Table of Contents

Guide to Ghetto Chemistry

Ghetto Chemistry has three main objects. The first, the handmade electrolyzer, may be useful to any chemist. The two others are strictly inferior except in narrow circumstances to their non-ghetto counterparts.

Handmade Electrolyzer

Construction: Empty Grenade Casing + Wires (2)

Deconstruction: Wirecutters

The electrolyzer may be loaded with up to two beakers: one must be empty, and the other must contain exactly one reagent (“active beaker”).

When you click the electrolyzer with any power cell, it will attempt to convert the reagent in the active beaker into its chemical components, based on standard recipes. Catalysts are never necessary nor produced. 30 charge is necessary per unit converted. The first component of the reaction is put into the first beaker, the remainder are dumped into the second beaker.

Example 1: 10u of Dexalin is converted using a potato battery (300 charge). It produces 20 Oxygen and completely drains the battery.

Example 2: 30u of Anti-Toxin is converted using a power cell (1000 charge). It produces 10u of Chlorine in the first beaker, and 10u Nitrogen + 10u Potassium in the second beaker. 100 charge remains in the cell.

Handmade Centrifuge

Construction: Toilet + Hand (open bottom) + Crowbar (open top) + Rods (2) + Paper

Deconstruction: Crowbar

The centrifuge can hold any number of empty, open containers, but only one active container, which can contain many reagents. When the flush verb is used, the Centrifuge attempts to kick out containers filled with one reagent from the active container each. If there aren't enough empty containers, the remainder of the chemical mix is lost.

Example 1: You take your above mix of Nitrogen and Potassium beaker to the Centrifuge and insert it, then you drink the soda out of two cans and insert those. You flush the centrifuge, and it produces two soda cans. One contains 10u Nitrogen, the other contains 10u Potassium.

Example 2: You insert an empty can and a can of Groans Banned Soda: Fish Surprise, then flush. This soda contains 10u Carpotoxin and 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce. Because Carpotoxin is listed first on the reagent list, it is deposited in the can. The Dan Sauce is lost.

Handmade Mortar

Construction: Bowl + Metal (1)

Deconstruction: Screwdriver

This functions like an all-in-one grinder, with several drawbacks. There's a reagent limit of 1, so items need to be crushed one after another instead of putting in many at once. It also prioritizes juicing over grinding with no choice otherwise, meaning berries will always produce juice instead of nutriment. Additionally, it can't be upgraded, and because it is its own container, you can't add a larger beaker to contain more at once. The perk is that it is mobile and will work during a power outage. It also has the ability to grind some things that won't pass the “Will it blend?” test – wires for copper, flares for sulfur, butts for mercury, and cells for lithium.

Example 1: Berries are added to the mortar. Crushing them results in berry juice.

Example 2: Solid phoron is added to the mortar. Crushing it results in phoron.

Basic Ghetto Chemistry

Ghetto Chemistry is mostly about getting the chemicals you need. The best chemicals require no theft, and just a little hacking. Groan's Soda is going to be your biggest friend. Remember to centrifuge out all mixes to get pure chemicals, and “donate” all your spare Dan Sauce to the chef.


Accessible from any sink or water tank, a plentiful source of Oxygen and Hydrogen.

O2 Lockers

These emergency lockers often contain suffocation emergency kits. While the Dexalin is basically useless to you, the Inaprovaline may be broken down for Carbon, Oxygen, and Sugar. Useful if you run out of money for Space Twinkies or can't get access to a microwave for Carbon.

Groans Soda

Your Go-To for most reagents. The drink variant you get is random, with the variants on the table.

To save money, you can hack the machine to throw its contents at you and wait, but the increased randomness may mean that you wait a very long time. Or buy a Danchoco from the Discount Dan's, grind it and mix with iron to EMP it.

