Table of Contents

Medical Items

You'll generally find these objects in medbay, used by the medical staff. Some of them aren't, however!


In complete inverse of the example shown by toolboxes, medical kits are entirely harmless as blunt instruments. Don't even bother.

Item Contents Description
Medkit 2x styptic powder patches (40u), 2x silver sulfadiazine patches (40u), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x analgesic pill, 1x health analyzer Basic all-purpose cure pack. Something for the burns, something for the cuts, shock relief and some aspirin.
First Aid (Advanced) 1x brute auto-mender (200 u of styptic powder), 1x styptic powder patch (40u), 1x burn auto-mender (200 u of silver sulfadiazine), 1x silver sulfadiazine patches (40u), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x analgesic pill, 1x health analyzer (upgraded) Appears as “first aid” kit, but there's more than meets the eye. This is a special version of the standard first aid kit that contains a health analyzer with the accompanying reagent scanner upgrade and organ scan upgrade already installed and auto-menders in lieu of some of the patches, which can heal much more than patches can. Medical Doctors spawn with this.
Fire Medkit 3x burn patch (15u), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x analgesic pill, 1x menthol pill (20u), 1x health analyzer Often found in Engineering and sometimes in firefighting closets, these medkits include lots of silver sulfadiazine for treating burn damage from fires and high heat.
Brute Medkit 3x healing patch (15u), 1x analgesic pill, 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x bandage, 1x health analyzer Like the fire medkit, but with styptic powder & bandage for brute damage.
Toxin Medkit 2x charcoal pills (20u), 2x potassium iodide pills (20u), 1x calomel syringe, 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x health analyzer Contains active charcoal to cure TOX damage from poisons, exposure to plasma and other biohazards. There's also potassium iodide for radiation and calomel to purge out toxins (this does not itself cure TOX and in fact actually causes it).
Oxygen Medkit 3x salbutamol pills (20u), 2x emergency auto-injectors (salbutamol), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x health analyzer Found mainly in O2 emergency cabinets. The salbutamol dilates the air ways to heal OXY damage of people knocked out by a depressurization event, victims of strangulation or certain poisons. It is also useful to counter the suffocation that ramps up when somebody is in critical condition.
Neurological Medkit 3x mannitol pill (20u), 2x emergency auto-injectors (mannitol), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x health analyzer The mannitol is meant to relieve brain damage in clones, but will help against any kind of brain damage.
Old Medkit 2x Bruise Pack, 2x Ointment, 1x Lexorin Injector, 1x Synaptizine Injector, Health Analyzer Contains a bunch of obsolete medical supplies. Not readily available, but it's out there.
Emergency Critical-Condition First Aid 1x emergency auto-injector (mannitol), 1x emergency auto-injector (perfluorodecalin), 1x emergency auto-injector (atropine), 1x emergency auto-injector (ephinephrine), 1x emergency auto-injector (synaptizine), 1x emergency auto-injector (saline-glucose solution), 1x health analyzer (upgraded) High end kit for saving those deep into critical condition and close to dying. Can be bought from D.O.C. an NPC robot doctor merchant that appears in the Debris Field on space maps and around the station z-level on ocean maps for a steep price and occasionally seen in locked crates.

Drug Application

The type of medicine you wish to administer is an important factor here. For instance, certain tools are more suitable for topical drugs (e.g. styptic powder or synthflesh). Please refer to Chemistry to learn more about the difference between TOUCH and INGEST reactions.

Item Description
Patch Medical patches stick onto patients, transferring all of their contents to patient through TOUCH reaction over time, and then having half of the TOUCH-applied chemicals transferred to the bloostream. This process is typically over half a minute and longer, and patches fall off when they run out. The more chems in a patch, the longer it lasts and the more chems administered per second, and the more patches applied, the faster the healing-over-time. Patches (regardless of type) can also reduce bleeding. Since this isn't guaranteed to work, bandages and sutures are still the preferred remedy. They also have a tamper-proof seal, which allows them to be applied to patients without delay. Found in many medkits, Port-a-NanoMed, and the NanoMed Plus.

Empty patches, available in medbay or from the medical manufacturer, can be injected by syringe with any mix of medicine or dangerous toxins, though are primarily intended for topical drugs and transfer only half the contents to the patient's bloodstream. Custom as well as modified medical patches don't have a tamper-proof seal, so there's a delay in applying them (can be removed with an emag). Throwing a patch with a tamper-proof seal at someone has a chance to have it stick to them.
Mini Patch Mini patches hold less reagents, but are otherwise identical to regular patches. They typically come in mini-patch boxes. You can click on the box while it's in your hand to open it, and you can click on someone with the box open to apply a patch onto someone, without having to actually get it out. The MiniMed vendor sells a few of these, and mini-patches and their boxes can often be found in non-Medical areas like Engineering where on-site injuries are expected.
Auto-Mender Administers chems over time via TOUCH, faster than a medical patch. The auto-mender has a whopping 200 unit capacity and the amount of the dispensed reagent increases over time as the automender is applied, up to a point. However, it restricted to certain chems, the ones as the hypospray specifically, and both the person applying the mender and person receiving its chems have to stay still, though they can still use their hands and interact with things.

Auto-Menders require gold to be made, and existing ones that Medical Doctors spawn with can be refilled with certain chems or can be refilled with Auto-Mender cartridges found in medical vending machines.
Auto-Mender Refill Cartridge Can be used on a empty or partially full Auto-Mender to refill it with whatever is in the refill cartridge. Can be found in medical vending machines.
Hypospray Injects chemicals instantly. Holds up to 30 units and can be adjusted to dispense varying amounts of its contents. More can be made with a medical fabricator if required, but hyposprays will always reject harmful chemicals unless emagged.
Chems Accepted:
Ammonium Bicarbonate/Smelling salt
Booster enzyme
Cannabidiol (aka, CBD)
Directed nanites
Pentetic acid
Potassium iodide
Salicylic acid
Saline-glucose solution
Silver sulfadiazine
Space Ipecac
Styptic powder
Emergency Auto-Injector Disposable hypospray found in medkits and the Port-a-NanoMed. Typically contains 10 units of epinephrine or another medical chem.
High-Capacity Auto-Injector A special version of the emergency auto-injector with higher capacity and multiple uses. These have 50 units of their respective chemical and administer 5 units of it with each use, for a total of 10 uses.
Syringe The syringe can be set to inject or draw and moves 5 units of chemicals at a time. Drawing from a person will take a blood sample. Neither are instant, unless the recipient is yourself. Total capacity is 15 units.
Dropper Holds up to 5 units of chemicals, and drops all of it at once onto its target. Dropping takes about half as much time as injecting with a syringe.
Mechanical Dropper
Beaker Holds up to 50 units of chemicals, though larger beakers (100 units) also exist. Standard equipment for chemistry, but medbay has some as well. Click on another beaker or similar while the beaker is in your hand to transfer up to 10 units of chems into it. Click-drag its sprite into another beaker or similar to transfer as many reagents as possible into the receiving beaker. You generally can't examine the exact contents without using spectroscopic goggles, a reagent scanner, a Reagent Extractor, or a CheMaster 3000.
Reserve Tank A 100 unit beaker with a fancy name, useful for refilling hyposprays and auto-menders and conducting chemistry. Typically comes in four packs that contain styptic powder, silver sulfadiazine, epinephrine, and charcoal/anti-tox. These four packs are available from Cargo through Medical: Medical Reservoir Crates, appear in crates and on tables in Medbay on some maps, and sometimes spawn inside abandoned locked crates.
Medicine Bottle Essentially a smaller version of the beaker. It typically has a reduced capacity of around 30 units, but that can vary. They usually come pre-loaded with medicine and are stored in the medbay lockers and vending machine.
Reagent Bottle Essentially a fancy beaker, complete with 50 unit capacity. Chemistry has a few with useful base compounds in a chemical storage locker, Morgue often has a bottle with formaldehyde, and more bottles (with different reagents, obviously) can be made with a CheMaster.
Pill When swallowed, causes INGEST effects and instantly deposits all of the pill's contents into the patient. Similar to syringes, swallowing a pill yourself is instant, while attempting to force others to swallow a pill (click on another person while holding a pill) has a delay. Delay of administering will scale with the volume of the pill, i.e a 10 unit pill taking around three seconds to administer, as opposed to a 90 unit pill taking five seconds.

Pills can also be dissolved in a beaker or similar container, converting their entire contents back into liquid form. To do this, either click on the pill with the container or click on the container with the pill. This can be useful for smaller doses, as some pills hold large amounts of chemicals - 50 units in most cases and up to 100 if a scientist has gotten their hands on a large beaker. Doses this high are not usually necessary - It's often not desirable or practical to administer a whole pill of calomel, for example.

