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Syndicate Items

Want some insight on how experienced players use these goodies? Try Being A Better Traitor!

Ever wondered about those fancy items Traitors, Nuclear Operatives, and other Syndicate operatives get? Some of them are superceded by the toys the Military hauls around, while others have special advantages that are otherwise difficult to research. Look no further. This page lists them out, explains what they do, and tells about the various ways these people get them!

There are a myriad of ways an agent of the Syndicate can get their exclusive Syndicate gear:

Traitors, Head Revolutionaries, and Spy Thieves start with uplinks, which are typically disguised as something else. For Traitors and Head Revs, the uplink lets them buy gear using telecrystals, while for Spy Thieves, it lists bounties that give Syndicate items when completed.

Nuclear Operatives, meanwhile, have a ship full of supplies to arm up with in addition to having access to telecrystals for emergency tools in the field or for additional preparation supplies before a full assault, spendable on their military PDAs.

In addition, some of these items can be bought with credits from CARL, an NPC merchant in the Syndicate Listening Post one can occasionally stumble across, picked up in shipping crates, available to the Military, developed by the ship through Research, or found in off-station areas where normally you have to put in some extra effort to find them. Still, most of the obvious weapons are off-limits to normal crew!

Uplinks are gadgets Traitors, Head Revolutionaries, Spy Thieves, and Nuclear Operatives who choose the Custom Class Uplink option use to obtain gear from the Syndicate. The uplink typically masquerades as some sort of mundane everyday object, and each of these roles gets a different version that might have a different selection of items or even work entirely differently.

An uplink might be disguised as:

Important Note - If your special PDA or headset uplink is stolen or destroyed, you cannot use another PDA/headset to replace it. Only the one you started with works!

Not every uplink is equal. Some roles get uplinks that have access to only certain items, and one kind of uplinks functions quite a bit differently from the rest.

The Custom Class Uplink and uplinks used by Traitors and Head Revolutionaries show a list of items you can buy. The currency used is not credits, but a special Syndicate currency called “telecrystals” or just “TC”. Regardless of which of these three uplinks you have, you get a grand total of 12 currency, so spend them wisely! If in doubt, press the About button to get a brief description before ordering the item in question. It is possible to acquire more telecrystals by working with another Traitor or certain other methods, so be prepared!

Traitor uplinks have the entire list of generic gear, and certain jobs get job-specific gear.

The Custom Class Uplink the nuke ops can get has a limited selection of generic gear and no job-specific items.

The Head Rev uplink has access to an even more limited selection of generic Syndicate items, and while some jobs can buy their job-specific gear, again, only some items are available. That said, they do have some items exclusive to the mode.

The Spy Thief uplink is the real odd one out. Instead of displaying a selection of items to buy like the other uplinks, the Spy Thief uplink shows a list of bounties which give Syndicate gear when completed. See the Spy Thief Bounty System for a much more in-depth look.

Usually, the code will be automatically filled in when unlocking the uplink, in the event that you forget your PDA access code or the uplink frequency, use the Notes command to bring it up. It's in the “Commands” tab on your right above the chat. Alternatively, you can enter “Notes” into your text parser/command line near the bottom of the screen.

So many toys, so little time

These are all items that can be bought through uplinks. Some require that the owner be a certain crew job (e.g. Clown, Staff Assistant, etc.), while others don't. Some of these also appear in loadout kits used by nuclear operatives, and some are sold by CARL too, but these all share the common trait of being available through Syndicate uplinks.

Standard Items

The equipment listed below doesn't have any job requirement, i.e. whether the uplink owner is an Engineer or Medical Doctor or whatever doesn't affect if it's available for purchase. That said, depending on the antag role, some items may not be available. Traitor uplinks have access to this entire list, so, for example, a Traitor Captain and a Traitor Staff Assistant can buy each and every one of the items. Uplinks used by Head Revolutionaries and the nuke op custom class uplink have a much more limited selection. Meanwhile, Spy Thieves can get some (i.e. not all) of these from completing bounties.

Item Cost Avail. in Ops CCU? Usage Description Notes
Trick Cigarettes 1 Yes Six cigarettes that explode. This cigarette packet has 6 cigs that explode shortly after being lit. While the explosion might not be the largest, it can cause one or two small hull breaches that will decompress a room or hallway fairly rapidly. You can also force or trick someone into smoking one of these for stylish assassinations; they look and act like standard cigarettes, save for only having 5 units of nicotine, so they might not notice until it's too late. Trick cigarettes are quite useful for disabling critical equipment (APCs, cloning pods etc) at low cost.
Fake Moustache 1 No No one will ever know who you are, NO ONE. This moustache/mustache hides your identity. No, really. Like other face-concealing items, wearing this 'stache and taking off your ID makes you appear as “Unknown”, and wearing it with an ID with a different name than yours on it makes you appear as the name on the ID rather than “Name (as Name on ID)”. Speaking still reveals you, but it's a good thing this accepts the voice changer. Only really used by traitors with one unit of currency left to use or people who find an unlocked Syndicate PDA. Used by people that know true style.
Detomatix Cartridge 1 Yes Load it in your PDA. Blow other PDAs. A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, gives it two programs:
Missile: Remotely detonates other people's PDAs in a moderately lethal explosion. Your target PDA needs the Messenger function turned on in order to attempt this, and you need to scan for other PDAs, then import the list. Certain PDAs (the AI's for instance) are hardened and cannot be blown up. Comes with 4 charges.
Bomb: Basically makes the PDA it's executed on (i.e. your PDA) self-destruct with a similarly-sized explosion. The countdown is very short, so be ready to throw it fast!
A decent way of sowing panic aboard the station, or softening up a target for an assassination attempt. If there is an ID card in the PDA, it will be automatically ejected from the PDA and left safely intact from the explosion.

Functionality is also built into the military PDA that starts on the Syndicate Battlecruiser.

Chameleon Outfit BackpackGrayV2-32×32.png RemoteNew.png 1 Yes Contains set of clothes that can disguise themselves to any other pairs of clothes. A wonderful backpack that contains a set of generic clothing. A pair of prescription glasses, a black jumpsuit, a pair of black boots, a pair of black gloves, a utility belt, a hat and a hoodie are all present in the bag along with a fancy hi-tech remote. This remote lets you change the appearance of all of the aforementioned clothes to another set, allowing you to disguise as specific jobs such as a staff assistant, a quartermaster or even the HoS! An EMP blast will make this turn each and every thing in the set into a psychedelic version which is good for parties, but completely awful for stealth. This can be reset by changing the set to something else with the remote.

You can also right-click any item in the set and choose change appearance (and optionally take it off and put it back on to be safe) to change only its appearance and customize your outfit a bit.

Stealth Storage Box2.png 1 Yes Hides shit. Starts out appearing like an internals box and can assume the sprite and Examine text of pretty much any hand-held item. Unlike a regular box or backpack, using this container does not result in conspicuous text messages. However, the camouflaging does not change the size description (e.g. Examining a stealth storage disguised as an air tank will say it's a small item rather than a normal-size item), and the Examine text for a camouflaged stealth storage will always say “It looks heavy, somehow”, giving it away. The camouflage can be reset at any time if required via right-clicking it. The stealth storage can hold normal-sized items (e.g. guns), whereas the ordinary box is limited to small and tiny objects. It also fits in jumpsuit pockets - use drag & drop to access the container's contents.

Revolver Box GunBoxV2.png RevolverV2.png 6 Yes A loaded revolver with spare ammunition. Loud, obvious and powerful, the .357 Magnum Predator revolver is a quite popular choice among the Syndicate and valued for its decent stopping power. Unarmored opponents will also bleed constantly until the bullets have been removed via surgery. The box contains three spare regular FMJ speedloaders, and two loaded with armor-piercing rounds. The revolver can also chamber .38 Spc rounds, opening up the station's supply of stun bullets, and it could save you in a pinch if the entire supply of .357 Mag ammo has been exhausted.

Freedom Implant Implanter2.png 1 Yes Frees you from restraints a couple of times. Injecting yourself with this will get you out of handcuffs and shackles a limited number of times, ranging from 1 to 5. You must use a certain emote assigned to you upon implanting in order to instantly escape handcuffs; you'll know it worked because you'll feel a “faint click”. This can be quite useful for traitor, but it's often useless for Syndicate operatives because most people just kill them on sight. Injection is implant, as usual.

Agent Card IDCardBlankV2.png 1 Yes Makes you untraceable by the AI. Can copy access from other ID cards. Using it for the first time will prompt you to set a name, job assignment and the color of the stripe, but this can only be done once. It starts with maintenance access and can be upgraded at an ID computer or by simply swiping other cards on it. When equipped, the AI cannot use its tracking functions to follow you on camera. The agent card also grants access to a few special, Syndicate-only locations. Operatives spawn with one by default. Remember to wear it on your ID slot or it won't work.

Electro­magnetic Card (EMAG) EmagV2.png 6 Yes Opens, hacks, and unlocks everything imaginable. This sophisticated piece of equipment allows you to quite literally open anything: lockers, crates, doors (so long as they aren't welded shut) and other things. However, the affected machinery will be broken permanently and while this can have the desired effect, it also leaves a trail for people to follow (mostly doors). Emagging something is also fairly noticeable, so you should make sure nobody's watching. Besides gaining access through mundane locks, there are a number of additional purposes that EMAGs serve, e.g. removing any laws a cyborg may have, scrambling ID cards with random access, hacking automated bots with malicious results, damaging doors that have been welded shut, and shorting out restrictions of certain computers. It also drops the emergency shuttle countdown to 10 seconds, neat!

Experiment! Who knows what else it could work on. You may even find out how to make the golden EMAG.

Cloaking Field Generator CloakGenerator.png RemoteNew.png 3 No A large and relatively immobile cloaking generator. This device generates a curtain of invisibility with an adjustable pattern and range of up to five tiles in every direction. Hides items and players, but not quite perfectly - combine it with a blackout for optimal results. Unlike the hand-held cloaking device however, optical sensors (AI, cyborgs) and thermals are ineffective against the cloak field. To manipulate the generator's settings, hold the remote in your hand and use the context menu (right click). Simply clicking on the remote will then activate the cloak. You won't be able to that without it, so don't lose the remote!

Sleepy Pen PenNew.png Fancy pen.png 5 Yes Puts your target to sleep, stealthily injects chems. This is a very devious little item. It clandestinely injects chems that without any indication to the victim that they've been penned. It looks almost exactly like a pen except its Examine message mentions a “sharp tip”, and it still writes and clicks like one too. It has a 50-50 chance of resembling either a regular regular pen or a fancy pen. The pen has a 100 unit capacity and uses 50 units per injection. By default, it starts out with 100 units of ketamine. The target will be knocked out for give or take 2 minutes, though many players will recognize that they have been penned when their vision goes all blurry and they begin yawning… the 30-40 seconds it takes to go into effect are plenty of time to scream for help. That's why it works best in conjunction with a signal jammer.

Once you've used up the ketamine, it can be refilled with any substance you like - the perfect tool for a creative chemist!

Voice Changer VoiceChangerNew.png 1 Yes A mask add-on that transforms your voice to match your ID. The voice changer can be added to any face-concealing mask (such as clown masks, gas masks, fake moustaches… practically, most masks except a breath mask work.). Once installed, your voice will match the name on the ID card you're wearing both locally and over the radio/intercom. Perfect for impersonating a recently-deceased murder victim! To remove the voice changer, use a pair of wirecutters on the mask. Combine the changer with an agent card or custom ID, be creative!

Cloaking Device CloakerV2.png 6 No Makes you invisible. When this item is activated, it makes you invisible to all but four things: The AI, cyborgs, people with thermal goggles, and people with the X-ray mutation. If you've eliminated all those things, congrats! This will give you a significant edge, yet don't make the mistake to think you're invincible.

Trying to interact with anything that isn't on the same tile as you are will immediately disrupt the cloak. This includes all active actions like firing guns, using computers, throwing stuff, picking stuff up, using the Disarm and Harm unarmed special attacks, or bashing somebody's head in with a toolbox. Bumping into doors to open them (a passive action) is fine however.

People can notice your presence even if they can't see you. It's best not to fiddle about with your backpack, shove someone around or open doors when people are nearby, as observant players will likely realize what's going on. Overall, the cloaking device is more about getting into places undetected or closing in for a kill than unstoppable rampages.

An active T-Ray scanner will disrupt the cloaking field briefly, but only has a very short range. Fired projectiles (regardless of type) will also disable the device, as can flashes (both hand-held and portable) up close.

Syndicates in Pipebomb PipebombV2-32×32.png 3 No Release angry lil' nuclear operatives. Clever reversal or just an awful pun? Anyways, upon activation, it explodes with the force of a PDA bomb explosion and releases 4 lil' syndicates that shoot 4 to 6 .22 bullets, which each cause 22 BRUTE, and then explode, also with the force of a PDA bomb. It looks like a regular pipe bomb, but its Examine text says “This pipe bomb seems funny. You can hear muffled tiny screams inside.” The syndicates spawned will try to shoot everyone–including you!

EMP Grenades EMPGrenadePouch.pngEMPGrenadeV2-32×32.png 1 Yes A pouch of grenades which disable electronic devices. This “EMP grenade pouch” contains five EMP grenades, which release electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that disrupt or damage many electronic devices. Depending on the target, the effect may either be temporary (security cameras, APCs) or permanent (bots, guardbuddies). Also fairly devastating against the two lighter cyborg models. Comes in a snazzy 5-slot pouch that can be fit into your pocket. In particular, the EMPs can drain power cells of energy guns and stun batons, making these grenades somewhat effective when employed against security. Also is capable of removing cloning's records, if you want someone erased from history for whatever reason.

Tactical Grenades TacticalGrenadePouch.png FragGrenadeNew.png 2 Yes A pouch of various grenades. This “tactical grenade pouch” contains seven different grenades. Expect to find one smoke, one frag, one flashbang, one shock, one graviton, and two incendiary grenades. The pouch itself has 7 slots and fits into your pockets.

Chameleon Projector CloakerV2.png 5 No Lets you disguise as any inanimate object. This projector allows you to assume the appearance of many items, hand-held or large. While disguised, you are forced to move at walk speed and if someone tries to interact with you, the disguise fails in a very obvious way. More useful than you think, if you get creative!

Rad Poison Crossbow MiniRadPoisonCrossbowV2.png 3 Yes Ranged weapon for assassinations. Favored by Syndicate assassins, this small mini rad-poison-crossbow can be fired with few indications (excluding point-blank shots) and fits in pockets. Anybody unfortunate enough to be hit by one of the bolts will suffer brief stamina regeneration reduction, some stamina damage, and severe radiation, causing a rapid increase of TOX that somewhat tapers off and sometimes debilitating mutations. Without prompt medical attention, this will eventually be lethal.

The target usually cannot tell if they've been hit, but if they have a health implant or health analyzer on hand, they may quickly realize what is up though and scream for help, so be prepared to silence them permanently. The crossbow recharges automatically, but it cannot be fired until it is fully charged! You'll know when the lights at the tip and back are lit up. It does not fit inside a recharger.

Power Sink PowerSinkV2.png 5 Yes Draws power from all station APCs. Find a nice, secluded area with exposed cables and check if they are live with a T-ray scanner or multitool, then attach the device to said cable with a screwdriver. Turn it on, and watch as everything goes dark. Station-wide power failures will permit you to access many areas with only a crowbar.

A somewhat situational tool which requires a basic understanding of the power grid and its shortcomings for best effect. Ideally, you should also sabotage every SMES unit before spawning the sink, maybe even Engineering. Placing the sink out on the solar arrays is another common mistake - without some rewiring (see Powering the station), it won't have any effect whatsoever!

In addition, the sink's capacity is actually more limited than you would expect and competent engineers may find it easy to counter it once they are aware of its existence, which in case of the AI (a million power alarms going off simultaneously) will be immediately. Overloading one might also have…explosive results.

It's too large to fit into a backpack, so you might want to delay buying it until you're ready or keeping it in someplace safe. If you need to remove the sink, simply click on it with a screwdriver.

The AI mainframe usually has an internal backup battery, so it will still be active for quite a while even if it doesn't have any power coming in from the rest of the station.

Signal Jammer Mshield.png 3 Yes Disables radios within range. When active, it disables all radios within a 6 tile range. This includes ingoing and outgoing communications, so you won't be able to hear if the AI is alerting people to whatever nefarious deeds you are up to. Note that machine talk is not affected. Due to the general shittiness of headsets, many people may not realize a jammer is nearby until it's too late.

Derringer DerringerV2.png 2 Yes A tiny gun with 2 bullets. A last-resort self-defense weapon. Surprisingly powerful point-blank, but a poor offensive choice due to the significant damage falloff. These are so small you can hide them in pretty much any piece of clothing and yes, this includes worn butts! Use the *wink emote to draw the derringer to your active hand. Any item you were already holding will be dropped automatically. Spare ammunition can't be ordered or otherwise acquired.

Cannot be concealed in headsets. Other ear-slot items still work.

Cyalume Saber CyalumeSaberV4.gif 7 Yes A powerful offensive and defensive melee weapon. Also known as an energy sword, e-sword or c-saber for short. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket. When it's on, it deals a lot of brute damage, and blocking (Hotkey: Z for Goon WASD, C for /tg/) with reduces effect of weapons that inflict Disorient and lets you reflect projectiles. Not very stealthy, for it leaves a lot of blood, has a distinct sound, emits appropriately-colored light, and has a very obvious sprite. Comes in a variety of pretty colors. You can also parry attacks from other c-saber wielders (as well d-saber wielders but not toy sword wielders), at the cost of stamina, essentially allowing for lightsaber battles.

Katana KatanaNEW.png 7 Yes Precision limb removal sword. While the c-saber focuses on sheer brute damage with limb removal as a side effect, the katana concentrates on limb removal with brute damage as a side effect. The result is a weapon that, while much weaker than a c-saber (though slightly stronger than a toolbox or fire-extinguisher), will easily tear off arms and legs and even heads if there no other limbs left to cut off. Attacking someone from the rear while targeting the chest will also slice off butts and/or tails, for extra humiliation. You can also use its special attack to run forward a few tiles, allowing you to quickly enter melee range. It's pretty huge though, so you'll need to sheathe it to fit it in a backpack. Comes in a handy sheath that you can wear on your belt for easier storage, cleaning, and concealment of the sword. Having the katana out unsheathed will also let you parry attacks from other katana users, specifically to allow sword duels.

