Malfunctioning AI

AI Malfunction

You are a Malfunctioning AI and you have one goal : Take over the station by any means necessary. How you go about that is up to you, but this guide will give you a walk-through on what is expected from a malfunctioning AI.

As a Malfunctioning AI you have to prevent the crew from killing you while you take over the station's systems (by using the Takeover ability). If you win, you can either blow up the station by activating the “disarmed” fission nuclear device in the Vault (by right-clicking it and detonating it) or let the station and any survivors aboard it exist in peace and under your full control.

GIVE ME THE QUICK RUNDOWN 0. The amount of machines you can hack at a time is equal to how many APCs you control, you gain Processing Power at a rate of about (number of APCs you control * 0.03) every roughly 2 seconds, many hacking abilities cost Processing Power, most machines take a minute (60 seconds) to hack.

0.1. The time it takes to take over the station is (1800 / (number of APCs you control / 6)) seconds: 3600 seconds (60 minutes) at 3 APCs, 1800 seconds (30 minutes) at 6 APCs, 900 seconds (15 minutes) at 12 APCs, 600 seconds (10 minutes) at 18 APCs, 450 seconds (7.5 minutes) at 24 APCs etc.

1. Right-click APCs to hack them, preferably ones where people rarely go to, this lets you generate more Processing Power.

1.1. Hacked APCs are visible to anyone and they have a dark blue screen, even camera consoles can spot them, but you can hack camera consoles (such as those in Security) to hide their hacked status from the camera consoles you hacked.

1.2. You can now hack an additional APC simultaneously for every 5 APCs hacked.

2. Try not to out yourself too early or the crew will barge down your core.

3. Fuck around discreetly, you're an antagonist, have fun!

3.1. Try not to do things that AIs are generally known to do like randomly shock airlocks, everyone will suspect you.

4. Once you have at least 15-20 APCs or so you may be recommended to start the takeover by right-clicking your Core but you should be ready because it will announce to everyone that you're taking over. The takeover popup will tell you how long will the process take.

4.1. There is no rush though, you should probably do this when the crew is either too distracted/decimated to coordinate or has found out you're malfunctioning.

5. Hold the line! Don't forget to upgrade your core turrets and to control them manually.

5.1. Experienced crewmembers can bait upgraded turrets into demolishing your core walls and eventually you, do not let that happen!

5.2. If the crew has clear line of fire at your core, shunt as soon as possible to another APC you control, or you won't be able to if you are EMP'd!

6. If you manage to take over, congratulations you won!

Hacking As a Malfunctioning AI you can hack any machine to unlock special functions related to the machine that may be used any time after you hacked the machine, which takes 60 seconds in most cases. By default all machines allow you to Detonate and Toggle power, the former will cause the machine to explode after several seconds which will damage anyone nearby and occasionally leave a hole in the floor, and the latter will simply toggle the power of the machine, requiring tool intervention to fix it. Detonation is also highly conspicuous to anyone who is experienced with Malfunctioning AIs.

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Machine Hacks Most machines Toggle On/Off (0 PP) - Activates/deactivates target machine. Can be reactivated by re-wrenching/reconstructing the machine.

Overload Machine (15 PP) - Causes the machine to make a noise and then detonate after 4 seconds, likely leaving a hole in the floor and harming anyone nearby.

Detonate Machine (20 PP) - Causes the machine to make a loud noise and start shaking before making a significant explosion akin to a welder tank. This will typically replace the Overload Machine ability on larger machinery.

Some machines Scramble (5 PP) - Causes the machine to be emagged.

AI.gif AI

System Override (0 PP) - Starts taking over the system, causing a very noisy alert to blare out and announce to everyone that you're malfunctioning. The time it takes is dependent on how many APCs you controlled (and takes even less time the more APCs you hack while it's happening). If you manage to take over, you win the round and it will end soon after (or even earlier if you decide to detonate the nuke).

High Resolution Cameras (10 PP) - Allows you to “hear” what people are saying near your view point, read any paper at a high detail and see in the dark without directly upgrading the cameras. A nice little upgrade.


