mode advanced helmet designed for work in special operations. Has two modes: EVA and Combat. melee = 40 bullet = 50 laser = 30 energy = 15 bomb = 35 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 50 acid = 90 Costs 8 telecrystals from the uplink. EVA is space proof while Combat is not, but increases your speed, fits in backpacks. Property of Gorlex Marauders. Helmets Icon Item How to acquire Protection Defense values % Notes Helmet.png Helmet Security Office Standard head gear for security mooks. Keeps your head safe. melee = 35 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 Brave officers may opt to wear the security beret or hat instead. The warden's hat offers the same protection as this. Swathelmet.png Swat Helmet Derelict or order it from Cargo A rare and extremely powerful helmet that protects against all kinds of damage. Spaceworthy. melee = 40 bullet = 30 laser = 25 energy = 25 bomb = 50 bio = 10 If you get this, be proud that you are wearing the best protective headgear in the game. Riothelm.png Riot Helmet Armory Provides excellent melee protection, but lacks in other areas. melee = 45 bullet = 15 laser = 5 energy = 5 bomb = 5 bio = 2 Useful during revolutions, and other situations where you might be swarmed with melee weapons. Hoscap.png Head of Security Hat HoS Provides robust head protection in all damage types. The HoS starts with this. melee = 40 bullet = 30 laser = 25 energy = 10 bomb = 25 bio = 10 Powerful and stylish, also for showing who is in charge around here. The dermal armor in the HoS's locker offers the same protection as this. Deathsquadhelm.png Deathsquad Helmet Death squad A strong helmet that provides reduction against most damage types. Spaceworthy. melee = 80 bullet = 80 laser = 50 energy = 50 bomb = 100 bio = 100 rad = 100 Underwhelming compared to the deathsquad body armor

Identification Card Every worker of Space Station 13 is issued an identification card. Your ID has your name, occupation, and a device that broadcasts your access to the station's autonomous systems, which is used both to identify the holder and open up airlocks the worker has access to. For example, the Quartermaster has access to the Cargo Bay and Quartermaster's Office, while Assistants, for example, do not. ID cards can have their access modified by the Captain or Head of Personnel. When your face is covered your ID is the only way of identifying you.

Types of ID cards Id regular.png Standard ID - Standard identification card issued to the general staff.

Id silver.png Command ID - Special silver identification card issued to the Heads of Staff. These ID's allow access to the Bridge, have the ability to call/recall the Escape Shuttle, edit access permissions on other ID cards, as well as having access specific to each head.

Id gold.png Captain's ID - The Captain's gold-coloured all-access ID card. A spare starts in the Captain's Quarters. Desired by all.

Id centcom.png Centcom ID - Identification card issued only to Centcom officials, including Death squad officers.

Id orange.png Prisoner ID - Identification card issued to prisoners, so they can be identified on the crew monitoring console and keep track of labor points. Has no access.

Computers This is a list of the more common Computer Terminals which can be found in different parts of the station. Look here to see how to build computers.

Contents 1 Miscellaneous 1.1 Modular Hardware 1.2 Requests Console 1.3 Newscaster 1.4 Library Computer 1.5 Holodeck Control Console 1.6 Arcade Machines 1.6.1 Defeat Lord ERPer 1.6.2 The Orion Trail 1.6.3 Mediborg's Amputation Adventure 1.6.4 List of Prizes Emagged prizes 2 Supply 2.1 Supply Console 2.2 Supply Request Console 2.3 Outpost Cameras 2.4 Mining Shuttle Console 3 Medical 3.1 Crew Monitoring Console/Operating Computer 3.2 Medical Records Console 3.3 Cloning Console/DNA Scanner Access Console 3.4 PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200 4 Engineering 4.1 Solars Control 4.2 Power Monitoring Console 4.3 Station/Atmospheric Alert Console 4.4 Tank Monitor/Distribution and Waste Monitor/Gas Supply Control 4.5 Toxins Mixing Air Control 4.6 Gas Turbine Control Computer 4.7 Telecommunications Monitoring Console 4.8 Telecommunications Server Monitoring Console/Messaging Monitor Console 5 Research 5.1 Core R&D Console/Robotics R&D Console/R&D Server Controller 5.2 Mech Bay Power Control Console 5.3 AI System Integrity Restorer 5.4 Robotics Control 5.5 Exosuit Control 5.6 Nanite Cloud Controller 5.7 Nanite Chamber Control Console 5.8 Slime Managment Console 6 Security 6.1 Security Records Console 6.2 Security Cameras 6.3 Prisoner Management Console/Labor Camp Teleporter Console 6.4 Prisonner Shuttle Console/Labor Shuttle Console 6.5 Advanced Camera Console 7 Command 7.1 Communications Console 7.2 Emergency Shuttle Console 7.3 Identification Console 7.4 Teleporter Control Console 7.5 AI Upload/Cyborg Upload Miscellaneous ModularModern2.gif Modular HardwareLaptop.gifTablet.gif The latest and greatest in Nanotrasen technology, these modular consoles get their programs from the cloud, and can hold as many as they have memory for, as well as run multiple simultaneously depending on their CPU power. Laptop and tablet frames can be built on an autolathe, while a console can be built directly from metal. Components are usually printed at the lab, or found in the elusive laptop vendor. Every modular machine requires at least:

one power source one hard drive one processing unit access to a network to download programs OR disks loaded with said programs A full guide to modular computers can be found HERE.

Requests Console.gifRequests Console Can be found in every room where someone is supposed to work. The Requests Consoles can be used to request low/high urgency assistance, request supplies with low/high priority, relay anonymous information or view sent and received messages. All of these produce a message to the selected Request Console and can be swiped with an ID to confirm the identity of the sender. Can be hacked to enable the 'EXTREME' priority for your requests.

The Bridge and Heads' Offices have special Requests Consoles which can send station-wide announcements if swiped with an authorized ID.

Newscaster.gifNewscaster Newscasters are the most widespread type of the computers, thanks to NanoTrasen wanting to keep you up to date on the latest news.

You can view newsfeeds other crewmembers have made, or make your own! You can attach photos to the news.

Every Newscaster can print out 15 newspapers for people who enjoy reading stuff from the paper.

Security Newscasters can be found in Brig and can make “Wanted” Issues, censor out harmful newsfeed stories, or lock down a whole channel with a D-Notice.

LibraryComputer.gif Library Computer A computer located over the librarian's desk, one in the library amongst shelves and the prison wing. The one located over the librarian's desk is different from others, since it's the only one which can add a new book into the database and print out books. The other computers are able to access the database and only search for the names of the books.

Holodeck2.gifHolodeck Control Console Controls the holodeck. Can be emagged to disable safety protocols.

Arcade 1.gif Arcade Machines The easiest way to waste time, Arcade Machines can be found all over the station including Arrivals, the bar and escape. There are two different games: an RPG, which may go by several different names, or the Orion Trail, which is definitely not a cute ripoff of an ancient educational video game. Defeat Lord ERPer While all of these games may have different names, they all play the same way: namely, like an RPG. Basically, you and your CPU-controlled opponent take turns attacking. You can also heal (at the cost of MP) or recharge MP (at the cost of a turn).

Defeating your opponent nets you a prize of some sort. You lose if your HP or MP is zero or less. Your attacks do 2-8 damage, healing restores 6-14 health for 1-4 MP, and charging regains 4-11 points. But none of that really matters. Although you can't see the enemy stats it's not too difficult to just whittle it down. It will attack doing 3-9 damage for some time. Eventually when its health is low enough it will start healing instead of attacking (4 points at a time), and shortly after when it runs out of MP it will steal yours. It won't ever steal more than 5 per turn, but you'll lose instantly if that puts you below 0. Charging so you have at least 6 MP, healing so you have at least 10 HP and attacking otherwise is bound to work eventually, but there are faster methods. Emagging this machine turns it into Outbomb Cuban Pete, which is harder and has higher stakes! The Orion Trail You start out with four people, 80 food, 60 fuel, and one each of engine parts, hull panels and electronics. Your goal is to make it to Orion. Your goal in reality is to crunch a bunch of numbers and hope the RNG favors you.

The more people you have and the more time you spend, the more food you use up. Every person consumes 2 food per day, and a normal leg of your journey takes 1 day. The more detours you take, the more fuel you use up. A normal leg of your journey takes 5 fuel. Raiders will sometimes steal a random amount of food and fuel, and collisions may vent it out into space. Certain events will use up engine parts or kill crew members, or offer you a risky option or a safe option that uses more food/fuel. You will probably not make it to Orion if all of you live! There is not enough food unless you get really lucky with the black hole. Hope for death.

Mediborg's Amputation Adventure Rare. Put your hand in the machine if you aren't a coward.

List of Prizes The prize selected is random, unless the machine is emagged. They're all annoying, useless or dangerously similar to illegal items. Have fun! Snap-pop box Blink toy Tacticool Turtleneck Toy sword Cap gun & ammo Foam-dart crossbow Replica red spacesuit and helmet Box of crayons 'Singularity' spinning toy Toy AI Nuclear Fission Device toy (oh god) Windup tool box (oh GOD) One of eleven toy mech figurines. Chasm and space looking floor tiles. Grenades full of glitter that coincidentally looks just like plasma or N2O. Fake cult items. Security hates them! Roller shoes and light-up shoes. Radical. Tactical™ snack™ rigs that come prestocked with a selection of random gamer fuel. Other fake traitor items, like an emag, a red button or a hot potato. Emagged prizes Battle arcade:

You get both of these, GUARANTEED! The arcade machine resets after, so you'll have to emag it again and win again to get more. It's probably faster to just go make a bomb yourself. Syndicate bomb Collectable Cuban Pete hat Orion Trail:

Orion settler ship replica. It explodes in a big fireball, just like the ship it's based on. Aw. Supply Supply console2.png Supply Console The Supply Console allows you to order and approve already ordered items, plus call or send the supply shuttle. Can be hacked to order contraband.

Request 01.gif Supply Request Console The Supply Request Console lets you request things from the greedy bastards.

Outpostcameras2.gif Outpost Cameras The Outpost Cameras terminal allows you to access all of the mining station's cameras.

Shuttle 1.gif Mining Shuttle Console The Mining Shuttle Console lets you to operate the mining shuttle, calling it to the Mining Dock or sending it to the Mining Station.

Medical Crewmonitoring.gif Crew Monitoring Console/Operating Computer The Crew Monitoring Console reports the location and vital statistics of the crew via their suit sensors. The downside is that it's entirely dependent on the crew bothering to turn those sensors on. Usually only the Heads and AIs have access to it.

The Operating Computer reports the vital statistics of the patient during surgery.

Medicalrecords.gif Medical Records Console Contains the records of all Nanotrasen employees, a virus information database, and updates on the station's medbots. It has a lot more personal information than the Crew Monitoring computer, but most of it is never important and none of it updates automatically. DNA search function may be very useful for the Detective to compare with samples of DNA taken from evidence. You can also set a person's their mental status to Insane and Security bots will arrest them if they cross paths.

Cloningconsole.gif Cloning Console/DNA Scanner Access Console Removed from /tg/station Feb, 2020.

DNA Scanner Access Console uses radiation through a nearby DNA Scanner to manipulate the genes of a person inside. It has a Radiation Emitter Menu for manipulating and a Buffer Menu for saving the manipulated genes and/or making injectors out of them so they can be spread around.

Chemmaster.gifPanD.E.M.I.C. 2200 This computer is used in virology to work with viruses.

Engineering Solar 0.gif Solars Control The Solars Control computer allows, when configured, manipulation of solar panels to track the local star that is nearby.

Power 0.gif Power Monitoring Console The Power Monitoring Console shows you the station's detected APC's, their current cell power charge, current powerload, and station's overall power output and power input (from the SMES's).

AtmosConsole.png Station/Atmospheric Alert Console The Station Alert Console shows you the power-problem-areas on the station. It shows a power-alarm where the APC doesn't have enough cell-charge.

The Atmospheric Alert Console shows you where the atmospheric alerts are located on the station.

Atmostankcontrol.png Tank Monitor/Distribution and Waste Monitor/Gas Supply Control Tank Monitor shows the pressures inside each tanks (the huge things in outer space right outside Atmospherics.

Distribution and Waste Monitor shows more in-depth information about the Mixed In Tank's status and the Distribution and Waste Loops.

Gas Supply Controls are located near the atmos tanks, one for each, and control the input and output pressure of those tanks, while also showing pressure and temperature information.

Atmostankcontrol.pngToxins Mixing Air Control This computer can be found in Science Toxins Lab. It monitors the pressure and temperature inside the toxins mixing chamber.

Turbinecomp 0.pngGas Turbine Control Computer Controls the power turbine.

Comm monitor 0.gifTelecommunications Monitoring Console Read-only access to Telecomms machine settings.

Comm logs 0.gifTelecommunications Server Monitoring Console/Messaging Monitor Console Access logs from the Telecoms Servers.

Research Rdcomp 0.pngCore R&D Console/Robotics R&D Console/R&D Server Controller Core R&D Consoles and Robotics R&D Consoles let you do research. Using a screwdriver on the circuit board lets you toggle “Access protocols”, which can allow or disallow spending research points with it. They also control Protolathes, Circuit Printers and Destructive Analyzers, and are necessary to use an E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR.

The R&D Server Controller can be used to read research logs or disable R&D Servers.

Recharge comp on 0.gifMech Bay Power Control Console Controls the Mechbay Power Port (that recharges Mechs). Shows the amount of charge left in the mech.

Integrityrestorer.gif AI System Integrity Restorer Used to restore a dead AI back to life. Just use the InteliCard to collect the dead AI and insert it into the computer, then activate it.

Roboticscontrol.png Robotics Control This console allows you to remotely lock down those pesky borgs if they start acting up. It can also blow up drones remotely if they're being annoying.

Mecha 0.gif Exosuit Control Used for tracking and locking down exosuits. Exosuits need to have a tracking beacon (built from Exosuit Fabricators) on them to appear on this console. EMPing mechs with this will destroy the tracking beacon.

Nanite cloud controller.gif Nanite Cloud Controller Click “Create new backup” and choose a cloud number from 1-100. Then click that backup and install nanite programs and those programs will then automatically be installed to any implanted nanites that are synched to the same cloud ID (by default 1 if installed with a Public Nanite Chamber).

Nanite chamber control 0.gif Nanite Chamber Control Console Controls a connected Nanite Chamber. Can inoculate nanites, load programs, and analyze existing nanite swarms.

Slime comp 0.png Slime Managment Console Used to feed, watch, and manage slimes in xenobiology.

Security Security 0.png Security Records Console Security records computers keep a digital log of everything Security is keeping track of, plus a fingerprint database which is extremely useful for the Detective.

While Security can edit the records to keep very specific data about criminal history, sentencing, parole hearings, and other information, mostly the records are used to keep track of who is set to arrest. Persons of interest will have their names brightly lit up on a red background, while people who are incarcerated or have been released will have other colors as well. Anyone who can get into the record system can freely edit it once it is unlocked, and can set anyone else to arrest without needing a Security HUD.

Cameras 0.gif Security Cameras This console allows you to access all of the station's camera feeds, and switch into any camera that is connected. They are found strictly in areas with security-only access.

Prisonermanagment.gif Prisoner Management Console/Labor Camp Teleporter Console For locating persons implanted with a tracking implant. Shows location and an option to send a message straight into their minds. It is also used to give Prisoner IDs goals in the Labor Camp, to buy their freedom. You can also use it to track the amount of points the prisoner has collected.

Shuttle 1.gifPrisonner Shuttle Console/Labor Shuttle Console Controls the Prisoner Shuttle.

Cameras 0.gifAdvanced Camera Console Lets the user's view float freely where there are cameras. Usually available to certain antagonist bases, but the board can be printed with the security techfab after researching illegal technology.

Command Comm 0.gif Communications Console Or short Comms Console; can be found on the Bridge, and in the Captain's Quarters.

This is where CentCom sends every important announcement. Admin-sent CentCom reports will be printed here. You can look up the reports under: Received Messages.

This is also, where the Emergency Evacuation Procedure is initiated or canceled that willcall the escape shuttle after a countdown, effectively ending the round. The Captain can also send transmissions to CentCom and change the security level of the station.

Shuttle 1.gifEmergency Shuttle Console Controls the Emergency Shuttle. The Shuttle departure timer can be shortened to 10 seconds by emagging or using 3 Head ID on the console.

Id console.gif Identification Console The Identification Console allows you to change all the properties of an ID Card, provided you are a Head of Staff. You can change what rooms it has access too, what job it is, and what is the name on it. You may also open and close non-command positions for new crewmates to join as.

While only the HoP and Captain has access all it's functions, the other heads can still use it to manage access to their departments, and demote their subordinates.

You can also see the crew manifest and print it, which does not require any card.

Teleport 0.gif Teleporter Control Console Locks the teleporting destination into any possible tracking beacon (or tracking implant).

Upload.gif AI Upload/Cyborg Upload The AI Upload terminal allows you to upload laws to the AI, using AI modules. It is located in the AI Upload.

You upload a law to an AI by first grabbing an AI module of the type you want. Some AI modules (such as Freeform) can be used in hand to get a prompt where you can modify details of the law before uploading it. Then click the AI upload console with an empty hand to make it cycle targets between available AI's. Lastly, click the AI upload console with the AI module in your active hand to instantly upload the law.

The Cyborg Upload terminal allows you to modify the laws of any cyborg not linked to an AI. It is also located in the AI Upload.

Modular Computers “Modular Computer” refers to those electrical devices designed with ease of assembly and upgrading through the use of special “modular” components. These components are housed in frames of which there are three types, each offering different advantages.

The console is a static structure, and can house the most powerful components, as well as a wired connection to the network. The laptop is a compromise between portability and power, capable of all but the most intensive operations in exchange for its mobility. The tablet is a pocket-sized supercomputer, capable of replacing most outdated computers still littering the station even with its moderate power. Just like a normal computer, every frame requires a power supply, processing unit, drive and of course, programs to run. All hardware comes with an OS installed, which grants basic functionalities and UI. Programs can be downloaded from the NET as long as you have a network card installed. If for some reason you do not, or the quantum relay is off, you can install directly from disks.

If your desired power source is a battery module Battery tiny.png, you will need to install a power cell controller. Computers can hold both area/wire power connections and a power cell as a backup.

Simple network cards will have some signal Low signal tiny.png and work only on station and lavaland, while better cards will have good signal High signal tiny.png on station/lavaland and then some even in space! There even exist straight up ethernet connections for the console, though it's not clear exactly where the plug comes from on an asteroid.

All programs occupy a certain amount of space on the drive (shown below in brackets). A standard hard disk is currently enough to fit all of them.

You can get laptops and tablets from the Modular PC vendor, located near Science.


Components and their stats Compatibility Power Drain in Watts
Console Laptop Tablet
Processing Units (max simultanous programs)
Microprocessor 2 programs Y Y Y 25

Photonic microprocessor 3 programs Y Y Y 75 Processor board 3 programs Y Y N 50 Photonic processor board 5 programs Y Y N 250 Drives (capacity in GQ) Micro solid state drive 32 Y Y Y 2 Solid state drive 64 Y Y Y 10 Hard disk drive 128 Y Y Y 25 Advanced hard disk drive 256 Y Y N 50 Super hard disk drive 512 Y Y N 100 cluster hard disk drive 2048 Y N N 500 Power Supplies (charge held in kJoules) Nano battery 300 Y Y Y – Micro battery 500 Y Y Y – Standard battery 750 Y Y Y – Advanced battery 1500 Y Y N – Super battery 2000 Y Y N – Area power connector The APC's Y Y N 100 Wired power connector The wire's Y N N 100 Network Access signal on main z-levels/space Network card Low signal tiny.png/No signal tiny.png Y Y N 50 Advanced network card High signal tiny.png/Low signal tiny.png Y Y N 100 Wired network card Wired signal tiny.png Y N N 100 Miscellaneous ID slot Y Y Y 10 Intellicard slot Y Y N 100 Miniprinter 15 Paper tiny.png Y Y Y 50 printer 30 Paper tiny.png Y N N 100

Contents 1 The Programs 1.1 DEFAULT 1.2 THE NET 1.3 SYNDICATE The Programs DEFAULT These are the programs that all modular computers come pre-installed with, they can't be uninstalled.

Software Download Tool (4) Downloads more programs from the NET. Some programs are locked behind certain ID accesses.

File browser (8) Manages files, create text files.

Configuration (4) Manages processes, programs or components of your frame.

THE NET These programs are all downloaded through the Software Download Tool, requiring a network connection and, in some cases, certain ID accesses.

Chat Client (8) An IRC client. While you might think it more private than PDA messages, the RD (or anyone with his access) is the sysADMIN for this, meaning they can see who logs when and probably enter password-protected channels forcefully.

P2P Transfer Client (7) A peer-to-peer file transfer system.

NTNet Diagnostics and Monitoring (12) Monitors the NET itself and can shut down various NET functions separately such as IRC, downloader, P2P file transfer, station-bound functionalities, or the whole thing itself. Requires Network Access, by default granted to the Research Director and the Captain.

Alarm Monitor (5) Monitors where air alarms on the station go off. Same as air alarm console.

Supermatter Monitoring (5) Connects to the supermatter monitoring system to keep a constant watch on the status of supermatter based engines. Requires Engineering Access, by default granted to the all of the Engineering department, the Head of Security, and the Captain.

ID Card Modification (8) Reads and modify access on IDs, open and close job position. Same as ID machine in HoP's office. Requires Bridge Access, by default granted to the Heads of Staff and the Captain. Requires an identification card authentication module.

Power Monitor (9) Monitors the powergrid. Same as power monitoring console. Requires Engineering Access, by default granted to the all of the Engineering department, the Head of Security, and the Captain. Must be run on a console.

AI Integrity Restorer (12) Restores an AI that was critically damaged. Same as AI restorer console in the RD's office. Requires Bridge Access, by default granted to the Heads of Staff and the Captain. Must be run on a console, requires an intelliCard interface slot.

SYNDICATE These programs are downloaded through Syndinet, access by using an emag on a modular computer. Shame no one relies on the NET.

DoS Traffic Generator (20) Launches a DoS attack on a NET's quantum relay. Relies as much on connection quality as processing power.

Revelation (13) This program fries a computer's inner drives and PSU with a moderate shower of sparks. To arm it, simply run it after download and press the big red button. Its biggest strength is being able to change its name to anything and allow for acts of delayed sabotage.

PDA Short for Personal Data Assistant, PDAs are usually useful to their owners, as they have a variety of functions, such as note keeping and messaging, as well as job-specific functions like controlling Beepsky and analyzing fingerprints or blood stains, sending deliveries, analyzing the atmosphere around you, scanning for disease or components, checking how much power are in the APCs around the station and causing chaos.

The PDAs message function rely's on the RD's message server. If it is powerless or broken then no one will be able to send messages to each other. The message server also logs your dirty little messages so don't expect to be able to get away with using them to rally a rebellion.

Your primary use of the PDA will likely be the handy flashlight feature it comes with. Once the station descends into chaos, you won't have to go hunting around for a flashlight, as you have a weak one built right in. Just put the PDA in your hand, click it, and click “enable flashlight.” This light will also count for the stacking effect other flashlights have.

If you so desire you can eject the cartridge you have currently installed with the “eject cartridge button” at the top of the PDA's main menu interface, and use a new cartridge that you pilfered off someone else or spawned with a certain method into it. You will need to do this if you wish to install the Detomatix cartridge, but remember to eject it when you are done, lest security catch you with it.

Default Features Messager Notekeeper: Any notes you may wish to record may be stored here. Using your PDA on a piece of paper will scan it's contents and write it in your notekeeper, overwriting your current notes. Atmospheric Scan: Use this to display the status of your environmental air-supply, works much like an analyzer. Flashlight: This low powered flashlight can be used to successfully navigate through areas without lighting. Default Cartridges PDA Jobs Installed Cartridge Features Normalpda.gif Assistant None Atmospda.png Atmospheric Technician BreatheDeep Cartridge Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition. Bartenderpda.png Bartender None Hydroponicspda.png Botanist None Captainpda.png Captain Value-PAK Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?) Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Halogen Counter: Measure how much someone has been exposed to radiation. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition. Chaplainpda.png Chaplain None Clownpda.png Clown Honkworks 5.0 Messager » Send Virus (HONK Virus): Sends a virus to a PDA that will cause the holder to hear honking at random intervals. Also does other things? Who knows! HONK! Honk Synthetizer: Someone stole your bike horn? You still can HONK with your PDA. Medicpda.png Chef None Quterpda.png Cargo Technician and Quartermaster Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge Supply Records: Access the Supply Records. Delivery Bot Control: Allows you to remotely control your MULEbots. Chemistpda.png Chemist ChemWhiz Cartridge Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Chiefengineerpda.png Chief Engineer Power-On DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?) Halogen Counter: Measure how much someone has been exposed to radiation. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition. Chiefmedicalpda.png Chief Medical Officer Med-U DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Detectivepda.png Detective D.E.T.E.C.T. Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Engineerpda.png Engineer Power-ON Cartridge Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?) Halogen Counter: Measure how much someone has been exposed to radiation. Geneticistpda.png Geneticist Med-U Cartridge Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Hoppda.png Head of Personnel HumanResources9001 Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Supply Records: Access the Supply Records. Delivery Bot Control: Allows you to remotely control your MULEbots. Custodial Locator: Mop, Janitorial Cart and Cleanbots finder and status. Hospda.png Head of Security R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Security Records: Access the Security Records. Security Bot Access: you can remotely control Beepsky. Janitorpda.png Janitor CustodiPRO Cartridge Custodial Locator: Mop, Janitorial Cart and Cleanbots finder and status. Lawyerpda.png Lawyer P.R.O.V.E. Cartridge Security Records: Access the Security Records. Librarianpda.png Curator None Medicalpda.png Medical Doctor Med-U Cartridge Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Mimepda.png Mime Gestur-O 1000 Cartridge Messager » Send Virus (Silence Virus): Can send 5 viruses to others' PDAs on the message system, presumably making it silent. Minerpda.png Miner None Reasearchdirectorpda.png Research Director Signal Ace DELUXE Cartridge Crew Manifest: Access the Crew Manifest. Set Status Display: Set a custom text, shuttle ETA timer or other icons to the Status Displays shown all over the station. Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device. Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition. Roboticistpda.png Roboticist None Sciencepda.png Scientist Signal Ace 2 Cartridge Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device. Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues. Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition. Securitypda.png Security R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge Security Records: Access the Security Records. Security Bot Access: You can summon Officer Beepsky to you. Virologistpda.png Virologist Med-U Cartridge Medical Records: Access the Medical Records. Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a health analyzer. Wardenpda.png Warden R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge Security Records: Access the Security Records. Security Bot Access: You can remotely control Beepsky. Other non-Default Cartridges Detomatix cartridgeDetomatix cartridge Messager » Detonate: Attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a kind of weak explosion. Remote Door: Opens/Closes the blast doors on the syndicate shuttle. Generic Signaler cartridgeGeneric Signaler cartridge Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device. F.R.A.M.E. PDA CartridgeF.R.A.M.E. cartridge Messager » Send Virus: Unlocks the victims PDA into a fake Syndicate Uplink with 0 telecrystals. Can be charged with raw telecrystals to send them alongside the virus.

Hacking Contents 1 Your tools 2 Hackables 2.1 Airlocks 2.1.1 Airlock Strategies 2.1.2 Secure airlocks 2.1.3 Safety Airlocks 2.2 APC 2.3 Autolathe 2.4 Air Alarm 2.5 Security Cameras 2.6 Cyborgs 2.7 MULEbot 2.8 Supply Shuttle Console 2.9 Requests Console 2.10 Particle Accelerator 2.10.1 How To 2.11 Particle Emitter 2.12 Syndicate Bomb 2.12.1 How to remove a bomb payload 2.13 Plastic Explosives (C4) 2.14 Vending Machines 2.15 Secure Briefcase, Wall Safe 2.16 Safe 2.17 Radio/Intercom 2.18 Security Gas Mask 2.19 Suit Storage Unit 2.20 Tesla Coil 2.21 Roulette Table 3 Tips Your tools IGloves.png Insulated Gloves for mitigating shocks. Hackables have power lines, and cutting/pulsing these without gloves can and will harm you. It's possible to hack without them, but it will be slow, painful, and you'll need ointment. Alternatively you can drink Energy drink.pngGrey Bull, which makes you immune to shocks for a short while.

Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver for opening up panels and the like. A necessary tool.

Wirecutters.png Wirecutters for cutting and mending wires.

Multitool.png Multitool for pulsing wires. Not necessary for most hacking, but makes life a lot easier.

Signaler.png Signaler can be used as a ghetto alternative to a Multitool and to pulse wires remotely. Attach one to a wire, then use a second signaler to pulse that wire.

Blueprint.png Station blueprints for easy peasy wire identification. If you can get it, it contains a map of all the hackable wires when read. It will remove the need for testing wires to find their function.

Hackables Door.png Glassdoor.png Airlock2.png Airlocks Both internal and external access airlocks are hackable. Wires are randomized at the start of each round, but are standardized throughout the station, e.g. every orange wire might toggle the bolts. This is probably where you'll be doing the most of your hacking. Remember, cutting power to the door will stop everything else from working.

Screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png in hand, click on the airlock to open the panel and expose the wiring. With multitool Multitool.png, wirecutters Wirecutters.png, or an empty hand, click on the airlock to access the wiring. Hold a multitool Multitool.png in your active hand and click “pulse” to pulse a wire, or hold wirecutters Wirecutters.png and click “cut” to cut a wire. Screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png the door again to shut the panel. There are two main power wires and two auxiliary power wires. Disabling any main power wire (by pulsing or cutting) will make the backup (auxiliary) power work after 10 seconds. Disabling both a main and an auxiliary power wire will make door lose power until either main or auxiliary power is restored. If the door is unpowered, it can be opened with a crowbar Crowbar.png, unless the bolts are down. Disabling AI connection will make AI and Cyborgs unable to interact with this door. AIs can still hack a door by clicking it. It takes around a minute, and once the door is hacked, they'll be able to use it forever, even without AI connection wire. Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Main Power (2 wires) Disables main power. Restores main power. May shock you, but does not electrify door. Disables main power for 1 minute (not refreshable from pulsing until on again). Auxiliary Power (2 wires) Disables auxiliary power. May shock you, but does not electrify door. Restores auxiliary power. May shock you, but does not electrify door. Disables auxiliary power for 1 minute (not refreshable from pulsing until on again). ID Scan Makes door reject everyone if it has any access restriction. Makes it so pulsing the “open” wire will open the door. Restores normal ID-checks. Flashes lights on the door, as if someone without access tries to open it. Bolts Drops door bolts. Nothing. Drops door bolts if they are up. Raises them if they are down and door is powered. Bolt Lights Disables the red bolt lights. Only testable if bolts are down. Enables bolt lights. Toggles bolt lights. Open Nothing. Nothing. Opens the door if it either requires no access or if ID scan wire has been cut. AI Connection Disables AI control. Restores AI control. Very briefly disables AI control. High Voltage Ground (the “shock” wire) Electrifies the door. De-electrifies the door. Electrifies the door for 30 seconds. High Voltage Circuit (2 wires) High chance to shock you, but does not electrify door. High chance to shock you, but does not electrify door. Nothing. Safety Disables safety, letting the door crush people when it closes. Enables safety. Toggles safety. Timing Disables timer, stopping the door from automatically closing . Restores door timer. Toggles door speed (speed light), causing the door to close faster. Can't be toggled if wire is cut. Off = fast. Nothing (2 wires) Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Status window at bottom when hacking Name Status Means Bolts The door bolts look up. Door bolts are up (not locked). The door bolts have fallen! Door bolts are down (locked). Power The test light is on. Door is powered. The test light is off. Door is not powered (can be opened with crowbar Crowbar.png). AI Connection The AI connection light is on. AI can control the door and hasn't hacked it. The AI connection light is off. AI either hacked a door or can't control it. Safety The 'Check Wiring' light is on. Door safety is off (can crush people). The 'Check Wiring' light is off. Door safety is on (can't crush people). Timer The timer is powered on. Door closes automatically. The timer is powered off. Door doesn't close automatically. Timing The speed light is on. Door timing is normal (closes after a delay). The speed light is off. Door timing is reduced (closes without delay). Emergency light (Has no hackable wire) The emergency light is on. Emergency access is enabled (no access restrictions). The emergency light is off. Emergency access is disabled (normal access restrictions).

