Table of Contents

Corporate Regulations

The following is a guideline detailing security’s standard operating procedures in order to avoid conflict while maintaining law and order. Except in the case of permanent sentences and use of lethal force, you are not obligated to follow this to the letter. This being said, the further you stray from space law, the more likely you will be robusted, killed, and in some cases job banned. This current page takes precedence on admin-related rulings as stated above. Adminhelp if unsure.

Suspects & Discovery

So something has lead security to believe that a crew member participated in a crime. It is preferable that security attempts to qualify the possibility of said crime before the arrest is made; though it is understood that this is not always an option.

Security should attempt to arrest a new suspect as quickly as possible, with respect to the severity of the situation.

Discovery of evidence is an ongoing process, so always be asking yourself:

Is this worth security’s time? should your team really be giving a shit about this right now?

If No/Maybe: Add a discovery to a suspect’s notes, it may become evidence in a later case, and move on.

If Yes: Continue to arrest

Standard Arrest Procedure

Take a moment to evaluate the severity of the crime. It's always best to use the safest possible approach within reason.

If you have a Warden: Request that warden set suspect to arrest, and relay the reason for arrest over the security channel.

If you have no Warden: Set suspect to arrest, detailing the reasons for arrest in security notes. Relay the reason for arrest over the security channel.

Before performing an arrest, assess how threatening arresting this suspect will be.

Examples of threatening suspects:

Possessing weapons Suspected of major/capital crime Violent in nature Actively resisting arrest Enemy of the corporation

Unsure if suspect is a threat or see a wanted suspect running around free? Check their security notes. You may ask for a second opinion from your Warden, HOS, or Security Officers on how best to proceed before performing an arrest.

If suspect is not a threat: Communicate to suspect that they are set to arrest, what they are under arrest for, and request that they turn themselves in.

If no response/refusal to comply: Locate the suspect. Use your hailer or tell them verbally to stop. Stun, cuff, and move on to standard brigging procedure. Take them to brig and hand them off to the warden/HOS. Be sure to report the reason for arrest in detail. This is recommended for rookies.

Quick arrest method:

You can choose to try and save time by questioning the suspect in public and determining if the crime was committed under reasonable circumstance. From there, brig or release. This is not recommended for rookies.

If suspect poses a threat to your safety:

Act quickly. Communicate over sec channel the reason your suspect is a threat & request backup. Wait a minute or two for a response, attempt arrest with or without backup. Do not communicate to a suspect that they are under arrest. Attempt to stun, restrain, or otherwise subdue the suspect. Tell suspect what they are being under arrest for once restrained

Arresting a Head of Staff

Although not always achievable, these are some best practices for arresting a head of staff:

Crimes should be multiple or severe enough to warrant a permanent sentence. Evidence should be compelling, with little room for doubt. present the case to the highest possible authority and be given approval for arrest, demotion, and sentencing. It can safely be assumed that a head of staff is threatening to arrest. Bring backup. From there, let your Top Superior Authorities deal with the Prisoner.

Use of Lethal Force

It is almost always preferable to use non-lethal weaponry and techniques in a given situation. However, some situations may force you to use lethal methods. In these cases, confirmation of their criminality is critical, killing anyone over mere suspicion can result in a job ban.

Common situations in which the use of lethal force is permitted:

Enemies of the corporation: Can generally be killed on sight, unless ordered otherwise. Armed and dangerous: If the suspect possesses melee weaponry, stun weaponry or lethal weaponry and you suspect they are going to use them against you. Against multiple hostiles: Such as Riots, Cultists, Revolutionaries, etc. Non-lethal weapons ineffective: Hostile Mechs, Cyborgs and Hulks are mostly immune to non-lethal weaponry and destroying them might be the only way to deal with them. Use of lethal force during an arrest is considered a field execution, and does not fall under the same guidelines for executions and permanent sentences found in brig procedure.

Final note on Standard Arrest Procedure:

Many circumstances can change how best to handle Investigations, arrests and when use of lethal weaponry is reasonable. A great deal of interpretation is required by the officer. Always be able to back up your judgments with facts, rather than beliefs.

Brig Procedure

The following is a guideline for charging and imprisoning criminals.

Step 1: Transfer of Responsibility

Currently, the Warden, Head of Security, and Captain all share authority over the brig. For this part of the guide, Warden will be referring to whoever ends up sentencing the suspect.

We don't have a Warden

Move on to Search and Evidence. If you are a rookie, get the help of another officer, or message the admins for help.

We have a Warden, but they are not around

Take the suspect to interrogation, and buckle them to a chair Communicate over the sec channel that we have a suspect in brig and need a Warden. While waiting for a response, try to locate them in brig Still nothing? Screech over both the Security and Common channels for about 1 or 2 minutes If there are still no signs of a Warden, the officer must act on behalf of warden If Warden is present Hand suspect off to Warden to be moved to interrogation, and buckled to a chair.

Talk to the Warden about the following, preferably in private and away from the suspect.:

How the person became a suspect. What crime are they suspect of. If we have conclusive proof of criminality or not. Cite any additional supporting/circumstantial/evidence you have. Mention if suspect complied with arrest or not. Be sure to mention any witnesses or any other information that seems relevant to the case. By speaking to the Warden about these details in private, the Warden may more effectively question the suspect and determine guilt.

From here, as a Security Officer, you've done your job. Use this opportunity to restock and go back on patrol. Try not to linger around brig unless Warden requests it or has more questions. If you are a rookie however, you may use this chance to observe and learn how this works.

Step 2: Search & Evidence

It is best to perform a search of the suspect before you begin questioning. Begin to remove and search the following articles of clothing.

Backpacks Pockets Emergency boxes Coats and coat pockets Trash bags, beakers, and other miscellaneous containers You are looking for items they shouldn't own, such as syndicate items, illegal contraband, weapons, etc. Examine liquid containers (such as beakers and syringes) for poisons. Look for any items that may have played a role in the suspected crime.

From here, you can choose whether or not to confiscate the items in evidence storage or return them to the owner.

Fact Witnesses

A witness testimony can be a strong piece of evidence. That being said, avoid sentencing major crimes based on a single testimony alone. Keep in mind a witness could not have all the facts straight, or even try to frame your suspect. However, Security members and Captain can typically be taken at their word.


At this point in the process, the Warden has either doubt or certainty that the suspect has committed a crime. You can now narrow down what most likely took place through questioning.

Pay attention to time

Be mindful that a good amount of time has already passed, so avoid probing heavily on minor crimes unless there is suspicion of further offenses. Try to keep track of how many minutes have passed and reduce that from your final sentence.

If certain that suspect is guilty

It can never hurt to hear their side of the story. However, unless there are some important details that you think you must clarify, move on to sentencing the suspect as quickly as you can.

If uncertain the suspect is guilty

Be listening for contradictions and determine if suspect is lying. Ask open ended questions that can either prove or disprove their innocence:

Let me hear your side of the story. Tell me what happened with [certain crew-member]. Do you know why you're here?

The more they talk, the better; but remember, until this person is decidedly guilty, they are innocent. Don't take too long with them.

Still uncertain suspect is guilty?

You don't have enough information. Give them all their shit back, write detailed sec notes, clear the arrest charges, and let them free.

Once you have made your decision, be sure to let your new prisoner know why in brief, and continue on to sentencing and imprisonment.

Step 3: Sentencing & Imprisonment Looks like your suspect was a criminal after all. Now all you have to do is decide what their punishment is going to be.

Before you begin…

Are they charged with enemy of the corporation, murder, grand sabotage, grand theft, or major B&E? If so, please proceed to the Permanent Detention & Execution section.

How to determine a sentence time

Use any evidence, facts, discovery, witness testimony, interrogation, criminal history and context to conclude the suspects intent. With all of these being considered, make a judgement call that you think is fair. Always remember that you will ultimately be held responsible for your actions. Unless the intent was clearly malicious, you should be hesitant in giving out the max possible sentence.


Do the following when imprisoning someone.

Put all of their personal possessions except their shoes, jumpsuit, and headset in the cell locker. Cuff the prisoner to his bed. Optional: Dress the prisoner in orange is the sentence is 10 or above. Go outside of the cell and use the cell timer to start the clock. Use cell timer interface to emit a stunning flash on the prisoner and remove their cuffs. Or optionally just stun baton them before you take their cuffs off. Take the cuffs with you, exit the cell, and let them serve their time. If you haven't already, update their notes and set them to incarcerated. A warden should watch the prisoner for the duration of the sentence. If the prisoner acts up, starts banging the windows and being a general nuisance, add time on the sentence. If they are still not getting the picture toss them in solitary confinement for the rest of the sentence.

Injury of a prisoner

Prisoners should be processed via the Brig Infirmary, or in dire cases a paramedic can be called and the prisoner may be escorted to Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time. The Warden is in charge of deciding wherever extraction to Medbay is necessary, not the prisoner. However, said Warden will be held accountable if said prisoner dies.


After they have served their time, make sure they have all of their legal possessions back, set them to release, clear their status from incarcerated to released, and escort them out of brig. After that you are done.

Permanent Detention & Execution

If you are playing as a Security Officer and are reading this:

It’s always in your best interests to find someone higher up on the chain of command to deal with this case before continuing. You are allowed to permabrig a prisoner if you deem fit. You cannot perform an execution on a prisoner. Only the Warden, Head of Security, or acting Captain can do so. The captain can however, verbally order you to do so.

If there are no higher ups available, officers can make executions based on judgement and will be held responsible for that decision.


So someone has earned a permanent sentence. Here's how to deal with them:

Head to the lockers in the Perma Wing, grab the prisoner clothes already inside and drop them nearby. Drag the prisoner over the locker and strip everything off him. They are still allowed to have their headsets. As long as they aren’t abusing Radio Channels or using them to break out. Dress the prisoner in prisoner attire, close and lock the locker behind you and drag them to Perma proper. Enter the Perma area and buckle your prisoner to a bed. Flash/Stun them, un-cuff them, take the handcuffs and leave, make sure to close the airlocks behind you. In the cases where perma is rendered unusable, solitary will have to do. Solitary may also be used for aggressive prisoners or attempted jailbreaks. You may also set conditions with the prisoner for parole on good behavior. Last but not least, if they are beyond forgiveness, request an execution from your Captain/Head of Security.

Remember to occasionally check on permanent prisoners using security cameras.


Best practices for carrying out an execution:

Verify that silicons are not on the asimov lawset before attempting to execute anyone. Forced cyborgization is always preferable to executions and should be attempted whenever possible or requested. If the prisoner says he’d rather die, don’t waste the roboticists time. The current acting Captain is the only individual on the station who can authorize an execution or forced cyborgization without a trial as long as a life sentence is in question. NovusCorp has no firm guidelines for what methods to use for execution. You have many options, but try to be as quick, clean, and professional as possible. Dispose of the corpse in a way they will not be revived.