Consumable Reagents Notes
Filk: Chocolate Edition 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
10u Hot Chocolate
Filk: Scripture Edition 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
30u Holy Water
The holy water is useful against cultists and vampires.
Filk: Caribbean Edition 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
30u Deadrum
Glasgow in a box!
Filk: Pure Filk Edition 30u Discount Dan's Special Sauce Drink some Dylovene before drinking this for quick Peptobismol.
Filk: Sugar Blast Edition 30u Sugar
10u Radium
10u Toxic Waste
Can be used as ghetto emergency antibiotic since the radium will nuke both the disease and your immune system.
Grifeo: Spicy 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
30u Condensed Capsaicin
The Condensed Capsaicin can be electrolyzed for ethanol and regular capsaicin or inserted in a spray bottle for ghetto pepper spray.
Grifeo: Rich 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
10u Tequila
10u Chemical Waste
The Chemwaste can be electrolyzed into Space Lube.
Grifeo: Frozen 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
30u Frost Oil
Useful if the Atmospherics Technician felt like there wasn't enough fire onboard.
Grifeo: Pure 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce Same as Filk: Pure Filk edition.
Grifeo: Crystallic 10u Space Drugs
20u Corn Syrup
10u Ice
The Space Drugs can be electrolyzed into Sugar, Mercury and Lithium, the Ice can be electrolyzed for 1u Frost Oil.
Mann's Drink 30u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
20u Mannitol
The Mannitol can be electrolyzed for extra Dansauce, some Ice and Beff.
Brawndo 30u Sports Drink Sports Drink has performance enhancing effects, such as increasing throw range, treadmill performance, etc. Highly prized by botanists due to it neutralizing ANY negative effect on the plant as long as it has some which makes it ideal to grow exotic seeds without xenobotany.
Groans Soda: Energy Shot

10u Corn Syrup | The Chemical Waste can be electrolyzed into lube. |

Groans Soda: Zero Calories 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
20u Nutriment
Has as much nutrition as a full cheese wheel!
Groans Soda: Icey Cold Flavor 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
10u Frost Oil
10u Ice
The Ice can be electrolyzed for a further 1u Frost Oil.
Groans Soda: Double Dan 30u Discount Dan's Special Sauce Same as Filk: Pure Filk edition or Grifeo: Pure.
Groans Soda: Cuban Spice Flavor 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
10u Deadrum
10u Condensed Capsaicin
The Condensed Capsaicin can be electrolyzed for ethanol and regular capsaicin or inserted in a spray bottle for ghetto pepper spray.
Groans Banned Soda: Quadruple Dan 50u Discount Dan's Special Sauce Same as Filk: Pure Filk edition or Grifeo: Pure, just more.
Groans Banned Soda: Sour Surprise 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
20u Polytrinic Acid
The Polytrinic Acid itself is already very dangerous, but you can electrolyze it for Sulfuric Acid, Chlorine and Potassium.
Groans Banned Soda: Bitter Surprise 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
20u Toxin
The toxin works as both a poison and as an ingredient for Insecticide and PBG.
Groans Banned Soda: Sleepy Surprise 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
10u Sleep Toxin
The Sleep Toxin can be electrolyzed for 2u Chloral Hydrate and 8u Sugar. The Chloral Hydrate can be electrolyzed further for 8u Ethanol, 24u Chlorine and 8u Water.
Groans Banned Soda: Fish Surprise 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
10u Carpotoxin
Mix the 10u Carpotoxin with the 10u Sleep Toxin from the Sleepy Surprise and 10u of Copper from a ground up cable coil for 4u Zombie Powder or mix with equal parts Cryptobiolin and Copper to make Rezadone.
Roentgen Energy 5u Caffeine
1.4u Cocaine
3.6u Uranium Salt
20u Sport Drink
Not great, not terrible and not really worth the coin.

Getmore Chocolate Corp

Mostly useful for nutrients. Hacking is required to access Syndie-Cakes. Syndie Cakes contain Doctor's Delight, which quickly heals most damage. To save money, you can hack the machine to throw its contents at you and wait, but the increased randomness may mean that you wait a very long time.

Consumable Reagents Notes
Candy 1u Nutriment
3u Sugar
Cup Ramen 2u Calcium Oxide
30u Dry Ramen
If mixed with some water, it turns into 2u Calcium Hydroxide and Hot Ramen. Currently the only source of Dry Ramen alongside Discount Dan's Noodle Soup due to the recipe being broken.
Chips 3u Nutriment
Scaredy's Private Reserve Jerky 4u Nutriment
4no Raisins 6u Nutriment
Space Twinkie 4u Sugar The best ghetto source of sugar.
Cheesie Honker 4u Nutriment
Choco Coin 2u Nutriment
2u Sugar
3u Coco Powder
More useful as an actual coin than food.
Bag of Lollipops 2u Nutriment
8u Sugar
Those values are per Lollipop. 4 Lollipops per bag.
Syndie-Cakes 4u Nutriment
5u Doctor's Delight
Ghetto healmed. A source of Tricordrazine and its components. Expensive.
Busta-Nuts 6u Nutriment
6u Hardcores
6u Table Salt
One of the only sources of Hardcores alongside Danitos. Hardcores affect something.
Old Empire Bar 6u Nutriment
6u Rogan
The only source of Rogan, which makes you say a list of Age of Empire related phrases.
Mag-Bites 4u Nutriment
6u Medium-Salted Cores
6u Table Salt
Medcores work as ghetto magboots, helping you fight the ZAS. It reacts with Hyperzine or Cocaine to make a LOT of Cheesy Gloop, which is fatal in doses higher than 5u.