Pills come in many shapes and colors. Pills made via a CheMaster have color based on color of the constituent reagents and their proportions. Pills in medkits and like, as well as pills from NPC merchants, usually have a pre-set appearance, while ???? (aka “designer drug”) pills have randomly-generated forms.
Ampoule Tiny, disposable vials containing up to 5u of a chemical. When they are used, the glass breaks, and the chemical inside is inhaled, depositing it into the bloodstream and applying its INGEST effect. The NanoMed and Port-A-NanoMed contain a few of these containing smelling salts.
Bruise Pack Outdated, but forgotten stashes still float around in deep space. Heals brute damage and can slow the rate of blood loss. You must target the damaged part of the player's body.
Ointment As above, but for burns.
Bandage Reduces the amount of bleeding, hence repeated application might be necessary to bandage a wound completely. You can also craft these if you don't have access to medical supplies. Either way, bandages alone aren't sufficient for mending surgical incisions. Bandages can be removed with wirecutters or scissors if the patient doesn't like the cosmetic overlay on their mob.
Blood pack / IV drip Transfusions may be necessary in case of severe blood loss. Drips hold 250 units by default and come in two flavors: synthetic blood, available from medbay's blood supply freezer, and saline, a blood regenerator and patient stabilizer commonly found in the operating theater and near medkit lockers. Use a pack in-hand to set it to INJECT and use it on a patient to start transferring its contents into them; once emptied, a pack can be replenished by setting it to DRAW and collecting blood directly from a donor or by clicking on it with beakers or syringes filled with many different chemicals. A scalpel can be used on an IV bag to slice it open, enabling its reagents to be poured into other containers.

Packs (regardless of type) can be suspended from an IV stand, which in turn can be fastened to chairs, beds and operating tables via drag & drop. Click-drag the IV stand onto a patient to attach the needle.
NC Syringe Gun Shoots a syringe that contains 15 units of chems from the gun's internal reservoir and instantly injects all 15 units into the victim patient. Reservoir has a 90u capacity, i.e. up to 6 shots, which you can drain by right-clicking it and choosing drain contents, and it only accepts the chems usable in hyposprays. Chems must obviously be refilled, but syringes are created automagically, so you don't need to restock them; besides, you can't insert actual syringes or things similar to it anyways. Found in the Medical Director's equipment locker.

If emagged, this behaves quite differently. It'll still have the chems whitelist, but instead of a shot with 15 units of chems, it shoots its entire reservoir for one potentially massive dose.
MediVape Vape to heal people. Really. Like a standard e-cigarette, it emits a 5×5 chemsmoke cloud containing 10 units of whatever was in the MediVape when used, and for whatever reason, the smoke affects whoever's on the other side of a phone, allowing for true telemedicine. It shares a whitelist with the hypospray, and it can be found by hacking the Public MiniMeds and NanoMeds.


The majority of these items can be found in various places across medbay itself or the medicine closets. Essential tools (such as scalpels, saws and staplers for surgery) are also available from the medical or robotics fabricator.

Item Description
Health Analyzer Scan humans or monkeys to get a report of their health, damage taken, any viruses and other ailments. Regular analyzers can be upgraded with a health analyzer upgrade, allowing it to function as a reagent scanner that can be toggled on/off and only works on mobs. The medical PDA provides the same functionality with two separate programs, though its reagent scanner is more flexible and doesn't have the same restrictions. It can also be upgraded with a organ scan upgrade, allow it to assess organ damage qualitatively.
Genetic Analyzer Scan humans or monkeys to compare their DNA to known genes in the database. Geneticists spawn with this.
Health Analyzer Upgrade Grants ProDoc goggles a more detailed health readout at close range and allows health analyzers, cryo cells, and floor scanners to scan for reagents in mobs. A few spawn in the NanoMed Plus and in a “health analyzer upgrade” box somewhere in Medbay.
Health Analyzer Organ Scan Upgrade Allows health analyzers to give vague damage descriptions of damage to different organs. Available from the NanoMed Plus.
ProDoc Health Goggles These goggles allow you to assess the health of everyone in sight, as well as whether or not they have a health implant, using color-coded symbols. When equipped with a health analyzer upgrade, you can also examine anybody within a 4 tile radius to obtain a detailed health scan (feature can be toggled on/off). Useful to identify and prioritize severely injured patients at a glance. Medical doctors, the Medical Director, and roboticists start with a pair on.
Medical Belt Basically a medkit that you wear around your waist, this belt can hold all kinds of medical drugs and a variety of medical tools, such as defibrillators, syringes, and hyposprays. In addition, many tiny and small items (tools, ammo etc) are compatible. All Medical Doctors and Medical Directors spawn with a prepared version on their belt slot. There's often extras in Medbay near paramedic suits, and the Medbay kit from Cargo also has one.
Robotics Belt A belt usually worn by robotics that comes pre-stocked with tools used for the construction of silicon lifeforms along with the tools to preform lobotomies. Contains 1x screwdriver, 1x crowbar, 1x welding tool, 1x wrench, 1x scalpel and 1x circular saw.
Medical Headset Stay in touch and coordinate with your colleagues. Type say :m to access the medical channel.
Penlight Can be made at a medical fabricator. Ascertain if the patient is on certain drugs, has brain damage, or has a blood clot in their brain. Simply turn it on (click on it) and hold it up to a person's head (make sure you're targeting the head) to use it. There are various messages associated with certain ailments:
Pupils (very) constricted: Patient is (overdosing) on morphine or space drugs.
Pupils (very) dilated: Patient is (overdosing) on atropine, antihistamine, methamphatamine, crank, bath salts, or cat drugs.
Right pupil doesn't follow light and/or dilated: Patient has brain damage.
Left pupil doesn't follow light: Patient is having a blood clot in their brain, i.e. a stroke.

“Nothing on the left/right” Patient is missing a lung.
“Nothing…other than a faint lub-dub from the heart” Patient is missing both lungs.
“Pronounced whirr of two airpumps” Patient has two cyberlungs.
“Faint whirr of an airpump” Patient has just one cyberlung.
“Fluid sloughing around inside…interspersed with crackling noises” Patient is suffering from respiratory failure!
“Distorted, high-pitched wheeze” Patient has been coniine, sarin, or strychnine in their system, which are all poisons!
“Twitchy, labored breathing interspersed with short gasps” Patient has more than 80 OXY, for whatever reason.
“Coarse crackling noises” One of patient's lungs has more than 50 lung damage.
“Low-pitched wheezing” Patient has histamine, possibly indicating they are having a severe allergic reaction.
“Very slow, shallow breathing” Patient is either on some sort of heavy sedative, namely either ether, haloperidol, krokodil, or morphine, or is mildly drunk (> 25 units of ethanol inside them).
“Slightly slow breathing” Patient has cannabidiol, diphenhydramine/antihistamine, or less than 25 units of ethanol inside them.
“Fast breathing” Patient has some sort of stimulant inside them. The stethoscope cannot detect every single stim, but it can detect: crank, energy drink, epinephrine, methamphetamine. This could also mean the patient has recently used a syringe of stimulants.
“Hyperventilation with an irregular pattern” Patient has 60-80 OXY.
“Hyperventilation” Patient has 20-60 OXY.
“Normal breathing” Patient has less than 20 OXY and no respiratory problems.
“Extremely slow breathing interspersed with what sounds like light snoring” Patient is sleeping. |


Chat Message - Verbal Alert Mode Message - Meaning
[patient name] doesn't respond at all! - ERROR: Unable to complete circuit for shock delivery! - Patient has SMES Human and thus cannot be defibbed.
[patient name] doesn't respond at all! - ERROR: Patient is deceased. - Patient is dead, Jim. Revive them.
N/A - Normal cardiac rhythm restored. - Patient has been cured of cardiac arrest…for now.
N/A - Lethal dysrhythmia detected. Patient is still in cardiac arrest! - Defibrillation attempt was unsuccessful. You need to defib them again.
[patient name] looks horribly injured. Resuscitation alone may not help revive them. - Patient has life-threatening injuries. Patient is unlikely to survive unless these wounds are treated. - Patient has at least 90 BRUTE, BURN, and/or TOX combined (notice that OXY is not included). It'd be a good idea to treat them so they stop entering cardiac arrest. This is not shown if patient is committing suicide.
[patient name] inhales deeply! - N/A - You got lucky and successfully healed 50 OXY.
[patient name] inhales sharply! - N/A - Patient had the Defibrillated status effect, so your attempt at defibbing them healed a guaranteed 10 OXY.
[patient name] doesn't respond! - N/A - The defib didn't heal any damage. It can still do other things.
The defibrillator's on board scanner indicates that the target is undergoing a cardiac arrest! - N/A - The defib is emagged and is doing the opposite of defibbing.
When used on those not in critical condition, it weakens them for a short 0.1 second, rather like a disarm than a stun. These can be found in the Operating Theatre/Surgery Room as well as in the medical supply carts. Every Medical Doctor spawns with one. More can be bought via Cargo's Medbay kit and/or replicated with the help of the Mechanics. |