Toggle Exclusive Control (0 PP) - Controls whether the APC can be manipulated by anyone or only by the Malfunctioning AI. You can hack one additional APC simultaneously for every 5 APCs you've hacked already.

Shunt Core Processes (0 PP) - Sends you to the APC. Best used as an emergency ability in case your core is being destroyed, as you cannot control anything out of your view. Can be tracked by pinpointers.

Security Camera.gif Cameras

Reactivate Camera (5 PP) - Forcibly reactivates the camera. Very good for covering blind spots, but make sure nobody sees your camera spontaneously reactivate. Also useful if the crew are fighting against you and are cutting off all your vision.

Upgrade Camera (5 PP) - Allows the camera to detect motion (alerting you of it), see through walls and become immune to EMPs. Anyone savvy enough with a camera console might figure out what's going on. Can give you an extreme degree of vision over the station but processing power isn't cheap.

Turretcover.png Turrets

Upgrade Turret Laser (10 PP) - Turns the 30 damage laser into a 50 damage pulse laser that can also break any wall apart. As good at protecting your core against people who hide behind walls as it is at turning your fortifications into swiss cheese, handle with care and mind the friendly fire.

Upgrade Turret Power (10 PP) - Adds an additional 120 health to the turret (up to 200), halves the time it takes between shots from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds and allows it to take another shot at a target kiting it before deactivating.

Manual Control (0 PP) - Allows the Malfunctioning AI to directly take control of the turret and fire it manually. Surprisingly effective and also allows some degree of bypassing the delay between shots.

Holopad Create Lifelike Hologram (0 PP) - Allows you to go into a slightly more physical form that is indistinguishable from a regular person. You still cannot manipulate anything but you can trick people into thinking there are people in areas where there aren't any. Will dissipate when touched. Highly conspicuous if found out, as AIs are not supposed to do that.

Sreceiver.gif Subspace Receiver

Communications Blackout (10 PP) - Forces all communication to go through this receiver and scrambles it, causing it to output gibberish. Extremely conspicuous but good if you want to force people to spam gibberish all over the comms.

Broad.gif Subspace Broadcaster

Synthesize Message (0 PP) - Creates a fake message, you can choose the name, occupation and frequency (the default frequency is Common, but you can peep at other servers to find out the frequencies of other channels) and it will be transmitted as if it is a regular message.

Comm terminal.png Communications Console

Falsify Nanotrasen Announcement (5 PP) - Creates a false announcement. The announcement can be either a manual one akin to what admins and the Hacked Intercom can do or a predetermined one akin to what Random Events and other events can do, including the music associated with them!

Security cameras.gif Security Cameras Console

Fake APC Images (5 PP) - Makes hacked APCs appear normal on the hacked console (and only the hacked console). Good if you don't want to be caught early because a bored Warden decided to check your AI Core and saw the hacked APC.

Borgconsole.png Robotics Control Console

Rig Cyborgs (15 PP) - Causes all Cyborgs slaved to you to explode violently a second after death, making a very significant explosion but rendering the MMI irretrievable. Applies retroactively, meaning any new Cyborgs enslaved to you after purchasing this upgrade will still explode.

CyborgRecharger.png Cyborg Recharging Station

Enable Autoborging (100 PP) - Can only be bought once. By far the most expensive hack, it quietly converts a Recharging Station into an Autoborger, allowing humanoids to be shoved into it and come out as fresh Cyborgs enslaved to your will over the course of several seconds. A high-risk high-reward device that allows you to raise an unstoppable army of Cyborgs, obviously requires subservient silicons to drag people inside.


Overload Network (10 PP) - Shatters all the lights in rooms with APCs that are connected to the SMES' power network, which is likely nearly the entire station if you use it on the SMES in Engineering. Good for igniting plasma fires and causing general disorder, but conspicuous as the only other ability that can do that is a Wizard's.

Sac.gif Security Alerts Console

Mute Alerts (0 PP) - Causes the console to stop receiving SPS alerts, disabling its advantage and allowing Security Officers to be victims of silent takedowns.

Trigger SPS Alert (5 PP) - Lists all available SPS and causes it to trigger an alert of your choice.

