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Grenade Construction

Grenades are made of three things: Chemicals, trigger assemblies, and a crunchy candy coating (usually made of metal). When you arm them, the trigger sits there, waiting patiently for an excuse to go off, until finally the grenade primes, the chemicals mix, and whatever happens, happens.


For a list of possible chemical reactions, see the Guide to Chemistry. Note that some reactions go off immediately when mixed, and must be separated into two bottles. Also note that slime cores are volatile, and when used in grenades, some reagents may be lost.

Obtaining the Materials

Illegal Payload Idea


The grenade will be work differently depending on the trigger used in it's construction:


Use a grenade in hand to activate it in case of a Cable trigger. If any other kind of trigger is used, the trigger's default menu will open and allow for its settings to be changed and activated. Use a multitool on the grenade to set delays precisely.

When the grenade goes off, the chemical beakers/bottles inside will mix their contents. If the mixture causes an effect (Smoke, an explosion, etc), it will happen at this time; otherwise, the resultant chemicals will be spread over everything in range. A grenade filled with Space Lube, for instance, will coat every nearby floor surface with slippery goop; a grenade filled with Mindbreaker Toxin will cause everyone unlucky enough to be in range to trip fucking balls.


If you use Wirecutters on a Grenade, you will unsecure it and thereby stop its timer. A Wrench can then be used to remove the payload to prevent anyone from rearming it.