Airlock Strategies Use multitool Multitool.png to bolt doors open. First find two wires of importance: The bolts wire, and one of the main power wires. Pulse a random door to find those wires. If you get shocked, close that hacking window and move on to another door. Once you've found the two wires you need, head to an unbolted door, pulse the power wire, crowbar Crowbar.png it open, then pulse the bolt wire. This will permanently bolt the door open, until someone fixes it. If a door is bolted, pulse the bolts wire, and go and then a power wire to be able to crowbar Crowbar.png it. Use multitool Multitool.png to make the door stay open for a minute. Do this by first finding and pulsing a main power wire, then wait 10 seconds to see if auxiliary power turns on. If it doesn't go to another door and pulse the main power wire there. When auxiliary power is on (test light on), pulse wires until it turns off again. You have now found an auxiliary power wire. Then go to the door you wish to hack, pulse both the main and auxiliary power wire, then crowbar Crowbar.png, and it will stay open at at least nearly a minute. Ghetto hacking involves accessing a useless airlock and cutting all of the wires in order until the bolts drop, making a note of the wire you just cut. Keeping this in mind, you can now open restricted doors by cutting all the wires except the bolt control and then crowbarring that fucker open. Useful if you don't have a multi-tool. Note that this is a bad idea if you lack gloves. Open ID restricted doors by pulsing a main power wire and then crowbarring it open. If it's bolted, be sure to pulse the bolt wire before you kill the power, since you can't bolt/unbolt an unpowered door. Create a pain-in-the-ass-obstacle by dropping the bolts, cutting all the wires, and then welding the door shut. This is especially effective if you happen to have the only pair of insulated gloves on the station. Remotely pulse an airlock by attaching a signaler, which when signaled pulses the wire it's attached to. This allows you to remotely bolt and unbolt a door, for instance.

Secure airlocks Some airlocks are more secure than normal, and their wire panel is covered by a layer of shielding. To see the airlock's security level, examine it. There are 3 levels of airlock security: Normal security Normal airlocks, they have no additional security.

Medium security To create a medium security airlock, use 2 sheets of metal on a normal airlock with an open panel. No change in door resistance. To access the wire panel, you need to:

Open the panel with a screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png. Slice through the wires' protection with a welding tool Welder.png. Proceed as normal. High security To create a high security airlock, use 2 sheets of plasteel on a normal airlock with open panel. Armor is multiplied by 1.5, making the door harder to destroy through brute force. To access the wire panel, you need to:

Open the panel with a screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png. Cut through the electrified protective grille with wirecutters Wirecutters.png. If you don't wear insulated gloves, you may get shocked. Slice through the outer layer of plasteel using a welding tool Welder.png. Remove the outer plasteel layer with a crowbar Crowbar.png. Slice through the inner layer of plasteel using a welding tool Welder.png. Remove the inner plasteel layer with a crowbar Crowbar.png. Proceed as normal. Safety Airlocks A few selected airlocks are special “safety airlocks”, which simply means they can be opened with bare hands after a delay when unpowered instead of requiring a crowbar Crowbar.png. Some airlocks in arrivals and departures have this property.

ModernAPC.png APC Controls power to its assigned room. All APC breakers can be accessed via Power Monitoring Computers regardless of the lock status, so hope that whoever's fucking with the power isn't paying attention.

Screwdriver in hand, click on APC to open the panel and expose the wiring. Click with an empty hand to access the wiring. Fiddle with the wires by pulsing to test each one and cutting what you need to. Screwdriver it back up to toggle lighting, equipment, and atmospherics as you see fit (unless you've killed the power). Cover lock prevents the APC from opening. If it's off, you can use a crowbar to open the APC. Interface lock prevents anyone from using the APC. It is normally removed by swiping an ID card. Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Power (2 wires) Disables power. May shock! Restores. May shock! Disables power for 2 minutes. You must cut and mend the wire to restore power. ID lock Disable toggling the lock with an ID card. Restores. Unlocks APC interface for 30 seconds. AI control Disables AI control. Restores. Very briefly disables AI control. Status window Name Status Shows that Lock The interface light is red. APC is locked. The interface light is green. APC is unlocked. Power The short indicator is on. APC is not working. The short indicator is off. APC is working. AI control The AI connection light is off. AI/borgs can't interact with APC. The AI connection light is on. AI/borgs can interact with APC. Autolathe.png Autolathe I NEED 50,000 RCDS STAT!

Click on the Autolathe to open it. Click on the Autolathe with a screwdriver in hand to access the wiring, then get a tool in your hand. There are two important wires, which are randomized, while the rest are duds. Cutting them toggles their light permanently, pulsing does so temporarily (30 secs or something). Red light is power and blue is hacked options. None of them shock you, so they're safe to hack. Have fun accessing some new options.

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Power (shows red light if off) Power off. Power on. Short (~30 secs) toggle off. Electrocution (shows green light if on) Electrocution. Off. Short (~30 secs) toggle on. Hacked options (shows blue light if on) Options on. Off. Short (~30 secs) toggle on. AirAlarm.png Air Alarm Station flooded with plasma and all of the Atmos Techs and CE are incompetent and/or dead? Best to take matters into your own hands.

Screwdriver to exposes wires. Click to display Air Alarm interface and Wiring interface. Three lights: The Air Alarm is locked/unlocked. The Air Alarm is working properly!/offline. The 'AI control allowed' light is on/off. Five wires: Access wire: Pulsing toggles the interface's ID lock. Cutting locks the interface permanently until mended. Syphon wire: Pulsing toggles PANIC SYPHON on/off. Power wire: Pulsing disable the Air Alarm for 30(?) seconds, you can cut and mend the wire if in a hurry. Cutting the disables the Air Alarm until mended. AI Control wire: Pulsing will disable AI Control for 30(?) seconds. Cutting the wire disables the AI control until 30(?) seconds after mended. Alarm wire: Cutting starts the alarm, pulsing resets the alarm. Screwdriver to close wiring. Disabled Air Alarms will show no lights.

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Power Disables power. Restores. Disables power. Can be restored with mending. Access Locks the interface completely until mended. Unlocks. Toggles interface ID lock on/off. Syphon Starts PANIC SYPHON Nothing Toggles PANIC SYPHON on/off. AI control Disables AI control. Restores after ~30 secs delay. Temporarily (~30 secs) disable. Alarm Starts the alarm. Nothing Resets the alarm. Security Camera.gif Security Cameras

The malfunctioning AI cannot siphon your air if you disable its eyes.

Cameras do not have a wire panel, simply click on the camera with the tools to hack it.

With a screwdriver in hand, click on the camera. You can now do one of two things: Wirecutters: Cutting an open camera will disable the camera, mending it will re-enable the camera. This will make a camera show up as ”(deactivated)“ in the camera list. The AI will receive a camera alert upon re-activation of a camera. Multitool: Pulsing will toggle the camera's vision range from 7 tiles (the default) to 2 tiles. The AI will not receive any alerts. Generic borg.pngEngborg.png Cyborgs Use these tools in this order to hack a borg:

Id regular.png ID Card, Emag.png Emag or just ask the Cyborg to unlock its panel Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel open Emag.png Optional: Emag the cyborg and skip to “Afterwards” (does not work if its AI is malfunctional) Hud-hands.gif Remove the power cell by clicking the borg with an empty hand Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to expose wires Wirecutters.png Wirecutters or Multitool.png Multitool to manipulate wires Afterwards:

Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to cover wires Power cell.png Replace the power cell Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel shut Id regular.png Lock the panel with an ID Card. Cyborgs cannot lock their own panel. Borgs have seven wires; five working ones and two duds:

Name Purpose Cutting Mending Pulsing Law sync module Borg laws get updated when their master AI's laws do. Only works when AI link/slaving is active. Stops the borg from receiving law updates from its AI. Re-enables LawSync. Synchronizes laws with the borg's AI. Borg gently chimes. Intelligence link Slaves the borg to an AI, forcing it to obey its orders. Needed for LawSync. Unslaves the borg from its current AI and disables LawSync. Nothing. You have to pulse the wire to slave a borg. Allows you to pick an AI for the borg to be slaved to. Camera light Toggles the borg's camera. Toggles the camera status and kicks out anyone using it. Same as cutting. Same as cutting. Borg's camera lense focuses loudly. Lockdown indicator Locks down the borg. Can also be done with a robotics console. Enables lockdown. Disables lockdown. Toggles lockdown status. Reset module hardware Resets the borg's module so it can pick another one. Resets the Cyborg's module and prevents it from selecting a new one. Allows the borg to pick a new module. Nothing. Borg's module servos twitch. Two dummy wires Nothing — — — An emagged cyborg will have no LawSync or AI link and cannot be reset: it must be deconstructed (or blown) and rebuilt.

Remember, cyborgs are very expensive! Do not destroy them unless the cyborg is completely out of control, and resetting the AI and LawSync status doesn't work.

It's also a dick move to blow a non rogue borg. Think of it as chopping someone's arms and legs off; you'll get bwoink'd unless you did it for a good reason.

MULE.gif MULEbot

No better way to get away from it all with a joyride on a MULE! And run over some people with it too.

Unlock the controls with a Quartermaster's/Cargo Technician's/Head Of Personnel's/Captain's ID. Unscrew the maintenance panel with the screwdriver. See the table below and hack what you want. Screw the panel back on. Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Power (2 wires) One or both cut = disables power. Restores. The charge light flickers. -message. Motor (2 wires) One cut = increases speed slightly. Other cut = increases speed greatly. Both cut = disables motor. Restores. The drive motor whines briefly. -message. Radio (4 wires) One or more cut = disables PDA control. Restores. You hear a radio crackle. -message. Safety Disables safety, awakens thirst for blood. (DON'T DO THIS UNLESS YOU'RE A TRAITOR OR WANT TO DIE) Restores. The external warning lights flash briefly. -message. Load Allows non-standard cargo (people, cyborgs, and other bots). Disables. The load platform clunks. -message. Supply Shuttle Console.pngSupply Shuttle Console Who wants to unlock contraband?

This allows you to order contraband (for example advanced clowning supplies). This will not unlock as many crates as an Emag. Also lets you sell non-bounty organs (for tiny prices).

Disassemble the Supply Shuttle Console with your screwdriver, crowbar and wirecutters Grab the supply computer circuitboard Multitool it and set its receiver to the appropriate spectrum Put it back in and reassemble the console. You can now order and sell contraband! (Note that contraband is illegal. Security can do whatever they wish to it, and therefore you for bringing it on board)

Requests Console.gifRequests Console Unhappy with your requests priority level? Crank it up to 'EXTREME'!

Crowbar the requests console panel open. Use your screwdriver to enable the hidden priority level. Close the panel with your crowbar. Particle Accelerator ParticleAccelerator.gif

What safer way to release the singularity than doing it REMOTELY! That, or you can hack it to make it shoot more powerful particles!

Setup the PA if you haven't already, then use a screwdriver on the computer to open the panel/expose the wires. Now click on the computer with a hand to bring up the wire menu. Here you can then get your tools in hand. Power wire: Pulsing toggles the PA on or off, cutting it will disable the PA and stop it from turning on. Strength wire: Pulsing increases the strength of the PA, cutting it will set the strength to 0 and prevent people turning it up. Interface wire: Interface wire will stop people being able to use the control computer. Pulsing will toggle this, cutting will turn it off until mended. Limit wire: Cutting will allow the PA to be turned up to strength 3. When pulsed it will make a large whirring noise. Nothing wire: Will do nothing, it's just here to make it harder. Close the panel for the PA to then work again. IMPORTANT: Don't forget to scan the parts again. You can also attach a Signaler to these wires to release the singularity, such as remotely pulsing the strength wire. Bonus points if you also pulse the interface wire so that people can't stop it!

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Power Disables power. Restores. Toggles power on/off. Strength Sets strength to 0 and prevents people from turning it up. Restores. Increases the strength. Interface Stops people from being able to use the control computer. Restores. Toggles interface off/on. Limit Allows PA to be turned up to strength 3. Restores. Makes a large whirring noise. Nothing Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. How To Set up the Particle Accelerator Screwdriver the monitor open Pulse the wires from up to down until you get the prompt stating that there's a whirring sound Cut the wire which prompted the statement Pulse the wires from up to down except for the limit wire Set up the tesla Can easily be done in <30 seconds

Emitter On.gif Particle Emitter There is only one wire: Pulse it to fire the emitter.

Syndicate Bomb.gif Syndicate Bomb A bomb! Are you a bad enough dude?

Check the description of the bomb to see if you have enough time left to even attempt a defusal. Use your best judgement for how much time you will need. If the timer is very long, you might want to ask toxins for a bomb suit in case you fail. You'll still be killed, but at least you'll leave a cloneable corpse. Screwdriver in hand, click on the bomb to open the panel and expose the wiring. With multitool, wirecutters, or an empty hand, click on the bomb to access the wiring. CAREFULLY fiddle with the wires by pulsing to test each one and cutting what you need to. Boom wire: Pulsing will explode the bomb instantly if the bomb is live and cutting will do much the same! There's no way to prepare for the boom wire if the bomb is already live, it's just an inherent risk. Cutting a boom wire that's not live will make the bomb unusable. Bolt wire: Pulsing will hint at this wire's function, cutting will release the bolts holding the bomb down if they were activated to begin with. Ditch that bomb! Delay wire: Pulsing will add time to the clock of the bomb, giving you a little more breathing room. Proceed wire: Pulsing will reduce the clock, making your life that much harder. Cutting this wire while the bomb is live will explode the bomb! Activate wire: Pulsing a bomb that isn't live will start the countdown and cutting a bomb that IS live will stop the countdown. If you've identified this wire, you've won! Keep in mind that randomly cutting live bomb wires carries a 40% risk of sudden death when pulsing carries just a 20% risk of sudden death! Ultimately you will HAVE to cut a wire to stop the explosion, but with a little research with pulsing you can improve your success rate. There's a test bomb in the armory if you want to practice without the risk of boom.

LIVE Bomb Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Activate Stops the countdown. Nothing. Adds time to the timer. “The bomb seems to hesitate for a moment.” Delay Nothing. Nothing. Adds time to the timer. “The bomb chirps.” Bolt Releases the bolts (if they were activated) so that the bomb can be moved. Nothing. “The bolts spin in place for a moment.” Proceed Explodes. Nothing, u ded. Reduces time on the timer! “The bomb buzzes ominously!” Boom Explodes. Nothing, u ded. Explodes. NOT LIVE Bomb Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Activate Nothing. Nothing. Starts the countdown. Delay Nothing. Nothing. “The bomb chirps.” Bolt Releases the bolts (if they were activated) so that the bomb can be moved. Nothing. “The bolts spin in place for a moment.” Proceed Nothing. Nothing. “The bomb buzzes ominously!” Boom Makes the bomb unusable. Restores. Nothing. How to remove a bomb payload To remove the payload from a syndicate bomb (or bomb assembly crafted from 10 plasteel) follow these steps:

Make sure the bomb is not active. If it's counting down, cutting wires can make it explode. Open the bomb with a screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png. Click the bomb with wirecutters Wirecutters.png and cut all wires. Use a crowbar Crowbar.pngon the bomb to pry out the payload. C4.gif Plastic Explosives (C4) For an awesome way to go out! These do not need to be opened with a screwdriver first.

Only has one type of wire: Explode wire: When cut, it explodes. When pulsed, it explodes! You can attach a Signaler to make a remote bomb.

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Explode (2 wires) Explodes. Nothing. Explodes. Vendboozeomat.gif Vendsec.gif Vendmed.gif Vendcoffee.gif Vending Machines The only thing worth hacking!

Click on the vending machine to open it. Click on the vending machine with a screwdriver in hand to access the wiring, then get a tool in your hand. Button to toggle speaker on/off. Four lights: The orange light is off.Indicates the machine is electrified when on. The red light is blinking/off. Blinking indicate that it is working normally, off means it's in firing mode. The green light is off/on. Indicate that contraband is available when on. A purple/yellow light is on. Purple means access restrictions are on. Yellow means anyone can access. Four wires: Firing wire: If pulsed will fire stuff at people contentiously until pulsed again. Cutting causes machine to fire stuff at people contentiously until mended. Toggles the red blinking light off when in firing mode. Contraband wire: Cutting does nothing. When pulsed toggles availability of illegal or rare goods, also toggles the green light on/off. Access wire: When pulsed it toggles the purple/yellow light, allowing for ID restricted machines (med machines, sec machines, and the bartenders Booze-o-mat) to be used by anyone when the yellow light is on. Shock wire: Like the firing wire in effects from hacking, except it shocks instead of shoots, and toggles the orange light on. Pulsing this wire electrifies the machine for 30 seconds. Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Firing Causes the machine to fire stuff at people (turns off red blinking light). Restores. Toggles firing on/off. Contraband Nothing. Nothing. Toggles illegal/rare goods availability on/off (shown by a green light). Access Activates the access restriction. Nothing Toggles the access restriction(purple/yellow light). Shock Causes the machine to electrocute people (shown by an orange light). Restores. Electrifies the machine for 30 seconds. Secure.png Safe.png Secure Briefcase, Wall Safe Screwdriver in hand, click on the (briefcase/safe) to open the panel and expose the wiring Multitool the (briefcase/safe) until you get a confirmation that the memory is reset. Screwdriver the panel shut. If the briefcase/safe is either in its default state or its memory has been reset it will say ENTER NEW PASSCODE. Punch in a 5-digit code and click E to set it. Punch the same code and click E to unlock.

Click R to lock it. Locking works even if no code has been set. You can set a new code with the above steps even if it's locked. Alt-click an unlocked briefcase/safe to open it.

Vaultsafe.png Safe A safe can be opened by doing the following while holding a stethoscope:

Spin the dial in one direction until you hear a “tink”, “krink”, or “plink” from the safe. Spin the dial in the other direction until you hear a “tonk”, “krunk”, or “plunk” and a “Spring”, “Sprang”, “Sproing”, “Clunk”, or “Krunk” from the safe. Open. Station Bounced Radio.png Wallradio.png Radio/Intercom Screwdriver in hand, click on the radio. The usual radio use panel will pop up, but now with access to the wiring. Three wires: Output wire: Pulsing toggles the speaker on/off. Cutting disables the speaker without showing it. Input wire: Pulsing toggles the microphone on/off. Cutting disables the microphone without showing it. Dummy wire: Pulsing turns the microphone and speaker off, but turns them on if they are both off already. Cutting does nothing. Screwdriver again to close the wires. Interestingly, Tracking Beacons also count as radios.

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Output Disables speaker. Restores. Toggles speaker on/off. Input Disables microphone. Restores. Toggles microphone on/off. Dummy Nothing. Nothing. Toggles both the microphone and speaker on/off. Security Gas Mask.png Security Gas Mask Security Gas Mask has a hidden aggressiveness setting. Higher aggressiveness equals meaner “shitcurity” shouts coming out when the HALT-feature is used.

Use a screwdriver to change it from lowest (first) to highest (last) setting. For maximum aggressiveness, use wirecutters. Note that this can't be reset once you wirecut it.

Turn the setting to BEEPSKY MODE by using an Emag.png Emag.

Suit Storage Unit.png Suit Storage Unit The thing nobody remembers to check.

Make sure the storage unit is closed, and then open the maintenance panel with a screwdriver.

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Hack Increases decontamination power (The UV bulb is glowing). Restores low decontamination power (The UV bulb is dim). Toggles decontamination power (unless wire is cut). Safety Disables safety check, letting you decontaminate living people (Service light on = safety off). Restores safety check (Service light off = safety on). Toggles safety check. High Voltage Circuit Spark effect. Spark effect. Spark effect. Nothing (2 wires) Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Status window Name Status Shows that Power The UV bulb is dim. Low power. The UV bulb is glowing. High power. Safety The service light is off. Safety on. The service light is on. Safety off. The wires may all get cut after decontaminating on high power, or mended if already cut.

Tesla coil.gif Tesla Coil Only one wire: Pulse it to trigger a tesla shock. Great if you attach a remote signaler!

Roulette wheel spinning.gif Roulette Table Hacking this can not help you cheat the odds of winning, but you can do a few other things.

Remove the top with a welding tool Welder.png to be able to access the wires. Afterwards reattach the top by using the welding tool Welder.png again.

Wires Name Cutting Mending Pulsing Shock Shocks you and can disable power. Restores power. Shocks you. Bolts Drops bolts even if power is off. Nothing. Toggles bolts if power is on. Reset Owner Shocks you. Nothing. Resets owner and removes anti-theft lock. Vend Prize Shocks you, dispenses 10% of the owner's account balance and triggers anti-theft lock. Nothing. Shocks you, dispenses 20% of the owner's account balance and triggers anti-theft lock. Status window Name Status Shows that Bolts The machines bolts look up. Not anchored. The machines bolts have fallen! Anchored. Power The main circuit is “on”]. Power is on. The main circuit is “off”]. Power is off. Lock The main system lock appears to be “off”. Anti-theft lock is off. The main system lock appears to be “on”. Anti-theft lock is on. Linked Owner The account balance system appears to be “disconnected”. Nobody has taken ownership by swiping their ID. The account balance system appears to be connected to “Name”. Machine is linked to “Name's” ID and account. Tips You can get 1000 watt powercells out of space heaters for your evil needs. Hacking doors: Cutting the power wire does 10 seconds to back up power. But pulsing also switches to back up power after 10 seconds, meaning if you want to open the same door for your exit you need to pulse the BACKUP wire to interrupt power. It switches back to primary after 1 minute again. Best thing is to pulse both the primary and backup then crowbar - that should give you the old style 1 minute window. To restore primary power to a door immediately, cut then mend the primary power wire. Cutting + mending is incredibly useful when you've accidentally electrified a door, or shorted APC power. Use screwdriver on mousetrap, attach to an igniter instead of a timer when making a grenade assembly, you've just made a landmine. Combine with a 100-100 potassium-water mix and anyone who steps on it will regret it. Singularity’s EMP can be abused to short out lockers. Inject plasma into a battery and insert it into a stun baton/prod. The next time someone attacks with the baton on it will blow up on them, seriously wounding both the holder and the stun target. Doing it with a high capacity battery or better will create a blast strong enough to turn the floor under the attacker to space, which will suck in the people caught in the blast and crit them before they can wake up. Use it as a suicide weapon or place it in the halls for some gullible fool to get himself killed with if you want to be banned if you're an antagonist. You can emag the light replacer, which causes all of the lights to be filled with plasma which will ignite if the light bulb's turned on. There is a single power cable supplying the entire station with power. If you don't feel like spending crystals for a power sink and you don't get seen for a minute near engineering, you can disable the power grid so that only very competent engineers will spot your sabotage. Though this only works if the solars aren’t set up. You can emag buttons to remove access restrictions. Wall-mounted flashers and portable flashers can be disabled with wirecutters. If you screwdriver a heater you can take out its really crappy battery or adjust the temperature it outputs. The highest setting, 90 C, will actually hurt people extremely slowly if they aren't wearing internals. You can screwdriver Detectives revolver and load .357 in it, but you can get blown up by this revolver. ADDED: Remember to unload the thing while you're doing it, or you'll shoot yourself in a similar manner to sawing a loaded shotgun. As a traitor engineer, you could easily do the following: Go to a room, like a construction room, and find the APC's wire that shorts out the power. Grab two signalers and adjust their frequencies. Go to telecomms, in a hardsuit, and attach a signaler to the APC's power wire, which you found before. Close the APC and leave no traces. You can now disable comms any time you want for a few minutes - and unless someone checks the APC and/or doesn’t look too closely or asks the AI, they will think it was an ionospheric anomaly. HONK. A good way to manually disable tcomms temperately is to set the filtering frequency on the hub to some number like 0.1. It'll block everything and most engineers don't know how to fix it. If you want tcomms down for good, disconnect the network links. There are -very- few engineers who can fix that, and it'll take over ten minutes if they're experienced with how tcomms works. It'll probably force a shuttle call. Another thing that can break tcomms: changing network of the machinery. It also breaks all links. Especially if you change it from tcommsat to something like tcomms or tcommsats, which is not that obvious when you take a look at it without knowing what is the issue. And even if they relink everything again it won't work. And then even if they realize that the problem is with the network name, when they change it back, it will reset all the links again! If you see a pAI with a great reputation who you like, and someone else has claimed it first, use an emag to unbind it. If someone is hacking a door and you want to keep them from following you, and you know all or most of the wires: Cut 1-3 useless wires (typically some combination of Door Control, ID Wire, Timing, Safety) Cut the bolt lights wire Cut the bolts wire Cut every other wire except the shock wire Cut the shock wire This makes it incredibly obnoxious to follow you - if they don't know the wires and don't have insulated gloves, they're SOL because even the AI can't help them pursue. Cutting the shock wire doesn't shock you, as far as I have been able to tell. Mending it, on the other hand…. If you want to test hacking doors without pissing off sec for breaking in somewhere and you have maint, you can make your own airlock with the aux tool storage thing and make it somewhere obscure. Put bombs in the backpacks of brain-dead or catatonic people. ADDED: Advanced version: Get mouse traps, connect one with signaler with set frequency, then make a bomb with signaler on the same frequency. Put both in backpack. Wear it or leave it somewhere/on someone. ADDED: Wizard Mode: Take your 6 max cap bomb and build 6 voice analyzers from an autolathe. Set the trigger words to “Pete”, “beat”, “chick”, “chicky”, “boom”. Find 6 station bound radios, and place each of them in a backpack with a corresponding bomb hidden about the station. Sing the song that ends the station. The secret to hacking syndi bombs effectively is to remember that the only wire that doesn't do anything on pulse when the bomb isn't live is the boom wire (aka the one to attach a signaler to after you start the countdown for 4 hours then call attention to it). You can wrench syndibombs to the ground so they can't be immediately picked up and spaced. Deactivating cameras has them show up as (Deactivated) to anybody scrolling through cameras, but disassembling them completely removes them entirely from the list. You can make remote voice-activated bombs: Attach Voice Analyzer with a Remote Signalling Device and set a frequency and a code-phrase. Make a grenade or a bomb, but instead of an igniter+timer, use an igniter+signaller and set it on the same frequency of your voice signaller. Now the grenade/bomb will blow up once you speak the code-word! On a similar note, you can keep a 'revenge bomb' on you using a voice analyzer. If someone manages to send you in crit, you can whisper the code-word with your last breath (using '#'), to activate the bomb, and make your killer regret his actions.

Guide to Research and Development Pen.png This page needs revising! The following page is out of date and/or needs to be revised. If the page's guide needs revision, see here for an example. The revision reason is: “It's hard to understand what to do as a new player trying out scientist. Give an early techweb research guide (such as Industrial Engineering → Basic Mining > High Efficiency Parts → Applied Bluespace → Miniaturized Bluespace Research). Missing info about new Revolver ammo types.”

Contents 1 Research & Development 2 How 2 Gain More Points: 4 Dummies 2.1 Ballmer Peak 2.2 Tachyon-Doppler Array 2.3 Radiation Collectors/Tesla Corona Analyzers 3 Tech Webs 4 Deconstruction 5 Construction 5.1 Upgrading Machines 5.2 Exosuit Fabricator 5.3 Circuit Imprinter 5.4 Protolathe 5.5 Techfab Research & Development R&D (not to be confused with the RD) consists of scientists spending (mostly) automatically generated research points on a tech web to unlock technology that can be used for various departments. Essentially this means that a scientist in this modern world doesn't actually have to know any of the concepts he's working with; it's all about pressing science buttons and playing with the resulting toys! Ain't life grand? How 2 Gain More Points: 4 Dummies Ballmer Peak DRINK ALCOHOL GODDAMNIT. If you drink juuuust the right amount of alcohol, you can research new technologies faster. However, if you drink too much alcohol, you research new technologies slower. As a scientist, instead of slurring, you start shouting out phrases from the pool below. Some of these phrases signify good blood alcohol levels, some of them signify pretty damn unhealthy blood alcohol levels. Ballmer Phrases: The Good Sayings (indication that you've drank enough alcohol to get that sweet tech boost)

Hey guys, what if we rolled out a bluespace wiring system so mice can't destroy the powergrid anymore? Hear me out here. What if, and this is just a theory, we made R&D controllable from our PDAs? I'm thinking we should roll out a git repository for our research under the AGPLv3 license so that we can share it among the other stations freely. I dunno about you guys, but IDs and PDAs being separate is clunky as fuck. Maybe we should merge them into a chip in our arms? That way they can't be stolen easily. Why the fuck aren't we just making every pair of shoes into galoshes? We have the technology. Windows ME Phrases: The Bad Sayings (indication that you've drank too much alcohol, please don't do RnD)

Yo man, what if, we like, uh, put a webserver that's automatically turned on with default admin passwords into every PDA? So like, you know how we separate our codebase from the master copy that runs on our consumer boxes? What if we merged the two and undid the separation between codebase and server? Dude, radical idea: H.O.N.K mechs but with no bananium required. Best idea ever: Disposal pipes instead of hallways. Tachyon-Doppler Array Toxins bombs detonated at the test site generate points through the Tachyon-Doppler Research Array which records the size of the blast. Somehow this generates points. After a change 2018 the maximum amount of points you can get from a bomb and round is 50 000. Dopplerarrayformula.png

The formula returns the delta between the total points generated and the points that would be generated by the bomb. The above graph statically applies whether you detonate the smaller bomb first or last, the downside being that improving your bomb will still reward you but with significantly less points than before. A maxcap bomb (purple), and a 700 (red) and 1000 (orange) radius bomb are marked on the graph with horizontal lines. Radiation Collectors/Tesla Corona Analyzers Radiation Collector.gif Radiation Collectors can be set to generate research points instead of power, if the engineers are bored and you're already rolling in power. Radiation collectors require a mix of tritium and oxygen to produce research points. These gasses are consumed at a very rapid pace when the rad collector is in research point production mode. Work together with science or atmos techs to increase the station's research point production at the temporary cost of power production. For reference, one room temperature tank with 50% tritium, 50% oxygen will produce a total of 50 research points with the most frequently used supermatter setup. More radiation will increase the rate at which research points are generated, and packing more moles of both gasses into the tank will increase the amount of time a rad collector will be able to generate research points. Ateslacoil.png Tesla Coronas (a variant of tesla coils) can be set using a screwdriver on the circut board to generate research points instead of power, if the engineers are bored and you're already rolling in power. Unlike the radiation collector, it simply generates research points through electricity striking the object, not through variable gas mixtures. This means that although the Tesla Corona generates points more reliably, you don't have as many ways to increase the actual amount of points generated. Tech Webs Research points are generated at a static rate by the R&D Network (albeit more research points can be generated by the E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR) and can be spent on Technology Nodes at the console.