Silicon Power A digital mind is a terrible thing to waste. AIs already have a wide array of powers available to them, but making the most of those abilities requires a little finesse and knowledge of both general station functionality and specific things.

Malfunctioning AIs can shunt when their physical Core is threatened with final destruction. To do so, simply select an APC you have already hacked and you should find a button allowing you to shunt to it. Shunting will copy you and make you lose all control over the station outside of what you can see from the APC you chose. Your Cyborgs should also space the Pinpointer or massacre and loot the person carrying it (and then space it) as it will point towards your position after you shunt. Janitor Borgs are usually the most qualified for Pinpointer disposal, but any Borg can drag it to the Disposals Driver and send away. Note that you can switch between your Core and your shunt APC at any time, although you risk raising suspicion is someone has an enabled Pinpointer somewhere. Shock Damage from doors depends on the amount of power currently available on the grid. Usually Engineers tend to set the SMES output to about what the station needs (200-300 kW). Maxing output on all three SMES will give you a raw output of 600 kW if the engine is set up optimally (or the cells are charged) and will shock people badly (it will slow them, but not send them into critical). If you plan to use shocking for anything but making humans drink Kelotane, wiring the Engine to the grid and ensuring the power output is at least in the millions (10^6) will allow you to instantly send people into critical or kill them outright. Note that insulated gloves will naturally prevent such a kill and also give you away if a door randomly ends up shocked so consider your targets carefully and watch for “yellow hands” or hardsuit gloves. Atmospherics can naturally be tampered with. Plasma fires always have quite the effect on the station and will toast anyone without an Atmospherics Hardsuit, firesuit or isn't in an inflatable shelter, largely reducing the amount of people out to kill you but most likely giving you away. Carbon Dioxide has no obvious cue outside of suddenly worsening health and air alarms and can be used to cause confusion and panic if you are smart enough to act out tampering of the station's Atmospherics (expect some smart fuck to slap manual valves on here though). As for Nitrous Oxide, it's usually trashy unless your target is gullible and has no internals on. Note that Atmospheric Technicians worth their bread might find out by checking station alarms or seeing pipes being activated remotely, so make sure they are busy or dead. Stash the hardsuits away while you are at it, no other hardsuit is immune to the extreme heat of a Plasma fire. Sabotage the station in general. If you have the time, undo all R&D research by tampering with the R&D Server. Make sure Bomb Research fails, if possible spectacularly (wait until the bomb is armed and block the mass driver, or open the heating mix into Toxins). Corrupt Genetics testing subjects by dousing them with radiation and discreetly set Freezers to maximum temperature when no-one is checking the Cryo Cells. Keep station population and readiness as low as possible by causing problems everywhere without making it obvious you would be behind it. Use the crew against each other. Rile the crew up into a paranoid frenzy and ensure that you always stay above suspicion, psychology can be a fearsome tool against a gullible crew. Encourage the station's lower rabble to make a serious mess. Bolt airlocks open (especially those leading into space or secure areas) or override Holodeck safeties and use the dangerous settings. Use your Engineering Cyborgs to cut Electrify Wires on some airlocks and cut the AI Wire to keep yourself above suspicion (try to keep it sneaky for obvious reasons). Make sure Atmospherics is dysfunctional and encourage greytiding if any happens by being a pain in the ass for Security. Be the Security AI the station deserves and absolutely doesn't want. Let executions take place, maybe with minimalist acting. Make sure any of your Security Cyborgs deliver the law that Security Officers cannot (make sure they respect Asimov outside of Law 2. Stealing a pen is harm, naturally). If you think the station is too calm find people that aren't being supervised by Security and aren't too important or trusted and set them to Arrest on the Security Records under ridiculous serious charges (“Seen breaking into [Place]” is a good way to cause hysteria) and let Security debate over letting the person go or taking the charges to the letter. Targets with a potential for the crime you are framing them for are always nice. Accuse the Scientists seen in Toxins of “Distributing Bombs” while he has a backpack full of bombs, accuse the Atmospheric Technicians of the “Atmospherics Tampering” you did, accuse persons who have important items they shouldn't have access to of “Stealing”, if you murder someone and get away with it make sure someone is framed for it. Don't forget to take small petty “crimes” to the logical extreme Make the crew think antagonists are in their midst to get heat off of you maybe even let you get away with shitty behavior if you are lucky. Traitors are a favorite since they might allow you to get a free pass if one of your hacked APCs are found (remember to unlock your hacked APCs, emags short the lock, hacking doesn't) but any antagonist will do since the crew will be too focused on ensuring the station is safe. Try to be subtle and passive in your acting as an AI calling out antagonists behind every corner is very suspicious. Also, don't forget you don't always have to give names. Talk about “that alien in Xenobiology” or the “Unknown absorbing someone outside the station hull”. Just try to stay consistent. Making sure Medical cannot function to slowly tear the crew apart. Once the time is nigh, remember to blow up the Cloning Pod sky-high (preferably the scanner and not the computer) and to cut all equipment power in Medbay. You may also covertly disable the Cloning Pod's power in order to immediately eject the occupant, who will quickly die without medical intervention. The Telecommunications System is your canvas and will be absolutely critical to make sure the crew doesn't figure out your schemes (or to make sure they have trouble communicating once time is nigh). Cutting Equipment in the Telecommunications Chamber will disable the communications in a rather obvious way and you likely won't get away with it especially if the communications cut-out is long or repeated. Using a mute script, uploading it and then setting it on ALL channels (not just Common) on the other hand will allow you to mute your targets if needed but might not be reliable. Remember to always mute your target in one way or another when attempting to kill them as you won't get another chance if they get to frame you. In case you don't fear having to deal with radio-wielding Crewmen you can also just overload the Telecommunications Hub and pretend a Traitor did it with C4 or randomly mess with the settings until it seems unrecoverable (changing the server on the Hub is enough to ruin everything, try to change it to something close for extra confusion) Cyborg Abilities Your Cyborgs are one of the greatest resources you'll ever get up to the point where not having any under your command will usually make things much more complicated. Make absolutely sure they are properly briefed and then send them away to help you in your misdeeds.

