Table of Contents

Manufacturing Machines

The automated way of manufacturing items is by utilizing the various fabricators. The fabricators work with all sorts of minerals, which can be gathered by the miners or occasionally bought from merchants, but won't accept them outright. Instead, they take processed material bars. Reclaimers are capable of breaking down a wide variety of objects and ore into processed material bars and are therefore an essential supplement.


While crates full of metal sheets are available from Home Office, they can't be used directly in the fabricators. Likewise, raw ore is unsuitable for manufacturing items. The portable reclaimer turns them and other supplies into material bars, which can then be processed to make items. You can connect a reclaimer directly to a fabricator, crate, or floor tile to transfer the finished product to a machine, crate, or the floor respectively. Typically, every department that makes use of fabricators has at least one reclaimer at their disposal.

The three basic minerals - steel, copper and glass - can be acquired by inserting standard-issue metal sheets (steel), cable coils (synthrubber-insulated copper) and glass panels, respectively. However, said supplies may also consist of custom alloys or other materials, and recycling these will yield different minerals. Fabric can be reclaimed by recycling excess jumpsuits in an auto-loom; leather can be reclaimed by doing the same with shoes.


The quartermaster's cargo bay is special as it houses almost all types of fabricators right next to each other. These can usually be trusted to have raw materials left, since the standard miner procedure is to teleport everything they don't need for their own laser drills and industrial space armor into the QM's lap, and the QM's standard procedure is to load anything they aren't intending on trading or sending to a particular department upon request into these machines.

General Manufacturer / Autolathe

Also known as the autolathe. Several of them are available on the station, particularly in tool storage and the warehouse and research sector, among other places. In theory, it creates many cheap and useful general-purpose items such as tools and basic construction materials for when you need to plug a hull breach in a hurry.



* Hand Labeler * Design Storage Disk * Technology Data Storage Disk * Power Control Module * Airlock Electronics * Firelock Circuitry * Air Alarm Electronics * Fire Alarm Electronics * Light Fixture Battery


* Reinforced Glass Panel * Metal Panel * Glass Panel * Metal Rods * Compressed Matter Cartridge * Light Tube * Light Bulb * Camera Assembly * Newscaster Frame * Turret Control Frame * Conveyor Belt * Conveyor Belt Switch * (When hacked) * RCD * RPD


* Remote Signaling Device * Radio Headset * Station Bounced Radio * Intercom Frame


* Rubber Shot * Beanbag Slug * Speed Loader (.38) * (When Hacked) * Flamethrower * Handcuffs * Modular Receiver * Shotgun Slug * Buckshot Shell * Shotgun Dart * Incendiary Slug * Foam riot dart * Foam riot dart box * .357 bullet casing * Ammo box (10mm) * Ammo box (.45) * Ammo box (9mm)


* Basic Matter Bin * Basic Power Cell * Basic Scanning_Module * Basic Capacitor * Basic Micro-Laser * Micro Manipulator


* Beaker * Large Beaker * Scalpel * Circular Saw * Surgical Drill * Retractor * Cautery * Hemostat * Syringe * Health Analyzer * Pill Bottle * Health Sensor


* Basic Power Cell * Package Wrapping * Cultivator * Plant Analyzer * Shovel * Spade * Hatchet * Camera * Camera Film Cartridge * Earmuffs * Emergency Oxygen Tank * Universal Recorder * Tape * Igniter * Infrared Emitter * Timer * Voice Analyzer * Proximity Sensor * Box of Foam Darts * Laptop Frame * Tablet Frame * Slime Scanner * Pet Carrier * Holodisk * Blue Circuit Tile * Green Circuit Tile * Red Circuit Tile * Price Tagger * Custom Vendor Refill * Fluid Ducts * (When hacked) * Extended-Capacity Emergency Oxygen Tank * Plasmaman Belt Tank * Tinfoil Hat


* Kitchen Knife * Fork * Tray * Bowl * Drinking Glass * Shot Glass * Shaker * (When hacked) * Butcher's Cleaver

Robotics Fabricator

Used to create surgery tools and certain implants, prostheses, parts and upgrades for cyborgs and robots. A pair of these can be found in robotics, conventionally enough.