Mounted Defibrillator Like you regular defib, but it's stuck to one place, since if you move away from its mount, the defib springs back to it, similar to a phone. Found in Medbay and, if your map has one, usually the Medical Booth too.
Scalpel Part of the surgery procedure. Depending on the body part you are aiming at, it will remove implants, bullets, limbs, butts or brains. Can be poisoned by dipping the blade in a beaker or medicine bottle.
Circular Saw Another essential tool for surgery. Can be poisoned too.
Enucleation Spoon Required for eye surgery. Can be poisoned too.
Surgical Scissors Another essential tool for surgery.
Staple Gun Used to reattach limbs. For more information, please refer to Doctoring.
Hemostat Passively reduces the amount of bleeding damage taken during chest and head surgery when hold in your inactive/off hand. Can also be used to clamp the patient's bleeders manually if they have open incisions and are laying on an operating table.
Suture Suture (or stitches) holds body tissue together more efficiently and is capable of closing surgical incisions. Outside of surgery, sutures generally only require one use to stop bleeding caused by other types of damage. Available from robotics and medical fabricators.
Port-A-NanoMed Remote Use it once to summon the Port-A-NanoMed. Grab the supplies you need, then use it again to send it back to medbay. The NanoMed Remote app that comes with most medical PDAs provides a similar functionality, albeit with separate buttons for summoning and sending the NanoMed.
Port-A-Medbay Remote Use it once to summon the Port-A-Medbay. Grab the patient and click on the Port-A-Medbay to shove them in, then use it again to send them back to medbay. As with the Port-a-NanoMed, the Med-U Cart's P-Medbay Remote app offers a similar functionality.
Anesthetic Supplies Found in the anesthetic locker in medbay, these tanks contain N2O. They are intended to be strapped to patients before an operation to ease the pain and reduce the probability of complications. In practice, however, they are rarely used because surgery is a relatively speedy affair and there are other ways (e.g. sedatives) to achieve the same effect.
DNA Injector Geneticists will occasionally use these as part of their research to inject people with superpowers or (more likely) horrible disabilities.
DNA Activator Another tool for Geneticists, similar to the DNA Injector, but only works if the target already has the power in question latent in their DNA.
Implant Comes in a variety of different flavors. While they often come in a glass case, you do not need to remove it to insert the implant into an implanter or implant gun.
Implanter Instantly adds the implant to your target. To insert an implant into it, click on it with the implant of choice in your active hand. Can be made at medical and robotics fabricators, and each SecTech has one too.
Implant gun A gun that, unsurprisingly, shoots Implants, so you don't have to get all up into people's personal spaces to give them out. Try to tell them this first before their basic run-from-a-gunman instinct kicks in and you miss, causing the implant to drop onto the floor instead of their body. As with the implanter, injection is instant, and inserting another implant works exactly the same way.

Cloning Modules

Various upgrades from NPC merchants and QM traders that improve the cloner in some way or grant it some sort of new ability. Each cloner can support multiple different upgrades, though it can only accommodate one of each module. To add a module to the cloner, simply insert it into the console, while the clonepod is inactive. To remove a Gene Power, NecroScan II, or Rehabilitation module, use a screwdriver on the console.

Item Description
NecroScan II Cloner Upgrade Module Allows the scanner to scan and potentially clone decomposing/decomposed bodies, including those that have completely skeletonized, depending on the origin. But not Changeling husks. Don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.
Biomatter Recycling Unit Halves the amount of biomatter used for each clone. That means normal, otherwise unmodified lower biomatter level by only 8 or 9 with a normal full cycle, while speedy cloners consume “only” about 24.
SpeedyClone2000 Halves the time it takes for a clone to be produced, but triples the amount of biomatter consumed. The latter effect multiplicatively “stacks” with the biomatter recycling unit's biomatter reduction.
Gene Power Module Gives each clone the mutation of the DNA Injector inserted into the module. Grief rules still apply, so don't think this will let you give everyone Gyrus X as a non-antag.
Prototype Rehabilitation Module #17 Has a 75% chance of removing the Antagonist status of the person being cloned, which can be toggled on or off through the console. Dyes the cloning pod fluid a vivid electric blue. Unlike other modules, this one can only be found in deep space, and for good reason: it's against the Space Geneva Convention, which is odd, considering the articles cover the laws of war.
Mindhack Cloning Module Reconfigures brains of those cloned to obey the person who… hey, wait a minute. This is Syndicate tech!


Lockers full of medicine and other medical equipment. Most of these are restricted to those with Medical Equipment access. Also, all these spawn bolted to the floor, so if you need to move any of these, you need to click on the locker with a wrench first to unbolt it.

Item Contents Description
Medicine Storage Locker 1x VISOR
1x Auditory Headset
1x medical eyepatch
3x bottles (charcoal) (30u of charcoal)
3x bottles (epinephrine) (30u of epinephrine)
1x syringe box (8x syringes)
1x sterile masks box (8x sterile mask)
1x latex gloves box (8x latex gloves, all one randomly-chosen color)
2x droppers
2x beaker
Not a lot of medicine if you actually think about it. Notably, each medicine storage locker has a VISOR and auditory headset for getting around their respective disabilities and a couple bottles of charcoal and epinephrine.
Medkit Storage Locker 1x first aid
1x brute first aid
1x fire first aid
1x toxin first aid
1x oxygen deprivation first aid
1x neurological damage first aid
The medkit storage locker is exactly what it says on the tin. Six medkits, all in a cute little row, like a rainbow of sorts.
Anesthetic Storage Locker 2x bottle (morphine) (30u of morphine)
1x syringe box (8x syringes)
5x Gas Tank (Sleeping Agent)
4x medical masks
Morphine, sleeping gas, and the means to administer them, for improving surgery success. Naturally, anesthetic storage lockers are a common sight in surgery rooms.
Restricted Medical Locker 2x perfluorodecalin bottles (30u of perfluorodecalin)
1x pentetic acid bottle (30u of pentetic acid)
1x omnizine bottle (30u of omnizine)
1x ether bottle (30u of ether)
1x haloperidol bottle (30u of haloperidol)
Six bottles of rare but powerful medicine (and stuff that can knock you out). Unlike the other lockers on this list, the restricted medical locker needs Medical Director's Office access to open, which is to say, you gotta be da boss to get the good stuff.
Animal Control Locker 1x remote signaler
5x Electropacks
2x blindfolds
2x vocal translators
In this case, “animal” means monkeys, and “animal control” means restraining them for experiments, though there are vocal translators for more diplomatic approaches. Animal Control lockers only require Medical access, which allows quite a few jobs to use these. These are often found in Genetics's monkey pen, ostensibly for the Geneticists' use.
Medical Uniform Locker 1x medic's backpack
1x medic's satchel
1x robotics backpack
1x genetics backpack
1x robotics satchel
1x genetics satchel
1x “Medical Doctor's equipment” box (1x medical doctor's jumpsuit, 1x red shoes, 1x labcoat, 1x Medical Headset, 1x Medical PDA)
1x “Geneticist's equipment” box (1x geneticist's jumpsuit, 1x white shoes, 1x Geneticist's labcoat, 1x genetics winter coat, 1x Medical Headset, 1x Genetics PDA)
1x “Roboticist's equipment” box (1x roboticist's jumpsuit, 1x black shoes, 1x Roboticist's labcoat, 1x Medical Headset, 1x Medical PDA, 1x latex gloves)
1x medical winter coat
1x medical belt
1x sterile masks box (8x sterile mask)
1x latex gloves box (8x latex gloves, all one randomly-chosen color)
1x ProDoc Health Goggles
Fashion! Medical uniform lockers mostly contain spare uniforms for Medical Doctors, Geneticists, and Roboticists, and you can often find them in parts of Medbay that are themed as changing rooms and break areas.