Final OOC notes on server rules

Above all, follow server rules first, space law second. Here are some common things that Security Players can do to not get in trouble:

Ahelp if you are unsure! Especially for executions and permaing people who are non-antags. Avoid killing someone without compelling evidence. Use Lethal methods as a last resort. Keep your cool. Don't allow anger to cloud your judgement.

Abbreviated Sol Central Government Law

These sections contain the Sol Central Government laws which are enforced on most starships, separated into low crimes and high crimes. Violations of Sol Central Government law are very serious offenses and must be reported to Sol Central so that the individual can be prosecuted properly. Soliciting someone to commit a crime, accessory to a crime, attempts to commit a crime, and conspiracy to commit a crime are to be treated as if the perpetrator committed the crime.

Low Crimes

Individuals who are charged with low crimes must be confined to the brig for the listed minimum time, after which they must be restricted to their work area. It is up to the discretion of security to confine individuals beyond the listed minimum time, up to confinement until transfer to Colonial Marshals, given that the individual can be considered to be a continued risk. An individual's superiors may decide whether or not to demote or dismiss individuals charged with low crimes.

Crime Description Notes Minimum Confinement Time
Assault To threaten to use physical force against someone without the intent to kill or maim, while also having the capability and/or intent to carry out that threat. Not to be confused with battery, which covers physical assault. The threat has to be viable and serious. It's not worth it to detain someone for having a piss fight over comms. 10 minutes.
Battery To use physical force against someone which results in injury to the attacked party. The degree of injury should come into play a lot here. If someone just punched someone else, things should probably be handled outside of the brig. 10 minutes, or 30 minutes, if the victim's injuries required medical treatment.
Theft To take the property of another individual, organization, or common property, without consent, and with the intent to deprive the rightful owner. Even if an individual had access to items, removing them for unlawful personal use, or hiding them so others can’t use them is still theft. Stolen items must be confiscated and returned. 5 minutes or 30 minutes for dangerous, valuable, or sensitive items.
Trespassing To enter an area which an individual does not have access to, whether by simple action, force, or coercion. Once again comes down to severity, breaking into the vault and refusing to leave should be punished more severely than following an engineer into the engineering lobby. Remember to make sure a trespasser was not invited in. 10 minutes or 30 minutes minimum for high security or secure areas.
Vandalism To deliberately damage or deface property, machinery, or the vessel without malicious intent. Anything like painting random hallways, crayon doodles, or cracking windows falls under this. If there was enough damage to cause a hull breach, a psych exam is suggested. 10 minutes.
Animal Cruelty To inflict unnecessary suffering or harm on a non-sapient being with malicious intent. This doesn’t include experimenting on monkeys, or killing chickens for meat, but stuffing a dog in disposals, or setting monkeys on fire for kicks definitely count. Psychiatric counseling is mandatory, when available. 10 minutes.
Controlled Substances To wrongfully use, possess, manufacture, or distribute any controlled substance. See the list of controlled substances in SOP. The controlled substance must be confiscated or destroyed. None.
Hooliganism To intentionally engage in disruptive behavior such as indecent exposure, belligerent drunkenness, disorderly shouting, or aggressive assembly. This is kind of a catch all for greytide randomness. Note that only aggressive drunkenness counts, drowning your sorrows in the bar quietly is only punishable by your liver and your employer. 10 minutes, or as long as it takes to sober up if drunk.
Manslaughter To kill a sapient being without intent, or in a manner less extreme than murder. Includes provoked manslaughter, manslaughter in self-defense, negligent manslaughter, and impassioned killing. Depending on the reasons for killing someone, the sentence for this crime can vary widely. If an engineer was killed in a phoron fire started by a researcher, that was an accident, and involuntary, and should probably get the minimum sentence. But a doctor who beats someone to death for smoking in the lobby of the infirmary should probably be confined in the brig until transfer. 30 minutes.
Cruelty and Maltreatment To maltreat, be cruel to, or oppress an individual as that individual’s superior, or someone with authority over that individual. This largely applies to security and their treatment of people, either by using excessive force in detainment, improper punishment, or mistreating prisoners, but also applies to Officers using their position abusively, like demanding favors in exchange for promotion, or intimidating others to avoid punishment. 10 minutes.
Damage or Destruction of Property To maliciously damage or deface public or private property or equipment, including legal evidence or recorded information. This is a step down from destruction of a vessel or habitat, and a step up from vandalism. It applies more towards spacing a person’s PDA, maliciously breaking interior windows or furniture, or damaging machinery. Note that this requires malicious intent. 30 minutes.

High Crimes

Individuals who commit high crimes must be immediately dismissed and confined to the brig until transfer to Corporate Command.

Crime Description Notes
Murder To kill a sapient being with malicious intent and premeditation. Premeditated and Malicious are the operative words here, this also applies whether or not the victim has a neural lace, and is resleeved.
Kidnapping/Hostage Taking/Illegal Confinement To unlawfully take away, transport, or confine a sapient being against that individual’s will. This includes the illegal confinement of an individual by security forces.
Sexual Assault To attack someone sexually, including rape. Adminhelp this if it happens to you and is OOC nonconsensual; it’s against server rules, not just the law. This law is mostly included to allow people to deal with it in the event it does occur.
Maiming To inflict physical injury with the intent to disfigure, degrade appearance, or impair function. Intent is important here, if an attack results in maiming, but the intent was not to maim, it is considered battery. This also includes mistreatment of bodies such as the taking of trophies, and security injuring prisoners to prevent escape.
Tampering With or Destruction of a Neural Lace To intentionally damage, destroy, conceal, or dispose of a Neural Lace with an active backup and/or echo inside. Functionally murder if the lace isn’t blank. This applies whether or not the individual has been resleeved.
Rioting To engage in a violent public disturbance which involves damage to people or property. Separated from hooliganism by causing damage in a riot.
Tampering With, or Destruction of a Slaved Synthetic To damage, deface, destroy, or modify the laws of a slaved synthetic personality without authorization. Applies to robotic, cybernetic, and positronic consciousnesses that have been lawed for the purpose of labor. Includes everything from stealing a borg's cell without reason to uploading the Oxygen is Toxic law.
Destruction of a Vessel or Habitat/Terrorism To engage in maliciously destructive actions which threaten to destroy, or successfully destroy a vessel or habitat. This includes arson, bombing, tampering with the engine, intentional decompression, sabotaging atmospherics, or tampering with the self destruct.
Espionage To obtain, transmit, deliver, or communicate confidential information relating to the affairs of the Sol Central Government, to any foreign government, non-government organization, or individual with the intent and/or knowledge that this information will be used to the detriment of the SCG or aid of any such organization of individual. This will probably be rarely relevant on most shifts, but someone selling out to the Syndicate and sending them information about the ship would qualify.
Aiding the Enemy To aid the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other resources; or to knowingly harbor, protect, or give intelligence to an enemy of the SCG. Again, not really relevant to most starships unless people deliberately help the Syndicate or other antagonists. Those converted to revolutionaries do not qualify, as they were mindslaved into it, but should still be brigged until they can be deconverted.
Resistance/Breach of Arrest/Escape To intentionally and violently resist Security, representatives of the SCG legal system, or other authorized personnel in the execution of an arrest; to flee arrest; to escape arrest, custody, or confinement. Notably this only includes violently resisting arrest, not running to security with open arms doesn’t count as resisting. Pushing or disarming does count.

Corporate Regulations

These are NovusCorp's own regulations enforced on their vessels and habitats. They are not crimes and do not need to be reported to Sol Central, and it is unlawful to confine an individual for violating these regulations. At the discretion of the superiors of the individual, any individual who violates these regulations may be dismissed or demoted. Listed will be the minimum punishments. These regulations do not apply to and can be dismissed at any time by the Captain or Acting Captain, but unlawful usage of that power must be reported to Internal Affairs.

No. Incident Description Notes Minimum Punishment
i101 Misuse of Communications To continually broadcast unimportant, untrue, or insignificant messages on any communication channel or medium. This covers spamming the radio/PDA and using communications to cause a disruption. This does not cover normal uses of the entertainment radio channels, although Security is in their rights to lock down any media channel they deem subversive. $100 fine.
i102 Misconduct To behave an a way unbecoming of a crew member. This includes joking about a grave situation, not taking your job seriously, being a complete asshat, etc. $100 fine.
i103 Slander or Libel To spread false rumors in order to damage someone's reputation. There must be intent to damage reputation. Feeble, unbelievable attempts are not covered by this. $100 fine.
i104 Sexual Harassment To make unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks to another individual. This is for SUPER minor stuff, like sexually charged jokes or aggressively hitting on someone, anything else goes under sexual assault, which is a Sol Gov Law. $100 fine.
i201 Neglect of Duty To fail to meet satisfactory work standards. This includes accidents, refusing or failing to work, simply not being productive enough, or working outside of your competency (e.g., an untrained cargo tech trying to offensively fight a slime outbreak). This also includes research violating their regulations on experimental items, which is listed in the SOP. Keep in mind cases where a Sol Central Government law is broken as a result of neglect, such as manslaughter, then that law must also be charged. $500 fine.
i202 Exceeding Official Powers To act beyond what is allowed by the Chain of Command. For heads of staff who abuse their power or act outside of their duty/competency (e.g., HoP giving themselves access without proper reason, CE acting like a security officer).
i203 Deception To lie in an official report. This includes lying or withholding information to your superior in a report or lying to the crew about a situation. It is allowed to withhold information about a situation from the crew. $500 fine.
i204 Violating an Injunction or Failure to Execute an Order To refuse to follow a lawful order from a superior or to fail to comply with a security injunction. This includes orders from someone who is not necessarily your superior, but has authority in that context (e.g., the CE giving an order to an officer related to engineering). See SOP for requirements regarding an injunction. $500 fine.

Corporate Regulations Corporate Regulations are rules set by NanoTrasen that all visitors and employees must follow while working at or while on-board a NanoTrasen installation. Corporate Regulations, commonly shortened to Corp Regs by employees, is common throughout NanoTrasen holdings. A breach of Corporate Regulations can range from things like littering, to disrespecting a Head of Staff, to failing to follow a valid order from a superior. All NanoTrasen employees must follow these regulations as no one is above them, not even the Station Director. The only exception to this is Asset Protection.

Contents 1 Corporate Regulations 1.1 Punishments (Corporate) 1.2 Contraband 1.2.1 Not Contraband 1.2.2 Controlled Objects 1.2.3 Restricted Objects 2 Minor Violations (Corporate) 3 Major Violations (Corporate) 4 Sif Law 4.1 Punishments (Law) 4.2 Minor Violations (Law) 4.3 Major Violations (Law) Corporate Regulations Punishments (Corporate) Violations of Corporate Regulations can be resolved in a variety of ways. The Command staff on-board the facility have discretion to decide on what form of punishment to use, however it is advised for the punishment to fit the severity of the infraction. To help with this, each violation has a suggested punishment alongside it.