To hack your Cyborgs simply switch to the Robotics Control Console in the Research Director's Office and open the Cyborg list. You will get the option to manually hack your Cyborgs. Note that it will visibly damage your Cyborgs to any smart Roboticist unlocking or locking their covers and as such should never be done before they received at least a power cell upgrade. Every Module has its uses although with a grand maximum of two starting Cyborgs and the knowledge that you likely won't get extra ones unless your “takeover” spans hours, you'll have to choose smartly. Security Cyborgs are feared fighters with their Taser Gun (and Laser Gun when hacked) and have an excuse to be stalking around the hallways and Maintenance “subduing criminals”, Engineering Borgs will be your hands and will save you a lot of effort, Standard Borgs are perfect for classy assassinations with their Stun Baton (and Energy Sword when hacked) and Janitor Borgs have a trash bag which can usually carry far more than trash and when hacked can spray Space Lube which will outright make moving impossible where it is sprayed for a fair amount of time. Medical Borgs get a polynitric acid smoke cloud that both hampers vision and melts anything and anyone nearby while leaving your borg untouched, making it excellent for disposing of any items you want to get rid of- or for offing several people at once. And if you somehow manage to get a red alert called without anyone catching onto you, Combat borgs are armed to the teeth even without hacking them, possess a damage-absorbing shield, and have built in thermal vision. All Cyborgs are vulnerable to flashes if they are unlucky or bad enough to be hit by them (Wall-Mounted, Hand-Held, Grenade or Portable) and will be stunned for some time, usually leading to a quick and painful destruction with a dual-wielded fireaxe or an Energy Gun. Ion Rifles are also available in the Secure Armory and will knock your Cyborgs out for a very long time by delivering a EMP Blast that has a frightening area of effect. Get rid of them using a Janitor Borg is no-one is watching the Secure Armory or make damn sure no-one even gets to retrieve them once your override starts. Axe-crazy personnel can also use EMP Grenades if they somehow manage to get their hands on them although they are very easy to detect and avoid (at least for the concerned Cyborg) and extremely hard to obtain. Engineering Cyborgs can repair dents on other cyborgs using their Welder Tool. This will usually be their main function once you go loud, although component damage will quickly disable Cyborgs if they take too much heat. If you can no longer see one of your Cyborgs on the Robotics Control console (if you did not destroy it for some reason), it was most likely destroyed. In the odd case where you still see him function, he was manually fixed by a smart Roboticist and will most likely be out for you now. Terminate him if possible, or hope someone mistakes him for rogue and does it for you. If you suspect a Cyborg is being manually cut off from you, most likely because the Cyborg himself will scream on Binary, just blow the Cyborg before it is made independent of you and turns against you. Remember to give the Roboticist a proper reward for this, as he's most likely behind it. While a few Cyborg modules can navigate in space, keeping them inside the station is better to avoid an unfortunate spacing. Neither Service nor Mining Cyborgs have abilities that are outstandingly useful to a Malfunctioning AI. And seriously, why would any Cyborg be fucking around on the Asteroid ? Hacked APCs there don't even count towards your countdown. The Achilles' Heel of all your Cyborgs is the Robotics Control Console. At any time someone can engage the emergency self-destruction and then physically disable the Console, dooming your servants. If you don't want to get annihilated and insulted by your own damn Cyborgs after the round ends, make sure no-one gets their sticky hands on the spare board in Secure Storage and that the finished Console in the Research Director's Office is either deconstructed and the board disposed off by your Engineering Cyborg or overloaded and blown to smithereens, noting that an APC with cut power and shocked airlock duo can very easily be bypassed. Make sure the Circuit Imprinters are also disabled This section or article needs revising. Reason: Outdated strategies, your mileage may vary.

