Table of Contents

Guide to Squads

Welcome aboard, valued employee! We deeply thank you for signing up as a Scientist/Cook/Clown. But, there is one more thing you have to do. What, you expected a calm shift honking around?

That's right, when you serve aboard a military vessel, we need every hand at the ready when combat hits. And thus, squads were born. When the sirens ring, and General Quarters is declared, all non-essential personnel are expected to assist in the fighting.

Non-essential personnel means your job does not relate to or escalate during combat. So everyone NOT in the munitions, engineering, or medical department. Scientists, botanists, bartenders and such.

When you arrive on board, you are greeted by a large, reddish text, detailing which squad you are in, and what you will have to do. Don't get alarmed, it really isn't difficult. I'll detail what each squad does below. For now let's go over what to do. In the beginning of the shift, not much. Do whatever your job requires. After all, you are still useful, just not combat. Combat usually doesn't begin until one hour has passed, or even more, depending on your Bridge Crew, so you might even go without GQ a whole shift. If you do get into GQ, however…

General Quarters

Uh oh. The alarms are ringing, the ship has entered combat or CC has called an alert. You now have to make your way to one of the squad vendors. They are usually located in central areas, such as briefing, the main hallway or the bar. Head over to them, vend your Equipment Box and start your duty.


These are the things every squad member receives.

If you want to return your equipment, there are a few ways to do so:

If you have lost your equipment, don't worry! The vendor will also allow you to pay a modest replacement fee for it so that you can still get a new set of equipment.

Standard Equipment

All squad members receives these in their Standard Box:

Hazard Equipment

All squad members receive these in their Hazardous Equipment Box:


When the XO gives you gun clearance, you will receive these things in your box. If you have already vended your box, but still want a gun, return your equipment, then re-vend your box.

Some squad duties come with additional equipment options.

Squad Engineer Kit

Squad Medic Kit

Squad Roles

A squad is made up of mostly normal squad members who help fulfill critical secondary duties during combat situations. And of course, on top of them all sits the Squad Leader (or SL). By default, the squad management system will try to assign the highest ranking member of the squad as leader.

Squad Member

While ship-side, you, the squaddie, have one very simple job: follow orders. If you were sent to repair the ship's hull, put on your space suit, grab a welder and start welding those plates. If you were sent to fill up Munitions, then go, make torpedoes, load guns, etc. Your strength is in numbers, so if only one of you turns up to the job, you won't make a big difference. So listen to the XO's or the SL's orders, and actually help out. Don't be afraid if you find yourself overwhelmed by your new tasks! Ask your SL or your teammates if you don't know what to do! When boarding, the plan doesn't change that much, but this time your lives are at stake! So always watch each other's backs and never go alone. Situational awareness is even more important then usual. Be careful with how you spend your ammo, as you do not get much. And always keep your pager at hand.

Not all jobs can be members of a squad roundstart. This is either because they are in an important position, which they cannot leave to attend to Squad duties (like Engineers or Munitions Technicians), or that their jobs are close enough to Squad duties already (like Security Officers). The following jobs can't be squad members roundstart:

Squad Leader

The Squad Leader is responsible for organizing the squad. While the XO or the Captain may be far away in CIC, the SL is down on the ground, with a clear view on the situation.

While ship-side, the SL should be the one leading with good example, helping out departments, and following the orders from CIC. Or not, if that is the example you want the squad to follow. You can also be an inspiring mentor to any new squad-mates who may not be the greatest in whatever job you were given. As the SL, you are also the one tasked with ensuring that your squad is equipped for their mission.

When boarding, communication with CIC may be hard, or even nonexistent. Thus the SL may find himself as the highest ranking crew member present. This is where SLs make or break. You need to assess the situation, and quickly, using your megaphone, assume command, and keep your team alive. Looking unprepared is a bad sign, so always have a plan, or just act like you have one.

Special Equipment:

Squad Duties

Each squad is assigned a primary duty that they are responsible for carrying out during combat operations. Many of these overlap with the roles of combat-critical departments, giving them extra support when they need it the most. If there are people staffing the department you are assisting, be sure to coordinate with them to make the most of your efforts!

Shortly after round-start, the squad system will try to staff critical departments with squads if there's no one in them. A CIC Ops squad will be assigned if there are no Bridge Staff, a Damage Control squad will be assigned if there are no Engineers or Atmos Techs, and a Munitions Support squad will be assigned if there are no Munitions Technicians.