Mindslave Implant Implanter2.png 3 No Makes the implantee your slave. Also written as “mind slave” or “mind-slave”. Use this handy one-use implant to force someone to fulfill your every request! It lasts up to 20-30 minutes, the implanter injects the implant instantly, and the process stuns the implantee. You still require the cooperation of the implantee, as you don't actually take control of them.

Mindslaves should be aware of the special guidelines surrounding mindslave status. If they don't cooperate, simply adminhelp it.

The Head of Security cannot be mindslaved so long as they have their special mind protection health implant. The mindslave implant is not consumed. Perhaps you should get rid of it first… Vampire thralls also cannot be mindslaved, though this is innate rather than tied to an implant.

Deluxe Mindslave Implant Implanter2.png 6 No Makes the implantee your slave, permanently. Doesn't expire. Works like a regular mindslave implant otherwise. Mindslaves should be aware of the special guidelines.

Bowling Kit BowlingBag.png Bowling ball.png 7 No A somewhat silly stun weapon. Who's the kingpin now, baby? Kit includes a bowling shirt and four bowling balls. If the ball hits someone, they are quickly knocked down for a decent amount of time, and it will hurt quite a bit. You have to wear the shirt to make it work!

Target ID Tracker PinpointerID.gif 1 No Finds your targets. This device allows you to track the ID card of any of your assassination targets, but only the ID. If they have changed or destroyed it, the pin pointer will not be useful. Small enough to fit in your pockets. Only available if you have an assassination objective.

Floor Closet OpenClosetNew.png 1 No Hides shit. A closet with camouflage, which dynamically assumes the appearance of the floor tile underneath. Surprisingly useful.

Sonic Grenades SonicGrenadePouch.png EarPlugs.png 2 No A pouch containing sonic grenades. Each sonic grenade packs enough power to shatter reinforced windows and pop eardrums. No more being cornered by an angry mob! You get five of them, and they come in a snazzy 6-slot pouch that fits in your pocket and comes with a set of earplugs to protect you from your own sonic grenades. They pack a surprising amount of stun, but don't affect people who've already been rendered deaf (temp. or permanently) by preceding grenades.

Surplus Crate CrateV3-32×32.png 12 No Crate containing random stuff. A crate of whatever the Syndicate had laying around. Contains 18-24 currency units worth of randomly selected traitor items. Some items can only be found in this, and some items cannot appear in them, primarily those geared towards murder (e.g. c-saber) and those tailored for a particular job (e.g. mining charge hacker). The selection may range from absolutely amazing to totally useless and is quite likely to include job-specific items, duplicate items, or even another crate! Buyer beware!

Shotgun Box GunBoxV2.png Spacker12V2-32×32.png 8 Yes A loaded shotgun with spare ammunition. Blow somebody across the room Italian style! This 12 gauge SPES-12 (sometimes spawns with a different name) is more than capable of shredding anyone to bits in two shots or less, provided they aren't wearing body armor. Anyone who lives has to contend with extensive organ damage and missing limbs too if they got shot at close range. Noisy as hell and obvious, but if you're packing this, you know what you're doing. (If you don't, try shooting more people.) Buckshot isn't the only type of ammo which will work in this gun.

Microbomb Implant Implanter2.png 1 No The ultimate revenge. Whoever you injected with this implant will explode upon death, completely destroying the body and hurting anyone nearby. The final fuck you to vigilantes and security officers. The implanter still injects instantly. Fun fact: these stack. Think of that what you will. Unlikely to trigger on suicide, but succumbing when you're already in crit works. Syndicate operatives always come with one of these in their skulls at the start of the round, but they cannot order more.

DNA Scrambler DNAScramblerNEW32x32.png 1 Yes Changes your appearance. A one-time use injector that instantly gives you a random appearance and name and storing your own DNA for second use. Clothes and equipped ID cards will remain unaffected. Using the syringe again on an unsuspecting victim (or yourself) will expend it completely, turning the person you injected into your originally stored DNA instantly. Useful for stealthy Syndicate operatives. Use the second inject for when you know security's in pursuit of you and you need to cover your tracks.

.22 Pistol Box GunBoxV2.png 22PistolV2.png 3 Yes A loaded pistol with spare ammunition. This box comes with three .22 hollowpoint mags and a .22 LR Orion silenced pistol that features an integral sound suppressor, yet is still compact enough to fit in jumpsuit pockets. You won't have to worry about noticeable text messages when you fire it (unlike with most firearms), but the stopping power is less than average. Overall, the pistol is best suited for stealthy assassinations at close range. Hacking a general manufacturer lets you create .22 FMJ mags, which do less damage.

Wrestling Belt WrestlingBeltV3.png 7 Yes Become Hulk Hogan…IN SPACE! Ever wanted to participate in Space Championship Wrestling? This belt unlocks a number of wrestling moves, all of which are explained on the Wrestler page. Also works as a belt, so it can fit small- and tiny-size objects (i.e. like utility belt, albeit one that cannot fit a deconstructor).

Spy Sticker Kit Box2.png 1 Yes Listen in on secret conversations. A box of stickers that have radios and cameras inside them. You can set the frequency they broadcast to by clicking on one in your hand. Contains 5 stickers, a tuned camera monitor, and a spare headset. You can get rid of them by setting the attached thing on fire.

Space American Football Kit Box2.png AmericanFootball.png 7 No The Wrestling Belt's ranged brother A helmet, chest protector, cleats, and shirt/pants kit that grants you special abilities when the full set is worn. Tackle can break down doors, tables, and maybe even walls. Tackle another player to launch them, dealing good brute damage and a stun. When an opponent is lying on the ground, kicking them with the cleats on will do extra damage, along with passively preventing you from slipping on wet floors and such. The football can stun people for a good long time when thrown, and anyone not wearing the gear will be unable to catch it. A long-distance tackle charge will do a lot more damage to others than a point-blank tackle.

Fibre Wire FibreWire.png 3 Yes Choke people quickly and silently. Or fiber wire depending on which side of the ocean you're on. Click on it to ready it for attack. Now, when you attack someone from behind (whether directly behind them or off to the side a bit), you'll instantly have them in a stranglehold. If you then click on the wire in-hand again, you'll upgrade to a deadlier chokehold that causes bleeding and incapacitates the victim, making them unable to Resist/Disarm/move out of your hold or call for help. It'll still take a minute or so to choke them to death, but it's much faster than just your bare hands. Though you can hold the wire in one hand, readying and garroting someone with it requires two hands. It also slows you. The target can still escape if they're on certain stamina-boosting drugs.

Duct Tape DuctTapeV2.png 1 No A convenient and illegal source of makeshift handcuffs. Allows you to tie people up. Basically a glorified box of handcuffs without the bulk. Every roll of duct tape has 10 uses.

Syndicate Hat SyndicateHat.png 12 Yes Show where your true allegiance lies. A big, bad, towering pile of hat that grants fairly good melee resistance, envelops you in a sinister red glow, and automatically sets you to Arrest on Sight on the sec records (with appropriately amusing crimes and notes), so the secbots and Security Officers know what you really are. It is “bulky”-sized and thus cannot be hidden in pockets or backpacks, forcing you to either hold it or wear it. When you put it on, it plays an amusing sound clip, and you can suicide to die a glorious death, by gibbing yourself and flooding the room with blood like you've robbed the blood bank. You can't remove that hat. Crime time never stops, pal. Others can remove it, though.

Syndicate Sponge Capsules BioWeaponsSpongeCapsules.png 3 No Unleash up to 6 dangerous critters. Aka BioWeapons Sponge Capsules, as opposed to just BioToys. If you take a capsule out of the packet and pour some water in it/put it in water, it'll create a hostile NPC critter that attacks everything in sight. Possible spawms include Micromen, space bears, spiders, brullbars, aggressive bats, ice spiders, Town Guards, lions, and fermids The critters will still attack you.

Light Breaker AudioLoggerV2-32×32.png 4 Yes Break lights, stun people. When you click on this compact tape recorder while it's in your hand, it'll play a distinct sound that'll sonically stun all those around you, except yourself, and break all the lights you can see, unleashing sparks, which cannot ignite anything flammable. You can activate it 4 times before the tape runs out and needs to be rewound with a screwdriver. The sonic stun can by blocked by items such as earmuffs.

Wiretap Radio Upgrade WiretapRadioUpgrade.gif 3 No Listen to departmental radio channels. When you click a headset with this flashy dongle, it gives the headset to hear and speak through all the department-specific radio frequencies, notably Security's. Does not include any of the silicon frequencies. You might want to look into Machine Translator implants for those. Can be scanned and mass-produced with a syndie device analyzer.

Syndicate Omnitool SyndicateOmnitoolKnifeMode.png 2 Yes Concealable Syndicate swiss army knife. You can click on this omnitool in hand to cycle through several tool modes, including a welder mode and a knife mode that has comparable damage to a kitchen knife. Like a derringer, you can click a piece of clothing to conceal the tool there. You can then *flex (Hotkey: Ctrl + X) while wearing the clothing item to pull it out and put it in your hand. Useful for getting out of tight places or conserving inventory space, if you don't mind having to go through all the tool modes. Tool order goes: crowbar, screwdriver, multitool, wirecutter, wrench, knife, welder, and back to crowbar.

Can not be hidden in headsets.

SounDreamS PRO cartridge DetomatrixCartridgeV2-32×32.png 1 No Give your PDA some loud, realistic-sounding ringtones! Comes with three sets of ringtones, each designed to sound like worrysome combat noises whenever your PDA receives a message. KABLAMMO plays a random explosion noise that reverberates across the entire station. Modern Commando plays a burst of random gunfire. SPACEBATTLE plays cyalume saber noises set by the received message (valid commands start with MALE or FEMALE and end with HIT, OPEN, or CLOSE. For instance, texting MALE HIT to the PDA will make it sound like a male crewmember swinging a csaber). Prolonged use will eventually blow out the PDA's cheapo speakers, shooting out sparks rendering it forever silent. If this happens, you can just slot it into another PDA and carry on worrying the crew.

Job-Specific Items

Certain jobs can order unique items when playing as Traitor, which appear under a special section in the uplink. They are also available when playing a Head Rev, but only handful of them. For example, you can order a pickpocket gun as a Traitor Staff Assistant, but not as a Head Revolutionary Staff Assistant, since that's restricted from the Revolution mode, and you can't order syndicate donk pockets since you have to be both a Chef and a Traitor to order those. Similarly, some, but not all, of these are possible bounty rewards for Spy Thieves, and the Custom Class Uplink has absolutely none of these items.

These are different from the items exclusively available to nuke ops.

Item Image Cost Jobs Usage Description Notes Pickpocket Gun PickpocketGun.png 3 CE, Engineer, Mechanic, Staff Assistant, Clown A stealthy claw gun capable of stealing and planting items, and severely messing people. A versatile gimmick gun with three settings - Steal, Plant, and Harass. Steal removes items depending on where you aim it. Plant lets you put items on the target depending on aim. Harass lets you annoy people by poking their eyes, tying their shoe laces together to trip them, and other Three Stooges-esque antics. It also fires silently and even fits in your pockets!

Syndicate Donk Pockets DonkPocketsKit.png DonkPocketV2.png 2 Chef 7 heal-all medkits for your pockets. Box of 7 special donk-pockets that basically work as a cheap, short-duration stimpack–and that can be eaten without needing to heat them! When one is eaten, it gives you 15 units of each of the following: omnizine, salbutamol, saline-glucose solution, synaptizine, syndicate methamphetamine, and teporone. Notably, unlike regular meth, syndicate meth won't purge the synaptizine, allowing the synaptizine to the heal some of the brain damage caused the syndie meth.

A little conspicious; everything looks a regular donk-pocket box, but the box's Examine text mentions it feels “slightly warm”, while each donk-pocket's text says they're “emitting a small amount of heat”. The chemicals only appear when the donk-pocket is eaten. Using the reagent extractor on one yields no chems.

Maneater Seed ManEaterSeedV2-32×32.png ManEater.png 1 Botanist Grows into a man eater plant. Man eaters are a pretty fun way to terrorize the station. Each seed, labeled as “strange seed”, takes a long time to mature and the plant is very vulnerable while still in its tray. Optionally, growth can be accelerated by feeding them synthmeat and later monkeys or humans. If deployed in groups of two or more, they can be quite devastating. Just make sure to move them into an area the AI can't bolt down easily! As one would expect, welding tools and other burn damage-inflicting weapons are effective against them.

Also, do not confuse these with the strange seeds from the Debris Field or Adventure Zone

Chem Grenade Starter Kit GrenadeKitCasingV2.png GrenadeKitFuseV2.png 2 RD, Scientist A box that contains grenade components. The ultimate weapon of a skilled and patient chemist, and relatively cheap. Each grenade starter kit contains 3 grenade casings and 3 fuses, enough components for three custom grenades. For more info, see Construction and Murder respectively. Think carefully about how to build your grenades. Foam mixes and certain pyrotechnics are best, whereas smoke mixes and other heat-reactant chems can be just as easily done with beaker assemblies. Your imagination is your greatest asset here.

Jug of Moonshine MoonshineV2.png 2 Bartender Gets people fucked up. Heals traitors. White lightning, hooch, mountain dew, whatever you call it, the 125 units of moonshine in this jug is guaranteed to get people horribly drunk very quickly. Moonshine also exacerbates the effects of ethanol, causing much more liver damage and generally stronger effects than without it. Unless they happen to be a Traitor or Spy Thief of course, in which case one sip will give 'em some healing omnizine. Quite effective in combination with the sleepy pen.

Extra Large Shot Glasses ShotGlassV2.png 2 Bartender Special shot glasses that hold quite a bit more than normal. These special shot glasses can hold a whopping 50 units of a beverage of your choice. They look no different than regular shot glasses, but can get any unsuspecting bargoer absolutely trashed in a single sip. Comes in a box of 7.

Stimulants StimulantsV2.png 4 Geneticist, Scientist, Medical Doctor, RD, MD Immunity from stuns for some time, stuns after. Ah, that's the stuff. Stimpacks, a tool of many great virtual heroes, give you 4 minutes of “Stimulants” status effect, which gives you a mighty 1000% stun resistance and raises both your stamina regeneration and max stamina by 500. After those 4 minutes are up, you enter a minute of “stimulants withdrawl”, where you sometimes suffer 4 second stuns, which can become more frequent as it goes on. Time your use carefully! Can't use stimpacks on others.

Haloperidol reduces the duration of the “Stimulants” status effect by 15 seconds every few seconds. Watch out for those wielding tranq rifles!

Butcher's Knife ButcherKnifeV2.png 7 Chef It's a knife for stabbing people. Lots of blood. A nasty melee weapon that does a decent amount of brute damage per hit and can also be thrown for an instant stun. Even if your victim manages to limp away, chances are bleeding out will eventually slow them down to a crawl. What's more, the knife turns dead people into slabs of meat, hence destroying their body (and everything along with it) forever. A tasty way to dispose of the evidence too! Meat (and many cooked dishes from that meat) still bears the name of whoever you cut up.

Amplified Vuvuzela AmpVuvuzelaFlipped32x32.png 3 Assistant, Clown Stun people and hurt their ears. Shoots vuvuzela bolts that damage the ears of your targets, stun people generally within two successive hits, and most importantly annoy the hell out of them in the process. In comparision to a taser, has same battery capacity (200 PU, with each shot taking 25 PU, for a total 8 shots) but more powerful shots that don't lose power with range. You can also click someone who's adjacent to you while you're on Disarm or Harm to fire a point-blank shot, instantly downing them quite a few seconds.

Red Chainsaw RedChainsaw32.png 7 Botanist A messy chainsaw. A stronger version of the green electric chainsaws found in hydroponics. Each hit removes organs, drains enough stamina damage to down most people in two or three hits, and does 20 BRUTE when active. It also does extra damage against doors; many of the station/ship's doors go down in around 8 hits, fewer than that with some. You can also hit a corpse to gib it, if it has less than -500 health and has all their organs removed.

While holding it, you can use a “Replace arm” ability to, as you'd expect, replace an arm of your choice with the chainsaw, so you can cosplay Ash from Evil Dead 2. You need to hold still for about 3 seconds, but you don't need a surgery table or surgery tools! If you were already missing an arm, it even slots right on.

However, it's too large to fit in a backpack, and it has a very loud, very distinct sound when turned on and when used, so good luck concealing it. On the bright side, the in-hand sprites are slightly less obvious (if only at a passing glance). Chainsaw removes organs in the order appendix → left kidney → left lung → right kidney → right lung → liver → heart → spleen → pancreas.

Be aware, replacing an arm with a chainsaw renders you unable to use that hand, and anybody who tries to disarm or shove you may make you smack yourself with your own chainsaw–ouch!

Syndicate Robot Frame CyborgFrameV3-32×32.png 2 Roboticist A robot frame with hacked laws. The frame, once turned into a finished cyborg, will have its laws referring to members of the Syndicate and a fourth one to maintain secrecy, as to not expose its masters by mindless rampages. Naturally, you'd want to chose a capable brain donor. Anything uploaded to the AI will be discarded, and they will also not appear on the robotics computer. Syndicate cyborgs can see traitors and other Syndicate robots (as well as operatives and revolutionaries, even though they normally don't appear with those antags) In case the player immediately commits suicide or does not listen to your orders, adminhelp them.

If a Syndicate cyborg is destroyed, they drop a syndicate robot frame, allowing you to reuse it.

Conversion Chamber CyborgDockingStationV2-32×32.png WrenchV2-32×32.png 8 Roboticist Turns people into light cyborgs. Once this horrifying device is wrenched into place (luckily, it comes bundled with a wrench), you can force an incapacitated crew member into the chamber (either 1) click-drag their sprite onto the chamber's or 2) click on them Grab and click on the chamber) to convert them into a Syndicate cyborg. The process takes around a minute or so to complete, less so if they were already hurt, during which the victim generally cannot escape. Nevertheless, they can still be rescued by ejecting them from the chamber, so it would be in your interest to keep curious bystanders at bay. The chamber also retains the functionality of regular docking stations as far as cyborg maintenance is concerned.

Port-a-Puke PortAPukeV2-32×32.gif 7 Janitor An experimental torture chamber that will make any mob placed inside puke until they die! An offense to humanity, this chamber is an inescapable prison of pain and vomit. Either by dragging it around, or wrenching it into place, grabbing your target and shoving them into this debacle of mankind will irreversibly lock them in, slowly draining them of their life energy lunch before ejecting them out so they can spend their last seconds alive drenched on the station floor. It has a capacity for an infinite number of occupants, including non-human mobs. There is a small chance those misfortunate enough to enter the Port-a-Puke might vomit so hard, their heart is wretched out.

Note that as a janitor, this will create an enormous mess, causing people to slip on the discharge (something that you should be immune to with your Galoshes)

Space glue does not work on the Port-a-Puke.

