Table of Contents

Guide to Supply Crates

Note that the supplies Requisition Officers acquire from the Cargo Hold or order from the NovusCorp Military Supply Network are available in the Guide to Requisition Crates.

Crates are containers for items. Especially large items – such as lockers, certain robots such as cyborgs, or equipment – cannot fit inside. Just because an item comes packed in a crate when the Quartermaster receives it doesn't mean it will go back inside once the crate is opened!

Supply Crates are ordered at Cargo Bay by either a Cargo Technician or the Quartermaster. You can also send them a request via PDA or the Requests Console. More crates can be found around the station.

For items that will not fit inside a crate, or when you order multiple crates, they may also be packed on pallets. Pallets are shrink-wrapped objects that can hold any single-tile object (or part of a larger object), or up to one dozen crates. They are also easier to move with pallet jacks and forklifts, and can be stored on pallet racks to take up even less space in the warehouse.

Give Unto the QM his Dues

The Quartermaster can order a whole lot of crates and he usually wants the crate back after you've taken your supplies. They are worth a certain amount of credits which can be used to get more supplies for the station's whole benefit. The quartermasters like it when people bring crates, and will often give things without hassle to people with crates brought in. They receive more credits when an appropriate stamp is affixed to a manifest shipped back by crate, which will make them more grateful and more likely to fill future orders in a timely manner.

Crate Locks and Access

Just like the rest of the station, crates have variable levels of access. The QM can't unlock anything that is locked by default, for various reasons, the primary one being it would be pointless to make because most crates go through the QM anyway. Security crates can be opened by security personnel and those with higher access, et cetera. An emag can get into locked crates, however, or you can get resourceful. You can also move cash from the cargo budget ID and insert it into a private ID, and then use the Buy Directly option.

Making Money

The Cargo budget starts off with 5,000 credits. This is the budget you use to buy crates, and this is where money from exports ends up. The QM can access this budget with the departmental card (Cargo Budget) found in his/her bag. If the QM has lost the budget card, you can also insert space cash into the bank machine in the vault to make it go directly into the cargo budget. The Quartermaster can enter the vault by using the supply door remote, found in the QM's locker.

Supply and Demand

Every time you buy the same crate it will increase in price by 5% due to the laws of supply and demand. This price decreases towards the base price at the rate of 1% per minute as markets shift and settle again. Occasionally, prices can vary more widely based on events outside the ship; for example, a miner's strike may make materials and security equipment more valuable and expensive, while mining gear is available at a discount.


You can receive credits by shipping items back to CorpComm. Examples:

If you think about it, the station is really just a huge pile of money. Experiment! You can use your Export Scanner once linked with a Cargo Console to verify the price of an item before you export it. Just because you think an item might be worth something doesn't mean that CorpComm wants it!


The NovusCorp bounty console can be checked for a list of bounties. These are items you can ship for one time credit rewards. Most of them may require cooperation from other departments. You can print the list. After you have delivered a bounty to CorpComm, you must go to the Bounty Console and click “Claim” on the completed entry to receive the reward. You can scan an item with your Export Scanner to see if it's eligible for a bounty.

Independent Traders

Independent traders can choose to trade with your ship as well; these NPCs have their own special rotating inventory of goods with prices that are more or less expensive than the current norm. The location of these NPCs tends to change, so not all traders are available at all times. Traders often ship their goods via rocket pod, with crates neatly being delivered onto the conveyor belt in the Supply Hangar. CorpComm also ships single-crate or single-lockbox orders this way, though large orders or pallets arrive on a Supply Shuttle.

Ordering Crates

To spend the money you made, you need to order crates. The price of these crates is pulled from the cargo budget on departure from CorpComm, unless you use Buy Directly.

The supply request console is typically public, and lets anyone request an order. Unless you use Buy Directly, this console asks the requester to type a reason for each order. This reason appears on the supply console, where the request must be approved or denied. The requisition form printed is only used for documentation.

The supply console lets you order crates, and approve/reject orders made on a supply request console. It's also used to call and send the supply shuttle. Do this by clicking the “Cargo Bay” or “CorpComm” text near the top. When the shuttle is called from CorpComm, it will ship your placed orders to the cargo bay, if you can afford them.

Buying Directly

Anyone placing an order at a supply console or supply request console has the choice to click the Buy Directly button. Doing so will charge money directly from that person's worn ID, instead of from the cargo budget. It will cost a 10% extra fee (which goes to the cargo budget), and the crate will be access-restricted to the buyer instead of having its ordinary access requirement. Certain items are available as personal orders only; these must be bought directly and are delivered in an order lockbox keyed to the individual for up to six items; seven items or more are delivered in a crate with an additional surcharge. Note that these orders are tracked just like the normal orders; buying things you oughtn't is a good reason for curious Security personnel to have words with you.

Supply Drop Pods

Once Mining Technology has been researched, you are able to print an Express Supply Console computer board from the cargo techfab. Building an Express Supply Console and then swiping it with a QM-level ID card will unlock an interface similar to the Supply Console. Ordering any crate with this console will have it delivered instantly with a drop pod. The drop pod causes a fiery explosion. The drop location will be a random spot in Cargo Bay, unless you emag it (in which case it will strike a random place on the ship), or print a Supply Pod Beacon for 500 credits. You can use the console to change the drop location to that of the last printed beacon. Printing a new beacon will make the first beacon permanently useless. Use teamwork to have one person take the beacon to locations where crates need to be delivered, while the other person orders the crate. The drop pods themselves must be dismantled with a welder to get at the goodies inside; as partial consolation for the extra work and potential damage, the drop pods dismantle into a number of steel sheets.

Upgrading the Supply Drop Pods

Once Bluespace Travel has been researched, the cargo techfab will be able to print a Supply Drop Pod Upgrade Disk. Inserting this disk into the Express Supply Console will upgrade its drop pods by making their explosion size smaller, and making them automatically teleport out after landing, leaving their items behind. After upgrading you must unlock the console again and print a new beacon.

The Crates

Following is a list of the crates available and their contents. Some require hacking or emagging of the console and will be marked. A Root Access Disk used on the console will unlock everything for purchase.


Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Biker Gang Kit 2000 1x all terrain vehicle
1x ATV key
1x leather overcoat
1x black gloves
1x softcap
1x skull bandana
Contraband – requires hacking the console.
The crate is named “Biker kit”.
Biological Emergency Crate 2000 2x bio hood BioSuitHood.png
2x bio-suit BioSuit.png
1x bio bag Bio bag.png
2x spaceacillin syringe Syringe.png
2x nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves.png
The crate is named “Bio suit crate”.
Emergency Bot/Internals Crate 3500 2x floorbot Floorbot.gif
2x medbot Medibot.gif
5x air tank OxygenTank.png
5x breath mask BreathMask.png
The crate is named “Emergency crate”.
Explosive Emergency Crate 1500 1x bomb hood BombHood.png
1x bomb suit Bomb-suit.png
1x gas mask Gas mask.png
1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png
1x wirecutters Wirecutters.png
1x multitool Multitool.png
The crate is named “Bomb suit crate”.
Firefighting Crate 1000 2x emergency firesuit Firesuit.png
2x gas mask Gas mask.png
2x flashlight Flashlight.png
2x red oxygen tank Oxygen fr.png
2x advanced fire extinguisher Advanced extinguisher0.png
2x firefighter helmet Fire Helmet.png
Firefighting Tank Backpack 1000 1x backpack firefighter tank WaterbackpackAtmos.png Atmospherics The crate is named “Firefighting backpack crate”.
Internals Crate 1000 3x gas mask Gas mask.png
3x breath mask BreathMask.png
3x emergency oxygen tank AirTank.png
3x air tank AirTank.png
Metal Foam Grenade Crate 1000 1x box of metal foam grenades Grenade.png
Radiation Protection Crate 1000 2x radiation suit helmet RadiationSuitHood.png
2x radiation suit RadiationSuit.png
2x geiger counter Geiger on 1.png
1x bottle of vodka Vodka bottle.png
2x shot glass Shotglass.png
Space Suit Crate 2500 1x space suit Spaceold.png
1x space helmet SpaceHelmet.png
1x breath mask BreathMask.png
1x CO2 Jetpack Jetpack-black.gif
Weed Control Crate 1500 1x scythe Scythe.png
1x gas mask Gas mask.png
2x anti-weed grenade Grenade.png
Special Ops Supplies 2000 1x box of EMP grenades Emp grenade.png
3x smoke bomb Flashbang.gif
1x sleepy pen Pen.png
1x incendiary grenade Grenade.png
Hidden – use emag on cargo console to reveal.
The crate is named “Emergency crate”.
NULL_ENTRY (Null Crate) 20000 1x box of randomly selected traitor gear, for a total worth of 30 TC Hidden – use emag on cargo console to reveal.
The crate is named “Emergency crate”.


Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Ammo Crate 2500 2x wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) Ammo.png
3x box of lethal shotgun shots
3x box of rubber shots
1x speed loader (.38 TRAC)
1x speed loader (.38 Hot Shot)
1x speed loader (.38 Iceblox)
Armor Crate 1000 3x armor Armor.png Security
Stormtrooper Crate 10000 3x Storm trooper armor
3x Storm trooper helmet
Disabler Crate 1500 3x disabler Security
Forensics Crate 2000 1x forensics scanner
1x evidence box
1x camera
1x universal recorder
1x white crayon
1x detective hat
Helmets Crate 1000 3x helmet Helmet.png Security
Lasers Crate 2000 3x laser gun Laser gun.png Security
Prison Jumpsuit Crate 500 5x Prison jumpsuit Prisonerjumpsuit.png
5x Orange shoes Orangeshoes.png
Security The crate is named “Prison crate”.
Security Barrier Grenades 2000 4x barrier grenade Flashbang.gif Security The crate is named “Security barriers crate”.
Security Clothing Crate 3000 2x Navy blue security jumpsuit
2x Red security jumpsuit
2x Navy blue security beret Officerberet.png
1x Navy blue warden jumpsuit
1x Red warden jumpsuit
1x Navy blue warden beret
1x Navy blue Head of Security jumpsuit
1x Head of Security jumpsuit
1x Navy blue Head of Security beret
Security Supplies Crate 1000 1x box of flashbangs
1x box of teargas
1x box of flashes
1x box of handcuffs
Security The crate is named “Security supply crate”.
SecTech Supply Crate 1500 1x SecTech restocking Unit Security
Secway Crate 5000 1x secway
1x secwaqy key
Standard Firing Pins Crate 1000 2x box of standard firing pins Security 5 firing pins per box. The crate is named “Firing pins crate”.
Standard Justice Enforcer Crate 6000 1x helmet of justice
1x security gas mask
Security Contraband – requires hacking the console. The crate is named “Security clothing crate”.
Stun Batons Crate 1000 3x stun baton Security
Wall-Mounted Flash Crate 1000 4x wall-mounted flash kit Security Each kit contains: 1x screwdriver, 1x flash, 1x mounted flash frame, 1x flasher controller, 1x airlock electronics and 1x button frame.


Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Bulletproof Armor Crate 1500 3x bulletproof vest Armory
Chemical Implants Crate 2000 1x chemical implant kit Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implant pad and 5 implant cases with chemical implants
Combat Knife Single-Pack 500 1x combat knife Armory
Combat Shotgun Single-Pack 3200 1x combat shotgun
1x bandolier
Combat Shotguns Crate 8000 3x combat shotgun
3x bandolier
Riot Shotguns Crate 8000 3x riot shotgun Armory
Riot Shotgun Single-Pack 3200 1x riot shotgun Armory
DragNET Crate 1500 3x DragNETs Armory
Energy Guns Single-Pack 1500 1x energy gun Armory
Hellgun Single-Pack 1500 1x hellfire laser gun Armory
Energy Guns Crate 2500 2x energy gun Armory
Incendiary Weapons Crate 1500 1x flamethrower
3x phoron tank
3x incendiary grenade
Mindshield Implants Crate 4000 1x lockbox (mindshield implants) Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 3 implant cases with mindshield implants
Smart Mine Crate 4000 3x smart stun mines Armory
Stun Mine Crate 2500 5x stun mines Armory
Tracking Implants Crate 2000 1x tracking implant kit
3x speed loader (.38 TRAC)
Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implantpad, 1 locator and 4 implant cases with tracking implants.
Reflective Jacket Crate 2000 2x reflective jacket Armory
Riot Armor Crate 1500 3x riot suit Armory
Riot Helmets Crate 1500 3x riot helmet Armory
Riot Shields Crate 2000 3x riot shield Armory
Russian Surplus Crate 5000 Ten random items:
1x ration pack
1x stripper clip (7.62mm) (5 shots)
1x ammo box containing 7x stripper clip (7.62mm) (35 shots)
1x russian vest
1x russian helmet
1x russian shoes
1x combat gloves
1x advanced military tracksuit
1x soviet uniform
1x russian balaclava
1x battle ushanka
1x russian battle coat
1x Mosin Nagant
1x Mosin Nagant
Armory Contraband – requires hacking the console.
SWAT Crate 6000 2x swat helmet
2x swat suit MK.I
2x security gas mask
2x military assault belt
2x combat gloves
WT-550 Auto Rifle Single-Pack 2000 1x WT-550 Auto Rifle Armory
WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate 3500 2x WT-550 Auto Rifle Armory
WT-550 Rifle Ammo Crate 3000 4x wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) Armory
WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Single-Pack 750 1x wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) Armory


Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Anti-breach Shield Projector Crate 2500 2x anti-breach shield generator
APLU MK-I Crate 2000 1x Ripley chassis
1x Ripley torso
1x Ripley right arm
1x Ripley left arm
1x Ripley right leg
1x Ripley left leg
1x Capacitor
1x Scanning module
1x Ripley circuitboard
1x Ripley peripherals
1x Exosuit drill
1x Hydraulic clamp
The crate is named “APLU MK-I kit”.
Conveyor Assembly Crate 1500 15x conveyor belts
1x conveyor switch
1x set of instructions
Engineering Gear Crate 1300 3x tool-belt
3x hazard vest
3x welding helmet
3x hard hat
2x meson hud
Insulated Gloves Single-Pack 800 1x insulated gloves
Insulated Gloves Crate 2000 3x insulated gloves
NT-75 Electromagnetic Power Inducers 2000 2x inducer (power cells included) This crate is named “Inducer crate”.
P.A.C.M.A.N. Generator Crate 2500 1x p.a.c.m.a.n. generator This crate is named “PACMAN generator crate”.
Power Cell Crate 1000 3x high-capacity power cell
Shuttle Engine Crate 5000 1x Burst engine
Toolbox Crate 1000 3x electrical toolbox
3x mechanical toolbox
EngiVend Supply Crate 1500 1x Engi-Vend restocking Unit This crate is named “Engineering supply crate”.
Bluespace Artillery Parts 15000 1x Bluespace Artillery Bore (Machine Board)
1x Bluespace Artillery Fusor (Machine Board)
1x Bluespace Artillery Generator (Machine Board)
1x Bluespace Artillery Controls (Computer Board)
DNA Vault Parts 12000 1x DNA Vault (Machine Board)
5x DNA sampler
DNA Vault Samplers 3000 5x DNA sampler
Shield Generator Satellite 3000 3x meteor shield satellite This crate is named “Shield sat crate”.
Shield System Control Board 5000 1x Satellite Network Control (Computer Board)

Engine Construction

Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Emitter Crate 1500 2x emitter CE Office
Field Generator Crate 1500 2x field generator
Grounding Rod Crate 1700 4x grounding rod
Particle Accelerator Crate 3000 1x EM acceleration chamber
1x particle accelerator control console
3x EM containment grid
1x particle focusing EM lens
1x alpha particle generation array
Radiation Collector Crate 2500 3x radiation collector array The crate is named “Collector crate”.
Singularity Generator Crate 5000 1x gravitational singularity generator
Solar Panel Crate 2000 21x solar panel assembly
1x circuit board (solar control)
1x tracker electronics
1x paper- 'going green! setup your own solar array instructions.'
Supermatter Shard Crate 10000 1x supermatter shard CE Office

Canisters & Materials

Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes
50 Cardboard Sheets 1000 50x cardboard
50 Glass Sheets 1000 50x glass
50 Metal Sheets 1000 50x metal
20 Plasteel Sheets 7500 20x plasteel
50 Plasteel Sheets 16500 50x plasteel
50 Plastic Sheets 1000 50x plastic
30 Sandstone Blocks 1000 30x sandstone brick
50 Wood Planks 2000 50x wooden plank
BZ Canister Crate 8000 1x BZ canister Toxins Storage
Carbon Dioxide Canister 3000 1x carbon dioxide canister
Firefighting Foam Tank Crate 1500 1x firefighting foam tank The crate is named “Foam tank crate”.
Fuel tank crate 800 1x fuel tank
Large Water Tank Crate 1200 1x high-capacity water tank The crate is named “High-capacity water tank crate”.
Nitrogen Canister 2000 1x nitrogen canister
Nitrous Oxide Canister 3000 1x nitrous oxide canister Atmospherics
Oxygen Canister 1500 1x oxygen canister
Water Tank Crate 700 1x water tank
Water Vapor Canister 2500 1x water vapor canister


Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Blood Pack Variety Crate 3500 2x Empty blood bag
1x A+ Blood
1x A- Blood
1x B+ Blood
1x B- Blood
1x O+ Blood
1x O- Blood
1x L- Blood (lizard blood)
1x Liquid Electricity pack (ethereal blood)
The crate is named “Blood freezer”.
Bruise Treatment Kit Single-Pack 100 1x brute trauma treatment kit
Burn Treatment Kit Single-Pack 100 1x burn trauma treatment kit
Chemical Starter Kit Crate 1700 1x bottle of hydrogen
1x bottle of carbon
1x bottle of nitrogen
1x bottle of oxygen
1x bottle of fluorine
1x bottle of phosphorus
1x bottle of silicon
1x bottle of chlorine
1x bottle of radium
1x bottle of sulphuric acid
1x bottle of ethanol
1x bottle of potassium
1x bottle of sugar
1x science goggles
1x dropper
1x box of beakers
Each bottle contains 30u chemicals. The crate is named “Chemical crate”.
Lemoline Import Crate 700 1x Lemoline Reserve Tank Tank contains 100u of Lemoline.
Defibrillator Crate 2500 2x defibrillator
First Aid Kit Single-Pack 150 1x first-aid kit
IV Drip Crate 1000 1x IV drip machine
Medical Supplies Crate 2000 1x charcoal bottle
1x epinephrine bottle
1x morphine bottle
1x toxin bottle
1x large beaker
4x insulin pill
1x medical gauze
1x box of beakers
1x box of medical sprays
1x box of syringes
1x box of bodybags
1x First-aid kit
1x Oxygen deprivation kit
1x Anti-toxin kit
1x Brute treatment kit
1x Burn treatment kit
1x Defibrillator
1x O- blood pack
1x Pill bottle
1x Neurine pill
1x Medical vendor refill
Contains a random assortment of ten of these items.
Oxygen Deprivation Kit Single-Pack 100 1x Oxygen deprivation kit
Surgical Supplies Crate 3000 1x Surgical duffelbag
1x Sterilizine spray
1x Roller bed
Toxin Treatment Kit Single-Pack 100 1x Anti-toxin kit
Heavy-Duty Saline Canister 3000 1x Saline drip Medical
Virus crate 2500 1x flu virion culture bottle
1x rhinovirus culture bottle
4x random viruses
1x (fake) GBS culture bottle
1x magnitis culture bottle
1x Pierrot's Throat culture bottle
1x brainrot culture bottle
1x anxiety culture bottle
1x beesease culture bottle
1x box of syringes
1x box of beakers
1x bottle of unstable mutagen
CMO Office
Medical Vending Crate 2000 1x NanoMed restocking unit
1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit


Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes
Phoron Assembly Crate 1000 3x Phoron tank
3x Igniter
3x Proximity sensor
3x Timer
Toxins Storage
Robotics Assembly Crate 1500 4x Proximity sensor
2x Empty first aid kit
2x Health analyzer
2x Firefighter helmet
2x Mechanical toolbox
2x Cleanbot assembly
RPED Crate 1500 1x RPED (Rapid Part Exchange Device) containing 10x of each tier 1 stock part
Shield Generator Crate 2000 4x Shield generator Teleporter
Deluxe Silicate Selections restocking unit 1500 1x Resupply canister The crate is named “Computer supply crate”.
Tank Transfer Valve Crate 6000 2x Tank transfer valve Tank Transfer Valve.png RD Office
Genetics Resupply Crate 750 1x Resupply canister The crate is named “Genetics crate”.


Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes
Cargo Supplies Crate 1000 1x GRANTED rubber stamp
1x DENIED rubber stamp
1x export scanner
1x destination tagger
1x hand labeler
1x stack of package wrapper
High-traction Floor Tiles 2000 30x no-slip floor tiles
Janitorial Supplies Crate 1000 3x bucket
1x mop
3x wet floor sign
1x trash bag
1x space cleaner
1x damp rag
3x cleaner grenade
Janitorial Cart and Galoshes Crate 2000 1x janitorial cart
1x galoshes
The crate is named “Janitorial cart crate”.
Janitor Backpack Crate 1000 1x janitor backpack watertank Janitor
MULEbot Crate 2000 1x mulebot
Party Equipment 2000 1x box of drinking glasses
1x shaker
1x Wrapp Artiste Patron
1x College Girl Goldschlager
2x Magm-Ale
4x space beer
7x glowstick
The glowstick colors are green, blue, cyan, orange, pink, red and yellow.
Premium Carpet Crate 1000 100x carpet
100x black carpet
100x blue carpet
100x green carpet
100x purple carpet
Exotic Carpet Crate 4000 100x Exotic blue carpet
100x Cyan carpet
100x Exotic green carpet
100x Orange carpet
100x Exotic purple carpet
100x Red carpet
100x Royal blue carpet
100x Royal black carpet
Replacement Lights 1000 3x box of replacement bulbs
Miner Starter Kit 2500 1x mining conscription kit Quartermaster
Booze-o-mat and Coffee Supply Crate 2000 1x Booze-O-Mat restocking unit
1x Solar's Best Hot Drinks restocking
The crate is named “Bartending supply crate”.
Cigarette Supply Crate 1500 1x ShadyCigs Deluxe restocking unit
Dinnerware Supply Crate 1000 1x Dinnerware restocking Unit
Games Supply Crate 1000 1x Good Clean Fun restocking unit
Imported Vending Machines 4000 1x Sustenance restocking Unit
1x Robotech Deluxe restocking Unit
1x BODA restocking Unit
1x Robco Tool Maker restocking Unit
The crate is named “Unlabeled supply crate”.
PTech Supply Crate 1500 1x PTech restocking Unit
Snack Supply Crate 1500 1x Getmore Chocolate Corp restocking unit
Softdrinks Supply Crate 1500 1x Robust Softdrinks restocking unit
Vendomat Supply Crate 1000 1x Vendomat restocking Unit

Food & Hydroponics

Name Cost Contents Access required Notes
Beekeeper Suit Crate 1000 2x Beekeeper helmet
2x Beekeeper suit
Beekeeping Starter Crate 1500 1x Apiary
3x Honey Frame
1x Queen Bee
1x Beekeeper helmet
1x Beekeeper suit
1x flyswatter
Cheese Culture Crate 800 1x box of advanced cheese bacteria The box contains mesophilic, thermophilic, pcandidum and proqueforti culture bottles.
Cheese Wheel Crate 1000 1x parmesan wedge
1x swiss cheese wheel
1x mozzarella wheel
1x halloumi wheel
1x goat cheese wheel
1x feta wheel
1x cheddar wheel
1x brie wheel
1x blue cheese wheel
1x American cheese block
The crate will contain 6 of these, chosen at random.
Excellent Meat Crate 1000 15x random meat The meat choices are slime, tomato, bear, xeno, spider, bacon, penguin, spider, carp and human.

The crate is named “Food crate”.
Exotic Seeds Crate 1500 1x pack of nettle seeds
3x pack of replica pod seeds
1x pack of plump-helmet mycelium
1x pack of liberty-cap mycelium
1x pack of fly amanita mycelium
1x pack of reishi mycelium
1x pack of bamboo seeds
1x pack of egg-plant seeds
2x pack of rainbow bunch seeds
2x pack of strange seeds
Food Crate 1000 1x flour sack
1x rice sack
1x space milk
1x soymilk
1x salt shaker
1x peppermill
1x egg box
1x universal enzyme
1x sugar
1x meat
3x banana
Fruit Crate 1500 1x lime
1x orange
1x watermelon
1x apple
1x berries
1x lemon
The crate is named “Food crate”.
Grilling Fuel Kit 2000 10x coal
1x monkey energy
Grilling Starter Kit 5000 5x coal
1x grill
1x monkey energy
High-yield Clown-grade Cream Pie Crate 4500 1x duffel bag filled with cream pies Theatre The crate is named “Party equipment crate”.
Hydroponics Crate 1500 2x Plant-B-Gone spray
2x ammonia bottle
1x hatchet
1x cultivator
1x plant analyzer
1x botanist's leather gloves
1x apron
1x plant data disks box
Hydroponics Backpack Crate 1000 1x backpack water tank Hydroponics
Pizza Crate 6000 1x margherita pizza
1x mushroom pizza
1x meat pizza
1x vegetable pizza
1x pineapple pizza
Potted Plant Crate 700 5x random potted plant
Seeds Crate 1000 1x pack of chili seeds
1x pack of cotton seeds
1x pack of berry seeds
1x pack of corn seeds
1x pack of eggplant seeds
1x pack of tomato seeds
1x pack of soybean seeds
1x pack of wheat seeds
1x pack of rice seeds
1x pack of carrot seeds
1x pack of sunflower seeds
1x pack of chanterelle mycelium
1x pack of potato seeds
1x pack of sugarcane seeds
Vegetables Crate 1300 1x chili
1x corn
1x tomato
1x potato
1x carrot
1x chanterelle
1x onion
1x pumpkin
Contains a selection of 15 vegetables.
The crate is named “Food crate”.
Hydroponics Vending Machines Refills 2000 1x MegaSeed Servitor restocking Unit
1x NutriMax restocking Unit
The crate is named “Hydroponics supply crate”.


Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes
Bird Crate 4000 5x parrot Has a tiny chance a parrot is special.
The crate is named “Parrot crate”.
Butterflies Crate 5000 1x box of butterflies Contraband – requires hacking the console.
The crate is named “Entomology samples crate”.
Cat Crate 5000 1x cat
1x pet collar
1x cat toy
Chicken Crate 1000 1x chick
Chocobo Crate 8000 1x chocobo Hidden – use emag on cargo console to reveal.
Corgi Crate 5000 1x corgi
1x pet collar
Cow Crate 1500 1x cow
Exotic Corgi Crate 5500 1x exotic corgi of random color
1x pet collar
Exotic Goat Crate 3000 1x exotic goat
Fox Crate 5000 1x fox
1x pet collar
Goat Crate 2500 1x goat
Monkey Cube Crate 2000 1x monkey cube box
Pug Crate 5000 1x pug
1x pet collar
Sheep Crate 2000 1x sheep
Snake Crate 3000 3x snake

Costumes & Toys

Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes

Collectable Hats Crate 20000 1x collectable chef's hat
1x collectable paper hat
1x collectable top hat
1x collectable captain's hat
1x collectable beret
1x collectable welding helmet
1x collectable flat cap
1x collectable pirate hat
1x collectable kitty ears
1x collectable rabbit ears
1x collectable wizard's hat
1x collectable hard hat
1x collectable HoS hat
1x collectable HoP hat
1x collectable Thunderdome helmet
1x collectable SWAT helmet
1x collectable slime hat
1x collectable police officer's hat
1x collectable xenomorph helmet!
1x ultra rare Pete's hat! | | Contains three random hats. |

Contraband crate 3000 2x random rolled-up contraband poster
1x pack of cannabis seeds
1x pack of rainbow weed seeds
1x pack of lifeweed seeds
1x suspicious pill bottle containing “yellow pills”
1x suspicious pill bottle containing “happy pills”
1x suspicious pill bottle containing “sunshine pills”
1x suspicious pill bottle containing “smooth pills”
1x suspicious pill bottle containing “stimulant pills” (not actual stimulant)
1x suspicious looking deck of cards
1x [MOVE ALONG CITIZEN] extra-strong absinthe
1x tacticool turtleneck
1x pack of syndicate cigarettes
1x Shady Jim's Super Slims packet
1x syndicate mask
1x gold necklace
1x Donksoft Toy Vendor restocking unit
Contraband – requires hacking the console.
Contains 7 of these items.
The crate is named “Crate”.
Foam Force Crate 1000 8x foam force shotgun
Foam Force Pistols Crate 4000 2x foam force pistol
2x foam force pistol magazine, loaded with foam darts
Contraband – requires hacking the console.
The crate is named “Foam force crate”.
Formalwear Crate 3000 1x black tango dress
2x formal assistant jumpsuit
1x blue suit
1x blue suit jacket
1x purple suit
1x purple suit jacket
1x black suit
1x black suit jacket
1x waistcoat
1x blue tie
1x red tie
1x black tie
1x bowler hat
1x fedora
1x flat cap
1x beret
1x top-hat
3x laceup shoes
1x charcoal suit
1x navy suit
1x burgundy suit
1x checkered suit
1x tan suit
1x lipstick (of random color)
Hilarious Firing Pin Crate 5000 1x hilarious firing pin (makes guns honk instead of shoot) Contraband – requires hacking the console.
The crate is named “Toy crate”.
Laser Tag Crate 1500 3x red laser tag gun
3x blue laser tag gun
3x red laser tag armor
3x blue laser tag armor
3x red laser tag helmet
3x blue laser tag helmet
Laser Tag Firing Pins Crate 3000 1x box of laser tag firing pins (guns only firable when wearing same color laser tag armor) Contraband – requires hacking the console.
The crate is named “Laser tag crate”.
Mech Pilot's Suit Crate 1500 1x Red mech pilot's suit
1x White mech pilot's suit
1x Blue mech pilot's suit
Original Costume Crate 1000 1x snowman suit head
1x snowman suit
1x chicken suit head
1x chicken suit
1x monkey mask
1x monkey suit
1x cardborg helmet
1x cardborg suit
1x xeno suit head
1x xeno suit
1x corgi costume
1x carp costume
1x bee costume
Plushie Crate 2000 1x Carp plushie
1x Bubblegum plushie
1x Ratvar plushie
1x Nar'Sie plushie
1x Lizard plushie
1x Snake plushie
1x Operative plushie
1x Strange goat plushie
1x Goat plushie
1x Teddy bear
1x Stuffed monkey
1x Flower bunch
1x Inorix plushie
1x Bee plushie
1x Slime plushie
The crate is named “Plush crate”.
Standard Costume Crate 1000 1x Giggles Von Honkerton pack
1x clown shoes
1x clown wig and mask
1x clown suit
1x bike horn
1x mime's outfit
1x black shoes
1x white gloves
1x mime mask
1x french beret
1x suspenders
1x bottle of nothing
1x Parcel Parceaux pack
Toy Crate 5000 5x random prizes, usually found in arcade machines.
Wizard Costume Crate 2000 1x wizard staff
1x wizard robe
1x sandals
1x wizard hat
Autodrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x AutoDrobe restocking unit
Cargo Wardrobe Supply Crate 750 1x CargoDrobe restocking unit The crate is named “Cargo department supply crate”.
Engineering Wardrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x EngiDrobe restocking unit
1x AtmosDrobe restocking unit
1x SigDrobe restocking unit
General Wardrobes Supply Crate 3750 1x CuraDrobe restocking unit
1x BarDrobe restocking unit
1x ChefDrobe restocking unit
1x JaniDrobe restocking unit
1x ChapDrobe restocking unit
Hydrobe Supply Crate 750 1x Hydrobe restocking unit
Medical Wardrobe Supply Crate 3000 1x MediDrobe restocking unit
1x ChemDrobe restocking unit
1x GeneDrobe restocking unit
1x ViroDrobe restocking unit
Science Wardrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x RoboDrobe restocking unit
1x SciDrobe restocking unit
Security Wardrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x SecDrobe restocking unit
1x LawDrobe restocking unit
The crate is named “Security department supply crate”.

Special Clearance

These supply orders are only available once their respective bounties are completed.

Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes
KA Damage Mods 350 3x KA Damage Mods Obtained after fulfilling the “Common Mineral Prospecting” Bounty
KA Cooldown Mods 350 3x KA Cooldown Mods Obtained after fulfilling the “Common Mineral Prospecting” Bounty
KA Range Mods 350 3x KA Range Mods Obtainable after fulfilling the “Common Mineral Prospecting” Bounty
Plasma Cutters 900 2x Plasma Cutters Obtainable after fulfilling the “Phoron Extraction” Bounty
Advanced Plasma Cutter 2000 1x Advanced Plasma Cutter Obtainable after fulfilling the “Strange Material Prospecting” Bounty

Miscellaneous Supplies

Name Crate Cost Contents Access required Notes
Advanced Crates 10000 1x Advanced round crate
Art Supplies Crate 400 2x easel
2x 19×19 canvas
2x 23×19 canvas
2x 23×23 canvas
2x rainbow crayons
Bicycle 1,000,000 1x Bicycle.png You are not expected to actually afford this.
Big Band Instrument Collection 600 1x violin
1x guitar
1x glockenspiel
1x accordion
1x saxophone
1x trombone
1x recorder
1x harmonica
1x piano
1x banjo
Book Crate 1500 1x Codex Gigas
3x random manuals
3x random books
Bureaucracy Crate 1500 1x rolling chest drawer
1x film cartridge
1x hand labeler
2x hand labeler paper roll
1x paper bin
2x fourcolor pen
3x pen (grey/blue/red)
1x fountain pen
3x folder (blue/red/yellow)
2x clipboard
1x GRANTED rubber stamp
1x DENIED rubber stamp
1x Purple laser pointer
Calligraphy Crate 700 1x box of fountain pens Contains seven fountain pens.
Designer clothes 1000

1x Red sneakers 1x White and black sneakers 1x Rare brown sneakers 1x Rare vox black sneakers 3x Quadrouple white sneakers 2x White and black sweatshirt 2x Black and white sweatshirt The crate is named “Spring/Summer 2413(SS2413) clothes crate”. Festive Wrapping Paper Crate 1000 1x stack of 25 wrapping paper (fancy) Funeral Supply Crate 600 1x burial garments 1x harebell 1x geranium

The crate is named “Coffin”. Half Off Million Dollar Hat 500000 1x Million dollar hat The crate is named “Million dollar hat crate”. Jukebox Crate 5000 1x Jukebox Jukebox.png Modular Personal Digital Assistant Crate 500 5x PDAs Pda-miner.png The crate is named “pda crate”. Modular Laptop Crate 1000 5x Laptops Laptop-closed.png The crate is named “laptop crate”. Modular Tablet Crate 3000 5x Tablets The crate is named “tablet crate”. Modular Phone Crate 4000 5x Phones Phone-red.png The crate is named “phone crate”. Modular Telescreen Crate 1000 4x Telescreens Telescreen.png The crate is named “telescreen crate”. Prototype sneaker cleaning spray 3000 1x Cleaning spray Shoeprotect.png 1x Mt-x04 Multiphasic 'Flux' temporally shifted shoe cleaning spray Ultraprotect.png

The crate is named “Clearance level: AMBER 'cleaning spray' crate”. Religious Supplies Crate 4000 2x flask of holy water Holyflask.png 2x bible Bible.png 2x follower hoodie Chaplain hoodie.png The bibles have something secret stored. Skub Crate 1000 5x Skub Skub.png Sneaker cleaning supplies 1200 5x Cleaning spray Shoeprotect.png The crate is named “Shoe cleaning supplies”. Toner Crate 1000 6x toner cartridge Tonercartridge.png

Supply Crates

Following is a list of the crates available for purchase.

There might even be a few unique crates that are only available during a certain time period!