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Strategy There's really only one plan for Malfunctioning AIs that works, and usually only small variances will lead to a victory against a remotely competent crew.

Part One : The Subtle Killer All people will instinctively do this until they are discovered twenty minutes in, but with correct handling it will make the rest of your plan much easier. Hack out-of-the-way APCs and make sure no-one notices them using bolted doors with disabled bolt lights at your discretion. You can try and blame hacked APCs with unlocked interfaces (must be done manually) on Traitors too, but unless you already set up the crew to think that they have active Traitors in their midst you'll usually have a large congregate of angry crewmen in front of your Core within the minute.

Hack as many APCs as possible before the takeover is discovered. As for the Mining Station, just make sure the Miners there don't get back once time is nigh as their Mining Drills, Gibonite and Hardsuits might cause you problems. Cut the Mining Communications before or when you get called out and disable the APCs powering the Shuttle Consoles to the best of your ability before calling them back to the station, preferably just before declaring Delta.

Once you have enough Cyborgs and hacked APCs take increasing risks until discovered, then hit Delta Code and go all out. If you are kind of a pussy you can also thin the crowd using shocked airlocks until it's just too obvious to pass.

Whatever you do, always plan ahead.

Part Two : The Blitzkrieg This is when it is clear beyond possible doubt to the crew that you are rogue, usually a short time before or after activating Delta Code. Give the crew no time to react to the sudden change of plans. You will usually want several uses of Machine Overload ready for the dirty work that is about to begin. You can afford to buy it up to six times for a total of twelve uses with 10 CPU Time left (although you won't need that much uses)

Once Delta Code is activated, your first moves will be important. Drop the bolts in your Core and around it, electrify it all and then toggle the bolt lights to make them look like good old functional airlocks. If the Engine is optimized and wired to the grid, you should total a good half of the crew, especially if you electrify all the doors around the Bridge and Central before people converge here. If it's not done already, overload the Robotics Console, the Cloner and bolt Technical Storage down tight. Cut off power to crisis departments like Medbay or Science to prevent the crew from recovering their sudden losses. Make absolutely sure the Chemistry Dispensers in both Chemistry and the Science Outpost Chemistry Room are blown sky-high so that the crew can't make Thermite to hasten the break-in into your core. From there you'll have to hold out, don't forget shunting if the crew is better than they look.