Item Description
Prescription Glasses Simple pair of glasses to correct nearsightedness. Rarely requested by patients, but may come in handy after a radiation storm or cloning accident.
VISOR If someone has been permanently or temporarily blinded or has had their eyes removed, the VISOR is an option to restore their eyesight in a somewhat grainy fashion. Obviously inspired by the namesake on Star Trek TNG.
Auditory Headset A sophisticated hearing aid that also functions like a regular headset. It can be a good idea to manufacture a copy in advance, since deafness is a surprisingly common condition.
Vocal Translator Not a Spanish-to-English translator or some such, but more like a Monkey-to-English translator, hence it's sometimes called a monkey translator. When Monkeys speak, non-monkeys normally cannot understand what they're saying, instead hearing only “chimpers” or some such. This device fixes that; any monkey wearing this can be understood by humans, cyborgs, AIs, and the like, as if a regular person was speaking. There are two of these in each Animal Control Locker in Genetics, the Lab Monkey Crate from QM has one, and every ValuChimp has one or two as a hidden item.
Wheelchair Helps people without legs (and sometimes with) move around at mostly normal movement speed. Simply click-drag your sprite onto the chair to climb in, similar to a regular chair. Click on it again to climb out. Be careful when climbing and descending stairs, unless you enjoy flipping over and getting thrown out of your seat. Good thing you can just click on the chair to raise it back up.
Sterile Mask Premier protective equipment against disease and also sometimes called a surgical mask. Prevents you from getting infected by airborne viruses and provides 50% disease resistance, reducing chance of contacting a disease in general, especially when combined with other protective clothing. Does not link to internals. Scattered throughout Medbay, typically concentrating in the Operating Theatre, can be created at medical fabricators, and sold by MiniMeds.
Medical Scrubs

Blue, or “Navy” as the medical fab calls it.
Pink. The medical fab calls it “Hot Pink” specifically.
Purple. It's called “Violet” in the medical fab UI.
Flower - Unlike the other scrubs, these floral scrubs cannot be made at the fabricator. |

Gown Patients undergoing surgeries and the doctors that perform them are apparently supposed to wear these. In reality, these usually sit in gowns boxes in cabinets until some weirdo decides to wear them like a regular dress. Medical fabricators can make more of these in case said weirdo loses all of them.
Nurse Clothing A nurse dress and hat for when you want to look like a nurse, and probably act like a nurse. Can be found in the medical clothing locker.
Medical Coat A warm coat with medical colors that is protective against the cold. Can be found in the medical clothing locker.
Head Mirror A mirror for a very professional doctor that lets their patients look at themselves. Found in the medical clothing locker.
Surgical Face Shield Attire for the professional surgeon. Comes in random colors, with an rare bee-themed variant that has a 1% chance of appearing in place of a normal surgical face shield. Surprisingly, offers less disease resistance than sterile masks, but it does slightly reduce effect of lights bright enough to cause stuns and decreases damage from melee attacks to the head by one. Can be made at a medical fabricator and is often found in the Operating Theatre and elsewhere in Medbay.
Paramedic Suit An insulated suit which offers moderate thermal and biological protection. It may be helpful to reach patients trapped in bombed-out parts of the station.
Biosuit and Biohood Provides even better protection against diseases and viral hazards.
Straight Jacket Handcuffs on steroids. Aside from the usual restrictions, e.g. the inability to use the hands or open doors, there are two key differences. Not only will the wearer be slowed down to walking speed, they also cannot escape (remove) the straight jacket on their own. For these reasons, it should generally be reserved for emergencies, if the alternative to confinement would be physical harm. Or devious purposes of course. Jackets are available in Medbay, usually in a Treatment Room or near some beds for patients, and sometimes the Armory.
Muzzle When applied to someone, they cannot properly speak, as anything said by them will come out as muffled grunts. Useful for people who won't shut up. Stored in medbay and the armory.
Blindfold If you hold it in your hand, aim for the head and click on the target, you'll attempt to blindfold them. The action has a delay, which will be interrupted if you move or the target you're attempting to blind moves so they're no longer adjacent to you. Found in Medbay, usually in “Animal Control” lockers, and sometimes the Armory.
Body Bag Intended for the storage and transportation of corpses. Use the bag to deploy it, drag & drop empty bags onto yourself to fold them back up. Corpses in closed body bags do not produce miasma but still decay.
Doctor's Bag A fashionable carrying case for professional doctors, naturally found in the Medical Director's locker. Contains a scalpel, circular saw, suture, syringe, blood pack, and stethoscope.
Data Disk A floppy with someone's cloning scan information. To make one, you simply insert a standard data disk (like the ones in Tech Storage and elsewhere), and then, when you access someone's Cloning Record and you press Save, it puts a copy of the record on the disk. You can then insert the record back into the console and load the record at any time. Security Officers and the HoS start with one of these. A multitool is incapable of wiping the data from this disk.
Stress Ball A little ball to help a person air their grievances. You can fidget with the ball for a bit and feel emotionally better, or have the ball speak for you after a traumatic event with a saber-wielding traitor. Available in medical fabricators as well as in a few offices such as the Therapist Office.


Item Description
In-floor Health Scanner Consists of a floor scanner linked to a status screen. Examine the screen to view the medical status of the person standing on said scanner; the person on the scanner also gets their medical status. The readout is identical to a stock health analyzer with no upgrades installed. It will also send an alert to all medical PDAs if the scanner detects the person is in critical condition.
Sleeper These are essentially safe storage units for living people - anyone inside will be shielded from most outside dangers and provided with a stable oxygen supply. The console (if any) will show you a summary of the occupant's health and optionally allow the injection of certain rejuvenators to speed up paralysis recovery. Depending on the type of injury, the sleeper synthesizes saline (baseline stabilizer), ephedrine (crit), salbutamol (suffocation) or charcoal (toxins) either automatically if the occupant is in hibernation, or manually when prompted by the user. The primary purpose of sleepers is to keep the patient alive while damage-specific medicine is being prepared by a medical doctor. Addictions, which are otherwise untreatable with medicine, can also be cured when the patient is hibernating, however.
Cryogenic Healing Pod Variously called “cryo cells”, “cryo tubes”, “cryo chambers”, and “cryogenic cells”, cryogenic healing pods heal critically injured patients fairly reliably using cryoxadone, cooling them down with cold gas. Medbay starts with two of these. For more info, refer to Using the Cryo Chambers.
Freezer Cools incoming gas from a connected O2 canister. The temperature can be adjusted and doctors want to set it as low as possible.
Medical Apparel Contains a variety of medical clothing and equipment. Standard medical uniforms and accessories are free, headsets and PDAs are available at a price.
NanoMed Plus The NanoMed Plus works like a normal vending machine and is accessible by anyone with medbay clearance. Offers a wide selection of basic medicine and other supplies.
Port-A-NanoMed A special vending machine with a built-in teleporter. Compared to the stationary model, the Port-A-NanoMed is geared towards emergency, on-the-spot medicine. Can be controlled with a medical PDA or separate remote found on the table next to it. If necessary, the Port-a-NanoMed's home turf can be changed by click-dragging the machine onto an adjacent floor tile.
Port-a-Medbay A special sleeper with a built-in teleporter, used to safely transfer critically-wounded patients to medbay for further treatment. It even sends a PDA alert to all Medical PDAs when it's sent to its home turf with someone inside it to facilitate this. Can be controlled with either the medical PDA app or the standalone remote.
Cloning Scanner The cloning scanner cannot scan husks, people who have logged out or bodies that have decayed. An upgrade module to remove that third restriction can be acquired somewhere in space. For more information, please refer to Medical Doctor.
Cloning Pod This small, computer-controlled pod is used to grow living clones of dead people. A steady supply of biomass is required for this process. Click on it to check the current cloning cycle and biomass fill level. You can rename the pod by clicking on it with a hand labeler. It is possible for multiple cloning pods to be attached to a cloning scanner and console, so long as said pods are within 4 tiles of the console. When initiating a cloning cycle, the system chooses the inactive pod with the highest biomatter.
Enzymatic Reclaimer This is where the biomass comes from. Accepts corpses (human/monkey), slabs of meat or viscerite, but not living humans or player-controlled monkeys unless emagged. Monkeys that are NPCs can always be reclaimed, though, even if they're still alive. When a corpse is put into the machine, it automatically spits out any clothes and implants on them, unless it has been emagged.
Morgue Unit Used to store corpses for autopsies. Extend the tray, wrestle a stiff on it and slide it back in. The body won't undergo decomposition so long as it's inside.
Operating Table A table used to perform surgery on dead or living subjects. See Roboticist or Doctoring for more information.
Operating Computer Provides oodles of medical information on whoever is laying on the adjacent operating table. It provides the same info as a fully-upgraded health analyzer, but it has some extra features:
A graphical representation of the contents of their bloodstream. Mouseover the colored bars to see what reagents they represent!
Histographs for OXY, TOX, BRUTE, and BURN. These depict how these damage types have gone up and down while on the table.
A “Neuron Cohesion” indicator. This basically represents how close they are to the deadly 120 brain damage threshold, in a more precise manner than the analyzer's “significant” or “severe”. It's calculated as (120 - brain damage)/120 %, so lower cohesion means more brain damage.
Indicators for clone generation, “genetic defects” (i.e. cloner-related defects) and genetic stability, as well as, less notably, age, blood type, and blood color.
In addition, unless you have medical training, you must lay down on the operating table or be unconscious to be tracked by the computer. This means that if you are standing on an operating table and don't have that trait, self-surgery will be harder, since the machine won't tell you your vitals.
Tray Specifically a surgery/surgical tray. Trays are often found in the Operating Theatre, and they typically have a complete suite of medical tools to be used in surgery. Unlike your run-of-the-mill table, these can be moved just by moving into them if they're unanchored. Clicking on the tray with an empty hand toggles whether it can be moved or not.
Module Rewriter Located in Robotics. Used to convert Cyborg modules into other modules and modify the module's included toolset. Requires a human to insert a module into the rewriter, but the process can otherwise be wholly done by the cyborgs themselves. More details on modifying modules in the Roboticist guide.
Medical Computer This ThinkDOS-based workstation runs MedTrak and provides access to all medical records as well as the virus database.
Genetic Scanner Found in genetics. Used to conduct genetics research on test subjects - see Guide to Genetics for further information.
Gene Booth

Public MiniMed

This public vending machine sells basic medical supplies. A few of these can be found all across the station, and they can be easily recognized by their wide range of darkly comedic slogans, such as “Now 80% sterilized!”, “Are you or a loved one currently dying? Consider Discount Dan's burial solutions!”, and “Please, be considerate! Do not block access to the machine with your bloodied carcass.” Despite what the line “ERROR: Item “Stimpack” not found!” implies, these things currently never sell stimpacks of any kind. Likewise with “Please contact your insurance provider for details on reduced payment options for this machine!”: it is not possible to get discounted prices in-game.