Supplies Name & Access Required Contents Cost Label Rolls 3x label roll box 10 O2crate.png Internals Crate 3x oxygen tank 3x gas mask 10 O2crate.png Emergency Equipment 2x emergency toolbox 2x hazard vest 5x emergency oxygen tank 5x gas mask 2x floorbot 2x medibot 3x radiation patches 40 Janitorial Supplies 1x bucket 1x Bleach Bottle 1x Soap Bar 1x trash bag 1x space cleaner 1x damp Rag 3x Cleaner Grenade 15 Mop and Bucket 1x mop 3x wet floor sign 1x mop bucket 20 Trash compactor 1x trash compactor 100 Replacement Lights 3x box of lightbulbs and -tubes 10 High Efficiency Lights 2x box of high efficiency lightbulbs and -tubes 20 Newscaster Crate 3x newscaster frames 10 Office Supplies Crate 1x paper bin 1x white folder 1x black folder 1x blue folder 1x red folder 1x orange folder 1x black pen 1x blue pen 1x red pen 1x fountain pen 2x table lamp 15 Space Heaters 2x space heater 20 Air Conditioners 2 air conditioner 20 Porcelain Crate 1x sink 1x toilet 10 Showers Crate 2x shower 10 Grandfather Clock Crate 1x grandfather clock 40 Anvil Crate 1x anvil 1x leather apron 150 EngiCrate.png Metal Sheets Crate 50x metal sheet 10 EngiCrate.png Glass Sheets Crate 50x glass sheet 10 EngiCrate.png Plastic Sheets Crate 50x plastic sheet 30 EngiCrate.png Wooden Planks Crate 25x wooden planks 12 Carpet Crate 30x carpet tiles 15 Arcade Tiles Crate 30x arcade tiles 15 Grass Crate 30x grass tiles 15 Water Tank Crate 1x watertank 10 Fuel Tank Crate. 1x fuel tank 15 Silicate Tank Crate 1x silicate tank 10 Supermatter shard crate.png Sulphuric Acid Crate Minor Engine or Science access

1x sulphuric acid tank 15 Firefighting Equipment 2x firesuit 2x gas mask 2x firefighter helmet 2x fire extinguisher 20 Arts and Crafts Crate 3x gift wrapper 1x package wrapper 1x poster 1x paint remover bucket 1x white paint bucket 1x black paint bucket 1x violet paint bucket 1x yellow paint bucket 1x red paint bucket 1x blue paint bucket 1x cyan paint bucket 1x green paint bucket 1x painting brush 2x small blank canvas 1x landscape blank canvas 1x portrait blank canvas 1x large blank canvas 1x photo album 1x camera 2x film cartidge 1x crayons box 10 Marble Block Crate 50x marble blocks 50 Contraband Crate(“Unlabeled Crate”) Supply Console hacking needed

blood tomato seed bag zoom pill bottle happy pill bottle absinthe bottle wizard card and frog 30 Empty Box Crate 10x empty box. 10 EFTPOS Crate. 1x EFTPOS scanner 10 Emergency Floodlight Crate 1x floodlight 10 Personal airbags 5x airbags 25 Religious Paraphernalia 1x Bottle of holy water 1x Bible 1x Harebell flower 1x Thurible 100 Clothing Name & Access Required Contents Cost Cheap hats 5x random from the following:

pirate bandana cheap bear pelt hat beaver hat beret boater hat bowler hat chef's hat cowboy hat dunce cap fedora brown fedora white fedora fez flat cap green bandana hastur's hood head band liberty top hat mailman's hat Nazi Officer cap Nazi Panzer cap powdered wig white cap slav squatter hat top hat ushanka Magus Helm purple wizard hat Hood of Necromancy 50 Cheap glasses 5x random from the following:

eyepatch Green Glasses Kamina's Glasses monocle Prescription Glasses science goggles Simon's Glasses sunglasses blindfold prescription sunglasses purple sunglasses red star-shaped sunglasses star-shaped sunglasses red sunglasses security sunglasses 50 Collectable Hat 3 random from the following:

collectable chef's hat collectable paper hat collectable top hat collectable captain's hat collectable beret collectable welding helmet collectable flat cap collectable pirate hat collectable kitty ears collectable rabbit ears collectable wizard's hat collectable hard hat collectable HoS hat collectable Thunderdome helmet collectable SWAT helmet collectable slime hat collectable police officer's hat collectable slime hat collectable xenomorph helmet! ultra rare Pete's hat! 200 SecureCrate.png Standard Costume Crate Theatre access

1x Giggles von Honkerton 1x clown shoes 1x clown wig and mask 1x clown jumpsuit 1x bike horn 1x mime jumpsuit 1x mime shoes 1x white gloves 1x mime mask 1x beret 1x suspenders 1x Bottle of Nothing 10 Halloween Costumes 1x skeleton jumpsuit 1x snake hat 1x vampire fangs 1x frankenstein bolt hat 1x alien antenna hat 31 Wizard Costume Crate 1x wizard staff 1x wizard robes 1x sandals 1x wizard hat 20 Closet.png Formalwear Closet 1x top hat 1x blue jacket 1x purple jacket 1x bowler hat 1x black suit 2x executive suit 1x red suit 2x black shoes 1x waistcoat 30 Closet.png Armored Formalwear Closet Supply console hacking needed

2x armored amish suit 2x armored top hat 100 SecureCrate.png Custodial Gear Janitor access

1x janitor overalls 1x black gloves 1x janibelt 1x galoshes 100 Feminine Formalwear 1x flame dress 1x green dress 1x orange dress 1x pink dress 1x yellow dress 1x saloon girl dress 1x hair flower pin 1x orange wedding dress 1x purple wedding dress 1x blue wedding dress 1x red wedding dress 1x white wedding dress 2x random lipstick (purple/jade/black) 30 Knight Armour Crate 4x plate armour 4x medieval helmet 35 Space Suit 1x space suit 1x space suit helmet 1x oxygen tank 1x breath mask 150 Vox Pressure Suit Crate 1x vox pressure suit 1x vox pressure helmet 1x nitrogen tank 1x vox breath mask 100 Grey Space-Ex Crate 1x grey space suit (regular, worker, researcher, or soldier) 1x oxygen tank 1x breath mask 200 Neo-Russian supplies Supply console hacking needed

1x neo-russian vest 1x neo-russian uniform 1x neo-russian webbing 1x neo-russian mask 1x neo-russian helmet 1x neo-russian gloves 1x neo-russian fingerless gloves 1x neo-russian boots 225 Russian clothing Supply console hacking needed

1x squatter outfit 1x squatter hat 1x russian blue camo 1x russian blue camo hat 1x russian fur coat 1x russian fur hat 1x Disk Jockey shuttle destination disk (input into shuttle computer) 50 Contact lenses 4x contact lenses 2x nanite contacts 150 SecureCrate.png Security Formalwear Closet Security access

In either Blue, Navy or Tan:

1x HoS Blue/Navy/Tan dress jacket 1x Warden Blue/Navy/Tan dress jacket 1x Security Officer Blue/Navy/Tan dress jacket 1x HoS Blue/Navy/Tan dress uniform 1x Warden Blue/Navy/Tan dress uniform 1x Security Officer Blue/Navy/Tan dress uniform and:

1x HoS beret 1x Warden beret 1x Security Officer beret 3x security shoes 30 Engineering Winterwear 2x engineering winter coat 1x atmospherics winter coat 1x mechanics winter coat 1x Chief Engineer's winter coat 50 Science Winterwear 4x science winter coat 50 SecureCrate.png Security Winterwear Security access

2x security winter coat 2x security ushanka 1x Warden's winter coat 1x Head of Security's winter coat 150 Medical Winterwear 3x medical winter coat 2x paramedic winter coat 1x Chief Medical Officer's winter coat 50 Service Winterwear 2x bartender winter coat 2x hydroponics winter coat 50 Civilian Winterwear 1x prisoner winter coat 4x winter coat 50 Cargo Winterwear 3x cargo winter coat 3x mining winter coat 50 Misc. Winterwear 1x captain's winter coat 1x Head of Personnel's winter coat 1x elfen winter coat 1x prisoner winter coat 1x mime winter coat 50 Security Name & Access Required Contents Cost Special Ops Crate Requires emagging of the supply console.

1x box of EMP grenades 1x box of smoke grenades 1x silenced .45 pistol 1x loaded .45 pistol magazine 50 Russian weapons Requires emagging of the supply console.

3x random from the following:

1x mosin nagant 1x laser AK470 1x empty 7.62×55 clip 1x loaded 7.62×55 clip 1x box of 7.62×55 ammo 150 LargeSecCrate.png Secway Crate Security access

1x secway 150 Beanbag Shell 1x beanbag shell box 10 Secweaponscrate.png Security Weapons Crate Security access

2x stunbaton 2x laser gun 2x taser gun 1x box of flashbangs 1x box of tear gas grenades 1x bolas 30 Secweaponscrate.png Smart laser guns Crate Armory access

4x smart laser guns 60 Secweaponscrate.png Incendiary Weapons Crate Head of Staff access

1x flamethrower 3x phoron tank 3x incendiary grenade 25 SecureCrate.png Armor Crate Security access

2x security helmet 2x bulletproof vest 2x armor vest 20 SecureCrate.png Riot Gear Crate Armory access

3x stunbaton 3x riot shield 3x box of tear gas grenades 3x riot helmet 3x riot armour 3x bolas 60 SecureCrate.png Tactical Assault Gear Armory access

3x plate carrier 2x ceramic armor plate 2x plasteel armor plate 2x ceramite armor plate 3x visor helmet 3x riot shield 120 SecureCrate.png Loyalty Implant Crate Armory access

1x loyalty implant box 60 SecureCrate.png Exile Implant Crate Armory access

1x exile implant box 150 SecureCrate.png Tracking Implant Crate Armory access

1x tracking implant box 50 SecureCrate.png Chemical Implant Crate Armory access

1x chemical implant box 50 SecureCrate.png Holy Implant Crate Armory access

1x holy implant box 60 SecureCrate.png Combat Shotguns Crate Armory access

2x bulletproof armor 50 SecureCrate.png Shotgun Shells Armory access

15x lethal shell 15x buckshot shell 15x beanbag shell 15x stun shell 15x shotgun dart 20 SecureCrate.png High-Tech Energy Weapons Crate Armory access

2x energy gun 30 SecureCrate.png Experimental Armor Crate Armory access

1x bulletproof armor 1x ablative armor 1x riot helmet 1x riot armor 35 SecGearCrate.png Security Checkpoint Equipment 4x deployable barriers 1x Mr. V.A.L.I.D. Portable Threat Detector 10 SecGearCrate.png NT Glock pack Armory access

2x .380AUTO NT Glock 2x .380AUTO ammo voucher 60 Secweaponscrate.png NT Glock lethal ammo Armory access

1x box of .380AUTO ammo 1x loaded .380AUTO pistol magazine 2x empty .380AUTO pistol magazine 50 Secweaponscrate.png NT Glock practice ammo Security access

1 box of .380AUTO pistol practice ammo 1x loaded .380AUTO pistol practice magazine 2x empty .380AUTO pistol practice magazine 10 Secweaponscrate.png NT Glock rubber ammo Security access

1 box of .380AUTO pistol rubber ammo 1x loaded .380AUTO pistol rubber magazine 2x empty .380AUTO pistol rubber magazine 30 SecGearCrate.png Biohazard Emergency Biosuits Security access

3x security bio hood 3x security bio suit 85 Hospitality Name & Access Required Contents Cost Freezercrate.png Fresh fruit Crate 16x random from the following:

tomato banana watermelon apple berries cherries grapes green grapes lime lemon orange 20 SecureCrate.png Trophy Meats Kitchen access

8x random chosen from the following:

mimic meat bear meat spider meat xeno meat imitation carp meat chicken meat synthmeat spider leg spider eggs 30 Freezercrate.png Surprise pack of five pizzas Crate 5 random pizzas among:

margerita pizza mushroom pizza meat pizza vegetarian pizza 75 Random Instrument 1x random musical instrument 50 Freezercrate.png Basic Cooking Crate 4x flour bag 2x space milk 1x egg box 10 SecureCrate.png Exotic Garnishes Kitchen access

6 random condiments:

enzyme black pepper vinegar salt cinnamon chef's special frost oil soy sauce capsaicin honey ketchup coco powder 15 Party Equipment 1x Box of Drinking Glasses. 1x Shaker. 1x Patron bottle. 1x Goldschlager bottle. 1x pack of Dromedaryco cigarettes 1x lipstick 2x Ale. 4x Beer. 2x maracas 20 Cafe Equipment 1x Brewer flatpack 2x box of mugs 1x kettle 20 Advanced Bartending Equipment 1x Soda Dispenser flatpack 1x Booze Dispenser flatpack 2x box of drinking glasses 1x shaker 40 Festive Supplies 2x gift wrap 6x xmas cracker 1x red santa hat 1x green santa hat 3x christmas jumper 3x scarf 1x winter casualwear 30 Big Band instrument collection 1x piano 1x xylophone 1x harmonica 1x saxophone 1x violin 1x guitar 1x trombone 1x accordion 1x glockenspiel 1x gilded bike horn 500 Engineering Name & Access Required Contents Cost EngiCrate.png Electrical Maintenance Crate 2x insulated gloves 2x electrical toolbox 2x power cell 2x high-capacity power cell 15 EngiCrate.png Mechanical Maintenance Crate. 3x utility toolbelt 2x welding helmet 3x hazard vest 1x hard hat 10 Portable Scrubber and Pump 1x portable scrubber 1x portable air pump 25 EngiCrate.png Solar Pack Crate 21x solar assembly 1x solar control circuit 1x tracker electronics 1x solar paper 20 EngiSecCrate.png Field Generator Crate Minor Engine access

2x field generators 10 EngiSecCrate.png Singularity generator Crate CE access

1x singularity generator 10 EngiSecCrate.png Radiation collectors Crate Minor Engine access

3x Radiation collectors 10 EngiSecCrate.png Optical Prisms Minor Engine access

2x Prism 10 EngiSecCrate.png Particle accelerator parts Crate Major Engine access

1x particle emitter center 1x particle emitter right 1x particle emitter left 1x end cap 1x power box 1x control box 1x fuel chamber 40 EngiSecCrate.png Antimatter Control Unit Crate Minor Engine access

1x antimatter control unit 30 EngiSecCrate.png AME Parts Crate Minor Engine access

12x packaged antimatter reactor section 30 EngiSecCrate.png Antimatter Containment Jar Crate Minor Engine access

3x antimatter containment jar 15 EngiSecCrate.png Large Antimatter Containment Jar Crate Minor Engine access

1x large antimatter containment jar 200 EngiSecCrate.png Emitter Crate Minor Engine access

2x emitters 10 EngiSecCrate.png Shield Generators Minor Engine access

4x shield generators 20 EngiSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Foundation Kit Major Engine access

1x R-UST Mk 7 Fuel Injector 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Mk. 7 fuel compressor) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Mk. 7 fuel port) 1x R-UST Mk 7 Tokamak core 50 EngiSecCrate.png R-UST MK 7 Console Circuitry Kit Major Engine Access

1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Core Monitor Console) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Core Control Console) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Gyrotron Control Console) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Fuel Injector Control Console) 30 LargeSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Gyrotron Major Engine access

1x gyrotron 25 Supermatter shard crate.png Starscreen shield generator Minor Engine access

1x Starscreen shield generator flatpack 1x Starscreen shield capacitor flatpack 30 Supermatter shard crate.png Starscreen-EX shield generator Minor Engine access

1x Starscreen-EX shield generator 1x Starscreen shield capacitor 30 LargeSecCrate.png Mark I Thermoelectric Generator Minor Engine access

1x thermoelectric generator 75 LargeSecCrate.png Binary Atmospheric Circulator Minor Engine access

1x circulator 60 Supermatter shard crate.png Supermatter Shard Major Engine access

1x Supermatter Shard 300 EngiSecCrate.png Portable SMES parts Crate Minor Engine access

1x Portable SMES 3x capacitor 1x console screen 1x Portable SMES connector port circuit board 50 EngiCrate.png Inflatable structures Crate 3x inflatable structures box 15 EngiSecCrate.png Advanced firefighting equipment Crate Atmospherics access

1x Fireaxe 2x foam fire extinguisher 25 EngiCrate.png Radiation suit Crate 4x geiger counter 4x radiation hood 4x radiation suit 150 EngiSecCrate.png DIY Shuttle Engine kit Minor Engine access

1x DIY Engine 1x DIY Engine Pre-igniter 100 EngiSecCrate.png DIY Shuttle permit Minor Engine access

1x Shuttle License 1x Ship building manual 300 EngiSecCrate.png Dehydrated gourmonger Crate Minor Engine access

1x gourmonger cube 75 Cargo Name & Access Required Contents Cost Mulebot Crate 1x Mulebot. 20 Tractor Crate 1x tractor 1x cargo cart 1x tractor key 40 Carts Crate 2x cargo carts 15 Mining Equipment Mining access

1x mining drill 2x mining pickaxe 3x lantern 1x mining scanner 3x mining satchel 2x money bag 20 EngiCrate.png Rapid-Crate-Sender Crate 1x rapid crate sender 80 EngiCrate.png Cargo telepad Crate 2x Rapid-Crate-Sender telepad kits 80 EngiCrate.png Automation supplies 1x Internal circuitry (Crate Opener) 1x Internal circuitry (Crate Closer) 1x Internal circuitry (Item Sorting Machine) 1x Internal circuitry (Wrapping Machine) 25 Package Wrap Crate 4x package wrap stacks 10 Cargo Poster crate 6x cargo posters 50 Medical Name & Access Required Contents Cost Medical Crate 1x first-aid kit 1x fire first-aid kit 1x toxin first-aid kit 1x oxygen deprivation first aid 1x anti-toxin bottle 1x inaprovaline bottle 1x sleep-toxin bottle 1x syringes box 1x pill collector 1x box of autoinjectors 1x stethoscope 10 SecureCrate.png Virus Crate Virology access

4x random virus dish 25 SecureCrate.png Surgery Crate Medical access

1x cautery 1x surgical drill 1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 1x FixOVein 1x hemostat 1x scalpel 1x bone gel 1x retractor 1x bone setter 1x circular saw 25 Sterile Equipment Crate 1x box of medical gloves 1x box of medical mask 2x green surgery suit 15 SecureCrate.png Bloodbag Crate Medical access

1x A+ Bloodpack 1x A- Bloodpack 1x B+ Bloodpack 1x B- Bloodpack 1x O+ Bloodpack 1x O- Bloodpack 3x Empty Bloodpack 10 Blood Donation Drive Crate 1x Doctor Acula 4x IJzerkoekje (iron-rich food) 50 Basic chemistry kit 2x Small Beaker 1x Bottle of Carbon 1x Bottle of Silicon 1x Bottle of Sugar 1x Bottle of Oxygen 1x Bottle of Hydrogen 1x Bottle of Nitrogen 1x Bottle of Potassium 1x Dropper 80 Wheelchair Crate 1x wheelchair 40 SecureCrate.png Motorised Wheelchair Crate Medical access

1x motorised wheelchair 200 Hanging Skeleton Model Crate 1x hanging skeleton model 30 Biosuits Crate 3x bio suit 3x bio hood 85 Freezercrate.png Laboratory Mice Crate 2x small cage 1x lab mouse cube box 20 Science Name & Access Required Contents Cost SciSecCrate.png RnD Stock Parts Crate Research access

1x Circuit board (Protolathe) 1x Circuit board (R&D Console) 1x Circuit board (Circuit Imprinter) 1x Circuit board (Destructive Analyser) 2x matter bin 3x micro-manipulator 2x beaker 1x scanning module 1x micro-laser 30 SciSecCrate.png RnD Experimental Crate Research access

1x Technology Disk (Nanotrasen 1) 1x paper - 'Nanotrasen Experimental Technologies' 80 SciSecCrate.png Robotics Assembly Crate Robotics access

3x proximity sensor 1x electrical toolbox 4x flash 2x high-capacity power cell 10 SciSecCrate.png Robotics Maintenace Equipment 1x Cyborgs for Dummies 1x high-capacity power cell 1x robotics toolbox 1x armour plating 1x actuator 1x radio 1x binary communication device 1x camera 1x diagnosis unit 1x cyborg emergency restart board 120 SciSecCrate.png Grey slime extracts Crate Research access

2x Grey slime extracts 200 Suspension Field Generator Crate Research access

1x suspension field generator 50 SciSecCrate.png Excavation Equipment Crate Science access

1x excavation gear-belt 1x excavation pick set 1x lantern 1x depth analysis scanner 1x core sampler 1x optical meson scanner 1x pickaxe 1x measuring tape 1x hand pickaxe 30

Phoron Assembly Crate Toxins storage access 3x phoron tank
3x igniter
3x proximity sensor
3x timer

SciSecCrate.png Borer Egg Crate Xenobiology access

1x borer egg 100 Anomaly Container Crate 1x anomaly container 50 EngiCrate.png Suit Modification 1x rigsuit modification station 1x articulated spine 200 SciSecCrate.png Hardsuit frames Crate Robotics access

3x RIG Hardsuit frames 200 Hydroponics Name & Access Required Contents Cost Freezercrate.png Monkey Crate 1x monkey cube box 20 Freezercrate.png Farwa Crate 1x Farwa cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Neaera Crate 1x Neaera cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Stok Crate 1x stok cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Roach Crate 1x roach cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Genetically Modified Chicken Crate 1x green egg box 30 Hydroponics Supply Crate Hydroponics access

2x Plant-B-Gone 2x ammonia bottle 1x hatchet 2x mini hoe 1x plant analyser 1x botanist's leather gloves 1x apron 1x flora disk box 15 Aquaculture supply Hydroponics access

2x salmon eggs 2x catfish eggs 2x shrimp eggs 2x lobster eggs 1x fish egg scoop 1x fish net 1x fish food 1x fish tank brush 3x fish tank circuitboard 30 Exotic fish Hydroponics access

2x goldfish eggs 2x clownfish eggs 2x feederfish eggs 2x eletric eel eggs 2x shark eggs 2x glofish eggs 2x shrimp eggs 2x fish wall circuitboard 1x conduction plate circuitboard 40 Cow Crate Hydroponics access

1x cow 30 Goat Crate Hydroponics access

1x Goat. 25 Chicken Crate Hydroponics access

6x chicks 20 Corgi Crate 1x Lisa 50 Cat Crate 1x Proc 30 Snail crate 3x Snails 25 Sec Weed Control Crate Hydroponics access

1x Scythe 1x Gas mask 2x Weedkiller grenades 20 Sec Insect Control Crate Hydroponics access

2x Bug Zapper 3x Insecticide Bottles 2x Frog 2x Lizard 40 Sec Exotic Seeds Crate Hydroponics or Science access

2x packet of diona nodes 1x packet of liberty cap spores 1x packet of reishi spores 6x randomly generated seeds 1x packet of kudzu seeds 1x packet of no-fruit seeds 15 Sec Beekeeping Crate Hydroponics access

2x beezeez bottle 1x bee net 1x mini fire extinguisher 1x apiary 3x queen bee 1x beekeeping suit 1x beekeeping hood 1x The Ins and Outs of Apiculture - A Precise Art 20 Ranching Crate 1x Circuit Board (Egg Incubator) 2x capacitor 1x matter bin 3x egg 1x kitchen knife 1x cowboy hat 15 Sec Hydroponics Trays Components Crate Hydroponics access

2x Circuit Board (Hydroponics Tray) 4x matter bin 2x scanning module 2x capacitor 4x beaker 2x console screen 12 Vending Machine Packs Name & Access Required Contents Cost Stackopack.png Snacks n Cigs stack of packs 3x Getmore Chocolate Corp recharge pack 1x Robust Softdrinks recharge pack 1x Hot Drinks machine recharge pack 1x Cigarette machine recharge pack 30 Stackopack.png Groans n Dan stack of packs 2x Discount Dan's recharge pack 2x Groans Soda recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Theatre, Bar n Kitchen stack of packs 1x Booze-O-Mat recharge pack 1x Dinnerware recharge pack 1x AutoDrobe recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Security stack of packs 2x SecTech recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Medical stack of packs 2x NanoMed recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Hydroponics stack of packs 1x NutriMax recharge pack 1x MegaSeed Servitor recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Tools n Engineering stack of packs 2x YouTool recharge pack 1x Vendomat recharge pack 1x Engi-Vend recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Clothing stack of packs 1x Hatlord 9000 recharge pack 1x Suitlord 9000 recharge pack 1x Shoelord 9000 recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Barber stack of packs 2x Barbervend recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Cosmetics stack of packs 2x Shuo-Cai Cosmetics recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Off-licence stack of packs 2x Offworld Off-Licence recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Toy stack of packs 2x Circus of Values recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Old and Forgotten stack of packs Requires emagging of the supply console

1x Nazivend recharge pack 1x KomradeVendtink recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Russian Beverage stack of packs Supply Console hacking needed

2x BODA recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Strange and Bright stack of packs Requires emagging of the supply console

1x MagiVend recharge pack 80 Stackopack.png Dwarven Mining Equipment stack of packs 2x Dwarven Mining Equipment recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Team Security stack of packs 2x Team Security recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Telecommunications Parts stack of packs 2x Telecommunications Parts recharge pack 50 Stackopack.png Zam Snax stack of packs 2x Zam Snax recharge pack 25

Crate Forwarding

Crate Forwarding screen displayed Cargo can enable an option on the supply console to enable crate forwarding, a method of receiving station funds for processing mail and shipments forwarded from elsewhere. Forwarded crates and fulfilled CentCom requests from previous rounds can also show up as cargo forwards in future rounds.

Forwarding a crate is easy; doing it right is less so.

Toggle on the Crate Forwarding system on the top of the supply shuttle console screen. When this is active, whenever you call the supply shuttle to the station, there is a chance that some extra crates that you didn't order will appear next to a manifest. If a forwarded crate is on the shuttle, a third selection will be available on the console (displayed on right image), next to the External Order Requests button, which will tell you the details regarding the forwarded crate and its stamp/weight status. Wrench down the crate weigher (the grey pad in the cargo bay), insert the manifest into the weigher, and push the crate on top. The crate weight will be typed on the manifest. Stamp the manifest and then send the stuff back to CentCom on the shuttle with the manifest outside the crate. If you put the manifest the crate, it will be considered a foreign object and nullify the forwarding.

Give Onto the QM his Dues The Quartermaster can order a whole lot of crates and he usually wants the crate back after you've taken your supplies. They are worth a certain amount of points which can be used to get more supplies for the station's whole benefit. The quartermasters like it when people bring crates, and will often give things without hassle to people with crates brought in.

Crate Locks and Access Just like the rest of the station, crates have variable levels of access. The QM can't unlock anything that is locked by default, for various reasons, the primary one being it would be pointless to make because all crates go through the QM anyway. Security crates can be opened by security personnel and those with higher access, et cetera. An emag can get into locked crates, however, or you can get resourceful.

Making Money Cargo budget starts off with 5,000 credits. This is the budget you use to buy crates, and this is where money from exports ends up. The QM can access this budget with the departmental card (Cargo Budget) found in his/her bag. If the QM has lost the budget card, you can also insert space cash into the bank machine in the vault to make it go directly into the cargo budget. The Quartermaster can enter the vault by using the supply door remote, found in the QM's locker.

Exports You can receive credits by shipping items back to CentCom. Examples:

You will get 200 credits per crate. Every ordered crate has a “shipping manifest” on it. You rip it off by clicking the crate. Stamp that shipping manifest with any stamp except the denied stamp, then put it into a crate and close it. Shipping that crate will then give you 80 extra credits. 5-1,000 credits per sheet of material (depends on material rarity, metal/glass the least rare and diamond/bananium the most). Every sheet of phoron shipped will give you 80 credits. 100-500 credits per fuel tanks and water tanks, depending on how full they are. 5,000-40,000 credits for some of the rare artifacts that your Shaft Miners might find. Make sure you scan the item with an Export Scanner before selling.

Crates are money. Find them. Hoard them greedily. Steal them if need be. The more crates you send back, the more stuff you can order. Other things are money, too. If you think about, the station is really just a huge pile of money. Experiment! You can use your Export Scanner once linked with a Cargo Console to verify the price of an item before you export it. Just because you think a good might be worth something doesn't mean that CentCom wants it!

Bounties Bounty cube.gif The civilian bounty control terminal can be used to complete Bounties. Anyone can insert their ID and click the “new bounty” icon to the upper right to receive a selection of three random bounties to choose one from. Two of the choices depend on their job. Cargo personnel will receive completely random bounties instead of job based ones. When anyone completes a bounty by sending the requested items with the civilian bounty pad, they will receive a Bounty Cube Bounty cube.gif. It's then cargo's job to ship/sell that bounty cube with the cargo shuttle. When the cube is sold the cargo budget will receive 70% of the cube's value, while the individual who completed the bounty gets 30% sent to their account. The price you see when you choose a bounty is 30% of the resulting cube's total value.

In addition:

20% bonus for cargo budget if you send the cube within 5 minutes of its creation. 10% personal handling tip for whoever uses an export scanner on it in the supply shuttle, payed on successful delivery. The cubes have GPS-signals.

Ordering Crates To spend the money you made, you need to order crates. The price of these crates is pulled from the cargo budget on departure from CentCom, unless you use Buy privately.

The supply request console Request 01.gif is typically public, and lets anyone request an order. Unless you use Buy privately, this console asks the requester to type a reason for each order. This reason appears on the supply console, where the request must be approved or denied. The requisition form printed is only used for documentation. The supply console Supply console2.png lets you order crates, and approve/reject orders made on a supply request console. It's also used to call and send the supply shuttle. Do this by clicking the “Cargo Bay” or “CentCom” text near the top. When the shuttle is called from CentCom, it will ship your placed orders to the cargo bay, if you can afford them.

Buying Privately Anyone placing an order at a supply console or supply request console has the choice to check the Buy Privately checkbox. Doing so will charge money directly from that person's worn ID, instead of from the cargo budget. It will cost a 10% extra fee (which goes to the cargo budget), and the crate will be access-restricted to the buyer instead of having its ordinary access requirement. You cannot use the cargo budget card for this. Goodies can only be purchased privately.

Supply Drop Pods Once Mining Technology has been researched, you are able to print an Express Supply Console computer board from the cargo techfab. Building an Express Supply Console and then swiping it with a QM-level ID card will unlock an interface similar to the Supply Console. Ordering any crate with this console will have it delivered instantly with a drop pod. The drop pod causes a fiery explosion. The drop location will be a random spot in Cargo Bay, unless you emag it, or print a Supply Pod Beacon for 500 credits. You can use the console to change the drop location to that of the last printed beacon. Printing a new beacon will make the first beacon permanently useless. Use teamwork to have one person take the beacon to locations where crates need to be delivered, while the other person orders the crate. The drop pods themselves must be dismantled with a welder.

Upgrading the Supply Drop Pods Once Bluespace Travel has been researched, the cargo techfab will be able to print a Supply Drop Pod Upgrade Disk. Inserting this disk into the Express Supply Console will upgrade its drop pods by making their explosion size smaller, and making them automatically teleport out after landing. After upgrading you must unlock the console again and print a new beacon.

Crates Following is a list of the crates available and their contents. Goodies

Goodies are single items that can only be purchased privately. These will be delivered in an order lockbox instead of a crate. When multiple goodies are ordered at the same time they will automatically be bundled into a single lockbox per purchaser, up to 6 items. If more than 6 items are ordered then the 7th and above will come bundled in a crate instead, which costs a bit extra. You can find discount coupons that when used on a supply (requests) console may allow you to buy a goodie at a discount.

Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes .38 DumDum Speedloader 100 1x speedloader of .38 DumDum ammunition

Bullets that can embed but won't work against armored targets. .38 Match Grade Speedloader 100 1x speedloader of .38 Match Grade ammunition

Bullets with extra ricochet. .38 Rubber Speedloader 75 1x speedloader of .38 Rubber ammunition

Bounce your shots off anything and everything. They mostly deal stamina damage. Colt Detective Special Single-Pack 2000 1x Colt Detective Special

Stingbang Single-Pack 250 1x stingbang grenade Flashbang.gif

Survival Knife Single-Pack 175 1x survival knife Combat Shotgun Single-Pack 1500 1x combat shotgun Combatshotgun.png 1x bandolier

Comes loaded with beanbags. Energy Gun Single-Pack 1200 1x energy gun Energy Gun.gif

Hellgun Kit Single-Pack 100 1x hellfire laser gun degradation kit Hellgun.png

Combine an ordinary laser gun with this gun kit (through crafting menu) to create a Hellfire Laser Gun. Thermal Pistol Holster Single-Pack 1500 1x thermal shoulder holsters

The one holster comes packaged with both the inferno pistol and the cryo pistol. Insulated Gloves Single-Pack 400 1x insulated gloves IGloves.png

Gripper Gloves Single-Pack 600 1x gripper gloves Gripper gloves.png

Bruise Treatment Kit Single-Pack 200 1x brute trauma treatment kit Brutefak.png

Burn Treatment Kit Single-Pack 200 1x burn treatment kit Bmed.png

First Aid Kit Single-Pack 150 1x first-aid kit SMed.png

Oxygen Deprivation Kit Single-Pack 200 1x oxygen deprivation treatment kit O2med.png

Toxin Treatment Kit Single-Pack 200 1x toxin treatment kit Tmed.png

Mechanical Toolbox 150 1x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png

Valentine Card 100 1x valentine card

Bee Plushie 200 1x bee plushie

Hair Dye Spray 100 1x Hair dye spray can

Beach Ball 50 1x beach ball Beachbum.png

Medipen Two-Pak 100 1x medipen MediPen.png 1x emergency first-aid autoinjector MediPen.png

Surplus Mothic Ration Pack 200 3x random sustenance bars 1x activin chewing gum

Ready-Donk Single Meal 100 1x Ready-Donk meal

Emergency Mutadone Pill 125 1x Mutadone pill (50u)

Rapid Lighting Device (RLD) 500 1x Rapid Lighting Device Rld.png

Moffic radio encryption key 600 1x Moffic translation key

Draconic radio encryption key 600 1x Draconic translation key

Calcic radio encryption key 600 1x Calcic translation key

Voltaic radio encryption key 600 1x Voltaic translation key

Felinid radio encryption key 600 1x Felinid translation key

Fishing toolbox 100 1x Fishing toolbox 1x Can o' worm 1x Fishing rod 1x Simple fishing hook 1x Fishing line reel

Fishing Hooks Set 50 1x Magnetic hook 1x Shiny lure hook 1x Weighted hook

Fishing Lines Set 50 1x Flexible fishing line reel 1x Reinforced fishing line reel 1x Cloaked fishing line reel

Deluxe fishing bait 50 1x Can o' worm deluxe

Emergency Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Biker Gang Kit 800 1x all terrain vehicle Atv.png and keys Atv keys.png 1x leather overcoat 1x black gloves 1x skull bandana 1x softcap

Contraband – requires hacking the console. the crate is named “Biker kit”. Biological Emergency Crate 400 2x bio hood BioSuitHood.png 2x bio-suit BioSuit.png 1x bio bag Bio bag.png 2x syringe (spaceacillin) 2x nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves.png

Emergency Bot/Internals Crate 800 2x floorbot Floorbot.gif 2x medibot Medibot.gif 5x air tank OxygenTank.png 5x breath mask BreathMask.png

Explosive Emergency Crate 400 1x bomb hood BombHood.png 1x bomb suit Bomb-suit.png 1x gas mask Gas mask.png 1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png 1x wirecutters Wirecutters.png 1x multitool Multitool.png

Firefighting Crate 400 2x emergency firesuit Firesuit.png 2x gas mask Gas mask.png 2x flashlight Flashlight.png 2x red oxygen tank OxygenTankRed.png 2x advanced fire extinguisher Advanced extinguisher0.png 2x firefighter helmet Fire Helmet.png

Firefighting Tank Backpack 360 1x backpack firefighter tank Waterbackpack atmos.png Atmospheric Internals Crate 400 3x gas mask Gas mask.png 3x breath mask BreathMask.png 3x emergency oxygen tank AirTank.png 3x air tank Air Tank.png

Metal Foam Grenade Crate 480 1x box of metal foam grenades Grenade.png

Radiation Protection Crate 400 2x radiation suit helmet RadiationSuitHood.png 2x radiation suit RadiationSuit.png 2x geiger counter 1x bottle of vodka 2x shot glass

Space Suit Crate 600 1x space suit 1x space helmet 1x breath mask 1x CO2 Jetpack

EVA Special Ops Supplies 800 1x box of EMP grenades Emp grenade.png 3x smoke bomb Flashbang.gif 1x sleepy pen Pen.png 1x incendiary grenade Grenade.png

Hidden – use emag on cargo console to reveal Weed Control Crate 500 1x scythe Scythe.png 1x gas mask Gas mask.png 2x anti-weed grenade Grenade.png

Hydroponics Surplus Mothic Rations Triple-Pak 600 3x mothic rations pack Security Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Ammo Crate 1600 3x box of beanbags 3x box of rubber shots 1x speed loader (.38 TRAC) 1x speed loader (.38 Hot Shot) 1x speed loader (.38 Iceblox)

Security Armor Crate 400 3x armor Armor.png Security Disabler Crate 600 3x disabler Disabler.png Security Forensics Crate 500 1x detective scanner 1x evidence box 1x camera 1x tape recorder 1x white crayon 1x detective hat

Security Helmets Crate 400 3x helmet Helmet.png Security Lasers Crate 800 3x laser gun Laser gun.png Security Security Barrier Grenades 400 4x barrier grenade Flashbang.gif

Security Security Clothing Crate 600 2x Navy blue security jumpsuit 2x Red security jumpsuit 2x Navy blue security beret

1x Navy blue warden jumpsuit 1x Red warden jumpsuit 1x Navy blue warden beret

1x Navy blue Head of Security jumpsuit 1x Head of Security jumpsuit 1x Navy blue Head of Security beret

Security Stingbang Grenade Pack 1000 5x stingbang grenades Flashbang.gif (in a box)

Security Security Supplies Crate 700 1x box of flashbangs Flashbang.gif 1x box of teargas Flashbang.gif 1x box of flashes Flash.gif 1x box of handcuffs Handcuffs.png

Security Standard Firing Pins Crate 800 2x box of standard firing pins

Security 5 firing pins per box Paywall Firing Pins Crate 400 2x box of paywall firing pins

Security Swipe a firing pin with an ID to connect it to an account. Then use the pin in hand to set either a one-time price or a price per shot that users must pay to fire the gun. Price is paid with a popup first time someone tries to fire it. 5 paywall firing pins per box. Standard Justice Enforcer Crate 1200 1x helmet of justice 1x security gas mask

Security Contraband – requires hacking the console. Stun Batons Crate 400 3x stun baton StunBaton.gif Security Wall Mounted Flash Crate 400 4x wall-mounted flash kit Security Each kit contains: 1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png, 1x flash Flash.gif, 1x mounted flash frame, 1x flasher controller, 1x airlock electronics and 1x button frame. Traditional Equipment Crate 440 1x constable outfit Constable outfit.png 1x constable helmet Constable helmet.png 1x white gloves 1x police whistle Police whistle.png 1x conversion kit Baton conversion kit.png (converts a stun baton)

Security Contraband – requires hacking the console. Armory Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Bulletproof Armor Crate 600 3x bulletproof vest Bulletproofvest.png Armory Bulletproof Helmets Crate 600 3x bulletproof helmet Armory Chemical Implants Crate 700 1x chemical implant kit

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implant pad and 5 implant cases with chemical implants Implant Case.png Combat Shotguns Crate 3500 3x combat shotgun Combatshotgun.png 3x bandolier

Armory The shotguns come loaded with beanbags. DragNET Crate 1000 3x DragNETsDRAGnet.png Armory Energy Guns Crate 3600 2x energy gun Energy Gun.gif

Armory Exile Implants Crate 700 1x exile implant kit

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 5 implant cases with exile implants Implant Case.png Incendiary Weapons Crate 1400 1x flamethrower 3x phoron tank 3x incendiary grenade

Bridge Mindshield Implants Crate 1200 1x lockbox (mindshield implants)

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 3 implant cases with mindshield implants Implant Case.png Tracking Implants Crate 900 1x tracking implant kit 3x speed loader (.38 TRAC) Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implantpad, 1 locator and 4 implant cases with tracking implants Implant Case.png Reflector Vest Crate 1000 2x reflector vest Ablative.png

Armory Riot Armor Crate 1200 3x riot suit Swatarmor.png Armory Riot Helmets Crate 800 3x riot helmet Riothelm.png Armory Riot Shields Crate 1000 3x riot shield RiotS.png Armory Russian Surplus Crate 2400 Ten random items out of:

1x ration pack 1x stripper clip (7.62mm) (5 shots) 1x ammo box containing 7x stripper clip (7.62mm) (35 shots) 1x russian vest 1x russian helmet 1x gorilla gloves BGloves.png 1x advanced military tracksuit 1x soviet uniform 1x russian balaclava 1x battle ushanka 1x russian battle coat 1x Mosin Nagant 1x Mosin Nagant Armory Contraband – requires hacking the console. SWAT Crate 2400 2x swat helmetSwathelmet.png 2x swat suitMK.I SWAT Suit.png 2x security gas mask Security Gas Mask.png 2x military assault belt 2x gorilla gloves BGloves.png

Armory Thermal Pistol Crate 1400 2x thermal shoulder holsters

Each holster comes packaged with both the inferno pistol and the cryo pistol. Engineering Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Anti-breach Shield Projector Crate 600 2x anti-breach shield generator Anti-Breach Shielding Projector.png

APLU MK-I Crate 2000 1x Ripley chassis 1x Ripley torso 1x Ripley right arm 1x Ripley left arm 1x Ripley right leg 1x Ripley left leg 1x capacitor Capacitor.png 1x scanning module Scanning Module.gif 1x Ripley Central Control module (Exosuit Board) 1x Ripley Peripherals Control module (Exosuit Board) 1x exosuit drill 1x hydraulic clamp

Conveyor Assembly Crate 700 30x conveyor belts ConveyorBelt.png 1x conveyor switch 1x set of instructions

Engineering Gear Crate 800 3x toolbelt Utilitybelt.png 3x hazard vest Hazard.png 3x welding helmet WeldingHelmet.png 3x hard hat HardHat.png 2x meson hud MGlasses.png

Insulated Gloves Crate 1600 3x insulated gloves IGloves.png

NT-75 Electromagnetic Power Inducers Crate 800 2x inducer (power cells included) Inducer.png

P.A.C.M.A.N. Generator Crate 1000 1x p.a.c.m.a.n. generator Pacman.png

Power Cell Crate 600 3x high-capacity power cell Power cell.png

Shuttle Engine Crate 1200 1x shuttle engine

CE Office Toolbox Crate 1000 3x electrical toolbox Ytoolbox.png 3x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png

Portable Air Pump Crate 900 2x portable air pump PortablePump.png

Portable Scrubber Crate 900 2x portable scrubber PortableScrubber.png

Huge Portable Scrubber Crate 1500 1x huge portable scrubber

Space Heater Crate 400 1x space heater

Bluespace Artillery Parts 6000 1x Bluespace Artillery Bore (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Fusor (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Generator (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Controls (Computer Board) Circuitboard.png

Only available if BSA is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. DNA Vault Parts 4800 1x DNA Vault (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 5x DNA sampler Hspray.png

Only available if DNA Vault is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. DNA Vault Samplers 1200 5x DNA sampler Hspray.png Only available if DNA Vault is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Shield Generator Satellite 1200 3x meteor shield satellite Only available if Station Shield is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Shield System Control Board: 2000 1x Satellite Network Control (Computer Board) Circuitboard.png Only available if Station Shield is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Engine Construction Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Emitter Crate 800 2x emitter Emitter On.gif

CE Office Field Generator Crate 600 2x field generator Field Generator.gif

Grounding Rod Crate 1600 4x grounding rod Grounding rod.gif

Solar Panel Crate 1000 21x solar panel assembly 1x circuit board (solar control) 1x tracker electronics 1x paper- 'going green! setup your own solar array instructions.'

