Table of Contents


Oops. Someone has left a nasty surprise in your biovat programming, and this copy of you is now a loyal employee of the Syndicate, assigned to do whatever the hell they tell you to do - you're not the one calling the shots here, friend. Time to put on your big boy pants, read up on your objectives and do whatever it takes. Or don't. It's up to you.

The Basics

After you've familiarized yourself with robusting, it’s time to start sowing discord and chaos. The first thing to note as the traitor are your objectives. They are always kept in the Notes command, and it’s a good idea to check that when a round starts because some early game spam can push your objectives off of the chat!

Your Objectives

For whatever reason you've been programmed to sell out the people you live and work with, most likely for the amusement of the Syndicate. You will be given a number of dangerous goals by your new Syndicate employer which you must complete.

Grand Theft

Congratulations, this objective is either incredibly easy or impossibly difficult. Time to get looting! You're tasked with stealing things like the Medal of Captaincy, the Captain's Antique Laser Pistol, a tank of plasma or even the goddamned AI. Generally your best bet is breaking into wherever the item is or stealing the ID of whoever has the access (off their lifeless corpse, if needs be).

Most of the items you might be tasked to steal are on the High-Risk Items list for just such reason.


You're going to be asked to retrieve a set of secret documents held by another agent on station, and that agent will be asked the same for the documents in your own bag. If all things go well, both of you will meet up and exchange your documents. If they do, you could find yourself with a traitor buddy to work with! However…

There is a small chance that either one of you could get a secret objective asking one to cheat the other guy and run off with both sets of documents. Because of this, you should think about how you want to approach the other guy. Your life could very well be in danger.

Don't forget that meeting in public is just as viable as meeting in maintenance. Provided you cover the documents in something inconspicuous like a box, being surrounded by the public eye would make a good deterrent against any funny business.

Whatever you do, make sure you CHECK THAT YOU ACTUALLY HAVE THE DOCUMENTS before you walk away. It's possible that he could have swapped out the documents in the folder with blank papers, or the box he just gave you was stuffed with a bomb.


At the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.

The good news is that if you're lucky, someone or something will off your target for you. In that case, congratulations! Sit back, lay low and avoid the tsunami of chaos.

Don't feel lucky? Wanna tip the scales in your favor? Good on ya. There's a whole smorgasbord of ways to murder someone. You can read up on that below.

However, there's just one little thing…

NovusCorp keeps comprehensive genetic scans and brainscans of its members on file, and updates them with the records taken from its ships. Presumably, the Syndicate has already replaced the brain scan on file with that of an operative more sympathetic to their needs… which means you'll have to make sure that the copy aboardship never makes it back to command to replace the modified version, and the target must still be dead when the shuttle docks - if they get recloned, even if their mind is no longer theirs, it may compromise your Syndicate objectives!


A variation of Assassination where simply preventing them from escaping (or forcing them off on a stationary planet, asteroid, etc.) will also count as a success. Gives you a little more freedom in how you want to approach it. Nine times out of ten this means killing them, since it's usually easiest, but you don't have to! Be creative! The chaos that can ensue just by letting someone's clone wreck their life is what makes this a preferred Syndicate tactic.


Another variation of Assassination, except your target will always be an AI. A little tougher than your typical target, as the AI is usually installed in a well-fortified location. It's also not as straightforward as simply uploading a law to have it kill itself, as someone can easily just walk into the AI core and restore it back to full health. You need to make absolutely sure the AI in question is irrevocably destroyed.


Good job, you dirty traitor you! Whatever your other objectives were, you have now successfully completed them! Now, the difficult part, getting off of the ship and reporting to your Syndicate overlords. There are two main ways to go about this task, dynamic and stealth. Dynamic players are going to want to cause the damage to get the shuttle called. Stealthy players are going to want to hang back and let the station tear itself to pieces. Most players will need to combine these two ways to succeed, regardless of the escape alone modifier on the escape objective. The more people on the shuttle, the greater chance some MAD BOMBER will kill you or some dude will beat you to death in a panic or some horrible admin-related fatality will occur. How you do this is up to you, but remember that one emag or three different Head of Staff IDs will reduce the timer to 10 seconds until departure.

Keep in mind that the Shuttle Brig (area of the main shuttle marked with red flooring) is designed to transport prisoners to CorpComm security. You will fail this objective if you are inside the brig when the shuttle docks at CorpComm.


FUCK. The Syndicate wants you to hijack the Escape Shuttle by escaping alone. This is going to be so much more difficult. There are two basic ways to approach this problem. The first is to simply robust anyone who tries to board the shuttle. It seems easy at first, but once you're dealing with a tide of panicked crew trying to escape the singularity/changelings/malfunctioning AI/collapsing ship/exploding ship, the problem becomes exponentially more difficult. Your second option is to seal off the escape shuttle. Build walls in front of the windows, hack the shuttle airlocks to drop the bolts and find some way to make the rest of the shuttle inhospitable. A combination of both of these approaches can be sufficient 90% of the time. Don't forget that you can emag the shuttle's console (or swipe it with three different Heads of Staff IDs) to force the shuttle to launch after a quick 10 second countdown.

If all goes well, give yourself a pat on the back, you did it! If not, try to figure out where it all went wrong and improve on that. Escaping alone can be nearly impossible depending on the crew and ship's condition. Sometimes it was not meant to be, but regardless, the only way to keep better is to have fun and continue practicing!


Exactly what the objective says. Die a glorious death, secure in the knowledge that hopefully the Syndicate will clone you (as far as 'you' know) for future operations. The key word is “glorious” – technically you can just off yourself, you disgrace to the Syndicate, but that's no fun.

Your Tools

Alright, you know your objective! Time to accomplish that goal! The good news is that the Syndicate gives you some interesting toys to help you accomplish your assignments. On your person, you will have an uplink that allows you to teleport in items that can assist you in your objective. The uplink will either be hidden in your PDA, Radio Headset, or Station Bounced Radio. With a PDA uplink, you will be given a code consisting of a phonetic alphabet letter, and a three-digit number. The Headset uplink or Station Bounced Radio can be accessed by tuning it to a specific frequency.

