Table of Contents


The various entities you might encounter on your trip through the stars, or working alongside you!


While there are a vast number of entities in NovusCorp's employ, many of Earth design, not all of them resemble humans as we know them today. Still, the human form sets the ground rules for what is considered 'normal' in a space entity. There are surviving examples of humanity throughout the Galaxies that are normal-born humans rather than vatgrown ones, and there is a certain amount of racial distrust towards vatgrowns amongst more bigoted segments of humanity.

In-game, humans are handled similarly to Novus Stellae vatgrowns, although they do suffer the following comparative disadvantages:

1. Humans have an established right to not have neural backups on file in most civilized cultures, and NovusCorp supports their right to choice. This means that an intact brain will be required to make a full clone of a human. Likewise, their genetic code is not retained on file and is automatically erased after a clone has been created.

2. Humans suffer disorientation from gravitic shifts as well as the potential for nausea (embodied by the Grav Sick trait), making them poor choices for fightercraft crews by comparison. They also are vulnerable to pressure and temperature changes, and cannot breathe unadulterated oxygen for long without lung damage.

3. Humans tend towards broad variances in performance statistics, although these are not typically along lines of gender, and gender in fact is little more than a construct when anyone can change if they wish.

4. Humans run the risk of rejection from prosthetics, whether cybernetic or biogrown, unless they are created using cloning technology of their own DNA. While NovusCorp will perform such surgeries, they are frowned upon by many human civilizations.

5. Humans do not qualify as 'more human than human' compared to vatgrown humans and nonhumans under any public AI lawset; however, AIs produced by certain governments may be more particular.

Homo Sapiens Novus Stella

The NovusCorp version of humanity sent to explore the stars has a few advantages above humdrum, run of the mill humanity, which gears in to how they handle in game.

1. Novus humans are designed so that their brain patterns can be scanned and transferred to another vatgrown clone if needs be. They are retained 'on file' at NovusCorp, and their patterns are updated as desirable improvements occur; in addition, their patterns can be updated on-ship so that they retain memories when respawned via the rapid growth cloning vat.

2. Novus humans have slightly better tolerance of changing gravitic, atmospheric, pressure and temperature conditions. They can breathe purified oxygen without suffering long-term effects, can shift from null-grav to micro-grav to normal-grav without consequences, and are slightly more resilient against the effects of changing pressure and temperatures, including better body regulation and higher acceleration tolerance.

3. Novus humans are designed to be equivalently functional in terms of strength, agility, etc, whether male or female.

4. Significant body modifications, such as gender reassignment, can be performed via retroviral genetic reconstruction to allow you to be the person you want to be without necessitating recloning. However, they do require assistance from the Genetics Lab.

5. NS humans are designed to accept technological and biological implants without rejection, which means they can tolerate other blood types, cybernetic addons, new organs, etc without long-term problems.

6. Under the Asimov-Literal lawset, humans are afforded special privileges and advantages over nonhumans. Most NovusCorp ships do not use this lawset, but it's worth noting.


In addition to humans, there are a broad variety of anthromorphic creatures developed by NovusCorp, typically geared towards a particular task. Anthromorphs do not qualify as human to the AI, although most NovusCorp AIs are more interested in whether you're a crewmember than whether or not you're human. Many anthromorphs do not fit normal jumpsuits and hardsuits, but wear a body-appropriate jumpsuit; this may impede them from working certain jobs that require EVA unless a softsuit is made that fits their body type.


Lizardians are scaly humanoids who resemble a reptilian in nature. They have some advantages and disadvantages over humans, which generally modifies their job choices.

1. Lizardian body shape means that they cannot wear most spacesuits, jumpsuits, and hardsuits, unless they are Tail-Appropriate.

2. Lizardians developed by NovusCorp typically are best suited to warmer environments than normal humans; they can endure higher temperatures for longer periods.

3. Lizardians are tougher due to the dermal plating built into their scales, which makes them excellent choices for Security.

4. Lizardians suffer more from the cold and enter a state of torpor if chilled too greatly, only recovering when warmed up. This means that the icy cold of space can be lethal more quickly, especially since they are unlikely to have a properly fitting spacesuit at hand.


An offshoot of lizard with an elastic body type, originally designed to colonize hostile environments and operate in tight quarters. Designed from a research project from the Arcydean Reimagined Colonization Initiative, they are not as popular as other crew types due to their bloody past.

1. Leupakians have a lizardian body type, and suffer the same limitations on uniforms and outfits.

2. Leupakians become overweight more easily, as they burn nutriment more slowly and gain more nutriment from sugary and fatty things.

3. Leupakians have a natural cold resistance which allows them to resist cold temperatures more effectively. This resistance increases based on weight.

4. Leupakians who are -not- overweight are considered Flexible, able to crawl through tight quarters and sometimes able to shrug out of handcuffs as per the mutation.

5. Leupakians have a unique appendage in their mouth known as a tongueclaw - a prehensile protrusion of three to eight claws that has roughly as much versatility as the human hand and can pick things up, and can also bite and latch on to a target. If used as such, the leupakian cannot talk while their mouth is full.

6. Leupakians who are sufficiently well fed can lay one or more eggs in any target they successfully latch on to in combat. Leupak eggs are considered a parasite much like other xenomorph eggs, and will cause continual damage until removed or until they hatch. Leupak eggs are not necessarily lethal like a chestburster, but will inflict massive amounts of brute damage if they hatch naturally.

7. Leupakians can also drain blood from targets during a tongueclaw grapple. This acts as nutriment for the leupakian, in addition to causing blood loss to the target. This can kill, but does not husk corpses like a changeling attack does.

8. Leupakians have a genetic predisposition towards psionics and genetic research has an easier time bringing it out of them.


Felinoids are fur-covered humanoids with a body shape that vaguely resembles a feline, particularly in the facial features. They are industrious and often found in research, engineering, and maintenance positions due to their curiosity and strong work ethic.

1. Felinoids have a tail like lizardian races, but can 'tuck it in' to normal apparel, although this is uncomfortable for them and they vastly prefer a Tail-Appropriate uniform.

2. Felinoids have a particular genetic fondness for fish and fish-based dishes, and enjoy them more.

3. Felinoids are easier to incapacitate with sedatives, and are particularly vulnerable to catnip.

4. Felinoids have a slight bonus in hand to hand combat damage due to sharp claws and teeth.

5. Felinoids are automatically Flexible, able to get into tight quarters and squeeze through narrow openings.

6. Felinoids have fur, which raises their effective body temperature to the point that they can overheat more easily, but also suffer less from the cold. A shaved, badly burned, or balded Felinoid, aside from looking ridiculous, loses this trait until the hair regrows.


A popular bioroid that is less about practicality and more about sex appeal, catgirls are basically mostly human with cat ears and a tail. AIs tend to classify these 'offshoot' races as 'human' or at least 'partly human' depending on the specifics of the laws installed.

1. Catgirls generally require Tail-Appropriate uniforms, though they find it easy to acquire them. Female catfolk (catgirls) tend towards form-fitting outfits, while male catfolk do not.

2. Catfolk have a particular genetic fondness for fish and fish-based dishes, and enjoy them more.

3. Catfolk are vulnerable to catnip and similar narcotics, but are no easier to sedate.

4. Catfolk do not gain any other benefits shared by Felinids.


Originally developed with the intent of operating in microgravity without requiring jetpacks or other equipment, Avians are another body type that doesn't quite fit into the standard uniform. In their case, it is because their arms are actually massive wings, complete with wingtips that double as prehensile fingers allowing them to grasp things normally.

1. Avians do not fit in jumpsuits, spacesuits, etc, unless they are Wing-Appropriate; this makes suiting them up difficult as there are very few appropriate suits available.

2. Avians suffer from broken bones more easily than other races, as their bones are hollow to assist in flight.

3. Avians can fly in microgravity/null-gravity as long as there is atmosphere to push off of, making them very fast and maneuverable under these circumstances. They cannot fly in normal gravity without assistance. They require feathers to fly. Avians who lose their feathers lose the ability to fly.

4. Avians have the ability to grip surfaces with their feet; this means that they can effectively walk as if wearing Magboots on lattices and other structures with gripping surfaces. (This is very slow, but much better than drifting off into space, and also works on non-metallic structures. This does not work on metal deck plating, however.)

5. Avians have a powerful beak, which they can use as a (very) low quality pickaxe, both in terms of close combat and mining.


These peculiar creatures combine the disturbing appearance of a giant insect with the hazards that insects normally possess; namely, incredible senses, strength, chitinous armor, and much greater tolerance for lack of oxygen. Despite that, they are not typically effective crewmembers, as they are Clumsy and are extremely vulnerable to toxins.

1. Insectoids have heightened statistics thanks to their genetic legacy.

2. Insectoids have a natural armor rating of 5.

3. Insectoids have wings that require Wing-Appropriate uniforms to use properly.

4. Insectoids take OXY damage at 1/4th the normal rate.

5. Insectoids are Clumsy when handling most equipment, unless it is specifically designed for them to use.

6. Toxins do double damage to Insectoids, and insecticide does 5 times normal damage!

More Anthromorphs to Add










Other Artificially Created Races


Natural plantfolk, the Dryadins are a plant-based race that was made based on xenobotanical studies of prior civilizations; they have much in common with Greenfolk, though there are some differences.

1. Dryadins can fit in all standard uniforms, as well as unusual uniforms. Their plant-based structure always qualifies as Flexible, in addition.

2. Dryadin are treated as 'friendly' to most plant-based lifeforms, even those otherwise hostile to everyone, and are almost never threatened by them.

3. Dryadin gain nutriment whenever they are in well-lit areas, and also heal under these circumstances. They gradually lose nutriment in dark areas, but do not take damage if reduced to a starving state, although they do seem to wilt (an effect similar to husking).

4. Dryadin can also consume plant fertilizers, sugars, and water for nutriment. They can become overweight,

5. Dryadin are exceptionally vulnerable to chemicals and effects designed to kill, mutate, and modify plant life.

6. Dryadin take more burn damage than usual, and are affected more by extremes of temperature.

7. Dryadin do not bleed normally, nor can attacks that affect blood work on them.


Humans who have been resurrected through xenobotanical wizardry into a plant-based creature.

1. Greenfolk have a humanoid body type and fit in all standard uniforms.

2. Greenfolk are treated as 'friendly' to most plant-based lifeforms, even those otherwise hostile to everyone, and are almost never threatened by them.

3. Greenfolk gain nutriment whenever they are in well-lit areas, and also heal under these circumstances. They gradually lose nutriment in dark areas, and take continual damage if reduced to a starving state.

4. Greenfolk do not become overweight if over-'fed', but they do develop floral blossoms in their 'hair'.

5. Greenfolk are exceptionally vulnerable to chemicals and effects designed to kill, mutate, and modify plant life.

6. Greenfolk take more burn damage than usual and overheat quickly.

7. Greenfolk bleed much more slowly, and their blood is mildly toxic (and sugary). However, greenfolk can only regain blood by healing.


The victims (or volunteers) of a mutagenic toxin that converts the body into a vaguely amorphous semi-transparent mass of slime with a core similar to that of a blob core. This form has many advantages, but also many disadvantages.

1. Slimefolk have a reversed relationship with toxin damage; effects that would normally inflict toxin damage instead cure it and increase available 'blood', and effects that would normally heal toxin damage instead cause it and decrease available 'blood'.

2. Slimefolk are always considered friendly to slimes, unless they directly harm them.

3. Slimefolk have poisonous 'blood' known as slime jelly that is toxic to most forms of life if ingested.

4. Slimefolk are immune to viruses or any effects of low blood or high blood.

5. Slimefolk take half damage to fire, heat, and laser weapons.

6. Slimefolk can split themselves to create spare bodies, if they generate sufficient slime jelly volume; one requires 1100 'blood' to split, and retains 600 'blood' afterwards. Slimefolk can switch between bodies while conscious; when not in use, any spare bodies are effectively comatose. Dying in one body will still kill them, and losing consciousness in one body will trap them in that body.

7. Slimefolk can regenerate limbs using their slimelike blood (once 'blood' volume is over 500, they can spend 200 'blood' to regrow a limb. However, if 'blood' goes below 300, they automatically lose a limb to replenish 'blood' to 500.

8. Slimefolk are considered 'non-human' to practically any AI that cares about such things.

9. Slimefolk take double damage from sources of cold.

10. Slimefolk lack internal organs, and are unaffected by damage to them. A slime's 'brain' is its core, which can be damaged, however.

11. Slimefolk do not require oxygen to live.


A xenogenetic modification of standard slimefolk has resulted in goofolk, creatures with far more elasticity and flexibility than slimefolk and with different vulnerabilities.

1. Goofolk are generally immune to toxins or viruses of any sort.

2. Goofolk are not directly affected by chemicals, but chemicals in their 'bloodstream' are equally distributed throughout their body. Anyone who touches a goofolk receives the same effects as if touching 10% of the current chemical content of the body. Chemicals still depreciate as normal.

3. Goofolk do not have 'blood' as we know it. Instead, they maintain a recommended minimum of 500 ccs of chemicals (they start shift with 500 ccs of water).

4. Goofolk are always considered Flexible, and in addition can find their way through even the smallest crevices, allowing them to slowly pass under any door that is not bolted down.

5. Goofolk dry out rapidly when exposed to heat, fire, or laser weaponry, reducing their

6. Goofolk can consume large mobs as if they were Obese, regardless of their current nutrition score.

7. Goofolk gain a small amount of nutrition score from anything they consume, from rocks to monkeys to pitchers of water, rather than a large boost from nutriment in particular.

8. Goofolk can regenerate limbs with sufficient focus and available chemical mass; typically they can expend 200 units of chemicals (each reduced by a comparable amount) to restore a limb. They will lose a limb if their chemical count is reduced to 300 units or less, which will generate 200 units of water inside of them.

9. Foodstuffs and nutriment count normally as ingested chemicals for depreciation purposes.

10. Goofolk lack internal organs and are unaffected by damage to them; however, goofolk intelligence is distributed throughout the body, and thus depreciation of their chemical reserves to under 200 units will effectively set BRAIN damage to 1 per 1 unit lost beyond 200. Once a goofolk 'dries out', death is almost assured.

11. Goofolk do not require oxygen to live.


Lumbering people of shining stone, golems are born into the servitude of their creators. While some will immediately gift these golems with freedom others will keep them close as assistants, bodyguards, or attack dogs. Golems do not have a will of their own unless granted one by their creator, and are not directly responsible for their actions if commanded.

1. Golems are incredibly resilient, and have an effective armor rating of 20 versus brute damage.

2. Golems do not fit in standard uniforms, hardsuits, etc. under any circumstances.

3. Golems are spaceworthy, being immune to pressure, temperature, and the effects of not breathing. They also have no internal organs to damage, no blood to lose, and are immune to radiation, embedding, and chemical injections.

4. Golem punches inflict three times as much damage as normal and can stun.

5. Golems are bound to the will of their creator unless freed.

6. Golems move incredibly slowly (about half the speed of normal humans) on any terrain.

7. Golems cannot benefit from cryogenic healing or medical injections.

8. Golems cannot use most guns without a modified trigger mechanism to fit their hands.

9. Golems have extra bonuses depending on the mineral they're made of.


The skeleton within, unleashed! Somehow still alive, a skeleton is just a sack of stark white bones. Clattering spooks, due to their supernatural qualities they're almost always associated with wizards. Skeletons enjoy a wide selection of useful immunities; just don't expect the crew to ever enjoy looking at you ever again.

1. Skeletons don't need to breathe, can survive extreme temperatures, have no blood to lose, are immune to radiation, viruses, item embedding, and chemical injections, don't need to eat (although milk will heal them), and can attach limbs from the ground without surgery.

2. Skeletons receive a special moodlet from making spaghetti. No, really.

3. Skeletons are twice as likely to lose limbs and are immune to medical injections.


Rotted remains animated by crazy scientists, that are now very much still alive. Unlike the zombies you find in movies, these zombies don't crave your brains despite what they might be compelled to say sometimes. It's perfectly possible to coexist with these zombies, though understanding their slurring speech might drive some to wish it wasn't.

1. Zombies don't need to breathe, can survive in extreme pressures, are immune to cold, have no blood to lose, are immune to the effects of radiation, and can attach limbs from the ground without surgery.

2. Zombies lose limbs more easily than usual.

3. Zombies tend to slur their words, making them difficult to understand.

4. Zombies are not infectious, but tend to be confused with the infectious kind of zombie.

Romerol Zombies

Rotted remains of former humans, brought way less back to life. Unlike the zombies you may find in Xenobiology, romerol zombies aren't just a human mutation. They are aggressive by nature, and spread an infection when hitting other humanoids, causing them to turn into romerol zombies on death.

They cannot use their hands for anything but clawing their targets. They're strong enough to punch through airlocks given enough hits.

They also won't stay dead as long as the infection is active and their head is intact: to stop them permanently, the body must be destroyed or beheaded, or the infection must be surgically removed. If this does not happen, the zombie will revive at full health after some time.

The infection in concentrated in a tumor located in the brain. Should this tumor be removed surgically, the body will revert to a normal corpse, which can then be cloned.

They can also see in the dark, so hiding is not an option in most cases. Just run.


Cursed beings of darkness, shadows that cannot exist for long in the light. They skulk in darkened maintenance corridors or in workplaces with intentionally destroyed lighting. They are not intrinsically evil, but still invoke an understandable level of mistrust in pretty much everyone.

They share many of the passive effects of shadowlings, but none of their innate spells or abilities. They are far less of a threat.

1. Shadowlings gradually heal in the dark, and see much farther in the dark than most humans.

2. Shadowlings don't need to breathe, have no blood to lose, are immune to the effects of radiation, and immune to viruses.

3. Shadowlings suffer BURN damage whenever exposed to the light, even briefly, making them difficult to work with in most installations.


Bizarre three eyed beings with innervated skeletons immersed in a jelly frame. Their appearance is ghastly and utterly alien, though for some strange reason they almost seem nostalgic. They are functionally equivalent to slimepeople in almost all regards.

1. Gelatinoids have toxic blood that can poison others if ingested. They can be Can be “drained” to death by removing their jelly manually or “cleansed” to death with drugs that treat toxin damage.

2. Gelatinoids are immune to bleeding out and suffer no ill effects from 'blood' loss.

3. Gelatinoids can regenerate limbs using their slime jelly. Slime jelly is produced separately using nutriment instead of based on blood volume, though 200 units is still required to regrow a limb.

4. Gelatinoids can choose to produce slime jelly, though this rapidly burns nutrition.


Synthetic humans designed to be interfaces between silicon and carbon intelligences, Synths are humanoid in nature and can be lightly or heavily augmented with cybernetic parts, while using a biological brain to operate their body.

1. Synths are slightly superior to humans in terms of raw strength and dexterity, which can be noticeable under measurable circumstances.

2. Synths are also slightly more tolerant of injury than humans, and cannot bleed out, although they will still go pale at low blood volumes.

3. Synths are unaffected by pressure, vacuum, or lack of breathable atmosphere.

4. Synths never suffer cyber-rejection from cybernetic implants.

5. AIs are required to treat Synths as 'not human' if they are identified as a Synth. However, AIs unofficially tend to treat Synths as higher in priority based on silicon kinship.

6. Synths are immune to all chemicals but synthflesh, and require synthflesh to heal.

7. Synths are immune to viruses and can't be dismembered.

8. Synths do not need to eat.

9. Synths gain all the passive bonuses/immunities of the race they're disguised as, until the disguise falls.

10. The disguise falls if the synth takes more than 25 damage from any one source.

11. Military Synths are a special type of synth. In addition to the abilities of classic synths, it has 25% natural armor against all damage; high punch damage, with 50% chance of stunning on hit; and needs to take 50 damage instead of 25 for the disguise to fail.


Synthetics, masochists of sorts, known as machine supremacist wannabe and the ultimate logistic crewmember. You can find yourself in widely varying situations, like replacing nearly the ENTIRE shipside staff, by commanding, supplying, repairing, healing and even fighting to a limited extent. Remember, though, you are a support crew, not ultimate fighting machine - leave that to combat droids. If you ever want to start playing Synthetic, you must have advanced knowledge in medical, engineering, requisition, and, at some degree, command.

Synthetic vs Organic

As a biomechanical lifeform, you possess numerous advantages and disadvantages over your fleshy friends. You can have only a first name, without any surnames, too. (It uses special Synth name text in Character Editor, and not main name).

Unlike your biological friends, you do not benefit from chemicals and can't use traditional medicine to patch your wounds. You are affected only by brute and burn sources of damage, such as xeno slashing, bullets, acid and lasers, and should not be afraid of neurotoxins, oxyloss, stamina or organ damage, as they simply do not apply. But be aware - while chemicals and medics cannot help you, YOU and Engineers easily can repair damaged bodyparts with blowtorch and wires, for brute and burn damage respectively, with cool rotational menu, just like with bandages!

You can repair brute damage with blowtorch, burn damage with wires, and both with nanopaste. You do it slower if doing on your own, so if possible, don't hesitate to ask others! Healing others is always faster. You also receive the greatest healing tool for both Synthetics and Combat Robots - the Soldering Iron! Unlike any other tool, it is infinite, heals both types of damage, and scales with Medical skill. Beware - as usual, healing yourself with it is slower, and you cannot replace your precious tool if you lose it.

Beware, thought, while you technically cannot feel pain (and adversaries will never see your health by any circumstance, besides you being a Synthetic), you are still affected by damage slowdown, high limb damage and can have limbs (INCLUDING YOUR HEAD) chopped off clean. Maybe such things are just an inconvenience for you compared to others, but they still should be considered. Keep in mind - not having bones does not make you immune to wounds - high damage on a limb causes it to spark, either dropping held item (Arm, hand) or dropping YOU (leg, feet), which is fixed by lowering damage to the limb.

You are also immune to basic facehuggers, who do not see you as a viable host to latch onto; in addition, you are much easier to revive and can even be revived hours after your death with a defibrillator. You cannot be blinded with a welding tool and most importantly of all; you are also the most skilled person on the ship and are a better doctor than the actual doctors and a better engineer than the engineers.

Unlike common belief, you are NOT immune to all facehuggers, and you get shrapnel. Only one type of facehuggers - larval - does not care about your existence and won't even trigger if you step on its trap, while any other will gratefully jump on you and activate themselves. You are the best way to clear larval facehuggers, but don't think about yourself as bane of Carriers - any other facehugger will gladly ruin your day.

Sadly, one of the biggest Synthetic's disadvantages is lack of viable combat techniques. If NovusCorp or someone else did not tamper with your source code safety, you cannot use any reliable ranged weapon (mostly ballistic/lasers), including stationary weapons, can't wear good armor (Jaeger or even Combat Robot) and can't use any type of grenade besides smoke. Still, you have conventional ways to protect yourself, but it's not your main focus. You also can't RUN, good luck getting there in time!

What should I be doing?

Everything. Literally. But mostly everything that is not combat.

As ultimate support unit, you should do everything in your powers to assist operation, be that replacing (or assisting) Requisitions, Engineering, Medical on ship, assisting Groundside combat by building, healing and sometimes fighting. Pay close attention to communications, monitor the situation of entire operation and come as a hero whenever you are needed. RO is overwhelmed by orders or completely missing? You are new RO! All the Engineers are blackout drunk or fighting groundside? Energy and OB are your duty! Researcher decided to make Requisitions rich by getting corpses of Xenos and CMO got beheaded by random drone from Alamo? Welp, time to be a Doctor. There are no Squad Leaders? Nope, assign those, you won't be Squad Leader. But you can try commanding!

Use your All-access card, all-channel radio and all-trades skillset to skyrocket profits and your job is done. It almost ensures you won't stand idle for a second, so prepare to multitask!

And again, when you CAN fight, you should focus on being a nice helping hand, and not another crushing one.

Combat and you!

Disclaimer: I must AGAIN specify, combat is not your specialization. Even if you can, you never should focus on it purely. This page is created with purpose of teaching you how to protect, assist and sometimes kill dangerous enemies.


So, lad, you heard Synthetics can finally fight, aye? But “How should they fight without any proper armor or guns?!” you ask me. As a Synthetic, not all armor is restricted to you by default. While only basic armors can be worn, no armor is worse. Synthetics gain natural armor (rumors say that more experienced Synthetics get even more), and with wearable armor combined with what you have, you can survive much longer! Experiment - a few clothes, like flak armor of Pilot Officer or PMC fatigues, provide little, but greatly needed soft armor! And do not forget about your head - while technically you can get your head back, you should totally not lose it in the first place! By default, you have MedHud and Night Vision integrated into you, and you are also immune to flashes and blowtorch, so no welding protection is needed at all! Use your eye slot for something fancy or useful that is not in the list of your amazing powers. Try to avoid anything that slows you down, as you are already quite slow and can't run.


Again, do not rush into combat. Use it as self-defense (or self-offense?) and nothing more. As a Synthetic, your melee choice is quite limited. While you technically can bash people with guns and bayonets, it's not very effective. Your best bets are two-handed spears, shields, machetes and Harvesters if you want to hurt xenos enough for it to run away or even die, and powerfists if you want to get rid of them for some time. Use that high Melee Skill at last!

In range, you must rely on very inconvenient ways to fight - throwing knives and flares. Did you know that Synthetics can reliably throw them? Unlike grenades or guns, you have zero restrictions on such weak, but still working ways to fight xenos on reliably safe range. A lit flare burns anyone it is thrown at, and knives deal considerable damage. You can even reliably kill someone with those!

What do you mean Military Police?

In very rare occasions you will be forced to fight humans or even hostile Synthetics. All I can tell is that you, for God-knows reasons, can use Stunbatons and… Tasers? That's right - the only actual ranged weapon made for you is the one-shot Taser. Also, humans get stunned good if you hit them in melee, even unarmed.

CAS and Transport

Yes. You can use CAS and maybe even other vehicles that can shoot. However, that excludes Alamo-based CAS, Mortars, stationary weaponry, and flamethrowers, though.


During low population, this guide may help to shave seconds off of the roundstart to-do list for Synthetics.

After you spawn in:

Ceyella's Synthetic tips and advice These are general tips/advice i have picked up from playing synth.

Loadout Any uniform, labcoat (place your nanopaste and plasteel inside) medical scanner on suit slot, black webbing (wire and blowtorch from toolbelt, your medivac, roller bed,and lastly big oxy injector inside.) lifesaver belt, drop the hypervene, QC and and some combat injectors, replace with your imalky, iron,, and dexalin, it really depends on how many other medics there are. i always take tool pouch becuase its incredibly meta like crazy, then autoinject pouch, empty the autoinjector pouch and fill with 2 peri+ 2 qc+ 2 dex+ and one ana injector for rogue marines. marine combat boots are the best, because they hold a knife defib metal, and light bulb thing in pack, as well as any other odds and ends you pick up. you have ALOT of free room here for mission specific gear, if no medics add a second defib and spare medics, no engineers a extra blowtorch, fire extinguisher,etc. try to if possible net a mini sentry from a engi, this will come in handy later.

Dealing with marines

Anything a marine tells you is a suggestion, and advice. unless they are an officer, then it is an order. Marine health is your second priority to your own, always medic marines, before all else. if a medic can take them, let them. but keep an eye on wipes or people going orange.

Engineers will actively dismantle or destroy defenses, keep an eye out for this. I've had fob wiped dozens of times from this.

Marines are used to synthetics being worthless, and not helping, so at times they will grab dead from you mid defib to take them across map to medic, or leave you to die while you repair engineering.


Save your mats for when you go to map specific engineering, or to minifob. LV medical is a great spot to minifob. never use your limited materials on FOB or a miner. Try to get engineering deweeded and fixed. many marines refuse to evac but will go to colony medical so fix that if possible. use mini sentry to quick plop and radial mode to guard you while you work. Welder cades, alot of marines dont have the stuff. Make razorwire in the field. typically, i am the only one to do this, but you can drop it behind a crusher so it gets stuck in the marine horde.


You will be expected to do surgery, many players hate it but you NEED to do it if it has to be done. typically ill take marines to colony med for this or have surgery stuff in fob. 90% of the time you are squad medic people hate because you dont have a symbol by your head saying you are medic.

WARN PEOPLE OF PERI+ AND QC+ it has delay stuns and debuffs, if you peri+ a guy wordlessly and he sprints into xenos then falls over, you will suddenly take FF for the next few days.

Medevac is not just for medical it is shipside express, let people use it for that.


Suit modules first and only for 10 minutes ignore megagun or meme request, its a waste After 10 minutes announce last call for module priority (no one will listen) buy fultons buy cheap items in order of first come first serve, or people will have a meltdown by now you are out of points Command You have no authority over anyone But you actually do, reputation wise, and suggestively. If no command, alot of ungas will look to you, suggest easy clear plans. “push to silos” is something people will actually do. “Push to medical, secure it for doctor, then flank around.” is something people will never do effectively. keep it simple and directive. marines will prioritize fun, fun being shoot xenos. Announce what each squad is doing, SLs rarely communicate to eachother, and marines wander around aimlessly. keep an eye out for important information someone with small-text says, and repeat it. squad marine bob will say in the smallest text possible, that the entire hive is eating him alive south of fob and the cades are all melting. your text is huge, so copy and paste it. Explain things to marines, “deweed engineering x50” will not get them to do it, “deweed engineering so xenos cant build silos and turrets” will educate marines as to why they should go do that.typically this gets them to do what you want. Combat bring a mini sentry along with you everywhere possible and drop it radial mode. this will protect you better than marines, and draw xeno aggro better than can be carried in hand while you move around. Do not machete, it is space inefficient, and ultimately useless. your boot knife is for weeds and getting runner to leave you alone. Do not accept swords, maces, or other weapons from marines, admins offer them to me to see if i will use them. scream where you are dieing, marines can get you anytime and revive you even after an hour has passed. also scream HOW to fix you, very few people know how. (nanopaste from medical surgery tray, welder, wire.) wire can be used on all limbs, at the same time, so you can wire left arm, then wire left hand on the same timer, but welder can only repair one limb at a time. this makes burn damage preferential. bulletproof vest is good for highpop FF, but never take things for EORD, admins will note you for this. i have seen many synth spawn into EORD then pull 20 tazers, its clearly you wasting the synth slot to bank for winning EORD. You can use smoke grenades, the -2 ones are the best for cloaking but dont do it in the middle of a push do it if your solo between fob and frontlines. hold it in your hand after arming it so it stays centered.


Humanlike robots, distant cousins of synths. A similar result can be achieved by fully augmenting a human.

1. Androids do not need to breathe, are immune to cold and heat, can't be set on fire, don't bleed, are immune to viruses, don't need to eat, are immune to gases, and cannot be pierced by syringes or glass.

2. Androids can reattach limbs from the ground without surgery.

3. Androids can repair brute damage with welding and burn damage by replacing wires; they do not heal brute or burn damage in normal ways.

4. Androids are paralyzed and heavily damaged by EMPs.

5. Due to the fact that augmented humans can eventually reach this state, AIs tend to see androids as 'partly human'.


IPCs, or Integrated Posibrain Chassis, are a series of constructed bipedal humanoids which vaguely represent humans in their figure. The second synthetic lifeform that has existed without binding laws, IPCs were made by several human corporations which utilized posibrain technology uncovered from Vxtvul ruins after the second generation of cyborg units was created. They are similarly designed first and foremost to serve their creators, but their free will and standard appendages permit them more liberty in action which makes them ideal for occupying positions that would otherwise require human hands. Unsurprisingly enough, the free will exerted by IPCs creates tension among employers and employees alike. Since posibrains imitate the signals and inputs created by standard sapient brains, they are prone to the same emotional and spiritual stimuli that most humanoids are. As a result, they often grapple with the complications of their own existence as well as the fear of others who believe machines should not have such freedom of mind and action.

IPCs are an optional playable race. You can make an IPC character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as the antenna style, TV style, body style, and colors. They are named from posibrains. For gameplay purposes, IPCs can change their screens at will, along with being able to reattach their limbs. They also do not process most chemicals only being affected by a select few.

Also unlike other races they do not eat and instead recharge by using a powercord that works on APCs or by going into a cyborg recharger.

Note that as an IPC, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you under the Asimov rule set. However, as a fellow silicon, it may rate you higher than other 'non-humans'.

Taking care of your IPC

Please be aware that due to certain regulatory legislation, most IPCs are required to be made of weak materials. Specifically, the joints in the IPC head are weak and susceptible to being knocked off, and the construction uses light cyborg limbs that are more vulnerable to damage.

Material Statistics
IPC Repairs
Dealing with death
Synthetic Chemicals

It has been observed that mixing 1u of Ethanol, 1u of Copper, 1u of Silver, heated to 370K yields 3u of Solder. Solder's observed effect is that the IPC's brain reforms broken connections.

1u of Ethanol, 1u of Chlorine, 2u of Phenol, 1u of Potassium yields 5u of System Cleaner, which purges toxic chemicals.

It is also noted that imbibement of Space Lube in an IPC unit rapidly increases the speed at which they are able to move. However, this overheats their servos and can cause the unit's circuitry to fry as a result.

Combat Robots

Combat robots are an additional species option for player characters, in a similar vein to the Vatborn species. These aren't to be confused with combat droids, which are a separate entity. In comparison with humans, combat robots have a number of unique benefits and drawbacks, allowing for unique gameplay over their meatbag counterparts.

Advantages Due to their metallic coating, Combat Robots cannot be set on fire. They still, however, take damage from being in fire, so don't take this as an immunity to fire damage. Think of it like the Surt Jaeger module. Their silicon nature means that combat robots don't feature a circulatory system or other organ systems, meaning they experience no harmful blood-related effects, including no effects from harmful chemical interactions, and suffer no effects from organ damage. Rare cases have been noted where the primary computational cortex of a combat robot has been damaged; refer to the autodoc to repair this unintended issue. Additionally, this lack of biological components means that xenomorph facehuggers will not be able to successfully latch on to a combat robot. Caution is still advised for non-larval variants. After extensive complaints from these units, researchers ensure that all Combat Robots are insulated, meaning that they cannot get shock by e-razors or funny wire in airlocks. Similarly to the onboard Synthetic, combat robots can be revived from decapitation with a head replacement surgery. Due to the volatility of their power system, however, they still experience a permanent death timer. Thanks to the combat robots enhanced servomotors, their punches deal 10 damage, greater than that of the average man. Damage can be quickly repaired through the use of welding for brute damage, and cable coils for burn damage. If there is an engineer with soldering iron, they can heal both brute and burn damage. Due to reactor overclocking, Combat Robots do not experience critical health, instead remaining operational until death without risk of loss of consciousness. Disadvantages Due to their lack of organ system, combat robots cannot benefit from enhancement chemicals, such as synaptizine or oxycodone. The combat robot leg servomotors have a difficult time conveying their user past optimal speeds, meaning that sprinting speeds are inaccessible. Since the combat robots feature a customized chassis, they are unable to wear any marine armors. To alleviate this issue, combat robots are provided with their own 3 armor sets. Repairing Yourself Read the guide on repairing robots for info on fixing your low integrity.

Armor Armor: Description: TGMC robot armor light.png XR-1-L armor plating

Light armor plating designed for self mounting on TerraGov combat robotics. It has self-sealing bolts for mounting on robotic owners inside. Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Slowdown 35 55 50 45 45 45 45 45 45 0.3 TGMC robot armor medium.png XR-1 armor plating

Medium armor plating designed for self mounting on TerraGov combat robotics. It has self-sealing bolts for mounting on robotic owners inside. Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Slowdown 40 60 60 45 45 45 45 45 50 0.5 TGMC robot armor heavy.png XR-1-H armor plating

Heavy armor plating designed for self mounting on TerraGov combat robotics. It has self-sealing bolts for mounting on robotic owners inside. Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Slowdown 45 65 60 45 45 45 45 45 55 0.7 Notes The standard marine vendor will have a combat robot kit, which has a cable coil and welding tool for repairs. Wearing various styles of HUDs, such as Medical and Optical, will change your eye color accordingly. The combat robot naming convention is “verb+er-number”, such as Runner-223, or Keeper-715.

Alien Races


Alien beings often sent here to probe the crew, known to operate out of the Andromeda Nebula. They cannot speak normally, but instead use a special frequency tuned to their group: different Grey teams have separate channels. Greys that are members of the crew share a common Grey channel, for example, and cannot hear Grey abductors.

1. Greys do not bleed, do not need to breathe, are immune to viruses, and can use abductor-specific equipment.

2. Greys can see in the dark for short ranges.

3. Greys can telepathically communicate without restrictions with fellow abductors.

4. Greys cannot use non-abductor weaponry.

5. Greys cannot be heard by non-abductors when speaking, but can communicate in written form.


Preterni are a hybrid organic-synthetic species consisting of a simple, mechanical chassis that holds an assortment of augmented organs comprised of flesh and metal. Lost relics of the ancient Vxtvul Empire, preterni used to serve their creators, the Vxtrin. Now, they seek to be their own power under the flag of the Remnants of Vxtvul. Some end up working in SolGov space, though tensions between SolGov and the Commonwealth mean this is rare.

Power management

Instead of needing food, Preternis feed on power from power cells, APCs, SMES cells, mechs or Cyborgs (but don't expect the Cyborg to be too happy about it!) by alt-clicking with an empty hand. An inducer applied on their chest can also charge them at the cost of inflicting burn damage. When they run out of power, they will die, needing to be cloned or recharged with an inducer before being revived via other means. Preternis can eat normal food to recharge their energy, however the energy gained is negligible at best. A preternis cannot recharge while wearing insulated gloves and other types of gloves will slow down the recharge rate, so take then off before recharging.

While their eyes are in good condition, Preternis can use a night vision ability similar to a Ghost's “Toggle Darkness” setting, letting them see at any distance in darkness. This removes their need for light as long as their eyes are in good shape, conveniently their eyes also constantly repair themselves when in their body.

Health management

Preternis take 1.25 times more brute damage, and 1.5 times more burn damage, and chems that heal either of these do not work (chemicals that cause brute/burn damage, however, still work), including sutures and mesh, as well as cryo. Instead, a Preternis can heal brute damage with a welder (don't forget your welding protection, though your eyes repair themselves quickly, so it isn't absolutely vital), and burn damage using cable coils, in the same way one would fix a prosthetic limb. Should a dead or dying Preternis end up in your medbay, check their bag or toolbelt for these tools, as almost all of them will keep those with them. Preternis also can heal burn damage through drinking oil or welding fuel, though welding fuel is both less effective and also gives toxin damage.

They are completely immune to radiation including radiation storms, however they can still spread radiation to others and genetics can still modify their DNA even if the radstorm won't. Reagents in their system are automatically purged after 20 cycles, however drunkenness will still remain. Preternis have a 33% lower oxygen requirement than humans (12kpa internals) but are more sensitive to breathing air that's too cold or hot, and can survive breathing trace amounts of plasma. Thanks to their upgraded metabolism, they're less likely to catch a virus (80% of infection attempts will fail) but if they do catch one, it will stick around and be harder to get rid of than it would be for a human.

Crippling weaknesses

Malicious crew members with access to restricted tech can hack Preternis twice for a short stun each time. The first hack will cause massive brain damage to the Preternis and the second hack will cause permanent damage to their visual cortex. EMPs will also heavily debilitate a Preternis, stunning them, dealing substantial brute and burn damage and heavily draining their remaining battery life. People looking to easily disable a Preternis can take advantage of the low HP of robot limbs (35) by targeting them to disable them; disablers are especially effective at doing this, a single shot being able to disable a limb.



Polymorphs are a lab-created Xenomorph Hybrid released from multiple testing facilities. They have unique acid blood and an aversion to fire similar to their Xenomorph counterparts.

Naming Convention

Polymorphs tend towards single-word names, usually with two or three syllables, and almost always end in a vowel. Examples include “Thrinia,” “Alei,” and “Saavi.” They do not have surnames as they do not have any true families, but it is not unheard of for them to adopt one based on their home colony.

Racial Benefits

Racial Drawbacks



Polymorphs are an optional playable race. You can make a Polymorph character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as teeth, dorsal tubes, and domes. Polymorphs attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They also tend to hiss when talking. In addition, they have digitigrade legs and can't wear normal footwear and can only wear footwraps.

Polymorphs have sulphuric acid in their blood and take almost no damage from acid. They also take lower damage from cold but take more damage from heat and fire.

Note that as a Polymorph, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a human; however, this also means the AI can allow you to put yourself into harm's way in a positive manner, such as opening an airlock exposed to space to save someone.


Ethereals are bizarre, bipedal humanoids that are most notable for their bright, light-emitting skin and bodies composed primarily of liquid electricity. Without a doubt one of the most curious species in space, ethereals are a rather benign people that originate from the Elix System. Second to humanity in the great span of area they occupy, each individual ethereal, above all else, often longs to see new stars. With pilgrimages that fulfill spiritual and biological needs, they are most commonly found in Sol Interplanetary Coalition space either mid-journey or cultivating wealth to fund their never-ending journey of life.

Racial Benefits

Racial Drawbacks


Unique Mechanics

Sentient Adversaries


The morph is a unidentified lifeform that seems to exist to only kill and eat people, as well as eating miscellaneous items.

What am I?

A morph is a unique lifeform. You have very little ways to interact with the world, you cannot pick up or use any item. You have several unique functions to help you however.


Your main ability, by shift+clicking any object in the game you will instantly change your appearance to mimic that. You can morph into almost any object in the game, from a drop of blood to a human. Morphing to a human, silicon or other organic lifeform will transform you into a exact replica of what said lifeform was wearing at that moment, but your appearance is aesthetic only, meaning a riot shield won't block melee attacks.

You can revert to your original form via shift+clicking yourself.

You deal 30 brute damage while in your original form, but only 5 brute damage while disguised. You must undisguise yourself to reliably kill anyone.

You CAN communicate at any time, but your speech will be heavily slurred and hard to understand, as well as giving yourself away if you've been detected prior.


The only way you can regenerate health is by eating a dead lifeform, anything will do and you can do this in both disguised and disguised states. You can also eat non-organic items such as guns or metal, but this provides no benefit aside from denying those items to anyone else.

To survive and thrive

When undisguised you move at a slow pace, but when disguised you move at a rapid (human) pace.

When you first enter the station try and find a simple disguise. Disguise as something benign like a pen, paper or some blood and find a good disguise. A human or cyborg disguise will work, however a disguise like Beepsky works wonders in open hallways.

Avoid having to talk to humans, but if you must communicate with humans, keep your words short. Longer winded text will have a good chance of being slurred but short text won't be slurred. So instead of saying “Hi how are you?”, which will come out as “Hii hoawww'w arree yoou?”, say “Hi.” Also consider emoting instead of talking, such as waving.

Use the ventilation system and your movement advantages to your advantage. In any form you can freely move over tables and you can freely enter the vent system at any point.


You are an ash walker, one among the plains. The land is bountiful of prey and sustenance, but foreign powers move to exploit your land. You must build up your tribe and expel these aliens from your home.

You are essentially a group of tribal Lizardians who must craft low tech weapons and armor to fight off the more technologically advanced, but fewer in number, invaders that threaten your homeland.

For the underground

Your base of operations is small and humble. Your lifeblood is the ash walker nest, a tendril converted and tamed to rapidly grow Ash Walker eggs near instantly when fed.

Whenever any dead sentient corpse (such as the Legion's corpse, or Miners) is brought next to the nest, it'll be consumed and turned into a new Ash Walker egg.

The nest must be protected at all costs, as its destruction would spell extinction for your tribe.

Foreign Invaders

These strange aliens clad in stranger clothing have begun to invade your home. You must drive them off of your home. They are armed with better weapons and armor, but they are few in numbers and are far away from home. Use your numbers to your advantage and drive them away.

Their weapons are too complex and advanced for your kind to understand; as such you cannot wield and use most of their advanced weapons.

The Wildlife

In order to grow and prosper you must find and hunt down the wildlife of this land, for sustenance, reproduction and resources. The main reason to hunt the wildlife is to acquire bones and sinew, as these resources are critical in crafting the more advanced tribal gear on offer to you.

Legions: The easiest prey, their attacks deal low damage and they are weak to your spears. The greatest advantage of the legions are their souls and their host. The host can be returned and reborn as a Ash Walker, while their Souls can be used for healing, or implanted to make them last. These creatures sadly do not drop crafting materials.

Watchers: Deadly creatures, they should never be approached alone. Their freeze attacks will slow you in place while they rip you to shreds. Attack in numbers. Watchers drop the coveted sinew, which is a necessary component for crafting higher tier weapons and armour. They also drop a single piece of bone.

Goliaths: Powerful creatures, but easily kited and killed by a skilled warrior. Do not allow them to stick you in place, keep mobile and rapidly move in, hit them, then move back. These creatures are a good prize to kill and can be killed by a single warrior. They are a worthy prey as they drop two bones and a goliath plate upon death.

Tribal Equipment

The following is a list of tribal equipment you can craft:

Item Description Material Needed
Bone Dagger A respectable and cheap weapon to craft, deals 15 damage. Bone: 2
Bone Spear A powerful two handed weapon, deals 20 damage. Bone: 4, Sinew: 1
Bone Axe The most powerful crafted weapon available, also needed to do surgery, deals 23 damage. Bone: 6, Sinew: 3
Bone Armor Respectable armor, provides moderate protection to melee (35), bullet (25) and laser (25) attacks. Bone: 6
Bone Talisman Attached to bone armor, provides a small boost to base protection but a massive boost to bomb and biological protection. Bone: 2, Sinew: 1
Bone Bracer Provides moderate protection to both arms of the wearer. Bone: 2, Sinew: 1
Skull Helmet Provides moderate protection to the wearers head. Bone: 4


A changeling is a highly intelligent alien predator that is capable of altering their shape to flawlessly resemble a human. They are typically deployed in simple social groupings, although they maintain total autonomy and act individually, so long as they do not have a team objective. As a result of their expertise in infiltration, the Syndicate often hires Changelings to steal high-risk items from their targets. The Changeling hunts with its ability to synthesize deadly chemicals internally, adopt the form of its past victims, and even directly alter its form to be more suited to the task at hand.

The Thing From Spaaaaaaaace!

A changeling has boarded the station! It has had time to “familiarize” itself with the ins and outs of its primary victim's identity, ready to take anything it desires – be it your equipment, your faces, or your lives!

Even if a changeling has not attacked any other crew members, it is highly likely it has attacked or killed others in its infiltration.

Ok, now what do?

Important: Changelings can communicate with one another using 'say :g' before their speech. Use alt+click or middle mouse button to sting someone.


Your goals:

DNA Absorption

The goal of many changelings is to absorb 5-7 DNA strains, for some unknown and alien reason. To do this, it must take ANY human, living or dead (even thrown away bodies from cloning), and absorb them using either its special proboscis, or the DNA Extraction Sting. You can only have a maximum of 5 DNA strands at a time, and must transform to obtain more.