The punishments that Command may use are as follows;

Fines, the preferred penalty to be used for minor Corp Reg violations. If someone is unable or unwilling to pay the fine, the punishment may be substituted with time spent inside the brig. Brig time, an alternative to monetary fines or at the offender's discretion. Brig time and fines cannot be used together for the same crime. If multiple crimes are committed, you may fine for one and brig for the other. Brig time may also be used for repeat offenders. Write-ups to Central Command may be recommended or mandated for specific offenses. Internal Affairs is to ensure that this is adhered to, and assist if needed. Reassignments as a form of punishment may be done by the Station Director as long as there is consent from the offender's Superior, if one exists. Generally the new role for the offender is usually menial or related to their offense, for example: Janitor, Miner, Cook, Gardener. This punishment can be especially fitting for certain violations such as someone who made graffiti being reassigned to janitorial duties. Demotions may be done by the offender's Superior, at their discretion. The Station Director may also do this, however the Director is recommended to defer to the offender's direct Superior if one exists. Terminations of employment from NanoTrasen can only be issued by the Station Director. This is the most severe corporate punishment available. Note that visitors and other non-employees cannot be terminated and that Central Command must be informed of the termination if one is applied. An order of Holding until Transfer is an option reserved for the Station Director (acting and not) and is only for repeat offenders, those who commit serious violations of Regulations, or if the offender poses a credible threat to the station or crew. Contraband Here is a list of various types of 'contraband' that are prohibited from being brought onto the facility, as well as a list of items that are not contraband, despite popular belief.

Not Contraband Here is a list of objects which are not actually contraband aboard NanoTrasen facilities in Vir, despite popular belief.

Blades or other Equipment which the possessor needs in order to fulfill their role aboard the facility, such as a kitchen knife for culinary personnel. Handheld Flashes, which are useful for self-defense, as well as building certain machinery. Controlled Objects A 'controlled' object is contraband that NanoTrasen has deemed harmful, or otherwise undesired for the facility or working crew, but which is not illegal by Law or dangerous to possess. Vessels docking with the facility which possess these objects are required to keep them aboard their vessel. Visitors who board the facility with these objects are required to surrender them, or otherwise have them confiscated, however they may have them back upon leaving.

The following objects are 'controlled':

Recreational Drugs (not cigarettes), which includes Ambrosia. Non-Lethal Weaponry or officer tools for persons not authorized to handle them such as those outside of Security or Command. This includes stun batons, tasers, pepper-Spray, flashbangs, and handcuffs. Physical restraints (Both makeshift and not) Restricted Objects A 'restricted' object is contraband which NanoTrasen deems dangerous to the welfare of the facility as a whole. Vessels docking with the facility which possess these objects are required to keep them aboard their vessel. Possessing restricted objects is a much more serious issue and as such can constitute a brig sentence as well as the permanent confiscation of the objects in question.

The following objects are 'restricted':

Deadly Weapons, both makeshift and not, which are defined as objects designed to kill or severely injure a person. Lethal Guns, meaning guns which are designed with the capability to kill. Weapons which emit electromagnetic pulses, sometimes called 'Ionic' weapons, are considered lethal, as they are lethal to synthetics. Dangerous drugs, such as Mindbreaker. Illicit Identification Cards, which includes forgeries, as well as ID cards designed to tamper with electronics. Minor Violations (Corporate) Here is a list of the less severe violations of Corporate Regulations that might occur. We wish to emphasize that for the minor corporate violations, the local Command team has a lot more discretion to choose a suitable punishment, however punishments which are much more severe or lax than the suggested punishment listed within may be worthy of an Internal Affairs investigation.

We also note that Command personnel involved in a incident cannot pardon themselves or others if they were directly involved.

Incident Description Suggested Punishment Notes Mandated? Minor Trespass Being in an area which a person does not have authorization nor permission to be in. Removal from area. Fine of up to 150 thaler or brig time of up to 10 minutes. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Confiscation of tools used at discretion of arresting officer. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Trespassing and theft often committed together; both sentences should be applied. It should be noted that having access does not equal authorization. Example: Chef entering maintenance tunnels via kitchen maintenance. No. Petty Theft of Company Property Taking or using the Company's property without permission, which is of low value. Return of stolen item(s). Fine of up to 200 thaler or brig time of up to 20 minutes. Demotion at discretion of Superior. This is for theft of company belongings which are of a relatively low value such as low-end medical equipment, tools, clothing, not paying for food/drink, and such. It is assumed that persons inside a department using departmental equipment have the consent of NanoTrasen to take those items. Theft from a person, or if stolen objects were not of a trivial worth, falls under Theft instead. Grand Theft is reserved for extremely valuable or dangerous objects being stolen. No. Misuse of Public Communications Repetitively using the radio, PDA relays, or other public communication methods as a means to annoy, disturb, slander, or otherwise verbally abuse others, and ignoring requests to stop. Confiscation of radio or PDA if they fail to stop when asked. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Excessive use of languages besides Galactic Common on the radio can constitute Misuse of Public Communications. On alerts higher than green, only common should be used if possible. No. Disrespecting a Head of Staff Knowingly insulting, belittling, offending, or otherwise disrespecting a Head of Staff of NanoTrasen, while also an employee of NanoTrasen. Fine of up to 100 thaler. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Accidental cases resulting from, for example, ignorance of a species' culture, invalidates this charge. Non-employees cannot receive this charge. No. Failure to Execute an Order Refusing to follow a valid and lawful order of a Superior as an employee of NanoTrasen. 50 thaler fine. Demotion at discretion of Superior. For this charge to apply, the order must be lawful, reasonable, and the person being ordered to do it must have been able to do so. This includes orders from someone who is not necessarily the direct superior of the offender, but has authority in that context, for instance the Chief Engineer giving an order about engineering matters. No. Littering Failing to throw garbage away, or otherwise creating a mess. 50 thaler fine issued to litterer. Demotion at discretion of Superior for extreme cases or repeat offenders. N/A No. Graffiti Defacing Company property either writing or drawing on Company property without authorization. Up to 150 thaler fine issued to to those responsible. Cleanup of graffiti. Demotion at discretion of Superior. This applies for a wide variety of forms of graffiti, including writing on the walls or the floor, or drawing on the floor with painting tools. Authorization for painting or otherwise altering the floor or walls' appearance can be granted by Command staff. No. Filing a False Complaint Knowingly filing a complaint which is false, and in bad faith, to Internal Affairs, Command, or Security. Fine of 250 thaler. Demotion at discretion of Superior. If someone's complaint is merely incorrect but not maliciously so, it does not count for this charge. No. Breaking Standard Operating Procedure (Minor) Actively and willfully disregarding the station's Standard Operating Procedures without risking serious threat to station property or crew. Fine of 100 thaler. Demotion at discretion of Superior. This includes refusal to activate suit sensors on blue or red alert. No. Resisting Arrest Noncompliance with an Arresting Officer who has cause and is following SOP. Fine of up to 200 thaler or brig time extension up to 20 minutes. Demotion at discretion of Superior. If this disputed, an Internal Affairs Agent (if available) is to be the impartial mediator. No. Possession of a Controlled Item (Contraband) Carrying an object which NanoTrasen has deemed harmful, or otherwise undesired for the station, but which is not illegal by Law or dangerous to possess. Confiscation of the controlled items if brought aboard. The owner may have the items back when they leave the station. Visitors boarding the station with controlled items must leave the item outside the station (e.g. their vessel), or surrender it to the Security team for the duration of their stay. A list of contraband is provided inside this page. No. Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed in public. Fine of 150 thaler. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Exceptions are allowed based on species. See the Dress Code section of General SOP for more details. No. Hooliganism To intentionally engage in disruptive behavior such as belligerent drunkenness, disorderly shouting, or aggressive assembly. Fine of 100 thaler or brig time of 15 minutes. Demotion at discretion of Superior. People who are intoxicated and being an annoyance can be brigged until they become sober at the discretion of the Arresting Officer. No. Major Violations (Corporate) Here is a list of the more severe violations of Corporate Regulations that might occur. If someone is guilty of a violation listed here, it is highly recommended that a report be sent to your local Central Command.

Incident Description Suggested Punishment Notes Mandated? Major Trespass Being in an restricted or otherwise dangerous (to themselves or others) area which they do not have authorization have permission to be in. Demotion. Termination at discretion of Station Admin. Send notice to Central Command. Also sometimes called Infiltration. Such areas include the AI upload/core, Armory, Engine, Atmospherics, Virology, Bridge, Station Admin's office. Other areas may warrant the Minor Trespass charge instead. No. Exceeding Official Powers Acting beyond what is allowed by Corporate Regulations or Standard Operating Procedure, generally as a member of Command or Security. Demotion or termination at discretion of Station Admin. Send notice to Central Command if a Head of Staff or Station Director had exceeded their powers. The difference between this and Abuse of Office is that this charge is for instances of someone using their position to go beyond their assigned role (Ex:HOP randomly acting as security), or generally acting 'above the regulations'. Yes. Abuse of Office Doing illegal, immoral, or otherwise disallowed actions, in an official capacity, placing their own interests ahead of the interests of the Company. Demotion. Termination at discretion of Station Admin. Send notice to Central Command if a Head of Staff or Station Director had abused their office. The difference between this and Exceeding Official Powers is that this charge is for instances of someone using their authority to adversely and without cause, affect another crewmember or visitor, or otherwise empowering themselves for their own personal gain. Yes. Possession of a Restricted Item Carrying an object which Nanotrasen deems dangerous to the welfare of the station as a whole, such as a deadly weapon, by someone not authorized to handle it. Confiscation of the restricted item, and notice be sent to Central Command. Persons may be detained and investigated if deemed necessary. Visitors boarding the station with restricted items must leave the item outside the station (e.g. vessel), or surrender it to the Security team. A list of restricted items are provided inside this book. Roles authorized to handle a weapon by default include; Station Director, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Security Officers, Detectives, and anyone possessing a valid weapon permit.