Discount Dan's

Most of the reagents inside a Discount Dan's foodstuff are toxic (albeit nutritious) unless otherwise stated. Mixing these reagents can make more Dan's Sauce. The Dan's Sauce is toxic in high quantities and can cause liver failure, best consumed slowly. The names are semi-random, but the reagents inside are the same.

Consumable Reagents Notes
Discount Dan's Chocolate Bar 4u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
3u Nutriment
4u Moon Rocks
8u Toxic Waste
8u Uranium Salt
2u Corn Syrup
2u Chemical Waste
A source of Uranium for EMPs or solidification. The only source of Moon Rocks, which turns into Scientist's Serendipity when mixed with Karmotrine which can be deconstructed for research.
Danitos 4u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
3u Nutriment
4u Bone Marrow
8u Toxic Waste
2u Hardcores
The only source of Bone Marrow for Aminomician. One of the only sources of Hardcores alongisde Busta-Nuts.
Discount Dan's On The Go Burger 4u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
4u Nutriment
4u Beff
4u Horse Meat
4u Off-Color Cheese
2u Chemical Waste
Discount Dan's Noodle Soup 10u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
20u Dry Ramen
4u Toxic Waste
4u Greenish Ramen Noodles
4u Glowing Ramen Noodles
4u Deep Fried Ramen Noodles
One of the only sources of Dry Ramen alongside Cup Ramen due to the recipe being broken.
Discount Dan's Burritos 6u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
3u Nutriment
4u Irradiated Beans
4u Re-Fried Beans
4u Mutated Beans
4u Beff
2u Chemical Waste
Discount Pie 2u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
2u Nutriment
2u Toxin
4u Corn Syrup
The only directly toxic food.
Economy-class Raisins 2u Discount Dan's Special Sauce
2u Grape Juice
2u Water
9x less nutritious than their Getmore Counterpart.
Discount Dan's Special Sauce 4u Discount Dan's Special Sauce Not worth the price.
Anti-toxins pill 25u Dylovene Best consumed right after eating a lot of Dan's food to avoid the obligatory liver failure. Can be electrolyzed for Potassium, Nitrogen and Silicon.

Robust Softdrinks

All of these drinks are “cold” drinks, which counteract the heating from being on fire, which stops it from burning you. Mass consumed by plasmamen that don't want to wear their atmospheric suit.

Consumable Reagents Notes
Space Cola 30u Cola If mixed with Lemon Lime, Space Mountain Wind, Dr. Gibb and Karmotrine it makes Suicide.
Space Mountain Wind 30u Space Mountain Wind If mixed with Cola, Lemon Lime, Dr. Gibb and Karmotrine it makes Suicide.
Dr. Gibb 30u Dr. Gibb If mixed with Cola, Lemon Lime, Space Mountain Wind and Karmotrine it makes Suicide.
Star Kist 15u Cola
15u Orange Juice
Lemon-Lime 30u Lemon Lime You wanted Orange. It gave you Lemon Lime. Small chance of getting instead of Star-Kist. If mixed with Cola, Space Mountain Wind, Dr. Gibb and Karmotrine it makes Suicide.
Space Up 30u Space-Up
Gunka Cola Family Sized 60u Cola
30u Sugar
10u Sodium
5u Cocaine
5u Black Food Coloring
One of the only sources of Black Food Coloring alongisde floorpills and the bartender's 25u Vial. The can works as a 100u Beaker.
Thirteen Loko 30u Thirteen Loko Nutritious and stops drowsiness. Makes you jitter.
Kiririn Fire 50u Latte Stops you from falling asleep, wakes you up if you are. Has a chance to heal some brute damage. Heats you up and removes Frost Oil from the system.