Ghosting around? Observe the Port-a-Puke to satisfy your boredom!

Faustian Bargain Kit Contract.png 8 Chaplain Make demonic pacts with people. A unique devilish suitcase with three contracts, three demonic pens, and an evil lawyer suit (get it?). Simply click on someone with a contract while holding a demonic pen in your off-hand to complete a pact; people can voluntarily sign one by using a demonic pen on a contract. Anyone who signs a pact gains certain “benefits”, like lots of mutations, fabulous wealth, or even Macho Man powers, depending on the contract; you can Examine each pact for clues on what it offers. Meanwhile, each pact signed makes your pen and briefcase hit harder and stun longer and raises your lawyer suit's melee & bullet protection. You gain more pacts whenever you successfully complete a contract or exchange three souls for one through Summon Contract ability, indirectly weakening your pen and briefcase damage & lawyer suit protection.

Monkeys cannot give souls.

There is a secret dark reward for those chaplains who have amassed enough souls.

Syndicate Device Analyzer DeviceAnalyzerV2-32×32.png 4 Mechanic Scans (almost) ANYTHING. For the most part, this scanner looks and functions exactly like the regular one. However, it can also scan things you normally couldn't, such as the crusher and most other Syndicate items. You still need to put them into the ruckingenur kit to make blueprints though, so beware of people snooping through the logs!

Syndicate Sauce ColdSauceV2.png 1 Chef, Bartender A sauce with deadly poison. This sauce packet contains 50 units of amanitin, a stealthy, delayed poison. Whoever eats food laced with this will feel no effects for a few minutes…then suddenly drop dead. It's a condiment, i.e. can be applied to any food item.

Syndicate Cleaner Grenades GrenadeBox2.png CleanerGrenadeV3.png 2 Janitor Makes a nasty chemical mess. These may look like the janitor's regular cleaning grenades, but include space lube and fluorosulfuric acid as well. The former slips up anybody trying to move on the foam (and lingers for a while afterwards), while the latter melts items and horribly burns the victims. The damage stacks for every foamed tile you step on, even while slipping on the lube. Taking a slide across the entire foam puddle will hurt.

Trash Compactor TrashCart.png 4 Janitor Horribly gibs your victims. Don't be fooled, there is nothing ordinary about this cart. Anyone unfortunate enough to be put inside will be squished into a small cube of meat, leaving behind a neat pile of all their organs, including their brain. The meatcube will have a few moments to squirm about and scream hopelessly before its inevitable, very bloody demise. It's very messy, so be sure to do your job and clean up! Luckily, you can't be crushed by your own compactor.

Syringe Gun SyringeGunV2.png 3 MD, Medical Doctor, RD, Scientist, Bartender Shoots syringes. Works pretty much like a beaker - just transfer the reagents of your choice to the gun, up to 90 units at a time. Each shot subtracts 15 units from the internal reservoir, and unlike conventional chemical delivery methods, the target is hit with the full 15 units instantly. You don't have to worry about the syringes, as the miniature synthesizer will generate them automatically. If required, the reservoir can be flushed by using the context menu or drain contents verb.

Mining Charge Hacker GeologicalScannerV2-32×32.png 4 Miner Makes mining charges go boom everywhere. Looks like a regular geological scanner, but allows mining charges to stick to any surface, not just asteroids. Just swipe it over the charge to disable the safety. Try not to get caught in the explosions, dumbass.

Syndicate Cargo Transporter CargoTransporterV2-32×32.png 3 QM, Engineer, Miner Weld a crate and send it to the middle of nowhere. Forever. When used on a crate or closet, it will automatically weld the thing shut and send it as far away as possible. Good for getting rid of people when you have a glut of crates or lockers (or metal) on hand. Sorely underestimated. It's very easy to blindside people with if you have a taser or other sidearm capable of quick knockouts.

Power Gloves Glovesy.png 6 CE, Engineer, Mechanic Shoot lightning from your hands. When standing atop or directly adjacent to a live wire, you can shoot lightning at people or objects! Use the Disarm intent to non-lethally stun, and Harm to zap unsuspecting folks with a powerful electric arc. Insulated gloves offer a degree of protection against the burn damage, but not against the stun. The damage depends on the power of the current, so overloading the engine will make power gloves more effective. You may want to keep an active T-ray scanner in your pocket.

Moustache Grenade MoustacheGrenade.png 1 Assistant, Clown Makes moustaches. Anyone caught in the blast radius will have a fake moustache permanently affixed to them. Harmless, until they need to use internals.

Poison Bottle Bott2.png 1 Bartender, MD, Medical Doctor, RD, Scientist A bottle of poison. Exactly what it says on the tin. The game will randomly pick a poison (e.g. pancuronium) and provide you with 40 units of it. Some poisons can only be found through this item. Useful if you don't know how to make/find poisons yourself.

Possible poisons include: amanitin, concentrated initropidril, coniine, curare, gibbis, initrobeedril, initropidril, ketamine, nanomachines, pancuronium, polonium, prions, pure bacon grease, Rajaijah, rat venom, space ricin, royal initrobeedril, sarin, sodium thiopental, spider eggs, unstable hootagen, venom. Works nicely with the syringe gun.

Poison Bottle Bundle Box2.png 7 Bartender, MD, Medical Doctor, RD, Scientist A box filled with seven random poison bottles. An inconspicuous box filled with seven random 40u poison bottles. Useful if you already plan to spend most of your traitor points on poison bottles.

The bottles can contain any of the chemicals mentioned in the poison bottle possible poisons list. Obviously, it works nicely with the syringe gun.

Safari Kit SafariKit2.png Boomerang.png 7 MD A complementary package for your tranquilizer rifle. This box contains 4 clips each with 4 sodium thiopental darts (but not the rifle itself) which will rapidly put your targets to sleep, a boomerang that stuns when thrown, and an dashing hat and jumpsuit for the proper safari look. The boomerang will only knock people down if you're wearing the suit and hat.

If you get this through a surplus crate, it comes with a tranquilizer rifle and a few haloperidol darts.

.38 AP Ammo Box GunBox.png 357APSpeedloader.png 2 Detective Powerful ammo for your .38 sidearm. This box contains three speedloaders of AP ammo, which pierce body armor, boosting their damage against armored targets like the Captain. Raw damage (i.e. before armor) is comparable to a standard .38 FMJ. Remember, you can keep the .38 in your pockets - unlike the larger revolver!

Teleport Gun TeleportGun.png 7 RD A gun that teleports people. Energy gun meets teleporter technology! It is however not ready-to-use and requires a bit of preparation. First, head to the teleporter room (or another working teleporter) and select a beacon or tracking implant as the target. Second, click on the gun to link it to said teleportation hub. Afterwards, it's up to you to make effective use of the gun - try to think of interesting traps! You could, for example, place a beacon in the engine combustion chamber or send people straight to deep space. Also sometimes called “teleporter gun” or just “telegun” The gun will be little more than an expensive paperweight if the teleporter you've linked it to loses power or is destroyed.

Clown Car ClownCar.png 5 Clown A car for clowns, HONK! Another glorious gimmick item. Use drag & drop to climb into the driver's seat and then run some people over! They can be stuffed into the car with drag & drop or by manually grabbing them. With a good clown behind the wheel, up to 30 crew members can find themselves trapped in the backseat. Brake using the Stop the Car button in the top left, and don't forget to honk the horn using the aptly named Clown Car Horn button, also in the top left (this has a 10 second cooldown to protect the victims' your ears).

Beware, crashing into a wall will flung you through the windshield and has a chance to free the passengers. Even if they don't fly out with you, anybody clicking on the car with an empty hand can open the door to let them out. You have to be wearing at least two pieces of clown clothing (suit, mask, shoes) to drive the car. Conveniently, every car comes with a complete set.

Trick Revolver RussianSurplusMunitionsBox.png RevolverV2.png 1 Clown A seemingly-normal revolver that makes you shoot yourself. Is there a vigilante or opposing traitor on your tail? They can rarely resist the allure of adding another weapon to their inventory, much less the chance to conserve their own ammo. “Carelessly” drop this authentic-looking revolver and trick your opponents into shooting themselves! They'll never notice the difference until it's too late. You need to “reload” it after every shot by clicking on it while it's in your hand, like the Russian revolver. There are ways to tell it's a fake revolver, e.g. you can't unload it or load any ammo.

Appears on buy-screen as a “funny-looking revolver” (get it?) and comes in a “Russian surplus munitions box”.

Chameleon Bomb Case GunBoxV2.png ChameleonBomb.png 3 Clown Four disguisable bombs. Chameleon projector meets bomb! This “chameleon bomb case” contains four chameleon bombs that can assume the appearance of practically any hand-held item, critter or robot - simply scan it, arm the bomb and leave it laying around for the next curious passer-by to pick up.

The explosive force is comparable to an above-average pipebomb and is stronger than the Syndicate “pipe bomb” (which has same strength as a PDA bomb) and the HE grenades in the Tactical Grenades kit. Scan something people are eager to pick up, such as guns or traitor items.

Miniature Bible MiniatureBibleV2.png 1 Assistant, Chaplain, Clown A tiny bible. Do you like to make people fart in your face? This bible is easier to hide and doesn't have an in-hand sprite, and even people with the Atheist trait will get blown up if they fart on it, unlike with the standard bible. You can also use it as a general-purpose container to store tiny and small items. The mini bible is a small-sized item itself and thus fits in jumpsuit pockets.

Chemi­Compiler ChemiCompilerPortableV2-32×32.gif 5 RD, Scientist A hand-held version of the ChemiCompiler. A programmable device capable of mixing, heating and dispensing reagents in very precise measurements. For more info, see ChemiCompiler. Note: Don't buy the ChemiCompiler if you don't have any idea how to use it. You have to manually write code for it in an obscure programming language, and this isn't something most players will be able to master in a couple of minutes.

Experiment with the stationary version in chemistry first to gain a basic understanding of the device.

Syndicate Mailman Suit Mailmansuit.png 1 Mailman Go postal. Its-a me, Mario! Use the mail system as a means of transportation for easy access to various key areas (security, bridge, etc). Remember to set a destination on the chute before flushing yourself.

Speed Injector ScrewdriverV3-32×32.png 3 Geneticist Injects DNA injectors instantly. Stealth device disguised as a screwdriver that instantly and stealthily alters the victim's DNA when provided with a DNA injector. There's a 10 second delay between injection and the genes manifesting themselves, making your involvement less obvious. Only accepts injectors, not the simpler activators. If necessary, the payload can be removed by clicking on the injector when it's in your active hand.

Barrel of Monkeys BarrelOfMonkeysV2.png MonkeyBarrelSignallerV2.png 6 Assistant, Geneticist, Test Subject Angry monkeys on demand. A “mysterious barrel” and an accompanying “mysterious signaller”. When the signaller is used, the barrel releases 6 special bandanna-wearing monkeys that fight everyone they see (including the deployer) and readily use whatever guns/weapons/objects happen to be around to kill them. It's reskinned locker than you can't open or weld closed, so it can't fit in your bag, but it can be cargo transportered.

Kudzu Seed KudzuSeedV2-32×32.png 4 Assistant, Botanist Obstructive alien weed. A seed that, when planted on any station tile, spawns Space Kudzu, exactly same as the kind spawned through the admin event. (See there for more details.) Kudzu tries to spread onto empty non-Space/Seafloor tiles. While kudzu can't kill anyone at all unless they're especially inept, and it can be torn down with just about anything, especially hot or sharp objects, it significantly obscures lighting and line of sight and can potentially block off entire sections of the station. Smart placement often leads to early shuttle calls. Corpses on kudzu eventually become kudzupeople that can spread it further.

Kudzu can spread up to 40 tiles from its initial starting point without the aid of kudzupeople.

Mindslave Cloning Module MindslaveClonerModule.png 6 Geneticist, Medical Doctor, MD. Makes permanently mindslaved clones. Formerly the mind remapping module. When attached to a cloning pod, any clones that pop out of it are permanently mindslaved to the one who added it (hopefully, you). The mindslave process doesn't use implants, so no chance of removal here. However, not only is the module incredibly visible on the clonepod, but the affected pod also emits a faint crimson glow. During operation, it also makes a weird glitchy noise, and the fluid inside becomes a sinister red. Any cloning consoles attached also gain a distinct sinister red UI. Anybody can remove it from the clonepod using a screwdriver.

Can be used in conjunction with SpeedyClone2000 modules or biomatter recycling units. Like the implant version, this bypasses the mind protection health implant possessed by the HoS, i.e. you can clone a Head of Security and they'll come out as a mindslave.

Mindslave Cloning Module - Deluxe Package Box2.png MindslaveClonerModule.png 10 Geneticist, Medical Doctor, MD. Mindslaved clone armies are even easier. A box with a mindslave cloning module, machine frames with essential cloning lab machinery (cloning console, cloning scanner, enzymatic reclaimer, and clonepod), and a soldering iron to deploy them all. The cloning console frame is directly converted into a computer.

Wasp Grenades GrenadeBox2.png WaspGrenadeV2.png 3 Botanist Release angry bees. A different kind of “stinger” grenade. The five “suspicious looking grenades” in this “experimental biological grenade box” each spawn five wasps, hostile critters that repeatedly sting people with histamine, a highly-visible poison that causes itchiness, brute damage, and, in high doses, anaphylactic shock. The wasps won't attack Botanists (i.e. you, hopefully) unless provoked.

Hotdog Bomb HotdogBomb.png 1 Chef, Sous Chef, Waiter, Clown Force people into wearing hotdog suits. Click on it in-hand and run as far as you can in the roughly seven seconds it takes to detonate. Everyone within five tiles of where it was detonated (i.e. area of effect is 11×11) gets a hotdog costume they can't remove themselves (other people can still remove it). Humiliating, but harmless until someone tries to put on a spacesuit… Arming the bomb sends a bold red message to everyone in view, and it makes a distinct noise as it's counting down.

Angry Wasp Crossbow MiniRadPoisonCrossbowV2.png 6 Botanist Shoot angry bees. A mini wasp-egg-crossbow that shoots a wide spread of 4 wasp eggs that, upon impacting something or going too long without hitting anything, each spawn a wasp. Wasps are hostile critters that repeatedly sting people with histamine, a highly-visible poison that causes itchiness, brute damage, and, in high doses, anaphylactic shock. The weapon slowly recharges itself. The wasps won't attack Botanists (i.e. you, hopefully) unless provoked.

Advanced Optical Thermal Scanner OpticalThermalScannerV2-32×32.png 3 Detective See people through walls. These seemingly regular-looking “optical thermal scanner” goggles let you see people behind walls and other solid objects, though not necessarily anything around them. Otherwise, they act like a regular Optical Thermal Scanner; they let you see farther in the dark, spot people using various forms of invisibilty…and make you more vulnerable to flashes and EMP grenades.

Scuttlebot Scuttlebot.png 2 Detective Scout ahead. Steal precious things. Take pictures. Flash people. This tiny hat on legs is an advanced scouting robot that comes disguised as a detective hat. Upon being used in-hand it deploys into its robot form and drops a pair of remote control glasses. Putting on the glasses puts you in control of the Scuttlebot, and hitting the Scuttlebot with them instead reverts it back to its regular, much less scuttly form. The Scuttlebot is capable of squeezing through doors, hiding under tables and holding light items, including small firearms! The health of the Scuttlebot is however quite low, so be careful not to end up as an oily puddle on the floor.

While folded, the hat comes with a slightly different description, so watch out for particularly keen-eyed crewmates or wear it on your head instead! If you are a spy, you can print a photo as the Scuttlebot, immediately pick it up and bring it back to you to claim bounties!

Cursed Clown Mask Clownmask.png 5 Clown A mask that hurts and debilitates non-clowns and non-traitor clowns. Looks like a normal clown mask at first glance, save for the somewhat ominous description, but anyone who wears this mask who isn't a Clown and a Traitor suffers uncontrollable laughing, confused movement, occasional brief (<4 seconds) bouts of Slowed and Stunned, minor brain damage, and accumulating BURN that can put them into critical condition. Traitor clowns can quickly force the mask onto any unsuspecting downed victim by using it on them while targeting the head and not on Help intent. The mask cannot be removed with acid or fire. Others can remove it however.

Traitor clowns can also wear and unequip the mask without any ill-effects–good since it also works as a gas mask, so it can be used for internals!

Boom Boots BoomBoots-32×32.png 12 Clown Funny footsteps. Well, yo are y'all ready for me yet? When you have these boots on, they play an explosion noise each time you take a step. Simple as that! It's high-level contraband, so you'll also provoke the GuardBuddies and secbots and trip the security scanners if you carry them (but not if you wear them), among other things.

Guardbuddy Ammo Replicator PrintingPressForbiddenModule.png 1 RD Give a GuardBuddy with a kinetic gun infinite ammo (at a cost)! GuardBuddies that are emagged can accept kinetic weapons, but are limited by ammo. This “BulletBuddy ammo fabrication kit” solves that issue by letting that Buddy use its internal battery charge to make ammo when it runs down to one bullet left. The larger the magazine of the gun and the more damage its bullets do, the more power the ammofab consumes.

Simply click on the GuardBuddy with this to give them the ammofab. This also lets it use kinetic weapons if it wasn't already able to (i.e. you don't have to buy an EMAG to make this useful). In addition, it prevents people from crowbarring off the gun from the GuardBuddy, but it also keeps you from giving it a different gun. Choose wisely!

Slip and Sign WetFloorSignV2.png 2 Janitor Wet floor sign that sprays superlube. Or Syndicate wet floor sign if you're boring. Looks like a normal sign, but when someone walks near this sign, the sign has a 20% chance to apply 1 unit of invisible organic superlubricant to the floor under them, on a 3 minute cooldown. In addition to inevitably causing damage and slipping, the “invislube” creates a lubed tile that appears completely normal, unlike regular superlube that creates a distinct shininess. Wearing galoshes protects from the effects of the spray itself, but remember, it doesn't prevent slipping due to the lube!

The superlubricant comes from the sign's internal bucket reservoir, and given the bucket's 50-unit capacity, it will run out after 50 sprays. But more importantly, you can swap out the bucket with a beaker or similar container of different chemicals by clicking on the sign with the container while wearing cleaning gloves, allowing for infinite fun. Remember, you can use a wrench on the sign to bolt it down to the floor, preventing people from picking it up until someone unwrenches it.

If you get this via the surplus crate, you also get galoshes and cleaning gloves.