Medical Fabricator

Found in medbay. Can be used to make surgery tools and other basic medical equipment, although it does not make chemicals.

Mining Fabricator

Standard mining machinery. In theory, it turns the ore spoils of miners into more effective equipment and blasting charges.

Uniform Manufacturer

Found in the customs office as well as the dormitories. Mainly intended to help mugged crewmen regain their dignity, it creates a limited selection of clothing. You can use bedsheets and towels to get more cotton for the manufacturer if needs be, or bother Botany or the Quartermaster for it if it's a long shift.

Ship Component Fabricator

Located in the central pod hangar. In exchange for devouring tons of minerals, they dispense almost everything you could want or need for the labor-intensive task of pod construction and upgrade work.

Device Analyzer

Stores temporary blueprints which can be run through the Reverse-Engineering Analyzer to make permanent blueprints, assuming your system understands the underlying principles required to make it. Standard Device Analyzers are bound by intellectual property copyrights to not duplicate branded items that the company does not have a free-use license for, but not all device analyzers are bound by this, or recognize the intellectual property rights of all things… (In short, almost all R&D experts hack their device analyzers and just correct it if inspectors are coming.)

Destructive Analyzer

This breaks down devices in order to understand the underlying principles that make them function properly. Devices broken down in such a manner generate a blueprint, much like a standard device analyzer, but also advance the tech level that R&D computers use to make new gadgets in the protolathe. As with the Device Analyzer, Destructive Analyzers are not supposed to be run on any branded merchandise. Sure.

Ruckingenur Kit

Also known as the Reverse-Engineering Analyzer, this attempts to convert the analyzed device into a functional blueprint. Blueprints made from a device analyzer synched to suitable research will usually result in a successful blueprint, but insufficient tech levels may require you to run items through a destructive analyzer to properly understand them. Likewise, prototype items may have to be run through the destructive analyzer if they are malfunctioning in order to work out the kinks and make improved versions.

Reverse-Engineering Fabricator

This allows you to fabricate any device which has had a blueprint manufactured from the Ruckingenur Kit's database.


This allows you to make new prototype technologies based on technological developments, which you can then analyze to produce from the Reverse-Engineering Fabricator.

Arc Smelter

This giant contraption is where dreams are made. Simply insert a material into the smelter by clicking it with the desired material in your hand, then click the smelter with an empty hand to refine that material into an alloy bar, then click it again to retrieve the bar. Up to two materials can be loaded to make a combination alloy that combines the functionality of both materials (i.e. combining a metal and a crystal will have it be recognized as both metal and crystal). Note that every use of the smelter causes slag to build up inside of it which, if not removed, will decrease the quality of each successive alloy and cause smoke to billow out of the smelter until it's fixed. Remove slag by clicking the smelter with the slag shovel. Most compatible materials are listed here, though you can also use obscure things like the removed slag, gold or even human flesh with a willing donor. Experiment!


This is where you insert your alloy bars to make items out of custom materials. Most schematics require either metal alloys, fabrics, rubber, leather or crystals. A single bar can be made to fill all needs.

At the top of the interface, there are 3 tabs.

Blueprints: This is where yuo can see all of the components loaded into the Nano-Fabricator.

Materials: This is where you can see all the components and supplies that are in the machine, available for your arts and crafts

Setting: Not much to it, but you can set it to automatically store crafted items into the Materials tab. This is useful when making components for more complex items.

At the Nano-Fabricator you can make a lot of that cool stuff.

Product Category Requirements Description
Spear Weapons (3) Metal, (1) Arrowhead A simple spear with long reach.
Arrow Weapons (1) Arrowhead, (1) Metal A simple arrow used as ammunition for bows.