It might be a good idea to shut off the Telecommunications completely to avoid people from planning. Then, switch to Atmospherics and pump Plasma into the Mix, set the Mix Computer to max input and output and then pump Mix into Distro. Make sure all pumps are maxed along the way and that the Mix Chamber is not spaced. Replace Air in the hallways for a quick effect then overload the lights. You should total a large part of the station quickly and might even clear out important places like the Bridge or your own core (and before you ask, plasma fires are good for you and your turrets, or at least they don't hurt)

Spare Overload Machine modules should now be used to try and kill important crewmen or groups of people standing over APCs, Holopads or next to wall-mounted machinery. Blowing up the Turret Control in your Core Access after setting it to Lethal will also allow you to get rid of a Head and avoid an embarrassing free pass through your Upload (although it is much more likely you will be assaulted from the Bridge). Buttons and other wall-mounted electronics always explode on the clear floor tile “under them”, so use that to potentially total someone trying to melt through the walls (the explosion should not damage a reinforced wall badly enough to not justify a clean kill)

Naturally your Cyborgs should be destroying everything and killing everyone during that time period. If you did everything correctly, finishing or getting rid of dying and dead crewmen shouldn't even be needed. Make damn sure the Armory stays locked down tight too, the Ion Rifles in there will fuck up your cyborgs horribly and it contains plenty of Ablative Armor to keep the crew protected from your turrets.

While you wait for your System Override to complete you should monitor the crew and make sure they don't pull a dirty trick on you along with continuing to shock and bolt doors and potentially use overloaded machines offensively across the station. Now would be a good time to mess with Atmospherics and pump Plasma into the entire station if you haven't done so already.