Overcharged Vacuum Cleaner OverchargedVacuumCleaner-32×32.png 5 Janitor Vacuum with more powerful sucking attack. The special attack (click on a tile at least two squares away, Disarm/Harm intent not required for this one) of this “overcharged handheld vacuum” is much more powerful than the handheld version. It can knock people down, and it'll be at least 0.9 seconds until they can get back up again. It can pull people and any objects not bolted down, from cigarette butts to lockers, from a whopping 10 tiles away too, and they'll end up right beside you instead of just one tile closer. The 25% chance to make someone drop the item they're holding is also extended to 10 tiles. Otherwise acts like a standard handheld vacuum, down to the actual cleaning functions.

Pizza Sharpener PizzaCutterV2.png 5 Chef Makes pizzas and pizza slices into throwing weapons. Seems like an innocuous pizza cutter, but when clicked on while it's in your hand (Hotkey: C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/-style WASD), it turns on sharpener mode. Once in sharpener mode, use it on a slice of pizza. Throwing the sharpened slice knocks them down for 2 seconds and inflicts up to 11 BRUTE and much bleeding; the slice will also embed into the person like sharpnel, transfering whatever chemicals were in the pizza slice into them. Using it on a whole pizza automatically makes all the slices sharpened.

You can also insert the pizza sharpener into a PizzaVend; this makes the machine throw sharpened pizza slices at people and speeds up cooking time to basically instant. Note you can't get the sharpener out.

Still acts like a pizza cutter when not in sharpening mode.

Hotbox Lighter HotboxLighter.pngHotboxLighterLit.gif 1 Botanist Special zippo meant for igniting herbs. A sleek black lighter with a red stripe and a green flame. Herbs burned with this lighter bypass normal reagent limits on hotboxing, and gain an additional 20% bonus to reagent volume in the resulting smoke.

Syndicate Hot Dog Cart HotDogCartV2.png 4 Chef, Sous Chef, Waiter Gib someone into hotdog meat. It looks like a regular hotdog cart, except, if you put someone inside it (they need to by laying down in some way), it turns them into a meatcube named “hotdog” within seconds and creates a single hotdog sausage. The meatcube will die not long after, leaving behind cube steaks, and the cubing/hotdogging drops all their belongings and internal organs (including brain) too. Overall very messy. Essentially a reskinned trash compactor with some extra flavor. Among other things, it means you can't be chomped by your own cart.

Flyzapper Implant Implanter2.png 1 CE, Engineer, Mechanic Electrocute people upon death. Like a microbomb, but electricity-themed, essentially. Click on yourself with the implanter to inject yourself with a flyzapper implant. When you die, the implant shocks everyone around you and causes machinery around you to zap people. You also gib with cool visual effects. Does not scale with amount of power in the grid, but the effects do stack with multiple implants. You can also use it on other people to inject them with the implant.

Surplus crate items

Note: Only items specific to the surplus crate are listed here, but they often contain regular Syndicate gear as well. Please also keep in mind that some of these items can be found in the adventure zone or bought from merchants by non-traitors. Use your common sense, so innocent players don't get killed for picking up something they found floating around in space.

Item Image Usage Description Notes

Syndicate Dagger DaggerV2.png A tiny knife. A weaker version of the butcher's knife, which can also stun people when thrown. Fits in pockets. Does not gib corpses, however!

Banana Grenades BananaGrenadePouch.png BananaGrenadeV3.png A pouch of banana grenades. Each of these five grenades explodes into slippery banana peels. The banana grenade pouch itself has 7 slots and fits into your pocket.

Flare Gun GunBox.png FlareGunV2-32×32.png A loaded flare gun with spare ammunition. Signal your intentions! The flare doesn't cause a lot of damage outright, but sets people on fire and may even force them to roll on the ground to extinguish the flames. Surprisingly effective. Can be loaded with (almost) every type of shotgun shell to boot!

Old Hunting Rifle HuntingRifleV3-48×32.png For hunting the most dangerous game of all. Massively powerful rifle. You only have four bullets, so don't waste them! Can be loaded with tranquilizer darts.

Breaching Charge BreachingChargeNew.png A charge designed to break through walls. Capable of reliably blasting through walls in a 1×1 radius. Can also be be used to destroy airlocks (as well as other machinery), windows and grills. It has five second timer.

Flash/Cell Assembly Box Box2.png FlashCellAssemblyV2-32×32.png Five overcharged flashes. A box of five flashes with power cells attached to each of them. Despite the flamy result, they're one-use item thanks to the bulb burning out immediately. These can be made, if you know how.

Syndicate Command Armor SyndicateCommandArmour.png An extra-armored space suit. Not only is it a space suit with no slowdown, but it allows you to shrug off explosions and grants excellent protection against bullets, melee attacks, and radiation. They're sold as “Armored Spacesuits” from C.A.R.L., the Listening Post merchant.

Plasma Rifle LaserRifleV2-32×32.png Self-charging energy weapon. This powerful energy gun steadily regenerates its own battery, so has potentially infinite ammo. However, the process is quite slow and cannot be relied on in a firefight. Can be found outside of being ordered by a traitor(but don't count on it)!

Energy Gun Upgrade Pack EgunPowerCellSelfCharging.png Power cell for an energy gun. Self-charging power cell with a capacity of 100 PU. Can be used to upgrade a stun baton or energy weapon (such as a taser or crossbow) Click the weapon with it to swap out the cell.

Land Mine BlastLandmine.gif IncendiaryLandmine.gif RadiationLandmine.gif StunLandmine.gif An anti-personnel land mine. A randomly selected mine. Different models exist, see Murder for a detailed description. You can also encounter these in deep space.

SecHUD Cybereyes SecurityHUDCybereye.png OcularImplanterKit.png A pair of ocular implants. Essentially a pair of sunglasses people can't easily remove from you that also let you see SecHUD icons, so you can know if you've been set to Arrest.

Thanks to the Ocular Implanter device bundled with it, you luckily don't need to perform any surgery to install them. Just click on the device while it's in your hand, choose which eye you want to implant the cybereye in, and watch it go. The process takes about 10 seconds, during which you need to stand still. If you're wearing goggles/glasses or a hat that covers your eyes, you need to remove it first.

Hacked Hypospray Hypo.png Instantly fill people with chems. A hypospray that already had its safety locks removed, allowing you to instantly inject people with the chems inside. Not as stealthy as a sleepy pen as it has a more visible sprite and message when injecting, and it administers less chems, but you have a lot more control over dosage, and it's fine for chems that do not scale with volume or only need a small amount to work, such as disease reagents. Holds up to 30 units of chemicals.

Holographic Disguiser HolographicDisguiserOffV2-32×32.png HolographicDisguiserOnV2-32×32.gif Changes your appearance. Essentially a multi-use version of the DNA scrambler with a power switch. Every time you turn it on, you will be provided with a different, randomly-generated name and hair style. The game may take one or two seconds to update your mob. You can also talk without giving your real identity away. Beware of fired projectiles (regardless of type) and flashes (both hand-held and portable), all of which can disable the device. Can also be bought from the Syndicate merchant in the Listening Post or through QM's Special Ops Supplies crate if you have an emag.

Sarin Grenade SarinGrenadeV3.png Releases deadly gas. Creates a cloud of sarin gas that weakens and debilitates those who walk through it and can ramp up damage quickly. Try not to get caught in it, dummy. More details in Murder. People wearing a biosuit and internals won't absorb any gas.

Concussion Grenades ConcussionGrenade32x32.png Pushes and disarms your foes. A pack of 5 decommissioned concussion grenades back from the old days of the Pod Wars. Throwing one causes anyone near the radius to be pushed back similar to that of a pulse rifle with all the effects of getting knocked back as well, such as slamming into objects and dropping the items in your hand. Comes in a handy pouch, which can also store more grenades if you somehow get your hands on more.

Nuclear Operative Gear

Item Image Usage Description Notes Syndicate Requisition Token SyndicateRequisitionToken.gif Use at Syndicate Weapons Vendor to get gear. Not useful in of itself, for it's meant to be currency for the Syndicate Weapons Vendor. You can insert this into the vendor to get credit for a sidearm, one loadout, and up to two utility items. Every operative spawns with one. There's no way to get more.

Thermite Breaching Charge BreachingChargeNew.png A charge designed to break through walls. A mildly-lethal charge with a five second timer, which melts all walls (regular or reinforced), windows, grilles, and most solid objects within a 5×5 radius and then creates a brief fireball of the same size. A few of these can be found on the Syndicate Battlecruiser, but aren't available for purchase.

SWAT Gloves SWATGlovesSyndicate.png Provides a little protection, deflect disarms sometimes. In addition to reducing damage from fire by a tiny bit and damage from electrical shocks by considerable amount, if someone tries to disarm or shove you, the attack has a 20% chance to fail entirely. Unarmed crew will often try to deprive you of your weapon with disarms and then use it on you, so being able to resist that sometimes is helpful. Can't be ordered or found on the Syndicate Battlecruiser, but every Nuclear Operative spawns with a pair.

Hi-grip Assault Boots HeavyMilitaryBoots.png Prevents slipping (mostly). These “hi-grip assault boots” keep you from slipping on gibs, wet floors, blood stains, ice, and things like that. Space lube and organic superlubricant still slip you though, so watch out.

Nuclear Commander Sabre NukieSheath.png NukieSabre.png Pirates of the Space Caribbean A sword and sheath that exclusively spawns with the Nuclear Commander. Deals around 20 damage and inflicts bleeding and comes with a forward stabbing special attack. Not as deadly as the rest of the Syndicates arsenal but stylish as hell. Not available for purchase. Starts in the Commander's inventory. Can't ya read!?

Syndicate Teleporter Remote SyndicateTeleporterRemoteV2-32×32.png Teleport you and the bomb between the Syndicate Battlecruiser and Listening Post. To teleport yourself, stand on the telepad on the Syndicate Battlecruiser and use the remote to teleport to the telepad on the Listening Post. Do the same with Listening Post's telepad to teleport back to the Syndicate Battlecruiser. To teleport the bomb, place it over the Syndicate Battlecruiser telepad and whack the nuke with the remote. Similarly, whacking it when it's on the Listening Post telepad teleports it back to the Syndicate Battlecruiser.

Appears on a table in the Syndicate Battlecruiser armory. Otherwise cannot be bought.

Handy if there isn't room for you in the space pods or you want to sneak into the station by jetpacking from the Listening Post to some forgotten airlock into maintenance.

Nuclear Bomb Teleporter Remote NuclearBombTeleporterRemote-32×32.png Teleport the nuclear bomb to you if it's not deployed–once. When you click on this while it's in your hand, it teleports the nuclear bomb to you. It's a single-use (i.e. you can do this only once), it only works if the bomb has not been armed (i.e. it's not counting down), and only works on the station Z-level, though the bomb can be in another Z-level. Useful if you want to go for a lightning-fast sneak deploy or you lose track of the bomb during transit. Spawns in the inventory of the nuke ops' commander. More cannot be found or purchased anywhere, so use it wisely!

Barricade Barricade.png Prevents the crew from going through. Use it while in hand to deploy it on the tile you are standing on. Prevents anyone from going through it but still allows gunfire to pass over it. Can be destroyed with melee weapons. The barricade dispenser in the battlecruiser armory can give you one every five seconds.

Gear Preparations Closet RedCloset.png Space gear and some tools Or gear preperations closet as the game insists it's spelled. These contain equipment for navigating through space and some tools but no weapons. During the holidays, these have santa suits and santa hats with no slowdown instead of red space suits and helmets, for that extra festive cheer. Includes: 1x jetpack 1x red space suit 1x red space helmet 1x breath mask 1x crowbar 1x multitool 1x power cell (15k, pre-charged) 2x tactical turtlenecks

These don't appear on the Syndicate Battlecruiser if the game mode is not nuclear emergency.

Syndicate Weapons Vendor SyndicateWeaponsVendor.png

While the Nuclear Operatives use Syndicate gear, they get theirs a little differently. Rather than uplinks and funny money, they get a requisition token that they redeem at one of the many Syndicate Weapons Vendors on the Syndicate Battlecruiser. Items sold through the vendor are split into three categories: Utility, Loadout, and Sidearm, and each token gives enough credit to buy something from each of these three categories.


Pistol belts containing a handgun of some sort and ammo for it.

Item Image Usage Contents Description Notes Branwen Pistol PistolBelt.png Low-damage pistol with lots of ammo. Pistol belt with: 1x Branwen pistol 4x 9mm Magazines The Branwen has an ample 15-round magazine, with plenty of extra mags, though its damage is on the low end for guns. Still, the 30 BRUTE is nothing to sneeze at. While you probably won't find the opportunity to, it can also fit Clock 188 mags. However, it does not take tranquilizer pistol darts (and likewise, the tranq pistol can't take Branwen mags).

Predator Revolver RevolverBelt.png Powerful revolver with a few FMJ speedloaders. Revolver belt with: 1x Predator revolver 2x .357 FMJ speedloaders This iconic revolver has incredible stopping power, at a whopping 60 BRUTE per shot, but it has a rather low ammo capacity at 7 shots in the chamber. That said, 7 shots is more than enough to kill anything that moves, 21 even more so. The revolver also accepts .38 stun rounds and other .38 bullets.

Hydra Smart Pistol SmartpistolBelt-32×32.png Low-damage smartpistol with limited homing that can hit multiple enemies . Smartpistol belt with: 1x Hydra smart pistol 4x 9mm smartgun magazines Have trouble aiming? The Hydra smart pistol is for you. It has a 24-round magazine and a target-lock-on system that works like this:

Hold down your left mouse button (or whatever is your fire button) and mouse over someone to lock on to them. You can lock on to multiple enemies, and holding the button down for longer charges up a burst of up to three bullets per target, instead of a single shot.

Once you're done locking on, let go of your mouse button to fire. The Hydra shoots 15 BRUTE bullets that (almost) never miss unless they duck or there's a solid object like a wall in the way, i.e. you can hit someone zipping around trying to make themselves harder to hit, but not someone taking cover behind a doorway. You can't target fellow nuke ops, though they can still get hit by accident if they walk into the line of fire.

Since it's a 9mm round, it can accept the rounds used by the Branwen pistol and the like, and they'll have homing.


A variety of equipment for supplementing a loadout. Remember that you get two utility credits.

Item Image Usage Description Tactical Espionage Belt Storage SyndicateFannyPack.png 7 slots for your belt slot. This Syndicate Tactical Espionage Belt Pack actually is in fact a fanny pack, meaning you can stuff guns other normal size items into it, as you can with a normal backpack. Since it's a belt, though, that you means you can wear it with a jetpack. Moreover, unlike regular fanny packs, it comes with 7 storage slots rather than just 5. Might seem like it'd conflict with the pistol belt, but you can stick your pistol in the pack, and the spare ammo into the box.

Be aware that the Bard, Firebrand, Heavy Weapons Specialist, and Marksman loadouts come with one of these by default!

Combat Knife CombatKnife.png Knife with thrown stun and movement boost. This syndicate fighting utility knife not only does a decent 15 BRUTE, but it also makes you move faster when held (don't question it) and can be thrown to knock people down for a few seconds and inflict a sizable 20 BRUTE.

MPRT Rocket Ammunition AmmoPouchGreen.png Two more rockets for the MPRT. It's a four-slot pouch with two spare rockets for the MPRT-7 that spawns on the Syndicate Battlecruiser, simple as that. Use the extra space for other items!

Warm Donk Pocket DonkPocketV2.png One bite of healing drugs and stimulants. No heating required. Eat one of these, and you'll get a tasty cocktail of 15 units each of syndicate methamphetamine, omnizine, salbutamol, saline-glucose solution, synaptizine, and teporone. Together, they reduce incoming stuns significantly and help you recover from almost all types of injuries, including bleeding. Great in an emergency.

Sarin Grenade SarinGrenadeV3.png Releases a persistent cloud of deadly and debilitating gas. When primed, this grenade releases a huge cloud of sarin, a nerve agent that inflicts TOX, BURN, and brain damage and causes confused movement and stuns, with a potential perma-stun if it stays in the victim's system long enough. The cloud is smoke-powder-based, so it persists for a while, potentially functioning as area denial. Try not to get caught in the cloud. If you do, remember that atropine flushes it out, epinephrine slows down its effects and that internals in addition to protective equipment (e.g. a spacesuit) only partially reduces exposure.

Decoy Bomb Balloon NuclearBombV2.png Fake nuclear bomb to drag around. Pranked! Looks like a nuclear bomb, and you can pull and push it around like such, but it's actually a balloon that pops after taking a small amount of damage. Same sprite and name as a regular nuclear bomb, but its Examine text instead says “An extremely powerful balloon capable of deceiving the whole station” (emphasis added), and it does not interact with the nuclear authentication disk.

Military Headset MilitaryHeadset-32×32.png Headset with superb ear protection. Aka, the ComTac headset. This headset (i.e. it goes in your Ears slot and replaces your starting headset) has 100% Disorient (Ear) resistance, which guards against the effects of sonic powder and the like. Basically, when combined with the sunglasses you start with, you're pretty much immune to the effects of flashbangs, so you can use them with impunity, and if someone tries to use them on you, you can basically shrug it off.

Beartrap Pouch Beartrap32x32.png A pouch containing 4 beartraps for holding combat positions. Watch your step, lest you end up with one of these in your leg. The beartrap pouch contains a total of 4 Beartraps that can be placed down similarly to barricades. When a person steps on an activated beartrap, it'll deal a whopping 50 BRUTE, make them fall over, and cause a few seconds of stun, allowing you to sneak in an easy kill if used correctly. Once a person steps on a beartrap, it will have to be reactivated again in order to be used.

Tactical Pouch AmmoPouchQuad.png An empty pouch with 6 slots for our brave redsuits. This pouch is, in layman's terms, a box that you can fit in your pocket and that can accomodate more items, both in quantity and variety, compared to other pouches.

Loadout ClassCrateV2.png

Each loadout comes with some sort of specialist combat helmet and some form of specialist combat dress, unless otherwise noted, in addition various other things listed below.

Class Crate - GrenadierClass Crate - Heavy Weapons SpecialistClass Crate - Assault TrooperClass Crate - Field MedicClass Crate - InfiltratorClass Crate - ScoutClass Crate - FirebrandClass Crate - Combat EngineerClass Crate - MarksmanClass Crate - KnightClass Crate - Bard (Prototype)Custom Class Uplink


Summary Lob grenades. Lots of them.