Bow Weapons (3) Metal or Organic A simple bow. Quiver Weapons (2) Cloth or Rubber A quiver for arrows. Glasses Clothing (1) Crystal A pair of non-corrective glasses. Jumpsuit Clothing (3) Cloth or Organic A custom made jumpsuit. Has no special properties. Insulating gloves Clothing (2) Cloth or Organic Custom insulating gloves. Inherits thermally and electrically insulating properties. Armored gloves Clothing (2) Cloth or Organic Custom armored gloves. Inherits physical properties like toughness and hardness. Flashlight Lights (1) Metal (1) Lens A simple flashlight. Light color is affected by lens color. 5 Light tubes Lights (1) Metal (1) Lens 5 replacement light tubes. Lens color affects light color. 5 Light bulbs Lights (1) Metal (1) Lens 5 replacement light bulbs. Lens color affects light color. 5 Tripod bulbs Lights (1) Metal (1) Lens 5 replacement tripod light bulbs. Lens color affects light color. Material Sheet Tools (1) Metal or Crystal Sheets for construction purposes. Standard 'Metal' sheets are made from steel. Small Coil Components (1) Metal A small coil used in various objects. Large Coil Components (2) Metal A large coil used in various objects. Arrowhead Components (1) Metal or Crystal An Arrowhead that can be used for arrows or in other objects. Lens Components (1) Crystal A Lens used as a component in various objects. Only the broken laser comes to mind. Gears Components (1) Metal Some gears used as parts in various objects. Tripod Components (1) Metal A tripod. Armor plates Components (1) Material Armor plates used to strengthen various objects, particularly pod armor or body armor. Instrument body Miscellaneous (4) Material The body of an instrument. Instrument neck Miscellaneous (3) Material The neck of an instrument. Instrument mouthpiece Miscellaneous (2) Material The mouthpiece of an instrument. Instrument bell Miscellaneous (4) Metal or Crystal The bell of an instrument. Not an actual bell. Instrument bag Miscellaneous (4) Cloth or Organic The bag of an instrument. Instrument rod Miscellaneous (3) Metal or Crystal A plain old hollowed out rod.

So where do I get all the stuff I need?

Procuring the right materials can be a bit luck-based. Sometimes the Quartermaster will get special materials from trades, and the Merchants that come by shuttle can also have some goods. In most rounds however you'll be relying on the Miners, whom you should yell at regularly to bring materials to the smelter since they're literally just down the hall from Ore Processing.

As for what materials you actually want, it really depends on what you're making and why. Here are some baselines:

Floors, walls, grilles and the like? Make metal sheets out of something with a high resistance to explosions, melee and bullets, as these are the most likely things to cause hull breaches.

Heavy Armor? You will want to mash together as many high protective stats as you can. A properly-smelted Heavy Armor is hands-down the most defensively robust piece of wearable gear in the game, and you can't skimp on defense if someone is on a homicidal rampage, whether the rampager is you or someone else.

Pod Armor and windows? Stack on protection from explosions and bullets. Protection from melee damage is actually relevant in certain situations (someone winging a toolbox at your pod in desperation, an asteroid storm, etc), but most of the harmful stuff they deal with is ranged or shouldn't reach them to begin with; just beware of AP rounds. As for the windows, it's not hard for people to find a Screwdriver and Crowbar to displace them with, so firefights and explosions should be your priority.

Note that you can produce reinforced alloy glass with regular metal rods. You don't need to go out of your way for exotic metal rods if you don't want to (though it does help).

Jumpsuits? These will always need at least one piece of fibrilith/fabric (they're counted as the same thing) per construct, so bother Hydroponics/the Head of Personnel/the Miners for some. Human flesh is an acceptable substitute if someone suicided into the smelter.

Atmos Tanks? Go for resistance to whacking, exploding and heat: whacking makes it not break from holding too much gas, exploding makes it not be damaged by other exploding canisters, and heat keeps it stable when another canister starts releasing flaming gas. These are all common dangers in the Toxins mixing lab.