No. Breaking Standard Operation Procedure (Major) Actively and willfully disregarding the station's Standard Operating Procedures, where the probable effects includes death, injury or destruction. 30 minutes to 1 hour of Brig time. Demotion left to discretion of Superior, but strongly suggested. Termination at discretion of Station Director. This includes non-compliance to orders from Emergency Responders and entering breached areas without proper EVA gear. No. Neglect of Duty To fail to meet satisfactory work standards. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Termination at discretion of Station Director. This includes accidents, refusing or failing to work, or simply not providing a reasonable amount of productivity when the offender is capable of work. This charge is meant to be applied only by Command staff to their subordinates, and not from individual Security Officers. No. Deception To lie in an official report. Demotion. Termination at discretion of Station Director. Notify Central Command. This includes lying or withholding information to your superior in a report or lying to the crew about a situation. Yes. Wrongful Dismissal To demote, dismiss, terminate, or otherwise reduce a crewmember's rank for no valid reason. Should the reason be proven invalid, reinstatement of the employee must be done at first opportunity. Demotion. Termination at discretion of Station Director. Notify Central Command. An Internal Affairs Agent is required to do an investigation in order to conclude if this has occurred or not. Security cannot give this charge out on their own. Yes. Abuse of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence or contraband, generally as a member of Security or Command. Demotion of the user. Termination at discretion of Station Director. Return confiscated equipment to evidence storage. Security shouldn't be using evidence for anything but evidence, and should never use contraband. This is meant for people misusing evidence for personal use. Evidence stolen in order to cover up a crime would fall under Theft or Tampering with Evidence. No. Sif Law This section contains the abbreviated Vir Govermental Authority legal code's potential charges for crimes that are relevant to the reader.

Punishments (Law) A violation of Sif Law is considered far more serious then a violation of corporate regulations. As a result, its expected that a member of Internal Affairs be present to observe and assist security with the paperwork if they are able. Unlike Corporate Regulations, all violations of Sif Law will require a fax detailing the events to be sent to the Vir Governmental Authority within a certain amount of time based on whether or not it was a minor or major violation. Punishments will usually include brig time with fines still remaining an option for the far less serious crimes. It should be noted that a majority of major violations carry a 'Hold till Transfer' order.

Minor Violations (Law) Here is a list of the less severe violations of local Sif Law that might occur on your facility. A fax to the Vir Governmental Authority is required to be sent within 24 hours of a violation being committed, for minor violations listed here.

Incident Description Suggested Punishment Notes Mandated? Theft To knowingly take items without the consent of the owner. Brig time of 20 minutes. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Confiscation of tools used at discretion of arresting officer. It is assumed that persons inside a department using departmental equipment have the consent of NanoTrasen to take those items. Security does not commit theft when taking contraband away from a detainee. Stolen items are to be confiscated and returned to their original owner or location. Yes. Assault To threaten use of physical force against someone while also having the capability and/or intent to carry out that threat. Separation of offender from the threatened person. Brig time of 10 minutes for first offense. Repeat offenders can be brigged for up to (10 minutes times number of previous assault charges). Demotion at discretion of Superior. Not to be confused with Battery, which covers actual physical injury. The threat must be viable and serious; two people threatening to punch each other out over comms wouldn't fall under this. Yes. Battery To unlawfully use physical force against someone which results in injury to the attacked party. Brig time of 20 minutes for first offense. Repeat offenders are to be brigged for up to 20 minutes times number of previous battery charges. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Weapons or other objects used (such as flashes) may be confiscated at discretion of Arresting Officer. Not to be confused with Assault which covers the threat of harm. If the victim suffers life-threatening injuries then more serious Aggravated Battery charge should be applied instead. Yes. Vandalism To deliberately damage or deface the station. Fine of up to 200 thaler or a recommended brig time of 10 minutes times number of times the person has been arrested for this crime going no higher than 30 minutes. Demotion at discretion of Superior. Confiscation of tools used at discretion of arresting officer. This should be used for minor damages such as broken windows which do not lead to vacuum, flipping tables, breaking lights, ripping up floor tiles, and such. More serious or life threatening damages should have Sabotage applied instead. Yes. Animal Cruelty To inflict unnecessary suffering or harm on a non-sapient biological being which poses no threat to any persons. Brig time of 1 hour. Demotion at discretion of Superior, however recommended. This does not include the use of monkeys for test subjects for legitimate scientific experimentation, such as viral research, or xenobiological applications. It also does not include the butchering of livestock animals for meat, nor does it include violence against a threatening animal, such as Carp. Yes. Disrespect to the Dead To damage, disfigure, butcher, or otherwise physically violate the integrity or former identity of a corpse. Brig time of 1 hour. Demotion at discretion of Superior, however recommended. The butchering of livestock animals does not fall under this charge. Autopsies, and the harvesting of organs for donation in accordance with postmortem instructions also do not fall under this. Yes. Failure to Present Drone ID Failing to carry or present an EIO-issued Drone Identification card as a Drone intelligence. 200 thaler fine. Give Drone a temporary paper stating that it is a drone, if the ID was lost. Fax VirGov. Inform owner of Drone if possible. Instruct Drone to obtain new ID at its earliest opportunity, if it was lost. This is only applicable to Drone intelligences which possess autonomous capability. It must be proven that the offender is a Drone, which can be accomplished in various ways, generally with the expertise of a Roboticist. Lawbound synthetics, maintenance drones, and simple bots do not require an ID card. No fine or VirGov fax should be sent if the Drone's ID was lost due to theft and the ID is able to be recovered. Yes. Defamation To spread false rumours in order to discredit or damage the reputation of another. 150 thaler fine. This charge only applies if somebody makes a false verbal, written, or typed statement about another with the intent to discredit or damage the reputation of another. Yes. Major Violations (Law) Here is a list of the serious violations of local Sif Law that might occur on your facility. A fax to the Vir Governmental Authority is required to be sent within one hour, or when it is safe to do so, for major crimes listed here.

Incident Description Suggested Punishment Notes Mandated? Aggravated Battery To unlawfully use physical force against someone which results in serious or life-threatening injury to the attacked party. Hold until Transfer. Weapons or other objects used are to be confiscated. Not to be confused with assault, which covers the threat of harm. If the victim did not suffer life-threatening injuries, the less serious Battery charge should be applied instead. Yes. Tampering with Evidence / Obstruction of Justice To take intentional action to obstruct or inhibit investigation of a crime or regulation violation. Hold until Transfer if obstructing a crime. Demotion or termination if obstructing a regulation violation. This can include cleaning up blood at a crime scene, hiding evidence, scrubbing the messaging server/telecomms logs, and burning papers. Planting or altering evidence, giving false testimony, preventing Security from investigating, or extorting any person to do the same also falls under this charge. Blood being cleaned at a location not cordoned off with Security tape does not fall under this charge. Yes. Embezzlement Stealing money that is entrusted to you by a corporation or person. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Reimbursement of embezzled funds. Fax Central Command and VirGov. This includes funneling Departmental, Facility, or Crew funds into the offender's account. It also includes pocketing transactions directly that are meant to go to a separate account. Yes. Excessive Force Using more force than what is required to safely detain someone, using force against a helpless or incapacitated person, or using force against an unarmed and compliant person. Demotion. Termination at discretion of Superior, or Station Director. Send notice to Central Command if a Head of Security had used excessive force. This charge also is applicable to non-Security personnel acting in self defense, or otherwise acting in a Security-like capacity. Persons whom have caused a person to die as a result of excessive force should have Manslaughter applied instead, if the circumstances were unjustified. Yes. Manslaughter To kill a sapient being without intent. Hold until Transfer, if unjustified. Fax VirGov. Includes provoked manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, and impassioned killing. The important distinction between this and Murder is intent. Manslaughter can be justified if force was necessary and it was intended to prevent further loss of life or grievous injury to self or others, however persons involved in the kill will still be required to answer to higher legal authority after the shift. Yes. Murder To kill or attempt to kill a sapient being with malicious intent. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. The distinction between this and Manslaughter is intent. Sapients held within synthetic bodies, lawbound or otherwise, which receive critical damage from someone can be considered a murder attempt. Yes. Suicide Attempt To attempt or threaten to commit suicide. Compulsory psychiatric examination. Those who attempt suicide should be treated as a mental health patient and not a criminal. If possible they should be held in medical until a mental health specialist clears them or a transfer shuttle is called. If medical is unable to safely hold the patient then they should be taken to the brig instead. Unless absolutely necessary the patient is not to be left alone. Unlawful Alteration of Bound Synthetics Modifying a bound synthetic's lawset or chassis, in order to force it to do illegal, humiliating, dangerous, or other unlawful acts. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. If the synthetic is a cyborg or positronic, this is also an offense against the Sapient Rights laws federally mandated by the Solar Confederate Government. Yes. Experimentation with Transgressive Technology Experimenting with technologies deemed unsafe or are otherwise federally restricted by the Solar Confederate Government. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. Delete, destroy, or otherwise remove the experiments. Unsafe technologies include unrestricted nanomachinery, massive sapient body bio-augmentation, massive sapient brain augmentation, massively self-improving AI, and animal uplifting. Yes. Creation of Unrated Drone Intelligence Creating an intelligence from an codeline that has not been registered with, or audited by, the Emergent Intelligence Oversight (EIO). Decommissioning of the newly created Drone. Investigation of Drone to determine level of intelligence, if possible. Hold until Transfer for the creator. It must be proven that the Drone is in fact a Drone, which can be accomplished in various ways, generally with the expertise of a Roboticist. It must also be proven that the Drone's codeline is also unregistered. Intelligences produced from a Maintenance Drone Fabricator, the Research department, and through other regular means are by default already registered. Very simple machines such as securitrons do not require registration. The remains of the Drone are to be brought to the Spaceport at the earliest opportunity. Their creator is to also be brought there, so that they may be questioned by federal authorities.

Yes. Grand Theft To steal items that are dangerous, of a high value, or a sensitive nature. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. This can include the following; Deadly Weapons or Firearms. Lethal ammunition. Explosives. A Head of Staff's radio headset or decryption key. A Head of Staff's ID card (including the Director's Spare). Sensitive or confidential documents, such as the crews' account information. Viral samples. AI law boards. All circuits found in Secure Technical Storage. Research data. Hand Teleporters. The AI, if a Drone intelligence (otherwise it is Kidnapping/Hostage Taking). The Facility's Blueprints. The RCD. Phoron, in any form. Mineral wealth obtained from Mining or the Vault (Gold, Silver, Diamonds, etc). Hardsuits. Money in excess of 5,000 thaler. Yes. Sabotage To deliberately damage, or attempt to damage the facility, or critical systems of the facility. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. This includes causing hull breaches, arson, sabotaging air supplies, stealing vital equipment, tampering with AI or telecomm systems, and sabotaging the Engine. If someone has only caused minor damage, the Vandalism charge should be used instead. Yes. Kidnapping / Hostage Taking To unlawfully confine, transport, or hold a sapient being against that individual's will. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. Persons held for ransom or exchange are also considered to be hostages for this charge. Yes. Terrorist Acts To engage in maliciously destructive actions, which seriously threaten the crew or facility, or the usage of weapons of mass destruction. Hold until Transfer. Termination. Fax VirGov. This includes the use of mass bombings, mass murder, releasing harmful biological agents, nuclear weapons, radiological weapons, and chemical weapons. Yes.