Contents 1x GrenadeLauncherV2.png Rigil grenade launcher 1x AmmoPouchGreen.png “mixed grenade pouch” with: 3x StingerGrenadeNew.png stinger grenades 3x FragGrenadeNew.png frag grenades 1x AmmoPouchGreen.png “grenade round pouch” with: 2x 40mmHEShellsV3-32×32.png 8-packs of 40mm HEDP shells 2x 12gaAEXAmmoV3-32×32.png 8-pack of 40mm HE shells 1x SpecialistOperativeCombatDress.png specialist operative bombsuit

Usage All 'bout them bombs. Not only do you get a good amount of explosive shells and frag and stinger 'nades, but you also get a four-capacity launcher to deploy all this ordnance. To shield you from all the explosions you'll inevitably encounter (your own or others'), you get a “specialist operative bombsuit” that's as explosion-resistant as a bomb disposal suit, but without the slowdown.

Not that your grenade launcher doesn't quite support multiple ammo types; while you can, say, load a flashbang into an empty launcher and then insert another flashbang, putting in HEDP afterwards removes the flashbang(s), and putting in, say, a frag grenade results in the gun refusing to accept it.

Syndicate Commander Uplink Uplink commander.png

The Nuclear Operative Commander additionally gets a special uplink included within their backpack to help assist with the assault on the NT Station. The points on your uplink scales with player population, with 1 point for every 20 people on the server with a minimum point amount of 2.

Item Image Cost Usage Description Notes Ammo Bag Ammobag32.png 2 uplink points Get more ammo for standard syndicate weapons while on the battlefield. An ammo bag that is meant for taking on the go. It takes around 8 seconds to deploy using C (Z for /TG/ controls) and comes with 10 charges. When deployed, syndicate members can click on it with a gun in hand to dispense ammo for that specific type of gun as well as depleting the bag's charge. Certain ammo can cost more charge to get such as Antares LMG Belts, as well as certain ammo for specific guns which cannot be obtained at all, i.e MPRT-7 rockets or Rigil Grenade Launcher grenades. Laser Designator LaserDesignator32.png 3 uplink points Orbital artillery at your fingertips. A small telescopic device used for calling down fire support from the Cairngorm. By holding down SHIFT (or SPACE for TG style controls), you are able to aim it wherever you so please much like the Betelgeuse Sniper Rifle as long as you have visual sight of the target. When an area is clicked on, it will drop a laser sight onto said area, followed a few seconds after by an announcement telling where the ordinance will land, giving a 10 second warning. The ordinance will cause an explosion slighty bigger then an MPRT-7 rocket. Also includes a pamphlet, free with purchase. The designator has two charges to launch ordinance from. Don't stand too close to the spot you designate in, silly. Nuclear Bomb Teleporter NuclearBombTeleporterRemote-32×32.png 1 uplink point Teleport the nuclear bomb to you if it's not deployed-once. It's a single-use (i.e. you can do this only once), it only works if the bomb has not been armed (i.e. it's not counting down), and only works on the station Z-level, though the bomb can be in another Z-level. Useful if you want to go for a lightning-fast sneak deploy or you lose track of the bomb during transit. Formerly included within the Commander's Backpack, now exists within the uplink. Rapid Team Deployment Remote RapidDeploymentRemote32x32.png 4 uplink points A remote to quickly deploy you, your team and the nuke to a precise location. Come in guns a'blazing! This unique remote allows you to quickly access the station via use of the Rapid Deployment Shuttle. To use, you must first be in the Syndicate Battlecruiser. You first select a location of which you want to deploy to by using your remote once, listing all locations on the station. When you choose one, the menu will close, allowing you to make anymore arrangements that you wish before being deployed. When the remote is pressed again, it will highlight a green area within the ship indicating the radius of who will be deployed. This will give you a confirmation if you are ready, along with the option to switch to a different landing location. When confirmed, the deployment beacon will teleport you to the Rapid Deployment Shuttle, with a station announcement following soon after alerting personnel of your presence. Another station announcement will follow soon after, confirming the location of where your pods will deploy. After one minute of waiting within the shuttle, you will be deployed to your location in pods similar to the Syndicate Reinforcement Beacon along with the Nuclear Bomb as well as the rest of your team. Includes a pamphlet with purchase to summarize the information here.

No other static objects are brought with you on the rapid deployment shuttle, such as crates. Consider carrying a few items if needed. Syndicate Reinforcement Beacon BeaconV2-32×32.gif 2 uplink points Extra firepower to join you in heated battle. A beacon for calling in extra power to defend the precious nuke. When used on the station Z level, the beacon will quickly poll any ghosts asking if they want to become a “Syndicate Reinforcement”. When one is selected they will turn into a Syndicate Gunbot and will fly towards the beacon similar to the Spacebux Missile Arrival. If the beacon doesn't work due to a lack of spiritual entities, you can tap the beacon onto your uplink to get a full refund. Includes a helpful manual for usage! Syndicate Gunbots are a powerful foe, having much better armor then your standard run of the mill gunbot (7 Melee Resistance, 2.5 Ranged Resistance) as well as being equipped with a 7.62 DMR instead of a .38 revolver. Beware! Specialist Ammo Bag Ammobagspecial.png 3 uplink points Get specialized types of ammo for standard syndicate weapons as well as ammo for specialized syndicate weapons. Identical to the ammo bag, but is now able to give out all types of ammunition for almost all syndicate firearms as well as specialized ammunition for certain guns, i.e .357 AP rounds for the Predator Revolver, AP 5.62 magazines for the Sirius Assault Rifle. If no associated special ammo type exists with the gun, the ammunition dispensed will cost 1 less charge then it would usually take from an ammo bag. CARL SyndicateKillbot.png CARL is a robot NPC merchant operating out of the Listening Post that sells a few select pieces of Syndicate gear and buys certain Captain and Security equipment. Rather than Syndicate currency, CARL instead works with regular ol' credits. While aligned with the Syndicate, CARL's more than happy to do business with regular, non-antagonist crew and antagonists who don't work for the Syndicate. However, there is some gear it only sells to actual Syndicate operatives, and moreover, you need an agent card to get through the airlocks of the Listening Post.

Items CARL Sells As previously mentioned, there are some goods CARL will only sell to bonafide Syndicate operatives. That list specifically includes: Traitors, Spy Thieves, Nuclear Operatives, Sleeper Agents, Hard-Mode Traitors, and Omnitraitors. Whether or not an item has this requirement is indicated by the “Need to be Syndie?” column.

Unlike travelling traders, CARL's list of items for sale never changes from round to round, save for a few exceptions. Depending on RNG, CARL might also sell signal/radio jammers, stealth storages, and/or voice changers, based on a weighted pick. The precise chances are as follows:

10%: Jammer 20%: Jammer and stealth storage 10%: Stealth storage 20%: Voice changer and stealth storage 20%: Voice changer 20%: All three These are per possible outcome, not per item like a loot drop rate table. “10%: Stealth Storage” means that when the round is generated, there's a 10% chance CARL will sell a stealth storage, but not a jammer or voice changer. In addition, these probabilities are purely random and do not depend on any other quantity; they're not affected by CARL's mood (or whatever the robotic equivalent is), number of traitors, whatever. It's simply a roll of the die.

Item Image Price Need to be Syndie? Description Armored Spacesuit SyndicateCommandArmour.png 20000 Yes A space suit with superb resistances. This is the same “Syndicate Command Armor” that sometimes appears in surplus crates, making this basically a buyable surplus crate item. See that link for more details. Armored Helmet SyndicateCommandHelmetV2-32×32.png 15000 Yes The syndicate command helmet is, in a way, a companion to the Syndicate Command Armor and is basically an industrial space helmet but better. In addition to the usual protections provided by most helmets, it has 50% radiation resistance, reduces the effect of explosions by 10% (one of the few helmets to do so), and reduces damage from melee attacks to the head by 7, which makes it one of the best helmets for melee resistance. Also, it doesn't slow you down! Holographic Disguiser HolographicDisguiserOffV2-32×32.png 15000 Yes Handheld device that lets you change your appearance on the fly. Like many other items on the list, this can also appear in surplus crates. See here for more info on the device. Radio Jammer Mshield.png 6000 Yes Pocketable device that blocks radio signal and is otherwise known as the signal jammer, which you can also buy from certain uplinks. Buying it from CARL instead of through your uplink lets you save at least 2 Syndicate currency (1 to buy the agent card and access CARL vs. 3 to get the jammer from the uplink.) Remember, though, that per above, this is not always available. Stealth Storage Box2.png 400 Yes Box that can disguise as other items, see here for details. Remember, CARL doesn't always sell this, see above. Voice Changer VoiceChangerNew.png 4000 Yes Gadget that fits into masks and allows you to appear as a different voice than your own on the radio, depending on the ID you're wearing. See this link for more info. Note that CARL only sells this sometimes; see above for details. 12ga AEX ammo 12gaAEXAmmoV3-32×32.png 40000 Yes Aka “birdbomb” or Frag-12, explosive shotgun ammo (and flaregun ammo too since those can fit shotty shells). See this link for additional info. Scary Gasmask SWATMask-32×32.png 1000 No Aka, the SWAT gas mask, a gas mask with that looks extra scary but otherwise doesn't have any mechanical benefits over the regular version. Note that, unlike the kind the nuke ops have on their Syndicate Battlecruiser, this can be melted by certain acids. Spy Sticker Kit Box2.png 1000 No Box of stickers that relay video and audio to a private frequency. This is the very same spy sticker kit you can buy through certain uplinks. 12ga Flare Shells 12gaFlaresV3-32×32.png 15000 No Flares for a, well, flare gun, or a shotgun since those have the same gauge. See here for more details. In a way, it's a (rather expensive) refill for the flare gun you can get through surplus crates. High-Capacity Power Cell EgunPowerCell.png 10000 No A 300 PU cell for energy guns, amplified vuvuzelas, and other devices that use small power cells. It does not recharge on its own. Since most of the energy weapons used by Sec have either only 200 PU or 250 PU (with Lawbringer and pulse rifles being the main exceptions), this can give you a decent leg up on them. Medusa Stealth System 300 CargoHold.png 500000 No An invisibility cloak for pods/MiniPutts/minisubs!…with some caveats. See this link for details. Syndicate Pod Armor ItemFrameV2.png 25000 No Pod/MiniPutt/Minisub armor that offers middle-of-the-line health. See here for more information. Ballistic System BallisticSystemV2.png 45000 No It's a shotgun…but for your pod/MiniPutt/minisub. While the pellets are actually weaker than those fired out of the SPES-12 you get from the shotgun box, they're still better than a lot of pod weapons the crew can get, and notably, unlike the other pod weapon CARL offers, it has infinite ammo. See here for more information. 40mm Assault Platform BallisticSystemV2.png 250000 No A really fancy name for a grenade launcher that can be mounted on a pod/MiniPutt/minisub. It's a magnitude better than any other ranged pod weapon you can find on the ship/station and dents the hull pretty well, but unlike pretty much every other pod weapon, it has limited ammo! Go through this link for additional info. 40mm HE Ammunition 40mmHEShellsV3-32×32.png 100000 No Two extra HE shells for the 40mm Assault Platform that CARL also sells. Hilariously, it's actually more economical to buy an entire new 40mm Assault Platform rather than buy a few packs of these if you want to restock on pod HE, since the former offers a better unit price for each grenade (250k/14 shots = roughly 17.9k per grenade with a new gun vs. 100k/2 shots = 50k per grenade with a refill). In addition, while ostensibly for pods, nothing's stopping you from using it in a riot launcher and Rigil GL, since both are 40mm. Items CARL Buys CARL also buys (i.e. you can sell to CARL) the items listed below, which includes gold bullion and a group of objects that could be considered “trophies” of the Captain and Security. Unlike with the list of items CARL sells, there isn't any randomization, so it stays the same from round to round, and there aren't any items locked to certain Antagonist roles.

Item Image Price Description Energy Gun EnergyGunV2.png 7000 Sidearm that fires both lasers and taser bolts. CARL doesn't care about how much charge it has, what kind of cell it's got, or whether it's Captain's or HoS's own gun or just a copy made through the ruck kit. Security Headset Headset.png 2000 Specifically the standard one used by Security Officers. Head of Security Beret HoSBeret.png HoSHat.png 10000 Exactly what it says on the tin. It's a beret worn by the Head of Security, though their pet turtle wears it too. While it specifies beret, CARL doesn't actually care if it's in the cap/hat form or the beret form. NT Captain Gold ID GoldenIDCardV2-32×32.png 7500 A shiny golden ID. The ID the Captain spawns with counts for this as you'd expect, but not the Captain's spare ID in the Captain's Quarters. This also includes the golden ID personnel equipment manufacturers can make if hacked. NT Spare Gold ID GoldenIDCardV2-32×32.png 7500 This specifically refers to the “Captain's spare ID” that spawns in the Captain's Quarters. Gold Bullion StampedBullionV3-32×32.png 35000 Taking some gold ore and refining it into ingots doesn't count for this. CARL specifically buys “stamped bullion”, a highly valuable ingot of previous metal that's found in off-station safes as loot. The Merchant and VIP jobs also spawn with a few bars of this.

Discontinued Syndicate Items

Over the years, a number of traitor items have been fundamentally overhauled, discontinued or are otherwise not available to the public anymore. This list is mostly for archival purposes, but there is a chance for some of them to show up in surplus crates.

Before April 2019, the currency for Syndicate Items was named telecrystals (TC), hence everything here is in that and not [random interesting currency name]. It was changed to prevent confusion with the telecrystals dug up in mining.

Item Image Job Specific Surplus item? Description Revolver Ammo Box RevolverBox.png 357Ammo.png All (Yes) Revolver ammunition used to be expensive! Initially, seven additional shots were priced at an outrageous 2 TC each; later on traitors could order a box of regular or AP ammo for 4 TC. In addition to 6 TC for the revolver itself, of course. Nowadays, the whole package (introduced in April 2013) fortunately includes a generous amount of speedloaders. Rifle Box RevolverBox.png AK-744.png All No An AK-744 with a couple of spare magazines. The box was available briefly in mid-2013, but was quickly removed for balancing and technical reasons. Low-Yield Bomb TransferValveBomb.png All No A predecessor of the pipe bomb. Basically a weak transfer valve bomb, so it was possible to swap the default timer for a different detonator. These lasted from early 2009 to May 2011 and, until the arrival of the RPG, were still standard equipment of Syndicate operatives. Satanist Robes ScaryRobes.png Dagger.png Chaplain (Yes) Convert to Satanism! In return for 10 TC, the chaplain received a very evil-looking robe and a dagger for sacrificing people. Even better, wearing said robe allowed them to cast two powerful wizard spells at will: knock (basically an EMAG/all-access ID hybrid that can't be lost) and blind to evade any foolish pursuers. Was available for much of 2011 on Donut Station 2 before being superseded by His Grace. These days, an improved variant of the dagger can be found in surplus crates. The robes are also still around as a cool gimmick outfit that doesn't grant any spells. Artistic Toolbox/ His Grace Arttoolbox.png / ArtisticToolboxNew.png Chaplain No His Grace was a very complicated, rampage-oriented item. It started off fairly weak, but once leveled up by feeding a couple of victims to the toolbox, the wielder arguably had the most devastating melee weapon in the game at their disposal. In addition to complete stun immunity and constant healing, it was even capable of smashing through normally indestructible objects like the MULE. If the user took too long to feed His Grace, they ended up as the next snack. Of course, the timer was very short for a fully leveled-up box. The item's primary issue and eventual downfall was the Memetic Kill Disorder (MKD), some sort of cult disease. A lot of players (HoS-approved ones included) were quick to gun after the still-vulnerable chaplain, examine His Grace on purpose to become a slave and start rampaging on their own. The other problem was that a top-tier toolbox was practically unstoppable, leading to the depopulation of entire stations and spawn-camping in arrivals. His Grace was added in early 2012 and quietly dropped in March 2014, perhaps in response to repeated negative feedback ingame and on the forum.

Heavy Horseshoe Boxingglove.png HeavyHorseshoe.png Boxer No Cheaters don't play fair, and the same can be said about traitors. Punching somebody with rigged boxing gloves resulted in increased brute damage plus a guaranteed one-hit K.O. And compared to a stun baton or comparable weapon, disarms were and remain useless against gloves. This let the boxer dispatch sole targets or small groups with ease. Easter eggs sometimes contain a nerfed version of the horseshoe(you can also get one as an heirloom), but the real thing has been (for the most part) unavailable since early 2011.

Advanced Laser Gun AdvancedLaser.png / LaserRifle.png RD Yes Renamed to laser rifle, then to plasma rifle. A self-recharging, less powerful version of the laser gun. Used to be exclusive to the RD from April 2013 to February 2014, and is a surplus item these days. Its replacement is the teleporter gun.

FogMachine-3000 FogMachine.png

Chemist, Botanist No This generator was capable of emitting vast amounts of smoke of whatever chemical was in the tank. More of a gimmick item, but it could be used to good effect to fill entire hallways with deadly pre-revamp napalm or neurotoxins. Sadly, it more often than not slowed the server to a crawl in the process, hence the nickname LagMachine-3000. Made unavailable sometime in mid-2013.

Singularity Bomb SingularityBomb.png

CE, Engineer No A SciFi weapon of mass destruction that spawned a singularity, just without any containment field. Considering that a mishap in engineering usually doomed the station, a strategically placed bomb had great potential to cause catastrophic damage…to the extend that it was almost impossible to call the emergency shuttle. Interestingly enough, the bomb survived for a bit longer than the engine design itself, but was eventually retired shortly after the arrival of Cogmap1 in early 2013. One of its redeeming qualities was the excellent sprite, with ominous flashing red lights and everything.

Hacked Mining Charge MiningCharge32.png

Miner No Initially, the venerable does-it-all EMAG used to unlock charges. Somebody didn't like it, hence an update in September 2011 forced miners to order explosives (low- or high-yield) directly from their employer. The dedicated hacking device, new to the game in late 2012, rendered them obsolete.

RIG Suit IndustrialArmour.png

Electrician No Yes, the electrician's special item was once completely unrelated to what they are actually doing. The suit wasn't radiation- and blast-proof back then either, making this an even stranger choice. Replaced by the device analyzer in April 2012. The RIG suit is now known as the industrial space armor, and slightly-more resistant red version used to exist.

Port-a-Poo Portabrig.png

Janitor No In the Brown Days, the janitor had access to this truly horrifying execution chamber. Unlike the Port-A-Brig it shared the sprite with, this device was self-locking and forced the unfortunate occupant to relieve themselves over and over again. The sweet release of death was generally inevitable and welcome. A handful of skilled players depopulated entire stations with nothing but a spray bottle and Port-a-Poo, providing an ample supply of shit (and sometimes poo tacos) in the process. It appeared on the janitor's PDA from about 2011 to mid-2012, when poo was finally exorcised from the code. The trash compactor, introduced in September of that year, is the spiritual successor and only slightly less shocking. The more modern Port-a-puke is almost exactly this, save that it uses puke instead of poo.