Selling stuff? Your only focus should be on Value.

All of this is, of course, subject to change depending on your objective and motives. You'll have to discover suitable materials for yourself, but after that it's all up to your imagination.

Alright, I got all that. Now how do I become indestructible?

Indeed, no crafting system is without a few advanced tricks. Here are some things to know:

When you combine two materials, their stats average out. Let's say one material had a Hardness of 3 and another had 7; if you mixed them, the combined alloy would have a Hardness of 5.

Merged materials will take on a mix-and-match name of whatever you put in, starting with the name of the first material and ending with the second. Additives will have their full name prefixed before the alloy name.

If you're clever with the material order, you can cram all sorts of things into an alloy and then revert it to a base name. Make a jumpsuit out of starstone but prefix it with slag, no one can tell the difference without the Material analyzer! A very devious yet underused trick.

Once a material is smelted into an alloy bar, that bar will keep the material's typing and quirks forever regardless of how many reforges it goes through. You could fuse whatever you want into a telecrystal and it would always have its spastic warping properties, you could pump a hundred ultra-dense uqill into fibrilith and it would still be considered a fabric, etc.

This does -not- work with additives however, so make sure to apply the additive last!

Need one alloy for its typing/effect but desire another alloy's stats? Grab as much of the desired alloy as you can find and gradually pump it into the base alloy. The increasing stat average will push the numbers of the final product up to where you want them to be.

This doesn't work as well if you're doing this wanting the stats of more than one alloy, but some increases are still better than nothing!

Note that constantly sullying the mixture like this will decrease Value, but if you're not selling it then you don't have to worry about that.

On the flip-side of things, if you're fighting against someone rocking some ridiculously sturdy armor, knowing what alloy gives what stats can provide a hint of what method of attack to use; just examine him and look at the alloy name of his armor. For example, uqill has top-notch Toughness, but absolutely no Compressive or Shear strength on its own, so a gun or bomb will drop him as easily as anyone else. This is providing of course that he hasn't done the renaming trick as stated above. Be wary!

Evil Blacksmith

So you're a traitor? I'm sure you've already seen the boons of durable armor, so I have just one word for you: erebite. Erebite ore tends to make a powerful explosion from so much as being looked at wrong: the slightest impact, be it from smacking, throwing, heating, electrifying or explosion knockback has a chance to make it go off, and the chance increases as its durability decreases. This extends to anything you make out of it or mix with it, so smelting a single erebite bar into a stack of metal gives you ten easy pipe bombs (possibly more if you make the stack into floor tiles!). Pod Armors made of erebite are especially devastating, essentially being a 2×2 bomb with an engine strapped to it that will tear a huge chunk out of the station.

…There's just one catch though: erebite can sometimes explode from being put in the smelter to begin with. That's how volatile this shit is. Make something that resists explosions before handling erebite, or your traitor round could end prematurely. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Or, perhaps explosions are too crude for you and you want to get scientific with your traitoring. Even the humble floor tiles become a terror; they replace the floor as well as the hull with the alloy, which can make for fun times if you fill a hallway with them and infuse them with ice or space lube to cause everyone to slip and bang their head, or just make them out of telecrystal for a chance to warp people to a random spot with every step, making the hallway of choice nearly impossible to navigate. The fun never ends!

OR, maybe you're looking at this section because your assassination target has armored up and is proving to be a huge pain in the ass to take down. Worry not! As a traitor, you have access to Armor-Piercing (AP) rounds for your guns, which fly right past the Bullet Protection stat and do full damage. Then when he's shouting at you wondering why the fuck he's in crit already, you can taunt him about the value of AP rounds, finish him off and steal his armor for yourself!