The most obvious one is located in the ghetto bar, and there are extras around the station. Any bad recipe (such as simply adding water to the microwave and turning it on) will result in a burned mess. A burned mess contains Carbon.

Space Cleaner

Often found around the station and easy to request, Space Cleaner is a good source of Ammonia (Hydrogen, Nitrogen).


Metal sheets are plentiful and may be ground in the mortar for Iron.

Phoron sheets are necessary for many reactions, and need to be either stolen or acquired from mining.


The Chef can be your best friend for chemicals. Notably, he is a reliable source of Salt for Sodium Chloride (Chlorine + Sodium) – perhaps unwittingly.

Brain Foods: Such as Brain Cake or Brain Burgers produce alkysine (Chlorine, Nitrogen, anti-toxin (Silicon, Nitrogen, Potassium)).

Ass Foods: Such as Asspie or Ass Burgers produce Mercury.

Many foods, including Fried Egg, Meat Steak, Baguette, and Turkey contain salt.


Botanists can produce a wide array of useful chemicals, but will mostly focus on creating sleep toxin, polytrinic acid, and space drugs (all of which you can get from vending machines instead). Keep an eye if they start making hyperweed, most of the chems you'll want/need will probably be in there to some degree.


With medical crates, which are not locked, you have access to a wide variety of medicine to gain components.

Kelotane: Silicon, Carbon

Anti-Toxin: Silicon, Nitrogen, Potassium

Dermaline: Oxygen

Inaprovaline: Oxygen, Carbon, Sugar

Sleep Toxin: (Chloral Hydrate (Ethanol, Chlorine, Water), Sugar)


Sometimes, you're just going to have to try to steal pills. Try to prioritize these pills for otherwise hard-to-get reagents. Copper and Aluminum are particularly hard to get. There's no way to get Fluorine without access to the chem dispenser. Aluminum is exclusively from Thermite. Tungsten is used exclusively in Xenoarcheology. Oxycodone is your Holy Grail – it contains phoron.

Anti-Toxin: Silicon, Nitrogen, Potassium

Kelotane: Silicon, Carbon

Leporazine: Silicon, Copper

Rezadone: Carpotoxin, Cryptobiolin (Potassium, Oxygen, Sugar), Copper

Thermite: Iron, Aluminum, Oxygen

Hyperzine: Sugar, Phosphorous, Sulfur

Dermaline: Kelotane (Silicon, Carbon), Oxygen, Phosphorous

Oxycodone: Ethanol, Tramadol (Inaprovaline (Oxygen, Carbon, Sugar), Ethanol, Oxygen), Phoron

Quick Reference

These are the cheapest or least restrictive ways to get each element.

Chemical Location
Hydrogen Electrolyze Water
Lithium Grind any Power Cell (also works with potato cells)
Carbon Burned mess (Microwave) / Electrolyze Inaprovaline (O2 Locker)
Nitrogen Electrolyze any of: Space Cleaner / Carrots (Botany) / Anti-Toxin (Cargo)
Oxygen Electrolyze Water
Sodium Electrolyze Salt (Bar)
Aluminum Electrolyze Silicate (Silicate Tanks) / Grind Soda cans
Silicon Electrolyze Silicate (Silicate Tanks)
Phosphorus Grind Matches or Electrolyze Groans Banned Soda: Sour Surprise (Groans Soda)
Sulphur Grind Flares
Chlorine Electrolyze Salt (Bar)
Potassium Electrolyze Dylovene (Cargo/Medical)
Iron Grind Metal Sheets
Copper Grind Cables
Mercury Grind Ass foods (Kitchen) / Grifeo: Crystallic (Groans Soda) / Grind Asses
Radium Filk: Sugar Blast Edition (Groans Soda) / Grind Glowshrooms
Water Water Tanks / Sinks
Ethanol Bar Drinks
Sugar Space Twinkie (Getmore Chocolate Corp) / Grind Lollipops / Inaprovaline (O2 Locker) / Groan's Soda: Energy Blast
Sulphuric Acid Groans Banned Soda: Sour Surprise (Groans Soda) / Electrolyze Cream / Grind ZAM food (Cargo Merch)
Phoron Grind Phoron Sheets (Mining) / Electrolyze Oxycodone (Medbay)