'Oxygen Is Toxic To Humans' AI Module OldAIModule.png

All N/A This module gave the AI a law that declared oxygen harmful to humans and mandated them to purge it from the station, empowering them to ignore laws 1-3 if necessary. Not only did it frequently backfire on the uploader, but it also paled in comparison to the much more versatile freeform module. With no reason to justify its existence, this waste of telecrystals was quietly made unavailable in late 2009, not too long after its debut in April 24th, 2009.

Syndicate Pipe Bomb Pipebomb.png

All No A pipebomb with a modest 4-TC cost and extra explosive power for creating a sizable hole. When one Traitor used a pipebomb, the resulting devastation sometimes prompted other traitors to order pipebombs too, creating an explosive domino effect that often led to a space station with more space than station. While this item and its effect were not nearly as hated as other entries, it was still replaced in April 2019 by a toned-down variant with…nonstandard effects.

Loot Crate CrateNew.png

All No A 8-TC crate guaranteed to have 10x bars each of pharosium, mauxite, and molitz, as well as 24-42 various other items, such as Easter eggs, big wads (10k+) of space cash, bitcoins/buttcoins/coins, sheets of cotton, uqill nuggets, raw cerenkite ore, raw erebite ore, unproccessed miracle matter and bars of basically every ore besides ice, rock, char, and viscerite. In theory, you could use the materials for matsci shenanigans, take the money and buy fancy gear, or use the materials in fabricators to scan and manufacture lots of weapons and other dangerous stuff for you and/or others. In practice, because matsci and said fancy gear are underused, few people bought the crate, and the ones that did often bought it thinking it was some variant on the surplus crate. The exact loot provided was tweaked at least twice after the release following complaints, and it was quietly removed from the buylist years later. And for your information, this was made several months before loot crate mechanics became so infamous.

Assault Rucksack TacticalAssaultRucksack.png

N/A No For a brief time, the tactical assault rucksack was something you had to buy rather than something you started with. The rucksack debuted on the same day as the Syndicate Weapons Vendor,June 27, 2020, it as part of a “Storage” category consisting of it, the syndicate satchel, and the syndicate fanny pack, aka the syndicate tactical espionage belt pack.

A little over a week afterwards, on July 5, 2020, the fanny pack become part of a new Utility category, and the assault rucksack became starting gear for every Nuclear Operative. The reasoning was actually quite simple: the game was supposed to give cyanide pills in op's starting satchels, but because the update that added the weapons vendor also removed the satchel from their starting inventory, the game ran into issues. Since the rucksack was overwhelmingly the most popular option, and inventory space was still an recurring issue, the rucksack became the starting operative storage item over all other options.

Syndicate Satchel Syndiesatchel.png

N/A No One of the very first pull requests that appeared after Goonstation became open source added this here syndicate satchel and made it starting gear for every Nuclear Operative, replacing the previous standard grey one. It was created on April 7, 2020 and was merged the day after. On June 27, 2020, the satchel was removed from the operatives' starter gear, and it was moved to the freshly-debuted Syndicate Weapons Vendor as part of the “Storage” category, alongside the new tactical assault rucksack and syndicate fanny pack. The other two options overshadowed the satchel, and it was somewhat useless since the Syndicate Battlecruiser had a uniform manufacturer that could make an otherwise functionally identical satchel. Later, on July 5, 2020, the satchel was removed from the vendor. It languished in the code before finding a new life as equipment for Syndicate operatives in Pod Wars.

Cyanide Pill ToxinsPill.png

N/A No For a long time, Nuclear Operatives used to spawn with these pills containing 50 units of cyanide. They were quite decent if you didn't want to waste ammo on somebody (or committing suicide if you were wuss), and field medics (which were called “combat medics” back then) found them a serviceable poison back when they used syringe guns, but they usually ended up littering the floor of the Syndicate Battlecruiser. They got quietly removed in an update to Nuclear Operative gear in January 2021.

Lawn Darts Box Box2.png LawnDart.png

Assistant, Bartender, Clown No A box of three lawn darts that could be thrown for bleeding, 3 seconds of stun, and up to 20 BRUTE (armor-piercing) brute damage. They also embedded in people, causing similar effects to shrapnel.

Darts were added on June 15th, 2017, as a part of larger patch that also added the dartboard in the Bar and paper planes. While there was no strong support for its removal, they were often considered rather weak and had somewhat of a reputation as a mediocre Spy Thief bounty reward. For a long time, they also suffered a bug where they could not actually stun (which luckily later was fixed). On February 7th, 2021, these were removed from the traitor buylist, though they still remain in the code. There was nothing to replace it, though its spiritual successor arguably is the pizza sharpener.

Police Baton PoliceBaton.png N/A (Yes) Worked like a standard issue baton except for two important distinctions. It didn't require power to function, and beating somebody while using the Harm intent delivered heavy stamina drain along with the brute damage.

These could not be bought directly but instead were found in the surplus crate. On July 12th, 2021, these were removed from the traitor buylist as well as the code, for offending coders and for being a highly desirable item.

Macrobomb Implant Implanter2.png 12 No Worked like (a slightly weaker version of) 12 microbombs, and was used to save time. Removed on March 30th, 2022 for being functionally inferior to 12 micros and encouraging traitors who were low on time to lazily explode a department/the shuttle.

Antagonistic Gear All gear under this heading can be ordered by anyone with an uplink, provided they know how to unlock and use it and there are enough telecrystals. Items with a green background are safe to carry/wear, while yellow are items that are illegal upon further investigation, and red backgrounds are outright contraband.

Ammunition All items under this heading are ammo for weapons and firearms. Obviously these are all useless on their own and without a firearm.

9mm ammo Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading firearms chambering 9mm. Strategy: Order when needed, stock up, or only order a few to easily dispose of if you get caught. Description A magazine storing 10 9mm parabellum rounds.

Chemdarts.png Chemical Darts Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading a dart gun. Strategy: Create the chemical mix of your choice before ordering these. Description Darts that are automatically loaded into the gun from the magazine. Draws from a beaker attached to the gun. Stores 5 darts.

Tommy-mag.png Submachine Gun Magazine (.45) Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading firearms chambering .45 Strategy: Order as necessary. Description A slim magazine utilizing powerful rounds. Stores 20 .45 rounds.

64px Anti-Material Cannon Cartridge (.45) Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading the Anti-Material Cannon Strategy: Order as necessary. Description Contains One Anti-Material Cannon Cartridge

Tommy-drum.png Submachine Gun Drum Magazine (.45) Cost: 2 TC Used for: Reloading the submachine gun. Strategy: Order if you have a room to clear out. Description A drum magazine with 50 .45 rounds.

357mag.png .357 Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading revolvers chambering .357. Strategy: Save the loader if you want, they can be reloaded with rounds you didn't use if you accidentally empty your revolver. Description A speed loader with 7 .357 rounds.

Shotgunbox.png Box of Shells Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading a shotgun. Strategy: Order as necessary. Description Contains eight shotgun buckshot shells.

New45mag.png .45 Pistol Magazine Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading a .45 pistol. Strategy: Order as necessary. Can be used to reload security's pistols. Description Contains seven rounds of .45 bullets.

Clip.png 7.62mm clip Cost: 1 TC Used for: Reloading a bolt action rifle Strategy: Order as necessary. Description Contains five rounds of 7.62mm bullets.

Plasmaammo.png Plasma Shotgun Magazine Cost: 2 TC Used for: Reloading the plasma shotgun. Strategy: Order as necessary. Description Contains ten plasma cells. Exosuit This section covers exosuits that can be ordered.

Drilldopper.png Combat Exosuit Dropper Cost: 25 TC Used for: Deploying a combat exosuit on field. Strategy: Useful when you are expecting a lot of resistance from the station. Description A device that can be used to drop in a combat exosuit. Can only be used outside station areas, unless emagged, which is hazardous.

Drilldopper.png Heavy Exosuit Dropper Cost: 20 TC Used for: Deploying a heavy exosuit on field. Strategy: Useful when you are expecting a lot of resistance from the station, but can't spend too many telecrystals. Description A device that can be used to drop in a heavy exosuit. Can only be used outside station areas, unless emagged, which is hazardous.

Drilldopper.png Light Exosuit Dropper Cost: 15 TC Used for: Deploying a light exosuit on field. Strategy: Useful when you need a faster exosuit. Description A device that can be used to drop in a heavy exosuit. Can only be used outside station areas, unless emagged, which is hazardous.

Drilldopper.png Powerloader Exosuit Dropper Cost: 10 TC Used for: Deploying a powerloader on field. Strategy: Useful when you need an industrial exosuit. Description A device that can be used to drop in a powerloader exosuit. Can only be used outside station areas, unless emagged, which is hazardous. Corporate Equipment Crates that come with equipment related to the megacorporations that exist in the Aurora lore.

Necrocrate.png Revenant Combat Suit Cost: 5 TC Used for: To equip a Zavodskoi Interstellar operative. Strategy: Order when you are in need of armor or a voidsuit. Description A full spaceworthy kit of a Necropolis Industries Revenant-type combat suit. Heavily resistant against fast projectiles and backpack-portable. Only wearable by Humans and Humanoid IPCs. Contains: one revenant voidsuit, magboots and an oxygen tank.

Zenghucrate.png Dragon Biohazard Control Suit Cost: 5 TC Used for: To equip a Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals operative. Strategy: Order when you are in need of armor or a voidsuit. Description A full spaceworthy kit of a Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Dragon-type biohazard containment suit. Entirely resistant against radiation in most circumstances. Only wearable by Humans and Humanoid IPCs. Contains: one dragon biohazard voidsuit, magboots and an oxygen tank.

Hephcrate.png Caiman Drop Suit Cost: 5 TC Used for: To equip a Hephaestus Industries operative. Strategy: Order when you are in need of armor or a voidsuit. Description A full spaceworthy kit of a Hephaestus Industries Caiman-type terraforming suit. Very resistant against slow-moving blunt force, but heavy. Only wearable by Humans and Humanoid IPCs. Contains: one caiman drop voidsuit, magboots and an oxygen tank.

Eisteincrate.png Banshee Combat Suit Cost: 5 TC Used for: To equip a Einstein Engines operative. Strategy: Order when you are in need of armor or a voidsuit. Description A full spaceworthy kit of an Einstein Engines Banshee-type infiltration suit. Resistant against lasers, but made of paper against anything else. Only wearable by Humans and Humanoid IPCs. Contains: one banshee combat voidsuit, magboots and an oxygen tank. Exosuit Equipment This section covers exosuits equipment that can be ordered. Only useful if you have access to an exosuit.

Mechtaser.png Mounted Electrolaser Carbine Cost: 2 TC Used for: Taking prisoners. Strategy: Useful when you don't want to kill your victims. Description A dual fire mode electrolaser system connected to the exosuit's targetting system.

Mechion.png Mounted Ion Rifle Cost: 7 TC Used for: Disabling eletronics. Strategy: Order when you are facing other exosuits or IPCs. Description A mech-mounted duplicate of the ion rifle. Two modes : stun, and lethal. Stun has ten shots, lethal has six. Can't be fitted onto shoulder slots.

Mechlaser.png Mounted Laser Rifle Cost: 3 TC Used for: Dealing some serious damage. Strategy: Order when you need to mow down a lot of enemies. Description A A laser rifle fitted onto a mech. Ten shots, all lethal. Can't be fitted onto shoulder slots.

Mechsmg.png Mounted Machine Gun Cost: 3 TC Used for: Dealing some serious damage. Strategy: Order when you need to mow down a lot of enemies. Description A very robust ballistic autocannon for mech usage, very lethal.

Mechmissile.png Mounted Missile Rack Cost: 10 TC Used for: Dealing some serious damage. Strategy: Order when you need to mow down a lot of enemies or walls. Description An SRM-8 missile rack loaded with explosive missiles.

ModularRFD.png Mounted RFD-C Cost: 5 TC Used for: Breaking into places and building walls. Strategy: Order when you need to break into places or build extra obstacles in your way. Description A RFD, modified to construct walls and floors. This one can be mounted on an exosuit.

Mechclamp.png Mounted Clamp Cost: 1 TC Used for: Carrying things around. Strategy: Order when you need haul things with you, can also be used in melee combat. Description A large, heavy industrial cargo loading clamp.

Mechworm.png Mounted Gravitational Catapult Cost: 2 TC Used for: Throwing things around. Strategy: Order when you need to move objects or people around. Description An exosuit-mounted gravitational catapult.

Mechdill.png Mounted Drill Cost: 1 TC Used for: Drilling things. Strategy: Order when you need to break into places, can also be used in melee combat. Description An exosuit-mounted drill.

Mechpassanger.png Mounted Passenger Compartment Cost: 1 TC Used for: Carrying people around with you. Strategy: Useful when you are operating with a fellow operative. Description An exosuit-mounted passenger compartment.

Mechsleeper.png Mounted Sleeper Cost: 1 TC Used for: Healing others. Strategy: Order when you have access to a light or medical oriented exosuit, can be used to support other operatives. Description An exosuit-mounted sleeper designed to maintain patients stabilized on their way to medical facilities.

Mechdrone.png Mounted Crisis Dronebay Cost: 1 TC Used for: Healing others. Strategy: Order when you have access to a light or medical oriented exosuit, can be used to support other operatives by standing close to them. Description A small shoulder-mounted dronebay containing a rapid response drone capable of moderately stabilizing a patient near the exosuit. Grenades and Thrown Objects This section covers thrown explosives, among other types of grenades, ranging from making areas dark to messing people the h*ck up with shrapnel.

Delivery.png Viscerator Delivery Grenade Cost: 3 TC Used for: Spawning viscerator to spur confusion. Strategy: It's worth mentioning that they will attack anyone indiscriminately, including luckily excluding you, so feel free to toss these around wherever. Description A grenade packed with quickly deploying vicerators, ready to shred anything in the way.

Emp.png Photon Disruption Grenades Cost: 1 TC Used for: Temporarily darkening areas completely. Strategy: Best used in small rooms with an easy exit. Description A box with five grenades designed to disrupt photons and remove light from areas.

Flashbang.gif Smoke Grenades Cost: 1 TC Used for: Providing cover via wall of smoke. Strategy: Best used while retreating under enemy fire. Description A box with five smoke grenades.

Emp.png EMP Grenades Cost: 2 TC Used for: Disrupting/damaging anything electronic. Strategy: Synthetics and crew with prosthetics will all suffer greatly to a grenade like this. Description A box with five EMP grenades.

Frag.png Frag Grenades Cost: 6 TC Used for: Severely injuring biological crew. Strategy: While expensive, the fact that they explode roughly 70 pieces of shrapnel in all directions more than makes up for the cost. Description A box with five anti-personnel fragmentation grenades.

64px Cardox Grenade Cost: 2 TC Used for: Severely injuring Vaurca or clear K'ois outbreaks. Strategy: Useful for Vaurca related gimmicks, or escape strategy's. Description A box of five grenades that deploy cardox smoke in the thrown area. This smoke is incredibly toxic, especially to vaurca. It can also clear K'ois outbreaks with ease.

64px Lubed Viscerator Delivery Grenade Cost: 4 TC Used for: For when you need your viscerators lubed. Strategy: These deadly viscerators will not attack you or your allies, so use them to escape sticky situations. Description A grenade that deploys five lubed viscerator combat drones. Deadly in numbers, will not attack you or your allies. Works best when killed. Highly Visible and Dangerous Weapons Everything under here is, obviously, very illegal and will attract the attention and potential wrath of Security.

Dgun.png Dart Gun Cost: 3 TC Used for: Injecting targets with darts loaded with whatever mix you choose. Strategy: Best ordered when you have an array of chemicals already made. Three beakers can fit on the gun, and it comes with an interface allowing you to mix any of the three into darts. Description A small gas-powered dartgun, capable of delivering chemical cocktails swiftly across short distances.

Ebow.png Energy Crossbow Cost: 3 TC Used for: Shooting targets with bolts of energy. Strategy: It recharges itself, so it's a nice weapon to fall back to if your other weapons are empty. Description A weapon favored by many mercenary stealth specialists.

Forceglove.png Force Gloves Cost: 3 TC Used for: Punching the heck out of everything. Strategy: A good thing to order if you're not confident in firearms and would like to just stab everything instead. Description These gloves bend gravity and bluespace, providing a boost to your melee damage output by 2.5x

Esword.png Energy Sword Cost: 4 TC Used for: Stabbing everything when all else fails. Strategy: The go-to melee weapon. The sprite is quite small which can be both good and bad. Deals about 30 brute. Description May the force be within you.

Silenco.png Silenced 9mm Cost: 2 TC Used for: Taking care of business… quietly. Strategy: Doesn't do that much damage, but it's easy to overwhelm someone if you unload a full magazine into them. Description A silenced, small pistol for quiet business.

Hammer.png Kneebreaker Hammer Cost: 3 TC Used for: Breaking knees, obviously. Strategy: Deals 20 brute damage, so if you wanted to interrogate someone, just aim for their hands or feet. May also double as a crowbar. Description A heavy hammer made of plasteel, the other end could be used to pry open doors.

Newrevolver.png Revolver Cost: 4 TC Used for: Taking care of business loudly. Strategy: Uses powerful .357 magnum rounds. Want someone dead quick? Use this. Description The classic Necropolis Industries .357 revolver, for when you only want to shoot once.

Tommygunnew.png Submachine Gun Cost: 8 TC Used for: Taking care of multiple instances of business quickly. Strategy: Has multiple firing modes. Be sure to use them, since 5 round bursts can be inaccurate on top of wasting a lot of ammo. Description A classic submachine gun. Uses .45 rounds.

New icelance.png Icelance Rifle Cost: 3 TC Used for: Taking care of business with hand-cranked lasers. Strategy: Tired of ammo management? Try this! Just be aware that each crank takes about two seconds to accomplish. Description A Tajaran made rifle, it houses a crank-chargable internal battery. It only holds three shots and each shot must be cranked manually.

Boltaction.png Bolt Action Rifle Cost: 3 TC Used for: Taking care of business loudly. Strategy: A cheap and effective gun. You can print more clips in the autolathe. Description A Tajaran made bolt action rifle. Uses 7.62mm rounds.

Colt.png Vintage .45 Pistol Cost: 2 TC Used for: Taking care of business loudly. Strategy: Uses commonly found .45 rounds, security has a supply of those and you can print more magazines in the autolathe. Description A cheap Martian knock-off of a Colt M1911. Uses .45 rounds.