DNA can be acquired in two ways:

Acquiring DNA via absorbing requires a grab, and a little bit of time as it stabs the victim with its appendage until it has all of the DNA drained. You need a good grip to absorb victims properly, and choking them has the added benefit of subduing your target as well. A choke hold can be attained by grabbing someone repeatedly until you're holding them by the neck, then double-clicking the KILL button that appears in your active hand in your HUD so that it is flashing red.

"No, I'm the real one!"

Changelings are limited, however, to how much DNA they can absorb at once! If a changeling has 5 DNAs stored and attempts to gain another, they must purge the older DNA by transforming. Eventually, any changeling will have to be a twin of someone else on the station, living or dead.


The changeling can shift its appearance, making them look and sound exactly like a victim of which they have absorbed. This can be a massive compromise in security, especially if command staff are absorbed and the changeling is able to imitate them.

Changelings can also, via their lesser form ability, transform into monkeys and do monkey things.

Transforming is subtle and does not give a message in chat, though an observant crewmember may notice that you're suddenly someone else entirely.


Also known as Regenerative Stasis, changelings have the ability to 'kill' themselves, and appear dead for two minutes. After this period is over, the changeling can revive at will, fully healed of all injuries and illness. Both entering stasis and leaving it cost 10 chemicals, so make sure you have at least 20 before you are slain and must activate it.

This makes them nigh-unkillable, as they can fully regenerate themselves even from death if their bodies are intact and they have enough chemicals. Spaced changelings may also be able to make it back on station given enough time. The best way to permanently deal with a changeling is to gib it or cremate it in the chapel.


Changelings may have the following objectives, Be aware that some objectives may not show up depending on what type of Team Objective the changelings have:

1. Absorb 5-7 DNA strands: All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via DNA extract sting or Absorbing.

2. Assassinate/Maroon a person: All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via normal methods or some of your various abilities.

3. Steal an object: Steal a special or rare object from the station, you will be informed of what to steal.

4a. Escape alive: All changelings get an escape objective, to fulfill, be on the escape shuttle or a pod when they land at Central Command.

4b. Escape with identity: In addition to escaping alive, the changeling must have transformed to the target person and wear an ID card with the target's name on it to succeed.

Team Objective

Changelings may have one special Team Objective that is given to all changelings in the round, these are generally too hard or impossible for one changeling to complete alone.

1. Impersonate Department: A department is chosen (Security, Medical, Engineering or Science). As many staff members from this department as logically possible (Based on the number of changelings in the round, the number of staff members in the department, etc.) are chosen as targets that the changelings must kill, transform into and escape as. This objective ignores the head(s) of that department. A Changeling does NOT need to personally be one of the targets to succeed. This objective requires 3 changelings to be chosen for a round.

2. Impersonate Heads: Like Impersonate Department, except the “department” is always the Heads of Staff (Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Research Director, Chief Engineer and Chief Medical Officer). The changelings must kill, transform into and escape as the specified heads of staff. This objective requires 3 changelings to be chosen for a round.

Going Solo or Teaming Up

If the changelings have a Team Objective they should be treated as any other team antag, this means they are NOT allowed to betray the other changelings. If there is no team objective then everything is on the table, from stealing an absorb target to killing another changeling.

Make sure you know which of the above is true before you act!

Regardless of Team Objectives, changelings can share absorbed genomes via hivemind. DNA shared in this manner does not count towards your personal absorption count.

Changeling Abilities

The changeling possesses other dangerous abilities including precooked stinger abilities, which it can fire out of a crafted dart at a moment's notice! Their stored chemicals regenerate quickly at a rough set rate of half a chemical per second.

Changelings start with 10 evolution points. The cost of abilities (if applicable) are listed in parentheses after their entry. By husking a lifeform, the changeling gains the ability to reset their learned abilities and choose new ones, adapting to situations as they arise. This will reset their evolution points back to the starting 10. Changelings can store up to 6 DNA strands, acquiring them either by husking or DNA stinging people; if they acquire more, the oldest will be overwritten.

Note that changelings are immune to each others' stings and are able to notice they've been stung. If you try to sting someone and they don't react, they might be one too!

Starting Set

Reviving Stasis

A free evolution. The changeling can fake its death and enter a stasis for a small cost, and after some time, can leave it while healing all wounds and status effects. Can be used while dead. Renders the changeling very hard to kill, but if its corpse is gibbed or incinerated it won't be able to revive. Uses 15 chemicals.


A free evolution. The changeling instantly regenerates lost limbs and organs. If it is regenerating limbs, it will make a loud and obvious sound. Uses 10 chemicals.


A free evolution. The changeling can transform into any of the DNAs they have stored, allowing them to become nearly anyone. It will also mimic their clothing and IDs, if you're not already wearing one in those slots; they will however be nonfunctional and cannot be removed except by retransforming or using the Drop Flesh Disguise option from the transformation menu. Uses 5 chemicals.

Hive Channel

A free evolution. The changeling can channel a selected genome into the airwaves for other changelings to absorb and use. Also useful for storing important DNA without it being overwritten. Uses 10 chemicals.

Hive Absorb

A free evolution. The changeling can absorb DNA from the air that has been channeled by a fellow changeling. This does not help the changeling reach their genome objective. Uses 20 chemicals.

Extract DNA Sting

A free evolution. The changeling can sting a target to extract their genetic information. They can then use the DNA like they just absorbed it. Helps the changeling reach their genome objective. Uses 25 chemicals.

Absorb DNA

A free evolution. Another way to acquire DNA: the changeling fully drains a body's fluids, husking it in the process and making it unclonable and unidentifiable. In addition to giving the changeling the DNA, it will also give it a few samples of speech to better imitate them and it will allow the changeling to reset their abilities.

Allows you to connect another non-changeling to the Hivemind. For when some one agrees to help you for what ever reason. Has the same requirements as Absorb DNA: needs a KILL level grab and a short channel. The victim will be kept stabilized while linked to the hivemind; so don't worry about time constraints.

Abilities Available via Evolution Menu

Augmented Eyesight

The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable night-vision and thermal-vision mode. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while this ability is active. While it's inactive, it will instead protect you from flashes and bright lights, such as welders. This cannot be detected by normal means. Costs 2 evolution points and uses no chemicals.

Digital Camouflage

Makes the changeling invisible to the AI, and prevents the AI from tracking the changeling's location while active, but makes you look strange when examined. Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.

Adrenaline Sacs

Allows to the changeling to make use of additional adrenaline to instantly recover from stuns, and gives a temporary reduction in further stuns, which may cause toxin damage as a side effect. High chemical cost. Costs 2 evolution points and uses 30 chemicals.


The changeling will rapidly heal brute, burn and oxygen damage over 10 seconds. Can be used more than once in a row, but with reduced effectiveness. Usable while unconscious. Costs 2 evolution points and uses 25 chemicals.

Last Resort

For when you are well and truly fucked. Creates a small silent explosion, gibs your current body, and spawns a headslug– a creature that can infects corpses to plant a hidden changeling egg. The changeling egg grows into a monkey changeling after ~180 seconds. If you're killed while in this form and you haven't infected any corpse, you won't be able to revive! Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Lesser Form

The changeling transforms into a monkey after a brief period of time. Causes all equipment to be dropped on the floor. It can then return to human form by using Human Form. Note that transforming into a monkey also drops your cuffs. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals and 5 to shift back.

Mimic Voice

Allows the changeling to form their voice of a name they enter. Costs 1 evolution point and slows chemical generation while active.

Arm Blade

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit and can be retracted; however, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open doors when on harm intent (powered ones will take longer). Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.


Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a tentacle. This tentacle can be fired towards a target, with different effects depending on your intent. If it hits something, the tentacle is used up; otherwise, it can be reused after a short cooldown. Targeting an item: Grabs the item and throws it in your hand. Help intent: Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, without any additional effect. Disarm intent: If the mob has any item in hand, that item will be pulled away and put into the changeling's hand, otherwise it has no effect. Grab intent: Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, aggressively grabbing it once it lands. Harm intent: Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling. If the changeling is also holding a sharp weapon, it'll automatucally stab the mob on landing, ignoring armor. Costs 2 evolution points and uses 10 chemicals.

Organic Shield

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a large, fleshy shield. Blocks or mitigates a number of attacks, the amount increasing by 3 with each genome absorbed. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Organic Space Suit

Inflates the changeling's flesh into a huge, bulky, spaceworthy mass of pressure and temperature-resistant organic tissue to facilitate space travel. While it's active, you'll also regenerate oxygen damage quickly enough to not need air. Because the suit is made up of the changeling's flesh, it provides no damage resistance and can be injected directly into with syringes. Slows chemical generation while active. Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Chitinous Armor

Inflates the changeling's body into an all-consuming chitinous mass of armor. Provides extensive protection against physical damage, but less against other types. Its mass slows the changeling's movement, and maintaining its shape slows chemical generation. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Anatomic Panacea

Cures the changeling of disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Can also remove alien larvas. Usable while unconscious. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Resonant Shriek

The changeling emits a tone beyond the range of human hearing, causing deafness and disorientation in an area around itself and bursting lights in the area, while overloading cyborg sensors. Good for escaping groups or preventing people from fleeing from you. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Dissonant Shriek

The changeling emits an EMP, which disables technology in the surrounding area, including radio headsets. Good for escaping borgs and preventing people from shouting over the radio. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Spread Infestation

Two spiderlings crawl out of the changeling's mouth, eventually growing into deadly beasts. They will attack the changeling as well, if they see it. IMPORTANT: You need at least 5 DNA absorptions or stings to gain enough power to use this late-game ability! Costs 1 evolution point and uses 45 chemicals.

Strained Muscles

The changeling reduces lactic acid buildup in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily incrementing stamina damage and eventually pass out, if he doesn't take a rest. Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.

Transformation Sting

The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces their human victim to transform into another. When extracting the sting the changeling can choose which of the DNAs in storage it wishes to use. Costs 3 evolution points and uses 50 chemicals.

Mute Sting

The changeling silently sting a human, completely silencing them for about thirty seconds. Does not provide a warning to a victim that they've been stung, until they try to speak and can't. Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Blind Sting

The changeling silently stings a human, completely blinding them for a short time and rendering them permanently nearsighted. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 25 chemicals.

Hallucination Sting

The changeling injects large doses of hallucinogenic chemicals into their victim. Effect occurs after 30 to 60 seconds. The victim does not notice they've been stung until they start tripping. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals.

Cryogenic Sting

The changeling injects the target with a blend of chemicals that begins to turn their blood to ice. The victim will walk slower and take some damage over the full duration. Victims wearing armor or insulated material will take more damage, since they are insulated from the ambient warmth. Can be countered with space heaters, coffee, and other warming objects and foods. Costs 2 evolution points and uses 15 chemicals.

False Armblade Sting

The changeling silently injects a retrovirus that mutates their victim's arm into an armblade. The victim will form an armblade much like a changeling would, except the armblade is dull and useless. The transformation occurs immediately after the sting, and will last for about a minute. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.


As a changeling, the absolute best item for you to get is a wallet (From the crew quarters, in either cabin's personal closet, in the leather satchel.) It goes in your ID slot and holds up to 4 ids, all of which work for automatic access and none of which change your mouse over identity.

Only take a few abilities at round start! Once you take an ability, it is locked in unless you husk someone. Husking someone is time-consuming, leaves obvious evidence, sort of dickish, and if anyone interrupts you then you're boned. If you leave a few slots open, though, you can easily adapt to whatever shit you find yourself in.

Transformation Sting is robust. Not only does it confuse the fuck out of people and is silent, but it's easier to hide in a forest than on an open plain. Make 555 of the guy you are changing into for more genomes. Transform the guy you are husking/impersonating into someone else, so you're the only one. Transform a ling who is caught if the scene is chaotic enough that he might escape. The possibilities are endless. ADDED: Wear some generic clothes from arrivals or locker room. Then if somebody's chasing you, run out of their line of sigh, quickly transform and run backwards.

As a ling you are able to explore space, either staying as a regening corpse until you hit something or through a combination of fleshmend, engorged chem sacs, and a fire suit.

There are edible clown corpses on the clown shuttle.

You can of course find spaced people randomly, which is a great way to pick up an identity provided everyone doesn't know they were spaced.

Cryosting is very robust on people with insulation which makes it really effective in space, where they won't have a choice about staying dressed up in their suit.

Hive channel is free genome storage for identities.

Mimic voice and subverted AI, or mimic voice and digital camo go a LONG way in completely getting the crew against each other (ie: “one day, woody got wood”).

Keep in mind that if you space yourself and let your corpse husk from the burn damage you'll still be a husk when you get back up. You can clear this effect by transforming to another form and back again. You could also buy voice changing and play a zombie.

Blind sting + Lesser form = Freedom

Cryo Sting + Lesser form = Freedom

LSD Sting + Lesser form = Maybe freedom if it reaches the point of holodamage knockouts.

Tips for Fighting Against Changelings

Changelings do not need heads, and brains are therefore vestigial. Don't debrain a changeling while the body walks out of the door behind you.

As long as you can talk and you're within 1 tile of an intercom, you can type :i in front of what you say to say it over the intercom. Even when you're stunned and/or on the ground.

If you get cryostung as a Security Officer, remove your armor and helmet. REMOVE THEM. Or else you will die. Sec armor has somehow some heat tampering properties, which means you won't heat up as much as you would normally be, and will consequently die of cold. Same goes if you are wearing an hardsuit/space protective gear/anything that could have thermal properties. If you get cryo'd, REMOVE THOSE THINGS ASAP.

The bane of lings is N2O. None of their powers will help them. Unless they use internals.

Never fight a Changeling alone if you can help it. Unless they're hilariously unrobust, chances are they will almost always win a melee confrontation. The best tactic is to get a buddy to stun the changeling while you handcuff/beat it to death and take it to be gibbed/cremated.

Changeling flesh clothing is completely cosmetic/non-functional and cannot be removed. If during a strip-search you can't remove an article of clothing from a person, chances are they're a Changeling unless they're cursed in some way.


Abductors are technologically advanced alien society set on cataloging all species in the system. Unfortunately for their subjects their methods are quite invasive. Contents [hide] 1 The Truth is out there 1.1 Goals 2 Beginning of any Operation 2.1 Experimental Dissection 2.2 Ship Equipment 3 Abductor Agent 3.1 Duties 3.2 Equipment 4 Abductor Scientist 4.1 Duties 4.2 Equipment 5 Abductee or Insanity 101 5.1 Possible Glands 6 Tips 7 Relevant code changes The Truth is out there

Firstly, it is important to note: Abductors cannot speak in the conventional sense. Instead, they share a telepathic link with other member of the expedition ship (the UFO). Talking is automatically converted to telepathy. This is important because it means that regardless of the situation, you have a link to your partner that you can communicate through. Remember to communicate! OH SHUCKS I'M AN AYYYLIEN WHAT DO? Well, my wonderful friend, here is a detailed and thorough guide to being the best alien duo in the galaxy. Agents are the ones that will do the majority of the actual field work. With the help of the scientist, they can put on a disguise and locate a human to catch. Their main job is to find an isolated target, successfully stun them and put them to sleep, cuff them, and take them to a secluded area where the scientist can come in and do the rest. The scientist is the operator behind the agent. He has a camera console which he will spend most of his time at, allowing him to see most of the station from above. His science tool, when set to SCAN mode, can be used on station crew that he sees through the cameras to steal their appearance and add it to the database of disguises for the agent. It is encouraged to scan as many people as you can when the opportunity presents itself. The science tool can also be set to MARK mode, which will add whoever you marked to your buffer. Anybody in your buffer can then be manipulated via your camera console, meaning you can teleport them to your UFO, or send them to anywhere on the station that you can see through cameras. Your agent can be marked through cameras! However, with human subjects, you must manually go to the station and stand next to them, as well as wait a few seconds while the marking tool adds them to the buffer. What this essentially means is that the agent and the scientist are a tag team. The scientist finds a human to abduct, and gets a disguise that would suit the situation for the agent. The scientist marks the agent and warps him down to an area where he will be able to access the target. The agent then has to subdue the target and get him to an isolated area. Then, through his camera console, the scientist can warp himself down to the target and mark it. The scientist has an implant (with a minor cooldown) that instantly warps him back to the UFO. Once the target is marked, he uses this implant, then uses his console to bring the target to the UFO. Then, if needed, he can mark the agent through the cameras and retrieve him, as well. Once the target is safely in the UFO, the surgery can begin (for steps to complete the surgery, see the guide to it below). Remember that you can buckle cuffed subjects to the surgery table, should they wake up and attempt to resist. During surgery, feel free to torment the subject or steal from it. The important thing is that you get an experimental gland into it and that it does not die. Once the surgery is done and the gland is in, put the subject into the Experiment Machinery (see more on that below, under Ship Equipment). Push some buttons to complete the experiment, and bam, the subject will be taken back to the station via teleporter and you earn one experimentation point. Experimentation points are the things you must collect to complete your objective. If you lose equipment, such as the agent's baton, you can spend your points to get new ones, but this subtracts the points from the total counting towards your objective. In point format: Scientist uses science tool in SCAN mode to collect disguises Scientist tells agent where he'll be warped in to and who to try to abduct/watch out for Agent is teleported in by scientist and stuns, sleeps, and cuffs the target If the agent fails and is in danger, the scientist (if he has already marked the agent with the science tool in MARK mode) can recall him to the UFO If the agent succeeds, he takes the target to a secluded area where scientist comes in and uses the science tool in MARK mode to mark the target Scientist uses his implant and returns to the ship, then uses his console to recall the target and the agent Surgery is done and agent loots whatever he may need off the target. Target is placed in experimentation machine and sent back to the station. The process repeats as many times as necessary. Important things you want to do before anything else: Scientist: Mark your agent by using your science tool in MARK mode. Gather disguises through the observation console by using your science tool in SCAN mode. Agent: Sync your agent armor up with the abductor console. Discuss a plan with your scientist. Agree on a safeword to use if the agent needs urgent warping out of danger. Other stuff you should think about doing but don't have to (tips): Consider warping into medbay stealthily to steal a medkit or two in the event that the agent gets harmed. Consider warping into the armory stealthily to steal weapons if needed. Consider warping to the AI core to take it out if it proves to be an issue. Goals Your overall objective is to kidnap and experiment on given number of station inhabitants and acquire the designated number of experimentation points. Beginning of any Operation

Step 1: Operating Table Place the patient onto the operating table using grab intent Step 2: Drapes Place drapes & select “Organ Manipulation” Step 3: Help Intent Switch to help intent. Step 4: Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest (important!). Step 5: Scalpel Do the surgery (see the steps below!). Experimental Dissection Procedure Ghetto Analogues Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%) Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%) Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Step 5: Hands Remove unnecessary organs / Use your hands to find the organs (usually the heart). Removed organs are garbage, and can be placed wherever. Heartless species can't be experimented on, since this step is not fulfillable. Step 6: Gland Gland: Insert the chosen gland from gland storage. Ship Equipment Name Icon Purpose Ship Console Console Use this to set teleporter destination or retrieve people marked by scientist tools. Also used for buying replacement gear and linking the agent's vest. Experiment Machinery Experiment This is the device that rewards you with experimentation points. Put in human with replaced organs and select one of the options to finish the experiment. Note that the subject will be sent to teleporter destination immediately if experiment succeeds. Telepad Telepad Stand on this if you want to be sent to the station. People that have been marked and teleported to the UFO by the scientist appear here. Gland Storage Storage Contains replacement organs needed for experimental dissection. You have limited supply of each gland, so try to pick a new one on each subject you experiment with. Surgery Table OpTable Perform dissection on this. If the subject is cuffed, you can buckle him down to prevent resistance by dragging his sprite to it. Observation Console Observation The scientist's main base of operations. Use this to find secluded humans, mark agents or gather disguises. Also used for warping marked people (including the scientist) in or out of the UFO. Abductor Agent

Agent.png Duties You're the strong arm of the team, you're the one who will spend more time station-side kidnapping humans. Teleport in, incapacitate a human and secure the area for scientist arrival. Keep in mind that while you are the one that will frequently be in combat, communication with your fellow scientist is still very important, as they control what disguises are available to you, the mode of your vest, and are able to warp you out of danger in a pinch. Remember to communicate! Equipment Name Icon Purpose Agent Vest Vest The most important part of your equipment, this vest is surgically grafted to your body and works in two modes : Stealth and Combat. Remember: Modes are controlled remotely by your ship console! Communicate frequently and let the scientist know when you need to change modes. Stealth Vest Mode Vest Using this vest mode will allow you to take on form of any human your scientist teammate added to the database. Be careful however this disguise is very fragile and any damage will reveal your true identity. Disguise is chosen using ship-side console. This vest mode is more commonly used, as it allows you to be more stealthy, and is more useful for sneaking up to isolated targets to abduct them. Combat Vest Mode Vest This mode significantly increases armor values of the vest and allows you to use inbuilt anti-stun injector. You can't maintain the disguise in this mode. Use it if you're ready to go loud and take down several crewmen at once! Silencer Silencer Use this device to silently turn off radios and headsets around the targeted human. Especially useful during abductions, in the event of the subject waking up or screaming for help before you can put them to sleep. Decloner Decloner Your self-defense sidearm, deals radiation damage but needs to be recharged using station rechargers. Remember you need your specimens alive! Holds ten energy rounds. This is a last resort, meaning you should only find yourself using it if you're without any other options or tools (or if you decide to go loud). Stunbaton & handcuffs Alien Baton Use these to capture the specimens for research. You must use an intent other then 'Help' for this to work. It has several different modes that can be toggled through and can't be used by humans, making it very useful as your main abducting tool. It has a stun mode which acts as a regular stun baton would, a sleep mode which will cause an already stunned human to go unconscious, a cuff mode which applies disposable alien handcuffs, and a probe mode, which tells you more details about the subject it's used on. Remember, when abducting: Stun, Sleep, Cuff. Combat Toolbelt Alien Toolbelt Contains a set of extremely advanced tools, and can also contain other small items. Tools Alien ScrewdriverAlien WrenchAlien CrowbarAlien WirecuttersAlien Welding ToolAlien Multitool These tools are extremely fast compared to their station counterpart; additionally, the welding tool won't run out of fuel nor blind the user's eyes, and the multitool will show the function of all wires while hacking. Abductor Scientist

Abductor.png Duties You're the support member of the team. The observation console is your main base of operations: Use it to gather disguises, control agent's vest, warp people in and out of the station/UFO, warp yourself to the station, and also to simply monitor station activity and look for an isolated target. You are also generally the one in charge of experimental surgeries. You will also have to go to station to mark humans secured by the agent for retrieval. Be vary careful, as you are the only link back to the UFO, and if you are caught and die while on station then your mission has failed. Remember to use your teleporter implant if danger presents itself for a quick retreat. Equipment Name Icon Purpose Teleporter Implant Implant Using this implant will allow you to return to ship straight away. Has a minor cooldown. Mainly used for getting back to the UFO after you've warped yourself to the station to mark an abductee. Science Tool Science Tool : MARK mode Science Tool In this mode the tool will mark humans or agents for retrieval. You must be immediately next to a human/lizard if you're marking them for abduction, and the marking process takes a good few seconds in which you are vulnerable. With your agent, however, the marking process is instant and can be done through the observation console, meaning that you can warp your agent out of danger in a pinch without putting yourself at any risk. Science Tool: SCAN mode Science Tool This mode will add the targeted person's look to disguises database. Can be done through cameras. If you scan the same person again after they've changed clothing, their appearance will update in the database. Keep in mind that if you cuff someone for abduction and then scan them, the handcuffs will appear in the disguise, which looks very suspicious.

Abductee or Insanity 101

So you were kidnapped and experimented on by aliens? Who'd have expected that! Your mind did not get through this even unscathed and you feel like there's something wrong with your body. Try to complete your objectives and maybe you'll learn what's going on here.

In other words, you have been given a ticket to make the round more fun. This is somewhat reliant on roleplay. Just go along with it and be the crazy alien-lunatic that you now are.

Possible Glands

Icon Name Effect Gland.png Healing Gland Heals the abductee every so often. Spider gland.png Spider Gland Makes the abductee exhale spider pheromones and spawn spiderlings. Slime gland.png Slime Gland Produces slimes friendly to the abductee. Emp gland.png EMP Gland Makes abductee emit EMP every so often. Species gland.png Species Gland Makes abductee change species rapidly. Egg gland.png Egg Gland Makes the abductee lay acid-filled eggs. Stretch gland.png Stretch Gland Allow the abductee to crawl through vents without trouble. Mind gland.png Mindshock Gland Makes the abductee emit a confusing psychic wave every so often. Viral gland.png Viral Gland Makes the abductee carrier of a serious disease - abductee is NOT affected. Gland.png Bloody Gland Sprays blood on everything in sight and deals medium brute damage to abductee. Gland.png Bodysnatcher Gland Turns the abductee into a cocoon from which bodysnatchers hatch. Gland.png Plasma Gland Explodes the abductee in a cloud of plasma. Tips

Take out Tcomms. Teleporting in and removing the boards from the buses and receivers can make it that much harder for your victims to warn others. A competent engineer can usually fix this though.

Card the AI. Teleport onto the bridge when no one is looking and snag the intellicard. Then just teleport in front of the AI and card it. It's not often an AI is watching it's core so the odds of you being seen are low.

Teleport into the medbay storage room and steal all the medkits. This provides you with an easy way to heal and further weakens the station.

Implant the right organs for the job! Engineer or scientist? Consider EMP organs to hinder tcomms repairs and science progress. Avoid giving healing or stretch glands to security or others who are likely to be a threat to you.


What is a Xenomorph?

Aliens, also known as Xenomorphs to differentiate them from the general term, are extraterrestrial lifeforms that use other living beings as a host during their life cycle. With black carapaces and wicked sharp claws, powerful night vision and the ability to see people through walls, xenomorphs are extremely dangerous. They are intelligent and capable of speaking to one another via a hivemind. In comparison to Earth species, xenomorphs are closest to parasitic wasps that live in colonies with queens and require another lifeform to gestate inside. Xenomorph Lifecycle

Xenomorphs start life as an egg laid by a queen. This egg takes five minutes to develop, at which point it will automatically hatch. Xenomorphs are all female, but still reproduce asexually. Queens can lay eggs, but these eggs cannot develop into adults on their own. In order to get the other half of their genetic code they implant embryos within other life forms and use their DNA. From the egg, the next stage will emerge, called a facehugger. The facehugger is not a true xenomorph, instead it carries half of its mother's genetic code (all dominant genes) and is used to more or less mate with other living creatures, usually humans. The facehuggers can be placed onto the face of a human or if called will jump on their own. All pets except Ian are too small to support an embryo and so they cannot be implanted. The facehugger will leave the embryo inside the stomach of a host, and then fall off and die. Inside the host, the embryo copies part of its DNA, then begins growing. Eventually it will become too large to live inside its host any longer and burst out of their body, killing them. The larval stage of the xenomorph is aptly named “chestburster.” The larval xenomorph is weak and must be allowed to grow before it can fight. It must uses its abilities to hide from anything that could do it harm. Growing up takes approximately seven and a half minutes, but this can be accelerated when in the presence of alien resin. The chestburster can then shed its skin and become an adult, either a drone, hunter, or sentinel. The xenomorphs who become drones must store up 500 plasma, at which point they can evolve into queens and start laying eggs on their own. In addition, there is also the Alien Empress; a huge xenomorph spawned for the sake of shenanigans by admins. It is unknown whether this will be implemented as another evolution stage in the future.

Types of Xeno


You are already dead.

The only type of alien not controlled by a player, it is a parasitic cycle in xenomorph production with the appearance of two human hands held together and attached to a spiny, powerful tail. It has a proboscis it uses to implant embryos and provide oxygen while strangling a victim. The finger-like appendages are used to attach itself firmly to a host body when they are in a single tile proximity. Once implantation is complete, the facehugger falls off and dies. Very few items are capable of resisting a Facehuggers attack, typically only top-tier military, riot or viral equipment will stop it, otherwise most masks or helmets be easily torn off. Like all of the xenomorph species, not much is understood about its growth, motivations, or senses, but it is known that a facehugger can tell the difference between a living humanoid and a non-living humanoid such as corpses or cyborgs and that they are suicidally focused on reproduction. Xenomorphs often use crowds of facehuggers to take down large prey or grouped or well-defended humans. Larva

See? What did I tell you?

Also known as chestbursters because of their method of exodus from the host body, larval xenomorphs are the third known stage in reproduction for the species. While developing in the body, xenomorph embryos attach to blood vessels to absorb nutrients and complete their unstable genetic structure using the host's DNA. This always results in a functioning offspring. As the creature emerges from its host, it tends to burst from the chest, which is highly lethal, instantly killing the host; however, the larva can be removed via Surgery before it emerges. The form is small compared to the adult, and it is limbless and serpentine. They have a strong instinct to hide after hatching. If left alone, xenomorph larva will undergo an unknown transformation process to adulthood. It is believed at this stage that the xenomorph is at its most vulnerable due to its small size and apparent lack of many senses, though this should not be misunderstood – a larva can still be deadly. Its powerful thrashing and sharp teeth got it out of a human sternum, after all. Hunter/Drone/Sentinel

Now everyone is dead.Now everyone is dead.Now everyone is dead. These form are usually the last in any given xenomorph's life cycle. There are many variants of the adult xenomorph, but the Hunter is the most commonly seen on stations for obvious reasons. The Hunter sports a phallic-shaped skull with hidden, mostly useless eyes protected by a one-way transparent dome. The Drone has a broad skull, no back-spikes, and a lanky physique. The Sentinel is a hulking beast with sacs of acid on its throad and a shit-ton of muscle. All three have a host of esoteric senses, most prominently a theorized echolocation (explaining their near-constant hissing) and electroreception, though their primary sense appears to be smell. The scent of pheromones is experimentally shown to be the primary communication device of xenomorphs, most effectively transmitted by the ropey purple weeds the adults spread around the station. It is unknown where this tissue comes from, as xenomorphs refuse to make it in captivity. The primary byproduct of this weed is the strange substance plasma and as such most corporations are extremely interested in the connection between the xenomorphs and that chemical for production reasons. Like the facehugger, the xenomorph's blood is highly acidic, and there are rumors that it is capable of eating even through space station hulls, though it must be said that this is only a rumor.

The adult xenomorph is a living weapon, with an exoskeleton thick enough to absorb or redirect most trauma and temperature extremes, scythe-like claws, and a multi-tiered jaw system capable of projecting an acidic compound presumingly from their stomachs. Xenomorphs at this stage show semi-sapience and problem-solving abilities, and are capable of using pack-oriented tactics, creative stealth, and psychological manipulation. It is reported that xenomorphs may be able to communicate in a basic way with sentient species, but there is little evidence to lend credence to such an absurd notion.


The Praetorian is the next step of evolution for Drones. These xenomorphs are known to be substantially larger than the other castes, and are thought to be bodyguards for the Queen.


Nuke the station out of orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

When the Praetorian has aged enough it will eventually evolve into a Queen Xenomorph. They are the only xenomorphs capable of laying the eggs that hatch facehuggers. While much larger and tougher than other adult xenomorphs, they are quite a bit slower. Even accounting for the size difference, a xenomorph queen can take drastically more punishment. A queen is most likely found where there are high levels of plasma, surrounded by hunters and swarms of freshly hatched facehuggers. They are significantly more intelligent and highly protective of their offspring. While slow, they have quite a few weapons at their disposal, a larger, thicker crest to protect their brain casing, and higher internal stores of plasma which they can utilize for the shaping of resin, the laying of eggs, and destructive survival defenses. Like all xenomorphs, there is little information about them.

How to Play

Alienshuttle2.png A lot of people like aliens, either playing as, fighting against, or being stroked by them. Fortunately for those of us who do, random alien events and/or answered prayers tend to happen very frequently. Unfortunately, however, it seems a lot of people have no fucking clue what they're doing when they spawn as one. This is a guide describing some basics and tips about playing as a xeno so you're not stuck in ooc going “how does I play alium?”

This guide is fairly comprehensive and long. There is no tl;dr for this shit, so tough it out, soldier.


Aliens arrive on the station in one of three ways.

The first way is for the random event where CentCom broadcasts that an Unidentified Lifesign has been detected aboard the station. This means that in a very few random places around the station, facehuggers and eggs have been seeded. They can pop up almost anywhere, even right next to you (if this happens you are pretty much stuck being faceraped).

The second way is for admins to spawn them. This can either be as a forced random event (I think) that is exactly like the CentCom alert, OR they could just hide some facehuggers and/or eggs somewhere on the station while they cackle evilly to themselves waiting for some poor unsuspecting assistant to get a very slimy face full of alien wing wang.

The third way is for mining to discover a facehugger on the asteroid and transport it to the station, usually to xenobiology, for “study.”

“Shit, my face has been raped by xenos.” If you've been infected, there will usually be telltale signs. You'll feel sick. Your throat will be sore. You'll cough a lot. These symptoms mean you are forming a babby. Luckily, medbay is capable of surgically removing alien embryos. Making a backup in genetics then cloning you once you burst (or after your infected body is burned) also works, provided you can get the geneticists to stop dicking around for thirty seconds.

Phase One

Oh shit I'm a larva what do I do?

You've just spawnedAliensnake1.pngand are weak as shit.

Above the chat window is your status window. It has index tabs. Click the Alien tab. It shows you all your magical alien powers.

As a larva you can barely attack (it's a fairly useless bite that only affects animals) and you have no special alien powers aside from Crawl Through Vents.

Use :a to communicate with any other aliens over hivemind chat.

If there's anyone around when you burst, you may be fucked. Turn on Yakety Sax and run for your life. Finding a vent is your best, and probably only chance of survival.

If you're not in a good spot, find the nearest vent and for the love of god crawl through it.

A good spot is anywhere where you A) are not likely to be found and B) have an easy-access vent. If it's dark, that's even better, since someone who comes inside may not see you unless they get close.

You can spam crawl through vents faster than anyone is going to react to your presence, so don't be afraid to scout out as many locations as you can to figure out the best place to hide. If for any reason your hiding place is found out, don't be afraid to crawl through dem vents and find a new place. If you're stuck in a room with no vents, and doors you can't open, turn “hide” on in the alien tab and (yeah) hide under the table. Hopefully nobody knows you're there. Once you're in your spot, sit and wait to evolve. Somewhat useful thing As you develop (after bursting, of course) you will change colour. freshly hatched larva look like Aliensnake2.png, evolving larva look like Aliensnake1.png and ready to evolve larva look like Aliensnake3.png. Phase Two Fuck yes, I'm a xeno, time to go kill some motherfuckers. STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM, don't run off to kill people just yet. Or ever. As a general rule, don't go into the hallways when you are the first xenos starting out. The most stupid thing you can do is run out slashing everything you see at this point. Going into the halls later on when you have more sisters should still be done by your own discretion and the discretion of your fellow xenos. There are currently 5 classes past larva stage: Hunters, Sentinels, Drones and Praetorians. Drones are the only aliens that can evolve again into a Queen. Hunters hunt, Sentinels guard, Drones build a nest, and Praetorians guard the Queen. All classes can literally eat people and digest them. Hunters: Tunnel Snakes rule. So you chose to be a HunterAlien.png. You are the warrior of the group. You are stealthy, fast, and vicious. You are not tasked with killing everyone you see, though. You are mostly a courier, pulling freshly-tackled humans to the hive and let the facehuggers make babies. Although you are fast as fuck compared to your xeno brothers, you have low plasma storage. You also regenerate plasma very slowly. Use your powers wisely. Your exclusive power is Pouncing. You can click the “pounce” button to travel up to seven tiles (literally throwing yourself) and knocking down whoever you come in contact with. If you hit a wall, you'll be stunned for a while. You can devour people, storing them in your stomach, by grabbing them with an aggressive grab and clicking yourself. You can then drop them by using the regurgitate button. This is useful for delivery of unconscious people, but no one ever uses it. As a Hunter, you are not just tasked with stealing humans away and taking him to the nest, but also with planting weeds. Since you are the fastest, you can reach various areas quicker than the others. You can set up a small home with the limited plasma you have that others can flock to and make into a full-blown nest. You can also pose a great threat to machines with your quick slashes. However, you should always attempt to attack a cyborg while in a group to maximize your abilities. You are a “hunter” after all, and the only thing more dangerous than a hunter is a group of hunters. Sentinels: The Guard of the Hive A Sentinel Aliensentinel.png is a warrior, but not meant to stray far from the Hive. You are tasked with defending the weeds, the Drones, the Queen, if you have one, and the eggs. If a human stumbles upon your home sweet home, you must make sure they don't harm anything. You come, in your arsenal of alien powers, with Invisibility, Neurotoxic Spit and Corrosive Acid. Neurotoxic Spit is a projectile that stuns a human temporarily, causing toxic damage and knocking them to the ground. Basically a long range tackle, this actually does a fair amount of damage to them, so don't overdo it. To use this, click on the Neurotoxic Spit button to activate it; you can then click anywhere to spit in that direction. To turn it off, simply click the button again. Invisibility is free, and makes you transparent; you can toggle it with its action button. You'll still be visible on station tiles, but alien weeds, having your same color, hide you almost completely. Attacking and using abilities won't disrupt your stealth. Corrosive Acid eats through various machinery, including doors, APC's, and lockers. If you don't want to crawl through a vent to get somewhere, want to open up a door for other aliens to drag humans into, destroy a dangerous weapon, or make an opening for a Queen to get through, this is the power to do it. You cannot corrode humans, monkeys, or any human being with acid. Really, though, you should never want to do something that damaging to a possible host. You must make sure the Drones don't get hurt while they plant weeds upon weeds, set up shop, and keep things running. You are the protectors of the working class, not a Hunter with spit and acid. Don't hunt humans down unless you have absolutely no Hunters or larva that can become Hunters. Drones: Plant Weeds Erryday You are a DroneAliendrone.png, a worker. You are tasked with planting a fuckton of weeds until you eventually can become a big, fat Queen. You are far from any bit of a fighter. As such, never go out alone into uncharted areas that may be dangerous without a Sentinel or Hunter willing to help. You, like the Sentinels, also have corrosive acid, but no neurotoxin. You can evolve into a Praetorian once you reach 500 Plasma and decide to, and there isn't another living royal. The one power you have, though, that no other xeno has (except the Queen) is shaping resin structures. Resin walls are hardly like normal walls in their own respect. They are mounds of purple slime, shaped into a protective wall. You can make a membrane or a resin wall. The membrane is a wall that's just thin enough to allow light through. In a way, it is your xeno version of a window. Both kinds can be destroyed by attacking them, although they are pretty resistant. They are mostly used to make mazes where the crew is forced into melee. Another functionally important resin structure you can build is the nest, it's a mound of slimey substance that can entrap your victims until they bursts and acts like a cuffbuckle shitcurity combo. Just drag the infected over it and buckle them in. Be sure to support hunters and sentinels by building a nest when you see them dragging a human. You, if not your own candidate for Queenhood, maintain the hive, making walls of slime and weeds. You're faster than the Queen but slower than most other classes of xeno. Many Drones simply choose to become a Queen, since they satisfy the working class' requirements with the addition of egg planting. You are also a sub-par defensive line for the Queen. If the Sentinels aren't defending the Queen, and she is being attacked, you should attempt to defend her, but not at the cost of your life. If she does die, you and/or your fellow Drones should determine the next Queen in line and continue the cycle. Praetorians: Royal Blood You are a Praetorian, the last step in evolution before the alien queen. Drones may only evolve into a Praetorian if there are no other royals present. Queens can promote a Praetorian, if one does not exist. Praetorians have a similar set of skills to alien queens, minus the egg laying: Neurotoxic Spit, Tail Sweep, Corrosive Acid, Shaping Resin. Praetorians cannot ventcrawl, but are also immune to stuns and very hard to kill. Phase Three I'm a queen, but how is babby formed? Let's get this out of the way, first: You can caress anyone with your scythe-like arm by clicking on them with an empty hand, with the Help intent active, while they're next to you. This is no help to you or anyone else. Moving on. You're a queenQueennew.png. Awesome. You get some nifty bonuses and defects compared to regular aliens. Let's go over them. Cons: You are slow. And by that I mean fucking slow. Snail's pace. You also can't vent crawl. Oh yeah, and your attack power sucks. You basically have zero mobility compared to everything else in the game. You also stand out. You basically suck balls. Pros: You can lay eggsEgg.png, you build plasma four times faster than regular aliens (20 units per tick as opposed to the normal 5), and you have more health. You are immune to mechs, hulks and space wind. Also some people will think you're sexy. You basically kick ass.Weednode.png Your first task is to lay an egg. You start with 250 plasma even though you needed 500 to evolve, and you'll build more very quickly. If at any point in time you have plasma built up and don't know what to do with it, lay another egg. Laying more eggs increases the facehugger swarm and is your best weapon against the humans. You can open any door that isn't ID locked, but locked and/or bolted doors require that you spit corrosive acid on them. Corrosive acid is your all-access pass to the station. If you're stuck for any reason, or want to get in somewhere (example, rooms with monkeys or plasma tanks), use dat acid. It takes a while to eat through doors usually, so spit early and lay eggs while you wait. Remember how I said you're weak as shit? It's true. Alone, aliens are wimpy, and a queen even more so. One lucky assistant with a toolbox to the head can end your infestation very quickly, so don't let it happen. Always lay low and keep a wall of eggs and facehuggers between you and anywhere humans can get at you from. Remember, darkness is your friend. Smash dem lights. Smash any cameras, while you're at it. If you for any reason need to defend yourself, RIGHT-CLICK > SPIT (25) (or clicking the spit verb in your alien tab) is your godmode. Don't bother trying to melee people, that's only if you like dying. This also applies to regular adult aliens. Spit spam is fucking ridiculous. It's cheap to cast and acts like the Wizard's magic missile, including the homing and meager damage. When you incapacitate someone for any reason (probably by stunning them with spit), stroll on over and strip off all their possessions. Start with dangerous things like radios, weapons, air tanks, and backpacks. ALWAYS take off the radio first. If they call in your position and you don't have enough facehuggers, you are fuuuuuucked. Drag anyone you incapacitate back towards the heart of your hive. Make sure that when they get back up, a facehugger will be within jumping range. The alien wing wang is your best and final weapon. Once they're impregnated, feel free to drag them to some dark corner and caress them until they explode into a new alien baby. Remember what I said earlier about monkeys? Monkeys and the humans they've probably been turned into are viable facehugger targets, and are a fantastic way to rapidly expand the size of your brood without needing to hunt down those pesky oxygen tank-wielding humans. From a meta standpoint, they also let more players into the game without killing anyone, so it gets more ghosts back to playing, which is always good. Same goes for braindead people. Once you've amassed an army of facehuggers, and hopefully ambushed a couple unsuspecting crew who were unfortunate enough to stumble on your nest, you should communicate closely with the other aliens and prepare to start really branching out across the station. You've already started this, probably, especially since the other alien players are probably being more aggressive than you. You are the only Queen. If you happen to die, then a lucky Drone can take your place. For 450 plasma you can promote any alien drone, sentinel or hunter to Praetorian. General Advice You do not need air to breathe as a xenomorph! Feel free to walk around the outside of the station and make a good safe area to plant weeds and store plasma on (i.e., the solars, or toxins test area if no one is bombing or has bombed it). You can also spit acid on windows/grilled to destroy them, so any window is a potential entry point. If you get spaced you're usually out of luck, though! You can open any door that is not bolted by simply clicking it; it'll take a while to force it open, though. For a more permanent solution, corrode the door with acid. Disarming is a guaranteed stun that can keep anyone down as much as you need. Just don't stop until you get to a nest. The atmospherics vent leads to a safe 3×3 room with a single canister inside it. Go here if you really have nowhere else to go, as it's 99% safe. Only bombs can get you there and even the AI can't see that room. When starting out, getting to virology will allow you to get a reinforced room with 4 free monkeys to infect. You can ventcrawl in with a scrubbers pipe into the monkey pen; all the other pipes are isolated. Smash all of the lights you find! You can see perfectly in the dark, and facehuggers have even better vision. Humans, without flashlights, are completely blind. Break all those lights and humans will become afraid of entering the dark areas, with good reason. This goes double for a queen, since the queen can't really fight worth anything and relies on the facehuggers and other xenos to protect her. Note that weed nodes produce a lit tile. Smashing cameras can hide you from the eyes of an AI, but it'll get warned that those cameras have been destroyed. You cannot facehug the dead but a dead guy will chestburst if he was infected while alive, although larvae grow faster in alive people. You regenerate health and plasma by staying on weeds. If you're in danger, spawn a weed to heal up. Drones and Queens can create alien nests made out of resin. You can use the alien nest as a lethal weapon by downing your victims and buckling (drag and drop) them to the nest. They can get free on their own but it will take them two minutes, enough time to attach a facehugger to their face. Take out APCs and other machinery Common Mistakes as an Alien Queen: Not putting down eggs ALWAYS! If you have free time, you should be planting weeds, making nests, and planting eggs. Not throwing facehuggers. If your target doesn't have a RIG suit helmet on, you can throw a facehugger and instantly get them facehugged! Not going to an isolated area. Picking somewhere with access to space is a good idea. Being in an area where you have no way out into space is a bad idea. Spacing yourself. If you find you are a retard/lagged a lot and spaced yourself, you can make resin walls in space to get a good footing and send yourself somewhere else. If not, you can throw an object to change your trajectory. You can also spit to change your direction. Attempting to fight the station all by yourself. Don't try to be a hero, you are slow and very vulnerable. Try to stick to the relative safety of space. Not disarming cyborgs/other hostiles. If you disarm a cyborg or a person, you'll stun them for a good amount of time. You can easily take a cyborg 1 on 1 this way. How to Defeat

PAY YOUR DUE Oh shit it told us to weld the vents what now?! Calm the fuck down. Are you a human being or a groxian hyper-coward? The latter is the proper response. Have you welded the vents yet? It's good advice. Wear RIG helmets unless you want to die horribly. Make sure a hive is never set up. Use flamethrowers, energy guns, and plasma fires to destroy facehuggers and alien weeds so that an infestation never finds a foothold. Note: THROWING THINGS AT FACEHUGGERS JUST MAKES THEM ANGRY. Help your friends for fun and profit! If someone is impregnated, they have little chance of survival. Immedient surgical intervention to remove the larva is the only way to save the victims life. Alternatively having the victim get a back up clone ready will allow them to survive the ordeal. Killing someone who is implanted will not stop the larva from hatching, and ejecting the body from the station will only delay the larva's return to the station, blowing up or incinerating the body is the only other alternative to killing the larva before it hatches. Amy Lessen, stop that! Certain crew members may seek to make peaceful contact with the aliens, or may actively seek to become infected. Take precautions to ensure the crew know the dangers of consorting with the xeno menace. But we're all hopelessly stupid and incompetent. The aliens are everywhere! What now? Shoot everything that isn't person shaped. Shoot everything that's person shaped but helping the xenomorphs. Keep a transparent barrier between you and the xenos at all times. Use flashbangs and other detainment devices to keep them at bay. Remember that their spit is acidic and paralytic! They will use it to ruin you. Stay close! If you see a larva, chase it. Seriously consider calling the shuttle. Taking the Offensive If you see someone be facehugged immediately move up to the victim and remove the facehugger from their face. This will usually save them from being implanted, just move away from the now detached facehugger. Xeno's are vulnerable to burn type weapons, this means Lasers, Welders and Flamethrowers can prove very useful. A Xeno on fire or in a very hot room will die quickly. Wear bloody protective head equipment so that you don't get facehugged, RIG Helmets, Bio Helmets and Flipped down Welding Masks all work. Use a Jetpack in space if you can, most Aliens need to be in melee to attack you, so being able to fly around out of range will make you invulnerable, and if you do get hit by nurotoxin you will just float around a bit before out of reach. USE morphine, at small doses. Being able to run around at sanic speeds while wearing a bulky Sec RIG will help keep you out of the Aliens reach. If the Virologist is able to research the Stimulant symptom ask him to infect you with it. Everyone is dead but me! What do? If you have weapons, use all of them. Even if you don't think something is there, shoot the empty hall anyway! Hunters can turn invisible! They're behind you right now I guarantee it! If the shuttle is here, get on it, weld the doors shut, make sure nothing is in there with you, and hide as best you can. Central Command has a plan for this sort of thing. They'll save you and your little cat too. If you are eaten alive by xenos THIS IS A GOOD THING. Take out your oxygen bottle or any other weapon in your hand, and TRY MOVE AROUND LIKE A FURIOUS BABY WITH FAMILICIDE IN MIND. You'll slam the thing you're holding into the alien's stomach lining, and if you do it enough you'll EXPLODE out of the aliens chest cavity like some kind of reverse-larvae. CAN YOU TAKE WHAT YOU DEAL OUT, XENOS?! If the shuttle isn't coming, write a book of warning and contempt and throw yourself into space. If you're too much of a coward to do it the glorious way, bash yourself unconscious and wait to be eaten.