When hacked, it offers more unusual fare, alongside some Robust Coffee for weary souls. If it's screaming “ERROR: OUT OF COFFEE!” though, that means hacking it won't unlock any of said coffee.

Quantity Item Price Hidden item?
5 Healing mini-patch (15u of styptic powder) 60 No
5 Burn mini-patch (15u of silver sulfadiazine) 60 No
5 Epinephrine pill (10u of epinephrine) 100 No
5 Analgesic pill (10u of salicylic acid) 60 No
5 Menthol pill (10u of Menthol) 60 No
5 Emergency auto-injector (charcoal) (10u of charcoal) 60 No
2 Emergency auto-injector (diphenhydramine) (10u of diphenhydramine) 60 No
2 Emergency auto-injector (spaceacillin) (10u of spaceacillin) 150 No
2 Ampoule (smelling salts) (5u of ammonium bicarbonate) 60 No
2 Health analyzer (no upgrades) 75 No
5 Bandages 30 No
5 Sterile mask 30 No
5 Latex gloves 30 No
0-2 Health Analyzer Upgrade 75 Yes
0-5 Skin soothing ultra-damage repair mini-patch (15u of synthflesh) 75 Yes
1 MediVape 300 Yes
2-5 Bath bomb 300 Yes
1 (5% chance to appear) bath salts pill (10u of bath salts) 300 Yes
1-5 (15% chance to appear) Robust Coffee 30 Yes

Pathology Equipment

Item Description
Blood Slide Draw blood from a person, then inject it into the slide. The first step in researching diseases. Blood slides are disposable and can't be cleaned.
Petri Dish Used to cultivate pathogens. Maximum capacity is 40 units of nutrients.
Totally Safe™ Pathogen Sample Really is safe, though not quite a pathogen sample, since it contains just 5 units of plain water.
Path-o-Matic Vials, growth media and other supplies needed for pathology research are available here.
Centrifuge Isolates pathogen samples from an blood slide. If there are multiple pathogens in a blood slide, it lets you pick which one to isolate. You may need this in order to start proper cure manufacturing.
Autoclave Clean a Petri dish for reuse, which is required to be used in the centrifuge as a receptacle, and clears away any chemicals on it. Also accepts other glassware, e.g. beakers, drinking glasses, and removes all chems from them too. Can clean only one piece of glassware at a time.
Microscope Essential for determining a pathogen's symptoms and suppressant. See Guide to Pathology for more info on how this is done.
Synth-O-Matic A machine specialized in making cures for pathogens, as well as vaccines, see Guide to Pathology for instructions. It can also create new pathogen samples. The Synth-O-Matic requires certain modules to perform certain functions; luckily it spawns with all the modules in the game, so in practice it's nothing to really worry about.
Synth-O-Matic Module Synth-O-Matic modules grant a Synth-O-Matic various capabilities, like making vaccines, automatically identifying anti-agent and suppressant, and just being able to cure certain microbodies in the first place. Once upon a time, Synth-O-Matic came with only a basic set of these, but now if you pop one open, it has all the possible modules.
Pathogen Manipulator Analyzes a pathogen's stats and can be used to create new symptoms and splice them into other ones. However, you can only add vials to the machine. To actually work with the pathogen, you need to use the accompanying Pathology Research computer to control the manipulator.
Pathology Research You use this rather confusingly named computer to control the pathogen manipulator, while the manipulator itself does the dirty work.
Incubator Grows microbes, not chicken eggs. When given a Petri dish containing pathogen, the machine automatically grows more of it every so often. It does not need to be supplied nutrients, but it cannot cultivate Great Mutatis cells, and if there multiple different pathogens, it picks only one. Using a vial on the machine will fill the vial with 2 units of pathogen from the dish. You can Examine the machine to determine how much pathogen reagent it has.


Splint Used to secure broken bones to lessen pain before transporting a patient. Also applies pressure to the limb, slowing bleeding from any wounds, including arterial ruptures. Can be applied to arms, hands, legs and feet. Cannot be applied to torso or head.

If regular splints are not available, a makeshift one can be fashioned out of a metal rod and some tape.
Roll of gauze Some sterile gauze to wrap around bloody stumps.
Ointment Used to treat those nasty burns.
Advanced Trauma Kit Effectively a stronger version of the roll of gauze.
Advanced Burn Kit The almighty slayer of burns and infections! Even better than ointment.
Stock Medical Kit Contains X3 Rolls of gauze, X2 Ointments, X1 Autoinjector, X1 Health Analyzer
Toxins Medical Kit Contains X3 Syringe (Dylovene), x3 Dylovene pill, X1 Health Analyzer
Burn Medical Kit Contains X2 Ointments, X1 Health Analyzer, X1 Syringe (inaprovaline), X3 Kelotane pills
Oxygen Deprivation Medical Kit Contains X4 Dexalin pill, X2 Syringe (inaprovaline), X1 Health Analyzer
Advanced Medical Kit Contains X3 Advanced Trauma Kit, X2 Advanced Burn Kit, X1 Splint, X1 Autoinjector
Pen Light Works like a flashlight, but has slightly lower brightness. Turn it on, aim at your patient's eyes, and click on the patient to check whether their pupils react to light.
Space Cleaner Used to clean any mess in Medbay. Particularly useful for cleaning up chemical spills, blood stains (especially in the OR), biological contaminants, and the bloody clothes of people you are cloning.
Bottle Especially made for holding liquids. They can be made by a chemist at a ChemMaster and are mostly used to fill syringes.

A medicine bottle holds up to 60 units of liquid.
Beaker Useful for mixing in, or for splashing chemicals with.

This is a container specifically for holding liquids. They are most commonly found in Medical and Chemistry Lab. You may splash the contents of a beaker onto your face and neck, or someone else's, transfer its contents to another container or to a syringe.

Standard glass beakers hold 60 units of liquid. Large beakers hold 120 units.
Dropper A dropper is a container used for holding 5u of liquids. An empty dropper will store liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers. The dropper can be adjusted to transfer liquids in doses as small as single units.
Syringes A syringe is a container especially used for holding injectable liquids. It has two modes – inject and draw. While in draw mode, a syringe takes liquids from other liquid containers (such as bottles and beakers) 5u at a time, or takes a 15u blood sample from people. While in inject mode it will push its contents 5 mg at a time into a target, including people or other containers.
A syringe can hold up to 15 mg of liquid and will survive reactions happening inside it.
They are most often found inside syringe boxes in the open around medbay or in medical lockers or in medical crates ordered from the Quartermasters. Medical dispensers also provide a number of empty syringes. Syringes for botanical use can be found in fertilizer dispensers.

Specialised pre-filled syringes can also found in medical kits, such as Dylovene and Inaprovaline, and spaceacillin syringes are also in medical dispensers. Emptying Inaprovaline syringes and filling them up with unstable mutagen and acid to inject with people is a good way to assassinate or incapacitate someone under the guise of helping them.
Syringe Gun Fire at people at a range with a syringe, useful if choral hydrate or acid is in the needles. Not good for medicine applications (does minor damage each hit) unless you're trying to sedate a panicked or violent patient, in which case it may be worth the minor damage.
Straitjacket A long-sleeved jacket used to restrict movement. People who wear this can't use their hands.
Muzzle Stops those pesky patients from screaming! People who wear this can't use their mouths to speak, and they can't use their teeth to chew their hands off.
Hypospray A fast syringe that can be loaded with up to 25u of any chemical, and injected instantly 5u at a time. The CMO starts with one filled with Inaprovaline.
Cloning Techniques of the 26th Century A book teaching you how to turn those bloodstained bodies into humans!
Virus Sample Sample used in Virology lab to research viruses. Virology starts with 3 random virus samples.
Body Bag A bag used to transport the deceased, to the morgue usually.
Stasis Bag A non-reusable bag designed for the preservation of an occupant's body by stasis. Can keep a patient alive in an emergency.