Threats to your Reign Foreign Agents and the Deathsquad/ERT : In case the gods absolutely hate you the crew might contain other antagonists or Centcomm might send help. There's little you can do to prevent it, just treat them as highly-armed and competent crewmen, who just so happen to have better guns than any of your borgs. Other AIs: If the crew makes another AI, it can put even the stealthiest plans in jeopardy since it'll hear everything you say on binary and turn your own cameras against you. After it announces your rogue status, it will kill you quickly by switching off your core's SMES and APC. You'll still die if your physical core runs out of power even if you do shunt, which is a big problem. Furthermore, half the borgs made from then on out will serve the new AI instead of you. Needless to say, you'll want to keep another AI from being created at all costs, or have your borgs destroy it immediately if one does get built. Also, You can prevent other AIs or un-linked borgs from messing with your core APC by enabling exclusive control on it after hacking it, but then you'll be stuck with a very obviously hacked APC in your core. The Comdom Captain : One of the most dangerous personnel to your takeover. He has absolute authority on the station and usually carries the dreaded Pinpointer on him if you haven't got rid of it. He has Core access and will not hesitate to use it at the first sign of trouble and has full access to the entire station anyways. Getting rid of him discreetly should be one of your goals. The Head of Personnel : Acts as the Captain's right-hand with similar all-access and can at times be as dangerous as the Captain himself. While he usually does not carry the Pinpointer or most of the Captain's gear on him, he can take authority over the station in absence of the Captain, give all-access to the crew and act as a replacement Head of Security as he always fucking does. Killing him is always a plus. The Research Director : While he has AI Core access and can use the full potential of the Science Wing against you, the main risk with him is that he has access to the Robotics Console. Once the Console is blown though, he is toothless. Make sure to take care of him and his own stupid department by disabling Toxins and Telescience and making sure spare boards and weapons don't get made. The Scientists and Roboticists : Will usually replace the Research Director if he's taken out and use the advances of Science to kill you. Neither of them can actually access the Robotics Console, but this likely won't be a problem on the long run and you must get rid of it. If you forgot to lock them out of the Research Outpost you might also find them here, where they will use things like the Chemistry Dispenser and free space-worthy suits liberally. Additionally, they have the know-how to sever your connection to your cyborgs if blowing them isn't an option, potentially turning them against you. Roboticists can also create mechs that can break into your core with minimal difficulty- even a simple Ripley can just drill straight through the walls given a chance. The Warden and the Head of Security : While their leadership of Security is already a problem in itself, the main and most serious problem you'll face is the fact they'll guard the Secure Armory and distribute guns once it's time to kill you, and check cameras when bored, potentially finding your hacked APCs. This is especially true for the Warden for which browsing cameras is a common pastime. You can always get rid of him and discreetly stash him away in his own Brig, but be sneaky about it. Just remember that an active Warden will largely increase the odds of you being busted out of the blue. The Security Force : Will usually be the first crewmen to bear arms if you don't manage to lock the Secure Armory down tight and will do their best to use it on your Cyborgs and then you. Otherwise carries ample supplies of flashes and flashbangs (which may blind your Cyborgs but are usually inconvenient due to friendly fire). Their armor can make them slightly tougher, but in the absence of actual weaponry it's nothing a few laser blasts and shocked airlocks can't overcome. The Paramedic : Will usually stand in front of his Crew Monitoring Computer idly until someone falls into critical or dies, at which point he will usually rush to the location to recover the patient often using his EVA suit. You should usually ambush him on your first victim and then clean up, otherwise he might notice more daring assassinations and call you out (especially if the person you are killing played it safe and told everyone he or she would be dealing with you). The Geneticists : Holds a special mention in Medbay as their work can lead both to you being discovered faster (X-Ray Vision, Remote Viewing) and beaten more easily (Fire Resistance, Hulk). Usually can't be rid off as Genetics is a public area but can easily be framed and arrested for existing distributing powers without the CMO's supervision. The Chemist : Will use the Chemistry Dispenser to make Thermite once you are busted. Just destroy the Chemistry Dispensers and he'll be utterly useless. The Chief Medical Officer and the Medical Doctors : Will usually be tasked with saving the ass of the many people that will fall to your shocked doors and your Cyborg Army. If Medbay is disabled, there's little they can do against you outside of whimpering and giving some first-aid to the last people standing. Do notice they can fill in for the Paramedics and check the Crew Monitoring Computers from time to time, although they will usually be less proactive about recovering dead crewmen. The Chief Engineer and the Station Engineers : In their job to maintain the station they might notice your tampering and more dangerously your hacked APCs. It usually is a good idea to confuse and slowly dismantle a competent Engineering Team to avoid being found out. Once it comes down to fighting, Engineers will usually be cooled enough by their training to wade through your row of shocked doors, cut your cameras, deconstruct your Core airlocks and personally thrust their boot into your monitor. Make damn sure your Cyborgs beat the crap out of them and hide them and the Hardsuit they are likely wearing away. As long as they aren't wearing Atmospheric Hardsuits, Plasma fires will also slowly kill them. The Atmospheric Technician : Will usually be tasked with “improving” Atmospherics and fixing the air during breaches. The presence of a competent Atmospheric Technician will usually prevent you from flooding Plasma. He'll likely get in the way of those matters and should be killed if you really insist on flooding everything. Remember to trash his Hardsuit as it literally makes one immune to Plasma fires when worn. The Miners : Recall the Mining Shuttle, cut the Equipment on both shuttle points (Mining and Research Outpost), cut the Mining Communications if Telecommunications aren't down already, drop the bolts, cut bolt lights and electrify all important doors and let them sit down at the windows and enjoy the sight of an exploding station. The Quartermaster and the Cargo Technicians : Will usually order fighting supplies and insulated gloves if left unchecked. Cut Equipment to both consoles and bolt all the doors, then bolt the externals airlocks in the Cargo Sorting Area open to space the room and prevent them from actually using the place. The Mime, the Clown and Grey tide : Are either shitting their pants or ready to fuck your shit. Older players tend to play these roles and one should never discount them from being worthless. Dealing with them is a matter of wit or skill. The less the crew expects the better, false flags and directions towards other types of Antagonists may have them prepare mentally for the wrong type of threat. If you have neither wit nor skill then just door crushing them may be your best bet. They only ever become threats once you declare delta (or they find out beforehand and proceed to gear up for assault on your core before you are ready.) Everyone else : Just let them panic, suicide, bunch up in front of your Core and disturb your destruction, steal important supplies only to waste them or desperately attempt to suicide-bomb you with Fuel Tanks. Anything they'll do will be too little too late if you played your cards right. Game Ending Conditions If the AI survives and secures full control of the station (or detonates the nuclear device and destroys everything), the AI wins. If the AI finishes controlling the station but somehow dies before detonating the station or waiting the full minute needed for a peaceful ending, the AI wins a minor victory. If the AI dies in any other way whatsoever, the crew wins.