
TRANSGRESSIVE STAFF Generic technomancer.png Technomancer Access: None Additional Access: Wherever your Functions can bring you Difficulty: Very Hard Supervisors: Nobody Duties: Show the crew what magic unbound technology can do. Guides: This is the guide Quote: To be filled

Technomancers, also known as Wizards, as they sometimes call themselves, are unique individuals who have access to machinery that defy current technological progress. As for who the person is, why they're arriving at the colony, or how they managed to acquire this technology, only they know. Outside of the technomancer's 'spells' (generally called functions), the magician is completely on his or her own.

The wizard's goals are for the player to decide, just like all other antagonists.

Contents 1 You Are the Wizard, the Wizard Is You 2 The Functions 2.1 Contextual Casting 2.2 Aspects 2.3 The Core 2.4 Summons 3 Limitations 4 The Big Book of Functions 5 Consumables and Equipment 5.1 Consumables 5.2 Equipment 5.3 Alternate Cores 6 Tips 6.1 Technomancers 6.2 Crew You Are the Wizard, the Wizard Is You You have been chosen by the great RNGesus to infiltrate the station. You will start in a safehouse, far from the colony, and far from anything that could hurt you (except perhaps your own incompetence). It is here where you are allotted a budget to purchase Functions, alternate Cores, unique and powerful devices and clothing, and more.

Once you are ready, you will use a one-time usage device to teleport to the colony, provided for free. There is no way to come back once you leave, so make sure you're ready before you leave.

The Functions The bread and butter of your mastery of space. Some of the more theatrical users of these refer to them as spells. Without these, you're no stronger than a mere nobody. These allow you to perform tasks which can only be accomplished by your cutting edge Core. Each function can be held in a hand, ready to be used whenever needed, therefore you can only carry two active functions at once, assuming your hands are empty.

There are many, many functions, each with a specific purpose, and perhaps other purposes which are not so obvious. Some functions truly shine when paired with one or more other functions.

Contextual Casting A lot of functions can only be used one way, but others can be used up to four different ways, based on how you attempt to use it in your environment. The five methods are;

Melee: Click something next to you. Ranged: Click something not next to you. Self: Click the spell in your hand. Throw: Throw the spell at something. Combine: Click on another spell. Note that the spell being clicked must be specifically designed for combinations. Innate: A rare method that is only available on a few spells, which is activated instantly, similar to the old spell system. Generally used for emergency spells which require fast reaction times or when your hands may no longer exist. Aspects Most functions utilize specific types of energies, and can be grouped together based on what the function does. The function's Aspect is this categorization, and in most cases it won't matter too much about what your functions' aspects are, however at a later date that may change.

The list of Aspects are below;

Fire, which generally results in explosions, damage over time, aggression, and of course a lot of fire. Frost, which focuses on slowing opponents, but also features sharp icicles that can penetrate armor a good deal. Shock, a energy-expensive aspect that involves electricity and lighting. High chance of stunning. Air, which manipulates the atmosphere around you to do your bidding. Do note that it won't function in a vacuum. Force, which grants mastery of gravitation and forces, and is used from knocking people away, to shielding you from attack. Tele, which involves teleportation, portal creation, and translocation, for both you and whoever you might want to bring along. Biomed, an unusual aspect concerned with changing how a living thing works, mostly by trying to heal it. Dark, which disrupts photons, making darkness engulf all and allowing for sneaky opportunities. Light, an aspect involved with blindingly bright lights, radiation, lasers, and more. Unstable, a very unpredictable aspect which generally causes instability buildup in the victim, as well as random damage and effects. Chromatic, an aspect designed to be combined with another non-Chromatic aspect. The Core Your functions require the bulky device on your back. Without it, the functions have no power, so don't lose it! It contains both a capacitor to retain energy for use to use later on function usage, as well as a miniature fractal reactor, which passively generates charge for the capacitor. The rate of charge is rather slow, so you may be interested in picking up a few functions to help speed up energy production.

The downside to this wonderful pinnacle of technological might is that it's rather bulky, and deprives you of wearing something like a bag on your back. Fret not, as your functions should be able to provide for you to make a lack of storage space not be an issue. You can buy alternate core types in your Catalog.