Squad duties have additional access associated with them. This is disabled by default unless the squad was automatically assigned to fill an empty department.


What's that - there aren't any bridge staff? The CIC Ops squad is on it! When assigned to CIC Ops, you are responsible for making sure the helm and tactical consoles are manned. Don't let the enemy catch you off guard, dodge fire from the enemy ships, and shoot back to make your way to victory!

See the Bridge Staff guide for more details on manning CIC.

Extra access: Bridge/CIC

Damage Control Team

The damage control squad is responsible for repairing machinery and structures, or for breaking into enemy ships. Your Squad Engineer kit gives you a great power as an engineer, a full toolbelt. Use it for good and only good!

While ship-side, your tools can help you fix any machinery, or break-in to save people, or yourselves. On top of this, you have a full Damage Control box, filled to the brim with metal foam grenades and and inflatable walls. These can be used to patch breaches quickly and easily. The additional flexi-seal can be used to patch up damaged inflatables or reactors. Finally, you have access to the Armour Pumps in case the engineering department is short-staffed.

When boarding, your job will change drastically. Instead of fixing holes, you will need to make holes. You have all the equipment required to break down walls, doors and machinery. When the dropship docks with the enemy ship, it will be your job to breach a wall or a window, allowing your team to move in. Once inside, you will need to hack doors to get into key areas, construct barricades to protect your crew mates, and possibly even fix up some machinery once the ship has been overtaken.

Damage control team members have access to the Squad Engineer kit.

Extra access: Engineering and atmospherics

Medical Team

The medical squad is responsible for, surprisingly, helping heal the crew. You provide emergency medical assistance and first aid to keep medbay from being overwhelmed and keep your crew mates in the fight! You have all the equipment needed to heal, or failing that stabilize your fellow crew members, then bring them to medbay.

While ship-side, you can spend your time best by assisting medbay. You can, with a bit of equipment from vendors and the medical lathe, become a real Doctor. Or, if medbay is fully staffed, you are an excellent Paramedic, who can get patients to safety even from space or a gunfight.

When boarding, count on your fellow boarders to keep your backside safe so you can come to their rescue. It is very important to stock up on meds before you lift off. You will mainly be facing enemies with guns, so bring brute meds and a lot of gauze. Once you arrive on board the enemy vessel, stick back, and heal anyone who limps back to you. Just slap some patches on their owies, and tell them to go away.

Medical squad members have access to the Squad Medic kit.

Extra access: Medical and surgery

Security Support

The security support squad provides backup for the ship's dedicated Military Police. Ship-side, you help repel boarders and other threats, and may even act as deputies when dealing with enemy agents! When boarding, you lead the charge, going toe-to-toe with enemy soldiers to capture their ship, and protect your support personnel like engineers and medics.

Work together with the security department to get any tools and weapons needed for your job that aren't provided in your squad kit, and bother the XO for weapons clearance if you don't already have it!

Extra access: Security doors and brig

Combat Air Patrol

Ever wanted to fly but never actually made it to flight school? You're in luck - the ship needs fighter pilots! When assigned to combat air patrol, your squad is responsible for manning any available fighters to provide combat support for the ship. Refer to Guide to Fighters for more information.

During boarding operations, you may need to act as the dropship pilot, getting the boarding team safely to the enemy ship in order to take it over. Don't leave once they've gotten out though - the dropship is an important rallying point for the boarding team, so stay nearby and defend your aircraft. They may leave additional weapons or supplies inside to come back for, or bring wounded back for treatment. You are also the get-away driver if things really go south.

Combat air patrol members have access to the Squad Engineer kit.

Extra access: Munitions, hangar, and fighters

Munitions Support

As a munitions support team member, you assist with one of the most critical combat operations - keeping the guns firing! Keep the PDCs loaded, shove bag after bag of gunpowder into the NACs, and reload the gauss guns! Ears ringing, guns singing! Check out the Guide to Munitions for tips!

Munitions support members have access to the Squad Engineer kit.

Extra access: Munitions

Managing squads

Squad management is the Executive Officer's job. He can do it either from a machine in his office, the Squad Management Console, or from the Squad Management program on a Modular Console. Either one of those lets you do numerous things! Let's go over them:


The XO, the Captain, the HoS and Security Officers have a General Pager, a pager that can listen in to any squad radio.