Health Analyzer

Analyzing Results for (Character Name):
Overall Status: 100% healthy
Damage Specifics: 0-0-0-0
Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute
Body Temperature: 34.3943°C (93.9098°F)
Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal
Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal
Subject burn injury status O.K
Subject brute-force injury status O.K

Roboticists can also use these to make Medibots. |

Mass Spectrometer A device for analyzing chemicals in the blood.
Advance Mass Spectrometer A device for analyzing chemicals in the blood and their quantities.
Sink Used for washing your hands before surgery (empty hands), washing objects if you're holding them, and as a water source.
Roller Bed This is used to lie in, sleep in or strap on. Useful to safely transport critical patients to the medbay. Can be folded and picked up by hand; click and drag the bed to your character.
Bed A simple bed, for the patients to lie in and rest.


Latex Gloves Doesn't spread diseases, also makes it easier to wash off blood.
Medical Masks Wearing this makes you practically immune to toxins.
Sterile Masks Wearing this makes you practically immune to toxins and protects you from viruses.
Medical Belt Used for holding medical things.
Labcoat Part of the standard medical uniform. It has pockets to store small items.
Biohazard Suit & Helmet This suit is the best protection against viral infection, especially useful for the Virologist.
Medical Hardsuit & Helmet Found in EMT Storage room, this hardsuit is helpful in reaching wounded personnel in unwelcoming environments. It has an integrated Health Scanner HUD, jetpack and selection of medicine to be injected before transporting the patient to Medbay.
Health Scanner HUD Wearing one will let you see at a glance the general health of people around you.
Sleeping Agent Tank A tank filled with a nitrous oxide/oxygen mix to use as anesthesia during surgery. The mix ratio is about 21% O2, 79% N2O—same as breathable air, but with nitrogen replaced by nitrous oxide.
Prescription Glasses Nothing special, a pair of nerdy glasses.
Cane Given to patients who have difficulties walking.
Medical Backpack A medic styled backpack, same size as the normal ones.


Scalpel A sharp knife used in surgery, also works as a good melee weapon. It is a precise cutting tool.
Circular Saw Surgery tool. Note the blood stains; if there are no blood stains, you already know what you're doing with this bad boy. This is a tiny item that can be used by Medical Doctors to cut out brains to be put into robots. It is also a highly effective melee weapon. They can be found in the Operating Theatre or made in an autolathe. It is extremely easy to blind yourself and others with this weapon, so letting the entire crew run around with these is extremely dangerous. It is a non-precise cutting tool.
Brain Even though it seems like no one uses theirs, the brain exists in a special hidden slot in your head. Some people really want to take yours, so guard it well! Others may want it for culinary experiments. Without it, you will instantly die and be incapable of being cloned. Other organs also exist in other 'slots' in your body; you may need to replace them or volunteer to get cybernetic augmentations.
Man-Machine Interface The device used to give cyborgs life without a positronic brain. The roboticist starts with a few empty ones and its low research requirements mean more can easily be built in the protolathe. A brain in an MMI has no limbs and is, of course, not capable of interacting with anything - but at least it can talk. There's also a radio-enabled version that lets those snooty brains complain about you over the radio.
Surgical Drill An item used for surgery, doesn't seem very useful in melee combat.
Retractor Used to open the tissue after making an incision.
Bone Setter A surgical tool to set a bone back to its healthy position.
Bone Gel Gel to repair bones during surgery.
FixOVein Used for fixing veins during surgery.
Cautery Surgical item used to close wounds.
Hemostat Surgical item used to extract objects from body cavities and stop bleeding.
Autopsy Scanner Used during Autopsy to detect the origin of the wounds and to print an autopsy report.
Blood Bag Used with the IV drip to give or take blood from a patient. Medbay has all types of blood bags (O-, O+, A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, and AB+) as well as empty bag for blood donations.
IV drip Used with a blood bag to give or take blood from a patient.


Medical Records Contains the medical records of all NovusCorp employees, a virus information database, and updates on the station's medbots. It has a lot more personal information than the Crew Monitoring computer, but most of it is never important and none of it updates automatically.
NanoMed Plus Vending machine contains:
Dylovene bottle: 4
Inaprovaline bottle: 4
Soporific bottle: 4
Toxin bottle: 4
Syringe (spaceacillin): 4
Syringe: 12
Health Analyzer: 5
Beaker: 4
Dropper: 2
Advanced Trauma Kit: 3
Advanced Burn Kit: 3
Medical Splints: 2
(Hacked) Toxins pill: 3
(Hacked) Soporific pill: 4
(Hacked) Dylovene pill: 6
Morgue Tray Holds one person (preferably dead) on the tray within. Unlike the identical chapel crematorium, bodies in these will stay fresh indefinitely.
Sleeper & Sleeper Console Putting a person into one of these can only slow or stabilize their injuries, but it can give a doctor precious time to get better drugs or set up Cryo.
Body Scanner & Body Scanner Console Used to detect most medical problems in a patient, from fractures to brain damage.
Operating Computer & Operating Table The connected computer shows vitals of the patient for ease of monitoring during surgery.
Cryo Cell & Freezer These high-tech devices can bring crewmembers back from the brink of death. The station starts with two, but they have to be set up first. See the guide to medicine for instructions. Use of these with Clonexadone is the only way to fully heal clones.
Crew Monitoring Computer The huge benefit of this privacy-violating machine is its ability to report the location and vital statistics of the crew via their suit sensors. The downside is that it's entirely dependent on the crew bothering to turn those sensors on. Other than Medical, only the Heads and AI have access to it.
DNA Modifier These can't create new bodies but only change existing ones - monkey to human (or vice versa), discovering superpowers, healing genetic defects, modifying gender attributes… or just making everybody look and sound exactly like you. They can also output single-use injectors for remote genetic wizardry.
Cloning Console & Cloning Pod A machine with the power to reverse death itself - as long as there's something to scan. The paranoid can check in at any time but the typical patient is dead on arrival. See here or check out a copy of Cloning Techniques of the 26th Century for instructions.
Chem Dispenser Contains 100 regenerating energy points. Each 10u you wish to dispense costs one energy point. It will not work during a power outage. This machine provides the chemist with most of the raw materials to ply his trade.
ChemiSynth Can synthesize many basic chemicals based on Chemical Science and Replication technologies, and generates a broader range of synthetic chemicals.
ChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes tablets out of the chemical you loaded inside. Just select the amount of each chemical you with to work with. Ejecting a beaker while working on a chemical will make the chemical go to waste. You can make up to 60-unit pills and 60-unit bottles this way.
Reagent Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. Works on:

Refined sheets of mined minerals (phoron, gold, uranium, and silver)
Cooked and grown foods (bananas, liberty caps, corn, carrots, and chilis)
Other grown items (nettles and death nettles)

Virology Machines

All of these machines can be found in Virology and are used primarily by the Virologist.

Disease Splicer Used for splicing diseases.
Pathogenic Incubator Used to allow pathogens to grow to maturity.
Pathogenic Isolator Used to isolate pathogens in blood samples.
Cure Research Machine Used to research the cure for a pathogen.
Disease Analyzer Used to analyze the symptoms of a disease.
Virus Food Dispenser A dispenser giving liquid food for virus growth.

Medical items. Used to usually heal people. Contents [hide] 1 Items 1.1 Diagnostics 1.2 Basic Treatments 1.3 Surgical Tools 1.4 Medical Gear 1.5 Medical Kits 1.6 Pill Bottles 2 Machinery and Facilities Items

Diagnostics The items for diagnosing the patient.

Health Analyzer Health Analyzer Found in: Medical Storage, O2 Emergency Lockers all over the station Used for: Determining the patient's damage Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings Description Whip this out and use it on someone to see a summary of their condition. As a medical professional, your PDA also has a built in Health Analyzer, just make sure to activate it before use. The results are broken up into sections: Overall health percentage Damage Type Blood Type Medical ID Temperature Infection warning (only appears if there is one) An ideal reading for a health scan: Analyzing Results for [Character Name]:

 Overall Status: 100% healthy
 Damage Specifics: 0-0-0-0

Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute Body Temperature: 34.3943°C (93.91°F) Localized Damage, Burn/Brute: Limbs are OK. Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K The health analyzer has two modes: a health scan which is described above and a chemical scan. Use the chemical mode to identify any chemicals in a person's bloodstream. If the subject is addicted to any chems then the analyzer will identify them in a chemical scan.

Penlight Penlight Found in: Medical Storage, Genetics Used for: Determining the patient's eye condition or if the patient is alive Strategy: Toggle the light on, aim for the eyes and use on the patient Description Works like a flashlight, but with a much lower brightness. Used to identify blindness and x-ray vision - to use, target a patient's eyes. Click on patients from a distance with a penlight to create a medical hologram with a ping, useful for quickly signalling that you want to treat them.

Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Found in: Research Used for: For seeing what reagents the patient has in their bloodstream, though you should just use a health analyzer. Strategy: Draw blood from the patient with a syringe, inject the blood into the Mass Spectrometer and apply it in hand to see results Description A hand-held mass spectrometer which identifies trace chemicals in a blood sample. An Advanced Mass Spectrometer.png Advanced Mass Spectrometer also gives you information how much of the chemicals are in the blood.

