DWAINE for Dummies

Introduction If you're reading this book, it is likely that you have bought a DWAINE System Vi mainframe - but have no idea how to use it! Luckily for you, this book is here to teach you the basics.

How to Use this Book First off, for some bizarre reason you need to know how a book works. Basically it's this thing with two covers and words inside. You open it and read the words.

Sometimes in the middle of the words there are pictures, but not in this book. Pictures are for losers and babies.

Now and again I'll give you advanced tips, which will appear in boxes like this one:

Words are great! And when I need to write code, it will appear in boxes like this:

$: ls /butts Chapter 1: The Terminal Operating a DWAINE mainframe is done solely through a terminal interface - graphics and icons and things are unnecessary and also are for tiny children with no understanding of REAL COMPUTERS.

So, let's get started! After logging in, you will be presented with a prompt - usually following this format:

]GMelons@DWAINE - 12:00 03/04/52 When you type in text and push the Enter key, you will notice your command is sent like this:

things i typed

This book will show commands you should enter as beginning with “>”.

Remember! The most important command is “help”! Chapter 1: Logging On Before we can do anything, we need to log onto the network. This guide assumes you aren't already synched to your DWAINE mainframe.

Insert your ID into the ID card slot of your terminal.

Then, type


and push enter to get a list of networked devices. Find the device labeled PNET_MAINFRAME and take a note of its net_id.

Then, type

connect 0200xxxx

where 0200xxxx is the term_id of the PNET_MAINFRAME.

Then, with your ID inserted, simply type


to log into the system.

When logged in, you can log off by typing “logout” OR “logoff”. You can disconnect by typing “disconnect”. You can restart by typing “restart”. Chapter 2: Basic Concepts The first thing you need to know about DWAINE is the Filesystem.

There are no drives in DWAINE, no specific devices. Everything is a folder in DWAINE.

The structure works like a tree, with everything starting at the “root” folder, and expanding outwards from there. A typical file path in DWAINE would look like this:

/home/GMelons/Pictures/pr0n_jpg You might be wondering what the name of the root folder is, since it doesn't seem to be immediately obvious in that filepath. The system root is referred to as “/”. So, if we expand this path, we get this:



So, if we wanted to listen to something, we would use this path:

/home/GMelons/Music/fart_ogg Simple, right? Well.

Chapter 3: Simple Commands First, let's discuss listing directories.

You can find out what is in the current directory by typing


and hitting Enter.

This will show you a list of files and directories inside the folder!

You can also give ls a directory path to look at instead: so if you wanted to snoop on JGrife's stuff, you would type:

ls /home/JGrife

Sometimes you won't be able to look at files in a directory! See Chapter 6 for details! Additionally there may be hidden directories on the system, which contain special system files! Now, let's discuss changing directories.

To change which directory you are in, just type


followed by the path you want to change to.

So, let's say we want to go to our Pictures directory.

cd /home/GMelons/Pictures

And here we are! If you want to move one space up the file path, back to GMelons, you would write

cd ..

instead. Note that using “..” as a file path works with other commands too.

If you were in GMelons and you wanted to go to Pictures, you could also just type

cd Pictures

and you would go there.

Next, let's try copying files around!

The copy command is:


Followed by the original file, and then the destination. Pour éxample:

cp /home/GMelons/Pictures/butt_png /home/JGrife/Documents

This would copy the file “butt_png” to /home/JGrife/Documents. However, you can copy and give the destination file a new name, like this:

cp /home/GMelons/Pictures/butt_png /home/JGrife/Documents/importantfile_txt

So now, JGrife sees he has an important file to open! OH NO! Butt!

Okay, let's discuss moving files now.

The move command is:


Followed by the original file, and then the destination - exactly like copy, except the original is moved from one location to the other. Good for stealing data. Or, uh. Cute pictures of duckies.