Supermatter Shard Crate 4000 1x supermatter shard

CE Office Tesla Coil Crate 2000 4x tesla coil

HFR Crate 4600 4x HFR box (corner) 1x HFR box (fuel input) 1x HFR box (moderator input) 1x HFR box (waste output) 1x HFR box (interface) 1x HFR box (core)

CE Office Canisters & Materials Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes 50 Cardboard Sheets 400 50x cardboard Sheet cardboard1.png

50 Empty License Plates 400 50x empty license plates

50 Glass Sheets 400 50x glass Glass.png

50 Metal Sheets 400 50x metal Metal.png

20 Plasteel Sheets 3000 20x plasteel Metal r.png

50 Plasteel Sheets 6600 50x plasteel Metal r.png

50 Plastic Sheets 400 50x plastic Sheet plastic1.png

30 Sandstone Blocks 400 30x sandstone brick Sandstone brick.png

50 Wood Planks 800 50x wooden plank Planks.png

BZ Canister Crate 3200 1x BZ canister BZ canister.png

Toxins Storage Carbon Dioxide Canister 1200 1x carbon dioxide canister CO2 Canister.png

Firefighting Foam Tank Crate 600 1x firefighting foam tank Foam tank.png

Fuel tank crate 320 1x fuel tank FuelTank.png

Large Water Tank Crate 480 1x high-capacity water tank High capacity water tank.png

Large Fuel Tank Crate 800 1x high capacity fuel tank High capacity fuel tank.png

Nitrogen Canister 800 1x nitrogen canister N2 Canister.png

Nitrous Oxide Canister 1200 1x nitrous oxide canister N2O Canister.png

Atmospherics Oxygen Canister 600 1x oxygen canister O2 Canister.png

Water Tank Crate 240 1x water tank WaterTank.png

Water Vapor Canister 800 1x water vapor canister Water vapor.png

Medical Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Blood Pack Variety Crate 1400 1x Empty blood bag

1x A+ Blood 1x A- Blood

1x B+ Blood 1x B- Blood

1x O+ Blood 1x O- Blood

1x L- Blood (lizard) 1x Liquid Electricity pack (ethereal)

Medipen Variety-Pak 700 2x medipen MediPen.png 3x emergency first-aid autoinjector MediPen.png 3x hypovolemic-response autoinjector MediPen.png

Chemical Starter Kit Crate 520 1x bottle of hydrogen 1x bottle of carbon 1x bottle of nitrogen 1x bottle of oxygen 1x bottle of fluorine 1x bottle of phosphorus 1x bottle of silicon 1x bottle of chlorine 1x bottle of radium 1x bottle of sulphuric acid 1x bottle of ethanol 1x bottle of potassium 1x science goggles Science Goggles.png 1x dropper Eyedropper.png 1x box of beakers

Each bottle contains 30u chemicals. Defibrillator Crate 1000 2x defibrillator Defib.png

IV Drip Crate 400 1x IV drip machine IV Drip.png

Medical Supplies crate 800 Ten random items out of: 1x multiver bottle 1x epinephrine bottle 1x morphine bottle 1x toxin bottle 1x large beaker 1x insulin pill 1x medical gauze Gauze.png 1x box of beakers 1x box of medical prays 1x box of syringes Srybox.png 1x box of bodybags 1x first-aid kit SMed.png 1x oxygen deprivation treatment kit O2med.png 1x toxin treatment kit Tmed.png 1x brute trauma treatment kit Brutefak.png 1x burn treatment kit Bmed.png 1x defibrillator Defib.png 1x O- Blood pack 1x pill bottle containing 3x brute patch and 1x burn patch 1x neurine pill (10u) 1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit

Surgical Supplies Crate 1200 1x roller bed 1x sterilizer spray

a surgical duffel bag containing: 1x scalpel Scalpel.png 1x hemostat Hemostat.png 1x retractor Retractor.png 1x circular saw Saw.png 1x surgical drill Drill.png 1x cautery Cautery.png 1x surgical drapes Drapes.png 1x sterile mask Sterilemask.png 1x electric razor Heavy-Duty Saline Canister 1200 1x saline drip

Medbay A 5000u container with Saline-Glucose Solution. Virus crate 1000 1x flu virion culture bottle 1x rhinovirus culture bottle 4x random viruses 1x (fake)GBS culture bottle 1x magnitis culture bottle 1x Pierrot's Throat culture bottle 1x brainrot culture bottle 1x hallucigen virion culture bottle 1x anxiety culture bottle 1x beesease culture bottle

1x box of syringes 1x box of beakers

1x bottle of unstable mutagen

CMO Office Chief Medical Officer Turtlenecks 400 1x chief medical officer's turtleneck 1x chief medical officer's turtleneck skirt CMO Office Science Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Phoron Assembly Crate 400 3x phoron tank

3x igniter

3x proximity sensor

3x timer

Ordnance Lab Raw Flux Anomaly 2000 1x raw flux core Rawcore Flux.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Hallucination Anomaly 2000 1x raw hallucination core

Ordnance Lab Raw Gravitational Anomaly 2000 1x raw gravitational core Rawcore Grav.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Vortex Anomaly 2000 1x raw vortex core Rawcore Vortex.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Bluespace Anomaly 2000 1x raw bluespace core Rawcore Bluespace.png

Ordnance Lab Raw Pyro Anomaly 2000 1x raw pyro core Rawcore Pyro.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Delimber Anomaly 2000 1x raw delimber core

Ordnance Lab Robotics Assembly Crate 600 4x proximity sensor Prox Sensor.png 2x empty first aid kit SMed.png 2x health analyzer Healthanalyzer.png 2x firefighter helmet Fire Helmet.png 2x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png 2x cleanbot assembly

Robotics RPED Crate 600 1x RPED (Rapid Part Exchange Device) RPED.gif containing 10x of each tier 1 stock part Shield Generator Crate 800 4x shield generator

Teleporter Tank Transfer Valve Crate 2400 2x tank transfer valve Tank Transfer Valve.png

RD Office Monkey Mind Magnification Helmet crate 600 2x Monkey Mind Magnification Helmet Monkeymind.gif

Turns monkeys sentient while helmet is worn (by asking ghosts to take control). One use per helmet. Doesn't work on monkeys already sentient. Cytology supplies crate 600 1x microscope Microscope.png 1x biopsy tool Biopsy.png 2x petri dish Petri dish.png 1x swab Swab.png 1x science plumbing constructor Science plumbing constructor.png Used for cytology. MOD core crate 600 3x MODsuit core Modcore.gif

Robotics Service Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Cargo Supplies Crate 350 1x GRANTED rubber stamp 1x DENIED rubber stamp 1x export scanner 1x destination tagger 1x hand labeler Labler.png 1x stack of package wrapper Package Wrapper.png

High-traction Floor Tiles 800 30x no-slip floor tiles

Janitorial Supplies Crate 400 3x bucket Bucket.png 1x mop Mop.png 1x broom Broom.png 3x wet floor sign Wetfloorsign.png 1x trash bag Trashbag.png 1x space cleaner Cleaner.png 1x damp rag Rag.png 3x cleaner grenade Grenade.png

Janitorial Cart and Galoshes Crate 800 1x janitorial cart Janitorial Cart.png 1x galoshes Jshoe.png

Janitor Backpack Crate 400 1x janitor backpack watertank

Janitor MULEbot Crate 800 1x mulebot MULE.gif

Party Equipment Crate 1000 1x box of drinking glasses 1x shaker 1x Wrapp Artiste Patron 1x College Girl Goldschlager 2x Magm-Ale 4x space beer 7x glowstick (7 different colors)

Premium Carpet Crate 400 100x carpet Carpet Tile.png 100x black carpet

Exotic Carpet Crate 1600 100x blue carpet 100x cyan carpet 100x green carpet 100x orange carpet 100x purple carpet 100x red carpet 100x royal blue carpet 100x royal black carpet Exotic Carpet Crate 3000 120x simple white neon carpet 120x simple black neon carpet 120x simple red neon carpet 120x simple orange neon carpet 120x simple yellow neon carpet 120x simple lime neon carpet 120x simple green neon carpet 120x simple teal neon carpet 120x simple cyan neon carpet 120x simple blue neon carpet 120x simple purple neon carpet 120x simple violet neon carpet 120x simple pink neon carpet

Replacement Lights 400 3x box of replacement bulbs

Shaft Miner Starter Kit 800 a mining conscription kit Dufflebag.png containing: 1x mining access card 1x compact pickaxe Pickaxe.png 1x pair of optical meson scanners MGlasses.png 1x automatic mining scanner MiningScanner.png 1x cargo radio headset Cargoheadset.png 1x mining satchel OreSatchel.png 1x explorer suit Explorersuit.png 1x supply radio encryption key 1x explorer gas mask ExplorerGasMask.gif

Quartermaster Survival Knives Crate 600 3x survival knife Wedding Crate 600 1x wedding dress 1x tuxedo 1x cummerbund 1x wedding veil 1x bouquet 1x sunflower bouquet 1x poppy bouquet 1x bottle of champagne Champagne bottle.png

Grey ID Card Multipack Crate 600 1x box of grey identification cards Id regular.png

Silver ID Card Crate 1400 1x silver identification card Id silver.png

Empty Crate 280 1x empty crate

Donk Pocket Variety Crate 800 3x random boxes of donk pockets

Ready-Donk Variety Crate 600 3x random box of Ready-Donk

Food & Hydroponics Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Beekeper Suit Crate 400 2x Beekeeper suit 2x Beekeeper helmet

Beekeping Starter Crate 600 1x Apiary Apiary.png 3x Honey Frame Honey frame.png 1x Queen Bee Beequeen.gif 1x Beekeeper suit 1x Beekeeper helmet 1x flyswatter

Excellent Meat Crate 800 15x random meat Meat.png

Exotic Seeds Crate 600 1x pack of nettle seeds Nettleseed.png 1x pack of replica pod seeds Replicapodseed.png 1x pack of plump-helmet mycelium Plumphelmetseed.png 1x pack of liberty-cap mycelium Libertycapseed.png 1x pack of fly amanita mycelium Amanitaseeds.png 1x pack of reishi mycelium Reishiseeds.png 1x pack of bamboo seeds Bambooseed.png 1x pack of egg-plant seeds Eggyseed.png 1x pack of rainbow bunch seeds Seed-rainbowbunch.png 1x pack of shrub seeds Shrubseed.png 2x pack of strange seeds Seed-x.png

Food Crate 400 1x flour sack Flour.png 1x rice sack Rice.png 1x space milk Milk.png 1x soymilk 1x salt shaker Salt.png 1x peppermill Pepper.png 1x egg box 1x universal enzyme Universal Enzyme.png 1x sugar Sugar.gif 1x meat Meat.png 3x banana Banana.png

Fruit Crate 600 15 random fruits out of: 1x lime Lime.png 1x orange Orange.png 1x watermelon Watermelon.png 1x apple Apple.png 1x berries Berry.png 1x lemon Lemon.png

High-yield Clown-grade Cream Pie Crate 2400 1x duffel bag filled with cream pies Pie.gif

Contraband – requires hacking the console. The crate is named 'Party equipment crate' Hydroponics Crate 600 2x Plant-B-Gone spray 2x ammonia bottle 1x hatchet 1x cultivator 1x plant analyzer 1x botanist's leather gloves 1x apron 1x plant data disks box

Hydroponics Backpack Crate 400 1x backpack water tank

Hydroponics Pizza Crate 2000 1x margherita pizza Margheritapizza.png 1x mushroom pizza Mushroompizza.png 1x meat pizza Meatpizza.png 1x vegetable pizza Vegepizza.png 1x pineapple pizza

Potted Plant Crate 300 5x random potted plant

Seeds Crate 400 1x pack of chili seeds Chiliseed.png 1x pack of cotton seeds 1x pack of berry seeds Berryseed.png 1x pack of corn seeds Cornseed.png 1x pack of eggplant seeds Eggplantseed.png 1x pack of tomato seeds Tomatoseeds.png 1x pack of soybean seeds Soybeanseeds.png 1x pack of wheat seeds Wheatseeds.png 1x pack of rice seeds Riceseed.png 1x pack of carrot seeds Carrotseed.png 1x pack of sunflower seeds Sunflowerseed.png 1x pack of chanterelle mycelium Chanterelleseed.png 1x pack of potato seeds Potatoseed.png 1x pack of sugarcane seeds Sugarcaneseed.png

Vegetables Crate 360 15 random vegetables out of: 1x chili Chili.png 1x corn Corn.png 1x tomato Tomato.png 1x potato Potato.png 1x carrot Carrot.png 1x chanterelle Chanterelle.png 1x onion Onion.png 1x pumpkin Pumpkin.png

Grilling Starter Kit 1600 5x Coal 1x Grill Grill on.gif 1x Monkey Energy Monkey energy.png

Grilling Fuel Kit 800 10x Coal 1x Monkey Energy Monkey energy.png

Tiziran Supply Box 600 1x Tiziran Farm-Fresh Pack 1x Tiziran Canned Goods Pack 1x Tiziran Meatmarket Pack

Mothic Supply Box 600 1x Mothic Farm-Fresh Pack 1x Mothic Pantry Pack 1x Mothic Rations Pack

Livestock Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Bird Crate 1600 5x parrot E.png

Butterflies Crate 1000 1x box of butterflies

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Cat Crate 2000 1x cat D.png 1x pet collar 1x cat toy

Chicken Crate 800 1x chick Chick.png

Corgi Crate 2000 1x corgi Ian.PNG 1x pet collar

Cow Crate 1200 1x cow Cow.png

Crab Rocket 1600 50x crab Ww.png

Drop pod only Exotic Corgi Crate 2200 1x exotic corgi of random color 1x pet collar

Fox Crate 2000 1x fox 1x pet collar

Goat Crate 1000 1x goat Goat.png

Monkey Cube Crate 800 1x monkey cube box Monkey Cube Box.png

Pug Crate 2000 1x pug 1x pet collar

Bull Terrier Crate 2000 1x bull terrier

Snake Crate 1200 3x snake Snake.png

Customes & Toys Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Collectable Hats Crate 8000 Three random items out of: collectable chef's hat collectable paper hat collectable top hat collectable captain's hat collectable beret collectable welding helmet collectable flat cap collectable pirate hat collectable kitty ears collectable rabbit ears collectable wizard's hat collectable hard hat collectable HoS hat collectable HoP hat collectable Thunderdome helmet collectable SWAT helmet collectable slime hat collectable police officer's hat collectable xenomorph helmet! ultra rare Pete's hat!

Contraband crate 1200 Seven random items out of:

2x random rolled-up contraband poster 1x pack of cannabis seeds Cannabisseed.png 1x pack of rainbow weed seeds Rainbowweedseed.png 1x pack of lifeweed seeds Lifeweedseed.png 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “yellow pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “happy pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “sunshine pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “smooth pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “stimulant pills” (not actual stimulant) 1x suspicious looking deck of cards Syndi cards.png 1x [MOVE ALONG CITIZEN] extra-strong absinthe 1x tacticool turtleneck 1x pack of syndicate cigarettes Syngarettes.png 1x Shady Jim's Super Slims packet 1x syndicate mask 1x gold necklace 1x Donksoft Toy Vendor restocking unit Contraband – requires hacking the console. Foam Force Crate 400 8x foam force shotgun

Foam Force Pistols Crate 1600 2x foam force pistol Toy gun.png 2x foam force pistol magazine, loaded with foam darts

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Formalwear Crate 800 1x black tango dress 2x formal assistant jumpsuit 1x blue suit 1x blue suit jacket 1x purple suit 1x purple suit jacket 1x black suit 1x black suit jacket 1x waistcoat

1x blue tie 1x red tie 1x black tie

1x bowler hat 1x fedora 1x flat cap 1x beret 1x top-hat

3x laceup shoes

1x charcoal suit 1x navy suit 1x burgundy suit 1x checkered suit 1x tan suit

1x lipstick (of random color)

Hilarious Firing Pin Crate 2000 1x hilarious firing pin (makes guns honk instead of shoot)

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Laser Tag Firing Pin Crate 700 1x box of laser tag firing pins (guns only firable when wearing same color laser tag armor)

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Laser Tag Crate 400 3x red laser tag gun 3x blue laser tag gun

3x red laser tag armor 3x blue laser tag armor 3x red laser tag helmet 3x blue laser tag helmet

Mech Pilot's Suit Crate 600 4x mech pilot's suit

Original Costume Crate 400 1x snowman suit 1x snowman suit head 1x chicken suit 1x chicken suit head 1x monkey suit 1x monkey mask 1x cardborg suit 1x cardborg helmet 1x xeno suit 1x xeno suit head 1x corgi costume 1x carp costume 1x bee costume

Standard Costume Crate 400 1x Giggles Von Honkerton 1x clown shoes Clown shoes.png 1x clown wig and mask 1x clown suit 1x bike horn

1x mime's outfit 1x black shoes 1x white gloves 1x mime mask 1x french beret 1x suspenders 1x bottle of nothing 1x Parcel Parceaux

Theatre Toy Crate 1600 5 random prizes usually found in arcade machines.

Wizard Costume Crate 800 1x wizard staff 1x wizard robe 1x wizard hat 1x sandals

Cosa Nostra Starter Pack 800 4x complete mafia outfits 4x pictures of the virgin Mary 0-4x Italian moustaches 10% chance of a single switchblade.

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Big-Ass Booster Pack Pack 1000 10x random trading card packs

Miscellaneous Supplies Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Art Supplies 360 1x rapid pipe cleaner layer 1x artistic toolbox 3x spraycan 1x box of crayons Crayonbox.png 1x white crayon 1x rainbow crayon Crayon.png

Tattoo Kit 360 1x tattoo kit 2x toner cartridge

Aquarium Kit 1000 1x fish catalog 3x random freshwater fish 1x fish feed 1x box of aquarium props 1x aquarium kit

Aquarium Fish Case 400 2x random fish cases

Freshwater Fish Case 400 2x random freshwater fish

Saltwater Fish Case 400 2x random saltwater fish

Tirizan Fish Case 400 2x random fish of Tiziran origin.

Bicycle Crate 1,000,000 1x Bicycle.png bicycle

You are not expected to actually afford this. Big Band Instrument Collection 2000 1x violin 1x guitar 1x glockenspiel 1x accordion 1x saxophone 1x trombone 1x recorder 1x harmonica 1x piano

Book Crate 600 1x Codex Gigas 3x random manuals 3x random books

Command Encryption Key Crate 600 3x Command radio encryption key Command Exploration Drone 1000 1x Exploration drone Drone Fuel Pellet 600 1x Standard fuel pellet Bureaucracy Crate 640 1x film cartridge 1x rolling chest drawer 1x hand labeler Labler.png 2x hand labeler paper roll 1x paper bin PaperTray.png 2x pen (fourcolor) 4x pen (grey/fountain/blue/red) Pen.png 3x folder (blue/red/yellow) 2x clipboard 1x GRANTED rubber stamp 1x DENIED rubber stamp 1x laser pointer

Calligraphy Crate 290 1x box of fountain pens (7 pens)

Festive Wrapping Paper Crate 360 1x stack of 25 wrapping paper (fancy)

Funeral Supply Crate 320 1x burial garments 1x harebell 1x geranium

Delivered in a coffin. Empty Supplypod 120 1x empty supply pod

Drop pod only Religious Supplies Crate 1200 2x flask of holy water 2x bible 2x follower hoodie The bibles have something secret stored.

Toner Crate 400 6x toner cartridge

Toner Crate (Large) 1200 6x large toner cartridge

Training Toolbox Crate 400 2x training toolbox

Black Market LTSRBT 4000 1x Long-To-Short-Range-Bluespace-Transciever (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 2x artificial bluespace crystal 1x subspace ansible Subspace ansible.png

Contraband – requires hacking the console. A machine for use with the craftable black market uplink (from crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png). Fishing Portal Generator Crate 800 1x Fish-porter 3000

Vending Restocks Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Booze-o-mat and Coffee Supply Crate 800 1x Booze-O-Mat restocking unit 1x Solar's Best Hot Drinks restocking Cigarette Supply Crate 600 1x ShadyCigs Deluxe restocking unit

Dinnerware Supply Crate 400 1x Dinnerware restocking Unit

Deluxe Silicate Selections restocking unit 600 1x Deluxe Silicate Selections restocking unit

EngiVend Supply Crate 600 1x Engi-Vend restocking Unit

Games Supply Crate 400 1x Good Clean Fun restocking unit

Hydroponics Vending Machines Refills 800 1x MegaSeed Servitor restocking Unit 1x NutriMax restocking Unit

Imported Vending Machines 1600 1x Sustenance restocking Unit 1x Robotech Deluxe restocking Unit 1x BODA restocking Unit 1x Robco Tool Maker restocking Unit

Medical Vending Crate 1000 1x NanoMed restocking unit 1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit

PTech Supply Crate 600 1x PTech restocking Unit

SecTech Supply Crate 600 1x SecTech restocking Unit

Security Snack Supply Crate 600 1x Getmore Chocolate Corp restocking unit

Softdrinks Supply Crate 600 1x Robust Softdrinks restocking unit

Part-Mart & YouTool Supply Crate 400 1x Part-Mart restocking unit 1x YouTool restocking unit

ClothesMate Supply Crate 400 1x ClothesMate restocking unit

Autodrobe Supply Crate 600 1x AutoDrobe restocking unit

Cargo Wardrobe Supply Crate 300 1x CargoDrobe restocking unit

Engineering Wardrobe Supply Crate 600 1x EngiDrobe restocking unit 1x AtmosDrobe restocking unit

General Wardrobes Supply Crate 1200 1x CuraDrobe restocking unit 1x BarDrobe restocking unit 1x ChefDrobe restocking unit 1x ChapDrobe restocking unit

Hydrobe Supply Crate 300 1x HyDrobe restocking unit

JaniDrobe Supply Crate 300 1x JaniDrobe restocking unit

Medical Wardrobe Supply Crate 1200 1x MediDrobe restocking unit 1x ChemDrobe restocking unit 1x GeneDrobe restocking unit 1x ViroDrobe restocking unit

Science Wardrobe Supply Crate 600 1x RoboDrobe restocking unit 1x SciDrobe restocking unit

Security Wardrobe Supply Crate 800 1x SecDrobe restocking unit 1x DetDrobe restocking unit 1x LawDrobe restocking unit

ABCU Unit Crate 5000 Credits 1x ABC-U, 1x blueprint marker Anti-Singularity Pack 10000 Credits 1x Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher, 5x Singularity Buster rockets, 1x paper-How to properly operate Singularity Buster rocket launcher Construction Equipment 7000 Credits 1x miniaturized lamp manufacturer (human version), 1x Floor and Wall Designer, 1x construction worker's overalls (orange) Mechanics Reconstruction Kit 35000 Credits 1x Ruckingenur frame, 1x Manufacturer frame, 1x reclaimer frame, 1x device analyzer, 1x soldering iron, 1x deconstruction device Small Magnet Kit 100000 Credits 1x Magnetizer, 1x Low Performance Magnet Kit, 1x Magnet Chassis Frame Magnet Kit 75000 Credits 1x Magnetizer, 1x High Performance Magnet Kit, 1x Magnet Chassis Frame Manufacturer Kit 8000 Credits Frames: 1x General Manufacturer, 1x Mining Manufacturer, 1x Gas Extractor, 1x Clothing Manufacturer, 1x Reclaimer Basic Power Kit 20000 Credits Frames: 1x SMES cell, 2x Furnace Medical Department Item Cost Contents Medical: First Aid Crate 1000 Credits x10 assorted medkits, specifically: 2x general first aid kits, 2x brute medkits, 2x fire medkits, 2x toxin medkits, 1x oxygen deprivation medkit, 1x neurological medkit Medical: Medical Reservoir Crate 1750 Credits 2x Hyposprays (empty), 2x auto-menders (empty), 1x Syringe Kit (box of 7 syringes), 2x morphine bottles (30 units of morphine), 4x “reserve tanks” each containing common medicine, split up as: x1 anti-tox (charcoal) (has 100 u), 1x epinephrine (100u), 1x silver sulfadiazine (400 u), 1x styptic powder (400u) Robotics Crate 7500 Credits x1 Securitron, x1 Floorbot, x1 Cleanbot, x1 Medibot, x1 Firebot Prosthetic Augmentation Kit 2000 Credits 6x - 8x Random Augmentations Restricted Medicine Shipment 6000 Credits 6x bottles each containing 30 units of advanced medicine, split up as: 1x ether, 1x haloperidol, 1x omnizine, 1x pentetic acid, 2x perflurodecalin Cyborg Component Crate 4500 Credits 1x sturdy cyborg head, 1x standard cyborg chest, 1x sturdy cyborg left arm, 1x sturdy cyborg right arm, 1x standard cyborg left leg, 1x standard cyborg right leg, 1x robot frame, 1x cable coil Morgue Supplies 10000 Credits 1x bible, 1x syringe, 1x “embalming fluid bottle” (50 units of formaldehyde), 10x body bag, 1x coffin (it's the container all this ships in) Blood Bank 3000 Credits 4x blood packs Medbay kit 10000 Credits 1x Defibrillator, 2x Hypospray, 1x Medical Belt, Frames: 1x NanoMed, 1x Medical Records computer Operating Room kit 15000 Credits 1x Staple Gun, 1x Defibrillator, 2x Scalpel, 2x Circular Saw, 1x Hemostat, 2x Suture, 1x Enucleation Spoon, Frames: 1x Medical Fabricator, 1x Operating Table Robotics kit 20000 Credits 1x Staple Gun, 1x Scalpel, 1x Circular Saw, Frames: 1x Robotics Fabricator, 1x Operating Table, 1x Module Rewriter, 1x Recharge station Genetics kit 30000 Credits Circuitboards: 1x DNA Modifier, 1x DNA Scanner Cloning kit 30000 Credits Circuitboards: 1x Cloning Console, Frames: 1x Cloning Scanner, 1x Cloning Pod, 1x Enzymatic Reclaimer Research Department Item Cost Contents Lab Monkey Crate - 4 pack 2500 Credits x4 Monkey, x1 vocal translator Note: While it doesn't mention it on the order menu, the crate is access-locked to people with Medical Lockers and Toxins Storage access, i.e. a Research Director, Scientist, Medical Director, Medical Doctor, Roboticist, or Geneticist can open them, but not a Quartermaster Chemistry Resupply Crate (Cardlocked [Research]) 500 Credits x1 Beaker Box (7x 50 unit beakers), x1 Mechanical Dropper, x1 Spectroscopic Goggles, x1 Reagent Scanner, x6 reagent bottles each containing 50 units of common chemical precusors, split up as: 1x acetone, 1x ammonia, 1x diethylamine, 1x oil, 1x phenol, and 1x sulfuric acid Chemistry Resupply Crate 500 Credits x4 Large beakers, x2 Beaker Boxes (7x 50 unit beakers in each), x6 reagent bottles each containing 50 units of common chemical precusors, split up as: 1x acetone, 1x ammonia, 1x diethylamine, 1x oil, 1x phenol, and 1x sulfuric acid Artifact Research Kit 80000 Credits Frames: 5x Data Terminal, 1x Pitcher, 1x Impact pad, 1x Heater pad, 1x Electric box, 1x X-Ray machine Security Department Item Cost Contents Weapons Crate - Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 10000 Credits x1 helmet, x1 armor vest, x1 Handcuff Kit, x1 assistant requisition token Security Containment Crate - Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 1000 Credits x1 Port-a-Brig and remote Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 12000 Credits 1x Clock 180, 1x Elite Security Helmet, 1x “experimental grenade box” (1x high-range incendiary, 3x incendiary, 3x cryo), 1x “security-issue grenade box” (2x crowd dispersal grenades, 2x smoke grenades, 1x stinger grenade, 1x flashbang, 1x shock grenade) Weapons Crate - Phasers (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 5000 Credits x2 Phaser Gun Anti-Biological Hazard Supplies (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 7000 Credits 1x Flamethrower, 2x Flare gun box (1x flare gun and 1x box of flares) Counter-Revolutionary Kit 6000 Credits 4x Counter-revolutionary implants, 2x Implanter Supplementary Video

Ordering crates

Additionally, you can receive supply points by shipping items back to CentCom:

All contents inside of a crate are kept by Central Command, make sure you only return stuff you have no need for or want to sell.

Crates are containers for items. Especially large items – such as lockers, certain robots or equipment – cannot fit inside. Just because an item comes packed in a crate when the Quartermaster receives it doesn't mean it will go back inside once the crate is opened!

Supply Crates are ordered at Cargo Bay by either a Cargo Technician or the Quartermaster. You can also send them a request via PDA or the Requests Console. More crates can be found around the station.

Contents 1 Give Onto the QM his Dues 2 Crate Locks and Access 3 Making Money 3.1 Exports 3.2 Bounties 4 Ordering Crates 4.1 Buying Directly 4.2 Supply Drop Pods 4.2.1 Upgrading the Supply Drop Pods 5 Crates 5.1 Emergency 5.2 Security 5.3 Armory 5.4 Engineering 5.5 Engine Construction 5.6 Canisters & Materials 5.7 Medical 5.8 Science 5.9 Service 5.10 Food & Hydroponics 5.11 Livestock 5.12 Customes & Toys 5.13 Miscellaneous Supplies Give Onto the QM his Dues The Quartermaster can order a whole lot of crates and he usually wants the crate back after you've taken your supplies. They are worth a certain amount of points which can be used to get more supplies for the station's whole benefit. The quartermasters like it when people bring crates, and will often give things without hassle to people with crates brought in.

Crate Locks and Access Just like the rest of the station, crates have variable levels of access. The QM can't unlock anything that is locked by default, for various reasons, the primary one being it would be pointless to make because all crates go through the QM anyway. Security crates can be opened by security personnel and those with higher access, et cetera. An emag can get into locked crates, however, or you can get resourceful. You can also move cash from the cargo budget ID and insert it into a private ID, and then use the Buy Directly option.

Making Money Cargo budget starts off with 5,000 credits. This is the budget you use to buy crates, and this is where money from exports ends up. The QM can access this budget with the departmental card (Cargo Budget) found in his/her bag. If the QM has lost the budget card, you can also insert space cash into the bank machine in the vault to make it go directly into the cargo budget. The Quartermaster can enter the vault by using the supply door remote, found in the QM's locker.

Exports You can receive credits by shipping items back to CentCom. Examples:

You will get 500 credits per crate. Every ordered crate has a “shipping manifest” on it. You rip it off by clicking the crate. Stamp that shipping manifest with any stamp except the denied stamp, then put it into a crate and close it. Shipping that crate will then give you 200 extra credits. 5-1,000 credits per sheet of material (depends on material rarity, metal/glass the least rare and diamond/bananium the most). Every sheet of phoron shipped will give you 200 credits. 100-500 credits per fuel tanks and water tanks, depending on how full they are. 5,000-40,000 credits for some of the rare artifacts that your Shaft Miners might find. Make sure you scan the item with an Export Scanner before selling.

Crates are money. Find them. Hoard them greedily. Steal them if need be. The more crates you send back, the more stuff you can order. Other things are money, too. If you think about, the station is really just a huge pile of money. Experiment! You can use your Export Scanner once linked with a Cargo Console to verify the price of an item before you export it. Just because you think a good might be worth something doesn't mean that CentCom wants it!

Bounties The Nanotrasen bounty console can be checked for a list of Bounties. These are items you can ship for one time credit rewards. Most of them may require cooperation from other departments. You can print the list. After you have delivered a bounty to CentCom, you must go to the Bounty Console and click “Claim” on the completed entry to receive the reward. You can scan an item with your Export Scanner to see if it's eligable for a bounty.

Ordering Crates To spend the money you made, you need to order crates. The price of these crates is pulled from the cargo budget on departure from CentCom, unless you use Buy Directly.

The supply request console Order Request Console.png is typically public, and lets anyone request an order. Unless you use Buy Directly, this console asks the requester to type a reason for each order. This reason appears on the supply console, where the request must be approved or denied. The requisition form printed is only used for documentation. The supply console Supply Shuttle Console.png lets you order crates, and approve/reject orders made on a supply request console. It's also used to call and send the supply shuttle. Do this by clicking the “Cargo Bay” or “CentCom” text near the top. When the shuttle is called from CentCom, it will ship your placed orders to the cargo bay, if you can afford them.

Buying Directly Anyone placing an order at a supply console or supply request console has the choice to click the Buy Directly button. Doing so will charge money directly from that person's worn ID, instead of from the cargo budget. It will cost a 10% extra fee (which goes to the cargo budget), and the crate will be access-restricted to the buyer instead of having its ordinary access requirement.

Supply Drop Pods Once Mining Technology has been researched, you are able to print an Express Supply Console computer board from the cargo techfab. Building an Express Supply Console and then swiping it with a QM-level ID card will unlock an interface similar to the Supply Console. Ordering any crate with this console will have it delivered instantly with a drop pod. The drop pod causes a fiery explosion. The drop location will be a random spot in Cargo Bay, unless you emag it, or print a Supply Pod Beacon for 500 credits. You can use the console to change the drop location to that of the last printed beacon. Printing a new beacon will make the first beacon permanently useless. Use teamwork to have one person take the beacon to locations where crates need to be delivered, while the other person orders the crate. The drop pods themselves must be dismantled with a welder.

Upgrading the Supply Drop Pods Once Bluespace Travel has been researched, the cargo techfab will be able to print a Supply Drop Pod Upgrade Disk. Inserting this disk into the Express Supply Console will upgrade its drop pods by making their explosion size smaller, and making them automatically teleport out after landing. After upgrading you must unlock the console again and print a new beacon.