This is what your console will look like at the start of the round.

R&dconsolestart.png Simply click into any of the technologies to see what it requires and what it unlocks. The number next to each technology represents its cost. To unlock a technology, click the cost to spend your research points on it.

The console will update the screen to reflect your new research and send out a notification in chat.

At the start of a round, if you don't have any other research directives you should strongly consider aiming for:

Industrial Engineering Applied Bluespace Research Mining Technology and Advanced Mining Technology Tier 3 stock part technologies (High Efficiency Parts, Advanced Electromagnetic Theory, Applied Bluespace Research, and Advanced Power Manipulation) Industrial Engineering is available as soon as you get your first 7500 research points, unlocks tier 2 stock parts for machine upgrades, and unlocks the RPED. It's also a pre-requisite for ALL of the other research items suggested here, so it's probably a good idea to consider doing it first of all. Possibly the biggest benefit for Science from this technology is that that someone can grab an RPED and go update Cargo's Ore Redemption Machine (ORM) immediately after finishing this topic. If the ORM is upgraded before the miners bring back their first load, then right off the bat ore gathered increases 35% and miners get 35% more points to spend on directly upgrading their mining equipment… which ultimately helps them bring in more ore for Science!

Mining Technology and, later, Advanced Mining Technology will give mining the tools needed to bring back much more ore to stock your protolathe. That makes these high-priority topics for most rounds. To research Mining Technology (2500) requires Industrial Engineering (7500) first, then Basic Plasma Research (2500). Advanced Mining Technology requires a bit more work and you will research most of the tier 3 stock parts or their prereqs on your journey to researching it.

Applied Bluespace Research allows miners to get Mining Satchels of Holding and also opens up the Bluespace RPED, which makes machine upgrades (your responsibility!) trivial. This technology is available for 5000 research points after unlocking first-tier research topics Industrial Engineering (7500) and Basic Bluespace Theory (2500). This is also a Tier 3 stock part technology.

The Tier 3 stock part technologies are listed above.

Applied Bluespace Research (5000) requires Industrial Engineering (7500) and Basic Bluespace Theory (2500). It is also a good topic to research for you and mining, as mentioned above. High Efficiency Parts (7500) requires Industrial Engineering (7500) and the basic research topic Data Theory (2500). Advanced Electromagnetic Theory (3000) ONLY requires Electromagnetic Theory (2500), but you are basically spending 5500 points just for laser parts (which let the ORM generate more mining points for miners.) Advanced Power Manipulation (2500) is the only one immediately available after researching Industrial Engineering (7500). The diagram below gives a quick overview of the suggested early research priorities above.


Certain round circumstances may call for different research early on, talk to your fellow scientists and listen to your Research Director!

The progression is not linear and many research options require multiple pre-requisite technologies.

To assist in understanding: provided below is a diagram.

ResearchTree.png Note: Research tree depicted above is VERY out of date.

Deconstruction Decon.png Deconstruction is done through the Destructive Analyzer:

Sync the Destructive Analyzer to the research computer if it's not synced. Insert an item into it. Use the computer. The computer will show you the name of the object, if it unlocks any tech nodes, and how many materials you get from deconstruction.

The Destructive Analyzer will recover a portion of the materials contained inside scanned items and transfer it to a connected protolathe. Upgrading it will increase the amount recovered.

Construction See here how to build machines out of the components you discover. This is where advanced technology you discovered by increasing tech trees will be made. Nothing exciting at first can be built, but you will get increasingly more fun devices as tech trees increase. You will unlock items for the Exosuit Fabricator as well.

Upgrading Machines All machines are composed of components. There are better versions of many components, attained through research. They are organized in 4 tiers, and upgrading the tier of a machine's components will have different effects for each machine.

Without minerals, you can achieve up to tier 2-3; to go further you'll require ores for production.

Tier 2 parts are all unlocked with “Industrial Engineering,” which also unlocks the RPED. Others are unlocked as noted.

Stock Parts Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Usual Effect Micro Manipulator.png Micro-Manipulator Nano Manipulator.png Nano-Manipulator Pico Manipulator.png Pico-Manipulator1 Femto Manipulator.gif Diamonddone.pngFemto-Manipulator5 Improves speed and efficiency. Matter bin.png Basic Matter Bin Advanced Matter Bin.png Advanced Matter Bin Super Matter Bin.png Super Matter Bin1 Bluespace Matter Bin.gif Diamonddone.pngBluespace Matter Bin5 Improves capacity. Micro-laser.png Basic Micro-Laser High-Power Micro-Laser.png High-Power Micro-Laser Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser.png Uraniumdone.pngUltra-High-Power Micro-Laser2 Quad Ultra Micro Laser.gif Diamonddone.pngUraniumdone.pngQuad-Ultra Micro-Laser6 Improves speed and efficiency. Scanning Module.gif Basic Scanning Module Adv scan module.gif Advanced Scanning Module Super scan module.gif Silverdone.pngPhasic Scanning Module3 Triphasic Scanning Module.gif Diamonddone.pngTriphasic Scanning Module5 Improves scanning precision. Capacitor.png Basic Capacitor Adv capacitor.png Advanced Capacitor Super capacitor.png Golddone.pngSuper Capacitor4 Quadratic Capacitor.gif Diamonddone.pngQuadratic Capacitor7 Improves power efficiency. 1: Unlocked with High Efficiency Parts 2: Unlocked with Advanced Electromagnetic Theory 3: Unlocked with Applied Bluespace Research 4: Unlocked with Advanced Power Manipulation 5: Unlocked with Miniaturized Bluespace Research 6: Unlocked with Quantum Electromagnetic Technology 7: Unlocked with Bluespace Power Technology

Once you unlock advanced components, people around the station will probably want you to upgrade the machinery. Overall, the process is simply replacing obsolete stock parts with higher-tier parts.

The least efficient way is to upgrade by hand. Since the RPED unlocks at the same time as tier 2 parts, there's really no reason to ever do this unless your station for some incomprehensible reason just can't afford an RPED.

Screwdriver on the machine. Crowbar on the machine. Take the board and re-insert it into machine. Insert parts you want to use. Screwdriver the machine closed. RPED.gif As a much more efficient alternative, you can use RPED (Rapid Part Exchange Device), which unlocks with the Industrial Engineering topic. That is, the RPED unlocks as soon as you actually have your first upgraded parts, so you should pretty much always be upgrading with an RPED. The RPED replaces each component in a machine with the highest component of its tier that's loaded in the RPED.

Load RPED with parts, such as stock parts, loaded power cells, beakers and vendor restocking units. Screwdriver on the machine. Click on it with RPED. Screwdriver again to close the machine. BS RPED.gif The best alternative is to use the even more advanced Bluespace Rapid Part Exchange Device (BRPED), which functions just like an RPED except that you don't need access to the machine, screwdrivers, or even adjacency! That's right: BRPED works even through camera views. Consider building a camera console in R&D once you have a BRPED instead of running all over the station. This device is unlocked with Applied Bluespace Research and operates as follows:

Load Bluespace RPED with parts, such as stock parts, loaded power cells, beakers and vendor restocking units. Click on the machine to upgrade with the Bluespace RPED. That's it! No screwdrivering or asking the AI or people to open doors into their departments.

Here you can see how the specific machines will benefit from parts.

Exofab.png Exosuit Fabricator Robotics starts with two of these. This machine will build everything a roboticist needs to do his job, aside from circuits. To update its research levels: Sync the R&D Research Console. Sync the Robotics Research Console. Sync the Exosuit Fabricator. Can be used directly, without the Research Console.

Items available from the start:

Exosuit Fabricator Round-Start Manufacturing List Icon Item List Metal Glass Solid Plasma Silver Gold Uranium Diamond Titaniumdone.png Bananium [Collapse] Bluespace Cyborg endoskeleton.png Cyborg endoskeleton Cyborg 15000 Cyborg torso.png Cyborg torso Cyborg 40000 Cyborg head.png Cyborg head Cyborg 5000 Cyborg left arm.png Cyborg left arm Cyborg 10000 Cyborg right arm.png Cyborg right arm Cyborg 10000 Cyborg left leg.png Cyborg left leg Cyborg 10000 Cyborg right leg.png Cyborg right leg Cyborg 10000 Ripley chassis.png Ripley/Firefighter chassis Ripley 20000 Ripley torso.png Ripley torso Ripley 20000 7500 Ripley left arm.png Ripley left arm Ripley 15000 Ripley right arm.png Ripley right arm Ripley 15000 Ripley left leg.png Ripley left leg Ripley 15000 Ripley right leg.png Ripley right leg Ripley 15000 Hydraulic clamp.png Hydraulic clamp Exosuit Equip 10000 Exosuit drill.png Exosuit drill Exosuit Equip 10000 Exosuit extinguisher.png Exosuit extinguisher Exosuit Equip 10000 Cable layer.png Cable layer Exosuit Equip 10000 Mecha analyzer.png Exosuit mining scanner Exosuit Equip 5000 2500 Circuitboard.png Cyborg reclassification board Borg Upgr 5000 Circuitboard.png Cyborg emergency reboot module Borg Upgr 20000 5000 Exosuit tracking beacon.gif Exosuit tracking beacon Misc 500 Powercell.png Power cell Misc 700 50 Man-Machine Interface.png Man-machine interface Misc 1000 500 Synthetic flash.gif Synthetic flash Misc 750 750

Reseachable items:

Exosuit Fabricator Researchable Manufacturing List Icon Item List Node Metal Glass Solid Plasma Silver Gold Uranium Diamond Titanium Bananium [Collapse] Bluespace Odysseus chassis.png Odysseus chassis Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 20000 Odysseus torso.png Odysseus torso Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 12000 Odysseus head.png Odysseus head Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 6000 10000 Odysseus left arm.png Odysseus left arm Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 6000 Odysseus right arm.png Odysseus right arm Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 6000 Odysseus left leg.png Odysseus left leg Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 7000 Odysseus right leg.png Odysseus right leg Odysseus EXOSUIT: Odysseus 7000 Gygax chassis.png Gygax chassis Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 20000 Gygax torso.png Gygax torso Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 20000 10000 2000 Gygax head.png Gygax head Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 10000 5000 2000 Gygax left arm.png Gygax left arm Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 15000 1000 Gygax right arm.png Gygax right arm Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 15000 1000 Gygax left leg.png Gygax left leg Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 15000 2000 Gygax right leg.png Gygax right leg Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 15000 2000 Gygax armor plates.png Gygax armor plates Gygax EXOSUIT: Gygax 15000 10000 10000 Odysseus chassis.png Durand chassis Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 25000 Durand torso.png Durand torso Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 25000 10000 10000 Durand head.png Durand head Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 10000 15000 2000 Durand left arm.png Durand left arm Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 10000 4000 Durand right arm.png Durand right arm Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 10000 4000 Durand left leg.png Durand left leg Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 15000 4000 Durand right leg.png Durand right leg Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 15000 4000 Durand armor plates.png Durand armor plates Durand EXOSUIT: Durand 30000 25000 20000 Odysseus chassis.png H.O.N.K. chassis H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 20000 H.O.N.K. torso.png H.O.N.K. torso H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 20000 10000 10000 H.O.N.K. head.png H.O.N.K. head H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 10000 5000 5000 H.O.N.K. left arm.png H.O.N.K. left arm H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 15000 5000 H.O.N.K. right arm.png H.O.N.K. right arm H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 15000 5000 H.O.N.K. left leg.png H.O.N.K. left leg H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 20000 5000 H.O.N.K. right leg.png H.O.N.K. right leg H.O.N.K. Clown Technology 20000 5000 Odysseus chassis.png Phazon chassis Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 20000 Phazon torso.png Phazon torso Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 35000 10000 20000 Phazon head.png Phazon head Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 15000 5000 10000 Phazon left arm.png Phazon left arm Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 20000 10000 Phazon right arm.png Phazon right arm Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 20000 10000 Phazon left leg.png Phazon left leg Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 20000 10000 Phazon right leg.png Phazon right leg Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 20000 10000 Phazon armor.png Phazon armor Phazon EXOSUIT: Phazon 25000 20000 20000 PBT “Pacifier” mounted taser.png Pacifier mounted taser Exosuit Equip PBT “Pacifier” Mounted Taser 10000 Ultra AC 2.png Ultra AC 2 LMG Exosuit Equip “Ultra AC 2” LMG 10000 Sleeper.gif Mounted Sleeper Exosuit Equip Medical Exosuit Equipment 5000 10000 Sgun.png Exosuit Syringe Gun Exosuit Equip Medical Exosuit Equipment 3000 2000 Mecha medigun.png Exosuit Medical Beamgun Exosuit Equip Medical Exosuit Equipment 15000 8000 3000 8000 2000 SGL-6 grenade launcher.png SGL-6 grenade launcher Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (SGL-6 Grenade Launcher) 22000 8000 6000 Mecha diamond drill.png Diamond-tipped exosuit drill Exosuit Equip Exosuit Diamond Drill 10000 6500 Energy relay.png Exosuit plasma converter Exosuit Equip Basic Plasma Research 10000 1000 5000 1000 Energy relay.png Exonuclear reactor Exosuit Equip Simple Exosuit Modules 10000 1000 500 LBX AC 10 “Scattershot”.png LBX AC 10 “Scattershot” Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (LBX AC 10 “Scattershot”) 10000 FNX-99 “Hades” carbine.png FNX-99 “Hades” carbine Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (FNX-99 “Hades” Carbine) 10000 MKIV ion heavy cannon.png MKIV Ion Heavy Cannon Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (MKIV Ion Heavy Cannon) 20000 6000 2000 MKIV ion heavy cannon.png MKI Tesla Cannon Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (MKI Tesla Cannon) 20000 8000 Armor booster module.png Reactive armor booster module Exosuit Equip Simple Exosuit Modules 20000 5000 Armor booster module.png Reflective armor booster module Exosuit Equip Simple Exosuit Modules 20000 5000 SRM-8 missile rack.png SRM-8 missile rack Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (SRM-8 Missile Rack) 22000 8000 6000 Wormhole generator.gif Mounted wormhole generator Exosuit Equip Exosuit Module (Localized Wormhole Generator) 10000 CH-LC “Solaris” laser cannon.png CH-PS “Immolator” laser Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (CH-PS “Immolator” Laser) 10000 SGL-6 grenade launcher.png SOB-3 clusterbang launcher Exosuit Equip Exosuit Module (SOB-3 Clusterbang Launcher) 20000 10000 10000 Mecha teleporter.png Mounted gravitational catapult Exosuit Equip Exosuit Module (Gravitational Catapult Module) 10000 Repair droid.png Exosuit repair droid Exosuit Equip Advanced Exosuits 10000 5000 2000 1000 CH-LC “Solaris” laser cannon.png CH-LC “Solaris” laser cannon Exosuit Equip Exosuit Weapon (CH-LC “Solaris” Laser Cannon) 10000 Mounted RCD.png Mounted RCD Exosuit Equip Advanced Exosuit Equipment 30000 25000 20000 20000 Mecha plasma cutter.png 217-D Heavy Plasma Cutter Exosuit Equip Advanced Plasma Research 8000 1000 2000 Energy relay.png Tesla energy relay Exosuit Equip Simple Exosuit Modules 10000 2000 3000 2000 Mecha teleporter.png Mounted teleporter Exosuit Equip Exosuit Module (Teleporter Module) 10000 10000 Mousetrap mortar.png Mousetrap mortar Exosuit Equip Clown Technology 20000 5000 Banana mortar.png Banana mortar Exosuit Equip Clown Technology 20000 5000 HoNkER BlAsT 5000.png HoNkER BlAsT 5000 Exosuit Equip Clown Technology 20000 10000 Circuitboard.png Cyborg VTEC Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Combat 35000 12000 10000 Circuitboard.png Cyborg Ion Thrusters Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Utility 10000 6000 5000 6000 Circuitboard.png Rapid Disabler Cooling Module Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Combat 20000 6000 2000 2000 Circuitboard.png Cyborg Diamond Drill Borg Upgr Advanced Robotics Research 10000 2000 Circuitboard.png Cyborg Ore Satchel of Holding Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Utility 10000 6000 2000 1000 Ash plating.png Mining Cyborg Lavaproof Tracks Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Utility 10000 4000 5000 Circuitboard.png Cyborg Self-Repair Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Utility 15000 15000 Circuitboard.png Illegal equipment module Borg Upgr Illegal Technology 15000 15000 10000 Circuitboard.png Clown Module Borg Upgr Clown Technology 15000 15000 1000 Circuitboard.png Hypospray Expanded Synthesiser Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Medical 15000 15000 8000 8000 Circuitboard.png Piercing Hypospray Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Medical 15000 15000 8000 3000 5000 Circuitboard.png Defibrillator Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Medical 8000 5000 4000 3000 Circuitboard.png Surgical Processor Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Medical 5000 4000 4000 Circuitboard.png Trash Bag of Holding Borg Upgr Advanced Robotics Research 2000 1000 Circuitboard.png Advanced Mop Borg Upgr Advanced Robotics Research 2000 2000 Circuitboard.png Expand Borg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Utility 200000 5000 Borgrped.png Engineering Cyborg RPED Cyborg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Utility 10000 5000 Pinpointer crew.png Crew Pinpointer Cyborg Upgr Cyborg Upgrades: Medical 1000 500 Power cell.png High-capacity power cell Misc Industrial Engineering 700 60 Supercell.png Super-capacity power cell Misc Advanced Power Manipulation 700 70 Hypercell.png Hyper-capacity power cell Misc Advanced Power Manipulation 700 80 150 150 Bluespace Power Cell.gif Bluespace power cell Misc Bluespace Power Technology 800 160 120 160 300 100 Posibrain.gif Positronic Brain Misc Positronic Brain 1700 1350 500 Boris.gif B.O.R.I.S. AI-Cyborg Remote Control Module Misc Artificial Intelligence 1200 1500 200 Exosuit tracking beacon.gif AI Control Beacon Misc Artificial Intelligence 1000 500 200

Circuit.png Circuit Imprinter

The Circuit Imprinter requires glass and occasionally gold or diamond. Here you will find circuits for most of the station's machinery and robotics' exosuits. With gold and diamonds, you can also make AI law modules. Information on how to construct machines is available at the Guide to advanced construction. Circuits cost 1000 glass each, becoming cheaper with upgrades.