Check the Contraband Items page for a more detailed description on the goods you can get hold of. But don't go racing off to order those items ASAP. Although it can be useful to get items early, holding off until you need the item also has merit, so you don't waste resources on an emag you no longer need when you find the captain's spare ID on that assistant you just killed. Some items require you to pool your telecrystals with other traitors. Other items are role-specific.

If you think you're at the risk of being searched by security, and you don't think you can outrun or outfight them, a good idea is to hide your traitor items somewhere. A few options:

Illicit Access

Gaining entry to areas above your clearance is an important skill. Sometimes you're looking to loot stuff. Sometimes security or another traitor is chasing you and you need to escape them. Sometimes the AI has gone mad and has locked you in a room filling with deadly neurotoxin. A collection of ways to break into places can be found in, what else, the Guide to Illicit Access.

Murder 101

Most traitors eventually have to kill someone, regardless of objectives, and knowing the right and wrong ways to do it will make or break your mission.

General Tips & Advice


Typically the most readily available murder option. It involves a blunt object such as your fists, tools, toolboxes, stun batons or almost any other item in the game.


Another simple option. Anybody who's not handcuffed can strangle somebody.

Advanced Methods of Murder

This section covers special weapon kills and environmental circumstances that may only be available in certain parts of the ship.


Simple enough; while wearing internal gear, release toxic gases into a room with your opponent.


Killing aided by medical supplies such as toxins, morphine and rejuvenators and medication like epilepsy pills. Some of these will merely incapacitate the enemy, some will do significant damage, and enough of them can be deadly.


Simple to use and are most effective when you're directly attacking the enemy. This includes swords, axes and revolvers.


The act of forcing somebody out of an external airlock. The ones in the Escape Shuttle Hallway and Arrivals are all-access, meaning anyone can open these. Aggressive grab and throw them while they are under or in-front of the airlock.


Very dangerous and should only be used if a dramatic death is desired.

Genetic Murder

Makes up a fraction of murders, but it has its advantages.


A fairly advanced tactic, if only because it doesn't always work and is difficult to pull off correctly. Basically, you talk Security into attacking somebody for committing some kind of crime. The crime ostensibly committed can range from breaking windows to breaking faces - it doesn't matter, they'll die for it. This can be especially useful when the Security team have proven themselves incompetent and are unlikely to challenge your accusations.


Using the chef's gibber for killing personnel. Probably the best if you're the chef, but if the corpse is knocked out, the chef probably won't ask too many questions.


Using the crematorium is a must as a Chaplain traitor. You can also mass drive people if you don't want to cook them (obvious to anyone spacewalking for long).

Where to Commit Murder

Now that you've picked your method of slaying, you will need to pick somewhere to do this. Several obvious factors play into this decision:

After looking over these, you can tell where you should commit the crime. Several more specific factors play into this:

Getting Rid of the Body

Most of the methods of killing people leave behind a body (potentially) covered in evidence and more importantly able to be brought back from the dead. While the specifics of resurrection aren't important the requirements of these methods are.

So how do you actually prevent this? Most of the methods of killing people without leaving a body work on those who are already dead. Cutting someone's brain out or beheading them stops almost every method. Your common toolbox contains most of the tools you need and substitutes for the rest are in low security areas. A quick trip to cargo will get you a full set of tools or the ones you were missing, breaking a window or hopping the kitchen table will get you a knife, and breaking into the botany backroom will get you a hatchet to replace the saw. A brainless body is suspicious and bleeds everywhere so be prepared to ditch it right away. A quick disposals ride should be enough to prevent your location from being identified. You were wearing gloves, right? If you have access to body bags, you should use them. People ask a lot fewer questions about people using body bags in public. Expect to get stopped several times by assholes opening the bag and make sure it looks like you're heading for Medbay. Toss people out of the airlock at an angle, as most of the places where people check for bodies are in straight lines. Strip people of their jumpsuit if you can't dispose of them elsewhere and hide them in a locker that locks preferably to an access that is uncommon. Remember your new access is your access plus whatever your victim's access was. If all else fails, dropping a mini-bomb on the body will prevent it from coming back.

Getting Caught

Things never go that smoothly. Getting caught is a way of life as a Traitor and knowing how to get out of it is very important. And the best way to do that is to lie so much you believe yourself. Lie to everyone and everything that talks to you. Agree to any searches that won't get you busted for corpses or traitor items. Do anything to deflect the blame on to others. If you run around not saying anything dragging a locker of corpses around, you will end up dead. If you drag around that locker of corpses saying you were cleaning up maintenance and you are going to give the chef some meat, you may have a chance of not getting killed. Note that your chances of this bluff being a success is shot to nothing if you get caught with any traitor items on you. As soon as that first emag or revolver is spotted, you're getting a face full of a harm baton and then the embrace of cold steel.

Additional Notes


Alright, here's the situation. Let's say that your objectives are to kill someone, and to escape alive. Very simple, and they give you a lot of leeway in terms of the method of assassination. This means you could kill your target in a multitude of interesting and different ways! Here's a few examples:

And many more! Please note that even if you have things like steal or escape alone objectives, you can still make things fun! Try holding a hostage, or buying the escape shuttle.

Tip 1-A: Use a gimmick

Gimmicks can be the most fun you will have as an antagonist. Everything from tying your victims to a conveyor belt leading into the crusher and donning a Snidely Whiplash costume, to putting on a suit and tie, getting the admins to turn you into a skeleton, and building a disposals coaster into space (THE RIDE NEVER ENDS), to playing a murderer who hatches murder plots based on the victim's job (roboticist killed by a rogue cyborg, engineer thrown into the supermatter, assistant toolboxed to death, etc.) can be fun for all parties involved.

Tip 2: Try to avoid murderboners


Murderboning is no fun. No matter how great it might seem gunning down everyone you see, you've got to remember something. Every human you see walking around is being controlled by a real person. They probably sat down after a hard day doing whatever it is they do to play a fun game, just like you. For each little pixel character you kill off in this game, you are removing a person – just like you – from doing something they find enjoyable. This is what makes SC13 different from other games. If you die in an FPS, you pop back into existence no different from before you died. In SC13, unless the body is recovered you die semi-permanently. So please, think of who you're killing before you go on a thermal/noslip/esword frenzy.

Tip 3: Ask the admins, they're here to help you

Despite popular opinion, the admins are not just here to ban people and press buttons. They're here to help make the round interesting – just like you! Therefore, if you want to do a gimmick that you cannot pull off with the tools available, feel free to ask the admins if you can buy something using leftover TC. Some ideas: CorpComm announcements, identity changes, being changed into a whole new antag, and building materials. Another thing – if your objectives are boring, easy, or you've already completed them, you can ask for more. It's a good alternative to simply killing everything in sight if you can't think of something to do.

More Tips

Having a spare ID always helps. Assistants are a dime a dozen, so it's not a bad idea to pin one on your shirt before you go about any dirty business so your real identity is not compromised. Throw some acid on your face and acquire a voice changer from your uplink, and no one will ever be able to discover who you are! That is, unless they take your DNA or fingerprint. If you don't have that, then just wear a mask and run around as unknown, using your ID to access the doors that you need. Knowing the access each job has makes certain IDs more valuable than others and should be a priority.

Emagging welded/bolted doors causes them to close permanently, they cannot be opened and can only be destroyed, use this to your advantage when 'reserving' an escape shuttle for yourself or when hiding a powersink.

There may be other traitors on the shuttle and you may be their objective to kill. Trust nobody. Also, if the round is uneventful, the admins may create new traitors with custom objectives, some of which can be a lot of fun.

As a traitor, unless you haven't engaged in any traitorous deeds, you lack Rule 1 protection. However, you are not under the jurisdiction of Rule 1 either. Short of rape, or intentionally crashing the server, you can do whatever you please.

Even More Tips

Emag any Janiborg you can for their infinite lube reserves. They are also very effective thieves due to being able to pick up items with their trash bag. Emag one, tell it to bring you the AI Upload board and a module of your choice from the Upload Chamber, etc.

You can force the AI to call the shuttle by throwing an EMP grenade near it's core; it has only a 15% chance to do so though. Or alternatively, release the tesla which usually makes a bee-line for the AI (if you haven't given it prior prompting via a beacon…)

Store dead bodies on the Explosives Test Site. Nobody will ever find them.

Security cameras see as far as you do (7 tiles). This means that if you can't see a regular camera, it can't see you. X-ray cameras see through walls. You can differentiate the curved protrusion on the side.

Having a bomb in your backpack and setting it off while in a sleeper, will blow up the sleeper, but leave you perfectly unharmed.

If you inject a good power cell with plasma, it'll explode and create a hole in space when it is used for anything. Light switches can be used to sabotage a room if you inject plasma into the light bulbs. Also works if there is a power outage.

An emagged Medibot will flat out murder anyone who stands still. Good combo with an emagged Beepsky.

When you take something from your bag, or put something in it, it creates a message that everyone around you gets. How far this message goes depends on the size of your item. Here's a cheat sheet:

This also means that only the people next to you can see what you put into your box, as the box uses the same code as the bag. There are also a few exceptions, like the e-bow, that don't show any message at all.

Fake Mustaches conceal your identity as well as a gas mask or helmet.

An agent card, which can be used to make you untrackable by the AI, can also scan other IDs to copy their access, producing no special message for spectators: you can do it pretty much anywhere in full view of everyone. Have fun standing in the HoP's line by queuing up behind someone with large amounts of access and copying that access on the diagonal while the ID is placed on the table. Also scanning two cards with an agent card gives the agent card the permissions of both, you can create a ghetto captains ID with a few low level ID's you just find laying around.

If you grab someone and use them on a open toilet, you can suffocate them via drowning them via swirly if the toilet is open. If it is closed, it slams the affected person into the toilet seat.

The chameleon projector can be used to dodge shots; just run with it in your hand and spam it to have bolts go over you.

A hilariously effective use of the cham projector is something slippery, like the clown's PDA or a banana peel. WILD CLOWN MATERIALIZES.

You can't drag items that are people with cham projectors on, giving you a way to check an item without immediately sending the cloaker into a panic.

Floorbots won't try to collect people disguised as floor tiles or metal.

While pretending to be an item you can move out of closets without opening them. This is useful if you've accidentally been locked in a closet while disguised.

Pretending to be an item in space gives you perfect movement, but you'll still die of exposure if you're not prepared.

If you ghost your catatonic body will remain cloaked.

You can cloak as things in the holodeck and use them elsewhere on the station, no one ever suspects the beachball.

You can wrench apart a table or rack and rebuild it under you and disguise for a more convincing ploy.

Item cloaked people are immune to the mass driver.

Hiding as an item in a doorway will let the door close harmlessly on you, giving total concealment.

Buy an uplink implant; if you get brigged buy a projector and inspire the wild goose chase of the century as you hide there. If sec is being meta they'll probably assume there's a cult about due to the lack of evidence of any escape route besides a straight up teleport.

Glass shards can be “prepared” to be 15 damage pocket-fitting weapons:

No-Slip syndie shoes are the most cost effective thing you can possibly buy, and probably the most powerful thing you can purchase.

You can change the timer on C4 to be extremely high, it tops out at 60000 seconds (1000 minutes = 16.7 hours). Scare the ba-jesus out of someone by planting irremovable C4 that will probably never detonate or hang a live explosive on your wall for a stylish conversation piece.

The entirety of Disposals can easily be routed into space in certain maint areas, and you need only stun and drag people to a disposal bin to instantly kill them. Disposals can be a very potent weapon if used correctly, and there are plenty of correct ways. You just need to find them.

Putting a tracking beacon in space makes the hand teleporter a instantly lethal weapon instead of a convenience.

A banana peel slip is long enough to quickchoke someone…. not as devastating as it once was, but they'll be down for the count unless someone assists them.

Targeting the eyes with a flashlight and attacking someone with it will cause their screen to flash white for a moment… This works on cyborgs as well, and can be used to blind and seriously inconvenience them if you don't have access to a flash and have someone to assist you in beating them to death.

Lockers do not protect from space and atmosphere. So stun-locker-weld-space is a valid strategy.

