Table of Contents

Munitions Technician

You are a Munitions Technician. You wanted to be in charge of the big guns, but the Munitions Officer position was already taken. Or maybe you actually like working on weapons that can reduce people to their component atoms. Either way, your primary job is to load and sometimes operate the assorted weaponry available to your ship.

Bare minimum requirements: Load the guns without blowing yourself or the entire weapons array up.

Weapon Drills

In case you need a refresher on weapon safety, here are the weapons you're responsible for:

Depending on your particular assignment from the Munitions Officer, you may be tasked with serving any of these weapons, particularly if they aren't operated by the Weapons Officer or other crew; your most common task will be to reload a weapon.

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Lock and Load

The NAC Cannons are your primary responsibility, so let's dive into a quick how-to guide to loading and unloading:

Loading the NAC

Unloading the NAC

Maintaining Your Big NAC

Give me another HE!

There are many different types of ammunition you'll be using, some of which are listed here:

Shell type Damage Description
High Explosive 50+ A large shell designed to deliver a high-yield warhead upon high-speed impact with solid objects.
Smart Homing 30+ A large shell designed with maneuvering jets and a targeting computer integrated into the sabot to allow for course corrections during flight. Delivers a medium-yield warhead upon impact.
Shield Piercing 10+ A large shell containing bluespace disruptor technology that is designed to phase through shields. Delivers a low-yield warhead upon impact.
Custom-Made ??? You can receive homemade NAC rounds from your Ordnance Technician, which may be far more powerful than normal rounds or have other unique properties. Be sure to inform your MO if these are available.
Cannonball 20+ Cannonball rounds are entirely dependent on cannon speed to influence how much damage they inflict, which in turn is influenced by the amount of gunpowder (or other material) loaded into the cannon. Note that excessive amounts of powder are extremely dangerous if not handled with care.
AP Round 10+ A highly dense round focused on punching through enemy armor, this does less direct damage than a cannonball or explosive round but is more effective against heavily armored ships.

Your Munitions Officer should tell you what to load, but if nobody is giving specific orders, an HE round is generally a safe option. Just don't forget that your ammunition reserves are limited, and don't be afraid to ask!

Going through Phases

The Phase Cannon Array is fairly easy to use and operate – the Weapons Officer should be able to handle firing it – but in the event you are called upon to upgrade, maintain, or repair it, there are a few things to know:

Channeling the Ultimate Power (Beam)

The Power Beam is basically the most powerful, and often the slowest-to-charge, weapon in your arsenal. The good news is that you don't need to upgrade it to make it more destructive. Instead, you can upgrade it to make it more efficient with the awesome power you plan to feed into it.

Your Chain of Command

As a Munitions Technician, you are going to be listening to your Munitions Officer, who in turn is going to be in contact with the Weapons Officer or Command regarding what weapons to ready. Listen to their orders and do what they say; in the absence of the Munitions Officer, listen to their superiors and make them aware of any difficulties in the Munitions Bay (especially combat damage) so that they can call Engineering to assist.


Weapons Handling

“By day I load the biggest gun you'll ever see. By night I use a smaller one to carry out my wetwork.”

You are responsible for the defensive capabilities of the ship; this means that you also have access to MAC rounds, as well as experimental rounds produced by the R&D department and the massive amounts of power used to charge the Power Beam. The only big risk is that your fellow Technicians and the Munitions Officer will notice if you decide to start converting MAC rounds into a bomb, or start wiring a power sink into the Power Beam's supply wiring, or abandon your post to go chase the Clown in the middle of a firefight. You do have the advantage of not being required unless there's ship to ship combat going on (or perhaps ship-to-planet combat, if the natives are exceptionally restless), and you have a good excuse for visiting most of the departments to pick up parts or ammunition for your very big guns.