Crates Following is a list of the crates available and their contents. Entries marked with “Small item” can be ordered together with other small items, which automatically bundles them into a single crate per purchaser. All access restrictions on small item orders will then stack on that crate, making you require all of them to open it.

Emergency Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Biker Gang Kit 2000 1x all terrain vehicle Atv.png and keys Atv keys.png 1x leather overcoat 1x black gloves 1x skull bandana 1x softcap

Contraband – requires hacking the console. the crate is named “Biker kit”. Biological Emergency Crate 2000 2x bio hood BioSuitHood.png 2x bio-suit BioSuit.png 1x bio bag Bio bag.png 2x syringe (spaceacillin) 2x nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves.png

Emergency Bot/Internals Crate 3500 2x floorbot Floorbot.gif 2x medbot Medibot.gif 5x air tank OxygenTank.png 5x breath mask BreathMask.png

Explosive Emergency Crate 1500 1x bomb hood BombHood.png 1x bomb suit Bomb-suit.png 1x gas mask Gas mask.png 1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png 1x wirecutters Wirecutters.png 1x multitool Multitool.png

Firefighting Crate 1000 2x emergency firesuit Firesuit.png 2x gas mask Gas mask.png 2x flashlight Flashlight.png 2x red oxygen tank OxygenTankRed.png 2x advanced fire extinguisher Advanced extinguisher0.png 2x firefighter helmet Firefighter Helmet Updated.png

Firefighting Tank Backpack 1000 1x backpack firefighter tank Waterbackpack atmos.png Atmospheric Internals Crate 1000 3x gas mask Gas mask.png 3x breath mask BreathMask.png 3x emergency oxygen tank AirTank.png 3x air tank Air Tank.png

Metal Foam Grenade Crate 1000 1x box of metal foam grenades Grenade.png

Radiation Protection Crate 1000 2x radiation suit helmet RadiationSuitHood.png 2x radiation suit RadiationSuit.png 2x geiger counter 1x bottle of vodka 2x shot glass

Space Suit Crate 2500 1x space suit 1x space helmet 1x breath mask 1x CO2 Jetpack

EVA Special Ops Supplies 2000 1x box of EMP grenades Emp grenade.png 3x smoke bomb Flashbang.gif 1x sleepy pen Pen.png 1x incendiary grenade Grenade.png

Hidden – use emag on cargo console to reveal Weed Control Crate 1500 1x scythe Scythe.png 1x gas mask Gas mask.png 2x anti-weed grenade Grenade.png

Hydroponics Security Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Ammo Crate 2500 2x wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) 46x30ammo.png 3x box of lethal shotgun shots 3x box of rubber shots 1x speed loader (.38 TRAC) 1x speed loader (.38 Hot Shot) 1x speed loader (.38 Iceblox)

Security Armor Crate 1000 3x armor Armor.png Security Disabler Crate 1500 3x disabler Disabler.png Security Forensics Crate 2000 1x detective scanner 1x evidence box 1x camera 1x tape recorder 1x white crayon 1x detective hat

Security Helmets Crate 1000 3x helmet Helmet.png Security Lasers Crate 1500 3x laser gun Laser gun.png Security Security Barrier Grenades 2000 4x barrier grenade Flashbang.gif

Security Security Clothing Crate 3000 2x Navy blue security jumpsuit 2x Red security jumpsuit 2x Navy blue security beret

1x Navy blue warden jumpsuit 1x Red warden jumpsuit 1x Navy blue warden beret

1x Navy blue Head of Security jumpsuit 1x Head of Security jumpsuit 1x Navy blue Head of Security beret

Security Security Supplies Crate 1000 1x box of flashbangs Flashbang.gif 1x box of teargas Flashbang.gif 1x box of flashes Flash.gif 1x box of handcuffs Handcuffs.png

Security SecTech Supply Crate 1500 1x SecTech restocking Unit

Security Standard Firing Pins Crate 1000 2x box of standard firing pins

Security 5 firing pins per box Paywall Firing Pins Crate 2500 2x box of paywall firing pins

Security Swipe a a firing pin with an ID to connect it to an account. Then use the pin in hand to set either a one-time price or a price per shot that users must pay to fire the gun. Price is paid with a popup first time someone tries to fire it. 5 paywall firing pins per box. Standard Justice Enforcer Crate 6000 1x helmet of justice 1x security gas mask

Security Contraband – requires hacking the console. Stun Batons Crate 1000 3x stun baton StunBaton.gif Security Wall Mounted Flash Crate 1000 4x wall-mounted flash kit Security Each kit contains: 1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png, 1x flash Flash.gif, 1x mounted flash frame, 1x flasher controller, 1x airlock electronics and 1x button frame. Armory Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Bulletproof Armor Crate 1500 3x bulletproof vest Bulletproofvest.png Armory Bulletproof Helmets Crate 1500 3x bulletproof helmet Armory Chemical Implants Crate 2000 1x chemical implant kit

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implant pad and 5 implant cases with chemical implants Implant Case.png Combat Knife Single-Pack 1200 1x combat knife Armory Small item Combat Knives Crate 3000 3x combat knife Armory Combat Shotgun Single-Pack 3200 1x combat shotgun Combatshotgun.png 1x bandolier

Armory Small item Combat Shotguns Crate 8000 3x combat shotgun Combatshotgun.png 3x bandolier

Armory DragNET Crate 1500 3x DragNETsDRAGnet.png Armory Energy Guns Single-Pack 1500 1x energy gun Energy Gun.gif

Armory Small item Energy Guns Crate 2500 2x energy gun Energy Gun.gif

Armory Exile Implants Crate 3000 1x exile implant kit

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 5 implant cases with exile implants Implant Case.png Incendiary Weapons Crate 1500 1x flamethrower 3x phoron tank 3x incendiary grenade

Bridge Mindshield Implants Crate 4000 1x lockbox (mindshield implants)

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 3 implant cases with mindshield implants Implant Case.png Tracking Implants Crate 2000 1x tracking implant kit 3x speed loader (.38 TRAC) Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implantpad, 1 locator and 4 implant cases with tracking implants Implant Case.png Reflector Vest Crate 2000 2x reflector vest Ablative.png

Armory Riot Armor Crate 1500 3x riot suit Swatarmor.png Armory Riot Helmets Crate 1500 3x riot helmet Riothelm.png Armory Riot Shields Crate 2000 3x riot shield RiotS.png Armory Russian Surplus Crate 5000 Ten random items out of:

1x ration pack 1x stripper clip (7.62mm) (5 shots) 1x ammo box containing 7x stripper clip (7.62mm) (35 shots) 1x russian vest 1x russian helmet 1x combat gloves BGloves.png 1x advanced military tracksuit 1x soviet uniform 1x russian balaclava 1x battle ushanka 1x russian battle coat 1x Mosin Nagant 1x Mosin Nagant Armory Contraband – requires hacking the console. SWAT Crate 6000 2x swat helmetSwathelmet.png 2x swat suitMK.I SWAT Suit.png 2x security gas mask Security Gas Mask.png 2x military assault belt 2x combat gloves BGloves.png

Armory WT-550 Auto Rifle Single-Pack 2000 1x WT-550 Auto Rifle Autorifle.png

Armory Small item WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate 3500 2x WT-550 Auto Rifle Autorifle.png

Armory WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate 3000 4x wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) 46x30ammo.png

Armory WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Single-Pack 750 1x wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) 46x30ammo.png

Armory Small item Engineering Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Anti-breach Shield Projector Crate 2500 2x anti-breach shield generator Anti-Breach Shielding Projector.png

APLU MK-I Crate 2000 1x Ripley chassis 1x Ripley torso 1x Ripley right arm 1x Ripley left arm 1x Ripley right leg 1x Ripley left leg 1x capacitor Capacitor.png 1x scanning module Scanning Module.gif 1x Ripley Central Control module (Exosuit Board) 1x Ripley Peripherals Control module (Exosuit Board) 1x exosuit drill 1x hydraulic clamp

Conveyor Assembly Crate 1500 15x conveyor belts ConveyorBelt.png 1x conveyor switch 1x set of instructions

Engineering Gear Crate 1300 3x toolbelt Utilitybelt.png 3x hazard vest Hazard.png 3x welding helmet WeldingHelmet.png 3x hard hat HardHat.png 2x meson hud MGlasses.png

Insulated Gloves Single-Pack 800 1x insulated gloves IGloves.png

Small item Insulated Gloves Crate 2000 3x insulated gloves IGloves.png

NT-75 Electromagnetic Power Inducers Crate 2000 2x inducer (power cells included) Inducer.png

P.A.C.M.A.N. Generator Crate 2500 1x p.a.c.m.a.n. generator Pacman.png

Power Cell Crate 1000 3x high-capacity power cell High power cell updated.png

Toolbox Crate 1000 3x electrical toolbox Ytoolbox.png 3x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png

EngiVend Supply Crate 1500 1x Engi-Vend restocking Unit

Bluespace Artillery Parts 15000 1x Bluespace Artillery Bore (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Fusor (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Generator (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Controls (Computer Board) Circuitboard.png

Only available if BSA is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. DNA Vault Parts 12000 1x DNA Vault (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 5x DNA sampler Hspray.png

Only available if DNA Vault is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. DNA Vault Samplers 3000 5x DNA sampler Hspray.png Only available if DNA Vault is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Shield Generator Satellite 3000 3x meteor shield satellite Only available if Station Shield is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Shield System Control Board: 5000 1x Satellite Network Control (Computer Board) Circuitboard.png Only available if Station Shield is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Engine Construction Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Emitter Crate 1500 2x emitter Emitter On.gif

CE Office Field Generator Crate 1500 2x field generator Field Generator.gif

Grounding Rod Crate 1700 4x grounding rod Grounding rod.gif

Particle Accelerator Crate 3000 1x EM acceleration chamber 1x particle accelerator control console 3x electromagnetic containment grid 1x particle focusing EM lens 1x alpha particle generation array

Radiation Collector Crate 2500 3x radiation collector array Radiation Collector.gif

Singularity Generator Crate 5000 1x gravitational singularity generator Gravitational Singularity Generator.png

Solar Panel Crate 2000 21x solar panel assembly 1x circuit board (solar control) 1x tracker electronics 1x paper- 'going green! setup your own solar array instructions.'

Supermatter Shard Crate 10000 1x supermatter shard

CE Office Tesla Coil Crate 2500 4x tesla coil

Tesla Generator Crate 5000 1x tesla singularity generator Tesla gen.gif

Canisters & Materials Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes 50 Cardboard Sheets 1000 50x cardboard Sheet cardboard1.png

50 Glass Sheets 1000 50x glass Glass.png

50 Metal Sheets 1000 50x metal Metal.png

20 Plasteel Sheets 7500 20x plasteel Metal r.png

50 Plasteel Sheets 16500 50x plasteel Metal r.png

50 Plastic Sheets 1000 50x plastic Sheet plastic1.png

30 Sandstone Blocks 1000 30x sandstone brick

50 Wood Planks 2000 50x wooden plank

BZ Canister Crate 8000 1x BZ canister BZ canister.png

Toxins Storage Carbon Dioxide Canister 3000 1x carbon dioxide canister CO2 Canister.png

Firefighting Foam Tank Crate 1500 1x firefighting foam tank

Fuel tank crate 800 1x fuel tank FuelTank.png

Large Water Tank Crate 1200 1x high-capacity water tank

Nitrogen Canister 2000 1x nitrogen canister N2 Canister.png

Nitrous Oxide Canister 3000 1x nitrous oxide canister N2O Canister.png

Atmospherics Oxygen Canister 1500 1x oxygen canister O2 Canister.png

Water Tank Crate 600 1x water tank WaterTank.png

Water Vapor Canister 2500 1x water vapor canister Water vapor.png

Medical Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Blood Pack Variety Crate 3500 1x Empty blood bag

1x A+ Blood 1x A- Blood

1x B+ Blood 1x B- Blood

1x O+ Blood 1x O- Blood

1x L- Blood (lizard) 1x Liquid Electricity pack (ethereal)

Bruise Treatment Kit Single-Pack 330 1x brute trauma treatment kit Brutefak.png

Small item Burn Treatment Kit Single-Pack 330 1x burn treatment kit Bmed.png

Small item Chemical Starter Kit Crate 1700 1x bottle of hydrogen 1x bottle of carbon 1x bottle of nitrogen 1x bottle of oxygen 1x bottle of fluorine 1x bottle of phosphorus 1x bottle of silicon 1x bottle of chlorine 1x bottle of radium 1x bottle of sulphuric acid 1x bottle of ethanol 1x bottle of potassium 1x science goggles Science Goggles.png 1x dropper Eyedropper.png 1x box of beakers

Each bottle contains 30u chemicals. Defibrillator Crate 2500 2x defibrillator Defib.png

First Aid Kit Single-Pack 250 1x first-aid kit SMed.png

Small item IV Drip Crate 1000 1x IV drip machine IV Drip.png

Medical Supplies crate 2000 Ten random items out of: 1x multiver bottle 1x epinephrine bottle 1x morphine bottle 1x toxin bottle 1x large beaker 1x insulin pill 1x medical gauze Gauze.png 1x box of beakers 1x box of medical prays 1x box of syringes Srybox.png 1x box of bodybags 1x first-aid kit SMed.png 1x oxygen deprivation treatment kit O2med.png 1x toxin treatment kit Tmed.png 1x brute trauma treatment kit Brutefak.png 1x burn treatment kit Bmed.png 1x defibrillator Defib.png 1x O- Blood pack 1x pill bottle containing 3x brute patch and 1x burn patch 1x neurine pill (10u) 1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit

Oxygen Deprivation Kit Single-Pack 330 1x oxygen deprivation treatment kit O2med.png

Small item Surgical Supplies Crate 3000 1x roller bed 1x sterilizer spray

a surgical duffel bag containing: 1x scalpel Scalpel.png 1x hemostat Hemostat.png 1x retractor Retractor.png 1x circular saw Saw.png 1x surgical drill Drill.png 1x cautery Cautery.png 1x surgical drapes Drapes.png 1x sterile mask Sterilemask.png 1x electric razor Toxin Treatment Kit Single-Pack 330 1x toxin treatment kit Tmed.png

Small item Heavy-Duty Saline Canister 3000 1x saline drip

Medbay A 5000u container with Saline-Glucose Solution. Virus crate 2500 1x flu virion culture bottle 1x rhinovirus culture bottle 4x random viruses 1x (fake)GBS culture bottle 1x magnitis culture bottle 1x Pierrot's Throat culture bottle 1x brainrot culture bottle 1x hallucigen virion culture bottle 1x anxiety culture bottle 1x beesease culture bottle

1x box of syringes 1x box of beakers

1x bottle of unstable mutagen

CMO Office Medical Vending Crate 2000 1x NanoMed restocking unit 1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit

Science Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Phoron Assembly Crate 1000 3x phoron tank Phoron tank.png

3x igniter Igniter.png

3x proximity sensor Prox Sensor.png

3x timer Timer.png

Toxins Storage Robotics Assembly Crate 1500 4x proximity sensor Prox Sensor.png 2x empty first aid kit SMed.png 2x health analyzer Healthanalyzer.png 2x firefighter helmet Firefighter Helmet Updated.png 2x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png 2x cleanbot assembly

Robotics RPED Crate 1500 1x RPED (Rapid Part Exchange Device) RPED.gif containing 10x of each tier 1 stock part Shield Generator Crate 2000 4x shield generator

Teleporter Tablet Crate 1500 5x Tablet

NOTE: the tablets are the “cargo” preset. Tank Transfer Valve Crate 6000 2x tank transfer valve Tank Transfer Valve.png

RD Office

Service Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Cargo Supplies Crate 1000 1x GRANTED rubber stamp 1x DENIED rubber stamp 1x export scanner 1x destination tagger 1x hand labeler Labler.png 1x stack of package wrapper Package Wrapper.png

High-traction Floor Tiles 2000 30x no-slip floor tiles

Janitorial Cart and Galoshes Crate 2000 1x janitorial cart Janitorial Cart.png 1x galoshes Jshoe.png

Janitor Backpack Crate 1000 1x janitor backpack watertank

Janitor Janitorial Supplies Crate 1000 3x bucket Bucket.png 1x mop Mop.png 3x wet floor sign 1x trash bag 1x space cleaner Cleaner.png 1x damp rag 3x cleaner grenade Grenade.png

MULEbot Crate 2000 1x mulebot MULE.gif

Party Equipment Crate 2000 1x box of drinking glasses 1x shaker 1x Wrapp Artiste Patron 1x College Girl Goldschlager 2x Magm-Ale 4x space beer 7x glowstick (7 different colors)

Premium Carpet Crate 1000 100x carpet 100x black carpet

Replacement Lights 1000 3x box of replacement bulbs

Booze-o-mat and Coffee Supply Crate 2000 1x Booze-O-Mat restocking unit 1x Solar's Best Hot Drinks restocking Cigarette Supply Crate 1500 1x ShadyCigs Deluxe restocking unit

Dinnerware Supply Crate 1000 1x Dinnerware restocking Unit

Games Supply Crate 1000 1x Good Clean Fun restocking unit

Imported Vending Machines 4000 1x Sustenance restocking Unit 1x Robotech Deluxe restocking Unit 1x BODA restocking Unit 1x Robco Tool Maker restocking Unit

PTech Supply Crate 1500 1x PTech restocking Unit

Snack Supply Crate 1500 1x Getmore Chocolate Corp restocking unit

Softdrinks Supply Crate 1500 1x Robust Softdrinks restocking unit

Vendomat Supply Crate 1000 1x Vendomat restocking Unit

Empty Crate 700 1x Empty Crate

Food & Hydroponics Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Beekeper Suit Crate 800 2x Beekeeper suit 2x Beekeeper helmet

Beekeping Starter Crate 1400 1x Apiary Apiary.png 3x Honey Frame Honey frame.png 1x Queen Bee Beequeen.gif 1x Beekeeper suit 1x Beekeeper helmet 1x flyswatter

Excellent Meat Crate 1700 15x random meat Meat.png

Exotic Seeds Crate 1000 1x pack of nettle seeds Nettleseed.png 3x pack of replica pod seeds Replicapodseed.png 1x pack of plump-helmet mycelium Plumphelmetseed.png 1x pack of liberty-cap mycelium Libertycapseed.png 1x pack of fly amanita mycelium Amanitaseeds.png 1x pack of reishi mycelium Reishiseeds.png 1x pack of banana seeds Bananaseed.png 1x pack of egg-plant seeds Eggyseed.png 2x pack of rainbow bunch seeds 2x pack of strange seeds Seed-x.png

Food Crate 1000 1x flour sack Flour.png 1x rice sack Rice.png 1x space milk Milk.png 1x soymilk 1x salt shaker Salt.png 1x peppermill Pepper.png 1x egg box 1x universal enzyme Universal Enzyme.png 1x sugar Sugar.gif 1x meat Meat.png 3x banana Banana.png

Fruit Crate 1200 15 random fruits out of: 1x lime Lime.png 1x orange Orange.png 1x watermelon Watermelon.png 1x apple Apple.png 1x berries Berry.png 1x lemon Lemon.png

High-yield Clown-grade Cream Pie Crate 6000 1x duffel bag filled with 10x cream pies Pie.gif

Contraband – requires hacking the console. The crate is named 'Party equipment crate' Hydroponics Backpack Crate 700 1x backpack water tank

Hydroponics Hydroponics Crate 800 2x Plant-B-Gone spray 2x ammonia bottle 1x hatchet 1x cultivator 1x plant analyzer 1x botanist's leather gloves 1x apron 1x plant data disks box

Pizza Crate 5000 1x margherita pizza Margheritapizza.png 1x mushroom pizza Mushroompizza.png 1x meat pizza Meatpizza.png 1x vegetable pizza Vegepizza.png 1x pineapple pizza

Potted Plant Crate 550 5x random potted plant

Seeds Crate 800 1x pack of chili seeds Chiliseed.png 1x pack of cotton seeds 1x pack of berry seeds Berryseed.png 1x pack of corn seeds Cornseed.png 1x pack of eggplant seeds Eggplantseed.png 1x pack of tomato seeds Tomatoseeds.png 1x pack of soybean seeds Soybeanseeds.png 1x pack of wheat seeds Wheatseeds.png 1x pack of rice seeds Riceseed.png 1x pack of carrot seeds Carrotseed.png 1x pack of sunflower seeds Sunflowerseed.png 1x pack of chanterelle mycelium Chanterelleseed.png 1x pack of potato seeds Potatoseed.png 1x pack of sugarcane seeds Sugarcaneseed.png

Vegetables Crate 1000 15 random vegetables out of: 1x chili Chili.png 1x corn Corn.png 1x tomato Tomato.png 1x potato Potato.png 1x carrot Carrot.png 1x chanterelle Chanterelle.png 1x onion Onion.png 1x pumpkin Pumpkin.png

Hydroponics Vending Machines Refills 1700 1x MegaSeed Servitor restocking Unit 1x NutriMax restocking Unit

Grilling Starter Kit 5000 5x Coal 1x Grill 1x Monkey Energy

Grilling Fuel Kit 2000 10x Coal 1x Monkey Energy

Beef Broth Bulk Crate 5000 10x Canned Beef Broth

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Livestock Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Bird Crate 4000 5x parrot E.png

Has a tiny chance a parrot is special. Butterflies Crate 5000 1x box of butterflies

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Cat Crate 5000 1x cat D.png 1x pet collar 1x cat toy

Chicken Crate 2000 1x chick Chick.png

Corgi Crate 5000 1x corgi Ian.PNG 1x pet collar

Cow Crate 3000 1x cow Cow.png

Crab Rocket 5000 50x crab Ww.png

Drop pod only Exotic Corgi Crate 5500 1x exotic corgi of random color 1x pet collar

Fox Crate 5000 1x fox 1x pet collar

Goat Crate 2500 1x goat Goat.png

Monkey Cube Crate 2000 1x monkey cube box Monkey Cube Box.png

Pug Crate 5000 1x pug 1x pet collar

Snake Crate 3000 3x snake Snake.png

Customes & Toys Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Collectable Hats Crate 20000 Three random items out of: collectable chef's hat collectable paper hat collectable top hat collectable captain's hat collectable beret collectable welding helmet collectable flat cap collectable pirate hat collectable kitty ears collectable rabbit ears collectable wizard's hat collectable hard hat collectable HoS hat collectable HoP hat collectable Thunderdome helmet collectable SWAT helmet collectable slime hat collectable police officer's hat collectable xenomorph helmet! ultra rare Pete's hat!

Contraband crate 3000 Seven random items out of:

2x random rolled-up contraband poster 1x pack of cannabis seeds Cannabisseed.png 1x pack of rainbow weed seeds Rainbowweedseed.png 1x pack of lifeweed seeds Lifeweedseed.png 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “yellow pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “happy pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “sunshine pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “smooth pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “stimulant pills” (not actual stimulant) 1x suspicious looking deck of cards Syndi cards.png 1x [MOVE ALONG CITIZEN] extra-strong absinthe 1x tacticool turtleneck 1x pack of syndicate cigarettes Syngarettes.png 1x Shady Jim's Super Slims packet 1x syndicate mask 1x gold necklace 1x Donksoft Toy Vendor restocking unit Contraband – requires hacking the console. Foam Force Pistols Crate 4000 2x foam force pistol Toy gun.png 2x foam force pistol magazine, loaded with foam darts

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Foam Force Crate 1000 8x foam force shotgun

Formalwear Crate 3000 1x black tango dress 2x formal assistant jumpsuit 1x blue suit 1x blue suit jacket 1x purple suit 1x purple suit jacket 1x black suit 1x black suit jacket 1x waistcoat

1x blue tie 1x red tie 1x black tie

1x bowler hat 1x fedora 1x flat cap 1x beret 1x top-hat

3x laceup shoes

1x charcoal suit 1x navy suit 1x burgundy suit 1x checkered suit 1x tan suit

1x lipstick (of random color)

Hilarious Firing Pin Crate 5000 1x hilarious firing pin (makes guns honk instead of shoot)

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Laser Tag Firing Pin Crate 3000 1x box of laser tag firing pins (guns only firable when wearing same color laser tag armor)

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Laser Tag Crate 1500 3x red laser tag gun 3x blue laser tag gun

3x red laser tag armor 3x blue laser tag armor 3x red laser tag helmet 3x blue laser tag helmet

Mech Pilot's Suit Crate 1500 1x red mech pilot's suit 1x white mech pilot's suit 1x blue mech pilot's suit

No longer exists Original Costume Crate 1000 1x snowman suit 1x snowman suit head 1x chicken suit 1x chicken suit head 1x monkey suit 1x monkey mask 1x cardborg suit 1x cardborg helmet 1x xeno suit 1x xeno suit head 1x corgi costume 1x carp costume 1x bee costume

Standard Costume Crate 1000 1x Giggles Von Honkerton 1x clown shoes Clshoe.png 1x clown wig and mask 1x clown suit 1x bike horn

1x mime's outfit 1x black shoes 1x white gloves 1x mime mask 1x french beret 1x suspenders 1x bottle of nothing 1x Parcel Parceaux

Theatre Toy Crate 5000 5 random prizes usually found in arcade machines.

Wizard Costume Crate 2000 1x wizard staff 1x wizard robe 1x wizard hat 1x sandals

Autodrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x AutoDrobe restocking unit

Cargo Wardrobe Supply Crate 750 1x CargoDrobe restocking unit

Engineering Wardrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x EngiDrobe restocking unit 1x AtmosDrobe restocking unit

General Wardrobes Supply Crate 3750 1x CuraDrobe restocking unit 1x BarDrobe restocking unit 1x ChefDrobe restocking unit 1x JaniDrobe restocking unit 1x ChapDrobe restocking unit

Hydrobe Supply Crate 750 1x HyDrobe restocking unit

Medical Wardrobe Supply Crate 3000 1x MediDrobe restocking unit 1x ChemDrobe restocking unit 1x GeneDrobe restocking unit 1x ViroDrobe restocking unit

Science Wardrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x RoboDrobe restocking unit 1x SciDrobe restocking unit

Security Wardrobe Supply Crate 1500 1x SecDrobe restocking unit 1x LawDrobe restocking unit

Miscellaneous Supplies Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Art Supplies 1000 1x rapid pipe cleaner layer 1x artistic toolbox 3x spraycan 1x box of crayons Crayonbox.png 1x white crayon 1x rainbow crayon Crayon.png

Bicycle Crate: 1,000,000 1x Bicycle.png bicycle

You are not expected to actually afford this. Big Band Instrument Collection: 5000 1x violin 1x guitar 1x glockenspiel 1x accordion 1x saxophone 1x trombone 1x recorder 1x harmonica 1x piano

Book Crate 1500 1x Codex Gigas 3x random manuals 3x random books

Bureaucracy Crate 1500 1x film cartridge 1x rolling chest drawer 1x hand labeler Labler.png 2x hand labeler paper roll 1x paper bin PaperTray.png 2x pen (fourcolor) 4x pen (grey/fountain/blue/red) Pen.png 3x folder (blue/red/yellow) 2x clipboard 1x GRANTED rubber stamp 1x DENIED rubber stamp 1x laser pointer

Calligraphy Crate 700 1x box of fountain pens (7 pens)

Festive Wrapping Paper Crate: 1000 1x stack of 25 wrapping paper (fancy)

Funeral Supply Crate 600 1x burial garments 1x harebell 1x geranium

Delivered in a coffin. Religious Supplies Crate 4000 2x flask of holy water 2x bible 2x follower hoodie The bibles have something secret stored.

Toner Crate 1000 6x toner cartridge Crates are containers for items. Especially large items – such as lockers, certain robots or equipment – cannot fit inside. Just because an item comes packed in a crate when the Quartermaster receives it doesn't mean it will go back inside once the crate is opened!

Supply Crates are ordered at Cargo Bay by either a Cargo Technician or the Quartermaster. You can also send them a request via PDA or the Requests Console. More crates can be found around the station.

Contents 1 Give Onto the QM his Dues 2 Crate Locks and Access 3 Making Money 3.1 Exports 3.2 Bounties 4 Ordering Crates 4.1 Buying Privately 4.2 Supply Drop Pods 4.2.1 Upgrading the Supply Drop Pods 5 Crates 5.1 Goodies 5.2 Emergency 5.3 Security 5.4 Armory 5.5 Engineering 5.6 Engine Construction 5.7 Canisters & Materials 5.8 Medical 5.9 Science 5.10 Service 5.11 Food & Hydroponics 5.12 Livestock 5.13 Customes & Toys 5.14 Miscellaneous Supplies 5.15 Vending Restocks Give Onto the QM his Dues The Quartermaster can order a whole lot of crates and he usually wants the crate back after you've taken your supplies. They are worth a certain amount of points which can be used to get more supplies for the station's whole benefit. The quartermasters like it when people bring crates, and will often give things without hassle to people with crates brought in.

Crate Locks and Access Just like the rest of the station, crates have variable levels of access. The QM can't unlock anything that is locked by default, for various reasons, the primary one being it would be pointless to make because all crates go through the QM anyway. Security crates can be opened by security personnel and those with higher access, et cetera. An emag can get into locked crates, however, or you can get resourceful.

Making Money Cargo budget starts off with 5,000 credits. This is the budget you use to buy crates, and this is where money from exports ends up. The QM can access this budget with the departmental card (Cargo Budget) found in his/her bag. If the QM has lost the budget card, you can also insert space cash into the bank machine in the vault to make it go directly into the cargo budget. The Quartermaster can enter the vault by using the supply door remote, found in the QM's locker.

Exports You can receive credits by shipping items back to CentCom. Examples:

You will get 200 credits per crate. Every ordered crate has a “shipping manifest” on it. You rip it off by clicking the crate. Stamp that shipping manifest with any stamp except the denied stamp, then put it into a crate and close it. Shipping that crate will then give you 80 extra credits. 5-1,000 credits per sheet of material (depends on material rarity, metal/glass the least rare and diamond/bananium the most). Every sheet of phoron shipped will give you 80 credits. 100-500 credits per fuel tanks and water tanks, depending on how full they are. 5,000-40,000 credits for some of the rare artifacts that your Shaft Miners might find. Make sure you scan the item with an Export Scanner before selling.

Crates are money. Find them. Hoard them greedily. Steal them if need be. The more crates you send back, the more stuff you can order. Other things are money, too. If you think about, the station is really just a huge pile of money. Experiment! You can use your Export Scanner once linked with a Cargo Console to verify the price of an item before you export it. Just because you think a good might be worth something doesn't mean that CentCom wants it!

Bounties Bounty cube.gif The civilian bounty control terminal can be used to complete Bounties. Anyone can insert their ID and click the “new bounty” icon to the upper right to receive a selection of three random bounties to choose one from. Two of the choices depend on their job. Cargo personnel will receive completely random bounties instead of job based ones. When anyone completes a bounty by sending the requested items with the civilian bounty pad, they will receive a Bounty Cube Bounty cube.gif. It's then cargo's job to ship/sell that bounty cube with the cargo shuttle. When the cube is sold the cargo budget will receive 70% of the cube's value, while the individual who completed the bounty gets 30% sent to their account. The price you see when you choose a bounty is 30% of the resulting cube's total value.

In addition:

20% bonus for cargo budget if you send the cube within 5 minutes of its creation. 10% personal handling tip for whoever uses an export scanner on it in the supply shuttle, payed on successful delivery. The cubes have GPS-signals.

Ordering Crates To spend the money you made, you need to order crates. The price of these crates is pulled from the cargo budget on departure from CentCom, unless you use Buy privately.

The supply request console Request 01.gif is typically public, and lets anyone request an order. Unless you use Buy privately, this console asks the requester to type a reason for each order. This reason appears on the supply console, where the request must be approved or denied. The requisition form printed is only used for documentation. The supply console Supply console2.png lets you order crates, and approve/reject orders made on a supply request console. It's also used to call and send the supply shuttle. Do this by clicking the “Cargo Bay” or “CentCom” text near the top. When the shuttle is called from CentCom, it will ship your placed orders to the cargo bay, if you can afford them.

Buying Privately Anyone placing an order at a supply console or supply request console has the choice to check the Buy Privately checkbox. Doing so will charge money directly from that person's worn ID, instead of from the cargo budget. It will cost a 10% extra fee (which goes to the cargo budget), and the crate will be access-restricted to the buyer instead of having its ordinary access requirement. You cannot use the cargo budget card for this. Goodies can only be purchased privately.

Supply Drop Pods Once Mining Technology has been researched, you are able to print an Express Supply Console computer board from the cargo techfab. Building an Express Supply Console and then swiping it with a QM-level ID card will unlock an interface similar to the Supply Console. Ordering any crate with this console will have it delivered instantly with a drop pod. The drop pod causes a fiery explosion. The drop location will be a random spot in Cargo Bay, unless you emag it, or print a Supply Pod Beacon for 500 credits. You can use the console to change the drop location to that of the last printed beacon. Printing a new beacon will make the first beacon permanently useless. Use teamwork to have one person take the beacon to locations where crates need to be delivered, while the other person orders the crate. The drop pods themselves must be dismantled with a welder.

Upgrading the Supply Drop Pods Once Bluespace Travel has been researched, the cargo techfab will be able to print a Supply Drop Pod Upgrade Disk. Inserting this disk into the Express Supply Console will upgrade its drop pods by making their explosion size smaller, and making them automatically teleport out after landing. After upgrading you must unlock the console again and print a new beacon.

Crates Following is a list of the crates available and their contents. Goodies

Goodies are single items that can only be purchased privately. These will be delivered in an order lockbox instead of a crate. When multiple goodies are ordered at the same time they will automatically be bundled into a single lockbox per purchaser, up to 6 items. If more than 6 items are ordered then the 7th and above will come bundled in a crate instead, which costs a bit extra. You can find discount coupons that when used on a supply (requests) console may allow you to buy a goodie at a discount.

Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes .38 DumDum Speedloader 100 1x speedloader of .38 DumDum ammunition

Bullets that can embed but won't work against armored targets. .38 Match Grade Speedloader 100 1x speedloader of .38 Match Grade ammunition

Bullets with extra ricochet. .38 Rubber Speedloader 75 1x speedloader of .38 Rubber ammunition

Bounce your shots off anything and everything. They mostly deal stamina damage. Colt Detective Special Single-Pack 2000 1x Colt Detective Special

Stingbang Single-Pack 250 1x stingbang grenade Flashbang.gif

Survival Knife Single-Pack 175 1x survival knife Combat Shotgun Single-Pack 1500 1x combat shotgun Combatshotgun.png 1x bandolier

Comes loaded with beanbags. Energy Gun Single-Pack 1200 1x energy gun Energy Gun.gif

Hellgun Kit Single-Pack 100 1x hellfire laser gun degradation kit Hellgun.png

Combine an ordinary laser gun with this gun kit (through crafting menu) to create a Hellfire Laser Gun. Thermal Pistol Holster Single-Pack 1500 1x thermal shoulder holsters

The one holster comes packaged with both the inferno pistol and the cryo pistol. Insulated Gloves Single-Pack 400 1x insulated gloves IGloves.png

Gripper Gloves Single-Pack 600 1x gripper gloves Gripper gloves.png

Bruise Treatment Kit Single-Pack 200 1x brute trauma treatment kit Brutefak.png

Burn Treatment Kit Single-Pack 200 1x burn treatment kit Bmed.png

First Aid Kit Single-Pack 150 1x first-aid kit SMed.png

Oxygen Deprivation Kit Single-Pack 200 1x oxygen deprivation treatment kit O2med.png

Toxin Treatment Kit Single-Pack 200 1x toxin treatment kit Tmed.png

Mechanical Toolbox 150 1x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png

Valentine Card 100 1x valentine card

Bee Plushie 200 1x bee plushie

Hair Dye Spray 100 1x Hair dye spray can

Beach Ball 50 1x beach ball Beachbum.png

Medipen Two-Pak 100 1x medipen MediPen.png 1x emergency first-aid autoinjector MediPen.png

Surplus Mothic Ration Pack 200 3x random sustenance bars 1x activin chewing gum

Ready-Donk Single Meal 100 1x Ready-Donk meal

Emergency Mutadone Pill 125 1x Mutadone pill (50u)

Rapid Lighting Device (RLD) 500 1x Rapid Lighting Device Rld.png

Moffic radio encryption key 600 1x Moffic translation key

Draconic radio encryption key 600 1x Draconic translation key

Calcic radio encryption key 600 1x Calcic translation key

Voltaic radio encryption key 600 1x Voltaic translation key

Felinid radio encryption key 600 1x Felinid translation key

Fishing toolbox 100 1x Fishing toolbox 1x Can o' worm 1x Fishing rod 1x Simple fishing hook 1x Fishing line reel

Fishing Hooks Set 50 1x Magnetic hook 1x Shiny lure hook 1x Weighted hook

Fishing Lines Set 50 1x Flexible fishing line reel 1x Reinforced fishing line reel 1x Cloaked fishing line reel

Deluxe fishing bait 50 1x Can o' worm deluxe

Emergency Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Biker Gang Kit 800 1x all terrain vehicle Atv.png and keys Atv keys.png 1x leather overcoat 1x black gloves 1x skull bandana 1x softcap

Contraband – requires hacking the console. the crate is named “Biker kit”. Biological Emergency Crate 400 2x bio hood BioSuitHood.png 2x bio-suit BioSuit.png 1x bio bag Bio bag.png 2x syringe (spaceacillin) 2x nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves.png

Emergency Bot/Internals Crate 800 2x floorbot Floorbot.gif 2x medibot Medibot.gif 5x air tank OxygenTank.png 5x breath mask BreathMask.png

Explosive Emergency Crate 400 1x bomb hood BombHood.png 1x bomb suit Bomb-suit.png 1x gas mask Gas mask.png 1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png 1x wirecutters Wirecutters.png 1x multitool Multitool.png

Firefighting Crate 400 2x emergency firesuit Firesuit.png 2x gas mask Gas mask.png 2x flashlight Flashlight.png 2x red oxygen tank OxygenTankRed.png 2x advanced fire extinguisher Advanced extinguisher0.png 2x firefighter helmet Fire Helmet.png

Firefighting Tank Backpack 360 1x backpack firefighter tank Waterbackpack atmos.png Atmospheric Internals Crate 400 3x gas mask Gas mask.png 3x breath mask BreathMask.png 3x emergency oxygen tank AirTank.png 3x air tank Air Tank.png

Metal Foam Grenade Crate 480 1x box of metal foam grenades Grenade.png Phoronman Space Envirosuits 700 2x EVA phoron envirosuit 2x phoron envirosuit helmet EVA Phoronman Supply Kit 600 2x phoronman jumpsuit 2x phoronman helmet 2x phoronman internal tank

Radiation Protection Crate 400 2x radiation suit helmet RadiationSuitHood.png 2x radiation suit RadiationSuit.png 2x geiger counter 1x bottle of vodka 2x shot glass

Space Suit Crate 600 1x space suit 1x space helmet 1x breath mask 1x CO2 Jetpack

EVA Special Ops Supplies 800 1x box of EMP grenades Emp grenade.png 3x smoke bomb Flashbang.gif 1x sleepy pen Pen.png 1x incendiary grenade Grenade.png

Hidden – use emag on cargo console to reveal Weed Control Crate 500 1x scythe Scythe.png 1x gas mask Gas mask.png 2x anti-weed grenade Grenade.png

Hydroponics Surplus Mothic Rations Triple-Pak 600 3x mothic rations pack Security Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Ammo Crate 1600 3x box of beanbags 3x box of rubber shots 1x speed loader (.38 TRAC) 1x speed loader (.38 Hot Shot) 1x speed loader (.38 Iceblox)

Security Armor Crate 400 3x armor Armor.png Security Disabler Crate 600 3x disabler Disabler.png Security Forensics Crate 500 1x detective scanner 1x evidence box 1x camera 1x tape recorder 1x white crayon 1x detective hat

Security Helmets Crate 400 3x helmet Helmet.png Security Lasers Crate 800 3x laser gun Laser gun.png Security Security Barrier Grenades 400 4x barrier grenade Flashbang.gif

Security Security Clothing Crate 600 2x Navy blue security jumpsuit 2x Red security jumpsuit 2x Navy blue security beret

1x Navy blue warden jumpsuit 1x Red warden jumpsuit 1x Navy blue warden beret

1x Navy blue Head of Security jumpsuit 1x Head of Security jumpsuit 1x Navy blue Head of Security beret

Security Stingbang Grenade Pack 1000 5x stingbang grenades Flashbang.gif (in a box)

Security Security Supplies Crate 700 1x box of flashbangs Flashbang.gif 1x box of teargas Flashbang.gif 1x box of flashes Flash.gif 1x box of handcuffs Handcuffs.png

Security Standard Firing Pins Crate 800 2x box of standard firing pins

Security 5 firing pins per box Paywall Firing Pins Crate 400 2x box of paywall firing pins

Security Swipe a firing pin with an ID to connect it to an account. Then use the pin in hand to set either a one-time price or a price per shot that users must pay to fire the gun. Price is paid with a popup first time someone tries to fire it. 5 paywall firing pins per box. Standard Justice Enforcer Crate 1200 1x helmet of justice 1x security gas mask

Security Contraband – requires hacking the console. Stun Batons Crate 400 3x stun baton StunBaton.gif Security Wall Mounted Flash Crate 400 4x wall-mounted flash kit Security Each kit contains: 1x screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png, 1x flash Flash.gif, 1x mounted flash frame, 1x flasher controller, 1x airlock electronics and 1x button frame. Traditional Equipment Crate 440 1x constable outfit Constable outfit.png 1x constable helmet Constable helmet.png 1x white gloves 1x police whistle Police whistle.png 1x conversion kit Baton conversion kit.png (converts a stun baton)

Security Contraband – requires hacking the console. Armory Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Bulletproof Armor Crate 600 3x bulletproof vest Bulletproofvest.png Armory Bulletproof Helmets Crate 600 3x bulletproof helmet Armory Chemical Implants Crate 700 1x chemical implant kit

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implant pad and 5 implant cases with chemical implants Implant Case.png Combat Shotguns Crate 3500 3x combat shotgun Combatshotgun.png 3x bandolier

Armory The shotguns come loaded with beanbags. DragNET Crate 1000 3x DragNETsDRAGnet.png Armory Energy Guns Crate 3600 2x energy gun Energy Gun.gif

Armory Exile Implants Crate 700 1x exile implant kit

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 5 implant cases with exile implants Implant Case.png Incendiary Weapons Crate 1400 1x flamethrower 3x phoron tank 3x incendiary grenade

Bridge Mindshield Implants Crate 1200 1x lockbox (mindshield implants)

Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter and 3 implant cases with mindshield implants Implant Case.png Tracking Implants Crate 900 1x tracking implant kit 3x speed loader (.38 TRAC) Armory Contains 1 loaded implanter, 1 implantpad, 1 locator and 4 implant cases with tracking implants Implant Case.png Reflector Vest Crate 1000 2x reflector vest Ablative.png

Armory Riot Armor Crate 1200 3x riot suit Swatarmor.png Armory Riot Helmets Crate 800 3x riot helmet Riothelm.png Armory Riot Shields Crate 1000 3x riot shield RiotS.png Armory Russian Surplus Crate 2400 Ten random items out of:

1x ration pack 1x stripper clip (7.62mm) (5 shots) 1x ammo box containing 7x stripper clip (7.62mm) (35 shots) 1x russian vest 1x russian helmet 1x gorilla gloves BGloves.png 1x advanced military tracksuit 1x soviet uniform 1x russian balaclava 1x battle ushanka 1x russian battle coat 1x Mosin Nagant 1x Mosin Nagant Armory Contraband – requires hacking the console. SWAT Crate 2400 2x swat helmetSwathelmet.png 2x swat suitMK.I SWAT Suit.png 2x security gas mask Security Gas Mask.png 2x military assault belt 2x gorilla gloves BGloves.png

Armory Thermal Pistol Crate 1400 2x thermal shoulder holsters

Each holster comes packaged with both the inferno pistol and the cryo pistol. Engineering Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Anti-breach Shield Projector Crate 600 2x anti-breach shield generator Anti-Breach Shielding Projector.png

APLU MK-I Crate 2000 1x Ripley chassis 1x Ripley torso 1x Ripley right arm 1x Ripley left arm 1x Ripley right leg 1x Ripley left leg 1x capacitor Capacitor.png 1x scanning module Scanning Module.gif 1x Ripley Central Control module (Exosuit Board) 1x Ripley Peripherals Control module (Exosuit Board) 1x exosuit drill 1x hydraulic clamp

Conveyor Assembly Crate 700 30x conveyor belts ConveyorBelt.png 1x conveyor switch 1x set of instructions

Engineering Gear Crate 800 3x toolbelt Utilitybelt.png 3x hazard vest Hazard.png 3x welding helmet WeldingHelmet.png 3x hard hat HardHat.png 2x meson hud MGlasses.png

Insulated Gloves Crate 1600 3x insulated gloves IGloves.png

NT-75 Electromagnetic Power Inducers Crate 800 2x inducer (power cells included) Inducer.png

P.A.C.M.A.N. Generator Crate 1000 1x p.a.c.m.a.n. generator Pacman.png

Power Cell Crate 600 3x high-capacity power cell Power cell.png

Shuttle Engine Crate 1200 1x shuttle engine

CE Office Toolbox Crate 1000 3x electrical toolbox Ytoolbox.png 3x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png

Portable Air Pump Crate 900 2x portable air pump PortablePump.png

Portable Scrubber Crate 900 2x portable scrubber PortableScrubber.png

Huge Portable Scrubber Crate 1500 1x huge portable scrubber

Space Heater Crate 400 1x space heater

Bluespace Artillery Parts 6000 1x Bluespace Artillery Bore (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Fusor (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Generator (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 1x Bluespace Artillery Controls (Computer Board) Circuitboard.png

Only available if BSA is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. DNA Vault Parts 4800 1x DNA Vault (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 5x DNA sampler Hspray.png

Only available if DNA Vault is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. DNA Vault Samplers 1200 5x DNA sampler Hspray.png Only available if DNA Vault is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Shield Generator Satellite 1200 3x meteor shield satellite Only available if Station Shield is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Shield System Control Board: 2000 1x Satellite Network Control (Computer Board) Circuitboard.png Only available if Station Shield is the current station goal, or if the round type is extended. Engine Construction Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Emitter Crate 800 2x emitter Emitter On.gif

CE Office Field Generator Crate 600 2x field generator Field Generator.gif

Grounding Rod Crate 1600 4x grounding rod Grounding rod.gif

Solar Panel Crate 1000 21x solar panel assembly 1x circuit board (solar control) 1x tracker electronics 1x paper- 'going green! setup your own solar array instructions.'

Supermatter Shard Crate 4000 1x supermatter shard

CE Office Tesla Coil Crate 2000 4x tesla coil

HFR Crate 4600 4x HFR box (corner) 1x HFR box (fuel input) 1x HFR box (moderator input) 1x HFR box (waste output) 1x HFR box (interface) 1x HFR box (core)

CE Office Canisters & Materials Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes 50 Cardboard Sheets 400 50x cardboard Sheet cardboard1.png

50 Empty License Plates 400 50x empty license plates

50 Glass Sheets 400 50x glass Glass.png

50 Metal Sheets 400 50x metal Metal.png

20 Plasteel Sheets 3000 20x plasteel Metal r.png

50 Plasteel Sheets 6600 50x plasteel Metal r.png

50 Plastic Sheets 400 50x plastic Sheet plastic1.png

30 Sandstone Blocks 400 30x sandstone brick Sandstone brick.png

50 Wood Planks 800 50x wooden plank Planks.png

BZ Canister Crate 3200 1x BZ canister BZ canister.png

Toxins Storage Carbon Dioxide Canister 1200 1x carbon dioxide canister CO2 Canister.png

Firefighting Foam Tank Crate 600 1x firefighting foam tank Foam tank.png

Fuel tank crate 320 1x fuel tank FuelTank.png

Large Water Tank Crate 480 1x high-capacity water tank High capacity water tank.png

Large Fuel Tank Crate 800 1x high capacity fuel tank High capacity fuel tank.png

Nitrogen Canister 800 1x nitrogen canister N2 Canister.png

Nitrous Oxide Canister 1200 1x nitrous oxide canister N2O Canister.png

Atmospherics Oxygen Canister 600 1x oxygen canister O2 Canister.png

Water Tank Crate 240 1x water tank WaterTank.png

Water Vapor Canister 800 1x water vapor canister Water vapor.png

Medical Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Blood Pack Variety Crate 1400 1x Empty blood bag

1x A+ Blood 1x A- Blood

1x B+ Blood 1x B- Blood

1x O+ Blood 1x O- Blood

1x L- Blood (lizard) 1x Liquid Electricity pack (ethereal)

Medipen Variety-Pak 700 2x medipen MediPen.png 3x emergency first-aid autoinjector MediPen.png 3x hypovolemic-response autoinjector MediPen.png

Chemical Starter Kit Crate 520 1x bottle of hydrogen 1x bottle of carbon 1x bottle of nitrogen 1x bottle of oxygen 1x bottle of fluorine 1x bottle of phosphorus 1x bottle of silicon 1x bottle of chlorine 1x bottle of radium 1x bottle of sulphuric acid 1x bottle of ethanol 1x bottle of potassium 1x science goggles Science Goggles.png 1x dropper Eyedropper.png 1x box of beakers

Each bottle contains 30u chemicals. Defibrillator Crate 1000 2x defibrillator Defib.png

IV Drip Crate 400 1x IV drip machine IV Drip.png

Medical Supplies crate 800 Ten random items out of: 1x multiver bottle 1x epinephrine bottle 1x morphine bottle 1x toxin bottle 1x large beaker 1x insulin pill 1x medical gauze Gauze.png 1x box of beakers 1x box of medical prays 1x box of syringes Srybox.png 1x box of bodybags 1x first-aid kit SMed.png 1x oxygen deprivation treatment kit O2med.png 1x toxin treatment kit Tmed.png 1x brute trauma treatment kit Brutefak.png 1x burn treatment kit Bmed.png 1x defibrillator Defib.png 1x O- Blood pack 1x pill bottle containing 3x brute patch and 1x burn patch 1x neurine pill (10u) 1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit

Surgical Supplies Crate 1200 1x roller bed 1x sterilizer spray

a surgical duffel bag containing: 1x scalpel Scalpel.png 1x hemostat Hemostat.png 1x retractor Retractor.png 1x circular saw Saw.png 1x surgical drill Drill.png 1x cautery Cautery.png 1x surgical drapes Drapes.png 1x sterile mask Sterilemask.png 1x electric razor Heavy-Duty Saline Canister 1200 1x saline drip

Medbay A 5000u container with Saline-Glucose Solution. Virus crate 1000 1x flu virion culture bottle 1x rhinovirus culture bottle 4x random viruses 1x (fake)GBS culture bottle 1x magnitis culture bottle 1x Pierrot's Throat culture bottle 1x brainrot culture bottle 1x hallucigen virion culture bottle 1x anxiety culture bottle 1x beesease culture bottle

1x box of syringes 1x box of beakers

1x bottle of unstable mutagen

CMO Office Chief Medical Officer Turtlenecks 400 1x chief medical officer's turtleneck 1x chief medical officer's turtleneck skirt CMO Office Science Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Phoron Assembly Crate 400 3x phoron tank Phoron tank.png

3x igniter Igniter.png

3x proximity sensor Prox Sensor.png

3x timer Timer.png

Ordnance Lab Raw Flux Anomaly 2000 1x raw flux core Rawcore Flux.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Hallucination Anomaly 2000 1x raw hallucination core

Ordnance Lab Raw Gravitational Anomaly 2000 1x raw gravitational core Rawcore Grav.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Vortex Anomaly 2000 1x raw vortex core Rawcore Vortex.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Bluespace Anomaly 2000 1x raw bluespace core Rawcore Bluespace.png

Ordnance Lab Raw Pyro Anomaly 2000 1x raw pyro core Rawcore Pyro.gif

Ordnance Lab Raw Delimber Anomaly 2000 1x raw delimber core

Ordnance Lab Robotics Assembly Crate 600 4x proximity sensor Prox Sensor.png 2x empty first aid kit SMed.png 2x health analyzer Healthanalyzer.png 2x firefighter helmet Fire Helmet.png 2x mechanical toolbox BlueToolbox.png 2x cleanbot assembly

Robotics RPED Crate 600 1x RPED (Rapid Part Exchange Device) RPED.gif containing 10x of each tier 1 stock part Shield Generator Crate 800 4x shield generator

Teleporter Tank Transfer Valve Crate 2400 2x tank transfer valve Tank Transfer Valve.png

RD Office Monkey Mind Magnification Helmet crate 600 2x Monkey Mind Magnification Helmet Monkeymind.gif

Turns monkeys sentient while helmet is worn (by asking ghosts to take control). One use per helmet. Doesn't work on monkeys already sentient. Cytology supplies crate 600 1x microscope Microscope.png 1x biopsy tool Biopsy.png 2x petri dish Petri dish.png 1x swab Swab.png 1x science plumbing constructor Science plumbing constructor.png Used for cytology. MOD core crate 600 3x MODsuit core Modcore.gif

Robotics Service Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Cargo Supplies Crate 350 1x GRANTED rubber stamp 1x DENIED rubber stamp 1x export scanner 1x destination tagger 1x hand labeler Labler.png 1x stack of package wrapper Package Wrapper.png

High-traction Floor Tiles 800 30x no-slip floor tiles

Janitorial Supplies Crate 400 3x bucket Bucket.png 1x mop Mop.png 1x broom Broom.png 3x wet floor sign Wetfloorsign.png 1x trash bag Trashbag.png 1x space cleaner Cleaner.png 1x damp rag Rag.png 3x cleaner grenade Grenade.png

Janitorial Cart and Galoshes Crate 800 1x janitorial cart Janitorial Cart.png 1x galoshes Jshoe.png

Janitor Backpack Crate 400 1x janitor backpack watertank

Janitor MULEbot Crate 800 1x mulebot MULE.gif

Party Equipment Crate 1000 1x box of drinking glasses 1x shaker 1x Wrapp Artiste Patron 1x College Girl Goldschlager 2x Magm-Ale 4x space beer 7x glowstick (7 different colors)

Premium Carpet Crate 400 100x carpet Carpet Tile.png 100x black carpet

Exotic Carpet Crate 1600 100x blue carpet 100x cyan carpet 100x green carpet 100x orange carpet 100x purple carpet 100x red carpet 100x royal blue carpet 100x royal black carpet Exotic Carpet Crate 3000 120x simple white neon carpet 120x simple black neon carpet 120x simple red neon carpet 120x simple orange neon carpet 120x simple yellow neon carpet 120x simple lime neon carpet 120x simple green neon carpet 120x simple teal neon carpet 120x simple cyan neon carpet 120x simple blue neon carpet 120x simple purple neon carpet 120x simple violet neon carpet 120x simple pink neon carpet

Replacement Lights 400 3x box of replacement bulbs

Shaft Miner Starter Kit 800 a mining conscription kit Dufflebag.png containing: 1x mining access card 1x compact pickaxe Pickaxe.png 1x pair of optical meson scanners MGlasses.png 1x automatic mining scanner MiningScanner.png 1x cargo radio headset Cargoheadset.png 1x mining satchel OreSatchel.png 1x explorer suit Explorersuit.png 1x supply radio encryption key 1x explorer gas mask ExplorerGasMask.gif

Quartermaster Survival Knives Crate 600 3x survival knife Wedding Crate 600 1x wedding dress 1x tuxedo 1x cummerbund 1x wedding veil 1x bouquet 1x sunflower bouquet 1x poppy bouquet 1x bottle of champagne Champagne bottle.png

Grey ID Card Multipack Crate 600 1x box of grey identification cards Id regular.png

Silver ID Card Crate 1400 1x silver identification card Id silver.png

Empty Crate 280 1x empty crate

Donk Pocket Variety Crate 800 3x random boxes of donk pockets

Ready-Donk Variety Crate 600 3x random box of Ready-Donk

Food & Hydroponics Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Beekeper Suit Crate 400 2x Beekeeper suit 2x Beekeeper helmet

Beekeping Starter Crate 600 1x Apiary Apiary.png 3x Honey Frame Honey frame.png 1x Queen Bee Beequeen.gif 1x Beekeeper suit 1x Beekeeper helmet 1x flyswatter

Excellent Meat Crate 800 15x random meat Meat.png

Exotic Seeds Crate 600 1x pack of nettle seeds Nettleseed.png 1x pack of replica pod seeds Replicapodseed.png 1x pack of plump-helmet mycelium Plumphelmetseed.png 1x pack of liberty-cap mycelium Libertycapseed.png 1x pack of fly amanita mycelium Amanitaseeds.png 1x pack of reishi mycelium Reishiseeds.png 1x pack of bamboo seeds Bambooseed.png 1x pack of egg-plant seeds Eggyseed.png 1x pack of rainbow bunch seeds Seed-rainbowbunch.png 1x pack of shrub seeds Shrubseed.png 2x pack of strange seeds Seed-x.png

Food Crate 400 1x flour sack Flour.png 1x rice sack Rice.png 1x space milk Milk.png 1x soymilk 1x salt shaker Salt.png 1x peppermill Pepper.png 1x egg box 1x universal enzyme Universal Enzyme.png 1x sugar Sugar.gif 1x meat Meat.png 3x banana Banana.png

Fruit Crate 600 15 random fruits out of: 1x lime Lime.png 1x orange Orange.png 1x watermelon Watermelon.png 1x apple Apple.png 1x berries Berry.png 1x lemon Lemon.png

High-yield Clown-grade Cream Pie Crate 2400 1x duffel bag filled with cream pies Pie.gif

Contraband – requires hacking the console. The crate is named 'Party equipment crate' Hydroponics Crate 600 2x Plant-B-Gone spray 2x ammonia bottle 1x hatchet 1x cultivator 1x plant analyzer 1x botanist's leather gloves 1x apron 1x plant data disks box

Hydroponics Backpack Crate 400 1x backpack water tank

Hydroponics Pizza Crate 2000 1x margherita pizza Margheritapizza.png 1x mushroom pizza Mushroompizza.png 1x meat pizza Meatpizza.png 1x vegetable pizza Vegepizza.png 1x pineapple pizza

Potted Plant Crate 300 5x random potted plant

Seeds Crate 400 1x pack of chili seeds Chiliseed.png 1x pack of cotton seeds 1x pack of berry seeds Berryseed.png 1x pack of corn seeds Cornseed.png 1x pack of eggplant seeds Eggplantseed.png 1x pack of tomato seeds Tomatoseeds.png 1x pack of soybean seeds Soybeanseeds.png 1x pack of wheat seeds Wheatseeds.png 1x pack of rice seeds Riceseed.png 1x pack of carrot seeds Carrotseed.png 1x pack of sunflower seeds Sunflowerseed.png 1x pack of chanterelle mycelium Chanterelleseed.png 1x pack of potato seeds Potatoseed.png 1x pack of sugarcane seeds Sugarcaneseed.png

Vegetables Crate 360 15 random vegetables out of: 1x chili Chili.png 1x corn Corn.png 1x tomato Tomato.png 1x potato Potato.png 1x carrot Carrot.png 1x chanterelle Chanterelle.png 1x onion Onion.png 1x pumpkin Pumpkin.png

Grilling Starter Kit 1600 5x Coal 1x Grill Grill on.gif 1x Monkey Energy Monkey energy.png

Grilling Fuel Kit 800 10x Coal 1x Monkey Energy Monkey energy.png

Tiziran Supply Box 600 1x Tiziran Farm-Fresh Pack 1x Tiziran Canned Goods Pack 1x Tiziran Meatmarket Pack

Mothic Supply Box 600 1x Mothic Farm-Fresh Pack 1x Mothic Pantry Pack 1x Mothic Rations Pack

Livestock Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Bird Crate 1600 5x parrot E.png

Butterflies Crate 1000 1x box of butterflies

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Cat Crate 2000 1x cat D.png 1x pet collar 1x cat toy

Chicken Crate 800 1x chick Chick.png

Corgi Crate 2000 1x corgi Ian.PNG 1x pet collar

Cow Crate 1200 1x cow Cow.png

Crab Rocket 1600 50x crab Ww.png

Drop pod only Exotic Corgi Crate 2200 1x exotic corgi of random color 1x pet collar

Fox Crate 2000 1x fox 1x pet collar

Goat Crate 1000 1x goat Goat.png

Monkey Cube Crate 800 1x monkey cube box Monkey Cube Box.png

Pug Crate 2000 1x pug 1x pet collar

Bull Terrier Crate 2000 1x bull terrier

Snake Crate 1200 3x snake Snake.png

Customes & Toys Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Collectable Hats Crate 8000 Three random items out of: collectable chef's hat collectable paper hat collectable top hat collectable captain's hat collectable beret collectable welding helmet collectable flat cap collectable pirate hat collectable kitty ears collectable rabbit ears collectable wizard's hat collectable hard hat collectable HoS hat collectable HoP hat collectable Thunderdome helmet collectable SWAT helmet collectable slime hat collectable police officer's hat collectable xenomorph helmet! ultra rare Pete's hat!

Contraband crate 1200 Seven random items out of:

2x random rolled-up contraband poster 1x pack of cannabis seeds Cannabisseed.png 1x pack of rainbow weed seeds Rainbowweedseed.png 1x pack of lifeweed seeds Lifeweedseed.png 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “yellow pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “happy pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “sunshine pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “smooth pills” 1x suspicious pill bottle containing “stimulant pills” (not actual stimulant) 1x suspicious looking deck of cards Syndi cards.png 1x [MOVE ALONG CITIZEN] extra-strong absinthe 1x tacticool turtleneck 1x pack of syndicate cigarettes Syngarettes.png 1x Shady Jim's Super Slims packet 1x syndicate mask 1x gold necklace 1x Donksoft Toy Vendor restocking unit Contraband – requires hacking the console. Foam Force Crate 400 8x foam force shotgun

Foam Force Pistols Crate 1600 2x foam force pistol Toy gun.png 2x foam force pistol magazine, loaded with foam darts

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Formalwear Crate 800 1x black tango dress 2x formal assistant jumpsuit 1x blue suit 1x blue suit jacket 1x purple suit 1x purple suit jacket 1x black suit 1x black suit jacket 1x waistcoat

1x blue tie 1x red tie 1x black tie

1x bowler hat 1x fedora 1x flat cap 1x beret 1x top-hat

3x laceup shoes

1x charcoal suit 1x navy suit 1x burgundy suit 1x checkered suit 1x tan suit

1x lipstick (of random color)

Hilarious Firing Pin Crate 2000 1x hilarious firing pin (makes guns honk instead of shoot)

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Laser Tag Firing Pin Crate 700 1x box of laser tag firing pins (guns only firable when wearing same color laser tag armor)

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Laser Tag Crate 400 3x red laser tag gun 3x blue laser tag gun

3x red laser tag armor 3x blue laser tag armor 3x red laser tag helmet 3x blue laser tag helmet

Mech Pilot's Suit Crate 600 4x mech pilot's suit

Original Costume Crate 400 1x snowman suit 1x snowman suit head 1x chicken suit 1x chicken suit head 1x monkey suit 1x monkey mask 1x cardborg suit 1x cardborg helmet 1x xeno suit 1x xeno suit head 1x corgi costume 1x carp costume 1x bee costume

Standard Costume Crate 400 1x Giggles Von Honkerton 1x clown shoes Clown shoes.png 1x clown wig and mask 1x clown suit 1x bike horn

1x mime's outfit 1x black shoes 1x white gloves 1x mime mask 1x french beret 1x suspenders 1x bottle of nothing 1x Parcel Parceaux

Theatre Toy Crate 1600 5 random prizes usually found in arcade machines.

Wizard Costume Crate 800 1x wizard staff 1x wizard robe 1x wizard hat 1x sandals

Cosa Nostra Starter Pack 800 4x complete mafia outfits 4x pictures of the virgin Mary 0-4x Italian moustaches 10% chance of a single switchblade.

Contraband – requires hacking the console. Big-Ass Booster Pack Pack 1000 10x random trading card packs

Miscellaneous Supplies Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Art Supplies 360 1x rapid pipe cleaner layer 1x artistic toolbox 3x spraycan 1x box of crayons Crayonbox.png 1x white crayon 1x rainbow crayon Crayon.png

Tattoo Kit 360 1x tattoo kit 2x toner cartridge

Aquarium Kit 1000 1x fish catalog 3x random freshwater fish 1x fish feed 1x box of aquarium props 1x aquarium kit

Aquarium Fish Case 400 2x random fish cases

Freshwater Fish Case 400 2x random freshwater fish

Saltwater Fish Case 400 2x random saltwater fish

Tirizan Fish Case 400 2x random fish of Tiziran origin.

Bicycle Crate 1,000,000 1x Bicycle.png bicycle

You are not expected to actually afford this. Big Band Instrument Collection 2000 1x violin 1x guitar 1x glockenspiel 1x accordion 1x saxophone 1x trombone 1x recorder 1x harmonica 1x piano

Book Crate 600 1x Codex Gigas 3x random manuals 3x random books

Command Encryption Key Crate 600 3x Command radio encryption key Command Exploration Drone 1000 1x Exploration drone Drone Fuel Pellet 600 1x Standard fuel pellet Bureaucracy Crate 640 1x film cartridge 1x rolling chest drawer 1x hand labeler Labler.png 2x hand labeler paper roll 1x paper bin PaperTray.png 2x pen (fourcolor) 4x pen (grey/fountain/blue/red) Pen.png 3x folder (blue/red/yellow) 2x clipboard 1x GRANTED rubber stamp 1x DENIED rubber stamp 1x laser pointer

Calligraphy Crate 290 1x box of fountain pens (7 pens)

Festive Wrapping Paper Crate 360 1x stack of 25 wrapping paper (fancy)

Funeral Supply Crate 320 1x burial garments 1x harebell 1x geranium

Delivered in a coffin. Empty Supplypod 120 1x empty supply pod

Drop pod only Religious Supplies Crate 1200 2x flask of holy water 2x bible 2x follower hoodie The bibles have something secret stored.

Toner Crate 400 6x toner cartridge

Toner Crate (Large) 1200 6x large toner cartridge

Training Toolbox Crate 400 2x training toolbox

Black Market LTSRBT 4000 1x Long-To-Short-Range-Bluespace-Transciever (Machine Board) Circuitboard.png 2x artificial bluespace crystal 1x subspace ansible Subspace ansible.png

Contraband – requires hacking the console. A machine for use with the craftable black market uplink (from crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png). Fishing Portal Generator Crate 800 1x Fish-porter 3000

Vending Restocks Name Cost in credits Contents Access required Notes Booze-o-mat and Coffee Supply Crate 800 1x Booze-O-Mat restocking unit 1x Solar's Best Hot Drinks restocking Cigarette Supply Crate 600 1x ShadyCigs Deluxe restocking unit

Dinnerware Supply Crate 400 1x Dinnerware restocking Unit

Deluxe Silicate Selections restocking unit 600 1x Deluxe Silicate Selections restocking unit

EngiVend Supply Crate 600 1x Engi-Vend restocking Unit

Games Supply Crate 400 1x Good Clean Fun restocking unit

Hydroponics Vending Machines Refills 800 1x MegaSeed Servitor restocking Unit 1x NutriMax restocking Unit

Imported Vending Machines 1600 1x Sustenance restocking Unit 1x Robotech Deluxe restocking Unit 1x BODA restocking Unit 1x Robco Tool Maker restocking Unit

Medical Vending Crate 1000 1x NanoMed restocking unit 1x NanoMed Plus restocking unit

PTech Supply Crate 600 1x PTech restocking Unit

SecTech Supply Crate 600 1x SecTech restocking Unit

Security Snack Supply Crate 600 1x Getmore Chocolate Corp restocking unit

Softdrinks Supply Crate 600 1x Robust Softdrinks restocking unit

Part-Mart & YouTool Supply Crate 400 1x Part-Mart restocking unit 1x YouTool restocking unit

ClothesMate Supply Crate 400 1x ClothesMate restocking unit

Autodrobe Supply Crate 600 1x AutoDrobe restocking unit

Cargo Wardrobe Supply Crate 300 1x CargoDrobe restocking unit

Engineering Wardrobe Supply Crate 600 1x EngiDrobe restocking unit 1x AtmosDrobe restocking unit

General Wardrobes Supply Crate 1200 1x CuraDrobe restocking unit 1x BarDrobe restocking unit 1x ChefDrobe restocking unit 1x ChapDrobe restocking unit

Hydrobe Supply Crate 300 1x HyDrobe restocking unit

JaniDrobe Supply Crate 300 1x JaniDrobe restocking unit

Medical Wardrobe Supply Crate 1200 1x MediDrobe restocking unit 1x ChemDrobe restocking unit 1x GeneDrobe restocking unit 1x ViroDrobe restocking unit

Science Wardrobe Supply Crate 600 1x RoboDrobe restocking unit 1x SciDrobe restocking unit

Security Wardrobe Supply Crate 800 1x SecDrobe restocking unit 1x DetDrobe restocking unit 1x LawDrobe restocking unit

Category: Guides

Guide to Supply The supply department consists of the Deck Chief, Deck Technicians and Prospectors. The job of the Deck Chief and Technicians is to maintain the hangar and shuttles, and deal with orders and deliveries from the Supply Shuttle. Prospectors are not covered by this guide; they have a separate Guide to Mining and their interaction with the Deck Chief and Technicians is usually only to hand over their mined goods for delivery.

Their department consists of the Cargo Bay but they will usually find themselves running all over the ship to deliver packages.

They are also responsible for the disposals mass driver on the Maintenance Deck.

Equipment Your locker will contain:

Two cargo headsets allowing you to access the Supply channel (:u). Gloves. Hazard Vest (Remember that you must wear a Hazard Vest while working on the Hangar Deck!) Large Webbing. Equipment Belt. Hand Labeler. Clipboard. Folders. Package Wrap. Marshaling Wand Cargo Rubber Stamp Denied Stamp Satchel Messenger Bag If those lockers are already taken, there is a third locker if you go up two floors along the ladder in the Sorting Room.

Supply Shuttle Console The Supply Console is central to your department and allows you to order supply packs, control the supply shuttle, and see the history of supply orders. This gives you all the information you need to know what was ordered, when, and by whom. You can also print out supply order statements for filing and stamping.

Shuttle Control Tab You are also able to approve/deny other people's orders here, which is an important part of your job. Don't just approve everything without a valid reason.

This console also allows you to check the current Supply Point count, the currency that is used to pay for goods. This currency collects over time, or can be increased by selling goods back to the supplier.

Ordering To order a new crate, click on the Supply Console and select the tab you wish to order from. Find the item and click on that, then decide if you want a printed receipt. The crate is now ordered for delivery, and the next time the Supply Shuttle travels from the remote location to the hangar, it will contain the crate.

“Browse Goods” Tab

“Browse Orders” Tab Selling If the Supply Shuttle contains crates when it is sent back to the remote location, they will be sold. This is useful to generate additional supply points, and the amount of supply points can be increased by returning an empty crate with only the supply manifest that was delivered with it inside, stamped by a Cargo Rubber Stamp, Deck Chief's Rubber Stamp, or any of the stamps of the Heads of Staff.

You can also sell abandoned crates you find across the Torch for a decent boost to supply points.

“Statistics” Tab

The supply shuttle Delivery There are three or four main ways to deliver packages:

By Foot Sometimes this is the only option for remote places on the ship. Simply pull the crate to its destination. Use a lift can help reduce the strain on your Deck Tech, and remember you cannot pull them up ladders.

Sorting Office

One crate addressed and ready to go. The ship has a mailing system that you can utilise from the Sorting Office. This allows you to send crates directly to a location where they will pop out of the disposals bin.

To use this, take wrapping paper and wrap the crate or closet you wish to send. Then interact with the destination tagger in-hand to set a destination. Put the crate on the conveyor belt and send it off.

Note that you should clear the disposals belt of rubbish first, else you may end up sending that to someone's department too!

Engineering can adjust the disposals pipe system for you to accommodate new destinations. The system can be unreliable if the ship has recently taken significant damage.

Powerloader Exosuit The powerloader exosuit (located in the Warehouse on Deck Five) contains a piece of equipment called a hydraulic clamp. This allows the mech to store a huge number of objects inside itself, and can be extremely useful for delivering large numbers of crates or equipment - especially if your delivery location has hostile conditions. Bug Robotics to trick your exosuit out, and pass it off to your Prospector colleagues when you're not using it.

Note that you need to be trained in Exosuit Operation (see Skills) in order to operate the powerloader.

Cargo Train In the Warehouse at round start there will be a Cargo Tug attached to two Wagons. You can move a crate onto the Wagons by click-dragging it. This can help you move large numbers of crates quickly across the ship. The tug may need recharging after extended use. You can also order new tugs or additional wagons. The keys can be taken out of the ignition to prevent anyone borrowing it.


Fuel bay, just below the Charon docking area. The Hangar is also your responsibility. Check over the Hangar regularly for mess and damage and ensure that the GUP and Charon are kept fueled. To do this, go into the Hangar Bay, on the Port Center there is a door to a fueling area that contains a Hydrogen Canister and CO2 connector.

Take one of the hydrogen tanks from the crate and put it into the hydrogen canister. Increase the pressure to maximum and open the release valve. Once it is full, close the release valve and take out the tank. It is now ready to be inserted into a shuttle.

Find an orange fuel port on the GUP or Charon, crowbar it open and take out the current fuel tank then replace it. Close the panel, and the Exploration crew will be all set for their next mission.

Sometimes they will request CO2, air and other tanks to be filled. You can move their CO2 tank onto the connector and wrench it into position to fill it. Make sure to turn on the gas pump. Leave the air tanks to Engineering to deal with.

Other Tips This is a fairly low-stress department and well suited to new players. Especially since it will enable you to explore the Torch and work out where everything is. The Warehouse contains all sorts of useful supplies, take a look through what it contains, it may prevent you having to use supply points on an order. Don't leave the Hangar shutters in the Warehouse open. Don't stand on the shuttle landing pads, ever. You can contact the Charon and GUP via the holopads if you need to check up on their progress or find out why they haven't returned yet. In the event that the Charon or GUP crew are unable to pilot their way back, you could teleport a bridge officer aboard to do it for them.

This article or section is from the VOREstation wiki.

This article or section is directly taken from the VOREstation wiki, and should not be fully relied on for CHOMPstation. You can help by updating it.

Supply Crates are ordered at the Cargo Bay by either a Cargo Technician or the Quartermaster. If you don't feel like walking there, you could send a request for equipment using one of the request consoles on the wall in each department. A safer alternative is to send a PDA message to the Cargo Technician or Quartermaster and receive faster feedback from them.

The following is a list of the crates available.