Reading, Writing, and Deleting “But HOW DO I MAKE FILES OR SEE WHAT'S IN THEM AAAA”

Stop that! Stop it! Stop! You're a bad person.

To read the contents of a file, use:


Followed by the path to the file. Here we go!

cat /home/JGrife/secret_stuff

I like to read trashy romance novels!!! Not all files can be read - some do not contain text, but are actually programs! Run these by typing their name in the terminal. Programs on a Research Station are usually kept in /mnt/control - the location of the control database. What a shocker, eh?

Writing files is a little bit different. At the time of writing this guide, no text editor existed for DWAINE so we have to make do with the



Echo just repeats whatever you type after it back to you. That sounds useless, right?

Well, there's a little thing called “output redirection”. This means we can take what comes out of a command and put it somewhere else. Here's an example:

echo I like big smelly butts! ^/home/JGrife/my_secrets

What this will do is write the text “I like big smelly butts!” into a file called “my_secrets” in JGrife's folder. The redirection is done with the


symbol. Anything immediately after the symbol is where the output from echo will go.

Hooray! Hmm, we might need to organise our things better. How about we make a new folder?

mkdir name_of_folder

Will do it! Just navigate to where you want the new folder to be, and use mkdir with the name of the new folder and it shall appear.

To delete a file, use the



Remember that every command has an associated help entry! Type “help rm” for advanced help on deleting files. Printing & Backups Let's take a moment to go over devices in DWAINE.

There is no “print” function in DWAINE. Why? Because DWAINE stores devices as folders, using drivers to communicate with them. Storage drives and printers appear in the /mnt folder in DWAINE.

So, let's say we want to print off JGrife's embarrasing secrets and share them around the Research Sector - how do we do that?

Well, DWAINE's default printer driver works like this: if you move or copy a file into the printer's folder, the printer reads the file and prints it off. Pretty simple, really!

cp /home/JGrife/secret_stuff /mnt/printer_name

And out it comes! Printer names are usually prefixed with “lp-” by the way, so that you know they are printers and not storage drives. To copy a file to a storage drive, simply do the following:

cp /home/GMelons/Pictures/pr0n_jpg /mnt/drive_name


Chapter 6: Advanced Usage Sometimes you want to stop people looking at your files. Nobody likes a snooper! To protect your files, you will want to use the



Usage of the chmod command is complicated: chmod takes an Octal number as its second parameter, usually formatted as a 3-digit number.

chmod 777 file_name

For an example.

The number means this: The first digit sets what kind of access the Owner of the file has.

The second digit sets what kind of access the Group that the owner belongs to has.

The third digit sets what kind of access everybody else has.

Access digits are as follows:

7 - Full Access 6 - Read and Write 5 - Read and Modify 4 - Read Only 3 - Write and Modify 2 - Write Only 1 - Modify Only 0 - None So, to prevent absolutely anyone except yourself from reading your files, use

chmod 700 file_name

You'll get the hang of it. Of course, an alternate method presents itself: make that file hidden! To make a file hidden, simply make its name begin with an underscore “_”.

mv mysecret _mysecret

To see hidden files, you must use “-l” (not -1) when giving the ls command:

ls -l /path

ls -l will also show you the read,write,execute(run) status of each file, along with the owner. What if you want to change who owns a file? Simple! Use the chown command.

chown user_name file

The specified user now owns that file.

That's it folks! That's the end of this book! Captains, Research Directors, all honest members of Nanotrasen crew, do not turn the next page!

It is terribly boring and does not contain any useful information whatsoever!

Still reading? Good. I'm a member of the syndicate, and I'm here to teach you how to steal data.

su -

Will elevate your privileges to administrator level. This will let you use the ls command in the root directory to view hidden system files and folders.

It's possible to steal things like login credentials and session keys, enabling you to gain access as another user even if you're not authorized - and frame them for theft.

Unfortunately, the su command requires an administrator-level ID card. But this should not prove a challenge to a fellow agent.


Good luck!