Table of Contents


Scientist is one of the most feared and fun jobs on the ship, as science and research is the reason the ship even exists. Being a scientist means you can make tons of delicious weapons, tools and gadgets through research, breed colorful slimes, make delicious fun-packing bombs, or experiment with time and space themselves. Better still, your creations can be used to annihilate the ship's enemies, and you may just get a commendation for doing something truly impressive.

Bare minimum requirements: Do R&D if nobody else is.

The Laboratories

Research & Development

Houses the destructive analyzer. You put stuff in it, to make research numbers go up. The higher the numbers, the more stuff you can produce with the protolathe and circuit imprinter. That's the simple way of looking at things.

With the right research levels, you can construct almost any machine on the station, and eventually you can make new ones. You can also research upgraded parts to improve existing machines. Remember to sync the database with the network, so the roboticists can benefit from your discoveries!

Your research efforts will cap at a certain point without minerals from mining. Coordinate with the Quartermaster or the Shaft Miners themselves to get the minerals you need.

Explosives Research

This lab focuses on exploring the possibilities of plasma gas, typically in the form of massive explosions. Provided to you is the Explosives Test Chamber, where you can safely test your creations.

While bomb making is reasonably straightforward, it only takes one mistake for the entire room to become flooded with plasma or superheated carbon dioxide. Be patient and cautious.

Bombs have practical uses as mining charges and as loads for torpedoes, though they are also sought after by traitors wanting to take out valuable equipment and cause havoc.


The primary purpose of this lab is research on the breeding of slimes and other alien lifeforms, the extracts of which have a variety of fun effects, by feeding them large numbers of monkeys.

It also contains a pen capable of safely housing xenomorphs, in case the miners manage to locate a live facehugger. Obviously, breeding alien killing machines on the ship can only end well.


This lab specializes in the research of bluespace and teleportation. Provided is a telepad, a console and several GPS devices for you to engage in research!

Experimental Lab

This lab houses the E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR, also known as that machine that drives R&D crazy by constantly setting off the fire alarm in their lab. It lets you experiment on strange artifacts in order to figure out their purpose.

Testing Lab

A general purpose lab that goes mostly unused. It features a firing range and can be converted into a backup lab when one of the other labs inevitably blows up. Note that rebuilding the explosives lab in here is not going to make the crew happy, since you probably had to destroy the original first.


Tips for Traitoring

A Terrorist is you!

At any given moment, a scientist out there is a traitor. When half the station vanishes off the face of the map, well, you know who it was. It is recommended that you use your traitor points on things to conceal your identity, as people will want to murder you after you set them up the bomb. Or, in the least, get a space suit for the huge void you just made. Research and development are useful for terrorism. Grab whatever you can first out of there like laser cannons and stun guns.