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Terror Spiders

Terror Spiders are the result of a Syndicate experiment that combined giant space spider and Xenomorph DNA.

Like Xenomorphs, they are intelligent, and form a hive that acts aggressively against humanoids in the area. They also travel through vents.

Like giant space spiders, they tend to wrap things in webs, drink human blood, and multiply by laying eggs that hatch into spiderlings.

They tend to be extremely strong in melee, but weak to ranged weapons. For special attacks, they tend to use a variety of deadly poisons, delivered by biting their targets.

Terror spider infestations come in various types. As a general rule, the higher the tier (see below) of the spiders that start the infestation, the more dangerous the infestation is.

Terror Spider Types

Type Role Notes Web Type Opens Powered Doors Breaks Walls
Tier 1: Soldiers
Red Terror Juggernaut / Assault High health, high melee damage, but very slow speed. Does more damage the lower its health is. Capable of robusting several crew at once. Strong (more HP) Yes No
Gray Terror Ambusher Semi-invisible when standing on webs. Double damage against webbed targets. Stealthy (spun faster, hard to see) No No
Green Terror Breeding Drinks the blood of its victims, then lays clutches of eggs that hatch into more spiders. Slimy (causes blurry vision) No No
Tier 2: Specialists
Black Terror Poisoner Uses hit-and-run attacks, and incredibly lethal venom. Anyone bitten by this must get immediate toxins treatment, or they will die. Dark (causes poison) No No
White Terror Infector Injects spider eggs into your body. Unless removed, you will become confused, and up to 5 spiderlings (gray, red, brown, green, green) will burst out of your skin over time. Infested (causes egg infection) No No
Purple Terror Nest Guard A variant of the red, they are stronger, move faster, and spin thick webs that block humanoid vision. Often use ambush tactics to guard queen nests. Can't be away from the queen/princess too long, or their hivemind link will break, and they will die. Thick (blocks vision, more HP) Yes Yes
Brown Terror Breacher Tears open vents and scrubbers that have been welded shut. Makes a sound like bending metal when it does this. Weak in direct combat. Used to breach rooms/areas for other spiders to attack. No web Yes Yes
Tier 3: Minibosses
Prince of Terror Slaughter An organic tank. It hits hard, moves fast and can absorb an incredible amount of damage. It can use its vision-blocking webs to create deadly ambushes, too. Thick (blocks vision, more HP) Yes Yes
Princess of Terror Mini Queen A mini-queen. Like a Queen, lays eggs over time, and never needs to feed. Unlike a Queen, is much weaker at both combat and egg-laying, can always ventcrawl, and appears in groups. Airtight (blocks atmos) Yes No
Mother of Terror Incubator/Medic A support caste that helps protect and relocate spiderlings. By keeping spiderlings alive, more will grow up into adult spiders. Can also produce Royal Jelly, which other spiders can eat for a health boost. Mother (blocks spiderlings) Yes No
Tier 4: Bosses
Queen of Terror Hive Queen Produces spider eggs at an ever-increasing rate. Directs the brood. Spits acid that cuts through metal like butter. Exterminates non-spider life. Airtight (blocks atmos) Yes Yes

Fighting Them

Basic Tips:

Advanced Tips:

Playing Them

Basic tips:

Advanced Techniques:

Terror Spider Abilities

Name Restrictions Description
Passive Abilities (all spiders)
Regenerate speed varies Terror spiders constantly regenerate health at a low rate. Certain actions increase this rate.
Prey Sense N/A Terror spiders can sense the health status of their food (humanoids), including whether they are infected with eggs or not.
Hivemind N/A Terror spiders speak on their shared hivemind by default, but some of them can also talk with normal crew (via “:9” or “.9”).
Sense of Death N/A Through the hivemind, the death of any one terror spider is immediately known to all of the others.
Active Abilities
Web 15 second cooldown Spins a Terror Web. These will block some projectiles one time, and ensnare any humanoid who enters them for several seconds.
Ventcrawl takes 10 seconds Alt-click on any non-welded vent or scrubber to enter it. After a few seconds, you can move freely through the pipe system, emerging at any other unwelded vent/scrubber you can reach. Some spider types, such as Princes, Purples and Queens after nesting, cannot ventcrawl.
Wrap once per corpse Wraps up a corpse in a web. All spiders get a bonus to health regeneration for each humanoid corpse they wrap. Green spiders additionally get to lay eggs based on the number of humanoid corpses they've wrapped. Queens don't get this ability.
Green Terrors can also:
Lay Green Eggs Wrap a humanoid corpse first Lay a choice of eggs which can hatch into red, gray, green, brown, and black terror spiders. Requires using Wrap on humanoid corpse(s) first. (Note, only two brown and black spiders can exist at one time)
Princesses of Terror can also:
Spin Thick Web None Spins a web that blocks the crew's vision.
Mothers, Queens, and Princesses can also:
Vent Smash None Smashes open a welded vent or scrubber.
Queens of Terror can also:
HiveSense N/A Reach out to your brood telepathically, sensing their locations, types, moods, and status.
Lay Queen Eggs long cooldown Lay eggs which can hatch into many kinds of terror spiders. Unlike with the green-level ability, Queens do NOT need to feed before doing this. The longer the Queen stays alive, the faster she lays eggs.

Objects & Drops


Guide For Xenobiologists