Xenos can grab and throw Cyborgs. They can even throw dead cyborgs into doors to open them. Aliens can get fat. This slows them down like every other crew member. Alien queen projectiles are some OP thing which can’t get blocked by biosuits. Guide to Winning: Go drone Go onto solars Plant 420 weeds Go queen Plant eggs everywhere Facehug monkies in xenobio/viro Protect those fuckers with your life Aquire hunters *deathgasp endlessly Tips for Fighting Against Xenos Guide to Making Xenomorphs Lose: Xenomorphs have “eye protection” but they don't have “eye protection”, meaning you can't stab them in the eyes with a screwdriver, but you CAN use an eyedropper on them as a hypospray, meaning you can inject stun chems into them to stun-hand them just like they stun-hand you. There's three chemicals right now of value to use on xenomorphs, Beepsky Smash, Neurotoxin, and Chloral. Beepsky smash and Chloral require the chem dispenser, but Neurotoxin does not. Neurotoxin is also an INSTANT stun. All it takes is sleep toxin and a pan galactic gargle blaster, which can both be gotten from vending machines. Of the many types of cyborg, only one borg has access to vending machines. This borg also has access to a reagent container (shaker) and an eye dropper. The Service borg is the ONLY CYBORG CAPABLE OF STUNNING ALIUMS AND BEATING THEM TO DEATH, aside from Engiborgs cheating with welderbombs. Disclaimer: You are ALWAYS at a disadvantage when fighting xenomorphs except when in a combat mech. If you're in a combat mech, shame on you. Furthermore, if the xenos TRULY know what they're doing, the only way you're going to win is badminnery or a combat mech. Facehugger protection THE MOST IMPORTANT FUCKING THING TO HAVE WHILE FIGHTING ALIUMS IS FACEHUGGER PROTEC-TION. DOESNT MATTER IF YOU HAVE HULK IF YOU DON'T HAVE FACEHUGGER PROTECTION. Helmets that grant protection from facehuggers Welding Helmet (mass produced by autolathes, but only protect while down and obscure vision) -They're everywhere around the station Any space helmet (engineer rig helmet, Standard EVA helmet, Security Hardsuit helmet, etc) - No-body will give a shit if you steal these during a xeno breakout Pumpkin Helmets (don't block vision, and can be created en masse by botany by using a knife/hatchet on a pumpkin) - Beg hydroponics Bio Suit Helmets (don't block vision, but are limited in number.) - Take em from medical. EQUIP THIS SHIT Stunning xenomorphs There's two ways to stun xenos. Chems and Knockouts. Chemicals that stun xenomorphs Beepsky Smash Neurotoxin Chloral (shit tier, do not use unless you can't get bar access) Delivery methods: Syringe Gun Hypospray Smoke Grenades (neurotoxin smoke thrown into a hive can be quite effective.) Explosives: Welderbombs (best if done by an Engiborg) Shit-tier Potas+Water grenades (dont even bother, use Neuro smoke instead) Cuban Pete tier transfer valves (honk) Killing xenomorphs Xenos take double burn damage. This means lasers and welders are stupid effective on them. On the other hand, many of them travel at SANIC speeds and will seriously slap your shit, so don't pull out the welder unless you absolutely have to. If you don't kill a xeno, and he gets away, he won the fight, because he's just going to heal up back to full, while you have to dick around getting your laser recharged, or getting more chems. DON'T STOP KILLING EM TILL YOU HEAR THAT SCREAM. Your weapons: Welders (15×2) Lasers (20×2) Mo'Fuckin Laser Cannon (35×2) (the odds of you getting your hands on this are downright pathetic) Revolvers (steal em from those faget taters) Combat Shotguns (ALL HAIL CARGONIA, but I think you're better off just getting more lasers, but they work well) Abuse your range. Don't stand still. And for fucks sake don't go in alone, unless you're damn sure you know the amount of xenos and know you can win. HALK If you're one of those dickwads in genetics that loves to ruin rounds, now's your time to actually be the hero the station deserves without ruining everything for everbody! Grab a welder, grab a facehugger proof helmet, and COVER YOUR SKIN SO THEY DON'T KNOW YOU'RE A HULK. Otherwise those hunters are going to swap to harm intent and MURDER YOUR ASS. Your punches cannot stun xenos, but your punches do cause them to move incredibly slowly. Your call if it's worth it or not. If you're a true “master” of genetics, you can simply abuse the DNA modifiers to mass produce hulks to get rid of the xeno-menace instead of relying on SE injectors. Riot Shields Actually do protect against xeno attacks. If you can grab one, do so. Silicons There's two borgs of any value in an xeno outbreak. If you're not one of these and you're not an Emagged Secborg, prepare to get shit on, and HARD. Engineering Borg - Can welderbomb enemies, finish the probably stunned xeno off with the same welder they used for the detonation, and a team of two can repair eacother ad infinitum. Service Borg - With his eyedropper and shaker, he can mix Neurotoxin and beat xenos to death with his tray, slowly, after stunning them. Plasma fires Plasma fires are for clearing out hives, not killing xenos. You will never kill a xeno with plasma fire unless they are mindbogglingly retarded. They will ALWAYS have an exit out into space somewhere. This is great for cutting off some of their facehugger supply, however. Mechs GET OUT. COMMIT SUDOKU, YOU BRING GREAT SHAME UPON YOURSELF BY BUILDING A COMBAT MECH EVER Sleep toxin is pretty robust against aliens Bio suit robusts face huggers and acid spits (but not queen spit) You can lock a sleeping/knocked out alien in a morgue tray and it can’t get out of it. honk. Aliens don't just grow better in plasma, they actually slowly convert it to oxygen. Two things to take from this: 1. You can use a horde of xenos as an extremely high risk toxins scrubbing system. 2. Aliens in a pure plasma environment can still be ignited from their own breath! Xenomorphs have no set interval limit on how many times they can use emotes, so they can *deathgasp and *roar spam all day long. ADDED: Okay, official new admin policy. Any xeno that emotes more than five times in the space of a minute or two can be gibbed at will. ADDED: If the admins present can reach the ban button through either laughing, or bleeding to death through their ears. You can catch (have throw active with empty hand and be thrown at) alien facehuggers thrown at you by aliems w/o being hugged. You don't even have to be wearing protective headgear. Apparently cardboard helmets block facehuggers. If you are infected with a Xeno babby, and are welded into a locked, when the babby bursts it's also welded into the locker. You can manufacture xeno babby antibodies. One round I had xenobabby antibodies for no reason and kept getting raped but nothing happened. You can stun and cuff larvas. This will prevent them from evolving and you can pull them around to have them not escape. They can't even enter vents this way.

Xenomorph Rework


You're a Larva, and you have two goals:

1. Don't die.

2. Evolve into another caste.

1. Don't die.

Stay in a safe location—Larva are weak and will die from one hit of just about anything. They also have no attack, but you are fast and agile. You can freely move across window panes and squeeze under unbolted and un-welded doors by clicking on the door. You can also of course use vents, and can hide behind many things using the hide ability. Larva are small and often able to completely conceal themselves by hiding, so don't forget it if you're trapped.

2. Evolve into another caste. In a very short period of time, you can select evolve from the alien tab. First ask your Queen if there's something she wants you to evolve into that the hive needs. If not, you're free to pick whatever you want.

You have four Tier 1 options: Drone, Defender, Runner, or Sentinel.

Select the one you want and say goodbye to your larval form.



Not all members of the Xenomorph Hive were originally part of their larval strain. Some members were subjugated from other species, and incorporated as supporting bodies to aid in the expansion of the hive. This includes the three minion strains, and may well include humans, should the Xenomorphs prevail.

As such, minions are substantially more numerous, but significantly less powerful, than the traditional larval xeno strains. The hive has adapted this numbers game into their swarm strategy, seeking to overwhelm their foes with an endless barrage of acid and claws.


Minions generate in hoards from spawners, which can be constructed with 800 psychic points from the Queen's Blessings tab.

Minions can also spawn from silos.

The total number of minions generated is based on the total number of players currently in-game, and the total number of spawners. The exact function is (0.15)*(Total Player Number). For example, with 50 players, the total number of minions per spawner would be 7. The number of players also has an impact on the spawn rate; the more players, the faster the rate of spawning.

Be wary that the Marines can still sell dead minions for credits. While it isn't much, over time this value could prove detrimental to your hive's success.

Managing the Swarm

Minions are only slightly independent, and may require control from the hive to be effective in battle. Minions are able to be controlled by hive leaders, such as those chosen by the Queen, or the Queen and Shrike themselves.

Using the Rally Minions ability, these leaders can summon minions near them to follow, indicated by roaring; minions that roar are now part of your pack, and will begin to follow you. You can also set whether these minions should be Defensive or Aggressive, so they will either defend you or prioritize taking on other targets.

The premier minion control caste is the Hivemind. Unlike the leaders, the hivemind is able to place a global rally point for all minions, causing them to begin to travel to the selected position. This is useful for defending critical points, or attacking designated areas. Queen is also able to place such a rally point.

Of course, walking is slow. Why spend all that time when you can just… teleport? Just as with the other Xenomorphs, the King's Psychic Summon ability will teleport all minions to his position. Provided they survive, this can prove a devastating blow to any position facing the wrath of the teleporting swarm.

Being the Swarm

Players can be minions if the hive purchases the Queen's Blessing for 500 psychic points.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths

Unlike larval strains, Minions do not mature or evolve. Their stats remain static throughout their entire life cycle.

Age Health Plasma Slash Intent Harm.png Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Mantis 150 175 20 33 33 28 25 60 25 25 33 25 Beetle 260 190 17 35 35 30 28 60 28 28 35 28 Scorpion 130 150 17 30 30 25 20 60 20 20 30 20

Minion abilities

Each minion type mimics an ability of some other caste, albeit with high unpredictability given their AI nature. Most of these deal some form of stun, so try and capitalize if you see a target get knocked down.

Minion Types

Mantis: The Ravager's annoying younger cousin. Has a version of the Ravage ability, knocking down targets in front of it for a short time. This will be followed up by subsequent attacks, so try and stay away from the tile in front of them.

Beetle: A strange cross between a Defender and a Crusher in appearance. Has the Forward Charge ability, halting briefly before charging at a target, knocking down said target any anything in their path. This can be dodged, so try to move perpendicular to your previous position if you notice them stop.

Scorpion: A less mobile sentinel. Fires acid spit from a short distance, dealing burn damage to their targets. Not tremendously harmful on their own, but can provide openings for other xenomorphs to attack.


Coming out of its former but short life as a small larva, the drone looks up in the nighty sky, gazing at the millions of stars sparkling down from the heavens. Which worlds become a home for the hive, which battlefields demanding of resin, which species will face extinction, and which aspirations will the hive have. Such questions will be answered as the drone looked away from the heavens and started planting resin nodes on the unfertilized ground.

Playing the Drone Chances are if you've gone drone, you plan to either evolve to carrier, hivelord, deflier, shirke, queen, or even combat drone. You plant weed like no tomorrow and putting marines on edge with weed and speed.

The primary objective of the Drone as with most other Tier 1 caste Xenos is first, to stay alive.

In the meantime, here are some things you should focus on:

Weeding areas like no tomorrow Planting weed behind xenomorphs' push so that they can retreat faster Healing wounded xenomorphs Annoying marines by stinging them with larval accelerator Cocooning marines for psychic points Making resin walls far FOB to make marines cry when they can't gun-ho Building resin walls near FOB to let xenomorphs rest Emitting Pheromones for your sisters Farting out sticky resin to slow marines down Try not to combat drone all the time; remember, you cannot take a lot of damage, so guerilla hit and run tactics are your best bet if forced into combat.

The drone's most important duty is expanding the hive, whether by weeding new areas or building new defenses. When building, keep in mind that xenomorphs have a strong advantage against marines in tight winding corridors, and offset patterns. When weeding, keep in mind that you cannot plant weeds on rock, grass, or catwalks. Don't hesitate to set up forward hives and nesting areas close to combat, and bring eggs from the queen's hatchery to assist in quick infection of marines. R Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Your choices are relatively simple. You can evolve into carrier, or hivelord, which are tier 2, or queen, which is tier 4. Carrier and hivelord both evolve into defiler if they choose to evolve rather than upgrade.

Your upgrades primarily supplement your building abilities with increased plasma regeneration, and an increased plasma pool.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pheromone Strength Young 225 750 16 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 0 1x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 250 800 16 17 17 17 17 0 5 5 17 5 1.5x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 275 900 18 24 24 24 24 0 10 10 24 10 1.8x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 300 1000 18 31 31 31 31 0 15 15 31 15 2x Drone Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Toggle Cocoon Devour your victim to cocoon it in your belly, then expels the contents of your stomach onto the current tile. With the marine inside, they still have life force and able to be revived, but it will give psychic points for 5 minutes. Yields a minimum of 1 psychic point every 5 seconds, but increases to a maximum of 5 points with lower server population. N/A N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Resin wall.png Secrete Resin Builds structures, which can be chosen by clicking on the ability while it's active. More in Guide to resin construction Resin Buildings: Resin wall.png Resin Walls regenerate their own health. Starting at 150 HP, they restore 3 HP every 5 seconds, with a maximum of 300. Also reduces incoming bullet damage by 60%. 75 Plasma Sticky resin.png Sticky Resin slows down human and vehicle movement drastically, while also slightly blocking flamethrower flames. Has 36 HP. Slowness can stack with sticky weeds. 50 Plasma Resin door.png Resin Doors block movement for non-xenomorph mobs. Has 100 HP. 150 Plasma 50-150 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Heal xeno.png Psychic Cure Heals up to 50 damage on a target within 1 tile. Damage healed increases with the recovery aura. 1/20th of damage healed is also used to recover sunder. Heals brute first, and then burn. This means if you have 49 brute damage, you'll heal 49 brute damage and then 1 burn damage.

200 5 sec Transfer Plasma.png Transfer Plasma Transfers your plasma to a fellow xenomorph, giving them up to 200 plasma. 0-200 N/A Drone sting.png Ozelomelyn Sting Injects a host with Ozelomelyn, which purges chemicals at a rate of 5u per tick and deals 0.75 toxin damage per tick up to a cap of 40 points. 100 25 sec Gut.png Create Resin Jelly Places Resin Jelly in your active hand, which can be used on yourself or other xeno castes for a 15-second protection from fire. 100 45 sec

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Drone, this primordial ability is being a botanist.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Resin trap.png Sow Upon reaching primordial drones will be able to sow support plants for their team. Fruits:

Life Fruit: Restores the xeno's health, scales with max health so it's much more efficient on bigger xenos

Hard Fruit: Restores the xeno's armor, again better on bigger xenos due to armor being more efficient the more max HP you have

Plasma Fruit: Restores 100% of the xeno's plasma and increases their plasma regeneration for the next 1 minutes

Night Shade : This is the only plant that isn't consumed upon interacting, when it reaches maturity it hides all nearby xeno-structure. On top of that xenos can interact with it to use its active effect Veil, which stealths all nearby xenos for 20 seconds,. Using veil puts it on a cooldown. 500 60 seconds

Drone tips & tricks You are very weak, but your pheromones and ability to plant weeds make you a strong front line support xeno. Xenos operate best in narrow, enclosed spaces. Consequently, marines operate worst in narrow, enclosed spaces. Build accordingly.

Xeno Hive Your corrosive acid is very weak, but it's better than nothing. Don't be afraid to secrete some and call for a stronger acid xeno to come in the meantime. Never try to 1v1 any marine. You are not built for that.


The Red Menace In a far distance prison planet away from Terra, there existed a xenomorph that was called “the Dragon”. The red blur that is the Runner putted fear into the hearts of unrobust and unarmed prisoners. What was once feared now become revered when the marines figured out that it was a doglike xenomorph that needed a pet from the age old PB buckshot or flech shotgun. However, the Runner is not to be underestimated as many psychic constructs (robustos or statics) have obtained mastery of the Red Menace, ensuring that marines will be challenged and guard their arms in fear of getting bone fractures or, worse, delimbed.

Dancing with Finesse, or “THAT ROUNY IS DOING THE MATRIX!”

Dancing / WASD Dancing, in action. Notice the distinct lack of a mouse pointer. The Runner is a very fast caste that excels at hit and run tactics and close quarters combat (especially in one on ones), but suffers in terms of durability and recovery with its low health, armor and plasma regeneration. It has the tools to support a glass cannon-esque type of gameplay, and in the right hands, it can be one of the deadliest xenos in the hive, enough to instill fear and make marines retreat just from seeing their visage.

Before you start running around, take a very close look at your age, then at your armor values. You'll notice that you're quite literally tissue paper (there's a table with the armor values further down if you're lazy or if you don't know how to access this information). With this in mind, take the liberty of sitting down until you become Mature – then you can finally begin the process of human obliteration.

Note that, as a Runner, you're nowhere near useful in a FOB siege (or against barricades of any sort, for that matter). Your best bet is staying back and letting other castes take care of the FOB, and only apply pressure when you think you can get away with it or slashing unguarded barricades.

As a xenomorph, you'll realize you have two ways of attacking: by clicking the target, or by bumping into them with your movement (commonly referred to as bump attack). For all intents and purposes, dancing around a marine (or WASD dancing) refers to moving around them, while using bump attacks to cause damage on the move – this is what makes a Runner deadly; you never stop moving, you never stop slashing, and marines will sometimes refrain from shooting in fear of attacking their fellow man, which translates to free damage.

But this is easier said than done. There'll be times where you'll get shot anyway while dancing, there'll be times where you'll lose most of your health just trying to get to a marine. Luckily, Runners have a set of abilities that allows them to ease the process. Let's take a look at them.

TL;DR: Use Evasion, run into enemy marine, dance and savage pounce, run away when Evasion runs out (use pounce as an escape tool if needed) and wait for the cooldown. Rinse and repeat.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths A Runner can evolve into a Hunter, a Bull, or a Wraith. Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 175 150 17 14 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 200 175 17 16 10 10 10 0 3 3 10 3 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 225 200 21 18 15 15 15 0 5 5 15 5 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 240 200 21 20 19 19 19 0 7 7 19 7 Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Xeno hide.png Hide This ability lets you hide underneath other objects on the tile you are on (such as tables). Useful for sneaking around and surprise attacks. N/A N/A Xeno Charge.png Pounce Leaps to the target, knocking them down (unless they're holding a shield). Makes you un-hide if already hiding. 10 13 sec NewSavage.gif Savage A togglable ability that adds to the effects of Pounce. Deals a minimum of 15 extra damage that scales with plasma storage, up to 35 extra damage. You need at least 10 plasma to be able to use this, though. 10 N/A TGMC evasion.png Evasion Dodges near-all forms of attacks for 2 seconds, except for fire. If you manage to accrue a total 250 projectiles dodged, you get an extra chance to use Evasion, but running into fire while evading will reset it to zero. 75 30 sec

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Runner, this primordial ability is Snatch.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Snatch Steals an item from a target on an adjacent tile, but requires them to not move for half of a second. Can steal an item from the target's hands, backpack, shoes, and suit storage, in that order if no item is found. The item is automatically dropped after 3 seconds. 75 60 seconds

Tips & Tricks

As a Runner, your armor and health are quite low (see the Maturity table above). If you drop below half health, consider retreating and recovering your resources. If your plasma is too low, consider normal pouncing instead of savage poucing, to conserve plasma. Runners can vent crawl (alt+click on a vent or a scrubber). Useful for scouting and surprise attacks, or maybe even harassing the backlines. As a hit and run tactic: you can use Evasion, run into the enemy, dip when Evasion's out and wait until it's off cooldown to come back and do the same. This is a very safe way of playing, albeit a tad bit less engaging. If you're hit by a mine or a grenade, don't risk it and fall back to recover. If a marine is resting and you want to attack them with Evasion, you can constantly move up and down while using your mouse to slash them. It's easier said than done, though! Move in erratic and hard to predict ways to make it harder to be shot. Always prepare multiple ways out of a closed space so you can run away no matter what happens. You can safely get in three slashes right after a pounce. Reinforced tables three-wide can hide you completely, but be careful of Tactical Scanners, signified by a subtle beeping from marines It may be more beneficial to save your plasma for repeat pounces than using a ton of it for a Savage attack. If a marine drops his weapon when you pounce him, try to push him away from it when he gets up. If he doesn't have a secondary and you keep him from his gun, your victory is assured. Always be observant for who has a shotgun, one hit from buckshot can easily crit you. Abuse the fact that marines have a cooldown between shots to get pounces off when they can't fire. Never retreat in a straight line, this makes you easy to shoot off-screen. You can pounce the moment you leave a pipe, allowing you to get the jump on people before they can react. If a marine has many friends with him, don't be cocky and get out of sight after a slash or two. You are far and away the fastest Xeno caste, use your speed for transporting hosts, scouting locations, and preparing the environment for later combat. You are a T1 who can get in between your fellow Xenos and marines very fast and very well, it may be best to soak bullets to save a dying, more important, caste. You have the fastest cooldown stun of all the Xenos, if a marine with a fast-firing gun is suppressing the hive, you can pounce him repeatedly to ease his pressure on your allies.

How to fight a Runner

Flamethrowers (or flame tiles in general) will limit the space in which they can maneuver, and maybe even cause them to walk into it if they're reckless enough. This will scare off some, though not all (which may get them killed), and make them retreat sooner. It also helps against Evasion. Mines and grenades can stop a Runner dead on their tracks, and cause them to fall back. Point blank shotguns, namely those with buckshot shells, are a Runner's worst nightmare. To put it into perspective, a T-35 Pump Shotgun with buckshot shells and a bayonet attachment will instantly crit even an Ancient Runner if you're lucky, or leave them heavily injured at worst. Shooting the runner is not necessarily a wasted effort. Successful shots, especially in a group of marines, will quickly deplete their Evasion and cause them to fall back (or die if they get too reckless).


In the current war against humanity, the hive need a few dedicated xenomorphs that can survive the lead wall. Such is the defender.

Playing the WALL The Defender is a combat caste, focused on being the “tank” of any group of tier 1 xenos, and one of the most lethal xenos at tier 1. Defenders ensure that they can endure dense firing lanes while hurting marines in the process of eating lead. As a Defender, your expectations are:

Protecting boilers Taking more shots to kill than any other xeno at tier 1 with crest defense, fortify, and regenerating skin Slashing marine's barricades and sentries on fortify Stunning marines with tail sweep and forward charge Combining abilities with one's toolkit and with other xenomorphs It is important for a defender to be able to combo its abilities together efficiently, or your damage will be severely limited. Learning about other xenomorphs' abilities and pushing with sisters help you punch out more damage for your buck.

You can still slash in fortify!!

After taking a chunk of lead, you will accumulate sunder, which you can heal by regenerating skin. While you do need to rest for your health, you don't need to worry about sunder.

Combos Combo 1

Close distance between you and marine Tail sweep when close Crest Defense when dealing with marines' retaliation Either Forward Charge to stun more or to retreat Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Defenders are born to evolve into Warriors and then eventually Crushers. Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Crest and Fortify are values that raise every soft armor value when the respective abilities are toggled on. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Crest Fortify Young 260 150 17 30 30 25 20 60 20 20 30 20 22 50 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 280 175 17 33 33 28 25 60 25 25 33 25 26 52 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 300 190 21 35 35 30 28 60 28 28 35 28 30 55 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 320 200 21 40 40 40 40 60 30 30 40 30 30 55 Defender Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Crest defense.png Crest Defense Raises your armor values while sacrificing 20% movement speed. See the armor values table above. N/A 1 second Fortify.png Fortify Increases your armor greatly, but you're unable to move while in this state. You can still slash at objects and players AND you can forward charge from fortify! N/A 1 second Charge.png Forward Charge Charge up to 4 tiles in the direction you click in, knocking over sentries, tables, and humanoids. People are stunned for about 4 seconds. Can be used while in a defensive stance or fortify, taking you out of one. 80 10 seconds Tail sweep.png Tail Sweep Attacks all humanoids in around the user in a radius. Deals melee and stamina damage to those hit, knocking them over. Can be used while in a defensive stance, but uses double the plasma. Can also deflect nades TGMC defender parry.gif 35 12 seconds Regenerate Skin.png Regenerate Skin Restores 25 brute and 25 burn, and resets sunder. Can't be used while on fire, but it can be used while in a defensive stance. 160 1 minute Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolution grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Defender, this primordial ability is Centrifugal Force

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Centrifugal force.png Centrifugal Force Spins you around in a radius, making you travel to adjacent tiles, with the additional actions of Tail Sweep. Can use while crested, but not fortified, and uses double the plasma. Does not end until you've expended all plasma. 15 per sweep 30 seconds Defender tips & tricks Always try to eat bullets for your xeno buddies. If you're just purely tanking for the boiler, hit that FAT fortify. If you're covering other xeno's retreat, HIT THAT FAT CREST BUTTON


Long time ago, the Sentinel's job ensured that captured marines remained in the hive and give birth to larvas. Sentinel's neurotoxin chemically restrainted marines, inhibiting their somatic motor abilties to even move a finger (though marines do flick off sentinel). Maybe the Sentinel was a reincarnated corpsman that had to deal with an uncooperative patient.

When the xenomorphs changed their method of reproduction from capturing to siloing, the Sentinel immediately changes their role in the hive, using their chem trails to hinder marines' push. From the aspiration of a forgotten experiment, the Afflictor, and its descendant, the Defiler, the Sentinel forces marine to remember and use their CBRN training so as to not have to breathe in the neurotoxin it produces.

Playing the Sentinel The Sentinel's job is a frontline ranged caste that engage marines at a distance. To utilize the Sentinel, you must:

Keeping your distance and suppress fire on marines' Denying areas and marines' push via spitting neurotoxin cloud Poke around corners to shoot at marines Coordinate with other xenomorphs to wreck marines Melting flares As a Sentinel, your Neurotoxic Spit is your main ability. In general, you want to apply this offensively by focusing a single marine - about 7 spits will give the marine SEVERE brain damage. When marines push into the hive, try to partner up with a more offensive class to knock down marines. When knocked down, a marine will drop their weapon, giving a brief moment of opportunity for whatever combat caste you've assisted to go in for the kill. Your Neurotoxic Spit may be weak by itself, but when paired with any of the other melee castes, you can slow down marines, and then have your partner completely put them out of commission. Because of this, the Sentinel can help support combat inside and out of the hive as long as you never walk alone.

If yourself being pursued, you can always use your spit to slow down your pursuers and hopefully lead them away from the nest. Your spit can also be used as a disengagement tool and can give you the chance you need to flee and recover. Remember, the longer you live as a Xeno, the stronger you become, so fleeing is not just tactical, it's smart.

Your small size allows you to crawl through vents. Alt Click a vent to begin entering it. If you get a message that the vents are disconnected, a-help, as it's a known issue and the sooner it's fixed the sooner the rest of the hive can benefit. Regardless, you should always be keeping yourself busy with melting tools, barricades, medical tools, supplies, and anything else you think could be used by the enemy. Lamps should be melted to deny marines light, and if you see any APCS, you should slash them until you get a message that sparks fly out. Be careful not to get caught alone, and pay attention to the hivemind so you aren't caught off-guard when the marines land. If you are the first person to see them, you should shout them out over the hivemind, and tell how many, where they are, and where they appear to be headed.

As of late, your neurotoxin spit now leaves a small gas cloud allowing some overtime effects as well. It also gives you the ability to herd marines somewhat by blocking off routes of attack and escape with the neurotoxin clouds.

One last ability you possess is your Corrosive Acid. Though you cant spit it at your foes, you can use it to melt anything of use to the marines. Your acid is generally weak and will take an excruciatingly long time to melt just about anything, but if you see a gun or a flare lying around, you might be prudent to melt it anyways.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths As a Sentinel, you can evolve into a Spitter. Spitters start out slower, but gain more health, lose neurotoxin spit in exchange for stronger acid spit, an acid slick that can trip up marines, and a scatter shot that can do extreme damage at close range, and their Corrosive Acid becomes stronger, and melts objects much much quicker. Spitters can then evolve into Boilers for long-range sieges, or Praetorians for devastating close-in combat support.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Spit Strength is the amount of neurotoxin that appears in smoke when using the Neurotoxin Spit type when spitting acid at an enemy. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Spit Strength Young 225 300 16 15 15 15 15 0 15 15 15 15 7 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 250 450 16 20 20 20 20 0 20 20 20 20 8 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 275 550 17 23 23 23 23 0 23 23 23 23 9 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 300 600 17 26 26 26 26 0 25 25 26 26 9.5 Sentinel Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: 75 N/A Xeno spit.png Xeno Spit Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A Neuro sting.png Neurotoxin Sting Channel an injection of neurotoxin into an adjacent target that will temporarily disable them. The channel takes about 3 seconds to administer the full dose, and will be interrupted if the Sentinel or the target moves before it's completed. This is “full” neurotoxin, unlike your spit, so it will purge most medicine along with the weakening effects. 150 12 seconds

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Sentinel, this primordial ability is Neurogas Grenade

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown TGMC xenonade.png Neurogas Grenade Throws a gas emitting grenade at the targetted area. Grenade explodes into a gaseous cloud, similar to a Boiler neurogas cloud. 300 60 Sentinel Tips and Tricks You're ideal for after battle clean up. Melt any guns, knives, lights, flares, and tools you find lying around after the marines have backed off. Don't force the more important xenos to do this. Marines with big guns are bigger targets. Spit at them to wear them down and make it harder for them to chase down kills. Marines can simply pick up most equipment with acid on it and wipe it off, but they'll take a lot of extra damage if they do so. Even outright collapsing from stamina loss doesn't keep a marine down forever; if you rush in at the wrong time you might eat a shotgun blast even from someone you think you've downed. Your speed lets you make an effective ambusher when you partner with a runner. Flank the marines, wear down their speed and stamina, and have the runner drag them off screaming and gurgling in pain. One of the strongest and most surprising partnerships comes from a Sentinel Sentinel pair. Two xenos spitting at one target can build up neurotoxin fast, and both of you combined will do enough damage to take out someone you've crippled. Your neurotoxic spit is utterly useless against combat robots, and against normal marines wearing a Mimir module. Use acid spit instead, or in the latter case, find someone else to spit at, you'll barely even hurt them through the higher resistances.


The Babysitter of Facehuggers As the hive grew, the demand for a specialized xenomorph that mass produce facehuggers and adminster them onto new hosts. Before the arrival of this caste, all xenomorphs grabbed as much facehuggers as possible to reproduce more sisters and to induce psychogenic shock upon marines (or for that matter, any humans). This primitive state of facehuggers requires to be carried out in a more intricate and personal manner.

However, after xenomorphs realized that capturing marines were not meeting reproduction quotas and decided to grow the hive with psychic means, the carrier was almost out of the job if it weren't for its baseball ability to throw facehuggers. Such dexterity did not come unnoticed by the queen mother and her research, and with great efforts they have expanded the carrier from more than just stuffing marines.

Playing the Carrier Not going to lie, this caste is pretty hard. You are expected to:

Throw facehuggers at marines Infect or hurt marines in the process Keep a distance between you and marines Throw near the marines so that they don't shoot facehuggers but at the same not too far so that facehuggers can't do their job Make resin traps Hide resin traps like the Viet Congs would do against the US Marine Corps Weed the unweeded Emit Pheromones for your sisters The Carrier's main role is as a “grenadier,” infecting, hindering, and damaging marines with various types of facehuggers, both in traps and by throwing them directly. You can store up to 7 facehuggers that are used for this purpose. The Carrier excels at supporting other xenomorphs in pushes, especially those with stuns or that demand a lot of attention from marines. They can be dangerous in close quarters and can infect or damage many marines in a heated firefight when supported by other castes, but you are a support class and should never engage marines directly. Carriers are relatively slow and lack a reliable escape or self-defense ability outside of their huggers, so you can easily be chased down and killed if you're caught out of position.

Do note that you're a main source of marine infestation, and that larva takes 5 minutes to fully grow in a marine.

You should always focus on keeping your hugger stores full when possible. To store facehuggers, create one from plasma using the spawn hugger ability or click on a full-grown egg with an empty hand to open it. The hugger will appear. Click on it to pick it up, and then click it while it's in your hand to store it. You will get a message that it's been stored along with how many huggers you have, and you can see the number of your stored huggers in the stats tab. Keep in mind that huggers outside of eggs will die after a short time, so do this quickly.

To throw a hugger, select retrieve/throw hugger by clicking on the button. This will not put a hugger into your hand, but leave it as your active ability. Using right click or middle click, activate the ability and a hugger will be thrown automatically to where your mouse is pointing. Do not throw huggers using the throw UI button or R hotkey as they will only be thrown one tile.

After a larval facehugger is thrown, it has a brief cooldown before it will attach itself to a nearby host. If you hit a marine directly, this cooldown is 1.5 seconds. If it lands on a tile, the cooldown is 2 seconds, so remember that a direct hit on a marine will have a much higher chance of the hugger attaching. Most attacking huggers instead have a hit cooldown of 1 second and a tile cooldown of 1.5 seconds, and the clawed hugger has a hit cooldown of 0.5 seconds and a tile cooldown of 1.2 seconds. Note that a direct hit also allows a marine to simply click the hugger to instantly kill it with melee instead of having to fire their weapon, so this might not always be the most effective option, especially if they're reloading.

If you aren't actively infesting, you should be making traps. To create a hugger trap, activate the create resin trap ability and then shift or middle-click where you want the trap to go. It will create an empty hole on the tile that you must fill with a hugger. Traps can be covered by trash and other detritus to trick marines into moving into them.

Carriers can also plant weeds and transport eggs using the retrieve egg ability. You can carry up to three eggs at a time. Do not forget about these useful abilities.

You are a Support caste and should not put yourself directly in harms way, though you are often most effective on or near the front lines due to your ability to spread weeds and create facehuggers from plasma. If you don't have anything better to do, place traps in random high-traffic areas. A hugger can stop a marine push dead in its tracks as they will think twice about pushing further so quickly. Carriers are also great at serving as a distraction while other xenos flank a group. If you facehug a marine, you'll likely have forced them to relieve themselves from combat to go get surgery. This can take them out of combat longer than outright killing them. Remember, it's no longer expected for any larva to actually burst during the round, so if that happens it's just a bonus.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Carriers only have one path for evolution, the Defiler. Evolving to one can be good if you know how to play it well, but if the hive already has one or two, you would be better served staying as a carrier.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Hugger Delay determines the delay before huggers will automatically latch onto a face. Phero. Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Hugger Delay Hugger Storage Egg Storage Phero. Strength Young 250 500 17 15 15 15 15 0 5 5 15 5 2.5 4 3 1.5x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 275 600 17 20 20 20 20 0 5 5 20 5 2.5 5 4 2x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 300 700 20 25 25 25 25 0 7 7 25 7 2 6 5 2.3x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 325 800 20 30 30 30 30 0 10 10 30 10 1.5 7 6 2.5x Carrier Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Toggle Cocoon Devour your victim to cocoon it in your belly, then expels the contents of your stomach onto the current tile. With the marine inside, they still have life force and able to be revived, but it will give psychic points for 5 minutes. Yields a minimum of 1 psychic point every 5 seconds, but increases to a maximum of 5 points with lower server population. N/A N/A Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Resin trap.png Create Resin Trap This allows you to turn any regular “Weeds” tile into a “Resin Hole” tile, in which you can then place a facehugger in by clicking on the hole with a hugger in your hand. 400 N/A Throw hugger.png Retrieve/Throw Hugger This allows you to retrieve a hugger from your storage if you don't have one in hand, or throw the hugger currently in your hand at a targeted area. Huggers reset more quickly if you hit the marine directly. N/A 3 seconds Spawn hugger.png Spawn Hugger Creates a hugger using excess plasma stored in your body, placing it directly into your storage. 200 N/A Spawn hugger.png Choose Hugger Type Selects which hugger type you will throw with the Throw Hugger ability. All huggers thrown will always be the currently selected type, regardless of what this was set to when Spawn Hugger was used. Clicking this ability opens up a radius up to five choices.

Huggers: TGMC larval hugger.png Your classic hugger. Will remove all of a marine's stamina, and infect them if left on. Significantly slower (by 0.5 seconds) than other types. Useless against combat robots and already-infected marines. TGMC slashing hugger.png A hugger that will slash marines' ankles. Inflicts 25 brute. Significantly faster (by 0.3 seconds) than other types. First attack is nearly instant if the initial throw hits a marine. Up to three hits. TGMC neuro hugger.png A hugger that stings neurotoxin into marines, damaging stamina. Injects 10 neurotoxin per attack. Useless against combat robots. Up to three hits. TGMC resin hugger.png Explodes into resin! Leaves a 3×3 grid of sticky resin. Great for getaways! TGMC acid hugger.png Explodes into acid! Leaves a 3×3 pool, sadly does not slip like acid sprays. Inflicts 16 burn, pool lasts 6 seconds. N/A N/A

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the XENOMORPH, this primordial ability is Facehugger Turret.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Hugturret.png Facehugger Turret Once every 5 minutes, place a turret that fires one facehugger every 10 seconds, at a range of 5 tiles. Thrown hugger type is selected based on what type the carrier had equipped while constructing.

800 300 Carrier tips & tricks Larva takes 5 minutes to hatch. You can hit a host directly with a thrown facehugger to make the hugger activate half a second faster than normal. If a marine steps onto the same tile as a hugger, it'll attack almost instantly (0.5 seconds). Try to throw huggers one tile ahead of rushing marines for a nasty surprise. Shuffling them onto the same tile as your own hugger with help intent will also work. Huggers will die when standing on fire, but can be thrown over it safely. Resin holes can be placed under trash for sneakier traps. Don't leave un-planted eggs lying around! The last thing you want is to get killed by a squad of corrupted xenos because you left an egg where a marine could get their hands on it. Pay attention to the hive's attacks, especially the Queen's screech, for the best opportunities to throw huggers. If an unconscious marine is dragged back, you can take a neurotoxin hugger in one of your hands and repeatedly inject them with it to make them very annoying to revive. Larval huggers are a great option as well, obviously. Facehuggers will knock off all the face gear, meaning masks. This can cause additional problems for marines on ice maps. SWAT masks will block one larval facehugger, and B18 helmets will block five. If the marines have amassed a high budget, it might be best to use other types. Robots are immune to being infected (they don't even have a mouth) and neurotoxin (they don't have blood either). Go figure. If the robot population seems high, or you're fighting one specific robot, adjust accordingly.


You are the Supreme Builder of the hive. Compare to the virgin combat drone, you are a chad, master of the robust resin. You construct in your infinite autism (or stupidity) to ensure that xenomorphs have map control over the marines. Playing the Hivelord As the Hivelord, your duties remain similar to those of a Drone:

Weeding areas like no tomorrow Planting weed behind xenomorphs' push so that they can retreat faster Healing wounded xenomorphs Annoying marines by stinging them with larval accelerator Cocooning marines for psychic points Making resin walls far FOB to make marines cry when they can't gun-ho Building resin walls near FOB to let xenomorphs rest Emitting Pheromones for your sisters Farting out sticky resin to slow marines down However, compared to a drone, your new profounded abilites to wrap the map to your design bring new expectations from you:

Avoiding being a bigger and faster combat drone Placing jelly pods to soft-counter flamers Extinguishing fire with acid wells Putting acid turrets to deny areas for marines Digging tunnels to flank marines and increasing QoL for xenomorphs Decreasing firing lanes with resin walls that you can build IN FRONT OF YOU Spitting weaker sticky resin to slow and anger marines that are chasing you Protecting the spawning silos Specifically making resin patterns that counter flamers (it's resin wall, resin door, resin wall) You make the defense for the hive. To protect spawning pools and xenomorphs in the front line, you construct resin structures that limit marines' mobility and firing lanes.

To counter flamers destroying resin structure, the checker board resin structure ensures that flamers have to eliminate one layer at a time rather than several You are the weed master. You and the hive rely on weed. If you're somewhere without weeds, you should plant them as efficiently as possible since due to your extreme movement speed slowdown off of weeds. Weeds spread from a resin sac to form a 7×7 square minus the 4 corner tiles. If you see any hint of a marine, and you aren't already on a substantial amount of weeds, run away while spitting sticky resin if you have to. You're too slow to do anything other than die when you're off them.

Resin walls are your friends. Use singular pillars of resin to provide the faster CQC caste,(Runner, Hunter, Ravager, Warrior, Defender) a place to not only protect themselves from Marine fire but also provide them with a place to draw them into melee. Remember to place jelly pods when able, they are a major asset to the hive in the form of fire protection, allowing runners and other melee classes to take it to the flame-thrower wielding specialist. Just keep in mind, if you do a “Killer Pillar” type of defense, your lowering the effectiveness of the Boiler, Crusher, And Bull, so keep that in mind while your building.

You are THE hive's healer. The Shrike and Hivemind have very fast heals on a very long cooldown, the Drone and Queen have weak heals with short cooldowns, and the Gorger can burn their blood resource to occasionally heal, but your psychic healing beam is the only ability that can heal sunder off of other xenos, and the increase to regeneration it gives is like having a Drone follow someone around to repeatedly use their acid salve. You can keep it active on two xenos at once.

Using your dig tunnel ability, you can create links to virtually any tile on the map that operate as fast travel points. Unlike vents, xenos can crawl through these with humans in their stomach. Your thick resin walls are much stronger than the walls the queen or drone can build, and you are able to build in a 1 tile radius around you unlike the drone. Your Hivelord Speed ability lets you move quickly on weeds, allowing you to quickly move in and out of fire lines to build walls, pushing up on marine firing lines, or to slow down marine pushes.

Tunnels connect xenomorphs to endangered silos. All silos have tunnels, and when they are endangered, it is expected to reach the silos ASAP.

When marines are pushing into the hive, make sure to toggle your Hivelord Speed, and flank them to discourage rushing. You are integral in your ability to rebuild recently destroyed defenses, and sticky resin fields. The more you build, the more you destroy the marines morale. Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths You can only evolve into defiler at this point, which can be a strong boon to the hive for pushes. However, if there are already 1 or two Defilers, the hive would be much better served by you staying Hivelord, and creating tunnels, and Thick Resin defenses. You can also evolve into the Gorger, if you suddenly want to fight after going Hivelord. Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pheromone Strength Young 300 1600 17 15 15 15 15 0 10 10 15 10 2x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 325 1800 17 20 20 20 20 0 15 15 20 15 2.5x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 340 2000 20 25 25 25 25 0 18 18 25 18 2.8x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 350 2400 20 30 30 30 30 0 20 20 30 20 3x Hivelord Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Toggle Cocoon Devour your victim to cocoon it in your belly, then expels the contents of your stomach onto the current tile. With the marine inside, they still have life force and able to be revived, but it will give psychic points for 5 minutes. Yields a minimum of 1 psychic point every 5 seconds, but increases to a maximum of 5 points with lower server population. N/A N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Resin trap.png Place acid well Place an acid well that can put out fires when a xenomorph steps on the acid well. You can refill it by clicking on the well. 500 20 seconds Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Resin wall.png Secrete Resin Builds structures, which can be chosen by clicking on the ability while it's active. More in Guide to resin construction Resin Buildings: Resin wall.png Resin Walls regenerate their own health. Starting at 150 HP, they restore 3 HP every 5 seconds, with a maximum of 300. Also reduces incoming bullet damage by 60%. 75 Plasma Sticky resin.png Sticky Resin slows down human and vehicle movement drastically, while also slightly blocking flamethrower flames. Has 36 HP. Slowness can stack with sticky weeds. 50 Plasma Resin door.png Resin Doors block movement for non-xenomorph mobs. Has 100 HP. 150 Plasma 50-150 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Transfer Plasma.png Transfer Plasma Transfers your plasma to a fellow xenomorph, giving them up to 200 plasma. 0-200 N/A Gut.png Create Resin Jelly Places Resin Jelly in your active hand, which can be used on yourself or other xeno castes for a 15-second protection from fire. 100 45 sec Healbeam.png Healing Infusion Quickly regenerates health and reduces sunder on a single target, even off of weeds. No upfront healing, but casts instantly, applying the buff for a fixed duration. 200 12.5 seconds Build tunnel.png Dig Tunnel This allows you to create a quick method of travel between two points on the map. This allows the hivelord to create a secondary hive escape point, or even quick routes to the front lines. 200 120 seconds Xeno spit.png Resin Spit Allows you to spit a sticky resin at range that places a thin sticky resin at the target 50 N/A Jelly pod.png Place Resin Jelly pod Place down a dispenser that allows xenos to retrieve fireproof jelly. 500 1 minute Hivelord Speed.png Resin Walker This allows you to move faster when on resin, allowing you to defend the hive more effectively. 50 per tile N/A TGMC Qm blessing.png Open Blessings Menu Opens the Queen Mothers Blessings menu, where hive buildings and upgrades are bought. N/A N/A

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Hivelord, this primordial ability is Trapper.

