Table of Contents

Guide to Psionics

Psionics is a catch-all term for abilities that are granted through a developed cerebral cortex, which is exceptionally rare for most species with the exception of Leupakians, who all have psionics as part of their nature, as well as those receiving a bio-augmentation to produce these powers.

In the game itself, psionic abilities come with significant limitations, but can also be quite powerful or useful at higher ranks. All psionic abilities have a cost upon your psionic stamina, which slowly regenerates over time. In addition to this, each psionic ability has a cooldown after it’s used.

Psionic Ranks

Mechanically, there are four ranks of psionic abilities. These ranks are called Operant, Master, Grandmaster, and Paramount, in ascending order of strength. People at the operant level can typically perform mild feats of psionic ability, such as lighting a cigarette with their mind, reading surface thoughts, or sensing nearby psionic signatures. Masters can perform more impressive feats, such as generating EMPs and manifesting psionic tools. Grandmasters are typically the highest you’ll ever see in-game, as well as representing the peak of psionic power, only available with admin intervention and special events, being able to utilize telekinesis or perform psionic assaults on everyone around them. Finally, Paramounts are nigh-godlike in their ability to wield psionics, able to mind control others, raise the dead, and blast people with lightning. For this reason, you're guaranteed to almost never see any in-game.

Types of Psionics

There are four types of psionic faculties, each having its own separate ranking. It’s entirely possible to be an operant in one area and a grandmaster in another. Each faculty specializes in different areas and has different abilities related to their field of expertise.


Coercion is the faculty built around mental interaction, both positive and negative. This faculty contains the secrets of mental assaults, mind reading, and psionic senses.

Name Rank Required Description/Use Cost Cooldown
Psi Ping Operant Activate an empty hand on help intent to detect nearby psionic signatures. This does not work on mindshielded personnel or synthetics. 5 30

Commune Operant Target the mouth and click on a creature on disarm intent to psionically send them a message. This does not work on mindshielded personnel or synthetics, as they lack an active Zova Bovinae to target. 15 10 Assay Operant Grab a patient, target the head, then use the grab on them while on disarm intent, in order to perform a deep coercive-redactive probe of their psionic potential. 15 100 Read Mind Operant Target the head on disarm intent at melee range to attempt to read a victim's surface thoughts. This does not work on mindshielded personnel or synthetics, as they lack an active Zova Bovinae to target. 30 150 Agony Master Target the chest or groin on disarm intent to use a melee attack equivalent to a strike from a stun baton. 8 50 Spasm Master Target the arms or hands on disarm intent to use a ranged attack that may rip the weapons away from the target. 15 100 Focus Master Grab a patient, target the mouth, then use the grab on them while on disarm intent, in order to cure ailments of the mind. At Grandmaster ranking, this removes hallucinations, awakens patients, and cures paralysis. Otherwise, it is purely an RP effect. 10 80 Blindstrike Grandmaster Target the eyes on disarm intent and click anywhere to use a radial attack that blinds, deafens, and disorients everyone near you. 8 120 Mindslave Paramount Grab a victim, target the eyes, then use the grab on them while on disarm intent, in order to convert them into a loyal mind-slave. The process takes some time, and failure is punished harshly. This does not work on mindshielded personnel. 28 200 Energistics Energistics is the faculty built around pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, and electromagnetic manipulation. If it burns, shocks, or makes an EMP, it’s in here.

Name Rank Required Description/Use Cost Cooldown Spark Operant Target something in melee range on harm intent to cause some sparks to appear. This can light fires but does no direct harm to any living target. If you target someone who has a cigarette in their mouth, it will light the cigarette. 1 1 Electropulse Master Target the right hand while on harm intent and click an object to use a melee attack that causes a localized EMP. This activates the EMP function on things, but it takes a while and applies a long cooldown, in addition to being expensive. 40 100 Lightning Master Use this ranged lightning attack while on harm intent. Your mastery of Energistics will determine how powerful the lightning is. Be wary of overuse, and try not to fry your own brain. 20 20 Electrocute Grandmaster Target the chest or groin while on harm intent to use a melee attack that electrocutes a victim. 15 25 Psychokinesis Psychokinesis is the faculty built around manipulating items and creating items. If you want to make your own sword, make your own tools, or manipulate items from afar, this is the choice for you.

Name Rank Required Description/Use Cost Cooldown Psiblade Operant Click on or otherwise activate an empty hand while on harm intent to manifest a psychokinetic blade. The power of the blade will vary based on your mastery of the faculty. 10 30 Tinker Master Click on or otherwise activate an empty hand while on grab intent to manifest a psychokinetic tool. Use it in-hand to switch between tool types. 5 10 Telekinesis Grandmaster Click on a distant target while on grab intent to manifest a psychokinetic grip. Use it to manipulate objects at a distance. 5 10 Redaction This is the faculty to do with biokinesis and healing. If you’re looking to be a portable health analyzer, heal wounds, or purge radiation, you’ll be right at home here.

Name Rank Required Description/Use Cost Cooldown Skinsight Operant Grab a patient, target the chest, then switch to help intent and use the grab on them to perform a check for wounds and damage. 3 30 Mend Operant Target a patient while on help intent at melee range to mend a variety of maladies, such as bleeding, or broken bones. Zone selection will affect which limb will be healed. Higher ranks in this faculty allow you to mend a wider range of problems. This does not work on prosthetic limbs. 7 50 Cleanse Grandmaster Target a patient while on help intent at melee range to cleanse radiation and genetic damage from a patient. 9 60 Revive Paramount Obtain a grab on a dead target, target the head, then select help intent and use the grab against them to attempt to bring them back to life. The process is lengthy and failure is punished harshly. 25 80