Stethoscope Stethoscope Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Listening to patient's pulse and respiration Strategy: Use it on a patient. …or a safe. Description An outdated medical apparatus for listening to the sounds of the human body. It also makes you look like you know what you're doing.

Basic Treatments

These are your basic go-to items for stabilizing casualties and treating everyday brute, burn, toxin and oxygen deprivation damage. Every good medical professional should keep a few of these on them in case of emergency. Chances are you'll need them in a hurry.

Bruise Pack Bruise Pack Found in: Medical Storage, Prison Wing, Dormitory Used for: Treating bruise damage Strategy: Aim for the damaged limb and apply the bruise pack on the patient Description Used to cure brute damage. Target the area with brute damage and apply. This works even on those in critical condition, so if someone has stabilized the casualty, either by Epinephrine or by giving CPR, whip out your Health Analyzer and apply where needed. Come in stacks of five. Patch.png The chemical equivalent is Styptic powder.

Ointment Ointment Found in: Medical Storage, Prison Wing, Dormitory Used for: Treating burn damage Strategy: Aim for the damaged limb and apply the ointment on the patient Description Exactly the same as the bruise pack, except it is used to treat burn damage. Patch.png The chemical equivalent is Silver sulfadiazine.

Medical gauze Medical gauze Found in: Medical Storage, Dormitory, Nanomed Plus Used for: Temporarily stopping bleeding Strategy: Apply the gauze on the patient - aim for whichever part is exposed and it will work! Description Used to stop bleeding. It won't last forever and it doesn't heal any damage.

Anti-Toxin Anti-Toxin Found in: NanoMed Plus -vending machines, Medical Storage Used for: Treating toxin damage Strategy: Feed the pills to/or inject the patient Description Syringes.png Your go-to stock chemical for curing toxin damage. One unit of Anti-Toxin will cure five units of damage. Administer either by syringe or pill. Apill.png The chemical name for Anti-Toxin is Charcoal.

Epinephrine Epinephrine Found in: NanoMed Plus -vending machines, Medical Storage, O2 Emergency Lockers all over the station Used for: Treating suffocation damage Strategy: Inject the patient Description Syringes.png A very handy chemical to have to hand in an emergency, Epinephrine will stabilize anyone in critical condition, and temporarily prevent them from dying in front of you, just like CPR. Inject into the casualty and commence treatment quickly before it wears off. Pill16.png Chemical equivalent: Salbutamol. This chemical is usually found as a pill in emergency oxygen-deprivation kits. It will rapidly cure oxygen deprivation damage, but note that this will also heal over time so long as the casualty is not in critical condition and has enough oxygen. As this is widespread around the station, and oxygen deprivation is readily reversed in non-critical cases, it is less important to have than the others.

Syringe Syringe Found in: Medical Storage, Chemistry Used for: Injecting medicine, taking blood samples Strategy: Apply it while in hand to toggle inject or draw mode Description A syringe is a container especially used for holding liquids. They have two modes – inject and draw. While in draw mode, a syringe takes liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers and even people 5 mg at a time. While in inject mode it will push its contents 5 mg at a time into a target, including other containers. Syringes can be injected into food and drinks, even those still sitting on a table. A syringe can hold up to 15 mg of liquid and will survive reactions happening inside of it in spite of appearances. They are most often found inside syringe boxes in the open around medbay or in medical lockers or in medical crates ordered from the Quartermaster. Medical dispensers also provide a number of empty syringes. Srybox.png Empty syringes can be found in boxes located around Medbay. Specialised pre-filled syringes can also found in Medical kits, such as Anti-Toxin or Epinephrine. Spaceacillin syringes are also in Medical dispensers.

Syringe Gun Syringe Gun Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Tranquilizing the chucklefucks Strategy: Load the gun with a syringe filled with whatever and shoot at the patient Description Fire at people at a range with a syringe, useful if Chloral Hydrate or acid is in the needles. Not good for medicine applications (does minor damage each hit).

Hypospray Hypospray Found in: Chief Medical Officer's Office Used for: Applying medicine quickly Strategy: Fill with medicine, apply to patient for quick healing Description A fast syringe that can be loaded with up to 30u of any chemical, and injected instantly unlike normal syringes. The patient feels a tiny prick!

Eyedropper Eyedropper Found in: Chemistry, Medical Storage, R&D Lab Used for: Applying medicine quickly, small amounts at a time Strategy: Fill with medicine, apply to patient Description Toggle in hand to change it to drop one unit at a time. A dropper is a container used for holding 5ml of liquids. An empty dropper will store liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers. Once full, you can squirt the contents of the dropper at any target adjacent or below you, including other liquid containers, or on people's faces.

Beaker Beaker Found in: Medical Storage, Chemistry, Robotics, R&D Lab Used for: Transporting and mixing chemicals Strategy: Transport chemicals or mix them and watch magic happen Description This is a container specifically for holding liquids. They are most commonly found in Medbay and Chemistry Lab. It is ill-advised always a great idea to splash whatever you find in a beaker onto your face and neck, or if possible, to inject it straight into your veins with a syringe. Standard glass Beakers hold 50 units of liquid. Large Beakers hold 100 units of liquid, but they are less common, thus, more valued. Bottle.png A Bottle is a smaller version of a Beaker and can be made by a Chemist from a ChemMaster 3000 and are mostly used to fill syringes. A bottle holds up to 30 units of liquid.

Pill Bottle Pill Bottle Found in: Chemistry Used for: Transporting pills Strategy: Put pills inside, take pills out when needed Description It's an airtight container for storing medication.

DNA Injector DNA Injector Found in: Genetics Used for: Transfering genetics from subject to another Strategy: Make one in the DNA Scanner Access Console and use it on someone or yourself Description This injects the person with DNA. It stores either UI (Unique Identifiers), UE (Unique Enzymes) or SE (Structural Enzymes) and transfers them instantly to the person upon injection.

Surgical Tools These items are used in surgery. Surgical tools can be found in Operating Theatre and Robotics. Additionally, Cargo can make all of them (with the exception of drapes) using their Autolathe. It is best to keep surgical tools in their proper places so your fellow crewmembers can use them when they need them.

Drapes Drapes Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Determining which place is about to be cut, sliced 'n' diced Strategy: Use drapes on a patient who's (preferably) on the operating table Description Nanotrasen brand surgical drapes provide optimal safety and infection control.

Scalpel Scalpel Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Incisions in surgery, or melee combat Strategy: Use it on the patient when you need to do an incision Description Cut, cut, and once more cut.

Circular Saw Circular Saw Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Cutting through bone, cutting out brains or cutting logs into planks Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description Note the blood stains; if there are no blood stains… you already know what you're doing with this bad boy. This is a normal-sized item capable of being used by Medical Doctors to cut out brains to be put into robots. It is also a highly effective melee weapon. It is extremely easy to blind yourself and others with this weapon, so letting the entire crew run around with these is extremely dangerous. It may also be used to cut logs into planks.

Surgical Drill Surgical Drill Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Drilling through bone Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description A item used for surgery. Surprisingly robust, especially against eyes.

Hemostat Hemostat Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Clamping blood vessels to prevent bleeding Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description You can drill using this item. You dig?“

Cautery Cautery Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: cauterizing wounds to prevent bleeding Strategy: Use it on the patient when needed in a surgical procedure Description This stops bleeding.

Anesthetic Tank Anesthetic Tank Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics Used for: Putting the patient asleep Strategy: See below Description A tank filled with Nitrous Oxide for keeping the patient unconscious during surgery to prevent him/her from escaping feeling pain.

How to set internals: To set internals and make your patient sleep you need to first remove any item from their back. Once done you need to put a breath mask on them and then put the anesthetic tank onto their back. Once it is on their back you can put them on internals by clicking “set internals” on the same menu you used to put the tank on their back. Once done your patient should fall asleep. Remember to use a proper anesthetic mixture, as pure N2O will suffocate the patient.

Medical Gear

Clothes and other equipment made especially for the doctors.

Medical Kits These are stocked in medbay and some other locations on-station. Remember that you can always order more from cargo if you run out. Roboticists can use these to make medibots once they're empty, and these make your job a lot easier, so don't be shy about taking them over to their desk when you have a moment. Back when Telescience was a thing, scientists sometimes stole these up while cackling madly. It was probably nothing to worry about. To use a medical kit, both hands must be free. Pick up the medical kit and select the empty hand. Now click on your kit and it should open like a backpack, with the supplies inside, which you can remove, place into your free hand and use.

First-Aid Kit a.k.a. Medkit First-Aid Kit a.k.a. Medkit Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for the most common injuries Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Medical gauze Bpack.png Bpack.png Oint.png Oint.png Epinephrine medipen Healthanalyzer.png Useful for most cases (brute and burn damage) you will witness on the station. Even the most basic assistant can bring many people back from the brink of death with the help of this kit.