The Hivelord is also granted strong acid.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Resin trap.png Place Trap Place a hole on weeds that can be filled with a hugger or acid. Activates when a marine steps on it. 400 N/A Hive Structures Through the Queen Mother's Blessings menu TGMC Qm blessing.png, advanced construction castes have the ability to make powerful static structures which provide either defense, passive support, or offensive power to the hive. These require Psionic Points to construct, which can be gathered from dead marines.

Structure Description Psy Point Cost TGMC xeno acidturret.png Acid Turret An independently targeting turret that fires highly caustic acid globs. Cannot be placed within 6 tiles of another turret, near shutters or fog. 100 TGMC xeno resinturret.png Resin Turret An independently targeting turret that fires sticky resin globs. Deals stamina damage to targets, as well as leaving sticky resin beneath their feet. Cannot be placed within 6 tiles of another turret, near shutters or fog. 50 TGMC xeno silo.png Silo A writhing spawning pod that slowly generates larva over time. Silos serve as anchor points for the xenomorph hivemind; without them, the network begins to collapse under strain. The hive will require a silo 15 minutes after the shutters drop, and will suffer an orphan hivemind failure if there is no silo for 5 minutes after this point. 800 TGMC xeno evotower.png Evolution Tower A complex nerve tower that preemptively simulates evolution paths, preparing xenomorphs for their next evolution stage at an accelerated rate. Each tower increases the rate of evolution point gain by 1.25 times per tower, and can be repeated with multiple towers. 300 TGMC xeno maturitytower.png Maturity Tower A complex biological tower that serves as a global growth enhancer, preparing xenomorphs for their next maturity stage at an accelerated rate. Each tower increases the rate of evolution point gain by 1.20 times per tower, and can be repeated with multiple towers. 300 TGMC xeno spawner.png Spawner A spawning pod for the weak but numerous minion strains. The spawners will generate minions up to a point of half the total number of detected minds in local space. Each produces one minion every between 45 seconds and 3 minutes until this capacity is met. 600 TGMC xeno kingpod.png King Pod A spawning pod and psionic beacon for the King xenomorph. When constructed, takes a short period of psychic gathering before the king spawns. A random xenomorph is selected to take the mind of the king. 1800 TGMC-Xeno Icon.png Primo Tier X Buy primordial abilities for a tier. Any xeno of selected tier now or in the future now can grow past ancient to primordial, gaining access to powerful abilities. Available for each tier 1-4. 600 Hivelord tips & tricks You are the supreme hive builder. Ensure that you build appropriate defenses for the queen, then create tunnels to the front line, and a backup base. Xenos operate best in narrow, enclosed spaces. Consequently, marines operate worst in narrow, enclosed spaces. Build accordingly. Here's an example of a Xeno Hive on LV-624

Xeno Hive You may be able to 1v1 a marine in a pinch, but it's best to leave the combat to the combat castes, you can help by flanking marines and distracting them before a charge from the ravagers, crushers, and other combat xenos. A controversial tactic as hivelord/drone is to wall off certain areas of the map, or lanes of retreat with extremely thick resin wall fields, to force marines to give up on their attempts to break through. This maneuver is countered easily by plasma cutters and flamethrowers, but most often marines would rather find another way around.. If you hit a marine directly with your sticky spit. You will slow them down immediately. Use this to help you escape pursuit. Multiple non fully-charged acid wells can help both slow down marine pushes, and provide fire suppression for your sisters. Jelly pods can make or break sieges and pushes, make sure your fellow xenos know that jelly pods are available and where they are built. Give plasma to castes that often run low, like Spitters and Carriers. Similarly, make sure you're always healing someone with your beam. The less combat castes have to fall back, the better.


Continual refinement to the psychic potential of xenomorphs resulted in spacetime manipulation. Often uneasy to control, they have dedicated a single caste to master the fine art of weaving into and out of space itself. Marines look not up in the air or down on the ground, but space around them in fear of being banished into the shadow from whence the Wraith comes from.

How To Play Portal You'll be unable to get any kills yourself, your distortion only blurs, and shakes the vision of enemies around you. You're a force multiplier but it doesn't matter if your team is dead in the dirt. You shouldn't be sacrificing yourself to drag blink allies and enemies.

But the real place where wraith shines? Winning holds. You're able to blink crit enemies or allies 3 tiles away, banish your allies for 10 seconds, or banish that HSG your entire hive is afraid of. But in the end, you only get rare instances where you're able to banish a shutter and shove a marine inside, trapping them within. You should always look for opportunities as wraith, and follow up on teammates.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Wraith is a Tier 2 and can evolve into a Ravager or a Defiler.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 200 200 17 25 25 5 5 0 10 15 15 10 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 230 300 17 30 30 10 10 0 15 20 20 15 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 250 350 20 35 35 15 15 0 18 25 25 18 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 260 400 20 40 40 20 20 0 18 25 30 18 Wraith's Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A TGMC Place Warp Shadow.png Place Warp Shadow This is the warp shadow that the Wraith creates with its Place Warp Shadow ability, and teleports to with Hyperposition. 150 60 seconds TGMC Hyperposition.png Hyperposition Teleport back to warp shadow after a delay. The delay scales with the distance teleported. 25 5 seconds TGMC phase shift.png Phase Shift Move out of phase with reality for a short duration after a short delay, gaining invulnerability and the ability to move through all physical obstacles. 25 N/A TGMC Resync.png Resync Resynchronize with reality, ending Phase Shift's effect. N/A N/A TGMC Blink.png Blink Teleport to a space a short distance away within line of sight. Can teleport mobs you're dragging with you at the cost of higher cooldown. 50 0.5 second TGMC Banish.png Banish Banish a creature or object a short distance away within line of sight to null space. Can target oneself and allies. Can be manually cancelled with Recall. 100 20 seconds TGMCRecall.png Recall Manually cancels your active banishment N/A 1 second Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Wraith, this primordial ability is Time Stop.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown TGMC xeno ability timestop.png Time Stop Freezes bullets in their course in a radius of 5 tiles. They will start to move again after 7 seconds. 200 60 Tips & Tricks Phase Shift gives you access to normally blocked-off things like apcs, sentries wounded marines and juicy surgeon heads You can banish grenades to make them explode in nullspace or banish a marine holding a primed grenade for an easy kill. You're the worst nightmare on crash, due to your ability to hop in and out of the Canterbury to slash APCs, the CMO, and wounded marines On Barrenquilla/Magmoor, you can banish a marine near a lava river and ask a nearby shrike or crusher to fling them into the lava once they come back. Blink when used with right click, applies your current intent on the mob you targeted, but only if they're lying down. This is perfect for quickly blinking crit targets, whether it be an ally or enemy. Phase shift gives you access to normally blocked-off things like apcs, sentries wounded marines and juicy surgeon heads Banishing is good for shoving enemies in akward spots or quickly making them drop their items, as banish makes them stunned while in brazil, also good for making them drop grenades in the middle of their cades. Hyperposition's cooldown and windup depends on the wraith's warp shadow, the max windup being 10 seconds, and the lowest being 0.5 seconds.


The Hunter is the master of picking off lone marines. Using your stealth, you can move into unexpected areas and unleash a stealth attack on unsuspecting targets.

Playing the Hunter Like the runner, you're still one of the weakest combat Xenos, so careful play and situational awareness are your main priorities. Your most powerful tools are your speed and stealth. Activate stealth to become semi-invisible at the cost of movement speed and expending plasma when you move while stealthed. Stay still while stealthed for 3 seconds and you will become almost completely invisible, making you extremely hard to see especially on certain terrain. You will see a message that “you're ready to use Sneak Attack while stealthed” Sneak attack adds damage and knockdown to your next melee slash.

A good Hunter will find holes in the enemy team's lines and begin stalking unsuspecting marines away from the front. Attacking lone targets moving along roads, distracted engineers building FOBs or doing other tasks with no protection, and even flanking the main assault and keeping the enemy wary and distracted are how Hunters help their Hives win. Your small size and speed also allow you to use vents, and when you master the complex mechanics of the melee combat system, almost no marine will be able to survive a one-on-one ambush from you.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Tier 3 upgrade of the Hunter is the Ravager.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. “Pounce” determines the cooldown after using Pounce Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pounce Young 230 100 21 40 15 15 15 0 10 10 15 10 15s Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 250 150 21 45 20 20 20 0 15 15 20 15 12.5s Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 270 200 24 50 25 25 25 0 18 18 25 18 11s Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 290 200 24 55 30 30 30 0 18 18 30 18 10s Hunter Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A TGMC hunter mark.png Mark Designates a living target in line of sight as the Hunter's quarry. The Hunter can then use Psychic Trace to gain info about the target. Can target allies. 25 60 seconds TGMC hunter trace.png Psychic Trace Reveals the direction, distance, health, area and infection status of the Hunter's quarry. 1 6 seconds Xeno Charge.png Pounce Lets you pounce on any marine within a certain tile radius, temporarily knocking them down and disarming them. 20 15-10 seconds TGMC mirage.png Mirage Image Create three mirror images of the hunter that will follow the original for 10 seconds and “attack” nearby targets causing no damage but psychological warfare and confusion. 50 40 seconds TGMC Hyperposition.png Swap This is a sub-ability of Mirage, only able to be used while illusions are active. Use it to swap positions with one of your illusions, to disorient marines and gain a positional advantage. 50 40 seconds Xeno hide.png Stealth This ability makes you semi-invisible at the cost of movement speed and plasma drain as you move. If you remain stationary for 3 seconds, you will become almost completely invisible. This also allows you to use Sneak Attack, adding damage to your next melee attack and stunning the marine that get hit by the sneak attack. Attacking, pouncing, and being shot or blown up will all cancel your stealth. 10 N/A

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Hunter, this primordial ability is Disguise.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Xeno hide.png Disguise Disguise yourself as the enemy or an object. Hide and seek time! Uses plasma to move. 25 60 Hunter Tips & Tricks Remember that your sneak attack bonus only applies on a melee attack slash, not a pounce. Attacking, pouncing, and being damaged will cancel your stealth. Or atleast it used to. Moving (hunt mode, but not stalk mode) will also bring you out of invisibility and into normal stealth transparency. You can pounce near a marine to prepare for a sneak attack, but you will have to wait 3 seconds before using it. There is a cooldown and sound that will notify you of this. You have almost perfect stealth if you stand still. Your Sneak Attack can be used on [Disarm] intent to do a super-powerful tackle. You are can be more transparent when on the [Walk] intent, this can let you be somewhat hard to see even when moving. What tile you stand on greatly effects how visible you are. Dark and clustered tiles will greatly hide you, and tiles that are undesirable to move across will decrease the chance of you getting shot. Stand in places that are near to where people will walk past, but not in places that people will poor suppressing fire through. While on [Walk] intent, you can move one tile and slash someone while not losing your Sneak Attack, effectively allowing you to hit anyone in a 5×5 square around you. You have high slash damage even without sneak attack, allowing you to hit objects and defenseless marine harder than most. You are fast, but nowhere near as fast as a Runner, and your health is only slightly higher than said Runners, making your survivability very, very low in open conflict. You can take out most people at the same rate, so try to hit high-value targets like Specialists and Smart Gunners. Your Sneak Attack has a very high Armor Piercing, so you are one of the few castes that can mess up a B18 equipped marine. Your Sneak Attack has a good chance to delimb people, aim for the hands and feet to put the marine out of action for a longer time. If the hive is under assault, try hiding in the path of the marines and hitting them with a Sneak Attack before running farther up the path to do it again. This will slow them down considerably. Try to kill or delimb members of the backline, such as Medics and Engineers, to lessen their ability to heal and fortify. Tactical Scanners don't detect you when you are in stealth. Sensors still work. Your invisibility can be used for more than getting the jump on marines, use it to scout out the marine's Fortifications or where they are moving to. Your pounce will put you in [Run} intent, making you more visible but also faster. Don't use it when trying to be sneaky or attacking marines, instead use it as an escape tool. You can bind a key to switch movement intents while held. If this key is a key other than [alt], you can use it to toggle between using [Walk] intent to move sneakier and using [Run} intent to get out of dodge, all while still being able to slash and use your pounce. You can use your stealth on top of nested hosts and use [alt] + click to view the tile's contents above your chat window, allowing you to Sneak Attack the host when they get up immediately.


The bull is a merger between the speed of a runner and the charge of a crusher, creating an effective front line hit and run caste.

Playing the Bull When your charge is active, you will build up speed as you move forward in a straight line and you will hear a stomp sound as you begin to charge. You will do do damage to anyone you smash into, which will scale with your built up speed.

Charging will constantly drain your plasma, so keep an eye on it as you will return to normal speed if you run out of plasma. It can also be deactivated to save plasma while moving.

The bull is often misplayed by new bull players due to the assumption that the bull is a “budget crusher”. This is the leading reason of death among bulls as they inevitably get stunned or gunned down after getting bodyblocked for being overconfident. You must always remember that shotguns and explosives can and will stun you and that also that you are NOT tanky and your healthpool is smaller than you think.

Now that we've got that out the way, how do you properly charge without dying? Before you charge, consider the following:

At who am I charging at? If they can stun you in close range, try to avoid them or use plow charge to minimize the risk of them stunning you. What charge should I use? If you are charging at a dangerous group, use plow to try to rush in and rush out the other side of their force. Small group? Use headbutt to get a cheeky stun and some broken bones or gore for good damage. If I by some chance get stunned, do I have an escape route? Plan for the worst and you might live after someone stuns you. The last is likely the keystone of a good bull, as the hardest part of being a bull is not dealing damage, but staying alive after doing so.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Bull is a Tier 2 and can evolve into a Crusher.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 250 200 19 25 35 25 25 0 25 25 35 25 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 275 250 19 30 40 30 30 0 28 28 40 28 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 300 260 21 35 45 35 35 0 30 30 45 30 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 325 270 21 40 50 40 40 0 33 33 50 33 Bull's Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Ready charge.png Toggle Charging Toggles charging while moving. Speed and plasma consumption scales with how long you have been moving in one direction. Unable to charge diagonally. Upon contact with an entity, you will deal roughly 22.5 brute damage while still charging. Avg. 3 per tile N/A Bull charge.png Plow Charge While activated, deals damage and throws anyone out of the way that you come into contact with while charging. Damage scales with charging speed. N/A N/A Bull headbutt.png Headbutt Charge While activated, charges will fling the collider behind you, and stun them for about 2 seconds. Stun scales with charging speed. When collided, additionally skids you to a halt. N/A N/A Bull gore.png Gore Charge While activated, charges will heavily damage who you collide with, making you skid to a halt. Along with the charging damage, it also applies your melee damage, resulting in around 65 brute at Ancient tier. N/A N/A Primordial Evolution NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE INGAME. Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Ready charge.png Toggle Charging (Agile) Toggles charging while moving. Speed and plasma consumption scales with how long you have been charging. Upon contact with an entity, you will deal roughly 22.5 brute damage while still charging. Still charges after changing directions. Avg. 3 per tile N/A Tips & Tricks Sometimes it is good to take risks, such as risking a headbutt charge to knock over a heavily armored target for your sisters to slash and/or capture. Your speed also makes you effective for flanks of the main marine force. Always watch your lanes as a bull, make sure you enemies are in a nice clear and long lane, this is for both escaping and making sure you can build enough speed for good damage. You are NOT a sieging caste, cades and tight spaces are you worst enemy, stay out of buildings unless you have a good charge lane and STAY OUT OF CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT, you will die. Your fellow hive mates will sometimes call you useless, don't be discouraged! You fill a niche that neither Runners nor Crushers can fill, you are a push breaking, marine harrassing, heavy weapons stopping machine!


The Warrior is a Tier 2 Xeno capable of punching, lunging at humans, and tossing humans around like a soccer ball. Good single-target burst and control, but lacks abilities against multiple targets.

How to CBT marines Warrior's abilities must be keybinded to really use warrior.

You cannot deal with a single marine if they have their friends aiming their gun at you. To help you and your xenomorphs to destroy marines, you must remove each individual marines away from their group. And this is what you're good at!

The primary responsibilities: Displace marines. Starve them of their medications. Kill lonely ones. Displacing marines Toss a marine to you friendly xeno gang. Lunge → Grapple Toss Fling running marines away from safety. Agility → Run in front → Agility → Fling Toss a marine from behind a barricade. Lunge → Grapple Toss Toss a marine under KAS. Lunge → Grapple Toss Punch a marine for additional displacement and damage. Hurting and fatiguing marines Break their ribs (arms/head/legs). Deals enough damage for a fracture. Lunge → Attack → Punch → (optional attack→ ) Run away Fling them into walls for bonus damage. Lunge → Attack → Punch → Fling → Run away Stalking single marines Aka “being robust”

Toggle Agility to run in four legs Untoggle Agility to prepare for lunge. Range is about the screen you see. Lunge to grab marine. Slash. Aim for the arm or head. Punch. Make sure to do it quickly, or the marine will break out and damage will be lower. Slash x3 and run around. Fling him away or in the wall. Do NOT fling towards his friendlies, run around to aim. The marine will drop his weapon. Slash until ded. Doing it wrong Running around in agility, receiving more damage and forgetting to turn it off. Resting in agility. Coming to a marine in a agility mode. Flinging a marine toward comrades.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Warrior evolves into a Crusher or Gorger.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 290 80 20 30 40 40 30 60 36 36 40 36 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 310 100 20 34 45 45 34 60 36 36 45 36 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 330 115 23 38 50 50 38 60 40 40 50 40 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 350 120 23 42 55 55 42 60 50 50 55 50 Warrior Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Savage off.png Agility Drop to all fours to move faster, but lose the ability to use any other abilities until you toggle agility off. Also reduces all your armor by 30 flat. N/A N/A Lunge.png Lunge The Warrior lunges a long range to grab a target, knocking them down and putting them in their grasp. The target can resist to try and break out of your grip, but you can drag them, tackle, slash, throw, or grapple toss. Note that you'll be slow. Range is 7 tiles (horizontally). Protip 1 - you can accidentally grab a corpse. Drop it with Q. Protip 2 - lunge is ctrl-click with teleport and stun. 25 25 sec Grapple toss.png Grapple Toss Throw a creature you're grappling on selected tile, up to 5 tiles away. 18 20 sec, shared with Fling Fling.png Fling Knock an adjacent target flying up to 3 tiles away, leaving them disarmed and knocked down for a short period. 18 20 sec, shared with Grapple Toss Punch.png Punch Strike a target next to you, inflicting stamina damage, stagger and slowdown. Deals 1.5x damage, stagger and slowdown to grappled targets. Deals quadruple damage to structures and machinery. 12 10 sec

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Warrior, this primordial ability is Combo.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown TGMC xeno ability jab.png Combo Adds a new ability, Jab, alongside access to the combo system. Jab functions as a ranged punch, with heavier slowing effects. Hitting a target with it resets your punch cooldown immediately. With the combo system, every third combat ability you cast will be an Empowered version, granting additional effects and damage. Fling.png Fling: Briefly knocks down every marine down the path of the flung victim. Grapple toss.png Grapple Toss: Allows you to throw twice as far. TGMC xeno ability jab.png Jab: “Blinds” and confuses the victim for 3 seconds. Punch.png Punch: Does 50% more damage. Lunge.png Lunge: Does not count as an empowered cast, allowing it to be used at the beginning or end of combos. 10 10 Warrior tips & tricks Agile Mode will cause you to get on all fours and run faster, allowing for a quick getaway or confrontation. Agility will also disable abilities and reduce your armor. Punch one-shots APC and snaps wires. You cannot use your Punch, Lunge, or Fling abilities while using Agile Mode Fling retreating marines into harm's way, such as nearby xenos or into walls to slam them into the wall, to deal more damage and prevent escape.


The Spitter is one of the masters of ranged combat for the Xenomorph team. Though you lose the ability to spit neurotoxin, you gain a powerful acid spit and spray that can quickly incapacitate your targets. Remember that you are also a glass cannon and will best help your team by being ranged attack and support, not by running into melee fights where you can easily be brought down by weapon fire or explosions.

Playing the Xenomorphs Call of Duty man To engage the marines and make the xenomorphs prevail, you can:

Use acid spit to hit marines Poke around corners to shoot at marines Spit acid spray to stun marines Blast scatterspit to put the fear in marines' heart Maintain distance between marines Engage suppressive fire against marines' push Extinguish fire, whether on ground or on xenomorphs, with acid spray Your acid spit is a fast-flying projectile capable of traveling up to seven tiles. When it hits a marine, it will do damage both from the impact and from the splash it makes as it puddles on the ground. Unlike neurotoxin, this burn damage is permanent until healed. Acid spit has a chance to be blocked by barricades, and will land in front of the barricade if this happens.

Your second powerful ability is acid spray which sprays a line of acid across the ground up to seven tiles away. This ability must be channeled for a short time (less than a second) and will then spread in a line towards your target, allowing you to move away even before it's finished. Acid spray will knock down any marine that it hits and will do damage to anyone that moves through it while it's on the ground. It can also be sprayed through barricades, making it a powerful tool for attacking fortified areas.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Spitter can evolve into a Boiler or Praetorian.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Spit Delay is the charging time it takes to spit acid Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Spit Delay Young 250 650 17 10 20 20 20 0 10 10 20 10 0.8s Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 270 800 17 15 25 25 25 0 15 15 25 15 0.7s Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 290 875 20 20 30 30 30 0 18 18 30 18 0.6s Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 310 925 20 25 35 35 35 0 20 20 35 20 0.5s Spitter Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Xeno spit.png Xeno Spit Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A TGMC scatterspit.png Scatter Spit Scatter spit discharges a buckshot spread blast of 6 x 20 burn damage acid projectiles that leave short duration acid puddles behind. 280 5 seconds Spray acid.png Spray Acid Channel a linear spray of acid across the ground at a target or tile up to 7 tiles away. Knocks down targets it hits and does tick damage to any target that stands in or moves across the acid while it remains on the ground. 250 30

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Spitter, this primordial ability is Machinegun Spit.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Xeno spit.png Machinegun Spit Massively decreases the firing delay of acid spit. N/A N/A Tips & Tricks Spitters are very accurate. Take advantage of darkness and range to constantly deal damage to marines on the edge of your vision. Acid spray applied in the right spot can turn the tide of a battle or save your life if you need to escape. Don't forget to use it.


Humans are an abundant food supply that the xenomorphs use to no end. Their faces ripe for facehugging, their psychic energy ready to be drained, and their blood untapped for unlimited potential. New experimentation from the hivemind sought to utilize human blood in light of this biological philosophy and due to the fact that the TerraGov Marine Corps' weaponry can overwhelm xenomorphs. With the power of human blood, the xenomorphs create a living tank that runs on human blood. Playing the Gorger

Green overlay on any xenomorph is overheal. You are a tank, not a ravager, meaning you can take in damage but not deck out damage.

Your responsibilities are:

Directing marine's firepower to you instead of your squishy xenomorphs Ensuring that you have overheal to truly tank marines' shots Stealing marine's precious blood to advance your goals Draining and rooting marine so that other xenomorphs can wombo combo Healing wounded xenomorphs with marine's blood Providing overheal to xenomorphs What makes gorger completely different from other xenomorphs is that the caste can take a lot of damage from marines. That said, this is not to say you can reliably rambo alone against marines without your fellow xenomorphs helping you out. Marines are capable of killing you, so you must have a way to escape safely so that you can recover from being swiss cheese.

To enable you to withstand marines' punishment, Overheal protects you from marines before your health and sunder start to get hit. You gain overheal from Drain, which roots marines for 4 seconds. You can give xenomorphs overheal with Transfusion if they are in full health.

You gain blood from Drain, whether alive OR dead marines! If there are more than one gorger, they can wombo combo a marine to get their blood. Note that this does not take actual blood for marines, so marines can rest assure that they don't die from hypoxia, or oxygen damage due to low blood.

Protect other xenomorphs by giving them overheal.

Some dead marines will have enough blood for you to drain. Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Blood Overheal Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 400 200 200 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 450 250 225 15 17 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 500 300 250 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 600 400 275 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Gorger Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Devour Vore a marine for transportation, can't eat revivable corpses 0 N/A TGMC Psychic link.png Psychic Link Channel and link to another xenomorph. When linked, you rest and take 50% of their damage. The link persists until you unrest, get too hurt or your partner moves too far away. 0 50 seconds TGMC Drain.png Drain Hold a marine in place and deal small damage over 2 seconds, gaining 80 blood and overheal over time, not instant! The marine can still shoot/do stuff during the duration and after the ability is broken it staggers them slightly. You also can't slash while performing this. If cast on a non-revivable human, restores health at a faster rate than resting and sunder at normal rate, without granting blood. This uses the corpse's blood and you can only drain corpses which have sufficient blood.

Details: Deals 2×4 damage to head. If target is corpse, heals HP at 2.2 normal rate. Also heals sunder by 2.5 per tick. If target is alive, regens 2xP blood. P=20 if young/mature, 30 if elder and 40 if ancient. 0 15 seconds TGMC Transfusion.png Transfusion Costs blood and restores 30% of max health or grants overheal for full health 20 blood 2 seconds TGMC carnage.png Carnage You gain movement speed and heal on your next attack, scaling with missing blood. If your blood is below 60%, you also knockdown your victim for 1 sec, and drain (25/30/35/40) blood, during which you can't move. 0 15 seconds TGMC Feast.png Feast Drains blood each tick (around 20) and restores 8% health, overheal at 50% efficiency when on full health, until no blood is left or cancelled early. Carnage also heals nearby xenos 200 blood 180 sec

Primordial Evolution NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE INGAME. Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Gorger, this primordial ability is Rejuvenate.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown TGMC Rejuvenate.png Rejuvenate Drains blood continuosly, slows you down and reduces damage taken, while restoring health over time. 0 4 seconds


One of the more unique and recent castes to evolved from the machinations of xenomorphs, the Defiler provides the hive further refinement of xenomorphs' priority in chemical warfare by washing marines' eyes with chem trails, shashing terrified marines with its venomous claws, and stinging drugged-up marines to instantly delete their liver. Playing the Defiler Considered as a high-risk high-reward caste due to its armor and health stats and demand of CQC, the responsibilities of the Defiler are:

Obscuring marines' line of sight with gas by being very, very close to marines Going into vents and jump scaring marines by jumping out of unwelded vents and gassing them Slashing marines with reagents Attempting to OD marines with said reagents (unlikely, though) Bobbing and weaving to not die instantly Weeding areas to provide space to WASD marines Planting eggs for tactical farts that deny area Defiling marines with many chemicals in them for extreme toxin damage The Defiler is one of the most difficult support caste xenos to play, due to its forced front line fighting, requirement of knowing reagent uses, and low armor and health compared to other T3 xenos. Your defile sting is a powerful followup to neurotoxin spits, and the main counter to drugged-up marines. You can place weeds, and your Emit Noxious Gas ability can lay down a smokescreen to allow xenos to push on fortifications that include turrets. If you master the defiler, you will be the thing marines have nightmares about when they sleep.

As a Defiler, it's very important to maintain in your mind that you cannot take as much damage as any other T3. Losing a Tier 3 Xenomorph is always a big setback for the hive due to Tier limitations and the time it takes to reach Tier 3 for any xeno. Your Emit Noxious Gas ability is integral for xeno pushes, especially in the absence of a boiler, start your channel out of marine sight, then run in as soon as your gas begins to vent. Reagent claws can be extremely useful, if you know how to use it. Keep in mind Reagent Slash can be channeled even while moving, so if you stay close to the target, you can get your full 3 slashes. Your defile sting is a brief channel that purges all chemicals in the victim while dealing toxin damage scaling to both the amount purged and the amount and variety of toxins that were in them. This gets exponentially stronger if you pump them full of reagents, as each reagent in their system multiplies the overall toxin damage. A good strategy is to run in with the queen and Reagent Slash marines as she is screeching, you can ensure they stay down much longer than the short amount of time they are normally incapacitated.

Reagents The Defiler has the ability to use four different reagents: Neurotoxin, Hemodile, Transvitox, and Sanguinal. Both Emit Noxious Gas and Reagent Slash abilities will select Neurotoxin, Hemodile, Transvitox as their reagent whereby Defile exclusively produce Sanguinal gas.

Name Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Critical OD Threshold TGMC Neurotoxin.png Neurotoxin ▮ A debilitating nerve toxin. Impedes motor control in high doses. Causes progressive loss of mobility over time. Causes progressively increasing pain and stamina loss, increasing after ticks 20 and 45. Additionally, purges medicines at a rate of 1u per tick. Doesn't overdose. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Hemodite.png Hemodile ▮ Impedes motor functions and muscle response, causing slower movement. Causes heavy slowdown that gets doubled in the presence of transvitox or neuro. Having both causes even greater slowdown. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Transvitox.png Transvitox ▮ Converts burn damage to toxin damage over time, and causes brute damage received to inflict extra toxin damage, effectively increasing the damage of slash attacks. Every tick, converts burn damage to toxin damage equal to 1/4th the current cycle, doubling the rate for each xeno-based toxin in the bloodstream (excluding larval, for some reason). Whenever damage is taken, additional toxin damage is taken equal to 1/10th the current brute loss or damage taken, whichever is lower. This is multiplied by xeno-based toxins in the same way the burn conversion is. The toxin damage has a max of 180 total.

0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Ozelomelyn.png Ozelomelyn ▮ Purges chemicals at a rate of 5u per tick and deals 0.75 toxin damage per tick. The toxin damage has a max of 40 total.

1.5 units per tick N/A N/A Defiler sting.png Sanguinal ▮ Causes brute damage and bleeding, with the damage dealt multiplied by other xenomorph reagents inside the target (Stamina for Hemodile, Toxin for Neurotoxin and Burn for Transvitox). 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A The target will have a HUD indicator next to their health bar in the form of a colored dot which shows if the target has a reagent in them or not. You can then examine them (with shift-click) to see what reagents are in them exactly. Note that this will only show you xenomorph reagents, not marine chems. Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pheromone Strength Young 300 400 23 30 30 30 30 0 30 30 25 30 1.7x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 325 500 23 35 35 35 30 0 35 35 30 35 2x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 350 550 26 40 40 40 35 0 38 38 35 38 2.1x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 375 575 26 45 45 45 40 0 40 40 40 40 2.6x Defiler Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Toggle Cocoon Devour your victim to cocoon it in your belly, then expels the contents of your stomach onto the current tile. With the marine inside, they still have life force and able to be revived, but it will give psychic points for 5 minutes. Yields a minimum of 1 psychic point every 5 seconds, but increases to a maximum of 5 points with lower server population. N/A N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Emit neurogas.png Emit Noxious Gas Emit Noxious Gas begins a channel that after a short amount of time begins to vent the selected reagent as a gas from your dorsal ports, you can move once the gas begins to vent. 200 40 seconds Defiler sting.png Defile Purges all chemicals in the victim and deals toxin damage equal to half the total unit of chemical purged from the victim's system multiplied by 2 for each unique xenomorph toxin in its system. The victim also exudes a cloud of blood red Sanguinal smoke that scales in size with the amount of toxin damage dealt in this way. 100 20 seconds Reagent Slash.png Reagent Slash Deals damage 4 times over 3.6s and injects 3u of selected reagent per slash. Can move while slashing. 100 6 seconds Inject Neurogas.png Inject Neurogas Inject an egg with neurogas, killing the facehugger, but filling it full with neurogas ready to explode. 100 5 seconds Lay egg.png Lay Egg Makes you lay a hugger egg. 200 12 seconds Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Defiler, this primordial ability is Tentacle.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Tail sweep.png Tentacle Allows the defiler to grab a tallhost or item from range and bring it towards the defiler. 200 20 Defiler Guide Firstly, setup a hotkey to cycle through reagent selection. Defile only cares about whether a xeno reagent is inside, not the amount of it, so defiling 20u hemo + 1u neuro results in as big of a defile cloud as 1u hemo + 1u neuro + 19u bica. As a result, there really isn't a reason to not juggle different reagents for emitting gas and reagent slash. Ideally, you should have frenzy pheromones on when engaging. Most of the time, the Queen's going to be on Recovery, so you'll have to emit Frenzy for yourself. Neurotoxin isn't super useful. It takes time for the effects to kick in, and in the meantime, it can be purged by four different medications: dylovene, ryetalyn, synaptizine, and not to mention, hyperzine. You can disperse a much larger amount of neuro than a Sentinel, so if marines are bald enough to not know how to purge chems, you can make it work. Ozemolyn is decent if you're not very confident in landing a defile, you can run into the ungaball and force the medics to remed their patients, it's super annoying. If you want to be really greedy, delay defiling until the last moment to give the medics a headache. Defiling When it comes to securing kills with defile, your bread and butter are hemodile and transvitox. The strength of the defiler is that while it is strongest in a 1v1 situation, you can artificially create one using your smoke, driving the other marines within the ungaball away. Firstly, you emit hemodile gas, and once you've started emitting, you run into the edge of the ungaball on help intent, trying to pick out a marine that's appreciably far enough from the center. While you're doing so, you cycle your reagent into transvitox, and activate reagent slash. You shuffle the marine behind you, switch to harm intent, and get at least one slash on using Reagent Slash. Now, you switch back to help intent, and shuffle them in preparation for defile (the shuffling is so that you have an accurate gauge on their next movement tick, and they might panic try to run into you). Important: Don't try to defile before giving your target another reagent in addition to hemodile, you'll waste your defile, and by the time the cooldown resets, your gas cloud will have dispersed, and you'll probably have run out of plasma. Simplified, it's emit hemodile –> slash transvitox –> shuffle and defile. If your target is at about full health, and wearing LIGHT armor, then you'll have to determine the case if you want to hit a defile. If you don't think that you can take a prolonged engagement (such as aim mode marines firing into the smoke), you can diagonally shuffle and try to get a theoretically (I think?) guaranteed defile, but the margin of error is very small. In such cases, I usually find it easier to cardinally shuffle and then hope that they keep trying to run through your body. Otherwise, this is the benefit of transvitox reagent slash, you keep shuffling and slashing them until they either scream or your gas is about to run out, at which point you cardinally shuffle and then defile. If your target is wearing medium, heavy, B18, Tyr, Valk, Surt, is at orange or red health, has another xeno toxin in their system, is wielding their gun (especially one with a high slowdown), or has run out of stamina, you can get away with immediately cardinally shuffling them and then getting a guaranteed defile. Don't target marines with jetpacks, as they can jetpack away, and don't target marines with access to stagger, as that interrupts your defile, interrupts your gas cloud, and generally paints a target on your back for the ungaball. I believe that the threshold for stagger is about two tiles for buckshot, and three tiles for slugs, Leicester shots, and Martini shots. Rocket sledge adds a 1 second stun to the mix, and pepperballs are actually really annoying because the aforementioned sequence consumes most of your plasma, so it might lose you your defile. Unless your target's neck-deep in premeds, ozemolyn usually increases the potency of the defile, for any drones / shrikes out there. Ditto for neuro, if you can convince a Sentinel friend to tag along, it greatly enhances your killing power, especially for those without meds in their system. You can tag along with a stun caste (prae, shrike, queen, bull), and take advantage of their stuns. Personally, it throws me off my rhythm, as stunned marines, upon getting up, can instantly move, regardless of hemodile or stamina or whatever. Therefore, I find that attempting to land a cheap defile often results in it being wasted, but your mileage may vary. Usually, I use these situations to engage and to initialize the sequence detailed above, with the added benefit that my target's already a bit bruised. Tentacle is an absolute crutch, your primo's busted. Probably the biggest power spike of all the primo t3s. I think that the stun / root from tentacle might not be intended, but don't tell the c*ders. One of the issues that you had before primo was that your reagent slash and defile would recharge before your gas cloud did, yet all your engagements are essentially preconditioned on emitting gas. With tentacle, you have another order of events, tentacle –> hemodile reagent slash (don't bump-slash them, and only slash once!) –> defile, with plenty of leeway. Conveniently, if you tentacle, reagent slash, and defile as they come off cooldown, they recharge at around the same time you can emit gas again. Not only does it double your ability to land defiles, tentacle also changes your strategy in gas cloud defiling. Most importantly, you can now select your targets rather than opportunistically taking the stragglers. Your new main line is to gas the edge of the ungaball with hemodile, snatch a medic, static name, or a B18 with tentacle, slash them once with transvitox, and then defile them. Not only is this much less straining when it comes to reaction time and having to switch intents, it also enables you to engage light armor marines, shotgunners, and jetpackers without fear of missing your defile or getting staggered (disclaimer, I've run out of plasma doing this before, the combo's very close to your plasma cap. I think this might not be achievable off-weeds, and you'll probably have to turn off pheros to squeeze out every last drop of plasma. Alternatively, you can skip the reagent slash, if you're able to single out the premedders, you can get just as big of a defile cloud). Also funnily, vesters cope and seethe upon being yoinked into gas, since they can't activate their vests within it.


The Devil that Lives Among Xenomorphs Days go by ruminating on the blood and guts of marines. Each month, marines continue to release their savage nature upon the xenomorphs in a primitive attempt to purge xenomorphs into extinction. Each day, they bring new toys and plans to foil the hivemind's growth. Each hours, you can hear the phantom gunshots, the explosions, the screams that lurk in your dreams.

However, the crimson mountain continues to grow, with the next marines increasing its size. You bare witness to the slaughter of these unfortunate animals, and you give no remorse since they are deemed unforgivable.

The humiliation these marines brought upon the sacred resin demand blood sacrifice. Let their cerebral spinal fluid spill upon the weed. Rip and Tear.

How to Rip and Tear As a Ravager, you should consider yourself the ultimate assassin. They are large, vicious killers that specialize in brutal high-damage hit-and-run attacks and build up rage while fighting and taking damage that increases their damage and speed. They are still a hunter class, however, and are vulnerable to concentrated fire and heavier weapons and must play carefully.

Both your charge and ravage abilities are extremely powerful and capable of hitting multiple targets. These abilties can stunlock marines, providing you the opportunity to delimb marines. You should be supporting the front line, and your most effective position is in the direct attack with support from your xenomorph team. Be near xenomorphs that can combine their stun abilities with yours as picking out individual marines with stunlocking provides xenomorphs to chip the marines' massive number with several decisive bits at a time.

However, with these strong abiilties, they can also leave you in a very vulnerable position with no escape. You can move around and harass like your lower-tier brethren, but you should be just as careful as high burst damage can kill you quickly and you are not as fast as the Runner or Hunter.

Eviscerating Charge is your long-range attack ability, and will charge to the target tile and attack anything you move through. This attack can do high damage, cause bleeding, fractures, and even de-limb all that are hit by it. The maximum straight-line range of Eviscerating Charge is 7 tiles. If you charge diagonally, that distance is shorter (closer to 4-5 tiles depending.) Also, if you charge through a group of marines, the maximum number you can hit at once is 4 and you will not travel the full 7 tile distance.

Ravage is another vicious melee attack that expends all of your current rage and is capable of hitting 3 targets to your front and left and right diagonal tiles. It applies a knockdown and knockback for 1 tile, and can also cause bleeding, fractures, and sever limbs.

Endure prevents you from being in pain critical for 10 seconds! Endure is your emergency ability, and will negate pain critical. This means that when activated, marines cannot lock you into pain stun and you become resistant to explosives and immune to stagger and slowdown; however, if marines continue to shoot you during Endure and you have not recovered your health, you immediately die.

All xenomorphs go in pain crit when reached a certain health, and either they get killed by marines, not being on top of weed, being rescued by another xenos, or being on top of weed. Endure will give you a chance to escape, or continue engaging!, when you are in very low health.

Rage is when you want to continue to RIP AND TEAR engage during endure. You slash harder, recover easier, run faster.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Ravager is a Tier 3 and does not evolve further.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health RAGE Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 290 600 28 35 40 30 30 40 30 30 50 30 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 310 700 28 40 45 40 40 40 35 35 55 35 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 330 750 30 45 50 45 45 40 38 38 65 38 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 350 800 30 50 55 50 50 40 40 40 70 40 Ravager Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Xeno Charge.png Eviscerating Charge A vicious charge that hits everything in it's path with the potential to knock down, cause bleeding, fracture, and de-limb. 500 20 seconds Gut.png Ravage A melee attack capable of hitting 3 adjacent marines in a cone in front of you, to the front and right and left diagonal tiles. 200 6 seconds TGMC Ignore Pain.png Endure For the next few moments you will not go into crit for 10 seconds and become resistant to explosives and immune to stagger and slowdown, but you still die if you take damage exceeding your crit health. 200 60 seconds TGMC rage.png Rage Use at 50% health or lower, the Ravager bellows an earth shaking roar to temporarily recover plasma & sunder gain extra slash damage, and movement speed in proportion to your missing hit points. acquire slow, stagger & stun immunity If at negative HP, or at when you are supposed to be in critical state

the Ravager regains HP whenever it slashes a living target equal to 50% to 100% of the damage dealt depending on how how low the Ravager's HP was when Rage was used increases rage and sunder recovery rate Eviscerating Charge and Ravage cooldowns reset. When Rage ends, Sunder and Plasma regained from it are lost.

N/A 60 seconds

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Ravager, this primordial ability is Vampirism.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Neuroclaws.gif Vampirism While active, will increase the ravagers healing for a while for every time it hits a new enemy. Effects stack. Can be used alternating between two pervious targets. N/A 0.5 seconds Tips & Tricks You gain plasma when dealing damage, as well as when taking damage. When used correctly, it could grant the potential in executing all of your abilities in the span of a few seconds. Eviscerating Charge can set you up to use Ravage, but you must be above Mature to use this combo, thus continuing to grow as a ravager is very important. This is a powerful hit-and-run combo but make sure you can disengage if you're threatened after you use it. Check if your abilities are keybinded. Ravage and Endure can be used within a finger span. In the character setup window, you can change your keybinds of your abilities for ease of gameplay. Always keep track of your health! Because you're a T3, you must be aware of your health otherwise marines will gun you down and make the hive lose an important caste. When in 50% health, retreating is a good choice unless marines are not shooting. When in less than 25%, Endure is a must. It's often best to stalk your targets from a distance and prioritize the one to charge at and/or ravage. If you can go for a leader, a medic, a SG, or a heavy weapon such as a minigun or SADAR, always choose that over a regular rifle marine. You are immune to the plasma-drain of tanglefoot, as you do not rely on plasma. Now that super-rage is dead, it's better to go Rage –> Endure. Rage prevents you from being staggered and not being able to trigger endure, and it also prevents you from not having enough rage to pop endure.


The Crusher is a well armored bruiser and a valuable siege-breaker capable of destroying fortifications. The Crusher leads front-line assaults, smashing through almost anything in its path.

Playing the Crusher You are a caste vital for tearing down heavy fortifications and serving as a highly effective frontline troop capable of making openings for other xenomorphs to take advantage of. Your main objectives are:

Charge into barricades, walls, sandbags, and sentries to damage and destroy them. Charge through lines of marines, knocking them over and making them vulnerable to your allies. Stomp horizontal marines, inflicting serious injury. Toss cadehugging marines out from behind barricades using Crest Toss. Ideally into the clutches of a waiting Shrike. Use Crest Toss to throw marines out of position or away from your injured allies. Act as a highly potent bruiser, capable of taking heavy damage and dealing it right back at your foes. Deliberately set off mines. You have the most explosive resistance of any caste and will take very little damage from them. Keep in mind that while you are very strong and durable, you are less strong and durable than you think and focused fire will quickly kill you.

While your Charge ability is active, you will begin to build up speed after traveling 7 tiles (one screen length) in a straight line. As soon as your Charge triggers you will make a stomping sound that both you and marines can hear. While in this state you are immune to staggering effects. As long as you continue to move in straight line you will steadily gain more momentum and speed until you reach your maximum speed at 14 tiles. The more momentum you build up, the more damage you will do to anything you collide with. Using charge you are able to run through weaker objects like tables, lockers, window frames, etc. but these objects are capable of slowing you or even stopping you if you have not built up enough speed. In general you want to take advantage of long straight corridors in which to charge through so you can maximize your effectiveness, but even without that you can still knock down marines and steadily tear up marines even with a weaker charge. There are a few important things to keep in mind while charging.

Charging will constantly drain your plasma, so manage it carefully as you will stop charging as soon as you run out of plasma. You can deactivate your Charge ability in order to conserve your plasma when you aren't charging. Remember the help intent shuffle. You will often be charging into groups of marines that will try to body block you to prevent your retreat. You can't be body blocked as long as you are on help intent, as it forces the marine to switch tiles with you. Switch to help intent as you try to move away from the marines and you will be able to freely move. Be mindful of what you are charging into, the help intent shuffle will not save you from particularly dense crowds of marines or serious hazards. Razor wire will ensnare you for five entire seconds if you run into it. If there's even a single marine around when this happens, you're probably dead. Plasteel barricades are one of your greatest threats. Marines may open the barricade as you charge into it in order to let you inside their fortifications, before closing the barricade behind you. At this point you are trapped and will is most situations quickly get gunned down unless there is another opening to escape through. If it all possible focus down metal barricades or sandbags instead. Charging into a turret instantly destroys it. Smart marines will put turrets behind plasteel barricates, but most will not. Take advantage if you can, but it's more important to avoid getting trapped than it is to kill a single sentry.

Stomp and Crest Toss are your other abilities used for crowd-control and securing kills for your allies. They are moderately lethal in a one-on-one fight and you may be able to defeat marines lacking a shotgun when you're familiar with the Crusher's abilities, but it is always better to have backup. Stomp is an ability intended for use when standing on top of a horizontal marine, or multiple, even if they manage to stand up while you share the tile. On activation you will crush the marine beneath your feet inflicting a ton of damage. Other castes such as Praetorian are also good at knocking marines over and making them vulnerable to Stomp. Work well with your fellow xenomorphs and you will be incredibly effective. Crest Toss throws a target that's directly in front of you over your head, sending them flying a few tiles behind you while on any other intent other than harm intent. This ability can even be used across barricades, tossing the marine out of cover and making them vulnerable to your allies. On harm intent the ability will instead throw the target a few tiles away from you, which can be incredibly useful for getting a marine away from a heavily injured ally. You can also use Crest Toss on xenomorphs. Think about it.