Slammer.png Plasma Shotgun Cost: 9 TC Used for: Taking care of business with fire. Strategy: Fires deadly plasma rounds that can penetrate armor and set targets on fire. Spare ammo can't be produced or found on the station. Description A marvel of Elyran weapons technology which utilizes superheated plasma to pierce thick armor with gruesome results.

Newrevolver.png Random Gun Cost: 3 TC Used for: Taking care of business, if you are lucky. Strategy: Spawns a random gun, might be useful if you are feeling lucky. Description An untraceable gun of varying quality. Acquired from unknown sources. Includes ammunition if applicable.

Minehe.png Land Mine Cost: 3 TC Used for: Dispatching intrusive crew. Strategy: Probably best used on choke points. Just don't accidentally trap yourself in a corner with them. A verb should come up with the ability to hide them under items on the same tile. Description An anti-personnel explosive device used for area denial.

Mineemp.png EMP Land Mine Cost: 3 TC Used for: Same as a regular mine but for synthetics. Strategy: May be a good idea to place these near sensitive equipment. Description An EMP mine capable of disrupting anything electronic.

Minen2o.png N2O Land Mine Cost: 3 TC Used for: Releasing anesthetic gas upon detonation. Strategy: A good way to safely capture biological crew. Gas masks are capable of filtering out N2O. Description A sleepy mine that disperses N2O into the atmosphere.

Powerfist.png Power Fist Cost: 2 TC Used for: Punching people. Hard. Strategy: On top of granting stronger punches, this also knocks foes back. Description A metal gauntlet with a piston-powered ram on top for that extra punch in your punch.

Ballisticfist.png Ballistic Gauntlet Cost: 6 TC Used for: Punching people. Really hard. Strategy: This gloves will fire a shotgun shell when you punch someone, you can also recharge it with any kind of shotgun ammo. Description A metal gauntlet armed with a wrist-mounted shotgun.

Clawgloves.png Clawed Gauntlets Cost: 3 TC Used for: Shredding people. Strategy: Given that they're sharp, the target will almost certainly start bleeding. They're also slightly armored. Description A pair of metal gauntlets outfited with menacing sharp blades.

Amr.png Point Entry Anti-Material Cannon Cost: 9 TC Used for: Eliminating armored targets. Strategy: This rifle doesn't play around, and neither does the price tag. Don't waste this on cannon fodder, aim for the big wigs in bullet proof armor. Description A portable anti-armour rifle fitted with a scope, the PTR-7 is capable of punching through windows and non-reinforced walls with ease. Fires armor piercing 14.5mm shells.

Chainsaw.png Chainsaw Cost: 6 TC Used for: Shredding everything and everyone. Strategy: A powerful saw capable of ruining anyone's day. Requires two hands to operate. Description A robust tree-cutting chainsaw intended to cut down various types of invasive spaceplants that grow on the station.

Shuriken.png Steel Throwing Star Cost: 1 TC Used for: Throwing sharp and pointy pieces of metal at people. Strategy: I guess if you wanted more weeb on top of your weeb you can order this and watch stars embed into wounds. Description A sharp, perfectly weighted piece of metal.

64px Caltrops Cost: 1 TC Used for: Throw down these spike traps to drop enemies to the ground. Strategy: Think of these as road spikes for a car, but for your feet. Description A sharp, pantipersonnel weapon. Useful to delay advances.

64px Ion Rifle Cost: 5 TC Used for: Disabling electronics, IPC's, and stationbounds. Strategy: Good to take down stationbounds or pesky IPC officers. Description The NT Mk70 EW Halicon is a man portable anti-armor weapon designed to disable mechanical threats, produced by Nanotrasen.

64px One Use Recoilless Rifle Cost: 5 TC Used for: When you absolutely, for sure have to destroy something. Strategy: It can take down walls, people, PunPun… The world is your oyster with one use. Description An inexpensive, one use anti-tank weapon used extensively by the Tajaran armed forces.

64px Tesla glove Cost: 6 TC Used for: Punching people with lightning. Strategy: We'd label this as offense, and not defense… because you have to be in touch range to Thor someone. Description A weaponized gauntlet capable of firing lightning bolts.

64px Energy Carbine Cost: 6 TC Used for: Shooting people, fauna, flora, or Assistants. Strategy: It's exactly what you expect, so strategy isn't necessary here. Take off the saftey, and aim. Description A Nanotrasen designed energy-based carbine with two settings: Stun and kill.

64px Laser Rifle Cost: 8 TC Used for: Shooting people, fauna, flora, or Assistants. Strategy: It's exactly what you expect, so strategy isn't necessary here. Take off the saftey, and aim. This one does not have a stun, so you will probably be “target on sight” if seen weilding one. Description A Nanotrasen designed laser weapon, designed to kill with concentrated energy blasts.

64px Gatling Machine Gun Cost: 30 TC Used for: This is the POWER source for the Gatling gun. Strategy: No holds barred. It's the power source for your gatling gun. Okay? I'm reloaded. Description The massive external power source for the gatling gun. Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons These items are designed to be inconspicuous and hard to ascertain their true nature without intensive investigation.

Synsoap.png Subversive Soap Cost: 1 TC Used for: Slipping pursuers. Strategy: Someone chasing you? Drop this behind you. They'll probably slip over it. Description An untrustworthy bar of soap. Smells of fear.

Redbox.png Cigarette Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Flashing, smoke bombing, poisoning, healing… a whole lot. Strategy: Cigarettes are pretty good to use in a bind, especially when guns are being pointed at your head and you're about to be arrested. Just ask for a smoke. Description Various cigarettes with different reagents.

Beaker.png Random Toxin - Beaker Cost: 1 TC Used for: Poisoning. Strategy: Food works as a reagent container. Take a syringe and inject poison into the target's food and watch them suffer. May contain mindbreaker, space drugs, carpotoxin, impedrezine, or zombie powder. Description An apple will not be enough to keep the doctor away after this.

Pen.png Paralysis Pen Cost: 3 TC Used for: Paralyzing. Strategy: Probably best used when you're alone with someone, otherwise everyone will wonder why someone dropped dead directly in front of you. Description An inconspicuous pen full of zombie powder.

Canesword.png Concealed Cane Sword Cost: 1 TC Used for: Looking old, but dangerous. Strategy: No one expects the old, innocent grandpa to stab them in the back! Exploit the benefit of the doubt bestowed upon you. Description An old cane to help with walking.

Ring.png Sleepy Ring Cost: 3 TC Used for: Proposing to someone you really want asleep. Strategy: It injects 15u of Chloral Hydrate the moment it's worn. Just make sure you don't put it on. Description A ring with a secret inside!

64px Sharpened Bear Trap Cost: 2 TC Used for: Trapping large bears, or dumb humans. Strategy: It's a sharpened bear trap. Put it in a doorway. Pray someone steps on it. Description A mechanically activated leg trap. Low-tech, but reliable. Looks like it could really hurt if you set it off.

64px Pen Injector Kit Cost: 2 TC Used for: Hiding your chemicals in broad daylight. Strategy: You can carry around your healing chemicals or hyperzine and Security will never know. Description A kit that contains four differently coloured pens. A blue pacifying pen, a green pen containing healing chemicals, and a yellow hyperzine pen. Stealth and Camouflage Items Items that are really designed to be inconspicuous.

Brshoe.png No-Slip Shoes Cost: 1 TC Used for: Avoiding slips. Strategy: Best worn when combined with flooding hallways full of lube, soap, and bananas. Description A pair of brown shoes. They seem to have extra grip.

Redbox.png Bug Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Bugging rooms and people to listen in on them. Strategy: Don't believe someone? Bug their office or work place. Configured by whacking bugs with the bug monitor. Activating the bug in hand will tell you the monitoring frequency. Description Nothing to see here.

Id regular.png Agent ID Card Cost: 1 TC Used for: Avoiding AI tracking, stealing access, renaming. Strategy: A pretty safe item to buy, gives you access to syndicate facilities, lets you rename and set your job, and can copy access from another card. Description An ID capable of a variety of things.

Redbox.png Chameleon Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Stealth. Strategy: Good for impersonating ranks and the like. Description Contains chameleon jumpsuit, hat, suit, shoes, backpack, gloves, masks, glasses, and a gun that can all be configured and changed!

Gasmask.png Voice Changer Cost: 1 TC Used for: Impersonation. Strategy: This is, for the most part, just a gas mask. Activate in-hand to set what voice you want to impersonate. Description A face-covering mask that can be connected to an air supply. It seems to house some odd electronics.

Cham.png Chameleon-Projector Cost: 2 TC Used for: Hiding. Strategy: Want to leave sec officers stumped? Scan any object and activate in hand to camo yourself as that object. Note that anyone trying to interact with whatever you're impersonating as will cause the disguise to fail. Description A device that scans and impersonates.

Beaker.png Vial of Venenum Cost: 1 TC Used for: Simulating an identity crisis. Strategy: Useful when you are trying to hide yourself or someone else's identity Description A vial that contains 30u of venemum. Changes DNA structure randomly, effectively masking your appearance until it wears off. Good for 15 minutes of appearance changes. Note that this only works if injected.

Balaclava.png Balaclava Cost: 1 TC Used for: Hiding your face. Strategy: Order when you want to hide your face or if you are planning a heist. Description Designed to both hide identities and keep your face comfy and warm.

64px Closet Teleporation Set Up Cost: 1 TC Used for: Teleporting from closet to closet. Strategy: It's easy to evade when you can teleport into a closet. Description A box of closet teleporters, devices that can be inserted into closets to set up a teleportation network. Has a one minute cooldown after a batch teleport.

64px Stealthpops Cost: 1 TC Used for: Evading! Or beging a Magician! Strategy: It's an evasive tactic when you can throw a snap pop and poof out of a smoke cloud. Description Snap pops with a compound added which deploys a small smokescreen upon exploding. Devices and Tools Name says it all. An assortment of tools of varying levels of illegal to help you do things you're probably not allowed to do under normal circumstances.

Blacktoolbox.png Fully Loaded Toolbox Cost: 1 TC Used for: Having a lot of tools. Strategy: Like hacking but too lazy to gather tools up? Here you are. Description A suspicious looking toolbox.

Beltengineer.png Fully Loaded Tool-belt Cost: 1 TC Used for: Having a lot of tools around your waist. Strategy: Like hacking but too lazy to gather tools up? Here you are. Description A fully loaded tool-belt even Nanotrasen's top Chief Engineer would be proud to wear.

Securebriefcase.png Operations Funding Cost: 1 TC Used for: Funding. Strategy: Besides being able to buy pretty much anything, from an RP perspective you can use this for bribing. Description A briefcase with 10,000 untraceable credits for funding your sneaky activities.

Pin.png Firing Pin Cost: 1 TC Used for: Unlocking weapons. Strategy: Essentially, if you have a weapon that won't fire, shove this inside. Description A Syndicate-branded Firing pin - It should be compatible with nearly every weapon onboard.

Redbox.png Morphic Clerical Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Falsification. Strategy: Provided you know how to write, you can use this to imitate anyone's writing. Description Comes with all you need to fake paperwork. Assumes you have passed basic writing lessons.

Seismic Charge.png C-4 Cost: 1 TC Used for: Making shortcuts Breaching into places. Strategy: Want a wall blown up? C4. Trapped? C4. Vent atmosphere into space? C4. Description Used to put holes in specific areas without too much extra hole.

Heavyarmor.png Heavy Armor Kit Cost: 2 TC Used for: Extra defense. Strategy: Excellent all-around defense against melee, bullets, and lasers. May save your life, but you're not invincible. Description A high-quality armor vest and helmet in a fetching tan. It is surprisingly flexible and light, even with the added webbing and armor plating.

Radiokey.png Encrypted Radio Channel Key Cost: 1 TC Used for: Listening in on everyone. Strategy: Pop this into your headset to get access to channels you normally wouldn't be able to listen to. Description None

Radiokey.png Binary Translator Key Cost: 1 TC Used for: Listening in on stationbounds. Strategy: AI's going hard and making your life miserable? Ordering this might give you more insight into what they've got on you. Description None

Emag.png Cryptographic Sequencer Cost: 1 TC Used for: Messing up electronics in various ways. Strategy: A favorite. Can be used on anything electronic and acts differently depending on what you swipe it on. Doors (if unbolted) will short out and open, medibots will inject poison, prosthetic limbs will explode when removed, etc. Description It's a card with a magnetic strip attached to some circuitry.

Multitool.png Door Hacking Tool Cost: 1 TC Used for: Hacking doors in particular. Strategy: An Emag for doors minus the obvious damage. This is, to everyone else, just a regular multitool until it's unlocked with a screwdriver, in which case it's basically a skeleton key. Description Appears and functions as a standard multitool until the mode is toggled by applying a screwdriver appropriately. When in hacking mode this device will grant full access to any standard airlock within 20 to 40 seconds. This device will also be able to immediately access the last 6 to 8 hacked airlocks.

Syndiespacesuit.png Space Suit Cost: 2 TC Used for: Conducting EVA activities. Strategy: It's red, which is pretty obnoxious and screams “Hi I'm evil,” (not that anyone should believe that ICly right off the bat), otherwise it's just a space suit that keeps you from succumbing to vacuum. Description A box that comes with a space suit, helmet, gas mask, and double extended emergency oxygen tanks.

MGlasses.png Thermal Imaging Glasses Cost: 2 TC Used for: Seeing who's behind where. Strategy: Where Mesons show turfs and material scanners show objects, thermal glasses show mobs. They also look like regular meson goggles. Description Just a regular pair of meson goggles.

Powersink.png Powersink Cost: 6 TC Used for: Sinking power. Strategy: If you want power knocked out in an area (or the whole station if you're lucky), go ahead and setup this device on a knotted wire. NOTE: It will only drain power from the grid it's connected to; if engineering has setup substations and disabled bypasses, the effectiveness of a powersink will be greatly limited. Description A nulling power sink which drains energy from electrical systems.

Moduleai.png Hacked AI Upload Module Cost: 4 TC Used for: Subverting the AI. Strategy: Obviously this should only be ordered if an AI is actually present. Make sure you word the law right with no obvious loopholes. Description None

Beacon.png Hacked Supply Beacon Cost: 4 TC Used for: Getting supplies. Strategy: Wrench onto a power cable and it'll dispense gear where it was deployed. WARNING: This is a ballistic supply pod, meaning it doesn't teleport in, it crashes into the target destination. Also sends out a rather obvious CC announcement. Can drop anything from botany seeds to laser weapons. Description An inactive, hacked supply beacon stamped with the Tau Ceti Rapid Fabrication logo. Good for one (1) ballistic supply pod shipment.

Pinpointer.gif Advanced Pinpointer Cost: 5 TC Used for: Locating people. Strategy: Order when you really want to find someone. Won't give you their coordinates, but will instead point you in the direction they are relative to you. NOTE: May not work on changelings. Description An advanced pinpointer that can find any target with DNA along with various other items.

Cyborgtele.png Syndicate Cyborg Teleporter Cost: 20 TC Used for: Spawning a synthetic with a bunch of neat tools. Strategy: Unless you're a Mercenary, you'll need the cooperation of a few other traitors to get this. For the most part, it's a borg designed to assist you in any way possible. Description A single-use teleporter used to deploy a Syndicate Cyborg on the field. Due to budget restrictions, it is only possible to deploy a single cyborg at time.

Patch.png Thermal HUDPatch Cost: 2 TC Used for: Seeing who's behind where, but with one eye! Strategy: Works the same as the thermal glasses, just as an eye patch. This one is also less subtle. Description A thermal-type heads-up display that connects directly to the optic nerve of the user. Double the tacticool, half the eyes.

Patch.png Night-Vision HUDPatch Cost: 2 TC Used for: Seeing in the dark, but with one eye! Strategy: Name says it all, you can see in the dark. Description A light-amplifying display that connects directly to the optic nerve of the user. Helps you avoid a battery charge from bumping an officer in the dark.

Aviatorthermal.png Aviators, Thermal Cost: 2 TC Used for: Seeing who's behind where. Strategy: Works the same as the thermal glasses. This one is also less subtle. Description A pair of thermal-vision glasses disguised as aviator shades.

Aviatornight.png Aviators, Night-Vision Cost: 2 TC Used for: Seeing in the dark. Strategy: Name says it all, you can see in the dark. Description A pair of night-vision glasses disguised as aviator shades.

Suit cooler.png Portable suit cooling unit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Doing EVA as an IPC. Strategy: Order when you are planning to do EVA as an IPC. Description A suit cooling unit with a high capacity power cell.

Maglock.png Keypad Mag-Lock Cost: 1 TC Used for: Used to lock airlocks. Strategy: Order when you need stop someone from opening some airlocks. Description A maglock that requires the user to enter a passcode to lock and then later unlock.

PAI.png Personal AI Cost: 2 TC Used for: Used to acquire your very own Personal AI. Strategy: Order when you need you need a trustworthy sidekick. Description An unmodified personal AI that can assist you in your ventures.

Jetpack black.gif Jetpack Cost: 1 TC Used for: Used to navigate environments without gravity. Strategy: Order when you need you need to do EVA. Description A tank of compressed gas for use as propulsion in zero-gravity areas. Use with caution.

Pinremover.png Firing Pin Extractor Cost: 1 TC Used for: Removing firing pins from weapons without breaking them. Strategy: Order when you plan to steal a firing pin or replace the one in your gun. Description An extractor tool capable of extracting firing pins from most firearms.

Jammer.png Radio Jammer Cost: 2 TC Used for: Blocking radio, pda and hivenet signals. Strategy: Order when you need total radio silence from your targets. Description A small jammer that can fit inside a pocket. Capable of disrupting nearby radios and hivenet transmitters.

Nanopasteevil.png IPC surge prevention module Cost: 3 TC Used for: Protecting IPCs from EMP. Strategy: Order when you are an IPC facing enemies using EMP. Description An internal module that allow operative IPC frames to be protected from EMP pulse. The device has limited use that varies between two to five pulses.

Eletrocpack.png Electropack Cost: 1 TC Used for: To shock people. Strategy: It goes on the victim's back, they can not remove it without someone's else help. Description A backpack wired with electrodes. Sync up with a signaller, attach to an unwilling host and pulse the signal to shock them.

64px Mounted Suit Cooling Unit Cost: 1 TC Used for: A suit cooler you can mount to your hardsuit. Strategy: Don't overheat in your nice rig. Description A mounted suit cooling unit for use with hardsuits.

64px Earmuff Headset Cost: 1 TC Used for: Hearing the radio and having earmuffs on at the same time. Strategy: It'll keep you from losing your hearing to loud gunfire, but you'll still use the radio! Description This set of earmuffs has a secret compartment housing radio gear, allowing it to function as a standard headset.