List needs updated for our server. Plus some aren't even accurate to VOREcode. Nadyr (talk) 19:14, 10 November 2019 (CST)

Contents 1 General 2 Security 3 Hospitality 4 Engineering 5 Medical/Science 6 Hydroponics 7 Voidsuits General Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 50px Toner cartridges 6x Toner cartridges 10 Supply 50px Janitorial supplies 3x wet floor sign 3x bucket 3x Cleaner Grenade 1x mop 1x Trash bag 1x Damp Rag 1x mop bucket 1x space cleaner 10 Supply 50px Actor Costumes Theater access

Random pick from: Monkey costume Pirate costume Priest outfits Redcoat costume Chef costume Fake HoP/Captain uniforms Theater costumes Soviet uniform Ian shirt Mailman uniform Judge and lawyer costumes Waistcoat 10 Miscellaneous 50px Imported carpet 50x carpet tiles 15 Miscellaneous 50px Wizard costume 1x Wizard staff 1x Wizard robes 1x Sandals 1x Wizard hat 20 Miscellaneous 50px Witch costume 1x Witch broom 1x Sandal 1x Witch hat 1x Witch robe 20 Miscellaneous 32x32px Mulebot crate 1x Mulebot 20 Operations 32x32px Hoverpod crate 1x Hoverpod 80 Operations 50px Webbing crate 1x holster 1x webbing 15 Miscellaneous 50px Women s formal dress locker 1x random dress 15 Miscellaneous 50px Collectable Hat Crate 4x random collectable hats 200 Miscellaneous 50px Costume Hats Theater access

2x random hats 10 Miscellaneous 50px Arts and Crafts Crate. 3x wrapping paper 1x poster 1x white paint bucket 1x black paint bucket 1x violet paint bucket 1x yellow paint bucket 1x red paint bucket 1x blue paint bucket 1x green paint bucket 1x package wrapper 1x photo album 1x camera 2x film cartridge 1x crayons box 10 Operations 50px Contraband Crate(“Unlabeled Crate”) Requires modification of the supply console circuitboard.

5x random from the following:

blood tomato seed bag zoom pill bottle happy pill bottle absinthe bottle 30 Operations 50px Empty box crate 10x empty boxes 10 Supply 50px Formalwear closet 1x bowler hat 1x top hat 1x purple jacket 1x blue jacket 4x suit jacket 2x lawyer suits 2x black shoes 1x leather shoe 1x waistcoat 30 Miscellaneous 50px Spare PDAs 3x PDAs 10 Supply 50px 50 cardboard sheets 50x cardboard sheets 10 Miscellaneous 50px Office Supplies 1x filing cabinet 3x colored pens 1x paper bin 3x folders 1x hand labeler 1x clipboard 1x camera film 15 Supply 50px EFTPOS scanner crate 1x EFTPOS scanner 10 Miscellaneous Security Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 50px Special Ops Crate Supply Console hacking needed

1x box of EMP grenades 3x smokebomb 1x paralysis pen 1x incendiary grenade 20 Security 50px Beanbag shells 3x beanbag shell boxes 30 Security 50px Weapons Crate Security access

2x stunbatons 2x energy guns 2x NT Mk58 Pistols 2x boxes of flashbangs 2x tasers 40 Security 50px Flare Gun Crate Security access

1x .45 Flash Pistol 1x .45 Box of flash ammo 1x Double-Barreled Flash shotgun 1x Box of shotgun flash shells 25 Security 50px Experimental Weapons Crate Head access

2x x-ray energy guns 2x energy shields 2x laserproof vests 125 Security 50px Electromagnetic Weapons Crate Armory access

2x ion rifles 1x box of EMPs 50 Security 50px Automatic Weapons Crate Armory access

Randomized. Contains two items. Varies from:

WT-550 Saber Z8 Bulldog 90 Security 50px Armor crate Security access

Randomized. Contains a total of five items. Varies.

40 Security 50px Riot Gear crate Armory access

3x stunbatons 3x riot shields 1x box of flashbangs 1x box of beanbags 1x box of handcuffs 3x handcuffs 3x riot helmets 3x riot armors 60 Security 50px Energy Weapons Crate Armory access

3x laser carbines 50 Security 50px Shotgun Crate Armory access

2x bulletproof vests 2x pump combat shotguns 1x box of shotgun slugs 1x box of shotgun pellets 65 Security 50px Ballistic Ammunition Crate Armory access

2x shotgun slugs boxes 2x shotgun pellet boxes 60 Security 50px Experimental Energy Gear Crate Armory access

2x energy guns 2x laser-proof vests 50 Security 50px Experimental Armor Crate Armory access

1x bulletproof armor 1x laser-proof armor 1x riot helmet 1x riot armor 35 Security 50px Energy marksman crate Armory access

2x laser-proof armor 2x energy sniper rifles 50 Security 50px Tactical suits Armory access

2x complete tactical suits 45 Security 50px Security barriers crate 4x security barriers 20 Security 50px Wall shield generators crate Teleporter access

4x shield generator 20 Security Hospitality Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 50px Kitchen supply crate 2x milk 2x bananas 1x egg box 4x packets of flour 2x pieces of meat 2x pieces of tofu 2x cartons of milk 10 Supply 50px Party Equipment 4x beers 1x Boxes of Drinking Glasses 2x ale 1x Shaker 1x flask 1x Patron bottle 1x Goldschlager bottle 1x lipstick 1x pack of Dromedary Co. cigarettes 20 Hospitality 50px Pizza crate 5 random pizzas among:

margarita pizza mushroom pizza meat pizza vegetable pizza 15 Hospitality Engineering Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 32x32px Internals Crate 3x oxygen tank 3x gas mask 10 Engineering 32x32px Emergency Crate 4x Oxygen tanks 5x gas masks 2x hazard vests 2x Storage vests 4x Space Suits 2x emergency toolboxes 45 Engineering 50px Inflatable barrier crate 2x inflatable barriers 20 Engineering 50px SMES Coil Crate 1x SMES Coil 75 Engineering 50px Replacement Lights 3x boxes of lightbulbs 10 Engineering 50px Metal Sheets Crate 50x metal sheets 10 Engineering 50px Glass Sheets Crate 50x glass sheets 10 Engineering 50px Plastic Sheets crate 50x plastic sheets 10 Engineering 50px Electrical Maintenance Crate 2x insulated gloves 2x electrical toolboxes 2x power cell 2x high-capacity power cells 15 Engineering 50px Mechanical Maintenance Crate. 2x welding helmets 3x utility toolbelts 3x hazard vests 1x hard hat 10 Engineering 32x32px Fuel Tank Crate 1x fuel tank 8 Engineering 50px Solar Pack Crate 21x solar assemblies 1x solar control circuit 1x tracker electronics 1x solar paper 20 Engineering 32x32px Binary atmospheric circulator Engine access.

1x binary atmospheric circulator 60 Engineering 50px Emitter Crate CE access

2x emitters 10 Engineering 50px Field Generator Crate CE access

2x field generators 10 Engineering 50px Collector Crate CE access

3x collectors 10 Engineering 50px Singularity Generator Crate CE access.

1x singularity generator 10 Engineering 32x32px Radiation suit package 3x radiation suits 20 Engineering 50px Particle Accelerator Crate CE access

1x particle emitter center 1x particle emitter right 1x particle emitter left 1x end cap 1x power box 1x control box 1x fuel chamber 40 Engineering 50px Ripley Circuit Crate Robotic access

1x Ripley main circuit 1x Ripley peripherals circuit 1x manual 30 Engineering 50px Odysseus Circuit Crate Robotic access

1x Odysseus main circuit 1x Odysseus peripherals circuit 25 Engineering 32x32px Supermatter Core Crate 1x Supermatter Core 150 Engineering 50px Robotics Assembly Crate Robotic access

3x proximity sensor 4x flash 1x electrical toolbox 2x high-capacity power cell 10 Engineering 32x32px RUST Injector Crate Engine access.

1x RUST fuel injector 50 Engineering 50px RUST Fuel Compressor Circuitry Engine access.

1x RUST fuel compressor 60 Engineering 50px RUST Fuel Assembly Port Circuitry Engine access.

1x RUST fuel port 40 Engineering 50px P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator parts Tech store access.

1x pacman circuitboard 1x micro-laser 1x matter bin 1x capacitor 45 Engineering 50px Super P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator parts Tech store access.

1x super pacman circuitboard 1x micro-laser 1x matter bin 1x capacitor 55 Engineering 32x32px RUST Tokamak Crate Engine access.

1x RUST tokamak core 75 Engineering 50px Experimental Shield Generator Circuitry Engine access.

1x shield generator circuit 50 Engineering 50px Experimental Shield capacitor Circuitry Engine access.

1x shield capacitor circuit 50 Engineering 32x32px Mk1 TEG Crate Engine access.

1x Mark I thermoelectric generator 75 Engineering 32x32px Atmospheric Circulator Crate Engine access.

1x atmospheric circulator 60 Engineering 32x32px Empty gas canister 1x empty gas canister 7 Engineering 32x32px Air gas canister 1x air gas canister 10 Engineering 32x32px Oxygen gas canister 1x oxygen gas canister 15 Engineering 32x32px Phoron gas canister Atmospherics access

1x phoron gas canister 60 Engineering 32x32px Nitrogen gas canister 1x nitrogen gas canister 10 Engineering 32x32px N20 gas canister Atmospherics access

1x sleeping gas canister 40 Engineering 32x32px Carbon dioxide gas canister Atmospherics access

1x carbon dioxide gas canister 40 Engineering 50px Station painting supplies crate 2x pipe painters 2x floor painters 10 Engineering Medical/Science Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 32x32px Medical crate 1x First Aid Kit 1x Fire Medkit 1x Toxin Medkit 1x O2 Medkit 1x Antitoxin bottle 1x Inaprovaline bottle 1x Soporific bottle 1x Syringes box 1x autoinjector box 10 Medical/Science 32x32px Empty Bloodpack Crate 3x Empty Bloodpack boxes 10 Medical 50px Virus Crate CMO access

4x random virus dish 25 Medical/Science 32x32px Coolant tank crate 1x coolant tank 16 Medical/Science 32x32px Phoron assembly crate Toxin storage access

3x phoron tanks 3x igniters 3x proximity sensors 3x timers 10 Medical/Science 50px Surgery Crate Medical access

1x cautery 1x surgical drill 1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 1x FixOVein 1x hemostat 1x scalpel 1x bone gel 1x retractor 1x bone setter 1x circular_saw 25 Medical/Science 50px Sterile Equipment Crate. 1x box of medical gloves 1x box of medical mask 2x green surgery suits 3x Medical belts 15 Medical/Science 32x32px Body Bag crate 3x Body bag Boxes 10 Medical 32x32px Stasis Bag crate 3x Stasis Bags 50 Medical Hydroponics Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 50px Monkey crate 1x monkey cube box 20 Hydroponics 50px Farwa crate 1x Farwa cube box 30 Hydroponics 50px Neaera crate 1x Neaera cube box 30 Hydroponics 50px Stok crate 1x stok cube box 30 Hydroponics 32x32px Corgi crate 1x corgi (Lisa) 50 Hydroponics 32x32px Cow crate Hydroponics access

1x cow 30 Hydroponics 32x32px Chicken Crate Hydroponics access

5x chicks 20 Hydroponics 32x32px Goat crate Hydroponics access

1x goat 25 Hydroponics 32x32px Hydroponics Crate Hydroponics access

2x Plant-B-Gone 2x ammonia bottles 1x hatchet 1x minihoe 1x plant analyzer 1x hydro apron 1x leather gloves 15 Hydroponics 32x32px Seed Crate 1x Chili seeds 1x Berry seeds 1x Corn seeds 1x Eggplant seeds 1x Tomato seeds 1x Apple seeds 1x Soy seeds 1x Wheat seeds 1x Carrot seeds 1x Lemon seeds 1x Orange seeds 1x Harebell seeds 1x Grass seeds 1x Sunflower seeds 1x Chanter mycelium 1x Potato seeds 1x Sugarcane seeds 10 Hydroponics 32x32px Weed Control Crate Hydroponics access

2x Weedkiller grenades 2x Gas mask 4x Plant-B-Gone spray bottles 25 Hydroponics 32x32px Exotic Seed Crate 1x Nettle seeds 3x Replica Pod seeds 1x Plump Helmet mycelium 1x Liberty Cap mycelium 1x Fly Amanita mycelium 1x Reishi mycelium 1x Banana seeds 1x Rice seeds 1x Grape seeds 1x Lime seeds 1x Eggy seeds 15 Hydroponics 32x32px Water Tank Crate 1x watertank 8 Hydroponics 32x32px Beekeeping Crate Requires modification of the supply console circuitry

1x apiary 1x bee net 2x beezeez bottle 3x queen bee 40 Hydroponics 32x32px Empty hydroponics tray 1x hydroponics tray 30 Hydroponics Voidsuits Be sure to also look at our actual Voidsuit page.

Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 32x32px Heavy Duty Atmospheric voidsuits (Atmos Access) 2 Heavy Atmospherics suits (body) 2 Heavy Atmospherics Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 50 Atmos 32x32px Atmospheric voidsuits (Atmos Access) 2 Atmospherics suits (body) 2 Atmospherics Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Atmos 32x32px Engineering voidsuits (Engineering Access) 2 Engineering suits (body) 2 Engineering Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Engineering 32x32px Engineering Construction voidsuits(Engineering Access) 2 Construction suits (body) 2 Construction Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Engineering 32x32px Engineering Hazmat voidsuit(Engineering Access) 2 Engineering Hazmat suits (body) 2 Engineering Hazmat Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 45 Engineering 32x32px Reinforced Engineering voidsuits(Engineering Access) 2 Reinforced Engineering suits (body) 2 Reinforced Engineering Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 50 Engineering 32x32px Medical EMT voidsuits (Medical Access) 2 EMT suits (body) 2 EMT Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Medical 32x32px Medical Bio-hazard voidsuits (Medical Access) 2 Medical Bio-hazard (body) 2 Medical Bio-hazard Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 45 Medical 32x32px Verry-Med Medical voidsuits (Medical Access) 2 Verry-Med suits (body) 2 Verry-Med Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 60 Medical 32x32px Medical voidsuits (Medical Access) 2 Medical suits (body) 2 Medical Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Medical 32x32px Security Crowd Control voidsuits (Security Access) 2 Security Crowd Control suits (body) 2 Security Crowd Control Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Security 32x32px Security EVA Riot voidsuits (Security Access) 2 EVA Riot suits (body) 2 EVA Riot Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 50 Security 32x32px Security voidsuits (Security Access) 2 Security suits (body) 2 Security Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Security 32x32px Frontier Mining voidsuits (Cargo Access) 2 Mining suits (body) 2 Mining Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 50 Service 32x32px Mining Voidsuits(Cargo Access) 2 Mining suits (body) 2 Mining Helmets 2 Oxygen masks 2 Oxygen tanks 2 Mag boots 40 Mining/Cargo

Shuttle Loan Minimum round time: 6 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

CentCom takes control of the Supply Shuttle and recalls it for some purpose they state in the announcement.

Cargo Bay can decide whether they want to loan the Supply Shuttle to CentCom for 5 minutes through the Supply Shuttle Console. The station receives a nice sum of bonus cargo points, in exchange for the following…

“The syndicate are trying to infiltrate your station. If you let them hijack your shuttle, you'll save us a headache.” A number of syndicate mobs come aboard the supply shuttle when it next comes. Have security arm up to take them out and safely confiscate any weapons they bring with them. “A group of angry russians want to have a party, can you send them your cargo shuttle then make them disappear?” A number of armed and angry Russians, plus a bear or two come with the next supply shuttle. Kill them for some sweet duds! “The Spider Clan has sent us a mysterious gift, can we ship it to you to see what's inside?” The next supply shuttle comes loaded with giant spiders, nasty! “Your station has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Send us your cargo shuttle to receive your research samples.” The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles. “Seems we've ordered doubles of our department resupply packages this month. Can we send them to you?” The next shuttle comes loaded with a variety of free goodies. Sweet! (Does not include extra points. Dang.) “It looks like a neighbouring station accidentally delivered their pizza to you instead.” You get a bunch of free pizzas! May or may not include a pizza bomb.

Supply Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Corporate Posters Crate 5x posters 560 Supply Empty Boxes Crate 9x Empty Boxes 640 Supply EFTPOS scanner crate 1x EFTPOS scanner 700 Supply Export Scanners Crate 2x Price scanners 560 Supply Janitorial supplies 4x wet floor sign 1x bucket 1x light replacer 4x mop 1x Trash bag 1x Damp Rag 1x mop bucket 3x space cleaner 800 Supply Cleaner Grenade Crate 10x Cleaning Grenades 500 Supply Operations Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Flare Boxes Crate 3x Flare Box 800 Operations Floodlight Crate 2x Floodlight 1120 Operations Large-wooden-crate.png Mulebot crate 1x Mulebot 960 Operations Toner cartridges 6x Toner cartridge 480 Operations Metal Foam Grenades 6x Metal Foam Grenade 800 Operations Crate 1x Empty Crate 400 Operations Security Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Special Ops Crate Supply Console hacking needed

1x box of EMP grenades 3x smokebomb 1x paralysis pen 1x incendiary grenade 1360 Security Secweaponscrate.png STS Carbine(.257) Weapons Crate Security access

3x STS Carbines 2500 Security Secweaponscrate.png STS Carbine(7.5) Weapons Crate Security access

3x STS Battle Rifles 3000 Security Secweaponscrate.png STS Carbine(.408) Weapons Crate Security access

3x STS Heavy Rifles 4000 Security Secweaponscrate.png HS Energy Weapons Crate Security access

1x Cassad 2x Assorted Energy Weapon 2x Martin 4800 Security Secweaponscrate.png HS Sidearms Crate Security access

1x Colt 1x Clarissa 1x Olivaw 2400 Security Secweaponscrate.png HS Revolvers Crate Security access

3x Assorted Revolver 2640 Security Secweaponscrate.png Lonestar Long Revolver Novelty Crate Security access

1x Long-barreled Revolver 3000 Security Secweaponscrate.png CA Energy Weapons Crate Security access

2x Laser weapons 2x Taser weapons 2x Serenity 4000 Security Secweaponscrate.png Incendiary Weapons Crate Security access

1x Flamethrower (assembled) 3x Phoron Tank 3x Incendiary Grenade 2000 Security Secweaponscrate.png Marshal Surplus Armor Crate Security access

4x Armor Vest 2x Armor Helmet 1200 Security Secweaponscrate.png Marshal Riot Gear Crate Security access

3x Stun Baton 3x Riot Shield 3x Flashbang box 3x Handcuffs 3x Riot Helmet 3x Riot Armor 4880 Security Secweaponscrate.png Marshal Ballistic Armor Crate Security access

2x Bulletproof Armor 2x Armor Helmet 2400 Security Secweaponscrate.png HS Beanbag Shells Crate Security access

5x Beanbag shell box 800 Security Secweaponscrate.png HS Slug Shells Crate Security access

5x Slug shell box 1200 Security Secweaponscrate.png HS Buckshot Shells Crate Security access

5x Buckshot shell box 1200 Security Secweaponscrate.png Marshal Ablative Armor Crate Security access

2x Laserproof Armor 2x Armor Helmet 2800 Security Secweaponscrate.png Security Barrier Crate Security access

4x Deployable Security Barrier 1600 Security Secweaponscrate.png Wall Shield Generator Crate Security access

4x Shield Generator 1600 Security Secweaponscrate.png Random Gun Mod Crate Security access

5x Gun modification addon (assorted) 1200 Security Secweaponscrate.png Little Comet Sidearm Crate 1x Little Comet revolver 12000 Security Secweaponscrate.png 'Bond' Survival Rifle 1x Bond rifle 3x 10×24 ammo magazine 2000 Security Secweaponscrate.png Assault Armor Security access

1x Assault voidsuit 20000 Security Xanorath Syndicate Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 50px Void Wolf Rifles Crate 4x AK-47 rifle 6500 Xanorath Syndicate 50px Void Wolf Recreations Crate 2x Autoinjector (drugs) 2x Syringe (drugs) 1x Zoom pill 1x Happy pill 1x Ambrosia Deus seed pack 1x Ambrosia Vulgaris seed pack 3x Ambrosia Deus branch 3x Ambrosia Vulgaris branch 1000 Xanorath Syndicate 50px Void Wolf Gun Mod Crate 1x Killer scope 1x Boom trigger assembly 1x Gauss barrel 1x Reverse loading mechanism 1x Danger Zone modification 1200 Xanorath Syndicate 50px Void Wolf Energy Swords Crate 4x Energy Cutlass 4500 Xanorath Syndicate 50px Void Wolf Red Armor Crate 4x Xanorath Armor Voidsuit 3500 Xanorath Syndicate 50px Void Wolf Emperor Crate 1x Gyro pistol 2x Gyro ammo magazine 20000 Xanorath Syndicate Hospitality Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Freezercrate.png Birthday Catering Crate 1x Drinking Glass box 1x Shaker 1x Flask 1x Orange Juice carton 1x Space-Up 1x Space Cola 1x Birthday Cake 1x Kitchen Knife 3x Heart lunchbox 2x Greeting card (Smile) 2x Greeting card (Heart) 2x Greeting card (Cat) 2x Greeting card (Flower) 1x Cake hat 1120 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Bartending Supply Crate 2x Gin bottle 2x Whiskey bottle 2x Tequila bottle 2x Vodka bottle 2x Vermouth bottle 2x Rum bottle 3x Wine bottle 2x Cognac bottle 3x Kahlua bottle 6x Beer bottle 6x Ale bottle 2x Orange juice carton 2x Tomato juice carton 2x Lime juice carton 2x Cream carton 6x Tonic water can 5x Space Cola can 5x Space-Up can 5x Space Mountain Wind can 15x Soda water can 2x Flask 2x Blue Curacao bottle 30x Drinking Glass 5x Grenadine bottle 2x Melon Liquor bottle 1x Absinthe bottle 1120 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Party Cakes 1x Carrot Cake slice 1x Vanilla Cake slice 1x Orange Cake slice 1x Lime Cake slice 1x Lemon Cake slice 1x Chocolate Cake slice 800 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Burger Surprise Crate (x5) 5x Burger (random) 800 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Cake Surprise Crate (x2) 2x Cake (random) 800 Hospitality Corporate Catering Crate 6x Mug 1x Teapot 1x Wine bottle 1x Cognac bottle 6x Mint candy 960 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Kitchen Supply Crate 4x Flour sack 1x Universal Enzyme bottle 1x Sugar sack 2x Milk jug 1x Egg box (12 count) 2x Tofu slab 2x Meat slab 720 Supply Lunchbox Crate 3x Cat Lunchbox 4x Lunchbox (assorted) 4x Rainbow Lunchbox 320 Hospitality Party Equipment 1x Drinking glass box 1x Shaker 1x Flask 1x Patron bottle 1x Goldschlager bottle 1x Fortress cigarette pack 2x Ale bottle 4x Beer bottle 960 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Pizza Surprise Crate (x5) 5x Pizza box (random) 800 Hospitality Hospitality Dispenser (Booze/Soda/Coffee Dispenser Boards) 1x Coffee Master board 1x Alcohol dispenser board 1x Soda fountain dispenser board 2x Drinking glass box 850 Hospitality Large-wooden-crate.png Piano Crate 1x Piano 750 Hospitality Music Crate 1x Guitar 1x Multi-guitar 1x Synthesizer 1x Trumpet 1x Violin 750 Hospitality Engineering Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group 02crate.png Internals Crate 3x oxygen tank 3x gas mask 480 Engineering 02crate.png Emergency Equipment Crate 5x Oxygen tanks 5x gas masks 2x hazard vests 2x emergency toolboxes 800 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Canister: N2O 1x N2O canister 1800 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Canister: O2 1x O2 Canister 1200 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Canister: N2 1x N2 Canister 720 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Canister: Air 1x Air Mix Canister 1200 Engineering Inflatable barrier crate 5x inflatable barriers 1200 Engineering Replacement Lights Crate 4x boxes of lightbulbs 560 Engineering Metal Sheets Crate 120x metal sheets 400 Engineering Bulk Metal Sheets Crate 480x metal sheets 1160 Engineering Glass Sheets Crate (120) 120x glass sheets 600 Engineering Borosilicate Glass Sheets Crate (120) 120x Borosilicate Glass sheets 1400 Engineering Wooden Planks Crate (120) 120x Wood planks 600 Engineering Plasteel Sheets Crate (60) 60x Plasteel sheets 1300 Engineering Electrical Maintenance Crate 2x insulated gloves 2x electrical toolboxes 2x Large Power cell 2x High-capacity Large power cell 960 Engineering Mechanical Maintenance Crate 2x welding helmets 3x utility toolbelts 3x hazard vests 1x hard hat 800 Engineering Tool-Mod Reinforcement Crate 2x Heatsink mod 2x Reinforced Plating mod 2x Rubber Mesh mod 1000 Engineering Tool-Mod Productivity Crate 2x Ergonomic Grip mod 2x Ratchet mod 1x Red Paint mod 1x Oxyjet mod 2x Whetstone mod 1x High-Power Motor mod 1000 Engineering Tool-Mod Refinement Crate 2x Laser Guide mod 2x Stabilized Grip mod 2x Magnetic Bit mod 2x Ported Barrel mod 1000 Engineering Tool-Mod Utility Crate 2x Cell Mount mod 2x Fuel Tank Expansion mod 2x Modification Expansion mod 2x Aural Dampener mod 1000 Engineering Tool-Mod Random Assortment Crate 3x Tool mod (random, normal) 4x Tool mod (random, rare) 1200 Engineering Omnitool Crate 1x Omnitool 2000 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Fuel Tank Crate 1x fuel tank 800 Engineering Fuel Crate (1000) 2x Welding Pack 3x Welding canister 2000 Engineering Solar Pack Crate 21x Solar assemblies 1x Solar control circuit 1x Solar Tracker electronics 1x Instruction Sheet 1300 Engineering SecureCrate.png Emitter Crate GM access

2x emitters 1200 Engineering SecureCrate.png Field Generator Crate GM access

2x field generators TBD Engineering SecureCrate.png Collector Crate GM access

3x Radiation collectors TBD Engineering SecureCrate.png Singularity Generator Crate GM access.

1x Singularity generator TBD Engineering SecureCrate.png Particle Accelerator Crate GM access

1x Particle emitter center 1x Particle emitter right 1x Particle emitter left 1x End cap 1x Power box 1x Control box 1x Fuel chamber 3200 Engineering SecureCrate.png Exosuit Assembly Crate (“Ripley” APLU) Robotic access

1x Exosuit drill 1x Hydraulic clamp 1x Ripley main circuit 1x Ripley peripherals circuit 1x Ripley chassis 1x Ripley left arm 1x Ripley right arm 1x Ripley left leg 1x Ripley right leg 2400 Engineering SecureCrate.png Exosuit Assembly Crate (“Odysseus”) Robotic access

1x Exosuit syringe gun 1x Exosuit sleeper unit 1x Odysseus main circuit 1x Odysseus peripherals circuit 1x Odysseus head 1x Odysseus chassis 1x Odysseus left arm 1x Odysseus right arm 1x Odysseus left leg 1x Odysseus right leg 2400 Engineering SecureCrate.png Robotics Assembly Crate Robotic access

2x Proximity sensor 1x Electrical toolbox 4x Flash 2x High-capacity Large Power cell 800 Engineering SecureCrate.png Hatton Gas Tubes Crate GM Access

3x Hatton Gas Tube 4000 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Supermatter Core Crate (CAUTION) GM Access

1x Supermatter Crystal 100000 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Mk 1 Thermoelectric Generator Crate Engine access.

1x Mark I thermoelectric generator 2400 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Binary Atmospheric Circulator Crate Engine access.

1x Atmospheric circulator 1200 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Pipe Dispenser Crate 1x Pipe Dispenser 720 Engineering Large-wooden-crate.png Disposal Pipe Dispenser Crate 1x Disposal Pipe Dispenser 720 Engineering Medical/Science Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Medical.png Medical crate 1x First Aid Kit 1x Fire Medkit 1x Toxin Medkit 1x O2 Medkit 1x Antitoxin bottle 1x Inaprovaline bottle 1x Soporific bottle 1x Syringes box 1x autoinjector box 800 Medical/Science Medical.png Spare Defibrillator Crate 1x Defibrillator 1x Large power cell 800 Medical/Science SecureCrate.png Virus Crate CBO access

4x random virus dish 2000 Medical/Science Coolant tank crate 1x coolant tank 1000 Medical/Science Phoron.png Phoron assembly crate Toxin storage access

3x phoron tanks 3x igniters 3x proximity sensors 3x timers 1200 Medical/Science SecureCrate.png Surgery Crate Medical access

1x Surgery kit, full 1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 960 Medical/Science SecureCrate.png Advanced Surgery Crate Medical access

1x Surgery kit, advanced (Advanced Circular Saw, Advanced Scalpel, Tramadol Pill bottle, ProSurgeon Pill bottle)

1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 1260 Medical/Science Sterile Equipment Crate 1x Medical gloves box 1x Sterile mask box 2x Surgery scrubs, green 2x Surgery headwraps, green 720 Medical/Science Freezercrate.png Bloodpack Variety Crate 2x Bloodpack, empty 1x Bloodpack, A+ 1x Bloodpack, A- 1x Bloodpack, B+ 1x Bloodpack, B- 1x Bloodpack, O+ 1x Bloodpack, O- 1200 Medical/Science Freezercrate.png Bloodpack Variety Crate 1x Medical Stand 560 Medical/Science Medical.png Body Bag crate 4x Body bag Boxes 480 Medical/Science 32x32px Suspension Field Generator Crate 1x Suspension Generator 2000 Medical/Science Medical.png Raw Nanites Crate 1x Nanites vial 1200 Medical/Science Medical.png Raw Uncapped Nanites Crate 1x Uncapped Nanites vial 1600 Medical/Science Diamond Sheet Crate 10x Diamond sheet 8000 Medical/Science SecureCrate.png Research Data Crate Science Access

2x Research Points disk 4000 Medical/Science Empty Design Disk Crate 6x Empty Design Disk 800 Miscellaneous Compact RPED 1x Mini part replacer 550 Miscellaneous Hydroponics Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Freezercrate.png Monkey crate 1x monkey cube box 1200 Hydroponics Large-wooden-crate.png Corgi crate 1x corgi (Lisa) 3200 Hydroponics Large-wooden-crate.png Cat crate 1x Cat 2400 Hydroponics Critter-case.png Cow crate Hydroponics access

1x cow 2400 Hydroponics Critter-case.png Chicken Crate Hydroponics access

5x chicks 1200 Hydroponics Critter-case.png Goat crate Hydroponics access

1x goat 2000 Hydroponics 5.png Hydroponics Supply Crate 2x Plant-B-Gone 2x ammonia bottles 1x hatchet 1x minihoe 1x plant analyzer 1x hydro apron 1x leather gloves 720 Hydroponics 5.png Seed Crate 1x Berry seeds 1x Corn seeds 1x Eggplant seeds 1x Tomato seeds 1x Apple seeds 1x Soy seeds 1x Wheat seeds 1x Carrot seeds 1x Lemon seeds 1x Orange seeds 1x Harebell seeds 1x Grass seeds 1x Sunflower seeds 1x Chanter mycelium 1x Potato seeds 1x Sugarcane seeds 640 Hydroponics Sechydro.png Weed Control Crate Hydroponics access

4x Weedkiller grenades 1x Gas mask 800 Hydroponics 5.png Exotic Seed Crate 1x Reishi mycelium 6x exotic seeds, random 1x Kudzu seed 1200 Hydroponics Water Tank Crate 1x watertank 640 Hydroponics Large Water Tank Crate 1x High-capacity Water tank 640 Hydroponics Randomized Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Contraband Crate 1x Blood Tomato seed 1x Zoom pill bottle 1x Kudzu seed 1x Happy pill bottle 1x Contraband poster 1x Poison Berry Wine 2400 Operations SecureCrate.png Surplus Weapons Crate 4x Gun, random 4000 Security SecureCrate.png Surplus Ammo Crate 4x Ammo magazine, random 1200 Security Surplus Uniform Holsters 4x holster, random 800 Clothing Surplus Pouches Crate 5x pouch, random 1200 Clothing Surplus Voidsuit Crate 2x voidsuit, random 1200 Clothing Surplus Rig Crate 2x rig unit, random 4000 Clothing Surplus Rig Modules Crate 2x rig unit module, random 2000 Clothing Recreation Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Action Figure Surprise Crate 5x Random Action Figures 400 N/A Arts and Crafts Crate 1x Box of Crayons 1x Camera 2x Camera Film 1x Photo Album 1x Package Wrap 7x Paint (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Black, White) 1x Poster 3x Wrapping Paper 560 N/A Card Gaming Crate 1x CAH White Deck 1x CAH Black Deck 1x Cardemon Booster Pack 1x Spaceball Booster Pack 1x Playing Card Holder 1x Tarot Cards 1x Bag of Dice 400 N/A Laser Tag Crate 1x Laser Tag Gun (Red) 1x Laser Tag Gun (Blue) 1x Laser Tag Armor (Red) 1x Laser Tag Armor (Blue) 560 N/A Painting Supplies Crate 2x Pipe Painters 2x Floor Painters 560 N/A Plushie Surprise Crate 5x Random Plushies 400 N/A Recreational Restraints Crate 1x Muzzle 1x Blindfold 1x Fuzzy Handcuffs 1x Roll of Duct Tape 1x Cable Coil 1x Straightjacket 1x Fuzzy Legcuffs 1x Latex Maid Outfit 560 N/A Tabletop Gaming Crate 1x Alien Figure 1x Owl Figure 1x Griffin Figure 1x Lich Figure 1x Voidone Figure 1x Thief Figure 1x Wizard Figure 1x Cleric Figure 1x Warrior Figure 1x Bag of Tabletop Dice 400 N/A Toy Surprise Crate 5x Random Toys 400 N/A Toy Weapon Crate 1x Foam Dart Crossbow 1x Foam Sword 1x Toy Katana 2x Toy Energy Swords 400 N/A Mining Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Large-wooden-crate.png Drill Crate 1x Mining Drill Assembly 1200 Mining Large-wooden-crate.png Brace Crate 2x Drill Brace Assembly 1200 Mining Large-wooden-crate.png Spare Ore Box Crate 1x Ore Crate 600 Mining 50px Jackhammer Mining Supply Crate 1x Spray Cleaner bottle 1x Heavy-duty Flashlight 1x High-capacity Medium Power Cell 1x Ore Sack 1x Jackhammer 800 Mining 50px Diesel Drill Mining Supply Crate 1x Spray Cleaner bottle 1x Heavy-duty Flashlight 1x Ore Sack 1x Diesel Mining Drill 900 Mining 50px Diamond Diesel Drill Mining Supply Crate 1x Spray Cleaner bottle 1x Heavy-duty Flashlight 1x Welding Pack 1x Ore Sack 1x Diamond-tipped Diesel Mining Drill 1100 Mining Clothing Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Closet.png Formalwear Crate 1x Bowler hat 1x Top hat 1x Suit jacket 1x Suit jacket, red 2x Shoes, black 1x Shoes, leather 1x Waistcoat, black 1200 Clothing SecureCrate.png Actor Costumes Crate Actor Access

1x Pirate costume 1x Judge costume 1x Waistcoat, black 1x Nun costume 1x Officer outfit 1x Plague Doctor outfit 1x Blue Plaid outfit 1x Owl costume 1x Waiter outfit 1x Gladiator costume 1x Soviet costume 1x Bridal outfit 1x Chef outfit 1x kilt 800 Clothing Resources Integration Gear Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group EVA Hardsuit Crate 1x EVA Suit Control Module 400 RIG Hazard Hardsuit Crate 1x Hazard Hardsuit Control Module 600 RIG Industrial Hardsuit Crate 1x Industrial Hardsuit Control Module 500 RIG Light Hardsuit Crate 1x Light Hardsuit Control Module 300 RIG Mounted Flash Module Crate 1x Mounted Flash Module 300 RIG Mounted Energy Gun Module Crate 1x Mounted Energy Gun Module 700 RIG Mounted Taser Module Crate 1x Mounted Taser Gun Module 600 RIG Mounted Drill Module Crate 1x Mounted Drill Module 200 RIG Mounted Ore Scanner Module Crate 1x Mounted Ore Scanner Module 100 RIG Mounted Health Scanner Module Crate 1x Mounted Health Scanner Module 100 RIG Mounted Manuevering Jets Module Crate 1x Hardsuit Maneuvering Jets Module 250 RIG Mounted Storage Compartment Module Crate 1x Mounted Storage Compartment Module 400 RIG Mounted Meson Scanners Module Crate 1x Mounted Meson Scanners Module 200 RIG Mounted Medical HUD Module Crate 1x Mounted Medical HUD Module 200 RIG Mounted Security HUD Module Crate 1x Mounted Security HUD Module 100 RIG Mounted Night Vision Interface Module Crate 1x Mounted Night Vision Goggles Module 800 RIG


Name Access Needed Contents Cost
Toner Cartridges None 5x Toner Cartridges 10
Label Rolls None 3x Label Roll Boxes 10
Internals Crates None 3x Oxygen Tank\\3x Gas Mask 10
Emergency Equipment None 2x Emergency Toolbox\\2x Hazard Vest\\5x Emergency Oxygen Tank\\5x Gas Mask\\2x Floorbot\\2x Medibot 40









Supplies Name & Access Required Contents Cost Toner Cartridges 5x toner cartridges. 10 Label Rolls 3x label roll box 10 O2crate.png Internals Crate 3x oxygen tank 3x gas mask 10 O2crate.png Emergency Equipment 2x emergency toolbox 2x hazard vest 5x emergency oxygen tank 5x gas mask 2x floorbot 2x medibot 40 Janitorial Supplies 3x bucket 1x mop 3x wet floor sign 1x Trash bag 1x space cleaner 1x Damp Rag 3x Cleaner Grenade 1x mop bucket 10 Replacement Lights 3x box of lightbulbs and -tubes 10 High Efficiency Lights 2x box of high efficiency lights 20 Newscaster Crate 3x newscaster frames 10 Mulebot Crate 1x Mulebot. 20 Porcelain Crate 1x sink 1x toilet 10 Showers Crate 2x shower 10 EngiCrate.png Metal Sheets Crate 50x metal sheet 10 EngiCrate.png Glass Sheets Crate 50x glass sheet 10 EngiCrate.png Wooden Planks Crate 25x wooden planks 12 Carpet Crate 30x carpet tiles 15 Arcade Tiles Crate 30x arcade tiles 15 Grass Crate 30x grass tiles 15 Water Tank Crate 1x watertank 8 Fuel Tank Crate. 1x fuel tank 8 Silicate Tank Crate 1x silicate tank 8 Mining Equipment 1x mining drill 2x mining pickaxe 3x lantern 1x mining scanner 3x mining satchel 2x money bag 20 Arts and Crafts Crate 3x wrapping paper 1x poster 1x paint remover bucket 1x white paint bucket 1x black paint bucket 1x violet paint bucket 1x yellow paint bucket 1x red paint bucket 1x blue paint bucket 1x green paint bucket 1x package wrapper 1x photo album 1x camera 2x film cartidge 1x crayons box 10 Contraband Crate(“Unlabeled Crate”) Supply Console hacking needed

5x Random from the following:

blood tomato seed bag zoom pill bottle happy pill bottle absinthe bottle wizard card and frog 30 Empty Box Crate 10x empty box. 10 EFTPOS Crate. 1x EFTPOS scanner 10

Clothing Name & Access Required Contents Cost SecureCrate.png Standard Costume Crate Theatre access

1x Giggles von Honkerton 1x clown shoes 1x clown wig and mask 1x clown jumpsuit 1x bike horn 1x mime jumpsuit 1x mime shoes 1x white gloves 1x mime mask 1x beret 1x suspenders 1x Bottle of Nothing 10 Wizard Costume Crate 1x wizard staff 1x wizard robes 1x sandals 1x wizard hat 20 Collectable Hat Crate! 3x random hat 200 Closet.png Formalwear Closet 1x top hat 1x blue jacket 1x purple jacket 1x bowler hat 1x black suit 2x executive suit 1x red suit 2x black shoes 1x waistcoat 30 Feminine Formalwear 1x flame dress 1x green dress 1x orange dress 1x pink dress 1x yellow dress 1x saloon girl dress 1x hair flower pin 1x orange wedding dress 1x purple wedding dress 1x blue wedding dress 1x red wedding dress 1x white wedding dress 2x random lipstick (purple/jade/black) 30 Knight Armour Crate 4x plate armour 4x medieval helmet 35 Vox Resupply Crate 1x vox pressure suit 1x vox pressure helmet 1x nitrogen tank 1x vox breath mask 100 Phoronman Containment Crate 1x phoronman suit 1x phoronman helmet 1x phoronman phoron tank 1x breath mask 100 Grey Space-Ex Crate 1x grey pressure suit 1x grey pressure helmet 1x oxygen tank 1x breath mask 100

Security Name & Access Required Contents Cost Special Ops Crate Requires modification of the supply console circuitboard.