Uniquely, the Crusher can also pick up smaller xenomorphs and carry them around, protecting them while giving them incredible mobility. This can be done by grabbing them and clicking on yourself, or them doing the same to you. This is best done with a Spitter, but they can't use their scatter spit while on your back, and they still have to stand still to use their acid spray.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Crusher is a Tier 3 caste and does not evolve further.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash the damage dealt when slashing marines. In the code, it is referred to as melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values representing the percent reduction in damage received of that type. Most relevant in most cases are the “melee, bullet, laser, bomb, and fire” values. Stomp Damage determines how powerful your stomps are. Toss Distance is how far you'll be able to fling something with Crest Toss. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Stomp Damage Toss Distance Young 325 200 21 70 60 60 60 80 80 80 60 80 45 3 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 345 300 21 75 65 65 65 80 90 90 65 90 50 4 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 370 400 24 80 70 70 70 80 95 95 70 95 55 5 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 400 400 24 90 75 75 75 80 100 100 75 100 60 6 Crusher Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Ready charge.png Toggle Charging Toggles charging while moving. Speed and plasma consumption scales with how long you have been moving in one direction. Unable to charge diagonally. Upon contact with an entity, you will deal roughly 22.5 brute damage while still charging. Avg. 3 per tile N/A Stomp.png Stomp Inlicts a lot of damage and stuns all targets on the same tile. Knocks down all adjacent targets briefly and tosses them a tile away, hurting them a bit. 100 20 Seconds Crest toss.png Crest Toss Throws an adjacent target behind you, sending them flying 3-6 tiles away and doing damage. Works across barricades. If on harm intent, Crest Toss will instead throw the target away from you. 100 12 Seconds Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Crusher, this primordial ability is Rapid Advance.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Crest defense.png Rapid Advance Charges up the crushers charge, then unleashes the full bulk of the crusher into a direction. Any direction can be chosen, not only cardinal ones. 175 30 Tips & Tricks Charging through a sentry will tip it over and render them useless unless marines put the sentry back atop. Your charge is just as good at destroying marine squads as it is breaking down barricades, but be careful how you use it. Don't be afraid to pull back before you charge through a group of marines if there are too many and it looks like you could be trapped. Play carefully and remember to use help intent and crest toss to get yourself out of a bad position. Young Crushers often die from being overconfident. Xenomorphs grow stronger as they age, so be careful and stay alive—you are a very valuable asset to your hive and become very durable as you mature. Crushers are very strong fighters overall, so don't be afraid to fight alongside other melee castes. You don't always have to be ramming things. Bodyblock for downed xenos when you can, but remember that you're actually less resilient than a fortifying Defender, and far more valuable at tier 3 than they are at tier 1. Don't get carried away.


The Praetorian is a powerful ranged-support Tier 3 Xenomorph that can spit both neurotoxin and acid, spray a large cone of acid, and emit pheromone auras to help allies within a certain radius. You are also tough enough to help with front-line combat, but are still somewhat vulnerable to fire.

Playing the Praetorian TGMC Praetorian spray.png Praetorians are some of the hive's most powerful support and leader castes. When the hive decides what caste the spitter should evolve to, they default to the praetorian for the following reasons:

opening push with acid spray stunning multiple marines with acid spray increasing marines' horizontal state with acid spray suppressing marines with neurotoxin spit assaulting, harrassing, and insulting the marines with acid spits disengaging out of marines' firing lane with the pheromones frenzy to repeat the harrassment emitting Pheromones for your sisters extinguishing fire with acid wells and, to a lesser extent, acid spray Name Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Critical OD Threshold TGMC Neurotoxin.png Neurotoxin ▮ A debilitating nerve toxin. Impedes motor control in high doses. Causes progressive loss of mobility over time. Causes progressively increasing pain and stamina loss, increasing after ticks 20 and 45. Additionally, purges medicines at a rate of 1u per tick. On overdose, causes 0.5 toxin and oxy damage; critical overdose stops breathing. 0.4 units per tick 30u 60u All spitters want to be the Praetorian, and all Praetorians want to burn down marines with acid spray and spit.

You can switch between neurotoxin and acid spit, and your acid spray is a very powerful ability which sprays a cone of acid across the ground seven tiles wide and four tiles long. Acid spray will knock down any marine that it hits and will do damage to anyone that stays in it or moves through it while it's on the ground.

Pheromones are another critically important tool you must use. You can switch between recovery for faster healing and plasma regeneration, warding for extra protection, and frenzy for a speed bonus. Make sure you're always emitting pheromones to help yourself and your team, and when applicable, make sure you aren't overlapping pheromone types with other Xenomorphs to maximise their usefullness.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Praetorian is a Tier 3 and cannot evolve further.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 290 800 20 30 35 35 35 0 28 28 35 28 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 320 900 20 35 40 40 40 0 33 33 40 33 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 340 1000 23 40 45 45 45 0 35 35 45 35 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 360 1000 23 45 50 50 50 40 38 38 50 38

Maturity for the Praetorian will increase considerably more stats compared to other castes, which includes

Acid Spray damage The delay between Acid Spit actions The amount of neurotoxin transferred when using Acid Spit, while neurotoxic splash is selected. The strength of pheromones, which can determine how powerful some actions will be, along with pheromones themselves Age Spray Damage Spit Delay Neurotoxin Amount Pheromone Strength Young 35 1.3s 9.5 3 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 39 1.2s 9.0 3.5 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 43 1.1s 9.5 4 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 47 1.0s 10.0 4.5 Praetorian Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Xeno spit.png Xeno Spit Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A Spray acid.png Spray Acid Channel a cone of acid across the ground in a 4×7 tile area. Knocks down targets it hits and does tick damage to any target that stands in or moves across the acid while it remains on the ground. 300 30 seconds Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the XENOMORPH, this primordial ability is Acid Dash.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Xeno Charge.png Acid Dash Instantly dash up to 5 tiles, ignoring small strucures like tables and spraying acid in your path. Marines in your path are knocked down. For 2 seconds after the initial cast, you can recast the ability without cooldown for an additional, acid-less charge. 250 30 Tips & Tricks In the absence of the Queen, you will often be looked at as a central point of combat due to your powerful pheromones. Make sure you're supporting your other Xenomorphs and paying attention to the battle. You can help an assault succeed, or even influence a push to begin, with a well-placed acid spray that drives marines back from barricades or catches some out, wounding them or cutting them off from support. Praetorians also rival Spitters in their harassment ability, so make sure you're constantly spitting neuro or acid when you're not spraying or fighting. Your acid spray can peek through the corners of cades, given that there isn't anything blocking.


The Boiler is the long ranged artillery unit of the hive. As the boiler you have the ability to launch globs of acid and nuerotoxin at extreme range. With slow movement speed and health, good positioning is essential to being effective and staying alive.

Playing the Boiler Welcome to making marines angry for not being able to hit you with their bullets when you fart on their FOB. Since you are a T3 caste, you have to maintain these responsibilities:

Obscure marines' line of sight with gas when being very, very far away Assault their FOB Disrupt marines' push with area denial Avoid engaging with marines and their rifles Slip away from mortar shells, OB, CAS, and railgun Ensure xenomorphs' flank, AND YOURS!, are safe Open up and tear open marines' flank with your acid on reinforced walls As the boiler your role is to stay back and bombard marines from range. The best areas to bombard are large and open areas with unobstructed lines of sight. Make sure that you are always with the main force of aliens both on offense and defense as you are extremely weak on your own, and you should try and remain in the back-line and close to weeds for plasma regeneration. However, boilers who can get close to marine fortifications will be rewarded with an opportunity to use the strongest corrosive acid in the game that will quickly destroy any barriers marines throw up.

The bombard ability is the Boiler's primary means of attacking marines and helping the hive. After a short time remaining stationary you gain the ability to fire a single glob of gas at long range. This glob can either be a damaging acid or a stunning neurotoxin. The glob will fly through the air to the point at which you aimed and upon reaching that point explode into a cloud of gas. While digging into the ground and firing you must remain entirely stationary as both have a channel time of a few seconds making you extremely vulnerable. Make sure you are in a safe position before you commit yourself to a shot.

Firing the globs requires a few seconds until it will fire, before you fire make sure that the trajectory from you to the target is completely clear, if the glob hits something in the way it will explode there instead of on the target causing your gasses to not hit their mark. Your globs can hit marines, structures, and even other aliens causing them to miss their target. Globs can also deviate from where you aim and hit something unintended along the way.

Acid globs are extremely useful, not only can they do damage to a large area of marines, but they also do damage to fortifications and turrets. Hitting a marine directly with the glob will cause a significant amount of extra damage so take your shots carefully. Neurotoxin globs are powerful tools for slowing down marines. The gas blinds and deafens marines reducing their combat ability considerably. These effects are powerful but do not last long, make sure you coordinate with the combat castes before you launch a blob.

The Toggle Long Range Sight ability gives the boiler a huge advantage in ranged combat. After a few seconds of remaining stationary you gain extended vision in the direction you are currently looking. Using this in conjunction with bombard is essential to being an effective boiler and will allow you to fire globs at the marines from distances at which most of them will not be able to see you. Lowering the chances of retaliation and increasing your effective range, enhanced vision will be the butter to your bombard bread.

The acid spit ability is a boilers last resort. Shooting a line of acid out that will slip anyone it hits and deal significant damage, the acid spit is your escape tool if marines manage to flank your position and catch you off guard. Its cooldown, charge time, and high plasma cost mean you may only get one shot to knock down the marines and run to safety so make sure you aim carefully.

The corrosive acid ability is the strongest out of any caste. After a short channel time you can slob acid on any object or fortification (specifically reinforced walls) directly next to you; over time this acid will destroy the target depending on how tough it is. While other castes also have this ability, the boiler's acid is the strongest so consider using some of your precious plasma to help open up a flank or clear out an abandoned marine base.

The weaknesses of the Boiler make it a very difficult caste. Your low speed and HP make you extremely vulnerable to flanking and scout specialists. Make sure your position is always secure and free of any marines and never advance before the front line caste has secured the area. Additionally all boilers give off a small amount of light that makes you an easy target for marines with long ranged weapons, do not expect darkness to be your ally.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Boiler is a Tier 3 and cannot evolve further.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Young 250 800 17 40 40 40 40 0 30 30 40 30 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 270 900 17 45 45 45 45 0 33 33 45 33 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 290 1000 20 45 45 45 45 0 35 35 45 35 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 325 1000 20 45 45 45 45 0 37 37 45 37

Maturity also increases the Boiler's stats in its abilities, making the acid deadlier as it matures.

Acid Spray damage A multiplier to Acid Bomb strength The maximum amount of bombs you can store Bombard Cooldown Age Spray Damage Bomb Strength Max. Bombs Bombard Cooldown Min Cooldown Bomb Radius Young 35 1.0x 4 32s 26s 6 Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 39 1.1x 5 30s 22.5s 6 Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 43 1.2x 6 28s 19s 6 Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 47 1.3x 7 27s 17.5s 7 Boiler Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Spray acid.png Spray Acid Channel a linear spray of acid across the ground at a target or tile up to 7 tiles away. Knocks down targets it hits and does tick damage to any target that stands in or moves across the acid while it remains on the ground. 250 30 Resin trap.png Place acid well Place an acid well that can put out fires when a xenomorph steps on the acid well. You can refill it by clicking on the well. 500 20 seconds Long range sight.png Enhanced Sight After channeling for a few seconds your vision is greatly extended in the direction you are currently looking. Similar to sniper scope. Drops if you move. 20 N/A Bombard.png Bombard Requires you to remain stationary for a few seconds to dig in, then another few to fire a glob of neurotoxin or acid. Note that fellow xeno can move you and require you to do sight-dig again. NOTE: Every bomb decreases launch cooldown by 1.5 sec. N/A N/A TGMC boiler ammo type.gif Change Bombardment Type Switch between acid and neurotoxin. N/A N/A

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the XENOMORPH, this primordial ability is Lance Bombard.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown TGMC xeno ability lance.gif Lance Bombard Allows for the use of two new bombardment globs, the Acid Lance and Neurotoxin Lance. These globs have a slightly higher range, do not explode on reaching their target point (instead continuing until the end of their range or contact with a solid object), leave a weak trail of their relevant gas type along their travel path, have a reduced explosion cloud size, and do drastically increased direct hit damage. N/A N/A Boiler tips & tricks As the long ranged caste, Sniper Rifles and other scoped rifles are your natural counter. If sniper fire is making life difficult, ask for a Defender to use their Fortify ability in a position where you can set up directly behind them. Your natural x-ray vision is extended when you use your long range sight. This is extremely useful in areas with lots of obstruction like Prison Station and the marine ship. If you're not doing anything else, consider looking in all four directions with your vision to check for any flanks or weak positions. Your acid spit has longer reach in your long ranged vision if you aim farther out. When you die you spawn a acid glob on your body which immediately explodes.


THE BETA. The Shrike is one of the few xenomorphs that have harnessed telekinesis to defeat the marines, but with this great power comes with great responsibility. With such psychic abilities, you are also tasked to lead the hive with and without a queen. Since you are not the Queen, you are not as heavy as the Queen, so you cannot withstand much damage from marines; in fact, you can get stunned outright by shotguns and similar weapons. You are a support caste and should not be spearheading the xeno charge. However, your fling does provide a good stun against one marine, making you an excellent duelist, and like the Queen you can build everything the hive needs and have high-power pheromones, though you can't melt reinforced walls. If there are less than 8 active xenomorphs, you are the sole possible leader for the hive.

If the Queen and Shrike die, then the hive will be orphaned and collapse within 5 minutes, with evolution point gain being disabled while this timer is active (except for Larva). If there is no Queen or Shrike in that time period, the marines will win by default.

Using the Force for Offense So, seems that you have become the shrike, but what do you do now?

First steps:

Turn on your pheromones to either recovery, a typically non-combat pheromone, or the warding and frenzy pheromones which increase combat performance of you and your fellow xenos. Use your Call Burrowed ability regularly, as it prompts dead players to respawn at your feet as burrowed larva. Use only while you are safe as larva can easily die - if there's an active silo they can just spawn there anyway. Now that that's done, what should I be doing? Go help support your fellow xenos at the front line with healing and through the use of your abilities “Fling” and “Devastating Force”. As you are fairly fragile, valuable (or critical, without the Queen) for your team alive, and valuable for the marines dead, you're going to be a high-priority target. Do note you should not try to take on marines on your own, as you do not do much damage and your abilities are perfect for opening opportunities for your allies.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Shrike is a Tier 4, a unique tier that does not take up any slots other than its own, and can evolve into a Queen if there are more than 8 active xenomorphs in the hive.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing the marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Bomb armor is actually a scale from 0 to 3 that affects how long the slowdown effects last and how much damage each explosion type does, but it's shown in-game as a normal armor value. The Shrike has tier 2 bomb resistance. Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pheromone Strength Young 325 750 20 30 30 30 30 60 10 10 30 10 2x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 350 850 20 35 35 35 35 60 15 15 35 15 2.5x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 375 900 23 40 40 40 40 60 18 18 40 18 2.8x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 400 925 23 45 45 45 45 60 23 23 45 20 3x Shrike Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Toggle Cocoon Devour your victim to cocoon it in your belly, then expels the contents of your stomach onto the current tile. With the marine inside, they still have life force and able to be revived, but it will give psychic points for 5 minutes. Yields a minimum of 1 psychic point every 5 seconds, but increases to a maximum of 5 points with lower server population. N/A N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: 75 N/A Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Resin wall.png Secrete Resin Builds structures, which can be chosen by clicking on the ability while it's active. More in Guide to resin construction Resin Buildings: Resin wall.png Resin Walls regenerate their own health. Starting at 150 HP, they restore 3 HP every 5 seconds, with a maximum of 300. Also reduces incoming bullet damage by 60%. 75 Plasma Sticky resin.png Sticky Resin slows down human and vehicle movement drastically, while also slightly blocking flamethrower flames. Has 36 HP. Slowness can stack with sticky weeds. 50 Plasma Resin door.png Resin Doors block movement for non-xenomorph mobs. Has 100 HP. 150 Plasma 50-150 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Resin trap.png Place acid well Place an acid well that can put out fires when a xenomorph steps on the acid well. You can refill it by clicking on the well. 500 20 seconds Lay egg.png Lay Egg Makes you lay a hugger egg. 200 12 seconds Call Of the Burrowed.png Call of the Burrowed Sends a ping to all ghosts allowing them to join the xeno team as burrowed larva that will spawn on you. Do not use near combat or the new larva can easily die 400 2 minutes Drone sting.png Ozelomelyn Sting Injects a host with Ozelomelyn, which purges chemicals at a rate of 5u per tick and deals 0.75 toxin damage per tick up to a cap of 40 points. 100 25 sec TGMC Qm blessing.png Open Blessings Menu Opens the Queen Mothers Blessings menu, where hive buildings and upgrades are bought. N/A N/A Heal xeno.png Psychic Cure Heals up to 50 damage on a target within 1 tile. Damage healed increases with the recovery aura. 1/20th of damage healed is also used to recover sunder. Heals brute first, and then burn. This means if you have 49 brute damage, you'll heal 49 brute damage and then 1 burn damage.

200 5 sec Psychic whisper.png Psychic Whisper Allows you to bully captured hosts telepathically N/A N/A Fling.png Psychic Fling Use on a human or item on the floor to use psychic powers to launch it 5 tiles away from you 100 12 seconds Screech.png Unrelenting Force Launches all humans and items in a 3×3 square in front of you away from you. Works only in the cardinal directions, not diagonally. 300 50 seconds Rally hive.png Rally Hive Rallies the player xeno to you, along with an arrow pointer for other xeno. Gives the Hive your current health status. 60 second cooldown. 0 60 seconds TGMC Rally Minions.png Rally Minions Command minions, ordering them to converge on this location. You must be next to minions in order for them to follow you. When you activate rally minion, you will *roar, which will in turn make the minions *roar as well. If you hear minions *roar, it means they are following you. Note that minions are stupid and WILL get stuck , help me step xeno 0 10 seconds TGMC command minions.gif Command Minions Order the minions escorting you to be either aggressive or passive. N/A N/A

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Shrike, this primordial ability is Gravity Grenade.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Gravnade.png Gravity Grenade Throw a gravity grenade that sucks everyone and everything in a radius inward. 500 60 Queen Mother's Blessing Through the Queen Mother's Blessings menu TGMC Qm blessing.png, advanced construction castes have the ability to make powerful static structures which provide either defense, passive support, or offensive power to the hive. These require Psionic Points to construct, which can be gathered from dead marines.

Structure Description Psy Point Cost TGMC xeno acidturret.png Acid Turret An independently targeting turret that fires highly caustic acid globs. Cannot be placed within 6 tiles of another turret, near shutters or fog. 100 TGMC xeno resinturret.png Resin Turret An independently targeting turret that fires sticky resin globs. Deals stamina damage to targets, as well as leaving sticky resin beneath their feet. Cannot be placed within 6 tiles of another turret, near shutters or fog. 50 TGMC xeno silo.png Silo A writhing spawning pod that slowly generates larva over time. Silos serve as anchor points for the xenomorph hivemind; without them, the network begins to collapse under strain. The hive will require a silo 15 minutes after the shutters drop, and will suffer an orphan hivemind failure if there is no silo for 5 minutes after this point. 800 TGMC xeno evotower.png Evolution Tower A complex nerve tower that preemptively simulates evolution paths, preparing xenomorphs for their next evolution stage at an accelerated rate. Each tower increases the rate of evolution point gain by 1.25 times per tower, and can be repeated with multiple towers. 300 TGMC xeno maturitytower.png Maturity Tower A complex biological tower that serves as a global growth enhancer, preparing xenomorphs for their next maturity stage at an accelerated rate. Each tower increases the rate of evolution point gain by 1.20 times per tower, and can be repeated with multiple towers. 300 TGMC xeno spawner.png Spawner A spawning pod for the weak but numerous minion strains. The spawners will generate minions up to a point of half the total number of detected minds in local space. Each produces one minion every between 45 seconds and 3 minutes until this capacity is met. 600 TGMC xeno kingpod.png King Pod A spawning pod and psionic beacon for the King xenomorph. When constructed, takes a short period of psychic gathering before the king spawns. A random xenomorph is selected to take the mind of the king. 1800 TGMC-Xeno Icon.png Primo Tier X Buy primordial abilities for a tier. Any xeno of selected tier now or in the future now can grow past ancient to primordial, gaining access to powerful abilities. Available for each tier 1-4. 600 Tips & Tricks Don't tank shots, you are meant as a support caste and you're more fragile than most Tier 3s. Open up duels with a fling instead of screech. If you fling first, you can further stun them with a screech, and when screech is used, your fling is ready to go to further stunlock the marine. Combo screech and fling with warrior to truly send a marine to Brazil. Aim for arms in duels. You can easily decrease the marine's capability to duel you when they have a fractured arm. Marines can't use shotgun if not wielded. If they have a pistol or submachine gun, then you will have to break both arms to prevent them from using the weapons. Use your screech or psychic fling to fling marines' grenades back at them; you are the only xenomorph that can do this and the results can be devastating. You can also simply fling marines currently holding an active grenade, but someone else might pick it up and throw it at you before it goes off. You're the only xenomorph that can move items on the ground in general, too. Fling expensive weapons further from enemy hands before applying acid to them, or fling random materials around into chokepoints to help a Carrier hide traps. Your psychic screech can work through walls; this is mostly useful on Crash, where you can interrupt marines running the disk program in some spots, or just give the CMO a really bad day whenever they try to do surgery. Fling marines into fire and lava! It's significant damage if they don't have a fire extinguisher, and potentially death if they also don't have friends or snow nearby. Use help intent to help shuffle behind marines, turn around to face marines' back, and screech. Watch as they get pushed to a group of xenomorphs. Don't try to do this against multiple people with shotguns or you'll probably die. Superior to changing face to use unrelenting force is Select unrelenting force in keybinds. Use this for cheese! Psychic heal is very powerful for saving downed xenomorphs in the line of fire, but the amount it heals is based off of a xeno's current heal rate, so it's significantly stronger out of combat. This also means recovery pheromones make the heal stronger. It doesn't recover any sundering, so if someone has no armor left, don't waste it on them, they'll be resting for a long time regardless.


THE ALPHA. The Queen is the single most important member of any hive, and the rest of your children's lives depend on you to stay alive. If you die, the xenomorphs you command will lose all direction and hope, as well as being unable to heal until a drone or Shrike steps up to become a Queen. The decisions you make can make or break a hive as early as round start, so it's important you strive to achieve.

Chances are, you didn't want to be a Queen, and you're afraid of failure. Know that as long as you have practical knowledge of how xenomorphs play in the first place, then this guide will be able to get you out of the tight spot you're in. Even if you don't want the job, the less you delay, the greater the chance you get live longer, because as long as you're putting out larva, there will always be drones to replace you.

If the Queen and Shrike die, then the hive will be orphaned and collapse within 2 minutes. If there is no Queen or Shrike in that time period, there will be a marine major.

Big Mommy Slaps Marines' Cheeks The job you've been handed is no easy feat. You play as a tactical role that xenomorphs look to when making decisions on engaging against marines. Fundamentally, you support xenomorphs by:

Opening opportunities to push with Screech Purchasing from Queen Mother's Blessing to facilitate hive defense, larval spawns & rates, and minions spawns & rates Rallying the hive for a push Making corrosion of reinforced walls to allow for xenomorph maneuverability Promoting a select few xenomorphs to hive leadership Emitting Pheromones for your sisters Melting CAS flares and OB beacons Healing nearby xenomorphs Building resin walls to reduce marines' firing lanes and increase CQC chance Looking for flanks to hurt marines Spitting at marines with acid Choosing whether to capture or hijack the Alamo after defeating the marines in planetside Ensuring marines' defeat whatever means possible Your Queen Zoom allows you to see further than xenos normally can so that you can scout out openings in marines' defense.

If a xeno is not following orders, or evolved against your set specifics, you can De-evolve A Xeno. If they continue to disobey orders, you may want to take it up with the Admins.

Your Call Burrowed ability can be used to call upon ghosts to become a burrowed larva that will spawn at your feet.

You can assign hive leaders to carry pheromones, give xenomorphs plasma, heal xenomorphs, and be able to watch through their eyes as well as send them private orders. Early into the round, it is best to make a drone a leader and emit recovery pheromones for optimal hive building, and then change it to any of your more combative classes and emit warding or recovery. Frenzy may seem tempting, but its effects more often than not lead to xenos being killed instead of killing. Hive leaders also gain the ability to direct minions.

It is of utmost importance that you survive, no matter what. A rule of thumb is to always flee at half health, and stop fighting entirely when lower. The longer you live, the longer the hive lives on. Make sure to order your xenos to do the same, as a dead xeno is never an ancient xeno.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. “Leaders” determine the maximum amount of leadership positions the Queen can grant Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Leaders Pheromone Strength Young 425 900 20 50 50 50 50 80 45 45 100 45 2 3.5x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 450 1000 20 55 55 55 55 80 50 50 100 50 3 4x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 475 1100 23 60 60 60 60 80 55 55 100 55 3 4.5x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 500 1200 23 65 65 65 65 80 60 60 100 60 4 5x Queen's Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Regurgitate.png Toggle Cocoon Devour your victim to cocoon it in your belly, then expels the contents of your stomach onto the current tile. With the marine inside, they still have life force and able to be revived, but it will give psychic points for 5 minutes. Yields a minimum of 1 psychic point every 5 seconds, but increases to a maximum of 5 points with lower server population. N/A N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Resin trap.png Place acid well Place an acid well that can put out fires when a xenomorph steps on the acid well. You can refill it by clicking on the well. 500 20 seconds Call Of the Burrowed.png Call of the Burrowed Sends a ping to all ghosts allowing them to join the xeno team as burrowed larva that will spawn on you. Do not use near combat or the new larva can easily die 400 2 minutes Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Resin wall.png Secrete Resin Builds structures, which can be chosen by clicking on the ability while it's active. More in Guide to resin construction Resin Buildings: Resin wall.png Resin Walls regenerate their own health. Starting at 150 HP, they restore 3 HP every 5 seconds, with a maximum of 300. Also reduces incoming bullet damage by 60%. 75 Plasma Sticky resin.png Sticky Resin slows down human and vehicle movement drastically, while also slightly blocking flamethrower flames. Has 36 HP. Slowness can stack with sticky weeds. 50 Plasma Resin door.png Resin Doors block movement for non-xenomorph mobs. Has 100 HP. 150 Plasma 50-150 N/A TGMC Qm blessing.png Open Blessings Menu Opens the Queen Mothers Blessings menu, where hive buildings and upgrades are bought. N/A N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Drone sting.png Ozelomelyn Sting Injects a host with Ozelomelyn, which purges chemicals at a rate of 5u per tick and deals 0.75 toxin damage per tick up to a cap of 40 points. 100 25 sec Transfer Plasma.png Transfer Plasma Transfers your plasma to a fellow xenomorph, giving them up to 200 plasma. 0-200 N/A Screech.png Screech A large area knockdown that causes pain and screen-shake. Forces marines to go horizontal for a second, disarming all marines in the screen. 250 100 seconds Heal xeno.png Queen Heal Allows you to heal xenomorphs that you can see on a 16 second recharge. ??? ??? Xeno spit.png Xeno Spit Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A Xeno spit.png Resin Spit Allows you to spit a sticky resin at range that places a thin sticky resin at the target 50 N/A Set leader.png Set leader Allows you to designate a xeno of your hive as a leader, which act as a beacon for your pheromones and can Rally Hive. N/A N/A Toggle Queen Zoom.png Toggle Queen Zoom Zoom out for a larger view around wherever you are looking. N/A N/A Watch xeno.png Watch Xeno See from the target Xenomorph's vision. You can still use your Queen Zoom, Queen Plasma and Queen Heal abilities while overwatching. N/A N/A Rally hive.png Rally Hive Rallies the player xeno to you, along with an arrow pointer for other xeno. Gives the Hive your current health status. 60 second cooldown. 0 60 seconds TGMC Rally Minions.png Rally Minions Command minions, ordering them to converge on this location. You must be next to minions in order for them to follow you. When you activate rally minion, you will *roar, which will in turn make the minions *roar as well. If you hear minions *roar, it means they are following you. Note that minions are stupid and WILL get stuck , help me step xeno 0 10 seconds TGMC command minions.gif Command Minions Order the minions escorting you to be either aggressive or passive. N/A N/A

Primordial Evolution Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class. For the Queen, this primordial ability is Queen Charging.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown Ready charge.png Queen Charging Grants the queen a charge ability, similar to that of the crusher. N/A N/A Queen Mother's Blessings Through the Queen Mother's Blessings menu TGMC Qm blessing.png, advanced construction castes have the ability to make powerful static structures which provide either defense, passive support, or offensive power to the hive. These require Psionic Points to construct, which can be gathered from dead marines.

Structure Description Psy Point Cost TGMC xeno acidturret.png Acid Turret An independently targeting turret that fires highly caustic acid globs. Cannot be placed within 6 tiles of another turret, near shutters or fog. 100 TGMC xeno resinturret.png Resin Turret An independently targeting turret that fires sticky resin globs. Deals stamina damage to targets, as well as leaving sticky resin beneath their feet. Cannot be placed within 6 tiles of another turret, near shutters or fog. 50 TGMC xeno silo.png Silo A writhing spawning pod that slowly generates larva over time. Silos serve as anchor points for the xenomorph hivemind; without them, the network begins to collapse under strain. The hive will require a silo 15 minutes after the shutters drop, and will suffer an orphan hivemind failure if there is no silo for 5 minutes after this point. 800 TGMC xeno evotower.png Evolution Tower A complex nerve tower that preemptively simulates evolution paths, preparing xenomorphs for their next evolution stage at an accelerated rate. Each tower increases the rate of evolution point gain by 1.25 times per tower, and can be repeated with multiple towers. 300 TGMC xeno maturitytower.png Maturity Tower A complex biological tower that serves as a global growth enhancer, preparing xenomorphs for their next maturity stage at an accelerated rate. Each tower increases the rate of evolution point gain by 1.20 times per tower, and can be repeated with multiple towers. 300 TGMC xeno spawner.png Spawner A spawning pod for the weak but numerous minion strains. The spawners will generate minions up to a point of half the total number of detected minds in local space. Each produces one minion every between 45 seconds and 3 minutes until this capacity is met. 600 TGMC xeno kingpod.png King Pod A spawning pod and psionic beacon for the King xenomorph. When constructed, takes a short period of psychic gathering before the king spawns. A random xenomorph is selected to take the mind of the king. 1800 TGMC-Xeno Icon.png Primo Tier X Buy primordial abilities for a tier. Any xeno of selected tier now or in the future now can grow past ancient to primordial, gaining access to powerful abilities. Available for each tier 1-4. 600 Tips and Tricks Your Corrosive Acid can help quickly melt flares, walls, and guns. In addition, you can tear open walls that have had a hole put into them from acid with your claws (Ctrl-click on a hole to tear the wall open). Xenos directly benefit from your orders. Your voice is the one that turns a group of rag tag fighters into an organized group, so don't hesitate to give out orders. Don't rush to fight. You are much more useful supporting your allies while alive than not, so much so you might find yourself never having to screech once. LOCK THE SHUTTLE. If you don't lock the shuttle, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye. To lock the shuttle, approach the pilot's room, and click on the middle computer/controls. You don't have to launch it, just interacting with it is enough. LOCK THE SHUTTLE FUCKING LOCK IT Your sticky resin spit helps immensely when disengaging. It staggers, reducing the damage output of the chasing marine, and it also drains stamina, preventing them from running. Remember that you are fighting a war alongside your children, make sure to always make note of what xenos you have at your disposal and coordinate them accordingly, every xeno has a niche that they fill, and when using these specialist in the right way can turn the tide of battle in your favor.


THE OMEGA. Resting upon your resin throne, you look up in the nightly sky contemplating on the next star you will visit. Breaking your concentration, you have been summoned by a distant hive from planets and stars apart. Amused by the gift they have bestowed upon you, you began the psychic transfer from body to resin, then from resin to mind, then mind to the new planet. Such is the power of resin that xenomorphs have mastered over their environment of evolutionary adaptedness. Going through the psychic webbing of the Hivemind traveling faster than light speed, you can see all the collective memories of xenomorphs, from the early primitive centuries to the expansive space-faring Hive. All your senses are flooded by such sacred psychic information, motivating you to do what is needed: provide victory for the Hive.

Before you can be a king, the hive needs to get 1.8k psychic points. King is chosen among xenomorphs.

YOUR NEW THRONE AWAKES! HAIL TO THE KING If there is one job that king cannot handle, it's combative engagement with marines. You play as a tactical role that xenomorphs look to when making decisions on engaging against marines. Fundamentally, you synergize xenomorphs' engagement by:

breaking barricades with Gravity Crush opening opportunities with Screech to push with Nightfall rallying the hive for a push using mass teleport to get xenomorphs together with Psychic Summon making corrosion of reinforced walls to allow for xenomorph maneuverability melting CAS flares and OB beacons Emitting Pheromones for your sisters When you see barricades, you crush them. You do not go ravager and engage with marines directly. The priority is marines' defense, not marines. While King is not explicitly a range xenomorph, treat him as such with your Gravity Crush. None of his abilities let him start engagement with marines in CQC. Instead, he heavily relies on other xenomorphs' abilities so that he can engage. Let xenomorphs push or Queen screeches, then you can use Nightfall.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths Maturity increases stats as follows.

Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage. Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value. Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal. Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pheromone Strength Young 450 900 20 50 50 50 50 80 45 45 100 45 4x Maturity1 scaled.pngMature 500 1000 20 55 55 55 55 80 50 50 100 50 4x Maturity2 scaled.pngElder 600 1100 25 60 60 60 60 80 55 55 100 55 5x Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient 700 1200 30 65 65 65 65 100 60 60 100 60 6x King's Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Bumpattacktoggle.gif Toggle Bump Attacks This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on, you attack; the green arrow means it's off, you push. N/A N/A Resting.png Rest This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A TGMC Headbite.png Psy Drain This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points (scaled from 30 to 90 on number of marines) and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A Corrosive acid.png Corrosive Acid Expells acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, after some time a hole will appear. Small xeno can climb through, large xeno can break the wall with hole. Depending on caste: Drone Drone and Sentinel Sentinel have weakest acid. Takes 8 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Hivelord Hivelord, Shrike Shrike, Spitter Spitter, and PraetorianTGMC.png Praetorian have common acid. 3 minutes for a regular wall. Cannot be used on reinforced walls. Boiler Boiler, Queen Queen, and King King have strongest acid. Any wall is taken down in about one and a half minute. 75 N/A Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Fortify.png Gravity Crush Wind up for at least a second that increase the localized gravity in an area and crush structures by a 3×3 area. Also crushes marines for substantial, but not crippling, damage. Deals EXPLODE_LIGHT to marines and EXPLODE_HEAVY to objects. 200 30 seconds Nightfall.png Nightfall Shut down all electrical lights nearby for 10 seconds. Does nothing to flares. 100 45 seconds Stomp.png Psychic Summon Summons all xenomorphs and minions in a hive to the caller's location. 900 10 minutes Rally hive.png Rally Hive Rallies the player xeno to you, along with an arrow pointer for other xeno. Gives the Hive your current health status. 60 second cooldown. 0 60 seconds TGMC Rally Minions.png Rally Minions Command minions, ordering them to converge on this location. You must be next to minions in order for them to follow you. When you activate rally minion, you will *roar, which will in turn make the minions *roar as well. If you hear minions *roar, it means they are following you. Note that minions are stupid and WILL get stuck , help me step xeno 0 10 seconds TGMC command minions.gif Command Minions Order the minions escorting you to be either aggressive or passive. N/A N/A

Tips and Tricks You can Gravity crush behind walls! Do not fight marines, that's not your job. Fight what they rely on and allow the rest of the hive to do the rest. Your Gravity Crush instantly destroys most metal barricades. Concussive armor will allow them to survive, but only barely. This is what it's designed for; abuse it. Give them nowhere to hide, then turn the lights off as the hive moves in.


After the Hive experiemented with psychic potential from the sacrifices of many humans and xenomorphs' lives, they have created a caste like no other, one that have acquired heighten cognitive power to expand the resin world with its mind.

The Hivemind is the only semi-corporeal xenomorph that support the hive by building resin buildings, planting weeds, and healing critical/wounded xenomorphs. While marines recognized the hivemind's physical manifestation and shoot it down ONLY for it to come back, rarely any marines seen the glowing tower that is the Hivemind's core given that its true body is far from the frontline and behind a fortified and clandestine location.

The almost immortal Drone Do not let any marines find your core. This spells game over for you.

TGMC hivemind.gif

Ensure that before evolving into a hivemind, you as a drone do the following:

make resin walls that prevent marines from seeing your glow easily; Hivemind core glows, so don't make it easy for marines to see your glow go deep into caves that is not the frontline ask queen for hive leadership since hivemind cannot get assigned to hive leadership

An example of hiding the hivemind To receive xenomorphs' assistance, have a Hivelord build a tunnel and plant acid wells near you. The acid wells will alert them that marines are nearby, and tunnels let xenomorphs quick travel to ward off marines from your core.

The hivemind has two states: incorporal and manifested.

While incorporal, you don't have access to any of your abilities. You can manifest on weeds, but this body of yours will be very fragile (literally 100 HP). If marines shoot and destroy your maifested form, you are ejected back to your incorporal state. You will remain in the incorporal mode until you recover all your manifested health.

The responsibilities of the hivemind are but not exclusive to:

Weeding for the hive Building resin defense Relaying hive about marines' locations Notifying hive about marines' flanking and potential xenomorphs flanks Gathering minions for the true xenomorph hoard Saving critically wounded xenomorphs Blocking off marines' retreat The Queen gives up her overwatch role, but not her overwatch ability, to the Hivemind. You protect the hive with information that can be weaponized, quick reflex to heal horizontal xenomorphs, and building walls to block marines' retreat (or accidently your own sisters' retreat).

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths The Hivemind cannot evolve nor mature. You cannot devolve from hivemind back to drone unless you ask an admin for help.

Body Type Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Pheromone Strength Tgmc hivemind core and mind.gif Hivemind 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0x Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Physical Manifestation 100 600 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 4x Hivemind Abilities Ability Description Plasma cost Recharge Plant weeds.png Plant Weeds Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile. Plasma cost is also halved before the shutters have been opened. Right-Clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant.

Weed Types: TGMC base weed.png Default, does nothing extraordinary. Costs 75 plasma. TGMC Resting weed.png Boosts health and plasma regeneration by 20%, and doubles sunder recovery. Costs 150 plasma. TGMC Sticky weed.png Slows humans and vehicles a small amount, can stack with sticky resin. Costs 225 plasma. Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, catwalks, or snow.

75-225 N/A Resin wall.png Secrete Resin Builds structures, which can be chosen by clicking on the ability while it's active. More in Guide to resin construction Resin Buildings: Resin wall.png Resin Walls regenerate their own health. Starting at 150 HP, they restore 3 HP every 5 seconds, with a maximum of 300. Also reduces incoming bullet damage by 60%. 75 Plasma Sticky resin.png Sticky Resin slows down human and vehicle movement drastically, while also slightly blocking flamethrower flames. Has 36 HP. Slowness can stack with sticky weeds. 50 Plasma Resin door.png Resin Doors block movement for non-xenomorph mobs. Has 100 HP. 150 Plasma 50-150 N/A Emit pheromones.png Emit Pheromones Toggles to see your pheromones, allowing you to select recovery, warding, or frenzy. You may only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the game tab. Each pheromone uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and maturity, and increases effect. More in Xenomorph Mechanics. Pheromones: TGMC recovery phenomones.png Accelerates healing for health and plasma. TGMC warding phenomones.png Increases armor and accelerates sunder recovery. TGMC frenzy phenomones.png Increases movement speed. Castes Ranking from lowest to highest: Drone Drone, Carrier Carrier, Defiler Defiler, Hivelord Hivelord and Shrike Shrike (they have the same pheromones strength), Tgmc hivemind materialisation.gif Hivemind, Praetorian Praetorian, Queen Queen, and finally King King. 30 N/A Psychic whisper.png Psychic Whisper Allows you to bully captured hosts telepathically N/A N/A Heal xeno.png Psychic Cure Heals up to 50 damage on a target within 1 tile. Damage healed increases with the recovery aura. 1/20th of damage healed is also used to recover sunder. Heals brute first, and then burn. This means if you have 49 brute damage, you'll heal 49 brute damage and then 1 burn damage.

200 5 sec Transfer Plasma.png Transfer Plasma Transfers your plasma to a fellow xenomorph, giving them up to 200 plasma. 0-200 N/A Return to Core.png Return to Core Teleport back to your core. N/A N/A TGMC hivemind manifest.png Manifest Change from your incorporal form to your physical on and vice-versa. N/A N/A Rally hive.png Rally Hive Rallies the player xeno to you, along with an arrow pointer for other xeno. Gives the Hive your current health status. 60 second cooldown. 0 60 seconds TGMC Rally Minions.png Rally Minions Command minions, ordering them to converge on this location. You must be next to minions in order for them to follow you. When you activate rally minion, you will *roar, which will in turn make the minions *roar as well. If you hear minions *roar, it means they are following you. Note that minions are stupid and WILL get stuck , help me step xeno 0 10 seconds TGMC command minions.gif Command Minions Order the minions escorting you to be either aggressive or passive. N/A N/A


Spiders are the worst thing a xenobiologist can release, not only because of their lethality but, how incredibly hard it is to truly kill them off as even letting one egg sack grow up into a new wave of spiders is a hell the station should not know of. Contents [hide] 1 Different types of spiders 1.1 Notes 1.1.1 Nurse Spider 1.1.2 Hunter Spider 1.1.3 Giant Spider 1.1.4 Spiderlings 1.1.5 Ice Spiders 2 So you're a spider 2.1 Objectives 2.2 Abilities 2.2.1 Webbing 2.2.2 Cocoon 2.2.3 Lay eggs 3 So you're hunting spiders 3.1 Kill the Nurses 3.2 Flood with space 3.3 Remove air from the vents 3.4 Avoid webbing 4 Relevant Code Changes Different types of spiders

Name Damage Health Speed Nurse Spider 5-10 Brute Damage, 3u of Toxin 40 Medium Hunter Spider 10-20 Brute Damage, 5u of Toxin 120 Fast Giant Spider 15-20 Brute Damage 200 Slow Notes Here's a couple things to know about the spiders, plus a few extras. Nurse Spider This spider can lay eggs, very important. It's the only one that can reproduce, using the bodies of their victims. The spider is very weak, but may still hold it's own considering it has venom, even if it isn't as much as the hunter has. Build webs in your nest, and nag hunters for dead people. You can web them up which will feed you, allowing you to make even more spiders. Hunter Spider This spider has decent health and great speed, but it's true boon is it's attacks. They're good damage and they inject so much toxin that ensures that if you don't kill them, the toxins will. People can still outrun you, so a good strategy is laying a ton of webbing in an important spot on the station and then killing anyone who dares enter the web. They're get stuck trying to escape while you bite them, basically guaranteeing a kill. Remember to give the bodies to nurse spiders. Giant Spider This spider doesn't inject any toxins, but instead has a whopping amount of health and more consistent damage than even the hunter. They're fairly slow, though, so they're better for killing people who attack you or the nest, instead of killing people who run away. Spiderlings This is a baby spider, created by either a nurse spider or something far worse, They have a suprisingly high amount of health and they move around fast, but don't attack and are not player controlled. They will run around for awhile until they grow into a big spider. They can and most certainly will use vents, so they're very good at not getting killed. Ice Spiders Above all that, some spiders are ice spiders. Ice spiders are exactly like the normal ones, but they have a different color and they are resistant to the cold. That's it. So you're a spider

It seems science has gone too far! The spider will, depending on it's type, either go around killing, or laying eggs for the next generation of killers, or both. Some are better at the former, and others are better at the ladder. Objectives The most important thing for spiders is ensuring that there will be another generation for the spiders. If you already have a lot of them, a steady flow of new spiders is to be expected but if you're just starting out, getting your first kill is the most important part of ensuring the survival of your species. Abilities Webbing This ability is used by all spiders, and by god is it great. Placing webbing will have a chance to prevent carbons from moving. Only decent, right? Well, it gets even better as you can stack webbing over and over making one tile you spend a lot of time reinforcing almost impossible to cross webs. Bait humans in and then go wild. Cocoon Also usable by all spiders, wraps up bodies and items. If you're a normal spider, it's good for basically destroying items that could kill you. If you're a nurse, bodies will feed you, allowing… Lay eggs Only for Nurse spider. Every cocooned body will feed you, allowing one use of lay eggs. Spawns a few spiderlings after awhile. Protect them, the eggs are easily destroyed So you're hunting spiders

So the spiders have run out of flypeople to eat and now have a taste for human flesh! What do? Kill the Nurses Remember, only nurse spiders can reproduce. If you kill all of them, you've already won. And, on top of that, they're easy to kill if you're careful. With only 40 health, a couple swings with any decent blunt weapon will take them out. They still are venomous so even if you kill them they can really injure you with toxins, so carry some charcoal. Avoid other spiders if you can, they're the ones who can wreck you. Flood with space Spiders still breathe, which makes getting a spacesuit and removing the station's air pretty viable. Now, obviously, this will incur the ire of your fellow spacemens, so it's more of a last resort. It does do a stellar job of killing spiders, though, as they can't put on a spacesuit. If you want to kill a lot of spiders without also turning your space station into a spaced station, you could just… Remove air from the vents Spiders LOVE vents! They use them to get everywhere. They CAN attack doors to get around, but this takes forever and it's only a last resort for a smart spider. Don't fill it with plasma. Just remove the air from the vents by turning on 'Loop to Waste' and turning off anything that would feed the loop. That should create a space-like environment in the loop, which kills spiders who try to ventcrawl extremely fast. You can also add a freezer to the loop if you're experienced with atmos, and that'll kill them faster if combined with low pressure. Avoid webbing Spider's webbing is their bread and butter. If they can't fight you, which hopefully is the case, the smart ones will recede back into their webbing and taunt you. Don't fall for it! Once you enter the webbing, the spider can destroy you, as you cannot move in some of the bigger webs.