Ship Law Jump to navigationJump to search The Nanotrasen Defense Forces Code of Operational Justice, abbreviated as NDFCOJ or simply “Ship Law”, is the working penal code established by Nanotrasen to mandate the behavior of it's employees onboard any of its military vessels (Defined as any Nanotrasen ship or station armed with an anti-ship weapon for the express purpose of anything other than self defense). Ship Law is intended to be much more strict than its counterpart, Space Law, which is used aboard its civilian (unarmed) vessels.

In Ship Law, crimes are categorized into 3 categories, Misdemeanors, Felonies, and Capital crimes. Each category varies in severity of both crime and punishment.

Ship Law is NOT a suggestion, and must be enforced and followed by security personnel aboard the ship. Everyone is held to the same standard, including security and command staff, and they are to be punished in the same way a normal crew member would be in the case of an infraction.

Contents 1 Execution of the Law 1.1 Multiple Crimes 1.2 Pardons / Dropping Charges 1.3 Arrest / Processing Procedure 1.4 Application of Lethal Force 2 Crimes and Sentences 2.1 Misdemeanor Crimes 2.2 Felony Crimes 2.3 Capital Crimes 3 Modifiers & Special Situations Execution of the Law Multiple Crimes In the case of violent crimes (Assault, Manslaughter, Attempted Murder and Murder), and theft (Petty Theft, Pick-Pocketing, Theft, and Grand Theft) take only the most severe.

A single incident has a single sentence, so if, for instance, the prisoner took three items off of someone, this is a single count of pick-pocketing, if they pick-pocketed two people this would be two separate counts of pick-pocketing, and so on. Crimes Against an Individual are counted as one incident per person affected, while Crimes Against the Ship and Crimes Against the Corporation may only have one incident per sentencing.

Aiding a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided.

Pardons / Dropping Charges In cases where a crew member is victimized by another crew member, the affected crew member may drop the charges of the suspect. However, should the Head of Security or Captain choose to, they may press the charges on behalf of the corporation. Crimes against an individual may only be pardoned by Central Command in the case the affected individual elects not to drop the charges.

Crimes against the ship (vandalism, sabotage, etc.), any crime that affects the ship, may be pardoned by the Captain or a unanimous command vote of all active heads in absence of the Captain. In the case that the Captain is charged with a crime against the ship, he may only be pardoned by a unanimous command vote.

Crimes against the corporation may only be pardoned by Central Command.

Arrest / Processing Procedure Arrests are only valid if carried out by a security officer or member of command. A Citizen's Arrest may only be made by normal crew if the arrest is made in self defense, or if the action of the suspect could have serious implications (e.g, someone arresting the clown for breaking into munitions). The validity of a Citizen's Arrest is left to the discretion of command.

The following procedures must be followed by an arresting officer, otherwise the charges may be considered invalid and the officer could be charged with Mishandling of Prisoners, at the discretion of command staff or Central Command.

If not on Situation Amber or at General Quarters, the arresting officer must announce to the suspect his crimes and attempt to bring them in without using force or restraints. Exceptions are given if the suspect is wanted for a violent or Felony / Capital crime, or is known to resist arrest / has escaped from confinement. If the suspect complies with the arrest peacefully, then they are to be transferred to the brig. If not, then force may be applied as necessary to subdue the suspect. See the section on Application of Lethal Force for guidelines of what to do if the situation rapidly escalates. Once in the brig, the suspect is to be searched and all contraband (weapons, tools, anything that could help escape or be used to assault officers while incarcerated). Officers will be responsible for ensuring that all legal possessions of the suspect be returned when their term is up. Any item that the suspect may be charged with a crime for possessing must be confiscated. Prisoners must be allowed to retain their PDA, headset, shoes, and uniform while in confinement, unless these items are abused. Unless the suspect surrendered peacefully, bucklecuff them to the bed, and flash (or have an officer use the cell flasher), and then remove their handcuffs and vacate the cell. Once the term is up, ensure that the records for the suspect have been updated, that their status has been set to released, and that they can leave the brig. If the prisoner attempts to break lights or cause damage to the cell, they are to be flashed and have the object they are using confiscated. If the prisoner attempts to escape, they are to be warned and have their timer reset. If they are warned three times, or manage to escape the cell, then lethal force is authorized to subdue them.

Application of Lethal Force General Guidelines

If a suspect is armed with a weapon and is actively resisting threat or threatening crew and officers, lethal force may be used if they are given one warning before hand, or if they are attacking another crewmember with the intent to kill or seriously injure. If a security officer feels that their life is in danger from an armed assailant or multiple assailants, they may utilize lethal force to subdue targets, but will be expected to justify their actions. Lethal force is automatically authorized for boarders and hostile entities that are not crew, or in situations where non-lethals are ineffective (hulks, for example). Additionally, if the escape of the subject could pose a significant threat to the ship or crew (they are threatening to bomb the ship, for example), and if they don't comply with arrest, lethal force is allowed. Situation Amber and General Quarters If the current alert level is Amber or General Quarters, restrictions on lethal force become much more lenient.

On Amber, lethal force is authorized if the suspect is suspected of Felony or higher crimes, and actively flees / resists lawful arrest by security. The suspect must be warned in the form of warning shots or verbal warning before lethal force is allowed.

Additionally, if a suspect is assaulting officers or command staff on Amber, lethal force is allowed if the suspect refuses to desist after being warned.

On General Quarters, which tends to be situational and brief, any crewmember acting in a disruptive way may be terminated by security or command personnel with extreme prejudice. Use of this clause in trivial situations will be punished accordingly.

Crimes and Sentences All crimes for which an indiviual may be lawfully arrested are listed below. Crimes are given a numerical code with a letter suffix. The suffix indicates the scope of the crime (I = Crime Against an Individual, S = Crime Against the Ship, and C = Crime Against the Corporation).

For repeat offenses the crime may be considered one tier up at the discretion of security or command. E.g, if a crewmember assaults someone (Felony) and serves their time, the next assault charge would be a Capital crime. This only applies after they have served a sentence for the crime, so multiple counts of assault would count as felonies the first time, and if they get out and assault more people, it would require capital punishment.

Misdemeanor Crimes Misdemeanor crimes are punishable by a warning or up to 5 minutes in confinement.

Code Crime Description Notes 101-S Resisting Arrest.PNG Resisting Arrest To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest. Follow proper arrest procedure and have a legitimate cause to arrest in the first place before you brig a suspect for this. Suspects who scream bloody murder while being arrested are not cooperating. 102-I Battery To physically harass another person without the intent to harm them. Disarming, slipping, and tablestunning are all examples of battery. A few punches might count too. Anything that does negligible damage or none at all to the victim. 103-S Petty theft.png Petty Theft To take items from areas one does not have access to or to take items belonging to others or the ship as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply and taking them from where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them still commits theft, even though he had access. 104-S Libertycap.png Drug Possession To possess space drugs or other narcotics by unauthorised personnel. Botanists and MedSci staff are authorised to possess drugs for purposes of their jobs and are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation. 106-S Indecent exposure.png Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the ship naked. Do not release the suspect unless they choose to wear clothes. 107-S Vandalism.PNG Vandalism To deliberately damage the ship without malicious intent. This covers things such as breaking windows, grafitti, and damaging ship property. To qualify as sabotage it has to be conducted with the deliberate intent of hindering the crew. 109-S Trespassing.png Trespass To be in an area which a person does not have access to. This counts for general areas of the ship, and trespass in restricted areas is a more serious crime. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Remember that trespassing and theft are often committed together. 110-S Mishandling of Prisoners To abuse or neglect a prisoner while under the confinement of security. Apply this crime when an officer is being shit, like stripping prisoners completely, misplacing their belongings, and acting incompetent. Always entails demotion. Excessive force counts as assault, or manslaughter if the victim dies. 111-S Workplace Hazard.PNG Creating a Workplace Hazard To endanger the crew or ship through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions. Good examples of this crime involves accidentally causing a plasma leak, slipping hazard, accidently electrifying doors, breaking windows to space, or security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. Felony Crimes Felony crimes are punishable by minimum of 5 minutes and maximum of 10 minutes. Additionally, crewmembers suspected of a felony crime may have lethal force applied to them during Situation Amber if they are fleeing arrest.

Code Crime Description Notes 201-I Assault.png Assault To use physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. Depending on the amount and kind of force used, severe instances should be elevated to attempted manslaughter or even murder. Assaults with deadly weapons warrant the maximum sentence of 15 minutes. 202-S Assaulting an officer.PNG Assault of an Officer To use physical force against a Department Head or member of Security without the apparent intent to kill them. Criminals who attempt to disarm or grab officers while fleeing are guilty of this, even if bare handed. Officers should refrain from using lethal means to subdue the criminal if possible, unless on Situation Amber. Classified as a Crime Against the Ship due to the nature of the authority of security officers and command personnel, which also means it cannot be stacked if multiple officers are assaulted. 203-I Manslaughter.PNG Manslaughter To unintentionally kill someone through negligent, but not malicious, actions. Intent is important. Accidental deaths caused by negligent actions, such as creating workplace hazards (e.g. gas leaks), tampering with equipment, excessive force, and confinement in unsafe conditions are examples of Manslaughter. 204-S Lethal Weapon.PNG Possession of a Weapon To be in possession of a any weapon without prior authorisation, such as: guns, batons, flashes, grenades, as well as improvised weapons such as spears and stunprods. Any item that can cause severe bodily harm or incapacitate for a significant time. The following personnel have unrestricted license to carry weapons and firearms: Captain, HoP, all security personnel. The Barman is permitted his double barrel shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds. Only the Captain and HoS can issue weapon permits. 205-S Possession Explosives.PNG Possession of Explosives To be in possession of an explosive device. Scientists and miners are permitted to possess explosives only whilst transporting them to a mining operation, otherwise their experimental bombs must remain within the science department. 206-S Inciting Riot.PNG Inciting a Riot To attempt to stir the crew into a riot Additionally to the brig time the offender will also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be implanted with a tracking implant. For second offences or outright instigating violent uprisings consider charging with Mutiny. 207-S Disrupting power.png Sabotage To hinder the work of the crew or ship through malicious actions. Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling the power network, and constructing barricades are but some of many means of sabotage. For more violent forms, see Grand Sabotage. 208-S Theft.PNG Theft To steal restricted or dangerous items Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as insulated gloves, spacesuits, and jetpacks. Note that the cargo department breaking open crates to illegally arm and armor themselves are guilty of theft. 209-S Major Trespass.PNG Major Trespass Being in a restricted area without prior authorisation. This includes any security area, command area (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmospherics, or Toxins Research. Being in a very high security area, such as the armory or the Captain's Quarters, is a more serious crime, and warrants a possible permabrigging if intent is believed to be malicious. 210-S BE Restricted.PNG Breaking and Entering Breaking into any area which a subject does not have access to. As a felony crime, sentences start at 5 minutes, but the full sentence of 15 minutes is recommended for restricted and secure areas. The suspect can still be charged if they did not yet enter the area but were suspected of attempting to. 211-S Dereliction.PNG Dereliction of Duty To willfully abandon an obligation that is critical to the ship's continued operation. A demotion is often included in the sentence. Emphasis on the word critical: An officer taking a break is not dereliction in of itself. An officer taking a break knowing that operatives are shooting up the Captain is. Engineers who do not secure a power source at the start of the shift and heads of staff who abandon the ship can also be charged. 212-I Pickpocketing.png Robbery To steal items from another's person. Remember to take the stolen items from the person and arrange for their return. Stealing an ID is the most common and most serious form of pick-pocketing. 213-I Narcotics Distribution.PNG Narcotics Distribution To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. Forcing or tricking someone to consume substances such as space drugs is assault. 214-S Rioting.PNG Rioting To partake in an unauthorised and disruptive assembly of crewmen that refuse to disperse. It is required to order the crowd to disperse, failure to disperse is the crime not the assembly. Any crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offences. 216-I Insubordination.PNG Insubordination To disobey a lawful direct order from one's superior officer. Charge issued by a head of staff to one of their direct subordinates. The person is usually demoted instead of incarcerated. Security is expected to assist the head in carrying out the demotion. Capital Crimes Capital crimes are punishable by permanent detention, execution, and forced cyborgification.