1x box of EMP grenades 3x smokebomb 1x paralysis pen 1x incendiary grenade 20 Beanbag Shell 10x beanbag shell 10 Secweaponscrate.png Weapons Crate Security access

2x stunbaton 2x laser gun 2x taser gun 2x box of flashbangs 1x bolas 30 Secweaponscrate.png Incendiary Weapons Crate Head access

1x flamethrower 3x phoron tank 3x incendiary grenade 25 SecureCrate.png Armour Crate Security access

2x helmet 2x armour vest 15 SecureCrate.png Riot Gear Crate Armoury access

3x stunbaton 3x riot shield 3x box of flashbangs 3x handcuff 3x riot helmet 3x riot armour 2x bolas 60 SecureCrate.png Loyalty Implant Crate Armoury access

1x loyalty implant box 60 SecureCrate.png Tracking Implant Crate Armoury access

1x tracking implant box 50 SecureCrate.png Chemical Implant Crate Armoury access

1x chemical implant box 50 SecureCrate.png Ballistic Gear Crate Armory access

2x bulletproof armor 2x combat shotgun 50 SecureCrate.png Shotgun Shells Armoury access

15x lethal shells 15x buckshot shells 15x beanbag shells 15x stun shells 15x shotgun darts 20 SecureCrate.png Experimental Energy Gear Crate Armory access

2x energy gun 2x ablative armor 50 SecureCrate.png Experimental Armor Crate Armory access

1x bulletproof armor 1x ablative armor 1x riot helmet 1x riot armor 35 SecGearCrate.png Security Checkpoint Equipment 4x deployable barriers 1x Mr. V.A.L.I.D. Portable Threat Detector 10

Hospitality Name & Access Required Contents Cost Freezercrate.png Basic Cooking Crate 4x flour bag 2x space milk 10 Freezercrate.png Fruit Crate 16x random from the following:

tomato banana watermelon apple berries cherries grapes green grapes lime lemon orange 20 SecureCrate.png Exotic Garnishes 6 random condiments:

enzyme black pepper vinegar salt cinnamon chef's special frost oil soy sauce capsaicin honey ketchup coco powder 15 SecureCrate.png Trophy Meats 8x random chosen from the following:

mimic meat bear meat spider meat xeno meat imitation carp meat chicken meat synthmeat spider leg spider eggs 30 Party Equipment 1x Box of Drinking Glasses. 1x Shaker. 1x Patron bottle. 1x Goldschlager bottle. 1x pack of Dromedaryco cigarettes 1x lipstick 2x Ale. 4x Beer. 2x maracas 20 Freezercrate.png Pizza Crate 5 random pizzas among:

margerita pizza mushroom pizza meat pizza vegetarian pizza 75 Cafe Equipment 1x Circuit Board (Brewer) 2x box of mugs 1x kettle 20 Advanced Bartending Equipment 1x Circuit Board (Soda Dispenser) 1x Circuit Board (Booze Dispenser) 2x box of drinking glasses 1x shaker 40 Festive Supplies 2x gift wrap 6x xmas cracker 1x red santa hat 1x green santa hat 3x christmas jumper 3x scarf 1x winter casualwear 30 Big Band 1x piano 1x xylophone 1x harmonica 1x saxophone 1x violin 1x guitar 1x trombone 1x accordion 1x glockenspiel 500 Random Instrument 1x random musical instrument 50 Engineering Name & Access Required Contents Cost EngiCrate.png Electrical Maintenance Crate 2x insulated gloves 2x electrical toolbox 2x power cell 2x high-capacity power cell 15 EngiCrate.png Mechanical Maintenance Crate. 3x utility toolbelt 2x welding helmet 3x hazard vest 1x hard hat 10 EngiCrate.png Solar Pack Crate. 21x solar assembly 1x solar control circuit 1x tracker electronics 1x solar paper 20 EngiSecCrate.png Emitter Crate CE access

2x emitters 10 EngiSecCrate.png Field Generator Crate CE access

2x field generators 10 EngiSecCrate.png Singularity Generator Crate CE access

1x singularity generator 10 EngiSecCrate.png Collector Crate CE access

3x collectors 10 EngiSecCrate.png Particle Accelerator Crate CE access

1x particle emitter center 1x particle emitter right 1x particle emitter left 1x end cap 1x power box 1x control box 1x fuel chamber 40 SciSecCrate.png Circuit Crate (“Ripley” APLU) Robotics access

1x APLU “Ripley” manual 1x Ripley main circuit 1x Ripley peripherals circuit 30 SciSecCrate.png Circuit Crate (“Odysseus”) Robotics access

1x Odysseus main circuit 1x Odysseus peripherals circuit 25 EngiSecCrate.png Shield Generators Teleporter access

4x shield generators 20 EngiSecCrate.png Antimatter Control Unit Crate Engine access

1x antimatter control unit 30 EngiSecCrate.png AMR Parts Crate Engine access

12x packaged antimatter reactor section 30 EngiSecCrate.png Antimatter Containment Jar Crate Engine access

3x antimatter containment jar 15 LargeSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Fuel Injector Engine access

1x Fuel Injector 25 LargeSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Gyrotron Engine access

1x gyrotron 25 EngiSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Fuel Compressor Circuitry Engine access

1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Mk. 7 fuel compressor) 30 EngiSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Fuel Assembly Port Circuitry Engine access

1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Mk. 7 fuel port) 20 LargeSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Tokamak Crate Engine access

1x R-UST Mk 7 Tokamak core 50 EngiSecCrate.png Experimental Shield Generator Circuitry CE access

1x Circuit board (Experimental shield generator) 30 EngiSecCrate.png Experimental Shield Capacitor Circuitry CE access

1x Circuit board (Experimental shield capacitor) 30 LargeSecCrate.png Mark I Thermoelectric Generator Engine access

1x thermoelectric generator 75 LargeSecCrate.png Binary Atmospheric Circulator Engine access

1x circulator 60 EngiSecCrate.png Supermatter Shard CE access

1x Supermatter Shard 100 EngiCrate.png RCS Crate 1x rapid crate sender 80 EngiCrate.png RCS Telepad Crate 2x RCS telepad kits 80 Medical Name & Access Required Contents Cost Medical Crate 1x first-aid kit 1x fire first-aid kit 1x toxin first-aid kit 1x oxygen deprivation first aid 1x anti-toxin bottle 1x inaprovaline bottle 1x sleep-toxin bottle 1x syringes box 1x pill collector 1x box of injectors 10 SecureCrate.png Virus Crate CMO access

4x random virus dish 25 SecureCrate.png Surgery Crate Medical access

1x cautery 1x surgical drill 1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 1x FixOVein 1x hemostat 1x scalpel 1x bone gel 1x retractor 1x bone setter 1x circular saw 25 Sterile Equipment Crate 1x box of medical gloves 1x box of medical mask 2x green surgery suit 15 SecureCrate.png Bloodbag Crate Medical access

1x A+ Bloodpack 1x A- Bloodpack 1x B+ Bloodpack 1x B- Bloodpack 1x O+ Bloodpack 1x O- Bloodpack 1x Empty Bloodpack 10 Wheelchair Crate 1x wheelchair 40 SecureCrate.png Motorised Wheelchair Crate CMO access

1x motorised wheelchair 200

Science Name & Access Required Contents Cost SciSecCrate.png RnD Stock Parts Crate Research access

1x Circuit board (Protolathe) 1x Circuit board (R&D Console) 1x Circuit board (Circuit Imprinter) 1x Circuit board (Destructive Analyser) 2x matter bin 3x micro-manipulator 2x beaker 1x scanning module 1x micro-laser 30 SciSecCrate.png RnD Experimental Crate Research access

1x Technology Disk (Nanotrasen 1) 1x paper - 'Nanotrasen Experimental Technologies' 80 SciSecCrate.png Robotics Assembly Crate Robotics access

3x proximity sensor 1x electrical toolbox 4x flash 2x high-capacity power cell 10 SecPhoronCrate.png Phoron Assembly Crate Toxins storage access

3x phoron tank 3x igniter 3x proximity sensor 3x timer 10 SciSecCrate.png Borer Egg Crate Xenobiology access

1x borer egg 100

Hydroponics Name & Access Required Contents Cost Freezercrate.png Monkey Crate 1x monkey cube box 20 Freezercrate.png Farwa Crate 1x Farwa cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Neaera Crate 1x Neaera cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Stok Crate 1x stok cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Genetically Modified Chicken Crate 1x green egg box 30 Hydroponics Supply Crate Hydroponics access

2x Plant-B-Gone 2x ammonia bottle 1x hatchet 2x mini hoe 1x plant analyser 1x botanist's leather gloves 1x apron 1x flora disk box 15 Cow Crate Hydroponics access

1x cow 30 Goat Crate Hydroponics access

1x Goat. 25 Chicken Crate Hydroponics access

6x chicks 20 Corgi Crate 1x Lisa 50 Sec Weed Control Crate Hydroponics access

1x Scythe 1x Gas mask 2x Weedkiller grenades 20 Sec Exotic Seeds Crate Hydroponics access

2x packet of diona nodes 1x packet of liberty cap spores 1x packet of reishi spores 6x randomly generated seeds 1x packet of kudzu seeds 1x packet of no-fruit seeds 15 Sec Beekeeping Crate Hydroponics access

2x beezeez bottle 1x bee net 1x mini fire extinguisher 1x apiary 3x queen bee 1x beekeeping suit 1x beekeeping hood 1x The Ins and Outs of Apiculture - A Precise Art 20 Ranching Crate 1x Circuit Board (Egg Incubator) 2x capacitor 1x matter bin 3x egg 1x kitchen knife 1x cowboy hat 15 Sec Hydroponics Trays Components Crate Hydroponics access

2x Circuit Board (Hydroponics Tray) 4x matter bin 2x scanning module 2x capacitor 4x beaker 2x console screen 12

Vending Machine Packs Name & Access Required Contents Cost Stackopack.png Snacks n Cigs stack of packs 3x Getmore Chocolate Corp recharge pack 1x Robust Softdrinks recharge pack 1x Hot Drinks machine recharge pack 1x Cigarette machine recharge pack 30 Stackopack.png Groans n Dan stack of packs 2x Discount Dan's recharge pack 2x Groans Soda recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Theatre, Bar n Kitchen stack of packs 1x Booze-O-Mat recharge pack 1x Dinnerware recharge pack 1x AutoDrobe recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Security stack of packs 2x SecTech recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Medical stack of packs 2x NanoMed recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Hydroponics stack of packs 1x NutriMax recharge pack 1x MegaSeed Servitor recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Tools n Engineering stack of packs 2x YouTool recharge pack 1x Vendomat recharge pack 1x Engi-Vend recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Clothing stack of packs 1x Hatlord 9000 recharge pack 1x Suitlord 9000 recharge pack 1x Shoelord 9000 recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Strange and Bright stack of packs Requires modification of the supply console circuitboard.

1x MagiVend recharge pack 80

Baystation borrowed

Supply Crates (Redirected from Supply crates) Supply Crates are ordered at the Cargo Bay by either a Cargo Technician or the Quartermaster. If you don't feel like walking there, you could send a request for equipment using one of the request consoles on the wall in each department. A safer alternative is to send a PDA message to the Cargo Technician or Quartermaster and receive faster feedback from them.

The following is a list of the crates available.

Contents [hide] 1 General 2 Security 3 Hospitality 4 Engineering 5 Medical/Science 6 Hydroponics General Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Toner cartridges 6x Toner cartridges 10 Supply Janitorial supplies 3x wet floor sign 3x bucket 3x Cleaner Grenade 1x mop 1x Trash bag 1x Damp Rag 1x mop bucket 1x space cleaner 10 Supply SecureCrate.png Actor Costumes Theater access

Random pick from: Monkey costume Pirate costume Priest outfits Redcoat costume Chef costume Fake HoP/Captain uniforms Theater costumes Soviet uniform Ian shirt Mailman uniform Judge and lawyer costumes Waistcoat 10 Miscellaneous Closet.png Imported carpet 50x carpet tiles 15 Miscellaneous Wizard costume 1x Wizard staff 1x Wizard robes 1x Sandals 1x Wizard hat 20 Miscellaneous Closet.png Witch costume 1x Witch broom 1x Sandal 1x Witch hat 1x Witch robe 20 Miscellaneous Mulebot crate 1x Mulebot 20 Operations Hoverpod crate 1x Hoverpod 80 Operations Cargo Train tug 1x Cargo Train tug 45 Operations Cargo Train trolley 1x Cargo Train trolley 15 Operations Webbing crate 1x holster 1x webbing 15 Miscellaneous Closet.png Womens formal dress locker 1x random dress 15 Miscellaneous Collectable Hat Crate 4x random collectable hats 200 Miscellaneous Costume Hats Theater access

2x random hats 10 Miscellaneous Arts and Crafts Crate. 3x wrapping paper 1x poster 1x white paint bucket 1x black paint bucket 1x violet paint bucket 1x yellow paint bucket 1x red paint bucket 1x blue paint bucket 1x green paint bucket 1x package wrapper 1x photo album 1x camera 2x film cartidge 1x crayons box 10 Operations Contraband Crate(“Unlabeled Crate”) Requires modification of the supply console circuitboard.

5x random from the following:

blood tomato seed bag zoom pill bottle happy pill bottle absinthe bottle 30 Operations Empty box crate 10x empty boxes 10 Supply Closet.png Formalwear closet 1x bowler hat 1x top hat 1x purple jacket 1x blue jacket 4x suit jacket 2x lawyer suits 2x black shoes 1x leather shoe 1x waistcoat 30 Miscellaneous Spare PDAs 3x PDAs 10 Supply 50 cardboard sheets 50x cardboard sheets 10 Miscellaneous Office Supplies 1x filing cabinet 3x colored pens 1x paper bin 3x folders 1x hand labeler 1x clipboard 1x camera film 15 Supply EFTPOS scanner crate 1x EFTPOS scanner 10 Miscellaneous Security Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Special Ops Crate Supply Console hacking needed

1x box of EMP grenades 3x smokebomb 1x paralysis pen 1x incendiary grenade 20 Security Beanbag shells 3x beanbag shell boxes 30 Security Secweaponscrate.png Weapons Crate Security access

2x stunbatons 2x energy guns 2x NT Mk58 Pistols 2x boxes of flashbangs 2x tasers 40 Security Secweaponscrate.png Flare Gun Crate Security access

1x .45 Flash Pistol 1x .45 Box of flash ammo 1x Double-Barreled Flash shotgun 1x Box of shotgun flash shells 25 Security Secweaponscrate.png Experimental Weapons Crate Head access

2x x-ray energy guns 2x energy shields 2x laserproof vests 125 Security Secweaponscrate.png Electromagnetic Weapons Crate Armory access

2x ion rifles 1x box of EMPs 50 Security Secweaponscrate.png Automatic Weapons Crate Armory access

Randomized. Contains two items. Varies from:

WT-550 Saber Z8 Bulldog 90 Security Secweaponscrate.png Armor crate Security access

Randomized. Contains a total of five items. Varies.

40 Security SecureCrate.png Riot Gear crate Armory access

3x stunbatons 3x riot shields 1x box of flashbangs 1x box of beanbags 1x box of handcuffs 3x handcuffs 3x riot helmets 3x riot armors 60 Security SecureCrate.png Energy Weapons Crate Armory access

3x laser carbines 50 Security SecureCrate.png Shotgun Crate Armory access

2x bulletproof vests 2x pump combat shotguns 1x box of shotgun slugs 1x box of shotgun pellets 65 Security SecureCrate.png Ballistic Ammunition Crate Armory access

2x shotgun slugs boxes 2x shotgun pellet boxes 60 Security SecureCrate.png Experimental Energy Gear Crate Armory access

2x energy guns 2x laser-proof vests 50 Security SecureCrate.png Experimental Armor Crate Armory access

1x bulletproof armor 1x laser-proof armor 1x riot helmet 1x riot armor 35 Security SecureCrate.png Energy marksman crate Armory access

2x laser-proof armor 2x energy sniper rifles 50 Security SecureCrate.png Tactical suits Armory access

2x complete tactical suits 45 Security SecGearCrate.png Security barriers crate 4x security barriers 20 Security SecureCrate.png Wall shield generators crate Teleporter access

4x shield generator 20 Security SecureCrate.png Practice Laser Carbines 4x Practice Laser Carbines 20 Security Hospitality Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Freezercrate.png Kitchen supply crate 2x milk 2x bananas 1x egg box 4x packets of flour 2x pieces of meat 2x pieces of tofu 2x cartons of milk 10 Supply Party Equipment 4x beers 1x Boxes of Drinking Glasses 2x ale 1x Shaker 1x flask 1x Patron bottle 1x Goldschlager bottle 1x lipstick 1x pack of Dromedary Co. cigarettes 20 Hospitality Freezercrate.png Pizza crate 5 random pizzas among:

margherita pizza mushroom pizza meat pizza vegetable pizza 15 Hospitality

Engineering Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group O2crate.png Internals Crate 3x oxygen tank 3x gas mask 10 Engineering O2crate.png Emergency Crate 4x Oxygen tanks 5x gas masks 2x hazard vests 2x Storage vests 4x Space Suits 2x emergency toolboxes 45 Engineering Inflatable barrier crate 2x inflatable barriers 20 Engineering SMES Superconductive Magnetic Coil Crate 1x SMES Superconductive Magnetic Coil 35 Engineering SMES Unit Circuitry 1x SMES Unit Circuitry 20 Engineering SMES Basic Superconductive Magnetic Coil 1x SMES Basic Superconductive Magnetic Coil 25 Engineering SMES Superconductive Capacitance Coil 1x SMES Superconductive Capacitance Coil 45 Engineering SMES Superconductive Transmission Coil 1x SMES Superconductive Transmission Coil 45 Engineering Replacement Lights 3x boxes of lightbulbs 10 Engineering Metal Sheets Crate 50x metal sheets 10 Engineering Glass Sheets Crate 50x glass sheets 10 Engineering Plastic Sheets crate 50x plastic sheets 10 Engineering Electrical Maintenance Crate 2x insulated gloves 2x electrical toolboxes 2x power cell 2x high-capacity power cells 15 Engineering Mechanical Maintenance Crate. 2x welding helmets 3x utility toolbelts 3x hazard vests 1x hard hat 10 Engineering Fuel Tank Crate 1x fuel tank 8 Engineering Solar Pack Crate 21x solar assemblies 1x solar control circuit 1x tracker electronics 1x solar paper 20 Engineering Largemetal.png Binary atmospheric circulator Engine access.

1x binary atmospheric circulator 60 Engineering SecureCrate.png Emitter Crate CE access

2x emitters 10 Engineering SecureCrate.png Field Generator Crate CE access

2x field generators 10 Engineering SecureCrate.png Collector Crate CE access

3x collectors 10 Engineering SecureCrate.png Singularity Generator Crate CE access.

1x singularity generator 10 Engineering Radiation.png Radiation suit package 3x radiation suits 20 Engineering SecureCrate.png Particle Accelerator Crate CE access

1x particle emitter center 1x particle emitter right 1x particle emitter left 1x end cap 1x power box 1x control box 1x fuel chamber 40 Engineering SecureCrate.png Ripley Circuit Crate Robotic access

1x Ripley main circuit 1x Ripley peripherals circuit 1x manual 30 Engineering SecureCrate.png Odysseus Circuit Crate Robotic access

1x Odysseus main circuit 1x Odysseus peripherals circuit 25 Engineering Radiation.png Supermatter Core Crate 1x Supermatter Core 150 Engineering SecGearCrate.png Robotics Assembly Crate Robotic access

3x proximity sensor 4x flash 1x electrical toolbox 2x high-capacity power cell 10 Engineering Largemetal.png RUST Injector Crate Engine access.

1x RUST fuel injector 50 Engineering SecureCrate.png RUST Fuel Compressor Circuitry Engine access.

1x RUST fuel compressor 60 Engineering SecureCrate.png RUST Fuel Assembly Port Circuitry Engine access.

1x RUST fuel port 40 Engineering SecureCrate.png P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator parts Tech store access.

1x pacman circuitboard 1x micro-laser 1x matter bin 1x capacitor 45 Engineering SecureCrate.png Super P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator parts Tech store access.

1x super pacman circuitboard 1x micro-laser 1x matter bin 1x capacitor 55 Engineering Largemetal.png RUST Tokamak Crate Engine access.

1x RUST tokamak core 75 Engineering SecureCrate.png Experimental Shield Generator Circuitry Engine access.

1x shield generator circuit 50 Engineering SecureCrate.png Experimental Shield capacitor Circuitry Engine access.

1x shield capacitor circuit 50 Engineering Mk1 TEG Crate Engine access.

1x Mark I thermoelectric generator 75 Engineering Atmospheric Circulator Crate Engine access.

1x atmospheric circulator 60 Engineering Empty gas canister 1x empty gas canister 7 Engineering Air gas canister 1x air gas canister 10 Engineering Oxygen gas canister 1x oxygen gas canister 15 Engineering Phoron gas canister Atmospherics access

1x phoron gas canister 60 Engineering Nitrogen gas canister 1x nitrogen gas canister 10 Engineering N20 gas canister Atmospherics access

1x sleeping gas canister 40 Engineering Carbon dioxide gas canister Atmospherics access

1x carbon dioxide gas canister 40 Engineering Station painting supplies crate 2x pipe painters 2x floor painters 10 Engineering Firefighting equipment 2x firefighter suit 2x gas mask 2x red oxygen tank 2x fire extinguisher 2x firefighter hat 20 Engineering Medical/Science Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Medical crate 1x First Aid Kit 1x Fire Medkit 1x Toxin Medkit 1x O2 Medkit 1x Antitoxin bottle 1x Inaprovaline bottle 1x Soporific bottle 1x Syringes box 1x autoinjector box 10 Medical/Science Empty Bloodpack Crate 3x Empty Bloodpack boxes 10 Medical SecureCrate.png Virus Crate CMO access

4x random virus dish 25 Medical/Science Coolant tank crate 1x coolant tank 16 Medical/Science SecPhoronCrate.png Phoron assembly crate Toxin storage access

3x phoron tanks 3x igniters 3x proximity sensors 3x timers 10 Medical/Science SecureCrate.png Surgery Crate Medical access

1x cautery 1x surgical drill 1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 1x FixOVein 1x hemostat 1x scalpel 1x bone gel 1x retractor 1x bone setter 1x circular_saw 25 Medical/Science Sterile Equipment Crate. 1x box of medical gloves 1x box of medical mask 2x green surgery suits 3x Medical belts 15 Medical/Science Body Bag crate 3x Body bag Boxes 10 Medical Stasis Bag crate 3x Stasis Bags 50 Medical Exosuit Paint Kit. (RIPLEY or Durand or Gygax) 1x Randomized paint kit. 200 Science Hydroponics Name & Access Required Contents Cost Group Freezercrate.png Monkey crate 1x monkey cube box 20 Hydroponics Freezercrate.png Farwa crate 1x Farwa cube box 30 Hydroponics Freezercrate.png Neaera crate 1x Neaera cube box 30 Hydroponics Freezercrate.png Stok crate 1x stok cube box 30 Hydroponics Corgi crate 1x corgi (Lisa) 50 Hydroponics Cow crate Hydroponics access

1x cow 30 Hydroponics Chicken Crate Hydroponics access

5x chicks 20 Hydroponics Goat crate Hydroponics access

1x goat 25 Hydroponics Hydroponics Crate Hydroponics access

2x Plant-B-Gone 2x ammonia bottles 1x hatchet 1x minihoe 1x plant analyzer 1x hydro apron 1x leather gloves 15 Hydroponics Seed Crate 1x Chili seeds 1x Berry seeds 1x Corn seeds 1x Eggplant seeds 1x Tomato seeds 1x Apple seeds 1x Soy seeds 1x Wheat seeds 1x Carrot seeds 1x Lemon seeds 1x Orange seeds 1x Harebell seeds 1x Grass seeds 1x Sunflower seeds 1x Chanter mycelium 1x Potato seeds 1x Sugarcane seeds 10 Hydroponics Sec Weed Control Crate Hydroponics access

2x Weedkiller grenades 2x Gas mask 4x Plant-B-Gone spray bottles 25 Hydroponics Exotic Seed Crate Xenobotany access

1x Nettle seeds 3x Replica Pod seeds 1x Plump Helmet mycelium 1x Liberty Cap mycelium 1x Fly Amanita mycelium 1x Reishi mycelium 1x Banana seeds 1x Rice seeds 1x Grape seeds 1x Lime seeds 1x Eggy seeds 15 Hydroponics Water Tank Crate 1x watertank 8 Hydroponics Sec Beekeeping Crate Requires modification of the supply console circuitry

1x apiary 1x bee net 2x beezeez bottle 3x queen bee 40 Hydroponics Empty hydroponics tray 1x hydroponics tray 30 Hydroponics

Miscellaneous Item Cost Contents Empty Crate 10 Credits Nothing (Crate only) Special Ops Supplies 80000 Credits Can only be unlocked by emagging the console. Contains x1 Sleepy Pen, x1 Holographic Disguiser, x1 Signal Jammer, x1 Agent Card, x1 EMP Grenade Kit (box with x5 EMP grenades), x1 Tactical Grenades Kit (box with x2 incendiary grenades, x1 smoke grenade, x1 frag grenade, x1 flashbang, x1 shock grenade, and x1 graviton grenade) Neon Lining Crate 2000 Credits 1x coil of neon lining (20 lengths), 1x paper - How to properly install official Nanotrasen neon lining Paint Cans 1000 Credits 4x paint cans of random color Emergency Equipment 1500 Credits x4 Floor Bot, x2 Air Tank, x2 Emergency Oxygen Tank, x4 Gas Mask, 4x Emergency Hood, 4x Emergency Suit Novelty Clothing Crate 15000 Credits 15x-20x Assorted Novelty Clothing Spooky Crate 250 Credits Appears exclusively when the server is in Spooktober mode, which usually lasts through all of October. Contains x6 goodybags Holiday Supplies 500 Credits Appears only when Spacemas/Christmas mode is on, which usually runs for the entirety of December. Contains 2x Presents, 2x Egg Nog cartons, 3x 2k13 vintage santa hats, 1x scissors, 2x wrapping paper rolls Party Supplies 750 Credits 1x chocolate sponge cake, 6x Space Beers, 6x red duo cups, 2x balloon boxes (7x balloons in each), 1x box of assorted stickers (10x stickers), 1x scissors, 2x wrapping paper, 2x birthday hats (pink & blue), 5x party hats Assorted Glowsticks Crate - 4 Pack 600 Credits x4 “assorted glowsticks” boxes (7x glowsticks in various colors, x28 total) Office Supply Crate 250 Credits 4x Paper Bins, 2x Clipboards, 1x Sticky Note Stack, 1x “pen box” (7x pen), 1x “crayon box” (7x random color crayons), 1x “basic crayon box” (7x crayons in aqua and ROY G. BV colors), 1x “marker box” (7x random color markers), 1x “basic marker box” (7x markers in aqua and ROY G. BV colors), 1x Stapler (red), 1x Scissors, 2x stamps Identity kit 1500 Credits 1x Spare ID Kit (7x blank ID cards), 1x Spare PDA Box (7x unclaimed PDAs) Cold Weather Gear 3000 Credits 2x Robust coffee, 2x chicken soup, 5x winter coat, Frames: 2x space HVAC unit Thinktronic Build Your Own Buddy Kit 7500 Credits 1x Guardbuddy frame, 1x Guardbuddy mainboard, 1x sturdy cyborg arm, 1x power cell (empty, no charge), 1x random Guardbuddy module Meteor Shield System 2500 Credits 4x Meteor Shield Generators Home Networking Kit 5000 Credits 3x cable coil, 50x glass sheet, 50x steel sheet, 1x motherboard, 5x-8x random peripherals, 2x-4x random circuit boards for normal and simple computers Candle Crate 500 Credits 1x matchbook, 6x small candle, 3x candle Home Distilling Kit 5000 Credits 1x still, 6x bottles, 2x glass pitchers Furnishings Crate 1500 Credits 8x-10x random furniture items, arriving as parts to be assembled Haberdasher's Crate 5000 Credits 5x-10x random novelty hats Masquerade Crate 5000 Credits 5x-10x random novelty masks Shoe Crate 2000 Credits 5x-10x random novelty shoes Kendo Crate 5000 Credits 2x men, 2x dou and tare, 2x kote, 2x shinai bag (2x shinai in each), 2x hakama Sponge Capsule Crate 5000 Credits 1x BioToys Sponge Capsules Candy Crate 500 Credits 1x Cupid Dan's Candy Hearts box, 1x bag of Swedish Fisk, 1x bag of peach rings, 1x goodybag Lighting Crate 500 Credits 2x flashlights, 8x emergency glowsticks Necessities Vending Machine Restocking Pack 3000 Credits 1x snack restock cartridge, 1x cigarette restock cartridge, 1x cola restock cartridge, 1x alcohol restock cartridge, 1x monkey restock cartridge, 1x standard restock cartridge, 1x kitchen restock cartridge Medical/Hydroponics Vending Machine Restocking Pack 3000 Credits 1x medical restock cartridge, 1x public medical restock cartridge, 1x hydroponics restock cartridge Security Vending Machine Restocking Pack 5000 Credits 1x security restock cartridge, 1x security ammo restock cartridge Electronics Vending Machine Restocking Pack 4000 Credits 1x mechanics restock cartridge, 1x PDA restock cartridge, 1x computer3 restock cartridge, 1x floppy restock cartridge Pod Production Kit 5000 Credits Frames: 1x Ship Component Fabricator, 1x portable reclaimer Bureaucracy Supply Crate 1500 Credits 2x paper bins, 2x pencils, 2x pens, 1x fancy pen, 2x rubber stamps, 2x folders Basic Materials Item Cost Contents 200 Metal Sheets 2000 Credits x200 Metal Sheets 50 Metal Sheets 500 Credits x50 Metal Sheets 200 Glass Sheets 2000 Credits x200 Glass Sheets 50 Glass Sheets 500 Credits x50 Glass Sheets Electrical Supplies Crate (red) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (red)” boxes (14 red cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (yellow) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (yellow)” boxes (14 yellow cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (orange) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (orange)” boxes (14 orange cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (blue) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (blue)” boxes (14 blue cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (green) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (green)” boxes (14 green cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (purple) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (purple)” boxes (14 purple cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (black) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (black)” boxes (14 black cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (hotpink) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (hotpink)” boxes (14 hotpink cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (brown) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (brown)” boxes (14 brown cable coils total) Electrical Supplies Crate (white) - 2 pack 2000 Credits x2 “electrical cables storage (white)” boxes (14 white cable coils total) Welding Fuel Tank 4000 Credits 1x Welding Fuel tank Firefighting Foam Tank 1000 Credits 1x Foamtank (1000 units of firefighting foam) High Capacity Watertank 2500 Credits 1x High Capacity Watertank Rapid-construction-device Replacement 60000 Credits 1x Rapid Construction Device (empty, starts with no matter units) Atmospherics Supplies 8000 Credits 1x atmospheric technician's jumpsuit, 1x gas tank (oxygen), 1x gas tank (air mix), Frames: 2x air scrubbers Reclaimed Reclaimer 1000 Credits 1x Portable Reclaimer Radioactive Emergency Supplies 2000 Credits 4x Radiation Suit Hoods, 4x Radiation Suits, 2x pill bottles (potassium iodide), 4x emergency auto-injector (potassium iodide), 2x geiger counter EVA Equipment Crate 5000 Credits 1x EVA Space Helmet, 1x EVA Space Suit, 1x emergency gas mask, 1x Jetpack, 1x Magboots Utility Belt Crate 750 Credits 2x Tool Belts, 2x Mechanical toolboxes Civilian Department Item Cost Contents Catering: Dry Goods Crate 750 Credits x25 assorted cooking ingredients, specifically: x6 flour, x4 rice sprigs, x3 spaghetti, x4 sugar, x3 oatmeal, x2 pancake batter, and x3 tortillas. Catering: Meat, Eggs and Dairy Crate 1500 Credits x25 assorted protein and dairy products, specifically: x4 hotdogs (no bun), x3 pieces of synthmeat, x3 pieces of monkey meat, x1 salmon fillet, x1 white fish fillet, x2 bacon strip boxes, x3 egg cartons (x12 in each, x36 eggs total), x4 cheese wedges, x4 milk bottles Catering: Fresh Produce Crate 1500 Credits x20 assorted fruits and vegetables, specifically: x2 apples, x2 bananas, x1 lime, x1 lemon, x1 orange, x3 tomatoes, x2 carrots, x2 corn cobs, x1 garlic, x2 lettuce leaves, x2 potato, x1 onion Catering: Condiment Crate 750 Credits x25 assorted condiments, specifically: x3 chocolate chips, x2 cream, 1x custard, x3 hot sauce, x4 ketchup, x4 mayonnaise, x3 maple syrup, x3 peanut butter, x2 honey Janitorial Supplies 500 Credits x3 buckets, x3 mop, x3 wet floor signs, x3 cleaning grenades, x1 mop bucket, x1 cleaning gloves Hydroponics: Starter Crate 500 Credits x2 Watering Cans, x4 Compost Bags, x2 Weedkiller bottles, x2 Plant Analyzers, Frames: x4 Plant Trays Hydroponics: Nutrient Pack 1000 Credits x15 nutrient formulas, specifically: x3 Mutadone Plant Formula, x3 Mutagenic Plant Formula, x3 Ammonia Plant Formula, x3 Potash Plant Formula, x3 Saltpetre Plant Formula Honey Production Kit 450 Credits x5 Space bee eggs Alcohol Resupply Crate 400 Credits 15x assorted bottles of alcohol, specifically: 1x space beer, 1x “beer in a box” (6x fancy beer), 1x mead, 1x wine, 1x cider, 1x rum, 1x vodka, 1x tequila, 1x Bo Jack Daniel's, 1x Curacao Liqueur Cocktail Party Supplies 100 Credits 1x salt shaker, 1x cocktail shaker, 1x “fruit wedge kit” (1x knife, 1x lime, 1x lemon, 1x orange), 2x “cocktail umbrella box” (7x cocktail umbrellas in each, 14x total), 2x “cocktail doodad box” (2x celery sticks, 2x cocktail olives, 2x maraschino cherries in each) Emergency Glowsticks Crate - 4 Pack 500 Credits x4 “emergency glowsticks” boxes (x7 emergency glowsticks in each box, x28 total) Compost Bin 1000 Credits 1x Compost Tank (empty) Avian Import Kit 2000 Credits 5x Birds Animal Import Kit 2000 Credits 5 Random Animals Golden Gannets Delivery 200 Credits 2x Chinese takeout cartons, 2x fortune cookies, 2x chopsticks Soft Soft Pizzeria Delivery 200 Credits 2x plain pizzas, 2x fries, 2x colas Comedy Equipment 500 Credits 1x Clown Costume (mask, suit, shoes, mini funny pack), 1x cream pie, 1x Banana Peel, 1x Balloon Box, 1x Bike Horn Janitorial Supplies Refill 500 Credits 4x cleaning grenades, 2x space cleaner spray bottles, 2x bottles of space cleaner, 1x “box of trash bags” (7x trash bags), 1x “box of biohazard bags” (7x biohazard bag) Bathroom Kit 15000 Credits Frames: 4x Toilet, 1x Sink, 1x Shower Head , 1x Bathtub Kitchen Kit 50000 Credits 1x Fridge, Frames: 1x Oven, 1x Mixer, 1x Sink, 1x Deep Fryer, 1x Food Processor, 1x ValuChimp, 1x FoodTech, 1x Meat Spike, 1x Gibber Bar Kit 25000 Credits 2x Glassware box, Frames: 1x Alcohol Dispenser, 1x Soda Fountain, 1x Ice Cream Machine, 1x Kitchenware Recycler, 1x Microwave Arcade Machine 2500 Credits Frames: 1x Arcade Machine Printing Press Refill Supplies 2500 Credits 2x paper bins, 1x ink cartridge Printing Press Colour Module 2000 Credits x1 printing press upgrade module (Ink Color Upgrade) Printing Press Custom Cover Module 2000 Credits x1 printing press upgrade module (Custom Cover Upgrade) Printing Press 5000 Credits x1 Printing Press Frame (must deploy with a soldering iron), 1x printing press setup warning Percussion Band Kit 2000 Credits 1x Tambourine, 1x Cowbell, 1x Triangle Engineering Department Item Cost Contents Engineering Crate 1000 Credits x2 Mechanical Toolbox, x2 Welding Mask, x2 Engineering winter coats Electrical Maintenance Crate 2500 Credits x2 Electrical toolboxes, x2 multitools, x2 pairs of insulated gloves Firefighting Supplies Crate 1000 Credits x3 fire extinguishers, x3 fire-fighting grenades, x2 firesuits, x2 firefighter helms Station Pressurization Crate 1200 Credits 4x Red Oxygen Grenades, x4 Metal Foam Grenades Experimental Local Generator 2500 Credits x1 Experimental Local Generator Mining Equipment 500 Credits x1 Powered Pickaxe, x1 Power Hammer, x1 Meson Goggles, x1 Geological Scanner, x2 Mining Satchel, x3 Mining Explosives Replacement MULE Crate 750 Credits Contains x1 MULE. Remember to set its home beacon to QM #2 or it won't return automatically after a delivery. Singularity Generator Crate (Cardlocked Chief Engineer) 100000 Credits 1x Gravitional Singularity Generator Field Generator Crate 40000 Credits Frames: 4x Field Generators Emitter Crate 15000 Credits 1x Emitter Radiation Collector Crate 750 Credits 4x Radiation Collectors frames, 1x Radiation collection controller frames, 1x soldering iron Extra Large Air Mix Canister 5000 Credits 1x High-Volume Canister: Air Spare Oxygen Canister 10000 Credits 1x Canister: Oxygen ABCU Unit Crate 5000 Credits 1x ABC-U, 1x blueprint marker Anti-Singularity Pack 10000 Credits 1x Singularity Buster Rocket Launcher, 5x Singularity Buster rockets, 1x paper-How to properly operate Singularity Buster rocket launcher Construction Equipment 7000 Credits 1x miniaturized lamp manufacturer (human version), 1x Floor and Wall Designer, 1x construction worker's overalls (orange) Mechanics Reconstruction Kit 35000 Credits 1x Ruckingenur frame, 1x Manufacturer frame, 1x reclaimer frame, 1x device analyzer, 1x soldering iron, 1x deconstruction device Small Magnet Kit 100000 Credits 1x Magnetizer, 1x Low Performance Magnet Kit, 1x Magnet Chassis Frame Magnet Kit 75000 Credits 1x Magnetizer, 1x High Performance Magnet Kit, 1x Magnet Chassis Frame Manufacturer Kit 8000 Credits Frames: 1x General Manufacturer, 1x Mining Manufacturer, 1x Gas Extractor, 1x Clothing Manufacturer, 1x Reclaimer Basic Power Kit 20000 Credits Frames: 1x SMES cell, 2x Furnace Medical Department Item Cost Contents Medical: First Aid Crate 1000 Credits x10 assorted medkits, specifically: 2x general first aid kits, 2x brute medkits, 2x fire medkits, 2x toxin medkits, 1x oxygen deprivation medkit, 1x neurological medkit Medical: Medical Reservoir Crate 1750 Credits 2x Hyposprays (empty), 2x auto-menders (empty), 1x Syringe Kit (box of 7 syringes), 2x morphine bottles (30 units of morphine), 4x “reserve tanks” each containing common medicine, split up as: x1 anti-tox (charcoal) (has 100 u), 1x epinephrine (100u), 1x silver sulfadiazine (400 u), 1x styptic powder (400u) Robotics Crate 7500 Credits x1 Securitron, x1 Floorbot, x1 Cleanbot, x1 Medibot, x1 Firebot Prosthetic Augmentation Kit 2000 Credits 6x - 8x Random Augmentations Restricted Medicine Shipment 6000 Credits 6x bottles each containing 30 units of advanced medicine, split up as: 1x ether, 1x haloperidol, 1x omnizine, 1x pentetic acid, 2x perflurodecalin Cyborg Component Crate 4500 Credits 1x sturdy cyborg head, 1x standard cyborg chest, 1x sturdy cyborg left arm, 1x sturdy cyborg right arm, 1x standard cyborg left leg, 1x standard cyborg right leg, 1x robot frame, 1x cable coil Morgue Supplies 10000 Credits 1x bible, 1x syringe, 1x “embalming fluid bottle” (50 units of formaldehyde), 10x body bag, 1x coffin (it's the container all this ships in) Blood Bank 3000 Credits 4x blood packs Medbay kit 10000 Credits 1x Defibrillator, 2x Hypospray, 1x Medical Belt, Frames: 1x NanoMed, 1x Medical Records computer Operating Room kit 15000 Credits 1x Staple Gun, 1x Defibrillator, 2x Scalpel, 2x Circular Saw, 1x Hemostat, 2x Suture, 1x Enucleation Spoon, Frames: 1x Medical Fabricator, 1x Operating Table Robotics kit 20000 Credits 1x Staple Gun, 1x Scalpel, 1x Circular Saw, Frames: 1x Robotics Fabricator, 1x Operating Table, 1x Module Rewriter, 1x Recharge station Genetics kit 30000 Credits Circuitboards: 1x DNA Modifier, 1x DNA Scanner Cloning kit 30000 Credits Circuitboards: 1x Cloning Console, Frames: 1x Cloning Scanner, 1x Cloning Pod, 1x Enzymatic Reclaimer Research Department Item Cost Contents Lab Monkey Crate - 4 pack 2500 Credits x4 Monkey, x1 vocal translator Note: While it doesn't mention it on the order menu, the crate is access-locked to people with Medical Lockers and Toxins Storage access, i.e. a Research Director, Scientist, Medical Director, Medical Doctor, Roboticist, or Geneticist can open them, but not a Quartermaster Chemistry Resupply Crate (Cardlocked [Research]) 500 Credits x1 Beaker Box (7x 50 unit beakers), x1 Mechanical Dropper, x1 Spectroscopic Goggles, x1 Reagent Scanner, x6 reagent bottles each containing 50 units of common chemical precusors, split up as: 1x acetone, 1x ammonia, 1x diethylamine, 1x oil, 1x phenol, and 1x sulfuric acid Chemistry Resupply Crate 500 Credits x4 Large beakers, x2 Beaker Boxes (7x 50 unit beakers in each), x6 reagent bottles each containing 50 units of common chemical precusors, split up as: 1x acetone, 1x ammonia, 1x diethylamine, 1x oil, 1x phenol, and 1x sulfuric acid Artifact Research Kit 80000 Credits Frames: 5x Data Terminal, 1x Pitcher, 1x Impact pad, 1x Heater pad, 1x Electric box, 1x X-Ray machine Security Department Item Cost Contents Weapons Crate - Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 10000 Credits x1 helmet, x1 armor vest, x1 Handcuff Kit, x1 assistant requisition token Security Containment Crate - Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 1000 Credits x1 Port-a-Brig and remote Weapons Crate - Experimental Security Equipment (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 12000 Credits 1x Clock 180, 1x Elite Security Helmet, 1x “experimental grenade box” (1x high-range incendiary, 3x incendiary, 3x cryo), 1x “security-issue grenade box” (2x crowd dispersal grenades, 2x smoke grenades, 1x stinger grenade, 1x flashbang, 1x shock grenade) Weapons Crate - Phasers (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 5000 Credits x2 Phaser Gun Anti-Biological Hazard Supplies (Cardlocked [Security Equipment]) 7000 Credits 1x Flamethrower, 2x Flare gun box (1x flare gun and 1x box of flares) Counter-Revolutionary Kit 6000 Credits 4x Counter-revolutionary implants, 2x Implanter