Summons A few functions are able to 'summon' new entities to the colony. These are not actually new, and what is really occurring is that the function finds a suitable entity somewhere in the world, and teleports it to the Technomancer. This presents a few drawbacks, firstly that the summoned entities still have ties to their old positions, and require a small upkeep of energy to maintain their presence. The second is that the entities can easily be sent back to where they were with the Abjuration function (however this is not usually a concern for you if you're the only Technomancer around). Third, the Technomancer can only have so many summons at any one time, the cap being dependent on the specific core they are using.

Limitations Now, before you go spend your resources on the strongest functions and expect to steamroll any opposition, you should be aware of the limiting factors your Functions and Core have. There are mainly two limiting factors, energy usage, and instability.

Your Core can only hold so much energy, and it recharges slowly by itself, so pace yourself when using your functions. If you expect to need a lot of power, you should invest in a power generation function, or perhaps purchase a better Core.

You also need to pace yourself to avoid the nasty side-effect of using a machine of such power. Rampant function usage can destabilize local space around you, causing a wide array of horrific maladies that can result in death, or worse. Fortunately, all Cores come with a meter to tell you how much instability you have at the moment. Instability goes away with time, however bad effects may occur if you have a large amount of it. You will know when you're suffering from instability by the purple lightning around you.

Having a large amount of Instability can present a hazard to those nearby, as well, as sufficiently high amounts of instability can radiate outwards from the source. You can tell if this is occurring by noting if the Technomancer is glowing purple.

The Big Book of Functions Coming Soon

Consumables and Equipment Inside your catalog, you can buy various pieces of gear, ranging from temporary consumables to powerful devices to supplement your efforts. There's also the possibility of losing these devices through carelessness, so be careful! You'd do well to also purchase some supplies to take with you.

To obtain some of these, you must spend the same points you use to purchase Functions. Choose wisely.

Consumables These are mostly one-use items that are very cheap to use. You may want to prepare by bringing a few of these, or buy them as needed after you leave.

Hypos, in various types, to heal whatever ails you, or to give you a boost. Disposable Teleporters, which will bring you to a specific location on the colony instantly, but only a limited amount of time. You start with a one-use device, so you can leave the ship. The type bought in the catalog can be used three times. Equipment The equipment you can purchase is generally very powerful, but can be expensive.

Tesla Armor, which goes on your chest, and provides a retaliatory defense against attack. When you are attacked while wearing this, it will completely negate the attack, and fire a strong lightning bolt at the attacker, if the attacker is within three tiles of you. It takes twenty seconds for the damage negation effect to replenish, during which if you are attacked again, a much weaker bolt of electricity is shot at your attacker, however no negation occurs. Scepter of Empowerment, which causes many of your functions to become stronger or have other new effects, so long as you hold the scepter in your offhand. It's also good as a club. Be careful to not lose it! Personal Shield Projector, a piece of armor worn on your chest. It emits a protective field around you in all directions, capable of diffusing laser beams and reducing the velocity of bullets and other weapons, reducing all damage taken by 75%. This comes at a cost of requiring a large amount of Energy whenever the shield blocks an attack (50 Energy per unit of damage blocked). The shield also is unaffected by armor penetration. Belt of Holding, used to allow the Technomancer to carry a large amount of objects. Gloves of Regeneration, which provide passive healing by giving a massive boost to your metabolism. The downside is that you will get hungry fairly fast, synthetic Technomancers cannot take advantage of this, and you have to stab your hands with hypo-needles when you slide the gloves on. The gloves are resilient to the elements and can substitute electrical safety gloves. Boots of Speed, which provide sure footing, as well as a small boost in speed, faster than normal shoes.

Alternate Cores That big bulky marvel on your back can be exchanged for a different type, if you so desire and can afford it. Most of them have significant differences, so it's recommended for advanced users only.

Item Max Energy Regen Rate Instability Modifier Energy Cost Modifier Spell Power Modifier Cooldown Modifier Max Summons Other Effects Default Core 10,000 50/t 80% 100% 100% 100% 10 N/A Rapid Core 7,000 70/t 90% 100% 90% 100% 10 Slowdown reduced by 1 point. Bulky Core 20,000 25/t 100% 100% 140% 100% 10 Slowdown increased by 1 point. Recycling Core 12,000 40/t 60% 80% 100% 100% 10 30% to recover half of spent energy when using energy. Summoner Core 8,000 35/t 120% 100% 120% 100% 40 Cost to maintain summoned entities is reduced greatly. Safety Core 7,000 40/t 30% 100% 70% 100% 10 N/A Overcharged Core 15,000 (effectively 7,500) 40/t 110% 200% 175% 100% 10 N/A Unstable Core 13,000 35/t 80% 120% 110% 70% 10 Regeneration rate scales with amount of instability present. Tips Technomancers The Scepter of Empowerment can be shared, if time is not a concern. Teshari Technomancers receive various bonuses, due to their small statue allowing for greater efficiency. For example, the Shield function is much more protective, due to the smaller surface area. Most shock spells are stronger if the target or floor are wet. Chain Lightning's bounce can be reflected with Reflect to hit someone twice, and stop yourself from being harmed. It can also be blocked with Shield. Apportation can pull enemies into traps you have laid nearby. It is a good idea to take more than one type of damaging spell, to circumvent armor. You can buy spells and equipment after leaving your vessel, if you still have points to spend. You cannot refund your purchases once you leave, however. Abjuration also works on most non-player controlled monsters summoned by occult means. Using it on Nar'sie is a bad idea, however. Blink will never place the target in space, outside on asteroid turf, or inside Atmos tanks. Energy Siphon will steal hunger from synthetic humanoids to fuel your Core. If your Core is full and you are also a synthetic humanoid, it will fill your hunger. Haste causes the affected to ignore all slowdown effects. Someone in a Unathi breacher can outrun a Teshari if hasted. Two Technomancers with 50 instability is much better than one with 100. The Shared Burden spell is perfect for this. Overload does damage based on the caster's current reserve of energy, and costs a percentage of their maximum reserve to cast. A larger capacity core means more potential damage. Additionally, Overload pierces all armor. A well timed Phase Shift can save you from almost anything, even explosions. The Personal Shield Armor cuts most incoming damage by 75%. It also removes the 'edge' and 'sharp' properties of projectiles, making broken bones, IB, and shrapnel less likely to happen. Teshari are protected from 90% of damage, due to the reduces surface area of the barrier allowing for a more dense shield. Tesla Armor will retaliate while you are stunned. Track can point you towards various items you might have lost. It can help you find your apprentice's Core after security took it away, or that bastard who stole your Scepter. If you have a scepter, Track can be used to find where someone is on the station. Gambit allows you to potentially have every spell that exists, including a few that cannot be purchased normally, if you are lucky. Using a Scepter makes the randomness biased in your favor. Crew Most offensive spells are reduced by certain types of armor. Fire spells (that don't explode) are reduced by heat-resistant clothing such as firesuits, atmos voidsuits, CE's RIG, etc. Frost effects are reduced by clothing that protect from the cold, like winter coats. Shock spells are reduced by clothing with high siemens_coefficent values, such as ablative armor. Air effects are rendered useless in vacuum. Additionally, a lot of them can be stopped with active magboots. Force effects can generally be stopped with melee-resistant armor. Light effects range from blinding light to lasers to radiation, so protection from those is obvious. Unstable effects inflict Instability on you if you are hit. Armor with high Energy resistance (energy, not siemens_coefficent) will help against the unstable energies, such as the RD's AMI RIG, or the Anomalist's suit. Technomancers have issues in protracted engagements, due to Instability. Unless the Technomancer builds for survivability, they generally fit the archetype of 'squishy wizard'. Lasers are an effective way to punch through shields, as they do much more raw damage than their ballistic equivalents, which will drain their Energy quicker. Shield, Personal Shield Armor, and Reflect cannot block area of effect weapons such as flashbangs. You can cause their Reflect to be wasted by attacking them with something you are resistant to, for example a taser shot while in Ablative.