Table of Contents


This is the repository for lore regarding SC13's known universe. It will later be divided into proper sections.

Major Governments and Corporations

Other Active Cultures

Races created by humanity, and known alien races.

Lost Civilizations

Known precursor civilizations and other extinct sources of artifacts, mostly of interest to Xenoarchaeologists.

Star Systems

(randomly generated) (planets)


Sensor Bean: This advanced medical 'pill' contains a miniaturized biosensor and up to 20u of the chemical or chemicals of your choice. When the user hits critical, the bean releases the chemical cocktail into the body.

Other Ships and Stations

Significant Events

The Solarian War

Entire AI libraries have been focused on categorizing, cataloguing, and indexing the causes, actions, and mistakes that led to the Solarian War, but most agree that the Solarian War was caused by a power structure pushed too far beyond its ability to maintain its borders. The clashes between SolGov and the many factions that would eventually become the Commonwealth, the Syndicate, and the various other governments of known space were the result of a protracted two hundred year war of attrition that cost billions of lives, trillions of credits, and caused collapse and disaster among countless colonies reliant on support from SolGov. The Solarian War continued between Sol Standard Years 2087 and 2295, and caused radical shifts in diplomacy between humanity and other sentient species, including bioroids, alien lifeforms, and silicon intelligences, and was considered by most to be a horrible mistake that should never be repeated.

The Syndicate War

An ongoing campaign by a multitude of corporations, known collectively as the Syndicate, to oppose the existence and entitlement of the corporation commonly known as NanoTrasen, or NT, and its operations within known space. The Syndicate is in control of their own sector of space and has a steadily increasing presence throughout the Commonwealth leading to their home territory, and to a lesser extent works to the manipulation of governments against their corporate rivals, which sometimes brings them into opposition to NovusCorp. While the 'lines of war' are ongoing, individual Syndicate agents or even ships have been proven neutral or friendly under certain circumstances, particularly when there is a common goal to work towards or against. In particular, the only things worse to the Syndicate than NanoTrasen are the GMA, as they threaten the very existence of competitive business.

Luna Accords of Interstellar Law

The Luna Accords of Interstellar Law are a combination of treaties and protocols that establish interstellar legal standards regarding the protection of sentient rights that came into existence shortly after the conclusion of the Solarian War. It has seen some revisions following the discovery of other species within the sectors of known space and the impact that they had. The framework for the Accords is traced back to the original Armistice of June 25th 2295, negotiated and signed by representatives of SolGov, and what was then known as the Coalition of Colonies, and contained within it provisions regarding the need for interstellar legal standards that afforded unequivocal rights to sentients.

It wasn’t until after the signing of the Treaty of Xansan that these interstellar legal standards were pursued, eventually agreed upon and executed in the metropolis of Harmony City, Luna on September 19th 2296. It has seen significant revisions since its inauguration, mostly as a result of First Contact with other species. The introduction of not just foreign but alien cultures to the legal landscape of known space changed the perspectives of many, where the input of these other cultures was necessary for there to be compliance. These revision protocols are:

Proliferation Protocol

This protocol originally was intended to require cataloguing and tagging of all forms of synthetic life, and originally meant to target artificial intelligences. Unfortunately, due to uncautious wording and multiple revisions, it eventually opened the doorway towards cataloguing and tagging all forms of life, period. Logistically, it was a nightmare, as merely maintaining such a database would require vast networks of the very AIs that the protocol was originally meant to deter; due to an oversight during negotiations, the original intent was lost as counsels for various interests changed or died off during the course of the discussion. Eventually, however, a satisfactory solution was obtained, though it required major developments in information technology, nanotechnology, and quantum theory to actually become viable. In practice, modern 'individuality' is determined through the results of a genetic test combined with a brainscan; the two result in a genetic pattern as well as a neural pattern that is distinct to the individual; when multiple clones of an individual are activated, the natural divergence between clones results in divergent neural patterns, allowing them to be individually identified. The problem of then tagging synthetics such as individual combat robots and mechs from a product line was originally solved with manufacturer codes and pre-set markers, but was finally made properly unique by using the underlying nanite meshes used to maintain 'liquid metal' self-repairing systems, providing a unique 'genetic pattern' based on their current material composition (which can change with significant restructuring) alongside an 'individuality pattern' based on their boot-up state. Tertiary identification taggants such as fingerprints, natural pheromones, chip imprints, etc, are also viable additional accepted patterns that can supplement existing databases. Although technically it is possible to be untaggable, most legal systems require a matching pair of identification tags that can be used to identify the individual, particularly in relation to powerful artificial intelligences.

Capital Punishment Protocol

In an agreement between SolGov member nations, it was argued necessary for there to be standards set regarding punitive sentences for those that committed serious violations against life. Thus, Capital Punishment was deemed a violation of sentient rights. It is a contentious subject among many, especially with the exclusion of cyborgification from the protocol.

Non-Interference Protocol

A further agreement formed due to the consequences of several disastrous 'uplift' projects to bring various member races into the spacefaring era, SolGov currently operates under a guideline of non-interference which prohibits signatories from interacting and interfering with the natural development of uncontacted civilizations. So far, it has not seen any use.

Practical Interpretation of the Accords

Citizens of SolGov member nations are expected to have the following rights and privileges when in SolGov territory. These rights may differ in specific jurisdictions.

Other Facts and Factoids

Plasma glass is a translucent black glass created in plasma arc reactors that is especially hard yet semi-transparent.

Plasteel is made from steel and plasma glass.

Phoron is basically highly enhanced hydrogen that has special interactions with various substances. In the presence of oxygen, it ignites and makes very hot fires. Phoron is typically gaseous, but with the addition of stabilizing agents it can be converted into a liquid or solid form that is less reactive and more useful. Phoron gas can be mined from some stars and gas giants, and phoron ore can be mined from some planets and asteroids.

Phoron has qualities that interact significantly with telecrystals, another sci-fi magic material, allowing for near-instantaneous mass transit of materials, people, and even spaceships. Telecrystals interact with normal space to open bluespace and redspace portals, wormholes, etc. “Bluespace dust” is formed from crushed telecrystals mixed with stabilized phorosilicate, and causes randomized teleportations; machinery made with this tech can control the teleport or have similar related effects such as bluespace storage.

Phorosilicate: Phoron sheets, usable as crystal, stabilized and nonflammable.

Plexan: Plastics stabilized for use in situations where glass is impractical. Has 10 times the health of glass and twice the durability.

Jump Drive: Instituted by suitable application of phoron, telecrystals, and power. Stable matrix has consistent speed but additional telecrystals and phoron support faster “drive”. Typically a jump uses capacitance banks that store the massive amounts of power required and release it into the jump drive in an instant. Telecrystals may occasionally destabilize, and phoron gradually needs replacing, though typically not after each jump barring major combat damage.

Teleporter uses telecrystals, target coordinates, target locking, and does not work through shielding. It works by temporarily opening a gateway on the target area, enabling whoever is on the other side to enter or exit.