Supplies Name & Access Required Contents Cost GrayCrate.png Toner Cartridges 6x toner cartridges. 10 GrayCrate.png Label Rolls 3x label roll box 10 O2crate.png Internals Crate 3x oxygen tank 3x gas mask 10 O2crate.png Emergency Equipment 2x emergency toolbox 2x hazard vest 5x emergency oxygen tank 5x gas mask 2x floorbot 2x medibot 3x radiation patches 40 GrayCrate.png Janitorial Supplies 1x bucket 1x 100u Bleach Bottle 1x Soap Bar 1x trash bag 1x space cleaner 1x damp Rag 3x Cleaner Grenade 15 GrayCrate.png Mop and Bucket 1x mop 3x wet floor sign 1x mop bucket 20 GrayCrate.png Trash compactor 1x trash compactor 100 GrayCrate.png Replacement Lights 3x box of lightbulbs and -tubes 10 GrayCrate.png High Efficiency Lights 2x box of high efficiency lightbulbs and -tubes 20 GrayCrate.png Newscaster Crate 3x newscaster frames 10 GrayCrate.png Office Supplies Crate 1x paper bin 1x white folder 1x black folder 1x blue folder 1x red folder 1x orange folder 1x black pen 1x blue pen 1x red pen 1x fountain pen 2x table lamp 15 LargeCrate.png Space Heaters 2x space heater 20 LargeCrate.png Air Conditioners 2 air conditioner 20 LargeCrate.png Porcelain Crate 1x sink 1x toilet 10 LargeCrate.png Showers Crate 2x shower 10 LargeCrate.png Grandfather Clock Crate 1x grandfather clock 40 LargeCrate.png Anvil Crate 1x anvil 1x leather apron 150 EngiCrate.png Metal Sheets Crate 50x metal sheet 10 EngiCrate.png Glass Sheets Crate 50x glass sheet 10 EngiCrate.png Plastic Sheets Crate 50x plastic sheet 30 EngiCrate.png Wooden Planks Crate 25x wooden planks 12 GrayCrate.png Carpet Crate 30x carpet tiles 15 GrayCrate.png Arcade Tiles Crate 30x arcade tiles 15 GrayCrate.png Grass Crate 30x grass tiles 15 LargeCrate.png Water Tank Crate 1x watertank 10 LargeCrate.png Fuel Tank Crate. 1x fuel tank 15 LargeCrate.png Silicate Tank Crate 1x silicate tank 10 Supermatter shard crate.png Sulphuric Acid Crate Minor Engine or Science access

1x sulphuric acid tank 15 GrayCrate.png Firefighting Equipment 2x firesuit 2x gas mask 2x firefighter helmet 2x fire extinguisher 20 GrayCrate.png Arts and Crafts Crate 3x gift wrapper 1x package wrapper 1x poster 1x paint remover bucket 1x white paint bucket 1x black paint bucket 1x violet paint bucket 1x yellow paint bucket 1x red paint bucket 1x blue paint bucket 1x cyan paint bucket 1x green paint bucket 1x painting brush 2x small blank canvas 1x landscape blank canvas 1x portrait blank canvas 1x large blank canvas 1x photo album 1x camera 2x film cartidge 1x crayons box 10 LargeCrate.png Marble Block Crate 50x marble blocks 50 GrayCrate.png Contraband Crate(“Unlabeled Crate”) Supply Console hacking needed

blood tomato seed bag zoom pill bottle happy pill bottle 100u liquid pcp bottle absinthe bottle wizard card and frog 30 GrayCrate.png Empty Box Crate 10x empty box. 10 GrayCrate.png EFTPOS Crate. 1x EFTPOS scanner 10 LargeCrate.png Emergency Floodlight Crate 1x floodlight 10 GrayCrate.png Personal airbags 5x airbags 25 GrayCrate.png Religious Paraphernalia 1x Bottle of holy water 1x Bible 1x Harebell flower 1x Thurible 100 Clothing Name & Access Required Contents Cost GrayCrate.png Cheap hats 5x random from the following:

pirate bandana cheap bear pelt hat beaver hat beret boater hat bowler hat chef's hat cowboy hat dunce cap fedora brown fedora white fedora fez flat cap green bandana hastur's hood head band liberty top hat mailman's hat Nazi Officer cap Nazi Panzer cap powdered wig white cap slav squatter hat top hat ushanka Magus Helm purple wizard hat Hood of Necromancy 50 GrayCrate.png Cheap glasses 5x random from the following:

eyepatch Green Glasses Kamina's Glasses monocle Prescription Glasses science goggles Simon's Glasses sunglasses blindfold prescription sunglasses purple sunglasses red star-shaped sunglasses star-shaped sunglasses red sunglasses security sunglasses 50 GrayCrate.png Collectable Hat 3 random from the following:

collectable chef's hat collectable paper hat collectable top hat collectable captain's hat collectable beret collectable welding helmet collectable flat cap collectable pirate hat collectable kitty ears collectable rabbit ears collectable wizard's hat collectable hard hat collectable HoS hat collectable Thunderdome helmet collectable SWAT helmet collectable slime hat collectable police officer's hat collectable slime hat collectable xenomorph helmet! ultra rare Pete's hat! 200 SecureCrate.png Standard Costume Crate Theatre access

1x Giggles von Honkerton 1x clown shoes 1x clown wig and mask 1x clown jumpsuit 1x bike horn 1x mime jumpsuit 1x mime shoes 1x white gloves 1x mime mask 1x beret 1x suspenders 1x Bottle of Nothing 10 GrayCrate.png Halloween Costumes 1x plasmaman moltar helmet 1x plasmaman moltar costume 1x skeleton jumpsuit 1x snake hat 1x vampire fangs 1x frankenstein bolt hat 1x alien antenna hat 31 GrayCrate.png Wizard Costume Crate 1x wizard staff 1x wizard robes 1x sandals 1x wizard hat 20 Closet.png Formalwear Closet 1x top hat 1x blue jacket 1x purple jacket 1x bowler hat 1x black suit 2x executive suit 1x red suit 2x black shoes 1x waistcoat 30 Closet.png Armored Formalwear Closet Supply console hacking needed

2x armored amish suit 2x armored top hat 100 SecureCrate.png Custodial Gear Janitor access

1x janitor overalls 1x black gloves 1x janibelt 1x galoshes 100 GrayCrate.png Feminine Formalwear 1x flame dress 1x green dress 1x orange dress 1x pink dress 1x yellow dress 1x saloon girl dress 1x hair flower pin 1x orange wedding dress 1x purple wedding dress 1x blue wedding dress 1x red wedding dress 1x white wedding dress 2x random lipstick (purple/jade/black) 30 GrayCrate.png Knight Armour Crate 4x plate armour 4x medieval helmet 35 GrayCrate.png Space Suit 1x space suit 1x space suit helmet 1x oxygen tank 1x breath mask 150 GrayCrate.png Vox Pressure Suit Crate 1x vox pressure suit 1x vox pressure helmet 1x nitrogen tank 1x vox breath mask 100 GrayCrate.png Plasmaman Suit Crate 1x plasmaman suit 1x plasmaman helmet 1x plasmaman plasma tank 1x breath mask 100 GrayCrate.png Grey Space-Ex Crate 1x grey space suit (regular, worker, researcher, or soldier) 1x oxygen tank 1x breath mask 200 Supermatter shard crate.png Mothership uniforms Supply console hacking needed


2x Grey worker jumpsuit 2x Mothership Jackboots Or

1x Grey researcher jumpsuit 1x Grey researcher labcoat 1x Mothership Jackboots Or

2x Grey explorer jumpsuit 2x Mothership Jackboots Or

2x Grey soldier jumpsuit 2x Mothership Jackboots 50 GrayCrate.png Neo-Russian supplies Supply console hacking needed

1x neo-russian vest 1x neo-russian uniform 1x neo-russian webbing 1x neo-russian mask 1x neo-russian helmet 1x neo-russian gloves 1x neo-russian fingerless gloves 1x neo-russian boots 225 GrayCrate.png Russian clothing Supply console hacking needed

1x squatter outfit 1x squatter hat 1x russian blue camo 1x russian blue camo hat 1x russian fur coat 1x russian fur hat 1x Disk Jockey shuttle destination disk (input into shuttle computer) 50 GrayCrate.png Contact lenses 4x contact lenses 2x nanite contacts 150 SecureCrate.png Security Formalwear Closet Security access

In either Blue, Navy or Tan:

1x HoS Blue/Navy/Tan dress jacket 1x Warden Blue/Navy/Tan dress jacket 1x Security Officer Blue/Navy/Tan dress jacket 1x HoS Blue/Navy/Tan dress uniform 1x Warden Blue/Navy/Tan dress uniform 1x Security Officer Blue/Navy/Tan dress uniform and:

1x HoS beret 1x Warden beret 1x Security Officer beret 3x security shoes 30 GrayCrate.png Engineering Winterwear 2x engineering winter coat 1x atmospherics winter coat 1x mechanics winter coat 1x Chief Engineer's winter coat 50 GrayCrate.png Science Winterwear 4x science winter coat 50 SecureCrate.png Security Winterwear Security access

2x security winter coat 2x security ushanka 1x Warden's winter coat 1x Head of Security's winter coat 150 GrayCrate.png Medical Winterwear 3x medical winter coat 2x paramedic winter coat 1x Chief Medical Officer's winter coat 50 GrayCrate.png Service Winterwear 2x bartender winter coat 2x hydroponics winter coat 50 GrayCrate.png Civilian Winterwear 1x prisoner winter coat 4x winter coat 50 GrayCrate.png Cargo Winterwear 3x cargo winter coat 3x mining winter coat 50 GrayCrate.png Misc. Winterwear 1x captain's winter coat 1x Head of Personnel's winter coat 1x elfen winter coat 1x prisoner winter coat 1x mime winter coat 50 Security Name & Access Required Contents Cost GrayCrate.png Special Ops Crate Requires emagging of the supply console.

1x box of EMP grenades 1x box of smoke grenades 1x silenced .45 pistol 1x loaded .45 pistol magazine 50 GrayCrate.png Russian weapons Requires emagging of the supply console.

3x random from the following:

1x mosin nagant 1x laser AK470 1x empty 7.62×55 clip 1x loaded 7.62×55 clip 1x box of 7.62×55 ammo 150 LargeSecCrate.png Secway Crate Security access

1x secway 150 GrayCrate.png Beanbag Shell 1x beanbag shell box 10 Secweaponscrate.png Security Weapons Crate Security access

2x stunbaton 2x laser gun 2x taser gun 1x box of flashbangs 1x box of tear gas grenades 1x bolas 30 Supermatter shard crate.png MDF Surplus weapons Requires emagging of the supply console.

2x Stun probe 2x Small disintegrator 60 Secweaponscrate.png Smart laser guns Crate Armory access

4x smart laser guns 60 Secweaponscrate.png Incendiary Weapons Crate Head of Staff access

1x flamethrower 3x plasma tank 3x incendiary grenade 25 SecureCrate.png Armor Crate Security access

2x security helmet 2x bulletproof vest 2x armor vest 20 Supermatter shard crate.png MDF Surplus standard armor Requires hacking of the supply console Security access

3x grey armor vest 3x grey helmet 40 SecureCrate.png Riot Gear Crate Armory access

3x stunbaton 3x riot shield 3x box of tear gas grenades 3x riot helmet 3x riot armour 3x bolas 60 SecureCrate.png Tactical Assault Gear Armory access

3x plate carrier 2x ceramic armor plate 2x plasteel armor plate 2x ceramite armor plate 3x visor helmet 3x riot shield 120 SecureCrate.png Loyalty Implant Crate Armory access

1x loyalty implant box 60 SecureCrate.png Exile Implant Crate Armory access

1x exile implant box 150 SecureCrate.png Tracking Implant Crate Armory access

1x tracking implant box 50 SecureCrate.png Chemical Implant Crate Armory access

1x chemical implant box 50 SecureCrate.png Holy Implant Crate Armory access

1x holy implant box 60 SecureCrate.png Combat Shotguns Crate Armory access

2x combat shotgun 50 SecureCrate.png Shotgun Shells Armory access

15x lethal shell 15x buckshot shell 15x beanbag shell 15x stun shell 15x shotgun dart 20 SecureCrate.png High-Tech Energy Weapons Crate Armory access

2x energy gun 30 SecureCrate.png Experimental Armor Crate Armory access

1x bulletproof armor 1x ablative armor 1x riot helmet 1x riot armor 35 SecGearCrate.png Security Checkpoint Equipment 4x deployable barriers 1x Mr. V.A.L.I.D. Portable Threat Detector 10 SecGearCrate.png NT Glock pack Armory access

2x .380AUTO NT Glock 2x .380AUTO ammo voucher 60 Secweaponscrate.png NT Glock lethal ammo Armory access

1x box of .380AUTO ammo 1x loaded .380AUTO pistol magazine 2x empty .380AUTO pistol magazine 50 Secweaponscrate.png NT Glock practice ammo Security access

1 box of .380AUTO pistol practice ammo 1x loaded .380AUTO pistol practice magazine 2x empty .380AUTO pistol practice magazine 10 Secweaponscrate.png NT Glock rubber ammo Security access

1 box of .380AUTO pistol rubber ammo 1x loaded .380AUTO pistol rubber magazine 2x empty .380AUTO pistol rubber magazine 30 SecGearCrate.png Biohazard Emergency Biosuits Security access

3x security bio hood 3x security bio suit 85 Hospitality Name & Access Required Contents Cost Freezercrate.png Fresh fruit Crate 16x random from the following:

tomato banana watermelon apple berries cherries grapes green grapes lime lemon orange 20 SecureCrate.png Trophy Meats Kitchen access

8x random chosen from the following:

mimic meat bear meat spider meat xeno meat imitation carp meat chicken meat synthmeat spider leg spider eggs 30 Freezercrate.png Surprise pack of five pizzas Crate 5 random pizzas among:

margerita pizza mushroom pizza meat pizza vegetarian pizza 75 GrayCrate.png Random Instrument 1x random musical instrument 50 Freezercrate.png Basic Cooking Crate 4x flour bag 2x space milk 1x egg box 10 SecureCrate.png Exotic Garnishes Kitchen access

6 random condiments:

enzyme black pepper vinegar salt cinnamon chef's special frost oil soy sauce capsaicin honey ketchup coco powder 15 GrayCrate.png Party Equipment 1x Box of Drinking Glasses. 1x Shaker. 1x Patron bottle. 1x Goldschlager bottle. 1x pack of Dromedaryco cigarettes 1x lipstick 2x Ale. 4x Beer. 2x maracas 20 GrayCrate.png Cafe Equipment 1x Brewer flatpack 2x box of mugs 1x kettle 20 GrayCrate.png Advanced Bartending Equipment 1x Soda Dispenser flatpack 1x Booze Dispenser flatpack 2x box of drinking glasses 1x shaker 40 GrayCrate.png Festive Supplies 2x gift wrap 6x xmas cracker 1x red santa hat 1x green santa hat 3x christmas jumper 3x scarf 1x winter casualwear 30 LargeCrate.png Big Band instrument collection 1x piano 1x xylophone 1x harmonica 1x saxophone 1x violin 1x guitar 1x trombone 1x accordion 1x glockenspiel 1x gilded bike horn 500 Engineering Name & Access Required Contents Cost EngiCrate.png Electrical Maintenance Crate 2x insulated gloves 2x electrical toolbox 2x power cell 2x high-capacity power cell 15 EngiCrate.png Mechanical Maintenance Crate. 3x utility toolbelt 2x welding helmet 3x hazard vest 1x hard hat 10 LargeCrate.png Portable Scrubber and Pump 1x portable scrubber 1x portable air pump 25 EngiCrate.png Solar Pack Crate 21x solar assembly 1x solar control circuit 1x tracker electronics 1x solar paper 20 EngiSecCrate.png Field Generator Crate Minor Engine access

2x field generators 10 EngiSecCrate.png Singularity generator Crate CE access

1x singularity generator 10 EngiSecCrate.png Radiation collectors Crate Minor Engine access

3x Radiation collectors 10 EngiSecCrate.png Optical Prisms Minor Engine access

2x Prism 10 EngiSecCrate.png Particle accelerator parts Crate Major Engine access

1x particle emitter center 1x particle emitter right 1x particle emitter left 1x end cap 1x power box 1x control box 1x fuel chamber 40 EngiSecCrate.png Antimatter Control Unit Crate Minor Engine access

1x antimatter control unit 30 EngiSecCrate.png AME Parts Crate Minor Engine access

12x packaged antimatter reactor section 30 EngiSecCrate.png Antimatter Containment Jar Crate Minor Engine access

3x antimatter containment jar 15 EngiSecCrate.png Large Antimatter Containment Jar Crate Minor Engine access

1x large antimatter containment jar 200 EngiSecCrate.png Emitter Crate Minor Engine access

2x emitters 10 EngiSecCrate.png Shield Generators Minor Engine access

4x shield generators 20 EngiSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Foundation Kit Major Engine access

1x R-UST Mk 7 Fuel Injector 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Mk. 7 fuel compressor) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Mk. 7 fuel port) 1x R-UST Mk 7 Tokamak core 50 EngiSecCrate.png R-UST MK 7 Console Circuitry Kit Major Engine Access

1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Core Monitor Console) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Core Control Console) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Gyrotron Control Console) 1x Internal circuitry (R-UST Fuel Injector Control Console) 30 LargeSecCrate.png R-UST Mk. 7 Gyrotron Major Engine access

1x gyrotron 25 Supermatter shard crate.png Starscreen shield generator Minor Engine access

1x Starscreen shield generator flatpack 1x Starscreen shield capacitor flatpack 30 Supermatter shard crate.png Starscreen-EX shield generator Minor Engine access

1x Starscreen-EX shield generator 1x Starscreen shield capacitor 30 LargeSecCrate.png Mark I Thermoelectric Generator Minor Engine access

1x thermoelectric generator 75 LargeSecCrate.png Binary Atmospheric Circulator Minor Engine access

1x circulator 60 Supermatter shard crate.png Supermatter Shard Major Engine access

1x Supermatter Shard 300 EngiSecCrate.png Portable SMES parts Crate Minor Engine access

1x Portable SMES 3x capacitor 1x console screen 1x Portable SMES connector port circuit board 50 EngiCrate.png Inflatable structures Crate 3x inflatable structures box 15 EngiSecCrate.png Advanced firefighting equipment Crate Atmospherics access

1x Fireaxe 2x foam fire extinguisher 25 EngiCrate.png Radiation suit Crate 4x geiger counter 4x radiation hood 4x radiation suit 150 EngiSecCrate.png DIY Shuttle Engine kit Minor Engine access

1x DIY Engine 1x DIY Engine Pre-igniter 100 EngiSecCrate.png DIY Shuttle permit Minor Engine access

1x Shuttle License 1x Ship building manual 300 EngiSecCrate.png Dehydrated gourmonger Crate Minor Engine access

1x gourmonger cube 75 Cargo Name & Access Required Contents Cost LargeCrate.png Mulebot Crate 1x Mulebot. 20 LargeCrate.png Tractor Crate 1x tractor 1x cargo cart 1x tractor key 40 LargeCrate.png Carts Crate 2x cargo carts 15 GrayCrate.png Mining Equipment Mining access

1x mining drill 2x mining pickaxe 3x lantern 1x mining scanner 3x mining satchel 2x money bag 20 EngiCrate.png Rapid-Crate-Sender Crate 1x rapid crate sender 80 EngiCrate.png Cargo telepad Crate 2x Rapid-Crate-Sender telepad kits 80 EngiCrate.png Automation supplies 1x Internal circuitry (Crate Opener) 1x Internal circuitry (Crate Closer) 1x Internal circuitry (Item Sorting Machine) 1x Internal circuitry (Wrapping Machine) 25 GrayCrate.png Package Wrap Crate 4x package wrap stacks 10 GrayCrate.png Cargo Poster crate 6x cargo posters 50 Medical Name & Access Required Contents Cost Medicalcrate.png Medical Crate 1x first-aid kit 1x fire first-aid kit 1x toxin first-aid kit 1x oxygen deprivation first aid 1x anti-toxin bottle 1x inaprovaline bottle 1x sleep-toxin bottle 1x syringes box 1x pill collector 1x box of autoinjectors 1x stethoscope 10 SecureCrate.png Virus Crate Virology access

4x random virus dish 25 SecureCrate.png Surgery Crate Medical access

1x cautery 1x surgical drill 1x medical mask 1x anesthetic tank 1x FixOVein 1x hemostat 1x scalpel 1x bone gel 1x retractor 1x bone setter 1x circular saw 25 GrayCrate.png Sterile Equipment Crate 1x box of medical gloves 1x box of medical mask 2x green surgery suit 15 SecureCrate.png Bloodbag Crate Medical access

1x A+ Bloodpack 1x A- Bloodpack 1x B+ Bloodpack 1x B- Bloodpack 1x O+ Bloodpack 1x O- Bloodpack 3x Empty Bloodpack 10 LargeCrate.png Blood Donation Drive Crate 1x Doctor Acula 4x IJzerkoekje (iron-rich food) 50 Medicalcrate.png Basic chemistry kit 2x Small Beaker 1x Bottle of Carbon 1x Bottle of Silicon 1x Bottle of Sugar 1x Bottle of Oxygen 1x Bottle of Hydrogen 1x Bottle of Nitrogen 1x Bottle of Potassium 1x Dropper 80 Medicalcrate.png Wheelchair Crate 1x wheelchair 40 SecureCrate.png Motorised Wheelchair Crate Medical access

1x motorised wheelchair 200 LargeCrate.png Hanging Skeleton Model Crate 1x hanging skeleton model 30 Medicalcrate.png Biosuits Crate 3x bio suit 3x bio hood 85 Freezercrate.png Laboratory Mice Crate 2x small cage 1x lab mouse cube box 20 Science Name & Access Required Contents Cost SciSecCrate.png RnD Stock Parts Crate Research access

1x Circuit board (Protolathe) 1x Circuit board (R&D Console) 1x Circuit board (Circuit Imprinter) 1x Circuit board (Destructive Analyser) 2x matter bin 3x micro-manipulator 2x beaker 1x scanning module 1x micro-laser 30 SciSecCrate.png RnD Experimental Crate Research access

1x Technology Disk (Nanotrasen 1) 1x paper - 'Nanotrasen Experimental Technologies' 80 SciSecCrate.png Robotics Assembly Crate Robotics access

3x proximity sensor 1x electrical toolbox 4x flash 2x high-capacity power cell 10 SciSecCrate.png Robotics Maintenace Equipment 1x Cyborgs for Dummies 1x high-capacity power cell 1x robotics toolbox 1x armour plating 1x actuator 1x radio 1x binary communication device 1x camera 1x diagnosis unit 1x cyborg emergency restart board 120 SciSecCrate.png Grey slime extracts Crate Research access

2x Grey slime extracts 200 LargeCrate.png Suspension Field Generator Crate Research access

1x suspension field generator 50 SciSecCrate.png Excavation Equipment Crate Science access

1x excavation gear-belt 1x excavation pick set 1x lantern 1x depth analysis scanner 1x core sampler 1x optical meson scanner 1x pickaxe 1x measuring tape 1x hand pickaxe 30 SecPlasmaCrate.png Plasma Assembly Crate Toxins storage access

3x plasma tank 3x igniter 3x proximity sensor 3x timer 10 SciSecCrate.png Borer Egg Crate Xenobiology access

1x borer egg 100 LargeCrate.png Anomaly Container Crate 1x anomaly container 50 EngiCrate.png Suit Modification 1x rigsuit modification station 1x articulated spine 200 SciSecCrate.png Hardsuit frames Crate Robotics access

3x RIG Hardsuit frames 200 Hydroponics Name & Access Required Contents Cost Freezercrate.png Monkey Crate 1x monkey cube box 20 Freezercrate.png Farwa Crate 1x Farwa cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Neaera Crate 1x Neaera cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Stok Crate 1x stok cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Roach Crate 1x roach cube box 30 Freezercrate.png Genetically Modified Chicken Crate 1x green egg box 30 Hydrocrate.png Hydroponics Supply Crate Hydroponics access

2x Plant-B-Gone 2x ammonia bottle 1x hatchet 2x mini hoe 1x plant analyser 1x botanist's leather gloves 1x apron 1x flora disk box 15 Hydrocrate.png Aquaculture supply Hydroponics access

2x salmon eggs 2x catfish eggs 2x shrimp eggs 2x lobster eggs 1x fish egg scoop 1x fish net 1x fish food 1x fish tank brush 3x fish tank circuitboard 30 Hydrocrate.png Exotic fish Hydroponics access

2x goldfish eggs 2x clownfish eggs 2x feederfish eggs 2x eletric eel eggs 2x shark eggs 2x glofish eggs 2x shrimp eggs 2x fish wall circuitboard 1x conduction plate circuitboard 40 LargeCrate.png Cow Crate Hydroponics access

1x cow 30 LargeCrate.png Goat Crate Hydroponics access

1x Goat. 25 LargeCrate.png Polyp Crate Hydroponics access

1x Polyp. 75 LargeCrate.png Chicken Crate Hydroponics access

6x chicks 20 LargeCrate.png Corgi Crate 1x Lisa 50 LargeCrate.png Cat Crate 1x Proc 30 LargeCrate.png Snail crate 3x Snails 25 Sechydrocrate.png Weed Control Crate Hydroponics access

1x Scythe 1x Gas mask 2x Weedkiller grenades 20 Sechydrocrate.png Insect Control Crate Hydroponics access

2x Bug Zapper 3x Insecticide Bottles 2x Frog 2x Lizard 40 Sechydrocrate.png Exotic Seeds Crate Hydroponics or Science access

2x packet of diona nodes 1x packet of liberty cap spores 1x packet of reishi spores 6x randomly generated seeds 1x packet of kudzu seeds 1x packet of no-fruit seeds 15 Sechydrocrate.png Beekeeping Crate Hydroponics access

2x beezeez bottle 1x bee net 1x mini fire extinguisher 1x apiary 3x queen bee 1x beekeeping suit 1x beekeeping hood 1x The Ins and Outs of Apiculture - A Precise Art 20 Hydrocrate.png Ranching Crate 1x Circuit Board (Egg Incubator) 2x capacitor 1x matter bin 3x egg 1x kitchen knife 1x cowboy hat 15 Sechydrocrate.png Hydroponics Trays Components Crate Hydroponics access

2x Circuit Board (Hydroponics Tray) 4x matter bin 2x scanning module 2x capacitor 4x beaker 2x console screen 12 Vending Machine Packs Name & Access Required Contents Cost Stackopack.png Snacks n Cigs stack of packs 3x Getmore Chocolate Corp recharge pack 1x Robust Softdrinks recharge pack 1x Hot Drinks machine recharge pack 1x Cigarette machine recharge pack 30 Stackopack.png Groans n Dan stack of packs 2x Discount Dan's recharge pack 2x Groans Soda recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Theatre, Bar n Kitchen stack of packs 1x Booze-O-Mat recharge pack 1x Dinnerware recharge pack 1x AutoDrobe recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Security stack of packs 2x SecTech recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Medical stack of packs 2x NanoMed recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Hydroponics stack of packs 1x NutriMax recharge pack 1x MegaSeed Servitor recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Tools n Engineering stack of packs 2x YouTool recharge pack 1x Vendomat recharge pack 1x Engi-Vend recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Clothing stack of packs 1x Hatlord 9000 recharge pack 1x Suitlord 9000 recharge pack 1x Shoelord 9000 recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Barber stack of packs 2x Barbervend recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Cosmetics stack of packs 2x Shuo-Cai Cosmetics recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Off-licence stack of packs 2x Offworld Off-Licence recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Toy stack of packs 2x Circus of Values recharge pack 15 Stackopack.png Old and Forgotten stack of packs Requires emagging of the supply console

1x Nazivend recharge pack 1x KomradeVendtink recharge pack 20 Stackopack.png Russian Beverage stack of packs Supply Console hacking needed

2x BODA recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Strange and Bright stack of packs Requires emagging of the supply console

1x MagiVend recharge pack 80 Stackopack.png Dwarven Mining Equipment stack of packs 2x Dwarven Mining Equipment recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Team Security stack of packs 2x Team Security recharge pack 10 Stackopack.png Telecommunications Parts stack of packs 2x Telecommunications Parts recharge pack 50 Stackopack.png Zam Snax stack of packs 2x Zam Snax recharge pack 25 Stackopack.png Lotto Tickets stack of packs 2x Lotto Tickets stack of packs 20 Stackopack.png Meat Fridge stack of packs 2x Meat Fridge stack of packs 1x Free meat voucher 20 Crate Forwarding

Crate Forwarding screen displayed Cargo can enable an option on the supply console to enable crate forwarding, a method of receiving station funds for processing mail and shipments forwarded from elsewhere. Forwarded crates and fulfilled CentCom requests from previous rounds can also show up as cargo forwards in future rounds.

Forwarding a crate is easy; doing it right is less so.

Toggle on the Crate Forwarding system on the top of the supply shuttle console screen. When this is active, whenever you call the supply shuttle to the station, there is a chance that some extra crates that you didn't order will appear next to a manifest. If a forwarded crate is on the shuttle, a third selection will be available on the console (displayed on right image), next to the External Order Requests button, which will tell you the details regarding the forwarded crate and its stamp/weight status. Wrench down the crate weigher (the grey pad in the cargo bay), insert the manifest into the weigher, and push the crate on top. The crate weight will be typed on the manifest. Stamp the manifest and then send the stuff back to CentCom on the shuttle with the manifest outside the crate. If you put the manifest the crate, it will be considered a foreign object and nullify the forwarding.