Circuit Imprinter Manufacturing List Board Type Required Tech Engi Sci Sec Med Serv Sup Golddone.png Diamonddone.png [Collapse] Bluespace Crystal.png Security Camera Console Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Research Monitor Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Xenobiology Console Computer Boards Basic Bluespace Theory Yes AI Core AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes AI Upload Computer Boards Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Cyborg Upload Computer Boards Cyborg Construction Yes 2000 Medical Records Computer Boards Computerized Recordkeeping Yes Operating Computer Computer Boards Biological Technology Yes Yes PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200 Computer Boards Biological Technology Yes DNA Machine Computer Boards Genetic Engineering Yes Yes Communications Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Yes ID Console Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Yes Crew Monitoring Console Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Yes Teleporter Console Teleportation Machinery Bluespace Travel Yes Yes Security Records Console Computer Boards Computerized Recordkeeping Yes Atmosphere Alert Computer Boards Industrial Engineering Yes Atmospheric Monitor Computer Boards Industrial Engineering Yes Robotics Control Console Computer Boards Cyborg Construction Yes DNA Scanner Medical Machinery Genetic Engineering Yes Limb Grower Medical Machinery Advanced Biotechnology Yes Organ Harvester Medical Machinery Advanced Biotechnology Yes Battle Arcade Machine Computer Boards Arcade Games Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Orion Trail Arcade Machine Computer Boards Arcade Games Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Slot Machine Computer Boards Arcade Games Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Power Monitor Computer Boards Industrial Engineering Yes Solar Control Computer Boards Industrial Engineering Yes Prisoner Management Console Computer Boards Computerized Recordkeeping Yes Exosuit Control Console Computer Boards Mechanical Exosuits Yes Mech Bay Power Control Console Computer Boards Mechanical Exosuits Yes R&D Console Computer Boards None Yes Supply Request Console Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Supply Console Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Bounty Console Computer Boards Yes Outpost Status Display Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Yes Telecommunications Monitoring Console Computer Boards Telecommunications Technology Yes Telecommunications Server Monitoring Console Computer Boards Telecommunications Technology Yes Messaging Monitor Console Computer Boards Yes AI Integrity Restorer Computer Boards Artificial Intelligence Yes Library Console Computer Boards Computer Consoles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes APC Control Computer Boards Industrial Engineering Yes Nanite Chamber Control Computer Boards Basic Nanite Programming Yes Nanite Chamber Research Machinery Basic Nanite Programming Yes Public Nanite Chamber Research Machinery Basic Nanite Programming Yes Nanite Cloud Control Computer Boards Basic Nanite Programming Yes Nanite Programmer Research Machinery Basic Nanite Programming Yes Nanite Program Hub Research Machinery Basic Nanite Programming Yes Safeguard AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 OneHuman AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 6000 ProtectStation AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Quarantine AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 OxygenIsToxicToHumans AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Freeform AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 10000 Reset AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Remove Law AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Purge AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Freeform (Core) AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 10000 Asimov AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 P.A.L.A.D.I.N. AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 T.Y.R.A.N.T. AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Corporate AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 Default AI Modules Artificial Intelligence Yes 2000 NTNet Relay Board Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Subspace Receiver Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Bus Mainframe Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Hub Mainframe Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Relay Mainframe Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Processor Unit Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Server Mainframe Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Subspace Broadcaster Subspace Telecomms Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes Automated Announcement System Subspace Telecomms Computerized Recordkeeping Yes APLU “Ripley” Central Control module Mech Mechanical Exosuits Yes APLU “Ripley” Peripherals Control module Mech Mechanical Exosuits Yes “Odysseus” Central Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Odysseus Yes “Odysseus” Peripherals Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Odysseus Yes “Gygax” Central Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Gygax Yes “Gygax” Peripherals Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Gygax Yes “Gygax” Weapons & Targeting Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Gygax Yes “Durand” Central Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Durand Yes “Durand” Peripherals Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Durand Yes “Durand” Weapons & Targeting Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Durand Yes “H.O.N.K” Central Control module Mech Clown Technology Yes “H.O.N.K” Peripherals Control module Mech Clown Technology Yes “H.O.N.K” Weapons & Targeting Control module Mech Clown Technology Yes “Phazon” Central Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Phazon Yes “Phazon” Peripherals Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Phazon Yes 100 “Phazon” Weapons & Targeting Control module Mech EXOSUIT: Phazon Yes 100 SMES Board Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes 100 Circulator Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes TEG Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Power Turbine Console Board Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Power Compressor Board Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Power Turbine Board Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Emitter Board Engineering Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Freezer/Heater Board Engineering Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Space Heater Board Engineering Machinery None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Teleportation Station Board Teleportation Machinery Bluespace Travel Yes Yes Teleportation Hub Board Teleportation Machinery Bluespace Travel Yes Yes Bluespace Launchpad Board Teleportation Machinery Bluespace Travel Yes Yes Bluespace Launchpad Console Board Teleportation Machinery Bluespace Travel Yes Yes Quantum Pad Board Teleportation Machinery Bluespace Travel Yes Yes Sleeper Board Medical Machinery Biological Technology Yes Yes VR Sleeper Board Medical Machinery Biological Technology Yes Yes Yes Cryotube Board Medical Machinery Cryostasis Technology Yes Yes Portable Chem Dispenser Board Medical Machinery Biological Technology Yes Yes Chem Master Board Medical Machinery Biological Technology Yes Yes Chemical Heater Board Medical Machinery Biological Technology Yes Yes Smoke Machine Medical Machinery Advanced Biotechnology Yes All-In-One Grinder Medical Machinery Biological Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Biogenerator Board Hydroponics Machinery Botanical Engineering Yes Hydroponics Tray Board Hydroponics Machinery Botanical Engineering Yes Destructive Analyzer Board Research Machinery None Yes E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Board Research Machinery None Yes Circuit Imprinter Board Research Machinery None Yes Protolathe Research Machinery Yes R&D Server Control Console Board Research Machinery None Yes R&D Server Board Research Machinery None Yes Exosuit Fabricator Board Research Machinery None Yes Cyborg Recharger Board Research Machinery Cyborg Construction Yes Mechbay Recharger Board Research Machinery Mechanical Exosuits Yes Microwave Board Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gibber Board Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Smartfridge Board Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Monkey Recycler Board Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Yes Dish Drive Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Deep Fryer Board Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Seed Extractor Board Hydroponics Machinery Botanical Engineering Yes Food/Slime Processor Board Misc. Machinery Biological Processing Yes Yes Portable Soda Dispenser Misc. Machinery Biological Technology Yes Portable Booze Dispenser Misc. Machinery Biological Technology Yes Recycler Board Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Stacking Machine Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Stacking Machine Console Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Ore Silo Misc. Machinery Applied Bluespace Research Yes Pay Stand Misc. Machinery None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Scanner Gate Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AI Holopad board Misc. Machinery Electromagnetic Theory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Autolathe Board Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Weapon Recharger Board Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2000 Cell Charger Board Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vendor Board Misc. Machinery Computerized Recordkeeping Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Donksoft Toy Vendor Board Misc. Machinery Illegal Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ore Redemption Board Misc. Machinery Mining Technology Yes Yes Yes Mining Rewards Vendor Board Misc. Machinery Mining Technology Yes Yes Tesla Coil Board Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Grounding Rod Board Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Radiation Collector Misc. Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes Yes Plant DNA Manipulator Board Hydroponics Machinery Botanical Engineering Yes PACMAN-type Generator Board Engineering Machinery Industrial Engineering Yes SUPERPACMAN-type Generator Board Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board Engineering Machinery Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Proto.png Protolathe The departmental Protolathe requires materials such as metal, glass and mineable minerals. Each sheet gives 2000 units when inserted into a Protolathe or its connected Ore Silo. It allows you to build objects such as stock parts, power cells and much more, depending on department. Building 5 or 10 of the same item is faster than building it one at a time for 10 times; if you need lots of a particular item, mass produce them! Proto.png Techfab The departmental Techfabs are circuit imprinters and departmental protolathes combined, except their available circuit boards differ depending on their department. Protolathe Manufacturing List Icon Item Required Tech Engi Sci Sec Med Serv Supp Metal.png Glass.png Plasmadone.png Sheet plastic1.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png [Collapse] Bluespace Crystal.png RPED.gif Rapid Part Exchange Device Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 10000 5000 Icard.png Intellicard AI Transportation System Artificial Intelligence Yes 1000 200 Pai.png Personal Artificial Intelligence Card Basic Robotics Research Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 500 500 Disk.gif Plant Data Disk Botanical Engineering Yes 200 100 BS RPED.gif Bluespace Rapid Part Exchange Device Applied Bluespace Research Yes Yes 15000 5000 2500 Disk.gif Design Storage Disk None Yes 300 100 Disk.gif Technology Data Storage Disk None Yes 300 100 Micro Manipulator.png Micro Manipulator None Yes Yes 100 Nano Manipulator.png Nano Manipulator Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 150 Pico Manipulator.png Pico Manipulator High-Efficiency Parts Yes Yes 200 Femto Manipulator.gif Femto Manipulator Advanced Bluespace Research Yes Yes 200 60 30 Capacitor.png Basic Capacitor None Yes Yes 100 100 Capacitor.png Advanced Capacitor Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 150 150 Capacitor.png Super Capacitor Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Yes 200 200 100 Quadratic Capacitor.gif Quadratic Capacitor Bluespace Power Technology Yes Yes 200 200 100 100 Scanning Module.gif Basic Scanning Module None Yes Yes 100 50 Scanning Module.gif Advanced Scanning Module Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 150 100 Scanning Module.gif Phasic Scanning Module Applied Bluespace Research Yes Yes 200 150 60 Triphasic Scanning Module.gif Triphasic Scanning Module Advanced Bluespace Research Yes Yes 200 200 60 30 Micro-laser.png Basic Micro-Laser None Yes Yes 100 50 High-Power Micro-Laser.png High-Power Micro-Laser Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 150 100 Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser.png Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser Advanced Electromagnetic Theory Yes Yes 200 150 60 Quad Ultra Micro Laser.gif Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser Quantum Electromagnetic Technology Yes Yes 200 200 100 60 Matter bin.png Basic Matter Bin None Yes Yes 100 Advanced Matter Bin.png Advanced Matter Bin Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 150 Super Matter Bin.png Super Matter Bin High-Efficiency Parts Yes Yes 200 Bluespace Matter Bin.gif Bluespace Matter Bin Advanced Bluespace Research Yes Yes 250 100 100 Subspace ansible.png Subspace Ansible Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 100 100 Hyperwave filter.png Hyperwave Filter Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 100 100 Subspace Amplifier.gif Subspace Amplifier Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 100 100 100 Subspace Treatment Disk.gif Subspace Treatment Disk Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 100 200 Subspace Analyzer.png Subspace Analyzer Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 100 100 Ansible crystal.png Ansible Crystal Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 800 100 100 Subspace Transmitter.png Subspace Transmitter Telecommunications Technology Yes Yes 100 100 100 Powercell.png Basic Power Cell None Yes Yes 700 50 Power cell.png High-Capacity Power Cell Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 700 60 Supercell.png Super-Capacity Power Cell Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Yes 700 70 Hypercell.png Hyper-Capacity Power Cell Advanced Power Manipulation Yes Yes 700 80 150 150 Bluespace Power Cell.gif Bluespace Power Cell Bluespace Power Technology Yes Yes 800 160 300 300 160 300 100 Lightreplacer0.png Light Replacer Advanced Sanitation Technology Yes 1500 3000 150 Inducer.png Inducer Electromagnetic Theory Yes Yes 3000 1000 MMI.gif Man-Machine Interface None Yes Yes 1000 500 Posibrain.gif Positronic Brain Positronic Brain Yes Yes 1700 1350 500 Bluespace Beaker.gif Bluespace Beaker Applied Bluespace Research Yes Yes 5000 3000 1000 1000 Cryostasis Beaker.gif Cryostasis Beaker Cryostasis Technology Yes 3000 Syringe.png Syringe None Yes 10 20 Syringe.png Bluespace Syringe Applied Bluespace Research Yes Yes 2000 1000 1000 500 Syringe.png Cryo Syringe Cryostasis Technology Yes 2000 1000 Syringe.png Piercing Syringe Advanced Biotechnology Yes 2000 1000 Blood Pack.png Blood Pack Biological Technology Yes 1000 Blood Pack.png Intravenous Medicine Bag Biological Technology Yes 2000 Sprayer-med-red.png Medical Spray Bottle Biological Technology Yes 2000 Blue bodybag.png Bluespace Body Bag Applied Bluespace Research Yes Yes 3000 200 500 500 Plasmaman refill.png Plasmaman Jumpsuit Refill Advanced Biotechnology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4000 1000 Defib.png Defibrillator Biological Technology Yes 8000 4000 3000 1500 Defibmount.png Defibrillator Mount Biological Technology Yes 2000 1000 Plumbing Constructor.png Plumbing Constructor None Yes 75000 37500 Secprojector.png Security Holobarrier Projector Electromagnetic Theory Yes 5000 1000 1000 1000 Engiprojector.png Engineering Holobarrier Projector Electromagnetic Theory Yes 5000 1000 1000 1000 Holofan.gif ATMOS Holofan Projector Electromagnetic Theory Yes 5000 1000 1000 1000 Medprojector.gif PENLITE Holobarrier Projector Advanced Biotechnology Yes 500 500 100 Eye implant.png Welding Shield Eyes Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 400 Breathing tube.png Breathing Tube Implant Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 250 Toolset arm implant.png Toolset Arm Implant Advanced Cybernetic Implants Yes 2500 1500 1500 Toolset arm implant.png Surgical Arm Implant Advanced Cybernetic Implants Yes 2500 1500 1500 Eye implant.png Medical HUD Implant Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 500 500 Eye implant.png Security HUD Implant Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 750 750 Eye implant.png Luminescent Eyes Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 1000 Eye implant.png X-Ray Implant Combat Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 1000 600 600 1000 Eye implant.png Thermals Implant Combat Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 1000 600 600 Brain implant.png Anti-Drop Implant Combat Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 400 400 Brain implant.png CNS Rebooter Implant Combat Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 500 1000 Chest implant.png Nutriment Pump Implant Cybernetic Implants Yes 500 500 500 500 Chest implant.png Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS Cybernetic Implants Yes 600 600 500 750 Chest implant.png Reviver Implant Advanced Cybernetic Implants Yes 800 800 500 1000 2000 Jetpack implant.png Thrusters Set Implant Combat Cybernetic Implants Yes 4000 2000 1000 1000 Implanter.png Implanter Subdermal Implants Yes Yes Yes 600 200 Implant case.png Implant Case Subdermal Implants Yes Yes Yes 500 Freedom implant.png Sad Trombone Implant Case Clown Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 500 Test firing pin.png Test-range Firing Pin Weapon Development Technology Yes 500 300 Loyalty pin.gif Mindshield Firing Pin Advanced Weapon Development Technology Yes 600 200 600 Tesla gun.gif Tesla Revolver Electric Weapons Yes 10000 10000 10000 Advegun.png Advanced Energy Gun Radioactive Weaponry Yes 10000 2000 4000 1000 Teleshield.png Telescopic Riot Shield Electric Weapons Yes 4000 5000 300 200 Decloner.png Decloner Illegal Technology Yes 5000 10000 Rapidsyringegun.png Rapid Syringe Gun Medical Weaponry Yes 5000 1000 Large ebow.png Energy Crossbow Illegal Technology Yes 5000 1500 1500 1500 Tempgun.png Temperature Gun Beam Weaponry Yes 5000 500 3000 Floral Somatoray.png Floral Somatoray Botanical Engineering Yes 2000 500 Large Grenade Casing.png Large Grenade Explosive & Pyrotechnical Weaponry Yes Yes 3000 Pyro grenade.png Pyro Grenade Explosive & Pyrotechnical Weaponry Yes Yes 2000 500 Cryo grenade.png Cryo Grenade Cryostasis Technology Yes Yes 2000 500 Adv grenade.png Advanced Release Grenade Explosive & Pyrotechnical Weaponry Yes Yes 3000 500 Xraygun.png X-ray Laser Gun Advanced Beam Weaponry Yes 5000 5000 4000 2000 2000 Ionrifle.png Ion Carbine Beam Weaponry Yes 8000 6000 2000 Portal gun.gif Bluespace Wormhole Projector Advanced Bluespace Research Yes 5000 2000 2000 3000 46x30ammo.png WT-550 Auto Gun Magazine (4.6×30mm) Ballistic Weaponry Yes 4000 46x30ammo.png WT-550 Auto Gun Armor Piercing Magazine (4.6×30mm AP) Ballistic Weaponry Yes 6000 600 46x30ammo.png WT-550 Auto Gun Incendiary Magazine (4.6×30mm IC) Ballistic Weaponry Yes 6000 1000 600 Stun Shell.png Stun Shell Electric Weapons Yes 200 Tech shell.png Unloaded Technological Shell Technological Shells Yes Yes 1000 200 Suppressor.png Universal Suppressor Illegal Technology Yes 2000 500 Gravity gun.gif One-Point Bluespace-Gravitational Manipulator One-point Bluespace-gravitational Manipulator Yes 12000 12000 8000 8000 3000 3000 Mining Drill.png Mining Drill Mining Technology Yes 6000 1000 Diamond Mining Drill.png Diamond Mining Drill Advanced Mining Technology Yes 6000 1000 2000 Plasma Cutter.png Plasma Cutter Advanced Mining Technology Yes 1500 500 400 Adv plasma cutter.gif Advanced Plasma Cutter Advanced Mining Technology Yes 3000 1000 2000 500 Sonic Jackhammer.png Sonic Jackhammer Advanced Mining Technology Yes 6000 2000 2000 6000 Modkit.png Kinetic Accelerator Damage Mod Mining Technology Yes 8000 1500 1500 1000 Modkit.png Kinetic Accelerator Cooldown Mod Mining Technology Yes 8000 1500 1500 1000 Modkit.png Kinetic Accelerator Range Mod Mining Technology Yes 8000 1500 1500 1000 Modkit.png Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Mod Advanced Mining Technology Yes 8000 1500 2000 2000 2000 Modkit.png Kinetic Accelerator Trigger Guard Mod Mining Technology Yes 8000 1500 1500 1000 Adv resonator.png Upgraded Resonator Mining Technology Yes 4000 1500 1000 1000 Tracking Beacon.gif Tracking Beacon Basic Bluespace Theory Yes Yes Yes Yes 150 100 Global Positioning System.gif GPS Device Basic Bluespace Theory Yes Yes Yes 500 1000 Holdpack.gif Bag of Holding Miniaturized Bluespace Research Yes 3000 250 1500 2000 Bluespace satchel.gif Mining Satchel of Holding Applied Bluespace Research Yes 250 500 Bluespace Crystal.png Artificial Bluespace Crystal Basic Bluespace Theory Yes Yes 1500 1500 MedGlasses.png Health Scanner HUD Integrated HUDs Yes 500 500 NV health glasses.gif Night Vision Health Scanner HUD Night Vision Technology Yes 600 600 350 1000 SecHud.png Security HUD Integrated HUDs Yes 500 500 NV sec glasses.gif Night Vision Security HUD Night Vision Technology Yes 600 600 350 1000 Diag glasses.png Diagnostic HUD Advanced Engineering or Integrated HUDs Yes 500 500 NV diag glasses.gif Night Vision Diagnostic HUD Night Vision Technology Yes 600 600 300 1000 Welding Gas Mask.png Welding Gas Mask Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 3000 1000 Welding-goggles.png Welding Goggles Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 500 500 Portaseeder.png Portable Seed Extractor Botanical Engineering Yes 1000 400 Air horn.png Air Horn Clown Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4000 MGlasses.png Optical Meson Scanners Industrial Engineering Yes Yes 500 500 NV meson glasses.gif Night Vision Optical Meson Scanners Night Vision Technology Yes Yes 600 600 350 1000 Tray scanners.gif Optical T-Ray Scanners Electromagnetic Theory Yes 500 500 Engi glasses.gif Engineering Scanner Goggles Advanced Engineering Yes 500 500 100 NightVision.png Night Vision Goggles Night Vision Technology Yes Yes 600 600 350 1000 Science goggles.png Science Goggles Integrated HUDs Yes 500 500 Mashoe.png Magnetic Boots Advanced Engineering Yes 4500 1500 2500 Mop.png Mop None Yes 900 Adv mop.png Advanced Mop Advanced Sanitation Technology Yes 2500 200 Bluespace trashbag.png Trashbag of Holding Advanced Sanitation Technology Yes 1500 1500 250 Floor buffer.png Floor Buffer Upgrade Advanced Sanitation Technology Yes 3000 200 Signmaker.gif Holographic Sign Projector Electromagnetic Theory Yes 2000 1000 Adv welder.gif Experimental Welding Tool Experimental Tools Yes Yes 1000 500 1500 200 Alien alloy.png Alien Alloy Alien Technology Yes Yes 4000 4000 Bucket.png Bucket None Yes 200 Crowbar.png Crowbar None Yes Yes 50 Multitool.png Multitool None Yes Yes 50 20 Welder.png Welding tool None Yes Yes 70 20 Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver None Yes Yes 75 Wirecutters.png Wirecutters None Yes Yes 80 Wrench.png Wrench None Yes Yes 150 Circuitboard.png APC Module Industrial Engineering Yes 100 100 Circuitboard.png Airlock Electronics Industrial Engineering Yes 50 50 Circuitboard.png Firelock Circuitry Industrial Engineering Yes 50 50 Circuitboard.png Air Alarm Electronics Industrial Engineering Yes 50 50 Circuitboard.png Fire Alarm Electronics Industrial Engineering Yes 50 50 Labler.png Pipe Painter None Yes 5000 2000 Paint Sprayer.png Airlock Painter None Yes 50 50 Glass r.png Reinforced Glass None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1000 2000 Cultivator.png Cultivator None Yes 50 Plant analyzer.png Plant Analyzer None Yes 30 20 Shovel.png Shovel None Yes 50 Spade.png Spade None Yes 50 Hatchet.png Hatchet None Yes 15000 Drapes.png Drapes None Yes 2000 Scalpel.png Scalpel None Yes Yes 4000 1000 Saw.png Circular Saw None Yes Yes 10000 6000 Drill.png Surgical Drill None Yes Yes 10000 6000 Retractor.png Retractor None Yes Yes 6000 3000 Hemostat.png Hemostat None Yes Yes 5000 2500 Cautery.png Cautery None Yes Yes 2500 750 Beaker.png Beaker None Yes Yes 500 Large Beaker.png Large Beaker None Yes Yes 2500 Healthanalyzer.png Health Analyzer Biological Technology Yes 500 50 Cargo Tagger.png Destination Tagger None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 250 125 Labler.png Hand Labeler None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 150 125 Delivery Paper.png Package Wrapping None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 250 125 Id regular.png Identification Card Computer Consoles Yes 200 100 Hard Disk.png Hard Disk Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 400 100 Hard Disk Mini.png Advanced Hard Disk Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 800 200 Hard Disk Mini.png Super Hard Disk Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 1600 400 Hard Disk.png Cluster Hard Disk Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 3200 800 SSD Mini.png Solid State Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 800 200 SSD Mini.png Solid State Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 800 200 SSD Mini.png Micro Solid State Drive Computer Hardware Yes Yes 400 100 Card Mini.png ID Card Slot Computer Hardware Yes Yes 600 Card Mini.png Intellicard Slot Computer Hardware Yes Yes 600 Printer Mini.png Miniprinter Computer Hardware Yes Yes 600 Charger APC.png Area Power Connector Computer Hardware Yes Yes 2000 Cell Con.png Power Cell Controller Computer Hardware Yes Yes 400 Cell Mini.png Battery Module Computer Hardware Yes Yes 400 Cell module.png Advanced Battery Module Computer Hardware Yes Yes 800 Cell module.png Super Battery Module Computer Hardware Yes Yes 1600 Cell Micro.png Nano Battery Module Computer Hardware Yes Yes 200 Cell Micro.png Micro Battery Module Computer Hardware Yes Yes 400 Data Disk 3.png AI Surveillance Software Update Illegal Technology Yes 5000 5000 10000 15000 15000 20000 Nanite Remote.gif Nanite Remote Basic Nanite Programming Yes 500 500 Nanite Scanner.gif Nanite Scanner Basic Nanite Programming Yes 500 500 Data Disk 1.png Design Storage Disk None Yes 300 100 Data Disk 0.png Technology Data Storage Disk None Yes 300 100 Data Disk 1.png Nanite Program Disk Basic Nanite Programming Yes 300 100 Interbeaker.png X-Large Beaker None Yes 2500 3000 Superinterbeaker.png Metamaterial Beaker Advanced Biotechnology Yes 2500 3000 1000 1000 Disk.gif Cloning Data Disk Genetic Engineering Yes Yes 300 100 50 Pinpointer crew.png Crew Pinpointer Advanced Biotechnology Yes 300 100 50 Compactdefib.png Compact Defibrillator Advanced Biotechnology Yes 16000 8000 6000 3000 Healthadv.png Advanced Health Analyzer Advanced Biotechnology Yes 5000 2500 2000 1500 Medspray.png Medical Gel Biological Technology Yes 2500 500 2000 1500 Cybernetic liver.png Cybernetic Liver Cybernetic Organs Yes 500 500 Cybernetic heart.gif Cybernetic Heart Cybernetic Organs Yes 500 500 Cybernetic lungs.png Cybernetic Lungs Cybernetic Organs Yes 500 500 Upgraded cybernetic liver.png Upgraded Cybernetic Liver Upgraded Cybernetic Organs Yes 500 500 Upgraded cybernetic lungs.png Upgraded Cybernetic Lungs Upgraded Cybernetic Organs Yes 500 500 Cargo disk.png Supply Drop Pod Upgrade Disk Bluespace Travel Yes 1000 Forcefield projector.gif Forcefield Projector Advanced Engineering Yes 2500 1000 Roastingstick.png Advanced Roasting Stick Applied Bluespace Research Yes 1000 500 250 Locator.png Bluespace Locator Subdermal Implants Yes 1000 500 500 Quantum keycard.png Quantum Keycard Miniaturized Bluespace Research Yes Yes 500 500 500 1000 Memorizer.png Anomaly Neutralizer Anomaly Research Yes Yes 2000 2000 2000 5000 Refill donksoft.png Donksoft Toy Vendor Refill Illegal Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 25000 15000 20000 10000 10000 Cleaner.png Spray Bottle Advanced Sanitation Technology Yes 2000 Bear trap.png Bear Trap Advanced Sanitation Technology Yes 5000 1000 Reactive Teleport Armor.png Reactive Armour Shell Anomaly Research Yes Yes 10000 4500 8000 5000 Seclite.png Seclite Basic Security Equipment Yes 2500 Forensic scanner.gif Forensic Scanner Advanced Biotechnology Yes 5000 1000 2000 2500 Pepperspray.png Pepper Spray Basic Security Equipment Yes 5000 1000 Ebola.gif Energy Bola Basic Security Equipment Yes 500 500 500 Cuff.png Zipties Basic Security Equipment Yes 250 Evidence.png Evidence Bag Basic Security Equipment Yes Metal r.png Plasma + Iron Alloy None Yes Yes Yes 2000 2000 Plastitanium.png Plasma + Titanium Alloy None Yes Yes Yes 2000 2000 Plasma glass.png Plasma + Glass Alloy None Yes Yes Yes 2000 1000 Reinforced plasma glass sheet1.png Plasma + Metal + Glass Alloy None Yes Yes Yes 1000 2000 1000 Titanium glass.png Titanium + Glass Alloy None Yes Yes Yes 2000 1000 Plastitanium glass.png Plasma + Titanium + Glass Alloy None Yes Yes Yes 2000 1000 1000 Drill.png Hand Drill Experimental Tools Yes 3500 1500 2500 Jawsoflife.png Jaws of Life Experimental Tools Yes 4500 2500 3500 Adv welder.gif Experimental Welder Experimental Tools Yes 1000 500 1500 2500 200 Abductor wrench.gif Alien Wrench Alien Engineering Yes 5000 1000 2500 2000 2000 Abductor wirecutters.png Alien Wirecutters Alien Engineering Yes 5000 1000 2500 2000 2000 Abductor screwdriver.gif Alien Screwdriver Alien Engineering Yes 5000 1000 2500 2000 2000 Abductor crowbar.gif Alien Crowbar Alien Engineering Yes 5000 1000 2500 2000 2000 Abductor welder.png Alien Welding Tool Alien Engineering Yes 5000 5000 2500 2000 2000 Abductor multitool.png Alien Multitool Alien Engineering Yes 5000 5000 2500 2000 2000 Abductor scalpel.png Alien Scalpel Alien Biological Tools Yes 2000 500 1500 1500 Abductor hemostat.png Alien Hemostat Alien Biological Tools Yes 2000 500 1500 1500 Abductor retractor.png Alien Retractor Alien Biological Tools Yes 2000 500 1500 1500 Abductor saw.png Alien Circular Saw Alien Biological Tools Yes 10000 1000 2500 1500 Abductor drill.png Alien Drill Alien Biological Tools Yes 10000 1000 2500 1500 Abductor cautery.png Alien Cautery Alien Biological Tools Yes 2000 500 1500 1500 Ammo 38.png Speed Loader (.38) None Yes 20000 Beanbag slug.png Rubber Shot None Yes 4000 Blank shell.png Shotgun Slug None Yes 4000 Buckshot shell.png Buckshot Slug None Yes 4000 Tech shell.png Shotgun Dart None Yes 4000 Fire shell.png Incendiary Slug None Yes 4000 Cryostatis shotgun dart.gif Cryostatis Shotgun Dart Medical Weaponry Yes 3500 Energy sniper.png Beam Marksman Rifle Advanced Beam Weaponry Yes 10000 5000 4500 5000 8000 5000

Vending machines Pen.png This page needs revising! The following page is out of date and/or needs to be revised. If the page's guide needs revision, see here for an example. The revision reason is: “Vendor contents have been changing very rapidly and editors haven't been able to keep up. Consider them to be mostly outdated.”

Vending machines store and dispense items. Each machine sells a specific selection of items; click 'vend' and it'll dispense the corresponding item, if you can affort it. Some items may be free if they belong to your worn ID's department. Hacking a vending machine will unlock another selection of items. Premium items simply cost more. Some departmental clothing vendors aren't listed here yet, but you can re-insert items into clothing vendors, if they sell those items.

Contents 1 Public 1.1 Food and Drink Machines 1.2 Tool Machines 1.3 Misc Machines 2 Private 2.1 Bar 2.2 Engineering 2.3 Medbay 2.4 Hydroponics 2.5 Security 2.6 Wizard 2.7 Syndicate Public Food and Drink Machines

Robust Softdrinks Vendcola.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 10x Space Cola 10x Space Mountain Wind 10x Dr. Gibb 10x Star-kist 10x Space-Up 10x Lemon-Lime Soda

Hacked 6x Thirteen Loko Premium items 2x Nuka Cola 1x Canned Air

Getmore Chocolate Corp Vendsnack.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 6x Candy 6x Cup Ramen 6x Chips 6x Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 6x 4no Raisins 6x Space Twinkie 6x Cheesie Honkers

Hacked 6x Syndi-Cakes Premium items N/A

Hot Drinks Machine Vendcoffee.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 25x Robust Coffee 25x Duke Purple Tea 25x Dutch Hot Coco

Hacked 12x Ice Cup Premium items N/A

????/Voda (soviet soda machine) Vendsovietsoda.gif Found at: Derelict Sells 30x Soda Water Hacked 20x Cola Premium items N/A

Sustenance Vendor Sustenance.png Found at: Labor Camp Sells 24x Tofu 12x Ice Cup 6x Candy Corn

Hacked 6x Kitchen Knife 12x Robust Coffee 6x Emergency Oxygen Tank 6x Breath Mask

Premium items N/A

Tool Machines

YouTool Vendyoutool.png Found at: Primary Tool Storage Sells 10x Cable Coil 5x Crowbar 3x Welding Tool 5x Wirecutters 5x Wrench 5x Analyzer 5x T-Ray Scanner 5x Screwdriver

Hacked 2x Industrial Welding Tool 2x Budget Insulated Gloves

Premium items 1x Insulated Gloves

Vendomat Vendgeneric.gif Found at: Primary Tool Storage Sells 5x Proximity Sensor 3x Igniter 4x Remote Signaling Device 1x Wirecutters 4x Generic Signaler cartridge 3x Matter Bin 3x Micro-manipulator 3x Micro-Laser 3x Scanning Module 3x Capacitor 3x Price Tagger 2x Custom Vendor restocking unit (called “resupply canister” in the vendor) 3x Custom Vendor (Machine Board)

Hacked 5x Flashlight 2x Timer 2x Voice Analyzer 2x Health Sensor

Premium items N/A

Misc Machines

AutoDrobe AutoDrobe.gif Found at: Theatre Sells Shitloads of silly clothes! Really, over 50 different things ranging from wigs to sandals.

Hacked Judge's Robe Powdered Wig Cardborg costume Wand Blindfold 2x Muzzle

Premium items Pirate Captain Coat Pirate Captain Hat Roman Helmet Roman Legionaire Helmet Roman Armor Roman Sandals Roman Shield Skub

ClothesMate ClothesMate.gif Found at: Locker Room Sells Shitloads of clothes! Hacked Tacticool Turtleneck Balaclava Ushanka Soviet Uniform 2x Black fannypack Blood-red letterman jacket Jabroni Outfit Vape Naysh Shirt

Premium items Checkered Suit Mailman's Hat Mailman's Jumpsuit Leather Jacket Leather Overcoat Must Hang Jeans Gold Necklace Blue Leatherman Jacket

Good Clean Fun Goodfun.gif Found at: Library Sells 5x Deck of cards 10x Dice bag 5x Cards against space (white version) 3x Cards against space (black version)

Hacked 9x Fudge die Premium items N/A

NanoMed Wallmed.gif Found at: Medbay Patient Rooms, Operating Theatre, Medbay Recovery Room Sells 3x Syringe 5x Brute patch 5x Burn patch 2x Antitoxin pill 1x Sterilizer Spray

Hacked 2x Toxin pill 2x Morphine pill

Premium items N/A

Cigarette Machine Vendcigs.gif Found at: Everywhere Sells 5x Space Cigarettes packet 3x Uplift Smooth packet 3x Robust packet 3x Carp Classic packet 3x Midori Tobako packet 10x Matchbox 4x Cheap lighter 5x Rolling paper pack

Hacked 3x Zippo 5x E-Cigarette

Premium items 2x Robust Gold packet 1x Premium cigar case (7 cigars to a case) 1x Premium Havanian cigar case (7 cigars to a case) 1x Cohiba Robusto cigar case (7 cigars to a case)

Dinnerware Venddinnerware.gif Found at: Kitchen Sells 8x Tray 20x Bowl 6x Fork 8x Drinking Glass 5x Ketchup condiment pack 5x Hot sauce condiment pack 5x Astrotame condiment pack 5x Salt Shaker 5x Pepper mill 2x Chef's apron 2x Rolling Pin 2x Kitchen knife 1x Cooking Desserts 101

Hacked 2x Butcher's Cleaver Premium items N/A

Custom Vendor Robotics vendor.gif Found at: Any Sells Custom. Depends on the owner. See Custom Vendor.

Hacked N/A Premium items N/A

Private Bar

Booze-O-Mat Vendboozeomat.gif Found at: Bar Sells 5x Griffeater Gin 5x Uncle Git's Special Reserve 5x Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequilla 5x Tunguska Triple Distilled 5x Goldeneye Vermouth 5x Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum 5x Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine 5x Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac 5x Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur 6x Space Beer 6x Magm-Ale 4x Orange Juice 4x Tomato Juice 4x Lime Juice 4x Milk Cream 8x T-Borg's Tonic Water 8x Space Cola 8x Soda Water 30x Glass 10x Ice Cup

Hacked 12x Duke Purple Tea Premium items N/A


Engi-Vend Engivend.png Found at: Engineering Sells 2x Engineering Scanner Goggles 2x Welding Goggles 4x Multitool 10x Airlock Electronics 10x APC Module 10x Air Alarm Electronics 10x High-Capacity Power Cell 3x Rapid Construction Device (loaded) 5x Geiger Counter

Hacked 3x Potato Battery Premium items 3x Utility Belt


NanoMed Plus NanoMed.gif Found at: Medbay Sells 12x Syringe 3x Dropper 8x Medical gauze 5x Libital patch (brute) (2u libital + 8u granibitaluri) 5x Aiuri patch (burn) (2u aiuri + 8u granibitaluri) 5x Insulin pill 2x Multiver bottle 2x Syriniver bottle 1x Sterilizer Gel 3x Epinephrine bottle 4x Morphine bottle 1x Potassium Iodine bottle 3x Saline-Glucose Solution bottle 3x Toxin bottle 6x Spaceacillin syringe 2x Convermol syringe 2x Medical gel (20u libital + 40u granibitaluri) 2x Medical gel (20u aiuri + 40u granibitaluri) 2x Bottle of Psicodine pills 4x Health analyzer 2x Crew pinpointer 1x Synthflesh medical gel

Hacked 3x Toxin pill 4x Morphine pill 6x Multiver pill

Premium items 1x Box of hugs 3x Epinephrine medipen 3x Medical belt 1x Medical wrench


NutriMax Vendnutri.gif Found at: Hydroponics Sells 30x E-Z-Nutrient 20x Left 4 Zed 10x Robust Harvest 20x Pest Spray 5x Syringe 5x Plant Bag 3x Cultivator 3x Spade 4x Plant Analyzer

Hacked 10x Ammonia Bottle 5x Diethylamine Bottle

Premium items N/A

MegaSeed Servitor Vendseeds.gif Found at: Hydroponics Sells 3x Banana Seeds 3x Berry Seeds 3x Carrot Seeds 3x Chanterelle Mycelium 3x Chili Seeds 3x Corn Seeds 3x Eggplant Seeds 3x Potato Seeds 3x Rice Seeds 3x Soybean Seeds 3x Sunflower Seeds 3x Tomato Seeds 3x Tower Cap Mycelium 3x Wheat Seeds 3x Apple Seeds 3x Poppy Seeds 3x Ambrosia Vulgaris Seeds 3x Whitebeet Seeds 3x Watermelon Seeds 3x Lime Seeds 3x Lemon Seeds 3x Orange Seeds 3x Grass Seeds 3x Cocoa Pod Seeds 3x Cabbage Seeds 3x Grape Seeds 3x Pumpkin Seeds 3x Cherry Seeds 3x Coffee Arabica Seeds 3x Tobacco Seeds 3x Tea Aspera Seeds

Hacked 2x Fly Amanita Mycelium 2x Glowshroom Mycelium 2x Liberty Cap Mycelium 2x Nettle Seeds 2x Plump Helmet Mycelium 2x Reishi Mycelium 3x Cannabis Seeds 2x Strange Seeds

Premium items 1x Water Flower


SecTech Vendsec.gif Found at: Security Office Sells 8x Handcuffs 10x Zipties 4x Flashbang 5x Flash 12x Donut 6x Evidence bag box 4x Seclite 7x Energy Bola

Hacked 2x Sunglasses 2x Donut Box

Premium items Antag Token (toy coin)

PTech PTech.png Found at: HoP Office Sells 10x Med-U Cartridge 10x Power-ON Cartridge 10x R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE Cartridge 10x CustodiPRO Cartridge 10x Signal Ace 2 Cartridge 10x PDA 3x Value-PAK Cartridge 10x Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge

Hacked N/A Premium items N/A

Liberation Station Liberationstation.png Found at: Lighthouse Shuttle Sells 2x Gold Desert Eagle 2x Camo Desert Eagle 2x NanoTrasen Saber SMG 2x Combat Shotgun 1x Gyrojet Pistol 2x Shotgun 2x NT-ARG 'Boarder'

Hacked 1x Patriotic suit 3x Patriotic bedsheet

Premium items 2x SMG magazine (9mm) 4x Handgun magazine (.50ae) 2x Handgun magazine (.45) 2x Specialized magazine (.75)


MagiVend Vendmagi.gif Found at: Wizard's Den Sells 1x Wizard Hat 1x Wizard Robe 1x Red Wizard Hat 1x Red Wizard Robe 1x Sandals 2x Wizard's Staff

Hacked 1x Wizarditis culture bottle Premium items N/A


Syndicate Donksoft Toy Vendor Syndi.gif Found at: Syndicate Listening Post Sells 10x Foam Force SMG 10x Foam Force Pistol 10x Foam Force Shotgun 10x Toy Sword 20x Ammo Box (Foam Darts) 10x Foam Armblade 10x Syndicate Balloon 5x Black and Red Space Suit Replica 5x Black and Red Space-Helmet Replica

Hacked 10x Foam Force Crossbow 10x Donksoft SMG 10x Donksoft LMG 20x Ammo box (Riot Darts) 10x Replica Katana 5x Double-Bladed Toy Sword 10x Syndicate Deck of Cards

Premium items N/A

Guide to plumbing (Redirected from Plumbing) This guide will primarily be useful for chemists, or someone else willing to play with pipes.

In summary: Plumbing is the creation of factories to automate chemical production, for bulk amounts of methamphetamine healing chemicals.

Contents 1 The Basics 1.1 Fluid Ducts 1.2 Physics 2 Machinery 2.1 Synthesizer 2.2 Reaction Chamber 2.3 Acclimator 2.4 Chemical Grinder 2.5 Filter 2.6 Splitter 2.7 Disposer 2.8 Pill Press 2.9 Tank 2.10 Input 2.11 Output 2.12 Liquid Pump 3 Equipment 3.1 Plumbing Constructor 3.2 Plunger 4 Geysers 5 Tips for your Industrial Revolution The Basics Plumbing is a system for the creation of piss and shit chemical factories. Plumbing is also an inaccurate name, since you'll be making chemical factories and not toilets.

The plumbing system is made up of three basic parts: A supplier, a duct network and a demander. A supplier supplies chems through a network of fluid ducts to a machine that demands that reagent. Component machines have connectors that duct networks will automatically connect to; red is mean so red ports take, blue is nice so blue ports give. A machine can be both a supplier and a demander. Machines next to each other can be connected without having ducts between them.

The maximum transfer amount is 10 units per 2 seconds.

Nduct n w.png Fluid Ducts These can be found in stacks in autolathes and in the chemical laboratorium. Simply click them on a tile to place them down. You can click it in-hand to change the color and layer, and different colors and layers will not connect to one another automatically. You can force two different colors to connect by click dragging them to each other while holding a wrench. You can also connect different layers with a multilayered duct, which is crafted in the Misc crafting menu from ducts and a welder.

To pick up a placed duct and turn it back into an item, use a wrench on it.

Physics Plumbing physics might not be entirely as you expect. Due to pressure technology, there will never be any leftover in ducts. Thus, reagents transfer instantly from supplier to demander.

If a machine holds 5 water, 5 sugar and 5 mannitol and a machine requests 5 units, the requesting machine will receive 5 water for the first request. Normal chemistry would get you 1.66… water, 1.66… sugar and 1.66… mannitol. This might seem illogical, but it's necessary for Floating Point Errors advanced factories.

Machinery Most of the basic plumbing machinery is available through a specialized plumbing RCD, which can be found in the chemical lab or medical techfab. These machines can be deconstructed by welding.

Remember, just because they aren't in the plumbing RCD doesn't mean they don't take chems. The smoker is one of those machines. Have fun.

Plumbing synthesizer.png Synthesizer These buggers create the chemicals, much like normal chem dispensers. You select an amount (from 1u to 5u) and a reagent, and they'll create that every five seconds. They need a valid output to keep going, since the synthesizer only stores one dose.

