Table of Contents

Getting Started


BYOND - Build Your Own Net Dream - is the awful, archaic, and probably cursed engine that SS13 uses, and must be downloaded in order to join any server. Simply download the latest version and make your account, and you should be all set to join a server!

Once everything is installed and ready, click the field next to Filter and type in “Space Station 13”, the hub entry should show up and you will likely see a list of servers, one of which may be Aurorastation. If you cannot find the entry for it, however, then click Board The Aurora on this link, and BYOND will open up automatically.

You're In!

If you've done everything up to now correctly, then you should see a screen titled Dream Seeker and an ad that drones on for roughly 30 seconds. Once that's gone by, you will get a large screen split down the middle, on the left being the server's title screen, and on the right being a bunch of commands (known as verbs) as well as the chat log. If the screen on the left is blank, then that means the server is still streaming resources to you, which may take a minute or two. Thankfully, this is usually a one-time ordeal.


Before we can continue, there are a few things we should make sure you know before you dive headfirst into the action.

Your First Character

On the window that should have appeared in the middle of your screen, click Setup Character at the top to bring up the character creation window. It should look something like the picture on the right. The only button at the very top you should worry about for now is the Save slot button, and you should click it often. Below are sections that cover the row of buttons just below the slot manipulation buttons. Remember, your character should fit in with the setting!


This is the screen to set up everything on the surface for your character, from their name and appearance to their description. On the left side we have:

On the right side:


This section entails settings that are independent of character slots, and will be persistent throughout your experience.


This area mostly has to do with items that you'll spawn with if you selected them. You're limited to 10 loadout points, and each item costs a certain amount of points. It should also be noted that certain items are job restricted.


A very important screen that shows a list of jobs, all of which either say [WHITELISTED] or [NEVER], which is fine. Whitelisted roles are most likely head-of-staff roles, which you shouldn't be concerned with at the moment. Jobs may also have alternate titles, which you can tune if you wish. However, for this guide, you'll want to toggle the Assistant role to [YES]. Assistants are devoid of duties, so you're free to explore as you like; just be sure to leave an area when asked to leave. Once you've gotten used to the game's mechanics, you may wish to explore the Security Cadet, Medical Resident, Lab Assistant, or Engineering Apprentice roles so that you may learn what to do in those departments. A list of jobs can be found on this wiki as well as their respective pages.


This is for when you have incident reports logged against your character from other characters. It's more for character complaints than player complaints, but you probably don't need to worry about this.


This is for special role candidacy, usually antagonists, and lets you play as an antagonist if the gamemode permits. If they're not already, set all of the options to No. You'll want to stay away from playing as an antagonist for now.


A system that tracks your character's skill progress. This can be ignored if you wish, but is useful to check up on to see just how good you should expect to be at make sure you're not accidentally roleplaying a know-it-all.

Your First Round

Once you've got everything set and ready, go ahead and hit Save slot (you should have been clicking it often, anyway), close the window, and click Join Game! to bring up a list of jobs to join as. You'll want to click assistant. If, however, you're present before a round starts, and you can't find the Join Game! button, then click Ready instead, and you'll be spawned in automatically once the round starts. Depending on when you join and what the round type is, the station around you can either look calm and quiet or completely unpowered with scorch marks lining the walls and screams echoing throughout the corridors. If you joined during the former situation then you're in luck because you'll be able to learn how to familiarize yourself with many mechanics without worry. No matter which spawn point you chose (except borg storage), you'll always end up on the ship/station/colony, rather than outside. This is generally a good thing.

The Interface

SS13 is rather sensitive with what you click on, and since you can only click on something one way, you'd think that means there's probably only one way to interact with it. This isn't the case here, as aside from using modifiers like holding Control or Shift there are a few interface objects to toggle how you interact with items or even other people.


The middle and left side of your screen is your inventory and item slots. From top to bottom, left to right, they are:

Main Inventory

Easy Access Inventory

Object Interaction

The bottom right side of the screen will contain a number of buttons that will change how you interact with objects or people around you. These are:

Movement Intent

Targeting Window

Useful for precision stuff, mainly used for combat and surgery.


Most of these icons are hidden, but if they were all active on the screen, then they would be: