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Where most other antagonist roles exist to make you afraid of some maniac with a fire extinguisher coming to get you, the Wraith exists to make you afraid of the ship/station itself. Malevolent poltergeists with a mean streak a mile wide, wraiths have a wide array of spooky powers they can use to terrorize (or annoy) the crew. Given enough time and corpses (and given all the other baddies they appear with on Star Command 13, there will be corpses), they can progress from an inconvenience to a terrifying juggernaut of murder. They have their downsides, though, and a clever chef with some salt can be far more dangerous to a wraith than an army of supercops armed to the teeth.

Wraith Abilities

First and foremost, wraiths are ghosts. They cannot be seen by the living unless manifested, they can hear everything on the station, they can talk to and see normal ghosts, fly through walls, all of it. They can use their powers while incorporeal as well, and are effectively invulnerable in this state. When wraiths use the Haunt ability or float over salt, they manifest in a physical form for about minute, able to be injured and even killed. If killed while manifested, though, a wraith isn't necessarily dead. Wraiths can survive being banished from physical form once - the second time kills them for good.

Wraiths can also move items by click-dragging them from one tile to another, similar to the Telekinetic Pull genetics ability. This does virtually no damage, but it can set up dangerous animated/possessed item rampages and give crew members the heebie jeebies.

Wraith abilities work off the creatively named Wraith Points, or WP, a resource that passively increases over time. The rate of regeneration can be permanently increased by absorbing corpses, or temporarily increased by using Haunt near a crowd or possessing a Revenant. There's no upper limit to banked points or regeneration rate, but banishment resets both.

Name Cooldown WP Cost Description
Haunt 60 seconds 0 Points Temporarily become corporeal to scare people and/or gloat. Every witness present gives you an increased rate of WP regeneration.
Whisper 2 seconds 1 Point Send a spooky ghost message to somebody, which they hear as “A netherworld voice whispers in your ear…” This, alongside Blood Writing, is your only way to communicate with the living.
Blood Writing 5 seconds 10 Points Draws a single letter or pictogram of your choice on tile, complete with fancy animation.
Absorb Corpse 45+ seconds 20 Points Skeletonizes a targeted corpse in a cloud of black smoke with a big red message, and permanently increases your rate of WP regeneration. Must be used on a relatively fresh corpse. Cooldown starts at 45 seconds and scales exponentially with each use, but is reset by banishment. Doesn't work when the corpse has at least 25 units of formaldehyde inside it, instead removing it from the corpse and activating the cooldown.
Spook 30 seconds once activated 20 Points to Mark The first use Marks an area, and the second use lets you choose a spooky thing to do to that area:
Flip light switches: Self-explanatory. Light switches that are on turn off and off on.
Burn out lights: Breaks up to four light tubes and bulbs in the area, creating sparks that can ignite flammables.
Create smoke: Creates multiple clouds of smoke near you that can completely obscure people's vision and make them drop whatever they're holding. Clouds persist for about a minute.
Create ectoplasm: Spawns a few globs of ectoplasm in the area.
Sap APC: Drains a bit of power from the area's APC. The higher your WP regen rate, the more power drained. Cannot drain multiple APCs.
Haunt PDAs: Everyone in the area gets cheesy spooky PDA messages with you as their sender.
Open doors, lockers, crates: Opens and closes a few random doors, lockers, and crates in the area.
Random: Does one of the above.
Decay 60 seconds 30 Points An ability with two different functions:
Used on living humans, it drains a significant amount of stamina.
Used on inanimate objects, it EMAGs them if possible.
Command 20 seconds 50 Points Hurls a few nearby loose objects at the chosen target.
Animate Object 30 seconds 100 Points Causes an object to come to life and try to murder anything and everything nearby.
Raise Skeleton 60 seconds 150 Points Commands the skeleton inside a corpse to detonate out and free its brothers still trapped in the living. By murdering them. Best used in combination with Absorb Corpse, because only completely decomposed cadavers can be raised as skeletons.
Possess Object 150 seconds 300 Points Puts your consciousness inside an object for a limited time, letting you fly it around and use it to murder people, all while taunting them (somehow).
Make Poltergeist 300 seconds 600 Points Creates a portal that summons poltergeists, mischievous spirits that have some of your weaker powers need to be within range of you or the portal to stay in their form. More about them in their dedicated section.
Raise Revenant 500 seconds 1000 Points Allows you to possess a corpse and empower it as a Revenant, so you can murder people with their co-workers. Must be used on a relatively fresh corpse.


Basically, mini-wraiths. When this ability's used, it sends a prompt to all eligible Ghosts asking if they want to be a poltergeist; the criteria as same as the one for random event antags (i.e. not DNR, not logged out), but it doesn't accept dead Antagonists. Shortly thereafter, the game then randomly picks from those who accepted the offer and spawns them as a poltergeist with randomly-generated names like “Lritho the Trickster” and snazzy animations. Poltergeists are considered antagonists, and they should follow the orders of their master, the wraith that spawned them.

Poltergeists function much like wraiths. They can pass through walls and other solid objects but can't see through walls, and if they past over a salt pile, they'll get manifested. The wraith telekinesis passive is passed down to poltergeists, which allows them to move objects by click-dragging the item from one tile to another. They also get the following Wraith abilities:

Poltergeists can also click on their master to automatically follow them, still being able to use their abilities as if they were still at their anchor beacon.

Poltergeists also have one unique ability called Retreat, which will allow the poltergeist to immediately fall back to either their Wraith master or their anchor. This costs 100 WP to do.

Aside from Haunt having shorter duration, these abilities are otherwise same as the Wraith versions, i.e. same cooldown, same point cost, and same functionality. Notice they have no Raise Skeleton, no Absorb Corpse, no Possess Object, and no Raise Revenant.

If a poltergeist strays 15 tiles from the portal or 12 tiles from the Wraith that spawned them, they take damage up to 50% of their health as well as not being able to cast certain abilities. Unlike the Wraith, they can only die once; one death and they're back to being a regular Ghost.


A Revenant is a telekinetically controlled corpse-puppet used by wraiths to step their game up from dangerous pranks to full-throttle massacres. Wraiths inhabit fresh corpses to create revenants, which provide them with a physical body to interact with the world freely. This allows for a much, much broader ability to screw with the station, as a wraith can temporarily do anything a normal traitor could, like mixing up horrible concoctions at a chemistry machine or rigging giant bombs.

Revenants enjoy an increased rate of WP regeneration, stun immunity, ignore stamina penalties, lose their normal set of powers, and gain a smaller, much deadlier set while active. However, they constantly lose health and cannot be healed, so your time is limited. Visually, revenants are easily identified by their distinct sinister black aura, and upon “death”, they dissipate into black smoke.

Name Cooldown WP Cost Description
Push 30 seconds 50 Points Shoves the targeted victim or object away from you, dealing damage if they collide with something.
Mass Command 30 seconds 300 Points Like Command, only it throws a LOT more nearby objects at the target.
Shockwave 30 seconds 750 Points Emits a large shockwave that knocks people down, destroys windows, and strips the plating off nearby walls and floors.
Touch of Evil 30 seconds 1000 Points Temporarily gives you an ENORMOUS damage buff to punches, and punches knock people across the room.
Crush 60 seconds 2500 Points The target immediately collapses and begins to take a huge amount of brute damage over time as their bones crack and their body implodes. The victim explodes into gibs once this damage becomes lethal, but the process is interrupted if they are removed from your line of sight or you move (or are moved).

Wraith Weaknesses

Wraiths are slippery bastards, but like proper ghosts, have one major weakness: regular ol' table salt. Lines of salt on the ground force an incorporeal wraith that passes over them to manifest, and so can be used to protect chokepoints, force a wraith into a trap, and trip up a wraith that's not paying attention to where they're going. It should be noted, however, that salt lines can be disrupted by bungling idiots running across them, giving the wraith a chance to sneak through. Walking does not scuff up a tile full of salt. Would-be ghostbusters are well advised to lay their salt lines across walls, with redundant layers, and/or in low-traffic areas. Make sure to alert people to the importance of using the walk intent on salt while politely reprimanding those who don't listen.

In addition, Haunt heavily incentivizes manifesting near a bunch of people to get an extra infusion of WP, and a physical wraith is extremely vulnerable. They are slow, have no hands, and have only their basic powers to fight back against someone who wants them dead. Priestly exorcisms aren't necessary when a barrage of laser fire will banish a corporeal wraith very quickly.

That's not to say priestly exorcisms don't help, though! The chaplain enjoys immunity to many of a wraith's tricks, which lets them fight on even footing with an opponent that otherwise fights very dirty. Chaplains still need to rely on ambushing a wraith using Haunt or luring them over salt, but once a wraith is manifested, they can beat the bejesus out of it with their bible to banish it with the speed of lasers. They can even fight toe to toe with revenants, as they can't be Crushed, knocked or Pushed back, knocked down with Shockwave, and can use the bible to deal large amounts of damage. A wraith's best bet against a particularly relentless chaplain is to use ghostly mobility to go spook people somewhere the chaplain isn't, and failing that, take merry advantage of the fact that the chaplain's immunities don't cover them from indirect methods of attack.

Consider also whipping up several batches of formaldehyde as well. When over 25 units is injected into a body, not only will it prevent decomposition, but when a Wraith attempts to use Absorb Corpse on it the effect will fail, removing the formaldehyde from the body and making harmless white smoke. Keep in mind however that formaldehyde will not prevent a wraith taking control of a body as a revenant.

Wraiths can only survive a single banishment - going down a second time permanently puts them out of commission. To make matters worse for them, when banished, they lose all of their built-up WP and, far more cripplingly, any WP regeneration bonuses from Absorb Corpse. The consolation prize is that Absorb Corpse's cooldown is reset as well. They may not have a second chance to get as strong as their first manifestation, by sheer virtue of there being fewer usable corpses. Wraiths may want to keep one or two hidden corpses around as insurance just in case they're banished.

As for revenants, for all their horrifying power when given sufficient WP to fuel their mojo, they are still rotting corpses. They're slow and incredibly obvious, and will eventually fall apart into a pile of bones even if left alone. That said, they're still superb at murdering isolated people because of Push, Touch of Evil, and Crush and can handle small crowds with Mass Command and Shockwave. Unless you're a particularly gutsy chaplain, getting into a fistfight with a revenant is an incredibly bad idea - running away and firing lasers or buckshot wildly is a far more effective strategy. Try to get the AI to lock it down in an isolated room if possible, and pray it doesn't have the WP reserves to just blast a hole through the walls and doors anyway. When in doubt, run for your life, because anybody who gets killed by the revenant (except victims of Crush) is leaving a corpse behind that will fuel the wraith if left alone.

Wraith Tips and Strategy

Possession Quirks

Dick Moves