Guide to Bombing

Contents 1 Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you have TWO bombs? 1.1 Tier 1 Bombs: Annoying 1.2 Tier 2 Bombs: Harmful/Deadly 1.3 Tier 3 Bombs: Small Breaches 1.4 Tier 4 Bombs: Big Breaches 1.5 Tier 5 Bombs: How are YOU planning to survive one of these? 2 How do I set up us the bomb? 2.1 Strategic Targets 2.2 Tactical Targets 2.3 Methods

So, you've chosen the path of the mythical Cuban Pete, huh? A great deal of angry admins and bans fun and bhang awaits you, this guide will teach you the where and hows of bombing, not bomb making; to learn how to make bombs, check Guide to Toxins.

Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you have TWO bombs? First of all we'll set some range as to bomb strength and their ideal uses, remember, whilst a highly explosive bomb is fun, destroying the entire station in seconds is extremely fun boring, both for the bomber and the crew, be mindful of your yields and their locations. You want bombs, many bombs, tons and tons, ideally ones you can hide relatively easily, behind plants, on dark places, etc.

We will define 5 categories of bomb on increasing yield with examples on the side, keep in mind said examples are referencial:

Tier 1 Bombs: Annoying We'll classify here all bombs that are more of a bother to the crew than damaging, here are:

Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) without shrapnel. Low yield Potassium/Water Bombs (25u/25u) Extremely low yield Toxin Bombs (3u/6u bombs, for example) Smoke bombs (Phosphorus/Sugar/Potassium, you can add any chemical to the beaker and the smoke will gain its effects) (Traitor) Instant Smoke Bombs These bombs will be your bread and butter, the bane of security and the envy of Clowns galore, these bombs aren't designed to kill, and in some cases, not even harm, but the explosion and subsequent chaos are a good tool for escaping.

Tier 2 Bombs: Harmful/Deadly In this tier, are all bombs designed to harm individuals nearby, but not necessarily cause any actual death, some overlap with Tier 1 is to be noted, for some of said bombs can and WILL kill someone on the correct circumstances (maybe the fatass HoS decided to eat those two scrumptious donuts that were mysteriously filled with Potassium and Water); these bombs are:

Mid yield Potassium/Water Bombs (50u/50u) Toxic Smoke Bombs (Traitor) Explosive Chewing Gum (will destroy wall if stuck on one) (Traitor) Composition C-4 (will destroy wall planted near one) (Traitor) Syndicate Cuffs (Traitor) Experimental Bundle: Damocles The actual use for any sort of bomb shenanigan, feel free to disarm someone, only to slip a bomb on their backpack and watch them blow up on the distance. All bombs beyond this point can be assumed to kill an unprotected player unless otherwise stated.

Tier 3 Bombs: Small Breaches Bombs that cause Hull Breaches, small ones (1×1 to 3×3), great on cramped spaces to cause some localized ZAS.

High yield Potassium/Water Bombs (75u+/75u+) (caps at 1×1) Welder-bombing (Welding a Fuel tank) Nitroglycerin (30u+) (Traitor) Explosive Chewing Gum (will destroy single floor tile if stuck on one) (Traitor) Composition C-4 (will destroy single floor tile if stuck on one) (Traitor) Syndicate Cuffs (will destroy single floor tile) (Traitor) Explosive Hug Chemical (5u are enough for a 3×3 breach) (Traitor) Proximity Mine Wet Floor Sign These bombs are ideal for localized ZAS decompression, useful in cramped spaces to stop and/or kill shitcurity unprepared chasers, you can trigger one on a maintenance tunnel that some staff member chasing you doesn't have access to, they'll be trapped decompressing until they escape, get rescued or die.

Tier 4 Bombs: Big Breaches Bombs that cause Hull Breaches, Big ones (4×4 to 12×12), designed to cause mayor structural destruction, beware.

Nitroglycerin (90u) (caps at 3×3) High yield ToxinBombs (Traitor) Explosive Implant (Traitor) Explosive Hug Chemical (30u) (Traitor) Experimental Bundle: Explosive Vest (Traitor) Screwed Bundle: Premade ToxinBombs Try not to use these too often, for it makes for a pretty boring round, Tier 4 bombs are best used for strategic damage, not tactical one.

Tier 5 Bombs: How are YOU planning to survive one of these? The fun times Admins don't want us to have. Almost always either Ending the round or setting up the round end.

Supermatter Shard Delamination Supermatter Crystal Delamination (Traitor) e20 rolling a nat 20

How do I set up us the bomb? Now that we have that painstaking list out of the way, we can get on the more important side of bombing, choosing your target and yield.

We will define 2 mayor groups:

Strategic Targets As an antag bomber, your final target is to anger all the jobbies damage and destroy the station, as such, your first few targets should be either:

Engineering, since lack of power only adds to the drama caused by the complaining jobbies. Small breach bombs are ideal here, for all the nooks and crannies that Engineering has, you can be sure that at least one engineer wont have his hard-suit on or will forget to check on the antimatter reactor. A Small breach bomb on either the AME core, the heat chamber for the TEG or the SME containment can, and will, disrupt most station projects due to an obvious lack of power. Bonus points for Delaminating the supermatter crystal.

Armory, not necessarily security, but the Armory is a must, one well placed bomb on a maintenance tunnel behind the armory can stop almost all weaponized attempts against you. It should be self explanatory, but consider this: No weapons, no resistance, try small and medium breach bombs, as to difficult the retrieval of materiel but not cut it outright, destroying the armory would go well as a round start late-round act, to shit on the security player further damage the morale and defensive capabilities of the crew.