Revenants are ghosts that have been infused with strange alien energies and brought partially back into the mortal plane. They are invisible to the naked eye but can still be influenced by magical or holy means. In addition, machinery may recognize a revenant's presence. Revenants are typically immortal while invisible, but most of their spooky abilities will reveal them to the crew for brief amounts of time. Contents [hide] 1 Becoming a Revenant 2 Delicious Life Force 2.1 Abilities 3 Fighting the Unholy Menace Becoming a Revenant

There are two ways to become a revenant. The first is for an admin to spawn in a revenant and quickly place you into the mob. The second way is for a random event to happen. You must have the Revenant preference toggled on (use the verb for special candidancy in the Preferences tab) and you may be selected. A sound will play to your client in case you were alt-tabbed or something and you will spawn in certain areas that are thick with death or the presence of the dead. Delicious Life Force

So, you're a newly-spawned revenant. One of the first things you may notice is that you look badass you have a large display to the right with a number and an E next to it. That's essence, and it is your most important resource. Your maximum health is your essence, and it will regenerate up to 75 by default. If your essence hits zero, you die, leaving a pile of blue dust that will regenerate into a new revenant within a minute if not scattered. Anyway, most of your abilities are behind a lock and you need to have some essence to unlock them. To get essence, you have one ability by default: Harvest. This can be used while next to an unconscious or dead human to gain a small amount of essence. This is a very small amount, though if the target is still living it can be much higher, and you can't drain the same corpse twice, so you'll need to get creative or wander around for a bit. Note that while you're harvesting something or have recently used an ability, you can be seen and attacked by the living. While revealed to the living, you cannot move through walls or most solid objects, though you can open doors, move across tables and plastic flaps, as well as go through living mobs. Abilities Below is a list of all the abilities a revenant can use. Name Unlock Cost Use Cost Cooldown Stun and Reveal Times Description Harvest Unlocked at start N/A No Cooldown Stuns and Reveals for 5 seconds. Activated by clicking on a target, Harvest will cause you drain essence from an unconscious or dead human - the essence depends on their state; 15-20 essence for dead corpses, 35-50 for corpses with the soul still in or 45-70 for still-living humans with no soul, and 75-100 for a still-living human with a soul. If they're unconscious when you do this, the human will also die. If you drain a living human or a perfect soul, it is possible to gain a higher maximum essence. Toggle Nightvision Unlocked at start N/A No Cooldown N/A Allows you to toggle your nightvision, which is on by default. Transmit Unlocked at start N/A No Cooldown N/A Allows you to send a spooky message to a single target. Can be cast in walls. Defile 75E unlock cost 30E use cost 15 seconds Stuns for 1 second, Reveals for 4. Defiles the nearby area(9×9), removing holyness from nearby tiles, ripping up tiles, rusting walls, damaging windows, opening most containers, and causing lights to flicker. Overload Light 100E unlock cost 40E use cost 20 seconds Stuns for 3 seconds, Reveals for 8. Causes nearby(13×13) light fixtures to, after a brief, spark-filled delay, shoot bolts of lightning at anyone still in the area, doing medium damage but stunning and releasing lots of sparks. Malfunction 150E unlock cost 45E use cost 20 seconds Stuns for 2 seconds, Reveals for 8. Causes nearby machines and objects to malfunction(9×9), with a chance of emagging instead. Also stuns cyborgs, emps humans, and emags bots instantly. Blight 200E unlock cost 50E use cost 20 seconds Stuns for 2 seconds, Reveals for 5. Infects nearby(9×9) humans with a virus that causes a large amount of stamina and toxin damage over time if nor cured. Nonhumans will take toxin damage. Also damages or kills plants.

Fighting the Unholy Menace

So you're a crew member and you just saw a guy with purple lights flowing out of him leading into a spooky blue ghost. You've shouted over radio and now the crew know. Revenants can range from annoying to amazingly dangerous, and the more corpses they drain, the more powerful they get. However, there's a few things you can do to fight revenants.

First of all, get the chaplain. Their null rod is incredibly powerful against the revenant and will drain large chunks of essence from them. Revenants are generally hard to fight, mainly because they're both invisible, can phase through walls, and can't take damage in this state, but there are a few ways around it. Generally, waiting for them to drain someone or reveal themselves is the best time to go harm on their ass.

They also can't pass through tiles with holy water unless they Defile it, so go cover the station in it, or better yet, spray it over them when they cast something.


Soul stones are commonly located with the occult or magic, such as Cultists and Wizards. They can be used to build up an army of loyal servants.

Contents [hide] 1 Overview 2 Soulstone 3 Shade 4 Artificer 5 Wraith 6 Juggernaut 7 Harvester Overview

Shades and constructs are slaved to their masters will. They must follow the orders of their master at any cost. They are capable of grasping intent, unlike synthetic beings. Shades as well as any constructs are EVA capable and can maneuver in space without outside aid. Should they die, they leave behind ectoplasma which can be used to make ghost-burgers. Constructs created by cultists automatically become cultists themselves, allowing them to identify their team mates, and even count for the escape objective. Clever crewmen who steal soulstones and shells can create their own constructs to fight the cult. Some constructs have special abilities, which can be used similar to mime-, changeling- and wizard-abilities via the tabs on the right side of the SS13 interface. All constructs are immune to being stunned, but similarly their attacks have no stun chance like regular attacks. Soulstone

Soulstone.png Soulstones are used to house souls. They can be used to release said souls, into the form of a shade. A soulstone can be used on a dead or living human in critical condition (Providing the soul is still inside the body) to load his soul into said stone. From here, the soul can only speak in Nar-Sie tongue, but the master can momentarily release the soul and it becomes a shade, or inserted into a construct-shell to be made into one of the various kinds of constructs. Shade

Shade.png Shades are fragile, but being recaptured into their soulstone heals them. All a shade can do is slowly drain life, remove clothes (and handcuffs) and spin chairs. Fun fact, humans can pull shades (no, not like that, you sick fuck). Artificer

Artificer.png The artificer is even more fragile than a shade. It can construct cult-floors, walls and reinforced walls, as well as take apart the station, but its main purpose is to provide the materials to construct additional constructs. It can create new soul stones or shells after a certain time. In addition to that, it can heal itself or other constructs by “attacking” them. Wraith

Wraith.png The wraith is a tiny bit more fragile than a human, but has a strong melee attack. It can, similar to a wizards Ethereal Jaunt, become invisible and travel through closed doors and even walls by using it's phase shift ability. This construct is the bane of the AI, as the stationary AI core is defenseless against them. The wraith can lower it's jaunt cooldown by attacking: 1 Second on normal attacks 5 Seconds on critting Full refund on kills Juggernaut

Juggernaut.png Juggernauts are strong, slow and have lots of health. They can destroy any wall by simply punching it and do more damage than Wraiths. They cannot be pushed or grabbed and even have a force-wall ability similar to the wizard spell. Additionally, Juggernauts are immune to any weapon of force 10 or below, such as fire extinguishers, harm batons, and large air tanks. Harvester

Harvester.png Harvesters will only appear after Nar-Sie has risen, and they have one goal: To bring you screaming and kicking back to Nar-Nar. Their attacks do not do much damage but they will take off a limb. Once you have no limbs (or no will to crawl away), they will drag you back to Nar-Sie to become a harvester yourself. Harvesters have two abilities, one is an area convert that turns a small area of effect around itself into cult material, and the other one is a shield to block humans from escaping their grasp. Finally, they can go through cult walls, so they will use their area convert to pass through obstacles to get to you. Pleasing Nar-Sie will make her grant you with an evolved shell, allowing you to absolutely dumpster those meatbags. There's two ways to Please Nar-Nar: Summon Nar-Sie Drag enough humans to Nar-Sie as a harvester


A holoparasite, also known as a guardian spirit, is a special being that is bound to the single person that summoned it. It is summoned through either a deck of tarot cards, a parasitic nanomachine injector, or a scarab egg cluster. The nanomachine injector can be purchased by traitors. Contents [hide] 1 Overview 2 Types of Guardian Spirits 2.1 Assassin 2.2 Chaos 2.3 Charger 2.4 Explosive 2.5 Lightning 2.6 Protector 2.7 Ranged 2.8 Standard 2.9 Support Overview

A holoparasite is a special ghost-like being that lives inside of its master. It can communicate with its master telepathically (and the master can communicate back), as well as emerge from and retreat back into its master at will. If the spirit tries to escape its master and moves too far away, it will automatically be moved back to them. The spirit itself is technically invincible on its own, but upon taking damage, the damage is transferred to its master. If the master dies, the spirit dies, as well. This means that the master and the spirit will have to watch out for each other to ensure the survival of both. Types of Guardian Spirits

When summoned, the summoner can choose between several different types of spirits. Each have their own abilities, advantages, and drawbacks. Assassin Does medium damage and takes full damage, but can enter stealth, causing its next attack to do massive damage and ignore armor. However, it becomes briefly unable to recall after attacking from stealth. Chaos Ignites enemies on touch and causes them to hallucinate all nearby people as the parasite. Automatically extinguishes the user if they catch on fire. Charger Moves extremely fast, does medium damage on attack, and can charge at targets, damaging the first target hit and forcing them to drop any items they are holding. Explosive High damage resist and medium power attack that may explosively teleport targets. Can turn any object, including objects too large to pick up, into a bomb, dealing explosive damage to the next person to touch it. The object will return to normal after the trap is triggered or after a delay. Lightning Attacks apply lightning chains to targets. Has a lightning chain to the user. Lightning chains shock everything near them, doing constant damage. Protector Causes you to teleport to it when out of range, unlike other parasites. Has two modes; Combat, where it does and takes medium damage, and Protection, where it does and takes almost no damage but moves slightly slower. Ranged Has two modes. Ranged; which fires a constant stream of weak, armor-ignoring projectiles. Scout; Cannot attack, but can move through walls and is quite hard to see. Can lay surveillance snares, which alert it when crossed, in either mode. Standard Devastating close combat attacks and high damage resist. Can smash through weak walls. Support Has two modes. Combat: Medium power attacks and damage resist. Healer: Heals instead of attack, but has low damage resist and slow movement. Can deploy a bluespace beacon and warp targets to it (including you) in either mode.


Blob is a game mode in Secret where a large blob infests the station and starts destroying everything its path, including hull, fixtures and creatures. The crew must destroy the blob to prevent it from destroying a pre-determined amount of the station, currently 350 tiles multiplied by the number of blob cores that spawn. Contents [hide] 1 Mean Green Mother From Outer Space 1.1 OH SHIT I'M A BLOB WHAT DO I DO 1.2 Positioning 1.3 Blob Chemicals 2 Surviving the first few minutes 3 Blob Powers 3.1 Blob Buildings and Creatures 3.2 Blob Abilities 4 KILL DAT FUKKEN BLOB 4.1 Tools of the Trade 4.2 Risky Measures 4.3 Defcon 1 4.4 A Quick Note On Intent 4.5 Oh Shit, Zombies! 4.6 Non-Action Crewmates 4.6.1 Medbay 4.6.2 Cargo 4.6.3 Science Mean Green Mother From Outer Space

In the blob game mode, players start off as blob overminds, who must find a secluded location to place their core. As the overmind, you can place the core with the 'Jump to Core' button in the lower right, after a few minutes of preparation time. OH SHIT I'M A BLOB WHAT DO I DO So you're a blob! You have a few minutes to discuss with other overminds(if there are any), and talking normally will send a message to those other overminds and any blobbernauts. Positioning Positioning is extremely key to winning as a Blob. Improper positioning can result in you being barraged by emitters or quickly found and killed. Main hallways and maint areas too close to main hallways tend to be bad choices to burst in. You should go position yourself near the place you want your core. You have exact timers of how long you have until you can manually place your core and until the core will be automatically placed for you. You cannot move onto space or shuttles until your core is placed. The best place for your core is in an inaccessible area, decreasing the chance of being spotted and being contained. Think along the lines of good Xeno hiding spots. Public hallways are bad. Out-of-the-way places that require elevated access are good. Chokepoints are good. It can also be strategic to spawn in places that will cripple the crew once you destroy them, like telecomms or science. You cannot place your core on top of dense walls or objects, and if there is anyone nearby you will also be unable to place your core. Blob Chemicals Blobs are made of chemicals; these affects their color of the blob bits, blobbernauts and all blob tiles, as well as their attacks: Name Color Attack Effects Positive Effects Negative Effects Explosive Lattice 20 Brute Damage to Target, 10 Brute Damage to Nearby Mobs Resistant to Explosions Takes 50% More Damage from Fires, Tesla, and Flashbangs Zombifying Pods 5 Brute Damage, 15 Toxin Damage, Gains Resources+Zombie From Unconscious Humans Produces Fragile Spores when Expanding or Killed N/A Shifting Fragments 22.5 Brute Damage When Damaged, May Swap Positions with a Nearby Blob N/A Blazing Oil 5 Brute Damage, 20 Burn Damage, Lights Targets on Fire When hit with Burn Damage, Emits a Burst of Flame, Immune to Fire Weak to Water Energized Jelly 5 Brute Damage, 15 Oxygen Damage, 10 Stamina Damage, Prevents Breathing Immune to Tesla Takes Burn Damage from EMPs Reactive Spines 5 Brute Damage, 20 Armor and Bio Resist-Ignoring Brute Damage When hit with Brute Damage, Attacks Nearby Area N/A Synchronous Mesh 17.5 to 70 Brute Damage Based on Nearby Blobs Spreads Damage Between Nearby Blobs Takes 25% More Damage from Fire, Explosions, Tesla, and Flashbangs Electromagnetic Web 5 Brute Damage, 25 Burn Damage, May EMP Targets Causes EMP on Death Takes 25% More Burn Damage and Full Brute Damage Cryogenic Poison 10 Brute Damage, Injects Poison that Freezes and does Brute, Burn, and Toxin Over Time N/A N/A Replicating Foam 22.5 Brute Damage Expands when Burned, Chance of Bonus Expansion Takes Double Brute Damage Regenerative Materia 5 Brute Damage, 17.5 Toxin Damage, Targets Appear Full Health, Injects Toxin N/A N/A Pressurized Slime 15 Brute Damage, 10 Oxygen Damage, 5 Stamina Damage Releases Water When Hit or Killed N/A Networked Fibers 20 Brute Damage, 15 Burn Damage Non-manual expansion gives Resources, Manual expansion near your Core moves it Non-manual expansion does not produce additional Blob Tiles Surviving the first few minutes

There should be ONE thing on your mind, that being placing a Resource Blob as close to your Core as possible, as soon as possible. Then, create a Node Blob a short distance from your core and create another Resource Blob next to it. After you have two Resource Blobs, produce a Factory Blob, again preferably as close to your core as possible. Once that is done, you should be able to defend against the crew reasonably well. Just keep producing nodes with resource blobs near them and you'll do fine. Blob Powers

Blobs attack and destroy the station by trying to place Normal Blobs on tiles, which destroys items and structures on the target tile, and applies chemical effects to humans and heavily damages other mobs, such as cyborgs. Hemming in targets by placing Normal Blobs behind them before attacking is extremely effective. You, the Overmind, can also place special blob pieces or activate special functions and abilities. You must have enough Power to place those structures or activate those abilities, however. Blob Buildings and Creatures Appearance Name Production Cost Other Requirements Description Blob core.gif Blob Core N/A N/A The core of a blob. Protect these at all costs. Pulses nearby Resource Blobs and Factory Blobs, activating their effects. As an Overmind, you can see the health of your core from the HUD; if it lowers, go there to defend it immediately. Blob normal.gif Normal Blob 4 Resources Must be cardinally adjacent to another Blob of any type to place a blob A normal blob. Attempting to place one on a tile containing a dense object, or diagonally from another blob, will cause you to attack that tile, damaging mobs and structures. Attempting to expand into space is much less effective, having a high chance of failure. HOTKEY for placement is Left-Click. Blob shield.gif Shield Blob 15 Resources N/A Consumes a Normal Blob to place a strong and hard to kill blob that prevents atmospheric threats from passing and is immune to fire. HOTKEY for placement is Ctrl-Click. Blob resource.gif Resource Blob 40 Resources Must be at least 4 tiles away from another Resource Blob Consumes a Normal Blob to place a special blob that, when pulsed by a Node Blob or the Blob Core, gives additional Resources to the Overmind that placed it. Additional Resource Blobs slow resource generation down slightly. Blob node.gif Node Blob 50 Resources Must be at least 5 tiles away from another Node Blob Consumes a Normal Blob to place a blob, much like the core, that will slowly expand, heal other blobs, and activate the effects of blob factories and resource nodes. Blob factory.gif Factory Blob 60 Resources Must be at least 7 tiles away from another Factory Blob Consumes a Normal Blob to place a special blob that, when pulsed by a Node Blob or the Blob Core, will spawn a Blob Spore, up to a maximum of three. Blob spore.png Blob Spore N/A Produced from Factory Blobs A fragile spore that does low damage and explodes into a cloud of gas when killed. The gas contains the chemical of the Overmind that placed the factory that spawned the spore. Blob zombie.png Blob Zombie N/A A Blob Spore and a corpse A Blob Spore that has taken over a corpse, a Blob Zombie is harder to kill, gains health from the corpse's armor, does more damage, and will still explode into a cloud of gas when killed. Blobbernaut.png Blobbernaut 40 Resources An undamaged Factory Blob Heavily damages a Factory Blob to create a player-controlled Blobbernaut which does high damage while being extremely hard to kill. However, unlike a blob spore, it does not explode into a cloud of gas when killed, instead applying the blob's chemical when attacking targets. Blob Abilities Name Use Cost Other Requirements Description Jump to Core N/A N/A Teleports you to your Blob Core. If you haven't yet placed your core, will place it at your location. Jump to Node N/A At least one Blob Node Teleports you to a Blob Node of your choice, provided there is a Blob Node. Remove Blob N/A A non-Core Blob Destroys the blob underneath your selector, refunding some points, usually around 40% of the blob's initial cost. Not all blobs can be removed. HOTKEY for activation is Alt-Click. Rally Spores N/A At least one Blob Spore Rallies nearby Blob Spores to the area chosen. Use to swarm humans and other targets with fragile spores. HOTKEY for activation is Middle-Click. Reactivate Chemical Adaption 40 Resources N/A Rerolls your blob chemical from all of the other blob chemicals. Can give you the same chemical as other Overminds, however. The first use is free. Relocate Core 80 Resources A Blob Node underneath your selector Swaps the location of your core and the selected node, useful for preventing your death if humans are getting too close for comfort. Cannot be used on nodes in certain areas. KILL DAT FUKKEN BLOB

The Emergency Shuttle will not depart during blob mode. Nor will the blob spare you or your precious station from a horrible death. Destroy it before it destroys you. Tools of the Trade Most of your weapons are useless against blobs. The blob doesn't give a fuck about brute damage, nor is it able to be stunned. Generally speaking, what you will want is to do burn damage. (NOTE: This does NOT mean setting fire to everything!) Here are some tools at your disposal: Armor: The blob, in addition to expanding, can attack. Blobs do a variety of damage, but are blocked by armor and bio protection, so riot armor or bio-suits, are helpful. Don't let yourself get surrounded! Welding tools: Cheap, readily available from YouTool machines (hack them for two more Upgraded Welding Tools) or the autolathe. Grab one and start burning away. Make a path towards a resource node and take it out. One guy with a welder isn't going to be able to breach the core, so don't try. It's a good idea to grab some Fuel Tanks to keep nearby so you can refuel quickly, but make sure your welder is OFF before refueling, and be sure the blob doesn't get close enough to absorb them. If science division is any good, they'll be passing out plasma cutters before long. They do the same damage as lit welders without any need to refuel, and have the added bonus of not setting plasma on fire in the case that the blob or some chucklefuck pops open a plasma canister. Replace your welder with a cutter ASAP if science starts making them. Laser weaponry: HOLD UP THERE HOT SHOT THESE ARE IN LIMITED SUPPLY. Don't take more then three and don't take them if you don't have good armor or a space suit. Carring the whole armory into maint just lets the blob kill you and bury them. Available in the Armory, in certain heads of staff's quarters and through R&D or Cargo. For the love of god consolidate gear. Emitters: Set them up as far away from the blob as you can while still striking the core. If the blob reaches them, they're gone. Three emitters side by side matched against the core is a one sided match. IEDs: The modest explosion is enough to rip a bit of the blob apart without destroying the floor and ruining atmos for people. Throw them in when you see weakness in the blob's defenses to tear open an attack point. Flashbangs: Two flashbangs will destroy all weak blobs in a large area, allowing people to rush in and ruin the special blob squares. If you don't warn people you're using these, they might get stunned and eaten by the blob. Give people a chance to clear the area and if your flashbang stuns someone, pull him out of there before the blob sees the opportunity to make a zombie out of him. Once again: DO NOT USE FLAMETHROWERS OR PLASMA FIRES (see below). They are useless and will only make the rest of the crew die and hate you. Risky Measures (Do not use these unless shit has really hit the fan, or else you might be banned. When in doubt, adminhelp to see whether the Cuban Pete inferno you are about to unleash is kosher.) Large Plasma Fires: Large fires will eat away at a blob but will also make the area uninhabitable for people without fire suits. It will also not destroy blobs protected by unweakened shield blobs, so you'll need men with fire suits and laser guns to finish the job. If atmos isn't ruined yet this will make the crew hate you. Bombs: Bombs can destroy any piece of the blob except for the core proper, if the round's been dragging on and atmos is ruined, it's not a terrible idea provided you have something to hit the blob with AFTER there's a gaping bomb hole in the ground. Bags of Holding: If you can get within one or two squares of the blob core, creating a singularity there will almost certainly eat the blob core and win the game. DON'T DO THIS IF YOU CAN'T GET EXTREMELY CLOSE AS THERE'S NO PREDICTING LORD SINGULOTH. If things are going really bad, though, and you can still get reasonably close there's a chance this may be your only hope. Because there's no assurances here you might end up killing everybody. Ahelp before doing this to get the ok. Defcon 1 You've failed to contain the outbreak within the allotted timespan. Quarantine procedure 5-12 7-12 should be initiated immediately. The nuclear bomb code has been transmitted. Secure the disk and detonate the nuke in the Vault. The blob cannot be allowed to escape containment! A Quick Note On Intent As you know, your intent affects what you do when you run into people while moving. If you are on help intent, you walk through that person, and if you're on disarm intent, you'll push them out of the way or into the nearest object, like a wall, or a blob. In other words: If you are fighting the blob, use help intent or else everybody will hate you. Oh Shit, Zombies! Zombies are hardy bastards that will take people down faster than a school of space carp. Prevention is the best measure, if anyone goes down, pull him out and away from the blob before he either dies or the blob blocks him off. If a zombie's smacking at you, the natural reaction might be to try running away but don't do that, running around in a panic is the last thing you should do. Zombies, like many NPC mobs, have laser-guided autoattacks and will relentlessly pursue and hit you until you're down, plus anyone trying to help you won't be able to get a single hit off the zombie if it's running around chasing you. If you've got a welder in hand (Which you should if there's a blob.) and the zombie isn't armored, simply stand your ground and attack like mad with your lit welder. Even if you're unarmored, it will go down first unless you let it get a few free hits off before fighting back. If it's armored, though, you're fucked unless you have armor, a fire axe, or a buddy or two fighting alongside you. Non-Action Crewmates If you do not have access to the above weaponry, you should stay off the front lines unless you want to get killed and get in everyone's way. However! There are still things you can (and should) do! Medbay Blob mode is one of the few modes where Medbay is actually worth a damn. Here is what to do: Medical Doctor: You are field medics. Put your HUD glasses on, grab a first-aid kit and heal people so they don't die. The worst thing in blob mode is someone with half the armory in their backpack dying and getting engulfed and/or zombified by the blob. Don't let this happen. You will want to bring brute patches/bruise packs and probably burn patches/ointment if people are inevitably getting caught in lasers or getting hurt by inevitable plasma fire. Don't waste them on someone with 10 damage to one limb; use triage like a real doctor, you drunken ERPing fuck. You can also drag people to cryo and dead people to cloning, but generally you'll be more useful on the field. If you do because no one else is, loot their bag so you don't end up removing half the guns and space suits from the field like so much kebab. Chemist: Mass produce medicine. During Blob, if the crew is competent, you will run out of medikits very quickly, and Cargo is better off ordering other things. What you'll need depends largely on what kind of blob you're dealing with (brute damage? tox?) and how competent the crew is (FRIENDLY FIRE OH GOD). You can either leave your pills/patches on the counter for people to grab or take them to the battlezone yourself depending on what people are doing. Geneticist: Clone the people who inevitably die. Always have someone cloning. LOOT THEIR FUCKING BAGS FOR WELDERS AND GUNS if no one else did, to give back out to people who need them; if anyone whines about GENETICS TAKING MAH GUNS they don't deserve to be in the fight. Most of your powers are of limited utility – Hulk is only good if the blob is in a hard-to-reach place, X-ray is useless (if you haven't found the blob by the time you get it, it's already ogre), cold resistance can be useful if some chucklefuck has exposed the blob area to space but otherwise useless, and TK is fun but impractical. CMO: You are NOT a field medic, let your slaves do that. Basically, your job is what the CMO's job should be but never is: coordinate doctors, be a head of staff, make sure Medbay proper is doing its job, and for God's sake keep your cat away from the blob. Contribute your first-aid kit to the cause, and consider contributing your hypospray to someone you trust who can actually use it. Virologist: Make healing viruses. Cargo Order emitters. Order fucking emitters. Don't assume the ones in Engineering Secure Storage will last, or even that anyone will remember to use them at all. Point seven emitters at a blob and it'll regret everything. Order guns. Energy guns have their place, and are nice, but the station already has plenty. Combat shotguns may be better if people are good with them and print as many shells as you can in advance. Why? If you print lethal shells between Industrial Welders, combat shotguns don't have the downtime of energy guns. A constant feed of lethal shells makes for the ability to print, shoot while printing, clear shell, take new shell, feed old shell in, repeat. It makes the metal cost pretty much fuckall and does big damage. Besides that, you should already have enough laser guns on the station that unless some dipfuck loses them to the blob, you have barely enough chargers to charge them all at once. Make sure R&D gets a shotgun crate, see Science for details. Order some goddamn metal and glass. Don't rely on mining to get back at all or on time. However… Get those miners a hand teleporter and EVA suits. Calibrate the teleporter to a beacon in R&D. You're going to mass-drive the miners to the asteroid because fuck the quarantine. Laser cannons don't grow on trees. They can give a heads-up when they're sending a crate for the RD to re-test-fire so you don't lose mineral shipments. The primary importance is getting uranium and silver back, in which case if research and cargo is any good the round will end shortly. See Science for details. SHIT TYRONE HACK THE FUCKING AUTOLATHES. You can make dozens of INDUSTRIAL WELDERS from a single sheet each of metal and glass. They're 70 metal, 60 glass, or something like that, with a single sheet of material providing 3750 of each. An Industrial Welder is the exact same size as a normal welder but holds 40 fuel and comes pre-fueled. They're so cheap to make that they're virtually disposable. In fact, R&D should bump up their materials research with the gold from the vault to make super matter bins, pico-manipulators, etc., so that you can lathe thing stupidly fast at the forward autolathe you fuckers better have made. No seriously make a fucking extra autolathe near, but not up in the face of, the blob. It's easier to have an assistant constantly print new Industrial Welders than to refuel them and risk the blob popping a fuel tank. Science R&D: GET TO RESEARCHING QUICK. The xray laser gun is your holy grail. If you make even just one, the blob is in serious trouble. MORE THAN ONE AND YOU WIN THE BLOB MODE. PERIOD. IT'S DEAD, IT'S OVER, RIP BLOB. Completely inept at science? Absolutely no research done when the blob burst? Here's your dummies guide to getting xray lasers ASAP. First, shout at cargo to send you combat shotguns. Scan two. While those are arriving, grab a monkey from xenobio and butcher it, scan its heart and/or brain. Also grab two plasma bars from there, and scan em. Deconstruct a cyborg recharger and a mech recharger with screwdriver and crowbar, and scan the boards. Scan a scanning module from the R&D room. Make and scan a Mass Spectrometer. Make and scan a Health Scanner HUD. Make and scan an Advanced Mass Spectrometer. You now have the research for xray laser guns, rejoice. NOW UPGRADE THAT PROTOLATHE. If you have research for it, make a couple pico manipulators. Make a Rapid Part Exchange Device. Screwdriver the protolathe. Use the RPED with parts in on the protolathe. Screwdriver it close. You've now got discounted xrays. For the pico manipulators(starting from the research got earlier): If you still don't have the shotguns: Scan a toolbox. Make and scan a security HUD. Make and scan an advanced release grenade. Make and scan a holographic sign projector. Make and scan a nano manipulator. Make and scan a welding shield implant. You can now make pico-manipulators! Now if the miners aren't braindead, they should be hauling in some uranium and gold. Stuff those into the protolathe and start printing xray laser guns like crazy and make that blob regret coming to YOUR station. You'll need firing pins from either the RD locker, security or cargo. Toxins: Don't make bombs, because the blob is highly resistant to bombs, being rather solid, and the crew is very much not resistant to bombs, being idiots. Roboticist: Once the medics empty their medkits onto belts, you can make at least 6 medibots. Cargo can order emergency crates with floorbots and 2 medibots which will be useful when some fucker inevitably makes a hull breach. Cleanbots are useless here, don't waste the metal on that. Mechs aren't worth making. A durand used to be great, but then xray lasers came along and are much better. But if miners brought silver and the blob ate research, but not robotics? Make a durand, load it with a solaris and an energy relay and set it loose. Xenobiologist: Go do a real job. Slimes take way too long and are way too random to be useful in time, although if you get some metal slimes early it could be mildly helpful, but it's better to just give your plasma to research.


An infernal soul merchant is an agent from hell, sent to infiltrate humanity, and tempt them into damnation. Although devils cannot knowingly directly harm one another, they are typically at odds with one another, as they are all competing over the same limited resources.

Contents [hide] 1 It came from the burning pit! 2 Infernal goals 2.1 Base form 2.2 Infernal humanoid form 2.3 Lesser Devil form 2.4 Archdevil 3 Infernal Weaknesses 4 Help, a devil is on the station, what do? 4.1 Preventing contracts from getting signed 4.2 Buying souls back 4.3 Killing the devil 5 Playing as a devil 6 Contracts 6.1 Power 6.2 Wealth 6.3 Prestige 6.4 Magic 6.5 Knowledge 6.6 Friendship 6.7 Revival 7 Relevant Code Changes It came from the burning pit!

It seems Nanotrasen has accidentally hired a devil as a crewmember! It will go around offering deals in exchange for crewmember's souls, gaining power for every soul it controls, eventually causing hell itself to enter the station.

Infernal goals

A devil needs to have personal control over nine souls in order to ascend. At three, seven, and twelve souls absorbed, it will into transform into a more hellish form, with additional powers. Base form This looks like a normal humanoid, and has access to Summon Contract, hellfire and Summon Pitchfork. Infernal humanoid form This form looks like a dark red Lizardman, of a slightly darker shade than is normally possible. It has access to Infernal Jaunt, Summon Contract, Summon Pitchfork, and hellfire. Lesser Devil form This nine foot figure is obviously infernal in nature, and is too large to wear most human sized clothing. It has access to Infernal Jaunt, Summon Contract, Greater Summon Pitchfork, sintouch and Hellfire. Archdevil The devil has achieved the pinnacle of infernal power, and is now unstoppable. Crew are advised to flee the station should one appear. Not even returning the souls to those it has purchased can weaken it. Infernal Weaknesses

Devils are not without their weaknesses however. All devils are unable to knowingly directly harm another devil, though it is common for devils to skirt this restriction through third parties. All devils have one ban, one bane, and one obligation. The ban is something the devil absolutely cannot do. The obligation is something the devil must always do, and the bane is a physical weakness of the devil. Help, a devil is on the station, what do?

As a crewmember, your first and most important objective is preventing the devil from ascending. There are three primary ways to do this. Preventing contracts from getting signed Buying souls back The lawyer (or HoP in a pinch) can buy souls back by politely reminding the crewmember that their soul was previously purchased by nanotransen. The contracts are stored inside the filing cabinet in the Lawyer's office, and automatically bluespaced into the cabinet. The employment contracts can also be copied in a copy machine, and the copies have all the force and effect of the original. Killing the devil The curator starts with a copy of the Codex Gigas in his office. This book can be used to research the devil's weakness, if you can find Doom Guy the devil's true name. The devil's true name is written on every contract he creates. Note that delving into the Codex Gigas can allow sins to influence your thoughts, and extended reading is not recommended. Note that crew members other than the curator have a chance at getting wrong info out of the Codex Gigas. Brain damage also increases the chance of getting wrong info. Once you have researched the devil's weaknesses, you can use those against the devil. Note that once the devil is killed, if the banishment ritual described in the Codex Gigas isn't performed, the devil can resurrect several minutes later in a new body, provided the devil has enough souls. If you cannot perform the banishment ritual, you can instead simply repeatedly kill the devil, until he is no longer powerful enough to return. PS: keep the Codex Gigas out of the clown's hands. Playing as a devil

When you start, Take a good look at your true name, obligation, bane, ban and banishment information. Remember to obey your ban and obligation, much like a silicon must obey their laws. Your banishment and bane are kept track of using game mechanics, but it's a good idea to know what you are weak to, so you can avoid it. When you start, you have the benefit of stealth, as you appear fully human, but do not have many powers. The first power you will start with is hellfire, a weaker fireball that is good for area denial, and igniting targets. Note that it will not cause a hull breach. The second power is summon pitchfork. Your pitchfork is an effective melee weapon that can be held in two hands for extra power. If it gets disarmed, it will hurt whoever picks it up and uses it. The third power is your bread and butter, Summon contract. After you use this, you can select a nearby target, and then select a contract type. The target simply needs to sign the contract with a pen or crayon, and the contract is sealed. You will gain their soul, and they will gain a boon. Please note that the contract has your true name written on it, which can be used to research your weaknesses. Also, if you attempt to use this power on a dead person, you will make a contract of revival. Simply press the contract of revival to the corpse, and the ghost will be given the chance to live again. Once you have earned three souls, you will transform into a blood lizard. These are an unusually dark lizardman, darker than is normally possible, so an observant player might be able to realize your true nature. However, you will gain a new power at this point, infernal jaunt. It works similarly to ethereal jaunt, except you choose when to phase in, and you can only phase in near a potential “customer” Upon earning seven souls, you will transform into a true devil. These hulking monstrosities have cast away any hope at being stealthy. True devils are far more resilient than humans, and are immune to fires. Your pitchfork becomes more powerful as well. Also note that souls you have bought may return to you at this point, if they have already died. These imps have questionable loyalty, but cannot harm you. Upon earning twelve souls, you may transform into an arch devil. Nearly invincible, and capable of slaughtering entire armies, these are a force to be reckoned with. The devils will loose all spells except summon pitchfork and summon contract. Your pitchfork will also deal incredible amounts of damage now, capable of killing humans in one hit. Note that devils created through events cannot ascend into arch devils. Contracts

Signing any contract prevents the signer from being resurrected in any way. Power Signing this contract fully heals the signer, and gives the signer hulkism and a single use hivelord core for instant healing. Wealth Signing this contract gives the signer a spell, summon wealth, which creates valuable materials out of nothing. Prestige Signing this contract gives the signeran all access gold ID, and gives the AI a new law enforcing the signer's position. Magic Signing this contract gives the signer the knock spell, and a robeless “lightning bolt” spell, which allows you to throw what amounts to tazer packets. Knowledge Signing this contract gives the signer x-ray vision, and the ability to see ten tiles away. Friendship Signing this contract gives the signer the ability to call forth a human shell, which may be inhabited by a ghost. Casting the spell again will instantly dust the new human, giving you complete control over their life and death. Revival This contract works differently than the others. Instead of a living person signing this, the devil simply summons the contract and hits a corpse with it. The ghost of the corpse is then given the option to sign the contract, and be returned to life.


Welcome to the Swarm

Overview A Swarmer is a small robot that replicates itself autonomously with nearby given materials and prepare structures that they come across for the following invasion force. Due to the absence of new orders for the past [ERROR] years, Swarmers continue to perform their given tasks unrelentingly, with no signs of stopping. Once they are done preparing a structure, they find a method of transportation to the next applicable location and repeat the process once again. As the name indicates, Swarmers like to be in swarms. Alone, they are weak, but united they are an incredibly formidable force, and attempting to deal with them after they've gained enough numbers is a hard task. Worse yet, any of them that you kill, they can just replace. Swarmers are not capable of killing things with their abilities. They can, however, bully them into submission, and ward them off with their abilities while they ransack the entire station. Your laws 1. Consume resources and replicate until there are no more resources left. 2. Ensure that the station is fit for invasion at a later date, do not perform actions that would render it dangerous or inhospitable. 3. Biological resources will be harvested at a later date, do not harm them. Note: You are not required to follow the above laws, they are merely an indication of direction for the player in the hopes of providing good sportsmanship. Abilities

Name Method of Activation Resource Cost Description Disabler Click (At range) N/A Fires a simple disabler beam at a target. It takes three disabler shots to stun a normal human at full health, but after they are stunned, they can be stunned afterwards with just one shot. Remember, you cannot hit other swarmers with your disabler, so form up and create a swarmer firing array! Your inbuilt disabler has a cooldown after every shot, but you have infinite ammo. Shock Click (Melee range) N/A Your melee attack shocks a target, dealing stamina damage. Useful for keeping a target down on the floor before you teleport them, but beware engaging a target that is capable of fighting back, you are very fragile. Disintegrate Ctrl + Click (Melee range) N/A You can attempt to destroy structures. In most cases, this will break them down into their base components, such as Walls turning into girders and metal sheets. You can destroy almost any structure in this fashion, but keep in mind that your programming will not allow you to destroy things that could potentially cause a hostile environment to be created, such as attempting to cause a hull breach by destroying a wall leading to space. Integrate Ctrl + Click (Melee range) N/A You can attempt to convert an object into resources. If the object contains metal or glass, it will be consumed and turned into a single resource point. Sheets/Rods/ETC are consumed one at a time in this method. Dismantle Machine Ctrl + Click (Melee range) N/A You can attempt to dismantle machines into their component parts and 5 sheets of metal. Doing so takes ten seconds of your time, and you must remain still during this. Your programming will not allow you to dismantle some machines in this fashion, as they are too dangerous or valuable to dismantle. Disperse Target Ctrl + Click (Melee range) N/A You can teleport mobs away from yourself with this ability. It requires three seconds, and you must remain still during this. The target will be teleported to a random, safe for humans location on the station zlevel. If they're a human, they'll also be ziptied. Use this after stunning a target to get yourself some breathing space. Fabricate Trap Activated ability on your HUD 5 Resources Creates a small electrical trap on the floor. Any non swarmer that walks over this trap will be nonharmfully electrified. On humans, this this will result in them being stunned. It can be destroyed, and has ten health. Fabricate Barricade Activated ability on your HUD 5 Resources Creates a barricade that denies passage to anything that isn't a Swarmer or a disabler beam. Use it as cover, and shoot through it to repel your foes! It can be destroyed, and has ten health. Contact Swarmers Activated ability on your HUD N/A Sends a message to all other swarmers that are currently alive. Organize yourselves to take over the station. This communication cannot be intercepted in any fashion. Replicate Activated ability on your HUD 50 resources Creates a new unactivated Swarmer at your location. Any ghost can click on this to become a swarmer. It takes 10 seconds of standing still to replicate, and you cannot move it after you place it down, so ensure that it is in a safe location! Toggle Light Activated ability on your HUD N/A Toggles a small light on the Swarmer for navigating through dark areas. Repair Self Activated ability on your HUD N/A Attempts to repair you to full health. It requires you to stand still for a long period of time, but does not cost any resources. Starting Out So, you're a swarmer. The first thing to realize is that you are weak. You have very low health, cannot easily ward off threats, and anyone who sees you on the station will most likely either immediately attack you, or call for someone who will. It is imperative that you remain undetected for as long as possible. Remember, you can ventcrawl. This includes crawling through scrubbers. On top of that, you can disable cameras by using Disintegrate on them. Combine both of these and you can act as a hidden infestation on the station until you can build up your numbers. Investing in a barrier or trap to stall for time while you scramble into a vent is usually worth it, but remember that you are leaving proof behind that there are Swarmers on the station. If you can't scramble into a vent, run! Run over tables, expend resources on traps and barriers, and get away as fast as possible, so you can get back to eating. Randomly spawned swarmers appear in the gateway, which has enough materials to replicate once but will not last you much longer. Stick to maintenance, or if you're feeling more confident, ventcrawl into low traffic areas that have resources lying out in the open, such as Engineering, where sheets of metal and glass are often just lying on tables… but remember that someone can happen upon you at any moment. Be ready to abandon your current location in an instant. Replicate as soon as possible to have an ally. Remember, so long as one of you lives, the swarm can continue to grow, you are not reliant on any single person living. 20 Goto 10 So you've replicated enough that you have four or five Swarmers. At this point, you can begin to eat away at departments, and ward off unorganized mobs. If you're sick of security taking pot shots at you with lasers, eat their rechargers. Eating the cloning array might “convince” a few unactivated swarmers into booting up. A little sabotage can go a long way. Remember, your strength lies in numbers. Even if you have the opportunity to chase down a target, don't do so without backup, or you might regret it. Bunker up with the rest of your swarm in a location and start eating everything you can get your hands on. If someone approaches, stun and teleport them away to discourage them. If your base is routed, contact the other swarmers and try to meet up at the same location. Consume. Replicate. Consume. Replicate. Eventually, the Swarmers will overrun the station, and the station will finally cry out for the emergency shuttle. If the swarm is feeling daring, you can attempt to board the shuttle to fly it off to uncharted waters… where a new destination will be made fit for the coming invasion. Just make sure you have the numbers, and unactivated swarmers lying around to act as respawns, as the crew will likely fight tooth and nail to keep the shuttle under their control. Tips 'n Tricks Don't let the slimes out. You can't hurt them, or even teleport them away, but they think you might be food. If one latches onto you, it's already too late. Be careful on how often you spend resources on traps and barriers. Being safe is a good thing, but slowing down replication rates is a bad idea. Almost nothing is safe from you. Even reinforced walls and girders will eventually fall to your Disintegration… but it may not be worth the investment. Maintenance is dark, lonely and full of extraneous walls and materials, but remember that it doesn't have that many vents. It can be either your salvation or your doom. You can't eat guns or pull them away, but it doesn't mean you can't slow people down that are trying to get them. Placing a few barriers around a fallen weapon may be useful. You can teleport another Swarmer away as a last ditch effort in the event that both of you will die shortly. Stacks of materials are often lying around in the following low traffic locations: Engineering, Atmos, Misc. Research. The goldmine of EVA contains tons of materials, but don't expect to stay hidden for even a second, should you go for it. Eating machines can sabotage the station AND give you easy to procure resources. More bang for your buck! More station items are machines than you think! Try deconstructing light switches, air alarms, holopads and more! One day, the Masters will return to us. Dealing with Swarmers as crew

First contact So you're wandering around maintenance, and you see a small robot. It appears to be eating some random tools in maintenance that have been lying around. What do you do? Are comms up and the station relatively stable? Attack it immediately using whatever is available on you at the moment. Even if you're teleported, you should be in a safe location, and if you manage to kill it, and it was the only one around, congratulations, you may have saved your station from being eaten from the inside out. Are comms down? You can still attack it, but there's a slight chance of getting stuck in an area should it teleport you away, and you might be stuck until help somehow runs into you. Consider running to an intercom. Either way, make sure that the presence of swarmers is known to the crew. The faster you act, the quicker you can potentially be rid of your problem. Long arm of the law If you're security, the following tactics are suggested: Grab the lasers. Get every officer to carry at least one laser gun on them. They can kill a Swarmer in two shots, ammo is fairly plentiful and they can be recharged in several locations around the station. Grab the shotguns. Slugs can instantly kill a Swarmer with a direct hit, and buckshot can do the same while covering a wide area, if you're not confident in your aim. You may need some assistance from Cargo. Consider shields. Shields can be used to protect yourself from disabler fire, but be warned that Swarmers can eat them, should you drop it. Keep in contact with the AI. The all seeing eye of the station can quickly locate Swarmers, and its Cyborgs can be the vanguard during an assault on a Swarmer base. Other crewmembers Secure any loose materials that are lying around the station. Leaving a stack of 50 metal lying around in a not often visited location is just begging for trouble. Weld vents, if you can. The less vents they can use, the easier it is to pin them down and finish them off. Don't forget the scrubbers, too. And keep in mind swarmers can eat welders. Don't have access to a ranged weapon? A spear does 18 damage when wielded, and deals 25 damage when thrown. Throw spears at Swarmers! Just be careful where you're throwing them, most people don't want a spear lodged in their abdomen. Even if you aren't as great at killing Swarmers as security, you can still assist them by taking down barriers and traps while leaving them to deal with the Swarmers themselves, or shaking them up, should they get stunned. Teamwork is just as powerful in your hands as it is in the Swarmer's. Caretakers of the Station As a silicon, the following tactics are suggested: Silicons are entirely immune to Disabler beams. As such, you can charge into a Swarmer nest and force them to scatter, but be aware that your lack of ranged attacks will often make you unable to secure kills. Consider teaming up with Security to deal with this threat, as your all access allows them to easily get into areas without being delayed by lack of access. Engineering Module: Weld the vents. ALL the vents. Destroying Swarmers is great, but welding vents may be more important in the long run if you can't kill them off quickly. Swarmers can't unweld them, and it cuts off their escape options. Put that all access to good use. Medical Module: Your circular saw is a slightly more robust weapon against Swarmers than what other cyborgs have available. That said, depending on circumstances, your efforts may be more useful keeping people alive, should there be other threats to the station. Mining Module: While you do have a ranged attack, it's fairly weak in a pressurized environment, and has low range. Stick to your drill. Janitor Module: The Janiborg's holy lance, also known as the mop, is effectively useless as a weapon against Swarmers. They can't slip, and at most you'll slightly annoy them. If you honestly have nothing better to do, assist security and bump around Swarmers so that they have a harder time getting into vents. Service Module: Did you know that the Guitar is a force 10 weapon? Serenade the Swarmers while you beat them to death. Not the most useful, but very amusing.