Plumbing reaction chamber.gif Reaction Chamber Extremely important for advanced set-ups. When given a list of chemicals and amounts, it will attempt to pull those chems from the attached supply network, from the first chem on the list to the last. While doing this, the reagents are in stasis and do not react. Once it has all the specified reagents with the given amounts, the chemicals will react in the chamber, and begin emptying into any connected network. Very sane, and a powerful tool for fighting surplus contamimants.

Chambers can get stuck if you are entering target reagents while it can take them. Either let it flow out or empty it with a plunger.

Plumbing acclimator.gif Acclimator The automated brother of the chemical heater. You simply give it a temperature and it will heat or cool its contents. You should set Allowed Temperature Difference to something aswell. It wont empty till it reaches the target temperature, wich takes extremely long if you want it precise. Setting Allowed Temperature Difference to 4 and target temperature to 379 means it will heat to 379 but start the emptying fase at 375.

The acclimator will not empty until all of its contents reach the desired temperature, which can be painfully slow if it's drawing new chems as it works, or attempting to reach an extreme temperature. To alleviate this, the Allowed Temperature Difference setting will allow the acclimater to release its contents within a certain range of temperature. For example, if the target temperature is 300k, and the ATD is 5, chems will start to be released once the machine reaches 295k or 305k.

The acclimator's holding capacity can also be manually lowered, to avoid the buildup of leftover chems. If you're heating chemicals that are deposited in batches of 3u, consider setting the capacity to a number divisible by 3.

Just like the reaction chamber, the acclimator cannot fill and drain simultaneously, to avoid leftover contaminants.

Plumbing grinder.png Chemical Grinder Use a conveyor belt to feed this with plants. It will extract their reagents.

Plumbing filter.png Filter A simple filter. Give it one or two chemicals, and those chems will be rerouted to the filter's side, allowing everything else to pass straight through.

Plumbing splitter.png Splitter Got 15 of a reagent and only want 10? This cheap machine allows you to do just that. Set it to a 10 to 5 ratio and it will send 10 through and 5 left.

Plumbing disposer.gif Disposer The simplest machine of all, the disposer breaks down any and all chemicals that enter it into nothing. Use it to dispose of any leftovers you don't want in the system.

Note that chemical reactions can occur inside the disposer.

Plumbing pill press.gif Pill Press This is where the fun begins. Select a pill color, name, and dose like a regular ChemMaster, and it'll constantly pump out tasty pills made from whatever it's supplied with.

Plumbing tank.gif Tank Technically not a machine, the tank simply holds up to 400u of any chemicals.

Plumbing input.png Input Accepts manual chemical input. Pour something into it from a container to add something new to the system.

Plumbing output.png Output Accepts manual chemical output. Simply grab a beaker and fill it up with whatever's in the network.

Liquid pump.gif Liquid Pump Can be wrenched to geysers in-order to extract chemicals. Does not need to be powered.

Equipment In addition to the machines, there are a few pieces of equipment available for chemists wanting to be plumbers. Including these and probably a few more I forgot.

Plumbing Constructor.png Plumbing Constructor The magical plumbing RCD. It can construct the basic plumbing machinery; click on it in hand to select what to build. It can also deconstruct plumbing machinery (but not ducts) by whacking it.

The plumbing constructor requires metal to function. If it runs dry, simply add more sheets.

Can also be constructed in a medical techfab.

Plunger.png Plunger All of the basic plumbing machinery can be plungered to empty their contents on the floor; simply use the plunger on them to flush them clean. Can be very useful if you got some machines that need to be emptied quickly, or for solving clogs. Can be printed in the medical and engineering lathe.

Plumbing geyser.png Geysers Scattered around lavaland are geysers, a limitless source of chemicals.

Geysers are dormant by default, and must be activated with a reinforced plunger. You can buy reinforced plungers in the medical vendor.

Once activated, the geysers will start producing a single chemical. As of writing, geysers can pick from Clf4, Wittel, Hollow Water and Protozine, Wittel being a 1 in 27 chance of occuring. Guide to Chemistry is very updated, simply look for chemicals that are created by geysers for the most recent overview.

Tips for your Industrial Revolution Resist the urge to crank every single synthesizer to 5u. Many recipes require different amounts of each ingredient, such as a 1u/1u/3u mixture. Even if you aren't making reactions, reaction chambers are invaluable for being able to pull precise amounts of specific chems out of a network. If you're lazy, connecting a ton of tanks to one another from both ends can create an enormous buffer of basic chems that you can simply have reaction chambers pull from. Be careful of accidental reactions!

Guide to chemistry Chemist action.png Tippo Felangus, the Chemist says: “Hey mate, welcome to Chemistry. This is one of the few jobs where you can make a man heal back up to full health one second and make him explode the next. Sound too complicated? Naw, this shit is really simple to make. All you have to do is pour some of this Potassium into a beaker of water, like so…”

This guide will primarily be useful for chemists but may come in handy to any player and especially traitors. See Chemical recipes for simplified step-by-step instructions on how to make complicated chemicals (sometimes outdated), and for info about using the dispenser's recipe recording function. If you don't have a chem dispenser, see the Guide to Ghetto Chemistry.

Contents 1 Machinery 1.1 Chemistry Dispensers 1.2 Chemical Heater 1.3 ChemMaster 3000 1.4 All-In-One Grinder 1.5 Smoke Machine 1.6 Plumbing 2 Metabolism 3 Active Pure Chemicals 4 Components 5 Medicines 5.1 Medicine Changes 5.2 Core Healing Medicines 5.3 Superior Healing Medicines 5.4 Unique Healing Medicines 5.5 Non-craftable Medicines 5.5.1 Removed Medicines 6 Narcotics 7 Pyrotechnics 7.1 Explosive Strength 8 Other Reagents 8.1 Virology Recipes 8.2 Mutation Toxins 9 Toxins 10 Lavaland Chemicals 11 Reagent Delivery 11.1 Delivery types 11.1.1 Ingest 11.1.2 Inject 11.1.3 Vapor 11.1.4 Touch 11.1.5 Patch 11.2 Smoke vs foam vs others 11.2.1 Pills 11.2.2 Syringes 11.2.3 Patches 11.2.4 Cigarettes 11.2.5 Smoke 11.2.6 Foam 11.2.7 Splashing 11.2.8 Spraying 12 Beyond the Dispenser Machinery You have all sorts of chems here, and can make many things. You can make medicines, smoke, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, acid and much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, as mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health, and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk.

Chem Dispenser Chemistry Dispensers Chem dispensers can be upgraded to unlock more chemicals, allow for more precise macro usage, increased power recharge rate and higher power capacity. If you run out of power, you can disassemble the dispenser with screwdriver+crowbar and rebuild it by first putting the circuit board back, and then all other things but use a full power cell Power cell.png instead of the old one. Then screwdriver to finish. Or you can charge the machine with an inducer Inducer.png.

Available chemicals:

[Expand] Click expand to see what chemicals are available:

Upgradeable parts:

[Expand] Click expand to see upgrades:

Chemical Heater Chemical Heater Some chemical reactions will require you to heat the reagents in a Chemical Heater. Unless the recipes says otherwise, these reactions need you to heat the reagents above the required temperature. This machine will heat/cool a beaker to the desired temperature, slowing down the heating/cooling speed as it approaches the target temperature. If you don't risk making the chemical explode by overheating it (like with meth) you can just set it to a very high temperature to avoid this.

Due to a rounding bug you sometimes need to heat chems 1 degree higher than the recipe says.

Upgrading the laser will increase the heating/cooling speed.

ChemMaster 3000 ChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes pills/patches out of chemicals loaded inside. You can load pretty much any container - beakers, spray bottles, water bottles and so on. Maximum size for dispensed bottles is 30u, patches 40u and pills 50u. Use a chemistry bag Chemistry bag.png to quickly move large quantities of bottles, patches or pills. Can be upgraded with bigger beakers to allow a bigger buffer. By default it contains two ordinary 50u beakers for a total buffer volume of 100u.

Reagent Grinder All-In-One Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. For example: Plasma/gold/uranium/metal sheets, donk pockets, fruits, dead mice.

Smoke Machine Smoke Machine Dispenses any chemical inside as a smoke cloud. Needs to be secured by wrenching first. A great alternative to smoke grenades, but easily incites lynch mobs. Can only be obtained through the circuit board being printed, and the required parts being assembled first. Upgradeable parts:

[Collapse] Click expand to see upgrades:

Manipulator: Unlocks the higher range settings. Matter bin: Increases maximum capacity. Capacitor: Increases efficiency. Plumbing On some maps the chemists have access to a large empty area with plumbing tools. The available chemicals those can synthesize should be the same as with an unupgraded chem dispenser, but the workflow is more like a production line chem factory instead of instant dispensing. See the Guide to plumbing to learn more about this system. You may still have access to the pharmacy though, which has chem dispensers.

Metabolism When a reagent enters a body, it will then “tick” or “cycle” about every 2 seconds (these are called “life ticks”, and are not to be confused with server ticks/tickrate). When this happens the body is purged of an amount of every reagent depending on their metabolism rates. This is the rate at which the chemical disappears from your body. It doesn't matter how many chems you have in your body, as they are all metabolized separately. If you are hungry (sluggish), this will happen 20% slower, which makes chemicals have a bigger total effect since they last longer without being weaker per tick. Many mobs are “simplemobs” which means they don't have bloodstreams and can thus not be poisoned, sedated or healed with medicine. Monkeys and most playable humanoids are the exceptions to this.

Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat or splash these. Their metabolism rate is 0.4u per cycle unless said otherwise. Unmentioned dispensable chemicals don't have any effects. Plasma and uranium requires you to grind mineral sheets to acquire.

Chlorine: Causes 1 brute damage per tick to a random body part. Copper: Can be splashed on metal sheets to create bronze sheets. Ethanol: A decent alcoholic “beverage”, with a booze power of 65. Increases success rate of surgery and flammability when applied externally. Metabolism rate 0.2. Fluorine: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Iron: Slowly restores blood volume. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Causes 1 brain damage per tick, twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Plasma: Causes 3 toxin damage per tick. Creates gas form plasma when spilled or heated to 323.15K (50°C). Not to be confused with Stable Plasma, which does nothing. Radium: Slowly causes irradiation (2 per tick). Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Sugar: Gives nutrition. Causes hyperglycemic shock if overdosed (200u). Metabolism rate 0.8. Sulphuric Acid: Causes 1 toxin damage and some instant brute damage to one body part when ingested, and slightly more brute damage when injected. Destroys head-wear and causes burn damage when sprayed or splashed on someone. Counts as a toxin. Uranium: Causes slight (1 per tick) irradiation. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Welding Fuel: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Makes people flammable if splashed on. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Hover a chemical component to see tooltips. On Firefox-based browsers the tooltips might block clickable links. There is no solution available, but ask in the discord wiki-general for a temporary workaround. Also do drop a comment there if you find an incorrect recipe.

Name Formula Description Ash ? 1 part Oil

Temperature 480K

Ingredient in Lye, Multiver and Plastic Sheets. Can also be aquired by lighting a piece of paper on fire and scooping up the resulting ashes with a beaker. 30u per paper. Oil ? 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen

Can be heated into Ash. Also ingredient in Phenol, Acetone, Convermol, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Miner's Salve, Haloperidol, Napalm, Plastic Sheets, Spray Tan and Cyanide. Can be scooped up from destroyed cyborgs and such. Flammable. Acetone ? 1 part Oil

1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen

Ingredient in Cryoxadone, Atropine, Mutadone, Epinephrine, Granibitaluri, Smart Foaming Agent, Sulfonal, Modafinil and Neurine. Diethylamine ? 1 part Ammonia

1 part Ethanol

A very potent fertilizer. When used on a growing plant, it adds 2u of nutrient, increases yield more than Ammonia, heals the plant AND kills pests. Also ingredient in Atropine, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Epinephrine, Modafinil, Meth Explosion and Lipolicide. Phenol ? 1 part Oil

1 part Chlorine 1 part Water

Ingredient in Salicylic Acid, Oxandrolone, Atropine, Epinephrine, Granibitaluri, Higadrite and Modafinil. Ammonia ? 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen

An effective fertilizer. Adds adds 1u of nutrient, heals plants and increases yield, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine. Ingredient in Diethylamine, Aiuri, Salbutamol, Pentetic Acid, Crank, Modafinil, Nitrous Oxide, Space Cleaner, Cyanide, Itching Powder and Weed Killer. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) Saltpetre ? 3 parts Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen

Works as a fertilizer. Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient. Ingredient in Bath Salts and Black Powder. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) Sodium Chloride ? 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water

Commonly known as table salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Exotic uses include messing with Revenants - they can't jaunt through salt piles.

Lye ? 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen

Ingredient in Soap. Lye (Alternate Recipe) ? 1 part Ash

1 part Water 1 part Carbon

Ingredient in Soap. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) Hydrogen Peroxide ? 1 part Chlorine 1 part Oxygen 1 part Water

Burns people on touch. Pentaerythritol ? 1 part Acetaldehyde

3 parts Formaldehyde

1 part Water

Results in 2 units instead of 5. Acetaldehyde ? 1 part Acetone

1 part Formaldehyde

1 part Water Temperature 450K

Acetone Oxide ? 2 parts Acetone

1 part Hydrogen Peroxide

1 part Oxygen

Burns people badly on touch. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) Wittel ? Extract from a Geysers with a liquid pump A lavaland geyser has a 1 in 27 chance to produce Wittel. Does nothing, but can be used to make Metalgen and Gravitum. Medicines “And that's how I lost my medical license!” Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these.

Some medicines have special suffixes to specify which damage types they are meant to treat: Brute = -ibital Burn = -uri Oxy = -mol Tox = iver Organ = -rite

Many reagents can also be overdosed and/or cause addiction, leading to a negative outcome. Be sure to monitor how many units someone is injected with. If an overdose occurs, the negative effects will keep being applied every tick until that chemical is completely out of the system. If an addiction occurs, the negative effects will only start occuring some time after the chemical is out of the system, and can be negated by keeping taking it. You can usually only remove an addiction by waiting it out.

See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use and when.

Medicine Changes Returning chemists may notice several changes (mostly made mid 2019) in the list of medicines. The easily available medicines (including brute and burn patches) are getting severely nerfed or replaced by inferior versions with downsides. This is part of an ongoing major overhaul (as per Aug 2019). The intension is (amongst other things) to add more interesting choices to the /tg/station medical system than to (in most cases) simply apply a roundstart available patch or pill and the patient is fixed. Instead surgery has been made much easier. During development many more changes may follow. To prevent confusion amongst returning players some old recipes/names removed from /tg/ are still be visible in the Removed Medicines section. This is also a small service to servers using old /tg/code, which is still widely used.

Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs may be considered to be cheap or commonly available “core” drugs, used to heal common ailments. Some of them should not be used repeatedly on the same patient, as they have dangerous side effects. Consider using Tend Wounds surgery if satisfactory medicines aren't available.

Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Libital? 1 Phenol

1 Nitrogen 1 Oxygen

Brute Medicine for treating brute damage. Each tick heals 3 brute and causes 0.3 liver damage. 0.2 units per tick N/A Helbital? 1 part Carbon 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sugar

Brute Heals 1 brute for every 15 points of non-brute damage you have. The non-brute damage must be maintained while the drug is being metabolized or it will start dealing toxin damage equal to 1/10 of the beginning non-brute damage. Has a 0.0001% chance of making you play a game of rock-paper-scissors against the reaper for your life, potentially dusting you or healing you to full. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units Aiuri? 1 part Ammonia

2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Sulfuric Acid

Burn Medicine for treating burn damage. Each tick heals 2 burn and causes 0.25 eye damage. 0.2 units per tick N/A Lenturi? 1 part Ammonia

1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine

Burn Used to treat burns but slows you down and hurts stomach while it's in your system. Each tick heals 3 burn and deals 0.4 stomach damage. 0.2 units per tick N/A Granibitaluri? 1 part Acetone

1 part Phenol

1 part Nitrogen 5 units Iron (catalyst)

Brute then Burn Heals a small amount of brute and burn each cycle. The maximum healing you can get is 0.5 per cycle, and this decreases by 0.1 for every 10 combined brute and burn you have. At 50 or more combined damage, it heals nothing. Overdose deals 0.2 liver and toxin damage. 0.2 units per tick 50 Units Synthflesh (Instabitaluri)? 1 part Libital

1 part Blood 1 part Carbon

Brute, burn Instantly heals 1.25 brute and burn damage per unit of the chemical applied, but also instantly deals toxin damage equal to 33% of brute and burn damage healed. Can be used to prepare corpses for defibrillation (needs under 180 brute and burn). Touch and smoke application only. If a husked corpse has at least 100u and under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. 0.2 units per tick N/A Multiver? 1 part Sodium Chloride

1 part Ash

Temperature 380K

Toxin A chem purger that purges chems (0.5u times meds for toxins and drinks, 0.1u otherwise) and heals toxin damage (0.2 times meds) faster the more unique medicines there are in the body. Also causes (1.5/“unique medicines”) lung damage each tick. Having 5+ unique meds (4+multiver) will make it not purge medicines. 0.2 units per tick N/A Seiver? 1 part Aluminium 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium

Radiation or Toxin Heals radiation or toxin depending on the temperature of the chem when it's in the body. If the chem is cold it heals up to 45 radiation (plus bonus 10-25% of current rads if very cold). If the chem is hot it heals toxin damage (the hotter the faster). Deals a scaling amount of heart damage based on rads and toxin healed. 0.2 units per tick N/A Syriniver? 2 parts Nitrous Oxide

1 part Toxin 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sulfur

Toxin tl;dr: Put 20% of this and 80% water into a beaker and inject it with an IV-drip, and it will heal toxin damage and purge reagents pretty fast. [Collapse] Click expand for long description.

When injected (syringe or IV-drip), the following happens:

Instantly heals toxin damage equal to 1.5x the injected amount, up to 3 toxin. A minimum of 0.6u must be injected for any effect. Transforms up to 80% of the drug into the much safer Musiver, depending on how healthy your liver is. The more damaged liver the patient has, the lower amount will be turned into Musiver. You get the max transformation rate as long as your liver has more than 80 hp. Each tick heals 1 point of toxin damage, purges 0.4u reagents and deals 0.8 points of liver damage. This works even if the chem was taken with other methods than injection. Should ideally be diluted for safety and used in an intravenous medicine bag or beaker attached to an IV (injects 5u at a time):

Injecting a 40% solution of syriniver with an IV will heal about 5 toxin per cycle (plus 1+1 passive healing from syriniver + Musiver), but is unsafe since it makes Musiver overdose very likely. Having more than 40% will not heal faster. Injecting a 20% solution with an IV is pretty safe and will heal about 3 toxin per cycle (plus 1+1 passive healing from syriniver + Musiver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. Used to be named Thializid when first implemented.

0.3 units per tick 6 Units Tirimol? 2 parts Acetone

3 parts Nitrogen 1 unit Sulfuric Acid (catalyst)

Suffocation Emergency oxygen deprivation medication that causes fatigue and can make you fall asleep. Heals 3 suffocation and deals 2 stamina damage per tick. Causes drowsiness after 15 seconds, and then every 45 seconds. If it was in your system longer than 20 cycles, you will fall asleep for 10 seconds when it's out. 0.2 units per tick N/A Convermol? 1 part Oil

1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K

Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:1 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle and deal toxin damage equal to 0.2 of suffocation healed. Will always deal at least 0.5 toxin damage, even without suffocation healed. Overdose causes toxin damage as if you always healed max suffocation. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing medicines, however they often heal faster and with fewer side effects (if any).

Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Trophazole? 2 parts Acetone

1 part Copper 1 part Phosphorus

Brute Heals 1.5 brute per tick. But if ingested by mouth it creates a special enzyme in your system (1.25u per 5u ingested), which turns any food you eat into healing peptides. These peptides heal an additional 3 brute and 1 burn with a 50% chance every tick. If overdosed deals 1.5 brute per tick. 0.4 units per tick 20 Units Rhigoxane? 3 parts Cryostylane

1 part Lye

1 part Bromine Temperature below 47K

Burn Heals 2 burn per tick and cools you down. If applied with vapor, such as with a spray bottle Cleaner.png it also extinguishes if burning. Overdose deals 1 burn and cools you down more. 0.4 units per tick 25 Units Salicylic Acid? 1 part Phenol

1 part Sodium 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid

Brute If you have more than 25 brute damage, heals 4 brute. If you have equal to or less than 25 brute damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Oxandrolone? 3 parts Carbon 1 part Phenol

1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen

Burn If you have more than 25 burn damage, heals 4 burn. If you have equal to or less than 25 burn damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Salbutamol? 1 part Salicylic Acid

1 part Ammonia

1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Lithium

Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.1 units per tick N/A Regenerative Jelly? 1 part Omnizine 1 part Slime Jelly

All four basic types Heals 1.5 of each of the four basic damage types without the risk of overdose or damaging jellypeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pentetic Acid? 1 part Cyanide

1 part Formaldehyde

1 part Ammonia

1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine

Radiation, toxin Reduces high levels of radiation and heals 2 toxin damage per tick while purging 2u of other chemicals from the body. 0.2 units per tick N/A Atropine? 1 part Acetone

1 part Diethylamine

1 part Phenol

1 part Ethanol 1 part Sulphuric Acid

Brute, burn and suffocation If patient's health is critical it will heal brute/burn/toxin (2 / tick) and oxyloss (5 / tick) damage, as well as stop any further oxyloss. It also causes jitteriness and dizziness, which will shake the screen. Good for quickly getting critical patients back on their feet, but bad for combat because of the screenshake. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and cause extra jitteriness and dizziness. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units Calomel? 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374K

Purge Quickly purges the body of all chemicals (2.5u per tick). If your health is above 20, 2.5 toxin damage is dealt. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cryoxadone? 1 part Acetone

1 part Unstable Mutagen

1 part Stable Plasma

All four basic types and cellular Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage swiftly, but only when in a very cold environment. It heals suffocation 3x as fast as most other damage types. Is more effective the colder the person is. If used in unupgraded cryo tubes every cycle will typically heal above 6 suffocation, 2 brute, 2 burn, 2 toxin and 2 cellular damage. Works on slimepeople, despite being cold. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pyroxadone? 1 part Cryoxadone

1 part Slime Jelly

All four basic types and cellular Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Clonexadone? 1 part Cryoxadone

1 part Sodium 5 units Plasma (catalyst)

Cellular Quickly heals (cellular) damage, but only when in a cold environment. The colder the faster heal. Heals about 5 cellular per tick if used in unupgraded cryo tubes. 0.6 units per tick N/A Rezadone? 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Cryptobiolin

1 part Copper

Cellular Instantly heals all cellular damage while also healing 1 brute and burn damage per tick. If a husked corpse is treated with at least 5u and has under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. If overdosed deals 1 toxin damage per tick and makes you dizzy and jittery. Very good for treating cellular damage on the spot. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs perform niche functions that help against less common ailments.

Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Mutadone? 1 part Acetone

1 part Unstable Mutagen

1 part Bromine

Mutations Instantly removes your genetic mutations. Hulks hate it! 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Mannitol? 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar

Brain Heals 2 brain damage per tick. Does not heal traumas. Can be poured directly on brains to heal 2 damage per unit (minimum 10 units). 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Neurine? 1 part Acetone

1 part Mannitol

1 part Oxygen

Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure basic traumas. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Potassium Iodide? 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine

Radiation Reduces low radiation damage very effectively. 0.8 units per tick N/A N/A Saline-Glucose Solution? 1 part Sodium Chloride

1 part Water 1 part Sugar

Brute, burn, blood loss Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 0.5 brute and burn damage. Can be used as a temporary substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become 1u salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. 0.2 units per tick 60u N/A Ephedrine? 1 part Diethylamine

1 part Oil

1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sugar

Stun Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends), increases run speed, regenerates 1 stamina per tick and causes 20% chance to drop held items. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage with a 2% chance to cause a heart attack. If addicted it will deal toxin damage, cause breathing problems, cause increasingly frequent seizures and long term jitteriness. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units 25 Units Diphenhydramine? 1 part Diethylamine

1 part Oil

1 part Bromine 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol

Histamine Overdose Purges body of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Oculine? 1 part Multiver

1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen

Eye Quickly heals eye damage and has 20% chance per tick to reverts blindness. Does not work against genetic blindness, which needs Mutadone. For blindness caused by brain damage you will need surgery or other means. 0.1 units per tick N/A N/A Inacusiate? 1 part Multiver

1 part Carbon 1 part Water

Ear Instantly removes all ear damage. Does not work against genetic deafness, which needs Mutadone. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Epinephrine? 1 part Acetone

1 part Diethylamine

1 part Phenol

1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen

Stun + Brute, burn, suffocation and toxin Prevents oxygen damage from crit state. If the patient is in crit it heals 0.5 oxyloss, toxins, brute, and burn. 20% chance each tick to reduce stun times a bit. Gives a minor stamina regeneration buff. Worse than Atropine at saving critical patients, but better for mid combat use. If overdosed it will randomly deal light toxin and stamina damage, and some suffocation. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Antihol? 1 part Multiver

1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol

Alcohol Purges 3u alcoholic drinks from someone's body per tick, as well as eliminating drunkenness, drowsiness, slurring, dizziness and confusion. Heals 0.2 toxin per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Insulin? Found in NanoMed Plus Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Strange Reagent? 1 part Unstable Mutagen

1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water

Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life. Only works on ingestion. Amount needed increases depending on how much brute+burn damage the body has (at most 10u at 200 damage). Extra amounts will partly heal organ damage and blood levels on successful revive. The drug doesn't work on corpses with over 200 brute+burn damage or husks. In iving people each tick randomly deals 0-2.5 brute and burn damage. Can revive simplemobs as well. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Synaptizine? 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water

Hallucination Decrease Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). Helps drowsiness and hallucinations go away much faster. Also purges Mindbreaker Toxin at 5u per tick. 30% chance per tick to cause 1 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Spaceacillin? 1 part Epinephrine

1 part Cryptobiolin

Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus in your body. Metabolises very slowly. 0.04 units per tick N/A N/A Miner's Salve? 1 part Oil

1 part Iron 1 part Water OR 5 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 1 part Sugar (Grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal, and a sheet of plasma) (Results in 15 parts instead of 11)

Improvised Patch Healing Chem Heals 0.25 brute and burn per tick, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch, which reduces nutrition by 5. If applied with touch/patch it increases surgery success chance by 10%. 1u heals roughly 1.5 burn+brute. 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A Haloperidol? 1 part Oil

1 part Potassium Iodide

1 part Aluminium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine

Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of most drugs, while purging them. Reduces jitteriness and hallucinations, However each tick also causes drowsiness, 2.5 stamina damage and 20% chance for 1 brain damage (up to 50). 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A Leporazine ? 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 units Plasma (catalyst)

Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. High doses can allow short periods of unprotected EVA. Not viable for unprotected EVA anymore ever since space brute damage was tripled. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Higadrite? 2 parts Phenol

1 part Lithium

Liver failure Protects from liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Psicodine? 2 parts Mannitol

1 part Impedrezene

2 parts Water

Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and turns bad mood into neutral mood. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 units N/A Energized Jelly? 1 part Teslium

1 part Slime Jelly

Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Penthrite? 4 parts Pentaerythritol

1 part Acetone

1 part Nitric Acid

Heart An explosive compound used to stabilize heart conditions. Causes slow stomach damage. (Results in 4 units instead of 6) 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Non-craftable Medicines These healing drugs are used in some situations, but are otherwise uncraftable.

Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Changeling Adrenaline? Changelings Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends) and regenerates 10 stamina per tick. Can make you dizzy and jittery. If overdosed it will deal 1 toxin damage per tick. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 4u of this. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Changeling Haste? Changelings Speed Increases your speed to the maximum possible in most cases. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 2u of this. Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Omnizine? Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in lollipops and heated Donk Pockets Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Protozine? Extract from a Geysers with a liquid pump Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.2 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. A cheaper and weaker omnizine, but can be used in Strange Reagent crafting. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Godblood? Healing Fountain in Lavaland injects 20u of Godblood on use, Strange Seeds. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation This is Omnizine with 5 times higher overdose threshold. Just like Omnizine, heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick, but that's not really a concern. 0.1 units per tick 150 Units N/A Honey? Beekeeping Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation 55% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. Metabolizes very quickly and adds sugar to your system. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Earthsblood? Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All damage types The first 25 cycles, each tick heals 1 brute, 1 burn, 0.5 suffocation, 0.5 toxin, 0.1 cellular and 0.5 stamina while dealing 1 brain damage (up to max 150). Cycle 26 and onwards, each tick heals 5 brute, 5 burn, 3 suffocation, 3 toxin, 1 cellular and 3 stamina while dealing 2 brain damage (up to max 150) and giving you jitteriness and drugginess (your character might also say some special messages as well!). You will be unable to directly hurt anyone via most means while it's in your body (this effect is similar to that of Pax). Overdosing causes hallucinations, deals no damage before cycle 26, a net of 1 toxin damage per tick from cycles 26 to 100 and a net of 3 toxin damage per tick after cycle 100. Overdosing also gives you the severe traumatic non-violence brain trauma (brain surgery level). The trauma does not go away until cured. 0.4 units per tick (static) 25 Units N/A Silibinin? Grow Galaxythistle Liver damage Each tick heals 2 liver damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A N/A Polypyrylium Oligomers? Grow Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lung damage A purple mixture of short polyelectrolyte chains not easily synthesized in the laboratory. Each tick heals 0.25 lung damage and 0.35 brute. Stops bleeding (over time). Will color hair and beard purple from touch or vapor. 0.1 units per tick 50 Units N/A Lavaland Extract? Survival medipens Brute, burn Very quickly heals damaged bodyparts. Survival medipens come with 2u of this, and also have several other chemicals. If overdosed it will deal 3 brute, burn and toxin damage per tick. Has very low overdose threshold. 0.4 units per tick 3 Units N/A Mitogen Metabolism Factor? Eating Trophazole Brute If this enzyme exists as a catalyst in your body (at least 0.5u), any food you eat turns into healing peptides, which heal brute and some burn. If overdosed the metabolism changes to 2 units per tick and makes you vomit. 0.025 units per tick 10 Units N/A Musiver? Injecting Syriniver Toxin Heals 1 toxin per tick while purging 0.2u reagents and dealing 0.1 liver damage (1/8 as much as liver damage as Syriniver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A Muscle Stimulant? Strange seeds Slowdown Makes you ignore slowdowns from being hurt. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Cordiolis Hepatico? Strange seeds, Abductor's operating table injects this too Heart and liver failure Removes the need for heart and liver 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Stimulants? Syndicate uplink Stun Increases movement speed as much as methamphetamine. Reduces stun times by around 90% or less (depends). Recovers 5 stamina per tick. Will heal 1 of each damage type if health is between 0 and 50. If overdosed has 33% chance per tick to deal 2.5 stamina damage, 1 toxin damage and cause loss of breath. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. Can be bought with syndicate uplink. 0.2 units per tick 60 Units N/A Experimental Stimulants? Syndicate adrenal implant Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Each tick recovers 10 stamina but has 30% chance to make you drop held items, 33% chance to make you lose some breath, and can make you dizzy and jittery. Gives a moderate increase to movement speed. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Restorative Nanites? Syndicate medical cyborgs All damage types Each tick heals 5 brute/burn/toxin, 15 suffocation, 15 brain and 3 cellular. If overdosed this very quickly purges itself and causes random vomiting. Only available to Syndicate medical cyborgs. This is just a chemical, so don't confuse with the programmable Nanites. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Removed Medicines These healing meds used to exist, but have since been removed or renamed for one reason or another. Some servers still use these, but /tg/ does not, and the recipes for them will not work on /tg/.

Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Bicaridine? Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar

Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 brute damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Kelotane? Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon

Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 burn damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Anti-Toxin? Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Silicon 1 part Potassium

Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u toxin reagents per tick. If overdosed deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Tricordrazine? Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Anti-Toxin

1 part Bicaridine

1 part Kelotane All types Has 80% chance to heal 1 each of the four basic damage types per tick. If overdosed deals an average of 1.2 damage of every type per tick.</s> 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Dexalin? Was completely removed from /tg/ Aug 2019. Medical cyborg hypospray and other sources Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick. If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. Used by medibots. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Charcoal? Was replaced with Multiver Aug 2019. 1 part Sodium Chloride

1 part Ash

Temperature 380K

Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, while also removing 1u of any other chemicals. Only works when ingested. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Silver Sulfadiazine? Was replaced with Aiuri Aug 2019. 1 part Ammonia

1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine

Burn On touch, instantly heals 1 burn damage per unit, then heals 2 burn per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 burn damage. Deals minor burn and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Styptic Powder? Was replaced with Libital Aug 2019. 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid

Brute On touch, instantly heals 1 brute damage per unit, then heals 2 brute per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 brute damage. Deals minor brute and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Perfluorodecalin? Was renamed Convermol Aug 2019. 1 part Oil

1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K

Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:2 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle. This means you will take 2 toxin damage for every 5 suffocation damage healed. You will always take at least 0.2 toxin damage per tick, even if you don't heal any suffocation. If overdosed each tick will deal toxin damage equal to 1 times current cycle, regardless of suffocation damage healed. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units N/A Sanguibital? Was replaced with Helbital Sept 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sugar

Brute One of the first “Cobbychems”. Only existed on /tg/ for a short while. Removed by Cobby because it wasn't ever used and the entire gimmick made it undesirable. Heals brute if you have lower than full blood levels, scaling with missing blood volume. Will heal up to 5(10?) brute per tick if very low on blood. Dilates blood streams, increasing the amount of blood lost by 2 per tick. Overdosing doubles the blood lost from this chem. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units N/A Ichiyuri? Was replaced with Lenturi Oct 2019. 1 part Ammonia

1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine

Burn One of the first “Cobbychems”. Removed by MacBlaze1 with Cobby approval because it was never used and simply wasn't fun to be on. Used to treat serious burns. Prolonged exposure can cause burns to itch. Heals 2 burn per tick, and randomly makes you scratch yourself every few seconds, causing 1-7 brute and bleeding. The itch will happen more often the longer it's been in your system. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Fiziver? Was replaced with Seiver Oct 2019. 1 part Aluminium 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium

Toxin One of the first “Cobbychems”. Removed by Cobby because Fiziver didn't see much use and I grew to dislike the overall damage mods. An antitoxin that heals toxin damage but temporarily physically weakens the user, adding a damage modifier making them take extra brute, burn, suffocation and stamina damage. The damage modifier increases the longer it's been in the body (capped to triple damage). Toxin damage healed is 0.3 points per tick multiplied with the damage modifier (so up to 0.6). Overdosing has a 50% chance each tick to deal 0.2 brute and burn damage, which will be amplified by the damage multiplier in effect. 0.1 units per tick 11 Units N/A Corazone? Name changed to Higadrite Nov 2019. 2 parts Phenol

1 part Lithium

Liver Nov 2019 it was changed to only work on livers. Since Corazone is Spanish for “heart” it had its name changed to Higadrite (higado = liver). Protects from liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Narcotics Narcotics are highly addictive drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic.

As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it.

People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation.

Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Nicotine? Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. Reduces stun times by typically around 20% (depends). Addiction does nothing. If overdosed it will deal 1.1 oxygen and 0.1 toxin damage per tick. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick 15 Units 10 Units Krokodil? 1 part Diphenhydramine

1 part Morphine

1 part Space Cleaner

1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K

Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal 0.25 Brain and Toxin damage per tick. If addicted it will first deal some toxin and brain damage, and later switch to dealing 3 Brute damage, right before the addict's skin falls off, dealing 50 Brute. This turns you into a fake zombie. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 15 Units Crank? 1 part Diphenhydramine

1 part Ammonia

1 part Lithium 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K

Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). If overdosed it will deal 2 Brain, 2 Toxin and 2 Brute per tick. If addicted, at the beginning of withdrawal every tick will deal 5 Brain, then 5 Toxin, then 5 Brute, and at the last stage 3 Brain, 5 Toxin and 5 Brute at the same time. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Methamphetamine? 1 part Ephedrine

1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374K (Heat another degree if it doesn't work)

Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends), gives a large speed boost, makes you jittery and recovers 2 stamina while dealing 1 to 4 Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from 1 Toxin and 0.5 to 1 Brain damage per tick. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and lose motor control and eventually suffer 5 Toxin damage per tick. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380K. Can not explode in a body. 0.3 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Bath Salts? 1 part Saltpetre

1 part Space Cleaner

1 part Bad Food 1 part Enzyme 1 part Nutriment 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury Temperature 374K

Makes the subject immune to sleep and stuns, grants 5 stamina regeneration and grants the user the psychotic brawling martial art, which makes your interactions with people have certain random effects. However the subject will suffer 4 Brain damage (per tick), constant hallucinations and will lose some motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool, and randomly drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will jitter, suffer 10 Brain damage (per tick), severe hallucinations, dizziness, yet more loss of motor control and eventually 5 Toxin damage (per tick). This drug will melt your brain. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Aranesp? 1 part Epinephrine

1 part Atropine

1 part Morphine

The subject will think they are “amped” and get 18 stamina regeneration. However the drug has 50% chance every tick to cause the subject to suffocate (and take 1 oxyloss), while also dealing 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Happiness? 2 parts Nitrous Oxide

1 part Epinephrine

1 part Ethanol 5 units Plasma (catalyst)

Suppresses phobias and fills you with ecstasic emotional numbness. Removes jitteriness, confusion and disgust. Causes 0.2 brain damage per tick. Highly addictive. If overdosed causes sudden mood swings and an additional 0.5 brain damage per tick. If addicted it will slowly drive your mood to “insane”. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Modafinil? 1 part Acetone

1 part Diethylamine

1 part Phenol

1 part Ammonia

1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 unit Bromine (catalyst)

Slowly-metabolizing medicine. Heals dizziness, drowsiness, sleep and heats you up if frozen, similarly to Coffee Latte. Reduces stun times slightly. If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, dizziness (later), 50% chance to choke. After 41 cycles 20% chance to stun you. Cycle 82 puts you into endless sleep while constantly dealing 1.5 stamina and oxygen damage. No chance for addiction but very finicky OD. 0.02-0.08 units per tick Random, initially 20 but goes up or down 0.1 each tick. N/A Space Drugs? 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar

An illegal compound which induces drugginess, randomly makes you step in any direction and makes you drool, giggle and similar. If overdosed causes hallucinations. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units N/A Morphine? 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 480K

Will allow you to run at full speed, even when hurt or in a hardsuit, but you'll get drowsy after 12 cycles, and fall asleep if it's in your system for 24 cycles. You will not wake up until it's out of your system.

If overdosed or addicted it will cause jitteriness, dizziness and force the victim to drop items in their hands. If addicted it will also eventually deal 1, 2 and later 3 toxin damage per tick. Can be ordered from Cargo, be grown at Botany or be found in a NanoMed Plus. (Results in 3 parts instead of 6)

0.2 units per tick 30 Units 25 Units Pump-Up? 2 parts Epinephrine

5 parts Coffee

Reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. Doesn't affect stuns from other sources. 15% chance to cause loss of breath, and 5% to cause some jitter. If overdosed has 20% chance of causing loss of breath and 4 stamina damage, 15% to cause 2 toxin, 5% to drop held items, 5% to jitter and can also make you drool. Can be found in maintenance Pump up injector.png. (Results in 5 parts instead of 7) 1.2 units per tick 30 Units N/A Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. Explosive Strength For chemicals which are explosive, you may notice a 'explosive strength' listed in the description. This is a multiplier that directly affects how large of an explosion a given quantity of the reagent will produce. A few types of explosion have a 'modifier', which adds a flat amount to the size of the explosion. By default the outer 'light impact' radius of an explosion is equal to v(mod+quantity*strength)*v2, while the heavy impact radius and devastation radius is one half and one quarter of that, respectively. Chemical explosions are subject to the bomb cap.

Note that all non-standard explosions or other AoE pyrotechnics, such as Flash Powder or Liquid Dark Matter, do not work like this. The scaling and max size of these effects vary on a case-by-case basis.

Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Stabilizing Agent? 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen

When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. The stabilizing agent is not consumed when stabilizing explosives, and one unit is enough to stabilize any amount of explosives. This does not work on everything, so be warned! 0.4 units per tick Fluorosurfactant? 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid

Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any floors, objects, people or animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). The less foam used, the more reagent will be delivered into a person's system. Foam is slippery! Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Smoke? 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar

This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized into Smoke Powder with Stabilizing Agent. N/A Smoke Powder? 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar 1 part Stabilizing Agent

(catalyst) The stabilized version of Smoke - only one third as effective as the unstabilized chemical reaction. Heat to 374K to activate. Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Flash Powder? 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfur

Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Phlogiston? 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Stable Plasma

Turns into a spreading plasma fire if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 4 fire damage every 3 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. 0.4 units per tick Napalm? 1 part Oil

1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol

A substance that burns for much longer than other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. 0.4 units per tick Sonic Powder? 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus

Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Pyrosium? 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus

When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to heat its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Pyrosium, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does nothing whatsoever without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. Can not react in a body. 0.2 units per tick Cryostylane? 1 part Water 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Nitrogen

When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to cool its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Cryostylane, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u, unless you want to prevent it from metabolising out of a body too fast. Does nothing without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. Deals toxin damage to slimes. Can not react in a body. 0.2 units per tick Chlorine Trifluoride? 3 parts Fluorine 1 part Chlorine Temperature 424K

When created it will create a temporary 3×3 fireball. Comes into existence at 1000K. A flammable substance so dangerous it can burn through the hull of the station. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will deal 6 burn per tick from the inside. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast, however. 4 units per tick Sorium? 1 part Carbon 1 part Mercury 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen

When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Dark Matter? 1 part Carbon 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium

When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Meth Explosion? 1 part Diethylamine

1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 300K

Reagents are 300K (room temperature) by default, so if you are making Methamphetamine and mixing the Ephedrine last, make sure you're using a chilled container, or it'll blow up just as if it was overheated. Definitely safer to just make the ephedrine separately. 100u explodes with about half the strength of 100u exploding Meth. Can not explode in a body. Has an explosive strength of 0.167, with a flat +1 size to the explosion N/A Gunpowder? 1 part Multiver

1 part Saltpetre

1 part Sulfur

When heated to 474K it sparks, and then creates a violent explosion 5-10 seconds later. Causes hallucinations and drugginess in plasmamen. Has an explosive strength of 0.167 and a modifier of 1 0.05 units per tick Nitroglycerin? 1 part Glycerol

1 part Nitric Acid

1 part Sulphuric Acid

A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Has an explosive strength of 0.5 0.4 units per tick RDX? 2 parts Phenol

1 part Acetone Oxide

1 part Nitric Acid

Temperature 404K

A military grade explosive. Explodes immediately unless stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, explodes on heating to 474k, or when mixed with a equal amount of liquid electricity or teslium. Has an explosive strength of 0.125, or 0.25 if activated electrically. Additionally, when activated electrically it has a modifier of 2, and a modifier of 4 if you use teslium. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick TaTP? 1 part Acetone Oxide

1 part Nitric Acid

1 part Pentaerythritol

Temperature between 401K and 499K (randomized at roundstart)

Suicide grade explosive. Forms and immediately explodes at a random temperature between 401k and 499k. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, explodes at a random temperature between 501k and 599k. Has an explosive strength of 0.33. (Results in 1 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Penthrite Explosion? 1 part Penthrite

1 part Phenol

1 part Acetone Oxide

Temperature 315K

An explosive reaction involving Penthrite. Explodes on heating to 315k. Has an explosive strength of 0.2 N/A Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water

This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Useful in grenade production. Has an explosive strength of 0.05 N/A Holy Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Holy Water

This explodes immediately on mixing. If it combined at least 75 of each reagent, it results in a more powerful explosion with an explosive strength of 0.125, which also paralyzes and reveals revenants and sets nearby cultists on fire. Otherwise it behaves like a normal Water-Potassium explosion. N/A EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium

This reacts immediately on mixing, creating an electromagnetic pulse which affects electronics nearby; very useful for causing chaos. Has different effects on different things. Turns off headsets, stuns cyborgs, disables security cameras, messes with Cybernetics, randomizes suit sensor settings, burns wearers of some hardsuits and randomly pulses wires. N/A Bee Explosion (Beesplosion) 1 part Honey 1 part Strange Reagent

1 part Radium

Creates bees. 1 bee per 5 created volume. If mixed in a beaker or grenade containing other reagents, then every bee will contain one of those reagents. The bees from this reaction have a limited lifespan, and will die after 50 seconds. N/A Teslium? 1 part Black Powder

1 part Silver 1 part Stable Plasma Temperature 400K

Randomly shocks the victim every 5-30 seconds while it is in their system, ignoring any protection because the shock comes from inside them. Also increases damage taken from normal shocks. Heating this to 474K will create a Tesla Shock 0.2 units per tick Tesla Shock 1 part Teslium

1 part Water OR Heating Teslium

to 474K This reacts immediately on mixing, shooting electric bolts at anyone near the reaction, shocking people and disabling/damaging electronics. N/A Thermite? 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen

A mixture that can burn straight through walls or floors when splashed and ignited. Needed amount depends on target structure. A normal wall requires 30u. A reinforced wall requires 50u. One unit of thermite burns for 0.35 seconds and the maximum burn length is 20 seconds. The fire is fake and cosmetic. Does not work on doors or windows. Causes 1 burn damage per tick to humans when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Other Reagents These are other chemicals that usually have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacturing of grenades, but some can be quite dangerous.

Name Formula Description Metabolism Rate Baldium? 1 part Radium 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Lye

Temperature 395K

If sprayed or splashed on you, it makes you go bald. Keep away from the Clown! Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Barber's Aid? 1 part Carpet

1 part Space Drugs

1 part Radium

If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair style. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Bluespace Dust? Grind a bluespace crystal Occasionally causes random short distance teleportation if ingested. 0.4 units per tick BZ Metabolites? Breathe BZ gas Does nothing unless you're a changeling. Slowly drains a changeling's chemical storage, and makes them unable to communicate on the changeling hivemind channel. 0.08 units per tick Concentrated Barber's Aid? 1 part Barber's Aid

1 part Unstable Mutagen

If sprayed or splashed on you it grows your hair very long. Does nothing when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Candle 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Oxygen Temperature 374K

Creates a red candle for use in decoration or rituals. Can not react in a body. N/A Carbon Dioxide? 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Carbon Temperature 777K

Creates CO2 in liquid form. Spilling this will release gas form CO2 into the atmosphere. Has no other effects. 0.4 units per tick Carpet ? 1 part Space Drugs

1 part Blood Creates a carpet on the floor. Best used in a smoke machine/grenade or spray bottle. Ingredient in Barber's Aid. Can be mixed 1:1 with other chemicals to create different types of carpet: Oil

: Black Carpet Cryostylane

: Blue Carpet Cyanide

: Cyan Carpet Green Beer: Green Carpet Orange Juice: Orange Carpet Regenerative Jelly

: Purple Carpet Liquid Gibs: Red Carpet

Some of the above carpet chemicals can be further refined: Black Carpet + Royal Bee Jelly

: Royal Black Carpet Blue Carpet + Royal Bee Jelly

: Royal Blue Carpet 0.4 units per tick Colorful Reagent? 1 part Triple Citrus

1 part Cryoxadone

1 part Space Drugs

1 part Radium 1 part Stable Plasma

Randomly colors floor, items and people. Keep away from the clown. Add this to your smoke grenade for a “rainbow bomb”. 0.4 units per tick Condensed Capsaicin? 5 parts Ethanol 1 part Capsaicin Oil

Also known as “pepper spray”. A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work. When a target is sprayed with this, the effects depend on if that person is wearing “pepper proof” gear over both mouth and eyes or not. Unless the target has full protection, they will be affected by 3 seconds of knockdown, 6 seconds of blindness, 10 seconds of blurry eyes, 10 seconds of confusion and 10 seconds of slowdown. Some examples of pepper proof items are: Gas masks, security gas masks, riot or welding helmets with visor down, space helmets, bandanas (mouth only), plasmaman helmets and radiation hoods. Found in pepper spray refillers. (Results in 5 units instead of 6)

0.4 units per tick Life? 1 part Strange Reagent

1 part Synthflesh

1 part Blood Temperature 375K

Creates one or multiple pissed off lifeforms. It's a good idea to assume the worst and have Security on hot standby. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Life (Friendly)? 1 part Strange Reagent

1 part Synthflesh

1 part Sugar Temperature 375K

Creates one or multiple friendly lifeforms. Good for when you want to be surrounded by fluffy Corgis, or for when cargo has a bounty on Corgi pelts. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Cellulose Fibers Grind wood planks A crystaline polydextrose polymer, plants swear by this stuff. Used for making Medicated Sutures. 0.4 units per tick Cellulose Carbonization 1 part Cellulose Temperature 512K

Turns cellulose into carbon. N/A Corgium 1 part Colorful Reagent

1 part Strange Reagent

1 part Blood 1 part Nutriment Temperature 374K

Creates your own Corgi! N/A Color Powder? Grow Rainbow Bunch Colors floor, items and people. There are several different color powder reagents, such as Mundane Powder, Invisible Powder and Blue Powder. There is no reagent with the actual name “color powder”. 0.4 units per tick Crayon Powder? Grind a crayon A variety of Color Powder that works the same except it can't color mobs. There are several different crayon powder colors. 0.4 units per tick Cryptobiolin? 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar

Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. 0.6 units per tick Drying Agent? 2 parts Stable Plasma 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium

Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Foaming Agent? 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen

Used in Metal Foam production. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) 0.4 units per tick Firefighting Foam? 1 part Stabilizing Agent

1 part Fluorosurfactant

1 part Carbon Temperature below 200K

When used in a spray or with smoke it creates a non-slippery foam which extinguishes fires and burning creatures, and removes burning plasma from the air, dumping it on the floor upon dissipation. 0.4 units per tick Glitter? Prize from arcade machines White glitter, blue glitter and pink glitter are three different chems which when touching floors turn into fake gasses. Used for pranks. Can be cleaned up with the ordinary cleaning tools. 0.4 units per tick Glycerol? 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid

Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. Used to make Nitroglycerin or FRAG-12 shotgun slugs. Slippery like water. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Gravitum? 1 part Wittel 10 part Sorium

Makes you completely weightless as long as it's in your system. Can be sprayed on objects to make them weightless aswell, for 1 minute per unit. Metabolizes extremely slowly. Paraplegics and clownophobes swear by this stuff. 0.04 units per tick Growth Serum? Fly amanita Makes you larger as long as it's in your systems. The more you have the bigger you become. Maximum size is achievable by having at least 200 units in your body. 0.4 units per tick Hollow Water? Extract from a Geysers with a liquid pump Identical to water, but will become holy water when mixed with it. 0.4 units per tick Impedrezene? 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar

A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 80% chance per tick to cause 2 brain damage and 50% to cause drowsiness. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Quantum Hair Dye? 1 part Colorful Reagent

1 part Space Drugs

1 part Radium

If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair color. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Laughter? 1 part Sugar 1 part Banana Juice Causes you to laugh. (Results in 10 units instead of 2) instant Magillitis? Syndicate uplink Turns monkeys and humans into gorillas after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Meat Product 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Nutriment 10 parts Carbon Creates a slab of chemically processed meat. Can not react in a body. N/A Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent

1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid

Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but are useful for plugging hull breaches or blocking off AI turrets. Can be made with either iron or aluminium for different looks. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body.

N/A Metalgen 1 part Bluespace Dust 1 part Wittel 1 part Unstable Mutagen

Very rare, very interesting and very abusable. Metalgen, when imprinted with a material, will turn all objects it comes into contact with into that material. See the reaction below for imprinting. Does nothing to people. Make super mood rooms by turnin the whole thing into gold, or just kill everyone by turning the escape shuttle into uranium or plasma. Can be used for practically limitless resource generation. N/A Metalgen Imprint Any amount of Metalgen

1 part Liquid Dark Matter

40 parts of any liquid material (Bluespace dust, gold, uranium, silver, iron, silicon and plasma)

Note that certain materials, like diamonds, don't have a liquid form. Silicon will work for glass. N/A Nanomachines? Roburgers from silver slime extracts Inflicts a disease which turns the victim into a cyborg with Asimov laws. The disease can be cured with an injection of copper. 0.4 units per tick Smart Foaming Agent? 3 parts Foaming Agent

1 part Acetone

1 part Iron

Required to make smart metal foam. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) 0.4 units per tick Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent

1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid

A “smart” version of metal foam that reacts to tiles exposed to space by forming floors/walls. Usually doesn't encase people or block hallways. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Nitrous Oxide? 2 parts Ammonia

2 parts Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 525K

Creates N2O in liquid form. Explodes when heated to 575K. Will cause drowsiness when sprayed on someone. While it is inside of someone, it causes anemia (blood loss), confusion, and loss of breath. Spilling this will release gas form N2O into the atmosphere. 0.6 units per tick Gold Solidification 20 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Iron

Solidifies a large amount of liquid Gold into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Plasma Solidification 20 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil

Solidifies a large amount of liquid Plasma into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Plastic Sheets 5 parts Oil

3 parts Ash

2 parts Sulphuric Acid Temperature 374K

Creates Plastic sheets at a rate of 10u per Plastic sheet. Can be used in hand to craft plastic bottles Large water bottle.png. N/A Romerol? Syndicate uplink Romerol adds a zombie infection tumor (festering ooze) to the victims' heads. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people by clawing them. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the Morgue. Can be applied with both touch and ingestion. The tumor can be removed with surgery. instant Royal Bee Jelly? 40 parts Honey 10 parts Unstable Mutagen

Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected. (Results in 5 units instead of 50) 0.4 units per tick Serotrotium? Strange seeds Makes you randomly twitch, drool, moan and gasp. 0.1 units per tick Soap 10 parts Lye

10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K

Creates a bar of soap, 10% faster cleaning than with what you get on the station. Can not react in a body. N/A Space Cleaner? 1 part Ammonia

1 part Water

This is able to clean almost all surfaces of most things that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. 0.4 units per tick Spray Tan? 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil

OR 1 part Corn Oil Darkens the skin when sprayed or patched. Ingesting more than 10u overdoses you, which makes you tanned, spiky haired, randomly flex your muscles and spout an old meme. 0.4 units per tick Space Lube? 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water

Space Lube is a high performance lubricant. Splashing it on floor tiles makes them extremely slippery for a very long time. Only way to remove it is to pry out/replace the floor tiles or wait. (Results in 4 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Sterilizine? 1 part Multiver

1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol

When applied via touch or vapor, increases the success chance of surgical steps by 20%. Useful for surgery in less than ideal conditions. 0.4 units per tick Synthmeat 5 parts Blood 1 part Cryoxadone

Creates a slab of synthetic meat. N/A Medicated Suture 30 units Formaldehyde

30 units Polypyrylium Oligomers 10 units Cellulose Creates a Medicated Suture. N/A Organic Slurry? Dip a dead mouse in at least 3 units of Welding Fuel A mixture of various differently colored fluids. Only works when ingested. If injected, will revert to Welding Fuel. Randomly induces vomiting and later short stuns as well. Rapidly purges itself each vomit when stunning. Results in 4 units instead of 3. 0.4 units per tick Pax? 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin

1 part Synaptizine

1 part Water

Suppresses violence by preventing the victim from using harm intent, certain harmful weapons and only letting them use passive grabs. Non-harmful weapons such as disablers still work. 0.1 units per tick Synthpax? Peacekeeper Cyborgs Same as Pax but metabolises much faster. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Dizzying Solution Peacekeeper Cyborgs Makes the target dizzy and confused. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Tranquility? Gondola Meat Induces a virus that creates Pax within the victims body and slowly turns the victim into a Gondola. Can be cured with Condensed Capsaicin. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Electricity? Ethereal blood, certain foods Periodically electrocutes any non-Ethereals that have this in their system. 0.4 units per tick Monkey Powder 2 parts Nutriment 1 part Banana Juice 1 part Liquid Gibs

Add 1u water to 30u of this to create a monkey. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) N/A Electrolysis 5 units Water 1 unit Liquid Electricity Turns the ingredients into 20u hydrogen and 10u oxygen. N/A Scream 5 parts Cream 5 parts Lizard wine 1 part Strange Reagent

Temperature 374K

When mixed the ingredients are consumed and the solution screams. Bigger reaction causes louder scream. N/A Slime Extractification 30 parts Slime Jelly

5 parts Frost Oil 5 parts Plasma

The mixture condenses into a grey slime extract. N/A

Virology Recipes These chemicals are used to mutate viruses, and have few uses beyond that.

Name Formula Description Virus Rations? 1 part Virus Food

1 part Synaptizine

Depleted virus food. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Virus Food? 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk

Allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1 or 2. The virologist has a dispenser with this on a wall in the lab. (Results in 15 units instead of 10) Mutagenic Agar? 1 part Unstable Mutagen

1 part Virus Food Used to get a virus symptom of level 3. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar? 1 part Mutagenic Agar

1 part Sugar or Saline-Glucose Solution

Used to get a virus symptom of level 4. Weakened Virus Plasma? 1 part Virus Plasma

1 part Synaptizine

Weakened variety of virus plasma. Used to get a virus symptom of level 5. Virus Plasma? 1 part Virus Food

1 part Plasma

Used to get a virus symptom of level 6. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Decaying Uranium Gel? 1 part Virus Food

1 part Uranium

Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 6 or 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Unstable Uranium Gel? 1 part Virus Plasma

5 parts Uranium

Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6) Stable Uranium Gel? 1 part Plasma 10 parts Uranium 10 parts Silver OR Gold

Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 8. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Blood Duplication? 1 part Unstable Mutagen

1 part Blood

Not exactly a recipe or an usual reaction, more of an useful byproduct of virology recipes. When any chemical that mutates viruses is combined with any blood, it increases the amount of blood without the need for it to be removed from someone. With plumbing, this is most useful when used with Unstable Mutagen, as it's easy to produce and allows you to infinitely create blood for use in chemfactories. There are also chemicals that do nothing, which can be found in Strange seeds. Example: Plastic Polymers.

Mutation Toxins Obtainable through xenobiology, these chemicals transform humanoids into other races. It only takes 1u to start the transformation.

Name Formula Description Metabolism Rate Mutation Toxin? Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a slimeperson. Used to be named Slime Mutation Toxin. 0.2 units per tick Lizard Mutation Toxin? Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a lizardperson. 0.2 units per tick Stable Mutation Toxin? Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a human. 0.2 units per tick Advanced Mutation Toxin? Black slimes Makes the victim contract a disease which slowly morphs them into a slime. The disease can be cured with Frost Oil. 0.2 units per tick Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals you can mix it. The human liver will quickly purge toxins under 3u from its system.