When security is chasing you, occasionally do a 180° and sprint back past them. If they’re space lagging enough, they won’t see you run by. This is especially effective if you’re being chased by the dreaded security mob, mainly because such mobs have a pack mentality. If you manage to throw off one officer, chances are good someone will follow him as well. Also, unless they are right on your ass, close doors you go through and open doors you don’t. People will chase open doors if they lose a visual on you. Also, tasers can’t go through doors and you can’t open a door during its closing animation, which can give you another extra second to duck into a maintenance tunnel.

There's an ID console near arrivals. If you get all-access when you really shouldn't, you should use this to make extra ID's to stash somewhere for when Sec inevitably takes your original ID.

Shooting syringes of black slime juice works and will turn the person into a slime. Combine this with that one icy reagent or a docility potion and bam, you just murdered someone.

Diamond drills can break through r-walls in record time.

Have an agent ID and a voice-changer mask? Why not use it to make that guy you murdered blame somebody else! Or, make him say he's committing suicide! HoP traitors (or equivalent) with a voice changer can impersonate anyone they want without even having to buy an Agent ID, all from the comfort of his or her own office or even they're own escape pod.

You should hide off cameras when impersonating someone with a non-Agent ID, as the AI can track you.

You can always turn that Box of Spare IDs into a Box of Fake IDs, find a nice place in maint….

If you ever need a place to hide something make a false wall to the balloons secret spot and put the stuff into that area to get later when the heat has died down. All you need to worry about is some-body wanting a balloon and finds a ton of weapons or something else instead. For extra points use the secret spot right by sec for the irony if they ever find out. ADDED: You can also use the little construction area next to security if you don't mind a little damage. Few people check there unless there happens to be a powersink/hidden comms console.

NOBODY expects freedom implants.

You can delete your fingerprints from the security records. It's better to re-forge them or swap them with someone else's however.

Nobody checks the lockers in the locker room. Like, ever. And you need a fairly high level of ID to open lockers that aren't already coded to a specific PDA, so no worries about Joe Schmoe Assistant running in and stealing your hand tele.

Emagging a comms console with captain access allows you to contact the syndicate. If the Gods are feeling kind, you can Use this to demand new objectives, which they will often give you more telecrystals to help you do this.

E-swords and circular saws can be used to make sawn-offs. Eswords can also cut cakes, pizzas and light cigars.

You can get out of package wrapped lockers by resisting out of them.

Spaced bodies can husk, but it's not terribly quick. Burned bodies husk much better.

You can free people from perma without using space. ADDED: If you go through brig maint, get through the window and grill near where they keep Sec's atmospheric canisters. Walk up near evidence, cut down the evidence R-wall, Go over to the wall that is behind the table in perma, make it into a hidden wall. Wrench the table and Tada! Sneak in and out of perma while only having to worry about the AI!

The AI cannot examine anything except things it can see in its chamber. It can take pictures of you to see what's in your hand however.

You can uncuff yourself while in a disposal unit.

You can strip someone's pockets without a message appearing, if they don't move during it, otherwise they'll get a message that says their pockets are being touched.

You can take out a combat mech with just an axe if you circle it well enough. Since they turn around slowly and must face you to fire, they can't do shit. The only issue is getting close enough. Also, if you intend to give someone a combat mech (not yourself) stick on a bunch of mech beacons and build yourself an exosuit computer. If they start to rampage, EMP all the beacons and ruin their mech. Then laugh at them and smash their face in real good.

Every PDA holds a pen by default. Remove it and store your sleepy pen/e-daggers there if you take it. No one carries pens in their bag.

Are you a traitorous sort lucky enough to have HoP-level access? Don't want security on you? CLOSE THE POSITIONS. An understaffed security team is a shit security team.

Latex gloves don't stop you from leaving your fingerprints everywhere. They leave partial prints.

Strapping a man to a chair while throwing floor tiles at him, is a surprisingly quick death on his part.

If your objective is to steal the nuke disk, steal the pinpointer as well. The reason should be self-evident.

The suspicious toolbox does fifteen damage instead of ten, making it as strong as a circular saw or a null rod.

Borgs are always stunned by flashes, but the amount of time they're stunned varies.

Grenades can be activated from backpack with mousetraps.

Suit Storage Units can hold any type of space suit, even hardsuits. You can hide bodies in them and nobody will ever think of checking there. You can even hack SSUs to burn somebody to a crisp.

The nuke blocks projectiles.

Black gloves are fireproof. That means you can take whatever lights you want without getting burned. They also half the damage you take from electric shocks.

Pulse rifles can actually break tables, racks, girders, and pretty much anything, provided you aim at it with your mouse. Except airlocks. But if you have a pulse rifle chances are airlocks won't matter for you.

EMPs silence headsets.

You can dip a cig in anything. Dip a cigar in plasma, the person who lights it will be gibbed (normal cigs won't do as much damage).

Reverse pickpocketing doesn't produce a message for people you try it on (unless it fails). You can reverse pickpocket minibombs onto people. You can start the timer on the minibomb after you start the pickpocket attempt but before it's actually placed. At point blank range, the minibomb gibs provided the target has no protection. Go forth and explode pants.

You can make an improvised explosive (IED) with basic materials. What you'll need:

Got perma access? Try to slip a fully loaded toolbox in perma bathroom or hide an emag inside of the back of the toilet.

You don't need to steal the blueprints to complete your objective, you can instead take a picture of it and it will count as successfully stealing it.

“Steal plasma” is just the most easy objective; Grab a emergency O2 tank or an air tank, stuff it in a public scrubber until it's empty. Grab 10 sheets of metal, go to incinerator, make canister, attach canister to port, activate plasma valve, stuff tank into can, set pressure to max, open, wait, close, remove, win/die because you used it for internals.

EMPing a cloning pod turns the clone into a slurry of blood and meat chunks. In case you've got access to ground iron and uranium and REALLY need the guy getting cloned to not get cloned.

Simply changing your hairstyle can be enough to throw security off your trail if they only caught a glimpse of you. Especially if you have hair that really stands out.

A strategy to win Cuban Pete:

RIG suits can carry a Jetpack in its Suit Slot, it still needs to be on your back to work, however you can carry it around without anyone seeing.

Exo nuclear reactor radiation hits targets in 8 tile radius, get three exonuclear reactors for becoming walking radioactive catastrophe! Don't forget radiation suit, of course.

If you're looking to hijack a shuttle and have spare space in your inventory, the fastest way to lock people out long enough to emag it without warning is to drop two reinforced tables in one airlock passage just before it docks after bolt-nolight-emagging the other airlock passage(s). Results may vary in places with more than 2-3 doors. ADDED: Five out of Five robusters agree - The surest way to escape alone is preventing anyone from boarding and emagging the console. Murderboning never works, and subverting the AI relies on the AI not being shit - Inconsistent & risky.

Tip: Bullets pass through windows, but not Grilles. Lasers and disablers pass through windows and grilles. Electrodes are blocked by both windows and grilles.

You can shoot a window with a laser (I.e, Click the window) to shoot at the window, rather than through the window. Doing this is faster than almost every other method, comparable in speed to deconstruction.

You can steal flashes from mounted flashers by using wirecutters. This will disable the flasher until a replacement flash is installed.

You can destroy canisters by attacking them. Usually I'll use a welder, which also lights the plasma on fire after it escapes. Very useful for traitoring. It's stupidly easy to escape alone just by releasing some plasma at escape a few minutes before the shuttle arrives. Also fire will destroy canisters the same way, so a fire in Toxins storage is REALLY bad. ADDED: Keep in mind that it doesn't destroy then release the plasma. It'll actually explode like a small bomb. So if you're trying to make an inferno, let the can empty THEN light it, so you don't put your own fire out with vacuum.

Bombing/deconstructing the engineering SMESes will almost always result in the engine becoming loose or failing in short order.

Spraying someone with welder fuel or alcohol on someone who's smoking a cigarette/cigar will set them on fire. Same applies to lit welders. Especially awesome since unlike other methods for setting someone on fire, spraying does not show in the chatbox and it can be done from quite a few tiles away, or with unexpected items like pepper spray. ADDED: It also works with a active esword, as a poor antag found out once.

You only need maint access to make single tank bombs, on any map. Get a large airtank, any igniter assembly, a wrench and a welder. Remove the air in the airtank with an airpump, then add some plasma and oxygen from the incinerator room(may need some pipe re-wrenching depending on the map), add a hot gas, then attach the igniter assembly and weld a hole in the bomb. Experiment with the mix, I've seen 1,2,4 sized explosions (which is syndicate minibomb size) but I am sure you can make even bigger ones.

Double Agents?

So you're a double agent. This mode functions a bit differently from normal Traitor in that you are assigned another double agent to kill! However, this means that there's also a double agent out to kill YOU! You need to kill a double agent while not being killed yourself. Some uplink items, like the bomb, are unavailable in this mode. You, of course, won't be told it's a Double Agent round…

Ninja Jump to navigationJump to search ELITE STAFF Ninja Ninja Access: Maintenance/whatever you teleport into. Qualifications: Not defined Employers: Not defined Supervisors: You make this up. Duties: Come up with your objectives fitting for a high-tech ninja. Some of the faction-specific suits below will assist you in your story. Guides: None. Extended skillset - You aren't held to conventional standards on skills. However, make it believable.

Overview If you are reading this, congratulations! You have been chosen to become a 25th-century agent worthy of the title “ninja”. You spawn in as a high-tech ninja that can be equipped with high-tech gadgets that you order through your uplink under the Infiltration items section!

The Way of Ninja Introduction to the RIG The hardsuit is a RIG. RIGs are specialized suits that can equip specialized modules depending on the model and have the ability to retract and deploy from certain body parts to facilitate utilizing these modules while wearing other things. Generally, when utilizing the stealth suit, it’s a bad idea to retract the majority of these pieces without good reason as you can easily be found in hostile environments or situations at any point. RIGs ingame have two states; off, and on. When off, none of the modules can be utilized, the RIG is not airtight, and none of the armor is in place. On top of this, your vision is limited and you move quite slowly. This leaves you vulnerable while taking it off or putting it on to apply new modules, so make sure you’ve got everything you need first before you depart to the station.

The RIG modules can be seen in the “Hardsuit Modules” tab at the top right, and the RIG system controls are in their own independent hardsuit tab adjacent.

Operating The Suit Your ID card has specific access required to unlock your suit and open it. Use the ID on your suit while it’s on the ground and the crowbar on it to open the panel. From this point, screwdrivers can be used to remove certain modules or the cell. Modules can’t be removed while it is worn, but the cell can - this is very important for replacing your cell in the event you are stuck without power.

Important note: You should absolutely mess with your hardsuit activation settings. This can be found in the preferences tab, and most people leave it on middle-click. Whatever you press for this will activate any modules you have. For example, if you’ve got a laser gun in your hardsuit, middle clicking on that assistant will shoot it at them, but only when it specifically is selected. You can activate static modules that do not have a target this way as well, or utilize other things like chemical injectors to quickly inject folks with medications.

Suit Module list Your default RIG modules are perhaps your most useful assets. Here’s brief descriptions followed by much more complicated ones of each default module you start with in the stealth suit.

VOID-shift Bluespace Phase Projector An in-built, targeted teleporter. Place your mouse over a tile you have vision over and use your hardsuit activation key, and it will permit you to teleport instantaneously to it, given there’s no solid objects to intercede with it. Countered by bluespace inhibitors found in the vault, the armory, the station authentication terminal, and the station’s AI core. Do not attempt to teleport into these locations unless the inhibitors are destroyed, or you will explode.

Long description: It’s your most powerful tool. With stable power incoming, like quickly switching cells or using the emergency power generator, you can effectively outrun any conceivable force in the game with this thing outside of an angry wizard. You are capable of grappling people and utilizing it to teleport them into objects, instantly exploding one of their limbs. You can teleport through walls once every five seconds. If it’s in your vision and nothing is on the tile, you can instantly be there, and many people underestimate how absurd this power truly is. This is most commonly utilized to run away or baffle security, but it is very important to realize how this pretty much gives you absolute power over any given situation unless you willingly throw yourself into a trap. Without covering the full extent of what you can synergize with this, the best piece of advice I can share is that this is your best way to involve as many people as possible. It also gives you the ability to pick and choose your fights. For example, if a specific officer is hindering your story and you think it’s best to remove them from the situation, a mixture of force gloves to instantly grab and a quick teleport to some area far away always helps. Alternatively just doing the good old teleporting behind and utilizing weapons found in the uplink, or your wit to incapacitate or kill them in some way. There are many items in the game that can instantly incapacitate individuals from close range available to antagonists, especially ninjas - their downfall being that you must be adjacent to the target in question. With your teleporter, this is obviously not an issue.

It takes quick hands and good reflexes to pull off more complicated stuff, but once you play the role a couple times, you can do amazing things with this device.

Optical Scanners A very useful asset as it comes with thermals. Use “Enable Visor” to activate, and cycle to “thermals.” For best results, mix with meson goggles worn on the eyes. It’s a trick most people use to see through walls and teleport to targets directly and precisely.

Long description: Way stronger than most people believe. Few antagonists ingame have access to outright thermal vision, and using it is a great way to get control over a narrative. NVGs and mesons are available as well in the situation you’re somehow unable to get normal meson goggles for your eyes beneath the visor. Voice Synthesizer A strangely under-utilized tool that you’d really expect to be used more. It’s exactly what you’d think - just a simple voice changer that requires your helmet deployed to use. It’s incredibly simple to utilize. The menu itself is blatantly clear in what it means. All you have to do is press the “configure synthesizer” button.

Integrated Intelligence System A module you can shove AIs, pAIs, and positronics into. To use it, press “enable dataspike,” and make sure your gauntlets are deployed. Then, simply pick up or switch the hands onto the AI.

Long description: If AI control is toggled, it allows the synthetic to control your hardsuit for you! This usually isn’t very useful, but it’s cool as hell and is amazingly powerful when you’re incapacitated. When you are incapacitated, your AI can continue fighting in the suit while your body serves as the support, or run away and let you heal. This consumes an absolutely ridiculous amount of power, so while the AI can kick ass for you, it won’t be for long. Modules like the emergency power generator coupled with the powersink allow the AI to survive a little longer. Unfortunately this does not make you invincible, but even in death, don’t worry - your corpse is still plentiful support for the AI to defeat your enemies. Dead Man’s Switch A really, really powerful bomb. Guaranteed to leave nothing behind. Detonates the instant you die, or when triggered.

Long description: This is the only module that can’t be removed from the stealth suit. It vaporizes you and your hardsuit and blows individuals up to a few tiles away into bits. This is generally something you can’t control, but try to avoid using the “succumb” verb early so as to avoid decimating a crowd of people with it. Or do, if they deserve it. Oddly, hardsuit module placement on the menu places them in strange positions and the most common buttons you’ll be pressing are literally directly adjacent to the dead man’s switch “BIG BOOM” button. This means, in using the suit, desperately avoid instantly pressing “yes” on prompts - one of them might just make you explode. Leg Actuators Your discount magboots. Permits you to scale z-levels and survive falls from any altitude.

Long description: Very simple, permits a targeted leap and protects against unexpected falls. Leave these enabled 100% of the time. In the event you’re hit by an EMP, make sure to re-enable them first. These will undoubtedly save your life. To jump up Z-levels, try leaping on the tile you’re standing on. You can’t leap directly up, but you can leap onto a ledge if it’s one tile ahead of where you’re facing, and one level above. In a desperate escape, these will prevent you to fling yourself off the asteroid to prevent being chased. Uplink Suit Modules You can access new modules by going to the “infiltration items” tab in the “request items” category of the infiltrator uplink you should have available. These range from being just as useful as your default modules to being very situational.

Energy Blade and Dart Launcher (4TC) One of the strongest melee weapons in the game. Armor penetration, VERY high brute, and a built-in dart launcher that instantly stuns unarmored targets on hit.

Long description: Really power consuming, so only use it when you absolutely need it. It’s useful for cutting through walls, people, windows and more, and when paired with force gloves, it can be turned into an instant-kill device against any armor in the game. The possibilities are really endless. Keep in mind that, while utilizing it, middle click becomes your ability to shoot darts. They’re ultimately useless against armored targets but they give minor toxins. When spammed, they can be rather awful to deal with. You can keep this dart launcher selected by selecting the energy blade projector, but you don’t have to project a blade. Switching off of the selection of the blade will not retract it, so don’t worry about that. Try to understand that, paired with teleporting, you can pretty much target and instantly kill anybody in the game with this device. It is absolutely a bad idea to abuse it without very good reason, especially if you’re robust enough to bring multiple folks down with it. The blade also has a high chance to deflect incoming projectiles passively, and reflect lasers (sometimes back at whoever fired them!).

Stealth Field (5TC) A very useful tool if you get your hands on a higher capacity power cell. When activated, you become invisible to normal detection means and the naked eye. Super important: utilizing any hardsuit modules instantly decloaks you. When you decloak, there’s quite a loud noise as well, so try to be careful!

Long description: It’s a staple of ninjas! Some important notes follow. Idle glows like the IPC screen lighting and meson goggles, as well as flashlights will still project when cloaked, so avoid using those when you intend to cloak. Attacking and firing guns does not decloak you (though it should), and is once again overpowered especially when combined with things like the blade. Grenade Launcher (5TC) Very strong in the right hands. Comes with three flashbangs, three EMP grenades, and three smoke bombs. While the smoke bombs are pretty ineffective due to silly lighting and directional vision systems, they’re good for confusing crowds. Flashbangs are very strong area-of-effect stuns that are diminished by bigger, better armor, with REALLY heavy armor being completely immune to them. EMP grenades are good for disarming security in a rush. Don’t get caught in the blast, though.

Long description: Flashbangs are good for getting out of sticky situations and can be quickly, easily reloaded by popping open your hardsuit and just clicking on it with the grenade in hand. EMP grenades are a different story, and you’ll need quick reflexes to get out of the AOE in time - usually utilizing your teleporter to do so safely. Otherwise, without EMP prevention, you probably will lose at least one module to the EMP’s damage, if not more. Be cautious of where you send EMP grenades flying, as one misfire or silly move can easily take several IPCs, cyborgs, or people with augments out of the round. On the other hand, it’s good for instantly killing robots, draining an entire security force’s energy weapons, batons, tasers, disabling APCs, disabling lights, sparking lockdowns, shocking doors, and more. If someone has NVGs or thermals, EMP grenades temporarily blind them as well. EMP grenades are VERY large radius, taking up your entire screen’s worth of tiles. The inner four or so tiles are affected by a “strong” EMP, which does a ton of damage to mechanical things. The outer tiles are “weak” EMP, which has very diminished effects. For mechanical hearts, any sort of EMP is an instantaneous death. Try to know your targets as best you can before throwing these around with that in mind.

EMAG Hand Module (1TC) A limited use cryptographic sequencer in the gauntlets. Good for messing with machinery, but with your ability to teleport, not much else.

Long description: Not the most useful thing practically, but in the event you need more uses than a normal cryptographic sequencer for less TC, this is a good pick. Cryptographic sequencers unlock various secrets in machinery, like giving ED209s lasers, and permitting command consoles to call an unknown, mysterious force… Emergency Power Generator (2TC) Amazing source of power income, especially when paired with the powersink. Rapidly injects around 1,000 power into your suit instantly upon activation, and recharges in about 30 seconds.

Long description: It may as well be a default module with how useful it is. You’re able to sustain teleporting every few seconds nigh infinitely with this utility, and become a true speedster zooming around everywhere with no regard for your own suit’s power. At higher cell capacities, you’re no less than a God in tight spandex. Energy Net (3TC) It’s a ranged immobilizer which can instantly put a stop to any mob for no less than a second or two before they’re able to claw their way out. Against someone without sharp items, however, this is drastically increased. Lets you create sitting ducks for very little effort!

Long description: Good for hostage taking, dramatic effect, and especially capture gimmicks. You can produce a hand-held net that has less accuracy but fits in your hand, to combo with your hardsuit net projector, ensuring your target doesn’t escape. Active EMP Shielding (1TC) As the name implies, it’s a toggleable EMP shield that prevents the RIG from taking EMP damage. It does not protect IPCs or prosthetics from EMP damage.

Long description: Fantastic if you’ve got no prosthetics or aren’t an IPC. Toggle it on, and you won’t have to worry about ion rifles or EMP grenades in engagements, as all incoming EMP damage is nullified entirely. It is very power consuming - so be certain you’re able to end a fight fast or get the heck out. Large cells obviously help this a lot. Power Sink (2TC) A decent source of power if you’re unable to get the emergency power generator. Very loud, very slow, very risky. To use it, keep gauntlets deployed and click on an APC or a revealed wire. Ensure it’s got power connected or it won’t work!

Long description: Really, really slow and generally ineffective. Barely sustains, if at all, any form of ninja moves you can pull across the station. Taking this is either a bad omen or a sign that the user is playing on hard mode. It is very loud, making high-pitched sparking noises audible up to a full screen’s worth of tiles away as long as it’s active. Matter Fabricator (3TC) Makes shurikens in whatever hand you have active, which can then be thrown. Using the hardsuit activation key with it selected fires a star as well.

Long description: Scary robust in the right hands. It’s able to pin mobs of any shape or size to walls, making it hilarious and effective against heavily armored opponents. They also get stuck in the flesh, and act as very good shrapnel equivalents. Combat Injector (2TC) A strong module that, when activated, injects you with ten units of various ridiculous combat stimulants. Generally ensures you literally never go down until you’re dead, or out of chems.

Long description: A must for any prolonged plan where you can expect to get shot, a lot. This has four chemicals loaded into it, being- Synaptizine - A stimulant that increases endurance, allowing you to shrug off paralyzing stuns and run indefinitely so long as it’s in your veins. Hyperzine - A stimulant that makes you go extremely fast, increases your stun resistance, and makes you really hungry. Oxycodone - The most powerful painkiller in the game, it’ll keep you standing until somewhere around 180 damage or so, which is 20 short of total death. You’re dead at that point most of the time anyway. Glucose - Basically replenishes blood, really, really quickly. It’s iron, but better. Chemical Injector (1TC)

A variant of the combat injector which can be selected and must be targeted with hardsuit activation keys and the mouse to work. Generally has a higher reserve of chemicals and focuses on actually healing damage, rather than ignoring it.

Long description: Even better for long-term shootouts than the combat injector. This has nine reloadable chemicals loaded into it, being-

Tricordrazine - A moderate fix-all which cures burn and brute damage at a decent pace. Mends bleeding, given time. Tramadol - A decent painkiller. Won’t keep you up long in a firefight, but will definitely let you shrug off an extra laser blast or two. Dexalin plus - Instantly cures all oxygen damage upon a single injection. Good for sustaining yourself in the event you’ve accidentally popped your lungs or have lost a lot of blood. Thetamycin - If you have an open wound for a while, injecting thirty units or more of this will stop infections and kill any you may have. It’s great for stopping infections from pesky lasers. Anti-toxin - Exactly what the name says. Removes toxins rather slowly but surely. Glucose - Basically replenishes blood, really, really quickly. It’s iron, but better. Potassium hydrophosphate - Nutriment, in injector form. Yum. Hyronalin - This cures the majority of the effects of radiation rather quickly. Considering your suit is entirely immune to it, this may be useless in most scenarios. Radium - Not good for you, but can produce antibodies for diseases in high quantities. SpaceNinja.pngStealth Suit: All modules in the Infiltration Items section can be installed in the hardsuit. All species except Diona can wear this suit.

All of the following modules are installed into this suit by default.

Optical Scanners(Thermal,Nightvision) Voice synthesiser Niling D-sink VOID-shift bluespace projector(Teleporting around) Electrowarfare system (disrupts AI tracking) Integrated intelligence system(pAI slot) Advanced door hacking tool Contact datajack Integrated chemical dispenser Combat leg actuators Additional equipment given: 9MM w/silencer, 2 9MM magazines Free Solarian Fleet Squad.png Solarian Marine: No modules in the Infiltration items section can be installed in the hardsuit. Human only. Not insulated.