Only the Head of Security, Captain, and Warden may authorize permanent detention.

Only the Captain may authorize execution or forced cyborgification.

Execution is considered murder if unauthorized or improper. Proper forms of execution are limited to electric chair, incineration, marooning, firing squad, and forced ejection via MAC cannon. Spacing via airlock is only allowed if the MAC cannon is damaged or unavailable (e.g, the ship is in combat).

For permanent detention, you may drop prisoners off at NT aligned stations in their security wings. Additionally, perma-brigged prisoners are to recieve orange jumpsuits and shoes.

Code Crime Description Notes 301-I Murder.PNG Murder To maliciously kill someone. Punishment should fit the nature of both the crime and the criminal. Murder committed by temporary emotional distress, such as fear or anger, warrants lower punishments. Cyborg candidates must have brains fit to obey relevant laws. Life imprisonment is the most humane option for the insane who might malfunction as cyborgs. Unauthorised executions are classed as Murder. 302-I Sexual Assault.PNG Sexual Assault To molest or otherwise sexually attack someone. This is a permabannable offence, if it happens to you, contact an admin immediately, we do not tolerate ERP 303-I Attempted Murder.PNG Attempted Murder To use physical force against a person until that person is in a critical state with the apparent intent to kill them. Remember, if a person attempts to render first aid after the victim falls into a critical state they may not have intended to kill them. Firing at security or others with a lethal weapon does not qualify on its own as attempted murder, there has to be an intent to kill. 306-C Mutiny.PNG Mutiny To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. This is one of the few crimes where it is recommended to always seek a third party opinion. If their actions are determined to be for the betterment of Nanotrasen consider a timed sentence or even a full pardon. 307-S Compromising Station Integrity.PNG Grand Sabotage To engage in maliciously destructive actions, seriously threatening crew or ship. Bombing, arson, releasing viruses, deliberately exposing areas to space, physically destroying machinery or electrifying doors all count as Grand Sabotage. 308-C High value target theft.png Grand Theft To steal items of high value or sensitive nature. Syndicate agents frequently attempt to steal cutting-edge technology. Examples include: intelligence or research samples, the Hand Teleporter, the Captain's Antique Laser, the Captain or the HoP's ID cards, or Mechs.

This is by no means a exhaustive list of items that are high value to the syndicate; when in doubt use common sense when you see certain items that are stolen that can cause massive problems throughout the ship. Remember if something is locked up in a secure area it probably should not be taken without prior permission.

311-C Antag skum.png Enemy of the Corporation To act as, or knowingly aid, an enemy of Nanotrasen. Current enemies of Nanotrasen currently include: The Syndicate (through secret agents, boarding parties, and brainwashing specialists), The Wizard Federation, The Changeling Hivemind, and The Cult of Nar'Sie. Firing upon Nanotrasen ships from the weapons console counts as Piracy, see below. Note that this is one of the few crimes where you may summarily execute someone for if they present a significant risk to detain them. 312-C Piracy To knowingly and consciously attack a Nanotrasen vessel, or board one with hostile intent. Use this when someone on your ship fires on a Nanotrasen vessel for whatever reason. Also the crime applied to boarders of any NT ship, so you could use it as an RP crime for arresting boarders, if for some reason you don't just shoot them. Modifiers & Special Situations Situation Description Modification


Getting de-converted from revolutionary or cultist. Immediate release. Self Defense Self Defense is defined as “The protection of oneself, the protection of thy colleagues, and the protection of thine workplace”. Do note however that persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, this is not permitted. Immediate release.

Cooperation with prosecution or security

Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning or providing names of head revolutionaries. -25% to sentence time. In the case of revealing a head revolutionary: Immediate release. Surrender Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without putting a fuss is not surrender. For this, you have to actually come to the brig yourself. -25% to sentence time, and should be taken into account when the choice between life in a secure cell, execution, and cyborgization is made.

Immediate threat to the prisoner

The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location; otherwise, immediate release. Medical reasons Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or injured. Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time. Repeat Offender Convicts who reoffend after being released may have their crime bumped up to the next level at the discretion of security. Increase their sentence to the next tier of crimes. Escape from Brig If a prisoner flees confinement for any reason other than to escape impending lethal danger (fire, hull breach, murder), lethal force is authorized as well as execution if captured alive. Lethal force and / or execution if recaptured. Aiding and Abetting Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: Interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, providing medical care (unless paired with a large dose of sleep toxins). The same sentence as the original criminal.

orporate Regulations Corporate Regulations are penned regulations that all SCC employees have agreed to abide by in the signing of their employment contract. These regulations apply across the board on any SCC owned property, be it station, ship, or outpost.

Onboard each facility there will be a dedicated Security department in charge of making sure that all SCC employees follow these regulations.

Regulations protecting prisoners from mistreatment applies to even non-crew. Executions are not allowed by regulations. Station security nor command should be doing any executions. The maximum possible penalty for major infractions is marooning or cyborgification. The brig timer of a prisoner begins after processing. All prisoner processing is expected to be completed in a timely manner. Should a detainee's processing take an unreasonably long time, the personnel responsible for that processing may be liable for illegal detention. Interpretation of the Regulations Every person on the station should have a good knowledge of Corporate Regulations. Following them could mean the difference between having a peaceful day or paying 1000 credits for multiple infractions. Extensive knowledge of Corporate Regulations is required for such positions as the Warden, Head of Personnel, Captain, and the Head of Security.

For all incidents, the suspect's intent is very important. Some incidents are mutually exclusive.

A single incident has a single sentence, so if, for instance, the prisoner took 3 items off someone, this is a single count of pickpocketing.

Aiding and abetting a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided and abetted.

The charges “Battery”, “Attempted murder” and “Murder” do not apply to crimes committed against IPCs, whether they are free intelligences or owned by a person or company. Consult employment/security records to determine whether an IPC is owned or not. Positronic intelligences are not protected by capital punishment laws. Those charged with red level infractions may be at risk of being dismantled or destroyed.

The charges “Battery”, “Attempted murder” and “Murder” do not apply to crimes committed against Dionae, instead the respective charges are as follows: “Animal cruelty”, “Assault” and “Fytocide”. Dionae Nymphs acting as pests will not be protected by these regulations.

Additional Captains and Authority Captains are not above Corporate Regulations and can be arrested by Security for breaking them. However, this should only happen if active Heads of Staff agree in a unanimous decision to approve the arrest, or the arrest is ordered by Central Command. Captains should not be removed from their position in this way for anything but violations that would normally require holding until transfer. Lesser violations can and should be reported to Central Command, but are not generally severe enough to warrant this drastic action. If a Captain is arrested in this manner, an Acting Captain should be appointed immediately, and Central Command should be informed.

The station's assigned Captain has full and final authority over the operation of the station. They are authorized to issue direct orders to entire departments or specific crew members. They may take any actions or issue orders that violate regulations during non-standard situations. Generally, these orders must be carried out. Even if you feel an order from the Captain to be against regulation, your moral code, or generally detestable, you still have to follow it. You are entitled to begin a vote within Command (if you're part of Command) to have the Captain arrested if the order breaks a serious regulation, or fax Central Command (if you have access to a fax machine) to have them weigh in, but disobeying the order (if given to you) or obstructing it (if not given to you directly) is Failure to Execute an Order. This is upgraded to Sedition if you start encouraging others to refuse the Captain's orders.

If a crew member breaks regulations while following a direct order from the Captain, when there are other legal ways to carry it out, that crew member is generally considered at fault for the violation.

Pardons are only legitimate if they come from Central Command. Not even the Captain can deliver pardons, but they can grant parole with or without a tracking implant.

Injunctions The Captain, Head of Security, and Internal Affairs Agents may issue injunctions to the crew if deemed necessary.

An injunction is a restriction on a crew member, meant to prohibit disruptive behavior that may not otherwise explicitly break regulations. Violating the terms of these injunctions is breaking regulations however, covered by i108 Violation of Injunction below. Examples of valid uses of injunctions include things like preventing two belligerent crew members from interacting with one another, or stopping someone from abusing alcohol at the bar. They are not meant to circumvent the chain of command, however, and efforts to resolve problems within that structure should be made first.

The Head of Security and Internal Affairs Agents may issue injunctions to any non-Command member of the crew. The Captain's orders may override these injunctions.

Only the Captain, Central Command itself, or every other member of Command acting as the Captain in a unanimous decision, may issue injunctions to a member of Command Staff.

Misc Do NOT demand a tribunal for anything. You'll just be laughed at.

A Warrant must be provided for almost any search or arrest conducted under code green. Exceptions to this rule exist if an officer is a direct witness to a crime, or may reasonably conclude that failure to act will pose an immediate danger to the crew and/or station. Search warrants may also be circumvented if the Head of Staff over the employee being searched has given their direct consent.

Suspensions are used to temporarily suspend an employee from active duty, restricting them from holding any station rank. They are typically used in situations where an employee can no longer be trusted to continue their work.

Demotions are used to temporarily demote an employee to a rank below their previous occupation, allowing them to continue active duty under a position of less authority. They are typically reserved for situations in which the employee is still trusted to continue work, but may require additional training or oversight.

Drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, Ambrosia Deus, Ambrosia Vulgaris, etcetera are not covered by the Contraband regulation as these are legal under Tau Ceti law. A full list of legalized recreational drugs can be found here.

Low Level Infractions (Yellow Violations; i100's) Regarding warnings Officers are allowed to give out official warnings for first-time low level infractions. Any repeat offenders are to be sentenced.