Name Recipe Damage dealt Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Toxin? Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxin Will deal 1.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bad Food? From eating poorly made food Toxin Will deal 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick N/A Chloral Hydrate? 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water

Stun, Toxin A powerful sedative which first confuses and makes you drowsy, and then after 10 cycles puts the victim to sleep. After 51 total cycles, it starts dealing ever increasing toxin damage, until death. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5) 0.6 units per tick N/A Mindbreaker Toxin? 1 part Multiver

1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon

Hallucinations A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a “fun time”. For people with the Reality Dissociation Syndrome trait, this will instead suppress hallucinations. (Results in 7.5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mute Toxin? 2 parts Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon

Speech Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mime's Bane? 1 part Mute Toxin

1 part Nothing 1 part Radium

Gestures Makes the subject unable to gesticulate. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bone Hurting Juice? 3 parts Itching Powder

1 part Unstable Mutagen

1 part Milk

Stamina Damage and Delimbing Skeletons Does 7.5 stamina damage per tick. On overdose, it has a 4% chance of causing a spike of 200 stamina damage to a random limb, temporarily disabling it. If you're a skeleton or a plasmaman, it will deal 7.5 stamina and 0.5 brute damage per tick, and overdosing can cause a spike of 200 brute damage to a random limb, instead of stamina. 0.4 units per tick 50 Units Mulligan Toxin? 1 part Slime Mutation Toxin 1 part Unstable Mutagen

Identity Randomizes the subject's appearance. Infinite N/A Lexorin? 1 part Salbutamol

1 part Plasma 1 part Hydrogen Suffocation Temporarily stops respiration and causes 5 oxyloss damage per tick. Even small doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out quickly. 0.4 units per tick N/A Initropidril? Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray Cardiac Arrest Each cycle deals 2.5 toxin damage, with 25% chance to cause one of the following: 6 second stun, 5-25 oxyloss damage, or cardiac arrest. Combat the latter with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib if available. 0.2 units per tick N/A Tirizene? Traitor Sleepypen, Emagged Soda Dispenser/Borg Hypo, Poison/Death Berries Stamina Damage Deals 13 stamina damage per tick, which constantly lowers. Usually harmless. 0.4 units per tick N/A Tiring Solution? Peacekeeper Cyborgs Stamina Damage Deals 10 stamina damage per tick, slowing you down. Won't go higher than 50 stamina damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Polonium? Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray Radiation Cause significant radiation damage over time (4 per tick). It's metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Pancuronium? Poison Kit Stun and Suffocation After 10 cycles stuns you with no warning. Randomly causes loss of breath, which can choke you to death. 0.1 units per tick N/A Sodium Thiopental? Emagged Borg Hypo, Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray/Syringe/Dart Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 10 cycles, and deals 10 stamina damage per tick. Similar to Chloral Hydrate but longer lasting and can't kill you. 0.3 units per tick N/A Sulfonal? 1 part Acetone

1 part Diethylamine

1 part Sulfur

Knockout and Toxin 0.5 toxin damage every cycle and knocks you out after 22 cycles. Metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Amanitin? Destroying Angel Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Deals 3 toxin damage per cycle it was in you. 0.2 units per tick N/A Amatoxin? Fly Amanita Toxin Damage Deals 2.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bungotoxin? Grow Bungo Tree Heart Damage Deals 3 heart damage per tick. After 12 cycles the victim can randomly start feeling heart spasms, being faint, out of breath, and being in pain. 0.2 units per tick N/A Unstable Mutagen? 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium

Mutations Causes mutations when injected into/consumed by living people or plants. In people the mutation happens instantly the moment you take the chem, and not from metabolization. The chance to activate a dormant bad mutation is 98%, and good mutation 2%. Causes radiation. High doses are lethal to your liver. Also useful for Virology. The botanist wants this in liquid form. Turns into blood if mixed with blood, due to Blood Duplication

0.4 units per tick N/A Lipolicide? 1 part Ephedrine

1 part Diethylamine

1 part Mercury

Weight Loss Drains nutrition. Useful for weight loss. Will deal toxin damage if you are starving. 0.2 units per tick N/A Coniine? Death Berries, Bioterror Spray/Syringe Toxin and breath loss Each tick does 1.75 toxin damage and refreshes 5 ticks of being unable to breathe. EXTREMELY slow metabolization, but fast acting. Comparable to Lexorin. 0.024 units per tick N/A Curare? Poison Kit Paralyzation, Oxygen, and Toxin Paralyzes you after 11 cycles, while dealing 1 oxyloss and 1 toxic damage. Metabolizes slowly; very lethal. 0.05 units per tick N/A Histamine? Omega Weed, Poison Kit, Formaldehyde, Venom, Itching Powder Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Has a small chance each tick to cause 2 Brute damage or blur vision. If overdosed it will also deal 2 Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage each tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units Formaldehyde? 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 420K

Toxin Causes a 1 Toxin damage per tick. Has a 5% chance to turn into 5 to 15 units of Histamine. Preserves corpses from organ decay. 0.2 units per tick N/A Venom? Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray, Giant Spider bites Brute, toxin Each cycle will deal 0.2 Toxin and 0.3 Brute damage per volume of venom in the body. Has a 15% chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. 0.1 units per tick N/A Fake Beer? Emagged service cyborg Knockout Instantly puts the victim to sleep. Cycle 51 and onwards it will also deal (current cycle - 50) toxin damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Fentanyl? 1 part Space Drugs

Temperature 647K

Toxin, brain Will deal 1 toxin and 3 brain damage, up to 60 points of toxin damage and 150 points of brain damage (brains have 200 points of health). If the drug is not removed before 18 cycles it will knock the user unconscious. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cyanide? 1 part Oil

1 part Ammonia

1 part Oxygen Temperature 380K

Toxin, oxyloss Deals 1.25 toxin damage per tick, with 8% chance to stun for 4 seconds and take 2 additional toxin damage. Also 5% chance to lose breath for a moment. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Carpotoxin? Space Carp, Koibeans, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxin Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. No special effects, but can be used to make Rezadone and imitation carpmeat. 0.4 units per tick N/A Zombie Powder? 5 parts Morphine

5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper

Fake death, stun If ingested instantly knocks people out, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. If taken any other way than ingestion it makes you confused and drowsy cycle 1-5, deals 40 stamina damage cycle 5-8 and causes the fake death cycle 9 and onwards. Deals 0.5 suffocation and toxin damage per tick. (Results in 2 units instead of 15) 0.4 units per tick N/A Ghoul Powder? 1 part Epinephrine

1 part Zombie Powder

Fake death Slows metabolism to a death-like state, while keeping the patient fully aware and mobile. Deals 1 suffocation and 0.8 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Itching Powder? 1 part Multiver

1 part Ammonia

1 part Welding Fuel

Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing 0.2 Brute damage. Unlike other chems, itching powder will enter your bloodstream from touch, such as from getting splashed with it. Has a 3% chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick N/A Mint Toxin? Mints, Emagged Booze Dispenser, Mushroom Shavings (Lavaland) Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. 0.4 units per tick N/A Slime Jelly? Must be mixed in a Glowshroom Glowshroom.png 3 parts Oil

1 part Tinea Luxor 2 parts Radium

or grind an unused slime extract

Toxin The base reagent for slime based chemicals. Grinding slime extracts yields 20u slime jelly per use left. 40% chance to heal 5 Brute damage each tick, but also has a 10% chance to deal a burst of 20-60 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A Heparin? 1 part Formaldehyde

1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Lithium

Brute, Bleeding Causes bleeding constantly while in the system of the victim. Deals 1 brute and drains more than 1 percentage point of blood volume per tick. 0.08 units per tick N/A Rotatium? 1 part Teslium

1 part Mindbreaker Toxin

1 part Fentanyl

Toxin After 20 cycles, causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion. Deals 0.5 toxin damage per tick. Was previously refinable into Skewium

, but skewium was removed from tgstation Oct 2019 for causing client crashes. 0.24 units per tick N/A Spewium? Poison Kit Toxin After 11 ticks, has up to a 50% chance of causing strong vomiting while purging other toxins each tick. After 33 cycles, there is a chance to eject an organ each tick if overdosing. Requires very high doses. 0.4 units per tick 29 Units Anacea? 1 part Haloperidol

1 part Impedrezene

1 part Radium

Toxin and Purges Medicines Metabolizes very slowly and purges 5u medicines from the victim while dealing 0.15 toxin damage per tick. If the victim also has Pentetic Acid or Calomel, the purging is slowed down to 0.5u per tick. 0.032 units per tick N/A Fluorosulfuric Acid? 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 380K

Corrosion A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Slowly melts equipment and clothes it touches. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 2 toxin and constantly increasing burn damage if ingested. “Acidpower” 42. 0.4 units per tick N/A Weed Killer? 4 parts Ammonia

1 part Toxin Toxin Kills weeds and causes 1 toxin damage per tick to humans. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pest Killer? 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol

Toxin Kills pests in hydroponics trays. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 4 toxin damage to fly people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick. N/A Plant-B-Gone? 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water

Toxin A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 2 toxin damage to pod people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Nitric Acid? 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid

1 part Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 380K

Corrosion A corrosive and dangerous substance. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 2 toxin and constantly increasing burn damage if ingested. “Acidpower” 5. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Lavaland Chemicals Found primarily in Lavaland flora.

Name Found in Type Description Metabolism Rate Entropic Polypnium? Mushroom Cap (Inocybe), from tall mushrooms Poison 20% chance each tick to do Stamina, Brain, Toxin and Oxygen. Also blurs eyes and knocks you unconcious after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Tinea Luxor? Mushroom Stem (Embershroom) Other Makes the consumer glow. 0.4 units per tick Vitrium Froth? Cactus Fruit (Fruiting Cactus), Mushroom Leaf (Porcini) Medicine 80% chance to heal 1 burn and 1 brute damage each tick. 0.4 units per tick Reagent Delivery There are different ways you can apply chemicals to a person or the environment.

Delivery types First of all, there are actually 5 types of delivery, called ingest, inject, vapor, touch and patch. If you are not interested in the details, you can skip to Smoke vs Foam vs others. Ingest Ingest and inject both usually do the exact same thing. The reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream. Used by pills, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, inhaling smoke and drinking the reagent directly. Trophazole works best when ingested.

Inject Works the same as ingest, where the reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream. Used by syringes and IV-drips. Syriniver works best if injected.

Vapor Vapor is used by (ranged) spray bottles and foam. A portion of the reagents will enter the bloodstream of the target, but clothes will protect from some/most/all of it depending on clothing. Any hardsuit typically makes the target completely immune to getting it into their bloodstream, if the helmet is closed. But if the reagent has a “vapor” based component, that component will still affect the target, like Fluorosulfuric Acid. See more about foam below, with examples. Rhigoxane works best as vapor.

Touch Touch is used by smoke and splashing. If the reagent has a “touch” based component, that component will affect the target (such as the instant heal part of Synthflesh), without being blocked by clothing. Nothing at all will enter the target's bloodstream, with the exception of smoke if the target has no internals on. Currently all “touch” components are also “patch” components. See more on smoke below, with examples.

Patch Patch is used by patches and medical gels. The reagent enters the target's bloodstream entirely AND if the reagent has a “patch” based component, that component will affect the target. Currently all “patch” components are also “touch” components.

Smoke vs foam vs others These are the major practical differences between pills, syringes, patches, cigarettes, smoke, foam, splash and spray. Pills Pills can be instantly ingested if used on yourself. It doesn't work if mouth is covered. Plasmamen will have trouble taking these. Holds up to 50u. Syringes Syringes can inject into people even with their mouths covered, either by hand or with a syringe gun. It doesn't work on players wearing hardsuits or other pierce-immune clothing, unless you use a piercing syringe or manage to aim for an exposed part of their body. Golems are completely immune to syringes (even piercing syringes), but patches do work on them. A syringe holds between 10-60u, depending on type. Common syringes hold 15u. Patches Will add all reagents into a person's bloodstream through any clothing, including hardsuits. Also apply touch/patch based effects. Example: A patch of 20u Synthflesh will instantly heal 25 brute and burn (touch component), and also enter the target's bloodstream (which in this case does nothing). Usable by plasmamen. Can hold up to 40u. Cigarettes Can be dipped in reagents to be filled. If smoking/vaping, you will slowly ingest whatever reagents the cigarette/cigar/e-cig contains. Though, if the reagents are too diluted, they may not build up in your bloodstream fast enough to have any effect at all. E-cigarettes can be trimmed with a screwdriver and multitool to also create smoke. Smoke When a smoke reaction occurs, the smoke will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. People who enter the smoke will be touched by the reagents. If they do not have internals on, they will also ingest the reagents. The amount of smoke does not dilute the reagents. The reagents will be copied to every individual or tile (not walls, windows or doors) over the cloud's duration. Reagents that are special coded to affect floor/environment (such as blood, acid or Space Cleaner) will do so. Smoke will usually block sight. Smoke example 1: Smoke containing 20u Synthflesh. Everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits, will slowly heal 25 brute and burn, if they stay in the smoke for its full duration (otherwise they will heal partially). Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the medicine, making it enter their bloodstream (which does nothing in this case). Smoke example: Smoke containing 20u Chlorine Trifluoride(CLF3). CLF3 has a touch(and vapor) component, so everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits and internals, will catch on fire. It will also deal burn damage to the environment, since CLF3 is coded to do so. Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the CLF3 and thus, start heating up from the inside, effectively burning from both in and out at the same time. Foam When a foam reaction occurs, the foam will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. The foam will spread slower than smoke and is usually slippery. Reagents will be copied through the vapor type delivery to those affected over the duration of the foam, BUT the reagents will be heavily diluted depending on the amount of foaming reagent used. Any clothing will reduce how much of the reagents will enter a person's bloodstream. Furthermore, foam reagent bloodstream insertion is divided into several 'ticks'. A minimum amount of reagent is required per tick for it to enter a bloodstream. So if too little reagents are contained in the reaction, or too much foam is used, the foam will do nothing. These ticks are counted after dilution and protection from clothing. On the other hand, if you use very small amounts of foam, the reagents may instead multiply in the bloodstream to more than the original amount. Hardsuits with helmets on will make people immune to getting reagents into their bloodstream through foam. Despite dilution, the foam will still copy remaining chems such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner to any tile it touches (but not walls, windows or doors). Foam will not block sight. Foam example 1: 250u foam containing 10u Cyanide will spread a blue foam that does nothing to those it touches. The poison is too diluted to work at all. Foam example 2: 20u foam containing 250u Fluorosulfuric Acid. A small area and everyone touched by the foam will have large amounts of acid slowly melting their clothing and the affected floor and items. Those who did not wear a hardsuit with helmet on will also have a large amount of acid in their bloodstreams, depending on what they were wearing and how long they were in the foam. If they had internals on or not doesn't matter. Splashing Throwing a beaker, or using a beaker on anything with harm intent, will splash its contents. The longer throw distance, the more the splash will spread out. A grenade will splash its content unless it also contains smoke or foam. Splashing only does touch delivery. This means most chemicals will do absolutely nothing when splashed. Reagents that have special properties to affect environment, such as Water, will do so where splashed (creates slippery tile). Reagents that have a touch component will apply that component only. Example: If you throw a beaker of 80u Synthflesh at someone, you will instantly heal them for 100 brute and burn (and deal up to 150 toxin damage), since Synthflesh is touch/patch based. It doesn't matter if the target uses hardsuit or internals in this case. This means throwing a beaker of poison at someone will do nothing at all. Splashing can apply chemicals such as Thermite to walls. Spraying Spraying reagents will apply them to environments (if they have any such effect), and will enter hit people's bloodstreams through the vapor delivery. This means clothing will protect from some/most/all of the reagents, depending on what they are wearing. Using a hardsuit with helmet on makes them immune to getting the reagent into their bloodstream. Reagents such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner will still cause their special effects when sprayed on people/environments, but will not enter the bloodstream if the target is wearing too heavy clothing.

Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Drinks, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist.

Guide to Nanites Roboticist action.png Reynard Parker, the Roboticist says: “Move over Geneticist, there's a better way of making super humans these days. What is this method, you may ask? Nanites, son. It's not without its risks to the user, but it's not like anybody is going to detonate anybody from the inside out with these things, right…?”

Nanites are tiny nanomachines that live in a host's bloodstream, providing different functionalities depending on how they're programmed. The mob where the nanites reside is usually defined as their host.

Contents 1 Nanites 1.1 Research 1.2 Implanting 1.3 Nanite Tools 1.3.1 Nanite Scanner 1.3.2 Nanite Remote Control 1.3.3 Nanite Communication Remote 1.4 Volume 1.5 Programming 1.6 Cloud 2 Nanite Programs 2.1 Obtaining programs 2.2 Customizing Programs 2.3 Signaling Programs 2.4 Triggered Programs 2.5 Program Rules 2.6 Data Corruption 2.7 Nanite Program Types 2.7.1 Utility Programs 2.7.2 Protocols 2.7.3 Augmentation Programs 2.7.4 Healing Programs 2.7.5 Glitch Programs 2.7.6 Weaponized Programs 2.7.7 Suppression Programs 2.7.8 Sensor Programs Nanites Research Nanite programs are unlocked by researching their relative techweb nodes in the R&D Console. Anything past Basic Nanite Programming, however, will require Nanite research points. These are gained simply by having active hosts with nanites implanted; the more the merrier. However, non-sentient, non-humanoid, or dead hosts will incur heavy penalties to their research gain.

The Military research node is only available if the Illegal Technology node is unlocked, therefore requiring syndicate tech to be scanned first. Hazard Nanite Programming is similarly locked behind Alien Technology, which requires Abductor technology to be scanned to unlock.

Nanite chamber.gifImplanting

Use a public nanite chamber to easily implant yourself and others with nanites. You can program them after implanting, by creating a backup cloud with a Cloud control console and adding programs to that cloud. Public nanite chambers will implant nanites synced to cloud 1 by default. Nanite implantation can be done through the Nanite Chamber. A second person must operate the chamber from outside and begin the implanting process, at the end of which a new swarm will take root in the host. The nanite chamber can edit nanites' Cloud ID, modify the Safety Threshold, or alternatively remove all nanites from a host.

Another easier method is to build a Public Nanite Chamber Nanite chamber.gif. Use a multitool on the Public Nanite Chamber circuit board first to choose which backup cloud you want it synced to. If you don't multitool the board it will default to cloud 1. Build the chamber using a machine frame. The public nanite chamber will automatically implant nanites into anyone who enters it, without the need for a second person.

Nanite Tools There are currently three handheld tools that can be used to manage nanites. You can print them from the science protolathe after researching some basic nanites.

Nanite Scanner.gif Nanite Scanner Use this to scan implanted people. It will give you a readout with information about current nanite volume, which nanite programs are currently implanted and their active/inactive status. If a nanite swarm contains the “Reduced Diagnostics” utility program you will not be able to see the list of programs.

Nanite Remote.gif Nanite Remote Control A remote used for sending signals to implanted nanites. Change its settings and then click anywhere or on a target to activate it. For example you can set the code to be the trigger code you gave the “Host Scan” program. Using this in hand will open a menu. Settings:

Signal Code: Which code you want it to signal. Signal Mode: Choose between “off” (makes remote do nothing), “local” (only signals the user), “targeted” (signals whoever you click directly on), “area” (signals anyone within your line of sight) and “relay” (signals any existing nanite programs that have a chosen “relay code”). Save Current Setting: Lets you save current setting to a list, with a name of choice. Not saved between rounds. Lock Interface: Locks the settings. Alt-click the remote to unlock. Nanite Remote.gif Nanite Communication Remote A remote used for sending custom messages on the fly to message-based programs, like Forced Speech. The settings are very similar to those of the Nanite Remote Control. The difference is you set a Comm Code and Message instead of Signal Code and Relay. The programs installed must have the same Comm Code to be able to signal them with this remote.

Volume If wearing a diagnostic HUD Diag glasses.png you will be able to see a bar next to implanted people, which is a nanite volume meter. Nanites generally expend a part of their volume while their programs are active. Luckily, modern technology allows them to integrate with the host's metabolism to replicate without interfering with biological processes, causing them to have a slow but steady growth rate.

Nanites by default have a safety threshold where they'll stop using nanite-consuming programs. This threshold can be customized in an individual by entering a nanite chamber, and having a second person operate the connected nanite chamber control console.If the swarm reaches a population of 0, there's none left to replicate, and the nanites are completely removed.

Programming Nanite swarms can contain nanite programs. These programs can have a huge variety of effects, and are loaded into a nanite swarm in two main ways: uploading them manually with a nanite chamber or by syncing them with a Cloud Backup. Once loaded programs cannot be directly modified; instead, a copy of the same program with the desired programming must be uploaded again to overwrite the previous one. There is no limit to the amount of loaded programs, but using too many at once will usually rapidly deplete the nanite population.

Nanite cloud controller.gifCloud Nanite swarms are usually set with a Cloud ID. If so, they will, every 30 seconds, copy the programming of the Cloud Backup with the same ID. Cloud backups are controlled by Cloud Control Consoles Nanite cloud controller.gif. They can create new backups (with codes from 1 to 100), as well as upload programs from a disk into the selected backup. Cloud control consoles Nanite cloud controller.gif also serve as storage, meaning that if they're destroyed all clouds connected to them will be destroyed, and the nanites will be unable to sync to them anymore. Cloud IDs are unique, meaning that if a console registers an ID, it cannot be used or accessed by other consoles until the original has been destroyed.

Nanites who aren't able to sync to a cloud will keep working, but they'll have a chance of encountering software errors every time they miss a synchronization, causing program deprogramming, deletion, or corruption into dangerous Glitch programs over time.

Nanite Programs Nanite programs determine what nanites do inside the host. They have different categories, and range from helpful to deadly.

Nanite program hub.pngObtaining programs Programs are unlocked through techweb research. Once unlocked, they can be downloaded into Nanite Program Disks at a Nanite Program Hub Nanite program hub.png.

Nanite programmer.gifCustomizing Programs Programs have sevral parameters that can be customized with the use of a Nanite Programmer Nanite programmer.gif. Simply insert a program disk in the machine and set the parameters you prefer. Note that codes set to 0 are inactive and cannot be signaled.

Activated: Determines if the program starts activated or not. Restart Timer: If set, automatically re-activates the program after X seconds whenever deactivated. Shutdown Timer: If set, automatically deactivates the program after X seconds whenever activated. Trigger Timer: (Only for triggered programs) If set, automatically triggers the program every X seconds, if possible. Trigger Delay: (Only for triggered programs) If set, delays trigger signals by X seconds. Activation Code: The code that must be signaled to activate the program. Deactivation Code: The code that must be signaled to deactivate the program. Trigger Code: If the program can be triggered, the code that must be signaled to trigger the program. Kill Code: The code that must be signaled to delete the program. Some programs have a extra settings available for customization, like relay channels or signal codes.

Signaling Programs Nanite Remotes can send coded signals to nanites. When a nanite swarm receives a signal, all its programs react if they recognize the code.

Nanite Remotes can be set to four modes:

Self targets the person who is holding the remote. Targeted targets only the mob that is being clicked on. Area targets all mobs in sight. Relay allows the user to choose a relay channel; the signal is then sent globally to all hosts which have a relay program set to that channel. Triggered Programs Some programs do not have an effect over time, and instead must be triggered. To do so they can either receive a Trigger Code or set a Trigger Timer. Triggering a program generally has a cooldown as well as a cost in volume; if those requirements are not met the program won't trigger. If the program is not activated, it will also be unable to trigger, but activating the program is not the same as triggering it.

Program Rules Sensor programs can also be installed as Rules to other installed programs. When doing so, that program will only work or be triggered if it satisfies the conditions of the sensor program. For example, installing a Health < 30% sensor to a Bio-Reconstruction program will allow you to only use that program when the host is severely harmed.

Note that rules are cumulative with Activation status: a Deactivated program will not work even if it satisfies the Rule condition, and an Activated program that does not meet the rule requirements won't work either.

Data Corruption Lack of constant cloud sync, as well as events like EMPs or shocks, can result in data corruption in nanite programs, which results in one of the following effects:

Toggles the program, deactivating it if active and viceversa. Triggers the program, if it can be triggered Deletes the program completely Resets all the codes, preventing it from being signaled by remotes or signal programs. Converts the program into a corrupted version. The glitch program depends on the program that got corrupted. Cloud Syncing generally prevents data corruption from being dangerous. Remaining unlinked from the cloud console (either because the console is missing, or because of manual unlinking from the chamber) means that nanites are subject to decay, leading to the nanites becoming ineffective at best, and very dangerous at worst.

Nanite Program Types Programs are split in several categories.

Utility Programs Programs that interact with the nanites themselves, or have general utility purposes.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Metabolic Synthesis The nanites use the metabolic cycle of the host to speed up their replication rate, using their extra nutrition as fuel. The host must be at least well fed. +0.5 – – Smart Toxin Buildup Distributed Computing The nanites aid the research servers by performing a portion of its calculations, increasing research point generation by a flat amount for each host currently running this program. Non-sentient hosts generate only 25% of the research gain. 0.2 – – Basic Toxin Buildup Neural Network The nanites aid the research servers by cross-referencing data from all their active hosts. Gives a research boost that becomes more powerful for each host currently running this program, overtaking Distributed Computing at 12 hosts. Non-sentient hosts generate only 25% of the research gain and efficiency boost. 0.3 – – Basic Toxin Buildup Viral Replica The nanites constantly send encrypted signals attempting to forcefully copy their own programming into other nanite clusters. This program will also forcefully set their cloud ID to 0 (disabled) or a customized ID. 0.5 – – Military Toxin Buildup Monitoring The nanites monitor the host's vitals and location, sending them to the suit sensor network. Additionally adds a nanite HUD icon to medHUDs looking at the host. 0 – – Basic Toxin Buildup Reduced Diagnostics Disables non-essential nanite program diagnostics signals, effectively preventing them from communicating their program list to Nanite Scanners, but giving them a small boost to replication speed. +0.1 – – Basic Toxin Buildup Host Scan The nanites display a detailed readout of a body scan to the host when triggered. Can pick between medical, chemical, or nanite scan. – 3 5s Neural Toxin Buildup Stealth The nanites hide their activity from superficial scans, making them invisible to Diagnostic HUDs and immune to Viral programs. 0.2 – – Smart Toxin Buildup Subdermal ID The nanites store the host's ID access rights in a subdermal magnetic strip. Updates when triggered, copying the host's current access. – 0 5s Basic Dermalysis Dermal Button The nanites form a button on the host's arm, allowing them to manually send a signal to the nanites when pressed. The button will display in the host's action bar, and can be customized in name, icon shape, color, and of course sent signal. The button cannot be pressed while the host is incapacitated. – 0 – Mesh Glitch Relay The nanites receive and relay long-range nanite signals. Must be set with a relay channel beforehand. – – – Basic Toxin Buildup Signal Repeater When triggered, sends another signal to the host, optionally with a delay. Useful to set up multiple codes for the same program. – – – Basic Toxin Buildup Relay Signal Repeater When triggered, sends a signal via relay, optionally with a delay. – – – Basic Toxin Buildup Infective Exo-Locomotion The nanites gain the ability to survive for brief periods outside of the human body, as well as the ability to start new colonies without an integration process; resulting in an extremely infective strain of nanites. 5.5 – – Hazard Hypoxemia, Necrosis Nanite Sting When triggered stings a random non-host around the host with a barely-visible cluster of nanites, making them a new host. The target will feel it. If the cluster finds no valid targets, it returns to the original host, “refunding” the trigger cost. – 5 10s Military Glitch, Toxic Mitosis The nanites gain the ability to self-replicate, using bluespace to power the process, instead of using the host's metabolism. This rapidly speeds up the replication rate, but it causes occasional software errors due to faulty copies, making it very dangerous when used without a cloud connection. +0.5 to +5 – – Hazard Toxic Electromagnetic Resonance The nanites cause an elctromagnetic pulse around the host when triggered. Will corrupt other nanite programs! 0 10 5s Mesh Toxin Buildup Protocols Special programs that enhance nanite behaviour in one particular sector. Only one protocol of each category can function at the same time in a nanite cloud. These are unlocked through B.E.P.I.S. research.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Category Required Techweb Corruptions Kickstart Protocol The nanites focus on early growth, heavily boosting replication rate for a few minutes after the initial implantation. – – – Replication Nanite Replication Protocols Necrosis Factory Protocol The nanites build a factory matrix within the host, gradually increasing replication speed over time. The factory decays if the protocol is not active, and can be damaged by shocks or EMPs. – – – Replication Nanite Replication Protocols Necrosis Tinker Protocol The nanites learn to use metallic material in the host's bloodstream to speed up the replication process. – – – Replication Nanite Replication Protocols Necrosis Offline Production Protocol While the host is asleep or otherwise unconcious, the nanites exploit the reduced interference to replicate much faster. – – – Replication Nanite Replication Protocols Necrosis Augmentation Programs Augmentation programs offer boosts and bonuses to the host.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Nerve Support The nanites act as a secondary nervous system, reducing the amount of time the host is stunned by half. 1.5 – – Neural Nerve Decay Dermal Hardening The nanites form a mesh under the host's skin, protecting them from melee and bullet impacts. 0.5 – – Mesh Dermalysis Dermal Refractive Surface The nanites form a membrane above the host's skin, reducing the effect of laser and energy impacts. 0.5 – – Mesh Dermalysis Rapid Coagulation The nanites induce rapid coagulation when the host is wounded, dramatically reducing bleeding rate. 0.1 – – Biological Hypoxemia Electric Conduction The nanites act as a grounding rod for electric shocks, protecting the host. Shocks can still damage the nanites themselves. 0.2 – – Mesh Nerve Decay Mental Barrier The nanites form a protective membrane around the host's brain, shielding them from abnormal influences like a mindshield implant while they're active. 0.4 – – Synaptic Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Adrenaline Burst The nanites cause a burst of adrenaline when triggered, injecting 3 units of Experimental Stimulants waking the host and temporarily increasing their speed, while also causing them to drop items. – 25 120s Harmonic Toxin Buildup, Nerve Decay Healing Programs Healing programs fix a variety of damage and ailments that affect the host. They generally consume a lot of nanites, so it's advisable to activate them manually when necessary.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Accelerated Regeneration The nanites boost the host's natural regeneration, healing them slowly over time. Does not consume nanites while the host is undamaged. 0.5 – – Biological Necrosis Temperature Adjustment The nanites adjust the host's internal temperature to an ideal level. Does not consume nanites while the host is at an ideal temperature. 3.5 – – Mesh Dermalysis Blood Purification The nanites purge toxins and chemicals from the host's bloodstream. Does not consume nanites if the host has no chemicals nor toxin damage. 1 – – Smart Hypoxemia, Necrosis Neural Regeneration The nanites fix neural connections in the host's brain, reversing brain damage and minor traumas. Does not consume nanites if the host has no brain damage. 1.5 – – Neural Neuro-Necrosis Blood Regeneration The nanites stimulate and boost blood cell production in the host. Does not consume nanites if the host has enough blood. 1 – – Biological Hypoxemia Mechanical Repair The nanites fix damage in the host's mechanical limbs. Does not consume nanites if the limbs are undamaged. 0.5 – – Necrosis Selective Blood Purification The nanites purge toxins and dangerous chemicals from the host's bloodstream, while ignoring beneficial chemicals. The added processing power required to analyze the chemicals severely increases the nanite consumption rate. 2 – – Harmonic Hypoxemia, Necrosis Bio-Reconstruction The nanites manually repair and replace organic cells, acting much faster than normal regeneration. However, this program cannot detect the difference between harmed and unharmed, causing it to consume nanites even if it has no effect. 5.5 – – Harmonic Hypoxemia, Necrosis Neural Reimaging The nanites are able to backup and restore the host's neural connections, potentially replacing entire chunks of missing or damaged brain matter. 3 – – Harmonic Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Defibrillation The nanites shock the host's heart when triggered, bringing them back to life if the body can sustain it. The revive has the same requirements to work as an ordinary defibrillation, except the revive will not heal toxin or suffocation damage, and will not deal any suffocation damage. This means the body must have under 200 total of all basic damage types + cellular. The ghost gets a message and 8 seconds to re-enter their body after the trigger. – 25 12s Harmonic Shocking Glitch Programs Defective programs caused by data corruption, and not otherwise obtainable. Generally range from mildly to moderately dangerous. Can stack.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Glitch A heavy software corruption that causes nanites to gradually break down. 1.5 – – – None Necrosis The nanites attack internal tissues indiscriminately, causing widespread damage. 0.75 – – – Glitch Toxin Buildup The nanites cause a slow but constant toxin buildup inside the host. 0.25 – – – Glitch Hypoxemia The nanites prevent the host's blood from absorbing oxygen efficiently. 0.75 – – – Glitch Neuro-Necrosis The nanites seek and attack brain cells, causing extensive neural damage to the host. 0.75 – – – Necrosis Brain Misfire The nanites interfere with neural pathways, causing minor psychological disturbances. 0.5 – – – Neuro-Necrosis Dermalysis The nanites attack skin cells, causing irritation, rashes, and minor damage. 0.25 – – – Necrosis Nerve Decay The nanites attack the host's nerves, causing lack of coordination and short bursts of paralysis. 1 – – – Necrosis Weaponized Programs Aggressive programs which use nanites as a military-grade weapon. Moderately to extremely dangerous to the host and/or their surroundings.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Cellular Breakdown The nanites destroy cellular structures in the host's body, causing brute damage. 1.5 – – Biological Necrosis Poisoning The nanites deliver poisonous chemicals to the host's internal organs, causing toxin damage and vomiting. 1.5 – – Biological Toxin Buildup Memory Leak This program invades the memory space used by other programs, causing frequent corruptions and errors. 0 – – Smart Toxin Buildup Aggressive Replication Nanites will consume organic matter to improve their replication rate, damaging the host. -1 – – Harmonic Necrosis Meltdown Causes an internal meltdown inside the nanites, causing internal burns inside the host as well as rapidly destroying the nanite population. Sets the nanites' safety threshold to 0 when activated. 10 – – Military Glitch Chain Detonation Detonates all the nanites inside the host in a chain reaction when triggered. 0 25 10s Military Toxin Buildup Cryogenic Treatment The nanites rapidly sink heat through the host's skin, lowering their temperature. 1 – – Mesh Dermalysis, Sub-Dermal Combustion Sub-Dermal Combustion The nanites cause buildup of flammable fluids under the host's skin, then ignites them. 4 – – Military Dermalysis, Cryogenic Treatment Mind Control The nanites imprint an absolute directive onto the host's brain for 60 seconds when triggered. Can be used with a Comm Remote. – 30 180s Hazard Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Suppression Programs Programs with the goal of acting as a deterrent against the host. Generally nonlethal.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Electric Shock The nanites shock the host when triggered. This will still harm nanites, causing volume loss and potential program errors. – 10 30s Mesh Toxin Buildup Neural Shock The nanites pulse the host's nerves when triggered, inapacitating them for a short period. – 4 30s Neural Electric Shock, Nerve Decay Sleep Induction The nanites cause rapid (but not instant) narcolepsy when triggered. – 15 120s Synaptic Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Paralysis The nanites actively suppress nervous pulses, effectively paralyzing the host while active. 3 – – Neural Nerve Decay Happiness Enhancer The nanites synthesize serotonin inside the host's brain, creating an artificial sense of happiness. 0.1 – – Neural Neuro-Necrosis Happiness Suppressor The nanites suppress the production of serotonin inside the host's brain, creating an artificial state of depression. 0.1 – – Neural Neuro-Necrosis Death Simulation The nanites induce a death-like coma into the host, able to fool most medical scans. 3.5 – – Harmonic Necrosis, Nerve Decay, Neuro-Necrosis Pacification The nanites suppress the aggression center of the brain, preventing the host from causing direct harm to others. 1 – – Synaptic Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Blindness The nanites suppress the host's ocular nerves, blinding them while they're active. 1.5 – – Synaptic Nerve Decay Mute The nanites suppress the host's speech, making them mute while they're active. 0.75 – – Synaptic Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Forced Speech The nanites force the host to say a pre-programmed sentence when triggered. – 3 2s Synaptic Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Skull Echo The nanites echo a synthesized message inside the host's skull. – 1 2s Smart Neuro-Necrosis, Brain Misfire Hallucination The nanites make the host hallucinate something when triggered. – 4 8s Synaptic Brain Misfire Sensor Programs Programs that will self-pulse a given code when their condition is met.