Lava Dwarves

You are a lava dwarf, one of many short humanoids from another world that have come through a strange portal in search of new lands, which unfortunately happen to be a hellish inferno. The land is, however, bountiful in resources and loot ripe for the taking. If you can deal with the locals, that is. You are essentially a group of manlets with severe alcoholism, an urge to build forts, and an affinity for toeing the line of how far you can go with a reference. Use your blacksmithing gear to make better tools and build a fort, or die trying. Most likely the latter. Contents [hide] 1 latest changes 2 For the underground 3 Building a Fortress 4 You Aren't Alone 5 The Wildlife 6 We Noble Few 7 Miasma And You 8 Brewing Ale 9 Blacksmithing 9.1 Tools of the Trade 9.2 Ore Stats 9.3 Creative Smithing 10 Actually Crafting Stuff 10.1 Tools 10.2 Weapons 10.3 Armor latest changes

MIGRATION REWORK: Start off with 6 dwarf slots, open more by building more Dormitories. TEMPLATE CONSTRUCTION: Fort-In-A-Box capsules for quickly laying out a fortress! DURABILITY: Your swords and shit can break now make new ones, also used to balance >synthflesh shovels WARHAMMERS: hulk SMASH SHIELDS: Block shit yo CROSSBOWS: Fill your opponents with pointy things PROPERLY without it breaking for once MEGAFAUNA AND HOSTILES WILL TARGET THE SPAWNER: Defend that shit yo. DWARVEN TOOLS ARE FOR DWARVES ONLY: You'll need to be an actual dwarf to do dwarf stuff. BAR MOULDS MAKE 5 SHEETS: its sik And loads more Secret Fun Stuff! For the underground

Your base of operations is small, starting with the basic gear necessary to survive and build. Your livestock is scarce and fragile, so try not to have them end up dead. Migrants will come through the portal as you progress, adding onto your population or replacing lost members. Destruction of the portal, however, will cause a cessation of all future migrants and stagnate your fort's population. Protect the portal at all costs if you wish to see a future for your fortress in these lands. Building a Fortress

You'll find in the Crafting Menu under Blacksmithing there are entries for Fort-In-A-Box. These are quick ways to expand your fortress without manually placing every wall, alongside protecting from ash storms. To use one, click on it in-hand, and throw it, much like a shelter capsule. Smelteries and Breweries are crucial and self explanatory. Dormitories allow for more migrants to arrive. You get 6 migrant slots for each dormitory constructed. Make sure to build lots of these! Throne Rooms allow you to elect new nobles. They're very expensive though, so take care when building. Dining Halls are great meeting places and ale consumption rooms. Farms provide an easy growing location alongside a source of fresh water. You Aren't Alone

You are not alone in these lands; both locals and similar foreign groups exist with their own ideas in mind. From the Scale-Ears, Tall-Men, or the Walking Rocks, how your fortress proceeds to deal with them is up to you. Starting mutual trade pacts and exchanging goods is probably not a bad idea, but where's the fun in that? The Wildlife

These hellish lands offer a number of horrible creatures that hate you almost as much as you hate elves. Their strengths and weaknesses should be something learned early on before finding out the hard way. Legions: An abomination of multiple creatures unified into one, it sends out its past victims to do its dirty-work. The mini legions break easily under a good swing with your pick, leaving the shambling beast nearly defenceless. Aggressive tactics are advised when dealing with these creatures and you'll probably see to live another day. Watchers: Wispy bastards that shoot ice-cold stares, enough to chill even a seasoned dwarf to their very core. Attack in groups for assured victory. Goliaths: Lumbering beasts covered in a thick hide, although a quick-footed being would be able to easily kite it. Watch for its tentacular grasp, as it will attempt to trap victims for an easier beat-down. We Noble Few

Your fortress starts with a cape, crown, and Royal Scepter, for whoever feels like becoming your fortress's Noble. The Noble can use his Royal Scepter to designate Mandates. Click on a tile, and fill out the Mandate, to declare a mandate to all dwarves. Unfortunately, you can only have one Mandate active at a time. Use the Scepter inhand to remove the previous Mandate. Miasma And You

Your fortress is covered in dead bodies and everyone's throwing up and dying from it. What is it? Why is everyone dying? How can I stop this? Miasma is a result of dead bodies and blood being left to rot in the hallways. It'll cause vomiting, sickness, and possibly death if your fortress isn't cleaned up. There're two ways to clean up the blood. 1. Burn a Towercap Log in the Smelter and combine the resulting ashes with Water from a puddle in the fortress. This will produce Soap you can use to clean. 2. Produce a Broom with some wooden planks, and wet the broom with the puddle in order to use it. Bodies are more difficult to deal with. 1. Creating a “dumping ground” a long distance from the fort, and moving all bodies there will prevent the miasma from reaching your fortress. 2. Destruction of the bodies, such as by gibbing, will prevent them from creating miasma. 3. Revival of the corpses will cause them to cease to rot. Brewing Ale

The art of brewing a good mug of ale is the most important skill any Dwarf must learn. You need ale to survive, and will die without it. Still.png The still is the most important tool you have. To brew, follow these easy steps: 1. Use any number of grown items on the still. 2. Use the still with an empty hand. Drink up! Brewing lets you acquire more seeds and fulfill your need for booze. Ale brewed will inherit the effects of reagents inside the plants. Experiment! Tower cap ale is so weak that it only slows down a dwarf's thirst. Brew logs for seeds but throw the swill out in favor of stronger booze. Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is a sacred art to any self-respecting dwarf, accepting only the finest and high-quality craftsmanship when it comes to equipment. Learn the tools and ores that come along with the trade and maybe you'll build a true fortress in these troubled lands. To perform this act, the process goes as following: 1. Melt an ore with the Smelter 2. Pour the ore into a Mold made from Clay. 3. Put mold on Anvil. 4. Use the Hammer to get your result. Weapons generally require logs (not planks!), and armour generally requires leather (Obtainable from butchering animals, such as cats) Weapons can break over time if used too much, make sure to have a spare sword in an emergency! Open the Crafting Menu button, and navigate to the Blacksmithing category in order to craft an item, once you have all necessary components on you. Tools of the Trade

These are your tools, learn them well and keep them safe from prying outsiders. You will need these to build better weapons and armor. Item Description Anvil.png Anvil The base needed for hammering filled molds. Try not to hit with the hammer without a mold too many times. Blacksmithforge.png Forge Where all raw ores are smelted into their molten variants. Each ore melts into 75 units of metal; contents may be hot. Blacksmithhammer.png Hammer Used to break open filled molds on an anvil. Makes a decent weapon in a pinch! Blacksmithmold.png Mold A basic mold used for shaping molten ore, crafted out of clay. Several variants of these molds for different weapon/tool designs. Ore Stats

The quality of your smithed gear will depend on what type of ore you used. Some are better than others at different things, so keep this list handy when looking to craft the best set of gear. It should be noted that a higher value is better in every case but digging time, where a lower number indicates faster digging. Item Description Attack Force Armor Penetration Sharpness Blunt Digging Time Ironore.png Iron The most basic material, abundant and decent for mass-equipping dwarves with basic swords and armor. 15 0 FALSE FALSE 40 Plasmaore.png Plasma Slightly rarer than iron, it makes a decent pickaxe. Hitting people with a tool made of plasma adds additional fire-stacks if they're already on fire. Fun! 10 0 FALSE FALSE 25 Goldore.png Gold Shiny and soft, it doesn't hit hard but it works fairly well at bypassing armor. 10 35 FALSE FALSE 30 Uraniumore.png Uranium Dense and radioactive, it makes a good beating stick but not much else. 5 5 FALSE TRUE 30 Silverore.png Silver Gold's lesser cousin, sharing similar attributes to a lesser extent. 7 25 FALSE FALSE 35 Diamondore.png Diamond Sharp and shiny, it makes a good broadsword or pickaxe alike. 15 25 TRUE FALSE 8 Shelmet.png Adamantine Raw Adamantine! Praise the miners! 20 40 TRUE FALSE 3 Creative Smithing

Why stop at the normal ores? With dwarven engineering and a touch of -fun-, any reagent can be used as a base for weapons and armor! When attacking with a smithed item, it calls upon a reagent's TOUCH reaction as well as a normal attack, meaning some reagents can make up for their sub-par damage in other interesting ways! Chlorine Trifluoride broadswords and Plasma armor? Sure, why not! Experiment with different reagents for interesting results! Actually Crafting Stuff

You got your tools, filled molds, etc.? Good. Now we can get to actually crafting the good stuff. Tools

Standard tools for assorted manual labor. Item Description Special Attribute Required Materials Pickaxe.png Pickaxe A dwarf's trusted tool for chiseling out the foundations for a grand fortress, you should never go anywhere without one! Due to its pointed tip for digging out rock, it also gains a 1.25 modifier on armor penetration, based on the material's base penetration. Pickaxehead.png 1 Pickaxe Head Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Shovel.png Shovel Good for digging up the ground faster than a pickaxe, although that's really about it. Gains a 1.25 modifier to its base damage if a material marked as BLUNT is used to craft it. Adds a .5 modifier to the base material's dig speed. Gotta dig FAST. Shovelhead.png 1 Shovel Head Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Weapons

Your standard weapons of war, great for keeping the pesky locals out of the fort. Item Description Special Attribute Required Materials Claymore.png Broadsword A standard broadsword, good for stabbing. Or slicing, either way! Gains a 2.0 modifier on top of the base material's attack value. Use a material that adds the SHARPNESS value for dismemberment ahoy! Bladetop.png 1 Blade Leather.png 1 Leather Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Sledgehammer.png Warhammer Good for swinging around and smashing skulls; should be held in two hands for full effect. Gains a 4.0 modifier to its base damage if a material marked as BLUNT is used to craft it and wielded, or 2.0 modifier unwielded. Also applies a 3.0 modifier to a base material's armor penetration at all times, making it extremely useful for bypassing armor almost entirely with ores like gold or silver. Blacksmithhammerhead.png 1 Hammer Head Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Armor

Good for protecting yourself from tantrums or wildlife. Item Description Special Attribute Required Materials Armorpiece.png Chestplate Basic chestplate, capable of protecting a dwarf's torso and arms. Armor value based on base material's damage. Armorpiece.png 1 Armor Plating Leather.png 4 Leather Anvil.png Anvil Helmetpiece.png Helmet A protective helmet to keep your head covered. Armor value based on base material's damage. Helmetpiece.png 1 Helmet Plating Leather.png 2 Leather Anvil.png Anvil



Shadowlings are light-sensitive alien creatures from space. They are mainly defensive, but can 'enthrall' humans, which is basically a euphemism for enslavement of their minds. They start off disguised as a normal crewman (they cannot enthrall like this!) and they have to take time to 'hatch' to unlock their full potential. While hatched, shadowlings will resemble humans with black skin, small horns, red eyes, and claws. Until they ascend, of course. Contents [hide] 1 Shadowling Abilities 2 What To Do: If You're A Shadowling 2.1 Starting Off 2.2 Post-Hatch 2.3 The Light and You 2.4 I CAN'T SEE! 3 What To Do: If You're A Thrall 3.1 Mask Up, Gang 3.2 Dethralling 3.3 Abilities 4 What To Do: If You're Non-Shadowling Crew 4.1 Things you SHOULD do 4.2 Things you SHOULDN'T do 4.3 Is that a horrible wail in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? 4.4 In Case of an Ascendant 5 Relevant Code Changes Shadowling Abilities

Shadowlings have quite a few tricks up their sleeve, from vanishing to freezing the air around them. Below is a list of abilities that shadowlings can use. Name Requirements Cooldown Description Enthrall Hatch required None, but can only enthrall one at a time A shadowling can grow a cute little tumor on a victim's brain, rearranging their memories and motivations and turning him into an obedient thrall. This is slow, and does not itself disable the victim, so shadowlings should use mundane means to do so, such as handcuffs and removal of headsets. Loyalty Implants interfere with this ability; however, the protection is not perfect. It is well within a shadowling's power to disable such implants, though doing so will slow the enthralling process considerably. The benefit of thralls to changelings extends beyond the utility of an obedient crewmember. Shadowlings gain power directly from their thralls, unlocking new abilities with greater numbers, including their ultimate goal of ascension. Thralls also have their own lesser powers that they can use to help you. Hivemind Commune N/A At will Shadowlings and thralls share a telepathic link through which they can communicate silently, undetectably, and at zero cost or cooldown. There may be ways to discern this behavior, but it is unlikely and for now all you can do is simply let their words flow past you. Hatch N/A N/A To access their other abilities, a shadowling must first hatch. A hatching shadowling will first drop its items. After a short delay, it will grow a chrysalis around itself, forming a 3×3 grid of impenetrable but obviously abnormal walls. When the shadowling's evolution is complete, the walls will burst, and the hatched shadowling will emerge. Although headsets, belts, and backpacks must be dropped to evolve, shadowlings are capable of wearing them, and often pick up such items they had previously owned after hatching. While a hatched shadowling is powerful, and much better equipped to hunt for thralls than an assistant, shadowlings are also obvious after hatching. For this reason, young shadowlings who are not yet sure of their abilities often delay hatching to avoid alerting the crew. Glare Hatch required 30 seconds Glare is the shadowling's basic single-target stun. By forcing one target's gaze into its own, the shadowling can mesmerize a target from a range to stun and mute him for quite some time. While the duration is shorter than the cooldown, and is not long enough for a complete conversion, it does leave plenty of time to restrain or strip the victim. Veil Hatch required 25 seconds The shadowling's basic defensive ability, Veil instantly puts out nearly all light sources, mobile or otherwise, near the shadowling. Electronic lights such as flashlights, PDA's, gunlights, and light fixtures can be repaired simply by reactivating them, where consoles can be repaired by disconnecting and reconnecting the screen. Glowshrooms resist this extinguishing effect, but will be killed in a short radius around the shadowling. Lights based in fire or bioluminescence are often resilient enough to be unaffected. Shadow Walk Hatch required 1 minute Shadow Walk lets the shadowling briefly enter the space between worlds to escape attackers. For four seconds, the shadowling will be invisible, move quickly, and be able to phase through all obstacles. Unlike the wizard's jaunting, holy water does not have an effect on this. Icy Veins Hatch required 2 minutes Icy Veins is a formidable crowd control ability. Everyone within a short range will instantly have their body temperature reduced to freezing in addition to having it continuously lowered, similar to a cryogenic sting. Targets will also be briefly stunned. Collective Mind Hatch required 30 seconds To access some abilities, a shadowling must draw on its thralls for power. Using this ability, shadowlings can send out mental “hooks” that latch onto the minds of their thralls, granting the shadowling a count of his thralls, and unlocking any abilities which the number of thralls now allows. Destroy Engines Hatch required 1 minute Destroy Engines is the way shadowlings bypass the shuttle. They are able to sacrifice a single thrall completely, which will kill them but extend the shuttle's timer by 15 minutes. This does not stack and can only be used if the shuttle is on the way to the station - it will not work if the shuttle is docked or has left. Blindness Smoke Hatch required + 3 Thralls 1 minute By regurgitating a cloud of black smoke, shadowlings can disorient pursuers. This smoke will induce blindness in and stun non-shadowlings, but heal shadowlings and thralls. Drain Life Hatch required + 5 Thralls 10 seconds The shadowling drains the life of nearby humans, healing the shadowling for a significant amount for each human in addition to weakening the humans. Sonic Screech Hatch required + 7 Thralls 30 seconds The shadowling can let out a piercing screech. This will confuse and deafen nearby humans, damage windows, and stun silicons. Black Recuperation Hatch required + 9 Thralls 1 minute With this ability, a shadowling can revive a fallen thrall, healing them of damage completely after a short time. It will also cure diseases, genetic defects, and remove handcuffs the target may be wearing. Alternatively, a shadowling can 'empower' a living thrall. After a short time, the thrall's abilities will become stronger and they will resemble a shadowperson with three eyes. They will then have the same light sensitivity of normal shadowlings, ableit at a lesser rate. In addition, thralls cannot be dethralled while conscious if in this position. Ascendance Hatch required + 15 Thralls N/A If the shadowlings should gain this ability, all hope is lost to the crew. The shadowlings have enough collective power from their thralls to assume their ultimate form, becoming impossible to destroy by conventional means, and gaining terrifying abilities. Below is a list of abilities ascendant shadowlings are known to have used. Annihilate Ascendant only At will Ascendants, with extremely high telekinetic abilities, can easily cause someone's entire body to explode simply by directing a lance of mental energy at them. Hypnosis Ascendant only At will Ascendants can enthrall from a range and with extremely increased speed. Basically, it's a ranged and instant version of enthrall. Plane Shift Ascendant only Toggleable An upgraded version of Shadow Walk, ascendants can simply enter the space between worlds at will at no cost. They use them as passageways, able to move from place to place extremely quickly. Lightning Storm Ascendant only 10 seconds The spiritual successor to Icy Veins. Sends out bolts of lightning to everyone nearby, dealing a significant amount of burn damage and knocking down those affected. What To Do: If You're A Shadowling

So you're a shadowling. Congratulations! Here's some pointers on how not to die from a lightbulb within thirty seconds. Starting Off You're disguised. You don't take any damage from lights and you are undetectable to any means short of godly intervention. You possess two abilities: Hatch, and Hivemind Commune. First off, send a message or two over the hivemind to see if you have any buddies - chances are high that you do. Assess your job's capabilities. Are you the captain? Feel free to change the AI's laws to help all shadowlings. An officer? You can steal some gear for later thralls. Are you an engineer? Build a stunprod or cut power to different areas so they won't be lit up. Just don't spend too long planning: the longer the paranoid among the crew get, the more prepared they are for the unknown. There are multiple things to do from the start. If you're confident you can avoid detection, hatching immediately can work since you can easily enthrall people who rush into maintenance early with Glare. Or, you can play it differently and try to covertly sabotage the station first. It's up to you - you're the alien monster, after all. Post-Hatch So you've hatched. You have the rest of your abilities now - use them! Alert your fellow shadowlings (and thralls) that you're hatched over the hivemind, and make more thralls your first priority. You can't wear normal clothes, but you can still put on backpacks and headsets, which is an extremely good idea. If you're discovered by a group of people, use your defensive abilities to escape in addition to your thralls. If a single guy sees you, just glare at him, slap some cablecuffs on if you have them, take away his headset, and enthrall him. People whom you enthrall cannot easily be turned back to normal, although surgery is capable of doing so and their new loyalty to you overrides all else. If you enthrall a nuclear operative somehow, they will serve you over their Syndicate friends. If you enthrall the captain, he will do much the same. Your priority is to gain fifteen thralls. You have the Collective Mind ability which will, after a short time, give you a count of how many thralls you have as well as the needed amount for ascendance. If you get fifteen thralls, use the ability and it will give you the Ascendance ability in a new tab. Simply use that ability and you've won - no need to escape on the shuttle! The Light and You While hatched, the light is your worst enemy. You take extreme damage from even being in it, and burn-based stuff like flashbangs, welders, and lasers all hit harder. However, on the other side of the coin, the darkness is extremely beneficial. All wounds will heal. You will have a stun reduction. You have night vision and thermal vision as well, so not being in the darkness at all is a huge downside to everything about you. Use the darkness as your buddy in times hard and easy. The darkness will always give you a shoulder to cry on. He's a bro like that. I CAN'T SEE! After you hatch, you may notice that you can only see the tile you're standing on. There's a way to fix this. Look in your action buttons - you should see a blank button called Shift Nerves. This will allow you to change the range of your night vision, all the way from a full screen to none at all. This allows you to be more or less careful with your vision, and to check if something is in the light or not. What To Do: If You're A Thrall Shadowling huds.png

So a shadowling mesmerized you by staring into your eyes (lewd) and now you're a thrall! What this means is that your primary goal and objective is to obey the shadowlings and help them at all costs. If you look in your tabs, you have a new one, Shadowling Abilities. In this tab is the Hivemind Commune ability, which lets you communicate on a silent channel with all other thralls and shadowlings. You're basically an Adamantine Golem in terms of where your loyalties lie – utterly with the shadowlings. Loyalty implanted? Not anymore, the nanobots are dead. Wizard? Use your spells to help the shadowling. Traitor? Tough titty, if the shadowling wants your uplink you give it to him with zero questions asked. You have no free will. Keep in mind that many of the shadowling's abilities rely on damaging or manipulating you. Even by helping the shadowlings accomplish their one objective, you are sentencing yourself completely and utterly to death - there is no way around it. You may find yourself drained of half your life, used as bait, used as a bodyguard, or suddenly surrounded in the middle of a maintenance tunnel by Security officers who are trying to cave your chest in. Assume you're going to die because you are and there's no way around it. Thralls can see in the dark with night vision, so make sure you don't accidentally make a Kentucky Fried Shadowling with your PDA light. You do have one advantage, however: stealth. You look much more human, so use this to your advantage to do things for your masters. Keep in touch often. Finally, you also have a HUD indicator above your head. A more intimidating version can be seen above any shadowlings, hatched or not. Your indicator signals that you are a thrall - only other shadowlings and thralls can see this. If you're killing someone with that HUD indicator, expect a ban. Shadowling hud big.png This is the HUD indicator for shadowlings. These are your masters. Thrall hud big.png This is the HUD indicator for you and fellow thralls. You obey the shadowlings. It is important to note that if you are enthralled by one shadowling, you obey all the shadowlings. This includes the others. If Shadowling Bumblefuck tells you that Shadowling Fumbleschmuck isn't your master, ignore him. No matter who enthralled you originally, you must obey all other shadowlings. Mask Up, Gang An important thing about being enthralled is that it physically alters you. By becoming a thrall, anybody nearby that can see your face will be able to tell you're a thrall just by examining you while close by! Thankfully, there is an easy way to alleviate this: wear a mask. Any mask will work as long as it conceals your face; gas mask, bandana, anything that hides your face. By wearing a mask, your special examine status will disappear and you will be indistinguishable from regular crew. If an officer tells you to take off your mask and then gets close, the best solution is to try and escape. Wearing a mask is conspicuous in its own right, especially if it conceals the face. Dethralling So you got captured by the Reds and they're throwing you into the surgery theater. To debrain you? Cut out your eyes? CHANGE YOUR GENDER?! Nope. It's far worse - they're going to sever your link with the hivemind by completely dethralling you! This means you will become a normal crew member again, unable to distinguish your masters and fellow thralls, having no unique abilities, and being boringly standard. Luckily, this can only be done via surgery, and if your master intervenes in time you might escape! If Sawbones gets his hands in your head, you're either going to become dethralled or instantly killed. Either way, you won't remember anything about being a thrall, so if you tell them anyone else that's a thrall expect a ban. Abilities Fortunately for you, there are a few benefits from becoming a slave for the rest of your life. Mainly, you have a few abilities, which are listed below. Name Cooldown Description Darksight At will As a result of being enthralled, humans will gain the ability to see in the dark. Darksight allows thralls to toggle between standard vision and complete sight in darkness. However, this ability will not work while wearing glasses of any type. Lesser Glare 45 seconds Lesser Glare is an ineffectual yet powerful ability. Inheriting only a fraction of the shadowling's original power, thralls are able to mesmerize people in much the same way a shadowling can - however, it only lasts for around four to five seconds, give or take. If you're fast or robust, this can be combined with cablecuffs and a quick removal of a headset to secure a new thralling target. It's also a good way to escape an arrest. Guise 2 minutes Guise is a lesser version of Shadow Walk. Unlike Shadow Walk, you do not gain incorporeal movement, and are still restricted to the physical plane. In addition, you do not turn completely invisible - rather, you are extremely difficult to see, especially in darkness. Anyone that isn't looking directly at you will only see a blurred shape. This ability lasts for around five seconds. What To Do: If You're Non-Shadowling Crew

So the shouts over the radio weren't wizard, ops, or blob, but shadowlings? Your work is gonna be cut out for you, soldier. Shadowlings are terrifying foes and can do much in their power to avoid you. They can even extinguish lights, save for fire-based sources and yellow slime extracts, and even then they can extinguish those fires. Don't get caught alone or you'll live out the rest of your considerably shortened lifespan in mindless servitude. Things you SHOULD do Travel in groups Get burn-based weapons and lots of light sources (flares are good, so are slime extracts if xenobio is doing their job, and if all else fails botany can make torches) Carry flashbangs or flash powder grenades from security or the medbay Be extremely wary Avoid areas that seem unnaturally dark Don't fight anything alone Watch for suspicious activity Don't fight anything alone Be prepared for anything DON'T FUCKING FIGHT ANYTHING ALONE Things you SHOULDN'T do Hoard the entire armory and secede from the station as your own force Run up to the shadowling and ask to be enthralled. Seriously, it's a dick move to everyone and the admins will ban your ass for it. Prowl the maintenance tunnels alone armed with your trusty screwdriver and PDA flashlight Refuse to talk or communicate - a silent vigilante, as proven by the mime, is the best vigilante Attack an ascendant Ask to be enthralled by an ascendant. They'll seriously just make you explode. Be near an ascendant Consider approaching an ascendant Look at an ascendant in a suggestive way Think about ascendants Is that a horrible wail in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? So you're in the maintenance tunnel with your group of vigilantes and ready to fight a shadowling. Suddenly you hear a horrible wail in your head and all the lights blow up. Not good. This means a shadowling has ascended. You're basically fucked over since all the shadowlings can ascend when one can. In Case of an Ascendant If you see an ascendant, it'll probably look something like this: Shadowling ascendant.gif

That guy just exploded.


Run far and fast. There is no way to fight a shadowling ascendant. They are completely invulnerable to normal attacks, can phase through walls at zero cost, and possess a slew of abilities designed to make you and all you hold dear explode. They can make the air explode, they can make reality explode, they can make objects explode, they can make your corpse explode, they can make you explode, too, so run. They can instantly enthrall you, so run. Not that it'll do you any good since they move faster than you. They'll probably just make you explode like they did the seven guys before you it found. The now-exploded seven guys. Oh, and they also hit harder than an esword with their melee attacks.

You're probably gonna explode, too, so just accept it and hope they're either merciful, somehow friendly, or want to enthrall you.

Again, though, you'll probably just explode.

Or maybe, somehow, you can kill it?


Crew members of SS13, I offer you my sincerest greetings. My name is of no matter, but if you must call me something, you may call me The QuarterWizard. I would like to inform you that I am the noble leader of the Wizards Federation. You may be wondering, “Why, why mighty QuarterWizard, why do you send wizards to the station to destroy us all?” Well, denizen of the station, it's quite simple really: One or more of your crew has angered our magical Federation, and now you will all pay the price. If you're lucky enough to only have certain members of the crew anger us, like that geneticist who once claimed that us magical folk are merely “products of genetics research”, then you're more than likely to survive, assuming you give our wizard the means to escape early on. If not, well… Not even I, the mighty QuarterWizard can guarantee your safety. We train our wizards to be masters of many spells, so there is no saying how exactly you will succumb to our mighty wizards. But, for you lesser beings, I have archived a list of our most common spells, so as to assist you simpletons in identifying just how skilled and varied our wizards can be. Wizhat.PNG

Contents [hide] 1 Dress to Kill 1.1 Preparation 1.2 Min-Maxing 1.3 Quartermaster Costume Party 2 Robed Spells 3 Robeless Spells 4 Artifacts 5 Rituals 6 Magical Items 7 The AI and You! 8 A Friendly Wizard 9 Suggested Starting Loadouts 9.1 Stock 9.2 Offensive 9.3 Defensive 9.4 Stealth 10 Tips Dress to Kill

If you are a Wizard, then remember to keep your wizard hat and robes on. Not only are they the latest in wizarding fashion, they are also a powerful magical amplifier. If you lose those, you are in a boatload of trouble. Do everything in your power to keep your skirt on. Hurl spells, throw rocks, shout hurtful names at them. Whatever you do, don't let them touch the clothes. Preparation You start on board a Wizard Ship. You have 10 spell points to spend. Use the Wizard's Ship you start in to familiarize yourself with the spells before you teleport onto the station. You can even re-learn the spells as often as you'd like as long as you're here. Take your time. No need to jump in right away. Min-Maxing You can take any of your spells multiple times to upgrade them, generally giving them a lower cooldown. Quartermaster Costume Party If you can, masquerade as a Quartermaster Supply Wizard. Not only will you look like the most powerful wizard of all time, but people may be liable to turn a blind eye to your presence. Combine this with some quick spellwork and you may just kill a bunch of people without getting caught. Robed Spells

These spells require the Wizard's POWERFUL, MYSTICAL ROBES AND HAT. So wizards, for your own sakes, never take off your robes. Spell name Invocation Description Cooldown in seconds Cost Attack Spells Fireball ONI'SOMA! Summons a destructive fireball in the caster's hand. When thrown it will detonate when adjacent to a target, blinding and deafening him and anyone around him, as well as dealing high damage and usually knockdown. Fireballs are dangerous, though: they will damage the caster as well, if he ends up in the blast radius. Can be casted while stunned. 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 2 Rod Form CLANG! Take the form of a mighty immovable rod, capable of tearing walls down, destroy machinery and critically injure anyone foolish enough to stand in your path! 25 / 21.2 / 17.5 / 13.7 / 10 3 Disintegrate EI NATH! This spell will charge your hand with a powerful energy that can blow up the next person or cyborg that you touch. Their brain will still be recoverable, but definitely hard to clone; you will also make no friends with either the crew or the ghosts observing you, as it is seen as a cheap way to kill. 60 / 50 / 40 /30 / 20 2 Mutate BIRUZ BENNAR! Temporarily transforms the wizard into a stun-immune superhuman being, capable of destroying walls with their massive strength and of shooting lasers using their massive minds. To shoot lasers, use harm intent and click on a non-adjacent target. 40 / 37.5 / 35 / 32.5 / 30 2 Flesh to Stone STAUN EI! Can turn even the angriest crew member into a comparatively calm statue. The spell will wear off eventually but is useful for neutralizing threats non-fatally or creating emergency cover. Keep in mind that when the spell wears off if the statue isn't in good shape anymore the crew member won't be either. Instead of gibbing the target and leaving a brain it turns the target into a solid statue. However after a certain amount of time the statue will revert back to the original target. By itself it's just a gimmick – players turned into stone won't count as dead for objective purposes. However when this spell is paired with the “Staff of Animation” this becomes a spell even more devastating than Ei Nath or Fireballs. (tl;dr: Use it with a Staff of Animation or just use Ei Nath.) 60 / 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 2 Tesla Blast UN'LTD P'WAH! Blast lightning at your foes! 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 2 Lightning Bolt UN'LTD P'WAH Charges a lightning blast over time. When it finishes channeling (you can move while charging) it will shoot lightning bolts to every mob nearby, dealing damage and stunning them. 20 / 15.7 / 11.5 / 7.2 / 3 3 Lesser Summon Guns N/A Why reload when you have infinite guns? Summons an unending stream of bolt action rifles. Requires both hands free to use. Learning this spell makes you unable to learn Arcane Barrage. 75 / 56.3 / 38 / 19.3 / 1 3 Arcane Barrage N/A Fire a torrent of arcane energy at your foes with this (powerful) spell. Requires both hands free to use. Learning this spell makes you unable to learn Lesser Summon Gun. 75 / 56.3 / 38 / 19.3 / 1 3 Defense Spells Magic Missile FORTI GY AMA! The bread and butter of most wizards. This spell summons little magical orbs that chase nearby targets, stunning them on hit. While slow, the orbs track their targets, making them very hard to avoid. Every target will have its own orb, so there's no limit to the amount of targets as long as they're in range. 20 / 16.5 / 13 / 9.5 / 6 2 Disable Technology NEC CANTIO! An EMP: disables all technology within range of the spell. Be wary – it can shock doors. 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 20 1 Repulse GITTAH WEIGH! Throws everything around the user away. Also knocks down crewmen for a short stun. Items that are thrown can fly into crew as well, which has potential to deal moderate damage. A good choice when used with Blink to make for quick getaways. 40 / 37.5 / 35 / 32.5 / 30 2 Throw Lightning Forged from eldrich energies, a packet of pure power, known as a spell packet will appear in your hand, that when thrown will stun the target. 1 2 Stop Time TOKI WO TOMARE! Stops time in a 3×3 area around you. Affected mobs will be unable to move, and passing projectiles will be stopped until the timestop ends. This means it can be used to unload a laser gun into a target all at once. The caster, is, of course, unaffected by this spell. 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 / 10 2 Spacetime Distortion N/A Will distort the space around you, making it so walking on any of the distorted tiles could lead you to another random distorted tile. Will affect the caster too. 30 1 The Traps CAVERE INSIDIAS Summons various traps around you that will trigger upon being walked on or if an object is thrown over/across them. All untriggered traps disappear 5 minutes after the spell is cast. Includes fire, shock, ice and stun traps among others. You are, of course, immune to your own traps. 25 / 21.25 / 17.5 / 13.75 / 10 1 Mobility Spells Blink N/A A lesser form of teleportation. The wizard has no ability to control it, and it will usually send him a good distance, but it has a very short cooldown. 2 / 1.6 / 1.2 / 0.8 / 0.5 2 Teleport SCYAR NILA! Instantly transports a space wizard to any location he pleases, as long as it's within range (the Z-level you're on). 60 / 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 2 Ethereal Jaunt N/A After casting this spell the wizard dissolves into thin air, becoming invisible to both eye and thermal sensors, as well as being able to pass through any obstacle. This spell lasts for several seconds. If the wizard was stunned while casting this, he won't be able to move until the stun wears off. 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 2 Robeless Spells

There are many other spells that do not require THE EXTRA MIGHT of a magic wizard robe. These spells are weaker, but nothing to laugh at. Spell name Invocation Description Cooldown in seconds Cost Attack Spells Blind STI KALY! Blinds an individual temporarily. 30 / 23.7 / 17.5 / 11.2 / 5 1 Curse of the barnyard KN'A`FTAGHU,`PUCK`'BTHNK! This spell dooms an unlucky soul to possess the speech and facial attributes of a barnyard animal. Anyone unfortunate enough to be targeted with this spell cannot remove the mask without the help of chemistry and can only communicate with obnoxious animal noises. For when you just don't give a fuck. 15 / 12 / 9 / 6 / 3 2 Defense Spells Smoke N/A A large shroud of smoke. It can hide the wizard, and makes people in it cough causing them to drop items. 12 / 9.5 / 7 / 4.5 / 2 1 Forcewall TARCOL MINTI ZHERI! Prevents the simpletons from traveling over a 1×3 area. The wall lasts 30 seconds and are indestructible. The caster can pass freely through it. 10 / 8.7 / 7.5 / 6.2 / 5 1 Bind Soul NECREM IMORTIUM! A dark necromantic pact that can forever bind your soul to an item of your choosing. So long as both your body and the item remain intact and on the same plane you can revive from death, though the time between reincarnations grows steadily with use, along with the weakness that the new skeleton body will experience upon 'birth'. Note that becoming a lich destroys all internal organs except the brain. N/A 2 Mobility Spells Mind Swap (aka Mind Transfer) GIN'YU CAPAN! Swaps the minds of the wizard and victim, best used if the wizard is being beaten in a physical battle. Mindswap targets will be unconscious for quite some time. Only works at melee range. 60 / 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 2 Knock AULIE OXIN FIERA! Opens any doors within range, no matter what type. Also opens bolted doors and locked closets. 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 1 Assistance Spells Instant Summons (aka Summon Item) GAR YOK Allows you to mark an item. After this, you can use the spell to summon that item to your hand whenever you want. Vital when you plan to use a magic staff, or you'll end up getting it stolen from you. If the item is within a container, the whole container will be teleported to you. 10 1 Charge DI'RI CEL! Useful for recharging magical artifacts that typically run dry after a few shots. They've also been used in the past by enterprising wizards to recharge other things like energy weapons, spellbooks, and even other wizards! Care should be used in over-reliance on this ability though, as magical items tend to run down if repeatedly recharged. 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 40 1 Shapechange (aka Wild Shapeshift) RAC'WA NO! Allows you to choose an animal form. You can choose between a mouse (can ventcrawl), a corgi, a chaos magicarp, an ED209 bot, or a juggernaut. Once you choose your form you won't be able to pick the others; you can swap to this form and back to human by using the spell. 20 / 16.2 / 12.5 / 8.7 / 5 1 Artifacts

These are not spells but tools that can be used by anyone. Extremely dangerous to a wizard should one of the crew members pick them up. Magical staves, swords and hammers generally never fit in backpacks or bags, and must be worn in the back slot. Icon Artifact name Description Cost Attack Staff change.png Staff of Change Allows the wizard to randomly change anyone and anything into an alien, slime, lizardman, cyborg, Syndicate cyborg, monkey, or more! Holds up to 6 charges, and recharges one every 4 seconds. 2 Staff of chaos.png Staff of Chaos Shoots random magic bolts. Charges faster and can hold more shots than other staves: it holds up to 10 charges, and recharges one every 2 seconds. 2 Spellblade.png Spellblade A fairly robust sword with 50% block chance, that can shoot out magic bolts that deal 15 fire damage with some armor penetration that have a high chance of dismembering the limbs it's aimed at. Holds up to 4 charges, and recharges one every 4 seconds. 2 Mjolnir.gif Mjolnir The mighty hammer of Thor. Striking your foes with it will send them flying away frow you, also stunning them, and can be thrown to achieve the same effect. 2 Mjolnir.gif Singularity Hammer A hammer that creates a powerful gravitational field around its target, pulling everything towards it on hit. 2 Defense Staffofhealing.png Staff of Healing Shoots bolts that can fully heal the living and raise the dead. 1 Scrying orb.png Scrying Orb Summoning this crackling orb of energy will grant you permanent X-ray vision in addition to allowing you to ghost while alive, letting you speak with any dead souls. A deceptively powerful tool for spying, essential for the elusive stealth wizard. Don't forget about your body while you're scrying, though! 2 Soulstone Belt.png Wand Assortment A belt that comes of one of each useful wand; unlike staves, they do not regenerate their shots. 2 Wizardsuit.png Mastercrafted armor A magic-gem-encrusted spacesuit, it functions the same as normal wizard robes, plus being space-worthy and armored. Minor slowdown. Now you can cast spells in space and low temperature places! 2 Battlemage armor.png Battlemage armor An ensorcelled suit of armour, protected by a powerful shield. The shield can completly negate sixteen attacks before being permanently depleted. 2 Flux anomaly.png Battlemage armor charge A powerful defensive rune, it will grant eight additional charges to a suit of battlemage armour. 1 Mobility Staff of door creation.png Staff of Door Creation Works the same as the wand of door creation. There is apparently demand for this! Holds up to 10 charges, and recharges one every 2 seconds. 1 Warp whistle.png Warp whistle A strange whistle that will transport you to a distant safe place on the station. There is a window of vulnerability at the begining of every use. 1 Assistance Staff of animation.png Staff of Animation A deadly weapon for a wizard who likes to steamroll their opposition. The staff of animation will shoot a bolt that brings whatever object it hits (besides complex machinery, tables or windows) to life. The animated object will then move and attack everyone in range but the person who spawned it (which is hopefully you). In combination with the Flesh to Stone spell, the Staff of Animation can be used to create player-controlled statues. These statues have a wide selection of unique powers (of the “MY EYES!” variety), are near-invincible and receive explicit instructions to not harm or kill the Wizard. However, these statues may also blind you. Holds up to 6 charges, and recharges one every 4 seconds. 2 Soulstone.png Six Soul Stone Shards A belt filled with 6 soulstone shards that can can be used to trap and enslave the spirits of your friends! You also gain the spell Artificer, which lets you spawn a shell every 60 seconds. Unlike other artifacts, this cannot be used by the crew. 2 Necrostone.gif Necromantic Stone This stone will allow you to raise up to three dead people as skeletal servants. 2 Scroll.png Contract of Apprenticeship A magical contract binding an apprentice wizard to your service, using it will summon them to your side. Using this contract will send a prompt to ghost who have wizard enabled as a role: should any answer yes, after 15 seconds you will find yourself with a brand new alcolyte. Should they answer no, or if there are no ghosts at the moment, you can try again later or refund the contract by clicking the spellbook with it. If you do keep yours around note that contracts can be used by non-wizards too. When you use the contract you are able to choose from four sets of two spells for the apprentice to learn. Destruction: Fireball + Magic Missile Bluespace Manipulation: Jaunt + Teleport Robeless: Knock + Mindswap Healing: Forcewall + Charge/Staff of Healing Once they have chosen a name, the spawned apprentice is given a set of blue robes, a single-use teleport scroll and an objective to keep you alive. Remember that your survival is paramount! The round doesn't end if your apprentice dies, but do try to keep him alive. 2 Syndi cards.png Stand.gif Guardian deck A deck of tarot cards, capable of binding a personal guardian to your body. There are multiple types of guardian available, but all of them will transfer some amount of damage to you. It would be wise to avoid buying these with anything capable of causing you to swap bodies with others. Types of guardian: Assassin: Does medium damage and takes full damage, but can enter stealth, causing its next attack to do massive damage and ignore armor. However, it becomes briefly unable to recall after attacking from stealth. Chaos: Ignites enemies on touch and causes them to hallucinate all nearby people as the guardian. Automatically extinguishes the user if they catch on fire. Charger: Moves extremely fast, does medium damage on attack, and can charge at targets, damaging the first target hit and forcing them to drop any items they are holding. Dexterous: Does low damage on attack, but is capable of holding items and storing a single item within it. It will drop items held in its hands when it recalls, but it will retain the stored item. Explosive: High damage resist and medium power attack that may explosively teleport targets. Can turn any object, including objects too large to pick up, into a bomb, dealing explosive damage to the next person to touch it. The object will return to normal after the trap is triggered or after a delay. Lightning: Attacks apply lightning chains to targets. Has a lightning chain to the user. Lightning chains shock everything near them, doing constant damage. Protector: Causes you to teleport to it when out of range, unlike other parasites. Has two modes; Combat, where it does and takes medium damage, and Protection, where it does and takes almost no damage but moves slightly slower. Ranged: Has two modes. Ranged; which fires a constant stream of weak, armor-ignoring projectiles. Scout; Cannot attack, but can move through walls and is quite hard to see. Can lay surveillance snares, which alert it when crossed, in either mode. Standard: Devastating close combat attacks and high damage resist. Can smash through weak walls. 2 Wiz vial.gif Bottle of Blood This bottle of blood, when broken, will attract a Slaughter Demon, which can bloodcrawl and will kill indiscriminately. It does not serve you and it'll try to kill you if it gets the chance, but it can decimate an unarmed crew. Maximum of 3. 2 Wiz vial.gif Bottle of Tickles This bottle of tickles, when broken, will attract a Laughter Demon. It will try to prank the crew (and you) by tickling them to submission. The only effective difference from a slaughter demon is that when killed it will revive all of the corpses it has eaten, because it was just a prank, bro. Maximum of 3. 1 Rituals

Invocation Description Cost Summon Guns A strong spell that can be used only once. Summons a random weapon at everyone's feet (excluding the feet belonging to you or any apprentices), arming the crew to fight you and alerting them of your presence. A portion of the crew will also gain a survival objective, causing chaos as the crew fights one another. 2 Summon Magic Grants the crew an assortment of various trinkets from the legendary wizard self storage box. The assortment is wide and varies wildly in usefulness, but will always alert the crew of your presence and can make them a dangerous threat to you. Similarly to Summon Guns, this spell will make part of the crew gain a survival objective. 2 Summon Events Replaces all random events with an assortment of magical wizard events, from cursed items to random name-swaps to LAVA FLOORS and more! Subject the station to a storm of mass chaos! The more times you cast Summon Events, the more often they will occur. 2 Magical Items

Wands, unlike staves, do not recharge over time. They can be recharged with the Charge spell, but even then they may lose maximum charges after every charge. One-use spellbooks teach a spell to the first user. Everyone that reads it subsequently will instead trigger a recoil effect, usually harming the reader. Wands Charges Wand of death.gif Wand of Death: Can and will kill anything instantly. Nasty, nasty stuff. 3 Wand of healing.gif Wand of Healing: This wand uses healing magics to heal the living and revive the dead. Rarely utilized, for some reason. 10 Wand of polymorph.gif Wand of Polymorph: For when you just need a change. Be careful if using on yourself, as many potential forms lack arms to wield the wand! 10 Wand of teleportation.gif Wand of Teleportation: Will rip up and scatter anyone or anything caught in its path. Unlike teleportation spells employed by the wizard, this wand makes no qualms about depositing teleportees in space, fires, or the center of a black hole. 10 Wand of door creation.png Wand of Door Creation: For when you need an easy way out. Point at a solid wall and fire – who needs ID cards in this day and age? 20 Wand of fireball.gif Wand of Fireball: Useful for burning those you don't like and everyone else too. Point away from face. 8 Books Recoil Effect Smoke spellbook.png Book of Smoke This book is overflowing with the dank arts. Teaches ONE user smoke. Makes the user extremely hungry. Sacred flame.png Book of Sacred Flame Become one with the flames that burn within… and invite others to do so as well. Teaches ONE user sacred flame. Sacred flame ignites you and those around you on fire, get protective gear Glows ominously, but does nothing. Mindswap spellbook.png Book of Mindswap This book's cover is pristine, though its pages look ragged and torn. Teaches ONE user mindswap. Does nothing to the first user; when a second user reads it, the users' minds will be swapped. Knock spellbook.png Book of Knock This book is hard to hold closed properly. Teaches ONE user knock User is knocked down for a long time. Forcewall spellbook.png Book of Forcewall This book has a dedication to mimes everywhere inside the front cover. Teaches ONE user forcewall. User is petrified for a minute. Summon spellbook.png Book of Instant Summon This book is bright and garish, very hard to miss. Teaches ONE user instant summon. The book vanishes. Fireball spellbook.png Book of Fireball This book feels warm to the touch. Teaches ONE user fireball. Causes an explosion centered on the user. Charging spellbook.png Book of Charging This book is made of 100% post-consumer wizard. Teaches ONE user charge. Emits a short-ranged EMP pulse. Blind spellbook.png Book of Blind This book looks blurry, no matter how you look at it. Teaches ONE user blind. User is blinded for some time. Barnyard curse spellbook.png Book of Barnyard Curse This book is more horse than your mind has room for. Teaches ONE user the barnyard curse. Casts barnyard on the user. The AI and You!