Medical, even if you don't set up to kill the crew, the lack of a functional med-bay is a big morale drop. A dead crew member is a crew member who won't act against you, damaging the functionality of medbay, be it in accessibility or productivity will help you.

Remember, your objective is to bring forth Cuban Pete's soul back using explosions and bhangs disrupt and damage, not outright destroy (although a well timed breach bomb, within the round, can do wonders)

Tactical Targets Your objective being disruption, some small bombs here and there can work miracles on turning a round around GET IT?!. You must make it difficult for the crew to work at all efficiently, as such, you have some targets to acquire:

Maintenance: Any tunnel you're escaping through is your best friend, a quick breach here and there and all chasers will find themselves with burst lungs or outright death. Arrivals: An effective, albeit risky (BWOINK!) maneuver, no more crew can enter if arrivals is destroyed, try, however, to breach here and there, not outright destroy arrivals, making it so a new crew member has to go through ZAS before getting to Station Proper makes for some good drama, whilst angering all the admins present. Adminhelp before doing any bombing here, however. DO NOT TARGET ARRIVALS FOR BOMBING. This is lame as fuck gameplay and there are rules against spawncamping. If you're setting off bombs that breach arrivals, you'd better be planning on taking out the entire station and ending the round. Cargo: The mainline for the station, destroy the Request Consoles or the Request Shuttle area. If no requests can be made, cargo will hurry to get it all fixed, leaving you with some nice “alone” time on there. Security: Any and all Handcuff dispenser, Beepsky Fuck Beepsky and armory entrance. Take all the energy guns and space them if possible, a stunned bomber is a dead bomber. Brig and Detention for greyshitter points. Medbay: Clone Pod/Scanner/Console from the Morgue Maintenance or the Operating Rooms' beds and tools, from the Mechanic Maintenance. The crew is the cause of your problems. No crew, no problems. Engineering: A good engineer will always be there to fix your mayhem. Make sure they're too busy fixing engineering to go fix anywhere else. An explosion near any of the reactors will give them a heart attack, do try to not bomb the singularity engine, we don't we don't? want a SINGULOOSE 10 minutes into the round. As said on Strategic Targets, a bomb on the AME, TEG or SME will give you a run for your money. Bonus points if you destroy necessary atmospheric loops (like the heated plasma on the TEG or the plasma coolant on the SME). Bridge: No bridge means no centralized administration, may or may not cause a shuttle call. Try bombing the captain's office and quarters for shits and giggles. AI: Take advantage of law 2 and enter AI Upload, add that security staff are not human and should be killed painfully whatever wacky law you want then blow up the area with a small/medium breach bomb; no AI console, no AI law changes. Bar: A neuralgic point for any sort of social interaction, small breaches make for some dramatic moments without fully destroying the bartender's redesigning efforts. (Do nuke the bar if shit hits the fan, however). Science: Where the combined autism of /vg/station NanoTrasen comes to fruition, make short work of the mechbay printers and the R&D department's machinery. No autolathe or circuit imprinter means no fixing the bombed machinery. Chapel/Library: Not a lot happens here, but these places ALWAYS become a surrogate escape route (or hiding place) when the main hallway is either locked or breached (at least on Box), some breaches on normally unvisited places (Game Area on Library, Mass Driver on Chapel) make for some quick and easy decompression. Escape: A staple for any Traitor worth its weight in jobbie tears, either breach it completely or subtly breach on the windows or airlock it for some tasteful airflow spacing. Any Shuttle Area: Shuttles are a wildcard for any of your plans, Cargo can set up Cargonia, what else do they do? order tools and weaponry, Miners can bring valuable resources like Phazon or Diamond, XenoArcheology can uncover some useless shit that will get them killed ungodly artifact that fucks your shit up, ONLY leave the Science shuttle working if there's need for Toxins Access. Telecoms: No comms means no coordination, easy points for the burgeoning bomber, alternatively, put a script on the telecom console to disrupt communications in a different way whilst you're bombing away. Bonus points for cringy scripts like a weeaboo one. Trader Post: Same as the Shuttles, the Trader is a wildcard, their overpriced bullshit can make short work of you on the right hands, be it Clown or otherwise, beware. Methods Because just leaving them laying around and waiting for them to go off can get boring.

Mousetraps/Beartraps - Good for tricking the crew into walking on tiles, opening bags or more! Just be sure to hide these with a larger sprite item on top if you can, nobody will randomly examine this tile anyways. Even weaker beartrap explosions like IEDs can still blow a leg off, crippling whoever stepped on it enough to be finished off with a few esword toolbox whacks. Try leaving these in your pocket for when you refuse to be cult converted and they'll set off the bomb opening your remains box! Disposals - An underused method, paired with sorting junctions and destination tagging them to disposals (requires stealing a tagger) will allow you to place your bomb anywhere on the station. Better yet, leave them in multiple spots and have security hunt a bomber around the station while you arm more disposals bombs! Until you get caught near bins anyways. Also works with just timing your explosions right, timer assemblies are your friend here. Sending them in one disposals engaging can be a bad idea though, causing them to all go off at once. Telescience - Same as the above, but teleporting the bomb in. Be sure to set the timer short enough so that people can't react in time, or just be quick with remote signalers. High risk areas will need bluespace crystals to be teleported into though. Ghetto explosive implant - Grenades are small enough to fit in body cavities, and voice analysers can be attached to assemblies to give them the same functionality as the syndicate equivalent. All strategy from this item applies here, like using common words if you feel mean. Downside is that you can't implant yourself this time, but most traitors have a stay alive requirement anyways. Not like you need to even follow it.