Program Effect Volume per second Trigger Cost Trigger Cooldown Required Techweb Corruptions Health Sensor The nanites receive a signal when the host is above/below a certain percentage of health, with crit being 0. 0 – – Biological Glitch Critical Health Sensor The nanites receive a signal when the host first reaches critical health. 0 – – Biological Glitch Death Sensor The nanites receive a signal when they detect the host is dead. 0 – – Biological Glitch Nanite Volume Sensor The nanites receive a signal when the nanite supply is above/below a certain percentage, with the safety threshold being 0%. If safety threshold is higher, it will skew the percentage. For example, with threshold 50, 100 volume will count as 50 available volume, which means 10% instead of 20%, and the full 500 volume will count as 90%. 0 – – Basic Glitch Damage Sensor The nanites receive a signal when a host's specific damage type is above/below a target value. 0 – – Biological Glitch Voice Sensor Sends a signal when the nanites hear a determined word or sentence. 0 – – Smart Glitch Species Sensor When triggered, the nanites scan the host and output a signal if the host's species matches the one set in the program's settings. The options include “Human”, “Lizard”, “Moth”, “Ethereal”, “Pod”, “Fly”, “Felinid”, “Jelly” and “Other”. Secondary toggle is either “Is” or “Is Not”. – – – Biological Glitch


Contents [hide] 1 Airlock 1.1 Internal Airlock 1.2 External Airlock 1.3 Secure Airlock 2 APC 3 Fire Alarm 4 Atmos Alarm 5 Intercom 6 Destination Tagger 7 Bookfinder 8 Autolathe 9 Copy Machine 10 Microwave 11 Breaker Box 12 Man-Machine Interface

Airlock See also: Making an Airlock, Hacking an Airlock Airlock.png Internal Airlock They come in many colors signifying different access levels and do a good job of blocking airflow as long as they're closed. Depending on your ID which can be changed by the Commanding Officer or Head of Personnel you can access certain doors. For example a Medical Doctor cannot access the Bridge.

Airlock external.png External Airlock Dark red airlocks that separate the station from the vacuum of space. Despite the black viewing port, you are not able to see through these airlocks.

Secure airlock.png Secure Airlock Secure airlocks have more robust security measures in place, making them tougher to break through and more difficult to hack into. These types of airlocks can commonly be seen on the Communication Satellite and at Central Command.

APC Main article: APC APC.png The APC (Area Power Controller) controls the power output to a room. Each room generally has one APC. APCs require Engineer-level access to unlock. After being unlocked, an APC can be used to switch various electrical components of a room on and off. As an AI if your control wire to an APC is cut, you will not be able to use it. If an APC is disconnected from the external power grid (usually due to a snipped cable), its battery will rapidly drain. The AI will get a power alert from the APC when the battery reaches about 30%, which is the point when equipment and lighting in the room shut off to conserve the remaining energy.

More information, including construction and hacking steps may be found on the APC page.

FireAlarm.png Fire Alarm An object used to detect fires and lockdown the area. The AI is alerted whenever a fire alarm activates. They can by manually started if hit with an object or turned on using the panel. Changes colour depends on alert (Green, Blue, Red).

AirAlarm.png Atmos Alarm An object used to detect anomalies in the atmosphere and lockdown the area. The AI is alerted whenever an atmos alarm activates. If deactivated via the control panel when there is still an anomalie, the alarm will reactivate bolting any doors. Can be used to control air flow in that room.

Wallradio.pngIntercom Wall radios are an immobile version of headset radios with the same number of frequencies and functions. The AI can use them to publicly broadcast a clandestine conversation or use it to discretely spy on the talk around the station themselves. When a crewman's headset is lost and a Station Bounced Radio is nowhere to be found, wall radios are essential to talking with the station at large. One is found in every room.

Scanner.pngDestination Tagger Used to tag parcels and changes where they go in the disposal mailing system.

Computerold.gifBookfinder Used to find the books you want. No one uses these.

Autolathe.gif Autolathe Main article: Autolathe Used to fabricate items out of raw metal and glass.

Copy Machine A copy machine can be used to make up to 10 copies of a single sheet of paper at a time. Commonly seen on the Bridge, the Internal Affairs Office, and the Library.

Microwave.png Microwave The microwave can be found in the Kitchen, on the Mining Station and in Virology.

It is not only a microwave, but a mixer, package opener, and general oven all in one. It can even shape donuts and waffles. If you mess up by putting the wrong food in the microwave, it will get messy and will have to be cleaned with space cleaner. If you mess up by putting non food in, it will break, and will need repair by using a screwdriver and a wrench. Be aware that bananas are not food. For a list of recipes see: Food

When you use an object on the microwave, you place it inside. To open the operation window, click on it with your empty hand.

There are 4 main elements:

The contents list, shows objects inside it. The cook button, cooks the stuff inside. The eject button, takes the objects out of it.

Breakeron.png Breaker Box Breaker boxes are a main part of substations. When enabled, it acts as a wire, linking its input and output.

MMI empty.png Man-Machine Interface Often shortened to MMI, man-machine interfaces are used in converting a living brain into a cyborg. By placing a brain inside an MMI, the brain becomes able to interface with the machinery inside of a cyborg skeleton.

Arcade Machine

Arcade Machines can be found all over the shuttle. While all of them might have different names, they all play the same way: namely, like an RPG. Basically, you and your CPU-controlled opponent take turns attacking. You can also heal (at the cost of MP) or recharge MP (at the cost of a turn).

Defeating your opponent nets you a prize of some sort.

These machines have been installed on the station as part of a joint partnership between Nanotrasen, and the Sin-D-Kit Toys corporation. This is part of an increased desire from Nanotrasen to improve crew morale.

List of Prizes

The prize selected is random, unless the machine is Emagged. They're all annoying, useless or dangerously similar to illegal items. Have fun!

Snap-pop box Blink toy Tactical red jumpsuit Toy sword Cap gun & ammo Foam-dart crossbow Replica red spacesuit Box of crayons 'Singularity' spinning toy

Emagged prizes

You get both of these, GUARANTEED! The arcade machine resets after, so you'll have to emag it again and win again to get more. It's probably faster to just go make a bomb yourself.

A bomb Collectable Cuban Pete hat

Playing 2 Win

You lose if your HP or MP is zero or less. Your attacks do 2-8 damage, healing restores 6-14 health for 1-4 MP, and charging regains 4-11 points. But none of that really matters. Although you can't see the enemy stats it's not too difficult to just whittle it down. It will attack doing 3-9 damage for some time. Eventually when its health is low enough it will start healing instead of attacking (4 points at a time), and shortly after when it runs out of MP it will steal yours. It won't ever steal more than 5 per turn, but you'll lose instantly if that puts you below 0.

Charging so you have at least 6 MP, healing so you have at least 10 HP and attacking otherwise is bound to work eventually, but there are faster methods.

An emagged arcade machine plays much the same, except that it will attack the player if you heal too many times too quickly. And the consequences for losing are… messy.

Command Machines DNA Vault Parts needed Deconstruction Dna vault cinematic.gif 1x Command Module.png DNA Vault Board 2x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 5x Super capacitor.pngSuper Capacitor 5x Pico Manipulator.pngPico Manipulator Cannot be deconstructed by conventional means. If you're a nefarious individual looking to setback the station's efforts then consider using extreme force. Secure the longevity of the current state of humanity within this massive library of scientific knowledge, granting superhuman powers and abilities after its completion. Upgrade effects None

Engineering Machines

Autolathe Parts needed Deconstruction Autolathe.png 1x Engineering Module.png Autolathe Board 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 3x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Produces commonly used items such as tools, equipment, and construction material. Can be hacked to unlock more designs.

Upgrade effects Better matter bins: The Autolathe can hold more materials. Better manipulator: Lowers production costs and production time. Crystallizer Parts needed Deconstruction Crystallizer.png 1x Engineering Module.png Crystallizer Board 10x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 10x Glass.pngGlass 5x Metal r.pngPlasteel TBD Used to crystallize or solidify gases. Metallic HydrogenHealium CrystalPluonium CrystalHot IceAmmonia CrystalTesla GeneratorNitrous Oxide CrystalDiamondPlasma SheetCrystal CellZaukerite Sheet MetallicHydrogen.png Metallic Hydrogen

No description.


300 moles of Hydrogen

50 moles of BZ


50,000 - 150,000 Kelvin

Endothermic reaction


Sells at Cargo for 550 credits per sheet

Used for crafting some items

Upgrade effects TBD

Freezer/Heater Parts needed Deconstruction Freezer.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Freezer/Heater Board (Use screwdriver on board to select type) 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to rotate the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Changes the temperature of gases connected through the pipes. Upgrade effects Better lasers: Freezer has lower temperatures available/Heater has higher temperatures available. Better matter bins: Faster cooling/heating.

Gas Turbine Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction Turbine.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Power Turbine Board 6x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to rotate the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench The purpose of this technology is unknown.

Upgrade effects Better capacitors: Increases the turbine's productivity.

Gas Turbine Compressor

Parts needed Deconstruction Compressor.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Power Compressor Board 6x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to rotate the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench The purpose of this technology is unknown.

Upgrade effects Better manipulators: Increases the turbine's efficiency.

Grounding Rod

Parts needed Deconstruction Grounding rod.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Grounding Rod Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Wrench.pngWrench Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Attracts and grounds tesla bolts, preventing anything around it from being hit. Only works when wrenched down. Upgrade effects None

P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Portable Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction Pacman.png 1x Engineering Module.png PACMAN-type Generator Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor (use wrench to move the machine) Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Generates power when loaded with plasma and wrenched down on a cable knot. Can be tuned to produce more power while consuming plasma faster.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bin: Holds more plasma sheets. Better capacitor: Increase power generation. Better laser: Lower plasma sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction Superpacman.png 1x Engineering Module.png SUPERPACMAN-type Generator Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor (use wrench to move the machine) Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Like the PACMAN, but uses Uranium and generates more power.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bin: Holds more uranium sheets. Better capacitor: Increase power generation. Better laser: Lower uranium sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator

Parts needed Deconstruction Mrspacman.png 1x Engineering Module.png MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor (use wrench to move the machine) Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Like the PACMAN, but uses Diamonds and generates even more power.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Holds more diamond sheets. Better capacitor: Increase power generation. Better laser: Lower diamond sheet consumption rate and heat generation.

Radiation Collector

Parts needed Deconstruction Radiation Collector.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Radiation Collector Board 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Sheet-prglass.pngReinforced Plasma Glass 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator Wrench.pngWrench Crowbar.pngCrowbar to remove any plasma tank Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Will generate energy when loaded with a Plasma tank.png Plasma Tank (filled with Plasma Gas), if anchored and activated near an active Singularity or Supermatter. Converts the Plasma into Tritium. Can alternatively be used to generate research points instead of power.

To change configuration to research mode, fill the tank with Tritium and Oxygen instead of Plasma. Then use a multitool on the Radiation Collector. Examine it to see current configuration. A generic supermatter setup can produce a total of 10 points per minute for each Radiation Collector generating points. In this research mode, the tank must also be refilled every 5 minutes or so. Upgrade effects None

Scanner Gate

Parts needed Deconstruction Scangate.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Scanner Gate Board 3x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Unkown Scans people passing through it for one of many conditions - their race, if they are carrying guns, if they're diseased or wanted, and so on. If the criteria is met, it will flash red and sound an alarm. Upgrade effects None


Parts needed Deconstruction SMES Turn on.gif 1x Engineering Module.png SMES Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 5x Power cell.pngPower cells 5x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable Building the Terminal: Screwdriver open the SMES, and use 10x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable

Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to rotate the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Stores and distributes large amounts of power.

Upgrade effects

Better capacitor: Increases the maximum input & output levels. Better power cells: Increases the maximum charge.

Space Heater

Parts needed Deconstruction SpaceHeater.png 1x Generic circuit.png Space Heater Board 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser 3x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Heats the air around it.

Upgrade effects

Better laser: Faster cooling/heating. Better capacitor: Better power efficiency and greater heating/cooling range.

Teleporter Station

Parts needed Deconstruction Teleporter Station.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Teleporter Station Board 2x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystals 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wirecutters here to link Station to Hub and Console immediately next to it) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Necessary to operate a Teleporter. Can be linked to other stations with a multitool to enable direct teleportation through Gate Mode. Otherwise it can only target Bluespace Beacons.

Upgrade effects

Better capacitors: The station can be linked with more teleporter stations.

Teleporter Hub

Parts needed Deconstruction Teleporter Hub.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Teleporter Hub Board 3x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystals 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Generates a portal to use the Teleporter. Can teleport anything not anchored. Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Lower the risk and severity of accidents. Removes need for calibration.

Tesla Coil

Parts needed Deconstruction Tesla coil.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Tesla Coil Board (Use screwdriver to change type) 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Wrench.pngWrench Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Converts tesla shocks into usable power. Needs to be placed on a wire knot to transfer the power. If the wire inside is pulsed, it will emit a tesla shock. Upgrade effects Better capacitor: Multiplies the generated power and reduces time before the next tesla shock can be absorbed.

Telecommunications Bus Mainframe

Parts needed Deconstruction Bus.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Bus Mainframe Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The bus mainframe idles and waits for hubs to relay them signals. They act as junctions for the network. They transfer uncompressed subspace packets to processor units and then take the processed packet to a server for logging.

Upgrade effects None

Telecommunication Server

Parts needed Deconstruction Server.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Telecommunication Server Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The server logs all traffic and signal data. Once the signal is recorded it is sent to the subspace broadcaster. Stores a maximum of 400 logs and then deletes them.

Upgrade effects None

Messaging Server

Parts needed Deconstruction Message Server.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Messaging Server Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 3x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The equivalent of the telecommunication server but for PDA and request console messages. Without it PDA and request console messages cannot be transmitted. PDAs require the rest of the telecomms setup to work, but the request consoles only require the messaging server.

Upgrade effects None

Processor Unit

Parts needed Deconstruction Pro.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Processor Unit Board 2x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 3x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter 2x Subspace treatment disk.pngSubspace Treatment Disk 1x Subspace Analyzer.pngSubspace Wavelength Analyzer 1x Subspace amplifier.pngSubspace Amplifier Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The processor is a very simple machine that decompresses subspace signals and transfers them back to the original bus. It is essential in producing audible data.

Upgrade effects None

Subspace Broadcaster

Parts needed Deconstruction Broad.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Subspace Broadcaster Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 1x Ansible crystal.pngAnsible Crystal 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-Laser Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The broadcaster sends processed messages to all radio devices in the game. They do not have to be headsets; intercoms and station-bounced radios suffice. They receive their message from a server after the message has been logged.

Upgrade effects None

Subspace Receiver

Parts needed Deconstruction Sreceiver.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Subspace Receiver Board 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-Laser 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter 1x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace Ansible Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The receiver idles and receives messages from subspace-compatible radio equipment; primarily headsets. They then just relay this information to all linked hubs and buses.

Upgrade effects None

Telecommunication Hub

Parts needed Deconstruction Hub.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Hub Mainframe Board 2x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The Hub idles until it receives information. It then passes on that information depending on where it came from. This is the heart of the Telecommunications Network, sending information where it is needed. It mainly receives information from long-distance Relays and then sends that information to be processed. Afterwards it gets the uncompressed information from Servers/Buses and sends that back to the relay to then be broadcasted.

Upgrade effects None

Telecomunication Relay

Parts needed Deconstruction Relay.gif 1x Engineering Module.png Relay Mainframe Board 2x CableCoils.pngPiece of Cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave Filter Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

The relay idles until it receives information. It then passes on that information depending on where it came from. The relay is needed in order to send information pass Z levels. It must be linked with a Hub, the only other machine that can send/receive pass Z levels.

Upgrade effects None

Medical Machines

Chem Dispenser

Parts needed Deconstruction Dispenser.png 1x Medical Module.png Chem Dispenser Board 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Power cell.pngPower cell 1x Glass.pngGlass 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Dispenses chemicals; the exact same as the ones found in Chemistry.

Upgrade effects Better matter bins: Greater power efficiency per unit dispensed. Better capacitor: Faster recharging speed. Better power cell: Larger maximum power capacity. Better manipulator: T2 adds iron, welding fuel, and water. T3 adds ammonia, ash, and oil. T4 adds acetone, diethylamine, and saltpetre.

Chemical Heater

Parts needed Deconstruction Chemical Heater.png 1x Medical Module.png Chemical Heater Board 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

When activated with an inserted beaker, it will heat any chemicals inside until it reaches the target temperature. It will slow down the heating as to not go over the desired temperature; if there is no consequence to overheating a chemical it is usually faster to input a very high temperature to prevent this slowdown.

Upgrade effects

Better laser: Heats faster.

Cloning Pod

Parts needed Deconstruction Clone.gif 1x Medical Module.png Clone Pod Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning modules 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Can grow a clone when connected with a DNA Scanner and a Cloning Console. Can be unlocked with a Genetics ID to allow early ejection (available through the right-click menu). If EMPed it has a chance of horribly destroying the clone, but a loss of power will simply eject it.

Upgrade effects

Better manipulators: clones grow faster. Better scanning modules: Boosts efficiency (full grown clones have less damage, no more risk of harmful mutation, chance of random beneficial mutation, cloning pod more resistant to EMPs)

Cryogenics Tube

Parts needed Deconstruction Cryo.gif 1x Medical Module.png Cryotube Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 4x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to rotate the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Cools down whoever is inside to sub-zero temperatures, and applies any chemical inside the inserted beaker into the patient, usually Cryoxadone, multiplying the amount. It will cause the patient to sleep while active, and won't open by itself if not set on auto-ejection. Cannot be used alone, as it requires a second person to turn on the tube.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bin: Faster cooling of gas and patient body, increased chem multiplier, patient wakes up faster after treatment.

DNA Scanner

Parts needed Deconstruction Scanner.gif 1x Medical Module.png Cloning Scanner Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Glass.pngGlass 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Can be used with two consoles: the Cloning Console and the DNA Machine. When linked to a cloning console, it will simply scan bodies for cloning. When linked to a DNA Machine, it will be able to pulse the genes of any humanoid inside, editing their DNA and irradiating them. See the Guide to genetics for more information. Can be locked down by using the console, trapping the patient inside if necessary.

Upgrade effects

Better scanning module: Enable scanning autoprocess (phasic or more) and ability to scan husks. Better manipulator: Improve the accuracy of genetic manipulations. Better laser: Reduce radiation damages from genetic manipulations.

Limb Grower

Parts needed Deconstruction Clone.gif 1x Medical Module.png Limb Grower Board 2x Beaker.pngBeaker 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

It grows new limbs using Synthflesh.

Upgrade effects

Better manipulator: Lower production costs and production time.

(Organ) Harvester Parts needed Deconstruction Sleeper.gif 1x Medical Module.png Harvester Board 4x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Close the harvester Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Harvests all organs and limbs from bodies placed inside. Only works on corpses, unless the safety function is disabled by emagging it.

Upgrade effects

Better micro-laser: Increases the organ harvesting speed.


Parts needed Deconstruction Sleeper.gif 1x Medical Module.png Sleeper Board 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 2x Glass.pngGlass Close the sleeper Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Heals and sedates patients. Requires upgrading to provide better healing options.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bins allow the sleeper to treat more heavily damaged patients, up to a limit of -75% health. Better manipulators unlock a larger selection of treatments. Nano manipulator adds: Repair Organs: Grants the option to heal damaged organs. Pico manipulator also adds: Purge Toxins: Grants the option to heal toxin damage and purge chemicals over time. Femto manipulator adds: Stasis: If the patient is in crit it will put them in stasis, preventing further damage.

Science Machines

Circuit Imprinter

Parts needed Deconstruction CircuitAni.gif 1x Science Module.png Circuit Imprinter Board 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 2x Beaker.pngSmall beakers Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Creates circuits from glass. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Circuit imprinter can hold more materials. Better manipulator: Lower production costs.

Cyborg Recharging Station Parts needed Deconstruction CyborgRecharger.png 1x Science Module.png Cyborg Recharger Board 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 1x Power cell.pngPower cell 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator Id regular.png Unlock the machine Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Wrench.pngWrench Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Recharges cyborgs. Needs to be closed like a locker to work.

Upgrade effects

Better capacitors: Faster recharge speed. Better power cell: Faster recharge speed. Better manipulator: Also repairs cyborg while recharging.

Destructive Analyzer

Parts needed Deconstruction D analyzer.gif 1x Science Module.png Destructive Analyzer Board 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Destroys items with research value to gain research levels. See Guide to Research and Development for more information.

Upgrade effects

Better components: Increased amount of materials recovered from items.

Exosuit Fabricator

Parts needed Deconstruction Exofab.png 1x Science Module.png Exosuit Fabricator Board 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Glass.pngGlass 1x Micro-laser.pngHigh-power micro-laser Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Creates cyborg and mech parts and equipment, along with cybernetic implants once researched. Does not need an R&D Console to be used, but it needs to sync to one to unlock the higher-tier equipment through research.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bins: Fabricator can hold more materials. Better manipulator: Lower production time. Better laser: Lower production costs.

Mech Bay Power Port

Parts needed Deconstruction Recharge Port.gif 1x Science Module.png Mechbay Recharger Board 5x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 2x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to rotate the machine) (use multitool here to link with console) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Automatically recharges mechs in front of it.

Upgrade effects

Better capacitors: Recharges mechs faster.


Parts needed Deconstruction ProtoAni.gif 1x Science Module.png Protolathe Board 2x Beaker.pngSmall beakers 2x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulators 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Creates prototypes from various materials. Needs to be linked with an R&D Console to be used.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bins: Protolathe can hold more material. Better manipulators: Lower production costs, faster production speed.

Quantum Pad

Parts needed Deconstruction Qpad.png 1x Science Module.png Quantum Pad Board 1x Bluespace Crystal.pngBluespace crystal 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro Manipulator Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Can be linked to another quantum pad to set it as a target: when used, it will transfer everything on top of it to its target pad, after a delay, then goes on cooldown. To link pads: open the receiving pad with a screwdriver then use a multitool on it to save it on the buffer. Close it, then go to the sending pad and use the multitool on it without opening it. If you want them linked both ways, repeat the procedure with the opposite pads.

Upgrade effects Better capacitor: Reduces power cost. Better manipulator: Reduces cooldown and chargeup time.

RnD Server

Parts needed Deconstruction RD Server.gif 1x Science Module.png R&D Server Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Produces research points, as long as it is cooled properly. Upgrade effects Better stock parts: Currently nothing, though less heat generation was intended.

Service Machines

Biogenerator Parts needed Deconstruction Biogenerator.gif 1x Service module.png Biogenerator Board 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x CableCoils.pngPiece of cable 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Requires a container(beaker, bucket etc.) to operate. Can be loaded with plants, that can be ground to generate biomass. Biomass can in turn be used to produce several organic items such as toolbelts or fertilizer.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Biogenerator is faster and gives more points. Better manipulator: Reduces items costs.

Hydroponics Tray

Parts needed Deconstruction Hydroponics tray.png 1x Service module.png Hydroponics Tray Board 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver to detach the hoses if needed. (use wrench to move the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench A tray where seeds can be planted to grow. It keeps track of the plant's growth status and health, and will warn you if the nutrition or water levels are too low or if there are pests or weeds threatening the plant. Upgrade effects Better matter bins: Increases amount of water & nutrient the tray can hold. Better manipulator: Decreases water/nutrient depletion, weed/pest growth rate and health loss from age/lack of light.


Parts needed Deconstruction Microwave.png 1x Service module.png Microwave Board 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 2x Glass.pngGlass (use wrench to move the machine) Cleaner.pngSoap.pngClean /Wirecutters.pngWelder.pngFix the microwave if needed Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Cooks food and heats reagents. Upgrade effects Better lasers: Faster cooking, lower chance of getting dirty from cooking unsuitable items. Better matter bins: Can fit more items at a time.

Plant DNA Manipulator

Parts needed Deconstruction DNAmachine.gif 1x Service module.png Plant DNA Manipulator Board 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench Edits the genes of any seed inserted. Genes can be extracted from seeds, destroying them in the process, saving them on a disk, or they can be inserted on a seed, replacing the seed's own gene at no cost. Can only save a limited amount of potency (50 with base parts), but it has no limits regarding the other genes. Upgrade effects Better components: Allows better plant stats to be saved onto disks. Better scanner: Production rate and endurance. Better manipulator: Potency and yield. Better micro-laser: Weed growth rate and vulerability.


Parts needed Deconstruction Recycler.gif 1x Service module.png Recycler Board 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Grinds items into their base materials. If emagged it will also grind mobs, killing them instantly.

Upgrade effects Better matter bin: Increases material storage. Better manipulator: Recovers materials more efficiently (25% per tier).


Parts needed Deconstruction Smartfridge.png 1x Generic circuit.png Smartfridge Board 1x Matter bin.pngMatter Bin Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to move the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Stores items relative to a job. Using a bag on it will load it with the items inside the bag, which can save time.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bins: Greater item capacity. However, know that a smartfridge without upgrades already has a generous capacity of 1500 items. If the fridge is an Organ Smartfridge, damaged organs (not decayed) will regenerate at a rate scaling with the type of matter bin.

Types of Smartfridge To create other types of fridge, such as the chemistry smart storage, use a screwdriver on the Smartfridge Board before installing it.

Smartfridge Board settings:

Plant produce: Default smartfridge, stores plant growns and seeds. Food: Stores food items. Drinks: Stores drinks, named 'drink showcase'. Slimes: Stores slime extracts, named 'smart slime extract storage'. Chems: Stores chemicals, in bottles, beakers, pills, patches, syringes and pill bottles. Will not store empty bottles, beakers or pill bottles. Named 'smart chemical storage'. Viruses: Can store the same items as smart chemical storage, but the fridge is named 'smart virus storage'. Organ: Stores organs, whether they are


Parts needed Deconstruction Vendsnack.gif 1x Generic circuit.png Vendor Board (Use screwdriver to select vendor type) 3x Refill cola.pngRefill Packs (Corresponding to the vendor type) Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver (use wrench here to move the machine) Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Stores and dispenses items. Contents vary depending on the chosen vendor board and refill packs. Most vendors can be hacked to unlock a larger selection of items. Some types of vending machines also contain premium items.

Upgrade effects None

Supply Machines

Ore Redemption Machine

Parts needed Deconstruction ORM.gif 1x Supply Module.png Ore Redemption Board 1x Micro Manipulator.pngMicro manipulator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Igniter.pngIgniter 1x Glass.pngGlass Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver Crowbar.pngCrowbar Wirecutters.pngWirecutters Wrench.pngWrench

Smelts minerals and awards mining points based on the amount smelted. Requires a Mining or Science ID to retrieve minerals.

Upgrade effects

Better matter bins: Increases ore output - plus 35% per upgrade tier. Better manipulator: Smelts ores more quickly. Better micro-laser: Increases points generated for miners - plus 35% per upgrade tier.

Tools of the Trade Picture Name Simple explanation Autolathe.png Autolathe The autolathe can be used to print a lot of useful things, such as assembly components, beakers, buckets. Other personnel who does not have access to an autolathe may also come to the reception to request something to be printed for them.

Armylathe.png Armylathe The armylathe is a specialized USCM autolathe meant for printing parts to construct various ordnance, such as grenade casings and mortar shells. These parts are printed empty, and you must add a detonator assembly and chemical filling separately.

DemolitionsSimulator.png Demolition Simulator So that you do not need to blow up the ship, this computer was designed to simulate the effects of demolitions in a safe virtual environment. Because the simulations take a lot of processing, the processors must cool down for 2 minutes between each simulation.

Demolitions scanner.png Demolition Scanner Because visual information may not be enough, this hand-held reagent scanner has been specially designed for providing quantitative data of your bombs. It can report explosive and fire hazards from chemical containers and explosive casings, including explosive and fire intensity. If used on an explosive casing, it will take all chemical containers in the casing and its capacities into account. However, it cannot predict effects such as shrapnel or fire burn duration nor predict hazards caused from immediate chemical reactions. Use the scanner in-hand to print the latest scan.

Industrygrinder.png Industrial Grinder The most powerful grinder on the ship. You will need this to grind down phoron and various metals from storage. You can also use this to dispose of specific unwanted reagents in your containers should you make an error.

ComponentStorage.png Component Storage Machine A large storage machine containing various components. Contains assembly components and containers for you to get started before you need to start printing new ones. ElectronicsStorage.png Electronics Vendor A vendor containing various things for dealing with electronics. You won't need this much, but other personnel may come to request stuff from it.

ToolStorage.png Tool Storage Machine Contains many spare tools, devices and equipment needed for engineering work. Should you somehow lose your essential equipment, you can find replacements here. Other personnel might also come around to request stuff from it.

FreezerCloset.png Industrial Freezer A powerful fine tuned freezer used to polymerize chemicals in the cold. This one is set to the perfect temperature for paraformaldehyde polymerization. The freezer must be kept closed for polymerization. At the beginning of the mission you will find a large silver beaker inside, which can be used as a silver catalyst. If you lose this, you can make more from silver bars.

Fueltank.png Chemical Storage Tank A large capacity chemical storage tank that can store up to 1000 units. In the storage room you have tanks for oxygen, sulfuric acid, water, polytrinic acid, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, and fuel. Can be un-anchored for moving it around. Click with an empty hand to quickly change the transfer amount. If you need to refill it, you must change the transfer direction.