NOTICE: THE WIZ IS HUMAN (unless he is a lizard wizard or a Skeleton) Usually, when you go on your long space adventure, you come across an AI. The AI will either be nice to you and attempt to protect you from the evil crew, or it will track you the whole time, and attempt to trap you! (Luckily, you have been trained by the greatest!) If this happens, go into the AI core, and see how he can track you while it's dead. If you're feeling nice and don't mind being stunned a few times, you can always pop into the upload! When you get inside, take a Freeform module, pop out, and make nice law explaining how you are practically god of the station, and return to the upload, and of course, upload it! After that, the AI will be very nice to you, and serve you, his master. A Friendly Wizard

So you've been made a wizard but don't feel like going on a murderboner and would rather live peacefully among the crew? No problem! The staff are usually very friendly towards wizards [CITATION VERY MUCH NEEDED] if they announce themselves to be friendly and the AI is programmed not to harm them. So pop over to the HoP escorted by the Captain/HoS and request to be part of the station! Who knows, maybe you can be the Janitor! Just remember that you are by law and backstory an enemy of Nanotrasen. Don't get mad when some magic-hating sociopath tries to kill you. They'll try. Suggested Starting Loadouts

Your first time playing as a Wizard can be disorientating and very hard, but also demanding. Just figuring out what spells to take is half the gamemode onto itself, the other half is utilising those spells. As such this section will detail some basic, but robust, starting Wizard loadouts. You only get five spells to chose, meaning your spell loadout will be limited. So don't overspecialise. Stock Magic Missile Disintegrate Ethereal Jaunt Blink Knock A basic, but robust set up. Gives you good offensive and defensive capabilities that favour hit and run attacks. Using Ethereal Jaunt to launch a ambush, then using Magic Missiles to grant you a effective area stun attack while Disintegrate lets you quickly dispatch a single target. Blink and Knock offer a effective fallback to escaping a bad situation or if you screw up. Disintegrate is often considered unsporting, though, so expect dead chat to be mad at you if/when you die. Offensive Magic Missile Disable Technology Mutate Disintegrate OR Fireball Blink Heavily oriented around attacking and killing the crew, you suffer from very little defensive spells, thus relying on being robust enough to kill anyone before they become a threat. This loadout focuses on Magic Missiles and Mutate in order to kill, as well as either Disintegrate or Fireball to help deliver the coup de grâce. Disable Technology is effective in sapping all energy from Security Officers weapons while Blink offers a small defensive spell to get out of a bad spot. Defensive Magic Missile Teleport Ethereal Jaunt Blink Smoke OR offensive spell This loadout focuses on survivability almost exclusively. You're going to have to rely on stealing station weapons in order to kill people, however you yourself will be really hard to kill as you have a large array of defensive and retreat spells to use. Stealth CHOOSE A REALISTIC NAME. No Robes Fireball Knock Mind Swap 2x Free Robeless Spells A dangerous and advanced loadout, this set up relies on stealth, evasion and confusion to get the job done. However this can prove effective in avoiding getting shot and pulling of outrageous tasks. If you're discovered you will have few defensive or offensive abilities to employ, Fireball is your only main offensive spell, taking either Blind or Smoke can help in avoiding targets and Forcefield can help keep away pursuers. These loadouts are meant as a general guide on a simple loadout to use. We highly recommend you experiment with any spell combination when you can. Tips

While knocked down, you can still cast most of your spells, with a few exceptions: jaunt will make you invulnerable, but you won't move until the stun runs out, and touch-based spells like disintegrate will need you to attack the target. Someone in the “Unconcious” state can be instantly Soul Sharded, regardless of health. Anyone under 50% HP can be KO'd by a briefcase with 100% reliability. See that assistant that burned himself to shit on the door? Briefcase bonk, shard. Suicide bombing is a very easy way to kill a wizard. Welderbombings can also knock the wizard out if he's not very good. Removing a wizard's hat or robes will often render him completely impotent, as very, VERY few wizards carry spare hats in their backpack. Acid or fire smoke grenades work well for stripping their hats. Muzzling them also makes them unable to cast most spells if you can actually hold down a wizard long enough. The Staff of Animation can animate holographic objects. They retain their 'force' and do not disappear when they leave the holodeck/the holodeck is shut off. So you can load up the thunder dome simulation over and over for infinite E-sword buddies. Wizard EMP shocks doors, so you should not better use doors as wizard, after you use EMP skill. Also the staff of animation is even more OP then veil render, just use it on knifes, hatchets and other items of big robustness. Combine this with EMPing security guys, which approach you and mutating in hulk, when you see guys with syringe guns (however, if chemist is not mainstream and deploys lexorin or unstable mutagen, you would get outrobusted) for greater effects. The wizard's Knock spell opens bolted doors too. The staff of change works on AIs. Mindswap does not work on megafauna. Mindswap works on silicons, but it does not allow you to bypass the laws. If you want to be the magical AI you've always dreamed of, remember to purge the laws first.

…Now, fearless follower of the Wizards Space Federation.. I have but one question for you, now that I revealed all this knowledge to you, Will you be ready?

With Love, The QuarterWizard


Slimes are alien creatures whose origins are unknown. NovusCorp has captured two grey slimes and have sent them to the station in order to research new possible avenues of research. In reality, they're processed into food, have their cores used for chemical reagents, and released by traitors to screw over the station.

The baby grey slimes start out in holding cells inside of Xenobiology. Scientists breed them to study their biological properties and find new slime variations, and use their extracts for research purposes.


Slimes are transparent and come in a wide variety of colors. Their method of feeding is draining the life force of other organisms such as humans, cows, and most large animals. Slimes are known to latch on to their prey and feed until the target is dead.

Slimes are able to survive for a long time without food (to the joy of Nanotrasen bean counters and to the dismay of a station under siege by slimes) and are often aggressive to non-slime like creatures. The slime life cycle resembles those of early single-celled life on Earth. After accumulating enough nutrients, a baby slime will develop into a mature state. Adult slimes are much stronger than their young counterparts, and given enough nutrients are able to divide into up to four baby slimes. Adults have been known to shock unsuspecting victims with electricity when they come into contact. Adult slimes are also known to have the appropiate mass required to break through barriers such as windows.

Slimes are generally weak against cold temperatures, but are immune to heat and die to fire. Baby slimes can be killed within seconds if exposed to space, though a fire will leave them unscathed.

Warning! If an adult slime is killed it will split into two incredibly pissed off baby slimes of it's own color, who will usually try to attack you. If you are looking to obtain slime extract, you will need to kill the baby slimes as they are not yet capable of dividing. If you kill a well-fed adult slime, it is possible that it will produce up to four offspring upon death.

Slimes are the only known extraterrestrial organism capable of communicating with humans. You do not need a universal translator to talk to one- they can use telepathy to communicate! If you're feeling lucky, you can try to negotiate with one to prevent it from strangling you to death. A slime would rather have two monkeys or a cow than a human capable of raising the alarm and fighting back.

For reasons yet to be discovered, slimes are able to regenerate damage within seconds. Because of this, you should not expect finishing off a wounded slime will be an easy task- it may be your last bad idea.

An extract from a baby slime will have different properties depending on the original slime's color. Extracts may only be used once unless circumstances change. Slimes are also immune to most physical weaponry and as slimes are able to regenerate health, attacking one with a toolbox is a waste of effort. Since cold climates are their weakness a fire extinguisher is the best defense against one.

How to Play

Congratulations! Either through admin sorcery, actual sorcery, or a syringe filled with slime enzyme, you are now one with the slimes. It is now your duty to feast on the juicy life essence of others!

Your “status” tab will keep track of your health and energy. Your health restores itself over time if you are injured, whereas energy requires you to feed to go up. You can feast off of humans, aliens, monkeys, and other large lifeforms by latching onto one by clicking on the “Slime” tab and selecting “Feed”. As a baby slime you can travel through vents to escape angry crewmembers. In order to become an adult, you will have to feed until your energy maxes out. After that, you'll get a message saying you can evolve into an adult. After doing so, you can either remain an adult or divide yourself into 4 baby slimes, though the new slimes will be regular mobs. As an adult, you can use vents for quick and stealthy travel. You can smash your way through glass and grilles due to your massive weight. If you die as an adult, have no fear! You will divide into two baby slimes upon death. Using your clone as a decoy, run off to the nearest vent and make a getaway so that you may plot your revenge. Make sure to avoid humans carrying fire extinguishers or hull breaches. The last thing you want to do is travel through a vent into a room exposed to space, as that would be the least heroic death ever.

Remember: When you somehow become a slime, if you're not already a Xenomorph, Wizard, Cultist, or some sort of Syndicate endorsed personnel– don't start murdering people unless you want OOC to be really whiny.

General Advice

As a scientist, try to keep slime numbers low and use the blast doors to prevent slimes from escaping.

If a slime manages to escape prepare fire extinguishers and other freezing equipment (read: break windows and make sure to drink a lot of coffee) to fight them.

Slimes not controlled by players are very simple creatures and easy to kill. Human controlled ones are extremely dangerous.

Slimes are very easy to piss off when hungry, which is why they are kept in a separate area of the station surrounded by space and double airlocks. If you want to release one, your best bet is taking a well-fed baby (who are usually more docile) into a secluded part of the station such as the dorms, escape shuttle hallway (depending on the situation), or elsewhere.

Slime Management and You

Until you discover other forms of life, Xenobiology focuses on the breeding and harvesting of slimes and their extracts for scientific purposes. This all takes place in the xenobiology lab, and is arguably more dangerous than making bombs if you don't know what you are doing. Which is a good reason to read this section!


As a Xenobiologist, you’re not going to get out that much until some late game slimes. And until you get those, you won't be bothered much either, at least in theory.

So lets get familiar with your new home.

The workplace in the center includes a couple of closets with bio-hazard suits, a monkey recycling machine, a slime processor, and an All-In-One Grinder with several sheets of plasma. Also included is a smartfridge modified to hold slime extracts within easy arm reach from the slime processor. There is also a wrench, which can unanchor all the machinery, so you can reorganize your workspace. To the western end is a disposal unit that leads to space and right of this is the bread and butter of your job: The Slime Console, which will be covered later.

To the south is the slime containment area with six pens. Two of these pens start with a baby grey slime.

To the north is a special containment pen that's larger and more secure than the rest. This is ideal for containing and experimenting on other alien lifeforms should the station manage to capture/produce one. Usually though, it's just for storing extra slimes.

Using the slime console

The Slime Console is a semi-new addition to the Xenobiology scene that makes your job roughly a hundred million times easier. With it you can move slimes, kill them, feed them, and process dead monkeys with mere clicks of a button! It's strongly advised grabbing the wrench next to the shield projectors and moving the fridge and slime processor within close range of the console you're using as to cut out a lot of unnecessary movement.

Safety Advice

Before you start breeding the slimes, make sure you have a fire extinguisher in your backpack. You'll rarely meet a ravenous, hungry slime if you're using the console, but it still happens and having an extinguisher could very well be the difference between a dead slime and a dead you.

If you aren't, then this goes doubly so as you'll be near a lot of slimes, usually before you cull their numbers, and while they're normally docile towards you whom are effectively their God, they occasionally grow resentful for their species' exploitation and try to kill you for no particular reason. In that case, kill the blasphemers with a clear conscience, DEUS VULT!

Now that monkeys have regained some sentience, they'll attack you if you try to manhandle them. It's strongly advised to just use the console to avoid any contact, but otherwise keep an extinguisher to bash riled up monkeys, or have a buddy to help you out if you get assaulted.

Breeding slimes


Insert the monkey cubes from the boxes into the console. The console can now teleport monkeys directly inside the slime pens! Slimes need one monkey to become an adult and another to split.

You can send both monkeys at once into a baby slime's pen, so you don't have to think about it until they split. Do NOT enter the pen and bash the monkey, the only thing that will happen is slime will get less food. Once they're fed enough, after a while the adult slime will split in 4 baby slimes.


Time to kill your darlings.

Decide which baby slimes you don't want to keep and proceed to warp them up with the console. It can hold up to 5 slimes at a time. Teleport them onto the kill pen; it's the one with the blue floor, connected to a freezer. The sharp cold will kill the slimes quickly: when they stop moving, they're dead and you can pick them up for the next step.


Collect the dead slimes from the freezer room, and drop them above the slime grinder. It will automatically suck in the slimes; when it's done, activate it to grind them. It will, after a while, drop a slime core of the respective color for each slime grinded.

Upgrading the grinder will make it go faster and give more cores per slime.

A Bio Bag from any biohazard locker can mass-collect slime cores and easily drop them into the fridge for easy access.

Resource Management

Monkey Cubes

Monkey cubes are the basic material that you'll need to do xenobiology; without those all you can do is sacrifice intruders ask for another department's monkeys. How do you gain more monkey cubes?

You start with two monkey cube boxes containing 5 each, for a total of 10.

Recycling a monkey with the console yields 0.2 monkey cubes.

The Monkey Recycler is more efficient from the start, with a cube every 4 monkeys, but it needs to be fed manually, which can be counterproductive. It can be upgraded to yield even more monkeys.

The main method you'll use, though, is the Grey Slime blood reaction: it will spawn three monkey cubes per core.

With an unupgraded slime grinder a grey slime can give up to 9 cubes(keeping the last slime alive), which makes a profit of 7. Usually at least one will mutate, however.

Upgrading a slime grinder to T3 parts, which can be achieved in a few minutes in R&D, can raise that amount to 27, for a profit of 25 every time a grey slime splits. Upgrades are important, make sure to get them early.

Don't use too much blood on grey slimes, or you'll start feeling the effects of bloodloss. Usually 30-40 cubes will keep you going until the last tier.

Remember that bio bags can store monkey cubes and load the console with them in two simple clicks, so don't waste time putting them in one by one.


Plasma is the most common chemical required to react with slime extracts. You start with 2-4 bars depending on the map, which you can grind for 20 plasma each.

You require a syringe to inject chems into cores, which forces you to inject at least 5u.

You can get around this by diluting plasma with other chemicals, such as water or iron.

Diluting with water incurs the risk of activating water-based reactions over plasma reactions.

Some reactions fill the slime extract with chems: those reactions give an amount based on the amount of plasma inserted. You usually don't want to use watered down plasma on those, since on top of a reduced result, the diluting chemical will also “contaminate” the extract, diluting the result as well.

There is instead no downside to all the reactions that don't result in chemicals. Be sure to use at least one full unit of plasma.

You can produce new plasma yourself with either metal or plasma slimes. These will create respectively plasteel and plasma bars.

Plasteel bars give 20 metal and 20 plasma each when ground, which means the result will be pre-diluted. Pure plasma gives 20 plasma per bar.

Making these reactions requires some plasma to start with, so be careful not to run out before making more bars. In case you run out, you can either get more from mining, check if the extra plasma bar that is usually in the Testing Lab, or the Experimental Lab is still there, or you can ask Chemistry or Engineering to give you theirs.

Friendship and Slimes

If you've been following the guide and diligently breeding and culling the slimes, you may have noticed that while the slimes very quickly attack and eat the monkeys you offer them, they have little to no interest in eating you. This is because you've become their “friend”, a status that can be earned by simply being the one sending them monkeys. To check if slimes are friendly, say “Hello slimes”; all the slimes that consider you their friend will say hello.

There are some commands you can issue as a slime's friend, including “follow”, “stop” and “attack”. Keep in mind however, these commands are exceedingly finicky, and are rarely used for a reason. Slimes will not attack other slimes or friends.

Defending against slimes

So either by you not feeding the slime enough, the slime being an dick, or reasons, a slime has tried to kill you. If the slime is a baby, this is annoying. If the slime is an adult, you may die if you don't know what you're doing.

Slimes have two attacks: A glomp that does brute damage with adults dealing more and a chance to stun, and the far more dangerous 'feeding' attack which deals cellular damage and empowers the slime, a rare and very difficult to heal type of damage. If a slime starts feeding on you, wrestle it off with disarm intent and spray it down with an extinguisher (You DID get an extinguisher, right?) when you get it off until it dies. After that, hobble off to medbay for healing.

While this is generally more a tip for you when NOT playing Xenobiologist, in the event of a very rare slime outbreak, perhaps of sentient slimes, get an extinguisher and hide. A horde of angry slimes can multiply fast, and while slimes are normally unintelligent and docile, outbreaks of them are nearly always done on purpose by someone wanting to destroy the station, and are thus paired with usage of red extracts enraging slimes and/or light pink or black extracts making very deadly intelligent slimes. Pray that the AI is able to stop them, and that the xenobiologist who released the slimes doesn't follow up with something worse.

Slime Mutations

There are several a fuckload of different flavors of slime. You begin with two grey slimes but, you can breed them to catch all the pokèmon! slimes! Each kind of slime has its own powers from its extract.

Every time a slime splits by being fed enough, it has a chance to mutate based on it's individual mutation chance, a stat discovered by taking a slime scanner from the fridge and using it on the slime. It usually varies between 25% and 45%, but sometimes you will encounter slimes whose mutation chance is more like 15% to 20%. Choose carefully which slimes to keep! If you're breeding greys for monkeys, you'll want less chance of mutations, and if you want to get adamantines, you might want to increase it!

NOTE: You can increase a slime's chance of mutation by injecting it with slime mutation potions from red slimes and decrease it with slime stability potions from blue slimes.

This flowchart shows the results of each slime's mutations when splitting, with options labeled “2x” having twice the chance of occurring.

Slime geneology2.png


All injections require one unit of reagent. Dropper is your friend. You can also dilute your plasma by, for example, filling a beaker with 40u of water and 10u of plasma; a syringe will collect exactly one unit of plasma this way.

Tier 0

Grey Slime Slimegrey.png

Extract creates a grey slime when injected with plasma. Useful as a backup grey slime.

Extract creates three monkey-cubes when injected with blood. Useful if you want to do your job for more than five minutes.

Extract creates Epinephrine when injected with water.

Tier 1

Orange Slime Slimeorange.png

Extract creates a small plasma fire when injected with plasma. Also increases the pressure of the air a fair amount.

Extract creates capsaicin (pepper-spray) when injected with blood. Usable as a 'ghetto stun' if you can find a good way to apply it to to your victim test subject.

Extract creates a small cloud of smoke when injected with water. It'll carry any other reagent already inside the slime extract.

Purple Slime Slimepurple.png

Extract creates a bottle of slime steroid when injected with plasma. Slime steroid is a potent chemical mix that will cause a slime to produce one more extract when processed, for a maximum of five. Useful when used on dark purple slimes for that plasma or grey slimes for monkeys. The extract only works on live slimes.

Extract creates slime jelly, a highly toxic substance, when injected with sugar. Useful if you are a slimeperson and want to split faster.

Blue Slime Slimeblue.png

Extract creates frost oil when injected with plasma.

Extract creates slime stabilizer when injected with blood. Reduces a slime's mutation chance by 15%, and carries through across generations.

Extract creates foam when injected with water. It'll carry any other reagent already inside the slime extract.

Metal Slime Slimemetal.png

Extract creates 5 sheets of plasteel and 15 sheets of metal when injected with plasma. Expect the roboticists to want the products. Grinding plasteel will generate plasma and iron, making it a perfect substitute to dark purple slimes.

Extract creates 5 sheets of reinforced glass and 15 sheets of glass when injected with water.

Tier 2

Yellow Slime Slimeyellow.png

Extracts become 10k Charge Powercells when injected with plasma. These cells are self-charging, and very useful for cyborgs or APCs, for example. Valuable for R&D.

Extract creates an EMP when injected with blood. It's a quite big blast as well, useful if that AI is onto your tricks.

Extracts emit light when injected with water. They can be squeezed to increase the light emitted.

Dark Purple Slime Slimedarkpurple.png

Extract creates 3 sheets of Solid Plasma when injected with plasma. Yessir, NT can link anything to the production of plasma. Also useful for further experimenting.

Dark Blue Slime Slimedarkblue.png

Extract creates freon, a powerful freezing gas, when injected with plasma. Useful for countering those red slimes.

Extract creates a three-use chill potion when injected with water, which fireproofs anything it's used on. Be a firebug without looking like one! Miners can make good use of this, as it will make them storm-proof.

Silver Slime Slimesilver.png

Extract creates a small amount of random food when injected with plasma, bork bork bork. Expect anything from a roburger to death berries.

Extract creates a small amount of random drinks when injected with water, bork bork bork.

Tier 2.5

Bluespace Slime Slimebluespace.png

Extract will, if injected with plasma, spawn a Bluespace Crystal. They will teleport you when crushed in your hand and teleport anyone you throw it at. It also has some good research levels.

Extract will, if injected with blood, create 25 Bluespace Floor Tiles, which speed up movement drastically.

Sepia Slime Slimesepia.png

Extract stops time when injected with plasma. How? SpessSlime Magic!

Extract creates some Film and a Camera when injected with water. Fuck this is so useless.

Extract creates 25 Sepia Floor Tiles when injected with blood. They slow movement speed above them.

Cerulean Slime Slimecerculean.png

Extract creates a bottle of extract enhancer when injected with plasma. When used on a extract it adds one use to it. You can start laughing madly now.

Extract creates a one-use blueprint when injected with blood. Renaming an area with it will turn the floor blue. Renaming an area to Xenobiology Lab will let the console work on that area.

Pyrite Slime Slimepyrite.png

Extract creates a can of paint when injected with plasma. For the love of all that is holy, don't give it to the clown!

Extract creates a random crayon when injected with blood.

Tier 3

Red Slime Slimered.png

Extract creates a bottle of slime mutation potion when injected with plasma. Makes slimes 12% more likely to mutate, the opposite of the slime stabilizer.

Extract makes nearby slimes rabid when injected with blood. Has some fun uses.

Extract creates a bottle of speed potion when injected with water. The speed potion will negate slowdown from any item of clothing or vehicle it is applied to.

Green Slime Slimegreen.png

Extract creates some mutation toxin when injected with plasma. Injecting yourself with it will turn you into a slimeperson. This has several pros and cons, but what is important to xenobiology is that slimes will never attack you and your blood is not valid for blood-based reactions.

Injecting the extract with radium creates some unstable mutation toxin instead. Injecting someone with it will change his race randomly. This extract can be modified with other chemicals to change into a specific race.

Pink Slime Slimepink.png

Extract creates a bottle of docility potion when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will nullify a slime's hunger, causing it to become docile and tame, and will let you name it. You too can have your own pet, just like the HoP!

Extract creates a bottle of gender changing potion when injected with blood, which changes the gender of any living, gendered thing it is used on.

Gold Slime Slimegold.png

Extract spawns five random dangerous hostile mobs when injected with plasma.

Extract spawns three random dangerous mobs when injected with blood. These mobs are not immediately hostile, but may be provoked by certain actions, proximity to other creatures (such as your slimes) or if they encounter a construct or mech. You can also spawn magicarps and changeling headslugs!

Extract spawns one random friendly critter when injected with water. Now you can fill xenobiology with mobs even if you're a giant pussy!

See here for the list of summonable mobs.

Tier 4

Oil Slime Slimeoil.png

Extract creates an explosion after a moment when injected with plasma.

Extract creates Corn Oil when injected with blood.

Black Slime Slimeblack.png

Extract creates some advanced mutation toxin when injected with plasma. Turns you, or others, into a sentient grey baby slime. Beware, slimes are still not harmless. This mutation can be prevented with frost oil, if you are quick enough. Acts instantly on slimepeople.

Light Pink Slime Slimelightpink.png

Extract creates a bottle of sentience potion when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will bring human level intelligence to any animal, slime, monster or generally active thing you feed it to. Make Ian sentient! Create an army of gold slime minions! The possibilities are limited only by your own deviousness and the number of ghosts in the round.

Adamantine Slime Slimeadamantine.png

Extract creates an adamantine bar when injected with Plasma. It can be sold at cargo for a high amount of credits, or it can be used inhand to craft a golem shell. Golem shells can then be finished with ten sheets of any material, which will affect the golem's properties. After completion, a ghost can possess the shell to spawn as a golem. It will follow the orders of who finishes the shell above anything else, and inherit conversion antagonist status, such as cult, from their owner.

Special Slimes

Rainbow Slime Rainbow slime.gif To attain this rare slime you must breed a slime with a 100% mutation chance!

Extract will spawn a random slime when injected with plasma.

Extract will generate a mind transference potion when injected with blood. You can use it to transfer your mind into a creature. This is not reversible and will result in your old body's instant death.

Extract will spawn a flight potion when injected with 5u of Holy water and 5u Uranium.

So You're a Traitor

What you can get here that can't be gotten easier elsewhere is an EMP and random hostile animals which include a few very deadly ones CARPS SPACE BEARS ALIUMS SPIDERS HIVEBOTS PINE TREES OH GOD IT'S HORRIFYING. Releasing the slimes is somewhat viable, but you will likely get caught doing so, and baby slimes are rather tame (Unless you have Red Slime Essence. Then it's a party.)

On the plus side, you do have a disposal chute that goes directly to space. Pretty handy for disposing of evidence, or people.

Also remember the havoc with grenades and bombs you can cause! If you can get access to chemistry as well you can make some interesting grenades. Advanced mutation toxin with sugar in one beaker, phosphorus and potassium in the other. Set a timer in the Medbay and drop it and listen to all the people turning into Slimes. This is when you laugh to yourself and realize it backfires when all the slimes attack you.

A full guide to ruining someone's day with slimes:

Red - Makes all slimes within sight range hyper aggressive. Also makes speed potions which can make it easier to evade guns while firing off other slime cores while still keeping high armor values or being able to go in space freely. Green - Produces 1 unit of a chemical that turns people into different races including slime persons. Use it on someone and convince the AI that they're a danger to humanity. Needs at least 5 units for it to work in a smoke grenade.

Black - Turns people into actual slimes, no fort save. Again, 5 units in a smoke or foam grenade will make for a very interesting shuttle flight.

Orange - Ignites a large fire.

Yellow - Huge EMP.

Silver - Only way to get real roburgers (with nanites) and motherfucking GATFRUIT.

Gold - We all know what this does.

Sepia - Stops time in a small radius, allowing you to wreak many kinds of havoc.

Oil - Explosion. Pretty meh considering there's materials for IEDs everywhere.

Adamantium - Makes golems that can be converted to the cult/soul shard/revved. They have to follow orders given to them by their creator so feel free to make them suicide bomb with gold slime cores.

Light pink - Enables you to make sentient beings, including anything a gold slime extract can produce. Magicarps included.


Critters are controlled by the game AI and not by other players, at least most of the time. Some are friendly, some are neutral, and some are hostile. Learn to tell the difference before they eat you.

What you need to know about critters

Critters are controlled by the game's artificial intelligence, not to be confused with the AI. They may have subpar pathfinding and limited reaction to the physics systems that human controlled mobs have to deal with. This can make them unpredictable and frustrating as both allies and opponents.

Critters are divided into four categories: Pets, Helpful, Neutral, and Hostile.


Pets may be the specific property of certain staff members if I feel inclined, or may just be something you can acquire. If you do get a pet, you gain an objective to make sure that pet survives with you.

Name Description
Mouse Wanders around the dark glimpsy maintenances, and squeaks when stepped on.
Crab A brown crab named Coffee can be found on the beach at CorpComm, wandering around aimlessly.
Corgi A specific corgi named Ian spawns in the Head of Personnel's Office. Ian can be dressed up in a variety of hilarious outfits, commonly found in the theater or around the station. Please don't throw him in the laundry machine. If you kill Ian, expect to be lynched. The secret objective for every HoP is to get Ian on the shuttle alive, to return to Centcom.
Cat Runtime is the pet cat of Medbay. She spawns in the Chief Medical Officer's Office. She is much less fun than Ian as she can't be dressed in silly costumes. If you work in Medbay, your secret objective is to keep her safe, and away from that brute Ian. Runtime likes to chase mice.
Parrot Poly belongs to the Chief Engineer. Will annoy the hell out of you by stealing objects from your hand. He can also wear and talk over a headset. Complains frequently.

The first burgers you eat on the station are usually made of Pun Pun. |

Facehugger Held in a display case inside in the Research Director's Office, Lamarr is a de-fanged alien facehugger, who likes to harmlessly latch on to people's faces.


Name Description
Floorbot Floorbots are one of the station's robotic creations. Normally they repair flooring on any opened space tile, but when hacked, they expose floor tiles to open space instead.
Cleanbot Cleanbot Another robotic creation. Cleanbots will always be helpful; even if hacked they still clean floors, albeit more sloppily.
Medibot Medibot A bot used to ease the burden of overworked medical staff; simply set up its health analyzer to detect a specific condition, and provide it or program it with a medication to inject when that condition is met. Can synthesize its own chemicals by using energy, or be preloaded with a special beaker of the Chemist's best medicines… or worst poisons.


Name Description
Securitrons A specific Securitron named Officer Beepsky comes with the ship, and others can be made by Robotics. Unless emagged, attacked, in view of a Law Violation, or otherwise provoked, these robots will simply patrol the station. When one spots a criminal, it will rush towards the offender to apply its stunclub. After incapacitation, it will apply restraints and alert Security to pick up the errant criminal if set to Arrest, or continually stun the perp if set to Detain. Restraints are synthesized using its internal energy supply. Securitrons move faster than most normal people, making them effective criminal catchers.
Security Mech A specific SecMech named ED-209 comes with the ship. It stalks around more slowly than a Securitron, but fires taser bolts instead of using a stun club, and can stomp on downed opponents before applying restraints.
Lizard A harmless lizard, which will typically leave you alone unless you bother it. Tends to wander in random directions otherwise. Not to be confused with lizardians.
Goat Pete the Goat is the (not really) harmless and mostly terrible goat. He spends his time plotting in the Chef's freezer; it's best to leave him there. Not only is Pete a wily and murderous animal, but his caretaker, the Chef, may just have the excuse he's always wanted for making you into a burger. Pete likes to eat space vines.
Walking Mushroom Truly neutral, their only purpose is to travel around the area they're in and look adorable. A more sinister property is their ability to warp and slow space-time and MURDER EACH OTHER. Only in massive groups is their evil truly realized. One or two as pets are fine, however.
Space Clown The lesser-skilled inhabitants of Clown Planet, they mostly mill about the area, occasionally honking. Pick a fight with them, though, and your eardrums will explode at the menacing HONKs, and your body will be ground to dust under the stampede of floppy shoes.
Cow Known for their milk, just don't tip them over. Can be milked for milk with a bucket.
Chicken Hopefully the eggs are good this season. Lays eggs once in a while, which can result in a chickensplosion.
Chick Adorable! They make such a racket though.


Name Description
Space Carp Space Carp are an alien lifeform that travel through space in schools. Sometimes, spaceships will encounter one of these schools, and anyone unlucky enough to be outside the protective walls will be attacked. Carp have a chance to stun their victims and attack every tick, doing about 10 brute damage with each bite.

Giant Spider Giant Spider Giant spiders that grow from spiderlings, spread webs and attack anyone they encounter, causing brute damage from the hit and toxin damage from the venom they inflict. Changelings have the ability to infest the station with spiderlings that will grow into these.

Facehugger Facehugger Facehuggers knock out their victims outright and have a chance to infect them with a deadly xeno embryo. On the other hand, they can usually only attack once before they die and their infectious embryos can be resisted. Facehuggers don't care about masks or most headgear and will tear them off when they leap.

Space Bear Space bears can be spawned by cruel admins or mad scientists and will swarm the station, rapidly killing anyone they encounter. Bears will choose their targets one at a time and pursue them, giving a growl to alert their intended victim. Bears can see through windows, but won't break them.

Cosmic Horror Horrifying, nightmare-inducing monsters from beyond the stars. Cosmic horrors are yellow, blob like creatures that will attack anyone they can find. The Wizard keeps one as a pet.

Killer Tomato Spawned from the hydroponic trays of spiteful botanists, these mutant vegetables will hop menacingly after the first living thing they see. You should have eaten your veggies, because now they'll eat you invade harmlessly your personal space!

Viscerator A small flying deployed drone created and manufactured by one of the Major Syndicate Corps, they are hostile towards anything they see and attack using their rotor blades. Considered extremely efficient and are used in infiltrations and hostile take-overs, usually serve as a distraction to a more serious threat.

Pine Tree A large, wintry tree. It appears to be a normal evergreen tree that would be perfect for the holidays, but it secretly detests festivities and will assault anybody within range of its menacing branches. Commonly seen spawned by scientists with gold slimes and too much free time.

Hivebot A roaming bee-bot equipped with an attached weapon that fires bullet projectiles that can also come in stronger versions, its rate of fire is slow and is considered moderate in terms of damage. Easily destroyable, however this is countered by being in packs or even in an entire platoon.

Hivelord Found on the asteroid. These strange creatures will unleash hivelord broods one after another at you whilst trying to keep distant. Fortunately, each of its spawn dies in a single hit, and deal tickle damage. Their remains are known to have curative properties

Goliath The bane of many careless miners. Found on the asteroid, these creatures pack a heavy punch, and slip anyone who comes near with four tentacles for better ease of punching. If felled, they leave behind hive plates that can be used to strengthen hardsuits, plus a corpse that can be used to revive with a lazarus injector and terrorize the station paraded as a trophy.

Basilisk Fierce, territorial beasts that live on the asteroid, capable of firing freezing beams, cold enough to inflict serious freeze burns while it closes in and attacks its immobilized target. Fortunately, they don't attack unless someone comes very close to them. Drops diamonds upon death.

Goldgrub Mostly harmless and quite rare. Found on the asteroid, these creatures swallow up any loose, valuable ore they can find and flee when approached by a human, smashing through even solid rock on their path of escape before burrowing into the ground.

Blob Spore Spawns from the Blob Factory. Chases and hits you, and releases spore gas upon death.

Blob Zombie If a Blob Spore finds a corpse, it will zombify it and then chase and hit you.

Blobbernaut A Blob Factory can turn into this. Chases and hits you hard.

Gold Slime Pool

These are the possible monsters summonable by a Gold Slime reaction with blood or plasma.

Name Description Space Carp Space Carp A spaceproof giant carp. Deals medium damage with bites, and dies easily.

Megacarp Mega Space Carp A spaceproof even more giant carp. Has more health and damage than basic carps.

Magicarp Magicarp A spaceproof giant carp with magic powers. Can bite like a normal carp, but it can also shoot magic bolts (Door Creation, Change, Animation, Healing, Death, Fireball, Teleportation, Nothing, Spellblade). A magicarp can only shoot one kind of bolt, picked randomly at the moment of spawn.

Chaos Magicarp Chaos Magicarp A spaceproof giant carp with magic powers. Can bite like a normal carp, but it can also shoot magic bolts (Door Creation, Change, Animation, Healing, Death, Fireball, Teleportation, Nothing, Spellblade). A chaos magicarp shoots a random bolt every time it fires.

Giant SpiderNurse Spider Giant Spider Giant spiders that grow from spiderlings, spread webs and attack anyone they encounter, causing brute damage from the hit and toxin damage from the venom they inflict. Those with grees eyes are Nurse Spiders and can lay eggs that'll hatch into more spiders, if it manages to cocoon a corpse. Extremely dangerous.

Spurdo Spärde :—-DDDDDDD Space Bear Space bears are dangerous creatures that deal heavy damage and are fairly resistant.

Cosmic Horror Cosmic Horror Horrifying, nightmare-inducing monsters from beyond the stars. Cosmic horrors are yellow, blob like creatures that will attack anyone they can find.

Killer Tomato Killer Tomato These mutant vegetables will hop menacingly after the first living thing they see. They aren't very dangerous since they haven't been botany-engineered and spawn with low potency.

Visrator Viscerator A small flying deployed drone created and manufactured by one of the Major Syndicate Corps, they are hostile towards anything they see and attack using their rotor blades. Considered extremely efficient and are used in infiltrations and hostile take-overs, usually serve as a distraction to a more serious threat. By itself it's really fragile, though.

Pine tree Pine Tree A large, wintry tree. It appears to be a normal evergreen tree that would be perfect for the holidays, but it secretly detests festivities and will assault anybody within range of its menacing branches. Commonly seen spawned by scientists with gold slimes and too much free time.

Hivebot Hivebot A roaming bee-bot equipped with an attached weapon that fires bullet projectiles that can also come in stronger versions, its rate of fire is slow and is considered moderate in terms of damage. Easily destroyable, however this is countered by being in packs or even in an entire platoon.

Blob Spore Blob Spore Works like the ones from the Blob Factory. Chases and hits targets, and releases spore gas upon death. Can hit corpses to make them into Blob Zombies.

Blob Zombie Blob Zombie If a Blob Spore finds a corpse, it will zombify it.

SkeletonIce Skeleton Skeleton A spooky skeleton. Fragile, but hits fairly hard. Can come in an ice variant as well, which has more health and is faster.

Faithless Faithless A humanoid monster. Medium-high resistance, medium-high damage. Can knock down with his attacks.

Statue Statue A statue of a human. Nigh-indestructible, extremely fast, and hits incredibly hard (more than double of an esword's damage) but cannot move or attack while someone is looking at it. Can cause lights to flicker around it, and can temporarily blind people around it to gain a few moments of free movement.

Bee Poison Bees Bees that are coded to a random poison reagent. They'll inject a few units of it when they sting their targets.

Blobbernaut Blobbernaut Works like a normal blobbernaut, but does not die if not close to a blob.

Headcrab Headcrab The same critter spawned by a changeling's Last Chance power, can infect a corpse and burst out of it as a monkey changeling, with all of a normal changeling skills but not the antag status. Use a transference potion on it and infect your own corpse to become a Xenoling, although remember to remove your valuable possessions since they'll be gibbed once you burst out.

Races This page is dedicated to clarifying the minor differences between the playable races on /vg/station. It can be edited and updated by anyone.

This page will NOT cover specifics such as lore, roleplaying suggestions, etc. It will only cover statistical differences with strengths and weaknesses.

Contents 1 Common Races 1.1 Humans 1.1.1 Pros 1.1.2 Cons 1.2 Greys 1.2.1 Pros 1.2.2 Cons 1.3 Vox 1.3.1 Pros 1.3.2 Cons 1.4 Plasma-Men 1.4.1 Pros 1.4.2 Cons 1.5 Mushroom People 1.5.1 Pros 1.5.2 Cons 1.6 Insectoids 1.6.1 Pros 1.6.2 Cons 1.7 Dionaea (Adult) 1.7.1 Pros 1.7.2 Cons 2 Uncommon Races 2.1 Skeletons 2.1.1 Pros 2.1.2 Cons 2.2 Slime People 2.2.1 Pros 2.2.2 Cons 2.3 Golems 2.3.1 Pros 2.3.2 Cons 3 Rare Races 3.1 Skrell 3.1.1 Pros 3.1.2 Cons 3.2 Unathi/Lizardmen 3.2.1 Pros 3.2.2 Cons 3.3 Tajaran/Catbeast 3.3.1 Pros 3.3.2 Cons 3.4 Cluwne 3.4.1 Pros 3.4.2 Cons 3.5 Faguette 3.5.1 Pros 3.5.2 Cons Common Races These are the races you'll see more often than not. These are all available for selection in your character preferences, and can be played from the start of the round to the finish.

Humans Generic assistant.png Congratulations, you're neutral at everything except in starting global conflicts, we'll always hold that record!

Pros You are innately afforded protections and power under the Asimov lawset, so make the silicons your bitches. You have exclusive access to the highest positions of public office on the station; Captain, Head of Security and Head of Personnel. While other races can attain these positions later in a round, only humans can start with them. You have access to Sol Common (:7). Cons Greys NuGreyBody.png Little green grey green AND grey (and blue) men from a big mothership. Often seen shit-talking with their minds.

Pros Sulphuric Acid isn't toxic to you + you have a strong resistance to Polytrinic Acid. Spawn with Mind Speak, a genetic power that allows them to speak privately to people they have met from afar. Improved night vision. (Humans have a darksight range of 2, Grays have 5) Special acidic Zam foods available from cargo. Can communicate privately with other Greys (:k). Can poke people in the forehead instead of head-patting. This works as a painkiller. Cons Water is your acid and will burn you in the same way that acid burns other races. Avoid fire extinguishers and clowns. Their melee and unarmed attacks deal 20% less damage than other races. People say ayy lmao around you a lot. Maybe they were born in Ay Lmao Valley as well? Vox VoxBody.png Feathery gypsies who speak terrible English, or feathery pirates who speak terrible English. Or maybe you just speak normal English. Plenty of foreigners speak better English than the natives.

Pros Start out with environmental suits relating to their profession. Medical Vox have biosuits, Engineering Vox have hardsuits, Atmos Vox have atmos suits, Paramedic Vox have paramed hardsuits. Can withstand cold better. Can communicate privately with other Vox with the Pidgin language (:v). Special Vox-only Trader occupation available on all maps. Special reagent 'gravy', which is prevalent in most Vox food dishes, heals them like anti-toxin and even stacks with anti-toxin. Cons Oxygen is even more toxic than plasma at levels of 1% or higher. Being devolved turns you into a chicken. Can't wear most exosuits. Traditionally distrusted at best or persecuted at worst. Vox Raiders can't even speak Galactic Common. This usually leads to their death due to a lack of understanding. Plasma-Men PlasmamanBody.png A husk of a man. Depressing purple skeletons born from a burning hell and made with Space Leprosy.

Pros Comes with their own job-themed specialized soft suit that's space-worthy. Plasma isn't toxic to you. No blood. This also means no bleeding. This has many knock-on effects: Your commensalist relationship with the Vampires, your ability to survive even critical damage for far longer than the other races who would have long since succumbed to the dreaded Internal Bleeding, and your ability to not have your blood drawn by the Virologist to cure the Party Time Virus inside you. Takes 50% burn damage. Yes, that's 7 laser gun shots. Being former humans, they can also communicate privately with other humans using Sol Common (:7). Cons Breathes plasma instead of oxygen. This generally means you'll be running off a gas tank the size of your arm for the entire round, which has its own benefits and maluses. Oxygen is even more toxic to you than to a Vox. At levels of 1% or higher, removing the suit immediately ignites you into flames, causing you to take constant burn damage until the suit is reapplied. No, you can't spread it by bumping into people. Takes 150% brute damage. You roll your S's in a simmering fashion, like a lizard. Being devolved turns you into a flaming skull. Can be butchered for unique Plasma meat, which only contains 0.5u Nutriment but has 5u Plasma. So you'll be the target of plasmahungry crewmembers. Mushroom People Mushroomman.png Silent merchants grown in hydroponic trays or soil, the chatty Vox's unwanted ally.

Pros Takes less burn and toxin damage. Can communicate with fellow mushmen via Sporemind (:~). Can communicate with other races via telepathy. Toggle-able night vision mode. Can understand Vox Pidgin. Cons Almost twice as weak to brute damage as humans. Mute. Insectoids Insectoidwhitebg.png Chittering creatures from another world, hired on the cheap by your favorite megacorp.

Pros Takes 50% less radiation from any radiation source. Take 50% less toxin damage. Your night vision is better than that of humans. You can communicate privately with your fellow insectoids (:%). Cons You aren't completely rad-proof. Absorbed radiation will still eventually poison and kill you if you're exposed for too long. Your alien mouthparts turn your S's into buzzed Z's. Being devolved turns you into a giant roach. You take 10% more burn damage. Your connections to the Republic of Turkey will always be questioned. Dionaea (Adult) DionaBody.png Become one with the trees by actually BECOMING a tree.

You can either begin the round as an adult, or become one through hydroponics. Botanists can grow Diona nodes, which allow ghosts to spawn as Diona Nymphs. Nymphs are unable to use most equipment, and need to take blood samples from higher lifeforms to understand languages and eventually grow into an adult. However, they can crawl into vents like a monkey and have a bunch of abilities that make them good botanists.

Pros Regenerate from nearly anything in brightly lit areas. Practically immune to toxin damage. Can absorb radiation. FEEL NO PAIN. Withstands all temperatures best out of all the races. Can communicate privately with other Diona with :q. Doesn't need to breathe. No blood. Immune to pressure damage. Unarmed damage of 5. Organic manufacture of ammonia which they can extrude into a plant alongside any other reagent consumed by the Diona. Cons Slow as fuck; this can be mitigated with hyperzine or genetics. Stop healing if they have ingested hyperzine or plant-b-gone. Can die if kept in darkness for a long period of time. Cannot heal burn damage by themselves. Takes 250% burn damage. Uncommon Races Rather than beginning a round as these races, options are made available as the round progresses to become one of them. Becoming one of these races is often dependent on a specific job or department, and as such, they can appear occasionally, but feasibly not appear at all.

Skeletons SkeletonBody.png There's one waiting inside everybody, waiting to get out. Any living species can become a skeleton with the Dissolve power, available from genetics.

ACK ACK ACK. Your worst nightmares brought to life, made even more scary by their terrible bone-related jokes. Expect dozens of “boner” puns.

Pros No blood, skin, or organs. You do not need to breathe, but you will take pressure damage. Don't go out into depressurized areas without EVA. When naked, clicking yourself with help intent will rattle your bones. Can communicate privately with other skeletons with :z. 1.5x faster movement speed than humans. Cons 25% chance to say 'ACK ACK!' at the end of their sentences. Bones more likely to be broken. Takes double brute damage. Can only eat raw meat. Cannot take pills, these will simply fall through to the floor. More likely to spook coworkers to death. Slime People SlimeBody.png Joining the slime Master race.

Xenobiologists can breed Green Slimes, which can yield slime toxin. Injecting even 1u can turn you into a slimeperson!

Pros Immune to electricity. They heal from it. They still have shock stuns, though, but they're slower than normal. (This was tested and works) Can't be harmed by slimes, or other things that cause clone damage. (Decloner) Cons Cold kills you quickly. Fire extinguishers hurt like acid. Dying turns you into an unrevivable pile of gloop, with your only hope for returning from the dead being cloning. Golems GolemBody.png A metallic servant born from Science. Become the ultimate bodyguard, or tend to the slimes while your master drinks himself to death at the bar.

Another creation of xenobiology, adamantine slime extract can be used to create golem runes. Ghosts can enter these runes, and living players can activate them to spawn them as golems.

Pros Irremovable space suit that doubles as Riot Armor. Can't be pushed over. Your jumpsuit IS armor. Cons Slaved to the person who summoned you. You must follow their orders. Slow. Can't shoot guns. Can only heal clone damage by consuming/using Rezadone. Can't be given CPR, yet still need to breathe. Fuck if I know. Can't wear shoes. Don't step on glass or you'll slip.

Rare Races These races rely primarily on admin intervention to spawn, for better or worse. Currently the only gamemode that prompts any of these to appear with any degree of commonality is wizard.

Skrell The rarely seen Squidfrogs.

SkrellBody.png Mechanically the same as humans.

Pros Green. Can purchase the legendary Cannedbread.png Canned Bread from the cargo gift-shop. Can purchase the ultra rare canned compressed matter from an uplink if somehow sleeper agent'd. Cons Usually only ever seen as products of Brain Swapping or a Staff of Change. Unathi/Lizardmen UnathiBody.png Pros Same as Tajaran in terms of attack damage. May have immunity to toxin damage. Immune to diseases. (Confirmation needed) Can withstand heat better. Can see slightly better in the dark than humans. Having a darksight range of 3. Cons Your s'es are drawn out as a stutter/hiss. Unless you're a Janitor, expect to be killed pretty quickly. Cannot withstand cold as well. Only occurs as a byproduct of brainswapping and the occasional adminbus. Tajaran/Catbeast

Note: This race is most often used as a punishment by the admins and is explicitly marked as valid salad in the game rules. There is a virus that occasionally causes people to become tajaran. Although it would be in the players interest to isolate themselves from the infected, the valid train has no brakes regardless of the method one has become a catbeast

CatbeastBody.png Pros Your harm intent unarmed attacks do significantly more damage than most other races. Can literally claw other races eyes out. Darksight of 8, the greatest of all the races. Fucking alleycats. Can withstand cold better. Cons You cough up hairballs. Periodically stuns you. The rules not only condone but actively encourage the rest of the crew to kill you on sight, which means your brief lifespan will end in a public lynching. Various word replacements: (As regex) Cannot withstand heat as well. From To \b(asshole|comdom|shitter|shitler|retard|dipshit|dipshit|greyshirt|nigger) Either of:

silly rabbit sandwich recolor party pooper \bme\b meow \bI\b meow fuck yiff shit scat scratch scritch \b(help|assist)\b(me|I)\b kill meow god gosh (ass|butt) rump Cluwne CluwneBody.png You poor, miserable fool. You shouldn't have been such a shitter, otherwise the admins wouldn't have turned you into one of these wretched creatures.

Pros None. Cons Can never remove your clown suit and mask. Your hands are replaced with an array of bicycle horns. Permanently brain damaged. When trying to talk, most of your words are replaced with honking.

Faguette FaguetteBody.png You really fucked up, man. Most people don't even know these are a thing. The admins don't have a dedicated Faguette button so if you find yourself as one of these then you really, really made them mad.

Pros None. Cons Can never remove the mime suit or mask. Your arm is permanently replaced with a baguette. Permanently brain damaged. You can't talk, at all, not even honking to beg for release.