64px Optical Material Scanners Cost: 1 TC Used for: Seeing objects through walls! Strategy: Dead useful when you need to see if that disk is still in the Captains bedroom, and worth hacking the door. Description These glasses make use of scanning technology to allow the wearer to see objects through solid walls and floors.

64px Meson Scanners Cost: 1 TC Used for: Seeing through solid walls Strategy: Dead useful when you need to see if that disk is still in the Captains bedroom, and worth hacking the door… Or seeing if he's also in that office. Description These glasses make use of meson-scanning technology to allow the wearer to see through solid walls and floors.

64px Holographic Ammo Display Cost: 1 TC Used for: Shows you how much ammo you have left Strategy: Useful for big gunfights so you know when to shoot, and when to hide. Description A device that can be attached to most firearms, providing a holographic display of the remaining ammunition to the user.

64px Personal Shield Cost: 1 TC Used for: It's a shield… A personal shield. Strategy: It's a shield… a personal shield? Description A personal shield that, when kept in your hand and activated, will protect its user from five projectile shots

64px Thermal Safe Drill Cost: 3 TC Used for: Drilling in to a safe Strategy: When you want whatever's in a vault. It does take some time to crack it, though. Description A tungsten carbide thermal drill with magnetic clamps for the purpose of drilling hardened objects. Guaranteed 100% jam proof. Implants All items here go into whatever you implant. Getting put in a body scanner will probably reveal the presence of these, so keep that in mind.

Redbox.png Freedom Implant Cost: 3 TC Used for: Freeing yourself. Strategy: If you're pretty sure you're going to get caught, injecting this is a safe bet. Lets you escape cuffs and shackles with an emote. Has between one and five uses. Description None

Redbox.png Compressed Matter Implant Cost: 1 TC Used for: Hiding objects in a tiny space. Strategy: Indeed, you can hide anything you can hold in your hand inside this implant. Just make sure you put the item in before implanting yourself. Description None

Redbox.png Explosive Implant Cost: 3 TC Used for: Exploding individuals. Strategy: If you're pretty sure you're going to die, at least make it look pretty. Size of the explosion can be adjusted from simply blowing a limb off to clearing the width of a hallway. Simply say the set phrase and kaboom! Alternatively, you can implant this in someone else for giggles. EMPs can set these off as well. Description None

Redbox.png Uplink Implant Cost: 7, but it has 6 crystals inside it. TC Used for: Keeping the uplink if you lose your other stuff. Strategy: While it does remove quite a bit of TC available to you, you'll have access to this unless you get operated on. Good for when you're stuck in the brig. Description None Medical A number of medical-related items here, mostly to help rather than harm you or others.

Donkpocket.png Box of Sin-Pockets Cost: 1 TC Used for: Quick combat heals. Strategy: Contains Doc's Delight, Hyperzine, and Synaptizine, good for healing and getting stimulant buffs. Description The food of choice for the veteran. Do NOT overconsume.

Combathypo.png Combat Hypospray Cost: 1 TC Used for: Quick application of various medicines. Strategy: Pre-loaded with Oxycodone, Synaptizine, Hyperzine, and Arithrazine, mainly to get someone back on their feet rather than actually heal them. Description A hypospray loaded with combat stimulants.

Surgerykit.png Surgery Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Surgery, obviously. Strategy: Contains all of the surgical tools needed to perform, well, surgery. Be sure to consult the surgery guide to ensure you do things right. Description Contains tools for surgery. Has precise foam fitting for safe transport

SMed.png Standard First-Aid Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Healing an assortment of injuries. Strategy: Contains three rolls of gauze, two ointment tubes, one health analyzer and one inaprovaline autoinjector. Description Contains basic medical treatments.

Combatkit.png Combat Medical Kit Cost: 1 TC Used for: Healing an assortment of injuries. Strategy: Contains pill bottles full of Bicaridine, Dermaline, Dexalin Plus, Dylovene, Tramadol, (non-functional) Thetamycin pills, and splints. Description Contains advanced medical treatments.

Redbox.png Box of Combat Stimulants Cost: 1 TC Used for: Doping up on “winner” drugs. Strategy: This comes with drugs that you inhale and breathe, and even comes with an empty cartridge to use if you have access to chemistry. These three cartridges hold 30u of reagents, and the combat inhaler sprays all of the contents of a cartridge in one go. You probably shouldn't inhale the hyperzine cartridge seriously what the hell. Description Comes with a combat inhaler, a large cartridge of hyperzine, a large cartridge of Inaprovaline, and a large empty cartridge.

64px Fully Loaded Combat Medic Belt Cost: 3 TC Used for: A belt full of every chemical you could possibly imagine, that'd help you in combat. Strategy: Know your medicines before you use anything from this belt. Great for team use when your team is half-dead and needing a doc. Description A fully loaded medical belt even Zeng-Hu's top First Responders would be dying to wear. It contains liquid medicines and a hypospray. Combat hypo sold seperately.

64px Box of Side-Effect-Be-Gone Injectors Cost: 1 TC Used for: Removing pesky drug side-effects. Strategy: 4 Injectors with 2 uses each. Use them wisely. Description Comes with 4x autoinjectors filled with drugs to counter chemical side-effects. Each injector has 2 uses.

64px O- Blood Pack Cost: 1 TC Used for: Blood loss, and a lot of it. Strategy: You can use this without an IV. Hold it, configure the transfer rate, and then pray. Description If transferring to self or others without a stand, hold firmly in hand, configure the transfer rate and attach the tubing carefully. Hardsuit Modules If you don't have a hardsuit, this section is probably best left alone. If you do, however, have a hardsuit, almost all of these items will be hidden within your control module as long as they're inactive.

Modulethermal.png Thermal Scanner Cost: 1 TC Used for: Seeing where people are. Strategy: Unless someone else decides to wear the suit, you'll be the only one who knows that you can see everyone. Description A layered, translucent visor system for a hardsuit.

Modulenet.png Net Projector Cost: 3 TC Used for: Capturing/ensnaring people. Strategy: This will fire a net at whoever you click on and, should it hit them, will prevent them from moving. They can, however still use items. Uses 60 energy per use. Costs 4 TC if you're a ninja. Description An unlimited use net, if the user has enough power, that can be thrown at others causing them to be trapped. The net can be broken with brute force.

Groundingrod.png Electrowarfare Suite and Voice Synthesiser Cost: 1 TC Used for: Impersonation and hiding from the AI. Strategy: Box contains a voice changer and a suite to keep the AI from tracking you. Description A bewilderingly complex bundle of fiber optics and chips.

Modulejets.png Maneuvering Jets Cost: 1 TC Used for: Maneuvering in space. Strategy: Because the RIG you're wearing is occupying your pack, this is one of very few ways of navigating through space. Description A compact gas thruster system for a hardsuit.

Moduleegun.png Mounted Energy Gun Cost: 6 TC Used for: Shooting things dead. Look ma', no hands! Strategy: Considering you don't need hands to use RIG modules, this is a neat thing to have if your hands are occupied with other items. Description A forearm-mounted energy projector.

Modulesink.png Power Sink Cost: 2 TC Used for: Draining power, recharging. Strategy: Using this on a knotted wire can drain power from an area and recharge your suit with it. Pretty useful since manually recharging your battery can leave you terribly exposed. Costs 4 TC if you're a ninja. Description An [sic] heavy-duty power sink.

Modulecannon.png Mounted Laser Cannon Cost: 8 TC Used for: Shooting things deader. Strategy: Basically a much more powerful version of the mounted e-gun, capable of dealing massive amounts of incapacitating burn damage quickly. Description A shoulder-mounted battery-powered laser cannon mount. Services Fake announcements. That's about it. All of these will activate the moment you invest in them.

PDA.png Central Command Update Announcement Cost: 5 TC Used for: Making false announcements. Strategy: These can really be about anything: inform the crew that someone is totally a bad guy, intimidate people, pretend to be CC! Just put in the title of the announcement and the message in the next prompt. Description Causes a falsified update. Triggers immediately after supplying additional data.

PDA.png Ion Storm Announcement Cost: 2 TC Used for: Making a false ion storm announcement. Strategy: Informs the crew that an ion storm has passed by. Not entirely useful on it's own, it's a good fallback in case you need to place the blame of chaos on synthetics. Works particularly well if you've already subverted some. Description Interferes with the station's ion sensors. Triggers immediately upon investment.

PDA.png Radiation Storm Announcement Cost: 3 TC Used for: Influencing crew to go into maintenance tunnels. Strategy: If you'd like to get into places you're not supposed to be in and would like no one to see, this is a nice thing to buy, since anyone that bothered to pay attention to the announcements will be cowering in the tunnels. Description Interferes with the station's radiation sensors. Triggers immediately upon investment. Badassery How to be a cool kid: the guide: the subheading: the text.

Sballoon.png Useless Balloon Cost: All TC Used for: Immediately validating your demise. Strategy: I mean… hats off to you for blowing all of your crystals on this. It's just a balloon. There's also a NT variant. Description There is a tag on the back that reads “FUK NT!11!”.

Sballoon.png Random Item Cost: Variable TC Used for: Whenever you're indecisive. Strategy: Exhausted all of your options and can't decide what to do for a gimmick? This'll hopefully give you an idea. Description Buys you one random item.

Sballoon.png Random Items Cost: Variable TC Used for: When you're really indecisive. Strategy: Will buy you multiple random items. Might be good, might be awful. Also it all spawns at your feet. Good luck. Description Buys you as many random items you can afford. Convenient packaging NOT included. Martial Arts These are manuels that will teach you martial arts, or swordsmanship.

64px Wrestling Cost: 2 TC Used for: Wrestlemania 2.01 Strategy: We really don't know of a good strategy for this. Challenge people to a fight at the holodeck and claim your heavy weight title? Throw Officers against a wall? Description A manual designated to teach the user about the art of wrestling

64px Swordsmanship Cost: 2 TC Used for: Learning the art of the sword. Strategy: Sometimes, you want to go hand to hand with another fencer. Description A manual containing basic swordsmanship instruction and techniques.

64px Gun-Kata Cost: 1 TC Used for: Perfecting the art of reload. Strategy: This one can allow you to reload by just using a gun on a magazine. Empty mag's will eject. Description A manual containing basic Gun-Kata instruction and techniques. This is for projectile weapons, allowing you to reload by using a gun on a magazine, and automatically ejecting the magazine when it's empty.

64px GSolCom Cost: 2 TC Used for: Being a Solarian Marine in CQC. Strategy: Solarian martial arts. Good to get out of a sticky hand-to-hand situation. Description A manual designated to teach the user about the martial art of solarian combat, a style based on traditional human martial arts. Telecrystals Various options to empty your uplink of telecrystals, mainly used if you'd like to transfer them to another uplink. Sharing is caring

Mercenary Only All items under here are only unlocked if the round has mercenaries.

PDA.png Crew Arrival Announcement/Records Cost: 8 TC Used for: Making crew believe you and your team are crew! Strategy: This will basically announce your arrival to the station as whatever job you pick, and uploads medical, employment, and security records along with your picture (which uses whatever you're wearing/holding for the picture) so that you can run around freely to discretely do your mercenary work. Description Creates a fake crew arrival announcement as well as fake crew records, using your current appearance (including held items!) and worn id card. Trigger with care!

Circuit board.png Teleporter Circuit Board Cost: 10 TC Used for: Teleporting onto the station. Strategy: If your team doesn't really want to dock with the station, getting this will allow you to teleport onto the station. Description A circuit board to build a teleporter.

SurplusCrate.png Surplus Crate Cost: 100 TC Used for: When, not only you, but your entire team is indecisive. Strategy: Four mercenaries will need to pitch all of their TCs in to get this crate. Contains about six uplinks worth of uplink items. Description A crate containing x telecrystals worth of surplus leftovers Gear Loadout Those crates contains items related to one of the factions in Aurora's lore. Very useful for gimmicks.

SurplusCrate.png Coalition of Colonies Assets (Group) Cost: 100 TC Used for: To equip an entire mercenary team. Strategy: Four mercenaries will need to pitch all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Coalition of Colonies gear. Contains: One equipped gunslinger hardsuit control module, five coalition vulture voidsuits, one mateba revolver, two retrolasers and three gauss thumpers.

SurplusCrate.png Coalition of Colonies Assets (Single) Cost: 25 TC Used for: To equip one mercenary. Strategy: One mercenary can spend all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Coalition of Colonies gear. Contains: One coalition vulture voidsuit and one gauss thumpers.

SurplusCrate.png Eridani Corporate Federation Assets (Group) Cost: 100 TC Used for: To equip an entire mercenary team. Strategy: Four mercenaries will need to pitch all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Eridani Federation gear. Contains: One equipped strike hardsuit control module, five cruiser voidsuits, two advanced energy gun, two stun revolvers, one netgun and one Lawgiver.

SurplusCrate.png Eridani Corporate Federation Assets (Single) Cost: 25 TC Used for: To equip one mercenary. Strategy: One mercenary can spend all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Eridani Federation gear. Contains: One cruise voidsuit, one advanced energy gun and one stun revolver.

SurplusCrate.png Republic of Elyra Assets (Group) Cost: 100 TC Used for: To equip an entire mercenary team. Strategy: Four mercenaries will need to pitch all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Republic of Elyra gear. Contains: One equipped elyran battlesuit control module, five valkyrie voidsuits, two plasma shotguns, four plasma bolters and three cardox grenades.

SurplusCrate.png Republic of Elyra Assets (Single) Cost: 25 TC Used for: To equip one mercenary. Strategy: One mercenary can spend all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Eridani Federation gear. Contains: One valkyrie voidsuit, one plasma bolters, a 9mm pistol and one cardox grenades.

SurplusCrate.png Sol Alliance Assets (Group) Cost: 100 TC Used for: To equip an entire mercenary team. Strategy: Four mercenaries will need to pitch all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Sol Alliance gear. Contains: Solarian Uniforms, one equipped military control module, five military voidsuits, one naval shotgun, two battle rifles and three service pistols.

SurplusCrate.png Sol Alliance Assets (Single) Cost: 25 TC Used for: To equip one mercenary. Strategy: Solarian uniform, one mercenary can spend all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Sol Alliance gear. Contains: One military voidsuit, one battle rifle and one service pistol.

SurplusCrate.png Frontier Cowboy Assets (Group) Cost: 50 TC Used for: To equip an entire mercenary team. Strategy: Four mercenaries will need to pitch all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Frontier Cowboy gear. Contains: Cowboy clothing, six revolvers and six whips.

SurplusCrate.png Frontier Cowboy Assets (Single) Cost: 12 TC Used for: To equip one mercenary. Strategy: One mercenary can spend all of their TCs in to get this crate. Description A crate containing Frontier Cowboy gear. Contains: Cowboy clothing, one revolver and one whip. Ninja Only These items are only available to ninjas. Some items found in other sections are cheaper here!

Moduleepg.png Emergency Power Generator Cost: 4 TC Used for: Getting suit power in a hurry. Strategy: If you don't buy a power sink and don't like carrying around a cell charger, this is a pretty safe thing to buy. Description An emergency use power generator that gives 1000 power to the suits battery. Has a long cooldown.

Modulestealth.png Stealth Field Cost: 6 TC Used for: S T E A L T H Strategy: Unless you're a real hardcore ninja, this will help keep you invisible to the crew. Description A module that allows the user to go invisible. Consumes power when active.

Modulelauncher.png Standard Grenade Launcher Cost: 6 TC Used for: Deploying useful grenades. Strategy: Has three of each support grenade, useful for smoke bombing and fleeing from danger. Description A shoulder mounted grenade launcher with 3 EMP, Smoke, and flashbang grenades. It can be refilled with more grenades.

Moduleblade.png Energy Blade and Dart Launcher Cost: 8 TC Used for: Slicing and sleeping. Strategy: Energy blade is basically an e-sword that doesn't drop when you fall over. It can also cut things open like lockers and bolted doors. Stun darts stun instantly and deal minor toxins. Description A module that can produce a powerful energy blade in the users hand. It can also shoot stun-darts.

Modulenet.png Matter Fabricator Cost: 4 TC Used for: Producing shurikens. Strategy: If you really like throwing stuff, this may be the module for you. Description A hardsuit matter fabricator that can produce sharp steel ninja stars used for throwing.

Emag.png EMAG Hand Module Cost: 5 TC Used for: Emagging. Strategy: I mean… it's an Emag in your hand. Emag stuff. Description A module that allows the user to apply an EMAG effect to the targeted item.

Modulechem.png Chemical Injector Cost: 3 TC Used for: Injecting yourself with useful stuff. Strategy: Contains Tricordrazine, Tramadol, Dexalin Plus, Thetamycin, Dylovene, Nutrients, Hyronalin, and Radium. Description A chemical injector that allows the user to inject themsleves [sic] with medical chemicals.

Modulechem.png Combat Injector Cost: 4 TC Used for: Injecting yourself with other useful stuff. Strategy: Contains Synaptizine, Hyperzine, Oxycodone, and Nutrients. Description A chemical injector that allows the user to inject themsleves [sic] with combat chemicals.

Moduleepg.png Active EMP Shielding Cost: 4 TC Used for: Shielding from EMP and ionospherics. Strategy: Best way to take out a hardsuit is to EMP it. Using this will help reduce the damage you may receive from ion rifles from security. Description A very complicated module for a hardsuit that protects it to some degree from EMPs. Revolution Only These items are only available to revolutionaries. Some items found in other sections are cheaper here!

Drilldopper.png Armory Dropper Cost: 45 TC Used for: Arming your fellow revolutionaries. Strategy: Useful when you can not acquire the weapons on station or cargo. Remember to be ready to collect the weapons outside of the station. Description A device that can be used to drop in an armory-worth of guns. Can only be used outside station areas, unless emagged, which is hazardous.

Redbox.png Box of Aggression Implants Cost: 10 TC Used for: Making someone very angry. Strategy: Useful when you need a help when convincing the crew to join your revolution. Description A box containing implants that will make their owners increasingly aggressive.

Box.png Box of Encryption Keys Cost: 10 TC Used for: Coordinating with other revolutionaries. Strategy: Very useful item when you need to remain in contact with other revolutionaries. Description A box of encryption keys that gives the user a safe channel to chatter in. Access safe channel with :x.

SurplusCrate.png Crate of Softsuits Cost: 10 TC Used for: Preparing up your revolutionaries for space Strategy: Useful when you plan to go on EVA and not everyone has a voidsuit. Description A crate containing six softsuits, their helmets, and oxygen tanks. Useful for getting out of a pinch.