Material Additive Infuser

This badly named device infuses a material with a chemical so that it generates a Touch effect based on said chemical when it touches, stabs, etc, someone. Add space lube to floor tiles for the smoothest hallway ever! Add healing chemicals to surgical equipment to make them more efficient! Add CLF3 to erebite to make your pipebombs

Material Analyzer

The hand-held device on the table next to the general manufacturer can scan and tell you all sorts of info about a material such as its resistance to damage, its value, if it has any unique quirks, etc. You can use it on most materials as well as most things made with the smelter, loom, fabricators and workbenches.

Analyzing Material Composition...

The material analyzer spits out a lot of information about a material when it's scanned.

Not all of these entries may be correct, be warned! If anyone has corrections to make, please do so!

Property Explanation Notes
Value The selling value of the material. Some alloys are more valuable in bar form than the sum of their base materials.
Radioactivity How much radiation the material puts off. The higher this value is, the more RADs you take from it. Standing on something made of radioactive material or (obviously) wearing it will apply radiation to you.
Electrical conductivity How well electricity passes through the material. Ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 meaning non-conductive and 1 meaning perfectly conductive. You'll usually see conductive materials in wires.
Thermal conductivity How well heat passes through the material. 0 means no heat escapes it, 1 means it loses heat in a heartbeat. Spacesuits have this set to 0.1.
Quality The higher the value, the more any infused chemical will transfer on hit. Smelting chemicals into the blade is a test of a true assassin.
Instability How likely the material is to break, safely or catastrophically, when struck by a regular attack. Erebite is known for being very unstable.
Hardness Controls how much damage the material does if you whack someone with it. Works wonderfully on powerful melee weapons like fire extinguishers and toolboxes.
Toughness How much melee damage is negated by the material when worn, such as from blunt objects and thrown items. This is only if you're struck in the place where the worn material is; body armor alone won't do much if the attacker goes for your face instead.
Permeability How well the material handles most chemicals. The lower the value is, the less likely it is that chems will reach you if splashed on you. Biosuits have this really low.
Tensile strength Resistance to bladed weapons like knives and C-Sabers. The higher this is, the less likely you are to bleed when hit.
Compressive strength Resistance to bullets. The higher the value is, the less damage bullets do, as well as being less likely to get the bullet lodged in you. Armor-Piercing (AP) rounds resist this more and Hollow-Point (HP) rounds resist this less, so plan accordingly!
Shear strength Resistance to explosions. The higher this is, the less damage you take from explosions, and the less likely the material is to be destroyed by them. Bomb suits have high values of this.
Flammability Fire resistance. The lower this is, the less BURN you take from fire and heat. Environmental heat can still murder your lungs without internals, however! Firesuits have high values of this.
Energy How much power the material puts off when used as a fuel or energy source.
Corrosion resistance The higher this value is, the less likely material is to be reduced to goo when it comes in contact with an acid. People like to splash acids onto your headgear.
Reflectivity Resistance to lasers. The higher this is, the less BURN you take from them. Sadly, it doesn't actually bounce lasers off of you.
Scattering The chance of the material breaking into pieces of scrap when destroyed. Scraps can be recycled into usable materials using a portable reclaimer.
Transparency How see-through the material is. Usually useless, but nonetheless neat.
Melting point How high of a temperature a material can take before it burns away. Materials that simply can't burn are given a message stating as such instead of a value.
Superconductive Temp. If the material exceeds this temperature, electricity will pass right through it. Mostly pointless, but it has a niche use in building walls for a safe area from arc flashes, if some traitor hotwired the engine or you want to make Tesla balls stop being as dangerous.
Permittivity How susceptible a material is to EMPs and other electrical issues. Pods really appreciate a high amount of this due to most electrical attacks shorting out their systems.
Dielectric strength How well the material works as insulation. Mostly used for wires, but clothing with a high value of this will cause electricity to do less damage to you. Insulated gloves have this very high.
Luminosity How much light the material produces. Self-explanatory, but rare.
Unique properties Notes whether or not the material in question has anything special about it that doesn't fit under the other entries. This doesn't appear at all if there are no specialties to speak of. These can range from teleporting you randomly to color-shifting and so on. Experiment to see what does what!