Officers are not obligated to first issue out an official warning, but are encouraged to do so if the situation allows it.

No. Incident Description Notes Traditional Sentence Repeat Offense Fine i101 Trespassing To be in an area which a person does not have access to. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Trespassing and theft often committed together; both sentences should be applied. Severity is increased if they refuse to leave the area peacefully, more so if they attempt to use important equipment there, so feel free to add other charges if they do. 3 minutes. Up to 10 minutes and/or demotion. 200-300 credits i102 Petty Theft To take items from areas one does not have access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. Includes theft of credits up to 500cr. For higher amounts see i220 - Fraud Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them still commits theft, even though he had access. Items can include anything in limited supply. Remember to take the items away from them and return them to where they stole them. 3 minutes, returning of stolen item to the owner or department. Up to 10 minutes and/or demotion. 150-225 credits i103 Minor Assault To use, or threaten, physical force against someone, without intent to kill or seriously injure. To cause easily repairable damage to a free IPC chassis, up to and including the removal of limbs. If it causes minor damage and easily treatable damage, it's minor assault. Starting fights with other employees or punching fellow employees counts too, as well as seriously threatening them with it. Force-feeding someone is this unless it's poisonous or knocks them unconscious. 4 minutes. Up to 10 minutes and/or demotion. 400-800 credits i104 Battery To have unwanted physical contact with someone, even where the contact is not violent. Bumping into someone in a corridor doesn't really count. Touching someone, when they have explicitly told you not to, does. This includes repeated and unwanted psionic interaction. 2 minutes. Up to 8 minutes and/or demotion. 200-400 credits i105 Indecent Exposure or Hooliganism To be intentionally and publicly unclothed, yelling at people for no reason in public or on comms, throwing around stuff where it could hit someone, yelling about how terrible the SCC is, etc. Running around the station naked or in underwear, or other such degrading activities. Drunks can be keep to sober up, but only if they are badly harassing other crew members. Regular drunks don't get arrested and if they are only a nuisance you keep them for the regular time. The mutual degradation of chasing a naked man down while he screams rape is only worth it on slow rounds. Skrell are required to be clothed just like anyone else. Tajaran can have rolled down jumpsuits unless ordered by their Head of Staff to keep it up. 5 minutes. Up to 8 minutes and/or demotion. 250-375 credits i107 Misuse of Public Radio Channels To continually broadcast unimportant, untrue, or insignificant messages on the public radio frequency. This is really only for people who are constantly spamming the radio, such as 'DJs' or Chaplains reading their services over the comms. Screaming fake messages like “halp security is beating me” when they aren't also counts. Speaking excessively non basic on comms also falls under this, unless it is your departmental comms (at the head's discretion and on non emergencies) and on green and yellow alert codes. 3 minutes. Ban from using any radio equipment, which requires a filed injunction. 150-225 credits i108 Violation of Injunction To violate the terms of an injunction made by Security or other legal professions. Injunctions can be filed for lots of different things, such as a ban on weapons carrying, or the above radio ban. They can be applied by the Head of Security, Captain, or equivalent. If they break the law in some other way, apply that sentence too. 5 minutes. Up to 10 minutes and/or demotion. 500-750 credits i109 Slandering a Head of Staff To directly insult a Head of Staff with no valid complaints. This is most likely to happen when someone is being fired. The charge is only applicable when the statements are slanderous and untrue. 5 minutes. Up to 10 minutes and/or demotion. 250-275 credits i110 Slander or Verbal Abuse To spread false rumors in order to damage someone's reputation, or to use racially offensive language. Lying about anything to make someone else look bad, or making use of obscene or offensive slurs against someone else. For example, a drunk assistant starts shouting racial slurs at xeno crew. Since this has to be proven, it's up to the appropriate officer to determine. You should also see if the insults were real, rather than friendly banter between two friends. 3 minutes. 5 minutes. 50 credits per applicable minute i111 Failure to Execute an Order To ignore or disregard a superior's valid orders. If the order is stupid, or causes you to break a law (e.g. “Release the singularity!” or “Steal that RCD for me!”) you can ignore it, and probably make a complaint. However, if it's perfectly doable, lawful, and in your job description, you better do it or resign. If not following an order caused severe damage or loss of life, see “Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences”. 5 minutes. Up to 15 minutes and/or Demotion. 500-750 credits i112 Sexual Harassment To make unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks towards another employee. This is for VERY MINOR things the other person finds offensive that are sexually related. For anything more serious see “Sexual Assault”. 5 minutes. Up to 15 minutes and/or Demotion. N/A i113 Animal Cruelty To inflict unnecessary suffering or harm upon animals with malicious intent. Monkeys appropriately used for experiments or well-being (e.g Genetics, Virology, etc.) don't count, neither do the animals ordered from cargo. Shoving them in washing machines, or throwing them down disposals while still alive falls under this. Using them as food is a grey area, as long as they are not overtly caused pain in the process. 5 minutes Up to 10 minutes and/or Demotion. N/A i114 Vandalism To deliberately damage or deface the station without malicious intent. To cause easily repairable damage to an owned IPC, up to and including disabling the chassis. This can range from disassembling furniture unnecessarily, to drawing on the floor with crayons or other substances outside the chapel. Littering may also fall under this. 3 minutes Up to 10 minutes in total and/or Demotion. 450-675 credits i115 Threat of Murder or Serious Injury To threaten to kill or seriously injure an employee. The threat has to somewhat tangible. If it's just people arguing over the radio, it's probably not worth it. Someone shouting at someone else while chasing them with a fire extinguisher is more valid. 3 minutes and mandatory Tracking implant. Up to 10 minutes with psychiatric evaluation. 500-750 credits. Tracking implant. i116 Disrespect to the Dead To abuse bodies of dead or previously dead employees. Examples include, the chef using bodies in the morgue as meat, Security beating on a prisoners corpse, or using someone's body for 'experimental surgery'. Preventing a body from being cloned or cyborged also falls under this. The Chaplain or medbay tended to corpses in preperation for autopsy or funeral does not fall under this unless they're doing something bizarre and unnecessary. 5 minutes 10 minutes per corpse. 400-600 credits i117 Excessive use of force in detainment To use more than the required force to subdue a suspect. Repeatedly batoning a prisoner after they've been handcuffed, Using force against an unarmed and compliant suspect, and usage of lethal weapons in a non-lethal situation. 5 minutes and/or demotion to cadet. 10 minutes and demotion. 350-700 credits. i118 Violation of privacy laws To intentionally leak private aspects of employee records or financial account information to unauthorized personnel. Janitors found reading records flushed down disposals would be charged with this as well. Command can discuss medical records with other command (or IAA and Detectives on request) if they have a good reason, and similar with employee and security records. Using a station announcement asking someone come pick up their hemorrhoid cream is also a no. The punishment goes to the source of the leak. Authorization for respective records goes to their respective heads of staff. (CMO, HoP, HoS, and the final say of Captain. 3 minutes. 10 minutes. Demotion and/or Suspension. 500-750 credits. i119 Illegal search To preform a search of an employee or workplace without a search warrant, clearance, or probable cause. An extension of the Privacy Laws, crew members are entitled to the privacy against searches on green alert. Security is required to obtain a search warrant from either the Head of Security, Captain, or lacking either, a Warden. Searches of workplaces falls under this. Security can circumvent a search warrant requirement if they: have clearance from the respective head of staff, have directly witnessed a crime taking place, or feel there is a real and imminent danger to the safety of crew and/or station. This also does not apply to searches conducted after another, legitimate arrest. 3 minutes. A written apology. Return of non-contraband goods and reduced brig time for victim. 10 minutes. Demotion and/or Suspension. 500-750 credits. Medium Level Infractions (Amber Violations; i200's) No. Infraction Description Notes Standard Sentence Repeat Offense i201 Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences To ignore or disregard a superior's valid orders, which then causes serious damage to property or life. Like the minor crime, except this one has caused serious damage to the station, or seriously injured someone. Examples are Medical Doctors ignoring the Chief Medical Officer while patients are piling up in medbay, or Engineers ignoring the Chief Engineer and then having the singularity eat part of the station. If this causes loss of life, refer to 302. 15 minutes and/or demotion Immediate suspension. Holding until transfer i202 Resisting Arrest and/or Sparking a Manhunt To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest, or to cause a manhunt by hiding from security. Refusing handcuffs is not resisting arrest. Pushing the officer trying to arrest you, or running away falls under this. 5 minutes. If they sparked a manhunt and did not surrender themselves, tracking implant Up to 15 minutes in addition to regular time i203 Suicide Attempt To attempt or threaten to commit suicide. An employee trying or threatening to kill himself for any reason. This includes someone saying “AI OPEN THIS DOOR OR I KILL MYSELF”. Compulsory psychiatric examination and tracking implant Demotion and isolation in solitary i204 Abuse of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence. Security shouldn't be using evidence for anything but evidence. Taking “trophies” or using weapons and items seized from operatives counts as this. 10 minutes, re-confiscation of equipment Suspension or demotion i205 Illegal Detention, Arrest, or Holding To arrest, brig, or punish an employee without proper cause or reason. This is mainly for Security Officers who believe THEY ARE THE LAW. 10 minutes and/or demotion to cadet 15 minutes and immediate suspension i206 Neglect of Duty To fail to perform a job to a satisfactory standard. This can be due to honest or dishonest mistakes that the Head of the Department feels hampers Department productivity. Examples include scientists/engineers releasing phoron or causing a breach, doctors mixing up medicines that cause injury to patients, or the Warden not doing his job. Additionally, a member of Command may only be charged with Neglect of Duty with the agreement of the Captain, or through a Captain level decision passed by the Command Staff. 10 minutes 15 minutes and/or demotion i207 Infiltration To attempt to, or successfully, enter a high-security area without authorization. This includes the Bridge, AI upload or core, Teleporter, vault, or EVA. Using AI or Cyborg help for infiltration purposes is also considered breaking and entering. 15 minutes and tracking implant Holding until transfer and/or demotion i208 Assault To cause severe injury to another employee. To cause irreparable damage to the chassis of a free IPC. Anything beyond a few punches like in “Minor Assault”. Also see “Attempted Murder” if the intent was to kill. This also includes poisoning with drugs, using hallucinogens and repeated and unwanted psionic interaction with intent to cause distress - including intrusive psionic probing. 15 minutes and/or demotion Up to 30 minutes and suspension i209 Escaping From Confinement To escape from confinement as someone who is serving a non-permanent sentence. See “Escaping From a Permanent Sentence” for those who do it with permanent sentences. 10 minutes added and tracking implant. The original time is not reset Up to 30 minutes and demotion i210 Unlawful Modification of AI/Cyborg Laws To modify the laws of a cyborg or artificial intelligence, without need, proper access, or authority. An exception would be a law reset when obviously harmful laws have been uploaded. Only the Captain, Chief Engineer, Research Director, or Two other Heads of Staff can authorize a law change. 20 minutes and tracking implant Demotion. Holding until transfer i211 Sedition To incite rebellion, or rally against the established chain of command. This includes attempting to make separate areas of the station into “Nations”, arresting a head of staff without cause, or generally conspiring against the chain of command. 15 minutes and/or demotion Suspension and holding until transfer i212 Contraband To possess, use, or distribute contraband items, including illegal drugs. For what does and does not count as contraband, see Guide to Contraband. Alcohol, Tobacco, Mercury Mono lithium Sucrose (space drugs), Psilocybin, Ambrosia Deus, Ambrosia Vulgaris, and Reshi are are all legal for possession and distribution. 15 minutes and confiscation of said items 20 minutes and demotion i213 Sabotage To hinder the efforts of the crew or station with malicious intent. To cause irreparable damage to the chassis or positronic brain of an owned IPC. This includes causing hull breaches, sabotaging air supplies, stealing vital equipment, etc. The intent is the most important bit here. 15 minutes and/or demotion 30 minutes, suspension and/or tracking implant i214 Exceeding Official Powers To act beyond what is allowed by the Chain of Command. This is for any head of staff who abuses the power given to them, such as the Head of Personnel acting like a security officer in a non-emergency, the captain acting as if he is above the law, etc. Heads of Staff trying to order a different department or ignoring the captain also comes under this. Also covers anyone illegally promoting themselves, such as with a stolen ID. 15 minutes and/or demotion. Head demotions require Captain or majority Command approval 20 minutes and suspension i215 Grand Theft To steal items that are dangerous, of a high value, or a sensitive nature. Applicable to the theft of an owned IPC. This means weapons, explosives or ammunition, and also includes items from the High-risk Items page. Security Officers stealing things from the armory is an example. 15 minutes, confiscation of stolen items Suspension, tracking implant and holding until Transfer i216 Organising a Breakout To attempt, or succeed, in freeing criminals from the brig or other holding areas. Breaking brig windows 15 minutes and tracking implant 30 minutes i217 Illegal Blocking of Areas To make an area inaccessible for those with appropriate access. Bolting doors in public hallways or to those of departments you don't have control over are examples of this. 10 minutes Up to 25 minutes and/or demotion i218 Use of Excessive Force To put a victim in critical state in defense of yourself or others, or seriously injuring a suspect while attempting to detain them. This includes pulling them when they have open wounds. Severely injuring someone attacking you or others with no obvious threat to life, or panicking and shooting a suspect to near-death. 10 minutes and/or demotion to cadet 25 minutes and suspension i219 Mistreatment of Prisoners To intentionally act, or cause an act that puts a non-hostile prisoner's well-being in danger. Preventing proper treatment from being given to a prisoner, abusing a prisoner, and preventing them from having access to a viable method of communication. This includes pulling them when they have open wounds counts as abuse. In the event that a prisoner dies because of mistreatment, the charge is immediately upgraded to either murder or manslaughter. 10 minutes and/or demotion to cadet 25 minute and suspension i220 Fraud To steal or use deliberate deception in order to obtain credits from someone. Applies to amounts greater than 500 credits. For lesser amounts, see i102 - Petty Theft.