Maneuvering jets Thermal scanner Integrated frag grenade launcher(3), Integrated intelligence system, Niling d-sink Combat chem dispenser Mounted chem injector Mounted drill Combat leg actuators Advanced dooor hacking tool Additional equipment given: sol marine fatigues, service pistol(9mm), brown holster, 2 9mm magazines Gunslinger.png Coalition Gunslinger: Only three modules can be installed the grenade launcher and both chem dispensers. Human only. Not insulated.

Thermal Scanner Combat leg actuators Mounted laser cannon Maneuvering jets Mounted drill Mounted taser Advanced door hacking tool Energy net launcher Additional equipment given: Brown holster, revolver in .308 caliber, 2 .308 speed loaders.

Strikesuit.png Eridani Strikesuit: Only three modules can be installed the grenade launcher and both chem dispensers. Human only. Not insulated.

Night vision Combat leg actuators Maneuvering jets Energy net launcher Niling d-sink Mounted energy gun(you can configure this between lethal and nonlethal) Combat chem dispenser Mounted chem injector Advanced door hacking tool Mounted drill Additional equipment given: automatic .45 pistol, 2 extended .45 mags , brown holster Jinxiang.png Jinxiang Combat Pattern: Only three modules can be installed the grenade launcher and both chem dispensers. Human only. Not insulated.

Integrated intelligence system (Interesting conclusion Dominian) Thermal scanner Combat leg actuators Maneuvering jets Energy net launcher Niling d-sink Advanced door hacking tool Spider fang blade Additional equipment given: 10mm auto-pistol, 1 10mm magazine, dominian energy shield, dominian cutlass Elyrarig.png Elyran Battlesuit: Only three modules can be installed the grenade launcher and both chem dispensers. Human only. Not insulated.

Integrated intelligence system Thermal scanner Combat leg actuators Maneuvering jets Energy net launcher Niling d-sink Advanced door hacking tool Mounted plasma cannon Additional equipment given: plasma shotgun, two plasma magazines. Cyberwarfare suit.png Cyberwarfare Suit: All modules except the grenade launcher and mounted chemical injector can be installed in this hardsuit. All species except Vaurca and Diona can use this suit.

Integrated intelligence system Niling d-sink Contact datajack Electrowarfare system Voice synthesiser Optical scanners(thermal,night vision) VOID-shift bluespace projector(Teleporting around) Combat leg actuators Advanced door hacking tool Additional equipment given: brown holster, energy crossbow(big one), xray laser pistol Technoconglomerate suit.png Techno-Conglomerate: All modules in the Infiltration Items section can be installed in this hardsuit. Human only. Not insulated.

Vitals tracker Chem dispenser Combat leg actuators Energy net launcher Combat chem dispenser Advanced door hacking tool Mounted xray laser gun Additional equipment given: 9mm pistol , 2 9mm magazines, brown holster Crimson suit.png Crimson Hardsuit: All modules in the Infiltration Items section can be installed in this hardsuit. All species except Vaurca and Diona can use this suit.

Mounted laser cannon Thermal scanner Integrated grenade launcher 3x flashbang,smoke,emp Integrated intelligence system Niling d-sink Advanced door hacking tool Electrowarfare system Combat chem dispesner Energy net launcher Combat leg actuators Rhinosuit.png Rhino suit: All modules in the Infiltration Items section can be installed in this hardsuit. All species except Vaurca and Diona can use this suit.

Mounted laser cannon Niling d-sink Combat chem dispenser Energy net launcher Advanced door hacking tool Combat leg actuators Additional equipment given: Assault rifle, 9mm pistol, 1 7.62 magazine, 2 9mm magazines. PRA suit.png Tesla suit: Only three modules can be installed the grenade launcher and both chem dispensers. Only Tajarans can use this suit. (It is also PRA tied)

Combat leg actuators Thermal scanner Mounted tesla coil(ouch) Mounted tesla carbine(smaller ouch) Additional equipment given: adhomai service pistol, 2 9mm magazines, brown holster, augment implanter Breachersuit.png Unathi breacher /Authentic/: Only three modules can be installed the grenade launcher and both chem dispensers. Only Unathi can wear this suit.

Thermal scanner Combat chem dispenser Mounted drill Advanced door hacking tool Additional equipment given: hegemony energy pistol(Incapacitate and Smite setting) Tips Avoid combat if you can. You're the only antag, and you can't do easily surgery on yourself. If you get internal bleeding because of a lethal shotgun slug, you're screwed. Luckily, your ninja hardsuit braces bone breaks and fractures. Have a backup plan in case you run out of power. Keep a battery in your suit storage if you can. You can switch batteries while still wearing your hardsuit, by unlocking it from “Hardsuit Interface”, then crowbarring and screwdrivering to remove the old battery. Don't be afraid of using guns and other traditional antag methods. Ninja powers are scary and can take a lot of getting used to, but you've probably had a chance to learn how to use a gun before. If you break into the armoury and steal all the stuff, don't be afraid to keep a gun for yourself. Remember to RP your kills as much as you can. If you have a single person at swordpoint in maintenance then you can afford to roleplay a lot before you kill them, but if security is chasing you then nobody's going to blame you for fighting back without emoting first. On that note, however, if you're in a combat situation and can't emote, try not to kill them either. Aim for the chest or legs instead of the head, and you'll be fine. Stealing the captain's (spare) ID will help you immensely in the long run. Or using a net on the Captain or HoP and forcing them to give you their ID. Get a toolbelt from maintenance or engineering, find a toolbox and fill the belt. Sometimes some engineers learn the wires and post them in the breakroom. A crowbar will let you recharge outside maintenance. A t-ray may be useful if you can't remember where wires are. If science exists, wait awhile, then go to RnD, print the biggest cell you can, then find a safe place to upgrade your powercell. Your suit lets you store any gun in your exosuit slot, including large ones such as Ion Rifles, LWAPs, and Bulldogs. Grenades can be reloaded by shoving them into the suit module while it's open. The same is true for chemicals. You can subvert the AI while cloaked. A subverted AI inside your suit can save your life, if given access to your suit. For example, if you get critted, the AI can teleport you out and then inject medicine. There is a risk of the AI killing you if it gets reset, however, as you have radium in your suit. Substations are a nice hiding place to recharge. Just keep the thermals on.