Toxin First-Aid Kit Toxin First-Aid Kit Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for toxin damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Syringe (Charcoal) Syringe (Charcoal) Syringe (Charcoal) Anti-Toxin pill Anti-Toxin pill Anti-Toxin pill Healthanalyzer.png This kit is for the treatment of toxin damage. The syringes and pills contain the same anti-toxin, charcoal; the syringes contain 15u each and each pill contains 50u charcoal. The syringes can inject the good stuff into any body part that isn't covered by thick material. The pills contain more charcoal but require the patient to have an exposed mouth. Toxin kits may come with 1 of 3 biohazard symbols instead of a cross (TB1Med.pngTB2Med.pngTB3Med.png), but the contents should be the same.

Burn treatment kit Burn treatment kit Found in: Medical Storage, Engineering Used for: Carrying medicine for burn damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Burn patch Burn patch Burn patch Oxandrolone pill Oxandrolone pill Epinephrine medipenHealthanalyzer.png This kit is for the treatment of burn damage. Each burn patch contains 20u silver sulfadiazine. The oxandrolone pills will heal more severe burns at a faster rate, but taking more than one pill will result in an overdose. Burn treatment kits may have a flame symbol (BMedFlame.png) instead of a cross, though the contents should be the same.

Brute trauma treatment kit Brute trauma treatment kit Found in: Medical Storage, mining equipment vendors Used for: Carrying medicine for brute damage and gauze to treat bleeding from brute damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Styptic powder patch Styptic powder patchStyptic powder patch Styptic powder patch Medical gauze Medical gauze Healthanalyzer.png This kit is for the treatment of brute damage. Each patch contains 20u of styptic powder.

Oxygen Deprivation First-Aid Kit Oxygen Deprivation First-Aid Kit Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for suffocation damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients Contents Description Salbutamol pill Salbutamol pill Salbutamol pill Salbutamol pill Epinephrine medipen Epinephrine medipen Healthanalyzer.png This kit is for the treatment of suffocation damage. Each pill contains 30u Salbutamol and each medipen contains 10u epinephrine, which can be administered through thick clothing.

Box of hugs Box of hugs Found in: Maintenance Used for: Carrying medicine for common injuries, hugging Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients. Use the box to calm sensitive patients. Contents Description Bpack.png Oint.png Epinephrine medipen This box is made for the well-being of sensitive persons. Unfortunately they are not readily available on the station.

Pill Bottles These are located in the Genetics lab. The chemicals contained within these bottles are mostly useful for clones.

Bottle of Mannitol Pills Bottle of Mannitol Pills Found in: Genetics Used for: Treating brain damage in patients, particularly the newly-cloned. Strategy: Get the patient to swallow a pill. Slip a pill in the cryo beakers. Contents Description Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Mannitol pill Contains pills used to treat brain damage.

Bottle of Mutadone Pills Bottle of Mutadone Pills Found in: Genetics Used for: Removing genetic mutations in patients including superpowers and disabilities. Strategy: Get the patient to swallow a pill. Force one into a monkey to turn it into a human. Contents Description Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Mutadone pill Contains pills used to treat genetic abnormalities. Machinery and Facilities

These are the vital machines that you need to treat abnormally damaging injuries. With the exception of the sink and shower, you need to be able to access the Medbay to use any of these.

NanoMed Plus Found in: Medbay Used for: Supplying yourself with medical items Strategy: Use the machine and choose your poison Description See what NanoMed Plus holds inside.

NanoMed NanoMed Found in: Medbay Used for: Supplying yourself with medical items Strategy: Use the machine and choose your poison. Description See what NanoMed holds inside.

Sleeper Sleeper Found in: Medbay Used for: To stabilize patients Strategy: Get the patient on top of the Sleeper, use the Sleeper and choose “Close”, now the patient is in and you can inject all the needed medicines Description Sleepers contain an unlimited supply of five different chemicals. See here how to use a Sleeper. Guide to building a Sleeper.

Cryogenics Tube & Freezer Found in: Medbay Used for: Healing critical (or not critical) patients and genetic damage Strategy: Set the cryo up and put people in. Eject them after they've healed up Description These high-tech devices can bring crew members back from the brink of death. The station starts with two, but they have to be set up first. It automatically stabilizes people in critical condition, and will safely lower a patient's body temperature to levels at which Cryoxadone, usually mixed with Mannitol, is effective. These chemicals will heal all damage types, and are the only way to fix clone loss caused by cloning and slime feeding. See here how to use and perform maintenance on the Cryogenics Tubes. Guide to building a Cryogenics Tube.

Defibrillator Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Reviving the recently dead Strategy: Get to bodies fast enough and jump-start their heart Description Can bring patients out of death and into crit if they have only been dead a short time (only a few minutes). Does brain damage, though, and doesn't work if patients are not in their bodies or if they are heavily damaged. Runs on power cells. Can be emagged for a heavy stun and some burn damage.

DNA Scanner & DNA Scanner Access Console Found in: Genetics Used for: Overall changing the subject's DNA, e.g. finding superpowers. Making SE/UI injections Strategy: Put a person in the DNA Scanner and use the console to play God. Description These can't create new bodies but only change existing ones - monkey to human (or vice versa), discovering superpowers, healing genetic defects… or just making everybody look and sound exactly like you. They can also output single-use injectors for remote genetic wizardry. More info can be found here. Guide to building a DNA Scanner.

DNA Scanner, Cloning Console & Cloning Pod Found in: Genetics Used for: Scanning dead people and cloning them back to life Strategy: Put a corpse in the DNA Scanner, use the console, scan, clone if possible Description A machine with the power to reverse death itself - as long as there's something to scan. The paranoid can check in at any time but the typical patient is dead on arrival. See here for instructions or check out a copy of Cloning techniques of the 26th century (found on the Geneticist's desk). Guide to building a DNA Scanner. Guide to building a Cloning Pod.

IV Drip Found in: Medbay Used for: Dispensing blood and other chemicals Strategy: Attach the patient to the IV drip. Insert blood pack. Wait. Do not move the patient while they are hooked up to the IV. Description The IV drip can replenish patients' blood with blood packs, or collect their blood with empty packs. If no blood is available to treat patients, saline-glucose solution can be used as an inferior substitute.

Blood Pack Found in: Operating Theatre, Virology Used for: Replenishing blood Strategy: Attach the patient to the IV drip. Insert blood pack. Wait. Do not move the patient while functioning. Description Blood packs can be attached to an IV to transfuse or collect blood from patients. Medbay is initially stocked with blood packs for each blood type. Don't give patients the wrong kind of blood! Blood packs can be labeled with a pen. An operating computer, as in not broken.

Operating Table Found in: Operating Theatre, Robotics, and Maintenance just north of arrivals (only on BoxStation) Used for: Surgery Strategy: Put patient on table, do surgery Description A major part in all surgery. Only medical doctors and the CMO have access to surgery.

Chem Dispenser Found in: Chemistry Used for: Dispensing chemicals Strategy: Put a beaker in it, use it, choose how much you want, what you want and eject the beaker Description This machine provides the Chemist with most of the raw materials to ply his trade. Contains 100 regenerating energy points. Every 10 units of reagent costs one energy point. It remains on during a power outage, though it will not recharge points unless it is receiving power. A beaker, or other liquid holding device, has to be put inside for it to preform it's function. The units of chemicals it gives out vary depending on what it is set to. Chemicals produced: See here for a list of chemicals. Guide to building a Portable Chem Dispenser.

Chemical Heater Found in: Chemistry Used for: Heating chemicals Strategy: Put a beaker in, select a temperature, and turn it on. Description See the guide to chemistry for a list of chemical formulas and their reaction to heat.

ChemMaster 3000 Found in: Chemistry Used for: Making bottles and pills Strategy: Put beaker with stuff in, make stuff containing bottles/pills for further use Description Separates, bottles, and makes pills out of the chemical you loaded inside. Just select the amount of each chemical you with to work with. Ejecting a beaker while working on a chemical will make the chemical go to waste. You can only make 50 unit pills, and 30 unit bottles this way.

Reagent Grinder Found in: Chemistry, Kitchen, Bar, Hydroponics, Xenobiology Used for: Grinding and liquefying reagents Strategy: Put something in it and choose what you want to do with it Description Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. Works on: Refined sheets of mined minerals (phoron, gold, uranium, bananium, and silver) Grown foods (bananas, liberty caps, corn, carrots, and chilies) Other grown items (nettles and death nettles) Snacks (chips and candy)

Morgue Tray Morgue Tray Found in: Morgue Used for: Storing dead people Strategy: Open, put a dead person on, preferably in a body bag with a note attached to it (who they are and why they're there), and close Description Holds one person (preferably dead) on the tray within. Has a light on the side to notify about the body if it has a ghost in them Blue light: No body or object. Green light: Body with a ghost in it. Red light: Body with no ghost or braindead/catatonic. Orange light: Non-body object.