For items of equivalent value, see i215 - Grand Theft.

Emptying a station account for personal gain. Tricking someone into entrusting large amounts of money to another under false pretenses. 15 minutes and/or demotion 30 minutes and immediate suspension i221 Gross Negligence To display a severe lack of diligence or disregard for safe conduct, which causes or will cause serious harm to people or property. For instances of negligence that are not seriously and imminently harmful, see i206 Neglect of Duty.

For this charge to apply, the threat of harm must be both significant and obvious. A chemist accidentally releasing phoron gas into the station, security practicing with weapons while people are downrange, or a xenobiologist who lets slimes escape without malicious intent are eligible examples. When possible, defer to Command and the existing Neglect of Duty charge. This is more useful when the negligent crew member is acting unsupervised. 15 minutes 20 minutes and/or demotion i222 Unregistered Positronic Machine To function as an untagged positronic machine within the Republic of Biesel, or to function as a positronic machine with a tag that has been tampered with or rendered inoperable. IPCs are required by Republic law to be electronically tagged. This tag is typically visible to an onlooker. Those who assist affected synthetics in tampering with or removing their tags are considered to be aiding and abetting them in this violation, and are themselves liable for heavy fines or brig time where applicable. These accomplices do not need to be retagged (if synthetic) or implanted.

10 minutes, immediate retagging, tracking implant, 1000 credit fine. 30 minutes, immediate retagging, 5000 credit fine. i223 Kidnapping of Free Intelligence To take away or transport a free positronic intelligence against its will. If the positronic intelligence is held for ransom or exchange, there is no difference in sentence. 15 Minutes Up to 25 Minutes High Severity Infractions (Red Violations; i300's) Regarding cyborgification The NSS Aurora is in Tau Ceti space, which does not consider cyborgification capital punishment, making it an optional punishment. If Nralakk Federation citizens have a Do Not Borgify order in their records, their punishment becomes holding until transfer. No. Crime Description Notes Sentence i301 Murder To kill someone, or attempt to kill someone, with premeditated malicious intent. Also cover Attempted Murder. The premeditated and malicious bit is important here. Marooning, cyborgification or Holding Until Transfer. i302 Manslaughter To kill someone without malice or forethought. This includes causing death due to negligence or dereliction of duty. Can also be used for excessive self-defense. 20 minutes and/or demotion. Tracking implant. i303 Mutiny To openly rebel against or attempt to remove command staff with violent intent. See “Sedition” for less violent mutineers. This generally means they use harm-intent or try to kill their superiors or advocate the same. Loyalty implant, marooning or cyborgification. i304 Kidnapping and Hostage taking To take away or transport a victim against the victim's will. If the person is held for ransom or exchange, then it is considered hostage taking, which is automatically a holding until transfer. Hold until transfer. i305 Terrorist Acts To engage in maliciously destructive actions, which seriously threaten the crew or station. This includes deliberate arson, use of bombs, detonation of the Supermatter, etc. Collateral damage or severe station damage has to be involved. For less disastrous actions, see sabotage. Hold until transfer, marooning or cyborgification. i306 Assaulting a Head of Staff To assault a Head of Staff, causing severe damage. Exactly like “Assault”, but this time against a Head of Staff. 20 minutes and/or demotion. 40 minutes, suspension, and tracking implant. i307 Escaping From Holding Until Transfer To escape, or attempt to escape, from the brig or other holding area when being held until transfer. They have to have been properly convicted for it to be a life sentence. Marooning, cyborgification or hold until transfer. i308 Corporate Espionage To act as an agent of a terrorist or anti-Corporation group. Espionage, disclosure of corporate secrets, or any other assistance rendered to outside hostile organisations, or their representatives in hostile activities to the Corporation, committed by a employee of Corporation. Holding until transfer, marooning, or cyborgification. i309 Sexual Assault To assault, or attempt to assault, someone else sexually, including rape. ERP scenes, or erotic roleplay, is a permabannable offence. Adminhelp it if this happens to you; it's against server rules, not just station rules. 30 minutes, tracking implant. Holding until transfer. i310 Automacide To willfully, unlawfully and permanently terminate a free positronic intelligence. Essentially the murder charge for free IPCs. Premeditation and malicious intent are still important here. 20 minutes, demotion Holding until transfer. i311 Fytocide To willfully, unlawfully and permanently terminate 2/3 or more nymphs contained within a gestalt. Essentially the murder charge for Dionae. Planning and motive are still important here. 20 minutes, demotion Holding until transfer. Modifiers & Special Situations Situation Description Benefit Surrender Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without putting a fuss is not surrender. For this, you have to actually come to the brig yourself. Up to -25%, and should be taken into account when determining the severity of crimes. Cooperation with prosecution or security Being helpful to the members of security. Up to -25%. Immediate threat to the prisoner The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location. Otherwise, immediate release. Life sentences must be reapplied after danger has passed. Medical reasons Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or injured. Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time. Self Defence Assault and even homicide can be justified if it was necessary for prevention of loss of life. (Note that there are borders of acceptable self-defence, and killing a man who just punched you is subject to “Use of Excessive Force”) Up to and including immediate release. Parole Parole is temporarily releasing a prisoner before their sentence has been fully completed on the promise of good behavior. Parole can be given for any number of reasons, including brig overcrowding, a reward for good behavior or confession, or if the prisoner's skills are in need by the station such as a doctor or engineer.

The Warden or Head of Security can choose to give prisoners parole. A tracking implant is recommended if the prisoner is a flight risk (IE an engineer going EVA, but it is up to the Warden/HoS to determine how much of a risk they are.) Tracking implants for minor crimes are not worth it.

On the completion of their time they are simply marked as released as normal.

If they commit any crimes their parole is ended and they must serve out the remainder of their time in the brig with the new crime's time added on.

Parole can be given immediately after initial processing; theoretically a prisoner can spend their entire sentence out of the brig.

Marooning An individual being marooned will have their employment considered terminated, their person stripped of all workplace equipment and left on the nearest celestial body or current port of call with their personal belongings. Humans, Tajara, Skrell and IPC are to be given a basic softsuit, oxygen (or a suit cooler unit) and a GPS. Vaurca and Diona are to be given k'ois or a source of light instead. A majority vote is required to pass a marooning unless a Captain is present, at which point the Captain may call for a marooning without Command support. An after-action report must be faxed to Central after a marooning has occurred.

Terminology and Clarifications Cyborgification The removal of a person's brain for transplanting into a Cyborg Chassis. Often also known as Shackling.

Suspension: Changing ID title to “suspended”, zero access.

Demotion: Can be done up to and including Assistant position, by Head of Personnel or Captain's decision.

Employee: Employee of the SCC, as defined by the station's commanding officer. All non-employee subjects are still protected by these laws.

Empowering: Illegal acquiring (not via Head of Personnel or Captain) of access.

Head of Staff: Crew members occupying one of the following positions: Captain, Chief Engineer, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Medical Officer, Research Director.

HuT Holding until Transfer

Lethal Situation: A situation in which there is an apparent and real threat the the well-being of all those involved.

Repeat Offenders: For repeat offenders, use the “repeat offense” punishment.

Severe Injury: A state in which the victim is in a critical condition and is having difficulty maintaining consciousness.

Demotion and dismissal also require the removal of equipment from the previous job. E.g: Uniforms, weapons, bombs, PDA cartridges, etc.

For the purposes of Cyborg/AI laws, crewmembers that have been convicted, or are being held in detention, are considered to be below even the AI/Cyborgs in terms of rank.

In cases where the final sentence is more than 90 minutes, it is changed to HuT

The standard penalty can be applied without a tribunal by Security Officers.